Heart Diagram Profile Pics

heartloveheartbeatheartsworld heart daynational geographicbahononheart anatomybeat

kiss me love heart heart kiss me love heart glitter

- Infographics

caract f16

wip shit !

i love you heart ily

- Watermelon Slices - Fuller Projection Area Error

aesthetic image


divider separator aesthetic stickers discord

- flipchart visuals


heart hand

- Grasshopper 3D


- Smola

Crochet Granny Square Floral Filet Lacy Pattern Instant Download Square Crochet PDF Pattern Floral Afghan Block Lacy Square Motif

srce goga gogaa goga65 heart

2 NOVOS CASOS DE COVID-19 EM ARMAMAR Saiba mais em www.cm-armamar.pt #armamarterradeemocoes #covıd19 #coronavirus - @armamarterradeemocoes on Instagram

love you hearts changing colors love in love

- Human body diagram

rose flower heart love wings

- Anatomical heart study, 8.5x11, ballpoint pen and sharpie

my love

‎——𖤐 —⋆ ❩ᱬ❨⋆— 𖤐——

ompangie kakaotalk emoticon pentol heart

Em tempos onde cada vez mais se estuda a interação entre o cérebro e o intestino, entendendo a relação entre a saúde do trato digestório e a fisiopatologia de diversas doenças (mentais, autoimunes, cutâneas, etc...), a possibilidade de conseguir realizar uma investigação profunda, tanto da composição quanto da suficiência do nosso sistema digestório, é determinante na identificação da causa da doença. A história clínica do paciente, junto com a avaliação de desequilíbrios na microbiota, de insuficiências de enzimas digestivas, da presença de microorganismos patogênicos e da permeabilidade intestinal oferece as ferramentas para que o médico possa prescrever o melhor tratamento. - @dr_thiagoferreira on Instagram

outfit inspo


ninisjgufi heart guga %E1%83%92%E1%83%A3%E1%83%9A%E1%83%98 %E1%83%9C%E1%83%98%E1%83%9C%E1%83%98%E1%83%A1%E1%83%AF%E1%83%92%E1%83%A3%E1%83%A4%E1%83%98

- Cardiology nursing

love banca bank banca mediolanum mediolanum

- B O N E S

love heart drawing

An eye @medical_notestepup #medlife #notes #mbbsgoals💉💊🎓📚 #mbbslife #pathology #medlife #medstudent #medicine #mbbslife #medical #medicalstudent #medicalnotestepup #medicos #surgery #anatomy #who #pharmacology - @medical_notestepup on Instagram



love heart love you i love you ily

- Biochemistry


50 Heart Coloring Pages: Free Printable Sheets

heart love flowers rose my heart beats for you

- Anatomical


Cute Roblox Avatar

hugs hugs for you hugs images hearts hugs hearts

- Infographic



- Blockchain

Minecraft hardcore hearts tattoo

red heart heart joypixels love red

- Med Lab


you hold a special place in my heart roses hearts love

- Cell - Structure

Chevron / Ripple Afghan Crochet Pattern PATTERN ONLY | Etsy

© अमोर्को ۚ   ❨  𝐂𝖠𝖬 Ͱ : 𝐓𝖧𝖤 𝐋𝖤𝖠𝖣𝖤𝖱 ❩

milk and mocha cute bear flower love

- logo geometry

Cute Roblox Avatar

one punch man

heart heartbeat roses

1階フロアには ・カフェ ・BAR ・BBQテラス ・グラインドプール ・マリンアクティビティー受付 ・オフィス ・ヘアサロン が、併設されております☕️ コーヒーだけでも お気軽にどうぞ〜! 水深2メートルある プールの利用は現在無料開放しております、事前にMARINXクルーに ご相談くださいませ〜 ランチしてプールで泳いで帰られる方もいますよ〜 🏊‍♀️ ⚓︎ MARINX( @marinx_okinawa ) ☎︎ 098-988-3007 361-2, Minatogawa, Yaese-chou, Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa, Japan #MARINX #marinxharbor #okinawa #japan #okinawatrip #scubadiving #surfing #fishing #sup #bbq #guesthouse #snorkeling#beachcleanup #沖縄 #沖縄旅行 #旅行 #一人旅 #ダイビング #シュノーケリング #サップ #海 #サーフィン #ドローン #イベント #島#ビーチクリーン - @marinx_harbor on Instagram

