Mahal Nga Kita Mv Profile Pics

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- Arapça

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- @natures_way_is_awesome on Instagram

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kyle echarri new views mahal ng kita mv

There weren’t many good sunsets during our trip to maine, but i really like how this shot came out with the sun poking out where it could from dark storm clouds rolling in. #raw_community_member #raw_skies #raw_allnature #raw_newengland #sunset_illife #sunset_ilike #total_sunset #amazingshots_sunset #bns_sunset #sunset ? #sunsetphotography #sunsetmadness #sunsetgram #sunsetpics #sunsetshots #sunset_and_sunrise #sunset_capture #hey_ihadtosnapthat #sunsetaddict #sunset_today ? #naturehippys_ #1natureshot #rebel_sky #mainephotography #mainesucks #nature_perfection #sunset_fx #moodynaturelandscapes #fiftyshades_of_nature #raw_waters - @johnzphotography on Instagram

i refuse rani lakshmi bai amar chitra katha i decline i reject

- Hand-illustrated map of Puerto Rico! [OC]

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- easy yellow

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4 интересных факта о Поставах 👍 ⠀ В Витебской области всего в 20 км от белорусско-литовской границы находятся Поставы. Этот 20-тысячный город ведёт свою летописную историю с начала XV в. и когда-то был одним из экономических и научных центров Речи Посполитой. ⠀ 4 факта о Поставах: ⠀ 🔸 Род Тизенгаузов История Постав тесно связана с родом Тизенгаузов, который с 1720 по 1796 гг. владел городом. Особый вклад в развитие Постав внёс гродненский староста Антоний Тизенгауз (появление мануфактурного производства и перестройка улиц). ⠀ 🔸 Здания в стиле барокко В Поставах сохранился целый комплекс зданий в стиле барокко, которые были построены в 1770 – 1780-х гг. по проектам архитектора Джузеппе ди Сакко. Во время прогулки по этому городу может показаться, что вы находитесь в Западной Европе. ⠀ 🔸 Костёл Святого Антония Падуанского Одной из главных достопримечательностей Постав является неоготический костёл Святого Антония Падуанского (на фото), построенный в конце XIX – начале XX вв. Выполнен из красного кирпича и находится в живописном месте. ⠀ 🔸 Центр ремёсел «Стары млын» В Поставах можно обучиться различным ремёслам (например, изготавливать керамику) в центре ремёсел «Стары млын». Он расположен в здании XIX в., которое раньше являлось водяной мельницей. Исторический дух повсюду! ⠀ 📌 Где находится: Витебская обл., Поставский р-н, г. Поставы 🚌 Как добраться: 🔹из Минска – рейсовый автобус «Минск – Поставы» от автовокзалов «Центральный» и «Восточный» (несколько раз в день); 🔹из Витебска – рейсовые автобус «Витебск – Поставы» (несколько раз в день), «Витебск – Нарочь» (1 раз в день); 🏠 Где остановиться: гостиница «Поставы», гостиница УП ЖКХ Поставского района. ⠀ #belarustravel #visitbelarus #беларусь #belarusphoto #beautyofbelarus  #туризм  #путешествие #discoverbelarus #nashabelarus #экскурсиивбеларуси #чтопосмотретьвбеларуси #достопримечательности #музеибеларусь  #фотобеларусь #фотодня #photooftheday #поставы #антониотизенгауз #костёлсвятогоантонияпадуанского - on Instagram

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É possível encontrar no município da Barra de São Miguel, litoral sul alagoano, uma bela nascente esverdeada que dá origem ao Rio Niquim. O Rio Niquim fica às margens da praia de Niquim, formando uma bela e grande enseada com exuberantes ilhas cobertas de mangues. É um lugar bastante frequentado pelos banhistas e ideal para curtir em família. Possui diversos bares na beira do rio que oferecem estruturas e serviços para todos os gostos. Fotos: Mila #alagoas #maceió #milagres #maceio #nordeste #natureza #nature #rio #rios #nascente #travel #turismo #viajar #viagens #viagem #love #lazer #mochileiros #lugaresincriveis #brasil #dicasdeviagem #praia #naturelovers #praias - @lugaresincriveismaceio on Instagram

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🎊 PROF. ZDRAVKO KRIVOKAPIĆ BIĆE PRVI DEMOKRATSKI PREMIJER VLADE CRNE GORE - ČESTITAMO SVIM GRAĐANIMA 🤝 Svi poslanici nove parlamentarne većine potpisom su podržali profesora Zdravka Krivokapića za mandatara prve demokratske Vlade Crne Gore. - @pokretura on Instagram

mahal kita krisha mahal kita krisha

Autumn received - @janxdesign on Instagram

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- Black and white coffee

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🏕 - @luca__mag on Instagram

kebaikan bni syariah hasanah jalan kebaikan assalamualaikum sahabat

pursuit of happiness @embrow67 #holidays #2019 #goodvibesonly - @ubc on Instagram

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#dockersalgeciras #dockers #ttialgeciras #ttia #cmacgm #containership #estibadoresalgeciras #estibadores #estiba #cmacgmkerguelen #ship #puerto #bahiadealgeciras #gibraltar #algeciras - @dockers_algeciras on Instagram

deepwoken text textbubble reaction meme

New commissioned work in honor of Claude Monet and the 125 year anniversary of his arrival in Sandvika, Norway. It’s located where several of his paintings in Norway were done🎨 #claudemonet - @duerart on Instagram

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- Bella maia

rilakkuma kawaii cute bear san x


mks valentines mahal kita mahal kita sobra jta

- Youtube creators adding forced Featured content annotation overlays to their own video, while in the middle of their video, with no ability to remove it.

miggi bismillah

- ESL Grammar

inarizaki miya atsumu aran ojiro ojiro aran atsumu

💛 - @gitarantini__ on Instagram

kstr kochstrasse abc alphabet letter k

- Serving religious tía meme realness

i love you mikoy mahal kita mikoy uy

- Yoruba language

matvision opticamatvision oma

Con pintura se tapa la mugre... Con pintura se pinta un mural... Con pintura se escriben pensamientos... Con pintura no se tapan ideas... Eso simboliza el miedo a que más personas se sientan identificados con tu forma de pensar... #1923 #mural #artecallejero #expresarte #conciencia #arte #art #cuba #cubarte #pintarte #canserbero #graffiti #calles #palacalle #matatattoo #arteconsciente - @19mataviera23 on Instagram

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#Repost @frederikmaesen ・・・ Je hoeft niet ver te reizen om mooie plaatsen te ontdekken. #visitzonhoven #visitlimburg #toerismelimburg #dewijers #reflection #wolken #clouds #zonhoven #altijdlimburg #sunnyday #wanderlust - @visitzonhoven on Instagram

lindu aji siap

- The man at the bookshop wrote down suggestions for books. Ive never seen anything so beautiful. Hes a lefty.

minzy 2ne1 %EB%AF%BC%EC%A7%80 %EA%B3%B5%EB%AF%BC%EC%A7%80 minji

¿ Quién nos cuida de la policía? . . . . . . #cali #valledelcauca #paronacional #protestas #revolution #10S #colombia #reuters #graffiti #fotoperiodismo #narcoestado #photojournalism #nomasesmad #renuncieduque #revolucion #war #acab #fuckpolice #primeralinea #photography #igers #corruption #paronacional - @photoarga on Instagram

hahaha 5555

#offenburg #kinzig #kinzigtal - @absolutelyclawsome on Instagram

suntok sa buwan mas love kita love lodipaps mahal kita

That grass!! #windowcleaning #waterfedpole #cleaningservice #cleanshinecalgary #cleaninglife #cleaningyyc #bestservice #projob #businesslife #lifeincalgary #calgary #yyc #localstuff #servcie #homeandgarden - @cleanshine_calgary on Instagram

bongaem kaadu sticker antha scene ledu abba cha edchavle

- china language

suntok sa buwan mahal kita ily i love you aga muhlach

Tag someone you would take here 😍 Via: @lux.interiors By: @matiasderada - @earth.travels on Instagram

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Business time as the seine comes together... Almost time to purse the bottom and hand sort the catch. It doesnt get any better... #sustainable #cornerinlet #victorianseafood #handselection #liverelease #melbournechefs @goodfishproject @1fish2fish.portalbert @nic_backhouse @nickmahlook - @victorianseafood on Instagram

garalph monthsary i love you mahal kita

Id found peace 😊 - @marteye.manarh_ on Instagram

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- @magtanny on Instagram

kyle echarri new views mahal ng kita mv

- Begrijpend lezen kleuters


Gaga gölü 😍😍❤️❤️☘️🎄🌿🌲🌳🍀☘️🌿🍂🍁🎍🎋🌱🌵❤️❤️❤️❤️ bu tip görseller icin Takip et ➡️ @kampkaradeniz arkadaşını etiketlemeyi unutma !!! 😉😉😉🔖 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🎥 @ ➖➖➖. 📍. #manzara #kampkaradeniz #kamp #istanbul #artvin #rize #trabzon #ordu #giresun #samsun #bayburt #gümüşhane #tokat #amasya #çorum #sinop #kastamonu #zonguldak #bartın #karabük #düzce #bolu #yayla #kamp #türkiye#instagram - @kampkaradeniz on Instagram

i love you dane manalad mahal kita mahal na mahal kita love kita

Positivity Walls filling up nicely at Centennial Park and Venice Beach. Stop by and add your good vibes 🌈 - @cityofveniceflorida on Instagram

bnisyariah milad kebaikan hasanah jalan kebaikan

Today I received this in my letterbox. It came from a kid who lives around the corner and loves Real Pigeons. Trent the twig is his favourite character – and this found twig does look A LOT like Trent. It was a total highlight of an iso-birthday spent indoors. And it just goes to show: a little bit of nature can go a long way. 🌲 🐦 - @mrandrewmcdonald on Instagram

