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MY NECTAR OF LIFE - @ultra_sexy_body_art_lover on Instagram


Aesthetic faceless photo idea💫

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- Casa Greyjoy

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- 🔥 this octopus that had 96 tentacles


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Don’t we all... #almosttheweekend #unemployedmag @whatisunemployed - @unemployedmagazine on Instagram


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It was such a pleasure to spend the afternoon participating in this competition style static contest organized by @pranamaya_freediving and @rodrigosalsas in this beautiful place with my dive buddies 📸@annesobat - @hypoxicdreams on Instagram

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Have you be encouraged to be seen not heard? Be Herd at work. Visit verdad.co. @womensmarch @unwomen - @beherd on Instagram

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Thank you to all CALM ‘s followers, for their pics and friendship ! And many thanks to @crackingart for their joyful art !! 💙💕💛🌱❤️ #tbt #cernobbioartlakemountain #crackingart #cernobbio #sharingart #artedacondividere #artesostenibile #artfriends #artlover #sustainableart #followers #takecareofourlake #ilikelakecomo - @cernobbioartlakemountain on Instagram

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- Paper Cut


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- When pledging to go paperless kills the trees

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- It’s done! This was a massive undertaking, 30 fish in 30 days! Totaled 66 hours of wood burning on this sucker....it’s fishing’s greatest hits!

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Fantastic dive with a school(also known as a squad) of squid on Bida Nai today. #diving #scubadiving #scuba #ดำ-น้าม #дайвинг #ダイビング #buceo #plongée #дайвинг #水中写真 #tauchen #waterlust #scubalife #divinglife #diver #sealife #marinelife #underwaterworld #coralreef #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #squid #scubaphoto 🐡 You can book your diving experience via WhatsApp(+660861201810), Facebook, Instagram, and Email(admin@phiphibarakuda.com). We are happy to help you with all your needs here on Koh Phi Phi 🐙 Tag your friends, share your memories and join the family . 🐠 Use the hashtag #phiphibarakuda so we can follow you - @phi_phi_barakuda on Instagram

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⚠️ NEWS ORETO ⚠️ . . . La settimana scorsa, una nota dellAssessorato Regionale del Territorio e dellAmbiente, ha portato con sé una splendida notizia per il nostro Fiume: è stato AMMESSO a finanziamento per 5.612.118,43 di euro il progetto, presentato dal Comune di Palermo ed elaborato dagli architetti Giovanni Sarta e Gisella Liuzzo, nellambito dellazione 6.5.1 del PO FESR Sicilia 2014 -2020. Il Progetto è volto al recupero della zona compresa tra la foce del Fiume Oreto e il Ponte Corleone e prevede il ripristino ambientale e delle condizioni di legittimità dei siti, con interventi che vanno dalla rimozione discariche di inerti e di rifiuti urbani alla demolizione di fabbricati abusivi, fino alla creazione di infrastrutture per la fruizione della Zona di Conservazione Speciale. A questi interventi si connetteranno, qualora approvate, le proposte progettuali da finanziare con i fondi FAI. Un altro passo è stato compiuto nella restituzione del Fiume alla cittadinanza!! Un ringraziamento, in particolare va rivolto all Assessore Toto Cordaro, allAssessore Giusto Catania - Assessore al Comune di Palermo, al Presidente della terza Commissione, il Consigliere Paolo Caracausi e agli Arch. Giovanni Sarta e Giuseppina Liuzzo che hanno dato seguito alla attenzione posta sul fiume dallintera comunità palermitana. - @comitato_salva_oreto on Instagram

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Was wäre, wenn jeder einzelne mehr Mut hätte zu sich und seinen Werten zu stehen und sie notfalls zu verteidigen? 🤔 Was wäre, wenn Lehrer ihren Schülern im Klassenzimmer erlauben würden, den Mundschutz abzunehmen? 🤔 Was wäre, wenn eine Hebamme im Krankenhaus eine Gebärende nicht dazu anhält einen Mundschutz zu tragen, auch wenn sie es tun soll? 🤔 Was wäre, wenn Pfleger in Altenheimen doch Besuch zulassen würden, auch wenn sie nicht „dürfen“? Oder wenn die Leiter der Altenheime FÜR ihre Bewohner eintreten würden? 🤔 Was wäre, wenn Polizisten sich gegen die Befehle von oben stellen würden auf die Seite der Menschen? 🤔 Was wäre, wenn wir gelernt hätten, dass Autoritäten auch nur Menschen sind? Dass man sich widersetzen darf oder sogar muss, wenn wir für uns oder für uns Anvertraute einstehen wollen? 🤔 Was wäre, wenn unsere Eltern es uns vorgemacht hätten? : „Dich langweilt Schule? Du wirst dort gemobbt? Du wirst bestraft, beschämt, zu etwas gezwungen? ➡ Ich liebe dich, mein Kind – deswegen hast du die freie Wahl hinzugehen oder auch nicht. Ich verstehe dich und deine Gefühle. Das Mindeste was ich tun ist mit deinen Lehrern über meine und deine Sicht der Dinge zu sprechen und für dich und dein Wohlergehen einzustehen.“ . Haben wir alle nicht erlebt! Oder? Hast du da schonmal darüber nachgedacht? Dass Eltern über Jahrzehnte hinweg „Gewalt“ gegen ihre eigenen Kinder ausgeübt haben, indem sie ihnen die Botschaft vermittelt haben, dass Schule nunmal so sei und dass man da durch MUSS? Auch wenn offensichtlich war, dass das eigene Kind total gelitten hat? . Eigentlich wollte ich über was anderes schreiben. Zivilcourage. Aber komischerweise bleibe ich bei dem Thema Schule hängen. Weil Zivilcourage in der Schule nicht erwünscht war. Nicht gelehrt wurde. Sondern genau das Gegenteil. . Wir haben dabei zugeschaut, wie unsere Mitschüler beschämt wurden. Waren froh, wenn es uns nicht getroffen hat. Wurden vielleicht noch stiller dadurch. Wir haben zugeschaut, wie andere gemobbt wurden, bestraft wurden. Sind wir für unsere Freunde eingetreten? Vielleicht manchmal. Aber unsere eigene Angst hat wohl überwogen. Wir haben zugeschaut, wie alle bewertet wurden. ⬇⬇⬇ - @freiesmenschsein on Instagram

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- New Tool album coming August 3011


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The city centre of Leuven will be the beautiful setting for the start of De Brabantse Pijl in less than two weeks! 🤩 #BP - @brabantsepijlofficial on Instagram

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- Artwork

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Today, @raamraces made their official announcement that this year’s race will be cancelled. Although it was expected, it is still a sad day for all the racers (including myself), crews and fans. I want to thank my crew and sponsors from the bottom of my heart for all their time, effort and support. Words cannot express how grateful I am. I have an amazing group of people around me, willing to follow my butt all the way across the country! And I am grateful. Thanks and love to Lisa, Connie, Gil, Denise, Charlie, Rob, Franziskan, Rob, Lori, Angie and my mother. And to my incredible sponsors: @rideshimano @pactimo_official @khsbicycles @hammernutrition @d_curve @epicrideweather @firmaenergywear @brytonsport @conti_road @switch4good @catalystkg We’ll be back! Watch out RAAM 2021!! Until then, lets all pledge to stay safe, support our health care workers and spread joy, not germs! #RideShimano #johnHowardPerformanceSports #ridepactimo #khsbicycles #khsbikes #howihammer #hammernutrition #dcurve #seemoredomore #epicrideweather #catalystkg #firmawear #firmaenergywear #fitnesswear #BrytonSport #Switch4good #ridepactimo #getthegrip #continentalmtb #conti_road #ContinentalTires #HandmadeinGermany #ItsYourTime #GP5000 #raam2020 #raam202sponsors - @goldstein_leah_ on Instagram

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Mar... Cabelo de sal, pele de sol e alma de mar. Brinco cavalo marinho $15 Choker cores 20 Bracelete cores $15 - @mariapulseirarj on Instagram

