Ilya Profile Pics

alexeeffilya alexeeffillyafateanimeprisma ilyaprisma illyakaleid linerilyasivel

,, ❀

+ by Kuvshinov-Ilya on DeviantArt

fix hair singing couple flirting %D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%8B

Mythique et immortelle, la cité de Pompéï dévoilera quelques-uns de ses secrets au Musée à l’automne 2021! En l’an 79, la riche cité romaine de Pompéi est abruptement ensevelie sous la lave et les cendres éjectées par le Vésuve, redoutable volcan. Cristallisée pour l’éternité, cette fin tragique pour les habitants n’a cessé de fasciner les esprits au fil des siècles. À l’automne 2021, le Musée aura le privilège de faire vivre à ses visiteurs le quotidien des habitants de l’inoubliable ville antique juste avant la fatidique éruption du Vésuve avec l’exposition Pompéi. Cité immortelle, présentée grâce à la contribution de 700 000 $ octroyée par le @mccquebec pour la tenue d’expositions internationales majeures. Conçue par le @museogalileogalilei et le @museoarcheologiconapoli , en collaboration avec @civita_social , réalisée par @tempora_expo et adaptée par le Musée de la civilisation, cette présentation magistrale s’appuie sur les recherches archéologiques et scientifiques les plus récentes mettant en valeur plus de 120 objets (artefacts provenant du site même de Pompéi et reproductions 3D). Plus de détails à venir : #pompei #italie #italy #vesuve #volcan #volcano #mythique #riche #cite #histoire #exposition #civilisation #exhibition #quebecorginal #quebeccite #quebeccity #museedelacivilisation #automne2021 #serpent #bijoux #elephant #fresque #corps - @mcqorg on Instagram

study | Kuvshinov Ilya

wait hold on hands up %D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5 %D1%80%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%85

#inktober Days 15 and 16 Legend and Wild. Zorro and Tarzan - @martymcsauce on Instagram

イリヤ・クブシノブ on X

Short Two | Kuvshinov Ilya

hockey ilya kovalchuk ska

- Alfons Mucha

ilya god ilya god is online

- hmmm

oxygen by Kuvshinov-Ilya on DeviantArt

Doodle | Kuvshinov Ilya

illia illya von einzburn mad pissed

- Alastor Madeye Moody

ilya batalov bsvm temmie undertale wow

- Frazetta

lyla across the spiderverse

Kuvshinov Ilya | Patreon

i love my haters ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff accordion

- My daddy long legs

𝑀𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙 ♡︎

Sasha Galina

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff buh bye bye

The visit Art by Jorge Cocco Santángelo 3 Nephi 11:8-10 8 And behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him, and they durst not open their mouths, even one to another, and wist not what it meant, for they thought it was an angel that had appeared unto them. 9 And it came to pass that he stretched forth his hand and spake unto the people, saying: 10 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. #cocco #jorgecocco #art #bookofmormon #jesus #quetzalcoatl #viracocha #wiracocha #religiousart - @sacrocubism on Instagram

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff bach pad

-45 #darkperiodtoshi - @toshimoshigo on Instagram


ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff eagle

- Mask

Persona Sketches

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff explosion football

- art

prisma illya happy congratulations cute

- Light, gpen on paper, 20x30cm

Kuvshinov Ilya - Ilya Kuvshinov - 2020-03-23 02-23-27 Utc 2

BR [2016] | Kuvshinov Ilya

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff dreams

- Alfons Maria Mucha

GitS Character Visuals, Ilya Kuvshinov

Kuvshinov Ilya | Patreon

prisma illya wand

- Aivazovsky

Sadameya Cover Illustration by Kuvshinov-Ilya on DeviantArt


ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff pizza grandpa simpson

What Sunday mornings used to look like! @michelle_gibson_model @jenniferfabos @kiaartmodel @_ashlibee @ksparr @marianliddell @maudebonanni #lifedrawing #charcoaldrawing #charcoal #pencildrawing #figuredrawing #sensuality #anatomy - @jamesgoodridgeillustration on Instagram

? | Patreon

7 | Kuvshinov Ilya

wizard cute stylish anime

- berserk

Otako | Patreon

? | Patreon

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff internet jpeg surfing the web

- Artist - Jakub Schikaneder

iPad sketch | Kuvshinov Ilya

prisma illya cute smile wand chibi

- The Catch (1938), me, oil on canvas, 2020

iPad sketch | Kuvshinov Ilya

Meow, Ilya Kuvshinov

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff peanut butter

mural sketches for an upcoming project with the D.C. public schools. - @heypatyeah on Instagram

イリヤ・クブシノブ on X

prisma illya wand

- House of Savoy

spring | Kuvshinov Ilya

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff thank you thank you

- Mary jane kelly

意 | Kuvshinov Ilya

plus | Kuvshinov Ilya

prisma illya cute smile

- Athur Morgan thinks education isn’t worth it.

cat on | Kuvshinov Ilya

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff pizza thank you

- Black and white art.

7 | Kuvshinov Ilya

prisma illya

- Anders Zorn

:3, Ilya Kuvshinov

Edited by me 🌟

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff dumpster trash

- Untitled, Yuko Shimizu, Pen and Ink, 2018

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- Electromagnetic induction

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff alien aliens

- Artist - Eric Orchard

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- alberto varanda

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff piano piano falling

- Wood resin table

ilia asat face smile handsome

- ...zum Niederkniehen...

prisma illya miyu edelfelt miyu sakatsuki kaleid

- “Joseph and Mary” UK, 2012

prisma illya angry mad triggered

- @alex.tarazon on Instagram

ilya muromets the sword and the dragon ilya disguise it was me all along

Franky Friday! Who drew the monster better than legend Bernie Wrightson? . . . . . . . . . . #frankenstein #maryshelley #frankensteinfriday #Friday #monsters #universalmonsters #berniewrightson #blackandwhite #penandink - @famousmonsters on Instagram

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- Drawings

ilya muromets the sword and the dragon horse ilya

- Van Gogh art

prisma illya miyu edelfelt sparkly pretty smile

- Mayo Co Ireland

ilya muromets fantasy army fight hero

- Alfred Kubin

prisma illya cute smile wand happy

- alberto varanda

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff goofy movie

- National Gallery of Art

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- Amazing Art

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff bye bye bye

Ontwerp 50 door @uitslag_punt_net ! De expo, tuin en @de_bosbar zijn open tussen 16u en 22u! - @het_bos on Instagram

prisma illya cute smile fate zero rin tohsaka

- Albero y Enrique Breccia

ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff oh yeah sunglasses

𝐜. 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔 - @jasonmontinola on Instagram

