Jaja Profile Pics


cómo se llama este ayuda

digibyte digibyte memes dgb emoji laughing emoji

- me irl


Ice spice 😍💗

soniaordas sonia ordas biker no

This Saturday in Barrio Logan!! - @sandiegovintagecompany on Instagram

Genshin 4 matching pfp , (1/4)

lol hahaha

- Cursed squid

1/2 match XIAOAETHER.

jaja risa lsm sorda

- Never cringed so hard

first of all what’s happening to the pup in this pic 😭



- Blursed potato


best cut onb

haha no hahaha no jaja no jajaja no hahahaha no

- Happy New Years

we 🆙

%E3%81%AF%E3%81%AF%E3%81%AF %E7%AC%91%E3%81%86 %E3%81%8A%E3%81%8B%E3%81%97%E3%81%84 hahaha laugh

- my idea of fun is wrong

idk tbh

elrond network egld egold univexe blazzord

- Cursed_Clout


- Frog quotes

lol halloween laugh laughing haha

- PsBattle: kitten atoll

i need one

rindo risada hehehe huehuebr espertinho

- .mémęš

You dropped this: apprend à parler anglais fdp

xdn digibyte dgb lmao haha

- Alt j

Carl Johnson

josemi josemi online josemi te lo pinta jtlp risa

- Listen

laughter risa jaja thalia thal%C3%ADa

- Me erra


Mood pfp😐

josemi josemi online josemi te lo pinta jtlp jaja ok

- {Artisphere Performing Artists/Stages}

Snapchat stickers

lol risa riendo jajaja laughter

- :V


jajaja pokemon trainer sujes pokemon risa

my heart hurts every time i read the news these days #blacklivesmatter #thisisamerica #sicksadworld - @marceldagenais on Instagram

jaja ja jajaja jajajaja lol

- The beauty was in the simplicity.

You dropped this: apprend à parler anglais fdp

laughing hysterically hahaha lol funny laughing

- Straight Outta Connors

oh nooo lucki 😖


jajajajajaja jajaja risas lol me parto

- Me whenever I see a minority at the front of the bus 🤣🤣🤣🤬🤜🤜

funny as hell hahaha hehehehe

........... - @teamchanfle on Instagram

Chae fresita

mi prima ruca

haha no hahaha no hahahaha no jaja no jajaja no

- Blursed Spanish homework


jajaja risa chistoso gracioso riendo

COME PLAY WITH US, WE MISS YOU 🧸 on Sunday 3pm to 12pm at ALF 🎯 - @reshufflemusic on Instagram

55th street haha hahaha bahahha jajaja

- Funny


marta soto marta soto jaja no jajaja

- @what_lizard_you_are on Instagram

lol cute baby smiling

- le woke meme has arrived

babies haha cute jaja laughing

- Yum

digibyte dgb haha jaja funny

- It really do 🅱️ like that sometimes

laugh lol jajaja laughing out loud

- guess were bringing this back

john jonah jameson lol laughing hysterically laughing out loud funny

- MiNhA tErCeIrA vEz AqUi

yoanna marlene jaja risa feliz contenta carcajada

Come join me this Friday, 10/25, in the classic old bar room at the Sagebrush Inn for a songwriters showcase in the new old western style. Talented guests - The Georgianna Jones Ensemble! - @jacklorang on Instagram

lol lmao jajaja jaja jajajaja

- Online classes be like

bubududu haha

- Cursed images

jajajaja jaja jajaja lol ja

- gif lindos

rolling haha rofl omg lol

- Creepy Easter Bunnies

jaja jajajajaja lol risas jiji

- 😔✊✊✊✊✊


- Emily Lee!

