Lecker Profile Pics


Aesthetic pfp

F o o d I n s p o

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Mousse allo yogurt con lamponi e mirtilli Dolce n. 1 😂😂😂 . #festaaaa #ricorrenzaspeciale #yogurtbianco #lamponiemirtilli🍒🍓 #fruttidelmeravigliosoTrentino❤ #chelafestaabbiainizio🎉🎉🎉 - @fornelli.geniali on Instagram

gourmand quatreheures se goinfrer quand taimes manger bouche pleine

Beetroot Balls/ Beetroot Falafel 🍽️👶Home made and Fresh👩‍🍳 Easy way to make your kids eat pink energy balls (Beetroot Balls) 😍🤩 Always keep your experiment hat ON when it comes to feed your kids🤠👶 #beetroot #beetrootrecipes #falafel #kids #kidslove #energy #beetrootfalafel #healthysnacks #that_hungry_banker #thesocialchidiya #beet #beetrecipes #southindianfood #healthyeats #lentils #easytocook #kidsfav #vegetarianrecipes #vegan #southindianfoodlove #beetroots #tamilfoodblogger #loveforfood #tipsforkids #easydesserts - @makkal_samayal on Instagram

F o o d I n s p o

Here Are 40+ Tweets About Bad Dates That Are Both Awful and Hilarious

yum yummers yummy tasty ice cream

- beef

Criminal Apple

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Rio Mare tuna with lemon and black pepper. Have you tried it yet? #riomare #tuna - @riomareglobal on Instagram

𝕬𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖇𝖔𝖜 𝕵𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖊

monster dust cute yummy eat

Tonight on Desperate Dining: a bowl of Tomatoes & Tuna #DDwJJ #TomieTunie #nosalt - @jjgrinvalds on Instagram

Fresh and Flavorful: 10 Salad Inspiration Ideas to Energize Your Meals!



Still more beautiful berries out there but... going to remain closed for the weekend as the late season berries ripen up a bit. Will be open sometime this next week, we’ll post as soon as we know! - @rustyplowfarm on Instagram


Arent you a homo?

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☀️Dienstag☀️ Heute mittag gab es nach sehr langer Zeit mal wieder Lasagne, auf Wunsch meines Mannes😋👍🏼 . . #insta #instagirl #dannisbigworld #wenigerbitchmehrsonnenblume #food #foodblog #foodie #foodstagram #instafood #lasagne #yummy #yumyum #yum #saugut #köstlich #selfmade #selbstgemacht #sehrgut #schmackofatz #dienstag #essen #essenmachtglücklich #neues #neuerpost #new #neu #nice #gutesessen #hackfleisch #käse - @dannisbigworld on Instagram

Aesthetic pfp

Itadori Yuuji (Sukuna)

yum yummy lips yumm tongue

Bei der Pilzsuche erfolgreich gewesen? Super! Dann haben wir hier das perfekte Rezept für dich. In dieser Pilzpfanne kommen die frischen Pilze besonders gut zur Geltung. Abgerundet wird der Geschmack durch frischen Knoblauch. Dazu gib es frisches Baguette - fertig ist das feine Abendessen. Zutaten für 4 Port. 800 g gemischte Pilze (z.B. Shiitake, Pfifferlinge, Champignons) 1 Zwiebel 1-2 Knoblauchzehen 1-2 TL KNORR Bouillon Thymian & Petersilie 3 EL Olivenöl Pfeffer 2 EL gehackte Peterli Zubereitung 1. Pilze putzen, ggf. waschen und in Stücke schneiden. Zwiebel und Knoblauch schälen und fein hacken. 2. Pilze in einer Pfanne portionsweise in 2 EL Olivenöl anbraten und herausnehmen. Zwiebeln und Knoblauch im restlichen Olivenöl glasig dünsten. Pilze zufügen und mit Knorr Bouillon Thymian & Petersilie und Pfeffer würzen. 3. Pilzpfanne mit Peterli bestreut servieren. #Pilzpfanne #Pilze #fein #Abendessen #kochen - @knorrschweiz on Instagram


yummy delicious yum yummi yumm

Come in this week for some house-made three cheese ravioli tossed in a beautiful andouille sausage and roasted red pepper cream sauce! Vi aspettiamo! 👨‍🍳 - @momanddadsitalian on Instagram

─ lotus ! // thumbnail ?

mmm delicious yummy yum so good

New Product Alert!!! @greensbabka Chocolate & Cinnamon Babka has arrived and it tastes just like Bubbe made it! Find it in our bakery department . . #rockville #organic #nongmo #localfood #buylocal #fairtrade #market #farmfresh #healthyeats #eatlocal #gourmet  #foodie #cleaneats  #jewishfood #rockvilletownsquare #local #organic #nongmo   #yum #shoplocal #getclosertoyourfood #gaithersburg #potomac - @dawsonsmarket on Instagram

Aesthetic pfp

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Wie bereitet ihr Kartoffeln am liebsten zu? 🤔😋😁 Kartoffeln sind so ein tolles Gemüse und so vielseitig 👍🏻😊🥔 Mögt ihr sie auch so gerne? Mein Kartoffelfavorit sind ganz klar die Pommes, die ich mir hin und wieder gönne und selbstgemachte in der Heißluftfriteuse sind total lecker... 😋😁 . Was ihr bei Kartoffeln beachten solltet: 🥔🄻🄰🄶🄴🅁🅄🄽🄶: Kühl und dunkel, ideal bei 4 bis 15 Grad 🥔🅆🄰🅂 🄸🅂🅃 🄼🄸🅃 🄺🄴🄸🄼🄴🄽🄳🄴🄽 🄺🄰🅁🅃🄾🄵🄵🄴🄻🄽? Durch das Keimen entsteht ein schwach giftiger Stoff, das Solanin. Bei ganz kleinen Trieben reicht es aber sie großzügig zu entfernen. Bei längeren Trieben, ab 1 cm, sollte man die Kartoffel allerdings nicht mehr essen. 🥔🄺🄰🄽🄽 🄼🄰🄽 🄺🄰🅁🅃🄾🄵🄵🄴🄻🄽 🅁🄾🄷 🄴🅂🅂🄴🄽? Nein, auf keinen Fall solltet ihr Kartoffeln roh essen, denn die Kartoffel enthält giftige Stoffe, die erst beim Garen verschwinden. Deshalb unbedingt immer kochen. (Quelle: www.zaubertopf-club.de) . Kartoffeln sind übrigens glutenfrei. Außerdem zählen sie zu den basischen Lebensmitteln. Das bedeutet, dass sie im Körper keine Säure bilden. . . . #kartoffeln #pommes #ofenkartoffel #kartoffelsalat #erdapfel #pommesfrites #wedges #gnocchi #gesund#einfacherezepte #vegan #veganessen #veganliebe #vegandeutschland #veggie #gesundessen #tierwohl #veganeernährungsberaterin #fernstudium #ernährungsberaterin #fitnesstrainerin #ecodemy #gesundeernährung #veganerezepte - @vegan_claudia on Instagram

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Patty and granddaughter @Katie Ella social distancing. Stay safe! Order @ www.pattyspeppers.com #wholefoods in May! #pickpatty #zestygarlic #sweetheat #rolinoats #datztampa #keto #kosher #allnatural #glutenfree #vegan #boneappetit #floridalocal #buckeyes - @pattyspeppers on Instagram

mads mikkelsen

tasty food looks tasty yum delicious

Totally in love with the Vegetarian Lasagna. I planned to only do this on holidays but this is going into regular rotation - especially since it freezes well for storage. - - - - - - The layers were made from the following. LAYER 1:Homemade tomato sauce with garlic, onion, bit of scotch bonnet pepper, garlic salt, pure oregano oil. 👌🏽 (Used before and after both pasta shell layers) LAYER 2: stewed freshly seasoned callaloo (garlic, onion, scotch bonnet pepper, all purpose seasoning, tomatoes, salt) LAYER 3: seasoned stewed beans, cabbage and corn kernels LAYER 4: @barilla Oven Ready Lasagna (Gluten free) LAYER 5: Vegetarian cheese (top layer only) 20 minutes to bake with gluten free lasagna pasta and done. - - - - - #vegetarian #vegetarianrecipes #pescatariantimes #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #glutenfreeliving #vegetarianfood #healthyrecipes - @pescatariantimes on Instagram

Aesthetic pfp


yummy smirk eyebrow baby drool

Himbeer-Kokos Taler ________________________________________ Nährwerte 2 Portionen: kcal 569, KH: 54g, EW: 43g, Fett: 17g ________________________________________ Zutaten für 2 Portion: Teig: 1/2 reife Banane 50g Haferflocken 15g Vanille Whey 10g Mandelmehl 1 Ei 100g Skyr 25g Himbeeren gefroren 10g Kokosflocken etwas Kokosöl ________________________________________ Die Banane mit einer Gabel zerdrücken, restliche Zutaten hinzufügen und zu einem Teig rühren. In einer beschichteten Pfanne mit etwas Kokosöl von beiden Seiten anbraten. Vorteile: stillt das Verlangen nach Süßem, viel Proteine auf wenig Kalorien, sättigt lange #highprotein #fitnessgerichte #rezeptdestages #dessert #abnehmrezepte #gesundesüßigkeiten #gesundernähren #eiweißrezepte #gutesessen #lowcarbrezepte #abnehmtipps #naschenohnereue #xundundguat #healthymeals #fitnessfood #derspeckmussweg #diät #diätmotivation - @xund_und_guat on Instagram


not mine🤍

bear cute lovely fun animal

- Keto Food List

류진 Ryujin ♡︎

yumm delish so good food mmm

Werbung// Falafel - ich liebe sie einfach! Egal ob im Wrap zum Salat oder wie hier mit einer bunten Reispfanne. Dass ich da eher zu den Faulis gehöre, hab ich euch ja schon in der Story gebeichtet. Ich finde einfach, dass es mittlerweile so gute Bio-Mischungen gibt, dass man es sich auch einfach mal leicht machen darf. Benutzt ihr auch Falafel-Mischungen oder macht ihr die Bällchen selbst? Ihr braucht pro Portion 🧆 40 g Vollkornreis 🧆 1 Zwiebel 🧆 1/2 Paprika 🧆 100 g Zucchini 🧆 100 g Kirschtomaten 🧆 100 ml Haferdrink 🧆 10 g Mandelmus @koro_de 🧆 1 TL Hefeflocken @koro_de 🧆 100 g Sojajoghurt 🧆 1 Knoblauchzehe 🧆 Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika, Kräutermix 🧆 etwas Zitronensaft 🧆 65 g Falafel-Mix @koro_de 🧆 80 ml Wasser 🧆 1 EL Rapsöl Reis gut waschen und in ausreichend Wasser ca 25 Minuten kochen. Falafel-Mix mit 80 ml heißem Wasser übergießen und 10 Minuten quellen lassen. Anschließend 5 kleine Bällchen formen und im Öl ausbacken. Knoblauch fein hacken und mit Joghurt, Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika und etwas Zitrone zu einem Dressing mixen. Zwiebel, Paprika, Tomaten und Zucchini klein schneiden, in etwas Wasser andünsten, dann mit Hafermilch aufgießen. Mandelmus und Hefeflocken einrühren und mit Salz, Pfeffer und Kräutern würzen. Reis abgießen und untermischen. Reispfanne und Falafel anrichten und mit dem Joghurtdip servieren. Ich kann euch die Falafel-Mischung von @koro_de absolut empfehlen! Der Geschmack ist top und sie spart viel Arbeit und Zeit. Mit dem Code HANDFUL spart ihr bei eurer Bestellung 5%. Leckeren Reis gibts bei @reishunger , mit katjasreis bekommt ihr ab 15€ Bestellwert ein Finde deinen Lieblingsreis-Set gratis dazu. . . . #einfacherezepte #einfachkochen #gesundkochen #gesunderezepte #gesundessen #vegetarischerezepte #veganerezepte #vegetarischabnehmen #abnehmenmitgenuss #abnehmenohneverzicht #abnehmen #gesundabnehmen #falafel #korolicious #reispfanne #pfannengericht #pfannengerichte #plantbased #weightloss #kalorienzählen - @a_handful_of_greens on Instagram


Usuario: beffa18

food yummy hungry eat yum

Kohlrabi-Hackfleisch-Kuchen 🙌🏼 💖 den Großteil der Arbeit erledigt hier der Ofen 😍👌🏼🔥 Für ca. 6 Portionen: 2 mittelgroße Kohlrabi, 500g Hackfleisch, 2 Zwiebeln, 200ml Sahne, 100g Bacon (Scheiben), 1 EL Tomatenmark, 1 TL Senf, 1/2 TL Muskatnuss, 1/2 TL Guarkernmehl, Salz, Pfeffer, 100g Raspelkäse . Den Bacon in einer Pfanne braun anbraten. Dann auf dem Boden einer Auflaufform verteilen. Die Kohlrabi schälen und grob raspeln. Eine Hälfte auf dem Bacon verteilen. . Die Sahne mit Muskatnuss, etwas Salz und dem Guarkernmehl in einen Topf geben und erhitzen. Sobald die Soße aufkocht und andickt, über die Kohlrabi gießen. Den Ofen auf 180° vorheizen. . Die Zwiebeln schälen und in Würfel schneiden, die eine Hälfte zum Hackfleisch geben. Dann Tomatenmark, Senf, Salz und Pfeffer dazu geben, vermengen und auf den Kohlrabi verteilen. Auf dem Hackfleisch die zweite Hälfte Kohlrabi verteilen. . Die Auflaufform für ca. 25 Minuten mit Alufolie abgedeckt in den Backofen geben. Aus dem Ofen holen, den Raspelkäse darüber streuen und für weitere ca. 20-25 Minuten backen, bis der Käse goldbraun ist. . Servieren und genießen, guten Appetit! . 👉🏻 Vergesst nicht euch das Rezept abzuspeichern, wenn es euch gefällt 😊✌🏻💖 . #lowcarbdeutschland #lowcarbköstlichkeiten #lowcarbrezepte #abnehmenohnezuhungern #antidiät #intuitivessen #intuitivabnehmen #fooddiary #ernährungsumstellung #rezepte #abendessen #eatbetternotless #fuelyourbodyright #abnehmen2020 - @lowcarbkoestlichkeiten on Instagram

꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱

jibble belly nibbles tom and jerry hungry

⁣⁣ Inspiriert durch einen Post von @worldskitchen.bbq , habe ich mal versucht die Schaschlik-Spieße BAKU nachzugrillen. Hier nun Teil 2: „READY TO GO“ das Schweinenackenfleisch schön auf 2 Spieße aufgesteckt….und ab damit auf den Grill.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ (Werbung)⁣⁣ Möchtet Ihr beim nächsten #Grillen oder #Barbecue ein cooles Shirt mit Grillmotiv tragen? Dann schaut doch bei @grillmeister_outfit vorbei und finde EUER Grill-Design. ⁣⁣ Link in Bio @grillmeister_outfit⁣⁣⁣.⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ #grillmeister #grillmeister_outfit #bbqaustralia #barbecue #bbq #ausbbq #bbqlife #bbqnerd #grilledfood #grillmaster #grillkönig #fleischspieß #grill #webergrill #bbqculture #bbqfreunde #bbqseason #grillengehtimmer #grillzubehör #spieße #sizzler #grillspieße #schaschlik #skewers #grillparty #grillsaison #grillenmachtglücklich #grillenmitfreunden - @grillmeister_outfit on Instagram

𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚜𝚝: 𝚖𝚎𝚒𝚒𝚣𝚎_𝚌𝚘𝚖

yum yummy

Rava laddu😍😋🤤 - @hyderabad_food_masti on Instagram

3-Ingredient Sourdough Bread Made with Flour, Water, Salt - Zero-Waste Chef

brotstoff dbadg das brot aus dem glas yummy yum

#TartarDeAtunOnMyWay 👨🏻‍🍳 - @rogercaminals on Instagram

Shiba inu latte art

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Con Smoothie Mix de Monin cualquiera puede preparar un delicioso #Smoothie sabor a fresa. . . Tambien puedes hacer bebidas heladas de fresa como cócteles, batidos y licuados. #MONIN #MONINLATAM #CAFEBARGT . . 🚚Servicio a domicilio . ✅WhatsApp 4651 7149 . 🌐http://cafebargt.com/ . 📩hola@cafebargt.com . 🚚 envió gratis en compra mayor de Q.250 . Pedidos menores: Q25 area capital Q35 San Cristobal / Carretera a El Salvador / Mixco Q45 San Lucas / Barcenas / Fraijanes - @cafebar.guatemala on Instagram


Sea bass Soup🍲 . . Quick, easy, and absolutely delicious fish soup. Ideal for dinner and for these cold days 😌🥄✨ . . INGREDIENTS: • Sea bass, boneless and skinless • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped • 1 small onion/or leek, finely chopped • 1 Tomato, finely chopped • Carrots, cut into wedges • Patatoes, cut into wedges • A branch of coriander • Extra virgin olive oil • Saffron • Ground cumin • Water • Salt . . INSTRUCTIONS: 🔸Heat the olive oil in a stockpot. Add the chopped onions, garlic and carrots. Stir and cook over medium high for several minutes. Then, add the tomatoes. Stir and let it cook for 5 minutes more. 🔸Pour the water into the pot. Add a branch of coriander, saffron, ground cumin and salt. 🔸Boil for about 20-30 minutes . Add the fish before the vegetables are soften. 🔸Serve the soup hot and enjoy. 😋 . . #realfooduk #eatclean #delicious - @ukrealfood on Instagram

Another family favourite meal!

yum yummy delicious tongue out tasty

Tilápia ao molho de nata, leite de coco e queijo ralado gratinado no forno. Receita super fácil de fazer é uma delícia!!! Servidos? Segue a receita: • Temperar os filés de tilápia com limão, sal e azeite de oliva; • Cozinhar por 15 minutos no forno médio e após retirar a água; • Preparar a mistura que será o molho do prato: 1 caixinha de creme de leite, 1 caixinha de leite de coco, 1 caixinha de nata, 1 caixinha de molho branco e 1 colher de sopa de requeijão; • Derramar em cima dos filés de tilápia o molho e colocar 1 saquinho de queijo ralado em cima; • Levar ao forno novamente até borbulhar. . . . #tilapia #tilapias #tilapianoforno - @cia_tilapia on Instagram

yum perfect

. . Good evening all my foodies. Hope you had a fabulous productive day. . For dinner tonight I have made some delicious Turkey steaks with greek yogurt & tomatoes sauce. . . Ingredients: 🔹Turkey steaks x 6 🔹Universal spices 🔹Black pepper 🔹Cayenne pepper 🔹Greek plain yogurt 🔹Chopped fresh or canned tomatoes 🔹Garlic x 2 cloves 🔹Red onion x 1 🔹Chilli 🔹Fresh Leek 🔹Served with your choice either rice or mash potato. . Preparation: ✅In one frying pan add olive oil, rub each individual steak with universal spices, cayenne pepper and black pepper. Pop in to the frying pan cook on each side for up to 3-4 minutes on medium to high heat. ✅In a separate pan cook chopped red onion, garlic, add little black pepper. ✅Add chopped tomatoes can, or freshly chopped ones, add 7spoons of greek yogurt or more. Depending on the size of your steaks. We need to ensure there shall be enough sauce to cover all steaks. ✅Once your final steaks are cooked add the remaining already cooked steaks back in to the same pan. And add all of the yogurt/ tomato sauce. Ensure it covers all the steaks. ✅Sautee for good 15-20 minutes on a very low heat. ✅Serve with cooked rice of your choice or mash potato. . . #homemadefood #homemaderecipe #turkeysteak #healthydinner #healthyliving #recipecreator #foodie #foodblogger #kristinas_culinary #innovativecooking #passionforcooking #foodlover #comfortfood #cookinginspiration - @kristinas_culinary on Instagram

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Trying to avoid junk🤗 - Sabudana Khichdi ------------------------------------------------ #chopsizzleflavours #homechef #homecooking #homecooked #cookingathome #cookingdiaries #sabudanakhichdi #vegetarian #vegetarianrecipes #healthy #stayfit #eveningsnacks #vegetarianfood #foodphotography #foodinstagram #foodie #lifestyle #fooddiary #punefoodies #punefoodblogger #puneblogger #indianblogger #indiansnacks #quarantinelife #quarantinefooddiaries #quarantinecooking #quarantinefood #quarantinelife #followforfollowback #follow4followback #followme - @chopsizzle_flavours on Instagram

lekker zalig yum

North African Eggs attempt 2: 3 that are accurate, 2 under by 20-30 secs, 1 broke. ALL DELICIOUS @gordongram - @hunter_richkind on Instagram

monkey animal delicious food diet

Ha én nem mehetek Olaszországba, Olaszország jön Óbudára. Spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino. Szóval fokhagymás olívaolajas csípős paprikás tészta: max 20 perc, egyszerű, finom . . . . #lacikonyha #italianfood #pastalover #italianpasta #spaghetti #spaghetti🍝 #spaghettiaglioolio #spaghettiaglioeolio #spaghettiaglioolioepeperoncino #aglioolio #aglioeolio #pastamania #tészta #yummy #instafood #italian_food #mutimiteszel #delicious #vegetáriánus #vegetarianrecipes #eeeeeats #lovefood #mediterraneanfood #soulfood #italiancooking #homemadefood #homecooking #whyamicookingsogood #olaszkonyha - @_vvega_ on Instagram

love mochi

dinner!!!! i made fiber gourmet pasta w TJ chicken sausage 🤩 - @callhermaddiiee on Instagram

food yummy hungry eating eat

Não precisa ser difcícil, com ingredientes secretos e poderes misteriosos. É a velha e boa comida de verdade, priorizando alimentos in natura. Não precisa cortar nem excluir nenhum grupo alimentar. Não precisar pesar cada grama do que coloca no prato, nem escolher alimentos que você odeia comer. Um dos problemas de quem não consegue perder peso de forma sustentável é querer inventar moda. Quanto tempo perdido! O segredo que você busca está aqui e de graça: comida de verdade na maior parte do tempo, respeitar os sinais de fome e saciedade, mudar os hábitos alimentares para a vida (e não medidas temporárias). #emagrecimento #nutrição #comidadeverdade #comer #equilibrio #escolhas #mudar #habitos #antesedepois #comidacaseira - @larissazatarin on Instagram

andre rieu hangry food lunch dinner

Omelette au fromage avec bacon! While in quarantine, you gotta keep it tasty 😋 . . #cheese #omlette #bacon #eggs #savory #quarantine #stayhome #brunch #tasty #instafood #foodphotography #foodie #foodblogs #blogger - @foodbytes.gr on Instagram

yum yum

Lángos ganz klassisch mit Schmand und Käse... 😊 . . . #langos #lángos #langostinos #pfannkuchen #pfannkuchenliebe #budapest #budapest🇭🇺 #budapesthungary #ungarn #ungaran #ostblock #dortmund #berlin #heimathäppchen #weihnachtsmarkt #kochenfürdiefamilie #kochenmitliebe #selbstkochen #kochen #hungry #yummy #foodporn #foodblogger #kreuzvierteldortmund #berlin #köln #frankfurt #hamburg #fastfood #fastfoodporn #lecker - @lars_likes_food on Instagram

thegrinch day light saving time

I made up some fresh Black Pepper Maple🍁 Pork sausage patties this morning from fresh ground pork🐖 So delicious when its Fresh made and you can season it however you want! These have roasted Garlic, Sage, Thyme, fresh cracked @the_spice_lab Tellicherry peppercorn and @moosemountainmaple Vermont Maple syrup. Pan seared until golden brown and stuffed into grilled Naan bread with 🍳fried eggs and Munster 🧀. Happy Breakfast everyone! #homemadeporksausage #sausagepatty #grillednaan #blackpeppermaple #munstercheese #tellicherrypeppercorns #thespicelab #vermontmaplesyrup #moosemountainmaple - @cheftim.eagles on Instagram


Extra Special Fried Rice #friedrice #food #wfh #yum #healthy #workingout #routine - @noodlesoupadvisor on Instagram

sponge bob drooling tongue lick

🤩Ist das wirklich so, was meinst Du? Wir sind gespannt auf Deinen Kommentar und empfehlen Dir in jedem Fall unsere Snack Sauce vegan. Zum Burger und auch zum Hot Dog und zum Sandwich und zu allem, worauf Du Lust hast! 🍔🌭🥪🍟😍 Apropos Burger: Interesse, ein Burger-Set im Wert von über 100 € zu gewinnen? 🍔 👉 Dann Link in der Bio anklicken! #gönndir #snacks #snackrezepte #burgerliebe #vegan #veganfood #veganfooddeutschland #veganfüralle #veganeinkaufen #veganelebensmittel #homann #gewinnspiel #gratis #verlosung - @homann_de on Instagram

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美好人生就是想吃的東西都吃到了😇 Ovuli 2 ways with lobster and sea urchin. Fassone beef with matsutake and termite mushroom❤️❤️❤️ Seasonal favorites on top of all time favorites. It was a very happy day at @ottoemezzobombana_hongkong thanks to @andrea_susto 🙌 . . #gratitudejournal #staytrue #stayhappy #ottoemezzobombana #hongkong #italianfood #italiancuisine #cucinaitaliana #beautifulcuisines #michelin #michelinstar #worlds50best #asias50best #gourmet #finedining #finedininglovers #foodstagram #foodspotting #foodgasm #yummy #eeeeeats #hkeats #hkfood #hkig #hkrestaurant #discoverhongkong #yesmichelinguide #alwayseating #thebest #香港美食 - @hsiaotu on Instagram

lemon yum tasty yummy lick

- Amazing lunch for less than 450kcal !