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- anime Black and white

girl sad anime

- A Melange of Art #1

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

Avete già visitato la mostra “L’Europa della luce”? Se la risposta è no affrettatevi! I dipinti di Georges de La Tour saranno esposti a Palazzo Reale fino a domenica 27 settembre. Artista non convenzionale ed emozionante, nominato nel 1639 “pittore del re Luigi XIII”, Georges de La Tour è ricordato per commistione di spiritualità e realismo, sempre in bilico tra delicatezza e brutalità. Artista enigmatico, ritrae angeli presi dal popolo, santi senza aureola né attributi iconografici, preferendo soggetti di classi sociali non elevate rispetto ai personaggi altolocati. I suoi dipinti, di piccole e medie dimensioni, sono caratterizzati anche da un uso di luci e ombre che richiamano Caravaggio, così come la scelta dei personaggi umili raffigurati nei suoi quadri. Ma è sicuramente la luce l’aspetto caratteristico di questo pittore: i lumi artificiali definiscono l’atmosfera dei suoi quadri, delineano i personaggi schiarendo i colori notturni e permettendo così di creare contrasti significativi, effetti di controluce che attribuiscono alle sue opere un effetto di introspezione unico, alternando atmosfere mistiche e più rassicuranti. Grazie a questi effetti vengono delineati anche i personaggi da lui raffigurati e le loro emozioni suscitate dal gioco, dal vino e dalla musica, sottratte all’ombra e consegnate al mondo della pittura, capace di superare ogni dimensione temporale conservando la bellezza degli oggetti, dei profili femminili, la fragilità delle azioni e dei sentimenti. Venite a scoprire i capolavori di De La Tour, avete tempo fino a domenica! Tutte le informazioni sul nostro sito (link in bio). @mondomostreskira @skiraeditore - @palazzorealemilano on Instagram

anime fate illya cute funny

📜 Titolo: Veliero in un mare tempestoso 👨‍🎨 Autore: Ivan Aivazovsky 🕰 Anno: 1858 🏛 Ubicazione: Collezione privata . Buona giornata con una delle mie opere preferite di Ivan Aivazovsky. La nave, posta al centro del quadro, è in balia di una tempesta e al contempo di una sinfonia di elementi. Il pittore esprime la propria via del sublime dove terrore ed incanto convivono in una armonia di forme e colori. Sig . #aivazovsky #stormysea #ship #seascape #oilpainting - @1000quadri on Instagram

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series cute

- @markdionstudio on Instagram

robi domingo denied vivoree nope christian morones

- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

prisma illya scary nani what questioning

A friend of mine, @gracemccrackenart does hand drawn charcoal art work. I told her that despite renaissance festivals being very #lgbt friendly, there isnt much queer based art for sale (except rainbow stuff 🙄) and Ive always wanted a queen and her knight. I wanted something subtle, where you could see they were together but it wasnt obvious and sexualized (another issue with queer style art). This is what she did and I love it. If you zoom in you can see the queen gently touching the knight, as the knight leans against the queens thrown. She even added a hidden lesbian symbol (♀️♀️) and my two kitty cats! Its seriously beautiful and I asked her to please make it available in prints so other queer women can enjoy it. If you want a print of it she has an Etsy page: GraceMcCrackenArt and its available for only $20. #lesbian #renaissanceart #renaissancefestival #queen #knight #medieval #queer #lesbianart #queerart #queenandherknight #charcoaldrawing #lgbtfriendly #lgbtart #lesbians #lesbiandrawing - @whiskeymuscles4346 on Instagram

donkiss donny pangilinan kisses delavin kilig couple

- And they sailed no more...

baby ilya shrink obento dance

Dont really see how i should proceed with this one. But i think i achieved what i set out to. So on to the next one. #practicemakesperfect #digitalart #illustration #aquainvicta #intellectualproperty #artistsoninstagram - @leroysoesman on Instagram

%D0%BE %D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82

Hoy Día mundial de la mujer, quisiera compartir con ustedes una de mis obras titulada: El árbol de la vida/ Mixta/Cartulina. Espero la disfruten tanto como yo. - @millo.estudio60 on Instagram

prisma illya sad crying tears emotional

- Dress

clap donkiss donny pangilinan kisses delavin proud

- [COD] Most underrated legendary maps part 1, Asylum

prisma illya happy flattered blushing

- A Christmas Carol

modernisme catholique fsspx ducaud bourget

- Declaration of Independence

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- Ebanutiy

police car driving flip crash ets2

- William Russell Flint

prisma illya hearts eat this tears love

- Burns Night

mayward maymay edward mw maymayentrata

- Art/History/Culture

prisma illya cute smile pose sparkling

The Valhalla ring for @ducktalestv . This is another angle for the predesign I posted yesterday. I love live wrestling, so it felt great to get to bring some of this stuff to life. . . . #ducktales #disney #cartoon #cartoons #animation #valhalla #vikings #wrestling #wrestlinglife #animation #visualdevelopment #draw #drawing #fun #like #instaart #instagood #digital #digitalpainting - @lucianoherrera81 on Instagram

love happy valentines day valentines i love you to pieces

- Mozart

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series chibi

- Recharge, Charcoal on paper, 23 x 14.5

noble puppy mnl48 mnl48ecka cute smile

Arlen Parsa, a documentary filmmaker in Chicago, edited John Trumbull’s historic painting “Declaration of Independence” (1818) to mark every man who owned slaves with a red dot: a total 34 out of the 47 men pictured, most of whom were signers of the Declaration. Out of the five-man committee that drafted the document, depicted in Trumbull’s painting handing John Hancock an early copy, only two — John Adams and Roger Sherman — did not own enslaved people. Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin were all enslavers (as was Hancock).⁣ ⁣ “There were no gentle slaveholders,” Parsa told me. “Countless children were born into slavery and died after a relatively short lifespan never knowing freedom for even a minute. Jefferson, a man instrumental in creating the Declaration of Independence, held over 600 men, women, and children, in chains for his own profit. He freed less than 10, passing the rest on to his daughter as inheritance. Every telling of his story that sidelines or excuses the brutality for profit at Monticello dishonors the people who lived and died as Jefferson’s prisoners.”⁣ ⁣ Full article at @hyperallergic, link in bio. Collage by Arlen Parsa. #juneteenth - @valentina.diliscia on Instagram