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Fig. 100 - Dermoid Cyst Showing Hair and Bone. From A Handbook of Gynecology: For the Student and General Practitioner (1944). Because these tumors grow in areas where there are stem cells--that can grow into any kind of tissue--teratomas can be made up of hair, muscle, teeth or bone (@museumvrolik ) I had one of these taken out of my body in 2001. An immaculate conception for which I stitched this memorial with my own version of needle and suture. - @lalawestengard on Instagram

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Gerade LIVE interaktives Gespräch mit Teilnehmenden darüber, was hat uns im Kongress bewegt, wie kommen unsere Erfahrungen über Wege zu Utopien zusammen. Up ins Bar die Zukunft, zu Utopien zu verbinden! - @zukunft_fuer_alle on Instagram

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Piscina riabilitativa del Centro Australia ferma, lappello del coordinatore del MID #CentroAustralia #mid https://www.irpiniatimes.it/piscina-riabilitativa-del-centro-australia-ferma-lappello-del-coordinatore-del-mid/ - @irpiniatimes on Instagram

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Ischia #ischia #ischiaisolaverde #ischiagram #ischiagram #campania #campaniadavivere #campaniadascoprire - @visitcampaniabestphoto on Instagram

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- The BCH East-West Friendship group on WeChat now has 35 members... more welcome

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Look what we found!! Frogs in Leicestershire mating on basket top for support (so female doesn’t drown!) and spawn already laid over this week. @froglifers #wildlifepond #frogs #spawn #frogspawn #wildlifephotography #pond #gardenpond #spring #springiscoming - @pondplantsuk on Instagram

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Più intelligenza avrai più soffrirai. -Schopenhauer - @iosonoarte on Instagram

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This is a cross section of a Plumatella Fungosa colony (Phylactolaemates, Bryozoa) that has formed around the stem of an aquatic plant. The colony is compact and zooids contact each other with their lateral walls. ••• Phylactolaemates have monomorphic colonies, i.e. their colonies are composed of similar zooids which includes a cystid (immovable part) and a polypide (movable soft tissues: a lophophore, tentacle sheath, gut and associated muscles, and nervous system). ••• Detail 1 - Starch grains Detail 2 - Endocyst, extracellular matrix plus muscles, rectum... Detail 3 - Main body cavity, rectum, pylorus... Detail 4 - Coecum Detail 5 - Aquatic plan stem ••• ☝️ We recommend you to take a look at our new blog post to know in a detailed way this group of primitive animals 🤩👌 Find the link in BIO 🔝 https://moticeurope.blogspot.com/2020/09/right-through-moss-animals-colony.html#more ••• 📸 Willem Cramer ( www.willemsmicroscope.com) 🔬 Panthera U & #Moticam S6 ••• #MoticEurope #Motic #MoticPanthera #Science #Microscopy #Microscope #Botany #Zoology #CrossSection #Zooid #Bryozoan #bryozoans #Plumatella #colony - @moticeurope on Instagram

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Apart from being delicious, oyster mushrooms have numerous health benefits. Follow the link below for more information. Source: www.verywellfit.com Link: https://www.verywellfit.com/the-benefits-of-oyster-mushrooms-89610 #mushroomsofinstagram #mushrooms - @themushroomgarden on Instagram

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- This is the White matter structure of the human brain, taken by MRI.

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In honor of #SharkWeek, we are highlighting MARS alumnae Chelsea Shields who has participated on two expeditions with OCEARCH, an at-sea laboratory that tags the 🌊ocean’s apex predators 🦈. Learn more about her adventure in this 2017 article. https://stockton.edu/…/summer2017/great-white-encounter.html - @stockton_sciences on Instagram

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A foto iria ficar tão linda se meu celular fosse melhor pra focar..❤️❤️🍃 - @s2niconiii on Instagram

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- Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

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Its the plastic that was made to last forever but was designed to be used once, that is the biggest problem. #SayNoToPlastic #StopPlastic #StopPollution - @stopplastic on Instagram

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#Repost @focus_ita • • • • • • Le meduse dei nostri mari⁠ 🌊 È probabile che abbiate già avvistato la Pelagia, la medusa violetta da non sfiorare. E forse avete già incontrato anche le bellissime Rhizostoma e Cotylorhiza: anche queste possono essere ammirate, ma non toccate. Per sapere tempestivamente dove sono le meduse si può visitare la pagina Facebook di MeteoMeduse, gestita dai ricercatori dellUniversità del Salento. Qui è possibile inviare anche le segnalazioni degli avvistamenti. È un servizio utile sia per evitare spiacevoli incontri ravvicinati, sia per decidere dove fare jellywatching. ⁠ ⁠ #jellyfish, #sea, #jellywatching, #occhioallamedusa, #meteomeduse, #jelly, #nature, #medusa, #animals, #tentacles, #coast, #bath, #water, #colorful, #organism, #injury, #jellies #ocean #oceanlover #sea #mediterranean #medusa #jellyfishshot - @meraviglie__del__mare on Instagram

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Its been a while since I photographed a larval Lionfish but couldnt resist anymore when several large, beautiful ones started showing up on practically every dive in June. Palm Beach, Florida. 😍 . . . - 📸: @steven_kovacs_photography . . . - please follow us @underwater.worldlife for more content ❤️ . . . #medusas #jellyfishes #jellyfish #macrophotography #macromood #macroclique #macroworld #macroaddict #macro_highlight #macro_captures_ #macro_perfection #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #underwaterworld #inderwaterlife #animals #animalofinstagram #animalsco #animalscapture #naturephotography #naturelover #nature_perfection #nature - @underwater.worldlife on Instagram


Fuck Corona Virus #fuckcoronavirus - @fuckcoronavirus2020 on Instagram

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🖊 POESIA FESTIVAL 20 🖊 Sfoglia il programma della sedicesima edizione di Poesia Festival: decine di eventi gratuiti, da settembre a novembre, in 11 comuni della provincia di Modena. Segui lape nel suo volo 💙🐝 👉 LINK IN BIO --- @terredicastelli_mo @cittadicastelfrancoemilia @comunecastelnuovorangone @castelvetro_modena Comune di #Guiglia @comunemaranosulpanaro @cittadimodena Comune di #Sancesariosulpanaro Comune di #savignanosulpanaro @comunedispilamberto @comune_di_vignola Comune di #Zocca - @poesiafestival on Instagram

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Im a little late to the party on this announcement, but Dolly Deadly 1.5, the mini pre-quel to Kill Dolly Kill and mini sequel to @dollydeadlymovie will be playing at the @sicknwrongfilmfestival !! Dates tbd of course. Again I would like to thank everyone who worked on this project. I really enjoy making creepy movies about feelings. And I really, really enjoy producing art with @tromateam 💚 #sicknwrongfilmfestival #dollydeadly #killdollykill #filmfestival #directorlady #wretchedproductions #troma #indiefilm #womeninhorror #womeninfilm #cultfilm #weird #dollmovie #goodnews #lasvegasfilm - @realheidimoore on Instagram


ROLLER TUDELA Roller_puentes_de_tudela #Rollerpuentesdetudela 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ 〰️〰️ Quieres sentir el poder de los 🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀💙🎢🌀❓ - @roller_puentes_de_tudela on Instagram

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Blue Monday, COVIDSafe commuting to work . Clearmask shades of colour coming soon.#cycling #cyclinglife #commuterbike #commuterlife #roadcycling #roadbike #roadcyclist #covid19 #covidsafe #staysafe #faceshield #facemask #melbournedesignweek #melbourne - @clearmask_australia on Instagram

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- Looks like I found a new helmet...