Ai eu envie de cuisiner ce matin #paella🥘 #àmafaçon #summerfood #familydish - @oliviernishikidori on Instagram

tom and jerry hungry yum

My homemade longganisa with Korean black rice. #blackrice #longganisa #sausage #foodie #seattlefoodie #cooking #cookingathome #cookingisfun - @chai_foodie on Instagram

yum yummy full delicious tasty

My random creation. Pan seared Japanese Scallop with Asparagus, carrot and avocado are 🤔 what do you think? #lifestyle #melbourne #happiness #creative #creativecooking #cookingwithlove #cookingdiaries #foods #delicious #foodphotography #foodlover #foodies #foodblogger #instafoodlover #instafoodie #instafood #instafoodgram #cookingathome #cookingforyou #photoftheday #photography #instadaily #foodporn #healthy #japanesescallop #cookingram #cookingrecipe #맛있다 #烹饪日记 #クッキングダイアリー - @anniefan2601 on Instagram

winnie the pooh hungry yummy nom nom hangry

Pasta al forno con melanzane! #genovacity #liguria #genova #volgoliguria #travelsitaly #cucinagenovese #cucinaligure #farinatadadomenico #streetfood #foodphotography #zena #marassi #quezzi #sanfruttuoso #italianfood #italianrestaurant #chef #fashion #pastaalforno #primipiattiitaliani #foodlover #foodporn #foodphotography - @farinatadadomenico on Instagram

yum yummy delicious enak sedap

더운 여름은 시원한 면이 최고!!! 여러가지 면 요리가 있지만, 그중에 하나!! 바로 콩국수 입니다!!!ㅋㅋ #서울맛집 #여의도맛집 #콩국수맛집 #서울 #여의도 #맛집 #진주집 #콩국수 - @koreanfood on Instagram


Radishes a la @alex_bhojwani . @nathaliewinebar - @waitertheresabeardinmysoup on Instagram

yum delicious tasty

Gli INVOLTINI RIPIENI DI PATATE E SALSICCIA sono un ottimo secondo piatto a base di carne gradito da grandi e piccini.😋 Si tratta di teneri involtini di vitello arrotolati su un letto di pancetta e con un ripieno morbido a base di patate lesse e salsiccia. Perfetti da servire ancora caldi accompagnati da un contorno di cime di rapa o spinaci saltati in padella.🥰 Gli involtini ripieni di patate e salsiccia sono molto facili da preparare e anche molto veloci, basta soltanto lessare le patate…il resto si ultima in 10 minuti. . . 😊Se provi la mia ricetta taggami nella tua foto con @incucinaconchiara91 e usa #_incucinaconchiara_ . . La ricetta è ora sul mio blog (LINK IN BIO @incucinaconchiara91 👈🏻) e scrivi: involtini nel Box 🔎CERCA oppure copia e incolla il seguente link su google 👇👇😜 https://blog.giallozafferano.it/incucinaconchiara/involtini-ripieni-di-patate-e-salsiccia/ - @incucinaconchiara91 on Instagram

rehan yum

Let’s make the most of some cheap steak, a cold and windy day here so, time for a Country style stew I say, the fire 🔥 is on and the stew is on the boil ,, yum 😋 nice bottle of red 🍷 and heaven appears 🙏 - @2020_saruma on Instagram

yum cat kitty chubby cute

Grüne Bohnen Eintopf mit Kassler 😋. Was soll ich sagen, eine Kinder sind immer skeptisch beim Thema Bohnen, aber sie haben es probiert und waren begeistert. 😁 Ein relativ schnelles Gericht im Dutch. Nach dem alle Zutaten drin sind braucht es etwa 30-40 Minuten. 👉 Follow me @dutchoven_sunday 👈 #dutchoven #dutchovenrezepte #grillen #bbq #food #lecker #foodblogger #outdoorcooking #essen #dutchovenbaking #kochen #grillverrückt #outdoorkitchen #barbecue #tasty #time_to_meat #outdoor #delicious #feuertopf #gusstopf #steak #kassler #meat #dinner #beef #zwiebeln #onion #bohnen #beans - @dutchoven_sunday on Instagram

yummy food chefs kiss drooling delicioso tasty food

Grilled over indirect heat chicken using mesquite wood chunks. Hit 165° n it was time to pull. Cooked potatoes over mesquite wood til probed like butter. Cucumber tomato salad. Grilled/smoked lemons for lemonade. Lemonade had a slight taste of smoke. #chickendinner #bbqlife #bombaysapphire #smokedchicken #eattogether #familylife - @smokinlousbbq on Instagram

yum yumyum chew thumbs up cute

#糖葫芦 #北京 #冰糖葫芦 #sugarcoated #Beijing #sugarcoatedstrawberries #Chinesefood #china #winter #拉糖 - @food.china_ on Instagram

tasty delicious yummy food binge eating hungry

Heute Abend gab es bei uns die erste Kürbissuppe des Jahres und da das Rezept immer so wunderbar einfach und richtig lecker schmeckt, schreibe ich es Euch hier spontan mal auf. Sozusagen frisch vom Tisch noch ganz warm, los gehts: Ihr braucht für fünf Portionen: 🍁 1 bis 1,5 Kilo Hokkaido Kürbis 🍁 500 ml Gemüsebrühe 🍁 1/2 TL Currygewürz 🍁 1 EL Butter 🍁 1-2 TL Salz 🍁 etwas Pfeffer 🍁 einen guten Schuss Sahne . Den Kürbis waschen und in große Stücke schneiden. Die Kerne und das faserige Fruchtfleisch entfernen und die Kürbisstücke klein schneiden. Alles {bis auf die Sahne} zusammen köcheln lassen. Ich lasse beim Hokkaido die Schale immer dran, das spart Zeit und man schmeckt es später in der Suppe nicht, ob mit oder ohne Schale. Wenn der Kürbis weich ist, alles richtig gut im Topf pürieren und mit der Sahne noch soweit „verdünnen“, bis sie die perfekte Konsistenz hat. Die Suppe mit Kürbiskernen und wer mag, einem Klecks Crème fraîche servieren. Soo lecker ❤️ Viel Spaß beim Kochen und wenn Ihr das Rezept speichern wollt, einfach oben rechts mit dem Wimpel pinnen 😘. . . #kürbissuppe #kürbisrezept #kürbiszeit #zuckersuesseaepfelküche #foodblogger #hokkaido #kürbissuppe #herbstrezepte #küchenglück #kürbis #leckeressen #gesundundlecker #kürbisküche - @zuckersuesseaepfel on Instagram

yum yumm yummy delicious tongue out

Leftover bolognese sauce? No problemo! Pimped it up with leeks, cauliflower and zucchini, added some more tomatoes and a bit of cream and voilà! Served over casarecce pasta, and given the gratin treatment with pecorino, parmesan and some fresh mozzarella, this dinner was stellar! And we got to eat our vegetables too... #eatyourveggies #reinvented - @helene.leduc on Instagram

goat yum lick yummy farm goat

Worderful cake for any occasion: Strawberry and vanilla with berries decoration Aaamazing😋😋😋. 👉 All cakes are made to order and its sufficient to order 2 days in advance...for every party! 🤗💕 . . . #glikegelatouk #italianicecream #italianrecipe #fresheveryday #creamy #evenvegan #vegan #cake #gelatocake #wimbledonlover - @glikegelatouk on Instagram

tonton tontonsticker cookies yum eating

Healthy homemade Jam - Chia-Strawberry Jam!😍😋 Perfect jam-like texture and amazing memorable taste!😍🤤 No refined sugar, just honey which gives the necessary amount of sweetness. 3 healthy and simple ingredients packed with nutrients.👌 Are you a fan of the delicious taste of jam?☺️ You can find this healthy and delicious recipe on our blog: http://www.twin-meals.com/2020/08/08/3-ingredients-strawberry-jam/ Or Link in bio! Stay healthy!💜 Gesunde hausgemachte Marmelade - Chia-Strawberry Jam!😍😋 Perfekte marmeladenartige Textur und ein unvergesslicher Geschmack!😍🤤 Kein raffinierter Zucker, nur Honig, der die nötige Süße verleiht. 3 gesunde und einfache Zutaten voller Nährstoffe.👌 Bist du ein Fan des köstlichen Geschmacks von Marmelade?😊 Diese gesundes und leckeres Rezepte findet ihr auf unserem blog: http://www.twin-meals.com/2020/08/08/3-ingredients-strawberry-jam/ Oder Link in bio! Bleib gesund!💜 “I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”⠀ ⠀ Psalm 16:8⠀⠀ #jam #homemadejam #healthyjam #strawberry #strawberryjam #norefinedsugar #sweet #sweet #sweettooth #yummy #yum #delicious #tasty #gesund #gesundheit #gesundeernährung #gesundessen #healthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healing #instadaily #instagood #instafamous #instablog #instablogger #twins #foodbloggers #mom #eathealthy - @twin_meals on Instagram

yummy chew chewing yum funny

The round snap-n-lock stainless steel container comes in 470ml, 830ml and 1,830ml. Food storage containers keep your kitchen neat and organised, and your fridge will be odour-free even if you’re storing durians and kimchi. #eco-friendly #handy #JVR #foodcontainer #odourfree #stainlesssteel - @modernessentials_me on Instagram

animal kitty cat cute eat

😁😁Куриные котлетки с молодой капустой, рисом и морковью, запеченные в формочках для кексов♥️👍. Из рубрики ешьихудей 😉👌. 🌈Обожаю блюда, которые готовятся просто и не требуют много времени для готовки. Вот я и выдумываю,как это себе жизнь облегчить. Ну а если ещё и получается снизить каллорийность, вообще огонь 🔥🔥🔥. Эти котлетки хороши и тем, что запеченные в духовке в собственном соку. Их кушает даже самый младший👍👍. ↘️↘️Ингредиенты: ♦️Фарш домашний курица-свинина 300 гр. ♦️Молодая капуста по вкусу. ♦️1 морковь. ♦️1 яйцо. ♦️2 ст.ложки сметаны. ♦️1 стакан сваренного риса. ♦️Приправы: чёрный перец, кориандр молотый, паприка. ♦️Соль по вкусу. 🌞🌞Готовить мои котлеты очень легко. ☑️Мелко шинкуем капусту. ☑️Мелко натираем морковь. ☑️Добавляем яйцо, ☑️отваренный рис, ☑️сметану, ☑️фарш. ✔️Приправляем, ✔️солим, ✔️перемешиваем. ✔️И разлаживаем по силиконовым формочкам для кексов. ✔️Выпекаем 25- 30 минут при температуре 190 градусов 👌. Кто хочет еще снизить каллорийность, то вместо фарша, можно измельчить просто куриную грудку😉👌. 🍅Подавала со свежим салатом: огурец, помидор, жёлтый перец и петрушка. 🍅 ♥️♥️Приятного аппетита 😁👍 #едапп #котлетыпп#менюпп #едимдома #домашняяеда #готовимдома #пошаговыйрецепт #простоготовить #ешьихудей #мамадома #длядетей #куриныекотлетывдуховке#оригинальныерецепты#готовимдома #наужин #наобед #едадлясемьи#простоготовить #вкусноипросто#надиете - @_bartalina_cooking on Instagram

yum popcorn smell emma stone crossed eyes

Italian sub 🥖 . . . #subs #subsandwich #italiansub #monstersub #lunch #foodie #foodiesofinstagram #foodporn #food #brunch #foodies #followforfood #feedme #nowthatsasubsandwich #dailyfoodpic - @foodie_by_leesie on Instagram

%E3%82%AA%E3%83%A0%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B9 %E3%81%84%E3%81%9F%E3%81%A0%E3%81%8D%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99 %E3%81%94%E9%A3%AF riceomelet yum

- casseroles

delicious sungwon cho prozd yummy yum

หลายๆท่านอาจจะยังไม่รู้ว่าชามโจ๊กยิ่งแอดยิ่งอร่อย ✨กับแอดออนที่ชามโจ๊กจัดเตรียมไว้ให้เลือกมากถึง 18 อย่าง🎋 เพียงแค่เลือกโจ๊กที่ชอบ แอดออนที่ใช้ก็สามารถอร่อยในแบบของคุณได้แล้ว🎊 . สั่งอาหารได้ที่ 🛵 Grabfood / Lineman / Gojek : charm jok Line Official : @charmjok (มี@) Pick-up : บริการรับที่หน้าร้าน Tel : 064-614-7161 . เวลาเปิด-ปิดร้าน🎊 วันอังคาร ถึง วันพฤหัสบดี และ วันเสาร์ อาทิตย์ (เวลา 7:00 – 22:15น.) **ออเดอร์สุดท้าย 22:00น. วันจันทร์ และ วันศุกร์ (เวลา 07:00-19:00น.) **ออเดอร์สุดท้าย 18:45 น. - @charmjok on Instagram

yum yummy food eat eating

Who loves sausages? Who loves Roast Veggies? Who hates washing up heaps of dishes? Well, I think you will love my Roasted Sausage and Balsamic Glazed Veggies with garlic bread then ☺ For those of you who follow me you will know that I work along side a small, local fresh and and veggie home delivery service @thedoorstepgrocers here in Perth to develop fresh and exciting recipes. Each week they put together healthy boxes of fruit and veggies and each week the boxes are different! Love that element of surprise so this week I was excited to see baby carrots!! And whats better is the box is at my front door when I get home! Roast Sausages with Balsamic Glazed Veggies Ingredients 8 sausages (use your favourite flavour sausage, I used chicken and cheese kransky sausages) 1 red onion, cut into wedges 1 capsicum, de seeded and cut into thick slices 2-4 potatoes, cut into wedges 1 bunch of baby carrots, peeled 10 cherry tomatoes, halved 3 Tablespoons olive oil 2 Tablespoons of balsamic vinegar 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons dried oregano 2 teaspoons Italian herbs Pinch of salt and pepper Garlic bread ingredients 4 - 6 slices of Lawleys Bread 6 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 cloves of garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon dried/fresh parsley, optional (finely chopped in using fresh) Method Pre heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius Line a large baking tray or large casserole dish with baking paper Using a microwave safe container, place potato wedges in, cover with water and cook for 6 minutes to par boil them. Drain water carefully. Place all prepared vegetables, excluding tomatoes in a large bowl. In a small bowl combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, oregano, Italian herbs and crushed garlic, mix together. Pour over the veggies and coat. Spread the veggies out over the prepared baking tray/casserole dish and place the sausages amongst the veggies. Bake for 20 minutes then turn the sausages and veggies and bake for a further 15 minutes. Sprinkle the cherry tomatoes over the top and cook for a further 5-10 minutes or until the sausages and cooked through and veggies are golden. To make the garlic bread swipe and follow instructions on the recipe card ☺ - @_jos_kitchen on Instagram

wow yum

- Blomkål som grund

yellow emoji kitsch nice yummy

Desayuno de Cuarentena. Para los que no se conforman con sabores tradicionales, les tengo una opción nueva en sabor y son las salchichas alemanas de @wurstyco y que mejor forma de disfrutar de estas que en un desayuno en donde te puedes tomar el tiempo del mundo para preparar y saborearlas. Estas salchichas son elaboradas de manera artesanal, tienen una variedad de sabores, yo aqui tengo la clásica la cual es mas magra y un toque fresca. Espero haberlos antojado. Recuerden quedarse en casa. #germansausage #foodie #breakfast #soulfood #confortfood #desayuno #salchichas - @drfoodie_ on Instagram


- [Homemade] Fresh cherry fritters with cherry vanilla glaze

pizza peachcat cute cat eating

Dopraj si svoju dennú dávku proteínu zo strukovín. Tie sú čoraz populárnejšie aj v jedálničku mladých ľudí, pretože nielen že obsahujú množstvo vlákniny, vitamínov, draslíka či železa, sú aj veľmi lacné a variabilné 🙂 Tak prekonaj svoj odpor z rozvareného šošovicového prívarku zo školskej jedálne a daj im šancu 😉 #golem #golemclub #kalorie #lowcalorie #fitfood #zdravejedlo #strukoviny #dieta #chudnutie #weightloss #caloriecount #fitness - @golem_club on Instagram

jaime french youtube jamie french omg yum so yum

🍲 Hot Pot is Back!!! 👏 This year, we brought you the Fish Maw, Abalone & Chicken Hot Pot as our Signiture Chicken Hot Pot!!! - @tasteofasia_yyc on Instagram

bugcat capoo capoo cat yum food

- Favorite Recipes

schitts creek alexis rose yum yummy delicious

White chicken lasagna with spinach & ricotta 🇮🇹 Perfect simply with some green salad 👌🏽 We loved that 😋 #lasagna #chicken #spinach #ricotta #salad #home #homemadefood #dad #dadlife #cookingram #insta #instafoodie #instapic #instaphoto #instamoment #instamood #instadaily #likesforlike #likeforfollow #followforlike #followbackinstantly #foodgram #foodporn #food #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodie #foodies #followers - @ahmed.mydailypassions on Instagram

gourmand gateaux quatreheures se goinfrer quand taimes manger

#iamdragon 🇩🇪Heute möchte ich Euch mal ein paar Sachen zeigen die ich im Deckel vom Ft9 bzw. Ft6 zubereitet habe🔥 um euch mal die Flexibilität des Dutch zu zeigen👍🏻 Ich liebe die Feuertöpfe @petromax.germany 😍 ———————————————— 🇬🇧 Today I would like to show you a few things which I prepared in the lid of the Ft9 or Ft6 habe🔥 to show you the flexibility of the Dutch zeigen👍🏻 I love the fire pots @petromax.germany 😍 ———————————————— -Werbung unbezahlt- ———————————————— ➡️Folgt mir @siegtal_griller⬅️ ———————————————— ❗️🛒Ich kaufe Regional🛒❗️ 🔥 @greekfireholzkohlebriketts 🍖 @metzgerei.meatandlove 🍺 @erzquell_brauerei 💨 @forest_chunk ———————————————— Folgt: #bbqfamily🔪 @bbq_aus_moers @devilshole.de @cookingandbbq_with_tina @bbqbenek9 @bbqsmash94 @mosel_bbq_and_grill @docwahnsinn_bbq @davaddergrillt @alfonswienen ———————————————— #webergrill #webergrilljunkie #webergenesis2 #weber365 #weberverrückt #weberforlife #dick1905series #ankerkrautliebe #bbq #iamdragon #foodporn #grill #grillen #grillporn #grillenandchillen #grillverrückt #grillenmachtglücklich #grilljunkie #grillsportverein #siegtal_griller #erzquell #dassiegtal #naturregionsieg - @siegtal_griller on Instagram

patrick star funny gifs eat

Breakfast 😍🍓 - @xveganlife on Instagram

bugcat capoo bugcat capoo tutu yum

Need to feed a hungry household? Use the protein in your pantry! These simple recipes are ready to enjoy in under 15 minutes: https://bit.ly/3al97nW #sw #protein #hearthealthy - @swbeans on Instagram