%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%8F %D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2 %D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B3 squeeze stas

- 1 A

illya blink anime eyes cute

The Fabric of Humankind by Carlijn Kingma @gallery_untitled. Made in collaboration with Rutger Bregman and De Correspondent #carlijnkingma #humankind #naturelovers #instaart #artfair #artcollectors #artcollector #artcollection #gallery_untitled #rotterdam #contemporaryart #rutgerbregman #decorrespondent #ink #thefabricofhumankind #artonpaper #galleryuntitled #galerieuntitled - @gallery_untitled on Instagram

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- best photo for Beethoven

hockey ilya kovalchuk cheer fist pump win

- Image Maker

prisma illya bow

- A level art themes

ilya illya prisma ilya prisma illya fate

- Duality, me, digital, 2020

ilya %D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%8F %D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B3 %D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD %D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2

- Thuringwethil, Art by Kimberly 80

ilya %D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%8F

- Battle of the Somme

prisma illya yell shout huh angry

UGO MULAS - CY TWOMBLY IN ROME, 1969. [#TWOMBLY WAS WORKING ON THE BOLSENA PAINTINGS]. #cytwombly #ugomulas #painting - @matteocarcelli on Instagram

ilya illya prisma ilya prisma illya fate

- Accessories

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- Arthur Rackham

brawl stars victory game

- Tokyo DisneySea

fate liner kaleid liner prisma illya manga series anime

- Albert Bierstadt

excuse me excuse ilya alexeeff ilya alexeeff

Она.... - @poreyneelish on Instagram

prisma illya sparkly pretty

- Laque

ilya illya prisma ilya prisma illya fate

- Mark Keller

prisma illya smashed spaghetti

- No purple, no glowing cars : Enki Bilals cyberpunk is his own

ilya seduce loli prisma ilya


prisma illya stop no angry please stop


fate kaleid illya nodding

- Art 1A

prisma illya cute smile tired

Associate member Tony William’s work in this year’s Royal Society of Marine Artists annual exhibition at the Mall Galleries London. The exhibition opens on 30th September but work can be viewed and purchased now on the @mallgalleries website. Book your tickets to visit the exhibition now through the Mall Galleries website. #royalsocietyofmarineartists #rsma #mallgalleries #federationofbritishartists #marineart #contemporaryart - @royalsocietymarine on Instagram

poggers ilya pogger ilya pog pog ilya pogge

- Pat Perry

prisma illya flattered blushing smile happy


fatestaynight fate stay night illya

- Best Pencil Drawing Books

- Drawing Studies

WIP. A long series I have been working on for quite a while. #manga #commissions #commissionedart #freelance #mangaka #workinprogress #inking - @apeng_cmckoo on Instagram

- Desespero / Despair

Manly P. Hall (March 18, 1901-August 29, 1990) Dr. Stephan Hoeller recently visited PRS to record a lecture in Halls honor on the importance of cultivating ones own philosophy of life. In his work My Philosophy of Life, Hall wrote A mature philosophy of life originates in a natural thoughtfulness. To live without thinking is to fail in the proper use of the powers and faculties with which we have been endowed. To think without applying our thoughts to the conduct of our affairs is to substitute mere intellectualism for intelligence. It is seldom possible to perfect a personal philosophy without study, through which we become familiar with the deepest and noblest convictions of mankind. We must also call upon daily experience, by which we can convince ourselves of the reality and integrity of certain basic principles ever present and forever true. Beyond both study and experience are the internal faculties of the soul, and these must bestow final certitude upon our convictions. If, therefore, we live simply and wisely, seeking first the improvement of our inner lives, reserving an open heart and mind, we shall be guided and directed according to our needs and understanding. Join us for the premiere of this recorded lecture on Esoteric Wisdom in a Time of Crisis: meeting the current health crisis and cultural turmoil with the aid of Manly P. Hall’s spiritual legacy 8/29 at 7:30pm PT on the PRS YouTube channel. More info at About the speaker: Stephan A. Hoeller was Manly P. Halls principal lecturing associate at PRS for over 20 years. He is a noted scholar and lecturer on Gnosticism and the message of C.G. Jung. He is the author of five books and President of Besant Lodge of the Theosophical Society on Beachwood Drive in Hollywood. - @philosophical_research_society on Instagram

- Peter Chan

- Untitled Ballerina, ink and graphite on paper, 30 x 21 cm

Writin’ #Cadmiumyellow #unbleached titanium #portrait #sketching #drawing #illustration #mixedmediaart #nophotoshop #igart #igillustration #igart - @hartworke on Instagram

- @punkrockjazz on Instagram

- Jakub Schikaneder

- Alberto Giacometti

⁣The dramatic scene presented in the painting—#JohnSingletonCopleys first important, large and multifigured composition—depicts 14-year-old Brook Watsons fateful swim in Havana Harbor in 1749, when he lost half of his right leg in a shark attack. Copley never traveled to Cuba, but he would have known the island’s contested history. The largest port in the Atlantic, Havana was twice the size of Boston, positioned for military power and the exchange of sugar, silver and enslaved peoples.⁣ ⁣ The artists original sketch shows solely white men; only later, when painting in oil, did he carefully depict the central sailor as a Black man. The reason for this racially charged change remains unknown—it could allude to the Afro-Caribbean setting, the ongoing debates about the slave trade, or the uncertain futures of competing colonial powers in the Americas. See Watson and the Shark (1778) and other beloved MFA icons and old friends when we reopen our Art of the Americas Wing! Tickets for opening weekend (September 26–27) are sold out, but you can reserve your spot for October via the link in our bio 🎟️ ⁣ - @mfaboston on Instagram

- A Monster Calls

El 19 de agosto de 1839 Luis Daguerre presentó ante la Academia de Ciencias de Francia su último inventó: el daguerrotipo, que permitía capturar una imagen a través de un proceso químico. Ese día también se liberó la patente del daguerrotipo, dando lugar al desarrollo de la fotografía. Pero el Día Mundial de la Fotografía es una iniciativa del fotógrafo australiano Korske Ara que ha ido aumentando su difusión e importancia, de forma que ahora se celebra en todo el mundo. FELIZ DÍA DE LA FOTOGRAFÍA A TODOS LOS QUE ANDAMOS POR LA VIDA CON UNA CÁMARA EN LA MANO ! 📸 - @fotoclublaplata on Instagram