stitch haha laughing rofl meme

- 🅱️reddi 🅱️ish

haha lol milk mocha bear

- Gotta 🅱️atch Em All


- Facebook Drama

lmao rofl digibyte dgb laughing emoji

- Trump Wall Pizza

jennifer lawrence risas locas jaja haha

#radio #fru19 #speaker #soundwave #contest #belin #music #sulemani 🎙️🎧🔊 - @lele_b.aggio on Instagram

xd hahaha hahahaha hahah happy

- Bazinga

haha lmao xd lol

- FB like


- e͏̧͉͇̱͉̟̮̼̙̮̮̪̻͓̬͔̭͈̟͞x̸̢͉̰̥̼̹͉͚̦̯̙͚͓͕́́̕p̷̢̟̹̼͉̲͙̙̥̦̰̺̠̼̟͉͉͚̭͟ŕ̸̖͚̗̜̩̖͕͍̭͔̫̖͍̦̞̱̀͘͜ͅͅe҉̷̨͉̲͎̥̤̦͚̰̮̺̖͚͚͡s̴̡̡̘̯̱͔̞̫̪̘͔̦̣͡͞s̩̮̞̥̰̺̥̮̪̱̩̜͎̥͜͜ ̸̧͔̘̦̟̖͍͓̹̩͇̩͔̫͚̯̀ͅͅy͉̞̗̤̠͘͘͜o̶̢͕̺̲̼͝u̼͇̤̬̗͈̹͙̬͉͇̯̞̭̝̼͡ŗ̶̛̣̪͎̲̣̳̙̼̯̙̥̤͖͜ͅ͏̢͇̲̜̮̥͎͍̫̣͕̣̜̤͍͓̞̩͇͜͠s͈̙͍̣̰̘̟͢͢͡͝e̶̮̭̱̬̗͓̭̤͚͎̜̰͎̥͞ͅļ̷̛͚͈̻͉̭̖͚̥̯̩͉͈̞̺͈̱̝̕f͢҉̸̖̬͇̦́

jajajaja ja

- Thicc AF

digibyte dgb laughing emoji meme haha

- No wait... it cant be...

haha laugh baby cute so funny

- me irl

carcajada taburete madame ayahuasca risa riendo

- Good one Media

lmao rofl lol haha jaja

- Gets me every time

cat laughing gatoriendose risagato risa gato

- If only...

cats laugh giggle

- What will your mather say.

digibyte dgb transparent png png sticker

Parece acercarse el final del confinamiento. Yo aproveché mi tiempo en muchas cosas como, por ejemplo, este #hobby. ¿Y tú qué hiciste? . . @prilaga #motivación #pencil #art #feliz #caricaturas #smile #dibujo #arts #drawings #motivation #artista #drawing #goodtime #stories #prilaga #nice #arte #happy #artist #dibujoalapiz #draw #creativo #motivated #creative #yomequedoencasa - @marcelmfarinas____vida_calidad on Instagram

ha haha hahaha hahahaha jaja

- When u dont know what to post for the purge

jajajaja eggman sujes jajaja risa

- Me coming into shitpost Saturday with yet again nothing to post

divertido riendo reir joke joking

- Creme de la penis

jaja concepci%C3%B3n ilse salas se%C3%B1orita89 sonrisa

- You can’t reform a rotten-to-the-core system (capitalism).

