Igor Profile Pics

eeyoresmilewinnie the poohyoung frankensteinsadvintagecreepyfrankensteingene wilder

Tyler the creator pfp

yttd your turn to die midori yttd sou yttd tater explaining why

Con el mas grande - @diego.castillo.509511 on Instagram


eeyore winnie the pooh

- morgan freeman, me, digital, 2020

Tyler the creator wallpaper reaction pic after performance igor white wig Tyler

videogame indiegame game character indie

- Portrait photo


tyler the creator

eeyore fml sigh sad winnie the pooh

- after cast

Igor Wallpaper


im right here my lord igor the munsters im present im at your service my lord

“Money is a magnifier. It magnifies your heart and shows who you are on the inside.” Listen to the latest episode now and SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date as new episodes drop! http://ow.ly/n0sX50BDHU9 - @realmikethakur on Instagram

tyler the creator

eeyore sad winnie the pooh i knew good to be true

- Black art pictures

Tyler, the creator (COMMENTS GOT TURNED OFF 😤😤😤)

balloon flying winnie the pooh pooh

- Anatomy of a Poet

Tyler the Creator pfp

Tyler The Creator

aldo humor gene wilder frankenstein jr

- Leonid Breshnev and Erich Honecker in a socialist fraternal kiss, 1979, colorized

Profile picture


igor youngfrankenstein smile creepy

@etienne.daho #etiennedaho #musicians #portraitphotography #bandphotography #blackandwhitephotography @lemetronum - @franckalixportraits on Instagram

Register - Login

Tyler the creator pfp

pichuruco igor guimar%C3%A3es

Aujourd’hui le Commandant Cousteau aurait 110 ans ! Il a dédié sa vie à l’exploration et à la protection de la vie. Sachons nous inspirer de son message qui résonne avec d’autant plus de pertinence aujourd’hui. Happy Cousteau Day! 🔬❤️🛡 #cousteauday #connaîtreaimerprotéger #cousteau #jacquesyvescousteau #jacquescousteau #cousteausociety #cousteaudivers #jacquecousteau @cousteaugram - @cousteaudivers on Instagram

ya llegue aissa esto es por el money ya vine aqui estoy

- @artur.ribeiro.505 on Instagram

pingu igor cover

igor igor alexandre hololive quando o korone

- Cotidiano cubano. Campo



pooh bear what omg disbelief cant believe

- Caricature

Igor Krusty krew

Igor PFP

jorobao creepy horror creepy face awkward smile

- Babylon, BabCom

Tyler pfp

tyler the creator


The master #belalugosi #dracula . Part of my #universalmonsters series... @universalstudios @universalmonsters #pencildrawing #pencil #draw #sketch #monochrome #monochromatic #ipadproart #ipadpro #applepencil @officialuniversalmonsters #darkuniverse #artoftheday #gallery #paint #instaart #creative #artwork #painting #artist #inspiration #art #pencildrawing #pencil #draw #sketch #monochrome #monochromatic #ipadproart #ipadpro #applepencil #artoftheday #gallery #paint #instaart #creative #artwork #painting #artist #inspiration #art #drawing #portrait - @dalby71 on Instagram

coquette scott 🎀

all the songs are soooo good !! ꒦꒷.𝓔🎀༝༚༝༚

eyore purple

- You know which is morally correct.

Igor wallpaper

Tyler the Creator pfp

pooh thinking cute

#Sumerianos! @SmashingPumpkins are one of the most influential, iconic and timeless bands of all time. This is a colossal moment for @sumerianrecords but most importantly, it’s the dawn of a new decade of Smashing Pumpkins music. ⠀ ⠀ Welcome to the family 🖤 Watch their new video for #Cyr & stream #TheColourOfLove at http://smarturl.it/SPCyr! 💥🔮 #TheSmashingPumpkins #SumerianRecords #NewMusicFriday - @thesumerianos on Instagram



- ‘Post-Drag’ by Ben Ashton - oil on canvas, 2018

pooh winnie the pooh pooh bear cute huh

El irrepresentable paseo de Buster Keaton #TeatroDeLasEstaciones - @salazartaquechel on Instagram

igor patus xd

Not all the time opportunities appear sometimes you’ve to create them💯. And remember NOTHING BEATS A GOOD HEART ❤️✊🏼❣️ #synergyboss #djsynergyboss #producerlife #producer #dj #djlife #jamaica #jamaican #mobay #stjames #dancehall #dancehallmusic #reggae #toast #rapture #rich #manchester - @pumpum_hero on Instagram

hello winnie the pooh bear

- ** Deep Purple (a.k.a. Roundabout)

igor moment

- Football caricatures

angry mad super angry fuming furious

Aujourdhui Cest Mon Anniversaire ! Jour Spécial, jour daccomplissement. Je Remercie Dieu qui ma permis de voir ce jour ô Combien Spécial. En dépit des Jours sombres que nous sommes en train de traverser, je dédie cet anniversaire à la jeunesse consciente qui croit en un avenir meilleur pour le pays. Puisse le Grand Architecte de lUnivers maccorder plus de comprehension, plus de sagesse et de longévité afin de pouvoir continuer à servir ma communauté. Que La Fête Soit Faite ! Ainsi Soit-il ! - @juniorpanicfm2 on Instagram

master the plans igor nightmare before christmas

Back to basics. - @ko_siddharth on Instagram

pooh piglet

חוקר: אתה מאמין במה שאתה אומר? נתניהו: לכל מילה. חוקר: זה אפילו מביך... נתניהו: האמת מביכה אתכם. חוקר: מביך, מביך... נתניהו: אל תדבר איתי ככה יום כיפור מתקרב, ואנחנו מגישים לכם חומר קריאה שעשוי להספיק לכם לכל החג: גידי וייץ חושף את תמלילי חקירות נתניהו בתיק 1000, 2000 ו-4000. מדובר במסמך שמציג את ראש הממשלה כפי שלא יכולתם לדמיין (או שכן, בעצם). מסמך שנוגע בנקודות הרגישות ביותר (עניינים משפחתיים) ושופך אור על הקשרים הפליליים לכאורה שקיים עם אלוביץ, מוזס ומילצן. קראו ותבינו עם מי יש לנו עסק, לינק בסטורי ובביו שלנו - @haaretz on Instagram

gc gcdaya goldclubgc

- Imperfect Vessel, by me, Digital Art, 2020

sorry %E1%83%91%E1%83%9D%E1%83%93%E1%83%98%E1%83%A8%E1%83%98

The face of Genius •Title: Le visage du genie •Date: 1926; Brussels, Belgium •Style: Surrealism •Period: Surrealist Paris years •Genre: symbolic painting •Dimensions: 65 x 75 cm By René Magritte #RenèMagritte #RenéMagritte #ReneMagritte #Magritte #Surrealism - @renemagritte_art on Instagram

winnie the pooh pout sad eeyore tired

- Status quo live

rose piglet cute pooh winnie the pooh

Se imaginan estos tres caballos en un mismo escenario? #JohnnyVentura #JoseAlbertoElCanario #TitoNieves #JV - @johnnyventuraoficial on Instagram


