Metal Slug Profile Pics


metal metal slug bomb

- Doodles - Sheer Brilliance!

Metal Slug - Fio

msa metal slug kamehameha celestial ruler

- Motor engine


Chef on Twitter

respect mission passed gta

- Forbidden Pasta


Metal Slug: Awakening - Weapon Tier List for September 2023: Best Weapons Ranked

metal slug mech tank computer game gaming


war metal slug

- I found some slugs

revolver ocelot mgsv

metal slug

- Air Pumps & Accessories

metal slug tactics fio germi fio cute metal slug

##himalyan##sonapaniofficial##sonapanimoment##sonapaniestate##sathkhol##wildlifephotography##wildlifeonearth##flowersofinstagram##flowerslovers##leelaorchardssonapani##flowerphotography##satoli ## - @avinash_yadav1982 on Instagram

metalslug tank dicokka rebel tank metal slug clan logo tank of metalslug

- Ant tunnels I found

Metal Slug - Eri, Ivan Fiorelli

slug chew munching nom

- The top one is Myke and the one running away is Mynos

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metal slug tactics tarma tactics anime

- Beautiful 15ct gold pendant I found today while metal detecting. Possibly turn of the century? [1599x2036]

Hikari 光

metal slug submarine shmup cute

- The blower motor on a 2nd gen Toyota 4runner

Yun Jin ✧ Genshin Impact

overwatch metal slug

- Good luck to anyone trying to find this camouflaged gas shutoff.

Erin - Metal Slug Game

finn adventure time jake


Google Images

metal slug game over worms

- Thousands and thousands of dead bees that my work had killed instead of relocated.

ellen joe

metal slug nadia snk metal slug attack video games

- This fully intact bird skeleton outside my work

metal slug tactics tank tactics trpg

- Lately, a pair of young foxes have been getting bold and even burrowing in the horse lean-to. Yesterday, I walked out to find this. Thinking it was one of the horses as the neck was snapped. Has anyone experienced this with horses, before?


metal slug snk play more marco elephant

- Metal robot

Leona Heidern

metal slug tank mech animation sprites

- The inside of a dreadlock

invader king metal slug attack metal slug msa

- Olive Python eating a Saltwater Crocodile.

metal slug soldier army

- Chipped paver reveals some tech in it.

metal slug continue

- Wanted to make some small venomous berries,I do have colors for them but I wanted to see how black looks on them. I’m not very happy with the names so I would be very happy if any of you have good names for them also I appreciate any kind of criticism and if I should change somethings about them

metalslug fio germi momia mummy

- I found a beetle that looks like its made of pure gold

metal slug prisoner help waving hi

- dry leaves with stone [2048*1536]

sinyet and siguk selon slow snail slide

- This double hose clamp kinda looks like Sepulturas logo

gta respect mission passed video game mission complete

- This giant slug I found on my wall

blob discors snail shell cute

- First jar got contaminated, so I took the opportunity to break the healthy chunk of myc open, because I was curious, before burying it. Heres hoping nature gives me a few mushies!

metal slug fio marco eri tarma

- Artes

nychu snail skull rush

- Caught in my cast net in Destin Florida... have no idea what kind of fish this is.... please help

metal slug

- How thick asphalt is

snail nature joypixels slow low speed

- Possible Future

metal slug metal slug_3 character select player select fio

- Found this huge earthworm (foot for comparison)

sly mc logo text soil

- Two tree roots following a crack trying a find each other.

mission complete spongebob done

- Just pulled this from my shower drain. Banana for scale.

aj aj dandy lazy sleepy cute

- A road line painter truck painted over a snake in my neighborhood

allen o neil metalslug

- What is this thing that washed up on Cape Disappointment (Pacific Ocean) beach at the mouth of the Columbia River? (Penny for scale reference).

faze clan faze up faze gaming esports

- Pocahontas quotes

metal slug fio car video games

- Liquid Metal

dicokka metal slug tank

- My yard

metal slug dnopls sunset sea life boat

- A Squirrel with a croissant in Rotherhithe

tank war gun weapon army

- Curtains With Hooks

nothing to see here alien metal slug

- Concrete staining

metal slug soldier gunshots shoot

- Burtons World

metal slug independence day metal independence gaming video game

- This is the longest worm I have ever seen!