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Zona Costera: Bajada Pública de Bajo impacto Ambiental La Paloma #MardelPlata olas de clase mundial y playa de arena asociada a un acantilado de 4.5M de años #unaescaleraparalapaloma #alianzamejoresplayas - @surfriderargentina on Instagram

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- Gold Today

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Rubber Vol. 2, Number 5: May 1979. Diter Rot. “Monthly information bulletin about the use of rubber-stamps in the arts”. Edited by Aart Van Barneveld and published by Stempelplaats. #rubber #diterrot #dieterroth #aartvanbarneveld #stempelplaats #stempelplaatsgallery #stempelkunst #rubberstamp #mirrorbox #artistsbook #rubberstampart #ulisescarrión #amsterdam #mailart #raremagazine #ulisescarrion #contemporaryart #1979 #rarebooks #bookstore - @fenrickbooks on Instagram

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- Corporate Risk Strategic Planning


- Total Eclipse of The Heart, Me (not Bonnie Tyler), Ink, 2019

ong ech pepe

- I found this on a soccer ball.

xenoblade chronicles xenoblade chronicles3 xenoblade3 xc3 oomfie

- This image was created by a Japanese neurologist. If the image is still, you are calm. If the image moves a bit, you are stressed and if it moves like a carousel, you are very stressed.

vtuber th3world x xi

הסדק- ימי הטרוף ממשיכים, הסדקים במציאות נראים לכול עין זאת עובדה קיימת. השאלה לאיזה חלק אתם שייכים ,לאלה שרוצים לאחות את הסדק ולחזור למציאות שהיתה או לאלה שרוצים להרחיב את הסדק ולשבור את החומות. בכול מקרה כדאי שתמהרו.לאחות את הסדק, יותר קל כשהוא קטן ולא משאיר צלקות. או לאלה שרוצים להרחיב את הסדק ולפרוץ החוצה אל האור הגדול. בכול מקרה תעשו את זה עם המון אהבה! - כול הצילומים בשחור ולבן מהזמן האחרון הם עבודות מלפני 35 שנה שפתאום פורצות החוצה. - @r_nevo on Instagram

last place lock on last place with a lock on last place

- Dedicated to Authors

%E3%83%AA%E3%82%BC%E3%83%AD rezero cute smile happy

- Tongue twisters for kids

gundam gundam00 anime lockon stratos lockon


failed crying sad doremon letters

- A Study of Sight and Vision, Me, Ink graphite and wax on paper, 2020

lockon robot shoot gundam

- Disclaimer: I have nothing against giant bikes

- @dominic_vanchesteing on Instagram

- Red octopus

- Art of manliness

#lunes #parendematarnos El estado es responsable #cuarentena #pandemia #femicidios #art #artivismofeminista #artivismo #arte #squatting #squatters #feminism #elestadoesresponsable #nonoscallamosmas - @la.cosa.mostra on Instagram

ともにブラックスタイルではありますが。 ジャージ素材と一方はスキンタイプ。 動き重視なバックジッパーなタッパーが まだまだ大活躍なことしの夏。 水温は27℃over。 Activity surfing style #elemwetsuits - @poseidonsurfandsnow on Instagram

T as compris léquipe - @oliveirachristophe2 on Instagram

Not one of my most prettiest photos, but I am sharing this side of me and my skin. I felt an uneven and nasty growth on my back. So 2 weeks ago I called on a wonderful dermatologist here Sian Hartshorn and she had to remove it straight away and test for skin cancer. Thankfully I am clear of cancer, but my mother was not so lucky. We lost her to melanoma when I was a teen. So I religiously check my skin to ensure I am not at risk. Last year we also lost a good friend to skin melanoma. Please, do regular checks. Just as you would for all other health issues. We all tend to focus on breast cancer, but skin cancer is far more dangerous and prevalent for men and for women. And our sunny weather and exposure places all of us at greater risk than other countries. I am grateful my stitches are out but you can be sure I remain vigilant. And please look after your kids. All my freckles came from years running around carefree as a child in sunny South Africa without any sunscreen. Today we know better. #Happy Friday #sunsafety @longevity_live - @gisele_wertheim_aymes on Instagram

Here is what I did instead of my math homework :) - @paint_in_her_hair on Instagram

- cursed_glory hole

- @ad.ec on Instagram

25 / 26 settembre, di nuovo, davvero LIVE! In occasione del Festival PUC 2020, dai Giardini Nascosti di Cascina Martesana, MOCA proietta su una nuova presenza, il vicino edificio in costruzione: lo coinvolge e lo modella come scenario animato. ‘Capriccio su cantiere‘ @cascinamartesana cascinamartesana #visual #video #installationart - @moca__visual on Instagram

- Kingdom of Phyla

Individual commitment to a group effort--that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. --Vince Lombardi #WattieInkRacing team is about more than putting on a kit and going out to race. We are a family, a support system, cheerleaders, and so much more! Whether you are getting ready for your first 5k or tackling your 100th full Ironman, we see everyone as an equal. We know that 2020 has been hard on everyone, and that has only brought us closer together. In 2021 we will be growing our Wattie family with like minded individuals. Be on the 👀 for applications opening soon! #FastFierceFamily #RockTheW #WattieInk #team #family #racing #triathlon #swimming #biking #running - @wattieinkracing on Instagram

Feel like racing? #runforfun #runmer #adidasrunnersbarcelona #nightmile - @aconejos on Instagram

- Some dumb fish illustrations

- Michael Manning

#salvimarspearfishing #gloves #guanti #pescainapnea #famouscamo #look #performance #technology #spearfishinginternational #spearfishinginternational #chassesousmarıne #pedcasub #wilde #goeslive - @salvimar.official on Instagram

- My Microscopic Map of the World

- Lovely Living

This picture was taken at a rally against Doug Fords cuts to education from last year. Unfortunately it still rings very true. Reducing class sizes has become more important than ever. The NDP Caucus will continue to call on the government to preserve public education through adequate funding and comprehensive planning. - @ygkianarthur on Instagram


#sailing #sailboat #sailinglife #sailingstagram #sailing_yacht #sailing_instagram #sailing_trip #yachting #boats #travel #sea Follow us ! soSAILize . Net Sailing Community | Member Wall | News | Videos | Events | Classifieds | soSAILize . Net - @sosailize on Instagram

- Underwater photographer

Cuban Coral reef in #berlin #naturkundemuseumberlin - @reefcheck.de on Instagram

- Racing pigeons for sale

- Funny Swim

10.7.2020 SUPS @ ROTOR series (performance still) colored image by Culbertson Lghts&Effects image accellerated by m_f_f_s shadows Dejan Dukic - ((* r - Paul Gründorfer - @_m_f_f_s on Instagram

- Beach stuff

- Mason Graves make for shaky legs

- Creepy vintage

- Mostly laminar flow around a bulbasaur

- Tattoo locations explained

Expo Aquamorphose On accueille (avec hâte ! ) le collectif 1heure61 Infos à venir ! - @petites_maisons on Instagram

- @photagrafer3 on Instagram

@getusppe more digital billboards are live thanks to our friends @outfrontmediausa - @project_outdoor on Instagram

- 🔥 Herd of sea urchins carrying an assortment of stuff. Reason for behavior is unknown, but might be as a form of ballast, UV-protection or extra armor.

- octopus & mermaid

- Alligator embryo developing nerves and skeleton

- @_obscura_media on Instagram

- Marine life series, me, gel pen, circa 2009

- Acciones Photoshop

Le 8 juin Journée Mondiale des Océans 🌊 sera fêté Sur la plage de Pampelonne dès 17 h30 ..... Le 9 juin sera consacré au ramassage des déchets sur 8 plages , de Sainte Maxime , Port Grimaud ,les Marines de Cogolin , Saint Tropez , Ramatuelle , la Croix Valmer , Cavalaire , le Rayol Canadel ... 🐳 #journéemondialedesoceans19 #bleu_ocean #regenerationdesoceans - @bleu___ocean on Instagram

- Item slots I have managed to max out so far in BotW

Hallo ihr Lieben! Mein erster Vlog ist online! Hier der Link: https://youtu.be/suuUCxT9xeY . . #expatsgermany #deutsche #auswandernholland #auswandern #holland #niederlande🇳🇱 #niederlandeentdecken #umziehen #relocationnetherlands - @ab_in_die_niederlande on Instagram

…with that, I’m extremely excited, humbled and eager to announce I’ll be starting guiding later this fall out of my @hellsbayboatworks waterman. Whether you’ve never picked up a fishing rod in your life, or if you’re trying to knock off a technical fly fishing feat, I’m eager to provide an unforgettable experience on the water. Thank you @spader_ceative for helping take the brand vision to life. Turning the page to a special next chapter in life… #HighRollerCharters (2/2) - @codyrubner on Instagram