mr bean lmao haha jaja rofl

- The Organ Grinder

juiju haha laughing hehe

- @carrscrackers on Instagram

giggle snoopy laughing haha so funny amused

- @van_gogh_frases on Instagram

jajaja jean mary hahaha lol laughing

- Bolivia

que risa chupitos ventaneando risa riendo

Filho da Musa Calíope, a quem se atribui a invenção da poesia. Vivia na Trácia, e quando ali chegou Dioniso, recebeu-o com alegria, e associou-se aos seus mistérios. Apolo amava-o como a um filho e deu-lhe uma lira, com a qual Orfeu aprendeu a tocar com extrema habilidade a tal ponto de encantar com seus acordes até os mais insensíveis seres. Fazia pedras imensas erguerem-se da terra e acompanhá-lo dançando; onde ele se detinha, elas se fixavam formando círculos. Orfeu encantava também os animais selvagens; até as árvores o seguiam e os rios interrompiam seu curso. Foi um dos cinquenta heróis na expedição dos Argonautas, liderado por Jasão, na busca do Velocino de Ouro. Nessa campanha, durante a viagem de volta, Orfeu salvou toda a tripulação tocando sua lira e silenciando as sereias que queriam afundar a embarcação. Desposou a ninfa dos bosques Eurídice. Mas Aristeu a amava também e perseguiu-a no dia do casamento. Ao fugir à perseguição, ela foi envenenada após pisar numa serpente e morreu antes de se tornar esposa. Desconsolado, Orfeu seguiu-a ao Inferno, e ali soube tudo o que acontece ao homem depois da vida. Com sua lira fez adormecer Cérbero, o cão de três cabeças que cuida da porta do mundo dos mortos e encantou Perséfone, que consentiu no regresso de Eurídice, com uma condição: Orfeu não olharia para trás enquanto não chegasse à terra. No caminho de volta, ainda dentro nas cavernas do mundo inferior, a ansiedade de Orfeu em olhar a sua amada vinha cada vez mais crescendo, e em um descuido ele voltou para trás. Imediatamente Eurídice foi absorvida novamente para as terras do tártaro. Não interessado por nenhuma outra mulher, pôs-se a vagar solitariamente, pregando os mistérios de Dioniso e o que vira no Inferno. As coléricas mulheres trácias, após serem rejeitadas, despedaçaram-no, ao cultuar Dioniso, e arremessaram-lhe a cabeça no rio. Enquanto esta flutuava rio abaixo, ia gemendo sempre: “Eurídice! Eurídice!” @l.c.galahad #lcgalahad #mitologiagrega #mitologiagregabr #mitologia #mythology #Greekmythology #deuses #deusas #deusesgregos #cultura #literatura #literaturabrasileira #historia #historias #atenas #olimpo #mitology #mithology - @mitologiagregabr on Instagram

digibyte dgb funny lol haha

- E͖̥̥̖̪̥̘̊ͮ͂̈́ͬ͆g̰͉̓́͐͆̇́̔̎̀̀ĝ̳̲͖̜̠̝̼̌ͅc̸̞̰̲͈̫͛̿̇͌̌́̀e̛̻͎̍̊ͯ̒l̡̉̆̈̇͛ͪ̈́̊͏̯̞̖e͔̻̒̈ͧ̍̚ṅ̫̭̰͖̩̓̓͐͘͝ͅt̷̛͙̙͙̮̲͎͍̓͑̏͋̀̾̾̚

monkey ape smile digibyte dgb

- Cheese guitar.

lol rofl digibyte dgb meme

- Jimmy Carr


- Banjos and Harmonicas

laugh emoji laughing emoticon haha

Our label just turned 1 🤘Hbd @hermanitolabel 💛 - @tittsworth on Instagram

disimule ja jajaja jaja abell46s

- love pics for her.

hehecat hehe cat

- GF put this in my lunch bag

jeje jaja

Recuerdos de algunos de mis trabajos como guionista y dramaturgo, para esxs interesadxs en el Taller de Escritura para Teatro, Cine y TV que quieren conocer más de mi trayectoria. ¡Inscríbanse! Arrancamos este lunes 3 de agosto. --- Aquí una breve biografía: Winnie T. Sittón es actor, director, dramaturgo y productor. Se inició a finales de los 90 y comenzó a escribir y dirigir desde el año 2000. Estudió actuación, dirección y escritura para Teatro, Cine y TV en Panamá, Costa Rica, España, México y Argentina. Ha escrito y dirigido siete obras de teatro y más de 10 monólogos de Stand Up Comedy. Ganador del Concurso Nacional de Literatura Ricardo Miró (edición 2011), en la sección Teatro con la obra “¡A por ellos!”. En 2014, escribió y dirigió la adaptación teatral de la novela “El Ahogado” de Tristán Solarte. Director y guionista del documental “Río Abajo, los años dorados” (2017), ganador de la primera edición del fondo Documental Panamá. Y durante el confinamiento escribió, dirigió y produjo la webserie El Tuerto Es Rey (2020), disponible en Youtube e IGTV. #guion #guionista #screenwriting #scriptwriting #scriptwriter #teatro #cine #film #libreto #obra #play #playwriting #playwrights #dramaturgo #dramaturgia #tv #series #webseries #serieweb #taller #workshop #escritura #escribir #writing #writer #masterclass #panama #quarantine #cuarentena #tbt - @wtsitton on Instagram

haha emoji

- the feels........