live cats heart love sweet

What are you studying now? Comment the topic - @medschool.inspiration on Instagram


emoji cute smiley facebook react new reaction

- Brain Awareness

i love you hearts letter s love hands

- Primary care

world heart day heart 3d gifs artist

- anatomy and physiology

radiofm4 fm4 heart bumping love

- Italian Roast Coffee

valentinesweekend love heart hearts

- Cannabis Health

love cute adorable sweet heart

- visualization tools

heart national geographic heartbeat pumping blood world heart day

- Infographics

love heart love heart couple love couple in heart locket

- Education

heart bahonon jayjay opely


love %D8%AF%D9%84 %D9%82%D9%84%D8%A8 dil heart

- 3D Art Images

heartbeat circulatory cardiovascular

- Circuit board tattoo

130718 i love you my heart

- tummy tuck


#howtobehaveathome #pollymorgan - @pollymorganartist on Instagram


- Photo facial

heart colorful rainbow sharechat

- food pairing

jasg nogallas riazor

- I like it.


- Exercise (Body)

heart pills love pills pills hearts colorful hearts

- Paper Artist.

heart heartbeat beat

- GCSE Science Revision

love heart beating red faizah i love you




love heart heart beat beating heart red

- Microorganisms

heartbroken bahonon jayjay opely

- Legal system

sparkling red roses flowers gems

- I must be missing something. How do they breed?

love you 2020 heart

Corona beschäftigt uns alle. Leider. Leider versuchen es immer wieder Kunden in unsere Stores ohne Mund- und Nasenmaske. Das ist zum einen nicht erlaubt und zum anderen uns und den anderen Mitmenschen gegenüber respektlos! Wenn Ihr ein ärztliches Attest unaufgefordert am Eingang jemandem unseres Teams vorzeigen könnt, das ihr aus medizinischer Sicht keine Maske tragen sollt, dann seid ihr willkommen. Aber dann bitte schnellstmöglich Euren Einkauf erledigen. Ohne Maske und ohne Attest? Dann bleib bitte draußen! Auch wenn keine Anzeichen einer Krankheit vorliegen, trage bitte die Maske. Vor allem auch korrekt. Mund- und Nasenmaske sollte dann tatsächlich auch diesen gesamten Bereich bedecken. Die Maske dient nicht als Kinnhalter, Bartverdecker oder Stirnband - so lustig das auch manchmal aussieht! Für unser gesamtes Team ist es auch lästig den ganzen Tag mit der Maske rumzulaufen - aber nur gemeinsam können wir was erreichen! Bleibt gesund! Deine DECATHLON-Teams Koblenz und Mülheim-Kärlich #sportanrheinundmosel #decathlondeutschland #coronabesiegen wo - @decathlonkoblenz on Instagram