57 cm COLNAGO COLNER 699,00 Euro Very rare Colnago Colner bike, specialy made by Ernesto Colnago. Road bike with COLNAGO pump Shimano 600 group and pedals, Campagnolo gears, with computer and more parts, If you consider buying this Colnago , please contact us at our DM on Instagram. World wide shipping on all our Colnago bikes.✈PayPal verified ✅ #Colnago #campagnolo #colnagomaster #forsale #colnagotitanio #colnagoc60 #campagnolosuperrecord #c40 #c50 #Colnago_For_Sale #c59 #colnagoc59 #cobalto #colnagodream #frameset #cycling #roadrace #roadbikecollection #ciclismo#vintageColnago #ColnagoMapei #ColnagoC35 #colnagolimitededition #mapeiteam #mapeimadness #mapeicycling #Colnagoworld#ernestocolnago #ColnagoC64 #ColnagoFerrari - @travelblogs.247 on Instagram

- 🔥 Super deep water glow in the dark jelly fish 🔥

- Is it just me, or do a ton of crop circles look like circular Gallifreyan? like ik most of these are manmade, but its kinda cool honestly-

- Botanical Illustration

- This is a comparison that aims to represent an equivalent to what a certain type of colorblind person sees.

- Archeology, Anthropology and Natural History

There is no empty space in the universe. Rene Déscartes 1688 - @white___crayon on Instagram

The winner of best team challenge is: les trois fantaplastiques from France! Big up girls 💪🏻💙🌅 - @plastichunt on Instagram

- Those sneaky octopuses

MI PRIMERA VICTORIA!! DE LA TEMPORADA 2 DEL CAPITULO 3 ツ - @david_acb_3 on Instagram

- Accessorize

- So I was browsing LED lights for bikes on Alibaba, when suddenly...

- archi sacrée

🌎🌍🌏 WORLD OCEANS DAY!!! Today, (especially!) we show gratitude for our beloved ocean, and to the @reefcheckfoundation divers all over the world monitoring their local reefs.🙏📸🤿: @huntingforparadise - @reefcheckfoundation on Instagram

- Biologique

- Craigslist never fails to disappoint 😆

- Restaurant font

Nossos sentimentos a família e amigos. - @arrivalsports on Instagram

- hmmm


- A Portable Paradise

MENTAL HEALTH CHECK Drop a comment to let me know how youre travelling. Are you fantastic? Are you stressed? Are you drained? Are you exhausted? Are you completely fed up with 2020? Let it out! ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤💔💥💣 I drew Patrick a while ago when I was full of life, inspiration, confidence and energy. I keep him on my desk to remind myself that when I walk in the door, I need to give you my best. BE A STAR! Stars are balls of gas burning billions of miles away - Pumbaa. Stars need fuel and so do we. We can only shine as brightly as our reserves allow. So when you feel yourself burning out, give yourself permission to step out of the spotlight. Sleep, eat, rest, move, reach out for support. Your body will thank you for it. Your mind will thank you for it. Stay strong, stay safe, stay clever. Alex . . . #mandurah #portkennedy #secretharbour #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #chronicpain #sleep #perthfitfam #selfcare #chiropractic #health #alliedhealth - @dralexsportschiro on Instagram

🚨🚨🚨🚨SORTEIO🚨🚨🚨 Desafio Luka Bike/Ciclo Bike em parceria com Gigante MTB vai sortear: 1 linda camiseta da @Lukabike Basta seguir algumas regras! 1 - Estar participando do Desafio Luka Bike; 2- seguir as páginas @bikeluka @gigantemtb 3 - curtir a foto oficial no @lukabike; 4 - marcar 3 amigos; Sorteio dia 03 de outubro. *Lembrando que o perfil tem que ser desbloqueado! Então bora participar galera!* 🚴‍♂️👏❤️🏃‍♂️😍🏃‍♀️🚴‍♀️ - @bikeluka on Instagram

#photoshopkerala #photoshop2019newmodel ceated by @juvaid_juvi - @photoshopkerala on Instagram

- Cartography

- Its more fun in the Philippines

Od jutra 6 czerwca 👈☀️👉 odmrażamy 👈☀️👉 🏊‍♂️BASEN 🏊‍♀️ oraz 👩‍🔬GABINETY MASAŻU 👨‍🔬. Ktoś chętny na ten weekend ??? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️ Pełną ofertę oraz Pakiety pobytowe znajdziecie na: 👉 http://www.hotelfajkier.pl/wellness-spa 👉 http://www.hotelfajkier.pl/oferty-specjalne REZERWACJA: 👉 Kontakt:☎️884 877 200 👉 Mail: 📬 recepcja@hotelfajkier.pl @SLASKIE.travel #Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska @Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska @Szlak Orlich Gniazd #szlakorlichgniazd #basen #woda #masaże #jura #hotelzbasenem #rodzinnepobyty #wakacje #water #swimmingpool Foto: @Jurassic Photo Team / @Michal Oborzynski Fotografia / @MacGregor Photography - @hotelfajkier on Instagram

on sale soon 🧩 - @casaproject on Instagram

- alphabet letters

Unsere Helfer auf dem Freshers Fair. Gerade ist die Welcome Week für die Internationals. #rwth #rwthaachen #freshersfair #welcomeweek #internationals #fsgeores #audimax #fs53 #dino #thorannosaurus #welcome - @fs_geores_rwth_aachen on Instagram

AUGAS ABISAIS by Xacio Baño. (Link in bio) вяαη∂-ηєω ƒιℓмѕ! - @marvinwayne on Instagram

MARIPUNK con mis pupis @_e1ectra en media mariposa y @amorfx en la musiquita Serie de cadáveres exquisitos 3/3 - @pel0l on Instagram

- @ubermilkaustralia on Instagram

- I was messing around with ai image generation, and this gave me major leviathan vibes

Пока мы плыли, фотокорреспонденты «Фонтанки» искали интересные ракурсы фестиваля. Чтобы вам было, чем полюбоваться и что вспомнить потом. Фото Павел Каравашкин, Михаил Огнев, Олег Мясоедов. #fontankasup #fontankasup2020 #впитереплыть - @fontankasup on Instagram

- This is a sea horse skeleton

Después de este confinamiento nos tenemos que poner más serios que nunca, hemos tenido nuestro tiempo de desconexión, ahora toca ponernos manos a la obra y llevar un equilibrio en nuestra alimentación y deportivo. Porque todo en exceso es malo. No dejes que el Covid te haya consumido esas energías y ganas de estar bien tanto físicamente como saludablemente. Mas información en nuestro centro deportivo. #salud #alimentacionsaludable #vidasana #porquetulovales #deporte #gym #girlfit #fitnessgirl #fitnessman - @3dvalencia_centro_deportivo on Instagram

- 🔥 The rare Stygiomedusa Gigantea, only 115 sightings in the last 110 years🔥

A large white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) patrols a shallow reef along the coastline. These apex predators have an important role to play in their ecosystem (like all apex predators). But increasing interaction between them and water users is again dominating the headlines. There is no one answer to why shark attacks may be increasing, and even then those instances are highly sporadic. The recent spate of attacks/incidents along the northern NSW/SE Qld have occurred at a time of increased presence of baitballs, and co-incides with the peak of the whale migration. Further, colder bands of water (in the preferred temperature range for white sharks) trapped close to shore can bring more whites in closer to large population centres. Western Australia’s spate of attacks leading up to the cull in 2014, also coincided with a band of cooler water trapped close to shore. These spates of attacks can make it feel like white shark numbers have ‘exploded’, but the reality is that’s biologically impossible. Yes white shark numbers have likely increased since protection but that’s the point of protection. Environmental factors should always be looked at first when examining shark attacks, especially clusters. With better understanding of these factors people (if there willing too) can be better informed of when risk is heightened. Ignoring these signs can increase your risk of an encounter. We need reasoned scientific solutions to the issue of shark/human encounters, not media driven fear campaigns that sidetrack actual meaningful solutions. I surf, I dive and I respect sharks and the ocean environment in general. This is not the 1970’s or 1980’s and if you use the ocean, you need to take advantage of every tool at your disposal to make smart choices when entering it. Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s dangerous. We have a much healthier ocean here than decades ago and that’s awesome. But it may also mean having to give up the occasional surf, or find another spot when conditions warrant it. #sharkyaerials #shark #sharks #whiteshark #greatwhiteshark #wildlife #wildlifephotography #westernaustralia #besharksmart #oceanguardian #isurfidiveirespectsharks #blueplanet #surf #dive - @sharkyaerials on Instagram