- Art

- Art

- A Soul Upon This

A wonderful, thoughtful piece about the special edition on by the insightful Ted Scheinman. There’s even a neat interactive graphic that explains the complicated postal marks. It’s made my publication day sparkle! Google and you will easily find it. @smithsonianmagazine @chroniclebooks #janeausten #prideandprejudice #prideandprejudiceletters #elizabethbennet #mrdarcy - @barbarahellerletters on Instagram

- Art - Vincent

- Rond van Gogh

- Lady Jane Grey

- Ami x Zoiscite

- a distorted portrait experiment in bic pen

- Fort Ticonderoga

- ...Thousands flocked to See Her Die. There were people who Rented the Towers of Notre-Dame... - The Hanging of the Murderess Madame Lescombat in Paris

- wood print

#bluepencil #moleskine - @marinatheillustrator on Instagram

- Camera Magic

- Adams Family

- Graphiccc

- Halloween cartoons

- Alex Raymond

- André Derain Paintings

- Dementors

- WW1 Art


- Hooper, Edward

- Good Omens

- Carta Azzurra

- Apparitions

- Drawing of Demetrious Johnson in motion throwing a turning kick.

#SubmarineSunday ⚓⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ On July 31, 1945 USS Bullhead (SS-332) left Fremantle, Australia on her third war patrol. They were headed to the Java Sea to join a wolfpack with USS Capitaine (SS-336) and USS Puffer (SS-268); then, on September 5, they proceeded to Subic Bay to patrol on their own.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Bullhead arrived in the area on August 6, but Capitaine did not arrive until August 13. On August 12, Capitaine ordered Bullhead to take position the following day in a scouting line with Capitaine and Puffer. There was no reply and on August 15, Capitaine reported, Have been unable to contact Bullhead by any means since arriving in area.” ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ At the time, the area was fairly crawling with subs—USS Cod (SS-224), USS Chub (SS-329), Capitaine, and Puffer, as well as the British HMS Taciturn and HMS Thorough— it is difficult to point to one Japanese anti-submarine attack as the one which sank Bullhead. However, the most likely one occurred on August 6, 1945, when an enemy army plane attacked with depth charges (when Bullhead was presumably cruising on the surface off the coast of Bali). The pilot claimed two direct hits, and for ten minutes thereafter, there was a great amount of gushing oil and air bubbles rising in the water. Since the position given is very near the Bali coast, it is presumed that the proximity of mountain peaks shortened Bullheads radar range and prevented her from receiving a warning of the planes approach.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Bullhead was the 52nd and final American submarine lost during World War II. She was lost with 84 men aboard. May they never be forgotten. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Bullhead is credited with sinking four enemy ships (1,800 tons), damaging three ships (1,300 tons). She also rescued three airmen from a downed B-29.⁣⁣ ⁣ 📸 1: USN photo Print of the Bullhead (SS-332). PC: of veramar-arts⁣ ⁣ 📸 2: Church service in the Bullheads (SS-332) after torpedo room. Circa Spring 1945. PC: Stephen F. Birch. Received by the Navy Photo Science Laboratory on June 20, 1945.⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ #USSBowfinSubmarineMuseum #PacificFleetSubmarineMuseum #hawaii #museum #navy #nonprofit #pearlharbor #wwii #history #pearlharborhawaii #navy #military #hawaiimilitary #wwiihistory - @ussbowfinmuseum on Instagram

#renemagritte There are no beautiful surfaces without a terrible depth. Invisible threads are the strongest ties. Nietzsche - @_art_psycho on Instagram

#napoleon #napoleone #napoleonebonaparte #napoleonereditalia #napoleon2021 #napoleone2021 #imperatorenapoleonebonaparte #grandearmée - @imperatore_napoleone_bonaparte on Instagram

🎨 Primer Plano // Julio de Cine Español 🎬❤️ #primerplano #juliodecineespañol #nosgustaelcineespañol #brunacusí Bruna Cusí, actriz de teatro, TV y cine. Dibujo y texto de Paula Bonet @paulabonet - @consejeriaculturalescuba on Instagram

- Art: Portraits

Sketch process, thumbnails presented to the editor, and a crop of the final illustration for this Augusts Mekong Review, accompanying a piece on poetry and translation in times of sorrow and uncertainty. Full illustration and story to come! (Now you know how messy my sketchbook pages are; theyre literally me thinking on paper.) #wip #artprocess #sketchbook #editorialillustration #mekongreview #dichter #paulcelan #paulinefan #womenwhodraw #illustrationprocess #illustratorsoninstagram - @charisloke on Instagram

Galera começo a postar aqui A Cidade em Torno da Descoberta HQ fruto de reflexões sobre a cidade, o meio e como o ocupamos. Comecei a produzir na pandemia, ainda estou escrevendo e não sei como vai acabar. @sedac_rs @feevale @feevaletechpark - @ssergiorodriguezz on Instagram

« Les crayons c’est pas du bois et de la mine, c’est de la pensée par les phalanges. » - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec who died #otd in 1901 at the young age of 36. Check out the exhibit Toulouse-Lautrec and the Celebrity Culture of Paris on view right now at the @artinstitutechi Tap our bio link for more info 🖼Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, « Autoportrait au Miroir » huile sur bois, 1882, Musée Toulouse-Lautrec in Albi - @frenchculturemidwest on Instagram

Another sketch for the book! #comic #storyboard #adventureawaits - @fraubrell on Instagram

- Page from an art book that Im creating!

- Baroque painting

- When you hear Michael Healy Rae tell Pat Kenny hell leave if Ryan becomes Taoiseach...