No último sábado tivemos as finais do @supersurf_oficial ao vivo pelo YouTube um sucesso, parabéns a todos os campeões 🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️👏👏 Obrigado aos patrocinadores por tornar este evento realidade. @uluwatustore @protetorbrazinco @acaidojocajr @surfistoficial @hbbrasil @bananawax . Realização @swelleventos @casa_da_arvore_eventos Até a próxima. - @fredleiteh on Instagram

potato head junior gerard roy dwarf rogue

- Piano Man

igor guimaraes funny brazil

- My latest digital drawing.

acf fiorentina fiorentina viola igor goal

- colored greens

koe koe caio igor soares igor

- Anthony Hopkins, oil on canvas, 16x20 in

pooh bear piglet winnie the pooh eeyore

Wolfgang Heinz - @anya_heinz on Instagram

winnie the pooh hug

Vincent Namatjira’s 2020 Archibald Prize winning portrait of former AFL football star and Australian of the Year, Adam Goodes, with @artgalleryofnsw artist trustee @tonyalbert. Vincent is the first Indigenous artist to win this prize, judged by the Gallery’s Board of Trustees. #vincentnamatjira @archibaldprize #archibaldprize @iwantja_arts @adamroy37 #adamgoodes #portraitpainting #aboriginalart #sydney - @michaelbrandsydney on Instagram

acf fiorentina fiorentina viola igor what

- art

shyshy igor shyshy morph igor


acf fiorentina fiorentina viola igor come on

Drum roll please...and the final three top picks from our judges are: 1st place: Emma Woollard (@emmawoollard) 2nd place: Kristen Reuel (@kristenreuelart) 3rd place: Wendy Palmer (@wjpalmerart) Thank you all so much for your incredible entries of @wmarybeard and of all our other sitters; youve been amazing. #PAOTW #myPAOTW - @artistoftheyear on Instagram

hat in time beto igor igor y beto beto y igor

@hadasatt בתערוכתה המהממת של הדס סט בקיבוץ כברי - @daniback_1 on Instagram

sorry for your loss

Die Jubiläumsfolge unseres Podcasts ist raus! Holger Jung und Jean-Remy von Matt wurden dieses mal höchstpersönlich gegrillt und haben sich Euren anonymen, schonungslosen Fragen gestellt! Jetzt direkt bei Spotify reinhören unter „der heiße Stuhl“ oder „Jung von Matt“🔥🎉 - @jungvonmatt on Instagram

igor propnight beloved

- Andy Warhol Portraits

mental health self care mental health care awareness action

- Martin Wittfooth

young frankenstein abby normal igor smile

- Calligrammes

piglet winnie the pooh jumping

- Bill Bailey, Simon Pegg & Nick Frost

eeyore sleepy

- Boys

eeyore winnie the pooh

Art by @alisilem35 - @25october.art on Instagram


- Anthony Carrigan

igor placido nao bucacios n%C3%A3o buc%C3%A1cios

My favorite collector 💋 #art #collage #mixedmedia #collector #artcollector #papercollage #tape #hope #hold #hole - @yuti_feiler on Instagram

eeyore thanks thank you thanks for noticing me

- Caricatures

igor piwowarczyk igorek

- monsieur cinema

igor igor moment moment igor hololive hololive

- caricatures

love cute winnie the pooh

- Nosferatu (1922)


- Anthony Hopkins Caricature Collection

aamchi city mumbai city fc goal celebration indian super league

- Back To The Future

the hunchback of notre dame person human crowd leisure activities

Blessings come down🙏🏿 Thankful for #OneIGot to be #1 the 4th week in a row on @billboard! Appreciate all of y’all for making this possible ✨ - @imcharliewilson on Instagram

pooh hug

- Alfred Hitchcock

cartoon count duckula count duckula igor

- Caricature and Humorous


- Portrait no. 92, Me, Oil & Gold Leaf on Canvas, 2020

nagy brains

- Character Caricatures

happy thursday have fun eeyore sticker painting

“Popularity” will make you trust the wrong People. It takes vulnerability to be strong. - @keggahofficial on Instagram

igor eyes crazy dark surreal

- creative arts

homy homy dance



#pinkfloyd #davidgilmour #emresun - @pink_floyd_officiall on Instagram

honey winnie the pooh bear

The Fratelli Photo by @jac_revald - @francescomocchiadicoggiola on Instagram

eeyore winnie the pooh

- Cool!

igorek60 igor

- Blursed Thomas the Train

young frankenstein igor creep huh

De aniversario 16 años de pacto ante Dios y los hombres!! Gracias por cada vivencia y que viva el Amor ...esta caricatura cortesía de @nelsoncaricaturas valga la cuña!!! #aniversario #boda #arte #art #wacom #handdrawing - @nelsoncaricaturas on Instagram

igor raeigor igorrae

- 2pac

happy head

- Caricatures!!!

tyler the creator igor

Σε λίγο στο φεστιβάλ της ΚΝΕ. Για τον Θάνο. - @miltosofficial on Instagram

creepy smile smile creepy

- Self-portrait, Acrylic on Canvas, 18 x 18

silentskillz xinxindi eeyore raid smug

Yesterday at Verrev Graffiti Festival Hengelo. #graffiti #graffitiart #graffiticharacter #hengelo - @psy_2ht on Instagram

gene wilder young frankenstein professor dark vintage

JOÃO MIGUEL OLIVEIRA #ATHOME 🏠😊 João is staying safe at home so we’re remembering some of his previous work 🥰 Commercials for: #euromilhoes #aldi #acusticamedica #joaomigueloliveirajust #tvcommercial #justmodelscommercial - @justmodelscommercial on Instagram


