Level8 Profile Pics

the battle catsbattlebattle catsgamecatsfightwar냥코대전쟁게임고양이

HD wallpaper: Anime, Solo Leveling


im thinking a solid eight niall comas pyro pyrocynical body count

- [HUMOR] Make me look pretty dude!

After changes we are more or less the same: Photo

BCU Brisbane | Archway

vegeta e mais de8000 rage angry dragon ball z

- I really hate this



running away pets escaping hurry video game

- [Humor] Attacking is overrated

appleycake bomby roblox hype fortnite

- 43% Win Rate ? Yeah, but damn this feels good (won btw)

genshin impact world level wl8 drop rate garbage

- Got it over 500

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EB%B2%88%EA%B0%9C%EC%9D%98%EC%8B%A0%EC%82%B0%EB%94%94%EC%95%84 the battle cats game cats lightning god

- Game completely glitched out for both me and my friend on launch, I got this, they got a game couldnt load screen. No points lost

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC%EC%8B%B8%EC%9B%80 the battle cats game cats battle

- Hmm

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC%EC%8B%B8%EC%9B%80 the battle cats game cats battle

- Should I learn Braille?

%E5%8F%8D%E6%92%83 %E6%94%BB%E6%92%83 %E3%83%9C%E3%82%B9 %E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD%E3%81%84%E3%81%AC%E3%81%97%E3%81%97

- Fear the pogos!

giant cat battle cats %E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD

- PsBattle: LeBron James getting water poured on him

%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD gameplay battle cats

- [MISC] Everyone is complaining about builder base meanwhile im over in main village in pure agony #lastlevel for queen and warden

%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD %E6%94%BB%E6%92%83 %E7%88%86%E7%99%BA battle cats

- [GLITCH] So... This was a thing. imgur.com/a/lHn8fkW for the full story.

%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD battle cats zombie cat %E3%82%BE%E3%83%B3%E3%83%93

- Any one else seen this glitch

%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD battle cats

- [IDEAS] Show average destruction of your bases.

%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E %E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E %E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD black

- [AMA] Th10 Legend :)

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- minecraft modern house

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- Its Finally Over Boys!

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- [MISC] This Player made a Pikachu Base

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC%EC%8B%B8%EC%9B%80 the battle cats game cats battle

- [GLITCH] Such a funny glitch.

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC%EC%8B%B8%EC%9B%80%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%99%EC%9A%94%EC%83%88%EC%B9%B4%EB%AC%B4%EC%9D%B4 the battle cats game cats battle

- Most people in my clan have maxed out rare cards. When we request card we can only choose new card. Is there any plan to resolve this situation?

%E3%82%84%E3%81%B0%E3%81%84%E9%80%B2%E6%92%83%E6%94%BB%E6%92%83%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89%E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD the battle cats battlefield fight

- Unable to promote war cart. I click on the promote button and nothing happens.

%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E7%A5%AD %E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3%E3%83%A0%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88 bahamut cat battle cats

- OK Kupe

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- [MISC] The definition of poor

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- [HUMOR] I finally got my camps full of sneaky goblins

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- Outdoor Outfitters

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- blursed clan war

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- Old screenshot of the first time I did well with PL

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80 %EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC

- In light of the recent server attacks, I admit to hitting off worlds for IRL payment. Heres proof of it.

the battle cats %EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80

- Asian servers pretty much dead already. 92 REC: Same faces every day. 93+ REC: Same faces not getting a game...

the battle cats %EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81 %EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84 %EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4 %EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80

- The guys from my LGS just posted this from Essen.

the battle cats

- Are crossover memes cool?

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EB%B0%B0%ED%8B%80%EC%A0%84%ED%88%AC%EC%8B%B8%EC%9B%80%EB%A0%88%EC%9D%B4%EC%A0%80 the battle cats game cats battle

- [MISC] I managed to resist collecting it until it’s full

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EC%8B%A0 the battle cats game ccats god

- You aint got to be a dick about it.