- Norman Ackroyd

C҉O҉N҉J҉U҉R҉I҉N҉G҉ 🦇 Bookings- DM K҉Y҉I҉V҉ ҉K҉Y҉I҉V҉ ҉K҉Y҉I҉V҉ October-November 🦇 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #thedarkestwork #onlythedarkest #tttism #blxckink #witchythings #gothaesthetic #darkartists #dark #darkart #witchy #witchcraft #tattooart #witchesofinstagram #gothicart #blackwork #occultarcana #onlyblackart #flashwork #gothicstyle #occult #tattoolifestyle #tattoosociety #tattoomodel #darkaesthetic #darktransmissions #blackworktattoo #surrealism #demons - @wtchhntr on Instagram

- Executed Noble Woman, Lithograph Print

hello ! here’s art i did for my life drawing class. this is all i’ve done today aside from listening to rufus wainwright. that’s all i can provide right now ! 🌟 - @softooth on Instagram

- Aloysius Bertrand

Now, this is a mystery we wouldnt mind solving again and again. Embark on an emotional adventure with GOODNIGHT PARADISE. Sign up for our newsletter and get 20% off your order now! Link in bio. - @tkopresents on Instagram

- 20,000 Leagues under the Sea

- scary art

Acrílico y carboncillo sobre madera. 2,44m x 1,83m. 👳🏽‍♂️ Me encantan las texturas y las arrugas 💕 #tbt #mural - @daniela_giraldo_ilustracion on Instagram

- Anders Zorn - Etsningar

- Art

#stayhome - @warphotoagency on Instagram

#monday #ink #inking #blackandwhite #art #artist #drawings #illustration #comics #love #europe #pencilsdown #quilling #gpen #anatomy - @aivabaiknuu on Instagram

Going through . . . . #collage #collageart #collagewave #collageartist #artistssupportpledge #collageoftheday #collagecollective #minimalism #minimalcollage #contemporaryart #contemporaryminimalism #collageartistoninstagram #collagecollectiveco #pariscollagecollective #pariscollageclub #collagecommunity #thecollageempire #mujeresquecortanypegan #cutandpaste #handcutcollage #analogcollage #shadow #collage_eu_uk #c_expo #edinburghcollagecollective #kolajmagazine #contemporarycollage - @_on_your_skin_ on Instagram

Ink on paper - @madhudasd on Instagram

- Jodi. pencil on toned/textured paper. by Me

“Place Where Dreams Burn” 2011 acrylic on paper. Russian Artist Yaroslav Gerzhedovichs paintings are classically dark often monochrome and surreal creations. Featuring barren fields, ancient structures, and fantastical compositions Gerzhedovichs paintings transfix the viewer. The haunting imagery is created on paper with acrylic, pencil, ink, and occasional digital manipulation. #tower #darkart #darkpainting #YaroslavGerzhedovich #erie #macabre #russianartist #darkarts #darksurrealism #strangeart #acrylicpainting #darkartandcraft #darkartists - @darkartandcraft on Instagram

- 1, 4 all. All 4, 1.

Were excited to welcome back Thomas Eakins’s Portrait of Dr. Samuel D. Gross (The Gross Clinic), which is widely considered to be the greatest American painting ever made, to our galleries. Drop by and see this monumental local favorite. Portrait of Dr. Samuel D. Gross (The Gross Clinic), 1875, by Thomas Eakins - @philamuseum on Instagram

- Final Illu

- Artist - Jakub Schikaneder

- Netherlands

- angeles

- What Do You See

“Pandora’s Box” - Alternative Movie Poster for AKIRA by @karlfitzgeraldart • Prints released via @bottleneckgallery Friday 26th June @ 12PM ET / 5PM UK • AKIRA Katsuhiro Otomo Regular and Variant Editions Screenprint 24 x 36 inches • #karlfitzgerald #bottleneckgallery #pandorasbox #akira #tetsuo #kaneda #katsuhirootomo #art #alternativemovieposter #alternativefilmposter #screenprint #screenprinting #print #poster #artistsoninstagram #movies #scifi #vgkids - @vgkids on Instagram

- Fugue Beast, Noah Stacey, Digital, 2019

- say your prayers

- Amos N Andy

Quick sketch, a break from painting - @lee.jenkinson.79 on Instagram

- Museum sketchbook

Sneak peek at 1 X 1 that opens Sept 14 at @antidotedxb Curated by @zcurated Featuring works by 52 contemporary artists! #preview @r.m.naeem @rabiafarooqui.4 @sadafrmnaeem @scheherezadejunejo @summaiyajillani #pakistanartforum #pakistaniart #art #artshow #artexhibition #artaddict #artporn #paintings #oiloncanvas #acrylics #paints #sculpture #artlover #stilllife #etching #print #hyperrealistic #calligraphy #ink #miniature #textile #collage #contemporaryart #artists - on Instagram

- Album Art Illustration WIP #7 — Paradise

- Burdge bug

- Art I

- Art

- This is The Grate; a cell in the former Fleet Prison (which once stood near Farringdon Street) from which the poorest prisoners were permitted to beg...

- Windy day, Graphite on Paper, A4

- Andrew Wyeth

- Art Fantasy

Hoy a las 4 por Instagram live charlaremos con María José Ferrada - @alborotoediciones on Instagram

- Ottoman Caricature Regarding the Placement of Prince of Wied in the Throne of Albania, 1914

- Franklin Booth

Check out: @aleksei_shchemelinskii - @academic_drawing on Instagram

@satoshy.bandaballoon live in studio 🔊 #satoshyelabandaballoon #studiolive #live #studio #session #music #livemusic #praiaamare #calabria #cosenza #jazz #hiphop #lounge #ritratto #picture #musicisti - @ak_music_crew on Instagram

Should I turn this into a digital painting? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #art #pencil #illustration #ink #digitalart #digitalpainting - @thomjberger on Instagram

Ive asked myself many times, what do I like to do more, fish or paint? I cant decide.... so I guess Ill just keep doing both. This is a redo of one of my favorite sketches done a while ago dealing with the dilemma. #dailysketch #illustration #illustrationdaily #artofinstagram #danburrillustration #flyfisherman #artist #digitaldrawing - @danburrillustration on Instagram

- Art Instruction

- Afro - Europeans

- Letter

Vincent van Gogh The Potato Eaters Nuenen, 1885 —— In Nuenen, Van Gogh created his first masterpiece: The Potato Eaters. In the months before, he made many studies, including paintings. This is the first full version of The Potato Eaters. The completed one hangs in Amsterdam. —— Photo by: @krollermullermuseum #vincentvangogh #vangogh #thepotatoeaters #potato #food #nuenen #nuenen1885 #1885 #netherlands #amsterdam #krollermullermuseum #museum #art #arthistory #masterpiece #masterwork #oilpainting #oil #painting #love #follow #photooftheday #nature #flowers #paris #usa #newyork #weekend #2020 #sunday - @daily_vangogh_ on Instagram