Dope Piece [Art by @itsbrogersyo] - @hiphopart on Instagram

frankenstein junior igor stare

- BDNF Increase Your Brain’s Growth Hormone

winnie the pooh bear honey

Questa donna sognava come figlio, un ballerino di danza classica... Però sono nato io🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂... Tantissimi auguri di buon compleanno a mia mamma che oggi compie 75 anni 🎂❤️ - @nicola_saetta_ibff_pro on Instagram

eeyore keep smiling motivational smile winnie the pooh

- British Comedy caricatures

igor jmjc plays igor jmjc plays

A Man in the mirror.. - @dania_4labi on Instagram

scowl quasimodo the hunchback of notre dame glare death stare

- Caricatures

pooh winnie the pooh pooh bear love hearts

- Digital Drawing of a friend of mine!!!

vintage film smile sneaky

- 20-Something

puaj guacala tigger tongueo out wiggling

Artist● @ro_tat • • • • • • The Watcher By Roland Burrow Oil on Canvas - @artgalleryblk on Instagram

bizco monster monstruo jorobado halloween

Coño un purito pepillo - @chongolo_ on Instagram


« Sur cette offre foisonnante (surtout sur celle à venir, puisque la programmation se fait à échéance de plusieurs années) pèse cependant une épée de Damoclès : les travaux… Le remplacement de la chenille à bout de souffle et la modification du système d’accès au Centre doivent être achevés à l’horizon de juillet 2021. Mais un chantier bien plus ambitieux est à venir « pour qu’un bâtiment magnifique en 1970 reste acceptable au XXIe siècle, pour réduire de 30 % la facture énergétique et pour désamianter », rappelle Serge Lasvignes. » Le Centre Pompidou fermera-t-il pour travaux ? Article complet de #RafaelPic à retrouver sur le site du @quotidiendelart ✍️ Illustration : @centrepompidou René Magritte (1898 - 1967) « Le double secret » 1927 Huile sur toile 114 x 162 cm Inscriptions : S.H.G. : Magritte Photo (C) Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Georges Meguerditchian #surrealisme #magritte #centrepompidou #art #artoftheday #dailyart #artofinstagram #painting #painter #artist #inspiration - @quotidiendelart on Instagram

gene wilder young frankenstein hump

Minha rainha 👑❤ #Truelove - @mondotaz on Instagram

disney pooh winnie the pooh honey baby pooh

Peter Gabriel - US⠀ Released this week back in 1992.⠀ ⠀ US, which was released six years after the phenomenally successful So, was, at that time, arguably @itspetergabriel’s most personal record yet as he stepped into the confessional to explore and dissect many of the relationship issues he was then experiencing. But US is far from just being bleakly introspective featuring several songs that have gone on to be amongst the most cherished in the Gabriel songbook.⠀ ⠀ The album also continued the now well-established Gabriel motif of mixing high technology with decidedly analogue contributions from musicians from West Africa, Egypt and Armenia, including Ayub Ogada, Doudou NDiaye Rose, Dmitri Pokrovsky Ensemble, Levon Minassian, Hossam Ramzy, Shankar, Kudsi Erguner, The Babacar Faye Drummers and Adzido Pan African Dance Ensembe. - @realworldrec on Instagram

hunchback of notre dame esm%C3%A9ralda love hug disney

- PsBattle: Bald animated man

vote for igor flashing text voting pick

- Corbin Bernsen

igor smile young frankenstein

Esta semana (14 de septiembre) se celebró el natalicio de Alexander Von Humboldt el gran naturalista alemán quien registró las maravillas de nuestra tierra en su exploración por América... Comparto este recuerdo de nuestro montaje Humboldt en Caracas de @federicopacanins quien también dirigió la puesta en escena y protagonizado por el primer actor el gran #ArmandoCabrera realizado en la réplica de su biblioteca en la @asohumboldt hace ya un año. En esa obra también estuvo la poderosa actriz @valgarridoes contando con las luces de @troconis6 y la producción general de Yessica Serrano @yskserrano... #HumboldtEnCaracas #natalicio #obradeteatroconmusica - @jcgrisalmusic on Instagram

piglet pig cute animal pose

- Biggie Smalls, King Of New York, 1997. Photo by Barron Claiborne

eeyore winnie the pooh sad emotional frown

Right Said Fred!!! Absolute gentleman when they came to visit us at G-wagen!! #gwagenuk #gclass #gwagengirls #gwagen #gwagen6x6 #gwagen4x4 #mercedes4x4 #gwagenmapledurham #gwagenownersworldclub - @gwagen.co.uk on Instagram


Hola amigos. Después de casi 3 meses de confinamiento, protegiéndonos y protegiendo a nuestro personal, hemos decidido reactivarnos, ofreciendo delivery y pick-up, en la cuadra gastronómica de Los Palos Grandes. Han sido días de mucha incertidumbre, con muchos altibajos anímicos, al punto de llegar pensar que no íbamos a volver a abrir. Sin embargo, no es fácil desechar 12 años de esfuerzo contínuo, tratando de llevar la mejor gastronomía y servicio, en un lugar que poco a poco hemos ido transformando para que fuera familiar y acogedor. En este momento toca reinventarnos, adaptarnos a las nuevas circunstancias que nos exige esta pandemia que llegó para quedarse por un tiempo, que esperamos que sea breve, pero que igualmente nos traerá nuevos hábitos y costumbres. Es por esto que desde el 1ro. de Junio, comenzaremos una nueva etapa, en compañía del chef Andrés Youwayed @solo_fuegos, y el equipo de siempre, para llevarles nuestro menú hasta la comodidad de sus hogares y/o oficinas, con la calidad que ustedes se merecen y a la que los tenemos acostumbrados. Pronto estaremos publicando nuestro menú, así como todo lo relacionado a esta nueva etapa de @bistrotcuadra. Para solicitar sus pedidos, pueden utilizar los siguientes números : (0414)180.4290, llamada y whatsapp. (0412) 010.3360 sólo llamada IG: @bistrotcuadra . . . #gastronomia #cocinademercado #lospalosgrandes #pickup #delivery #comerencaracas #comidamediterranea #restaurantes #bistrot - @bistrotcuadra on Instagram

igor young frankenstein gene wilder

- CartoonCaricature

off work

- Aesthetic painting

igor smile creepy weird excited

- Robin Williams... Pencil sketch

winnie the pooh eeyore sad

- Alfred Hitchcock

mel brooks young frankenstein igor smile zoom in

The weekend is almost here and we had some fun today portraying our favourite/most used emojis! SWIPE! 🤷‍♂️🕺🤗💁‍♀️🏃‍♂️ What is your favourite #emoji ? . #ctvmorninglive #tvhost #fun #morningshow #favouriteemoji #thursday #mood - @ctvmorninglive on Instagram