%EB%83%A5%EC%BD%94%EB%8C%80%EC%A0%84%EC%9F%81%EA%B2%8C%EC%9E%84%EA%B3%A0%EC%96%91%EC%9D%B4%EC%8B%A0%EC%9D%98%ED%9E%98 the battle cats game cats god

- [Base] Im not sure if I want to remove my gem box

battle surprised monkey smiling cat happy cat

- [GOAL] hit gold league on my Th5 account :)

promptis noct cute ffxv prompto

- [MISC] When your a clan leader

happy cat level8 insane max smiling cat

- Is it only me?

timer cooldown cat blast shooting gorilla

- Look at all the progress on my iron man account

dnd spell

- New Priest Epic Card: Power Word Replicate!


- Good Luck!

blast shooting punching battle neko cat

- While totally not worth it I made it to floor 1,000 in the Skull Caverns. Mobile, no mods.


- [GOAL] Ready for BH level 10

dnd spell

- Ready for Wooaaaaaar ! - props to Medieval mod creators


- The Eye and I killed each other at the same time. I was trying to get those 2 hearts down there when we both died.

dnd spell

- [GOAL] Finally fully maxed my th1

babyemirbebe aezrieai

- [BUILDER] You ever look at this and think, this gives you at least 700 gems a year?

level up scott barry kaufman big think higher level upper level

- Shout out to whoever designed the placement of the profession trainers in Shattrath. After 85 days of Dazaralor, I forgot how convenient it could be.

ffxv prompto promptis noct noctis

- [BASE] This was suggested a while ago, but I think it should be reiterated. Redditors should have these upvote/downvote its arrows in their base!

levelup moveup

- So... beautiful


- Holy Shit!

highest level highest level top level greatest

- Not sure if this has happened before but the pyramid top was missing. I even hopped worlds. Could this have something to do with the new gnome child chat options or is it just a bug?


- PermIron Just Got Ranger Boots - Rank 1 Ultimate Ironman

level up star cute purple

- working_software doesnt matter

level up flexing level strong

- Where I am pinning my future hopes at...

- This looks like super fun dungeon!

- Breaking Bad for the Gameboy Color (2003)

- Just a bit of anti-assholedesign here

- Really? So there is still a super long wait on cards even when the war resets...

- [HUMOR] hmmmmm

- Mother fricken boulder

- While playing stretch dungeon I somehow got stuck in the wall

- The cats walked into the area and just straight up joined my colony...Now I gotta feed all of them, for now...

- Does anyone else have this bug? Hearthstone opens vertical iOS

- Look, Timmy is in the Spurs bench!

- :)

- [HUMOUR] This guy just gave up after maxing TH10.

- What!Joergan is in tuber simulator!

- Organic cocoa butter

- Oddly satisfying

- [GOAL] I found an old image of my base from 2015 and comparing it to my base now, its amazing to see how much Ive improved

- uhm..

- Jesus sighted in a bad fan translation

- [goal] Made it into crystal after been inactive for a year

- Rate my setup brand new to the game. Gonna go fight them bosses now, I heard the 2 hardestbosses before Hardmode is WoF and skeletron. What gear should I upgrade to before them? (Enchanted Sword, Space Gun, Meteorite Hamaxe, Full Meteorite gear)

- As a poor noob this is just painful.

- [New Gem Grab map idea] Night Grotto

- Independent ruler but someone took over as owner of my Great Work?

- On the new iPad Pro Reddit and built in apps are the only apps that don’t have these annoying black bars on the side of the screen

- Supercell Just needs to remove these offers, nobodys gonna buy that!

- Wow guys I just found out that you press Yes then it will drop you into Bitch Lasagna in Youtube

- Was joking about it with my friend and it actually happened

- Who else remembers the trading post?

