- True !

- A Stryker Combat Brigade Team returns from the field [1944x1269]

- Arte sci fi

- Canadian Leopard 2A4M-CAN (3352 × 2068)

- An old Christmas clipping I saved. It’s the most depressing and guilt-ridden comic I ever read.

🍃 . . #fadedbeautyindecay . #darkart #lostplace #urbex #abandonedcentral #lostplaceGermany #the_urbex_institute #savethedecay #urbexartists #urbex_utopia #souls_hunters #darkart #abandonedworld #lostplacebelgium #fadedbeautyindecay #urbex_kings #urebx_europe_ #Abandon_seekers_ #urbex_regards #made_in_decay #creepy #sanatorium #urbanexploring #vergesseneorte #Ruhrgebiet #urbexgermany #grime_lords #froggy_explorers #grime_reepers #psychiatry #rsa_preciousjunk #urbex_supreme - @nero.urbex on Instagram

- BMP-2 of the Russian 6th Separate Tank Brigade [1200x800]

- Take a better look

- where

- Dr. Seuss anti-nazi cartoon, 1940

- I always thought it was smaller.

☆☆ Ad AsTrA pEr AsPeRa ☆☆ Gran noche en un sitio increíble y en buena compañía. Mereció la pena el esfuerzo, se disfrutó más el momento. Gracias por la invitación al crack de las localizaciones que es @lebiakhon, con las iluminaciones que idearon él y @carlos_sanxez Además conocí la astrofotografia de @vann_amrak • • • • • #urbex #abandoned #urbanexploration #abandonedplaces #urbex_supreme #kings_abandoned #ig_urbex #decay #urbexworld #urbexpeople #decay_nation #jj_urbex #all_is_abandoned #grime_nation #grime_lords #urbanexplorer #abandoned_junkies #abandonment_issues #urbanexploring #urbex_rebels #sfx_decay #urbex_utopia #ig_abandoned #aband0n_all_h0pe #ic_urbex #urbandecay #milkyway_nightscapes #milkywaychasers #milkywaygalaxy #nightphotography - @enrique_rdem_photo on Instagram

- Lord forgive me for what I’m about to do

- @dark.apocalyptic on Instagram

- The panzer has spoken

- Finnish Army Leopard 2A6 tank platoon at Pohjankangas training area [2040x1360]

- SU-35s vaping

- Dr Seuss, We Always Were Suckers for Ridiculous hats. DATE: 1940s

- short funny stories

- Don’t lie you hit the execute button every time while grinding mobs

- Canadian army Leopard 2 traverses a river (2048x1366)

- ITAP of Milky Way in an vacant lot

- The Times Cartoon - Its Not the End of the World!

- Man Ki Baat - Cartoonscape - The Hindu

- He Did it!

Maßnahmen müssen vollzogen werden.. 😂 - @netzhypee on Instagram

- Ah, Sanctuary Actually Has An Electronics Store That Totally DOESNT Resemble A Failed One IRL.

- [OC] LAV driving on the outskirts of Rutbah, Iraq [3072x2304]

- The youngest B-52 in active service is about 57 years old - talk about a different era [1080x1080].

Coming out 2021! - @sophunsorth on Instagram

- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

- Retro Robots: With all the talk of AI and automation taking peoples jobs lately, this image from the 1950s hits hard.


- this tells alot about out society

- A Finnish Soldier looks upon a burning village, The Continuation War, 1944

- Aliens Vs Humans, and Crop Circles

- Battlefield memes

- Government secrets

- Shots

- B

- Hergé

- If sci-fi movies were realistic

- M60A1 main battle tank caught blowing a smoke ring

- Its sad because they were thwarted. Deal with it contard.

- Phantom taking off from Hyakuri

- Germany comes with their army of Panzerkraftwagen III

🍆👌 - @whatsagooodusername_ on Instagram

- Long Island Cartoons

- Priorities...

- dibujos

The sun is also a satellite. 😆 . #nasa #space #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #sun #satellite #igdaily #instadaily #instafunny #funny #memes #funnymemes #dailymemes #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #theconfessionalspodcast - @theconfessionalspodcast on Instagram

- Hong Kong has to play role queue while China still gets to play Triple Tank

- Bloody Harvest is coming Vault Hunters.