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Η πανέμορφη διαφημιση που γυρίστηκε πρόσφατα στα Ιωάννινα! Δ. Χρόνης. Σπαρταθλητης. Εταιρεία ασφαλήσεων ΝΝ. - @ioanninacityguide on Instagram

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- The beautiful Ringebu Stave Church in Oppland, Norway dates back to 1220. Archaeological surveys of the ground under the church in the early 80’s resulted in the finding of about 900 old coins, mostly from about 1217-1263

kyle echarri new views mahal ng kita mv

Adventures on a boat called Lucy. What could go wrong??? #aimfortheducks #whywonttheboatgostraight #whatdoesitsayaboutuswhenCharliecandrivebetterthanbothofus #nexttimewehireadriver #regentspark #paddingtonbasin #london #summerholidays #backtoschool - @manyalovesrathbone on Instagram

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- Perry Poetry & Atticus

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- 23 nisan etkinlikleri

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- Ack Värmeland, du sköna

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- @nirmala_untold on Instagram

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¿Conoces a los humedales altoandinos? El Salar de Tara y Surire son algunos de los más conocidos en el norte de nuestro país. En Chile existen más de 60 salares repartidos entre las regiones de Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá y Atacama. Son ecosistemas fundamentales para la diversidad biológica en el desierto, y de gran importancia por sus procesos hidrológicos y ecológicos. 👉 ¡Cuéntanos cuáles otros conoces! #salares #nortedechile #desiertochileno - on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

- Art: Miniature

dene wala jab bhi deta

🎉🍾✨🧡Estamos muy felices de anunciar que los cortometrajes:    AKÁ de Adolfo Fierro y Juan González  @gonzuan   Y    Obāchan de Nicolasa Ruiz  @lasaruiz   Son parte de la selección oficial de cortometraje documental del Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia  @ficm Que se realizará del 28 de octubre al 1 de noviembre 2020     Pronto anunciaremos las fechas de proyección!!!  🐯💖🌟🍃   #cineparatodos #cineparaotakus #cinemexicano #documental #chihuahua #mexicojapon #salondebelleza #nicolasaruiz #adolfofierro #juangonzalez #ficm #festivalinternacionaldecinedemorelia - @salondebellezamx on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

- Almost a shame to cut the lawn.

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Good morning! Check out this badass setup. Sorry we can’t translate, but you can hit the translation link to at least get an idea of what he’s writing! — Posted @withregram • @fillaripk Saattaapi ihan pikkasen reissukuume nousta - piti tänään jo ennen kuutta herätä pähkäilemään ja pohtimaan mitä sitä reissuun mukkaan tarvitseekaan. Ja pitihän se packraftiini ilmat laittaa ja koe ripustaa pyörä päälle. Ehjä on ja homma toimii. Pieneen tilaan sen saa DUDEn tuohon keulaan laitettua ja tärkeää köyttää se kunnolla kiinni - ohjaustanko on hyvä myös tukea kunnolla ettei pääse lerputtammaan. Kouvola & Kymijoen kuohut - here we come, no viiden yön perästä vasta.... @visitkouvola @blackburndesign @canyon @canyonowners @bongecompany @sigg_finland @persauki @camuhelsinki @voilestraps #bikerafting #bikepacking #worldbybike @ourfinland #mycanyon #canyondude #fillaripäiväkirja #fillaripäiväkirja2 - @thebikeraftguide on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

Were so excited to announce the winners of our Anything that Floats 2020 costume contest! Most Creative- this prize goes to Andre & Kent for their totally awesome dragon and caterpillar float! Best Costume- Asa Fortner takes the prize for this one. We loved the creativity he and his mom showed out on the river! Most Environmentally Friendly- The winner for this one is Patricia Malone and her clean water crew! Thanks to all who participated in support of clean water in western NC. We cant wait to do it again next year! #AnythingThatFloats2020 #CleanWater #FrenchBroadRiver - on Instagram

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- easy korean words

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

- Förskoleklass materialtips (purchase for school)

abba sticker cha aha alaaga

Hi, this is my actual mood today. I just discover @sp.vore au and just had to draw something 😋 Pd: Its not for the past contest, its just a fanart xd #southpark #dtiys #gore #blood #cannivalism #sp #kenny #butters #bunny #draw #sketch - @ctm_no_es_garabato on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

- About Islam French

taqabbal allahu minna wa minkum accept god with us and you sparkling text

Le soleil la nuit laurore qui se réunisse et une photo la nature et un don que lon doit préserver aimer et chérir nous serions pas la sans elle 🌍🌍🌍🌞🌞🇨🇮🇨🇮 #manulephotographe #photo #photoshop #irlande #irishphotography #naturephotography #nature #jonquille #printemps #sony #plante #etangs #paysagedereve #paysageirlandais #paysage #jobdereve #carrickonsuir - @manu_pictures14 on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

- Beach theme wedding invitations

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- @layeguada09 on Instagram

ranran crazy

- citati


Shoutout to all my craters! #ecuador #quilotoaloop 📸: @drefahm - @samccarthy27 on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

Forest. #fotografia #me #india #sunset #instalike #cute #likes #nikon #followme #smile #portraitphotography #followforfollowback #streetphotography #photos #lifestyle #selfie #photographylovers #foto #girl #l #blackandwhite #myself #a #sky #music #makeup #artist #picture #instaphoto #insta - @photographybsc on Instagram

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- Birds

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- who did it😤

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Анонс на 30 сентября. 30 сентября в 10:00. Ботанический сад-институт ДВО РАН. Программа для детей Дубы-колдуны. г. Владивосток, ул. Маковского, 142. 30 сентября в 10:00. Сделано в Приморье: фестиваль тайги. г. Владивосток, на пешеходной площади между улицей Семеновская и улицей Адмирала Фокина. 30 сентября в 10:00. Ботанический сад. Осенняя ярмарка луковичных. г. Владивосток, ул. Маковского, 142. 30 сентября в 10:00, 15:00. Музей истории Дальнего Востока имени В. К. Арсеньева. Сказки с молоком: 10:00 - «Приключения Шустрика», 15:00 - «Румпельштильцхен». г. Владивосток, ул. Светланская, 20. 30 сентября в 11:00. Приморская государственная картинная галерея. Персональная выставка произведений Олега Подскочина «ТЕОФАНИЯ». г. Владивосток, ул. Алеутская, 12. 30 сентября в 11:00. Выставка «Роман с камнем Екатерины Великой. Глиптика из собрания Государственного Эрмитажа». г. Владивосток, ул. Алеутская, 12. 30 сентября в 11:30. Приморская государственная картинная галерея. Икона «Четырёхчастная» в рамках цикла выставок одного произведения древнерусского искусства «Святые лики». г. Владивосток, ул. Алеутская, 12. 30 сентября в 18:00. Музей истории Дальнего Востока им. В.К. Арсеньева. Пешеходная экскурсия по городу «Владивосток Архитектурный». г. Владивосток, ул. Светланская, д.20. 30 сентября в 18:30. Академический театр им. А. М. Горького. Спектакль «Эдит и её демоны». г. Владивосток, ул. Светланская, 49 Автор фото:@valya5413 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ По рекламе в whatsapp: 89241222589 или в direct ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #afisha_vl #vladivostok#ig_vladivostok - @afisha_vl on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

- Blursed_concrete

fu hua

#streetart #urbex #graffiti #engine #custom #wallart #streetgraffiti #baleine #wallart #graffitiart #yellow #orange #blue #buggy - @mathieu_1976 on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

Forest and oasis :) - @forest.pictures79 on Instagram

sarangay anito anito legends pinoy

- Te Reo Māori Map of Aotearoa/New Zealand [OS] [OC] [3072 × 4336]

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

Find us strolling through the streets of Kaya Kaya • December 21st • for your free copy of issue #2! @kayakayaparty #curacao #kayakaya #holidays 🎄 🎅🏼 - @thefoodiemag.saborie on Instagram

text animation jateng jateng gayeng jawa tengah gayeng

- Oc name ideas

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

PREORDER YOUR SIGNED COPY! We are excited to share that you can now preorder Unbuilt 2.0: Architecture of Future Collectives. . Visit our website to place your orders. . #unbuiltarchitecture #unbuiltideas #unbuilt #design #designer #innovation #cities #reading #modernarchitecture #modernism #ideas #architecture #indianarchitects #heritage #indianarchitecture #books #read - on Instagram


Todo listo para mañana. Muchos clubes darán vuelta la pagina y escribirán un nuevo capitulo en la historia del deporte. @clubderemoteutonia #salvemosaldeporte #nosalgasdelagua - @suarezrow on Instagram

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine

DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA Yang Ke 75 Sekali Merdeka Tetap Merdeka Spesial Hari Kemerdekaan #MUSIKALISASIDA #PUISIDENTAMIEN #PUISIINDONESIA #PUISIMADURA #PUISIMILENIAL 🗣️ @dent.amien & @aprildv_ 📝 Dent Amien 📷 Vector 🎼 Tanah Air (Cover) Terima Kasih Yang Sudah Nonton Video Ini Salam Literasi DENT AMIEN Karya Dan Rasa [#] #dentamien #musikalisasi #puisi #puisiindonesia #puisinusantara #puisidaerah #literasi #literasikita #literasimedia #literasiindonesia #temancurhat #temanbercakap #tempatbercurhat #tempatbercakap #nadabercakap #videokata #suarakata #sajak #sajakkita #sajakindonesia #suarahati #risalahhati #madura #indonesia - @dent.amien on Instagram

bismillah aamiin

Ludovicaolgiti my LOVE....🔥❤️ @ludovicaolgiati @ludovicaolgiati @ludovicaolgiati - @ludovicaolgiatimylove on Instagram

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- This art at the new BBQ joint in town.