- Andrew Hunt

igor yes master

- Visual Arts Center

Vision from the Unconscious Silvia Idili Online exhibition on Secret Art Ltd on Artsy. Check the link in bio. #contemporarypainting #contemporaryart #contemporaryartlondon #onlineexhibit #painting #unconscious #contemporarymasterpiece @silvia_idili - @secretartltd on Instagram

Parabéns meu filho lindo e amado! Não tenho palavras para expressar o quanto sou grata a Deus por ter me confiado a graça de trazer à vida uma pessoa tão especial como você! E com o passar do tempo, o amor e o orgulho de tê-lo como filho cresce cada cada vez mais. A dignidade, os sentimentos, ideias, respeito e tudo mais que fazem parte da formação, vão sendo construídos, novos horizontes vão surgindo, mas eu te peço, meu filho, jamais deixe que se perca o vínculo de afeto que nos une, o nosso laço familiar… O colo e o aconchego da nossa casa, você terá por toda vida! Filho, desejo, a você, tudo de melhor que existe no mundo… Felicidade, amor, paz, sabedoria, luz, fé, que Deus te abençoe sempre e realize todos os seus sonhos! Eu te amo com toda força que alguém é capaz de amar. Beijos, com muito carinho e um feliz aniversário. - @selma.sil on Instagram

- Art

- @markeganbass on Instagram


Caricatura Finalizada!✏ @ozzyosbourne Técnica: Lápis de Grafite sobre papel canson 200/gm. #arte#art#arts#drawing#draw#newart#arstist#dayliart#pencildrawing#pencil#caricatura#caricature#ozzyosbourne#ozzy#paper#cansonbr#artcraft#artrealism - @ccrcaricaturas87 on Instagram

- I am he

- Caricature

Poverty and Suffering are not to be understood but to be resolved - Dr Vicente Ferrer. Remembering our founder Dr Vicente Ferrer, today, on his 11th death anniversary. A visionary par excellence, his ideas and words, his simplicity and kindness remain in our hearts. We are proud to carry on his work and stand by his values and ideals and follow his vision to end poverty in Anantapur District! - @anantapursportsacademy on Instagram

- A wrongfully convicted man spent 45 years painting in prison. Now free, hes selling his art to get by.

- Johnny cash middle finger

My piece from the live art show (2.5 hours). . . . . . . #acrylic #grisaille #verdaille #painting #portrait #classicalart #renaissance #chiaroscuro #oil #oilpainting #dark #liveart #performance #speedpaint #reference #conceptart #modern #art #artistsoninstagram #artist #artwork #largescale #instaart #instaartist #instagram #instadaily #potd #photooftheday #artofvisuals - @juliette.laurier on Instagram

- Horror Art


- Caricatures

I hope everyone is well and keeping safe during these crazy times. Everyday Im getting a lot of messages asking if Christina is OK etc. So its easier to just do a post. She is well and stable. New meds from Germany appear to be effective and she is, along with my other kids, safe and soundly locked down until this is all over. Thanks to everyone who has asked about her. My social media time is limited these days while the kids are off school and cabin fever is in full effect. Regarding those who have asked if I will be singing any songs online. The answer at this moment in time is No. I will leave the performances to those other artistes who have entertained you from their mansions clearly without the luxury of auto-tune. Be well, be safe. Big love. K x - @kennythomasofficial on Instagram

#Guitar or #Ukulele #lessons via #Skype #Facetime or #FacebookMessenger by qualified #teacher #NorthDevon #North_Devon #Devon #ukuleletutor #ukulelelessons #ukuleleteacher #Kala #ukelele #uketutor #uketeacher #ukelessons #music #musicteacher #musictutor #LoveNorthDevon #SouthWest #WeAreDevon #LifeInDevon #SupportMyMusicTeacher #Zoom - @paulkclews on Instagram

Fancy a treat? Weve got @DJDavidPenn in the mix for you this Friday afternoon 🔥🎧⠀ Youre going to LOVE these cuts from DAN:ROS feat. Ellie Madison, Alex Newell, Flevans, Boys Noize, Louie Vega and many more.⠀ ⠀ Stream it now on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/paparecords/david-penn-jack-my-body-dj-mix - @paparecordslondon on Instagram

Meu Pai, meu Herói. - @neysantosoficial on Instagram

- Werner Herzog films

💎 پرتره ي اختصاصي پروفسور سميعي، اسطوره اي براي تمام زبان ها...🌷🙏🏻 . . . 💠 پرتره اختصاصي 💠 قاب مورد نظر شما 💠 پس زمينه ي دلخواه 💠 نوشته ي اختصاصي پايين عكس براي هديه دادن به عزيزانتان 💠 اندازه ي دلخواه . . . سفارشتان را، در هر كجاي ايران كه هستيد، با پست پيشتاز به صورت رايگان دريافت كنيد! براي هر گونه سؤال و يا سفارش، به دايركت مراجعه كنيد يا با شماره ذيل تماس حاصل فرماييد. . . 🔻Call- 09363643344 🔻Email : Draw.Art.Payam@gmail.com . . #Draw #paint #oilcolor #نقاشي #پرتره #منظره #رنگ_روغن #اندازه #پست #هنر #هنرمند #موناليزا #اختصاصي #نقاشي_صورت #صورت #تابلو #موناليزا #عكس #قديمي #نقش #رنگ #پس_زمينه #رنگي #زندگي #محل_زندگي #باغ #مزرعه - @oil.color.paintingh on Instagram


Wow 7 years ago... - @leveridgekermit on Instagram

We’re so excited for Meyne Wyatt who has won the 2020 Packing Room Prize for his incredible self portrait. As Presenting Partner of the #ArchibaldPrize with @ArtGalleryOfNSW we’d like to congratulate all finalists. 📷 Packing Room Prize 2020 winner Meyne Wyatt Meyne (detail) © the artist - @anz_au on Instagram

