Lawrence Chaney Profile Pics

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spying larry talbot the wolf man worried confused

- Doctor Demento

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These two share a tense moment in which iconic Hitchcock thriller? - @alfredhitchcockofficial on Instagram

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- Jewish men

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- Raymond Chandler

oh my god larry talbot the wolf man troubled thinking

- metro goldwyn mayer

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- Favorite Movies & Films

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- Van Heflin

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- Circus/Cirque

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- Cowboy/Farm Birthday Party

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- Kirstie Alley

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- Actors - long ago

no larry talbot the wolf man no way scared

- Leonardo Da Vinci about to perform experiments on a corpse in the name of science (1487)

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- Alberto Giacometti

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- Old Time Radio

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30 сентября 1980 года, ровно 40 лет назад, на моссоветовской сцене состоялась премьера спектакля «Правда – хорошо, а счастье лучше» в постановке Сергея Юрского. В день рождения спектакля делимся уникальной аудиозаписью спектакля, ставшего последней премьерой для Фаины Георгиевны Раневской. Сергей Юрский вспоминал: «Колокольный звон. Сцена заливается светом. Смотрю на Раневскую, и страшно за нее, Кажется, она упадет при первом самостоятельном шаге. Ее надо вести под руки, как вели мы ее только что. Но она уже не народная артистка, а нянька Филицата. И некому помочь ей. Она сама всем вечная помощница и защитница. Колокольный звон усиливается, растет. Черная щель разрезала занавес. Щель увеличивается, открывается громадное пространство зрительного зала. И... вместо черноты - ослепительный свет прожекторов. Костырева пошла по диагонали к авансцене: “Что ты мне сказала? Что ты мне сказала?” Раневская (уже не Раневская, а кто-то другой, с другим лицом, с утиной походочкой враскачку, с глазами, уставленными в пол, с указующим перстом вытянутой руки) тронулась вслед - на сцену. И - сразу - овация! - Зачем? Зачем они хлопают? Они любят меня? За что? Сколько лет мне кричали на улице мальчишки: “Муля, не нервируй меня!” Хорошо одетые надушенные дамы протягивали ручку лодочкой и аккуратно сложенными губками вместо того, чтобы представиться, шептали: “Муля, не нервируй меня!” Государственные деятели шли навстречу и, проявляя любовь и уважение к искусству, говорили доброжелательно: “Муля, не нервируй меня!” Я не Муля. Я старая актриса и никого не хочу нервировать. Мне трудно видеть людей. Потому что все, кого я любила, кого боготворила, умерли. Столько людей аплодируют мне, а мне так одиноко, И еще ... я боюсь забыть текст. Пока длится овация, я повторяю без конца вслух первую фразу: “И всегда так бывает, когда девушек запирают”, - на разные лады. Боже, как долго они аплодируют. Спасибо вам, дорогие мои. Но у меня уже кончаются силы, а роль все еще не началась... “И всегда так бывает, когда девушек запирают”. Нет, не так, Я не умею говорить одинаково. Я помню, как выходили под овацию великие актеры. Одни раскланивались, а потом начинали роль» продолжение⏬ - @teatrmossoveta on Instagram

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- Home Alone Movies

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- Citations churchill

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- 4th of July

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- Boris Karloff

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- Abbott and Costello

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- Wallace Beery

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- Lon Chaney, Sr.

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- L.A.

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This week in the Sematary... we cover a forgotten film: 1932’s THE OLD DARK HOUSE. Will you find it terrifying in 2020? Read the article at! - @ruemorguemag on Instagram

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- A Night at the Opera....

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- Celebrities

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- Christmas Movies

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- The Big Screen

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- Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 1979

i didnt ask i didnt ask for an essay tia kofi didnt ask didnt ask for an essay

- Books I Read this Year.

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- 101 Dalmatians...

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- Shirley Booth

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- African American Writers

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- Classic Scary Movies

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- America

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( Hysteria ) As she laughed I was aware of becoming involved in her laughter and being part of it, until her teeth were only accidental stars with a talent for squad-drill. I was drawn in by short gasps, inhaled at each momentary recovery, lost finally in the dark caverns of her throat, bruised by the ripple of unseen muscles. An elderly waiter with trembling hands was hurriedly spreading a pink and white checked cloth over the rusty green iron table, saying: “If the lady and gentleman wish to take their tea in the garden, if the lady and gentleman wish to take their tea in the garden…” I decided that if the shaking of her breasts could be stopped, some of the fragments of the afternoon might be collected, and I concentrated my attention with careful subtlety to this end. ( T.S. Eliot ) - @abhra.ghosal on Instagram

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- Frank Finlay.