- A Halisíman bomber giving a hostile armored column a very bad day.

- Soon all the world will be ours 1920s

- Prescribed Burn. I manage a pine plantation. Every three years I get to do this. Fire is my only co-worker.


- Allied tank knocked by the Germans

- Star Trel

Nachts auf dem Dach der Welt ... naja des Harzes 😆 ________________ 📌 Brocken Gipfel . . . #brocken #milchstraße #derharzlohntsich #harz #harzmountains #visitgermany #harzurlaub #draussenimharz #naturelove #wanderlust #enjoygermannature #nature_focus_on #harzlandschaft #bestgermanpics #photonature_rgb #sharegermany #germanigers #grmnyvacations #instakwer #sombrescapes #weroamgermany #exploreharz - @fotoweberei on Instagram

- @samfine on Instagram

- [OC] An abandoned kitty-litter factory in Florida- the feel of this place reminded me of a Mad Max film [2048x1365]

- Could be used for new content. Invest?

- When youre the only kid on the block with Anti-Vax parents

- The MiG-21 first flew 62 years ago today. Happy birthday. [900 × 900]

- Happy Easter! German postcard circa 1914

A new species of Pit viper discovered in Arunachal Pradesh of India: The new species also makes Arunachal Pradesh the only Indian state to have a pit viper named after it. www.thewildscapes.in - @thewildscapes on Instagram

- Overwatch omnic

- I like pewds

- Wall-to-wall television, 1958.

- Made a poster of Elon Musk project of colonizing Mars in 2024 in retrofuturistic style! Do you like it?

- We all know that the mighty Leopard is the sexiest MBT [2048 x 1365]

- Aliens

- Untitled Soviet Anti-war poster-USSR, 1991

- Someone made a silencer for a tank

- Air Pollution Facts

- How I’m flying into the new year

- Old reactor tower that was decommissioned in the 80s finally set for demolition

- I remember it like it was yesterday

- different towns & island pictures

- No tank can traverse the ardennes!

- So that’s how a pew-pew-pew works!

- No,hans

- abandoned vehicles gas pumps

- Woven dining chairs

- This is what NASA doesnt want us to know

- BM Oplot[3124x2232]

- The Robot Aliens, Wonder Stories pulp cover, February 1935

- T-34/76 ?

- “Enemy Combatants” USA, 2014

- MiG-31 during modernization. Source and extra photos in comments [1000x667]

The City was awarded a Community Development Block Grant to install underground storm drain pipes between Foster Street and the Roosevelt Street Drainage Channel. The pipes will allow stormwater that currently pools on portions of Foster Street during rainfall to be captured and carried away. #mytexascity #citiesprovide - @cityofnavasota on Instagram

- The Turkish bomb says: Call if it doesnt explode: 0507... This photo taken in this week, operation Peace Spring.

- All he needed was an exuce

- Mockup OK 0.01 of Soviet Buran space-shuttle and his co-pilot in Baikonur Cosmodrome, 2016. Credit: Kirill Kudryavtsev.

- Do it!

- Dear Ol Mother Nature

- This is what the sky looked like during the spacex rocket launch

- 3D render art

- M1 Abrams Firing Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) Round


- Shouldn’t it be upside down?

- Damn it

- U.S. Soldiers of 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division scan for threats atop an M1A2 Abrams tank during exercise Combined Resolve II at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany. 19 May 2014 [1280x1920]

- The Milky Way, the International Space Station and Earth

- Machines

- Trump’s tweet about crypto summed up in one image.

- Happy Birthday Bill

- Abandoned WWII tanks - Murrayville, Australia

- Telescope, Stellar interferometer, at the Côte dAzur Observatory, South of France [OC]

- German Leopard 2 A6 in heavy camouflage waits for marching orders in its assembly area during an exercise in Lithuania as part of NATOs Enhanced Forward Presence [4032x1960]

- M113 C&V practically made out of netting after receiving the long term attention of A-10s in training [1024x683]

- Thomas getting kidnapped

- M1A1 Abrams Tank doing what it does best on a test run. [1980 X 1080]

- A Challenger 2 brushes off an IED attack in Basrah, southern Iraq [2345x1327]

- Thomas the tank, literally.

