Johan Profile Pics

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silver plan

- art- Ilya Repin

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- Sea of Galilee

Barbie Bad Bunny

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- 15th century clothing artwork


Johan Liebert

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Batalha de Aljubarrota- 14 de agosto de 1385. Entre tropas portuguesas com aliados ingleses, comandadas por D. João I de Portugal e D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, e o exército castelhano e os seus aliados liderados por João I de Castela. O resultado foi a vitória dos portugueses frente a um exército muito superior, tanto em número como em armas! Os portugueses tinham 1700 lanças, 800 besteiros e 4000 peões; ao todo 6500 homens. Os castelhanos tinham 5000 lanças, 2000 cavalos, 8000 besteiros e 15 000 peões, num total de 30 000 homens, com 700 carroças, milhares de animais carregando mantimentos e munições, 8000 cabeças de gado. A Batalha de Aljubarrota foi uma das raras grandes batalhas campais da Idade Média entre dois exércitos régios e um dos acontecimentos mais decisivos da história de Portugal. Inovou a táctica militar, permitindo que homens de armas fossem capazes de vencer uma poderosa cavalaria. Pôs fim à crise de 1383-1385 e deu-se a consolidação de D. João I, anteriormente o mestre de Avis, como rei de Portugal, o primeiro da Dinastia de Avis. A aliança Luso-Britânica saiu reforçada desta batalha e seria selada um ano depois, com a assinatura do Tratado de Windsor e o casamento do rei D. João I com D. Filipa de Lencastre. Como agradecimento pela vitória na Batalha de Aljubarrota, D. João I mandou edificar o Mosteiro da Batalha. Também a destacar a figura emblemática da padeira de Aljubarrota! 🇵🇹 ° ° ° #portugal #history #batalha #aljubarrota #batalhadealjubarrota #cultura #culturaportuguesa #historiadeportugal #mediaval #kings #Medievalwarfare #Medievalwar #battle - @portugal_history on Instagram

jonah hill yay african child screaming shouting

- Great pic from todays Wales/England rugby match.

johan liebert

“Alla fine, il cinque, alle sei e undici della sera, tra i suoni dei venti, il rumore della pioggia e lo schianto delle onde, Lui ridiede a Dio il respiro più potente che abbia mai animato la vita dell’argilla umana”. (François-René de Chateaubriand) (Nellimmagine: Morte di Napoleone, Jean Pierre Marie Jazet) #accaddeoggi #AssociazioneNapoleonicadItalia #Napoleone #Monitore #Reenactment #rievocazionestorica #Napoleon - @associazione.napoleonica on Instagram

Johan Liebert Icon

Johan LOL

fake laugh samus paulicelli 66samus haha ok lol

- .Families


ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ་ ˖ ࣪ ָ 𝑨𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒊𝒄𝒐𝒏˖ ࣪ ָ

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- Sir Alex FERGUSON manager

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- Art idea

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- Bruegel, Greco, Tintoretto, Arcimboldo


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- Youll Never Walk Alone

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- The Return of the Raiders, Angel della Valle, oil on canvas, 1892

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- Conflans sainte Honorine

Johan Liebert icon

I sleep

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- Albrecht Dürer

Johan Icon

Johan Liebert icon

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- Roosevelt

vnc ⟴ johann.

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- William Bradford

𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐜𝐨𝐧

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- Alex Raymond Art

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- Scarborough Maine

𓆩𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ 𓏲 ૮ˊ꒳ˋა . ݁ 𓄹

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Johan Liebert Icon

★﹒johan seong icon

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- bellini (c.1430 1516)

・🥤╶╴❝ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖌𝖞 ❞ ・

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- Awesome old map of the Dutch Kingdom (including Belgium)!

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- art- Ilya Repin

20th Century Boys manga

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- Art: Shakespearean Scenes

★ 𝓘𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓼 ★

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- Boris Johnson playing with toys

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- Car Art

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- British

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- Andrew Wyeth

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- A young Kasper Schmeichel giving his dad a bit of well deserved shade on the training grounds. Early 90s.

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- Portrait of Sibelius by his brother-in-law Eero Järnefelt (circa 1892)

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- Blockprinting

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- Fifa 2014 World Cup

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- Art and artists I love...

