My Court Profile Pics

courtballjudgeball in your courtshockedamber hearddoginyour

conchita clossom profile picture


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- Humboldt Forum

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- Arcade for home: nice decor idea

40 People Who’ve Entered New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The ‘Cringetopia’ Online Group (New Pics)

your honor im sorry to the victim im sorry to the mother im sorry

- Britannia Pacificatrix Mural by Sigismund Goetze commemorating the end of WWI and the creation of the League of Nations, 1921

sorry boys


galactic republic court

- Abbeys, Cathedrals, Churches, Chapels ,Monasteries

lookin good


- architecture

do you really mean it?

hole band

icon design your own court court court design

- couture


40Unforgettable Red Carpet Looks That Shocked The Public

rampen ball

- Glass Furniture

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- Anglophile? YES!!!

Help me😂🤣

fluffy hair!

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- roman city

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- Ceiling Medallions


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- Theatres


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- Beautiful Architecture

richie tozier

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- Cheshire Wedding venues

frozen whisper


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- Architectural Coloring Pages

See u in court bucko

tennis ball spinning tennis tennis court spin

📍🎨 Masolino da Panicale, Masaccio Solo due anni dopo lesordio, si colloca lavvio delle due opere capitali di Masaccio, la SantAnna Metterza e gli affreschi della cappella Brancacci. Da poco il pittore ha fatto lincontro fatidico con il più maturo Masolino da Panicale. Quando questi si trasferisce a Firenze è quasi quarantenne: sino a quel momento non ha lasciato alcuna traccia di sé, ma in città si afferma subito come una personalità eminente, con il suo stile che ha distillato le eleganze gotiche in figure di costruzione più solida ed essenziale. È un pittore valente, sicuramente più amabile dal gusto corrente. Non sono maestro e allievo, sono due colleghi che traggono luno dallaltro esempi preziosi, in uno scambio che li rende reciprocamente compatibili sul piano formale ma sempre ben identificabili. Non formano una società con una gerarchia interna, ma sono due liberi pittori che per un tratto della loro carriera mettano in comune lavoro e pensieri. - @storiadellarte_ on Instagram


sml mr goodman i rest my case your honor i rest my case court

According to an article by Gaeta et al. 2017 (details below), this 15th century painting of St. Roch (who is often invoked as a protector from plague) may represent an early depiction of Guinea worm. What are your thoughts? Gaeta, Raffaele, Fabrizio Bruschi, and Valentina Giuffra. The painting of St. Roch in the picture gallery of Bari (15th century): An ancient representation of dracunculiasis?. Journal of Infection 74.5 (2017): 519-521. - @thispodcastwillkillyou on Instagram


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- baroque ornament

vnc ⟴ domi

Courtney ♡

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- brooks + matt

Bridgette icon

kangaroo play time is over ball bounce oops

- 28 Week Medical Abortion

hole courtney love !! mothering xx

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- indian flower


Courtney tdi

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- All Things Jane



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- Vatican City


save = follow :)

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- Church Organs



ball in your court


amber heard my dog stepped on a bee court ouch dog

Il buon vecchio Piero è tornato solo per voi, eh sì anche se i miei colleghi sono piuttosto bravini non sono nulla in confronto alla mia flagellazione di Cristo, con un’originale composizione divisa in due parti le cui aree rettangolari stanno fra loro in un rapporto aureo #pierodellafrancesca #flagellazionedicristo #art #paint #dipinto - @piero_della_francesca_the_best on Instagram


- Barocco

gavel hammer court hammer court order


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tennisgifs tennis garin this is my court my court

Throwing it back with this shot of the foyer outside the Grand Dining Room. Not much has changed after 134 years. - @jekyllclub on Instagram

%E6%B3%95%E5%AE%98 judge order in the court court order

- Italian Interior Design

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- Best City Weddings

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- Bohemian & German Art

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- Architecture

court faint

It’s the aisle, for me 😍 - @lemondropsfl on Instagram

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- Architecture

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- Grundtvigs Kirke in Copenhagen

change house houses no place like home vote

- Emergency Lighting

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- Bible Pictures

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- Basilica of the Holy Blood

its all up to you michael groth mandjtv mandjtv plays you may decide

- Worcester, Massachusetts

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- General Tom Thumb

ball in your court ball is in your court balls in your court

- Early Devon woodwork

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- Architettura

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- Church Weddings

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- Abraham Lincoln


- Castle Chic

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- Berlin. Schloß

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- Lodges

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- Blueprints / Drawings / Plans

