Master Detective Archives Profile Pics

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Shinigami Icon


thanks %E3%81%82%E3%82%8A%E3%81%8C%E3%81%A8%E3%81%86 thx

- Dark shades

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Contrast in Aromas - Roses n skeletor

raincode shinigami raincode rain code shinigami shinigami talk shinigami talking

- apps

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makoto 💜

guru chankya chanakya writing traditional

- Creators at Work

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chief yakou 💙

master detective archives rain code desuhiko thunderbolt shorty detective raincode

- Nuclear Physics

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imas idolmaster million live akane nonohara pester

- Model: Check. Caliber: Check. Reason you intend to make this firearm: ..wait, what? Meh. Check.

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Kodaka Talks Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Switch Exclusivity, The Adventure Genre & More - Noisy Pixel

yuma kokohead rain code mda rain code yuma kokohead side eye yuma side eye

Novo lançamento das Edições Sesc, Biblioteca Morelli: citações históricas de economia e política reúne centenas de trechos de livros de autores nacionais e estrangeiros, selecionados ao longo de 30 anos pelo advogado e estudioso da história José Vicente Morelli. Juntas, tais citações conduzem o leitor por diferentes períodos e sociedades, revelando aspectos centrais de grandes acontecimentos da história da humanidade. Leia mais clicando no link que está na bio. - @edicoessescsp on Instagram

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shinigami 🩷

prisma illya cute smile pose sparkling

- Bks - Regency & Georgian

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fubuki clockford

raincode shinigami raincode rain code shinigami shinigami talk shinigami talking

- Barry m

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vivia twilight icon

omori casey aubrey kel hero

- Transcription

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Credit: izayoi0820 on Twitter

shinigami raincode shinigami rain rode nicob raincode shinigami danganronpa

- Edith Bouvier Beale

vivia twilight icon

Credit: usirome on Tumblr

suyanne shanacy ny paulada kanekury

- Astronauts Pete Conrad, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong sit with Jim Lovell’s Mother and Wife during the reentry of Apollo 13. (1970). [838 x 560]

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vivia twilight 💉

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

- Literature

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Makoto only my

smiling detective valerie quinlan hilary swank fatale smile

Part 2 of albums that influenced me. Thanks @floridafrank for the nomination - @dwidhellion on Instagram

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vivia twilight icon

fubuki clockford falling spinning rain code raincode

- 1930s

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yomi hellsmile

bolsonaro suyanne shanacy kanekury

[#5Jours5Histoires #AudreySecnazi] English translation below — 🇫🇷 Ces prochaines semaines, le musée invite les anciens collaborateurs de la maison de couture Yves Saint Laurent à partager leurs coups de cœur : cette semaine, Audrey Secnazi, Illustratrice et styliste au studio, qui travailla pour Monsieur Saint Laurent de 1990 à 2002. • « Ce qui se passe au studio reste dans le studio », fut l’une des rares recommandations faites par Mme Muñoz à mon entrée dans la maison. Le studio, je le découvrirai, avait une place à part dans la maison. Tout d’abord, il n’était pas libre d’accès : hormis Monsieur Bergé, peu de personnes y entraient, et toujours en prévenant avant. Ensuite, il était calme : pas d’éclat, pas de musique, tout y était feutré, y compris le son des voix. Nous parlions peu et toujours à voix basse. Le temps s’écoulait en prenant son temps, et c’était peut-être la plus grande manifestation de ce luxe naturel et présent. — [#5Days5Stories] 🇬🇧 During the next few weeks, the museum will be inviting members of its staff and other collaborators to post images that have caught their eye to the museums Instagram account. This week, we’ve invited Audrey Secnazi, Studio illustrator and stylist, who worked for Monsieur Saint Laurent from 1990 to 2002. • One of the few words of advice that Mme Muñoz gave me when I arrived at the fashion house was, “Whatever happens in the studio stays in the studio.” I soon discovered that the studio – Mr. Saint Laurent’s inner sanctum – existed as a separate world. To begin with, not just anyone was allowed entrance: Other than Mr. Bergé, few dared intrude without prior warning. And then there was the calm: no outbursts, no music; everything was hushed, including our voices. We rarely spoke, and always in a low voice. Perhaps the greatest sign of this ever-present and genuine luxuriousness was that time went by at its own measured pace. — © Guy Marineau ; Luc Castel — #museeyslparis #museeysl #yvessaintlaurent #myslm #myslmarrakech #studio #fashion #poeticofspace #spirit #secret #quiet - @museeyslparis on Instagram

vivia twilight icon

vivia twilight icon

raincode shinigami rain code master detective archives annoyed

- Lee Remick

Shinigami Icon

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letter alphabet colorful text 3d

- Suspicious Minds

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vivia twilight icon

yuma kokohead yuma raincode raincode shinigami raincode rain code shinigami

- Actors

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ghost photographer analog film romysaur

- 1910s America

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master detective archives rain code halara nightmare hellara raincode

- The Oak Ridge Boys

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mea %E7%A5%9E%E6%A5%BD%E3%82%81%E3%81%82 stickers gif

Opa in zijn Tardis🤍 Gevonden in een oud interview over zijn werk in Centrale Velsen. - @paulrozenbeek on Instagram

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master detective archives: rain code

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode master detective archives raincode halara

- 72nd Street NYC El station, 1936 [760 × 605]