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- Footballers

dance good morning

- Antigone

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- The Catholic Church of Ireland

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- Lady of Gifts, art by Denis Gordeev

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- Frogmouth helm used on foot

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- geschichte und expeditionen

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- Art | Drawing

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- Le Rêve - The Dream, 1888

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- Civil War

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- Mutant chronicles

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- Coventry City

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- The Dutch Reach

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Let’s start our week with some art history: Self-Portrait or Portrait of Theo? Van Gogh specialists from the museum Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam studied a small portrait of a figure wearing a straw hat, painted by Vincent van Gogh. Following research published in 2011, the conclusion was drawn that Theo was the subject of the portrait. Based on new insights, this conclusion was recently brought up for discussion. What do you think? #VanGoghTO #VanGogh #Toronto - @immersivevangogh on Instagram

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- Mount Vernon, Washington, etc

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- The Solskjaers.

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- Sir Ian Mckellen

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- Andrew Wyeth art

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- audio/visual

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- Abstract Art

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- [[Planewide Celebration]]

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- Brooklyn Museum - Religious Art

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- Varför har ingen insett detta?

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- 19.16&17C clothing apparel

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- Academic art

johan liebert

#unquadroperognistagione 22 settembre, equinozio dAutunno Celebriamo linizio della stagione autunnale con la Natura morta di Giorgio de Chirico (Museo Collezione Mazzolini, Bobbio), dove il paesaggio e i frutti in primo piano sono resi dallartista attraverso una pennellata densa ed espressiva, sullo sfondo di un cielo enigmatico. Lopera rientra nel gruppo di composizioni realizzate da De Chirico dopo il rientro dagli Stati Uniti (1938), dipinti nei cui titoli ricorre il concetto di “vita silente” nel paesaggio, la vita silenziosa e nascosta delle cose ritratta dallartista. #arte #Novecento #museocollezionemazzolini #bobbio #piacenza #metafisica #dechirico#diocesipiacenzabobbiobeniculturali#cooltourpiacenza #VisitBobbio #BobbioExperience #ilborgodeiborghi #ValTrebbia #VisitValTrebbia #valtrebbiaexperience #CulturaEmiliaRomagna #EmiliaRomagnaArte #IBCEmiliaRomagna #MuseiItaliani #GiorgioDeChirico #FondazioneGiorgioeIsaDeChirico #collezionemazzolini #equinoziodautunno - @collezionemazzolini on Instagram

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- Eurasian Steppe

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- Boilly

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- gran colombia

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- Cartoon: Ken Schrader flips at Talladega after contact from his teammate Jeff Gordon

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- Henry VI

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- Winston Churchill watching Dr. Strangelove on his iPad (1964)

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- Caspar David Friedrich

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- vintage horse

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- Swiss fans threw Shaqiri a wheel of cheese after his winning goal

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- J Paul Getty Museum


- Alexander II

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- American Revolution

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- The Alexander mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, around 100 B.C. (2192x1024)

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- Peterloo massacre

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- Romantic Artists

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- Alexander Cozens

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- Socialist Realism

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- Van Gogh Self Portrait

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- bags, purses, scrips

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- Philippe de Champaigne

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- Detail

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À partir du 16 septembre, la collection permanente du musée de lOrangerie sera de nouveau visible dans des espaces rénovés et à travers un parcours renouvelé. Parmi les œuvres de Chaïm Soutine, vous pourrez admirer Paysage avec personnages. --- From 16 September, the permanent collection of the Musée de lOrangerie will be visible in renovated spaces and through a renewed ininerary. Among Chaïm Soutines works, you will be able to admire Landscape with Figures. 🖼 Chaïm Soutine (1893-1943), Paysage avec personnages [Landscape with Figures], vers 1918-1919 [1933?]. Paris, musée de lOrangerie © RMN-Grand Palais (musée de lOrangerie) / Hervé Lewandowski #Collectionpermenante #PermanentCollection #Soutine #ChaimSoutine#portrait #jeunehomme #paysage #landscape #personnages #figures #Musee #art #painting #museum #Paris #Orangerie #MuseeOrangerie - @museeorangerie on Instagram

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- Prince Frederick

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- English - Romanticism

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- 18th Century Cartoons

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- Romulus and Remus

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- Albert Bierstadt

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- Art: Portraits

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- Interesting facts about Canada

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- There are the flags of two modern-day countries in this battle, but they arent all on opposing sides.