- 1st grade

kyle echarri kjpe new views mahal nga kita kycine


bnisyariah jalan kebaikan milad hasanah kebaikan

Las paredes hablan. Las calles cuentan historias. ¿Dónde más encuentras nuestras canciones? Comparte tu foto en historias arrobándonos para que podamos verlas. #Mana #BenditaTuLuz - @manaoficial on Instagram

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- Administração

faye faye_tan fayetan faf bongo

- alles so schön bunt hier (sagt Nina H.) 霓

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- [Useless Info] All the Legendary Pokemon in this image are in column order when the image is flipped.

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#hkhike #hkhiking #hkhiker - @big_mic_mic on Instagram

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- Calligraphy, Hand Lettering...

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- Yoga - kids

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- Someone make a meme out of this

taichanbm taichan pekanbaru bang mali taichan bang mali persada radio

Jadore rire ! - @mr.koro___ on Instagram

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

Umbrella Alley ⠀ 124 W Texas Ave in Baytown, Texas ⠀ What a surprise to come across this colorful gem in historic Baytown. There are 120 umbrellas hanging along this short alley and when this picture was taken the sun was directly overhead casting very distinct shadows. According to what I found on Google this installation was created by the Baytown Tourism Team and the mural art was done by the Lee College Art Department. ⛱⛱⛱⠀ ⠀ #baytowntx #baytowntexas#inspiretravelnow#yourshotphotographer - @juliechapaphotography on Instagram

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Rough Patch 137 by Daniel Walsh. - @daniel.peter.walsh on Instagram

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

A safe and healthy outdoor activity just catching the end of the good weather. Group walk around Dovestones Reservoir with the #Manchester group #YoungPeopleCan - @gmyouthnetwork on Instagram

grand kamin

الأوقات دي هتتكتب في التاريخ. Living in Lockdown - @kareemelsayedvlogs on Instagram

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

- @natarshawalsh on Instagram

kamiko kana kana kamiko vtuber swaying

- Lake Spirit

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

- Graphic Art

rilakkuma %E9%97%AE%E5%8F%B7 confused thinking what

Amitiés swipe collaboration with @the_littlebrother and @cabut183 in Solothun, Switzerand. Crazy wall in a crazy place with crazy peoples. thanks to my bro @renauddobeck for coming. Thanks @the_littlebrother for the hospitality and the nice talks.. Nice meeting with @cabut183 Hope to see you soon bro✌️ #graffiti #postgraffiti #wildstyle #mural #attisholz #postGraffiti #abstractGraffiti #muralism #swissgraffiti #neograffiti #postvandalism #graffuturism #bauhaus #graffitiart #urbanart #abstractmural #spraycanart #nadibBandi #louane #cabut183 #graffitism #architecture #newbauhaus #littlebrother #bandi #soleure - @nadib_bandi on Instagram

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

MAGIC workshop with kids and @timtimmey #Taketomorrowback #Norrastation #Söderhamn #mittsoderhamn #shamnkultur #visitsoderhamn #fastpartner @leonkeer @spidertag @timtimmey @kulturkossan @fastpartner @inspiration_soderhamn @sparbanksstiftelsen @Radisisoderhamn @coloramahillboms @passionaire @marijespelbos @m.ronstrom @antonlarsson @goranhanell @juliamarja @sparbanksstiftelsensoderhamn @leonkeer @spidertag @timtimmey @noreedaniel #wewalkinbananas #wewalkinlove ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ TAKE TOMORROW BACK - @norrastation_streetart on Instagram

rilakkuma divider

Seeking is Finding 2020 New Brighton, The Wirral UK Thanks to all the guys @rockpoint_leisure for the invite, the local community and @molotowheadquarters for the support! 📸 #wip Photos by @bokehgo Our first wall of 2020 based loosely around the Wallasey coast which was well known for ship wrecking. Wallasey and the Cheshire coast were known for ship wrecking. They called themselves fishermen or small farmers, but their main occupation was luring vessels onto the sand banks and causing wrecks. There was a great deal of smuggling going on in these parts of Britain. No one knows when it first started in Wirral as the practice had been going on for many years. In a report of the Royal Commission of 1839, Cheshire and Cornwall were said to be the worst in the Kingdom for wrecking. It stated that on the Cheshire coast not far from Liverpool, they will rob those who have escaped the perils of the sea.They would hurry down to the beach, dragging carts, wheelbarrows and anything that would hold the loot. Horses and even oxen would be brought down to pull the heavier goods away. Fishermen would use their nets to gather in floating casks of brandy. They seemed to adopt the slogan Seekings finding and findings keeping. #nomadclan #newbrighton #rockpointleasure - @nomad.clan on Instagram

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

- Cubans be like...

kamiko kana floof vtuber

#myfavoritecolors ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 @amsterdamacrylics #spraypaint @royaltalensfrance #wip #mural @villechenove impasse Jules Ferry #Chenove - @stoulpeintresse on Instagram

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

Tre regioni, un solo Parco..!!🌲🦌😎 - - - - - - #abruzzo #lazio #molise #park #nature #naturephotography #mountains #lake #landscape #travel #holiday #adventure #exploring #italy #igers #igersitalia #ig_italy #followforfollow #panasonic #lumixgx80 #borghitalia #barrea #moments #summer #follothesun #adventuremood - @adventuremood_ph on Instagram

ak artyom k

🇬🇧 🇮🇹 🇬🇧 Like a shard of jade embraced by emerald forests and crowned by rugged peaks, Lake Tenno is truly one of the most stunning lakes in Trentino. Formed just 900 years ago after a landslide blocked off the valley, it has nothing to envy its older, larger and better-known neighbour, Lake Garda. Furthermore, the area around Lake Tenno is renowned for its “carne salada”, a kind of salted beef served raw or cooked, and no visit would be complete without sitting down and savouring this local dish. ~ 🇮🇹 Un diamante turchese incastonato nel verde dei boschi. Con le sue acque limpide, il lago di Tenno è reso ancor suggestivo dallisoletta al suo centro. Una breve nota per i più golosi: la zona è famosa per la carne salada. 😋 #visittrentino #trentinowow #italy @gardatrentino Regram 📷 by @vincentcroce . . . . . . . . . #trentino #viaggioinitalia #traveltoitaly #lagoditenno #laketenno #tenno #gardatrentino #lake #naturephotography #landscape_captures #naturelovers - @visittrentino on Instagram

kyle echarri mahal nga kita mv new views kycine

“Light up the darkness.” Bob Marley #berlin #festivaloflights #2020 #covid19 #berlinerdom #fehrnsehturm #spree - @creat_iveshoots on Instagram

¡Día de estirar las Pestagnas! 🌚 Hoy Pestagnas tan largas 2 de @tanlargaspestagnas_grego nos habla de futuro, quesos y sapitos. 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Para conseguir este y otros libros de #galeriaeditorial ingresá a nuestra hermosa web Link en bio #editorial #pestagnastanlargas2 #dibujo #chiste #editorialindependiente - @galeriaeditorial on Instagram

- TWR Asia

- Teen titans funny

SYLS went on a cruise for today’s family trip!! Some families went to the beach! Where did your family go? #SYLSquarantinetrip Check back next Friday to see where we will go! - @livingstontownshipnj on Instagram

- ITAP of Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius in Russia

- Apparently, showers turn quotes into alien runes.