- Funny submarine game for kids and mass retailers

- Rise of the machines

- Why cant I be racist in public?

Today, The extended range of Supersonic cruise missile Brahmos test-fired off the coast of Odisha, Balasore. Missile hit the target at a range of mote that 400kms. It is fitted with new indigenous booster and airframe. Jai Hind 🇮🇳 Follow @n_s_g_commando 🕴️ᴅᴇᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɪɴᴅɪᴀɴ ᴀʀᴍʏ🕴️ ▪️ʙᴀʟɪᴅᴀɴᴀᴍ ᴠᴇᴇʀ ʟᴀᴋsʜɴᴀᴍ▪️ 🔈🔉🔊➡️#COMMANDO_SAAB🔫 ⬅➡#NSG_COMMANDO🗡🔪 🔫#PARA_SF🗡🔪 #GHATAK🔪⚔️ #COBRA🔪🗡 #MARCOS⚔️🔪 #garud⚔️🔪 - @n_s_g_commando on Instagram

- Abrams tank during the battle of reference point 911. [2048×1365]

- Il-18, Noi Bai Airport (credit to Jason Pineau)

- Meine Meinung

- 25th Infantry Division

- SLPT: How to get a smooth, shiny foil ball

Abandoned M47 Patton in the Forest • • #abandoned #tank #forest #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #followforlike #like4likes #follow4followback #pretty #beautiful #nice #verynice #military #ww2 #trees #nature #filter #ground #dirt #cool #unknown #abandonedplaces #liker #follow #follow_me #tree #beauty #crazy #worldwar2 - @abandonedplaces on Instagram

- There is also a video

- Future Warfare (Valigursky, 1964)

- Two bullets collided with each other and the odds pf this happening is one in a billion.

- Funny Cartoons

- ACW Naval

- How to catch a frog with a flashlight

- Squirrel busting a nut in the wild

- ICBM truck. Anyone think they can make it?

#warsaw #photography #trip #sightseeing #helicopter #airplane #war #tripadvisor - @earthpics04_ on Instagram

- Fwd: watch out for the full moon!

- See the World, Meet Interesting People...

- A recovered M1A1 after getting stuck in Swedish mud [2048 x 1365]

- The lengths some parents will go to, to palm off their kids



- Quijotesco by Rictus

- Navy memes

- u/rdrv reminded me of the existence of this bad boy called big wind. Its 2 MiG 21 engines strapped to the chassis of a T-34 Tank. It was used to put out oil well fires

- starship issues

- Railway gun

- Someone isnt a fan of chappie.

- Dont be a dope Handle equipment right Poster 1941 - 1945 [2,331×3,000]

- U.S., German, Spanish and Polish troops of the NATO enhanced Forward Presence battle goups with their tanks [1200 × 801]

- Cartoons

- A line of Armata T-14s. [2,048px × 1,536px]