- Cat

spongebob sponge squarepants blazzord digibyte

- Yeah mom, for sure!

haha laughing lol

E para o fim de semana... - @juentreestantes on Instagram

blazzord elrond network egld egold metalhead

- Tumblr

lol itsrucka haha laughing giggling

- Funny Shit

lmfao lmao lol fun funny

- Can you unable

pointing laughing you lol youre funny

- Z U C C

emoji smiley laugh lol lmao

- Boiled potatoes

ha ha ha hahaha jaja jajaja

Hola todxs, tenemos dos cosas para contarles 1) Hoy a las 16 hs estrenamos el videoclip de Amigo realizado por @bernardoquesney con material filmado por @mediante_ezequiel y las animaciones de @marcos____sanchez. Las imágenes son del año pasado en nuestra última visita a Tacuarembó, lugar que queremos mucho y dónde tenemos hermosos amigos 2) Fuimos nominados a los @premiosgraffiti en la categoría mejor álbum pop alternativo junto a bandas que queremos y admiramos mucho, compartir el camino de la música con esta generación es el premio mayor, tranquilos nosotros, la copa está en la vitrina y los mejores discos están por venir. Los esperamos a las 16 hs en nuestro canal de Youtube para el gran estreno ⭐ - @julenxsiempre on Instagram

lmao haha laughing happy emoji

- Amore impossibile

hahahaha laughing emoji

- Help, my toe is becoming a DJ


- A real one.

jajaja lol

Decided to become a musician today. I think I’m getting pretty good! #music #musician #musicislife #bestsinger #guitar - @thereal_phineas_flynn on Instagram

pog meme twitch laugh funny

- @fffffreaky on Instagram


- Kakis

amused loll lol laughing laugh

- There’s nothing you can do.

lmao spit take cracking up haha so funny omg

Happy Easter! 🐇 #foofighters - @daveghrol on Instagram

lol laughter laughing hahaha risa

- I had to do it to them

hahahahah gahahahaha haha ha fun

- Ok guise, here we go...

lol bear cute laughing happy

Ecco a voi finalmente la nuova chat ci vediamo mercoledì con la prossima ❤ #edoincanti #elesava #incantava #skamitalia - @skam____ita on Instagram

snoopy jajaja laughing

- Como se debia comportar una dama en Querétaro en los 40s....

kawaii kitty laughing hahaha

- Te bajaria la luna, pero ...

laughing shirley temple giggle laugh lmao

- Cartas Mágicas

jaja haha lol malvibrosito dibujandolosdias

- Every company on June 1st at 12:01 AM Happy lgbt month guys!

omaiga la india maria omg oh my god omaigad

- @we_are_kettering on Instagram

haha lolol laughing lmao hysterical laughing

- me_irl

lol funny broken teeth one teeth hahaha

- me_irl

emoji smiley laugh lol lmao

- Thanks I hate realistic wall of flesh

jaja jajaja risitas riendo meme

- Childrens Literature/Authors/Illustrations

- Neil Armstrongs moon landing 1969 (colorized)

Un incubo. - @irpinia_paranoica on Instagram

- pass the ◉

- Blursed stay at home people

- Will smith meme

- Dove / Pigeon

- Easter Memes

Out today - one in a series of live videos we made with @ft_langley after our first tour. Shot two summers—forever— ago with the late Bren Davidson on wurlitzer, our dear and deeply missed friend. Sealed away for too long, some images of light/loss. @elan.noon on drums introduced by Gianfranco Mosca - @lovingband on Instagram

- Bonjour madafaker


- Smh my heaf

- The truth

- When you fix one compiler error and cause hundreds of others...

Brood vos desitja un feliç nadal i si no és feliç bueno almenys ho haureu intentat! 3 - Brood wishes you a merry xmas and if it’s not merry well at least you tried! 3 - @brood.collective on Instagram

E non solo: nello stesso periodo c’è l’invasione dell’arte contemporanea 💥 @fondazionesandretto, @clubtoclub, @fondazionemerz, @castellodirivoli, @ogr_torino, @cameratorino, @pav_turin, @gamtorino, @pinacotecaagnelli, @fondazione107, @museofico, @paratissima, @theothersartfair, @damaproject, @flashbacktorino @associazionebarriera #occupysandretto #occupytorino @turismotorino @contemporaryarttorino @abbonamentomuseipiemonte @cittaditorino - @fondazionesandretto on Instagram

- Humor inteligente

- Cursed_goldfish

- Blursed_Pilot

- Wheres my NGNL 2 ye bastards?