animals happy heart heart love

- Basketteur

music heart flower

- Compnay

blue love heart galaxy sparkling

- Castles

hug heart love cute

Mañana 21 de agosto nace CUMBIA SIGLO XXI. Desde ya hemos hecho su carta astral y acá unos aspectos tanto positivos y negativos: SOL conjunción MERCURIO: El ego de Cumbia siglo XXI está unido a su pensamiento. SOL en oposición al MEDIO CIELO: CUMBIA SIGLO XXI es más tímida y reservada, no va a prestar mucha atención al mundo. LUNA quincuncio MARTE: Cumbia siglo XXI va a ser caprichosa y pendenciera, tendrá trastornos digestivos si no se controla, sin embargo, y gracias al trígono con SATURNO, este aspecto rabioso de CUMBIA SIGLO XXI se llevará con madurez JÚPITER conjunción PLUTON: CUMBIA SIGLO XXI tendrá gran energía sexual. Probablemente sirva para unir a parejas y llevarlas a la felicidad. Esta conjunción también determina los poderes ocultos de CUMBIA SIGLO XXI que son indeterminados. PLUTON conjunción SATURNO: Aunque CUMBIA SIGLO XXI desconfía del poder, soportará todo tipo de pruebas en la busca de su objetivo. Si alguien trata de controlarlo, reaccionará violentamente. JÚPITER oposición VENUS: : CUMBIA SIGLO XXI tendrá una vida bohemia y tempestuosa. MARTE EN ARIES: esto habla por sí mismo. Sin embargo esto hará que CUMBIA SIGLO XXI no sea resentida, olvidará a quién la ofenda rápidamente. Sin embargo tiene aspectos tensos con PLUTÓN, SATURNO y JÚPITER aspectos que traerán algún tipo de chascarrillo a CUMBIA SIGLO XXI. URANO sextil VENUS: CUMBIA SIGLO XXI, será bastante jovial y será muy idealista. URANO oposición LUNA: CUMBIA SIGLO XXI, al ser una mujer, tendrá ligeros problemas si queda en estado de embarazo, y probablemente en la lactancia a sus hijos. CUMBIA SIGLO XXI está en los últimos días de LEO, por lo tanto su energía solar se combinará con la constelación de VIRGO. Tendrá fuego y tierra en su comportamiento. CONCLUSIÓN: Cumbia siglo XXI será una mujer alegre pero temperamental, tendrá que aprender varias cosas de la realidad a la que le huye en su inconsciente. Anexo la carta para el que quiera develar más cosas sobre este nacimiento mañana AGOSTO 21 de 2020. - @meridianbrothers on Instagram

animated heart heart camgirlcloud heart red heart animated

- Data

love you heart heartbeat beating heart anatomy

- High dose LSD closed-eye visuals


- archi art

atrium national geographic upper chambers heart heart diagram

- Blood Components



ventricles national geographic lower chambers heart heart diagram

- Isometric drawing exercises

a way to a mans heart is through his stomach heidi li delish a way to my heart is through food give me food and you have my heart

- Adult Health

hearts love happy valentine

- Anatomical Hearts

heart good gold goldheart glitter

- Airport Building

i love you with all my hearts sparkle love heart

- CBD oil

my grandbabies heart i love you ily flowers

- cranial nerves


- Being a vet

red balloon

- Boss Lady

corazon latiendo

- Anatomy

i love you

- Girl Scout Junior & Cadette Meeting Ideas

heartbeat human heart my heart i love you

- Skeleton ,muscles

heart love heart beating i love you in love

Science is about knowing; engineering is about doing. - Henry Petroski . Happy Engineers Day😇 . . . . .  .  For more information follow- @socialhathi.info @socialhathi.consultation . Call us on 7028808182 / 7219474849 . . . #socialmediamarketing #SocialMediaGuru #socialhathi #SocialMediaMarketing #digitalmarketing #graphicdesign #websitedesign#advertisingagency #advertisement#engineersday #graphics#pune#socialhathiagency #Socialmediamarketing #followforfollowback #like #comment #share #ideas#business #businessbuilding #businessowner #businessideas #designservices - @socialhathi on Instagram


- Biology Experiments

i love you love heart purple heart pink heart purple love heart

- Metaphysic

heart bahonon opely jayjay glittery

- Anatomy Art


- Bio

my heart big

- document file

beautiful heart love in love ily

- food pairing

heart floating

- Anatomy

red heart symbols joypixels heart heart symbol

- Italian Roast Coffee

heart happy hearts happiness

- Tag Cloud

broken heart shimmer breaker heart breaker

- GFX / UI

heart loves roses


love you heart heart beat beating heart hearts

- Inka

oskie heart oskieloveyou

- Body facts

heart glittery red glitter red glitter heart love

- And........breathe.........

heart national geographic heartbeat pumping world heart day



- Brain (left and right)

heart beat

- Event

heart love images

- biology بيولوجيا -أحياء -

heart attack beating heart heartbeat in love my heart

- Axonometric Architecture Drawing

heart images heart love you i love you

- Infographics

heart heart pumping blood left and right ventricle heart beat

- gut.