- Art

Ok TODAY ON CHICAGOFAMOUS 14YR OLD DIZZ RAPS CLUB VIDEOS FROM 97 Classic 80s movies And YOUR CREATES 3 TO 5 ILL SHARE THE VIDEO AT 3PM TODAY #chicago #chicagofamous #radio #history #1990s #djs #digital - @dizz1229 on Instagram

- Drawing I just finished

Happy Birthday @iamweeman !! - @realprestonlacy on Instagram

Suggestion post On Wednesday 8th July (4.00pm) as part of the Album Club series, Steve Lamacq will play our first album in its entirety #6MusicAlbumClub #6music #bbc6music https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000kpmp - @orbital on Instagram

- I made this myself and Im ashamed

- Consummate Elegance, Me, oil, 2019

Posing with a piece of the Berlin Wall near Checkpoint Charlie - @trmaher1 on Instagram

Filming an interview with Maestro Valery Gergiev, who will conduct tonights annual Summer Night Concert 2020 in Schönbrunn. Even under changed circumstances and taking care about the current pandemic situation, the Summer Night Concert will take place today at 6pm mainly broadcasted on ORF 2 and 3SAT. All that challenges we faced in 2020 led us to change the form but not the content: we learned that the irresistible power of classical music can be highlighted by many forms. #summernightconcert #sommernachtskonzert #interview #filming #recordingday #videoproduction - @anna_patritsiya on Instagram

Сегодня у нас двойной праздник! Bo Jazz спешит поздравить любимого, незаменимого, яркого, красивого, самого джазового @konstantinraykin с юбилеем! Что значит для нас джазовый актёр? Это не тот, кто слушает, любит эту музыку или может даже играет, это не есть определение джазовости. Джазовый человек, это тот, кто находится в резонансе с природой вещей. Тот, кто чувствует ритм всего вокруг всеми органами чувств, человек импровизирующий, а значит свободный. Дорогой, Константин Аркадьевич! Спасибо Вам, что вырастили нас, за наше счастливое детство, юность и будущее! Ура! Долгие лета! #театр #сатирикон #константинрайкин #джаз #кино - @bo_jazz_production on Instagram

- Art portret

- Stadium Live Radio by AKON

- Herbert Hoover

Grande tributo ao gênio dos quadrinhos, um verdadeiro ícone a ser lembrado em todas as gerações! Trabalho realizado em 2019. . Materiais utilizados: Lápis Staedtler H, B, 2B e 4B Pincel n° 6 Papel Canson Bristol XL Caneta borracha 2.3mm Tombow . . #art_portrait_ #sharingart #art_motive #dailyarts #love_arts_help #duende_arts_help #art_supernova #artsassist #young_artists_help #monstersofart_ #arts_gate #arrtposts #worldofartists #draint_artgallery #supportart #worldofpencils #pencilsacademy #artcfartc #artistictionary #artventure #supportart #dudominici #worldofpencils #worldofpencils2019 #art_realism_ #art_help #art_helps #art🎨 #creative_uprising #persianarthome - @barban_art on Instagram

- Digital Caricatures by Photolamus

- Marilyn manson paintings

- Sketch of young De Niro, Digital

- Art: Acrylic Landscape Tutorials

- river monsters

- @asghar.zaidi2 on Instagram

- Caricatures


- Drawing of Louis

- Caricatures

- @pink______floyd on Instagram

- Last WIP of Kevins portrait.

#scan #facs #photgrammetry #3dscan #scanengine #blendshapes #morph - @scanengine on Instagram

The invisibility which the Black body is subjected to, as scholar Adrienne Edwards reminds us, is not a matter of faculty but one of recognition. The white gaze has always dehumanized the Black body, depriving it of its complexity and individuality. This non-recognition is the core of the disposability of Black lives in the diasporic context. A disposability that, in extreme but not isolated cases, culminates in the systematic killing of Black lives. These days, the streets of Minneapolis, New York, Paris, London, Milan are shouting in unison. Shouts from people who, in Teju Coles words, have abandon(ed) the conventions of raising awareness, and instead commit(ed) to the harder and more dangerous work of bearing witness. . This is not the time to be non-racist: for the one who merely raises awareness can still pretend to neutrality. This is the time to be anti-racist: for the one who bears witness has already taken side, has already committed to being unprofessional. . Today, like yesterday, the shout is one: Black Lives Matter! - @maimounaguerresi on Instagram

- Caricature

- Celeb cartoons 2

- All Hail The Simpsons

- Caricatures

The Man Behind The Brand With a timeless story and the passion for shoes. A hardworking and ambitious path. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ©️ @franciscomachado_photography - @carlossantosshoes on Instagram

- Caricatures

- Pipe boy, Kacper Swat, digital painting, 2018

- Armour

- Facial muscles anatomy

- Caricatures

Name that boy band 😅👇 (Best answer gets pinned!) DDJT crew taking a break from filming with @laidbackluke for our new course (details in bio) - @digitaldjtips on Instagram

Good vibes w/ Willie Brown and my buddy Tim... We ended up talking about last night.. Og still sharp as a whip... #dayinthelifeinsf #presedentialdebate #trumpafool #sfmayorog - @chuckster115 on Instagram

#resistance hero Mitt Romney - @woodrow_white on Instagram

- Film stars

- Alastair campbell

- Just BTS

Um homem de negócios - @joao_carlos_castanha on Instagram

- All types of Merchandise/ Funny faces

- All types of Merchandise/ Funny faces

Invest In Creativity! Artists everywhere inspire, celebrate, mourn, communicate and incite their communities through their work to question the human condition. They make visible our rich diversity, help interpret our past and imagine and construct the future. Artists are fundamental to their nations culture, heritage and vibrancy and important to social fabric and economic vitality.... I am Kifah Abdulla *Visit my site below if you are interested in supporting Rebel Art Project or to purchase a copy of my books! www.kifahabdulla.com - @kifahabdulla on Instagram

Treino de hoje dedicado ao amigo Helder Oliveira @helder_oliveira0 que ontem prematuramente nos deixou. Descanse em paz, amigo. Desejo à todos os seus familiares os nossos sinceros sentimentos. Samuel e família. - @samuelmlp_oficial on Instagram

- Mark Strong

Grabando con bailatino en latinastereo, mi hermano Eliel. - @leoperez7965 on Instagram