- Digital arts

En la primera fotografía se muestran 232 animales que fueron cazados por gatos, en el corto periodo de un año. Más de dos billones de aves mueren anualmente por gatos domésticos en Estados Unidos ¿Qué puedes hacer para ayudar? Mantén a tu gato dentro de casa, esto no solo ayuda a la conservación de especies como aves, también asegura que tu gato tenga mejor esperanza de vida, dentro de casa no se expone a peleas con otros gatos, enfermedades infecciosas contagiadas por otros animales, evita que se pierda, etc. #felinosencasa . . Artículo completo @natgeo - @felinosencasaavesseguras on Instagram

Saw this pattern inside a watermelon for the first time! 📸@_.sonnemondundsterne._ - @makar_oni on Instagram

Kin Garden Above no.4 2019 76 x 56 cm Acrylic and graphite on 300gsm Arches Huile Paper #singaporeart #gallery #art #artforsale #drawing #painting #marine #fantasy #dreamy #dreamscape #dream #whales #fishes - @utterly_art on Instagram

- Because Science

- These are Hatchetfish, creatures that live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

- @neptonics_ww on Instagram

The third episode of our Secret Fusion podcast is finally here! Please welcome @edonemusic_ EdOne was born in Spain, with special interest for music since young age, began to release music in 2013, his first label was VIVa MUSiC of epic Steve Lawler, after that has released music in labels like Defected or Material. In 2014 joined forces with Bodden and was involved in this project for 2 years, in that period did a track that hit the top chart sales and was played and charted by over than 400 artist, this track called Do It was released in OFF Recordings and reached Top 2 in Deep House Chart in Beatport. Some months later, EdOne has suffer an accident, a car ran over him and after a long period of recovery starts again his career as solo artist, releasing in labels like Definition, Endless, Stil vor Talent, Suara... 2017 has an important year for him, he played a lot around Europe and keep releasing music in some of most important labels like Innervisions, Stil vor Talent, Mood, Selador, Suara, Endless and getting support from artist like Dixon, Ame, Maceo Plex, Oliver Koletzki, Fideles, Frankey & Sandrino, Lehar, Nicole Moudaber between others… Without doubt is an artist to keep an eye in him. Producer in labels like Innervisions, Stil Vor Talent, Suara, Defected, Endless, MoBlack, Definition:Music and many more... #secretfusion #podcast #edone - @secretfusion_official on Instagram

- 2013 NYC taxi pickup locations by count {log scale}

After a few tough weeks in my diving (first 5 weeks positive to the Covid , then cold water and a couple of storms) , I am back on track in Kalamata and did a nice official dive at 110m in Free Immersion 😊 . The depth season finally started for me 😁 stay tuned for October and maybe some big news 😜 Soon more about my trip in Croatia where I had an incredible time and met amazing people 😉 Super happy to share some nice moments with great friends and my life saviour @savvasfreediving . Their good vibes helped a lot 🙂 - - Powered by @alchemy_hellas Thank you to STE Services et Piscines - - #freediving #competition #experience #freexperience #alchemy_hellas #depth #calmzone #peacefulwarrior #bodymindmaster #underwater #sports #instapic #ocean #deepblue #fun #friends - @thibault_freediver on Instagram

- I stole this from r/AquariumMemes

#Commonspoly with @staccop2p & @am_utratel from @p2pfoundation last week at SUPERMARKT: a board game which promotes cooperation & the act of commoning! - @supermarkt_berlin on Instagram

- Data Science

Limited run of 50 slimats just hit our store! Link in bio! - @deepdarkand_dangerous on Instagram

- Corner Aquarium

Another day complete. FIM this morning, turned early at 67M. DYN THIS evening, New PB of 181M! #dejablue9 #freediving #apnea #finmade #rebalallience #FII #molchanovs - @freediving_kurt on Instagram

Come celebrate JC Pride with Bike JC and the Jersey City LGBT Pride Festival in this special ride celebrating the 20th Annual Jersey City LGBTQ+ Pride Festival. Riders are encouraged to decorate and light up their bikes in honor of the festivities. Ride gathers at 7:30 and rolls at sunset ******Ticket link in bio****** ** Face Cover and social distancing required of all riders.* All activities are outdoors Route and other details TBD There is a $7 suggested donation for this ride. Please bring your ticket to the ride. Only riders with tickets will be allowed to join the ride for this special event. Donations will help support the festival programming and a portion will go to the Hudson Pride Center. - @jerseycitypride on Instagram

Looking at getting my online print shop in order with some of these long pieces. Look for them in the next week or so! The first image will actually be a sticker - @inkstitcher on Instagram

- Graphic Design

Heres the latest home dyed and printed FPZ Aces t-shirt. Swipe to see the full image. Its a pale blue colour, dyed using red cabbage. And hand printed at home. More DIY stuff coming soon. - @futurepastzine on Instagram

- The Bloop size comparison

Dibujé para festinar a uno de mis refugios favoritos @mezonte ❤️ Gracias @__noir___ y @pitjimenez - @miss.hipotalamo on Instagram

Engraving II, Robertus de Fluctibus, 1617. - @helviobenicio_ on Instagram

- @quique.sp on Instagram

- Avatar. revelacion

- Mutiny on the Bounty

- A shopping bag from a big chain in Portugal. Its... well, fishy,

- çͦ͂į͍̫͙͕͌́ͨ͆̃̃Ȓ̹̦͙̰̙͔̐̂ç͙͎̟͈̩͋ų̇ļ̲̻̤͙̲͛̒̄̃ͯ͛ͅą̮̮̟͚͒ţ̳͚̘̺͛ͅį̹̦̓̾ͫ̍̀͆ø̖̭͖̞͖̦͇ͪ͒̅̊ͪ̈́͊ņ̤

XIV Simposio Internacional sobre Genética en Acuicultura se realizará en Chile. . La ciudad de Puerto Varas, en la región de Los Lagos, será el escenario para el Simposio Internacional sobre Genética en Acuicultura, ISGA XIV. El Núcleo Milenio INVASAL figura entre las instituciones organizadoras asociadas al evento y el investigador adjunto de INVASAL, Dr. José M. Yáñez, lidera la organización en Chile. . 👉🏻 Más información en www.invasal.cl . #NúcleoMilenioINVASAL #INVASAL #ISGA2021 #ISGAXIV #simposio #genética #acuicultura #2021 #PuertoVaras #Chile - @ciencia.invasal on Instagram

- Art - Books, Old Books, Handmade Books, Ex Libris

- My discus in 6500K full spectrum vs blue light

- Influenza virus

Our current online exhibition is still online and available to view on the website. The One Minutes Series: The power of transparency, featuring work from Fag Tips (@vbgt), Clara Rosso (@unaclarapercoltello), Zuza Banasinska (@zuzabana), Qiteng Wu, Sijing Zhang (@sijingsijingsijing), Chen Feng (@fcfcfffc), Qianfu Ye, Louis Hothothot (@louisyiliu), Lu Lin (@Lu_Lin_L), Qianfu Ye (@chennyyyyyyeah), Wenjing Chen, Alejandra Morote Peralta (@alemope), Luca Heydt (@its.just.luca) and Jun Zhang (@junnnnnnnnnnnnuj), curated by Minhong Yu (@minhong_yu) for The One Minutes (@theoneminutes_) The power of transparency consists of 14 One Minute videos made by artists in isolation in China, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Now that the whole world is locked down at home, we all are united in isolation. Despite of being restrained, there is no limitation to our imagination. Close your eyes and let what is opaque become transparent. Transparency is the perfect camouflage. If there is nothing to hide, why do we fear transparency? Can we practice transparency to transfer and filter overwhelming information? How can we become transparent to reflect our emotions in an imbalance of power The One Minutes is a global network devoted to moving image. The One Minutes Foundation produces and distributes one minute videos from an artistic point of view, offering an international stage for people to create, engage and connect. Every two months, The One Minutes Foundation puts out a new series of 60- second films that investigate how we perceive and engage with moving image. The exhibition continues until the 15th July. Head to www.isthisitisthisit.com/the-power-of-transparency-screening to experience the exhibition, or follow the link in our bio. Best viewed on desktop. #onlineexhibition #theoneminutes #MinhongYu #FagTips #ClaraRosso #ZuzaBanasinska #QitengWu #SijingZhang #ChenFeng #QianfuYe #LouisHothothot #LuLin #QianfuYe #WenjingChen #AlejandraMorotePeralta #LucaHeydt #JunZhang - @is_this_it_is_this_it on Instagram