- hmmm

- Card game

- Varning!

- Chistes

- Cocina fácil

- Squirrel Knight

- citations drôles

- Joker in a nutshell

- We are

- 😂😂😂 who did this

- lol

Esta é uma campanha do movimento CORTA!, em parceria com o #MeTooBrasil e entidades e produtoras de audiovisual, contra o assédio no setor audiovisual. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Acesse o link e veja em primeira mão: https://youtu.be/e5pTHmzSij8 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #CORTA #IstoPrecisaTerFim (Link clicável na bio e stories). - @o2filmes on Instagram

- @stickersitaly on Instagram

- Arctic Monkeys

- It truly is

passez un bon week end 😘 quentin. - @naejaaa_ on Instagram

- Eagles Costumes

- What time is it?

- Arcángeles

- Kek

- Call me daddy

- Kkkķkkk Socorro tô rachando

#harrypotter #memes #harrypottermemes #hermionegranger #ronweasley #wizard #book #movie #danielradcliffe #emmawatson #rupertgrint #voldemort #dracomalfoy #tomfelton #severussnape #snape #alanrickman #muggle - @harrypottermemesjk2020 on Instagram

- 😫😫💦💦💪🏾👌🏿🤪

- funny memes in Spanish

- Radiohead

- Blursed_tabs

- The Çøšmïć Çõūçh awaits

- My meal window is almost over, you know what that means...

- Jazz

- Holy Guacamole!

- shitpost

- @what_spongebobmeme_are_you on Instagram

- @sapore.di.male on Instagram

- When you are shitty ass musician

- Kitty kitty garcat

- Me in two days

Me encanta compartir 😊🥜🌹 #mazapan #delarosa #dulces #mazapandelarosa #mexico - @mazapandelarosa on Instagram

ପ(੭˙꒳​˙)੭ 𝑊𝐸𝐿𝐶𝑂𝑀𝐸 𝑇𝑂 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑺𝑷𝑨𝑪𝑬𝑺𝑯𝑰𝑷 ू⸙ 🍭 (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅: 。゚🌸·˚ ༘♡🍶୭̥ 🧸 ༉‧₊˚:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) .ં。┈┈┈┈┈°୨♡୧°┈┈┈┈┈.ં。 ✿•˖*  ❝ Ⓝⓞⓣⓐⓢ ❞ *˖•✿ ˗ˏ✎ . . . Si te ha gustado mi post, ¡Házmelo saber con tu like y un comentario! 🍃 (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅: 。゚🌸·˚ ༘♡🍶୭̥ 🧸 ༉‧₊˚:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) .ં。┈┈┈┈┈°୨♡୧°┈┈┈┈┈.ં。 ✿•˖*  ❝ Ⓧ Ⓘⓝⓕⓞ ❞ *˖•✿ ⌦ 🦋 𝑳𝑼𝑮𝑨𝑹: Spaceship ⌦ 🦋 𝑭𝑬𝑬𝑫: J a e h e e ⌦ 🦋 𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵: @bios.sykes (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅: 。゚🌸·˚ ༘♡🍶୭̥ 🧸 ༉‧₊˚:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) .ં。┈┈┈┈┈°୨♡୧°┈┈┈┈┈.ં。 ༄ 🖇️✧°.•🩰 𝑻𝑨𝑮𝑺: 👇🏻੭ु⁾⁾·°˖ .ં #mysticmessengerjaehee #mysticmessengercosplay #mysticmessenger707 #myheroacademia #mysticmessengericons #mysticmessengermemes #mysticmessengerjumin #mysticmessengeredit #mysticmeseengerfanart #mysticmessengerluciel #mysticmeseengermeme #mysticmessengersaeran #echogirl #sarahmysticmessenger #zenmysticmessenger #juminhan #jaeheeedit #zenedit #yoosung #raymond #vmysticmessenger #rikamysticmessenger 。┈┈┈┈┈°୨♡୧°┈┈┈┈┈.ં。 - @707_postarg on Instagram

The final Legless release for this year. @stiffrichardsband ‘STATE OF MIND’ Euro Tour cancelled but another album completed. OUT OCTOBER 15 New single & pre sale COMING SOON! Recorded down the road with our mates at @moonah_artscollective - @leglessrecords on Instagram

- Spin-off

- LoVe thy dillo

- This is a diamond pepe he only appears every 20 000 000 meme

- Hee hee

- ¿Cómo como?