- Aaron Tippin

GASTROCULT CUBA 2019. Un rato con amigos cercanos. Degustación con Vinos de Bodegas Torres S.A. en abz cercano con el mismísimo Don Miguel. - @politoibanez on Instagram

Ayer @luis_sojo19, un gran anfitrión y entrevistador de su programa @laestrellainvitada1 conectó tanto en mi historia de vida que me hizo viajar en el tiempo, analizar mi trayectoria que solo me repetí esta frase “el boxeo lo llevo en mi sangre”. Me debo a este bello deporte. Una vez más a Luis y su equipo de trabajo: gracias, gracias y gracias. Arte: @riverojair1 talento Maracayero! - @gilberticowba on Instagram

- School Cartoon

Im very happy to say my piece, “La Ignorancia” has sold to my best friend Billings. This is him trying to copy the facial expression of the painting. 😂 Thank you! #art #arte #artsy #artist #artists #artwork #arts #acrylic #canvas #painting #paintings #pintura #sold #dallas #texas #dallasart #dfw #dallasartist #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #oakcliff - @florentinoartwork on Instagram

Count your Blessings, live Love and enjoy Life tomorrow is NOT a promise. #peace #love #happiness #health 🙏🏽❤️ God is Good - @realhowardgreen on Instagram

E sono 30. Gli anni di attività professionale che porto sulle spalle. Trent’anni costruttivi, entusiasmati, pieni d’incontri che hanno indirizzato il mio cammino ed illuminato il mio pensiero. Leggi l’ultimo post di #simonemicheliblog per saperne di più. Grazie al mio amico @mauriziomarcatophotographer per la foto. 30 years of work I have on my shoulders. 30 productive and exciting years full of people who guided me and enlightened my mind. Read the latest post of #simonemicheliblog to know more #simonemicheli #worldwide #architect #benessere #sense #workofart #together #italy #architecture #ideas #luxury #maestri #hospitality #beauty #bello #bestdesign #amazing #charming #mindpower #interiordesign #people #designprojects #creativity #architecturelovers #designmagazine #memory #workofart #bestoperas #bestarchitect - @simonemicheliarchitect on Instagram

- Mein Land

The start of a new path. - @tomishuman on Instagram

- Caricature artist

“Just pay the man 😔” (Oil and pastel on mixed media) - @rathagod on Instagram

- Richard Hamilton

- Bunbury Music Festival

- Famous Pairs

- Me and Lord Lew Grade (Dark Crystal) 1985.

- Louise and Lazar, David Kassan, Oil Painting, 2017

- @jcdiarinho on Instagram

#رسمي #رسم #بالالوان #الزيتيه #حسب_الطلب #محمد_قاسم #فنان #كوميدي #طلب_رسم #طلب - @m3art3 on Instagram

La 8e édition des Rencontres Photographiques du 10e se termine et nous tenons à vous remercier dêtre venus aussi nombreux ! ❄ . On se retrouve en 2021 pour une nouvelle aventure 🏃‍♀️ . Un grand merci à @paris_maville, à la @mairie10paris ainsi quà nos partenaires pour leur précieux soutien : @_la_saif @pictofr @event.escourbiac @mediathequefrancoisesagan @pointephemere @asso_crl10 @fisheyelemag @journalvillagesaintmartin @lomographyfrance @dysturb @photographyofchina Emmaüs Solidarité . @edouardjacquinet . #RP10#rencontresphotos10 #paris10#rencontresphotosparis10 #lesrencontresdu10e#paris10eme #photofestival#festivalphoto #festival#photo#photographie #photography#photographer #paris#parismaville#parisculture #expo#exposition#exhibition #mairiedu10e#mairie10#10eme #theend#2021 - @rencontresphotosparis on Instagram

- Creepy

Werner Herzog Acid - @acidwaxa on Instagram

Positividade sempre Deus é bom toda hora - @ramon.felix.161446 on Instagram

- caricatures

Scream man #scream #screamman #portraitphotography #streetstyle #streetphotography #blackandwhitephotography - @rachele_salvioli_photographer on Instagram

Happy Birthday father and son. Estevan Oriol August 2 #estevanoriol Eriberto Oriol August 4 #eribertooriol - @eribertooriol on Instagram

- Acrylic, 24x36

- @jeansmithpainter on Instagram

Nesta semana, mais um capítulo da minha história se completou. E com ele, a carreira de mais um co-autor. Hoje, fica uma lição - pra nos lembrar que esta história é eterna, e o Grande Autor conhece o final. - @leonamkeller on Instagram

- OC inspired by Maxim Verehin and Exsl95 (german youtuber)

Black vs White #androgynous #fashionillustration #style #bartgrein #vogue #fashionsketch - @davidcorona.co on Instagram

A great night for #habitatforhumanity at The #breakerspalmbeach ! - @neilsaffer on Instagram

- In Honor of George Floyd, me, acrylic, 2020

Jean Michel Basquiat meets 𝔾 Idea & 📸 by @cuurlygram @beycuurly #artwork #art #basquiat #picoftheday #melaninpoppin #gevez #instagood #oscarjacobson #painting - @gbeert on Instagram

Those NRK compilations 🙏☀️One of my fav here from master Claussel. Timeless tracks... - @liferec.notes on Instagram

- Sylvie Fleury

His peachfuzz isnt obvious. I think I should add more and make them softer too. Anyway still styling the Doctors hair but Im glad Im comfortable with Xgen now! Quite happy with the brows. Lashes could use a bit more work. #joserizal #doctorjoserizal #rizal #zbrush #zbrushsculpt #3dcharacter #3dhuman #3dsculpt #digital #digitalhuman #cg #maya #vray #vrayrender #autodeskmaya #philippines - @jpmanlangit on Instagram

- Nail art printer

- Parody: Son of Man

- Audrey Flack

The future is confirmed:) - @vegeir on Instagram

Red Notice. @therock @gal_gadot @vancityreynolds @netflix - @rawsonthurber on Instagram

- LEGENDARY Musicians

- David Park

- blabla.

- Caricatures

Desafio aceito, para MELHORAR A VIDA dos Blumenauenses. 🤝 - @hermessoethe on Instagram

- Trying to get better with “painting” portraits on my iPad. Digital drawing, iPad & Procreate with “oil paint” brushes.