Thanks so much @roughstuff77 for doing this for us. Its so good..super hyped on it! #scsc #southcoastskateclub #skateboardinguk #worthing #freeskateboardclub #logo - @s.c.s.c_worthing on Instagram

❗ATTENZIONE❗ In attesa della prossima storia su un altro liquido, vi lascio questo indizio... Cosa centrano Adamo ed Eva? Al primo che indovina di che liquido si tratta , la Blendfeel invierà un campione in omaggio! - @blendfeel_official on Instagram

Crown of thorns (COT) outbreaks have been verified in Batangas, Southern Leyte, Apo Reef, and Busuanga. Thanks to our patrollers!! COT outbreak happens when there are more than 30 crown of thorns in 1 hectare (a football field is 1.0008 ha). Natural density of COTs is less than 1 per hectare. Though COTs may create space for slow growing corals, they can significantly damage our reefs if combined with other stressors (i.e bleaching). Source: https://reefresilience.org/coral-reefs/stressors/predator-outbreaks/crown-of-thorns-starfish/ Please also report to us if you notice any outbreaks in your area. Reporting Link: http://tinyurl.com/phbleachingreport How to deal with COT starfish outbreaks? The recommended way in dealing with COT outbreaks is to directly inject the COTs with vinegar. Vinegar is toxic to crown-of-thorns starfish when injected into their bodies, because they are unable to regulate their internal pH. Below are some protocols based on the COT control guidelines of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 1. To be effective, household vinegar must be injected using a veterinary needle in a 20 mL dose at the base of the arm. As with the other injection solutions, the addition of a few drops of food colouring to the bottle will allow divers to see the solution underwater and ensure the injection was successfully delivered. 2. When injecting starfish with vinegar, it is important to administer the 20 mL dose in a slow and steady flow. For large starfish, two 20 mL injections of vinegar at opposite sides of the body are recommend 3. The injection should be placed at the base of the arm. Effectiveness may decrease when injections are placed in the central disc or middle of the arm 4. When injecting a starfish always ensure the needle does not go through the starfish. You should also take care to pull the trigger gently to allow the full dosage to be injected into the starfish’s body. Once injected, starfish generally die within 24 to 48 hours. 5. You dont need to move them and take them out of the reef. For more information visit this link: http://elibrary.gb - @phbleaching on Instagram

- I cannot believe this is a real logo. For NASA of all people. WHY?!

Absolutely amazing work by an unknown artist. Please tag him/her if u know.. Would love to giv credit. Dont forget to follow @artfeedr Please check out @artfeedr Too And use #artfeedr for a possible feature #art #artist #sketch #sketchbook #fashion #fitness #painting #picoftheday #photographyart #photooftheday #follow #instaart #illustration #naruto #cute #arttutorial #drawing #spiderman #anime #beautiful #photo #tourism #inspiration #watercolour #love #onepunchman #animeart #amazing - @artfeedr on Instagram

- *Updated* Work in progress map of the Shrine Ruins from Monster Hunter Rise (Not to scale)

HOME OF CHAMPIONS é un nuovo studio di valutazione funzionale e performance sportiva con sede a Rovetta (in Alta Val Seriana) 💥🏔 . Lidea é di offrire, con metodi innovativi e basati sullevidenza scientifica, un aiuto al neofita, allamatore e al professionista nel raggiungimento dei propri obiettivi sportivi e di benessere psico-fisico 📍📈 . La qualitá e la professionalitá sono alla base di questo nuovo progetto!!! 👨🏽‍💻🧐 . Lo sport é salute! Lo sport é vita!🌀 . Apertura da metá Agosto 🔜🔥 . Restate aggiornati su questa nuova pagina ufficiale💪 A breve tutte le info sui servizi offerti.. . #homeofchampions #homeofchampionsperformanceacademy #performanceacademy #valutazionefunzionale #valutazionesportiva #running #riding #trailrunning #skyrunning #skialp #mountainrunning #crosscountryskiing #testperformance #highperformance #polpaccioatomico #aleduro - @homeofchampionsacademy on Instagram

🆘The Major Group of Children and Youth to UN Environment (UNEP-MGCY) a.k.a Global Constituency of Youth for Environment (GCYE) is a group of young individuals and youth organizations that work towards environmental conservation and the representation of young peoples voices in governance and conservation processes.🙏 During a webinar organized in April this year, together with UNEP Marine Litter, the objective was to find better ways to engage the youth with crucial process within UNEA. 🤝 The key aspects were: 👍 How youth entities can be further inter-grated into the work of UNEP, including special campaigns and initiatives. The need for more knowledge and evidence on how marine litter impacts well being of children and youth. Joint partnerships for supporting, showcasing and mobilizing resources for Youth Action on preventing plastic pollution.🙌🏼 If you are interest to learn more and engage, please visit: https://www.youthenvironment.org Cartoon: myako eco pinterest - @route.usa on Instagram

- The aerodynamic of a lobester

- Map of...The World..

- Animals Wallpapers

Octopus Art #octopus #octopustattoo #octopus🐙 #octopusart #octopussy #octopusdrawing #octopus_project #squid #kraken #krakentattoo #art #artoftheday #artistsoninstagram #artwork #arts #cthulhu - @octopus_art_usa on Instagram

Caught these babys last night - @diane._the._sexy._duck on Instagram

Oldie but goodie! #throwback to this beautiful poster we helped to create 10 years ago that we still love 🐟 - @malamamaunalua on Instagram

- Marine aquarium fish

- Laser Fish

New one for my best buds in @mewithoutYou. This design is a re-make of a classic tee they had in 2006, during the Brother Sister release cycle. They asked me to re-create the design, and were planning to be selling it on tour right now, celebrating the record’s anniversary. Obviously the tour’s been postponed, but you can support them by buying a tee from their online store. “A fish swims in the sea, while the sea is in a certain sense contained within the fish!” #mewithoutyou #brothersister - @charliewagers on Instagram

Descubren un nuevo modo de reproducción ovípara en tiburones!🧐 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Hasta ahora, se conocían sólo dos modos de reproducción ovípara, en la que los tiburones depositan cápsulas al exterior. El primero, es el conocido como Oviparismo simple o único en donde tan sólo una cápsula es retenida en el oviducto en un corto periodo de tiempo, para ser luego depositada al exterior. El otro es el Oviparismo múltiple, donde son retenidas varias cápsulas en un oviducto durante un tiempo prolongado, para luego ser depositadas al exterior con embriones más desarrollados.🤓 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ El nuevo modo se ha descubierto en el Sarawak swellshark (𝘊𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘤𝘺𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘶𝘮 𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘴), de la familia Scyliorhinidae y originario del Mar del Sur de China. Tiene una reproducción ovípara en el que desarrollan una sola cápsula por oviducto, pero por un tiempo prolongado. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Para más info 👇: https://buff.ly/39oLeMC⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Nakaya, K., White, W.T. & Ho, H. Discovery of a new mode of oviparous reproduction in sharks and its evolutionary implications. Sci Rep 10, 12280 (2020) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #ciencia #conservacion #divulgacion #sarawakswellshark #shark #ocean #reproduction #discover - @catsharks.ciencia on Instagram


@alzheimerebook - @fagneraimundo on Instagram

During my time in Norway lately I created a few special videos of ṿ͓̊i̧͓̓rͬ᷾ͅt̘͜ͅuå̗͖l̢͒ͮ v̥̅͂òͭ᷇i̸͎͓d᷇̓͆ for @feltzine issue 69. . Watch them over at their profile and find a link to the full issue in their bio where I also answer a few questions regarding this project and my work in general. ✨🖤🧬 . #feltzine #exitsimulation #virtualvoid - @exitsimulation on Instagram

- Art for Your Beach House

- The Cellar Spider (Phlocus sp.) seems particularly prone to infection because it lives in the damp environments where this fungus thrives. Once the fungus is established the spores from the fungus rapidly infect other spiders nearby. Its a literal zombie, half dead and half alive.