I’m a month late on starting this, but here we go. Welcome to The Brosseau Collection! This is the newest addition to our collection. I love this mysterious and beautiful untitled drawing by Vera Iliatova. I included it in the TSA_PDF show that I curated and decided that I wanted to live with it permanently. I’ve always adored Vera’s work - I find the symbiosis between the narrative and structural formal decisions in her work to be really wonderful. There are spatial choices that heighten the experience of the story between the figures. This is sort of how I feel looking at a Tintoretto. Vera is one of the many fantastic and intriguing painters represented by Monya Rowe Gallery. Vera Iliatova “Untitled” 2019 charcoal and graphic on paper 11 x 16 inches @vera_iliatova @monya_rowe_gallery #verailiatova #monyarowegallery #thebrosseaucollection #livingwithart #artcollecting #contemporaryart #contemporarydrawing #drawing #narrativeart - @markbrosseau on Instagram

- alphonse mucha

- Jon Klassen

Today were remembering the incredible life and legacy of @Irving_Berlin. Berlin passed away today in 1989 at his home in Manhattan, just a few miles from the Lower East Side tenement he lived in when he wrote the first of his 1,500 songs. He was 101 years old. Berlin was celebrated a month later by Edward Sorel with this illustration. When on September 22, 1989, Irving Berlin died at the age of 101, I imagined him being enthusiastically welcomed into heaven by Bach, Schubert, Mozart and Gershwin.” –Sorel - @irving_berlin on Instagram

Caperucita Roja - GUSTAVE DORE . Retrató las historias más conocidas y representativas de la historia de la humanidad. Desde caperucita, hasta la biblia. . ¿Cual fue su distinción? El detalle infinito en cada obra. Tomate unos segundos. Es increíble. . . . . . . . #surrealism #gustavedore #gustavedoré #drawthisinyourstyle #drawingoftheday #paint #painting🎨 #artlove #artista #dibujodigital #dibujotradicional #biblia #caperucitaroja #arteurbano #arteabstracto #colors #colorful - @surrealismototal on Instagram

2020 has been such emotional goiter of a year I’ve found myself needing to concoct story-based antidotes. And so my subconscious has emitted narratives of what can be described as High Silly. Silly with a purpose. Silly with a mission. Here is an illustration from “Rocket Puppies” which began as a title with no story attached. But the two words “Rocket” and then “Puppies” when placed together made me feel kind of giddy and then cheerful. I spent a few days saying “I want to do a story called Rocket Puppies” to various friends and familiars. Just saying it brought a smile. A story began to evolve and is as follows:The people of a sad and grumpy planet are delighted when a fleet of tail wagging, rocket propelled puppies comes to visit. Their special puppy powers make bullies stop bullying, mean people quit meaning, and all the bad moods stop bad mooding. Everyone is happy except Snarly McBummerPants and his Volcano of Woe who churns out vast clouds of Bummer to keep the world cranky, mean, and miserable. So the Rocket Puppies must use their Puppy Ray Vision against Snarly’s Mean Ray Vision to save the day. The story is ridiculous. Cheerful. Absurd. And hopeful. A tall, wagging tail of a tale. I hope it helps. . . . #cheerfulness #giddyup #puppies #puppiesofinstagram #2020sucks #illustrationart #illustration_daily #prismacolor #prismacolorpencils - @heybilljoyce on Instagram

- The Stairs, 4x4

- Female Self Portraits

The @nytimes asked a handful of Asian American artists to contribute a self-portrait to “What We Look Like”, a piece on the Asian American experience. I’m proud to be along side some other great Asian American artists ✌️. Here’s the longer version of my lil bit: “My parents are first-generation immigrants.  I am Asian American, specifically Korean American. As I was growing up, the term Asian American simultaneously comforted and confused me. I found comfort in that there was an inherent sense of camaraderie with other Asian Americans. However, the label also confused me because while yes, I was Asian, and yes, I was American, I never really felt I belonged to either community. I was constantly attempting to assimilate into communities that would inevitably exclude me to some degree. Amongst my white American peers, I would always be a representation of a different culture. To my peers in Korea, I was a foreigner who just happened to look like them. I was a foreigner to them, and they were foreigners to me. I now have a better understanding of the duality of my identity, and take pride in it, but a disconnect from both American and Korean cultures still lingers. Sometimes it feels like I can only see them from afar.” Thanks to Antonio de Luca and Jaspal Riyait for including me! - @dadushin on Instagram

- Arte moderno

Et hop. Du story board du prochain bouquin.. @masse_daniele / @alexis.vitrebert / @delcourt_soleil_bd . . . . . #comics #bandedessinee #art #drawing #illustration #bd #storyboard #orient #strip #fumetti #delcourt #bandedessinée #alexisvitrebert #danielemasse #romangraphique #instaart #graphicnovel #sketch #egypt #cairo #painting #london - @alexis.vitrebert on Instagram

- For those interested in the story of Augustin Lesage, this is a good picture to imagine the scale of which these paintings were produced!

- Finished Kill or Be Killed. Any fans here?

- a part of Boticellis Cestello Annunciation in pen

- - Da_Matrix -

- Museum sketchbook


Naviganti delle paludi su sandalo. #SermonetaWorld - @sermonetaworld on Instagram

- Bay Area Figurative Paintings

- andrew wyeth

“Boathouse chores” 1/4 sheet... testing my new line of Escoda brushes. Coming out soon! #escodabrushes #danielsmithwatercolors #zwatercolour #z #nevergiveup #beoriginal - @josephzbukvic on Instagram

- Abandoned and forgotten

Met een bijdrage van het Mondriaan Fonds heeft @rijksmuseumtwenthe de enorme tekening ‘Het Weefsel der mensheid’ van kunstenaar en cartograaf @carlijnkingma gekocht. Het is Kingmas nieuwste tekening. Ze heeft er een jaar aan gewerkt en toont Het Weefsel nu op haar solotentoonstelling Architectuur van het onzichtbare bij het Rijksmuseum Twenthe. De tekening is ontstaan in nauwe samenwerking met historicus Rutger Bregman en is mede geïnspireerd op zijn boek De meeste mensen deugen. #aankoop #mondriaanfonds #rijksmuseumtwenthe #hetweefseldermensheid #carlijnkingma #decorrespondent #rutgerbregman - @mondriaanfonds on Instagram

- Portrait Art

- Ilustração do livro Aladin e a lâmpada maravilhosa.