Todays special Pappardelle pasta Short ribs, wild mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, arugula in demi cream sauce. Lobster Bisque - @storycafeandmore on Instagram

evacomics matcha cat eat yummy

🍁🍂Herby dumplings and vegetable stew for our Autumn Equinox meal🍂🍁 I used green lentils, peas, leek, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, onion and parsnips 😋 . . . #crueltyfree #veganfood #vegandinner #veganwinterfood #veganwinter #veganfood #vegan #veganstew #vegancasserole #vegetarian #veganuary2020 #veganuary #bekindtoeverykind #vegetarianstew #vegetariancasserole #veganlife #veganaf #whatveganseat #veganenglishfood #winterstew #vegetablestew #veggiestew #autumnmeals #autumnstew #autumnequinox #autumnequinox2020 #mabon #mabonblessings #mabon2020 #autumndinner - @veganchubbybunny on Instagram

yum yummy eat food pooh

Eggs and Hashbrowns with onion and tomato for breakfast 🍳 🍅🥚🥔 . . . . . . #igfood #breakfast #kangscookingcorner - @kangscookingcorner on Instagram

peepo yum full

- [Homemade] Tuna salad with chickpea, pickles etc

yum yummy food

Heute gab es dann mal ein leckeres und gesundes Frühstück... war Tomate dabei😉😂😂😂Natürlich mit meinem Lieblingsketchup von Curry Paule👍Brauche ja Kraft für meinen Aktivurlaub 💪💪💪 #würstchen #ketchup #currypauleketchup #frühstück #spiegelei #tomaten #gesundessen #gesundabnehmen #foodblogger #essenposten #krafttanken #diät #gesunderrnährung #frühstückheute #leckeressen #selberkochen #gutevorsätze #gutevorsätze2020 #abnehmen #fitness #usedom #koserow #ostsee #aktivurlaub - @currywursttesterberlin on Instagram

yum delicious emoji tongue out smile

Braised Oxtail 🐮🐄 If you havent tried oxtail, youre missing out! Cook it right and its a tender meal! 🐮🐄 ➡️In a Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pot, heat 1 tablespoon avocado oil. Add 3lbs oxtail, seasoned with s&p, and sear on all sides. Set aside. ➡️Add 1 diced onion and 2 stalks diced celery. Cook for 2 minutes. Add 4 chopped garlic cloves. Deglaze with 1 cup dry red wine. Add 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons arrowroot, 1 cup beef broth, 8 ounces sliced mushrooms, and 2 stems of fresh rosemary. ➡️Bring to a boil. Add oxtail. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Unlid and add 1 (14.5-ounce) can fire-roasted tomatoes, including juice. Cover and simmer for 2 hours. ➡️Serve warm...garnish with fresh parsley. Enjoy! - @cavegirlcuisine on Instagram

belly nibbles cute mouse tome and jerry

VEGETARIAN FRITTATA Perfect meal prep idea with approx 18g protein per serve ! (Makes 4 portions) Ingredients 4 eggs 300g silken tofu Handful of Mushrooms, chopped 1 Capsicum, sliced 1 Zucchini, dice 1 Onion, diced Pumpkin, cubed Reduced fat tasty cheese or feta Cube pumpkin and bake. Sautee veggies of choice. Blend tofu and eggs with salt, pepper, garlic powder and any other herbs of choice. Layer egg mixture and veggies. Top with cheese and bake at 200° for 25ish mins, or until set and golden brown. Smother in BBQ sauce and enjoy - @rhdietitian_ on Instagram

yum yum 44cats delicious tasty yum

***NOUVELLE RECETTE #tétédwèt : TARTE CROUTILLANTE CHÈVRE MIEL ET POULET FUMÉ *** ➡️ Lien de la recette dans la bio et ici : https://www.facebook.com/RCIMARTINIQUE972/videos/1440251582841435/ . Hier sur Facebook, je vous proposais ma nouvelle recette spéciale pique-nique du week-end aussi simple que savoureuse avec mes partenaires @rcimartinique et @comiamartinique ! Je dois dire que je suis fière de cet accord harmonieux entre le poulet fumé, le miel, le fromage de chèvre 🍗🐐🍯... sans oublier les poireaux juste fondants qui apportent une belle originalité à cette tarte... En plus elle chante quand on la déguste ! Je suis fan 🤩 ! . Si vous avez raté ça, pas de panique je vous mets le lien de la vidéo juste au dessus. Retrouvez aussi la recette en vidéo sur le FACEBOOK de mes partenaires : @rcimartinique et @comiamartinique ! Abonnez-vous à nos pages pour ne pas manquer mes prochaines recettes ! . Régalez-vous les amis et surtout partagez vos réalisations avec nous ! . . #martinique #creolecuisine #cuisinecreole #legumes #poulet #pouletfumé #martiniquetourisme #martiniquemagnifique #tarte #pie #feuilledebrick #chevremiel #creolamag #ig_martinique #caribbeanfood #recette #ilovemyjob #tétédwèt #poireaux #piment #mieldemartinique #miel #fromage #fromagedechèvre - @macuisinecreole on Instagram

flirty yummy tasty

- Russian food

yum yummy eating gobbling devouring

@hofkucheoakland is a new Bavarian-style biergarten opening Saturday at @foragekitchen in collaboration with @suppenkuchesf. 🔗 to story in bio. - @eastbaynosh on Instagram

bon app%C3%A9tit winnie the pooh waiting happy waiting for food

Look at the SIZE of this onion!!! 🧅 Egg just for size reference 🥚 Come to The Cotswold Outpost for a great selection of deli foods and fresh produce. Find us on Windrush Heights just outside Burford. The Cotswold Outpost is a lovely cafe, tea room and farm shop all rolled into one, right in the centre of the Cotswolds. #ShopCotswolds #ShopLocal #TheCotswoldOutpost #Burford #Cotswolds - @thecotswoldoutpost on Instagram

yummy om nom cut the rope delicious yum

Hai mai provato le pipe con #sugo di #salsiccia? Un #piatto unico ricco e gustoso preparato con passata e pelati #Casar. Una #festa per tutti! La ricetta di Laura Olivas la trovi su #facebook #cucinaconcasar #dish #pasta #cucina #tomatoes #mangiosardo #sardegna #instapic #yum #delicious #delizievege seguici su www.casar1962.com - @casar1962 on Instagram

thank you so much

Nouveau grill = super brochettes mixtes #kafta et poulet #taouk 🇱🇧 🤤🤤🤤 #maketaboulénotwar #manouchylausanne #lausanne #mylausanne #lausanneàtable #lausannefood #lebanesefoodinswitzerland #lebanesecooking #lebanesecuisine #lebanesefoodinlausanne #lebanesefood #cuisinelibanaise #cuisinemaison #homemade #homemadefood #healthycuisines #healthycooking #healthy #houmous #hummus #caviardaubergine #taboulélibanais - @manouchy.ch on Instagram


@coppolasalerno Take a break! Soup with Pumpkin, Carrot & Turmeric, a vegan no sugar added soup powered with turmeric, was runner up in the Hot Drinks, Soups & Broth category at @NourishAwards   . . #nourish2020 #nourishawards2020 #coppolasalerno #nosugaradded #goodfood #healthyfood #soup #souping #organicseptember #eatwell  plantbased #pumpkin #carrot #turmeric #vegan #nosugaradded #souping - @coppolafoods on Instagram

yum yummy patrickstar starfish eat

We are totally obsessed with Acai! What do you put in your base? Thank you @keekss94 • • Acai Base: @sambazon_au Organic Acai Watermelon Apple Banana Toppers: @loving_earth Buckinis @garlicthyme_co Granola Banana Strawberry Blueberry #organicacai #organic #acai #watermelon #apple #banana #fruit #fruitplatter #fruitsmoothie #smoothie #garlicthymeco #lovingearth #buckinis #berries #brunch #isobrunch #covid #homebrunch #melbournecafediray #melbourne #cafe #melbournecafe #weekend #breakfast #yum #hungry #cappucino #coffee #breaky - @melbournecafediary on Instagram

emoji yum food

New special alert🚨🚨🚨 Tavolata, Capitol Hill has a pasta special today. Garganelli Pasta with Tomato Conserva, @the.kings_garden Shelling Beans, Braised Endive, Pecorino, Bacon. Limited availability, available for in-house dining and take-out! Perfect dish to get cozy with. - @tavolatapasta on Instagram

milk and mocha bear omnom

Grilled Vegan Soy Steaks with zucchini and potato chips. . . . The seasoning on the steaks: salt, pepper, garlic powder, sweet pepper powder, mustard and ajvar (side dish made of roasted red peppers and oil). It was so insanely good. . . . . . . . . . #grille #grilled #vegangrilling #vegangrillen #vegangrill #grilledsteak #grilledsteaks #vegansteaks #soysteak #grilledzucchini #grilledpotatoes #grilledpotato #vegan #govegan #crueltyfree - @followvegan on Instagram

yum yum text word

Coconut Soup, or Tom Kha, is spicy, sour, creamy, and will make your soul happy 🥥⁣ ⁣ 🍴Make your reservations at: 480-917-7222⁣ ⁣ 🥡 Place takeout orders at: https://www.toasttab.com/charm-thai-cuisine/v3#!/ - @charmthaiaz on Instagram

yes oh

#Lao bamboo shoot soup - 𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑛𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑖 freshly made by mom.😋 . . #Laos #Laofood #Laofoodie #LaoEats #LaoCooking #HomeCooking #CookingByMom #GangNorMai #Bamboo #LaoSoup #LaoStew #BambooShoots #FoodPost #foodies #foodiegram #foodielife #foodporn #foodphotography #foodstagram - @justgood_htx on Instagram

%E3%82%88%E3%81%A0%E3%82%8C %E7%BE%8E%E5%91%B3%E3%81%97%E3%81%9D%E3%81%86 %E8%85%B9%E3%83%9A%E3%82%B3 drool yum

CHORIZO PASTA BAKE 🍝 ⁣ Super cheesy tasty pasta bake with a crunchy crumb to top, great for a quick and easy dinner. Strong complimenting flavours with the rosemary and chorizo. Leftovers great for lunches too! ⁣ #Homemade #Chorizo #Pasta #Bake #food #foodstagram #foodpics #foodphotography #foodie #foodies #foodiesofinsta #fresh #foodiesofinstagram #tasty #delicious #cooking #homecook #homecooking #cheese #tomato #italian #rosemary #ipreview - @mayosfoodielife on Instagram

feeling tasty taste

one of our Famous dish Butter Squid is 50% off today Wednesday. Come and visit us at Mandarin Gardens #buttersquid #thaipan - @thaipanrestaurant on Instagram

yummy emoji lust

Boneless Rabbit Ballotine w/ @satiateshaz smoked boudin noir and pistachio farce. • • • • #victorchurchill #butchery #rabbit #boudinnoir #ballotinedelapin - @micky.peacock on Instagram

food good hungry yum

Falls ihr noch nicht wisst, was ihr die Tage zubereiten könnt, haben wir hier ein leckeres Rezept für euch:  Überbackene Cannelloni  Rezept für 3-4 Personen  Zubereitungszeit: 60 Minuten  Vorbereitungszeit: 15 Minuten  Backzeit: 35-45 Minuten  Für den Cannelloni Auflauf benötigt: 14 Cannelloni  400 g Rinderhackfleisch  1 Kartoffel  1 rote Zwiebel 75 g Reis (10 Minuten Reis)  1 Zehe Knoblauch  3 kleine Zucchini  300 g Champignons weiße/braune  500 ml rustikale Tomaten (alternativ passierte) 150 ml Cremefine (oder alternativ Schlagsahne) 100 ml Gemüsebrühe Salz, Pfeffer, Paprikapulver 2 Esslöffel Italienische Kräuter (oder was das man gerne an Kräutern mag)  150 g Mozzarella  200 g Gouda  Das ganze Rezept findet ihr bei uns: https://www.adelmayer.de/cannelloni-auflauf-ueberbackene-cannelloni/ *** Das Rezept ist in Zusammenarbeit mit @katrin_foodandbbq entstanden. Schaut auch bei ihr vorbei! *** - @adelmayer.original on Instagram

white penguin hungry yum yum eating

Dzień dobry 😁w piątek witam Was rustykalnym naleśnikiem z farszem szpinakowo-pieczarkowym na wierzch wbijamy jajko i zapiekamy chwilę. Całość dopieszczona pomidorami z bazylią🍅😁Tym pysznym śniadaniem dołączam do akcji u @retrodusza #piatekfleksi czyli ograniczamy mięso🌱 #piatekfleksi #ograniczamymięso #wegetariańskie #mojakuchnia #bezmiesa #wegeprzepisy #fleksitarianizm #zdrowojem #breakfast #czascoszjesc #śniadanie #jajko #pomyslnasniadanie #pysznie #zdrowo #miłegodnia #uwielbiamgotowac #nalesniki #rustykalna #smacznego - @sylwia_gotuje on Instagram

mr bean delicious perfect yum food

#semurdaging #urat #sengkel #kentang #tahu - @cemilan_kpk on Instagram


E queste? Come le prepariamo?😜😜😜 #trippamilano #uovaembrionali #galline - @diegorossichef on Instagram

lunch licking lips stare cat

Hello bonjour ! Time to announce our weekend special classic French dish to reheat at home. This week well make you travelling to my new second home as French Basque country which I highly recommend you to visit. You will love this chicken casserole Basquaise 🍗 with plenty of flavours from red, green & yellow peppers, onions, tomato 🍅, olives spiced up with Espelette pepper and served with a delicious couscous mixed with raisins🍇 Optional charcuterie platter is the perfect entrée to share and nibble on and well suggest you our popular range of desserts as strawberry pistachio almond tart, lemon tart, pear almond chocolate raspberry tart and a caramelised apple and mixed berries crumble 🍓🍋🍫🍐🍒 Have a great week ! . . . #lecafeflo #highstreet #thornbury #smallbusiness #supportlocal #shoplocal #chickenbasquaise #espelettepepper #basquecountry #couscous #charcuterieplatter #strawberrytart - @lecafeflo on Instagram

yummy eat hungry

Γίγαντες Πλακί! Ενα φαγάκι που αγαπάμε όλοι στην οικογένεια! Θρεπτικό, νόστιμο...Ελληνικό!❤🇬🇷 . . Το Σαββατο πήρα ολη την μαναβική μου απο τα @super_market_afroditi οπου τα έχουν πάντα 20% φθηνότερα και μπήκα κουζίνα! Για δέιτε την εύκολη και πεντανόστιμη συνταγή⤵️ Υλικά:🌱 400γρ φασόλια γίγαντες 2 κρεμμύδια ψιλοκκομένα 1 ματσάκι μαιντανό ½ ματσάκι σέλινο ψιλοκομμένο 2 καρότα κομμένα σε ροδέλες λεπτές 2 κούπες Κρητικό Ελαιόλαδο 4 ντομάτες ώριμες 1 κγ ζάχαρη αλάτι, πιπέρι ρίγανη φρέσκια 1 ντομάτα κομμένη σε λεπτές ροδέλες Εκτέλεση:🌱 Μουσκεουμε απο βραδυς τα φασολια σε μπολικο κρύο νερο. Τα ξεπλένουμε το επόμενο πρωί και βράζουμε με τα καρότα, κρεμμύδια και το σέλινο για περιπου 1 ώρα. Μόλις μαλακώσουν τα φασόλια, ρίχνουμε 1 κούπα λάδι και την ντομάτα που εχουμε τρίψει στο ρεντέ και τα βράζουμε για μιση ωρα παραπανω. Στο τέλος της βράσης να εχει ισα ισα νερο που να τα σκεπάζει Αλατίζουμε, προσθέτουμε την ζάχαρη, ανακατεύουμε ελαφρά και τα αδειαζουμε σε ενα ταψι βαθύ. Ψιλοκόβουμε τον μαιντανό και τον προσθέτουμε απο πάνω. Στρώνουμε τις λεπτές φέτες ντοματας ωσπου να καλύψουν την επιφάνεια και προσθέτουμε το υπόλοιπο λαδι και λίγη ρίγανη απο πάνω. Μαγειρεύουμε στον φούρνο, στους 180 βαθμούς για μισή ώρα! #greekmamachef #supermarketaffoditi #smafroditi #beans #greeksoulfood #traditionaleats #foodforfoodies #tastygreektable #foodphotography #deliciousfood #foodblogger #foodie #instafood #igeats #yummy #foodblogfeed #lifokitchen #skg #feedme #hereismyfood #foodblogeats #feedfeed #follow #foodglooby #feedme #foodstagram #igeats #love #follow #spreadthelove - @greekmamachef on Instagram

winnie the pooh hungry yummy nom nom hangry

Wie man vielleicht auf meinem Profil sehen kann.. ich liebe Spätzle und Aufläufe 🤤. Warum also nicht beides mal zusammen versuchen ?🙈 ➡️Tadaa.. Spätzle-Auflauf 😅 Quasi eine schwäbische Lasagne 😄. Eigentlich sollte der für 2 Tage gedacht sein.. aber ich fürchte das wird nichts 😅. ➡️Wer würde probieren?😋 . . . . #sundaydinner #spätzle #auflauf #alforno #überbacken #käse #parmesan #bolognese #schwäbisch #swabian #würzburg #schwäbischhall #auflaufliebe #auflaufrezept #lecker #foodblogger_de #foodstagram #foodies #nguten #tastemade #homemade #selberkochen #hobbykoch #kochen #kochenmachtspass #enjoycooking #wissenwasdrinist #käseliebe #lovegoodfood #cheesie - @n.guten on Instagram

cute lovely mozzi talk funny

Last Sunday Morning Tea: #ArrozCaldo Arroz Caldo is a hearty Filipino congee made with chicken and rice and seasoned with onion, garlic, ginger, and fish sauce and topped with crunchy fried garlic. The result is a quick, comforting bowl thats a perfect wintertime meal (and rivals chicken soup for its ability to sooth those suffering from a cold). 📷: communekitchen.com - @filipinofoodie.au on Instagram

yummy delicious yum

What is a Low Carb Mediterranean Diet? ⁣ ⁣ When most people think of the Mediterranean Diet they don’t think low carbohydrates. After all, a diet high in fruit and vegetables, yogurt, beans, nuts, bread, rice and pasta doesn’t exactly scream keto or even paleo. A truly authentic Mediterranean diet is higher in carbohydrates and fat and lower in protein. So why would someone want to take the healthiest diet in the world (Mediterranean) and turn it into a low carb diet?⁣ ⁣ 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 by clicking the link in our bio! - @mediterranean_living on Instagram

yummy snacks hamster

Aprikosen-Knödel #süßeknödel #aprikosenknödel #knödel #kartoffelteig #aprikosen #kartoffeln #süßehauptspeise #glutenfreikochen #glutenfree #glutenfreierezepte #glutenfrei #veggie #vegetarisch #veggiefood #vegetarian #vegetarienrecipes #süssgehtimmer #abwechslungsreicheernährung #bestofvegetarian #bestofglutenfree #instafood #mittagessen #abendessen #lunchideas #dinnertime #instafood # - @einfach_vegetarisch on Instagram

goat yum lick yummy farm goat

Tom Kha Gai ต้มข่าไก่ Spicy, creamy and tangy Thai coconut Chicken soup for fall breakfast 😋🍚🍲 . ซดน้ำซุปร้อนๆ กับอากาศเย็นๆยามเช้า อร่อยดีค่ะ วันหยุดอากาศแบบนี้อยู่สวนปลูกผักได้ทั้งวันเลยค่ะ 😅😋🍚 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #tomkhagai #thaifood #thaisoup #thaifoodstagram #homecooking #homegrown #thai #food #fall #soup #breakfast #comfortfood #foodstagram #spicy #austintexas #texas #eat #foodtruck #deedeeatx - @deedeeatx on Instagram

Some strawberries and raspberries for breakfast with homemade quark. Havent been posting lately because my meals have basically been mostly the same as previously posted. And spending most of my spare time researching cheese making. #keto #ketodiet #ketojourney #ketogenic #ketosis #ketoweightloss #lazyketo #easyketo #fatadapted #fatfueled #lchf #hflc #lchfdiet #lowcarb #ketobeginner #ketolife #ketoif #intermittentfasting - @curvaceouscarnivore on Instagram

Nosotros celebramos el dia de la 🍔 obvio, con Algas. Altas en fibra, bajas en grasas, proteina vegetal y además de todo esto, quedaron deliciosas Receta en manos de nuestra ❤️ @verena_morini que se inspiró 🌊 Aquí su maravilla de receta: 80 grs de cochayuyo brunoise @munani.cl 3 cucharadas linaza molida (harina) 4 cucharadas de avena molida (harina) 1 cebolla pequeña cortada en cuadritos un poco de pimentón en cuadritos ajo picado aceite de oliva sal pimienta merquén Cocinar el cochayuyo, colarlo, triturarlo en una procesadora de alimentos, Mezclar en un bowl con los otros ingredientes, con las manos, cosa de que se impregnara todo súper bien. Armar las burguer, dejar reposar un ratito como 10-15min, para que la linaza y la avena peguen. Poner en un sartén a dorar con un poquito de aceite de oliva y listo! Paltita, ensalada, pan, como quieran 😋 #ComamosAlgas #diadelahamburguesa #vegan #veggie #superfood - @munani.cl on Instagram

Is your mind blown? Do you eat ORGAN MEAT or chicken breast? ⠀ Check out my guest blog post over on @dr.jess.md website (linked in bio). Not only is Dr Jess one of my favorite doctors who I’ve learned so much from, but she also wrote the forward to my cookbook! ⠀ ⠀ In the blog I cover why organ meats are essential to incorporate into our diets, a liver recipe from the cookbook, and my favorite recourses. ⠀ ⠀ If you know me, nutrition is not a one size fits all, it’s individualized. However there are certain things such as organ meats, hydration, and healthy fats that most all of us should focus on for preventative living and to lessen our inflammation. ⠀ Sure organ meat looks and sounds scary but understanding the importance might just open up your mind to try it out. There is a reason our ancestors would fight over the organ meats and why animals eat the organs first. ⠀ ⠀ Since so many of you commented on @dr.jess.md posts about the liver storing TOXINS I wanted to address it. While some organs function as filters of toxins, they do not store them. They remove toxins and actually store nutrients and fat soluable vitamins, the good guys!🤍 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Organ meat is nutrient dense, I mean check out the picture above for a quick comparison! If you want to learn more or want to try cooking at home check out the blog post! - @thevidawell on Instagram

¡Hora de merendar! Y qué mejor que un Smoothie Bowl de frutos rojos 🍓🍒 hecho por nuestro amigo @waltkovacs 💙. Ingredientes 🍓1 taza de frutos rojos congelados (mix de fresas, moras, frambuesa, arándanos) 🍒Frutos rojos frescos 🍌1 banana congelada 🥛1/2 taza de yogurt griego natural 🥄2 cdtas de nuestro endulzante Sweetest 🥄1 cdta de semillas de chia Preparación Colocar las frutas congeladas con el yogurt y nuestro endulzante #Sweetest en la licuadora o procesador hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea, servir en un bowl y decorar con semillas de chia y frutas frescas. ¿Vieron q rápido se hace? Y sabe súper rico, así que no dejen de hacerlo cuando tienen un dulce antojo. Lo mejor de todo, sin pecados porque nuestra endulzante es 0% azúcar 🥰. #SmoothieSweetest #smoothie #healthyfood #sugarfree #Sweetest #Venezuela - @sweetest_ve on Instagram

Am I late to the party on this? Why has it taken me so long to eat a sausage on a pizza-slice bun? (To encourage my creativity: the first half of a Maß of pils! To reward my creativity: the second half of the Maß!) #ramenburgersstepaside - @maltyrich on Instagram

