Martin D Ginsburg Profile Pics

martinmartin wallströmfelicity jonesruth bader ginsburgarmie hammeron the basis of sexon the basis of sex moviebielmcbiel

Photographic Print: President Candidate Sen. Jack Kennedy Being Greeted by His Wife Jacqueline Upon His Return From LA by Paul Schutzer : 24x18in

Photo: Ethel Merman Poster : 16x16in


- __just sing, dont talk - in case you forget - snail pase - on same page - remember what it means to be a professional

Photo: Sammy Davis Jr. Singing in a Television Special, 1957 : 24x18in

Photo: President Lyndon Johnson in Conversation the Tom Fletcher Family of Inez, Kentucky : 24x18in

schaefer bpk bundespressekonferenz martin schaefer gulp

- Presidential Election Spread Ideas

Art Print: Loengards Jubilant Ronald Reagan Celebrating His Victory f

Photo Print: President Lyndon Johnson Meets with Civil Rights Leaders

martin compston

- Donald robertson

Photographic Print: Presidential Contender Bobby Kennedy Stops During Campaigning to Shake Hands African American Boy by Bill Eppridge : 16x12in

Photographic Print: Portrait of Fank Sinatra Poster : 12x9in

soapandheart martin

- A // ART NOW

Photo: Dean Martin : 10x8in

Giclee Print: Martin Luther King Jnr, American Black Civil Rights Campaigner, C1968 : 12x9in


- Camera mic

Photo: La Couleur by lArgent THE COLOR OF MONEY by Martin Scorsese with Tom Cruise and Paul Newman, 1986 : 36x24in

Giclee Print: The Late Baron Martin : 16x16in


BIOTOP 10th ANNIVERSARY BIOTOP X CHACOLI COLLABORATED BAG will be in BIOTOP stores at TOKYO, OSAKA, FUKUOKA and ONLINE STORE from the 9th OCTOBER. #biotop #biotoposaka #biotopfukuoka #chacoli - @chacoli_collection on Instagram

Photo: Poster of Ross Martin, The Wild Wild West : 10x8in

Equality by LovelyColor | Redbubble

martin mathias martin1977

- Angelina jolie

Photo: Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, 1951 : 24x18in

Photo: The Professionals : 10x8in

sibauilebt sibaui degger_tr deggertr erol

- World leaders react to seeing Putin.

Dean Martin Photo |

Photo: Poster of Steve Martin : 24x18in

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

- victoria

Photo: Dean Martin : 10x8in

Large Solid-Faced Canvas Print Wall Art Print entitled Dean Martin - Vintage Publicity Photo

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

- Logan Browning

Albert Einstein by Oren Jack Turner Print

Photo: Lily Tomlin - Rowan & Martins Laugh-In Poster : 10x8in

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

Shadow play Zagreb 🇭🇷 #leicaq - @times_a_changn on Instagram

Juíza Ruth Bader Ginsburg diz que apoio é o que faz diferença no casamento

Photo: Dean Martin : 10x8in

biel mcbiel teambiel

- Tuxedo shop

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Poster by NGUYEN DINH LONG | Displate