- Marshall Space Flight Center rockets

- First Contact

- I hope he said Tank you later xD

- Feline Goddess Bastet Goes To War

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was directed by Michael Bay with cinematography by Ben Seresin, ASC. Following through on its promise to be a sequel, the story is told through explosions, gunfire, and loud vrooming noises set to voice-over in a nod to its core audience. Today we’re taking a look at lighting the first fight scene of the film, which takes place at night and sets up the premise of the plot: Fallen Transformers are out for Revenge. To acquire this crucial bit of dialogue, lots of army men and sentient cars drive around dodging explosions and shooting at one another. All of this took place on location at the Bethlehem Steel Campus in Bethlehem, PA. The factory had shut down years before in 1995, so there was plenty of room to drive fast cars and blow stuff up. The entire campus is 10 acres, but the set was contained to 16,000 square feet. Lighting this scene involved four nights of pre-lighting, three Bebee trucks, and 11 generators. One of the biggest challenges to this location was lighting the five, quarter-mile high, furnace stacks so they stood out in the night and rigging lights at their tops. Because there was so much movement and so many explosions, cameras were everywhere, which meant that all lighting on the ground needed to look purposeful. The stacks were lit from their bases with 12 Light Maxi Brutes and mini-nine lights to up-light them, while 12K LRX heads were rigged from the top to act as spotlights. Additionally, a Blackhawk helicopter was rigged with a xenon spotlight manned by @iatselocal728 members Erica Kim @itsericakim and Michael Schwartz to operate the focus as the explosions, guns, and cars whirled about below. Director: Michael Bay DP: Ben Seresin Gaffer: Mike Bauman Best Boy: Francine Natalie @sheiselectric Rigging Gaffer: Charlie McIntyre #setlighting #setlightingtechnicians #iatselocal728 #michaelbay #transformers #spotlight #makingmovies #cinema #cinematography #behindthescenes #shotonfilm #fbf #maxibrutes - @luxlighting on Instagram

- This page from a book my wife was reading our 4 year old.

- Give the people what they want DICE

- Military art

- Poster boards

- dear iran

- Lucas The Lonely Drone [OC]

- RS-68 rocket engine test

- Another T-72B3 in Eastern Ukraine | 2014 [860x485]

- And Character.

From this week’s New Yorker magazine - @kuperart on Instagram

- Ww2 bomb


- Does anyone even read titles

- The Forgotten Planes of WW2 - • This obviously non-exhaustive list takes into account a few planes produced by the main belligerents (+2 as a bonus), which are today little known, forgotten or which take a back seat to others. And this despite the fact that they were actively used sometimes that they were important during the conflict and / or their good performances. ● #war #guerre #worldwar #guerremondiale #ww2 #worldwartwo #worldwar2 #secondworldwar #secondeguerremondiale #deuxièmeguerremondiale #history #warhistory #militaryhistory #usairforce #usaf #Luftwaffe #RAF #RoyalAirForce #regiaaeronautica #armeedelair #voiennovozduchnyiesily #fighteraircraft #bomber #planes #forgottenplane #divebomber #plane #1940s #camaradespourlhistoire #historyalliance. ● 《The Historians Alliance》 @stosstruppen1918 @world_war_pics1914.45 @historicalmemesandstuff @ww1.metaldetecting @ww1photos_info @fuehrer_of_photography @secretsofhistory1789 @panzers_colorized @ww1.facts @ww2_forgotten_battles @papabismarck @in.stahlgewittern @ww2documents. - @world_at_war_33 on Instagram

- The most anticipated origin story of Ep VII

#abandoned #tank #military #urbex #urbanexploration #urbanexplorer #urbexgermany #decay #lost #lostplaces #abandoned #abandonedplaces #urbex_utopia_mbr #uc_member #germandecay #global_urbex #hdr #hdr_pics #hdr_lovers - @chris_urbex_and_more on Instagram

- Artistwebsite - Stamp

- Why does ‘Big Brother’ gotta be in my business? This, this is why....

We couldn’t let #internationaldogday go by without a nod to K-9 the Doctors faithful companion 💙. . #internationaldogday2020 #nationaldogday #doctorwho #k9 #drwho #doctorwhosocietyofcanada - @doctorwhosociety on Instagram

- Vorstellung vs. Realität

- New Star Wars movie poster.

- Several new Myanmar Air Force JF-17M Ruby (export variant) with its distinct blue colors procured from Pakistan on display

- Dwayne Johnsons Birth (1972, colorized)

- Flat Earth proof

- An abandoned M48 Patton tank under the Milky Way. Matsu Island, Republic of China (Taiwan) [1280 x 852]

- Star puns

- Comrade Su-152 and Comrade Valentine Mk.III move forward to the West along the forest roads of Latvia, World War II, 1944 ( 857x1080)

- Hey Mars

- Sorry for the bad quality

- Alien

- Error! Error!