Sunday Roast (GF/DF) 🥕🥔 Who else loves a great British roast dinner? I know I do! This one used @harveys_butchers meat and all the trimmings. We treated ourselves to the stuffed pork tenderloin here. The meat was wrapped in bacon and stuffed with GF sausage meat, sage, onion, apricots, prunes & cranberries. It was originally meant to share with my family, but unfortunately due to local lockdown, they couldnt make it. Maybe an excuse to order again? None went to waste - and we appreciated more for us. It was incredible! @harveys_butchers is actually based in Norwich, Norfolk. Whilst I often go to the local butchers here or in Cardiff, we fancied a change. They have a vast range of different offerings I dont see locally too - things that suit both @vanshek and I and our constasting tastes. The shipping is only £10 (free over £100 which we used) and it comes on a specific date you ask for. Really great I think! Will definitely buy again. The order we placed with them earlier this month included a lean meat box (such good value for money), the stuffed pork loin here, venison sausages, burgers and more! We have a well-stocked freezer now. Not sure how long that will last 🤭 Cannot wait to have a BBQ on Friday with some more of their bits. The meat is so high quality and so much of it is gluten-free too. This was so easy to cook and was super succulent. It barely shrank in size and was so filling! I would highly recommend. Even more perfect when topped with @glutenfreemayflower GF gravy (part of my @lovefreefrom subscription box). As part of the meal, I also made a vegan cauliflower cheese. Who fancies the recipe? Really easy and scrumptious! On another note, has anyone else had good this weather this weekend? It has been awesome here in Pontypridd and this late afternoon we soaked up the late sun outside @barrysidingscafe with some nibbles and beers (well for @vanshek). They have their own beer truck! I often get their coconut hot chocolate which is like liquid bounty 😍 Hope you all had a lush weekend. Mine was so relaxing, with less phone time/more outdoors and gym time too. I am recharged for the week ahead now 🧡 - @kasiasplate on Instagram

Paneer jalebi with rabdi Place- @bikashbabusweetstvm Our rating- 4.5/5 #keralafoods #kerala #keralafoodie #keralafood #food #foodphotography #foodie #foodporn #keralagram #foodblogger #keralavibes #foodstagram #indianfood #kochi #instafood #keralagallery #homemade #malayalam #keraladiaries #foodies #keralagodsowncountry #keralafoodies #malayali #keralam #keralafoodblogger #southindianfood #vibes #keralawedding #foodlover #bhfyp - @thekkan_eatery on Instagram

Does Tomato jam sounds strange to you? Well, you must try ours. It’s perfect on your breakfast toast. It has a savoury flavour and a zingy kick. Did I say it’s also low in sugar? 🌱🍅 #london #jam #food #vegan #healthy #lemon #tomato #tomatojam #chickeefood #londonfood #eathealthy #veggies - @chickeefood on Instagram

🍂 Curry & Naan 🍂 Coconut chicken curry, cauliflower rice with butter cabbage and then a garlic naan (recipe in my highlights) I could have eaten this all over again #keto #ketouk #ketolifestyle #ketomeal #ketoideas #lowcarbcurry #garlicnaan #ketocommunity #ketocommunityuk #ketonaan #lowcarbhighfat - @ketobecky_uk on Instagram

Have you seen The Good Crisp in your local health food shop, in your nearest IGA or in @colessupermarkets? Give ‘em a try today, they might make your year! Thanks for the fun snap @wholelifeswansea • • • #thegoodcrispau #healthysnack #glutenfreesnack #glutenfree #glutenfriendly #glutenfreeaustralia #healthycrisps - @thegoodcrispcompany.au on Instagram

Hähnchengeschnetzeltes Gyros Art mit Reis und Möhrengemüse😋😋 #hähnchenbrust #hähnchengeschnetzeltes #gyrosgewürz #Reis #Sahne #karotten #lauchzwiebeln #honig #mittagessenheute #fürdiefamilie #solecker #beautifull #lecker #essen #foodinstagram #instagram #instafollow #instalike #foodblogger #foodphotography #foodblog #instagramverbindet #😋🍴 - @kreative_welt_von_manu on Instagram

Amamos ver sus platos, mándanos tu foto 😊 #mrbarf #barf #barfood #rawfood #delicioso #crudo #res #vegetales #estadonatural #ACBA #natural #balance #dieta #sano #perros #perrosdemexico #comidadeperro #dog #dogfood #mascota #pet #petfood #raw #vidasana #perrosfelices #familiabarf #variedad #saludable #nutritivo #complemento - @mr.barf_alimento on Instagram

Posted @withregram • @syscoboston Today is Raspberries in Cream Day! Enjoy this tasty treat for breakfast, lunch, a midday snack or create an amazing summertime dessert!! #RaspberriesInCream #Raspberries #SyscoFoodie #Berries - @sysco_sandiego on Instagram

I had to crack one open to check on progress Still a bit fresh so it’ll go into tonight’s dinner fresh pasta and sauce #salami #pasta - @gandeconstructions on Instagram

Hi Customers, We have salted and unsalted codfish, also codfish cakes. Come and try!! 😃 #spanishportuguesebutchery #codfish #bacalhau #petersham - @spbutchery on Instagram

Hey we have a new selection for those who love spicy. The spicy pack. Includes one of our all time favorites the large format Calabrian and we slice it. Link in profile. - @undergroundmeats on Instagram

¿Buscas un desayuno distinto? ¿Qué te parece avena con yogur FAGE Total y semillas de chía en reposo desde la noche anterior? ¡Puedes añadir la fruta que prefieras! ⁣ - @fage.es on Instagram

Co powiecie na mrożone banany? 😉 #Kupiec #ZdrowaRadoscZycia #Healthyfood #banany #deser #płatkiowsiane #słodkości - @kupiec_pl on Instagram

四大天王 4 heavenly king flavor: chic ham & floss, seaweed & egg, available at AMK 727 outlet only. www.pancakeking.com - @pancakekingsg on Instagram

Za danas je to to 😃😃 #food #kucing #kuhamdoma - @ideje_za_rucak on Instagram

This weekend @nashvillefarmersmarket 900 Rosa L Parks blvd Friday 9/25 11am to 2pm Saturday 9/26 11am to 3pm & sunday 9/27 11am to 3pm We will have Carapulcra as special! Plus all of our regular menu items. Also Combinado mazamorra con arroz con leche. #causaacevichada #foodtrucknashville #nashvilleeats #nashville_tn #downtownnashville #eatperuvian #peruvianfood #nashvillefood #nashvillefoodtruckassociation #nfta #2peruvianchefsinatruck #nashvillefoodie #nashvillefoodfan - @twoperuvianchefsinatruck on Instagram

Papa de aveia! . . . . . . . . #vegan #veggie #brunch #brunchallday #deliciousfood #breakfastporto #healthybrunch#healthyfood #obio #porridge #breakfast #healthy #healthybreakfast #papaaveia #saudável #portotaste #portopontocome #portotasty #portolovers - @obio.organic.cafe on Instagram

Vegane, ofengeröstete Tomatensauce mit Ras-el-Hanout 😋 Einfach traumhaft im Geschmack, 100% vegan und so simpel in der Zubereitung 😍 🔁⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #cookathome #stayhome #vegan #vegetables #spices #jummy #hunger #kloten #wuerzmeister #gewürze #gewürzederwelt #food #foodgasm #foodporn #vegansofig #gesundleben #vegancommunity #würzdirdenunterschied #biokräuterbutter #bio #swissmade #glutenfree #foodporn #picoftheday #enguete - @wuerzmeister on Instagram

I love exploring flavours and cuisines. Here I have made an Ethiopian chicken dish with berbere spice from the fantastic cook book Ethiopia by @chef_yohanis .The oven roasted chicken is served with a magical orange and cream sauce with Tej which is a traditional beer. I used the Tej replacement suggested of white wine and honey. For the uninitiated berebere is blend of 10-12 spices including chillies, garlic, cinnamon , cardamom and loads more #goodfood #culture #cuisine #cook #cooking #chef #foodblogger #foodblog #travelblogger #foodies #foodgram #instapic #instafood #instagood #foodpics #spices #yummy #explore #yum #culinary #feedfeed #eat #foodandwine #foodlover #radikalkitchen - @radikalkitchen on Instagram

Ground turkey with fresh pesto, scrambled eggs and 2 pickled baby carrots. Whats your lunch today? #lunch #lunchtime #lunchideas #lunchideasforkids #yum #foodiesofig - @healthydineout on Instagram

LOW CARB GEFÜLLTE HÄHNCHENBRUST 🤩 Wer von euch wird dieses Gericht ausprobieren? ✋🏻 Das Rezept gibt es jetzt am Blog 👉🏻 LINK in der BIO 📲 Super einfach, super lecker 🔥 Zeigt uns eure Kreationen. Hierzu würden wir euch gerne verlinken! Es wäre super, wenn ihr coole Rezepte postet und das Kochbuch dahinter stellt.📚 Weitere gesunde, einfache und schnelle Rezepte findet ihr in unseren Kochbüchern. 😋 #oneteam #fsarmy #lowcarb #rezept - @fit.and.shredded on Instagram

Jeden Freitag gibt es statt Knödel mit Sauce jetzt Meat and Chips. Wie genau diese Kreation aussieht, ist jede Woche eine Überraschung. 🤩 Das kann von Steak mit Kartoffel-Wedges über Fischstäbchen mit Bratkartoffeln alles Mögliche sein. 🥩🍖🍗🥔 Was würdet ihr gerne an einem dieser Freitage bei uns auf der Karte sehen? Teilt es uns in den Kommentaren mit und bestimmt so euren Lieblingslunch selber mit! ✍🏻💭 #vetzgerei #vetzgereiberlin #veganberlin #berlinvegan #kundenmeinung #neuesgericht #lunchbreak #whatberlineats #killplantsnotanimals #plantbased #veganpower #lecker - @vetzgerei on Instagram

#едазадень #дневникпитания #fooddiary #завтрак : соевые тефтельки, 🥔, 🥯 с хреном #обед : пирожок с капустой, 🥗 : 🥒, 🍅, сметана #ужин : йогурт 🍉 арбуз #homefood - @kaa_tea_food on Instagram

Tajine de thon marocain 🇲🇦🇲🇦 طاجين مغربي بالتونة ⁦🇲🇦⁩⁦🇲🇦⁩ . . . #tajine #maroc #morocco #couscous #moroccanfood #food #instafood #cuisine #tajinemarocain #foodporn #cuisinemarocaine #marrakech #tagine #yummy #ramadan #marocaine #healthyfood #foodstagram #casa #delicious #rabat #foodie #bhfyp #casablanca #moroccancuisine #s #che #marakesh #f #bhfyp - @delices_mji on Instagram

Good bye, good people! The timing seems to have been written as many other cafes also have to close temporarily. Who would have known 🤷🏼‍♀️ We have loved serving our clients and educating about the 5 K. We believe in local, seasonal food and home made ferments. Good things come out of bad! Maybe you can use your time at home, we will be giving you tips how to ferment, sprout and activate to make your own food medicine, build your immune system and support your mind to be resilient. As the Sufi’s say “believe in God but tie your camel to a tree!” We should only worry about the things we can change. As so many of us will be more home bound for a while, maybe try those ferments that we used to make at High for you. It’s fun! So for now it’s good bye, please be safe and healthy, and thank you for being part of our show for the last three years! ❤️ #closingday #theshowmustgoon #besafeoutthere #fermentation - @highmoodfood on Instagram

Aus dem Archiv! Bacon Hackfleischrolle gefüllt mit Käse! #bbq #grill #grillen #bacon #lecker #food #foodporn #foodphotography #holzkohle - @grillkost on Instagram

Best fruit ever? You may have noticed that I LOVE raspberries! Gorgeous colour and bursting with vitamins, thats the oil Im talking about now of course! Squeezed from raspberry pips the food industry would put in landfill, the oil is an absolute powerhouse of nutrition for your skin. We use upcycled cold-pressed raspberry seed oil in our Incredible Carrot Hero Balm to keep your skin clear, healthy and feeling amazing. Check out my new blog post on the web to find out 10 reasons why raspberry seed oil is so great for your skin and for the planet too! So tell me, what fruit is your absolute favourite? #happycarrotskincare #skinfood #skinnutrition #happyskin #raspberries #antioxidants #upcycled #upcycledskincare #raspberryoil #plantpower #plantbasedskincare #veganskincareproducts #facialbalm - @happycarrotskincare on Instagram

Meine Erdbeerpflücker waren fleißig 😍 ___________________________________________ #liebegehtdurchdenmagen #erdbeeren #törtchen #strawberry #strawberrycake #dessertoftheday #foodporn #instafood #yummy #tasty #rezept #recipe #hungry #fitfam #cleaneating #healthy #sizezero #foodlover #superfood #healthyfood #fitness #kaylaitsines #strongnotskinny #fitnessgirl #fitstagram #bbg #lowcarb #fitchick #sundayfееling - @catgoesfit on Instagram

Get excited for October! Tonight’s special is ~extra~ special. A classic German meal including a choice of either a Rabbit & Fennel or Bratwurst sausage, sauerkraut, warm potato salad, rye crostini and a side of mustard! 💃🏻💛 if you order this tonight, the first Pilsner 🍺 is on us 😊 see you there! - @trubistro on Instagram

Beat the heat with our fruit cocktails, bionicos and strawberries and cream! They will have you coming back! #yogurtme_covina #bionicos #strawberriesandcream #fruitcocktail #downtowncovina - @yogurtme_covina on Instagram

🍔 ¡La hamburguesa con todo y el vaso con dos Alka-Seltzer! 🍔 - @alkaseltzerfans on Instagram

A vegan chilli con carne when you dont like kidney beans 😍🥳 #vegan #plantbased #veganfood #vegetarian #healthyfood #crueltyfree #food #organic #govegan #foodporn #veganlife #foodie #healthylifestyle #vegansofig #veganrecipes #love #whatveganseat #veganism #vegano #instafood #fitness #veganfoodshare #dairyfree #homemade #yummy #bhfyp#f52gram #eeeeeats #tastespotting#foodbaby - @veganchr on Instagram

I promise you getting your meals prepped out is not that hard. I did 5 meals today. Three compete meals and sauce for pizza and sausage for later this week. I did lots of things in between all of this cooking too. Stories are up of you want to see what I did in the kitchen. And what we did in the garden today. I am FLAT FOOT TIRED! - @karlaharmer on Instagram

@costamesa.ca.local #costamesaca #costamesa.ca.local - @costamesa.ca.local on Instagram

Nos ha costado recuperarnos de la resaca post-navidad pero... ¡hemos vuelto! Y con una publicación que nos habéis pedido muchisimo jj 🥚EL TOP 5 DE TORTILLAS DEL 2019🥚 1°IZARRAITZ TABERNA: Como ya os adelantamos es nuestra tortilla favorita y por muchas que probemos no creo que ninguna la quite el puesto. 2° LA JARANA TABERNA: No sólo es espectacular su tortilla, tambien lo son sus vistas, su ambiente y su localizacion, ¡merecidísimo segundo puesto! 3° BOULEVARD 9: Una tortilla que muy pocos conocen pero os aseguramos que su sabor es increible y es de las que más veces hemos comido, siempre nos gusta repetir en este bar. 4°XIRI DONOSTI: Una de las sorpresas de 2019, pasamos un dia de casualidad y nos enamoramos de su tortilla poco hecha, muuuuyyyy recomendada. 5° KÖK: Sin duda una de las tortillas más especiales que hemos probado, la tortilla de patata con cebolla tiene un punto caramelizado que nos vuelve locos. . . Nos quedaríamos con muchisimas tortillas más pero hemls decidido que sean sólo cinco, además no queríamos quedarnos con típicas que recomienda todo el mundo...¡os animamos a probarlas! Y esperamos vuestras fotos 😉 PD: Gracias por el apoyo que nos habéis dado en el 2019 y feliz año!!!!!🤗🤗🤗 . . . . . . . . . #tortilla #tortilladepatatas #tortilladepapas #tortillaland #tortillasdonosti #tortilladepatata #tortillacasera #tortillalovers #tortillas #donosti #donostia #sansebastian #pintxos #pincho #pinchos #tapas #pintxo #pintxossansebastian #pintxosdonostiarras #basquecountry #basque #foodie #food #foodporn - @tortillasdonosti on Instagram

Kiedy #kobiety nie ma #wdomu a #żyćtrzeba #kuchniadlaodważnych albo #nawinie , co się pod rękę nawinie ląduje #napatelni później gotuje sie #ryż i tym czymś z patelni zalewa. #essen #jedzenie #gulasch #pomidor #pomidory #tomaten #tomato #męskipunktwidzenia #facet #poprostufacet #męskiegotowanie #gotowanie #gotowaniezpasją #mojegotowanie #kurczak #kukurydza #marchewka - @po.prostu.facet on Instagram

- @r.sch__777 on Instagram

Almoço de segunda-feira... Não existe desculpas aqui não! Como almoço no trabalho eu já me organizo cedinho.... passo no supermercado e compro tudo que eu preciso para a semana, gasto em média R$25,00 .... Meus almoços se baseiam em batata doce ou inglesa , cuscuz, ovo (que não pode faltar 😁) alface , tomate , chia e linhaça dourada.... Frutas como carambola são complementos... Almoço rápido, prático e nutritivo.... #nutrição #nutrirocorpo #semfrescura #alimentacaonatural #comidadeverdade #equilibrio #reeducaçãoalimentar #reeducandoamente #disciplinaalimentar #almoço #perdendogordura #perdendopeso #boaforma #comidafit #comerbem #semrestrições #refeicaobalanceada #refeicaosaudavel #conquistando #comersemculpa #eliminandogordura #eliminandomedidas #melhorversão #vocetambemconsegue - @paty_afina on Instagram

🔥MEDITERRANEAN FOOD OF THE DAY🔥 Yogurt With Mixed Berries . A delicious dessert after a healthful meal. . For more Mediterranean diet food recipes, TAP link in bio. @mediterraneandietrecipebook . . . . #mediterraneandiet #mediterraneanfood #healthyfood #oliveoil #food #foodie #evoo #greekfood #healthy #instafood #mediterranean #foodlover #foodporn #healthylifestyle #vegan #yummy #healthyeating #dessert #vegetarian #organic #wellness #cleaneating #foodphotography #delicious #extravirginoliveoil #mediterraneantaste #diet #weightloss #yogurt #berries - @mediterraneandietrecipebook on Instagram

Have you tried our new spot to #enjoycorinth, Conservatory by @vicari_italian_grill? Mark it down, you’re gonna need this in your life. - @visitcorinth on Instagram

صنية لحمه بالخضار و دبس الرمااان 😋😋😋. . .كباب هندي 😍😍 اول شي نقلي البطاطا نص ستوا .. نصف الخضار بالصنيه انا حطيت بطاطا و جزر و بصل و توم و فلفل ... . . . فيكم تحطو كوسا او بتنجان او اي خضرا بتحبوها .. . . . لتحضير اللحمه .. بدنا لحم غنم مفروم ناعم .. تبلتو بملح و فلفل اسود و دبس رمان .. نكورها و نحطها فوق الخضار .. . .لتحضير مرق الطبخ ... نخلط معجون بندوره مع زيت زيتون و ملح و فلفل اسود و زعتر ناشف و دبس رمان و شويت مي و نحطهم فوق صنية اللحمه و الخضار .. ندخل الصنيه فرن حامي على حرارة ١٨٠ لمدة ساعه او لحتى تستوي .. و نحمرها من فوق .. و الف صحه و هنا 😘😘❤. . . . . #مسخن #مسخن_رول #فلسطين_داري #رولات_مسخن #مقبلات #foods #foodie #foodstagram#foodies #foody #foodheaven #foodpics #food #foodphotography #foodporn #foodgasm #foodpost #foodography #foodinstagram #healthyfood . #recpies #لحمه_بالفرن #لحم #طاجن #طاجن_لحم #فخارة_لحم#فخارات #صواني #كباب_هندي - @ebtihal.bu on Instagram

In weekends we bake 🤩 Doe jezelf een plezier en probeer deze frambozentaart met banketbakkersroom en pistache uit 🍰 😋 #CarrefourBelgium #Dessert #Raspberrypie #Recipe - @carrefourbelgium on Instagram

Thank you @choterz for making me this tasty brunch! Mini chocolate and blueberry pancakes! So cute. The picture doesnt do this meal justice. 😜 #eatyourheartoutto #quarantineeats #brunch #pancakes #delicious #foodart #yummy #veggiebrunch #instaeater #sweettooth #chocolatechips #blueberries #maplesyrup - @eatyourheartoutto on Instagram

First day of fall . Last of summer. THE GOLDEN APPLE - @micheleforgione on Instagram

Back in stock @highnoonsunsips pineapple! Come and get it folks this will not last long - @kappysliquors_medford on Instagram

- @selfiefood.it on Instagram

Cette semaine notre chef vous propose sa recette de pain de lentilles aux noix. Une idée cuisine ludique et originale pour apporter toujours plus de légumes à notre alimentation quotidienne avec Knorr 😊 Faites glisser les photos pour découvrir la liste d’ingrédients et les étapes de la recette. . . . . . . #Knorr #knorrfrance #faitmaison #recette #food #instafood #cuisine #courscuisine #foodstagram #delicious #instagood #tasty #eat #healthy #homemade #légumes #DIY #plantbased #soupe #pain #lentilles #noix - @knorrfrance on Instagram

Sunday Roast - Roast in the Bag Chicken - So Easy - So Juicy Roast Potatoes, GF Yorkshire Pudding, Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower Cheese & Gravy . . . . . . . . . #sundayroast #roast #roastchicken #roastinthebag #juicy #moist #roastpotatoes #carrots #broccoli #cauliflowercheese #glutenfree #yorkshirepuddings #therealyorkshirepuddingco #gravy #tasty #glutenfree #familytime #familydinner @morrisons ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️ - @coeliacdude on Instagram

Join me on Wednesday for the second episode of Migle & Stanley where Ill be making a delicious Blueberry pie from @stanleytucci and Felicity Blunts cookbook The Tucci Table. The quest of getting Stanley cooking together is continuing. 🥧 If youve missed the first episode, you can find it on IGTV. 🙌 - @miglekrau on Instagram

Monkey nuts, only 79c. Your 5-a-day fruit and veg sorted. Actually, make that 7. #AllThingsConsidered - @supervalu_ballinteer on Instagram

#dinnerhaiku ❤👉**A new favorite**A fresh wheat berry salad**Went back for seconds** . Have you ever eaten a wheat berry whole? Its not typical. I bought a bag of them so I could grind them into a whole-grain flour, maybe make some noodles. . But then I cooked some and the taste and texture was so fantastic just on their own, I was thinking they would be great to use in a salad. . So, I made this salad. Im going to do a video on this one. This is the best dinner Ive had since that week I was eating my batch of rainbow seitan. Remember that? I need to make more of my unique seitan also. . But, back to this salad! OMG!! Its packed full of additional nutrients from these other ingredients: zucchini, squash, onion, mushrooms, tofu, and cherry tomatoes. I made a vinaigrette with Italian spices, lemon juice and olive oil. Plus salt and pepper of course. 💚💚💚 . Try some wheat berries. Youll love um. . #wheatberries #veganfood #boobscancook #vegan #veganporn #foodporn #californiavegan #socalvegan #sunsetmagazine #myveganlife #veganlife #plantbased #healthy #wholefood #haiku #haikucommunity - @equality451 on Instagram