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yomi hellsmile

moc binhminh bongcoi kaka filter hi hihi

- African American News

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master detective archives rain code mda rain code rain code raincode mda raincode

- Two of the three things that saved Teddy Roosevelt from being assassinated: His Secretary, Elbert Martin and his 50 page-half-folded speech. (The other was his eyeglass case) Roosevelt went on to give a one hour speech before allowing doctors to treat him. [761x1024]

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tazuna tanuki tazuna tanuki

- Alec, Alastair and Terry-Thomas

yuma kokohead rain code mda rain code yuma kokohead side eye yuma side eye

- Ethel Kennedy

l3india girl cute happy smile

- White Chocolate Mocha

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

- Remarque


- The Future of the USSR, High Echelon. MOST SECRET / ESOTERIC-PRINCIPLE

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

Heres the first Cat No. 583 pipelayer being introduced to the public in Los Angeles in 1955! Todays pipelayer - and the operators who use them - are equally impressive. Designed by Caterpillar specifically for pipeline applications, today an operator can look through expansive glass surfaces that allow for unhindered visibility around the machine and into the trench. Scroll through the images for more about this amazing machine and visit for machine details. #LetsDoTheWork - @caterpillarinc on Instagram

angry irate annoyed cross vexed

Essa é a mimizenta que não quis ceder seu lugar no ônibus para um homem branco. Uma ridícula... . Queria causar né? Era super simples, todo mundo queria ir pra casa, estavam todos cansados. Atrapalhou a vida de quem não tinha nada a ver com isso. . E foi tentando lacrar nesse dia que ela arrumou o maior fuzuê e foi presa. . Bem feito, não tinha nada que se enfiar em desafiar as leis, já estavam todos acostumados com essa ideia de ter que levantar. . É a cultura do lugar gente... Iguais mas com pequenas restrições que fazem parte das tradições do país. . Aliás esses negros do „empoderamento“ podem usar o mesmo ônibus que todo mundo, só precisa sentar lá atrás! Ninguém impediria uma mulher negra de entrar no ônibus. . E ela nem era pobre, tava envolvida com políticagem da esquerda. Comunista de merda. . Quis tanto aparecer que teve uma greve na cidade e várias pessoas, negras e brancas perderam o emprego: tá satisfeita? E agora, famílias ficaram sem renda... . Merecia mesmo ir presa! Ou mais... Esquedopata. . É por isso que eu gosto daquela famosa, ou daquele famoso, ali não tem vitimismo; É trabalho, conquistado no mérito! . Ela nem é tão preta assim! E como fala é „Nigger“, „Black ou „Negro“? . Bizarro né? Se a Internet existe e muitos Brasileiros Brancos e alguns Negros pudessem comentar sobre Rosa Parks nos anos 60, é exatamente assim que você leria posts no feed dos jornais e nas redes sociais! Tá duvidando? Olhe ao seu redor e veja a realidade. . Qual vai ser a leitura do mundo sobre suas „opniões“ online nos dias de hoje daqui a 50 anos? De que lado você ficou quando a história estava acontecendo diante dos seus olhos? - @adjunior_real on Instagram

raincode shinigami raincode rain code shinigami shinigami talk shinigami talking

- Arpedonapti

tamaiba tama aiba aitsf aini

- Antique Portraits

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- Was walking around Saint Denis when suddenly I found myself in a bad part of town [1129x1079]

armenian armenian dance harut tash tush dance

- Cowboys on the range, 1907

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode master detective archives halara raincode

⁣ RIP John Lewis⁣ ⁣ “Our march continues. There is great work still to be done. Dedicate yourself to nonviolent social change, and we shall overcome.”⁣ ⁣ #JohnLewisBridge - @sonnyrollinsbridgeproject on Instagram

dasdasd detective pikachu asdsadsadsad sad asd

- Historical Items

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- Library

hosting bharat thumbs up

- Coco

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- Hitchcock Ladies

herve apu ashbie

- Iconic Beauty

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

#constitutionday #letitneverhappenagain #japaneseamericanincarceration #korematsu #hirabayahi #endo #yasui #stayvigilant - @jampilgrimages on Instagram

tvboy vandal vandalism graffiti urban

- Black citizens attempt to cast ballots, while being photographied by police officers for purposes of intimidation. Greenwood, Mississippi, United States. August 1963. [679×831]

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

- Bookkeeping office, 1933

waving om nelle om nom and cut the rope hello greetings

- Announcement for my grandfather s promotion. Late 60s.

shinigami nation rain code raincode shinigami raincode shinigami rain code

- Cary Grant and Randolph Scott

sebastian debeste sebastian pointing objection ace attorney

- Arnold Newman

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode master detective archives raincode halara

- All Things Okie

omori omori tenor pale machine server omori silky omori jax

- 1900s Turn of the Century

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

- 1940s Wedding

mobile legends bang bang mlbb ml moba

- Louis Kahn

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

- new image!

mobile legends bang bang mlbb ml moba

“ALBERT AUGUSTINE dedicates a new string of great Volume and Beauty of Tone to ANDRES SEGOVIA through whose inspiration and advice its development was made possible.” Back cover of Guitar Review no. 3, 1947 . . . #tbt #📜 #history #guitarhistory #music #guitar #guitarist #chitarra #andressegovia #augustinestrings - @augustinestrings on Instagram