- Calligraphy/Beautiful Sayings

Und gleich zum Start ins neue Jahr wollen wir euch informieren, dass ihr jetzt mit neuen KISS-Zügen schneller an die Küste kommt! Was ist denn KISS fragt ihr euch????? 👄 Ab Mai 2020 hat die @deutschebahn die Einführung und Umstellung abgeschlossen: Ab dann gibt es mehr Fernverkehr 🚊 zwischen Dresden und Rostock. Alle zwei Stunden und von Berlin aus, seid ihr sogar in sportlichen 2 Stunden an der Küste mit der IC-Verbindung. 🚀 Und die KISS-Züge sind die neuwertigen Doppelstock-Züge mit mehr Platz, mehr Komfort, mit Fahrradstellplätzen und kostenfreiem WLAN! - @mv_now on Instagram

Uçansu şelalesi Antalyanın Gündoğmuş ilçesinde bulunmakta. Belli bir noktaya kadar tabela var fakat son düzlükte yol üçe ayrılıyor, en soldaki yola sapılması gerekiyor. Ben yerel halka sorarak buldum. Navigasyondan çok onlara güvenmişimdir genelde 😊 Antalya merkezden yaklaşık 3-3.5 saat sürüyor fakat kesinlikle buna değiyor. O kadar yolu gitmişken ya kamplı gidin ya da günü Eğrigöl Yaylası ile birleştirin derim. Araları yaklaşık 40 km. Fakat yollar hep dağ yolu. Yani aracınızın buna uygun olmasında fayda var. Bu arada mevsimi tam bu sıralar. Yani mayıs sonu Haziran başı. Kar sularıyla coşarak görsel bir şölen sunmakta kendileri💚 Ve son olarak lütfen ama lütfen kirletmeyin. 📸 @bezgin.gezginn #kamp #kampanyalıürünler #camp #camping #camprail #kampçılık #gezilecekyerler #gezi #geziyorum #antalya #antalyaturkey #antalyaturkey🇹🇷 #kesfet #kesfetteyiz #dogadasin #doga #photograph #wednesday #wednesdaymotivation #picsart #followforfollowback #foll #instalike #instagood #insta #green #amazingplaces #amazon #neslicantay #happybirthday - @antalyasokakta on Instagram

Let the celebration continue!!! Praise God for all He is doing through Mission Family Nights! #missions #nsnmissionfamilynights #ptl #himalayas - @fefe2028 on Instagram

🎣 Lily Creek Boat Ramp...A Great Fishing Spot 🐟 #lakecumberland #kentucky #fishing #fish #travelsafe #travelideas #cabins #hotels #familytravel #bassfishing #outdooradventures #outdoors 🎣 - @lakecumberlandvacation on Instagram

Schattenspendende Bäume 🌳🌲und die Kühle des wilden Wassers 💦 lassen die Breitachklamm an warmen Sommertagen ☀️ zu einem wahrlich erfrischenden Erlebnis werden. Schon gewusst? Wenn man genau hinsieht, findet man in der Breitachklamm auch viele Tiere und Insekten wie z.B. Wasseramseln 🐦, Bachforellen 🐟 oder Gämsen 🦌 #klammliebe #ausflugmitkindern #urlaubindenbergen #familienurlaub #urlaubinösterreich #atemberaubend #abenteuermitkindern #wandernmitkindern #oberstdorf #kleinwalsertal #heimaterkunden #naturforscher #insekten #wasservögel #augenauf #essinddiekleinendinge #heißetage - @breitachklamm on Instagram

- F

Será el mejor verano en años? - on Instagram

- Learning korean

I Miss The World 🎒 #traveler #travel #landscape #landscapephotography #globetrotter #travelphotography #travelgram #traveltheworld - @__annalisasambin__ on Instagram

Francesco e Valeria hanno scelto Settembre, mese dai colori caldi, per celebrare il loro amore. Dai unocchiata al nostro nuovo blog su #weddingreportage #bridedress #weddingphotographer #fineartwedding #weddinginitaly #italianweddingphotographer #newblog #blog - @photo_studio_battipaglia on Instagram

- MeMes

- Germanys Public Broadcaster ARD is hyped for Season 2

The Bryson Line - Day 12 Inverness to Crask - 79 miles. What a day of two halves. I woke to a wet morning of grey, mist filled drizzly rain with low cloud and poor visibility. As I peddled out of Inverness through a seemingly never ending industrial estate I crossed the Kessok Bridge and started making my way through back roads and cycle paths. After an hour the drizzle let up but clouds still filled the skies and did nothing to enhance my mood. 40 miles later I arrived in Tain and, lacking enthusiasm for another lunch of co-op pasta eaten on a park bench and headed for a cafe instead and it’s from this point on the day began to change. The food was beautiful (just the two courses) tasty, well priced and great portions and if you’re ever passing through I can thoroughly recommend Platform 1864 as a stop off point. Upon leaving the clouds had started to clear, the scenery put its best hat on and what was to follow was the best few hours of the tour and possibly the best hour of cycling I’ve ever done. As the afternoon wore on the clouds disappeared completely leaving only vast and expansive blue skies in every direction. Having stocked up on food in Lairg I pushed on north I search of a wild camp spot. I’d only planned to peddle for 20 minutes or so but 90 minutes of pure cycling joy later I realised I needed make camp for the night and savour the rest tomorrow. The road was beautiful, the tarmac near perfection, traffic but non existent, views to dies for and a slight incline to make you feel your were earning every inch of it. Thankfully there was a gentle breeze blowing as I made camp for the night so I am pleased to say so far the evening has been midge free. Here’s to hoping it’s the same come the morning when it’s time to move on.. #brysonline #thebrysonline #cycle #cyclelife #cycletour #cycletouring #bike #biketouring #biketour #adventure #getoutside #uk #staycation #scotland #sustrans #ncn #SayYesMore - @andy_bartlett on Instagram

Trick or treat? Looking dry and mild for #Halloween next Monday in #Wales. - @derektheweather on Instagram

- green aesthetic

NEW ARRIVALS SUMMER SALE check the link in bio Featured artist Patricia Dinu #contemporaryartlondon #artsyphotography #photography #affordableart #londonartgallery #contemporaryart #newarrivals - @secretartltd on Instagram

1st Day on upcoming music video for artist @spasovviktor. Filmed in beautiful Strängnäs 😍 Director / DP @gustaffagerberg Gaffer @fredrikperssonfilmproduktion - @fredrikperssonfilmproduktion on Instagram

- Varför det är farligt att dricka öl

- What do we think?

🎉 GIVEAWAY 🌻⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ To celebrate our opening day (Friday, September 25th), we wanted to do something fun for our customers who’ve been with us through all the ups and downs this year! ⁣⁣ ⁣ We’ll be choosing 3 winners who will each receive a Holland Ridge Farms gift card. When you visit our u-pick sunflowers you can use it to pay for your picked flowers, souvenirs...or both!⁣ ⁣⁣ 1st prize: $50 gift card ⁣⁣ ⁣2nd prize: $25 gift card ⁣⁣ 3rd prize: $10 gift card ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ***HOW TO ENTER*** ⁣⁣ 1. Share this post to your story ⁣⁣ 2. Tag someone in the comments who has never been to the farm before ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ***IMPORTANT INFORMATION*** ⁣⁣ We will be picking three winners from Facebook and three winners from Instagram at random on 9/25 at 4pm. Winners will be notified in the comments. Enter on both platforms for a better chance of winning! ⁣ ⁣⁣ 🚨 Don’t forget! Tickets are on sale now (link in bio) ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Good luck! 🍀 Photo credit @carlostigs - @hollandridgefarms on Instagram

- cycle 2

A tractor in the bay keeps the sharks away. 🚜 · · · · · #costadacaparica #almada · · · · · #amar_lisboa #super_portugal #portugal_lovers #wonderlustportugal #weshareportugal #portugalcomefeitos #portugal_em_fotos - @timtimruivo on Instagram

Udah weekend aja nih yuk nonton @raffibillyandfriendsttv Di @transtv_corp Jam 14.00, banyak Giveaway nya buat kalian,pantengin trus, jawab pertanyaannya dan dapetin hadiahnya #raffibillyandfriends #raffiahmad #billysyahputra #tvshow #tvprogram #indonesia - @bimpolano on Instagram

Les pistes cyclables arborant la Moselle avec de magnifiques paysages 😍 - @drone.life57 on Instagram

この夏の想い出✨北海道篇 青い池は本当に息を飲むほど青かったです😊 Memories of this summer in Hokkaido✨ This famous blue pond can be the highlight of your Hokkaido trip👍 July 2020 #家族旅行 #旅行好き #旅行好きな人と繋がりたい #子連れ旅行 #travelphotography #kidexplorer #familytrip #travelwithkids #国内旅行 #japantravel #traveljapan #旅フォト #japantravelphoto #親子旅 #子連れ旅 #北海道旅行 #美瑛 #青い池 #3歳 #hokkaidotrip #biei #bieihokkaido #bluepond #macscreensaver #3yearsold #beautifulscenery #日本の絶景 #観光スポット #絶景スポット #beautifulnature - @nana_travel20 on Instagram

- Adobe Create and Behance

#futureisours #parentsparents - @parentsparents on Instagram

- Djdydktdfafuafigakah kgaigkjauayadudakydaluflyaffaflywfylwguwhwx

- Where my love of lettering and Echeveria meet 3

If I were ever to get some sort of revelation it wouldve been this✨ . . #juuka #thisisfinland #rainbow - @markusshoots on Instagram

Thank you, first responders! The signs @hawkeswine and @jimtownstore speak for all us. The Kindcade Fire stoped just short of my family’s property line, but our hearts go out to so many of our neighbors who weren’t as fortunate ❤️💔 - @paulamarcheschi on Instagram

- 😨 Brasil: um país de youtubers

#TBTdoSagaz de hoje, direto de Nikity quando eu brotei no Break Time Sessions da UFF. Porque se tem música e universitário, eu tô dentro. Saudades de brotar num bailão desse! 🔥 E falando em festival, hoje começa o BTS que vai reunir vários talentos da música universitária carioca. 20hrs no instagram da @giuliacosta. BROTA.⚡️😎 📸 @gabriguerra_ - @redbullsagaz on Instagram

- Illenium in yellow

- Kata kata

- really makes you think...