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- Graphic History of Architecture היסטוריה של האדריכלות

the balls in your court homie

- Famous Saints

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- build

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- Art

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- Building Illustration

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- Antique Fireplace Mantels

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- Colonial House Plans

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- Entry

ball is in your court

- Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

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- Athens Acropolis

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- Eaton Hall

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- Illustrate!

my court my rules im the boss i make the rules do what i say

- 1800s Orphan Trains

- stair posts

- Architecture Art

- Mooresville, North Carolina

- empire furniture

- Paris 2015

- 14th century | 1301-1400


- Rochdale town centre

- 6th Grade Social Studies

- Archways

- architecture romaine

- Architecture

- Nail Salon Furniture

- Sleepy Hollow New York

- Arte Bíblica e Sacra

- Aesthetics

- Dublin Attractions

- The White House draped in black following the assassination of President James Garfield, September 1881 [1040x661]

- Empire

- 11 justice

- Architecture Drawings

- Adornos

- Gothic furniture

- kami mughal

- 7 Wonders

- Architectural Details

- Architektur Pläne

- Synagogue architecture

- Monumental Pauls Walk, in pencil, by Wenceslas Hollar (1640s)

- architecture romaine

- History of Geometry

- Marble Carving

- Drawing room of an Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan, NY [1199x800]

- Baroque architecture

- Houston Basketball

- Helene Binet

By Peter Jarvis, Artist / Illustrator and Specialist in Architectural Watercolours - @see_southampton on Instagram

- Andrea Mantegna

- Australian Historical

- Bedrooms

- Medieval Reactions

- Arundel Castle

- Draw

- Historic Houses

- Italian Interior Design

- Staten Island

- Ancient Rome & Co...

- Things to do in New England

- (◐.̃◐) ICONIC History MOMENTS caught on film, not a portrait, the actual moment in History

- aerial view

- Antique Furniture

- Mother Serbia and son Serb, Serbia, 19th century

- Architecture+ Interior Design

- Architecture

- The Hamburg Vestibule of the German section at the 1902 Exhibition of Decorative Arts, in Turin. Designed by Peter Behrens [building]


- Photograph of the Titanics first class room circa 1912

- 1800s Orphan Trains

- { beautiful interiors }

- Correggio

- This off-center urn in an alcove in the Neues Palais, Sanssouci Park, Potsdam, Germany

- William Harvey

- Colonial Groton

- Andrea di Cione (LOrcagna)

- Crystal Palace


- Charlotte Corday

- Bks - Architecture

- Birthday Greetings

- Antique accommodations of years gone by!


- Chicago Worlds Fair 1893

- tokyo station

- Bay Area Wedding Venues

- jfk funeral

- Hans Holbein le jeune

- Letter Template

- School of Athens

- The precision of my dads hand drawn building plans from college

- architectural drawings/plans

- The Real Downton Abbey

- ancient astronomy

- Exterior Columns

- Awnings

- ancient style elevation

- California Dreaming

- Holy Trinity

- Adam, Robert & James

- Blarney & Blessings

@metmuseum Manhattan New York City Septiembre 2020 • • • #nyc #brooklyn #manhattan #newyork - @juanluislandaeta on Instagram

- Architecture

- Castles

- Antique Architecture

- faberge

- 1910s

- land scape

- Clarence Larkin

- 111 West 57th Street

- ancient style elevation

- Architecture

- California Colleges

- Community of Christ

- Architecture classique

- art vent

- ACCESSORIES - hats, gloves, scarves

- Ancient Architecture

- bei mir

[Archives 📸] . Le vestibule du campus Arts et Métiers de Paris, un lieu préservé chargé dhistoire ! . #archives #blackandwhite #artsetmetiers #gadzarts #paris #ingenieur #patrimoine - @artsetmetiers_ensam on Instagram

- Luís XVI

- Architectural Drawings

- Dior shop

- Gloria Vanderbilt

- =The Mansions=

- Art

I am very happy to let all of you know that I have got the Honorary Distinction Genius (G.APS) from APS, Bangladesh This is my third Photography based Distinction after AFIP, QPSA... Thank you @Sohel & Agile Photographic Society for the honors, very professionally run Salons & conduct with all the Photography activities.... Thanks for the good news amongst #lockdown2020 ❤️🙏📸📸 - @mithunprabhu on Instagram