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

- Stanley Kubrick on set in the 50’s

anri henrietta warhol henrietta petpet pet

- Good Readers

halara nightmare master detective archives raincode raincode halara master detective archives

- Margaret Mitchell

hololive hololive id dance ayunda risu

- Hemingways standing desk 1954

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We’ve come a long way with the language we use to talk about our trans brothers and sisters, but we still have a long way to go.⁣ ⁣ Billy Tipton was an American jazz musician, bandleader, and talent broker. For decades, Tipton assumed a male gender identity. Tiptons female birth sex (AFAB) was not publicly revealed until after his death, and the revelation came as a surprise to family and friends.⁣ ⁣ Tiptons music career began in the mid-1930s when he led a band for radio broadcasts. He played in various dance bands in the 1940s and recorded two trio albums for a small record label in the mid-1950s. Thereafter, he worked as a talent broker. Tipton stopped performing in the late 1970s due to arthritis.⁣ ⁣ Tiptons sex was reportedly concealed from the four women who would later call themselves Mrs. Tipton. Tipton kept the secret of his extrinsic sexual characteristics from them by telling them he had been in a serious car accident that resulted in damaged genitals and broken ribs.⁣ ⁣ The existence of Trans people is not something new, they have always been here, are real and valid. We encourage you to learn more about trans people throughout history that have shaped our world. - @thedresscodeproject on Instagram

mom powerful stephen

- Bks - Health and Medicine

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- I can’t wait for Enola Holmes to see Victorian Henry Cavill and Sam Claflin

herve pepe king king pepe pepe king

- Andy Warhol

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- Inventor George Hutton working on his mechanical elephant “Jumbo” in 1938

ramsey ramsey murdoch murdoch epithet erased epithet

- Hard Times

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- Dutch Jews in hiding. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1945. [653 X 633]

jackyplays jacky

- Marlon Brando, 1946

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- University of Pennsylvania

dai jun huang ace attorney investigations2 gyakuten kenji2 ace attorney i asked

- Heroes

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- movies & directors

mobile legends bang bang mlbb ml moba

- Ad from a slave sale auction from 25 March 1858, USA. Youngest slave 2 years old... .

yuma yuma kokohead rain code raincode yumakokohead

Good night, Uncle John. May the ancestors light your way home, and your good deeds, and Ms. Lillie, meet you on the other side. - @awkward_duck on Instagram

babena kadena

- ITAP of a bus stop

vivia twilight shinigami shake rain code master detective archives

- Bks - Health and Medicine

identity v ganji gupta batter

LINK IN BIO! #onlineauction @igavelauctions ends Wednesday! LINK IN BIO George Platt Lynes #georgeplattlynes #photographyauction #danielcooneyfineart - @danielcooneyfineart on Instagram

rain code handshake firm handshake kurumi master detective archives

- Battle of Omdurman

kurtzpel adel serve drink

- A trolley operator is pictured refusing to let a passenger ride without a mask. (1918)


#desktop #life #chaos #ocd 📂📁📂 - @lilianafarber on Instagram

meggy smg4

happy birthday to the Virgo, earth sign king, the man that made me realize im way more radical than I thought: BERNIE SANDERS. i am so honored that the first campaign ive ever donated to (multiple times) and the first vote ive ever casted was for bernie Sanders. i remember being so excited considering the fact that I was never allowed to watch politics or be into politics growing up and I always had to sneak to my friends house in middle school to watch politics on TV with my friends republican dad lmfaooo i was so interested in the way that the world works. being forced to watch republican TV really shaped the way that I approach things. i am constantly looking at the other side of my opinions to make sure my opinion is stronger. it’s why I’m such a radical, flaming hot vegan 😂 i will subject myself to absolute nonsense because it’s necessary to see what the other side is thinking in order to remain confident that your way of thinking is factual and valid. bernie’s campaign sparked a revolution. he gave people like me a foundation to shape our opinions. he gave people like me the courage to be outside of the norm politically. his campaign gave me hope that as a collective, we can change the world. bernie is the longest serving independent member of Congress in American history. he grew up in a rent controlled complex in NY and his mother and father both died before he was 20. (all of these facts I memorized from fan girling over him while reading his book lol). he is a candidate that i related to strongly. in college he was involved in a bunch of different racial equality and socialist groups that shaped him to be the inspiring man that he is today. OH ALSO did y’all know bernie has a 5 track album? lol - @tyrathetaurus on Instagram

vivia twilight yakou furio raincode master detective archives raincode

- 80s Television

abra kadabra alakazam

- Howard Hughes

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solana solab solabrador cryptocurrency bitcoin

- Accounting

yakou furio raincode yakou raincode raincode yakou

- The Great Ziegfeld

prisma illya cute smile

- Gore Vidal

rain code raincode master detective archives cooking yuma kokohead

- Men line up outside of a liquor store in Detroit, MI to purchase alcohol in the days prior to the start of Prohibition which began midnight January 16, 1920. [1993x1431]

cherry_noble cherry noble mlem blep

- cowboy films

desuhiko thunderbolt desuhiko raincode desuhiko raincode

- Blurred

ayamine kei kei kei ayamine muv luv muvluv kei

- Handsome Classic Hollywood Men

shinigami spiky shimigsmi spikey shinigami rain code shinigami raincode shinigami emote