metal slug rumi aikawa backpack broken

- A Scorpion Turned Entirely Into Copper (Found In A Mine In Southern Arizona, Us)

metal slug ostrich erik snk play more

- This pile of decommissioned street lights

orca metal slug bom wsb wsbn

- art

laser eyes metal slug crazy robot game

- Amazing lighting

faze clan faze up faze gaming esports

- Snake science...

acid death metal slug arcade

- Who can smell this picture?

metal slug zombie vomit

- Vase Shapes

metal slug prisioner

- sandbox ideas


- Forbidden Summer Sausage

metal slug select marco eri tarma

- garden goodies

white baby metal slug wiki teddy bear girl pixel

- Ultra black charcoal-looking slug in Texas zone 8b. Anyone else have these? What do they eat?

metal slug

- Flower Bulbs for this Fall

metal slug eating hungry craving devour

- Tree grew around metal pipes

metal slug egypt metal slug3 pyramids

- The way sawdust separated in my overly full shopvac

metalslug tank

- Beyblade games

metal slug game tank

- Found a bullet in my piece of dried meat

metal slug explotion

- turbo Car

metal slug_3 metal slug aliens fio run and gun

INFO e PRENOTAZIONI @violacristiano DM or please email me on: AVAILABLE! Info DM @violacristiano @dotdashtattoo Sponsored by: @poisonedmachines #tattoo #traditionaltattoos #neotraditionaltattoo #blackworktattoo #newschooltattoo #neotrad #newschooltattoos #newtraditionaltattoo #tattoodrawing #eternalink #tattoos #drawing #neotraditional #newtraditional #neotradworldwide #neotraditionaltattooers #tattoolife #ntgallery #traditionaltattoo #sullenclothing #tattooflash #neotradsub #neotraditionaltattoos #tattooer #tattoosketch #neotradtattoo #neotradeu #london #torino #lumaca - @violacristiano on Instagram

abigail metal slug attack hearts

- The roots of this tree stump look like carrots

metal slug mission complete

- Spotted this on the way to work.

metal slug power attack laser

- dragon

metal slug hostage help un tie me old

Alguém me dá uma carona? Sou pesado mas sempre faço o bem! @fernando_gaivota - @ciclosclimatizacao on Instagram

orca metal slug bom wsb wsbn

- found this in the garden today!!

metal slug zombie blood beam helicopters

- Rare Massasauga rattlesnake I was honored to stumble upon, Michigan, US.

mars people metal slug mars people metal slug snk snk playmore

- A shank I found outside of a courthouse

metal slug ready excited marco mission

- Best Selling Kitchen Tools

fio fiolina germi metal slug fio germi

- Coconut palm tree

metal slug fat game metal slug metal slug x

More sculpures from 2015, . . . . . . . . #ragnarpersson - @ragnar.persson on Instagram

thank you prisoner metal slug

- @eric_watier on Instagram

metal slug helicopter run n gun gaming

- Chick chick! Hop hop!

metal slug pants smile for you

- Found while metal detecting. About 8-10 long and made of solid iron.

tenkiu metal slug thank you

- 🔥 Rainforest Plant in Costa Rica 🔥

metal slug monkey transparent sprite pixelized

- Friend found this half buried at the edge of a field on his property. It’s about 3 feet long.


- AA mechanism

- Me and brother find things while we adventure. Some things are neat and interesting. Some are not. Some are new. Some are from before Birth.

- SO was sunbathing and found these REALLY tiny shells


- Found this snake trying to eat a frog with one of his legs already in her mouth only to come back ~15 minutes later to see the snake having swallowed the frogs body while his legs where still sticking out. How you ask? I have no clue

- Tt

- Awww - our first baby snake. Unfortunately probably deadly, because Australia

- Dug down 1.5 feet in backyard. What are these weird little pipes?? CA, USA

- This leaf looks like a decomposing finger.

- Just sitting on my porch and nature happens

- Blast. My panniers were dropping and burned onto my exhaust. Pretty sure it’s plastic of some variety - how can I get this off?

- Horse grooming

- we had a bag of mulch sitting outside for a week or two. when we moved it, we found a whole tunneling system made by earthworms underneath

- Dumped The Ice Out Of My Garbage Can Today

- Christmas

- Car Parts

- Gates for driveways

- I cleaned my gutters out on my roof today and found a fish in them...the nearest body of water is over 5 miles away.