martin garrix

- Harrison Smith

martin lee gore martin gore bouncy martin depeche

- Anthroposophical Meditation

martin bukhanets jammer hammer martin bukhanet

- Blonde box braids

martincitopants martin beanzone bennygang

- Cher ⭐

martin daljo daljo

I’m emotional. #KAMALA - @jordanagrams on Instagram

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

- advent

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

- DIY Projects - Glass & Ceramics


This is “The Supper of Goddess”, 2015 by Chinese post-internet artist Ye Funa. The work is part of the “Goddess” series that examine the construction of identity and the artifice of image. It also elaborates on the recurring theme of the role of female, the idea of beauty, and the female sensibility in Ye’s recent works. Ye’s practice is concerned with the relationship between the realities of everyday life. She is interested in the perceived connection between authority and many areas of social life such as different power structures, ethnic groups, gender, and the fictional space of propaganda for the concept of ‘perfection’ in an ideological system, and utopian landscape. Her work is politically charged, subtly engaged in pastiche as a satirizing style of propaganda. . . The Supper of Goddess, 2015 C-print mounted on aluminum sheet 20 2/5 × 59 ‪1/10‬ in 51.7 × 150 cm . . . @oyester #yefuna #femalegaze #lastsupper #multimedia #contemporarychineseart #chinternet #artinspiration #grlpwr - @__frau__herr__ on Instagram

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

Yet what greater defeat could we suffer than to come to resemble the forces we oppose in their disrespect for human dignity?—Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her 2012 book, My Own Words - @signepike on Instagram

biel mcbiel teambiel

- Origami lights

martinhofman martin hofman

- **Shrines,and wonderful thing to Inspirezettiology too

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

- Art


Add some flair to your debate viewing with election-themed cupcakes from @cupcakeroyale. Hit the link in our profile for more food and drink specials fit for the presidential debate tonight, plus places where you can watch. 📸: @cupcakeroyale #cupcakeroyale #presidentialdebate #seattle #seattlefood #seattlefoodie #seattlerestaurants #everoutfood - @everoutfood on Instagram

martin gore martin lee gore depeche mode martin jezebel performing

- Washington, DC

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

- Ya empezó la reforma energética.

dale martin

- Showcase Design

martin lawrence dancing party hard lit

Noites de Verão 2020, Agosto no Jardim das Esculturas do Mnac em Lisboa, Setembro no Jardim da Quadrum das Galerias Municipais em Alvalade, 19h, Entrada Livre. Agosto 7- Nuno Rebelo, 14 - Banda Fetra, 21 - Susana Santos Silva, 28 - José Braima Galissa. Setembro 4 - Violet, Bleid, Odete, 11 - Toscano & Ferrandini + Costanza’s Post Modem Orchestra, 18 - Sereias + Sirius, 25 - Niagara + Niggafox + Marfox. Cartaz por Ana Baliza - @filhounicolisboa on Instagram

sherlock martin freeman benedict cumberbatch

- Barack Obama Michelle

martin lejeune

- Vintage Crochet Patterns

biel mcbiel teambiel

- Spring Summer

martin compston

- Paper & origami

biel mcbiel teambiel

- Awards

biel mcbiel teambiel

- Office Literature Holders

martin lawrence gina talking serious face

Our founder wearing the Sidekick 2.0 Crossbody bag in Metro Stitch ❤️ P.S. LED lights & a smart button inside 💡⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #womeninbusiness #bagcompanion #careerwomen #workchic #ambitiouswomen #nycfashionblogger #styleinfluencers #modernwoman #ergonomic #fashiontech ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #outfitdiaries #womenbags #getintothisstyle #newyorkstreetstyle #fashionforgood #queenforever #queenstatus ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #buylessbuybetter #businessoutfit #sheconquers #9to5inspo #bagfashion #styleideas #corporatechic #emergingbrand #comfortandstyle #9to5life #bossbabesquad #whatsyourgirlwearing #outfitcommunity - @bee.and.kin on Instagram

martin brikule

- Daughter of US President serves as unelected government representative in Colombia. Decides to dress as houseplant.