- @sociallyawokee on Instagram

- Hell find every enemie

- Decommissioned French equipment at Canjuers camp in 2012. GCT 155mm AUF1 in foreground and AMX30 in the background [2928x2160]

डीआरडीओ ने ब्रह्मोस सुपरसोनिक क्रूज मिसाइल के एक्सटेंडेड वर्जन का सफल परीक्षण किया है। इस उपलब्धि के लिए वैज्ञानिकों को बधाई। मा.प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान की तरफ भी ये बड़ा कदम है। - @ishankarlalwani on Instagram

- Going faster than sound

- animation

- Times Cartoon: BBC Brexit Gaffe...

- Most we can hope for.


- 😳

- Accelerators & Colliders (Atom Smashers)

- Space Shuttles

- Exhausted Monday

Heute möchte ich euch einen ersten Einblick meiner ersten Tour auf meiner Reise zeigen... ja ihr schaut richtig, ich durfte Panzer fahren... 🙃 die Sonne schien und es war wirklich sehr warm... ihr glaubt nicht was ich eine Angst hatte gegrillt zu werden... seht ihr mich? Die Tage folgen weitere Bilder... In memory of @na_diesel 🥀 #heinohähnchen #nadiesel #urbex_utopia #urbex_kings #fadedbeautyindecay #w_b_u #lonely_and_abandoned_places #bando_in_details #global_urbex #decay_explorers #_beautiful_urbex_places #_passion_urbex_ #urbex_revolution_ #savethedecay #batpixs_lostplaces #rustlord #t_m_u_c #t_rex_urbex #urbex_europe_ #renegade_abandoned #rustymood_ #bandorebelz #abandon_seekers_ #kings_abandoned #abandoned_addiction #nature_takes_over #world_wide_urbex #urbexchampions #etikurbex #the_urbex_institute - @heinohaehnchen on Instagram

- Turkish T-155 Fırtına howitzer firing (has internal lights on) [4096x2731]


- tank barrel used as a swing [960×640]

- A R H

- Sometimes Im the unicorn, sometimes the snake, be gentle its my first comic! [OC]

- Baby Blues

- Not the most popular droid (Wimpie Comics) [OC]

- Big man Boris

- Playing Through | David Pope 28.9.19

- RAF Typhoon under a starry sky in the Gulf

- Road Runner

- Communist Apologists Everywhere

- If anything could turn me straight, its Sexy Flanders.

- Family Guy

- Earth is full of friends and Uranus, full of enemas.

- Airborne

- Push back on our representatives when they inevitably win in 2020. Put the brakes on this national train wreck

- Galileo spacecraft

- This photo of the plane crashing during the airshow in Sussex, UK today.

- Funny Puns

- Tokio kid,U.S, WWII

- A beautiful abandoned tank, near Tournai, Belgium. [OC] [1920x1080]

- Youre tolerant of other races and sexualities, but not tolerant of far right reactionaries??? Wow, hypocrite

- Finnish K9 Moukari (Sledgehammer) self-propelled howitzer [2048x1434]

- Far Side Comics!

- Well whaddya know!

- Im in a rural part of a city, a volcano just erupted 65km(40.39mi) away from us. This is the picture I took from my backyard, the ash cloud is forming

- TOW2 firing, North Finland. (hit and vehicle in comments) [1830x962]

- The indigenous Pinaka MBRL of the Indian army during firing practice. (Probably) [720X452]

- Cum

- So I guess that anyone born after 1965 is just hopping on the Star Trek bandwagon?

- Playground at the abandoned Six Flags New Orleans Theme Park [1600x1067][OC]

- Damn The Torpedoes (1024 x 768)

- Rick on Insensitive Things on the Internet

- NASAs Parker Solar Probe is now the closest-ever spacecraft to the sun. This was the liftoff [OC][891x1191]

- This says a lot about sourcery

- A perfect camo doesnt exsi.....

- Destroyed Russian T-72B3 | Eastern Ukraine, 2014 [1280x720]

- Cutaway of Soviet S-400 at 2011 MAKS Airshow [2250x1425]

- Do i just wait for PS5?

- Funny Hitler xD

- I said it first.

- Had an interesting escape from the Russian army whilst taking these photos!