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- Anton Mauve

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- hmmm

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- 1300-1400 fashion in paintings

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- Byzantine Empire

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- Anne Boleyn and the Tudors

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- Art: Paintings I Appreciate


- Emlyn Hughes

- Great Paintings

- Hans Holbein the Younger

- Age of Discovery

- Dig For Victory

- Art by Queen Victoria

- Imperial Rome

- [Artwork] Ramona Fradon turned 94 today. Happy birthday to a legend!

- From the TIME When THE REAL MAN walked the Earth

- Alexander III, Zar von Russland

- New Best Friends

- Albert Bloch

- Amsterdam Old Paintings

- Any Swedes here? Me and my friend just started På Stacken, a swedish Magic podcast. You can find it on Spotify. Not a Swede? Enjoy this image of us as Hanna and Karn.


- Not mine

- The Royals

- Human Being

- Alfred Sisley 1839-1899

- If you look closely at the sky on the picture Madonna Sistina by Rafael Santi, you’ll find out it is made of angels’ faces

- Hellenistic art

- Blursed art

- Beautiful Arts

- Footballers

- ANTONIO GUZMÁN CAPEL | Pintor hiperrealista

- David Delruelle collages

View of Delft - 1661 - @johannes.vermeer.painter on Instagram

- Barbizon School

- Childe Hassam

- The four horsemen of the apocalypse

- Bae

- Medieval Art

- Barnsley fc

- Leopold I of Belgium, 1810s

- Art painting

- Kaiser Franz Josef

- Russian popular militia led by Minin & Pozharskiy liberates Moscow from Polish-Lithuanian occupants (September, 1612)

[LE TEMPS DE LARBRE] La Ville de Quimper célèbre larbre 🌳dans toute sa splendeur en ce moment en multipliant les expositions, conférences, animations. Le musée proposera dimanche à 15h la visite guidée Tout lart de larbre pour expliquer lévolution stylistique du sujet dans lhistoire de lart. Alexander Keirincx, Forêt avec figures, vers 1650 #quimper #finistere #toutcommenceenfinistere #bretagne #bretagnemusees #VisitBretagne #musee #museum #culture #art #collection #visite #focus #arbre #tree #peinture #painting - @mbaqofficiel on Instagram

- Michelangelo

- Angus McBride

- William Wilberforce

- Treasure Island - Robinson Crusoe - Swiss Family Robinson

- Art 4

- British

- Camille Pissarro paintings

- My mum used to wonder why I got bullied at school as a child

- Automobile Art and Illustration

- Canadian History


- Celtic art

- Kingdom of the Netherlands

- Blursed_Faces

- Guerres napoléoniennes

- Guerres napoléoniennes

- André Derain

- 16th century fashion

- Art Various

- JC Leyendecker

- Art I like

- Augusto Ferrer Dalmau


- Captain Haddock

- Norwich City FC

- Art Carl Larsson

- Constitution

- Classic Army

- “General Kenobi” Me, GIMP, 2020

- Michael Faraday

- Kingdom of the Netherlands

‘FOOTBALLERS’, BY #CECILBEATON - @jacquesnyc on Instagram

- Doubtful Friends - 1939 Punch cartoon about the Nazi-Soviet pact which was signed 79 years ago today

- This sultry painting of George Washington from 1776 looks like it would have been his Tinder profile picture.

- Theater Box, the Day of the Free Performance by Louis Léopold Boilly (Oil on canvas), ca 1825

- Breakfast

- I think we can all relate with Stephen Kings t-shirt

- Paul Cezanne

- Art

- My take on Galileo Galileis Pokemon team

- Retratos de Dom Pedro II em diferentes fases de sua Vida.

- Philip IV

- Divine Feminine

- 1937 Germany

- Knights Templar

- æ

- Is there any reason why this Zoltan Boros Soldier Token from Theros is so expensive?

- celt

- alphonse mucha

- Ancient Ireland

- Art || Dutch Masters

- military divisions

- The Child

- art

- Abraham lincoln pictures

- 17th century - home and living

- Enrique VIII

- Ancient Militaries


- Van dyke portraits

- Australian History

- Cape Town Area & City Lifestyle and Property Information

- somewhere over the—inspired by pissarro, Me, digital, 2020

- Zelda Fitzgerald

- Idag är det 300 år sen Karl XII dog och stormaktstiden gick till sitt slut. (Enligt kalendern vi nu använder)