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

RIP RBG What a terrible day. #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg #notoriousrbg - @jmaruyama on Instagram

martin wallstr%C3%B6m

Add charm to your look by wrapping up in Lily and Lionel. Discover Lily and Lionel in Brown Thomas Cork. @lilyandlionel - @brownthomascorkofficial on Instagram

biel mcbiel teambiel

- Little Known Prequel

martin brum brum

- last news

martin gore martin lee gore depeche mode violator martin gore1990s


jmenuju se martin martincarev

- Washington tourism

read this one i dont read tax court cases appoint command rule

- Hipster Chic

poor guy commenting expressing noticing observing

- Peaceful protest

kissing hugging embracing couple relationship

- Black power

going up heading up moving up leading formal attire

- Rihanna movies

golfing golf playing having fun amusing

- Druids celebrating the Autumn Equinox on top of Primrose Hil

this is sex based discrimination against a man poor guy arguing appealing

#instacomunidadartistas Senza fitoto Fecha 2003 - @mario_merz on Instagram

armie hammer best gif ever armie hammer call me by your name

- jewellery market

i dont care dont care it doesnt matter blank face felicity jones


- Dukes of Hazzard

- Blursed role

- Rihanna love

- Sign writer

Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you” All in she fought for what she felt was right and I respect that in a person.... RIP. - on Instagram

- Backyard Barbeque Party

BREAKING: US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania have tested positive for coronavirus. Tap the link in our bio for live updates. - @skynews on Instagram

- In pantyhose

- Architecture_Posters

- clothes swap party

- Judicial Branch

- Mobiles

- egg soap

- Accessory_ jewelry

- Contemporary art jewelry


- A scary proposition

- Ruth Bader Ginsburg

- Albert Watson

- Art Noveau Frames

- America the Beautiful

- O The Oprah Magazine

- Lise meitner

- Simone Veil of France #1619podcast #1619project #nicolehannahjones #thefightfortruedemocracy - @ymsorzano on Instagram

- Neneh Cherry

- Rihanna

- Paper Jewelry

- Store windows


- Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Wonder Woman, by Bill Sienkiewicz

- Beads

- crochet collar

- BO crochet

- My fish got anal cancer

She did not go gently into that dark night.’ She was diligent until the last possible moment despite her many illnesses. Her impartial and non-partisan participation in bettering the laws of the land for so many people will be applauded for years to come. For women of my generation, she opened doors that had been visibly and invisibly shut.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Thank you, Justice Ginsburg⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Photo Source: The Telegraph⁣ #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg - on Instagram

- Composition

- 4th of July

- Alexander Wang

LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED🐴 #bidenharris2020 - @fgriffinbufkin on Instagram

New “RBG” digital collage limited edition ICON series. As a champion for women’s rights, RBG paved the way for so many of us to speak our truths. This collage is filled with images, symbols, and powerful phrases relating to her life. Presale on this limited edition series of 20 is selling out quick. Special pricing $200 for the print and $350 for the framed print. Dm for inquiries or link in bio. (Local Los Angeles delivery available or pick up at @melrosetradingpost sundays.) . Printed by @mobyartsla #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg #notoriousrbg #rbgart #popart #contemporaryart #portrait #rbgportrait #collage #digitalillustration #digitalart #artivism #artactivism #limitededition - @amysmithart on Instagram

- paper jewelry

- {Sofia Coppola Style}

- African Print

Dans tout chaos il y a un cosmos, dans tout désordre un ordre secret. – Carl Jung - @francois_yellowhand on Instagram

- Straw & weaving

#BREAKING US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump test positive for COVID-19. #DonaldTrump #FirstLadyMelaniaTrump #COVID19 - on Instagram

- Letter W

- display design展示设计、艺术展

- A Few Favorite Things 2

- Agam Yaacov

Box di tutti i tipi! Di quale colore la vorreste? #glossybox #box #colours #sommersi #glossyboxitalia #piramidi - @glossybox_it on Instagram

- President Trump Inauguration


- artful hallway

- Recycle newspaper

- Peter Eisenman

- Music Festival Fashion

- Alexander McQueen

- G.....