- Albrecht Durer

- Regret that makes you grow huge fuck off multi-colour wings


- Blake et mortimer

- Alphonse Mucha Art, Jewelry & Glassware

- Althorp Estate, Dianas Childhood Home

(Werbung/1859/Fotos, Text von Kaiservilla) Warst du schon einmal in Bad Ischl? Falls es stimmt, dass manche Orte durch Ereignisse oder Personen, die an ihnen lebten, eine ganz eigene Magie entwickeln, so ist die Kaiservilla in Bad Ischl ganz bestimmt ein solcher Ort. Kaiser Franz Joseph und Kaiserin Sisi verbrachten in Bad Ischl die Sommermonate und jenseits der starren Rituale der Hofburg in Wien war die Villa in Bad Ischl Zuflucht und Zuhause. Kaiser Franz Joseph bezeichnete Ischl als den „Himmel auf Erden“. Für Kaiserin Sisi war die Sommerresidenz der Ort, der dem ihrer Kindheit im bayerischen Possenhofen am nächsten war. Die Kaiservilla war ein Hochzeitsgeschenk an das Kaiserpaar von Erzherzogin Sophie. Sisis Tante und Schwiegermutter erwarb im Sommer 1853 das Dr. Eltz-Haus. Der mit dem Umbau und Ausbau der Biedermeiervilla beauftragte Antonio Legrenzi fügte nämlich zwei abgewinkelte Seitenflügel an, die je ein gegen den Park offenes Höfchen umschließen. Durch die Erweiterung des Mittelbaues - sie umfasst im wesentlichen die heutige Eingangshalle und den darüberliegenden Grauen Salon - ergab sich, dass die frühere Rückseite des Gebäudes zur Hauptfassade wurde. Sie erhielt den ihrer neuen Funktion gemäßen feierlich klassizistischen Säulenvorbau, dessen Tympanon ganz originell weissfiguriges Jagdwild zeigt. Als Legrenzi ganz unerwartet im Jahr 1858 starb, übertrug der Kaiser die restliche Arbeit an der Villa Franz Rauch. Der finanzielle Ausweis über die bis dahin ausgeführten Arbeiten zeigt, dass damals die späterhin so charakteristischen Balkone und Balustraden aus Schmiede- und Gusseisen, die den Ansatz des Oberstockwerks entlang der ganzen Front markieren, noch nicht montiert, die Innendekorationen noch nicht voll abgeschlossen waren. Die Räume des Kaiserpaares sind im Rahmen einer 45-minütigen Führung zu besichtigen. Öffnungszeiten und Preise @kaiservilla_badischl #badischl #kaiservilla #werbung #urlaubzuhause - @oldnew.vienna on Instagram

How powerless an emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was! The Mughal Empire was in a continuous state of decline ever since Aurangzebs death. By the time Bahadur Shah Zafar became the Emperor, his real authority existed only within the walls of the Red Fort. The British Resident (representative of Governor General to the Palace), Sir Thomas Metcalfe, kept a firm eye on Zafar’s daily life and frequently forbade him from exercising rights that the Emperor regarded as sacrosanct. No nobleman from outside Delhi could enter the Red Fort without Metcalfe’s permission. To enforce his right to rent from his own lands, Zafar had to make an application to the British courts. He could not present gems from the crown jewels even to his own family members without first informing the Resident, and was occasionally, humiliatingly, made to ask for the return of unauthorised gifts if the agent came to hear about them. Zafar could not gift khilats (robes of honour, symbols of overlordship) on noblemen from outside the Delhi without Metcalfe’s say-so: when Raja Gulab Singh of Kollesur paid a visit to the court, presenting a nazr (or offering of fealty) of ‘a horse and 7 gold mohurs’, in return for which Zafar gave him a khilat, Metcalfe promptly made the Raja return it. A petition was received from Mirza Shoojat Shah stating that a chief had arrived and was desirous of visiting the Palace. Zafar replied that without the Agent’s permission no chief of a foreign territory could be allowed entrance. Zafar had once written: Ya mujhe afsar-e-shahana banaya hota Ya mera Taj gadayana banaya hota (Either you should have made me a royal officer Or you should have given me a crown like a beggars bowl) Source: The Last Mughal by William Dalrymple Image: Illustrated Times London #mughal #Delhigram #delhi6 #delhiwale #WahhIndia #olddelhi #dildilli #delhidiaries #storiesofindia #delhi #history #heritage #vintage #storytelling #storyteller #story #mughalhistory #mughalempire - @stories.from.history_ on Instagram

- Detals

- Dibujo artístico

- Architectural Details

- We Are Teachers




- Atlantic City

- 1900s

- Palais de Saint-Petersbourg

- bendiciones

- Egyptian style tomb in pittsburgh pennsylvania

- Dark Grey Marble Collection

- John D Rockefeller

- bookbinding / restoration

- architecture - interior

- Jerusalem travel

- Catalunya

- Confessions at an Inquisition

- Celebrity Houses

- Window Cornices

- Exterier

- Eaton Hall

- ART HISTORY - Northern Renaissance

- architecture

This picture is my first painting. It is called the Ghent Altarpiece. It was painted by me in 1432. This was ranked among the most significant works of art in Europe. #MeAndMyBrothersMasterpeice - @jan._van._eyck on Instagram