Comme quoi 💁 - - #lgbt #gay #lesbian #bisexual #transgender #nonbinary #queer - @lgbt_jacques_cartier on Instagram

- Prehistoric & dinosaurs

- 🔥 have you watched this documentary? What are your thoughts about the film?

TEAM SPRINT GOAL SMASHED 💣💥 . What a great Day 2 of racing. Team sprint partner @baronessvb7 and I had one major goal for this first round of the QUEENSLAND TRACK SERIES..... to try and beat the State championship record of 39.814s....we hit a time of 39.592s so to say we are pretty happy is an understatement (Note: state championship record can only be officially recorded at the state championships) . I am also using this track series to test gearing for the State Championships in December. Coach Michael has changed my gearing and we are getting some really good data . I was unsure of how I would go given the current virus climate and how it has impacted my work, and hence, my training these last 7 months. I am pretty sure my coaches believed in me more than I did, but I am grateful to both of them for their commitment to me as their athlete: 🔹️ Coach Michael for adjusting and making some creative changes to my training keeping in mind all of my work commitments being over the top during this time 🔹️Coach Blayze for putting up with seeing me so much and designing all of the strength work we have done that, as Michael says, has proven to be invaluable and on point given the data we are receiving after these last two days of racing. And also, more recently, for the advice on getting myself grounded during race meets. Improvements are still to be made in this area but it is early days . And a huge thank you to @thebarbrisbane for being a pretty cool place to train especially when @dio.gym.dog joins me in any of my stretches or planks 😍 @trackcyclingacademy @blayze_strength @hamilton_wheelers @s100cycle . #teamsprint #pb #squatsforwatts #trackbike #aerohelmet #kask #cyclinggoals #cycling #trackcycling #personaltrainer #coach #fitness #gym #weights #weightlifting #power #speed #cadence - @jacquik06 on Instagram

“Life is too short to get bogged down and discouraged. You have to keep moving. You have to keep going. Put one foot in front of the other, smile and just keep rolling” #MambaMentality 13.36 mile route. #kobe - @fatguysrunningmarathons on Instagram

Conozcan el trabajo de las mujeres artesanas de Mompox, quienes nos recuerdan la tradición de los peces de oro del coronel Aureliano Buendía en 100 años de soledad; los cuales seguramente están relacionados por las visitas de Gabriel García Márquez a Mompox, y el trabajo que para aquella época desarrollaba Teófilo Gutiérrez (no es el futbolista). Esta vez representaron una raya, en un trabajo de colaboración entre comunidad, Consejería Presidencial para la Juventud y Fundación Neotropical Cuencas, más info aquí: https://cutt.ly/wd6qWSn Ustedes también pueden apoyar esta iniciativa, que entiende los nuevos cambios ambientales, que su arte conlleva; Colombia crea talento, fortalece esta actividad y pueden encontrar su producto en: https://cutt.ly/ed56KiG Gracias a Sandy Lucia Alcocer Turizo y Liliana Paola Jiménez @alco.cerjoyeria #semanadelajuventud #Semanajoven. Fotografías Daniel Bustos y @jpezq - @neotropical_cuencas on Instagram

- @mohammadsafrid on Instagram

@coryjwong playing lightning guitar in the parisian subway. - @vincent_morla on Instagram

Coming soon!!!! • www.nebofishing.com • #nebofishingcompanyfyfishing #nebofishingflyshop #flyfishingutah #tk2design - @nebo_fishing_company on Instagram

The whales are wonderful... book your tour through us for Busselton or Perth at www.geographemaritime.com.au or phone 0439626383... for a bucket list experience! - @geographemaritime on Instagram

- Ţø ƏşçąPə

🔬🖤:O - @dinomuerto on Instagram

- Baby clownfish are loving their new anemones

En profitant de la rivière, jai peint un 🐟 dans leau! 🐠🐡 ------------------------- #ore_urban_art #oré #poisson #fishart #fishpainting #rivière #pyreneesatlantiques #arturbain #paysbasque_tourisme #mauleonlicharre - @ore_urban_art on Instagram

The day I was diagnosed with late Stage 3 Breast Cancer I made the decision I would not be a victim but rather an advocate for LIVIN life, spreading positivity, and creating HOPE for others going through their own individual battles. We all struggle with our own personal fights and obstacles throughout life. Regardless... If their rough days, tough days, or sad days REMEMBER theyre all GOOD days! Take a few minutes to look around, take a deep breath, and appreciate what you DO have in this life! Life is GOOD! #zacyarbroughoutdoors #pelagicworldwide #pelagicgear #cancer #breastcancer #fightlikehell #live #laugh #love #happiness #nevergiveup #LIFEISgood #cancersucks #notimetowaste #marlin #inthebite #fight - @zacyarbroughoutdoors on Instagram

Vintage Is Always So Modern! #MeetDecathlon @oneblueteam 💙 @decathlontalent 😉 @decathlonusa #publicité #advertising #humour #mode #fashion #fashionblogger / On taime toujours autant, #jacquesseguela @lefilsdepub #vintage #retro #80sfashion #80s #design #designer @ol_dub - @xavriv2019 on Instagram

- Never Fails

been consistent on the line diving, aka, wim hof cold therapy 😅. were seeing up to a 20 deg drop upon hitting the thermocline 🥶 this sun it moved up to 4m so your warmup is in the refrigerator lol. past 25m were seeing as low as 10c/50f, from a surface temp of 21c/70f. Second photo shows how dark it starts to get down there. #freedivecalifornia #freediving - @emit0094 on Instagram

Did you know that an octopus has three hearts? #funfacts #nature #octopus #cephalopod #giantpacificoctopus #ocean #oceanlife #sea #sealife #underwaterphotography #amazinganimals #coolcritters #animals #marinelife #underthesea #exploretheocean #oceanexploration - @kelp_ocean on Instagram

⭐️NEW PAPER!⭐️ Microplastic fibres found in almost 70% of sharks in UK waters! 🦈🧪🌊 This paper comes from our #MRes student @mrkaijai! . . . . #Microplastics #Sharks - @exetermarine on Instagram

- Octopuses lay 56,000 eggs at a time. The mother spends six months so devoted to protecting the eggs that she doesn’t eat. The babies are the size of a grain of rice when they’re born.