💚new project with ZUCCa #Repost @zucca_official … THINK FUTURE #SustainabilityChallenge  「強く」「軽く」「地球に優しい」ズッカのサスティナブルバッグを通じて、「人と人」「人と地球」をつなぎ、「未来」をともに考え、ともに創るズッカのチャレンジプロジェクト『THINK FUTURE』。  それぞれの価値観や感覚をもった学生や主婦、ファミリー、カップル、配達員、陶芸人、料理人たち。さまざまな人種、国籍、性別、年齢、体型、人生ストーリーなどの多様な個人(個性)を迎えて、「あなたにとってのサスティナビリティとは?」という問いへのアンサーをメッセージし、持続可能な未来を目指します。  気候変動や大気汚染、森林破壊といった環境問題から、人種差別や動物愛護といった社会問題にいたるまで、私たち地球人が解決するべき課題は山のようにあります。  今こそ、私たちの今までの行動や考え方を変えるとき。  課題解決に向けた「小さな一歩」=「ソーシャルグッドな活動」で、人にも地球にも、ヘルシーな「未来」を創ります。  THINK FUTUREは、プロフィールリンクから。@zucca_official  @zucca_tokyo #think #future #sustainability #challenge #eco #leather #bag #leatherplus #yacht #rope #autumn #winter #2020 #2021 #aw20 #collection #fashion #tokyo #japan #paris #ootd #zucca #zuccatokyo #ズッカ #ズッカトウキョウ  Photo by @spelakasal Thank you my friends in Paris for taking your time to participate 💚💚💚 - @shinoitoi on Instagram

- Blotter Art

- @studio ideas

- Notebook & Stationery

- Architecture

- Kelly Rowland style

- Beauty and Fashion:


- All white affair

“Breaching The Water” 36x80 Available @samuelowen - @giangarofalo on Instagram

- Fun&Sexy,Clothes,shoes and pocketbooks

- Watch out, McConnell, we’re coming for you.

- I Can Not See, Im Legally Blind

- art outil

- A - Home - bedroom closet

- Bon Weekend

- Oprah Winfrey

What do you see? A barrister. What do some people see? They see a black woman and only see someone who could be a criminal, a defendant in court, because that is a stereotype most associated with black men and women. These racial stereotypes are so deeply entrenched in us even when we don’t realise or acknowledge them. As a brown woman navigating predominantly white spaces, I have been: 👉🏽mistaken for a cleaner or service staff several times when I was a professor 👉🏽 Racially profiled in my own University 👉🏽 mistaken for a waitress at an exclusive reception where I gave a keynote talk 👉🏽 asked by a student if he could have a white male professor as supervisor because that would be better And many more such incidents of course. We all make decisions based on these templates we carry in our brains, we form stereotypes based on what we see around us and from our experiences and memories, we judge people very quickly based on labels we assign to them and the membership of groups based on skin colour. Sometimes they are a matter of life and death. And what we need to think about is what we are going to do about it. We all have individual accountability and responsibility to address our own biases. And urgently. And we have a responsibility also to make sure we bring up our children so they don’t make same mistakes. . . . #racialbias #stereotypes #alexandrawilson #blackbarrister #racialprejudice #racialstereotypes #sway #unconsciousbias #racialequality #racialjustice #racialeducation #wwkwts #raisingraceconsciouskids #implicitbias #unconsciousbiastraining #antiracismeducation - @drpragyaagarwal on Instagram

- album maker

- toys

- Black History

- Slay, Tay, Slay!

- Art hanging system

💔 - @robpruitt5000 on Instagram

- Wonderful life movie

RBG was clever, she was brilliant, and she was kind. She worked for us constantly. She never stopped, even when she could have, even when she deserved to. Many people didn’t deserve her, but some people did. And I’m sure those are the people she kept working for. If only everyone of us could have even a little bit of her character. The world would be a better place. But some people have none of her character. Don’t let them control our society. We deserve better. And so does her memory. Vote. - @krista.milich on Instagram

- Industrial Christmas decorations

- Downlights

- Cardboard art

- That boy tall.