#TriviaTuesday: A frequently asked question is, “How tall was King Kalakaua?” Kalakaua did not answer the height question on his 1881 passport and media reports of the King’s height vary. A non-local newspaper reported during his 1881 trip that he was just 5’ tall, which is way too short, while another paper reported he was 5’11”. This photo of Kalakaua standing on the lanai next to the Chinese urns provides us with a great clue. The Chinese urns contain a decorative element, indicated by the red arrows, that can serve as a useful reference point. By examining the King’s stature in relation to that point, we can finally determine the King’s height. The color photo is of two Palace volunteers standing next to the very same urn. Ipolani on the left is 5’8” and Jeffery is 5’10”. From this evidence we can extrapolate that the king was likely about the same height as Ipolani. So, how tall was Kalakaua? We will let you decide — let us know what you think! - @iolanipalacehi on Instagram

- architexture

- Amazing Architecture

- Nestldown wedding

- Corinthian Order

Study of Classical Corinthian Order, reflecting my very first architectural project back to 2010🧙🏻‍♂️ - @toni.avramenko on Instagram

- Ancient Crete

- Early Devon woodwork

- Versailles season 2

- angels

- pantheon

- Castle Howard

- Pomona, California

- Drawings

- Vatican Library

- Knights of Templar

- Maria Auxiliadora

- A first class suite on the titanic

- Katherine Howard

- Biltmore

- Manliness

- Architecture Drawing

- Classic Facade

- Dame Barbara Cartland

- Libraries

- 19th century house plans.

- US White House

- Happy Birthday, Giambattista Piranesi - October 4, 1720 in Mogliano Veneto, Privince of Treviso, Italy


- French Baroque

- Ted Benoit

- Columns

- Gothic architecture drawing


- Architecture drawings

- Classic building

- Abdin palace


- Indian temple architecture

- Andrea Palladio

- Architecture drawing classic

- Travel Wall Art

- Churches

- Columns

- Charleston....

- Louvre Palace

- Marie Antoinette, My Queen

135 YEARS This year we celebrate the 135-year anniversary of Restaurant The White Room*. The history of our hotel takes us back to 1866 and ever since a lot of noteworthy events have been taken place, stories have been told and all highlights are documented in our archives. To highlight this extraordinary moment, we take you on a historical and culinary journey. From Monday September 14th to 27th, we will display items and old memories in relation to the oldest restaurant in Amsterdam, in our hotel lobby. We are happy to welcome you! September 15th & 16th, we host a 6-course 135 years Celebration Dinner in The White Room. Chef de Cuisine Randy Karman, together with Jacob Jan Boerma, recreates one of the very former menus with inclusion of the Michelin star allure. Last seats are available via - @grandhotelkrasnapolsky on Instagram

- architexture

- ancient style elevation

- Fencing sword

- Lutheran

- elmira college

- Art

- Zuilen

- Architecture Art

- Architectural drawings

- Giotto

- City Mansions, Townhouses and Penthouses

- Architectural details

- Centre Pompidou

Maximilien Gauthier, Tout lart du monde Tome 1 & 2, Ed. Librairie Larousse, Paris, 1964 #layout #image #edition #library #collection #photos #photo #photobook #arthistory #photography #photographie #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #architecture #art #design #bookcollection - @revuephotos on Instagram

- Covent Garden in the 1600s

- Classic building

- Historical Architecture

- pantheon paris

- Drawing interior

- Antique Architecture

La grande galerie du Musée de Chaalis dans le début des années 1900. On peut y retrouver aujourd’hui de nombreux bustes en marbre ainsi que de multiples œuvres réunies par Nélie Jacquemart. . . . .#DomainedeChaalis #Chaalis #InstitutdeFrance #patrimoine #garden #nature #culture #musee #museum #chateau #castle #histoire #heritage #oise #oisetourisme #hautsdefrance #hautsdefrancetourisme #france #picoftheday #mon_nord_en_or #monnordenor - @domainedechaalis on Instagram

- City Mansions, Townhouses and Penthouses

- 17 νοεμβρη

- Acropolis of Athens

- Bath, UK

- Olympia, Greece

- Humboldt Forum

- French table

- Architecture - Illustration & models

- Belle Grove Plantation

- Ashkenazi

- Backyard Basketball Court


- Clarence Larkin

- Architectural Art

- Carl Friedrich Schinkel

- Dillard University