- Dinosaurs

We spent one evening this week saving a beehive behind a wall in a townhouse. We were able to locate the bees using a thermal gun that shows us the heat signature of the beehive. We than remove the drywall, remove the hive, insulate the wall and install a new sheet of drywall. . . . #savethebees #hiveremoval #beesinthecity #beesinwalls #localbees #gta #propertymanagement #home - @torontobeerescue on Instagram

Some of my drawings for Fatboy Slim - Right Here, Right Now music video in 1999 🎶 💥 1/3 #fatboyslim #righthererightnow - @mr.garthjennings on Instagram

Whale sharks have amazing eyes! While these sharks are best known for their size and spots, recent research tells an incredible story. Whale sharks eyes are covered in dermal denticles, a type of modified placoid scale that covers most sharks and rays. Additionally, they can retract their retinas by up to 50% for long periods of time for protection. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ¡Los tiburones ballena tienen ojos increíbles! Si bien estos tiburones son más conocidos por su tamaño y manchas, investigaciones recientes cuentan una historia increíble. Los ojos de los tiburones ballena están cubiertos de dentículos dérmicos, un tipo de escama placoidea modificada que cubre la mayoría de los tiburones y rayas. Además, pueden retraer sus retinas hasta en un 50% durante largos períodos de tiempo para protección.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Photo copyright Tomita et al. (2020).⁣ ⁣ #sharkresearch #sharkeyes #conservation #whalesharks - @whalesharkmexico on Instagram

First Humpback fluke match of the season! Same whale seen on Friday, and December 2015 #humpback #whale #humpbackwhale #whales #ocean #whalewatching #wildlife #humpbackwhales #nature #whalelove #oceans #marinelife #underwater #sea #marinemammals #antarctica #antarcticpeninsula #getonaboat #citizenscience #antarctic_ambassadors @IAATO - @happyhumpback on Instagram

Here are the designs for the eight Traffic Signal Boxes in Ward 14 part of #DestinationDanforth! The artists began last week and we cant wait to see the finished work. Big thanks to @start_streetartoronto and the amazing artists.   1. Broadview – by Merryn Connelly-Miller 2. Pape – by Dina Belaia 3. Woodycrest – by Ghazaleh Rastgar 4. Jones – by Kirsten McCrea 5. Donlands – by Bee Fawn 6. Greenwood – by Radha Raulgaonkar 7. Linsmore – by Jennylynd James 8. Coxwell – by Wenting Li - @paulafletcher on Instagram

- Stippling piece using 003 micron & 003 unipin + digitally coloured on (9in. x 12in.) Bristol board canvas . About 200 hours of work.

- I 千ㄖ尺Ꮆㄖㄒ the ᴇǫᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ^

P R O T E C T Y O U R E Y E S W I T H K A T O H A C H I L E N S E S #art #eyewear #madeinjapan - @deliriouseyewear_com on Instagram

#seaworldindonesia - @seaworld_indonesia on Instagram

A whole Alaskan Halibut - @gwfins.scalibut on Instagram

- 🔥 Hay guys.......Got any more Doritos?

Teaching a 2nd class of school students today. These guys and girls are 2 hours in and are giving me answers better than most engineers! Pic is a road X section that explains the layers, materials, names and how it all works. Doing the mahi - @civiltrain.nz on Instagram

Thanks for the puzzle @dale_evans00 and @purplepeonyofbayfield ! It was great to put together over the holidays. Going to mount this one! 💙🍄🙌 . . . . #mushrooms #mushroom #puzzle #puzzles #fungi_fan_club #fungifanatic #mushroomsofinstagram #mushroomphotography #bayfieldontario #fungi - @thefungiforage on Instagram


Glorious Photoshoot 😍🐙🐙 📱Follow @octopusify ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ 👇 Eligibility ↪ Follow the @octopusify ✅ ↪ Must save the post ✅ ↪ Like the post ✅ ↪ Comment on the post ✅ ↪ Send the post to your 10 friends ✅ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ - @octopusify on Instagram

- Comb Jelly Study, Me, Digital Drawing, 2018

- Unfortunately, I have to leave the aquarium hobby due to financial reasons, and so I drew some of my favorite fish species to remember why I got into it in the first place.

🚨 @culturenight IS HERE 🚨 Online screening of exhibition by Róisín Ní Chionnfgaolaidh (glass) and Anja Gnauck (ceramics). Both artists live and work in Ballinskelligs and are strongly influenced by the surrounding seascapes. @kerrycountycouncil @artscouncilireland - @kerrycoarts on Instagram

- Artwork

- a fishy affair

- Meet Ted, one of my favourite work colleagues

RIP Steve Grossman, one of the greatest saxophonists. Dig his dark, fat sound, intense and driving time feel, and harmonic language. You can hear the stuffiness of his reed and how hard he worked to produce such an awesome sound. His solo on “Sambra” will always be a favorite. Check it out, it starts around 3:46. What a solo break! Hard to imagine he was only in his early 20s when this was recorded. His solo on “Brite Piece” off the same record is a favorite as well. A true legend. #stevegrossman #sax #tenorsaxophone #bostonsaxshop @bostonsax #modal - @dougmosher4444 on Instagram

- This is a picture I took of ALLURE OF THE SEAS’s three Wärtsilä CT3500 bow thruster while in port. Each can draw 3.5MW of power. Their apertures are clearly visible under their waterline markings.

- Tottori

- Aquarium Time

- Fishing Guide

Venha fazer parte da nossa equipe . #assessoriafortetriathlon #assessoriaPraiaGrande #triathlon #corridaderua #travessiaaquatica #ciclismo #cienciadoesporte - @assessoriafortetriathlon on Instagram

Pintando 🎨... a) Floresta encantada🖍 b) Jardim Secreto🖌 c) Material de estudo de Anatomia ✅😊 @naturologia.univille - @tabismimos on Instagram

👾⁉️ BUGDREAMER’s Challenge for Scuba Divers! How many of these creatures can you ID?? #bugDreamer - @_bugdreamer_ on Instagram

Sobre la Paella Valenciana y Los CARACOLES. Estamos en epoca de lluvias, y al salir al campo encontramos facilmente caracoles que salen a buscar brotes tiernos. Estamos en la comarca de La Ribera Alta y en la paella de esta zona los caracoles son muy abituales. Principalmente se encuentran tres variedades a saber: Moros, Cristians y Avellanecs. Y si se pueden utilizar los tres, esto no es lo preferido. Cada variedad tiene unas preferencias. Los mas abituales en la paella son los Cristians. Por su tamaño y finura. Los Avellanecs se prefieren con su salsa de cebolla, tomate y hiervabuena, entre otros condimentos. Los Moros no gozan de muchos aficionados, se consideran mas bastos y poco atractivos. Y no siendo de zonas humedas sino ya de zonas de secano, entre las rocas y orificios varios, se buscan la Chonetas Finas, que son los mas apreciados, por comer romero y otras aromaticas. Hoy la mayoria de caracoles del mercado ya son de granja y se pierden los sabores originales. - @juancarlosgalbis on Instagram

¿Sabías qué los Changos no son una “etnia  principal” para el estado chileno? Sin embargo esto está cambiando. Ya se aprobó en la Cámara baja del Senado para que sean parte de la Ley índigena. Los Changos son comunidades costeras ubicadas principalmente desde la II a la V Región. - @chile_en_dibujos on Instagram

- @angelgalica on Instagram

- This is the Black Swallower

- Flyer Design Ideas Marketing

Cheers Mom! #elevenyearstoday Love you❤️ - @ducatirider on Instagram

Bristol Bay is the lifeblood of Alaska. Home to the worlds largest wild Sockeye salmon run, the bay provides tens of thousands of Alaskan jobs and feeds Americans from coast to coast. . But the salmon and fishermen are facing an existential threat from the Pebble Mine project, which, if fully built, will be the worlds largest open pit mine. It will produce 10.2 billion tons of toxic waste that will remain on the site forever. Bristol Bay will be poisoned. . Pebble Mine permitting is being rushed through at record speed. But the EPA has a responsibility to protect Bristol Bay and the people who rely on it. They must stop Pebble Mine from receiving key permits and veto the project. And they can. But we must make our voices heard. Please join us in taking action by visiting https://stoppebbleminenow.org/take-action/ and demand that the EPA veto Pebble Mine. It’s not too late, but it soon will be. . Read our latest blog post for more info. #stoppebblemine #nopebblemine #protectourplanet #savebristolbay #salmon #salmonfishing #bristolbaysockeye #vetopebblemine #salmonlover - @sea2table on Instagram

A Pineto, a 7 km da Atri il Territorio delle Terre del Cerrano si arricchisce di una nuova attrazione #visitatri #visitabruzzo #visitpineto #abruzzoturismo #atri #terredelcerrano #parcoacquatico #abruzzo #welcomeabruzzo #calanchidiatri #icustodidelgusto - @isolacalanchi on Instagram

Genetics is so cool. Michael Whiteside at Rutgers working with Ximing Guo and Dave Bushek have been isolating the genes associated with shell shapes and color. Exciting times lie ahead as we will be able to speed our selective breeding efforts to meet growers’ needs. #sustainableseafood #shellfishfarming #oysters - @ecsga on Instagram