- Awesome styles

- thompson twins

- Bellmerianas

- Her

@hellokuso ・・・ 167. Sesión de dibujo con modelo de @la__linea__ y @anhailustra . Gracias por la invita y a la modelo! . . . . . . . . . . . #art #drawing #artwork #illustrator #illustrationart #artist #illustrationoftheday #instaart #illustrationartists #draw #digitalart #sketchbook #illustrations #illustration_daily #artistsoninstagram #digitalillustration #illustrationartist #hellokuso #illustration - @anhailustra on Instagram

Jan Harmensz. van Bijlert, 1635, Young Man with a glass of Wine. - @danielzantus4528 on Instagram

Join us this autumn (7-18 Oct) for an opportunity to see a painting that created a sensation when it was first exhibited at the @RoyalAcademyArts in 1856, and was described by leading Victorian art critic John Ruskin as ‘faultless and wonderful’...Tickets are free but spaces are limited. Visit to read more & book . . #linkinbio #Freeexhibition #BristolPoeticCity @HeritageFundUK⠀ ⠀ Image credit: #Chatterton, 1856, Henry Wallis. @tate : Bequeathed by Charles Gent Clement 1899. Photo © Tate. - @rwabristol on Instagram

- Addams, Charles

- Beer history

Dibujos de bitácora #5 Estos me gustaron un resto. - @gauxmora on Instagram

- endless

- Edvard Munch

- Art and artists


#imperatorenapoleonebonaparte #napoleonereditalia #napoleon #napoleone #napoleon2021 #napoleone2021 - @imperatore_napoleone_bonaparte on Instagram

- Nosferatu & The Cabinate of Dr. Caligari

the suburbs 🌙 #artistsoninstagram #illustrated #comics #comicstrip #comicstrips #graphicnovel - @jdebbiel on Instagram

- Ashcan School

- Dumas

Life is not about the things in our routine Its about how we treat every creature of god - @namandeep2801 on Instagram

Gustave Dore - @kempleehc on Instagram

🎏RUROUNI KENSHIN SKETCHES🏮 . . . Working on ink sketches. Did these while watching the Rurouni Kenshin live action movie. So nostalgic! Watching it again brought back a lot of great memories and feelings of falling in love with the story allllll over again. I think I’m gonna watch the anime over. I’ve been wanting to read the manga too, but we’ll see about that—my reading list is pretty long already 😅 I really love this story though. I can only hope to create such fantastic characters and immersive and philosophical storytelling. . . . @koyukipanda @himawari91_shop • • • • #koyukipanda #kollective #art #artistsofinstagram #instart #sketchesofinstagram #copicmaker #artistsofcolor #blerdgirl #alternativeblackgirl #blacknerd #blackanime #コユキパンダ #アート #絵 #漫画家 #漫画 - @koyukipanda on Instagram

- Ex-Libris, Marin Gruev, Etching/Aquatint, 2007

- observational drawing

- Van Gogh Works

- William Turner

- art

- Picasso blue

Diana, in her best crush, kill and destroy style. - @robsonskywalker on Instagram

- Vintage Wonder Tales

- Alexander II

- Art érotique

- Andrew Wyeth

- ART Christian Art & Bible Illustration

You will hear this voice and see that righteous man even now still crying out, resounding loudly, reproving the evil of the tyrant. He will never be silenced nor the reproof at all weakened by the passing of time. . . . . . [Excerpt from The Weakness of the Tyrant and the Power of the Beheaded, by John Chrysostom (347-407 AD); On the Providence of God 22.8-9] Photo: CARAVAGGIO Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, 1608, Oil on canvas, St Johns Co-Cathedral, Valletta © The St Johns Co-Cathedral Foundation - @stjohnscocathedral on Instagram

- Black and white

George Bellows: Sport, Leisure, and Lithography explores the role of sport and physical culture in the lithographs of esteemed early 20th-century realist George Bellows. On view in the Works on Paper gallery through November 29. Image: A Stag at Sharkeys (detail), 1917. George Bellows, American, 1882–1925. Lithograph on paper. Lent by D. Canter. #georgebellows #lithography - @vmfamuseum on Instagram

- 17th Century Portraits - Male Readers


- AC Reserach

- Honest Labors Temptation | A cartoon published in Puck Magazine satirising Georgism (Oct. 20 1886)

- Experimenting my style

- @noughty_feelings345 on Instagram

!! HONORED TO BE A PIECE OF ART !! Great piece honoring my days creating with Madre Tierra Press - created & Reposted from @roqueofmtb • Linda Vallejo @lindavallejoart Mexican American artist known for painting, printing, sculpture, and ceramics. Her work often addresses ethnic identity within the context of American Art and popular culture. “Brown Belongings“ landmark exhibition including 125 works and a 140 page catalog @laplazala came to a close on 1.12.20 congratulations on a enlightening landmark exhibition “ visualizing Latino populations through art: an exhibition explores questions of identity“ Jill Cowan NY Times “Unapologetically embraces brownness” Gina Ferazzi LA Times illustration by RoQue with autograph by Linda Vallejo. Inspired by a image during Vallejo’s hosting of Madre Tierra Press at the Women’s Building 1984 Women’s Graphic Center. #lindavallejo #contemporaryart #chicano #latinx #ink #illustration #losangeles #representationmatters #unacknowledgedhistory - @lindavallejoart on Instagram

- 1

- Artist: Andrew Wyeth

- Outdoor painting

- My last sketch of the year

- observational drawings from christmas

- Who ever said Batwoman didnt have fanservice?

- Kingpin by Bill Sienkiewicz

Muchas gracias @eugeniomenjivaro por invitarme, y nuevamente felicitaciones por la iniciativa! . . #drawthisinyourstyle #productivitydesign #sketchbook #drawing - @miguelmemb on Instagram


- Jesse Custer by Steve Dillon

kathe kollwitz . #art #artist #painting #kathekollwitz #kollwitz #painting #paintings #drawing #drawings #classicpainting #classicdrawing #painter #nicolaiivanovichfechin #oilpainting #portrait #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #contemporarypainter #figurativepainting #contemporaryfigurativepainting #contemporarycollectpaint #contemporarypaintingart #artcollector #contemporaryartcollector #artsharinggallery - on Instagram

‘The Room is Lit by Electric Light’ also the title of my exhibition at Museum Gevaert-Minne wich will be open until October 18th. Come and visit! You are more than welcome!!! #gideonkiefer #soloexhibition #theroomislitbyelectriclight #museumgevaertminne #sintmartenslatem #geukensdevil #latemseschool #drawing #oilpaintings - @gideon_kiefer on Instagram