- I went all my way, reached level 100 in Skull Cavern...without knowing I needed the quest to get that item if you know what I mean (F in the Chat)

- (Bug) Golden micromummy crashes battlegrounds

- lol wtf. Got Rocky at 0 thieving xp

- [EVENT] WE DID IT, REDDIT! #1 Clan I the world is /r/ClashofClans!

- Cursed portal

- Yeah I don’t think that Zombie Chow’s gonna cut it buddy haha

- Fix this abomination aswell please

- Match 3 Games

- Should I tell him...?

- The barbarian blockade won me the match by a hair

- Bring back Fist of Guthix

- Dont tell me I dont have a chance with her!

- I think itd be cool if they put a search result for the dual-class cards

- I mean, I was only looking for a single pogo to start with but that works too

- What are these bots doing here (came across them again 1 hour later).

- Ill See Your Rank 5 Wild Typical Meta Match and Raise You...

- TIL you can more or less fall infinitely in the void by tanking damage with enchanted golden apples

- Supercell, please bring back the old Shop

- Its finally over

- cursed_portal

- [MISC] Archers got bored and abandoned the tower

- [Misc] Helping everyone out with clan games (:

- [GOAL] 3,000,000 donations complete

- A weapons pod landed on my mortar stockpile. Sure half my turrets went boom, a horse died and i have to rebuild a wall. But all that firefoam everywhere made it feel like a party. ( 20 High Explosive, 25 Incendiary, 2 Antigrain, 15 Firefoam)

- [Misc] I was in Gold 3 at the beginning of the season. Never thought Id get this far..

- So close...

- Does anyone know what blocks these are? I was messing with infinite dimensions and found them.

- When your warlock is militantly anti-capitalist.

- [ASK] So I decided to push my TH5 account and I’ve just hit silver 1, it’s starting to get tough now. I’ve been using giants and wiz with a mixture of loons, baby drags and valks in my cc. This strat seems to be working but I’m struggling to attack the TH6s and TH7s. Any tips?

- [Concept] 4 Tower Challenge - New Special Event.

- Does anyone else find Furnace annoying?

- Im not sure how it got soggy

- Because..why not?

- Just got a imbued heart from a crawling hand task, What are the chances. uim btw

- [Suggestion] Teleport to House in Build Mode (low-quality conceptualization warning)

- [Goal] My queen is level 40

- [ASK] So I got to BH8 and now I feel a bit lost, what should I work on next?

- I hope he was joking

- Clearly.

- [MISC] our “leader” is dumb and put on a 15v15 CWL when we have 50 members...

- Not bad for level 23

- [MISC] 12s for TH12 . Lets goooo :D (yeah, thats german)

- Always do something while afk! Theres no bank standing pet

- Something I noticed about the new clan castle

- [GOAL] I just hit Legends on my townhall 8

- Blursed clash of clans

- yall ever say screw it and play cannon at bridge?

- Um

- [HUMOR] Stonks

- Blast from the Past


- I present to you... the Aquatic Soviet Human Wave Tactic

- [IDEA] Petition to be able to add decorations outside the base.

- i like to live dangerously

- Bitcoin halving is less than 10,000 blocks away!

- [MISC]After a day full of non-stop farming i earned 8 mil in 1 day

- Fortnite is created (July 25, 2017)

- [GOAL] TH7 loot cart!

- Expectations vs. Reality

- This is the map in person. (its 128x128 blocks)

- new Malphite HUD

- My god, its better than I ever could have imagined

- Went underneath a tunnel and the game lagged and now the kings are facing the wrong way

- My Terraria under ground base

- Trying to figure out the answer to the Classic Concentration puzzle.

- Why is the dark elixir storages grass different from the other buildings?

- [HUMOR] P.EK.K.A: My time has come..

- I hate bugs

- Will anyone sell me some more?

- [MISC] The perks of having a max gem mine

- [Bug] Got a really weird deck bug at the start of my match

- [Suggestion] Royal hogs should be like barbarians rather than then in line, it will make their target alignment better and they would not be separated in oddly like they currently do. This formation will also create new opportunities for placements & would create different combination tactics.