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- Dragnet

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- Dr. Henry Anonymous appearing before the American Psychiatric Association in an effort to de-list homosexuality as a mental illness, 1972 [760x611]

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- Bacon

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- Chet baker

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- Jackie Gleason

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- Anne Frank

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- 1930s Films & Film Stars

lawrence chaney

- grant wood american gothic...

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- Curd

- elvis blue christmas

- Goldie Hawn movies in my collection

- abbott and costello

- Alice Brady

- Teresa Brewer

- Fred Astaire

- Doris Day

- Alec, Alastair and Terry-Thomas

- Harpo Marx

- Bar- Paperbacks/ Pulp Fiction

- A Clockwork Orange


- The Honeymooners,

- Maverick tv

- Farley Granger

- American Bandstand and Soultrain

- Anthony Perkins


- Geek dart

- Darren mcgavin

- Claude Rains

- Gangsters

@Irving_Berlin’s TOP HAT premiered 85 years ago TODAY in NYC! The 1935 musical, starring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, introduced Berlins hit song Cheek to Cheek. 🎩 Listen to Fred Astaire sing Cheek to Cheek with the link in bio! - @irving_berlin on Instagram

- Billy Dee Williams

- Dracula film

- Architectes & Artists

- 3 Stooges


- Bob Barker hosting Truth or Consequence in 1958

- Albert Einstein meets Charlie Chaplin in 1931

È sabato sera...e che si fa ? #lapatente @sonototo_principedella_risata_ #italiana #sonototoprincipedellarisata  #italiandays #italy🇮🇹 #italia #usa #milano #Palermo #roma #italiangirl #Sicilia #palermocity #palermotoday #coronavirusitaly #coronavirusitalianews #coronavirus #corona #virus #time #iorestoacasa #iorimangoacasa #acasa #casa #europe #covid_19  #world #ourworld #malocchio - @sonototo_principedella_risata_ on Instagram

- I Love Lucy

- Paul Hubschmid

Wild Strawberries (1957) 🇸🇪🎥 Ingmar Bergman “There’s neither right or wrong. We act according to our needs” Wild Strawberries is often considered to be one of Bergmans greatest and most moving films. The film is included on the Vatican Best Films List, recommended for its portrayal of a mans interior journey from pangs of regret and anxiety to a refreshing sense of peace and reconciliation. Ingmar Bergman first had the idea for this cerebral road movie while standing at the door of his grandmothers house and wondering whether hed re-enter childhood by stepping inside. The movie also showcase the final screen appearance of the legendary Victor Sjöström. #oldmovies #classicfilms #vintage #classicfilm #swedish #victorsjostrom #ingmarbergman #wildstrawberriesmovie #swedishcinema #instagram #art #movie #acting #ramy #actress #director #film #star #photography #drama #notebuzz #actor #cine #netflix #instagood #movies #love #hollywood #cinematography - @odessa.stairs on Instagram

- Abbott and Costello - Chaplin - Keaton

- Alfred Hitchcock

- groucho marx

- When Einstein met Chaplin, Einstein said, “What I admire about your art is its universality. You do not say a word yet the world understands you. “Its true” replied Chaplin But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you even though they don’t understand a word of what you say (1931)

- Marilyn

- Actors

- Fawlty Towers

- Classic Film Stars

- Clarence

- Edgar Allan Poe

- Christmas carol & holiday fun

- The Hiding Place

- JFK Wanted for Treason - American conservative 1963

- boris karloff,bela lugosi

- Allen Jenkins

- Geraldine Fitzgerald

- Walken on the set of The Deer Hunter

- Judy Garland & Liza Minnelli

- Don Knotts & his ventriloquist doll about 1948.

- Disney

- 45 RPM Remember when

- Are You Being Served? Why Yes!

- Black & White

- My Grandfather at his desk (circa 1940s). He was civil engineer in Pgh, helped design several bridges there.

- Tales From The Border Planets

- Christmas Presents 2014

- Books Worth Reading

- Divine Divina

- Emmett Kelly

- Books and Reading

- AgeLess

- Al Jolson


- Bud Abbott and Lou Costello

- Statler and Waldorf

- Andy warhol artwork



- History of Presidents

- Advent Readings

- Book Covers

- Alfred Hitchcock

- Forms

- Books Worth Reading

- Bill Bojangles Robinson - Mr Showman

- The Poseidon Adventure


- Black Brown

- Movies, Movies, Movies

- karl malden

- Art Selfies

- Princess Anastasia

- Bond, James Bond

- A christmas carol

- Oscar Winners

- bar geek

- Famous clowns


- Blaise Cendrars

- Vote Marx Poster of the German Zentrumspartei, probably for the 1925 Presidential Election in the Weimar Republic