- On 30th April 1945, 75 years ago on this day, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in the Führerbunker

mobile legends bang bang mlbb ml moba

- Swinging London

raincode master detective archives raincode makoto kagutsuchi

- Bks - Transportation and Inns


( Hysteria ) As she laughed I was aware of becoming involved in her laughter and being part of it, until her teeth were only accidental stars with a talent for squad-drill. I was drawn in by short gasps, inhaled at each momentary recovery, lost finally in the dark caverns of her throat, bruised by the ripple of unseen muscles. An elderly waiter with trembling hands was hurriedly spreading a pink and white checked cloth over the rusty green iron table, saying: “If the lady and gentleman wish to take their tea in the garden, if the lady and gentleman wish to take their tea in the garden…” I decided that if the shaking of her breasts could be stopped, some of the fragments of the afternoon might be collected, and I concentrated my attention with careful subtlety to this end. ( T.S. Eliot ) - @abhra.ghosal on Instagram

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- James Stuart *

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- gre math

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- Edie Bouvier Beale

discover ponder observe detective spy

- 1940s-During WWll

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- Advertising

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- Neil Diamond Fan

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- Stephen Hawking perusing a daily newspaper (1960s)

makoto kagutsuchi makoto raincode rain code master detective archives rain code

- Bridges

beelzebub de shion

- Ancestry

- Berenice Abbott

- 1950’s ‘60’s and ‘70’s Las Vegas

PHEASANT & WOODCOCK SEASON officially open 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 . 📸 @rmrayner . #pheasantseason #shooting #thattimeoftheyearagain #octoberfirst #fieldsports #countrysports #guns #shotguns #hunting #thegunroomlondon - @thegunroomlondon on Instagram


- U.S.S. Newark 6-inch Gun and Crew - 1898 - [1118x900]

- Ancestry

- British comedy

- Signature of Paris Agreements, ending the allied occupation of West Germany, France, 23 October 1954 [772*778]


- A disabled woman typing with the help of a device attached to her head, at an exhibition of aids for the disabled people. UK, London, Goldsmiths Hall, 1951. [728x570]

- Outher

- Silhouette Art - Something Ends Something Begins. by me.

- Advertisement for the Thompson Sub machine gun. US, 1920s

- Elizabeth Bowen

দুই কিংবদন্তি এক ফ্রেমে। #satyajitray #mrinalsen #bengalifilmmaker #legend - @ankitsingha__ on Instagram

- American History

Johnny Cash in the studio 1959. #maninblack #countrymusic #music #johnnycash #1959 #1950s #johnrcash - on Instagram

- James Spader-Classic

- New York Zoo, 1963 — “You are looking at the most dangerous animal in the world.”

- Four types of mental deficiency: Idiocy – Mongolian imbecility – Imbecility – Moron – Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene, 1924

- Fa cup final

- Walter Botts, the man who modeled as Uncle Sam (1920s)

- Jon Hamm is too damn hot

- Best Present Ever

- Our History

... mirror, mirror ... thom browne uniform. discover now, on ph: #campbelladdy casting: #reubenselby #thombrowne - @thombrowneny on Instagram

- Apollo

- 1950s Mad Men advertising found! Wow! See comments for story.

- Fun fact: Films are now called “movies” and not “pictures” because Peter Bogdanovich directed the last “picture” in 1971

- *** GaLLery ***

- “Millions of poor white people are rising up to demand freedom and we support them...We each organize our people, but our fights are the same against oppression and we will defeat it together.” - The Young Lords, 1969

- Backbook

- Thomas Bernhard, 1957


- Behind the scenes 1

- Historical Items

- Ralph Wilson

- Jupiter Ascending

- Crimes

- George Michael doing a photoshoot for his first solo single Careless Whisper in 1984.

Celebramos hoy el natalicio del líder más importante de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en nuestro país. Recordamos en este día a Omar el patriota sencillo y humilde que le devolvió a Panamá, no solo su total soberanía territorial, sino también la dignidad a este pueblo luchador. #todoloquenosune - @fomartorrijosh on Instagram

- 1940s

Greenwood Credit Union has a history as a reputable RI business with a focus on excellent customer service! - @shoplocalrhody_ on Instagram

- William Henry Harrison

Our next show is Sunday May 26 at 924 Gilman - @thepathogens on Instagram

- George Washington

Miroljub Todorovic, Paul De Vree, G.J. De Rook⁠ Lotta Poetica, 1971⁠ ⁠ #digging - @la_colonia_studio on Instagram

- Sherlock Holmes

@sorbetmag feature issue #27 How big is the CommuneEAST community? What kind of people do you have on your roster? Think outside of agency: think of a studio that’s a space for questioning and debate, for rethinking, where problems are encouraged to show themselves. We relish this space. It’s not about a ‘talent roster’, more about our community. The way it has evolved and grown is organic and rich; through art, science and philosophy, we partner and support as well as curate. Within the strategic arm we pull these talents together for roundtables, assemblies and forums, using a S.T.E.A.M. narrative, we engage and dissect with a wider, broader understanding of any positioning. Interview with @hannahcrosb and  founder @leanneelliottyoung Also within this issue championing our community @otamere @amelia_abraham @lalamichmich @adamjones_mens_womens @luciablayke @wilson_oryema @damara_404_not_found @arwishta @akshitasahlot @harrie.bradshaw @georgiamoot @nimmonimmo @helene.selam.prosperitee @hatti_rees @hollyslingsby @habitualtruant @cattytay @artschool_london Thank you @wbuckleydotcom 😍😍 #sorbetmagazine #michellelammy #communeeast #communepresents #leannelliottyoung #sorbet #digitalfutures #irlurl #communitymatters #fashiontech #michellelamy #inclusivity - on Instagram