- Jolie phrase

#λεξτγκ #λεξαρος #λεξ #τεχνηγιακολλημενους #τγκ #ραπ #χιπχοπ #quotes #rap #rapquotes #rapmusic #lexaros #lextgk #lex #hiphopquotes #hiphop #hiphopmusic #tgk #texnigiakollimenous - @lex.t.g.k on Instagram

Without a paddle 🦢. Long Melford Country Park, Suffolk. . . . #swan #riverstour #river #beauty #isolationwalks #photography #ukcountryside #countrysidephotos #nature #ukphotography #uknaturephotos #amateurphotographer #amateurphotography #green #water #tranquility #peaceful #quiet #countryside #suffolk #englishcountryside #longmelford #longmelfordcountrypark #visitlongmelford @suffolkmag @naturelover_gr @_suffolk_wildlife_photography - @uk_nature_photos on Instagram

Los usas 5 minutos y tardan cientos de años en desaparecer de la tierra. Exacto, hablamos de plásticos de un solo uso. Estos son causantes de la muerte de miles de animales marinos y aunque suena imposible terminamos consumiéndolos por medio de alimentos o el agua que tomamos. 😟 A veces sentimos que consumir plástico es una necesidad, que cambiar nuestro consumo de plástico y aprender a manejar los residuos adecuadamente es difícil, pero no lo es cuando la razón para hacerlo es cuidarnos a nosotros mismos. Si cuidamos lo que usamos nos cuidamos a todos. 🌿⚡️ #useyourpowerforgood #plasticfree #plasticpollution #zerowaste #contaminacionambiental #inspiration - @agencia_verde on Instagram

Its starting to feel a lot like sumer.🌄 . . . . #pics_pt #portugalcomefeitos #portugalemclicks #portugal_em_fotos #portugalovers #portugal_a_gramas #portugalsemefeitos #portugal #photography #photooftheday #portugaldenorteasul #paisagem #paisagens #paisagismo #paisagemnatural #paisagemlinda #landscapephotography #landscapelovers #landscapes #landscaping #landscape #landscape_captures #landscape_photography #nature #natureza #natureloves #naturephotography #naturelover #natural #nature_perfection - @olissipo_photography on Instagram

Global #FDI flows could plunge by up to 40% this year, falling below $1 trillion for the first time since 2005, @UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2020 finds. Link in bio #UNCTADWIR #WIR2020 - @unctad on Instagram

- Spring day bts

De esta salimos juntos. - @_omar_quiroz on Instagram

- language

Naše krásná #zelenahora 🌟 @explorevysocina @unesco @unescoworldheritage @unesco_eu @czech_cultural_heritage #zelenahora #unesco #travel #cestovani #cestovanicz #cestovanipocesku #tipnavylet #vysocina #vysočina #travelphotography #krasnecesko - @zamekzdar on Instagram

📍 Lago Arvo - Ciao amici e buon pomeriggio ❤️ Oggi faremo un altro doppio giro nella nostra Lake Discovery calabrese. 👉 Il lago Arvo è un lago artificiale situato in provincia di Cosenza, fra i monti Melillo e Cardoneto, vicino al comune di San Giovanni in Fiore. Con una capacità di circa 70 milioni di metri cubi di acqua e una lunghezza di 8,7 km, in Calabria questo lago è il secondo in grandezza dopo il lago Cecita. Il lago è collegato con il lago Ampollino tramite una condotta in galleria. La riva nord è frastagliata, mentre quella sud più rettilinea. Il fondale è coperto principalmente di sabbia e ciottoli.👈 ❗️Questo lago fu creato tra il 1927 e il 1931 sbarrando il fiume Arvo e i ruscelli Bufalo e Fiego allo scopo di creare un bacino idroelettrico. La diga del lago Arvo è unica nel suo genere in Calabria, in quanto realizzata non in cemento armato e calcestruzzo, bensì in argilla e terra compatta. Lunga 280 m (record di quel tempo), e alta 22 m, allepoca della sua realizzazione era la più lunga e grande diga costruita in Italia. Il progetto della diga, completamente rivoluzionario per quellepoca, poté essere attuato grazie alle caratteristiche del bacino idrico, meno ripido rispetto agli altri bacini silani, e quindi esercitante una minor pressione sulla diga stessa. A fine lavori, terminati nel 1932, la diga e tutto il suo complesso vennero inaugurati dai principi Umberto di Savoia e Maria José.❗️ Ci siete mai stati? - 📸 Foto di @iamfrascl 👤 Selezione di @muffahh 🧩 Official Hashtag: #igerscalabria - @igersitalia @igerscosenza @corriere La foto si trova anche sulla nostra pagina Facebook 😊 - #igersitalia #igerscosenza #lagoarvo #calabria #volgocalabria #yallerscalabria #ig_calabria #calabriadaamare #destination_italy #ig_italia #italiainunoscatto #ig_italy #italybestplaces #prettylittleitaly #lake #mountainlovers #nature #mountainworld #loves_madeinitaly #italiainfoto #italiastyle20 #bestvacations #bestplacestogo #borghimagazine #beautifuldestinations #naturephotography #super_italy #earthfocus #corrieredellasera - @igers.calabria on Instagram

Günaydın ☀️ Yeşilliklere çıksın yolumuz 🌿 Hafta sonları çok kalabalık olan Sülüklü Göl’e bayramın birinci günü gittiğimiz için tenha halini yakalayabildik. Bir de tam manzaraya karşı olan piknik masasını boş bulduğumuz için keyfimize diyecek yoktu. #bolu #mudurnu #sülüklügöl #roamersclub #ig_roamersclub #travelblogger #mytravelgram #photooftheday #nature #naturelover #travel #wanderlust #travelgoals #travelpicture #travelcaptures #roamtheworld #travelpost #traveldaily #placetovisit #gezilecekyerler #geziyoruz #gezginler #gezelimgörelim #yolaçıkyolaçık #beautifuldestinations #gezginlerbirarada - @evrimertekin on Instagram

Only one day left until weekend! 😊 If you are planning to visit us at Kg. Salang, Tioman Island, please contact us or 013-766-4363 📷: @paanhassan #scubanaut #scubanautdivecentre #scuba #scubadive #scubadiving #dive #padi #padidivecentre #tiomandive #divetioman #tiomandiving #divingtioman #tioman #tiomanisland - @scubanautdivecentre on Instagram

嘉明湖洗版結束❤️ #嘉明湖 #天使的眼淚 - @yahueilin on Instagram

The Devil’s Bath • • • #rotorua #landscapephotography #landscape #thermalactivity #newzealand #volcano #iphone #shotoniphone - @robshots on Instagram

- Mexception

- Who needs the V anyways

I recently had a little holiday and discovered a lot of new places. This is called Turano Lake (Lago del Turano), and this water is so clear that I really enjoyed to have a bath. In the next posts I will show u more pictures about it and about other places I never went before, between Umbria and Lazio (Italy). . Are you curious to see more? . . . #lagodelturano #turano #lazio #rieti - @gianluigi_it on Instagram

- Meme relevante


【ふわふわしゃぼんと花畑】 連休中の3日間、レモンブライトの花畑でシャボン玉を飛ばします♪ 雨予報ですが…その時間に降っていなければ開催いたします! レモンブライトの見頃は連休までとなりそうなので、お早めにお越しくださいね。 日にち/9月20日(日)・21日(月)・22日(火) 時 間/9:00~・11:00~、各30分間 場 所/原っぱ東花畑 . . 公園では、皆さまの撮影した写真を募集しています。ぜひステキな写真を投稿してください。 ①「#昭和記念公園写真館」をつける ②「撮影年月日」をいれる ※人物の顔がうつっている場合、本人の了承を得ていることが条件となります。 . 投稿いただいた写真は、公式アカウントでもご紹介させていただくことがございます。 お気軽にご参加ください。 . #昭和記念公園 #立川 #公園 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #tokyo #tachikawa #travel #landscape #park #flowers #rainbow #コスモスまつり2020 #しゃぼん玉 - @showakinenpark on Instagram

💔💔💔heart broken😭 - @pppeterontheway on Instagram

Bijna herfst maar hier krijg ik geen genoeg van! 🦋🐝☀️ #prachtigalmere #omroepflevoland #woneninalmere #almerevooriedereen #almeredezeweek #super_holland #naturelovers_photogroup #nederland_ontdekt #waterschapzuiderzeeland #mooiflevoland #flevopolderinbeeld #heelholland_fotografeert #heelnederland_fotografeert #dernederlanden #holland #rebels_nature #rebel_sky #rebel_scapes #butterfly #dernederlanden #netherlands #ig_netherlands #instanetherlands #holland #ig_discover_holland #super_holland #holland_netherland #hollandinbeeld #holland_photolovers #thisisholland #catch_holland #tophollandphoto #hello_nl #nederland_ontdekt  - @wiets_pictures on Instagram

- Nachdem wir uns gestern noch über amerikanische Demonstranten mit Arbeit macht frei-Schild lustig gemacht haben, lief heute in Freiburg dieser Herr auf einer Demo rum

The best decision is based on life experience. And life experience is gained from decisions that are never wrong . #exploreterusbah #exploreflores - @feqadimara_ on Instagram

Amazing painting of Son Goku ssj by @jamesllewis - @dbz_badass on Instagram

- I hope you guys enjoy what I made in class today :)

Photo by me #powerofphotography #photo #photographer #photobyme #rainbow #rain #afterraining #panorama #soogood #🌈 - @power_of.photography_ on Instagram

Bom dia meus amigos!!! Gostaria de agradecer aos envolvidos e patrocinadores deste grande projeto chamado Caravana Farroupilha Virtual 2020, que nos trouxe a alegria de voltar aos palcos , e a esperança de um povo muito mais unido! A Caravana está acontecendo diariamente até o dia 30 de setembro. E tem a realização da @famurs e o patrocínio do @banrisul , #corsan @riograndeseguros e @governodoestadodoriograndedosul Agradeço o carinho e a lembranças desses incansáveis pela cultura gaúcha , @marquinhoskroeff , #fabricioharden e #Camilaquinteiro pela condução especial do projeto! Foto* @zecarlosdeandrade #vivaoriogrande #vivaogaúcho #vivaasemanafarroupilha #vivaaculturagaúcha - @marcelooliveiracanariooficial on Instagram

- Comic Art / Pop Art

- ¿Cuál está peor?