- Albrecht Durer: drawing and engraving

- A Level Portraiture 2020

- 17th Century

- Oliver Twist

- Andrew Wyeth

- Engraving

- Addams Family

👉Cuando Jack el Destripador supuestamente estaba escondido en nuestro país, la prensa le cambió el nombre por Jaime o un catalanizado Jaume. Se pensaba que podría ser un hábil matarife, un imitador del legendario Sacamantecas o un ¡vampiro! Hasta los años treinta del siglo pasado era frecuente la creencia de que beber sangre tenía propiedades casi milagrosas para recuperar la salud. Uno de los casos más tremendos fue un reportaje publicado a comienzos de los treinta en el que un atónito reportero sigue a una muchedumbre que, balde en mano, se dirigía camino del Matadero de Madrid para... beber sangre. Te lo contamos en JACK EL DESTRIPADOR EN ESPAÑA, ya en tu librería o te lo enviamos a tu casa sin gastos de envío a través de nuestra tienda online ➡️ Link en bio. «—No lo dude. Aquí en Madrid hay un buen número de bebedores de sangre. Si quiere podemos verlo. Todas las mañanas, a estas horas, concurren varias personas ansiosas de beber la sangre caliente de animales recién sacrificados...». Todo sucedía con absoluta normalidad en una de las grandes naves del Matadero. Nadie preguntaba nada. Una muchedumbre acudía con sus vasos listos para ser llenados. Los matarifes hacían su trabajo, mientras los bebedores de sangre esperaban en fila ordenadamente. «Ha terminado la matanza —continúa diciendo el reportaje que muestra varias estremecedoras fotografías—. No queda una res en pie. Unas sobre otras aún cocean en el suelo resbaladizo y ensangrentado. Los bebedores que presenciaron los sacrificios esperan el momento de recoger la sangre humeante. Todos entregan a los mozos los vasos que al efecto llevan». El procedimiento es metódico y es relatado por un periodista que, sin ocultar su asombro, narra lo que está presenciando: «En aquellos rojos manantiales los vasos van llenándose repetidas veces de sangre humeante. Los bebedores aproximan el vaso a sus labios y sin reparo, dominados sin duda por la fuerza de la sugestión, injieren el contenido. Alguno tiene que hacer un gran esfuerzo para apurar el vaso; el estómago parece oponerse, pero, al fin, sonríe satisfecho, como si con ello hubiera adquirido un poco de la salud que le falta #lafelgueraeditores #jacktheripper - @editorial_la_felguera on Instagram

- Artwork - Portraits

Juntos podemos! #protegeranuestrosmayores #yomequedoencasa #solidaridad #responsabilidad #resistire @anajuan_illustrator - @macablanchon on Instagram

برام نظرتونو بنویسید🥰 سایز کار : 11*17 - @shaghayegh_artt on Instagram

Eternal Nature / sketch Pencil on paper . . . #sparrow #jrmn #bulgarianartist #artistonistagram #pencilsketch #drawing✏ #sketching #sketches #drawingsketch #draw #drawingoftheday #drawing #sketchbook #instasketch #birdsofinstagram #naturedrawing #sketch #draws #dailydrawing - @jrmn_140 on Instagram

- Drawings Of People and Portraits | Fine Art

BLACKSMITH’S BOY – HEEL AND TOE Storytelling is a word frequently associated with the work of #normanrockwell . For nearly 75 years, this beloved #artist captured the #imagination of #American audiences through the warm and witty #images he created as commissions for the country’s most prominent publications and companies. Though he is best known for the over 300 works he executed for the cover of @satevepost , Rockwell also rendered thousands of #illustrations that accompanied the short stories and other works of fiction that filled its pages. Painted in 1940, Blacksmith’s Boy—Heel and Toe represents one of the most ambitious and successful of these commissions, a work of extraordinary scale and #complexity that testifies to the artist’s unparalleled ability to make the words of an author come alive through his #visual interpretation. Ultimately, a work like Blacksmith’s Boy—Heel and Toe manifests Rockwell’s matchless ability to conjure the elements of a #complex narrative—plot, #character , and setting—with a single image. Rockwell’s career developed and flourished in tandem with the rise in #popularity of American film-making. The manner in which Rockwell executed his most #ambitious paintings is often compared to film direction, but beyond these similarities in process, Rockwell’s paintings also evoke a #quality that is undeniably #cinematic . At their core, notes Todd McCarthy, Rockwell’s images, “convey what movies do—pieces of time— #moments that present recognizable characters in quickly comprehensible situations rife with comedy, #drama, and the things of life” © SEPS licensed by Curtis Licensing, Indianapolis, IN. All rights reserved #normanrockwellart #normanrockwellpainting - @normanrockwellofficial on Instagram

- art

- Aile

- The wreck of the S.S. Carpathia, the ship that rescued the 700+ survivors of the Titanic. Sank July 17th, 1918

- North Shields

- Hergé

- Early 20th Century Illustration

#089 #munich #urbanstreetscene #streets_vision #streetart #streetartdaily #streetartandgraffiti #streetshots #streets_vision #streetphotography #urban #urbanart #urbanromantix #artofvisuals #moodygram #sonyimages #sonyphotogallery #neverstopexploring #travelphotography #urbanportrait #streetportrait #portraitsmag #streetphotographyworldwide #streetsgrammer #streetphotographycommunity #visualoflife #urbanandstreet #streetphotographyincolors #muralart - @mariellemilia on Instagram

- Albrecht Durero

- old rock

- American Realism

Este dibujo forma parte la serie El Arresto de los Propagandistas . Un ensayo gráfico que he venido desarrollando desde 2018 Toma como referente la escultura de Ivan Shadr . “Adoquín, arma del proletariado”... El argumento de una de las obras más importantes de Shadr se tratan los acontecimientos revolucionarios de 1905 (una manifestación pacífica de obreros el 22 de enero en San Petersburgo que terminó con tiroteos del ejército zarista y que desencadenó en una ola de protestas masivas contra la monarquía). #stone #man #blackandwhite #screenplay #figurativedrawing #frame #characterconcept #monument #workerholic #cubanart #inkonpaper #iron #draw #charcoal #sketchbook #drawingsketch #russian #cuba - @requerworks on Instagram

- John Singer Sargent - details

- Andrew Wyeth

- “Alex and the Ghost”, Micron and ink-wash, 4x6 inches.