- Placobdelloides Jaegerskioeldi,the worst thing you can call a chubby chaser

- F in the chat for the boi who got their eadbuds fucking destroyed in the bus parking lot

- Diy welding

- Boat and ship metal sculpture ideas

in case anyone wants to be fucked by another bush - @stilljoe on Instagram

- Found this guy sitting outside of my house, biggest one i have seen like six inches.

- She sees salsify seedlings (down by the seashore?) PNW, 8b

- So apparently this is what a gas pump hose looks like underneath the rubber

- NJ on a door screen, never seen anything like it before.

- This moth in my garden looks like a tiny bat

- A leaf fell into the cement while it was drying and made this indent.

- Pet garden snail escaped by eating the paper

- Kreis Tattoo

- Tank drawing

- I like to sculpt and paint little monsters and creatures. I call them Oddlings. This one came out looking like something straight out of Klasky Csupo.

- It brooke of in 3 pieces what to do with pieces without roots ? and is the roots on the big piece okay ?

- Bass Warwick Fortress One 5 JJ

- Cleaning Tips

- This dead mouse on my backyard was completely eviscerated by ants

- Calathea Makoyana roots , can I propagate it with this kind of rhizome?

- charizard tattoo

- This creature(s) crawled across my driveway.

- Sub was a little to wet and thick.. good thing its trash day. RIP

- This slug made a heart out of its slime.

- Alien Queen Xenomorph

- Saw an albino cockroach a while back

- Birds decimated my newly planted onion patch so I dug over to start again and found this. I KNEW that squirrel was up to something.

- Chinese Takeout with a side of... oh. Oh god...

- Hard candy roller machine

- A banana that I left in my golf bag from last summer

- Art deco jewelry

- Resident tea makers and experts. I was brewing a sample of old puerh and found this in it. Kinda looked like a pea. Any ideas?

- Make sure you remove all of these mummy apples from your apple tree before the new season. They can spead the monillia fungus which causes brown rot and destroys trees.

- This disk, hidden beneath dirt and grass along the side of a highway, marks the exact Northwestern corner of Texas.

- My dads truck hasnt been cleaned out in so long that there was grass growing in the trucks bed.

- Couture

- Stainless steel scrap

- Remember to seal your slug buckets

- This green bean didnt get ground up with the rest of the dog food. (At least I know they use real vegetables now)

- These quarter sized holes keep showing up in my yard in northeast Georgia. I can get a stick a couple inches down into it but it seems like it goes horizontal after that like a tunnel.

- Mexican Nails

- Computer Center

- Guardian of the moon

- Snail done by Hunter at Living Arts, New Hope PA

- This gross thing just appeared sort of under an overhanging window outside in the side of our lawn. It appears to be growing after a couple days of being too afraid to touch it.

- +. make

- @aka_renn on Instagram

- Fire Protection

- Iris Flower Jewelry

- Beautiful Silver Bangles, Bracelets and Cuffs

- Right in the centre

- I spent a literal minute trying to take a picture of what I thought was a frog on my car. Turns out it was a pile of bird poop...

- This dried up worm after a rainstorm makes a number 2.

- Disney

- My Mechanic

- Bearing

- Disney Villains

No, solo se sienta a mirar, en buena compañía.... Monster in the Dark. No, just sits down to watch, in good company.... Monster in the Dark. . . . #anime #draw #drawing #girl #animegirl #mangagirl #manga #cute #watercolor #nice #sketch #dark #shiwi #family #monster #oscuridad #monstruo #daughter #girlpower #dibujomanga #dibujo #animedraw #traditionalart #fantasia #artetradicional #dibujoanime #mangaart #animedrawing #monsterinthedark #イラスト - @ricardosalgom_art on Instagram

- Above ground ant nest in my backyard. They started to bring all the eggs below ground when I found them.

- It’s all kicking off now!

- Elbow

- Sculpture

- Catholic Confirmation Gifts

- Coquille descargot

- Very long dog nail

- Update: to “found gun” post. Finally got a break in the weather. metal detector only found random scrap unfortunantly.