- se tiver cogumelos em casa cuidado, pode aparecer um super malario

- Just testing if the mods are watching


- True dat

- Blursed_happyemoji

- @yugioh_italian_page on Instagram

- The S̜̩̲̱̲͈P̛͎̤̩̩̥̦̣I͝K̹̻̯̝̘̹͈E̢̘͓̻ͅS҉ are so nice this time of year

- @adrylanz on Instagram

Come sesh the Brighton QP by Milly this Wednesday. Everybody welcome bring grills and food 🤘🏼11:30 - 4:30ish - @child.labor_ on Instagram

- Aladdin

- I want them all

- Humor

- Dags att säga ifrån!

- Hårt, Almightly Lover Of All

- Design someone has made for our schools theater class

- Funny

- What I would give for a shiny mareep

- Blague

- Piano music easy

- Aesthetic


. #luigui #argentina🇦🇷 #coronavírus #shrek #photooftheday #tiktok #gratidão #yomequedoencasa - @elshrek_ on Instagram

- Owie my frog

- :v foka retrasada

- @clauquesada on Instagram

Enfim a hipocrisia 🤣🤣🤣 #mooca #pizza #vilaprudente #pizzasp - @lalunapizzaria on Instagram

- Love you cute

Hace unos meses la genia de @camipesce_ me propuso hacer un tema de nuestra ídola de la viola @nanarguen y en plena cuarentena nos rompimos esa colabo 🔥 . Destellos - Nana Arguen ⚡ - @fran.durante on Instagram

- hmmm

- Manu Chao

Thinking pizza for lunch? Weve got you covered. Tucsons only authentic New York style pizza is located right in the heart of downtown. Give us a ring for delivery or swing in and join us for a slice! 520-882-7499 #pizzalife #pizzaforlunch #empirepizzapub #tucsonaz - @empirepizzapub on Instagram

- Blursed loaf

- Sea Pancake (Pet/Put stats in desc)

- The Tridivid (Section D79g) Plane Walk Part 2

- 2020


- Why is the Spotify logo next to my name?

- @sou.de.virgem on Instagram

- Happy birthday crazy

Guarda, si vedono tutte le buche #pizzocalabroshitposting - @pizzocalabroshitposting on Instagram

- Amanda Lynn

- Well yes, but actually no

What a great Summer we had... not ready to embrace cold weather yet! It’s all good though, another week of warm sunshine ahead 😎🌴 #laliving #extendedsummer #noho - @avanoho on Instagram

- Bike Humor

- Meesa shoot medics

- Metal till the grave.

- he has a face

- Sorry guys, I cant go out tonight.

- Damn it, spotify!

_________________________________ Sigam 👉@astronomy_everyday1 _________________________________ Se inscrevam no meu canal no YouTube link na bio _________________________________ 🔴Curtiu o post ? Compartilhe!!! . 🔴Indique nosso perfil a todos que amam a astronomia!!!! . ⚠️.CONTEÚDO DIÁRIO SOBRE ASTRONOMIA ⚠️ _________________________________ #correnteastronomica#universogenial#universe#moon#cosmos#cosmologia#hubble#telescopio#astronomia#loveforastronomy#seguindo#auroraboreal#planetas#luas#satelites#astro#telescopio#sdv#nasa#lua#moon - @astronomy_everyday1 on Instagram

- Me irl

- me😢irl

- meirl

- Memes

- Trumps plans when he dropped the MOAB (April, 2017)

- essa geração...

- Me_irl

- Dank Overwatch memes

- Theodore Sturgeon

- Cubans be like...