The fearless Thuli Madonsela is not only a lifelong activist of social justice, but also one of the drafters of our constitution and several of the laws that our democracy is built on. Her reputation for integrity is but one of the reasons we honour her this Womens month. To stand a chance of winning this artwork by Lauren Mulligan (@blahgrapher), tag a women who inspires you with her integrity and fearlessness. - @capitecbank on Instagram

- Alicia Keys

- Barrack Obama & Family


- George W. Bush and Michelle Obama

- Angela

- Beautiful basketry

✨SO MUCH @beyonce x @amorirstudio for #blackisking ✨ ✨ PEBBLES xl crystal chain square frame ✨ CHOI Crystal chain oval frame ✨ CHOI + custom chain hoops + crystal hoops ✨ custom full crystal glasses, crystal hoops + custom crystal chain hoops ✨ 3 pair of crystal hoops in different pinks and sizes ✨ LENA Crystal and pearl cateye in a Crystal colorway ✨ many pair of crystal chain cateye goggles that clearly survived at least a whole day of filming under water. - @kerinrosegold on Instagram

- Desktop File Organizer

- 4-H project ideas

- Instore

- Sigourney Weaver

- art work

- Architectural Models

- Other

- Donald trump wife

- Creative Workspaces

- Crown Princess Mary

- Aljuhani Denna

- Actualité

- Dressing & Study

- Bootique

- Shirt collars

- Store Window Displays

- Church Stage Design

- 1st families!!!!

- Trump hired Faux-Bama to belittle and fire him!


- bruno banani

- FLOTUS Melania - style!

NEOUS x SELFRIDGES | POP-UP INSTALLATION | DETAIL SHOT THE INVISIBLE MAN THINK_DISRUPT_CREATE_INSTALL We were thrilled to collaborate with NEOUS for the launch of their PRE-AW/19 Women’s Shoe Collection. They asked us to design and produce their Pop-Up Installation @ Selfridges Designer Shoe Galleries on Monday 8thJuly. The brief was to treat an existing Shoe Table with a creative envelope that translated the Core aesthetic’s of the Neous Brand’s DNA, with a Sculptural piece that wrapped and cocooned the installation with a fluid / feminine texture that invites the consumer to engage with the bold yet minimal design. We commissioned and crafted over 130 individual custom made panels that were all unique cut sections that naturally undulated across the full 3.6m length of the installation. We then created 5 x bespoke sculptural forms that acted as shoe risers to elevate the product, these were hand-crafted from timber and treated with a natural stone paint effect and then finished with a Marble surface. The Pop-Up will be live for one month in Selfridges Oxford St / Designer Shoe Galleries which is located on the Women’s / 2nd floor / Shoe Dept. A Huge Thanks to Neil and his team @ RDD_Creative / for all their hardwork on this Project! Credits: Creative Concept: Nathan Hicks @ THE INVISIBLE MAN | CREATIVE Production & Installation: RDD_Creative | Neil Morgan Location : Selfridges Oxford St / Designer Shoe Galleries Website / Instagram links: | @the.invisible.man_creative | @hicks7o | @neous | @rdd_creative #theinvisibleman #think #disrupt #create #install #setdesign #vm #visualmerchandising #creativeart #creativedirection #sculpture #form #fluid #shape #architecture #design #bespoke #handcrafted #artisan #conceptual #minimalist #installation #luxury #retail #shoes #aw19 #luxurydesigner #selfridges #shoegalleries - @theinvisibleman_creative on Instagram

- romeo and juliet 1968

- best vision board

- Queen Letizia

- Display

- This is an actual chair designed to stop manspreading. REAL news sites are covering this with a serious tone. What the fuck. This woman should be the face of asshole design and sexism.