flower love love you heart hearts

- Outfits

love heart love you saquinon bahonon ozoua

- Nerd

love heart

- Brain-Based Learning

two heart that beats as one beat heart

- Labor positions

vindictus heart spam massive infinite

- Infographics and Ideas

hearts love heart beat art

Maryland Reports Zero COVID-Related Deaths for First Time Since March 28th For the first time since March 28th, the state of Maryland reports zero COVID-related deaths. Earlier this morning Mike Ricci, communications director for Governor Larry Hogan, tweeted “Today, for the first time since March 28, the State of Maryland is reporting *zero* new COVID deaths. Still a long way to go, but this is a day we have very much been hoping for.” Additional data is available at the Maryland Covid-19 Data Dashboard, which can be accessed on our website. - @themocoshow on Instagram


- Design Thinking

upper chambers national geographic heart heart diagram heart anatomy

- Química y Biología


- animaux

vindictus heart hearts spam infinite

- knight gauntlet

anatomical heart beating heart oddly terrifying heart

- statistical process control


- 10 the Human Brain Coloring Pages

- anatomy.

- Blood

- Anatomy

- Geometry Problems

- Citric Acid Cycle

- Information Art

- Anatomy & Physiology Sense

- Design Gráfico Brasileiro

- pocket diary

- cell membrane

- Hearts

- broken heart art

- Biology

- Cancer

- Cardiovascular Training

- Science notes

- Anatomy Reference

- CC Fine Arts

- Microblading Eyebrows

- Diagram

- spaceship design

- Anthropometrics

- Infographics and Charts

- Agent based model

- Eye health

- Becoming A Nurse

- Analysis of cases

- Cattle

- [Design] App Template

- Italian Roast Coffee

- Bubble diagram

- Math

- 3D Printing

- Applique Tutorials

- card board art

- Types of arthritis

- Infographic Design

- Addiction Therapy

- Biology notes


- Orthographic Projection

- arch graphics analysis

- Medical Laboratory Scientist

- clandon park

- biology

- Tentacle

- Information about Huntingtons disease

- Bullet Journal & Bucket List

- Anatomy and Physiology

- Altered Books

- Biological Sciences unit

- Soccer ball cake

- Vestibular system

- Atrial Fibrillation

- Character Anatomy | Bones

- culturemedium prep

- ARCH :: Bridge


- Elhers Danlos Syndrome

- Anatomy

- Education

- Biology is Refreshing !!

- Fantasy Montréal Metro, if every Tim Hortons was turned in to a Metro station

- Thought Domesticated, Me, Fineliners on A3, 2020

- Medieval Swords

- art journal

- Ive been getting back into drawing, I heart this one.

Fresh IBCC chapter & cast on parenteral anticoagulants in critical care⁣ 🤓 ⁣ 🩸Lots of pharmacology here but I think the most interesting bits are about heparin resistance (when it’s impossible or difficult to achieve anticoagulation with a heparin infusion). We are rarely taught about this, but it’s reasonably common in ICU (especially in COVID pts). ⁣ ⁣ 🩸Heparin pseudo-resistance: this is a lab artefact when the PTT is artificially low due to excessive levels of fibrinogen and factor VIII. This is *dangerous* if not recognized, because the heparin drip may be cranked way too high, causing hemorrhage. Diagnostic key is to check the anti-Xa level (will be therapeutic or supra-therapeutic).⁣ ⁣ 🩸True heparin resistance may be due to pharmacologic changes in heparin metabolism or anti-thrombin deficiency. If impossible to achieve therapeutic anticoagulation with heparin, switching to an IV direct thrombin inhibitor may be the safest way to deal with this (e.g. IV argatroban).⁣ ⁣ For full chapter & podcast, follow link in the bio.⁣👆 ⁣ #pulmcrit #intensivecareunit #intensivecare #icu #criticalcare #criticalcaremedicine #emergencymedicine #meded #medicaleducation #foamed ⁣#hematology #pharmacology #zentensivist - @pulmcrit on Instagram