- blursed_amongus

Hola! Soy ║@hawk_vii║ 𝔼𝕝 𝕔𝕒𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒́𝕟 𝕕𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕠𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕤 𝕤𝕚 𝕤𝕖𝕟̃𝕠𝕣 ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ 𝕊𝕚́𝕘𝕒𝕟𝕞𝕖 @𝕙𝕒𝕨𝕜_𝕧𝕚𝕚 Muchas gracias a todos♡♡ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ☛☛𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨:@arthur._.latino ☛☛𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨:@nezuukita.vii ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 ___________________ #nanatsunotaizai #sevendeadlysins #lossietepecadoscapitales #nnt #sds #7ds #meliodas #diane #diana #ban #king #gowther #merlin #escanor #arthur #elizabeth #arthurpendragon #anime #bnha #omgpage #likesforlike #elaine #zeldris #estarossa #icons #sevendeadlysinsedit #likesforfollow #likesforlikesback #hawk #hawknnt - @hawk_vii on Instagram

- Ya like jazz?

- Delicious icosahedrons

- My friends kitten wouldnt hold still

- π

- Toda vez que vejo um gringo sendo arrogante com o inglês de um não anglófono (inclusive eu) por aqui (em espanhol, mas ta valendo)

- joji

- “Mike is god” Roblox mods: banned

- why isn’t this in Blathers art museum?

- Don’t know if someone has made this yet but

- Cursed bunny


- Blursed cosplay

Продолжаем знакомиться с командой организаторов! Во время экспедиций все участники будут взаимодействовать с Катей @kivirinaa. А еще именно она пришлет письма счастья тем, кто прошел отбор в экспедиции💌 Катя учится в Политехе на переводчика. Если вдруг что, то языки попрактиковать можно😁 Что сделать, чтобы получить индивидуальный подарочек от Екатерины? - поделиться репостом этой записи у себя в сториз; - подписаться на нашу страницу, если еще не сделал этого ранее :) - прокомментировать эту запись, чтобы мы понимали среди кого разыгрывать подарок Если вы уже принимали участие в розыгрыше от Нади и Насти и выполнили все условия, то просто напишите под этим постом Участвую! :) Итоги в воскресенье, 16 августа! #открывайпермскийкрай - @openpermkrai on Instagram

Era il 29 settembre 1997. Sono passati 23 anni. Minchia. - @lucabizza on Instagram

- Are punpatrol arrests still a thing?

- Funny Things

- Corset sewing pattern

- When you and your siblings hear your dad sneeze

- Pizzamatics.


- I love this

- me_irl

- Whoever made this is a legend LMAO

- Latin Decor

- Culpa do Internet Explorer

#poivorrei Le feste al molo🍻 - @poivorreimonterosso on Instagram

- Uruguay has Ruperto The Toad, and You know what day it is

- Hot!

- [humor] siempre en el bando perdedor

- King painting

- Memes

- Blursed_tugwar

- What would Cheesus do?

- This Cadbury Creme Egg commercial that’s been airing since 1847.

- Blursed_truth

- Comma Chameleon

Boo 👻🎃 - @napeyes on Instagram

- Blursed_Love

- Trash boye

- xD

- Shawshank Redemption

- Não deixe o clima de guela que está o sub te fazer esquecer que dia é hoje

- Ataque meteoro

- What i imagine heaven being like

- Ugandan Chungus The most cancerous fusion

- Blursed_Rabbit

- When you get fat after taking over half of Asia

- You shall never wake the tortoise

- Relleno

- You know what happens now

- meirl

- Det är svart fredag mina bekanta

- buenas noches

- Humor ;)

- ¡Es día del partido, mis chicos!

- New format of DGR, I made

- Blursed Arthur

- Blursed_bunny


- Blursed Han shot first

- Mornin retards

- Can’t sleep, got bored. Larry T knows what to do.

- Blursed_Axolotl

- art that inspires me

- When the weedman offering you a really good deal but youre tryna save money

- @ziorro on Instagram

- ¿Qué será?

- You know what time it is

Solo qualche voce....Ma ne mancano tante.....!!!!🎤😛 - @mino_caprio_official on Instagram

- Big Obamus

- eu🐸nvr

- michis

- contestando