Why no fly here ?!! . Tell us your best location that is a no fly!! . Tag a mate who needs a drone well send them 5% off their next purchase! . . . #djiinspire #djimavic #dji #djispark #djiphantom3standard #djiphantom4pro #photographylife #dronelife #casa #dronecompiler #dronephotography #drone #dronestagram #forsale #distributor #noflyzone #pilots #helipad - @dji.australia on Instagram

Petit retour sur ce samedi 14/12 à st jean de luz ! 😋 #latelierdesenfants #begoodnbask#lespetitspassages#lechaletduperenoel#donibanelohizune - @saintjeandeluzmaville on Instagram

- Think poster!

Alhamdulillah. Akhirnya, mini album TIKAS sudah rampung. Album TIKAS mengusung konsep Instrumental Lullaby (lagu bobo). Meski kualitas audio alakadarnya dan baru ada di satu platform jadul wkwk, setidaknya hari ini aku sangat-sangat bahagia dengan pencapaian ini. Tak ada ekspektasi lebih, cuman kepingin punya album solo. Dengan ini, berkuranglah, lunaslah lagi salah satu utang rasaku pada hidup. Terimakasih bang @enu_wsnu & um @mawang.s.i yang sudah rela membantu proses rekaman dan juga terimakasih kemek @mita.kulsum yang sudah donor vocal. Terimakasih sudah ikut andil dalam penggarapan proyek cetek ini. Dan pada siapapun yang harus aku berterimakasih padanya. Aku ucapkan terimakasih banyak sampe kebanyakan! 💛💛💛 Berikut 6 judul lagu yang dikandung dalam album TIKAS: Mother Lover Son & Daughter Home Hope Death Buat teman-teman yang sudi denger album TIKAS ku, sila klik tautan bio ku. #tikas #album #minialbum #ep #instrumental #lullaby #true #loving #manner - @adesalfarisi on Instagram

Pretty stoked - we Got our 1st little piece of machinery today 🚜. Little upgrade from the old shovel .. let us know at @summitplumbingandgas if we can help you out with your next project. Wet or Dry hire available just slide in to my DMs for more info legends .. #excuvator #1.7 #hitachi #nodignoride #idigaustralia - @guy240 on Instagram

- Bild äldre barn(9-12 ca)

⚠️ I M P O S I B L E ⚠️ Imposible plasmar la belleza del lugar, esperamos que se intuya... ¿¿¿Cuál ha sido el último sitio donde la naturaleza te ha maravillado tanto que las fotos no le hacían justicia??? ¡Gracias por comentar! 🙏🏼 #visitpirineus #inpirineos #catalunyaexperience #descobreixcatalunya #catalunyanatura #ok_catalunya #ig_catalonia #raconsde_catalunya #vibe_natureza #visitspain #discover_catalonia #gopro #goproes #adnlleida #ok_spain #elmeupetit_pais #EspanaPic #epicphotographers #gopromoff #ideiasgp #gopromafia #catalunya_natura #iamtb #poblesdecatalunya #spain_vacations #adventurenthusiasts #hikingtheglobe #hikingbangers #mountainplanet #splendid_mountains - @furgoyporteo on Instagram

- This braille message covered by a smooth panel

- Blursed_slorp

- Handlettering

- the meta shitposts are the best ones

- Stow Lake

- The π I wrote hit different

- Beautiful World | Nature

- เพราะเราชอบเขา เราก็เลยยังอยากเก็บทุกอย่างที่เป็นเขาไว้ในใจของเราเสมอมา -⛅🌈 #เจ้าสีฟ้า ⛅_skyline - @skyline23132 on Instagram

blue, blue, electric blue... #Annecy #france - @matthewbalmforth on Instagram

Small mountain dam #djimavicmini #diga #bormio #sancolombano - @dji_mavic_mini_world on Instagram

Warning agak sensitif . . . . Tags #dagelan #memeindonesialucu #memeanimeindonesia #ngakakkocak #Videolucu #memeindonesia #memelucu #memekomik #lucuabis #komedi #humor #memekocak #bikinrame #ngakak #ketawa #gambarlucu #guyonan #gamerindonesia #rajangakak #asupanmemeuseless #gaming #ngakakkocak #guyonan #darkjokesindonesia #aslingakak #asupanmeme #videokocak #rameinaja #ragecomics #videongakak #randomparatolols - @dapit10_ on Instagram

- Spanish / Flashcards

- Porta-potty graffiti making real points

- Ito ang #mood ko pag may nakikita/nababasa/napapanood na naman akong kabalbalan ng gobyerno sa news

Who needs to travel by road? @shinju1971 in a beautiful Romany surf #worldwide #ocean #seakayaking #kajak #river #worldsport #sports #sea🌊 - @ndk_seakayaks on Instagram

Vor 75 Jahren endete der zweite Weltkrieg und es begann die längste Friedensperiode in Europa. Tiefe Gräben des Hasses wurden mit viel Mut durch Brücken der Freundschaft überwunden!🇪🇺 #PulseofEurope #Peace #BetterTogether - @pulseofeuropeaustria on Instagram

- Yellow

| Three windows of a typical British Building. . . . . #minimal #minimalism #minimalist #tv_minimal #architecture #arkiromantix #pocket_minimal #gominimalmag #tv_simplicity #killerminimal #minimalzine #ptk_architecture #lookingup_architecture #jj_geometry #doorsandwindows #ig_minimalshots #accidentallywesanderson #wesandersonplanet #ic_minimal #travel #uk . ↳ Cotswolds, United Kingdom - @19th85 on Instagram

- fiverr

Lleva la barca hasta la albufera  Y pon el verano en un mostrador Deja el equipaje en la ribera  No te sirve cuando cruzas la frontera  Deja el equipaje en la ribera  Para verte como quieres que te vea ⛵💚 . . . . . . . #valencia #igersvalencia #valenciagramers #valenciagram #reflections #loves_valencia - @jotademoli on Instagram

- Ay! Palayan? Gawin natin subdivision yan

Finished. Poolside bar. Masseria Fontana di Vite. - @peter_schuyff on Instagram

- StorySign@IKDesign

- Monet fish pond in Japan

- Work by the youtuber cyprien

happy fourth!🤙🏻 let’s all help fix our country.🛹 - @chloe.niz on Instagram

Halfway point. It doesn’t feel right yet but it’s half of a process and I think the second layer will bring it all together. - @joekingatl on Instagram

A flat calm day in the 100 Wild Islands . . . #kayaking #seakayaking #atlanticocean #novascotia #explorens #explorenovascotia #explorehalifax #nature #wilderness #maritimes #atlanticcanada #photography #discovernovascotia #discoverhalifax #visitnovascotia #travelhalifax #halifaxnoise #visiteasternshorens #exploreeast #capturenovascotia #nsoutdoornetwork #tourcanada #explorethecoast #enjoycanada #100wildislands #coastaladventures - @coastaladventures.ns on Instagram

- Color Photography

- You can ignore the message as it might offend many but I wrote 8 pages for the first time in almost 6 months and this is how my handwriting looked.

#isolasanta #lago #lake #nofilter #green #blue #mountains #wild #landscape #landscapephotography #nature #naturephotography #peace #rest - @ms_kodama on Instagram

- Branding, Identity and Stationery

- My stories are all about the differences and similarities between the humans and my aliens, the Axelf, so I thought Id give them a language.