- Adeltanados de la Florida

- (Ver-) Führer

- Saint Sebastian

- Napoleon

- Danish flag & Crusades

- Red Coats

- Cat Stevens

- OTD 323 years ago 1697 AD, Prince Eugene of Savoy leading the Holy League armies fought the battle of Senta (or Zenta), decisively defeating the Ottoman army. The scale of the defeat forced the Turks into the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699) which marks the end of Ottoman control in much of Central Europe

- American Revolution, The & War of 1812

- Anthony Van Dyk Portraits

- Alexander III, Zar von Russland

- Inspection of the Welser army by Georg von Speyer and Philipp von Hutten at Sanlúcar de Barrameda. [678x515]

- Baba Yaga & Co

- Cyclops did nothing wrong

- Adult coloring book

- Ar

- 16th Century Portraits - Male Readers

- 18th Century Art

- Belgian Grand Prix 1965


- Ancestor - Alexander Innes

- Albrecht Dürer

- Saint Empire romain-germanique/Heiliges Römisches Reich/Sacro Romano Impero

- Salem Witch Trials

- Frederick the Great

- Kid getting kicked in the nuts while headbutting a soccer ball

- Karl XIIs likfärd, Gustaf Cederström, Oil-on-canvas, 1878

- Disney italia

- Soviet Art

- Battles

- Checkmate ! (Germany, 1917)

- On this day in 793 Norwegian vikings raid the holy isle of Lindesfarne, marking the start of the Viking-era in Europe

- Moebius

- Ancient Warfare

- Dutch & Flemish Art

- war horses

- Aion, god of the ages, in a celestial sphere decorated with zodiacal signs, between a green and a dismantled tree (summer and winter). Central part of a large floor mosaic, from a Roman villa in Sentinum, ca. 200–250 C.E [2120 x 1938]

- Hes never going to see what Ive just wrote on his head. Hehe.

- Austro Prussian War of 1866

- A C Milan

- Alexander the great

- A British Tar is a Soaring Soul

- Boxing fight

- I like this Mozart family portrait. Its marvellous. Circa 1780.

- 2011 Restored Version of The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum, John Martin, Painting, 1822.

- History

- Battle of Waterloo

- Napoleon

- Royal art(;

- HDR night watch

- Burn Pile, Me-Tanner Ortery, Oil on Aluminum, 2020

- Childrens fantasy


- Boldly Go

- War Of The Roses

- High Middle Ages

- Battle of Plassey was fought on this day 260 years ago. The painting (painted by Francis Hayman in 1760) depicts the meeting of Mir Jafar and Robert Clive after the Battle of Plassey.

- Alexander the first

- The dance of the hours Gaetano Previati, 1899, [renewed colors]

- Painting of Tchaikovsky in his garden (circa 1952)

- Ateliers

- French Rococo

- 1600s

- American Patriots pulling down a statue of King George III

- The farewell of the Tsar to his troops: From the Triptych “Imperial Golgotha”. Pavel Ryzhenko (2004)

- ART - portraits of men

- Arte

- The Native Americans & Vikings seemed to have many battles during the norse exploration of the Americas. You would never picture these two cultures together

- Colourised: The beautiful hills of the Waitakere Ranges, 1933

- Beechey

- Victory Parade

- Blursed_soccer

- David Lloyd George

- Czar Nicolau II

- Fantasy, Series II

- Palpatine

- Special thanks to this beautiful man for the invention of air conditioning. Willis Carrier, everybody.

- 1 CHILDREN - 16 and 17th century

- Alphonse de Neuville

- Brasil imperial

- Happy Birthday to Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, the composer of Schacherkheaezadde

- Artists of book illustration 10: Svetlin Vassilev

- Deventer, My hometown❤️

- Battles

- Kingdom of Hyder Ali & Tipu Sultan

Happy 66th Birthday #RoyoftheRovers! 🎂 From shocking shootings and sensational signings to dodgy dealings and dream debuts, Roy Race and Melchester Rovers have never been far from the drama! 🔥 Use #RoyAt66 to tell us your favourite Roy of the Rovers moment/memory! ❤️ 💛 - @royoftheroversofficial on Instagram

- Star wars drawings

- Alfonso XIII

- Best generals

- Artist: Alphonse Mucha

- Art Work Of The Renaissance..

- Rasputin and emperor of Russia Nicholas II. Postcard, circa 1910.

- Kaiser Franz Josef

- Self-Portrait in a Birch Grove, Hans Thoma, Oil on canvas, 1899

- (ART) Alone

- General Kenobi

- General Kenobi

- Art Military