- fancy clothes for fancy events

- Leather weaving

- Santa Barbara Film Festival

“The greatest menace to freedom is an inert people; that public discussion is a political duty; and that this should be a fundamental principle of the American government.”—Ruth Bader Ginsberg How lucky we are to have known a human light so steady and brilliant that saying goodbye is so damn awful. We will keep fighting against inertia and for vibrant civil discourse, Glorious RBG. Rest in Peace and Power. #HERO - @amandalittletrip on Instagram

- Material Library

Museum Ons’ Lieve Heer op Solder heeft slecht nieuws naar aanleiding van het terugtrekken van de toegekende subsidies. Is een van de oudste musea in @gemeenteamsterdam er straks niet meer? #linkinbio - @museumopsolder on Instagram

- Afro Hair Styles

- a very beutiful first lady

- 60s fashion photo

- Celebrities & Trendsetters

- basket

- Bottle Design

- Alicia Keys

- Maquetas

- Curtain / Partition

- Psychology Experiments

- All beyonce style!!!!

. Deployable Structure 1/3 @sasanvahedzadeh . . . #deplorables #architecture #etudiant #ecole #architecturephotography #architecturelovers #deployablestructure #handmade #handmadearchitecture #designer #architectural #maquette #maquettearchitecture #scissorslikestructure #iran #memar #memari #معماری #معماري_مدرن #سازه - @mohsenamiiri on Instagram

- Great shops

- Sonia gandhi


women need to involved in out justice system!!! Rest in Power RGB! - @hoodie_goodies on Instagram

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an environmental champion. From authoring major decisions including strengthening the public’s right to go to court to sue polluters, to joining key environmental moments like Massachusetts v. EPA requiring the EPA to regulate carbon under the Clean Air Act, Justice Ginsburg led the way for environmental action within the federal government.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ She will be greatly missed. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📷: Jenkins R. Michael via Library of Congress - @nrdc_action on Instagram

- bolsos

- Lingerie shop

- jewelry and cool rings

- jeans store

Injecting energy ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Thank you @elleuk #lvvolt - @amfitheatrof on Instagram

- Presidente OBAMA

- art

- Back to College

- Milania trump style

- Milania trump style

- FK

- Jessie Ware

- Home Decor Ideas

COACH X BASQUIAT: UN HOMENAJE AL ARTISTA Coach es sinónimo de estilo neoyorquino sin esfuerzo, una casa de diseño líder en accesorios de lujo, rinde homenaje a uno de los artistas contemporáneos más importantes del mundo, JEAN-MICHEL BASQUIAT. Articulo completo Link Bio Fotografía @coach #Moda #diseñador #estilo - @zeromagazinemx on Instagram


- Art Display


- End me

- Christmas deco

- Ideas for Leo 3

- Engraving Illustration

- art/fashion

- Alicia Keys

- Trump baby

- Best Bar Design and Equipment

Like if you pay more income tax than this guy 👆 - @repjudychu on Instagram

- Notorious R.B.G - « Je suis en désaccord... » Cest un petit bout de femme d1,52 mètre mais la grande dame de la cause féministe aux Etats-Unis. Ruth Bader Ginsburg incarne la dissidence, elle qui a ouvert les portes du droit et de la loi aux femmes. Nommée à vie à la Cour Suprême par Bill Clinton. Elle nest alors que la deuxième femme à obtenir un siège dans le temple du droit américain. En 1956, elle entre en droit à Harvard. A lépoque, elle fait partie des neuf femmes que compte sa promotion, au milieu de 500 hommes, et devra justifier devant le président de luniversité pourquoi elle prend la place dun homme. Dans les années 1970, elle se bat pour le droit à lavortement et oeuvre à réduire les discriminations et les inégalités. Elle remporte dailleurs cinq des six cas quelle défend devant la Cour Suprême, en tant quavocate de lUnion américaine pour les libertés civiles. - @same_inspire on Instagram

- Black and White

- Pantone Merkel

- Lagarde Christine

- Black + White

- Age Whats That

- comercio

Happy Birthday @realdonaldtrump #donaldtrump #happyobamaday - @reformgallery on Instagram