Chana bhuna #cookwithsimzz #homemadefood #deshifoods😋 #chanabhuna #yummy😋😋 #bangalifoods #foodislove #foodpron #deliciousfood❤️ #instafoodporn - @cookwithsimzz on Instagram

“Lasagne” is Italian for “The Sagne” And “Sagne” is an anagram of “Egs? Na” which is very fitting as this was 100% vegan ethical plant-rich mother earth spiritually enlightened eco-injected goodness - so no eggs. I stole this recipe from one of my favs @avantgardevegan. The béchamel was unnaturally creamy and made slightly more delish with some @sainsburys vegan cheese which honestly is decent. Also my dad was like “wow this is good” and he’s smart. Grazie mille 💚 . . . . #vegan #plantbased #eatforhealth #dairyfree #instahealth #crueltyfree #veganrecipes #followforfollow #earthfood #veggies #healthylifestyle #vegansofig #poweredbyplants #veganfood #italianfood #lasagne #veganinstaclub #vegancheese - @plants.n.bants on Instagram

Buka kulkas cuma ada brokoli, kembang kol, wortel, baso dan telur puyuh. Hmmm... masak apa ya? Sepertinya cap cay cocok nih... walaupun sayurannya ngga terlalu lengkap Bumbunya gampang banget cuma bawang putih, sedikit jahe, garam dan lada. Telur puyuhnya direbus dulu lalu campurkan. Brokoli dan bunga kol punya segudang manfaat sehat untuk tubuh. Wortel kaya akan vitamin A dan telur puyuh mengandung protein tinggi. Tips: - gunakan bahan yang segar dan berkualitas agar hasil makanan lebih nikmat dan segar - jangan lupa selalu cuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah memasak ❤️ - dan memasaklah dengan hati yg gembira 😍😍 - agar badan lebih sehat Dan fit imbangi dengan minum banyak air putih, olahraga dan istirahat yg cukup ya...💪🏻💪🏻 Semoga aku menang Dan dapat Kulkas LGLINEARCooling. Kulkas terbaru LG dengan teknologi LINEARCooling. Ini beberapa kelebihannya yang membuatku tertarik untuk memilikinya: 1. Desain yg classy, ergonomik, fungsional dengan Glide-n-Serve Drawers 2. Large Capacity: Dilengkapi berbagai rak dan laci yang fungsional serta ruang yang lapang untuk menampung lebih banyak sayur, buah, daging, ikan, dan jenis makanan lainnya dengan kesegaran yang tetap terjaga. 3. Efficiency: Makanan dan minuman lebih tahan lama dengan teknologi Smart Cooling Plus, yang mampu menjaga kelembapan dan suhu di dalam kulkas. 4. Hemat listrik Yuuk ikutan mom bikin menu sehat untuk keluarga dan berkesempatan dapat hadiah kulkas LGLinearCooling dari @lgeindonesia. Kulkas hebat yang bikin buah dan sayur tetap terjaga kesegarannya 😍😍 @fitriningsih_79 @mybirdeyes @id.greatthings #HealthyEatingChallenge #LGLINEARCooling #MakanSehat - @denissanissa08 on Instagram

Hab einen leckeren fluffigen Apfel- Pudding Kuchen gebacken das ist ein hin gucker ⚘#torte #sweet #cake #kochenmachtspass #insterfood #foodblogger #food #lecker #delicious #familyfood #foodporn #foodphotography #foodlover #essen #selbstgemacht #selfmade #fypape #foryou #yummyfood #leckerschmecken #foody #cooking #international #rezept #foodpic #foodbloggerdeutschland #droetker #wednesdayfeely Rezept: Pudding; 2.Eier 20g. Zucker 300ml. Milch 1Pck. Vanillezucker Teig; 3. Eier 120g. Zucker 150ml. Milch 1Pck. Vanillezucker 250g Mehl 1Tl. Backpulver 2. Äpfel 26cm Springform.. Bei 180 Grad Ober und Unterhitze 35min Backen! - @_tortenzauber_and_more on Instagram

Granola with yogurt and strawberies Serving: 1 4 tbsp yogurt 4 tbsp granola with black chocolate A few strawberies sliced ......................... In a bowl place 2 tbsp of the yogurt then add strawberies and then half of the granola. Then again, yougurt, strawberies, granola and then spread some strawberies on top. #granola #breakfast #healthyfood #healthy #vegan #healthylifestyle #food #healthybreakfast #homemade #foodie #yummy #instafood #glutenfree #foodporn #banana #granolabowl #muesli #veganfood #smoothiebowl #a #oats #homemadegranola #fitness #smoothie #snack #yogurt #delicious #breakfastideas #foodphotography #bhfyp - @simplehomecooks on Instagram

Pâte à choux with Blackberry filling 💕 Send this post to your friends and ask them to make this for you. I made this beauty for our #coco4summer #collab 😍 Why Blackberry is not black? 😄 ________________________________________ #dreamytaste#dreamyrecipe#instafood#collagen#smallyoutuber #bestoftheday#picofday#instadaily#instacookie#sharefood#fastfood#vegan #veganfood #collab#foodforthought#dessert#foodphotography#foodpic#collection#foodblog#foodgram#blackberry#cream#baking#chocolate#pastry#bakery#fruits#berries - @dreamy.taste_ on Instagram

SWEEETHEAT Recipe Alert SWEEETHEAT Apple Butter and Sage Pork Chops We love the fall season. We also love easy recipes as well. Pan seared pork chops with apple butter, sage, butter, garlic and apples; it doesnt get any simpler. This recipe is great any night of the week with any sides of your choosing. https://sweeetheat.com/dish/sweeetheat-apple-butter-and-sage-pork-chops/ #sweeetheat #recipe #pork #yum #eats #dinner #dinnertime #fall #apples #meal - @sweeetheat_ssb on Instagram

Made some Mushroom Risotto tonight but never got to take a final photo because it was too good! #mushrooms #mushroom #risotto #oliveoil #parmesan #cheese #butter #garlic - @sonorandesertoliveoil on Instagram

Meal of the day, baked pasta, with cheese and yogurt on the side. #simple #mealoftheweek #mealoftheday #bakepasta #pasta #foodblogfeed #foodblogger #foodofinstagram #foodblog #foodphotography #foodgasm #foodpic #foodies #yummmy_food_ #foodoftheday #fooddiaries #foodpost #foodlovers #foodlover😍 #lovefood - @love_cooking_mk on Instagram

Thank you Felicity Howarth for this pic using our buffalo brisket. Smoked Buffalo brisket, VB and potato pie. #maleny #malenybuffalo #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoasthinterland #australianbuffalo - @malenybuffalo on Instagram

Blumenkohl mit Mango?? Ein klares ja! 😉 Ihr müsst das unbedingt ausprobieren-sehr, sehr,sehr lecker😋😋 Ich serviere die knusprigen Röschen außerdem gerne mit Sojasauce, Aijoli und Sweet chilli. Ein Traum 😋😍 Und so geht es: Zutaten: Sojasahne Pfeilwurzelmehl Teff-Mehl Salz, Pfeffer (am besten frisch gemahlen 😉) Cayennepfeffer Und natürlich Blumenkohl Und Mango Diverse Saucen . Einfach die Sahne mit etwas Pfeilwurzelmehl anrühren, kurz erwärmen und würzen. Die Blumenkohlröschen in flache Teilchen schneiden, zuerst in der Sahnecreme wenden, danach im Teff-Mehl. Bei mittlerer Temperatur langsam knusprig braten und mit der Mango anrichten. Achtung: Suchtgefahr!! 😅 Wünsche euch einen wunderschönen Donnerstag. 💚🌱 - @fanias_vegane_kueche on Instagram

- Full day of eating, hangover edition (1185 calories).

Breakfast is sorted with our Baked Eggs with Chorizo! See below for the recipe. Ingredients: 20ml olive oil ½ chorizo sausage, finely sliced ½ red onion, finely sliced 400g can Ardmona Crushed Tomatoes 2x tsp sherry vinegar 2x tsp oregano leaves, chopped salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 4 x eggs ¼ teaspoon smoked paprika thick chunky toast, to serve Method: 1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C. Heat oil in a small frying pan over medium heat. Add chorizo and cook until crisp, remove and drain on paper towel. 2. Add onion to pan and cook for 2-3 minutes until softened. Stir in tomatoes, vinegar and oregano. Return chorizo to the pan and bring to the boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 2-3 minutes until liquid has reduced. Season to taste. 3. Divide tomato mixture between individual serving dishes, make a hollow with the back of a spoon and crack two eggs into each. Bake for 18-20 minutes until whites are cooked and yolks still runny. Serve sprinkled with paprika and accompany with thick toast. - @ardmona on Instagram

Venison casserole with self picked mushrooms and Norwegian brown cheese 🥘 . . . . . . . . . . #venison #venisonstew #deer #venisonrecipes #mushrooms #stew #casserole #chanterelles #norskmat #foodilidoo #hjort #hjortegryte #sopp #browncheese #brunost #fargerikmat #høstmat #søndagsmiddag #autumnfood #fallfood #gryterett #viltgryte #jakt #kantarell #nytnorge #høstfarger #norskhjort #norwegianfood #kortreistmat #localfood - @foodilidoo on Instagram

In the mood for comfort food? Our special tonight is a big plate of slow-braised angus beef short ribs over pappardelle in our house marinara and topped with parmigiano reggiano. Pair with a glass of our opulent Chianti Classico. 🍷 Just $26 while it lasts! - @frankiesbtown on Instagram

♥️ VITAMIN C LOADED FRUIT PLATE ♥️ This time of the year is the most important to fuel your body with right kind of nutrition and what is better way than eating fresh raw fruits and veg. Turbo VIRAMIN C fruit plate 🙌 ➡️guava, ➡️kiwi, ➡️strawberries, ➡️oranges, ➡️papaya are very high in vitamin C and I added berries for antioxidants 🥰 Always be curious about your food! Its way much more than calories in and calories out! Beauty comes from inside ♥️🙌 #vegan #veganrecipes #plantbased #desserts #vegandessert #cookingclasses #veganbaking #instagram #instadaily #instagood #instagood #instavegan #instadessert #vegannutella #veganfood #veganlife #vegansofig #veganism #veganeats #vegancommunity #veganfoodie #veganuk #veganfriendly #veganaf #veganfoodlovers #veganfoodporn #fruit #fruits #fruitplatter #vitaminc #vegandessertsss - @vegandessertsss on Instagram

💪💪💪 #riegel #flavdrops #saucen #chips #supps #supplementstore #socialmediadivision #erdnussbutter #kraftsport #proteinriegel #protein #lowcarb #lowfat #diät #abnehmen #berlin #berlinweissensee #fitfamgermany #fitfam #fitnesslife #fitspo #mcfitberlin #supportyoursuppdealer #berliner #supplements #fitness #instafit #fitfood #gym #gymfood - @supplement.support on Instagram

For everything there is a first time: last week it was pesto, today it was risotto. Omg, risotto. Do i dare? There is so much magic around it, that i never even tried. But tonight i faced my demons and trust me: this was not a one-timer! Not risotto in general, but also not this recipe: just cook it. Trust me. Ingredients 4 p.: * 2 big onions, chopped * 5 garlic cloves, minced * 1 stack of springonions, fine slices * 2 leaks, finely sliced, as small as you can * 6 sundried tomatoes, jar, sliced and use 2-3 tbsp water/oil from the jar * 400 gr chestnut mushrooms, in half, then sliced * 200 gr chanterelles, sliced * 1 liter of hot vegetable broth * 100 gr grated vegan cheese (violife) * pepper & salt * 500 gr risotto-rice (Arborio) * oil for baking Howto: 1. Stirfry the onions and garlic a bit, 1 mins 2. Add the rice and stir it till the rice become glassy. 3. Add the leaks and springonions and stir 4. At the same time add 2 cups of the veggie broth and stir till the broth has fully been absorbed 5. Repeat this again, 2 cups of broth and stir till its absorbed. 6. Repeat this till the rice is finished; so you need to taste it if its already done. Risotto rice is done when it is soft, but still has a bite. 7. While you are cooking you need to taste the rice, but also if it needs salt. Add to taste 8. Meanwhile take a fryingpan, add a little oil and cook the 2 mushrooms with a little pepper & salt till finished. Then add to the rice, including the moist which came out of the mushrooms. Also add the sundried tomatoes with their moist. Both will add extra flavour. 8. Last step is adding the cheese and some fresh (black) pepper. Stir really good till the cheese has melted. Believe me, this one is good! Lots of veggies in it, and it is too much for 2, so tomorrow we will have more! #risotto #dinner #delish #yummy #plantbased #vegan #veganfood #whatveganseat #healthyfood #govegan #vegetarian #healthy #crueltyfree #veganlife #veganism #health #vegansofinstagram #dairyfree #plantbaseddiet #food #veganrecipes #nutrition #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #vegancommunity #healthyeating - @the_plantbased_experience on Instagram

NEW BLOG! 👉🏽www.drjessmd.com Not my normal post, but not enough peeps understand the importance of organ meat. The other day I posted one of my homemade Caribbean meals of black beans, pineapple salsa, coconut rice, avocado & jerk marinated crock pot, pasture raised chicken on my story. Someone asked “do people give you shit for not being vegan?” In the past, yes. But now I’m armed with too much health info. . 🔹 Listen friends-I do NOT promote labeled diets. Don’t ask me about the candida diet I’ve seen it be super hard on the communication to the adrenals. Don’t ask me about veganism or carnivorism because their isn’t a wide sweeping answer for all. I don’t do labels-& if any doc tells you a niche diet is the best decision for all-don’t buy it. Diets are bioindividual! Everyone needs something different, however I cannot & will not discount the value of organ meats. So if you’re a vegan, more power to ya! I respect that, but please understand WHY our indigenous ancestors ripped our organs & ate them. They were not savages—they were intelligent. . 🔹 I was a strict vegetarian for 3.5 years. What made me eat grass fed meat again was the research on organ meat 🍖 Did you know the most bioavailable amino acids for humans come from organs? . 🔹 Liver is known to be one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin A of any foods. This is excellent for eyesight & warding off the measles virus. Even though heart is technically a muscle, it also is also a superfood.  Heart is a very concentrated source of the supernutrient, Coenzyme Q10. . 🔹 This is really just the beginning of the facts on many of the organ meats. Wanna know more? My friend @thevidawell just wrote a stellar blog over at drjessmd.com. She included a recipe from her book, The Mexican Keto Cookbook, for one of the most nutrient dense superfoods in the world-liver pate’. It’s also affordable! . 🔹 Watch my stories for an easy swipe up to purchase the cleanest organ meats 🍖 with a DISCOUNT using DRJESS from @grassrootscoop {no hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, & #pastureraised}. AND they ship nationally excluding Hawaii & Alaska. . 🔹 GRAPHIC by my girl @meowmeix 💜 . #drjess #superfood #organic #organmeat - @dr.jess.md on Instagram

Lachs mit Salzkartoffeln und Sahne - Dillsoße 🤤🥰 . . #lachs #kartoffeln #dillsoße #dill #abendessen - @kochen.und.essen on Instagram

Lasagna italiana #foodphotography #foodporn #foods #foodie #foodporn #italia #cucina #comidaitaliana #comida #madrid #cena #querico - @madridfoodpoorn on Instagram

Ein Zwetschgen Gericht hab ich noch für euch 😅 von all den Gerichten, die ich mit den gefühlten 100 kg Garten-Zwetschgen gemacht habe, war der Kaiserschmarrn mit Zwetschgen-Röster mein persönliches Highlight 🤤🤤 Kaiserschmarrn bzw. Pancakes mache ich seit Jahren nach dem veganen Rezept von @biancazapatka 🤗 Durch die reife Banane, die verwendet wird, schmeckt der Kaiserschmarrn besonders gut 😁 Das Rezept findet ihr auf ihrer Webseite, ich kann euch auf Anfrage gerne den Link direkt zum Rezept weiterleiten 🧡 #zwetschgen #kaiserschmarrn #zwetschgenröster #plums #pancakes #dessert #yummy #delicious #dessertheaven #vegandishes #vegandesserts #vegancooking #veganfoodshare #veganfoodblog #veganfoodblogger #vegantreats #cleaneating #healthycooking #healthyfood #austriavegan #veganaustria #austrianfoodie #austrianfoodiegoesvegan - @austrian_foodie on Instagram

Kartoffelgratin mit Speck ~800gr - 1kgKartoffeln 1 Teelöffel Salz frisch gemahlener Pfeffer frisch geriebene Muskatnuss 200 ml Milch 200 ml Schlagsahne 2 Eier Zwei Esslöffel frisch geriebener Parmesan Käse 125 g Baconwürfel Kartoffeln waschen, schälen, abspülen, trocken tupfen und in dünne Scheiben schneiden oder hobeln. Kartoffelscheiben schräg in die vorbereitete Form einschichten. Die Baconwürfel kurz anbraten und über die Kartoffelscheiben verteilen. Milch, Eier und Sahne verrühren, mit Salz, Pfeffer und Muskat würzen und über die Kartoffelscheiben verteilen. Mit Käse bestreuen. Das Kartoffelgratin etwa 45 Minuten auf 180 °C garen. Lasst es Euch gut schmecken! ❤️ ~800gr - 1kg potatoes 1 teaspoon of salt freshly ground pepper freshly grated nutmeg 200ml of milk 200ml of whipped cream 2 eggs 2 tablespoons of freshly grated Parmesan cheese 125gr of Bacon cubes Wash the potatoes, peel, rinse and dry them and Cut them into thin slices. Put the slices of potatoes slanted into the prepared form of layer. Fry the bacon cubes and spread them over the potato slices. Mix milk, eggs and cream with salt, pepper and nutmeg and spread it over the potato slices. Sprinkle with cheese. Cook the potato gratin at 180° for about 45 minutes. Enjoy! ❤️ - @branas_kitchen on Instagram

4.Uluslararası Adana Lezzet Festivali bu sene gastronomi dünyasının yıldız isimlerinin katılımıyla üç gün boyunca dijital bir gastronomi şöleni sunmaya hazırlanıyor. Gastroshowlar, yemek atölyeleri, söyleşiler... @adanalezzetfestivali sayfasını takipte kalın! #adanalezzetfestivali #adanafestival #festival #adana #gastronomi #lezzetfestivali - @adanalezzetfestivali on Instagram

Flaxseed, oats and quinoa flakes with mango, peach and blueberries. A blueberry growing next to a thyme plant. Benefits of blueberries: 💙 antioxidants 💙 vitamin C 💙 anti-aging with antioxidants for skin purity 💙 vision with vitamin A and beta-carotene 💙 anti-cancer from powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients 💙 memory 💙 weight loss as low calorie high nutrient-dense snack Benefits of thyme: 🌿 anti-bacterial 🌿 heart health 🌿 bone health 🌿 mood 🌿 anti-cancer #thyme #blueberries #plantbaseddiet #wholefoodsdiet - @plantbasedinspireschange on Instagram

Rucola Süßkartoffel- Ecken ⭐️Bewertung: Geschmack: 3,5/5 Sternen Zutaten/ Nährwerte: 3,5/5 Sternen Preis: 3/5 Sternen Magst Du gerne Süßkartoffeln? Diese Ecken findet ihr beim Kaufland. Ich habe sie im Backofen zubereitet. Die Panade hat mir wirklich gut geschmeckt. Diese wird auch im Backofen schön knusprig. Es sind viele Süßkartoffelstücke enthalten. Allerdings sind diese noch sehr bissfest, was mir nicht so zugesagt hat. Auch ist der süße Geschmack für mich etwas zu stark. Der Rucola kommt leider eher weniger durch. Die Kürbiskerne passen gut zur Kombination. In einer Packung sind 4 Stück enthalten. Ich finde sie in Ordnung, aber das Produkt wird mein Favorit von mir. Es ist natürlich alles Geschmacksache. 🔽 Folgt @veganer.einkaufsguide um keine veganen Food Neuheiten zu verpassen ✅ 🔽 💸Preis 2,49€ 🛒gefunden bei @kaufland . . . . . [unbezahlte Werbung] #vegan #veganereinkauf #veganereinkaufsguide #veganwerdenwaslosdigga #crueltyfree #nodiary #vegankochen #veganerezepte #produkttest #govegan #peta #veganworld #vegansummer #vegandeutschland #veganeideen #veganesessen #veganmeal #vegansummer #veganlife #veganmeal #süßkartoffeln - @veganer.einkaufsguide on Instagram

Taste of summer ☀️ Refreshing afternoon snack...Date sugar sprinkled on yoghurt and topped with frozen berries. 😋 Suggest a recipe for us to make with our Date sugar in the comments below👇 --- We get many questions on how to use our date sugar and what to use it in. Our Date Sugar is sweet and versatile. From porridge bowls and smoothies, to marinades and flapjacks- you can add our Date sugar to any recipe. --- Want to get your hands on a pack? DM us! - @datesbyneqta on Instagram

Vote for Heavy Smoke BBQ in the pitmaster bracket challenge on Facebook!!! Go to Tailgate Guys BBQs page to vote. Thank you!!! - @heavysmokebbq on Instagram

Ultimo week di settembre 😱😱😱 ci pensate??? 🤔Forse meglio non pensarci 😅. Tornando a noi e alla mia ossessione culinaria vi presento la mia creazione di oggi a cui ho voluto dare un nome IL MARE DAUTUNNO. LINGUINE RIGATE @voiello CONDITE CON SCAMPI, GAMBERI, CALAMARI E FRIGGITELLI SU CREMA DI ZUCCA E BISQUE. #amicidelfood❤️#chef_onepro #chefclub #cucinaitaliana #Chefsclub #piattiitaliani #e #chefroll #professionalchefs #michelinstars #culinarytalents #finefood #theartofplating #thebestchef #chefs_eye#cheftable #chefselection #chefslife🔪 #chefmode #chefporn #foodtrucks #foodinspiration #foodography #foodforthought #progress #foodblogger #foodartchef #foodartchefs #foodartblog#foodsbaraglio2.0 - @cuoca_cuocarina_ on Instagram

How about some of my #Calabrian Stew with Tomatoes, Peppers, and 🌶🌶🌶 for #dinner ? #nationalchickenmonth #recipeoftheday from #theultimatemediterraneandietcookbook via @quartocooks on @amazon - - #cuisineandcultureexpert #tvhost #deliciousandhealthful #cookbookauthors #chefs #foodbloggers #culinarytravel #bakers #amyriolo #foodhistorian #culinaryanthropologist #calabrese #bakingislovemadevisible #themediterraneanlifestyle #theitaliandiabetescookbook #themediterraneandiabetescookbook #theultimatemediterraneandietcookbook #creatingacookbook #indigogazelletours #italiansensoryexperience #extravirginoliveoil #evoo #menu #recipes #mediterraneandiet - @aasriolo on Instagram

For a great burger, it’s all about the local dry aged beef. - @robertbelcham1 on Instagram