- So my dog ate a tube of glitter

- Mushrooms growing under a well-drained pot. 🍄

- This tiny little ring snake I found sunning himself on the sidewalk

- A worm I found tied up in a knot

- Rat corpse found inside giant pitcher plant

- Found a dead wasps nest in the attic last night

- Overpriced at $2.

- Been parking in the same spot for a couple of years now. I think it is starting to show.

- Thought this was a stick and went to kick it. Turns out its not

- Saw this wrench melted with the ground today, Hamburg, Germany

- How can I remove this stump thats right next to a bush? (more details in comments)

- Is this mold? 😥

- Septum piercing

- little garden helper smiling for the camera

- I found this in my tank. Is this a trumpet snail?

- Buried the contam 7 days ago. I live up north in Wisconsin so normally its pretty cold, but this warm weather has gifted me with this lol!

- Kulang pa ng isa 😂

- New Zealand Charm of Farming

- Chicken processing

- This is what happens when you continuously brush hog sweet gum saplings. Pain in the butt!

- The way this ice formed in the dirt.

- This slugs unique camouflage is wasted on the concrete sidewalk.

- Blinker fluids low

- So proud of this little avocado seed, the root started growing back into itself but its starting to grow the part that has leaves!!!!!!!

- Butterflies sucking on human blood [reposted, bad title]

- Found some worms doin it

- Made a somewhat “chibi” Carnis with a cabbage on its head “~Cabbage noises~” (Art by me)

- Not your typical awww but this lil guy was on my watering can this morning

- This tiny hole resembles a duck

- 🔥 fire ant life raft. The entire colony can survive up to 3 months, on open water, in this way.

- This coconut has been places

- Accidental Faces

- Mushroom moth

- Puddle in the garage looks like the USA

- ITAP of a slug crossing the road

- forbidden_maltesers

- “Minion”

- So i tried Butane Hash at a friends, and i have no idea what it is, got me absolutely fucked, but id like someone to explain how it works, many thanks =]

- Ladybug got fried, bleached, and boiled away from the inside out by CFL lamp

- Saw a kinda big slug outside this morning

- This sewer is slowly being devoured by nature

“Focus on the road ahead” For others you become the “focal point” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The bike and the biker becomes one. They aren’t two separate entities... they become one what I see . . . . . . . @royalenfield #artofmotorcycling #reapparel . . . . . . . . #mixmedia #mixmediaart #penandpencil #watercolor #photoshopedit all in one . . . . . . . #royalenfield #royalenfieldindia #royalenfieldlovers #riders #ridelife #bikelife #bikerslife #loveforbikes #loveforspeed . . . . . . . . #illustration #illustrator #handmade #handpainted #eyeball #vision #visionaryart #psychedelics #ᴘsʏᴄʜᴇᴅᴇʟɪᴄᴀʀᴛ #psychedeliclife @ra.hul1610 thanks for letting me steal your words 😍🙏🏾 - @abstractlifeandart on Instagram

- I left 2 half eaten Apples on the floor outside and some ants built a Bunker around it with small rocks and flower petals

- There’s a worm in a my bike

- Neighbors dog was chewing on some bones she found in the woods. Deer vertebrae with an impaled arrowhead.

- Found these in my compost. What would they hatch into?

- Found this slug in Quebec Canada. Didnt think they got this big.

- Art - Sketches

- Red wigglers

- The Divorce

- Used Parts

- Tatto mini

- This chiped concrete looks like an oyster

- 🔥 These Giant Garden Snails Are Almost As Big As My Hand!

- The heat from Vesuvius was so intense that it turned this mans brain into glass

- Found under some plastic sheeting in a flower bed in Sydney. About 7-8cm/3in long

- The way the grass froze

- animals made out of old tools

- This stain on the ground looks like Yoshi.

- I saw this this in a shallow body of water. It made high pitched noises occasionally

- Why would it split like that? Is it still good to eat?

- I was cleaning out my office and found a dehydrated toad

- Cleaning my filter; found this little guy living in it.

- This decomposing rat looks like a delicious grilled chicken wing.

- +. make

- Another janky model, this time a smol beain of cthulu, pen cap for size comparison

- These fell out while I was repotting my new alocasia, are they bulbs? Can I get new plants from them?