- Barrel bomb cut in half [940x940]

- So there in the grass beneath the worlds largest radio telescope engaged in searching for extraterrestrial life, is the mushroom. - McKenna

- Seit 5:45 wird zurückgekifft

- If you build it, they will come

- SpaceX double landing [1920x1080]

Happy Labor Day to everyone living the dream! #pimaairandspacemuseum. . . . #pimaairandspace #museum #tucson #arizona #aviation #aviationmemes #aviationhumor #airplane #instaplane #✈️ - @pimaair on Instagram

Surface to air finger missile in operation in a disclosed location. Just a show of strength really, not showing off my massive metal bastard of a fucking shit storm rainforest destroying war machine or anything. #antiwar #apocolypse #disaster #whatamess #thestateofhumanity #art #poska #fuckingwarmachine #why #doodle #doodles #drawing #sketching #doodlesofinstagram #timetokill #everythingislove #kill #die #repeat - @thehiddenprinter on Instagram

- Kind of a sad image

- BOOM! Forgotten Tank in rural Poland [6000x4000] [OC]

- Falcon 9

- yeah thats right retard!

- Jet Fighters

- @wirally on Instagram

- The Tale of Tanks. A story without words. One of the first uses of the image of tanks in propaganda. This postcard was approved by the British military censorship on October 10, 1916

- Life on Mars (1950s)

- Stamps

- T-155 Fırtına in action [575x1024]

- North Korean KN-24 short-range ballistic missile test launch, March 21, 2020 [4096x2721]

- Aim for the stars... [OC]

- Green Beret

- Jet exploding under bridge

- Dr. Seuss making some World War 2 propaganda. Date: 1940s

- Aviación secreta nazi

- M-270 MLRS Launcher at night, Israel, 2014 [4272x2848px] Original Content

- If Steve Irwin was in the Pokémon Universe

- Boomers and zoomers

- Germany is very cool

- Our Dream by Randall Mackey

Low price just for you - @the_super_hornet on Instagram

- 2K11 Krug [1280x720]

- South African Air Force Oryx performs a mountain rescue of an injured base jumper. [900 x 675]

- Project HARP Space Gun, Barbados [604×453] [OS]

PANZER #verlasseneorte #verlassen #niceplace #rost #bando_in_details #verlasseneortedeutschland #rotten #lost #wayne_1313 #rottenplace #forgottenplaces #urbexgermany #urbexpeople #rusty #nikongermany #decayporn #urbexphotography #urbexbadenwürttemberg #abandonedplaces #forgottenplaces #urbex_underground #urbex_utopia #lostplacesphotos #ig_abandoned #abandoned_junkies #abandoned_world #urbex_underground #darkness #abandoned_issuesgrime_nation #urbexphoto #lostplacebawü #urbexer - @nalbra_art on Instagram

- Falcons

- Cool

Please share this post to a friend who has to see this post!! °° ° ° ° ° ° Credit: unknown #rocketscience #spacex #spacexlaunch #launcharea #escapingearth - @spaceorg_ on Instagram

- Moon rover. Japanese retro-futurism.

- Caught one in the wild

- epic

- Earlier today, July 13, 2020, an AN-12 hit power lines and crashed. It then caught on fire. The crash killed 1 and seriously injured the other occupant.

- Historys Forgotten Details

- Artillery

- InfraRed or Ivan Reports

- A Challenger 2 gets stuck in the mud at BATUS [1536x2048]

- WW2 Japanese gun left from Palau defense. Any guesses as to what kind?

- WWII cartoon about conserving natural resources by Dr. Seuss, c. 1942

#Repost @roddenberryofficial ・・・ I want to believe. #roddenberry - @geeknation on Instagram

- Duh bom

- WWII-era Russian ISU-152 assault gun abandoned in Chernobyl by general_kosmosa [1200x797]

- UnFriendly Objects

- Scientists are cool!

- Part 2 of the previous post. This shell weighs 2700lbs!

- agni 5 missile with a strange camo colour launched from a mobile launcher [640x962]

- Batería de costa en Cartagena - Spain.

- ITAP of a Military Cannon

- Pershings set for launch