- Amarelo

- *Graphic Tees

- arts

Deployable Structure 3/3 @sasanvahedzadeh . . . #etudier #universite #uni #üniversite #università #architecture #construire #spaceframe #tensegrity #scissors #dezeen #superarchitects #archilovers #memar #memare #memari #ecolearchitecture #architecturestudent #architecturestudents #architecturestudio #architizer #archi_students - @mohsenamiiri on Instagram

- glasses shop idea

- The Usual Developments

- American Politics


- Conceptual Art

- Women right to vote

@sanghoonkim_atelier attempts to represent an active relationship between form and light while creating a feeling of movement and life. The light passes through his piece like the sun shining through trees. Phenomena Room Divider’ is the first in a series that fuses architectural attitudes and natural phenomena into furniture. Reminiscent of waves, the ‘Phenomena Room Divider’ plays with the concept of light. The overall form mimics the movement of light and shadow while the curved sides and multiple layers allow the piece to receive and reflect light from countless angles. The incorporation of light in this piece presents unique illusions through reflection, refraction, and shadow as you view the work at any vantage, making light part of its form. #cggallery #cggarchive #designgallery #design #art #artwork #fineart #gallery #artstudio #contemporaryart #contemporarydesign #designstudio #nycgalleries #interiordesign #interiors #collectibledesign #light #waves #southkorea #seoul - @cristinagrajalesgallery on Instagram

- Document management system

- Brooch A Week 2013 challenge

- Accesorios con textiles


- What the fuck you want?


- Amazing

- Säljarens marknad. Äntligen!

- Darm she deserves this.

Polio survivor and vaccine advocate, Safia Ibrahim with Minister Gould after her speech. - @ramifocus on Instagram

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

- burger time

- Lighting - Stores

- A Toy 200 Marketing

#riprbg #womensrightsarehumanrights - @heathtyler on Instagram

- bag display design

- Michael Obama

- Boîtes

- African American History Month

- Community Wellbeing

A year since I got to photograph @sussexroyal with an amazing group of ladies. #photography#photographer #event#amazingwomen #pr#prphotography - @philippanting on Instagram

- Michelle obama fashion

- An odd choice, but the I always thought the West Wing was the ultimate cosy tv program. Perfect viewing to unwind after a stressful day.

- Art and Fashion

- Brill photo

- Female chief in Malawi broke up 850 child marriages and sent girls back to school. Not all heroes wear capes.

- Jag tar Fördomar för 100, tack

- [FO] Another Shawl, Hot Off the Needles! - A Bit of Hot Radiata

- Retail signage

- Childrens Shop

L’Albero di Ulivo non è solo un simbolo religioso: rappresenta la nostra storia, le nostre radici ed è un lascito continuo di noi al prossimo, manifesti di una storia al tempo stesso ferma e perennemente in movimento. Siamo onorati di aver potuto partecipare con una nostra opera ad un evento così importante per Medici per San Ciro. Le foto dell’opera di Eligio Nigro con il Santo Padre, direttamente da Piazza San Pietro. Città del Vaticano, 11/09/2019 #KeramosGrottaglie #PapaFrancesco #weareinpuglia #ceramics #ceramica #pottery #handmade - @keramos_ on Instagram

- TIL how Donald Trumps hair *actually* works

- Aerin

- bloc acrylique

No words can describe this loss. #ruthbaderginsburg - @her.she.esquire on Instagram

- Beautiful ethiopian women

- Name In Lights

- Joe Biden, Obamas Best Bro

- T shirt Fashion

- Dread goals

- RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Leslies heroine and role model.

- reception desk

- Babs

- Mini Cereal Boxes

- Geometric star

- adult classes

- Me irl

- - CELINE -

- 3D

- Donald Trump & Melania

- Follow the Ruth, me, digital, 2020

- RBG will always be a legend.

- #Trending Now

- Black and White

- ART / Artware