- Bks - Regency & Georgian

- Paul Hubschmid

- This guy Zero-wastes! [x-post r/OldSchoolCool]

- Bond Girls

- Vintage Art Posters

Ok, this social media thing is really confusing at times. - @ilaama99 on Instagram

- Charles and Diana Wedding

- Actors

- Scenes from First Blood

- mr. ripley

Since our inaugural Issue we dreamt of an interview with Jeff Bridges about his panoramic photography. We were totally amazed when we received an email from his office. Read the interview and see Jeffs exciting portfolio in our latest issue #8. we ship worldwide #silvergrainclassics #silvergrainlab #wideluxf8 #jeffbridges @thejeffbridges #panoramaphoto #panoramicphoto #shooting #shootfilm @adoxphoto @kodakprofessional_europe @gossenfoto @japancamerahunter #japancamerahunter #camerarescue @fotoimpex @foma_cz #fotoimpex #cameracollection #gas #joboartisan @joboartisan #gearaquisitionsyndrome @macodirect @arsimago @freestylephoto1@aphog_com #aphog_com @tetenal1847 #thebiglebowski @chrischinnockphotography @manuellopaganelli @littlevintagephotography @ludwighagelstein @ignaciobenedeticorzo - @silvergrainclassics on Instagram

- Americas History

Alangkah banyaknya kesulitan yang masih kita hadapi. Tetapi, pengalaman yang sudah-sudah membuktikan bahwa kita selalu survive dan dus kita selalu dapat mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan yang maha besar! 🇮🇩❗ 📢 Peristiwa yang kami ambil sebagai referensi adalah ketika Soekarno, Moh. Hatta, Achmad Subardjo berkumpul untuk merumuskan naskah proklamasi🧾. Soekarno dan Ahmad Soebardjo memberikan buah pikirannya untuk kalimat pertama, sedangkan kalimat terakhir adalah buah pikiran Moh. Hatta. ✍🏻 #cosplay17tetrasma2020 - @soulsepatuxitetrasma on Instagram

- 1313 Mockingbird Lane

Delayed again . . . . #friendsinperson #friendsinbnw #bnw_demand #bnwzone #raw_bnw #bnw_lightandshadow #drdd #blancnoir2 #bnw_drama #deepblackmag #bnw_sweden #bnw_europe #bnw_captures #turklikebenbnw #lightzone55 - @lightzone55 on Instagram

- Sound of music

- Shakespeare and Company, Paris

- Admiro...

- Benjamin Walker

- funny stuff

Soviet anti-plane fight with ptrd-41 #ww2 #ptrd41 #soviet #sovietarmy #sovietsoldiers #army #soldier #antiplane #vojaci #war #vojna #soldiers #worldwar2 - @ww2_history_and_photos_ on Instagram

Mare-sciiiii-allo... Topponi... Tributaria & Bardi 😆 #totò #antoniodecurtis #antoniodecurtistotò #principedellarisata #principedecurtis #tuttototò #totohadettotutto #aldofabrizi #guardiadifinanza #tributaria #steno #tartassati #maresciallo #totocalcio #cavalier #pezzella #cicciobarbi #bardi #cherisate #ridere #risate #film #movie #italiancinema #italia #cinema #comico #comiciitaliani #battute #commedia - @toto_principe_della_risata on Instagram

Qué alegría comenzar este día así, con el anuncio definitivo de que Chiloé cuenta oficialmente con una nueva Área Silvestre Protegida Los Humedales de la Cuenca de Chepu. Un gran saludo a la comunidad insular, además de todas y todos quienes colaboraron y se hacen parte de este tremendo logro para la conservación de la naturaleza. Atte. Equipo CECPAN - @cecpanchiloe on Instagram

- Prince Charles

- Michael Caine 1971

Ritz Newspaper, 1977 - @mrchow on Instagram

- BoB


Happy Labor Day! Mechanics Hall in Portland is a landmark of Maine workers. The Italianate building was built 1857-59 by and for members of the Maine Charitable Mechanic Association. It was designed by Portland architect Thomas Sparrow, also a member. The MCMA was founded in 1815 as a social organization for master crafts people, entrepreneurs, and apprentices in the “mechanical arts”. They held fairs and exhibitions to showcase the skills of craftsmen, as well as lectures, dances, and marches down Congress Street where groups of tradespeople would carry handmade banners to promote their crafts - like this amazing Cabinet Maker’s trade banner from 1841. . . #laborday #laborhistory #mainemechanics #maine200 #mainehistory #portlandme #portlandmaine #historicpreservation #thisplacematters - @portlandlandmarks on Instagram

- Tom waits albums

#OnThisNight in 1898: Warden Michael Cassidy notes the term of Reuben Button (inmate A-9243) expired earlier in September, “but being very ill and unable to be removed to his home in Tioga County [Button] died at 7.30 this P.M. His people are poor and cannot have the body sent home...the Anatomical Society receives all unclaimed bodies in the institution.” At night, the penitentiary takes on a different energy. Experience it firsthand at #NightToursESP this fall: Cellblock 3 corridor, c. 1897. Image: from Michael J. Cassidy, Warden Cassidy on Prisons and Convicts. - @easternstate on Instagram

- Art - Alexander Calder. American. 1898-1976.