No te pierdas hoy a partir de la 20:00 horas el segundo capítulo de Visiones de Queilen 20 años del Reitimiento de Chancho!!!!! Facebook cultura y Facebook muniQueilen. - @culturamuniqueilen on Instagram

Sometimes what youre most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free. - @mrs._.darling13 on Instagram

What beautiful mozaics on the alley between The Mill and GBK. Have you seen them and do you know who designed and created them? - @kingstontownsurrey on Instagram

pernah belajar berenang ama snorkeling di @bungajabebeach di bawah bimbingan bang jack @jackarimun & tehnik ngasih makan ikan ala mbak @tiwiiiiiw :) oiya slide kedua biasa lagi moyan aja aku mah. 📷 : @deby_natalia #sibujang #syarikatidolaremaja - @sendyslys on Instagram

The fish has the power to calm me, and you? #natural#piece#love#lovenatural#photography#nikoneurope#nikonphotography - @worldofphoto6 on Instagram

- Different languages

- Field in Fresno, CA. (3024X4032) -OC

- 🤔

- Parachute Games

Bessonada per la República! - @jordicasadesus on Instagram

Attention all travel lovers!❤️ .. Do you want to be the first to get your hands on the Tripdoodler webapp? .. Helping us shape the tool to be the best sustainable travel planner for all types of travelers 🤓💙 .. Well guess what! We would like to have you on board. This means we want you to become our next BETA tester! 😍 .. Do you want to hear more? Send us a dm and we will tell you more about the process. 🙏 .. #tripdoodler #bytravelersfortravelers #travelplanning #travelinspiration #maldives #photoinspiration #betatest #sustainabletravel - @tripdoodler on Instagram

- [Self] cant believe this was 2 years ago.. Take me back to another con pleaseeee..

. . . . . . . . #kungfupanda #kungfu #panda #kungfupanda3 #kungfupanda2 #cartoon #instagram #instadaily #instalike #instamood #soccer #motorcycle #likeforlikes #like4likes #likeforfollow #like4follow #followforfollowback #daily #cars #car #pic #instagood #photo #music #gold #power #instafood #art #fanart - @kung_fu_panda_series on Instagram


- I think whoever made this book is a total quack

- Tigeraugen tattoo

When one place has all your heart 💚💙 Whats your favorite place? . . #azoresislands #azoreswhatelse #visitazores #super_azores #corvo #corvoisland #azores #azoreslovers #azoresportugal #azoresgetaways #forbestravelguides #forbestravel #bbctravel #azoresairlines #portugalemcliks #natgeo #naturelove #portugaldenorteasul #visitazores #discoverazores #azoresislandgirl #azoresexperiences #azorestravel #azoresadventures #shareazores #traveltheworld #byacores - @catyy.n on Instagram

- Capa

I passed this canal art along the Grand Union Canal, on my way to Spaghetti Junction. I don’t recognise the characters though. - @canal_is_king on Instagram

- Tried googling 88 degrees Fahrenheit to check how much it is in Celsius and google converts it to Kelvin instead.

- Det är fredag och första maj, mina bekanta!

- Edip Cansever

- I recreated something using an interactive artpiece

United Colors of Mitsubishi. Paseando por el barrio te podés volver loco... 🤯🔴🟡🔵 #lucaclasico #mitsubishi #colors - @luca_paolino on Instagram

Key Grip : @husarleo . . #husarleo#gripby#keygrip#grip#carmount#griprigs#gripsupport#gaffergrip#griplife#gaffer#gripdept#rigginggrip - @husarleo on Instagram

- ARTISTS SKETCHBOOKS, letters, manuscripts, mail Art

- Art

Best team in the world...! @kimberleyverburg & Jochem Cats! Love you to the moon and back! #bestteam #kvlovesjc #graffiti #streetart #maassluisgraffiti #loveyoutothemoonandback - @jochem_srek_cats on Instagram

La natura non si ferma, nemmeno noi! Stiamo lavorando per ritornare, più forti di prima! #prossimamente The force of Nature doesnt stop, not even us! We are working to return, stronger than before! #comingsoon @montepulcianocountry #borgodellemore #poggioolivo - @montepulcianocountry on Instagram

この夏の想い出✨北海道篇 美瑛ではたくさんの絶景に出会いました😊 全て農家の方々の日頃の努力の賜物なんですよね❣️ステキな景色ありがとうございます💕 Memories of this summer in Hokkaido✨ What a breathtaking scenery of the colouful hills❣️ We had a chance to chat with local farmers and learned how much efforts they put to make these happen😆 Thank you so much for the amazing landscape💕 July 2020 #家族旅行 #旅行好き #旅行好きな人と繋がりたい #子連れ旅行 #travelphotography #kidexplorer #familytrip #travelwithkids #国内旅行 #japantravel #traveljapan #旅フォト #japantravelphoto #親子旅 #子連れ旅 #北海道旅行 #美瑛 #3歳 #hokkaidotrip #biei #bieihokkaido #3yearsold #beautifulscenery #日本の絶景 #観光スポット #四季彩の丘 #colorfullandscape #viewpoint #絶景スポット #美瑛の丘 - @nana_travel20 on Instagram

🌞 Von Jahr zu Jahr gibt es mehr wundervolle Radwege am Gardasee, wie diesen hier in Limone sul Garda. 🚲 🍋 🥰 Liebe zum Gardasee ist auch der Wunsch, den Urlaub Stück für Stück ein wenig nachhaltiger zu gestalten. 🌱 Zum Abschlusstag der Europäischen Mobilitätswoche möchten wir euch Möglichkeiten zeigen, das Auto auch im Urlaub einmal stehen zu lassen. 🚲 🌳 🚌 Busse und Nahverkehr am See: 🚲 🛵 Verleihservice, um vor Ort mobil zu bleiben: ⛴ Gardaseefähren sind oft der schnellste Weg von einem Ort zum anderen: 🚄 Anreise mit der Bahn: 🚌 Anreise mit dem Fernbus: 🚲 🍋 Mehr zum Radweg in Limone: 🚲🌼 Mehr zum neuen Radweg in Brenzone: #gardasee #gardasee2020 #lagodigarda #lakegarda #urlaub2020 #limonesulgarda #emw - on Instagram

I took a globe and asked my friends if they could travel where would they want to go. Some answered with travel plans that were cancelled (thank you Covid 19) others just a lovely thought since we are all social distancing, quarantining, self isolating, etc. I take miniature people and glue them on their desired location. Need more miniatures to catch up with the requests. #travel #travelphotography #covid19 #isolation #sarasota @guth_photography - @guth_photography on Instagram

😍😍😍 - @jp_food_adventures on Instagram

- 20th Annual Lake Worth Street Painting Festival

- This was probably taken 5 years ago. My little brother is in the photo

- Introverts at Work

- Cloud watching/Nephelococcygia

Que maravilla la laguna arcoíris es una postal que no la puedes dejar pasar cuando la visitas #lagunaarcoiris #parquenacionalconguillo - @lugaresdechileytodoelmundo on Instagram

- Probably one of the worst town flags ever designed- The town of Isle aux Morts, Newfoundland

Danke für die Einladung @waterkant.festival Wir freuen uns, dieses Jahr mit einigen Projekten aus der ALTEN MU auf dem Waterkant Festival 2019 dabei zu sein:@instrumentsofthings, @glueckslokal, @siebeneck.kiel , @gradweise Architekturatelier, @kulturgrenzenlos , @planungsbuero_fut , @ubernauten und C20 Institut für Transformative Utopien. Kommt zu unserer Session am Freitag, 14 Uhr auf der Bühne @coworkland Info zu Programm und Tickets in der Veranstaltung. - @altemu.impulswerk on Instagram

⚠️ Не выключая конвейер хороших новостей, сразу после потрясающего видосика, спешим обрадовать вас ещё больше 🙌 ⠀ Итак, мы отменяем повышение цены и продолжаем принимать всех желающих последний раз в году отправиться с нами на о. Аскольд 🔥 ⠀ Но не стоит расслабляться, мест осталось совсем немного, отправляемся уже в эту субботу! ⠀ За подробностями пишите в директ ✏ . . . #askold #sunkeepers #cliffdiving - @sunkeepers on Instagram

- It was Mr Grab, with the spray can, under the expressway

Parquemet 〰️ Empezamos de a poco a poder caminar al aire libre, a llevar a los niños a correr, y por eso ¡estamos felices! ⁣ ⁣⁣ 🌿 ParqueMet es uno de los lugares que ha tenido una apertura gradual, y desde el Lunes 7 de septiembre abrirán nuevas entradas; Pío Nono y Zapadores, entre las 10:00 y las 18:00hrs.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🌿 Además, desde el 12 de Septiembre, podrán las comunas que se encuentran en fase 3 de preparación, aprovechar del Parque de lunes a domingo por las entradas de Pedro de Valdivia y La Piramide⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 👉 Aún esta abierto sólo para peatones, no para ciclistas ni autos. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 👍 Por la entrada de Pedro de Valdivia pueden visitar el mural del artista @el_cekis, que representa flora nativa. ¡Está buenísimo!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⛩Además a partir del 31 de agosto también se abrió el Jardín Japonés y el Jardín Mapulemu., ambos con cantidad limitada de visitantes⁣ ⁣ 👀 Tenemos que ser responsables con las instrucciones y medidas sanitarias de cada lugar para que ¡nos cuidemos entre todos!⁣ 📷 @benjagremler - on Instagram

- My park has a bench with child helplines painted on it

- Yes, its a real place.