Sorry guys new to the amazing world of Instagram. Just a couple of pics showing the end results. These will be available soon at Manly Vale - Hangi Jax, Reevesby - Kiwi Delights and Yennora - Cathys Kai both opening soon. - @cathyskai on Instagram

Thai Yellowfin Tuna Cakes .... Only $4.00 Each #yellowfin #tunafishcakes #tuna #fishcakes #coffscoast #coffsharbour #midnorthcoast #supportlocalfishermen #freshisbest #buylocal - @coffs.fish.coop on Instagram

- Chicken Caesar Lasagna Rolls

- [Homemade] Zucchini, Green Peppers, Green Chilli - Omelette

Artichokes, chicken and kale casserole I was looking for recipes with artichokes when I came accross this @foodnetwork so I thought we should try. It was yum!! Happy weekend to all! https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/valerie-bertinelli/kale-and-artichoke-chicken-casserole-3589652 #knowwhatyoueat #homemadefood #artichoke #chicken #kale #easygoodfood #goodfoodmadeeasy #foodinspo #foodrecipe #glutenfree #sgglutenfree #sgfooddiary #sghomecook #singaporehomecook #foodnetwork - @myeverydayhealthyfood on Instagram

Biofach 2020 - viele neue Produkte unserer Hersteller. Wir freuen uns sehr über immer mehr zertifiziert pflanzliche Produkte in Bioqualität 💚💚💚 #ecoveg #berieffood #tofutown #purvegan #happycheeze #govegan #biovegan #eatclean #veganwerdenwaslosdigga #biofach2020 #zertifiziert #kontrolliert #zukunftjetzt #klimawandelstoppen #greencompany #deutschlandvegan - @ecoveg_siegel on Instagram

Pumpkin spice latte pie! Some pumpkin, spice and espresso - whats not to love. 🥧 Accepting preorders for Thanksgiving or you can order to enjoy anytime with 24 hour notice since they will be made to order. $30 for 8. DM or info@carbenrestaurant.com ❤️❤️🎃 - @carbenrestaurant on Instagram

GF Waffles with some chocolate sause whipped cream granola n fruits..... Saturday breakfast for kids..... this is my fifth contribution for the competition #sunriseflavors . . Hosted By @cooketerian_20 @bake.cook_withme @cookandbake_withmitali . Sponsored By @blablafoodz . Featured By @wahhindia . I nominate @nuttyovernutrition @passion_for_cooking5 @butterup_byravisha . .. #waffles #Glutenfreebreakfast #wafflemaker #wafflesforbreakfast #wafflesunday #wafflesociety #hersheys #hersheyschocolatesyrup #waffleswhippedcream #waffleswhippedberrieschocolate #followforfollowback #follow #foodphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #foodforkidzz #sweettooth #followforfollowback #followbackalways #followbackinstantly #sweets #summervibes #summertime #quarantineandchill #ndtvfood #breakfasttime #breakfastinbed #breakfastideas #wafflebreakfast - @kavya.culinary.world on Instagram

Following last nights crazy dumpling dinner with strawberry thyme sourdough pancakes with thyme infused maple syrup. #vegan #pancakes #sourdough #veganbreakfast #veganpancakes #vegansourdough #herbs #homeopathic #maple #artisanbreakfast #winning #killingit #2nddlockdown - @black0nblack on Instagram

Chicken fresca!!!🍅🧅 I made a ton of this so I can eat it throughout the week!! Tonight i put it on top of brown rice and added greek yogurt ————— •3 chicken breasts •3 Roma tomatoes •1/2 bell pepper •1/2 onion •1/2 juiced lime •1 cup shredded Mexican cheese blend •chopped cilantro •cumin, salt, pepper, taco seasoning (1/4tsp each ——- •preheat oven to 400 •dice chicken, toss with spices & lime •dice up veggies, place on top of chicken •sprinkle on cilantro, then cheese •cook for 25-30 mins - @ashynomnom on Instagram

Carrot & Orange Bliss Balls⁣ ⁣ Made a stash of my trusty carrot and orange bliss balls for Rosie today; these never fail to go down well but I havent made them in a while so wanted to share them again 🥰 super quick and easy - just pop everything in a blender or bowl, mix well, then scoop out a tablespoon of mix and roll into balls 🥳 instant snacks!⁣ ⁣ Ingredients:⁣⁣⁣ •1 large carrot, finely grated⁣⁣⁣ •100g oats⁣⁣⁣ •100g peanut butter⁣⁣ (can sub for Wow butter)⁣ •2 tbsp honey⁣⁣ (or maple syrup under 1 year)⁣ •1/4 tsp ground cinnamon⁣⁣⁣ •Zest and juice of half an orange⁣⁣⁣ •3 crushed walnuts (optional)⁣⁣⁣ •2 tbsp desiccated coconut⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Method:⁣⁣⁣ •Add all the ingredients except the desiccated coconut to a large bowl or blender and mix until everything is well combined.⁣⁣⁣ •Roll the mixture into 12 equal sized balls.⁣⁣⁣ •Add coconut to a shallow bowl and roll the balls through the coconut until they are completely covered.⁣⁣⁣ •Pop two into a snack bowl for your little one with some fruit then put the rest into the fridge to keep fresh for up to 3 days or into the freezer for up to 3 months for freezer stash.⁣⁣⁣ ⭐ Suitable from 6 months; please serve and shape according to babys age. ⁣ ⁣ #babyledweaning #blw #weaning #babyfood #blwideas #babyfoodideas #babyled #babyledweaningideas #weaningideas #blwbaby #toddlersnacks #foodblogger #plantbased #whatmybabyeats #weaningbaby #lunch #veganbaby #toddlerfood #familyfood #healthysnacks #kidsfood #blwmeals #babyblog #veganmom #blwinspiration #babysnacks #veganbabyfood #mumlife #veganmama #babyledsolids - @thekiddiekitchen on Instagram

#lasagna #easter #lasagne #omg #lunch #thelawyerwhocooks - @carlofini on Instagram

🇭🇺 Heute entführe ich euch kulinarisch nach Ungarn. 🇭🇺 Und das wieder mit einem schnellen und einfachen Gericht: Gulasch Genauer gesagt Jackfruit-Gulasch, denn statt Fleisch kommt Jackfruit rein. Diese eignet sich durch die fasrige Konsistenz besonders gut für Gulasch. So sehr ich kochen liebe, so sehr genieße ich es auch schnelle Rezepte mit Fertiggewürzmischungen zuzubereiten. So kann man auch wenn’s mal schnell gehen muss, frisch kochen. Und das besondere an Gulasch: es eignet sich auch ideal zum vorzukochen - denn: „Aufgwärmt is nua a Gulasch guad“ – eine typische österreichische Redewendung, um zum Ausdruck zu bringen, dass Altes oder Bekanntes nochmals aufzuwärmen schlecht ist. Außer eben Gulasch. Häufig wird dies auf ein „Gspusi“ (Liebesverhältnis) bezogen, aber auch in Bezug auf Lebensmittel, trifft es zu: nochmals aufgewärmt wird meist nicht besser, außer eben bei Gulasch. Und dasselbe gilt auch für Jackfruit Gulasch. Schmeckt frisch und aufgewärmt. Für euch getestet 😄, eure Tini 𝗭𝘂𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗻: 1 Dose Jackfruit (hier: @jackyf.jackfruit) 1 vegane Fertiggewürzmischung für Gulasch (hier: Echt natürlich Gulasch von @knorroesterreich) 1 Zwiebel etwas Rapsöl 400ml Wasser 6-8 kleine Kartoffel als Beilage 𝗭𝘂𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗴: 1️⃣ Die Kartoffel schälen und weichkochen. 2️⃣ Die Jackfruit abgießen, kurz mit kaltem Wasser abspülen und leicht ausdrücken. Dann zwischen den Fingern oder mit der Gable etwas zerteilen. 3️⃣ Die Zwiebel klein würfeln und in einer Pfanne mit Öl leicht anrösten. 4️⃣ Dann die Jackfruit dazu geben und scharf anbraten – solange, bis sie die Flüssigkeit verloren hat und braun geworden ist. 5️⃣ Mit Wasser ablöschen und die Gewürzmischung zügig unterrühren. 6️⃣ Ohne Decken für ein paar Minuten leicht köcheln lassen, sodass das Wasser eindickt. Gegebenenfalls noch etwas Wasser nachgießen. . . . . . #werbung #vegan #gulasch #veganungarn #jackfruitgulasch #fleischlos #veganerezepte #veganfood #ichveganisiere #vegankochen #veganehausmannskost #wasveganeressen #vegangenießen #veganeats #veganumdiewelt #veganaroundtheworld #easyvegan #veganbeginner #govegan #ichkannvegan - @ich.kann.vegan on Instagram

𝐔𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐞 🌱 Herbalife nutrition in collaborazione con lo chef @marco.colazzo.chef —————————————————————————— Questa mattina 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐜𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝟏 𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐚 🥞 per iniziare la giornata con l’energia giusta senza rinunciare al gusto😋 —————————————————————————— Ecco gli 𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢 che vi serviranno ma ricordate che il Formula 1 è disponibile in 9 gusti (cioccolato, fragola, gusto biscotto croccante, banana etc.) non solo vaniglia🧑🏻‍🍳: —————————————————————————— 🌱 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚 𝟏 𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐍𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 • 4 cucchiai —————————————————————————— 🥛 Yogurt 0,1 % grassi • 3 cucchiai —————————————————————————— 🍯 Miele • 5 gr —————————————————————————— 🧊 Acqua • 100 ml —————————————————————————— 🥚 2 uova (solo albume) —————————————————————————— 🍫 Cacao amaro • 3 cucchiai —————————————————————————— #F1 #formula1 #herbalife #herbalifenutrition #pancake #pancakeproteici #nutrition #nutrizione #specialenutritionbyh1academy #specialnutrition #breakfast #colazione - @socialnutrition_usa on Instagram

A hearty dish for a chilly night! - @thebrassrailnj on Instagram

Dzień dobry to znowu ja 😁 Mam kapuśniak bo taka miałam zachciankę 😂😂😂 wbrew wszystkim dymion świata ja mam kapuśniak. Oczywiście wersja bez mięsa 💪💪💪 Ja już chyba zawsze będę robiła tak jak chce, a nie tak jak nakazują trendy czy pory roku 😜🤪🤪 #freedom #independence - to cała ja ❤️ Chociaż może.... skuszę się na pyszności dyniowe 😉🙃🤣 Przepis⤵️ 1/2 kg kiszonej kapusty, pokrojonej w mniejsze części 2 cebul 1 ząbek czosnku 1 marchewka 3 ziemniaki ( tyle miałam 🤣) kawałek selera 1 pietruszka liśc laurowy ziele angielskie 1 łyżeczka mielonej słodkiej wędzonej papryki 1/2 łyżeczka mielonego kminku 2 łyżki sosu sojowego Pieprz do smaku Do garnka z woda wkładam obrane warzywa i nastawiam do gotowania. Na patelni podsmażam cebule, czosnek, kmin i paprykę. Dodaje kapuste kiszona i chwilkę dusze pod przykryciem. Kapuste z patelni dodaje do gotujących się warzyw ( już prawie miękkich) i dorzucam ziele angielskie i liść laurowy. Gotuje do miękkości kapusty. Doprawiam sosem sojowym i pieprzem ewentualnie sola. Pycha 😋 A ze byłam mega głodna to machnęłam #falafel. Czy przepis potrzeby????? 😁 #kapuśniak #zdrowazupa #mojegotowanie #gotujebolubie #wegezupa #wege #lubiezdrowo #bezmiesa #polskiejedzenie #domowejedzenie #domoweinspiracje #odchudzamyiwspieramy #helthyfood #helthylifestyle #helthy #instaphoto #instsgram #instafoodgram #photooftheday #polishgirl - @love_food_ania on Instagram

Oh no! Look what you’ve done! This is the last of our Rhubarb slushee for the season! Thank you so much for loving this as much as I do! Next up is our Blush. I think you will love it just as much 😋. #rollingforksvineyard #rollingforksvineyards #mnwine #wineslushies #glenwoodmn - @rollingforksvineyards on Instagram

3 ingredients needed for a fantastic curry #rohu #mooli #corriander #simple - @bengali_fish_foodie on Instagram

Recreation inspiration. We recently moved outside of San Francisco and one of our absolute favorite neighborhood places to eat was at the famous @tonyspizza415 . But because the carbs don’t treat me well, I would often order their sausage and peppers dish. Get the dish from Tony’s if you can. But if you live far away... • • Here’s what I did: • cooked spicy sausage from Trader Joe’s in a skillet • at the same time, cook sliced bell pepper, red onion and a few cherry tomatoes with a dash of olive oil • since im still slightly packed up, i took this as an opportunity to unpack my spices and really added them all to my peppers and onions: dash of pepper, salt, parsley, crushed red pepper, and a ton of Italian seasoning • I added low carb, no sugar added marinina sauce and a big splash of heavy cream • cut sausage and mixed together • enjoyed with a glass (haha jk 2) of low carb, organic wine • • • #recreateit #keto #lowcarbdinner #omad #omadketo #fasting #ketodiet #sausage #sausageandpeppers #tonyspizza #lowcarbdinner #easymeals #easyrecipes #ketorecipes #lowcarbhighdiet #realfood #wholefoods - @lizziesfoodpage on Instagram

Everything that @kfcpakistanofficial cant make ;) #TeamStuffedChicken •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ ——————————————— #islamabadbloggers #islamabad #foodporn #lahore #food #pakistan #foodie #islamabadgram #foodstagram #karachi #instafood #islamabaddiaries #foodphotography #foodgasm #foodlover #islamabadian #yummy #rawalpindi #foodblogger #islamabadstreetstyle #foodpics #pakistani #delicious #instagood #foodpic #lahorestreetstyle #foodies - @tabletalkisb on Instagram

Vandaag heb ik voor het eerst mijn Instant pot gebruikt. En terwijl ik de Instant pot aangeschaft heb voor de snelkookpan functie heb ik toch de slowcooker functie gebruikt! Ik kan niet anders zeggen dat ik verrast ben door het resultaat! En ik verheug mij al om de slowcooker vaker te gebruiken op de dagen dat ik aan het werk ben. Op de foto zie je een groentenstoof met sjalotten, aubergine, venkelknol, paprika, knoflook en verse trostomaten, maar ook tomatenpuree en balsamico azijn... en gedroogde kruiden uit mijn kruidentuin, zoals salie, tijm en oregano. Verrijkt met Black eyed beans. Erbij een Garden Gourmet sensational Chorizo braadworst met BBQ saus. Was een heerlijk en lui gerecht met deze temperaturen! Eet smakelijk 🌱 #vegaliciousdishes #vegannederland #dutchvegan #plantaardig #plantbased #vehansofig #veganlifestyle #veganfood #veganfoodshare #crueltyfree #vegansofinstagram #vegetarisch - @vegalicious_dishes on Instagram

When you run out of lemons 🍋 & you want to make lemon chicken, Tangelo chicken tonight. Hope the kids like it 🤞🏻 Recipe to follow. #chickentonight #hopethekidslikeit #tangelochicken - @chef_adrian_richardson on Instagram

Sudah Disiplin menjauhi Beras Putih dan memilih Makan #bulgur. Eh ternyata di lemari masih ada sebungkus #rengginang #rangginang #terasi - @serbalanda on Instagram

Its chilly bcuz fall is coming. 🍁🍂 Guess what? We have new special curry dish -- Pumpkin Curry! 🍲🎃 Comes with carrot, red&green bell pepper 😋👉 Check it out at IsOriginal! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⏱ Store hour: Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm Sun 12pm-10pm ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Order online at: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌐 www.isoriginalthai.com ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ☎️ 617-879-0544 617-879-0640 ⠀ 🚗 Chownow, Grubhub, Ubereats⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #brookline #roddee #IsOriginal #autheticthaifood #bostonthaifood #boston #restaurant #thaifood #deliciousfood #special #fall #thai #lunch #dinner #reopening #bostonfoodies #food #greenline #allston #bostoncollege #bostonuniversity #BU #BC #bostonglobefood #curry #supportlocalbusiness #bostoneats #boston #pumpkin - @isoriginalthai on Instagram

Benefícios da Cenoura As cenouras são repletas de benefícios para a saúde. Aqui estão algumas das principais razões para comê-las com mais frequência. Fonte de cálcio, magnésio e ferro Hidrata pele e cabelos Previne úlceras Previne reumatismos Fonte de vitamina A, B e C Estimula o sistema imunológico Auxilia nos processos de crescimento Equilibra o funcionamento das glândulas Fortalece os dentes e ossos Regula o equilíbrio ácido do organismo Melhora a visão noturna Combate gases Protege contra o envelhecimento Previne infecções urinárias A 021 Fit pensando na sua saúde oferece a opção Strogonoff de frango com cenouras em palito. Peça agora pelo WhatsApp 21 97560 1034 - @021fit on Instagram

👌👌👌My collagen jelly. Perfect every time. Recipe in my highlights if you wish to make it.🥰 Featuring Allulose @lowcarbhavennz - @lowcarbzonenz on Instagram

Sneak peak of the panko crumbed schnitzel for our tradie rolls / wraps! 🙌 #werribee #pointcook #hopperscrossing #tarneit #westernsuburbs #localbusiness #catering #foodie #foodporn #meatlover #vegan #keto - @_dkcatering_ on Instagram

** Breakfast ** Ce matin, des crêpes ! Toujours efficace un dimanche matin 😁 Et vous, quoi de bon ? Douce matinée ! @maplejoe_fr @nutellafr @bonnemaman_fr #Breakfast #crêpe #homemade #cooker #baker #yummy #gourmandise #nutella #fluff #siropderable #maplejoe #peanutbutter #bonnemaman #geleedemures #confituredechataignes #instafood #instacook #instagood #miam #sundaymood #deliciouscookbynj - @delicious_cook_by_nj on Instagram

Cast Iron Braised Sausages First grilling @pinestreetmarket Artisan Sausage on the @biggreenegg develops a nice char and flavor from the natural lump charcoal. Then place them in a cast iron pot of simmering veggies & broth so they go to the table plump, juice, staying warm in a bath of their own toppings. #bgechef #COVIDhomecooking #RecipeInBio - @knowyourbutcher on Instagram

Čtvrtek - pečené tofu s brokolicí v rajčatovo-kokosové omáčce s čočkovou rýží #herbivore_shop #vegan #plantbased #veganfood - @herbivore_shop on Instagram

Lets sizzle some chicken schnitzels😁 These delicious tenders were cooked perfectly on my @zieglerbrown Ziggy 3 Burner Grill from @bbqsgalore.🔥 ————————————————— Follow ➡️ @healthycook4champions ⬅️ Follow ➡️ @come.grill.with.me⬅️ Follow ➡️ Aussiegrillsisters ⬅️ —————————————————— Prep time : 20 mins   Cooking Time : 10 mins  Serves 2 Ingredients 4 chicken tenderloins 3/4 cup plain flour Breadcrumb mix. 1 cup Panko breadcrumbs 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion powder 3/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 tsp dried parsley flakes Egg wash. 1 egg 2 tbs milk Salt & pepper Salad 1 cos lettuce 1 small cucumber 1/2 red onion Cherry tomatoes Dressing 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 3 tbs white balsamic vinegar Salt ————————————————————— Tips. After you crumb the tenders allow them to rest in the fridge for at least 20 mins. This will help the flour and breadcrumbs to stick well into the chicken. Tenders will only need around 4 mins per side to cook to golden brown. My crumbed chicken tenders cooked so evenly on my Ziggy BBQ and were so delicious. They were served with my garden salad and fried chips. . . . . #bbq #grill #bbqseason #bbqtime #ziggy #outdoorliving #outdoors #barbeque #zieglerandbrown #chips #salad #bbqsgalore #chickenschnitzel - @healthycook4champions on Instagram

Crostata di Fichi freschi e Lamponi... Delicious Summer💚 La crema preparata con uova contadine e panna.. I Fichi maturi fatti andare per pochi minuti sul fuoco con lo zucchero di Canna... Profumi Deliziosi destate.. #cakes#crostata#semplice#homemade#country#countrylife#vitadolce#livesweet#sweet#italianfood#italiancooking#pasticceria#conlemani#conilcuore#km0#letortedellanonna#cucinare#torte#ladolcevita#beauty#burro#lamponi - @filomena.s.cake on Instagram

Guess what this is? 🤓 #foodblogger #foodblogfeed #foodblog #foodblogeats #food #foodporn #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodie #foodiesofinstagram #foodlover #foodpics #foodaholic #foodinspiration #foodies #foodstylist #foodgraphy #blogger #bloggersofinstagram #blogpost #bloglife #spicy #spicyfood #fingerlicking #whitesauce - @dreamtolivethedream on Instagram

Another long overdue project! Soondae 순대 (Korean Blood Sausage). Thank you @whennguyenwhen for showing me how to do! . . . #순대 #순대만들기 #soondae #koreanbloodsausage #피순대 - @cjihee_kim on Instagram

Proud to be able to support an amazing organization in Vancouver! Available starting tomorrow from Edgekitchen.ca: Razer and Manila clam chowder with coconut milk. (Gluten free, dairy free) Proceeds from sales will go directly to the Vancouver Aquarium. #chefsforvancouveraquarium #savevancouveraquarium #edgekitchen #edgecaters @vanaqua @oceanwise @oceanwiselife - @markamosyvr on Instagram

You can now enjoy our Vegan Burrito Bowl to go with @vytal_global Bowls. - @tacocompany.de on Instagram

Polpette alla petilina ⏩ __________________________________ #polpette #polpettefritte #cucinacalabrese #cibo #lunchtime #quarantena #cooking #cucina #delicious #delish #eat #eating #favorite #food #foodaddict #foodart #foodblog #foodblogger #foodgasm #foodie #foodism #foodlover #foodpic #foodpics #foodporn - @italian.amateur.cooking on Instagram

Semmelbrösel statt Käse. Breadcrumbs instead of Chees. Good old recipe from Eastgermany. 🤩😂😍 @kaedae_rulez #vegitovegan #vegan #veganerezepte #veganfoodporn #mealprep #ddr #ddressen #thüringen #osie #vegan #eastgermany #insteadofcheese #stattkäse #ostdeutschland #veganisteinfach #veganrecipe - @vegiandvegan on Instagram

Homemade pizza by Grande NYC. Trying to compete with @peternocito and @stimmie9911 . As you can see I’m already superior. - @rizenclyde on Instagram