- Torn Curtain

✳️La Directora de Dideco Alejandra Solís junto a profesionales de la Oficina de Protección de Derechos de la Infancia (OPD) y el Centro de la Mujer Panguipulli, se reunieron con la Suboficial Saldivar, quien asumió como encargada de la Tenencia de Carabineros de Coñaripe. ✔️La reunión tuvo como principal objetivo generar lazos de cooperatividad y trabajar en una red intersectorial sobre la prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres como así también los ingresos y causas de infancia 👦🏻 👧🏻 . Solís dio la bienvenida al territorio a la funcionaria en nombre de la Municipalidad de Panguipulli y el Alcalde Rodrigo Valdivia, valorando que este cargo sea asumido por una mujer, un aspecto importante para la puesta en marcha de una red de colaboración 🤝. - @municipalidadpanguipulli on Instagram

- 45 RPM Remember when

- Black Mountain College

- Antaño

go-gettin’ for all of us until 87. thank you, #rbg. ⁣ here’s to go-gettin’ in her memory at the polls in november. - @freedom.apothecary on Instagram

- A Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) was given to Ted bundy by Dr. Al Carlisle in 1976

- 1960s

- My grandfather in a news article after stopping a robbery (1950s)

If you want them, come and get them! 😎 Our ′′schei ′′ are waiting for you in the Grafiche Veneziane headquarters: write us an email to and become part of Money Must Be Made Venezia 👊 . . . #moneymustbemadevenezia #mmbmvenezia #moneymustbemade - @grafiche_veneziane on Instagram

- Franchise Agreement

- Radio Capital / MV King David

- Danykas Icons in B&W~

- Lady Diana Spencer.

- Gainesville Georgia

- Cool story bro, December 1998

Come check out our new film, “To Hell and Gone” ! We’re screening tomorrow night at 7pm at the St. Augustine High School Theatre in South Park. If you like independent cinema and western thrillers, you’re gonna like this!! Hit me up for more details. 🤠🌵🎥 - @carr.cavender on Instagram

- JFK Wanted for Treason - American conservative 1963

- A Colt 38 with a small camera that automatically takes a picture when the trigger is pulled. C. 1938

Grazie di tutto Philippe ❤️ . . . #philippedaverio #art #culture #sicily #exibition #exibart #creative #sicilia #lovesicily #photography #photographer #fotografia #interview #intervista #artistic #artist #artoftheday #artsy #beautiful #gallery #instaartist #instagood #masterpiece #drawing #pittura #soloculturasicilia - @solo.cultura on Instagram

- Deceit

- American Cowboy Magazine


- Fawlty Towers

- Aeropostale

- Hugh Beaumont, better known as Ward Cleaver on Leave it to Beaver, as Detective Michael Shayne, 1946.

- Han Solo and Chewbacca

- Vivian Mayer

- Where Eagles Dare

- Anyone else remember these and Narco Nancy ?

👉Cuando Jack el Destripador supuestamente estaba escondido en nuestro país, la prensa le cambió el nombre por Jaime o un catalanizado Jaume. Se pensaba que podría ser un hábil matarife, un imitador del legendario Sacamantecas o un ¡vampiro! Hasta los años treinta del siglo pasado era frecuente la creencia de que beber sangre tenía propiedades casi milagrosas para recuperar la salud. Uno de los casos más tremendos fue un reportaje publicado a comienzos de los treinta en el que un atónito reportero sigue a una muchedumbre que, balde en mano, se dirigía camino del Matadero de Madrid para... beber sangre. Te lo contamos en JACK EL DESTRIPADOR EN ESPAÑA, ya en tu librería o te lo enviamos a tu casa sin gastos de envío a través de nuestra tienda online ➡️ Link en bio. «—No lo dude. Aquí en Madrid hay un buen número de bebedores de sangre. Si quiere podemos verlo. Todas las mañanas, a estas horas, concurren varias personas ansiosas de beber la sangre caliente de animales recién sacrificados...». Todo sucedía con absoluta normalidad en una de las grandes naves del Matadero. Nadie preguntaba nada. Una muchedumbre acudía con sus vasos listos para ser llenados. Los matarifes hacían su trabajo, mientras los bebedores de sangre esperaban en fila ordenadamente. «Ha terminado la matanza —continúa diciendo el reportaje que muestra varias estremecedoras fotografías—. No queda una res en pie. Unas sobre otras aún cocean en el suelo resbaladizo y ensangrentado. Los bebedores que presenciaron los sacrificios esperan el momento de recoger la sangre humeante. Todos entregan a los mozos los vasos que al efecto llevan». El procedimiento es metódico y es relatado por un periodista que, sin ocultar su asombro, narra lo que está presenciando: «En aquellos rojos manantiales los vasos van llenándose repetidas veces de sangre humeante. Los bebedores aproximan el vaso a sus labios y sin reparo, dominados sin duda por la fuerza de la sugestión, injieren el contenido. Alguno tiene que hacer un gran esfuerzo para apurar el vaso; el estómago parece oponerse, pero, al fin, sonríe satisfecho, como si con ello hubiera adquirido un poco de la salud que le falta #lafelgueraeditores #jacktheripper - @editorial_la_felguera on Instagram

- Article about Bill Wattersons Time at Kenyon

- The first eletronic unit.