- John Astin

- Caricaturas

- Cover girls

- Books Worth Reading

- Newhaven

- { Irene Ryan }

- ACTRESS: Carole Lombard ★

- Fruit Flies Like a Banana

- Barbra Streisand

- Lon Chaney

- Art Work By Picaso And Van Gogh

- Text memes

- Alfred Hitchcock

- Arnold Newman

- Michael Keaton batman

- 1 William Hartnell


- ade edmondson ♡

- Crime Fiction

- 1948

- *1954*

- Austin Briggs

- Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

- My Memories

- Gene Raymond

- Clarence

- Lost in translation

- Turner Classic Movies

- Abbott and Costello

- Richard basehart

- Albert Fish, a serial child killer known by several monikers including The Gray Man and The Werewolf of Wysteria, pictured with Detective William King, the lead investigator on Fishs case.

- 50 years

- Walt Disney Movies

- american western painters

Mood du vendredi . . . . . . . . . . #ApolloMagazine #weekendvibes #mood #style #inspiration #menstyle #mensfashion #men #costume #suit #SergeGainsbourg #60sfashion #laclasseadallas - @apollo_magazine on Instagram

- Vintage Book Covers

- 1961

- Max Wright who played Willie Tanner on Alf died Wednesday at 75

- Black History Month Celebration

- Awards

- Art

- Abracadabra!

- Spaghetti al cinema e non...Italianissimo cibo

- Cedric Gibbons

- Bubble Boy Boutique Ebay Items

- Classic Movies I Love!

- All About Albert

- Frank LLoyd Wright buildings

- Agatha Christie favs

- Robert Donat


- Anti aging foundation

- Joan Crawford movies

- Artists & Muses

- classy & weddings

- Sea captain

- Alice 1933

- Alfred Hitchcok

- Ann Sothern

- Gershwin paints Schönberg

- Alfred Hitchcock

- Hollywood Monsters

- Francis Bacon Portraits

- Andy Warhol

- cinema...

- Entertainment Online

- Cecil Beaton

- Ooh La La

- Albert Einstein Attending a Film Premiere with Charlie Chaplin — 1931

- Photography

- Audie Murphy

- All In The Family

- * Anne

- Novel Movies


- Literature

- Bing Crosby

- Broadway

- Addams Family & The Munsters

- Classic Film Noir

- Magic shop

- Addams family +++

- Francis Bacon Portraits

- Saint-Saens in his amazing pajamas. Early 1900s.

- Movies, Movies, Movies

- cowboy films

- Raul Julia

- Lon Chaney Jr.

- Famous People

- Marilyn Monroe - 1962.

- Elvis Presley

- Opera singers

- Orson Welles

- Dark Shadows

- Bill W.

- Creepy

- Hot Toddy

- The models used by artist Grant Wood to paint “American Gothic”, circa 1940s

- Abraham Lincoln

- *Billie Burke

- Cult

- Miss Marple

- Werkers in de Wijngaard.

- Official Presidential Portraits

The Elephant Man ⚖️ David Lynch 🎥 ⭐️John Hurt ▫️Anthony Hopkins ▫️Anne Bancroft •1980 (USA-UK) - @cult.scenes on Instagram

- Artist: Frida

- Herbert Marshall

- American Gothic

- scary novels

- 1970s comedy

- Original Movie Poster for The Public Enemy featuring James Cagney and Jean Harlow (1931)

- Books


- Alfred Hitchcock

- *Alice White

- My maternal grandfather circa 1950

- Brigitte Bardot and Pablo Picasso in Cannes, 1956.

- Idiot`s Delight

- Film Noir



- Favorite music and movies

- Alexandria Hotel

- Lon Chaney Jr.

- These pretzels are making Buster Keaton thirsty

- Laurel and Hardy

- Peoples court

- Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy

- Alfred Hitchcok

- Academy Awards - Best Picture

- Clarence

- hats and arts

- Ray Bolger

- Artistes, Muses, Modèles et Mécènes

- I Love Lucy

- Gerard philipe

- Bette Davis

- b&w

- Orson Welles

- carol reed

- Fantastic Dancers

- Dance

- Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein

- Andy Grith Show

- great movies

- Edie Beale

- American Gothic

- Louisa May Alcott

- Nosferatu & The Cabinate of Dr. Caligari

- Comedy icons

- Famous Outlaws

- B/W Movies

- Classic Comedy Teams

- Russ Tamblyn

- Hollywood Horror

- America - This is My Country