- Who needs a Temple Key anyway?

- My friend is gonna wake up to a surprise

- Stay safe gamers!

- [Humor] This is beyond science

- yeah i dropped this FUCKING SCUM clue scroll

- [ART] [GOAL] Finally finished my wall art of the logo of brawl stars. Its not a private server, I edited it with the walls of my 4 accounts (zoom to check)

- [BASE] So the wait begins, also just got Master III

- Got my Vetion pet at 200 kc, thought Id go back to finish the collection log

- [GOAL] Goodbye TH10

- [HUMOR] This is probably the only time my battle machine doesn`t go for the crusher

- Apple Games


- Close the Curtins, it’s over!

- Best Day of my Hearthstone life

- 1 digit off -_-

- Ads obstruct special abilities in the tutorial stage when theyre free. Ad is out of the way in every other stage.

- [EVENT] We‘ll also have them on the next weekend

- One of the more useless, gem leeching features in the update: you can now skip the 20 minutes request cooldown with gems...

- The Man, the Myth, the Legend

- [Humor] when your clan always donates wrong spell

- Aaaaaaaand, choked

- Running around post-game when this happens. First ever! I love the red eyes

- After several weeks and many worlds, my wife and I finally did it!

- Wut

- Hahahaha wow.

- Is this rare? having both these on the same medium clue scroll?

- This.

- When your friend tells you to use the side entrance

- I just want to vote and chat

- [GOAL] After 41 weeks of clashing (287 days)

- For the people who thought I was exaggerating when I said bloodmoons only happen when Im building:

- Update leaked! Coming in September!

- New season be like

- I heard a tick as I touched the ground, like a pressure plate, then a verticle line opened up above me. Is this a thing or just a weird bug? Its been happening a lot and its driving me crazy lol

- [HUMOR] Cant hold my tears (sorry for bad edit)

- Its sick that we are still not discussing main addition from 1.1.

- [humor] Is this a side game to you?

- This keyboard in alphabetical order

- [HUMOR] I have now become focused.

- [MISC] Dueling SuperQueens

- I designed my own Level 4 EDrag... [MISC]

- Yes, precisamente

- [humor] thank you “oxothuk,” very cool!

- [Petition] Remove these offers completely from the shop containing a tiny number of cards for a large amount of gems

- [BASE] Getting close to maxed th8, all i need now is walls

- Not a bad start to barrows this week on the ironman.

- Have been having this UI glitches, sometimes chat letters are invisible, as well as text emotes.

- Rate my comp

- Just why... whyyyyyyyy

- SCP Card Game Update - Completely new redesign, Any constructive criticism/suggestions welcome

- Been waiting all year for this post.

- The US Buying Alaska from Russia (1867, Colorized)

- Why is it snowing in Clan Wars?

- [Shitpost]I will just leave this here

- Its 5 Platinum :(

- Spelunky Classic : 2940 deaths until my first win, never change!

- Can anyone identify this texture pack?

- Just get the drop bro

- Air Force One in a nutshell

- Look what I found

- Shoutout to rudy, who used his unlimited replays to give me my 13th win in the challenge! Not all heroes wear capes.

- Im so happy to know this, good thinking waiting until I mined the whole thing to tell me!

- [Goal] That new TH feel

- [Goal] Finally maxed th9 and Im on my way to th10

- Who doenst

- [MISC] So this happened today by pure coincidence.

- I have several questions

- Enemy Clan is blatantly and obviously cheating with numbered throwaway accounts. There needs to be some regulations on CW2!

- Blursed Shulker.

- Proudest achievement on Runescape to date


- [MISC] What do I do now? 25M in a few minutes. Any tips go forward?

- Gout Tuber on the first bush!! (BTW)

- Aaaand, oh man! (OC)

- Hey guys what can I do to remove these things?