Buongiorno #fitfam! . Dopo due giorni di assenza eccomi con una super #colazione bomba 😍 Ringrazio @fitbakeryit per lidea di questa #cremapasticcera: . Per la crema ho usato: 100 gr di albume 100 gr di latte al cocco 10 gr di farina mix mais, amaranto, teff e quinoa (vi lascio foto nelle storie) Scorza di limone Un tuorlo 10 gr di erititrolo . Ho messo a scaldare latte, albumi e limone, portando a bollore. Da parte ho mescolato tuorlo, farina ed erititrolo e lho aggiunto ai liquidi. Ho aspettato che si addensasse bene per poi spostarlo nella ciotola. Una buonissima crema pasticcera proteica 😎😋 . Sulle wasa, invece, con marmellata e banana, ho aggiunto i semi di papavero per creare un contrasto di gusto 😋 Provare per credere ✌️😅 . E voi come avete iniziato questo sabato? . #breakfastlover #breakfastideas #breakfastrecipes #fit #fitcolazione #fitbreakfast #breakfasttime #breakfast #fitfood #fitgirl #fithealthy #mangiambonto #foodsafety_and_quality_advices #foods #foodblogger #foodlovers #cooklover #cookingpassion #cooklife #recipeoftheday #recipes #igers #igersitalia #instafit #instafood #instagram #photooftheday - @food_healthy_passion on Instagram

Previously regarded as a preservation method, Duck Confit is the process of cooking and keeping duck in its rendered fat. The result is an extremely moist, tender and delicious meat- which makes for the perfect addition to any late summer salad.   Chef Mark McEwan recommends adding crumbled Italian Gorgonzola (PDO), Belgian endives, German Riesling poached pears and French truffle honey vinaigrette to create a French Duck Confit Salad, that is bursting with flavour bite after bite. Pair it with a Spanish Rose cava to add a bit of lightness to the salad for lunch or dinner.   Find the recipe at: https://bit.ly/2DeTfIh - @morethanfoodca on Instagram

Z @aleksandra.kostka zawsze jest różowo - dziewczyna dynamit a jednocześnie oaza spokoju. Rozwesela mnie zawsze . Chwilo trwaj w @pytanienasniadanie . Jak widać na wszystkim da się grać. Warzywa z @fruteinapoland #chefatwork #morningprogram #pytanienaśniadanie #aleksandrakostka #tmkrolikowski #warzywa #zawsze #spoko #fruteina #świeżutko #zawszerazem - @tm_krolikowski on Instagram

Whats for lunch today? Can you guess the name of these famous Mashrou3 Tabkha dishes? Place your order now 😊 (link in bio) Sa7tain ❤️ - @mashrou3.tabkha on Instagram

PANQUECA DE AVEIA SAUDÁVEL com cenoura e açafrão: simples, rápido e gostosa 😋👏🥕 Panqueca é tudo de bom, né pessoal? É um prato simples e muitoooo gostoso. Ainda mais se usarmos algumas iguarias para acentuar o sabor, como o Açafrão, por exemplo. Essa fiz com farinha de arroz e aveia para o Pedro. Misturei a aveia com a farinha de arroz por somente a farinha eu acho que fica muito seca (dura). Então, agora para cada xícara de farinha acrescento ½ de aveia. Ps: as quantidades variam conforme o número de Panquecas que você precisa. Tudo no liquidificador: ovos, farinha de arroz, aveia, ½ cenoura, sal, açafrão à gosto e água. A cenoura coloco crua. Bate bem tudo!! Até desmarcar bem os ingredientes. 👉 não pode ficar uma massa muito aguada a consistência. Eu gosto meio cremosa até para assar bem e não rasgar. Depois é só passar na frigideira com uma pitada de azeite e rechear de sua preferência. Essas são de frango. #panqueca #panquecacolorida #panquecadecenouraeaçafrão #panquecadeaveia #panquecalowcarb #panquecafit #alimentacaoinfantil #dicadereceita #panquecadecenoura #foodfit #kidsfood #foodexperience #fotodecomida #receitacriativa #receitarapida #culinariacaseira #receitademae #meumundogastronomico #panquecasaudavel #menukids #panquecadefrango - @saboremtextos on Instagram

I am so very proud of this beautiful dinner. 😍 I started with roasting my potatoes. I boiled the potatoes first, smashed them with a masher, drizzled them with olive oil and garlic salt and baked them at 180 degrees for 45 minutes till they were crispy. These potatoes are absolutely stunning and crispy and work as a healthier option for chips 😍 Next was the white sauce. I made a simple one with butter, flour and milk. Seasoned with salt and pepper, sauteed some mushrooms and added to the sauce. Finally, pan fried some meat strips, layered it with the mushroom sauce and the crispy potatoes on the side. What an absolutely delightful meal 😍😍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #crispypotatoes #yummyinmytummy #mushroomsauce #creamysauce #roasties #roastedpotatoes #dinnerisserved #foodiepatootie007 #foodiedublin #dublinfood #dublinfoodie #ilovefood #only_beautiful_food #onmytable #mycooking #eeeeeats #feedfeed #loveforfood #food52 #foodgram #instafood - @foodiepatootie007 on Instagram

Ja das war ich früher. Schnell einen Fertigsalat aus dem Discounter, endlich gibt es schon fertig gekochte Kartoffeln im Glas, mal eben Nudeln mit Fertigsoße in die Mikrowelle stecken 😅 hauptsache irgendwas gegessen. Da wußte ich auch noch garnicht, wie viele Lebensmittel ungegessen in die Tonne wandern! Pro Kopf pro Jahr sind das in DE 75-85 kg (je nach Quelle). Das ist ganz schön viel! Seitdem ich das weiß retten wir Lebensmittel. Die sexy Möhren z.B. bei @thegoodfoodmarkt. Und ganz ehrlich, wir könnten wirklich zu 80% von geretteten Lebensmittel leben, wenn ich mehr bei @foodsharing.de_offiziell machen würden. Krass das ich das vorher nicht wußte! Übrigens mehr solcher Fakten und Ideen gibt es ja meinem Buch. Folge mir @wasteless_hero gern für mehr Denkanstöße 🤭🌿. #plastikfrei #zerowastescotland #lebensmittelretten #werbungunbezahlt #möhren #kartoffeln #mittagessen #nachhaltigleben - @wasteless_hero on Instagram

Töltött paprika ❤️ #hungary #portugal #delicious #tasty #insta #instafood #foodporn #foodphotography #foodstagram #foodblogger #foodlover #myfood #yummy #meal #dinner #lunch - @delicious.insta.food on Instagram

Aquele almoço tardão de feriadão 🙃 #paella - @kerla on Instagram

🍅 CousCous me domate qershi & djathë të bardhë 🍅 Një drekë e shpejtë , verore me shije të freskët mesdhetare. 🍅Në një tigan me pak vaj ulliri , shtojmë 1 filxhan me couscous. E kaurdisim pak me një lugë druri dhe i shtojmë 1.5 filxhan ujë dhe pak kripë. 🍅 Në minutat e fundit të zierjes, i shtojmë domatet qershi ,djathin e bardhë dhe erëzat që preferoni më shumë . 🍅 Në fund i kam shtuar 1 lugë caji me fara të ndryshme( lini, susami,kungulli,luledielli), pak qepe të njomë( vetëm pjesën e bishtave) , majdanoz dhe disa pika vaj ulliri . 🍅 Voilà ! 🥰 Javë të mbarë & faleminderit që më ndiqni 🥰 . . . . #couscoussalad #couscousrecipe #couscousmarocain #couscous #lunchideas #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #healthyliving #foodnetwork #foodnetworkfaves #bbcgoodfood #tastyfood #recetashqip #albanianfoodblogger #albanianblogger #foodphotography #foodstyling #foodiesofinstagram #recetateshijshme #albaniangirl #tirana #delicious #nutritiontips #nutritioncoach #wellnessjourney #selfcare - @livewellwith_hilda on Instagram

PEJUANG ANTI BUNCIT MERAPAT!!⁠ ⁠ Siapa yang nggak khawatir sih kalau perut semakin buncit dan lipatannya nambah?!⁠ ⁠ Bukan cuma bikin nggak pede dalam berpenampilan, tapi juga bisa jadi sumber penyakit yang berbahaya lho!⁠ ⁠ Nah, cara mengatasinya disamping pakai Oleca sebelum olahraga secara rutin, ternyata ada 10 makanan yang bisa bakar lemak perut lho! Kenyangnya dapet, lemak pun hilang.⁠ ⁠ Mana nih yang jadi makanan favoritmu??⁠ ⁠ #menudiet #menudietsehat #menudietketo #pembakarlemak #makanandiet #makanandietsehat #camilandiet #camilansehat #makananindonesia #kulinersehat #makanansehat #makananrumahan #diet #dieting #healthy #dietlife #dietfood #diets #healthylifestyle #healthychoices #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #eathealthy #healthylunch #healthymeals #healthyfoodshare #healthyfoods #OlecaOrganics #minyakpelangsing #pembakarlemak - @olecaorganics on Instagram

Wer sagt denn, dass vegan“ nicht so geschmackvoll ist?! Unser heutiges Rezept schmeckt nach Italien und ist sehr, sehr lecker! Probiere es aus! 😋 Zutaten für 4 Personen: 🍅 2 Schalotten 🍅 2 Knoblauchzehen 🍅 2 kleine rote Chilischoten 🍅 Casolare Bio Grezzo, naturtrübes Olivenöl 🍅 35 g entkernte grüne Oliven 🍅 3 Esslöffel eingelegte Kapern 🍅 300 g frische Tomaten 🍅 1 Teelöffel Salz 🍅 800 g Gnocchi (aus der Kühltheke) 🍅 100 g geriebener veganer Mozzarella 🍅 eine Handvoll Basilikum Zubereitung: Übergieße die Tomaten mit kochendem Wasser, bis sie bedeckt sind, und lasse sie 10 Minuten einweichen. Die Schalotten fein hacken, Knoblauch und Chilischoten fein schneiden. Dann brate sie in reichlich Casolare Bio Öl zwei Minuten lang bei schwacher Hitze an. Die eingeweichten Tomaten abgießen und das Wasser auffangen. Die Tomaten häuten und zusammen mit Oliven und Kapern grob hacken. Stelle den Topf mit dem Einweichwasser und allen Zutaten auf den Herd und bringe es zum Kochen. Ca. 5 Minuten auf kleiner Flamme köcheln lassen. Mit Salz würzen. Die Hälfte der Soße in eine Backform geben, darauf die Gnocchi, die du mit der restliche Tomatensoße übergießt. Schließlich den geriebenen Mozzarella darüberstreuen und etwas Casolare Bio nach Geschmack hinzufügen. Dann bei 190° im vorgeheizten Backofen etwa 20 Minuten lang backen. Vor dem Servieren mit Basilikum garnieren. Pronto, fertig! Buon Appetito! 🍽️ - @casolarebio on Instagram

PCOS approved Smoothies and fruit bowl for a day. A break from cooking. Relax and enjoy the fruit day 😋 . . . #smoothie #fruitbowls #smoothiechallenge #recipeidea #pcosremedies #pcosyndrom #pcoswarrior #fruitsbasket #plateofgoodness #portioncontrolcontainers #portionsizing #colorofyourlife #chiapudding #fruitpie #strawberries #indianinusa🇮🇳🇺🇸 #healthcoach #freeadvice - @talkpcos on Instagram

Mango Chicken 😍🥭 My creation for our #coco4summer #collab _____________________________________________ Support me on Patreon for making high quality videos 💞 To support me like my YouTube/Instagram videos and subscribe to my channel ❤️ For partnership: tastedreamy@gmail.com💌 #dreamytaste#dreamyrecipe#instafood#italianfood#collagen#smallyoutuber #bestoftheday#picofday#instadaily#instacookie#vegan#veganfood #fastfood#foodspotting#collab#foodforthought#dessert#foodphotography#foodpic#collection#foodcoma#foodblog#foodgram#mango#easyrecipes#veganfoodshare#chicken - @dreamy.taste_ on Instagram

Buraya çok konuşulacak yeni bir ikili bırakıyoruz: Ton Balık Köfteli Makarna! 😎 #SuperFreshleBenYaptım Malzemeler: SuperFresh Bütün Dilim Ton Balık (2x160) 1 paket SuperFresh Soğan Yarım paket makarna 1 adet yumurta 30 gr galeta unu Yarım demet dereotu Bir tutam karabiber Bir tutam tuz Yarım su bardağı sıvı yağ Yapılışı: 1- Makarnayı haşlayın. SuperFresh Ton Balıklarının yağını süzdükten sonra içerisine yumurtayı ve galeta ununu ekleyerek karıştırın. Tuz ve karabiber ile tatlandırın. 2- İçerisine SuperFresh Soğan ve dereotunu ekleyin. Daha sonra karışımı yuvarlak köfte şekline getirin. 3- Yapışmaz tavada az yağ ile köfte şeklinde kızartın. 4- Ton balığı köftelerini makarnanın üzerine koyun ve servis edin. - @superfresh_tr on Instagram

How to brunch 101 🙌🏽 #goodchow #goodsausages . . We deliver tomorrow 🤗 Orders can be sent via WhatsApp 0548913988 . . Available: . . Chicken Regular & Spicy 🌶 . . Pork Regular & Spicy 🌶 . . Photo credit: @maryannboaten 😍 - @healthybreak_gh on Instagram

Who wants some smoked queso? Found this recipe from @meatchurch and made a couple small tweaks. I will be making this again for sure! ____________________________________ Grill:@traegergrills Timberline 1300 Temp:350 Cook time: 45 minutes Ingredients: 1 brick of Velveeta cheese 10oz gouda cheese Two cans of diced tomatoes 1 can of cream of mushroom 2 tubes of breakfast sausage _____________________________________ Directions: Cook the sausage in a sauce pan and then combined all the ingredients into a pan. I cut the cheese into small cubes. Cook at 350 for 45 minutes and enjoy! ______________________________________ #Dabsbbq #bbq #UtahBBQ #traegergrills #traegernation #pittmaster #grilling #grill #queso #meatchurch - @dabs_bbq on Instagram

I could cry. @mainlymushroomsllc Quiche is is perfect. Got a hot tip from a new chef friend that improves the blind bake one the crust. I might share it lol. Also added some porcini powder to the custard mix is extra shroomy. - @darnelscakes on Instagram

Homecooking: Love a Sunday roast and on the beef again today!! Got my cook on the beef just right once again 👌🏼👌🏼 . #homecooking #sundayroast #sunday #beef #roastbeef #roastdinnersarethebest #yorkshirepudding #cauliflowerandbrocollicheese #roastpotatoes #savoycabbage #ovenroastedcarrots #thickgravy #myhubbymakesthebestgravy #yummyinmytummy - @homecooktravels on Instagram

Vegan Spinach Artichoke Dip Lasagna features layers of creamy spinach artichoke dip, jarred tomato sauce, roasted garlicky mushrooms, and perfectly cooked (gluten-free) no-boil lasagna noodles! 🙌🏻 This savory lasagna is loved by everyone who tastes it! 🤤 . ✨Reader Feedback✨ “WOW!! This lasagna is absolutely amazing! My mom who loves cheese was obsessed with this recipe as well. This recipe is definitely a keeper!!” - Morgan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ . Want the recipe? Leave a 🤤 or “recipe please” and I’ll send it to you! The clickable recipe link is also in my profile 💕 - @stacey_homemaker on Instagram

En ce moment, Grand Frais se met aux couleurs de l’Italie ! 🇮🇹 Et pour l’occasion, nous vous avons concocté une délicieuse recette italienne de pain de viande. ❤️ En avez-vous déjà préparé un ? (Mais voyons qu’attendez-vous !) Le lien est en bio ! #Paindeviande #Italie #RecetteItalienne #FaitMaison *Pour votre santé, évitez de manger trop gras, trop sucré, trop salé - @grandfrais on Instagram

The best Korean hangover soup, Army Stew 😋🌶👍♥️🍲 . . #bbq치킨 #armystew #부대찌개 - @bbqdtla on Instagram

Its the sauce for me 🤤 Drizzle your breakfast omlette with Chef Daryls Sweet N Tangy sauce. www.chefdarylsfoods.com - @chefdarylssauce on Instagram

Cute little meatloafs (meatloaves??) with a side of roasted carrots and a simple side of field greens to up the colour story! Check out @skinnytaste Sheet Pan Turkey Meatloaf recipe - link in profile #recipes #skinnytaste #recipeinspo #easydinner #meatloaf #sheetpandinner - @recipeinspo on Instagram

Es gab Leckeres Hackbällchin gefüllt mit einer Kartoffel dazu gab es Reis und Salat 🥰 #kochenmachtspass #insterfood #foodblogger #food #lecker #delicious #familyfood #foodporn #foodphotography #foodlover #essen #selbstgemacht #selfmade #fypape #foryou #yummyfood #leckerschmecken #foody #cooking #international #rezept #foodpic #foodbloggerdeutschland #𝖧appyme #zitrosi - @_tortenzauber_and_more on Instagram

Feature: @bestrecipesau Australia’s best recipes from a top community account. Great videos. #aussiefood #aussiefoodie #aussiefoodies #recipes #recipevideos - @f00die.com_ on Instagram

Check out one of our current specials, running for the coming weeks :) Scotch Egg with Shakshuka (vegan version with plant-based sausage mince and tofu ‘egg’) available at these 5 Prive outlets #privekeppelbay #privetiongbahru #priveparagon #privesomerset #privewheelock #plantbasedoptions #veganfriendly #veganscotchegg - @yuanoeij on Instagram

Sausage & Leek Gratin A deliciously satisfying and comforting meal for all the family to enjoy. Prep: 15 min Cook: 1 hr Total: 1 hr 15 min Recipe and products available online - link in bio #dukeshill #fooddelivery #qualityfood #recipe #sausage #leek #gratin #summertoautumn #comfortfood - @dukeshill on Instagram

Cooked the sausage mac and cheese for some friends 🔥🔥🔥🔥 a night success #trainedbycb #courtneyblackapp @courtneydblack @courtneyblackapp - @tb_fitness_journey_31 on Instagram

made mac and cheese for the first time and sure was cheesy delicious! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 . . . . . . . #melbournefood #melbournefoodie #melbourneeats #melbournefoodblogger #melbournelife #dinner #macncheese #cheese #cheeselovers #foodporn #food #melb #food #foodie #foodgasm #foodspotting #yum #instafood #foodstyling #igmelb #instamelb #instafood #foodstagram #melbmoment #foodblog #eatmelb #melbeats #homesweethome #homemade #homecooking #homecookingisthebest - @melbourneeatsandwhatnots on Instagram

Healthy Chicken breast with sauteed mushroom carrots and broccoli😍 Chicken breast Is a great source of lean protein👍 Broccoli Is a good carb and is high in fiber, maintain  low blood sugar, and curbs overeating👍 DM for recipes and more diet food plans for a better healthy living life.  healthy eating plan 💪🌿❤ MADE BY ME 💪❤ Stay fit Stay healthy❤❤❤ . . . Follow @bombayfoodieshaqse Follow @bombayfoodieshaqse Follow @bombayfoodieshaqse . . . #foodie #chikenbreast #broccoli #mushrooms #carrots #livelongeathealthy #healthylifestyle #DM #Formore #dietplans #fitness #yummy #tummy #tasty #bombayfoodieshaqse ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - @bombayfoodieshaqse on Instagram

- Cheesylicious and Spicy Zucchini Fritters - Can be Oven Baked or Pan Fried

• NOV RECEPT - Sočen rižev narastek s skuto • Kako je pa ta skutin narastek sočen. Jaz sem ga morala delati 3 dni zapored. 🤭 Narastek sedi na tanki plasti piškotov, sledi sočna sredica iz riža in Mu Cuisine skute polnega okusa, narejene iz slovenskega mleka ekološke pridelave. Skuta je izdelana na tradicionalen način - to pomeni, da je skuta narejena tako, kot so jo delali v starih časih. Mu Cuisine skuta je nov izdelek iz Ljubljanskih mlekarn in jo že najdete v trgovinah. Prvi kupci so skuto lahko kupili v teh ognjevarnih posodicah. Slišala sem, da so vam bile tako všeč, da ste jih takoj pokupili. Narastek sem pa zaključila s sladko kiselkastim pirejem malin. Noro! Samo povem. 🙂 Video prikaz najdete na moji FB strani in YouTube kanalu. 😊 Pripravljeno v sodelovanju z Mu Cuisine in Ljubljanske mlekarne. #Mucuisine #novaskuta #bio #riževnarastek #sladica #skuta #realfood #foodblogger #slastno #desert - @220stopinjposevno on Instagram

Do not sleep on @sfmarxs Roman rice-stuffed tomatoes recipe on @seriouseats. Link in bio. - @dgritzer on Instagram

Potato Gratin Ingin menikmati sajian kentang tanpa ribet? Yuk, coba dibuat Potato Gratin. Perpaduan kentang yang lembut dan gurihnya keju serta taburan Parsley diatasnya menjadikan sajian ini nikmat di lidah dan bikin suasana santai jadi makin berkesan. #EatsGood #CookingTips #CookingIdea #Resepmasakan #potatogratin #olahankentang #asianfood #lemonpeper #Mccormick - @eatsgood.idn on Instagram

MENU À EMPORTER AU 0983232358 (à commander la veille pr le lendemain) A. Entrée : Bowl de Boulgour & Quinoa, Légumes grillés à l’italienne B. Plats : Onglet de Veau mariné au poivre fumé OU Dos de Cabillaud sauce crème de Homard C. Desserts : Chou Caramel & Chantilly OU Soupe d’Ananas, Passion & Melon ABC = 30€ • AB, BC = 25€ • B = 20€ Produits frais, Fait-Maison ••• Merci pour votre soutien 🙏 Sha & Thibault #alacarte #recipes #recipeoftheday #food #foodstagram #foods #foodporn #foodgasm #foody #foodtrip #french #chef #restaurant #restaurante #gastronomy #sofresh #homemade #fresh #freshfood #myfood #instafood #foodie #foodies #instafoodie #yummy #foodpics #cheflife #frenchfood #takeaway #covid_19 - @la_cremaillere_taninges on Instagram

Green bean stew! Green beans are an easy, luscious casserole. With fresh beans slowly cooked in olive oil, with tomatoes, onions, potatoes carrots. In Greek this dish is called Fasolaki Yiahni! INGREDΙΕNTS 2 tbsp vegetables oil or olive oil 2 chopped onions 2 minced garlic cloves 3-4 medium potatoes, quartered 2 large carrots chopped into 1 chunks 4 large grated tomotes or 1 can chopped tomatoes 500g frozen or fresh green beans 1 veg stock cube dissolved in 800ml boiling water. 1 tbsp tomato puree Salt and pepper Half a lemon Good drizzle of olive oil to serve (optional) ΜΕTHOD Heat oil in a large pan on medium heat. Add onions and sauté for 5-7 mins until softened, slightly caramelised. Add potatoes, carrots, and cook for 4-5 mins, add garlic, cook for a min before adding the chopped tomatoes. Bring to simmer, then add green beans, season well, bring up to a simmer before adding the stock, tomato pure, half a canful of water stir bringback up to the boil and simmer on a low heat for about hour till sauces has thickened. Drizzle with olive oil, lemon juice salt and pepper. Let the stew sit for at least half an hour before serving for the juices to settle. #yahni #greenbeans #greenbeanstew #fasolakia #veganstew #vegan #veg #vegetarian ##greekcypriotfood #greekfood #eating #food #familydinner #mediterraneandiet #nostimo #foodporn #foodie #instafood #instagood #foodstagram #foodlover #foodgasm #healthyfood #dinner #tasty #lunch #eat #foodies #healthy #instagram - @madmotherscooking on Instagram