- This motorcycle kickstand that looks like a viper

- Queen Monster by Kreatworks, Metal, 2018

- Someone threw a turkey out the window at the dorms..

- Beans burnt to the bottom of the pan at work

- velosolex

- 도안들

- Alunite (Groupe/Sous-Groupe)

- This Cypress knee is breaking through the asphalt and looks like a buried rock or something

- Diamond Supply

- spooky tattoos

- pumpkin mold

- The juvenile Mexican Cantil snake ( Agkistrodon bilineatus) wiggles its brightly colored tail to lure prey into striking range.

- Sheldon is hanging in there.

- Banana Slug?

- I just bit into a piece of grilled cardboard from my Whopper, thought it was bacon 🤢

- southern louisiana, found under a rock. eggs for sure..but what kind??

- Well hello there little purple guy 👀

- This moss garden I found growing out of an old toy wheel

- This mushroom growing at my house kinda looks like a mummified skull.

- Leopard plant

- Ive got some seeds but I cant grow where I currently live, so I wanna keep them safe until I can grow. How should I keep them safe?

- Found a worm on my driveway. I wonder how it died

- Today I caught my first fish, and apparently its a ray fish? It was so strong ans hard to catch. It worth my time though.

- I absolutely hate these Ford capped lug nuts. Can I get an Amen.

- Leathery looking slug. Honolulu, Hawaii

- A toad that blends in with our charcoal

- Adventure Snail on a Mushroom - Alex Gregory @ Brass Knuckle Tattoo, Minneapolis MN

- metalowe ludziki

- The way they filled the cracks in the pavement in Paris

- The face in this eggplant

- zombie news

- This slug froze to death in the night.

- Figured out who splashed oil all over around the oil pan (inside the garage), found this a week later cleaning up

- The caulk tube kept oozing and it dried into a snake.

- This gummy candy that has a tail.

- I found a bunch of caterpillars migrating today while out walking!

- A trapped leaf uses the sun to melt the ice

- My dog just shat this out. I had to finish pulling it out for her...

- Baby sneks, da, da, da, da, da, da. Baby sneks!

- Andy Goldsworthy Creations

- If it looks funny, probably best not to touch. West Michigan.

- 🔥 Let’s give it up for our insect friends, the Dung Beetle doing what we wouldn’t

- Best Copper Prices for sale

- Ever wondered what a steam rolled rat looks like?

- I was cleaning my garden when I found a baby snail inside a dead snails shell. Snailception!

- Tiny mouse I found on the streets of Bamberg, Germany. Thumb for scale.

- Buried some contaminated cakes... and they’re beginning to fruit!

- This is the spot i go to every day while waiting for my bus, guess over time i left a print.

- ITAP at just under 200 on a cell tower

- The layer of rust on this nail is not only super thick but it rusted around rocks.

- From an oven door. Can anyone tell me what this is?

- Disney!!! ❤️❤️

- Metal art

- A rat-tailed maggot leaving the water to pupate.

- WTF is this smelly thing that was growing in my raised bed? A fungus?

- Bateau pirate

- Leopard gecko habitat

- [USA][Ga] What is this super weird (and super sticky) worm I threw back into the grass after a rain? Pretty sure it was not like the other earthworms.

- Blacksmith

- A bee got between my flip flop and foot. Little guy managed to sting my flop.

- This little guy nearly got squished on the cycle path; he was in a bad way. Rode him to the lake nearby and hes all happy, hydrated and safe in the reeds. Reported him to the turtle rescue people. Keep your eyes out for hatchlings people, its the season for them!

- Sf V

- Abandoned wasps nest in an old walking boot

- A tiny toad died on our patio and ants built a mound of grass clippings around it before eating it, leaving a skeleton in a nest of grass clippings.

- Got my second tattoo today! I just really like snails. (Andy @ Golden Triangle Art Studio in Upland, California)

- Composting

- Found by a barn in the dirt, not magnetic but seems to be metal, located in Southern NJ near the shore

- The latest edition to the collection, a dot work snail.

- A slug eating a dead worm?

- Hydroponic Grow Kits

- Pretty sure Ive lost more paint to this bullshit than Ive got on the actual models

- cursed_slug

- Need to know ID of these. Plus I tested them with Ehrlichs Reagent and the susbstance turned yellowish, then did again and some turned purple. Is it safe?