- top online casinos

- The biggest lie in Hearthstone

- [HUMOR] Trump: The Art of The Deal

- Did the guess the skill name with my girlfriend

- I realy hoped that I would get a reward for feeding Rag 1000 Minions, but the cake is a lie

- [MISC] Good deal?

- How the hell

- I just had an infestation spawn, under 2 Tiles of mountain roof!

- Lucky drop on BWL trash

- [HUMOR] Thank God I got the loot back

- Thank you Outerminds,very cool!

- So I tried an all healer and barb king raid for the first time...

- Well, not ALL of us, apparently

- Landed a D2H on Wilderness Only Account

- me irl

- [GOAL] Started these and then a glitch with collecting builder boosts (I think) synced them together.

- Someones fed up with this pandemic [humour]

- Every fucking week...

- This way is much more neat and efficent.

- I think my dungeon door isnt feeling well.

- [Misc] Im so close to th9 and I have a 7h shield so I wont get attacked until I spend what I need

- [GOAL] I maxed my walls for townhall 11, and now I just got 10 levels between my queen and king, and 13 defenses left, 7 taking over a week, and only 1 thing left in lab. Yay max storages :)

- [MISC] Visual recap of the new buildings announced today.

- Nice of Jagex to put all the minigames in one spot!

- My dark elixir being more than halfway full but the bar doesnt seem to notice

- Well, sadly they were both dupes. but a sick double chest.

- Arcade Games

- No!

- Today, a Transport Pod crash happened, and said victim just stood up on his own immediatenly, patched himself and walked out of the map, what a Chad.

- Why cant i be this lucky?????

- sick deals is back at it again

- Learned that this may happen when you go into the normal mines after youve received the Golden Scythe

- Its been a while since i played terraria, found this thing today i love world gen. (Mabey not interesting but i found like 4 heart cristals in that cave)

- How long were you waiting there?

- You know youve hit an all time low when youve started sand whaling

- When your mate gets you the wrong drop-pod coordinates......

- Whadda you guys think of this design I made for a sea bomb? Is it any good?

- Kill zone

- Pixel Art Game - Caves!

- Guess Which 3 Items I Kept

- First like 10 mins of starting Terraria for the first time lol. Plan on making a huge underground base and stuff. Critisism welcome.

- This is the ingame version of my previous post. Invent situation for this one.

- This probably has no widespread appeal, but I tripled the Jeopardy record in a game

- Mirror: will no longer appear in the opening hand.

- I was almost to the end of spiral in level 19, but I got a little too lucky

- [HUMOR] You ever look at this and say, “Where is my Royal Champion?”

- [HUMOR] smart thinking supercell

- off by ONE POINT

- I accidentally the stonks

- Logic Studio Tutorials

- When people do this shit

- Ardy Hard Diary

- Profit

- I never thought we would get to the point where mobile games lock upgrades behind an adwall off wifi.

- Finished my new runedragon alt this week, its already gotten every unique. Meanwhile, my main has 6500 rd kills no unique, and 12k boss kills no pets. Jagex is clearly playing favorites

- Why does epic always find these little useless things to put time and effort in instead of actually focusing on the game. And then they dont even got it right. It use to work perfectly and now its broken.

- Wasnt able to post this on r/PewdiepieSubmissions, so Ill post it here

- When you really run out of mobs to kill and you dont have the money to buy the most OP weapon in the entire game

- So i never knew that if you clicked on the Moon in the Selling Screen, you get a face on the moon..

- The Vials In Divine Potions Are 1 Pixel Lower Than Regular Potions

- 4b+ Rune dragon loot tab (100k+ kills)

- 2.5B Rune dragon loot tab (60k+ kills)

- There go all your plans

- When you know you’re not going to make it back in time... (aka pass out and lose items and/or g) Drop a chest and load it up!!!

- Zalcano loot after log finished at 1079 kc

- We live in a community

- What tf am I doing wrong????

- A landslide has occurred. omg the nostalgia

- Move the Party Room next to the Grand Exchange

- [HUMOR] pain

- 1....... only... 1