Ti raccontiamo la storia attraverso i nostri piatti... @giggetto_al_portico_d_ottavia #caputmundi #giggettoalporticodottavia #cucinaromanaebraica #emozionivere #tuffatinellastoria #roma - @giggetto_al_portico_d_ottavia on Instagram

Tomaten sind doch einfach lecker, oder? 🍅😋 🍅 Ich liebe zum Beispiel Bruschetta oder Tomatensalat, gerade jetzt im Sommer, bei diesen Temperaturen ☀️🌡️🔥 Oder einfach als leichten und gesunden Snack für Zwischendurch. Aber natürlich auch als Tomatensuppe oder Nudeln mit Tomaten 🍝 und Knoblauch...oder, oder, oder... Ja, da komme ich echt ins Schwärmen bei Tomaten 🍅🥰😁 . Wie esst ihr sie am liebsten? . 🙋🏼Übrigens: der in den Tomaten enthaltene Pflanzenstoff Lycopin soll vor Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen schützen, das schlechte LDL-Cholesterin senken und freie Radikale abfangen. , Das Lycopin wird übrigens noch besser aufgenommen, wenn die Tomaten gekocht werden. Und es sollte immer ein Tropfen Öl dazu gegeben werden, da dieser Pflanzenstoff fettlöslich ist. . Also, lasst sie euch schmecken - die gesunden, leckeren Tomaten und habt noch einen zauberhaften Sonntag 😘☀️🌻 . . . . . . #tomaten #tomatensuppe #bruschetta #salat #powerfrucht #tomate #vitamine #sommer #einfacherezepte #vegan #veganessen #veganliebe #vegandeutschland #kalorien #gesundessen #studium #veganeernährungsberaterin #fernstudium #ernährungsberaterin #fitnesstrainerin #ecodemy #gesundeernährung #gesund #veganerezepte - @vegan_claudia on Instagram

Come get 6 of your 5 a day with our vegan brekkie 🍄🥑🍅 - @eastern_bloc_cafe on Instagram

Rinderhackfleischröllchen mit Pommes Frites #beef #hackfleisch #hack #pommes #frenchfries #food #foodlover #foodshare #foodoftheday #essenmachtglücklich #instafood #sundayfood #sunday #instacooking #schnelleküche #convenience #lecker #follow #followforfollowback #foodadvisor #foodadvisorblog - @michael_u._dorota on Instagram

Guten Abend alle zusammen. 😊 Heute gab es Sauerkraut in Geflügelsoße und dazu Geflügel Bratwürstchen. Super lecker. 🤤 Was gab es bei Euch leckeres heute? Habt ein schön #abend ❤ . ______________________________ . 🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝 . ______________________________ . #werbungwegenprofilverlinkung #thusday #lunch #dinner #bratwurst #bruzzler #instafood #rezeptideen #geflügelsoße #sauerkraut #inspiration #motivation #tasty #40likes #delicousfood #foodstagram #delicious #geflügelbratwurst #rezepte #recipes #followfood #yummyfood #instafollowers #followme #recipeoftheday #recipeideas #ideas #foodporn #likeforlikes - @romina_amiga on Instagram

Weekend brunch approved!! Super delish and filling sweet waffle at @wildekitchenaus with berries (my fave 😍), coconut yoghurt, lemon curd and maple syrup. **dairy free AND vegan too** Wilde Kitchen has a few locations around Brisbane and are a completely gluten free and @coeliacaus approved restaurant. . . . . #glutenfreebrunch #glutenfreewaffle #glutenfreequeen #theglutenfreequeen #glutenfree #glutenfreebrisbane #glutenfreeaustralia #coeliacdisease #coeliac #celiac #celiacdisease #sansgluten #singluten #senzaglutine #glutenfreeconsultant #lowfodmap #dairyfree #nogluten #goodbyegluten #glutenfreeliving #glutenfreefollowme #glutenfreefoodie #coeliacfriendly #coeliaclife #senzagluten #glutenfreefood #vegan #glutenfreecooking #celiacfriendly #celiaclife - @the_glutenfreequeen on Instagram

Der Deutsche und seine Frühstücksstulle... . ...gehört einfach so 💗 zusammen. Auch die vegane Ernährung hat da einiges zu bieten - ganz gleich ob für aufs Brot, die Reiswaffeln oder Pancakes.😋 . Hier meine vier liebsten süßen Aufstriche, mit denen es sich gleich viel besser in den Tag starten lässt! Noch das richtige Topping obendrauf und der #veganfoodporn kann beginnen!🤤😂 . Habt ihr noch weitere süße Brotaufstriche, die bei euch nicht mehr wegzudenken sind?😃Lasst es uns in den Kommentaren wissen!!👇👇 . #breakfast #breakfastideas #veganbreakfast #frühstück #frühstücksideen #veganesfrühstück #brotaufstrich #veganwerdenwaslosdigga #gesundessenmachtglücklich #veganfoodporn #vegantreats #veganerbrotaufstrich #brotliebe #erdnussbutter #cashewmus #healthytreats #gesundealternativen #gesundeernährung #veganealternativen #gesundessen #einfachvegan #veganwerden #gesundabnehmen #veganabnehmen #veganedesserts #ernährungsumstellung #soulbodynamaste - @soulbodynamaste on Instagram

Hoje para o almoço, Mix de legumes e molho à bolonhesa,,, terça feira com uma comida mais leve...😁 #lunch #comersaludable #dieta #comerbemfazbem #batatas #amocozinhar😍 #potatos - @drycafood on Instagram

As #autumn is around the corner, the temperatures have dropped, I felt the need of eating something hearty and comforting and what better choice if not a #veganchili ?🥰 #vegan #veganfood #chilisincarne #beanchilli #veganfollowbackmonday #vegansofig #foodshare #lunchideas #veganas - @the.spicy.vegan_ on Instagram

Seriously...I can’t... Who can relate? I certainly felt like this on the day I drew this. Was not motivated at all to do work. But then I felt bad about not doing work. It’s a vicious cycle. But I think gudetama is here to tell us it’s ok to have lazy days. So if you’ve been feeling under the weather, this is the sign to have a lazy day. Which gudetama are you? I’m the top right one, but the left one cracks me up #punintended . . . #brunchbunnyy #brunch #breakfast #breakfastfood #englishbreakfast #fryup #brunchbunnyydraws #foodart #art #drawing #illustration #foodle #cutefood #digitalart #fooddrawing #foodillustration #thelazyegg #ぐでたま #ぐでぐで #たまご #gudetama - @brunchbunnyy on Instagram

Baked cheesy mushroom quinoa. So satisfying! #superlifeco - @superlifeco on Instagram

ขอบคุณรีวิว จากบ๊อคเกอร์ชื่อดัง @itan สั่งได้ที่ line man @ line man kitchen ส่งฟรี6 กิโลเมตร แรก🛵🛵🛵 https://bit.ly/linemankit 061-391-2547 IG: @AMA_s_curry AMA’s CURRY Chinese style curry by chefgigg ตำนานแกงกะหรี่สูตรอาม่า โดยเชฟกิ๊ก ส่งต่อรุ่นสู่รุ่นจากอาม่าสู่ป๊า และเชฟกิ๊กอยากให้ทุกคนได้ลองตำนานแกงกะหรี่ ที่เป็นสูตรลับของครอบครัว ด้วยพริกแกงและยาจีนสร้างกลิ่นพิเศษ ผลไม้จีนที่เพิ่มความเข้มข้นและมิติของรสชาติที่ลงตัว ที่ทุกคนจะต้องหลงรัก มาลองแกงกะหรี่ของครอบครัวผมนะครับ เริ่มต้น99 บาท 2น้ำ เลือกได้ ระดับความเผ็ด 4 ระดับ 🌶🌶🌶🌶 ระดับ1 👵🏻 เผ็ดอ่อนๆ ระดับ2👵🏻👵🏻เผ็ดอาม่าแนะนำ ระดับ3👵🏻👵🏻👵🏻เผ็ดอาม่าดุ ระดับ4👵🏻👵🏻👵🏻👵🏻เผ็ดอาม่าสะดุ้ง 🐮น้ำแกงกะหรี่กระดูกเนื้อ 🐽น้ำแกงกะหรี่กระดูกหมู 🍛กะหรี่ไก่ทอด 🍛กะหรี่กุนเชียง 🍛กะหรี่ก้อนหมูทอดกระเทียมพริกไทย 🍛กะหรี่กุนเชียง หมูก้อนทอดกระเทียมพริกไทย 🍛กะหรี่ไส้กรอกหมูรอมควัน 🍛กะหรี่หมูมะนาว(เลิศทิพย์) 🍛กะหรีเนื้อไทยวากิวผัดกระเทียมเห็ดจิกโฉ่ว 🍛กะหรี่ปลาคอด 🍛กะหรี่ปูนิ่ม 🍛กะหรี่กุ้งทอด 🍛กะหรี่หอยเชลล์ฮอกไกโดทอด 🍛กระหรี่สเตกเนื้อไทย วากิว ทานเล่น 🐽หมูมะนาวเลิศทิพย์ 🦐หอยจ้อปูทอด 🐷ขนมจีบ ทอด 🦀ปูไข่ดอง สั่งเพิ่ม ท๊อปปิ้ง 🧆ผักดอง 🧄กระเทียมดอง 🐖หมูก้อนทอดกระเทียม 🥓กุนเชียง 🐥ไก่ทอด #chefgigg #cheflife #lerdtip #lerdtip_wanghin70 #lerdtipwanghin70 #lerdtipcentralworld#lerdtipbychefgigg #food #foodporn #foodie #maggi #maggibrandambassador #foodphotography #foods #topchef #topchefthailand #ironchef #ironchefthailand #bangkok #bangkokthailand #thailand #thaifood #chinesefood#lovefood #friends #amascurrybychefgigg#yummy #yummyfood #hungry#phedmarkbkk - @ama_s_curry on Instagram

Its only Monday and my week is already pretty full! Thankfully I have my freezer stocked up with delicious and convenient meals from Just Jeffs. Do you have a busy schedule too? Skip the meal planning and prep with a large variety of heat and serve meal options! Tip: Add a handful of microgreens from New Age Farm for some extra nutrients 👌 #yqg #yqgfoodie #yqgbusiness #windsoressex #windsoron #windsoressexcounty #windsorontario #supportlocal #smallbusiness #locallyowned #supportsmallbusiness #supportsmallbiz #supportlocalbusiness #thinklocal #stayconnected #local #locallove #heatandserve #easymeals #frozenmeals #comfortfood #lasagna #stuffedpeppers #cabbagerolls #soup - @getintheloopwindsoressex on Instagram

Slow cooked chicken in caramelised onion with green beans, red peppers and carrots, on a bed of sweet potatoes mashed. One of the October come back dish. #spanishfood #chickenrecipes #delicious #sydneyaustralia - @alittlebitofspain on Instagram

Chicken cutlet #homecooking #kitchen #eatgood #Florida #cheflife #comfortfood - @thelisbonfoodblog on Instagram

On a cold Autumn day, a classic Apple & Pear crumble with berries and almonds, to warm our hearts.Our loyal and gorgeous customers Trisha & Richard offered us Apples & Pears from their orchid and what better way to honour this amazing harvest. @dovesfarm flour @presidentbutter @riverford berries #apples #applecrumble #berries - @lusobrazil on Instagram

I’m making some homemade Bacon and Mushroom Alfredo for dinner. . . . #alfredo #pasta #food #foodie #foodporn #shrimp #alknv #alfredopasta #seafood #instafood #dinner #italianfood #foodphotography #pastalover #bananapudding #chicken #yummy #catering #vine #khiza #guseingasanov #cheese #delicious #neposredstvennokaxaofficial #khabibnurmagomedov #foodstagram #kaxa #prikol #alfredosauce #bbqbeerandpops - @bbqbeerandpops on Instagram

If youre like me, you dont know what the heck youre looking at. Its all brown lol. Chrissy Teigens Spicy Jammie Dummies with some baked potatoes and bacon! So so flavorful! • • • #ChrissyTeigen #SpicyJammieDrummies #TastesLikeChicken #Chicken #Drumsticks #Dinner #Yummy #Cravings #CravingsCookbook #HungryForMore #SoDelushious #FoodComa #Cooking #Homecooking #HomeCooked #IGFoodie #Foodgasm #Foodtography #FoodPhotography #Foodstagram #FoodPorn #ForkYeah #LickYourPhone #GetInMyBelly #OmNomNom #Eeeeeats #Foodie #FoodiesOfInstagram #JoycieAndChrissy - @jwoweats on Instagram

Reposted from @dytzeynepykaya 🌟KIYMALI ALİNAZİK🌟 Bu seferde 4’lü #pratiktarifler serimizde Alinazik var. Bence yazın yoğurt közlenmiş patlıcan karışımı çok güzel gidiyor. Hazır patlıcanın tam mevsimiyken çok güzel bir öğün seçeneği😍 ✅Kalori : 380 kkal ✅CHO : 16.7 g ✅Prot : 16 g ✅yağ : 28 g Malzemeler👩‍🍳 🍆3 adet patlıcan (daha çok da olabilir) 🍆Yoğurt 🍆2 diş sarımsak 🍆Az yağlı kıyma 🍆1 adet soğan 🍆2 yemek kaşığı salça 🍆4 yemek kaşığı sıvı yağ 🍆Tuz, baharatlar . Yapılışı👩‍🍳 Patlıcanları 180 derecede közleyin. Daha sonra içlerini çıkartıp küçük küçük doğrayın. Yoğurt, sarımsak ve tuzla karıştırın. Bir yandan Kıymalı harç için soğanı yumuşayana kadar kavurun, Soğanlar pişince içine kıymayı ekleyin, kıymanın pişmesine yakın salçayı ilave edin.Baharatlarını ve tuzunu da ekleyerek karıştırın. 1 çay bardağı sıcak su ekleyip bir taşım kaynatın. Yoğurt patlıcan karışımı ve kıymalı harcı buluşturun ve hazır🥰 denerseniz fotoğrafını benimle paylaşmayı unutmayın. . . . #food #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #patlıcan #alinazik #akşamyemeği #öğün #sağlıklıtarifler #yemektarifleri #beslenmevediyetetik #nutritionist #recipes #instagood #yemek #blogger #nutritiondietetics #kackalori #kalorihesabi #foodie #akşamyemeği #diyetisyen #gününmenüsü #fit #tatlı #dessert #chocolate #fittatlı #cookies #feedfeed #snack - @guzel_beslenme on Instagram

#keto #ketomeals #ketomeals #lowcarb #weightlossjourney #chicken #chickenrecipes #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #ketoweightloss #ketorecipes #ketodiet #ketodinner - @foodiepod1 on Instagram

stuffed pepper🥰 Doux lundi😊🔥🌞 @reverse_bob @viandehalle #garden #monday #traegerbbq #traeger #traegercanada #traegergrills #traegernation #bbqsmoker #bbqpellets - @queenmarybbq on Instagram

Peperoni Ripieni - Stuffed Peppers. A family favourite! Stuffed peppers is a dish common in many cuisines. It consists of hollowed or halved peppers filled with any of a variety of fillings, often including meat, vegetables, cheese, rice or sauce. The dish is usually assembled by filling the cavities of the peppers and then cooking. Of course Italians do it better but Stuffed Peppers are popular in many countries, from Europe and the Mediterranean basin including North Africa to the Middle East and the Americas. - - - #buonappetito #peperoniripieni #stuffedpeppers #italiansdoitbetter #italy #italia #italian #italianfoodporn #italianfood #foodporn #instafood #instalike #instagood #healthy #homecooking #homecookedmeal #fresh #freshfood #middleeast #mediterranean #mediterraneanfood #mediterraneandiet #americas #northafrica #europe #northamerica #southamerica #usa #theitalianguide #enjoy - @theitalianguide on Instagram

🍅TOMATES FARCIES 🍅 . J’ai enfin trouvé des belles tomates bien charnues à farcir (pas facile ici aux US). J’ai fait ma propre farce à base de 500g de viande hachée de dinde, en rajoutant 2 gousses d’ail, 1 oignons, une bottes de petits oignons et leur tiges vertes, 1 œuf, du thym, du romarin, de la muscade et du sel! Je l’ai fait la veille et laisse 1 nuit au frigo. Le lendemain avant de mettre la farce j’ai mis une cuillerée de riz cru dans le fond de la tomates pour qu’il absorbe une partie du jus! Résultat au top . . . #tomatesfarcies #tomate #tomatoes #food #foodies #foodlovers #cuisine #sain #gourmand #yummy #eathealthy #foodphotography #cooking #recettedujour #recettefacile #homemadefood #faitmaison #cuisinemaison #familyfood #healthyfood #miam #mangersain #bienmanger #mangersainement #recettehealthy #colorfulfood #foodstyling #photographieculinaire #stylismeculinaire - @frenchfoodistanewyork on Instagram

Ψαρι ημερας ραγου με διαφορα λαχανικα,σαλτσα λαδολεμονο και λαδι σελινου!! - @piperialefkada on Instagram

- @selfiefood.it on Instagram

The perfect duo for a memorable #MeatballMonday? Fresh, Italian Carando Meatballs and classic penne pasta can’t be topped (except with a delicious sauce!). Anything goes with Carando! . . . #carando #carandomeatballs #inthistogether #stayhomestaysafe #authenticitalian #modernitalian #italianstylemeatballs #easyrecipesathome - @carandomeats on Instagram

So kann der Tag beginnen! Omlette mit Bacon, Kräutern und Mozzarella #food #foodporn #omlette #frühstück #bacon #ei #kräuter #lecker #frühstücken - @einfach__essen on Instagram

When I’m stressed, there is one thing that helps me to calm down... #cookingathome #lamiacucina #birdyamherd #selbstistdiequeen #luxembourgcity #pouletroti #poêle #hühnchenpfanne #comedowntoearth #gutenappetit #buonappetito #inmybellynow - @paradisebirdofficial on Instagram

- Give Me the Sweet Stuff

The last of the ripe toms for this season we reckon. Hand sliced cold-smoked streaky ends and a lump of our pudd’. It’s gunna be a BTBP wrap! #blackpudding #bacon #breakfast @blokknives - @fruitpigcompany on Instagram

Heutiges Mittagessen 😍 Arancini mit Ratatouille und Kräuter 🌿 Sauce Vegetarisch 🌱 #arancini#ratatouille#kräuter#sauce#vegetarisch#mediterraneanfood#mediterranean#reis#mittagessen#gesundessen#gesundeernährung#lörrach#basel#loop#yummyfood#yummi# - @basti_keller_ on Instagram

🌱 veganes Schnitzel mit nicht so veganen Knödel und Champignon/Zwiebelsoße, dazu Erbsen❣ Mega lecker und mal was anderes 😊 In dem Video 👉🏽 könnt ihr sehen, was wir benutzt haben #feelinspired ___________ _____ _____ ____ ___ __ _ _ #vegan #vegetarisch #vegetarian #schnitzel #veganesschnitzel #champignons #knödel #semmelknödel #rahmsoße #delicia #germanfood #deutschesessen #lecker #essen #kochen #foodofinsta #erbsen #fotd #instafood #foodilicious #foodinspo #foodinspiration #food #onions #zwiebelsoße #foodmotivation #nomeat #crueltyfree - @jjsgerichte on Instagram

Mamas (deconstructed) chicken stew - @gus.coloma on Instagram

Iskoristite ljeto i sve sto vam je na raspolaganju. Sezonsko voce uz dodak jogurta, chia sjemenki i mljevenog lana daje ukusan obrok. Izaberite najbolje od ljeta za sebe...Izaberite zdravlje. . . #chia #flaxseed #lan #mljevenilan #ljubav #love #hrana #ishrana #doručak #breakfast #summervibes #summer #ljeto #food #hrana #izaberitezdravlje - @izaberite_zdravlje on Instagram

Wszystkim łasuchom przypominamy, że w naszym punkcie czekają na was wyśmienite sosy bezkaloryczne 😎 Dostępne są w różnych wariantach smakowych, zarówno wytrawnych jak i na słodko 😉 Kto próbował ten wie co dobre 😍 Kto nie próbował niech żałuje 😈 zapraszamy do najdłużej otwartego punktu w Słupsku ✌️ @pepsport.pl @pepsportkolobrzeg @pepsportkoszalin @alltimefitnessclub @fatwaycatering @pepsportslupsk #sauce #sos #słodkości #bodyattack #sweet #legal #legalne #tasty #shop #order - @pepsportleclerc on Instagram

Helle Hähnchen Champignon Soße 🇩🇪 Rezept : 400-600 g Hähnchen 200 g Champion 500 ml Cremefine Olivenöl 1EL Mayonnaise Salz Curry Petersilie ➡️ Zubereitung: Hähnchen von beiden Seiten mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und braten. Hähnchen auf Seite stellen. ➡️ Nun etwas Olivenöl in die Pfanne geben und die Champions drin braten. ➡️ Cremefine dazugeben und vermischen. ➡️ Nun Mayonnaise hinzufügen und vermischen und mit Gewürze würzen. ➡️ Hähnchenfleisch in die Pfanne geben und weitere 3 Minuten köcheln lassen. Guten Appetit 🌹———————————————————————————Musik Flori Mumajesi Karma Werbung, alle Produkte selbst bezahlt———————————————————————————Receta: 400-600 g mish pule 200 g kampion 500 ml kremfinë vaj ulliri 1 lugë majonezë kripë kerri majdanoz Përgatitja: Sezoni pulën në të dy anët me kripë dhe piper dhe skuqeni. Vendosni pulën në njërën anë. Put Tani vendosni pak vaj ulliri në tigan dhe skuqni kampionët në të. ➡️ Shtoni Cremefine dhe përziejeni. Add Tani shtoni dhe përzieni majonezën dhe sezonin me erëza. ➡️ Vendosni pulën në tigan dhe lëreni të ziejë edhe për 3 minuta. Ju beftë mir 🌹———————————————————————————#foodbydona #rezpte #foodblog #receta #recetatfoodbydona #championrahmsoße #curry #lecker #yummy #hänchenbrust #leckersoße #mishpule - @foodbydona on Instagram

Omelettes are my favourite! Can eat them for breakfast, lunch or dinner 😋 Love the colours too - you can dice up and add any of your favourite vegetables. Swipe right to see how I prefer eating an omelette in an #omletteroll . . . . #glutenfree #glutenfreesydney #glutenfreefood #omletterollup ##omlettes #vegetables #breakfastideas #glutenfreebreakfast #glutenfreelunch #glutenfreedinners - @glutenfree.g00dness on Instagram