- @bumil__indo on Instagram

⚓ #minimalmood - @fraukuss on Instagram

- Alaska Young

- Under Water Wallpaper [1920x1080]

Единственное в своем роде на Алтае. Похожие есть только в Йеллоустонском парке в США. Загадочное. Ученые до сих пор не раскрыли секрет его происхождения и возраст. Удивительно прекрасное и красивое. Его зеркальная гладь - это палитра оттенков голубого и бирюзового с постоянно меняющими белесыми узорами. Перед вами, оживший срез малахита. Всего в нескольких сотнях метров от Чуйского тракта, вблизи села Акташ в Улаганском районе, притаилось оно, настоящее чудо природы. Небольшое в диаметре и прозрачное настолько, что даже самые глубокие места, где порядка 2-х метров, выглядят будто там по колено. Люди ошибочно назвали его гейзерное. Из-за напоминающих кипение рисунков в толще воды. Никаких гейзеров в озере нет и быть не может. Гейзеры – это горячие источники паров и газов, бьющих из недр там, где магма подходит близко к земной поверхности или поблизости существует не остывший вулкан. Причина же здешней диковинной картины, иная. Ледяные донные родники. Один большой и четыре маленьких. В результате их деятельности из глубины поднимается взвесь мелкого песка и голубой глины, которая и рисует замысловатые картины. Бесперебойные источники оставляют озеро холодными даже в июльский полдень. По этой же причине оно не замерзает в зимнюю стужу. Отправимся любоваться им вместе? В Новом туре на Алтай с 18 по 20 сентября. Осталось два последних места. #туры #гейзерноеозеро #горныйалтай #акташ #турынаалтай #турывгоры #отдыхвгорах #bestvacations #nature #altaymountains #photocontest - @khanina_ob on Instagram

Wenn ihr Situationen wie diese beobachtet, fragt die betroffene Person ob sie Unterstützung braucht!! #chalkback #ankreiden #catcallsofmuenster #catcalling #muenster #stopptbelästigung #stopstreetharassment - @catcallsofmuenster on Instagram

Plastira Lake °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° #lakeplastiras #plastiraslake #thessalia #igthessalia #thessaly #thessaly_greece #explorethessaly #mythessaly #mountainview #greece🇬🇷 #greecestagram #greecelover_gr #greece_travel #greece_moments #greece_lovers #greece_nature #visitgreece #greece #iggreece #igphotography #iglake #iglandscape #igexplore #mountainview #mountainlovers#igphotography #igexplore #canon #canonlovers - @lost_in_thessaly on Instagram

A volte ci chiediamo se stiamo sognando ! Poi ci rendiamo conto che questo è semplicemente IL LAGO DELLE FATE ! #nature #lake #lagodellefate #lovenature #lago - @lagodellefate on Instagram

- Find quotes

- Inspirerad av u/Isterbollen (Skatteverkets meddelande som används är ett scammeddelande, men den passade bäst i bilden.)

Лыжники спортивной школы ГО Спасск-Дальний @spassk_ski провели турслет вместе с родителями. Все участники остались довольными, получилась дружная команда👍. #спасскдальний #спасскадмин - @spasskadmin on Instagram

😍У нас всегда такое красивое небо, не правда ли? ⠀ Приезжай к нам и увидишь его в живую! 🤗 - @chintacamp on Instagram

Cahuil - VI región . . #chiletravelrepost #chile #laguna #lake #yoamoviajarporchile #followme #instatravel #chiletravel #travel #chile_shots #travelphoto #nature #naturephoto #pichilemu #cahuil #landscape #naturelovers #landscapephotography #landscape_lovers #chilegram #viajeporchile #visitchile #Go_Chile #naturaleza #landscapelovers #picoftheday #fotodeldia #chile_bloggers - @chileshots on Instagram

- Stawamus Chief, Squamish, British Columbia

Efter @elovolsson krig på Gästrikeled och @drageryd kamp på Bergslagsleden har jag blivit sugen på att göra något liknande innan man blir för avdankad. Valet föll på Bergslagsleden och lördag 19september 06.00 med start i Kloten är det dags. Alla de 17 etapperna och totalt 28 mil ska besegras. Målet är att göra detta under 36h. Till min hjälp finns några riktiga hjältar, men finns självklart plats för fler. - @anderskleist on Instagram

- The ending scene of The Little Mermaid (1989) was the first instance in a Disney feature to utilize digital ink & paint technology [with the CAPS computer system.]

☀️ - @cod3xz on Instagram

- Arabic language

“If ‘I love you’ was a promise, would you break it if you’re honest?” #billieeilish - @akaa_yuuki on Instagram

Glacial Lake Lokuv Photo by @ekoveapi 2020 #mavrovonationalpark #glaciallake #lokuv - @mavrovonationalpark on Instagram

- Christmas

- @ella_bertilsson on Instagram

Uns fehlen die Worte ... #chalkback #ankreiden #catcallsofmuenster #muenster #stopptbelästigung #stopstreetharassment #catcalling - @catcallsofmuenster on Instagram

Hot air balloon over Lake Plastiras #hotairballoon #hotairballoonviral #hotairballoons #lakeplastiras #plastiraslake #thessalia #igthessalia #thessaly #thessaly_greece #explorethessaly #mythessaly #mountainview #greece🇬🇷 #greecestagram #greecelover_gr #greece_travel #greece_moments #greece_lovers #greece_nature #visitgreece #greece #iggreece #igphotography #iglake #iglandscape #igexplore #mountainview #mountainlovers#igphotography #igexplore #canon #canonlovers - @lost_in_thessaly on Instagram

- Art ko lang po, ginawa lang para sa pagdiriwang

Bota 10 conto ai,que eu vou ali gravar um vídeo! - @rodrigomozan on Instagram

- CrossPost From/r/Avicii From tomorrowland

Incrível trabalho do artista @brunolyfe, em um mural em produção no @ruawalls! A região portuária do Rio de Janeiro, está se tornando um dos maiores painéis de arte urbana a céu aberto, e Colorgin está fazendo parte desta estória. Fotografia:@douglasdobby. #colorginarteurbana #colorgin #spray #tintaspray #graffitiart #graffiti #grafite #arteurbana - @colorginarteurbana on Instagram

- boeken

Die Astroboys! JOHANNES KEPLER, morgen, 08.08.2020, 20.15 Uhr, arte #astroboys #kepler #susanneutzt #christiantwente #christophbach #benjanssen #frederikbott #peterbrownbill #heikopinkowski #danielfleischmann #swr #br #arte - @heikopinkowski on Instagram

The famous H2O OC 2020 Banana People😁And right after this (maybe 30mins) they all got maced 😑🥺 Shop for I survived H2O OC 2020 👕👇 ⬇️ Follow my Brands ⬇️ 🏁🏁 Trendy Clothing and Cool Gadgets for Auto Enthusiast @co2passions 📢Motivational Clothing & More for Modern Day Society🌞 @black_diamonds_clothing My Affiliates: @steveadams1002 @trucarworks @modified_chicks @revnation @nationalgclub @hardy915 (On The Street Mag) #h2o2020 #carlifestyle #cars #carsofinstagram #car #carporn #carswithoutlimits #carphotography #supercars #instacar #h20ocmd #cargram #automotive #h2oi #amazingcars #instacars #porsche #s #carlovers #carstagram #photography #audi #auto #jdm #luxurycars #luxury #h20oc #carinstagram #amg #bhfyp - @buckets_co2passions on Instagram

Loch Doon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿☀️If youre looking for somewhere to do wild camping this is the place, it warmly welcomes wild campers free of charge, plenty of pitch areas, parking plus a kiosk selling hot/cold food right at the loch. We only discovered this place yesterday! Well worth a visit! #scotlandtravel #reflection_perfection #nofilterneeded - @scotland_greatbritain on Instagram

- TIL Disney began the myth that Lemmings commit mass suicide by faking the scene in the 1958 documentary White Wilderness. The filmmakers h imported the lemmings into Alberta then herded them off a cliff into a river—which you’d never see them do in nature.

- #Jaimelanjou

Am 28. Juli 2010 haben die Vereinigten Nationen den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser und einer gesicherten Sanitärversorgung als Menschenrecht anerkannt! 10 Jahre #waterisahumanright Danke an @vivaconagua - @veedelskraemer on Instagram

- Autismo

Das touristische Motto von Visperterminen 2020 lautet Kinderfreundlich. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Das Dorf ist gemäss diesem Motto dekoriert, Spielplätze wurden renoviert und die gewohnten Attraktionen für die Kleinen sind bereit. Die bekannten Spielhäuser haben jeweils Nachmittags Mi/Fr/So geöffnet. #heidadorf #visperterminen #wallis #valais #sommer #schweiz #switzerland #familie #family - @heidadorf on Instagram

Петербургский художник Loketski создал новый арт-объект под названием «Алиса в Недоумении», в котором он обратил внимание на отсутствие обещанного парка, об этом художник сообщил в своем Instagram. «Жители Парнаса регулярно проделывают кроличьи норы в заборе, лишь бы оказаться в обещанном сказочном саду. Однако за синим забором их ждет все тот же „сказочный“ пустырь», — написал он. Компания «Главстрой-СПб» обещала разбить парк на Парнасе два года назад. Фото: @loketski - @piteronline24 on Instagram

Salar de Makgadikgadi. Where Botswana meets Bolívia. . Will you join us when Botswana reopens its international borders? . #giantmirror #makgadikgadi #botswana 🇧🇼 . . . #thisisafrica #botswanasafari #saltflats #botswanatourism #adventuretravel #botswanatravel #makgadikgadipans #a2asafaris #journeysofalifetime #josecortesphotography - @a2asafaris on Instagram

- My Instagram crashed when posting a photo of my trip to Yellowstone, this was on my camera roll afterwards (original image on the right for comparison).