- Dr. Hannibal Lecter

🐻 . painted using @heavypaintapp . #heavypaint #heavypaintapp #digitalillustration #digitalart #digitalpainting #mrbean - @artofjpbonoan on Instagram

- art

I always love making art with my amazing friend @williampcorgan - excited to share what is coming. ❤️ @smashingpumpkins the clocks are ticking down.... “we’re on the verge” ⚡️⚡️⚡️ - @lindastrawberry on Instagram

- icons of music

The King project X : Zbrush Techniques and Practises اینم آموزش پرتره رئال و هارد سرفس و پارچه که قولشو دادم😌😍💪 بچه‌ها از لحظه‌ی اول این کار رو رکورد کردم تا اخرش که کامل بتونین یه پروژه حرفه ای رو تمرین کنین و ببینین. از خیلی از ابزارهایی که توی مسترینگ زیبراش اموزش دادم توی این پروژه استفاده شده که بطور عملی تکنیک ها رو لمس کنین. این پروژه واقعا شما رو توی زیبراش تبدیل میکنه به من😄دیگه برین حال کنین و تا چند روز دیگه میتونین روی سایت ببینین🙂😍😌💪 #zbrush #characterdesign #creaturedesign #pixologic #king #costume #costumedesign - @azinjanati on Instagram

- @iguassumiranda on Instagram

- Michael Jordan, Me, Charcoal and gold leaf on Paper, 2020

#bass#bajo#funk#rock#musica - @sergiooscarmayorano on Instagram

On Thursday night I attended a screening of the film Last Flag Waving and got to meet one of its stars, Bryan Cranston. - @ronmcpherson on Instagram

- 3D scanning heads (and other medium sized objects) with multiple pi cameras

Minha linda, minha luz, minha guia, meu céu, meu chão.. meu tudo!!!. Amor sem preceitos, totalmente incondicional..Mulher guerreira, enche meu peito de orgulho por ser filho ... Parabéns, não apenas por hj.. Parabéns, por cada instante q Deus lhe permite o ato d respirar, d estar em nossa presença..EU TE AMOOOOOO!!!!!❤️❤️😘😘😍 - @fer230976 on Instagram

- caricatures

Most excellent artist #leifelggren photographed for #artlovermagazine at his studio, Aspudden, Stockholm, January 2020. - @pierre_bjork on Instagram

- art - Diego Fazio

- London PROtest

- hmmm

A current photo for current news. In nearly 90,000 posts over 30 years Ive talked to fans about my work...giving behind the scenes glimpses into writing and producing TV shows, movies, comics and the like. But its always been very one sided. So Ive decided to open the door to let folks who follow my work directly participate in the creative process and be involved in the making of new work. Whether youre a B5 fan, or you come here via Sense8 or comics or movies or anything else...this is something that I think will be of interest...a chance to go from observer to direct participant. So please pass the word to everyone you know who might be intrigued by this and tell them to stand by. The trouble starts Wednesday.... - @becomingsupermanjms on Instagram

- 3D Street Art

- Caricatures

- Art: Visual Thinking

- +18 Igor Morski

- Caricatures - Entertainers

Feliz cumpleaños a don Rafael Ithier #94 (fundador, director, pianista, arreglista, compositor) #ElGranCombo, que Dios le de salud, bendiciones hoy, mañana y siempre...🎂🇵🇷🎹🎷🎵🎤🎺 #RafaelIthier94 #OrgulloBoricua #elmulatomayor #elgrancombodepuertorico #losmulatosdelsabor #richiebastar #rafaelithier - @bongoperc on Instagram

- @brandinic1996 on Instagram

- Dystopia

- Gasp, Michael Reeder, Mixed media on layered panels, 2019

- Out Of My Head, Me, Photoshop, 2020

- Blursed_choice

The Evolution of #DustyRhodes! 🤠 #NXT #WCW #WWE #AEW #NWA #TheAmericanDream #VirgilRunnels - @wtfgfx on Instagram

Today - Dont forget to attend at 12:30- 01:30 PM (CEST). Register here, clickable link in bio 🔝 or copy this link: https://adobe.ly/32TWA9L Implant dentistry loves engineering. Yes, you read correctly. Bone needs a certain amount of mechanical stimulation to be maintained. When losing a tooth, you see bone loss due to reduced mechanical stimulation. The amount of stimulation needed can be expressed using the concept of strain, a concept that is much used in engineering but not so much in physiology. Join Dr. Stig Hansson in this webinar on the concept of strain and how it applies to the development of dental implants. * To see events in your local time, please change the time zone. - @dentsplysirona.implants on Instagram

🌇Portre siparişleri alınır 🌹Paylaşımlarınızı imzalı olarak @sanatin_sultanlari etiketleyiniz 🖼️🎨✍🏻 Mükemmel çalışma 👌Elinize emeğinize sağlık,tebrikler💐 Sanatçı=@artizeverywhere #portre #eskiz #cizim #karakalem #karakalemportre #elemeği #sanatin_sultanlari @sanatin_sultanlari @ressamkarakurt @turkiye_art @art_ayferkanber @ayferkanber2834 - @sanatin_sultanlari on Instagram

Леонид Агутин, digital @agutinleonid #агутин #леонидагутин #скетч #графика #рисунок #цвет #цифра #карикатура #шарж #портрет #drawing #artwork #graphic #mywork #instaart #picture #sketch #instasketch #art #color #caricature #portrait #illustration #digital #digitalart - @obroboro on Instagram

Agora na Ceres Galeria Vila Madalena - @edsonverti on Instagram

Hope Everyone is being safe Shonc Entertainment is back open for business. So grateful for my customers and for the support in the passed years and Im looking forward to meeting new customers. ONE LOVE and be blessed. BACKGROUND: DJ SHON-C has been bringing the music to audiences for 26 years touring The Northeast and Southwest. Provides a professional service for many types of events some are listed below. Wedding Reception Corporate Events Class School Reunions Private Parties Grand Openings Company Holiday Parties Birthday Celebrations Car Shows Many More.... No Event is to Large or Small for me to DJ. Not only am I dependable as your DJ, but I also take pride in my work accommodation and simplicity. This DJ will travel to other states. Local references available. Contact me today for a QUOTE 972-754-4106 or leshonec_1962@yahoo.com - @chamberstommy on Instagram

Go to Paint with Lewis on Facebook for fun free painting workshop. @lewislavoieart - @lewislavoieart on Instagram