He’s more than just a name -- Don Francisco Gaviña created his lasting legacy through attention to detail and exceptional passion for coffee! Check out our blog to learn more about the story of Don Francisco and how his enduring spirit created the brand we love so much today. #happyfathersday #linkinbio - @donfranciscos on Instagram

- George McLaurin, first African-American student admitted to the University of Oklahoma, forced to sit apart from white students. 1948. [1561 x 1245]

- Vital Records

- Grand Central, 1941. Photograph by Berenice Abbott, colorized by Avi A. Katz.

- E-Cigarette Information and Prevention

- Gerard philipe

- The Great Train Robbery

- Cognitive Consiousness

- Bundy whilst having his bite mark impression taken.

- Ernest Hemingway, writing in his bathrobe and pajamas in Idaho, November 1940

- Nice time to re-watch this classic

- Singlestick practice on the U.S.S. New York. (1890s)

- Han Solo, Captain of the Millennium Falcon, 1982

- Abbott and Costello

Uomini e donne che hanno vissuto l’influenza spagnola, due guerre, la ricostruzione, il boom , le stragi - @andreadesica on Instagram

- Enola Holmes

- Knoll

- The postman fulfilling his duty even during heavy snow, Zagreb, Croatia, around 1950. [780x905]

- Panavision Directors

- Penrith

- Kisho Kurokawa

- Customers listening to record releases in soundproof listening booths. London, 1955.

- Railroad history

- Behind the scenes from The Godfather(1972). Marlon Brando memorized not one line of dialogue. [549×685]

- @fotodeseo on Instagram


- Pleasure Beach- Story Board

I love to read, my favorites are the bible, read about historical facts, thriller books and biographies (Elvis of course) what about you guys, what do you like to read the most? ☺️ - @elviscaptures on Instagram

- Comedy actors

- Belushi Brothers

Livro Todas as Cartas (Ed. Rocco), lançado nesta sexta-feira, reúne 284 missivas enviadas por Clarice Lispector a familiares e amigos (entre autores e editores), como Lygia Fagundes Telles, João Cabral de Melo Neto, Rubem Braga, Nélida Piñon e Mário de Andrade (📸 Acervo da Família/Clarice Lispector) . . #literatura #claricelispector - @estadaocultura on Instagram

- young jfk

- Ms. Maier

- old newspaper

- Claude glass

- Temple Wedding

Clint Eastwood Standing With Guns. - #ClintEastwood #ClintEastwoodStyle - on Instagram

- Clint Eastwood & Meryl Streep ❤

- For decades, employees at the Central Intelligence Agency operated an informal organization to ride-share canoes across the Potomac River to Agency HQ as a part of their daily commute, as a diabolical, ingenious plan to avoid the Beltway traffic. [link in comments]

- a handful of southwind...

- James Dean photos

- Bonnie y Clyde

- gangster style

- The Sand Pebbles

- Young Sir Ian McKellan is smokin.

- 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott

- 1920s and 30s random

- 1900s America

- Ilford FB Silver Gelatin Print / Tmax 400+1

📸🔫📸🔫📸🔫 Shoot Original images taken by me 📷 Apps: Snapseed - PS Express - Pixlr - PhotoBlender ⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️ BE A MASTER IN THE ALCHEMY OF DARK ART. FOLLOW: @_mastersofdarkness_ TAGS: #masters_of_darkness #elite_m_o_d COLLABORATIONS: #master_mod_collab ⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️ THE TEAM: LEAD MODERATOR @jgc1334 MODERATORS @hovsep61 @ilonaramona SEPTIUM_NOCTIUM ADMINISTRATION @_pandora555_ FOUNDER, CREATOR @obscuras_darkness ⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️ ART IS WORTHLESS WHEN NOT SUPPORTED.... THE MORE SUPPORT YOU OFFER US THE MORE WE PROMOTE YOU. HUBS WE SUPPORT & RESPECT! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️▪️⚔️ 💀 #crow_bnw 💀 #cryptic_aesthetic 💀 #igw_freakshow 💀 #darkmasters_family 💀 #ig_asylum 💀 #dark_houses 💀 #dismal_disciples 💀 #kf_urbandonedmasks 💀 #super_photoeditz 💀 #loves_underground 💀 #9vaga_darkart9 💀 #emotional_dark_pictures 💀 #_killer__elite 💀 #gallery_of_dark_arts 💀 #fancygoth_edit 💀 #hdr_play_edit 💀 #gallery_237 - @_pandora555_ on Instagram

A great-looking opportunity from our friends at @afteralljournal ✍️ Call for applications: @AfterallJournal Writer in Residence. A paid six-month residency (December 2020 - May 2021) to develop writing & research. This opportunity is open to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic writers. Deadline: 19 October. More info & apply: - @bookworksuk on Instagram

- Newspaper front pages

- Artists Images

- Black & White

- This photo of Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan was taken shortly before their final flight on July 2nd, 1937 [466x600]

- Jonathan Harris

- George Nelson

- hmmm

Anzac Day - Lest we forget. M3 - HP5 @filmphotographic @photo.filmy 🙏🏼 - @julian_kingma on Instagram

- Bela Tarr

Five years since we lost you Sasha. It still stings so bad. We miss you. We love you. Daiquiris or Champagne only today everyone ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - @attaboy134 on Instagram

- Iconic Movie Characters

- Lecture attentive

- Amityville Horror

- This is a real ad I found in a copy of American Rifleman

Fog And God (3/3) December 2019 My family and I went to a temple somewhere in the hills of San Jose. It was a rainy and foggy morning. The head monk was nice enough to show us around the construction of the new temple. #filmphotography - @thedaophotography on Instagram

- Ted Bundy working for the Seattle Crime Prevention Advisory Commission. Photo most likely taken in December 1972.

- Old school dreamboat, Buster Keaton

- Veterinary Colleges

- Marcello Mastroianni on the set of Federico Fellinis 8½, 1963

- Render people

- Ancestry & Genealogy - find your own roots

En su edición de este día la revista Bohemia publicó el artículo “Septembrismo”, firmado por Antonio Guiteras. Allí exponía el autor las directrices de su ideología revolucionaria y analizaba los hechos acaecidos en el país durante los meses precedentes, enjuiciando el perjuicio ocasionado por las presiones de Batista y del embajador norteamericano Jefferson Caffery. Planteaba Guiteras que “un movimiento que no fuese anti imperialista en Cuba no era una revolución. Se servía al imperialismo yanqui o se servía al pueblo, pues sus intereses eran incompatibles”. Las palabras finales del artículo expresaban: “espero confiado el momento oportuno para nuestra liberación absoluta, que es la que responde al clamor de las masas que todo lo sufren, que todo lo padecen”. No alcanzó Guiteras a ver la realización de sus ideales, pero tuvo el gran mérito de ser representante y paladín de lo más digno y revolucionario de la juventud cubana. #SomosCuba #SomosContinuidad #CubaMined #EducaciónVillaClara #EducaciónCorralillo #VamosPorMás - @educacioncorralillo1 on Instagram

- Film Noir Photos

〰️ Women in Sound History: Dorothy Arzner and the birth of the Boom Mic 〰️ 🎥 Dorothy Arzner (1897 – 1979) is one of the most prolific directors of early American cinema, having worked with some of the biggest stars of the era including Katharine Hepburn and Joan Crawford in the 1920s and ‘30s. 📽 She is also the first woman to direct a film with sound. It was during such a project The Wild Party (1929) that Arzner is credited with inventing the boom microphone. To allow Clara Bow more freedom to move around the set, Arzner suspended a fishing rod above the actress and attached a microphone to the end of it. This prototype boom mic has become an essential piece of sound equipment for modern media production. (text from NY Women in Film and Television blog - That giant box on the left is the CAMERA! Thanks to our friend and favorite film buff @matthewbuchholz of @alternatehistories for sharing this knowledge with us! #womeninsound #womeninsoundzine #dorothyarzner #boommic #inventor #innovator #womeninfilm #womenbehindthecamera #womendirectors #filmdirector - @womeninsound on Instagram

Last week @lastprisonerproject filed an amicus brief in Washington v. Barr urging the Supreme Court to take up current classification of cannabis. We are proud to have help draft and stand with the petitioners and other amici including @lastprisonerproject @minoritycannabis , @m4mmunited , @americansforsafeaccess , @athletes4care , @nationalcannabisindustry , @hillerpc @arcviewgroup Group and several members of Congress. Our countrys federal marijuana policy needlessly entangles millions of people in the criminal legal system at a tremendous societal cost. We also know that the unjust burden of these misguided policies disproportionately fall on the most vulnerable segments of our society. Descheduling marijuana is critical to ensuring that all Americans are able to obtain safe and effective medical treatment without fear of the devastating consequences of potential criminal or civil sanctions resulting from the federal scheduling of marijuana. . . . #deschedulecannabis #cannabislawyers #cannabislaws #cannabislawyer #cannabislawreform #cannabislaw #LPP #lastprisonerproject #williambarr #legalweed #legalizeit #legalmarijuana #cannabiscommunity #cannabisindustry #cannabisnews #medicalmarijuana - @i.n.c.b.a on Instagram

- On his first and only day of school in Iowa in 1887 my great-grandfather beat up the teacher. (Photo w/ story caption)

🔲 BNW UNIVERSE 🔳 ________________________________________ ⭕️ Congratulations @maciant! Your photo has been selected as a Top B&W Shot! Thank you for participating in the Universe of B&W Photography 🎱 ________________________________________ Please visit the photographers gallery and support. ✅ Follow us to discover inspiring and top B&W photography, and use the #Bnw_Universe tag for a chance to be featured. ________________________________________ 🔘 Partners:🎶 • @Masters_Universe - #TopUniverse • for Top photography • @Portraits_Universe - #Portraits_Universe • for Portrait photography ________________________________________ Photo selected by: @g_wah - @bnw_universe on Instagram

- 3:10 to yuma

- Hollywood

- Christian bale body

- Santos Dumond

- Andy Griffith Show

- Acg poster

- Here is a wall full of “BB-18” Bomb Fuse holders. Also photographed Israeli art students

- Dr. John Bayard Britton with the .357 Magnum he carried for protection when visiting the Pensacola Ladies’ Centre to perform abortions. He was murdered the following year after this photo was taken by anti-abortion extremist Paul Jennings Hill. 1993. [300 x 300]