Raw, poignant and profoundly honest, @davidkassan’s work aesthetically captures humanity in its true form. More than simply replicating his subjects Kassan seeks to understand them. He seeks to capture the essence of those he paints, imbuing them with their own voice. They communicate with the viewer interpersonally and we see them through our own eyes. Our gaze transcends the picture plane and permeates deep into the subject’s psyche. Kassan’s portraits pulsate with the lives of his sitters, and there’s no better example than his @facingsurvival series. It features paintings and drawings of more than a dozen Holocaust survivors, created over a period of several years. In preparation for painting their portraits, Kassan recorded his subjects’ testimonies, getting to know them deeply. His intimate understanding of his subjects and of their unique histories conveys a sense of their experiences in the Holocaust as much as it does their individual appearance now: the visceral, lifelike imagery captures each person’s spirit, pain, and dignity. David’s portraits become a form of testimony in their own right, revealing the luminous visage of resilience, the complex nature of survival, and a contemporaneous reflection of their lives in the aftermath of genocidal violence. You can view this series and more on Discovery (link in bio) where David is featured all week long as our Discovery Featured Artist of the Week. - - - - - #artworkarchiveartist #originalart #artworkarchive #artrepreneur #traditionalartwork #traditionalpainting #oilpainting #instaartwork #instaart #realistart #realistpainting #realisticdrawing #muse #art #fineart #paint #painting #realism #oilpaint #drawing #drawings #stilllife #oilpaint #artistsoninstagram #workingartist #artinventory #artbusiness #artbiz - @artworkarchive on Instagram

وداعا أمير الإنسانية. Ali Bin Ali . • • • #jewellery #jewelry #fashion #earrings #handmade #gold #necklace #accessories #silver #love #ring #jewels #style #diamond #handmadejewelry #diamonds #jewellerydesign #bracelet #rings #wedding #alibinali #jewelrydesign #design #jewelryaddict #luxury #handmadejewellery #instajewelry #علي_بن_علي #مجوهرات - @alibinali_luxurykw on Instagram

Con el maestro Eddie Martínez, Masters clase universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá - @leoperez7965 on Instagram

- Istanbul International Arts & Culture Festival

- Anthony Hopkins Caricature Collection

- My News

- Architects in Black

- Finger Print Portraits

- King of Queens

- Abousiné and the Gnanga Mbeybeurr

- cursed_arousal

- blues

Thank you again for making the farewell very special. He kept looking at the caricature and laughing Many Thanks again from the Cancer Team. Love my job ! 🙂 . . . . #caricatures #caricature #caricatureartist #terrydunnettcaricatures #terrydunnett #perthcaricatures #caricaturesperth #caricaturesaustralia #australiancaricatures #perthart #perthartist #digitalpainting #illustration #caricaturefromphotos #caricaturecommissions - @terry_dunnett_caricatures on Instagram

Inner friend with special need 4 #painting #paintingagain #oil #oilpainting #oiloncanvas #art #artoftheday #artistsoninstagram #instadaily #instagood #artmagazine #surealism #sureal #magazine #artist #contemporarypainting #kunst #muskinjart #arte #contemporaryart - @muskinjart on Instagram

Este e meu amigo Franchesco .e se vc quiser um desse desenhado por mim ligue 011 999 000 883 com Milva - @marquitosbtoficial on Instagram

Watch out! Fred Schneider on the new album! #music #newmusic #fredschneider #b52s #theb52s @theb52sband @thesuperions #newwave #newyork #seattle #newalbum - @thefabulousdowneybrothers on Instagram

- Comics Pics

- Season 4 key art is here!

Had a GREAT time tonight at the welcome party for @artsbuild s new leader, @jhmckissic . Saw some, IMHO, great art too! Special thanks to @rodneyvanv for keeping the ship on course and afloat during the transition! - @goodwithfaces on Instagram

❤️🖤💚 - @johandrox on Instagram

- fat

- Caricatures

- David Cadrans art

- @harry_cep on Instagram

Soon birthday for 2 of 3 brothers - @aslakpoika on Instagram

#portraits #selfportrait#oilpainting #portraitstudy - @sebastianbeianuartist on Instagram

Lockdown selfie!! - @markambrose_skymaster on Instagram

A huge happy birthday to the one and only @ringostarrmusic! #peaceandlove✌ #ringostarr #ringo #paulmobley #paulmobleystudio #hasselblad #atedge #beatles #matrixmgmt #davidlynchfoundation #musiccares #wateraid @davidlynchfoundation @musicares @blklivesmatter - @paulmobleystudio on Instagram

- Art: Stephen Fishwick

- Art Gallery Paris Rouen Honfleur New-York

- Joe Rogan, Me, Digital, 2020

El presidente de la UNEAC Luis Morlote recibió, junto al poeta y etnólogo Miguel Barnet y miembros del Secretariado de la organización, al querido actor norteamericano Danny Glover. El Noticiero Cultural estuvo presente y le ofrecerá detalles en su emisión de este martes. - @noticiero.cultural.cuba on Instagram

Bjsss meu jorge ate sempre obrigado por tudo - @benvindojosetavaresfonseca on Instagram

Leadership. Thoughtfulness. Inspiration. Guidance. Discipline. Kindness. Strength. Wisdom. Steadiness. Humility. Power. LOVE. A little message i was inspired to write over the photo. Please come back. @barackobama @michelleobama - @sethepstein on Instagram

Cuarentena - @renerodriguezoficial on Instagram

Investing in art is valuable and unique. It represents the top of social advancement. I am Kifah Abdulla My artwork soon will be for sale and commission. For all the inquiries on my works email me on my website below: www.kifahabdulla.com * Perhaps you are interested in supporting Rebel Art Project or to purchase a copy of my books Mountains Without Peaks and Dead Still Dream - @kifahabdulla on Instagram

- Caricatures or drawings

- Caricatures

- B.B. King

- Celeb cartoons

Title: Ray Medium: Acrylic on canvas Size: 48 x 48 Collection: Angels of Music Date: 2009 ______________________________ Ray Charles Robinson was an American singer, songwriter, pianist, and composer. Among friends and fellow musicians he preferred being called Brother Ray. He was often referred to as The Genius. Charles was blinded during childhood due to glaucoma. #art #music #poetry - @komiolaf on Instagram

- As were posting Grace Jones... by her then boyfriend Jean-Paul Gaude [1981]