- Apologia science middle school

- Art - Chakra

- Architecture

- High School Biology

- Health Information Management

- anatomy artworks


- Heart artwork

- decision making

- Implantable cardioverter defibrillator/Heart matters

- Cranial nerves anatomy

- Bells Palsy

- Grasshopper - Rhino

- Effective Presentation

- Big data technologies

- Heart Theme Tattoos

- Jewelry Illustration

- Skin treatments

- 16 personalities/ ENFP

- L’Information

- Anatomy art

- Architecture diagrams

- ati teas

- Agent based model

- Biological sketches

causas de dolor de cabeza - @raul_guarda on Instagram

- 7th Grade Science Labs

- artbook journaling

- Astigmatism and Night Vision

- Artwork & Images

- Career goals

- Omega 3 News

- Science - Diagrams

- Anatomy

Excited to present our @designforemergency project at @arselectronica! Join us tomorrow, Sept 10, at 5.30 pm (UTC+2) for the Ars Electronica Garden Creating a new normal, where we will discuss how design and humanities can envision and give form to new ways of living. Register through the link in bio! #arselectronica20 #designforemergency #covid19 - @___saracolombo on Instagram

- Bookmarks

*HOY* sab 5.9 6pm ARG *Cajita Musical Planetaria* de Nacho Sanchez en colaboración con Emma Harumi, Felipe Arias Vazquez, Bárbara Togander y Emiliano Montenegro en *«In/Out Festival»*. El proyecto parte de la premisa de que el medio crea a la obra. En el contexto de confinamiento, CMP genera una comunidad efímera entre cinco artistas con diversos antecedentes culturales y sonoros, que se proponen construir un lugar propio y virtual para la creación colectiva. El dispositivo de la obra se apropia de 5 diferentes tecnologías existentes (Rtpmidi, Teleidi, Ableton, Jamtaba, Discord), las trenza y superpone, para resignificar el uso para el que fueron diseñadas y hallar un nuevo reducto de encuentro en el confinamiento. + Charla: Creación Colectiva a Distancia a cargo de Nacho Sanchez - director de CMP - y Matt Bray - asesor técnico y desarrollador del sistema Telemidi / Acerca de los desafíos de la música en tiempos de distanciamiento físico y el papel de la tecnología como generadora de nuevas formas de crear. (CMP) puede escucharse el sábado 5 de septiembre a las 6 PM Puntual (ARG) puntual por la plataforma coincidencia.net / La charla se realizará a continuación Actividades Gratuitas - @barbaratogander on Instagram

THE SHOULDER is my favorite large joint. As with all X-rays consistency in your approach is the key. Check the ALIGNMENT of every bone and joint. Trace the cortex of each BONE. Assess for possible CARTILAGE loss by making sure that the joint space is not narrowed. Run the SOFT TISSUES to check for gas or foreign bodies. Be consistent. Be patient. Be diligent. #anatomyoverlays - @theradiologyguy on Instagram

- Aqa a level chemistry

- Infographics & Data Visualization

- In The News Gcse art-year 11 2018

- Art tutorials (everything)

- Heart organ

- i need dis

- Body Map

- Affinity Designer - Best Tutorials

- Acupressure points chart

- Human Anatomy

- Wood Illustration

- Art

- Anatomy

- Physiologic Chemistry

- Updated Version of my previous oxidative phosphorylation doodle. Added some more details :) always open to suggestions for further improvement

- Arteries

- Paper Cut

- Madical illustration and neurosurgery CT

- Brains

- Croquis robot

- gre math

- Atshushi koyami

- Acupressure

- Poster architecture

RULES OF AROMATICITY @pharmaindia24 @pharmacy_india . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #gpat2020 #gpat #ntagpat #ntagpat2020 #niper #nipermohali #niper2020 #druginspector #druginspectorexam #druginspectormcqs #druginspection #pharmacyschool #pharmaceutics #pharmacognosy #pharmacy💊 #pharmacology #pharmacist #pharmacist #pharmacy #pharmacystudent #pharma #pharmaceuticals #science#pharmajobs #bigpharmajobs #science #biology #mbbs #medical#pharmacology - @pharmaindia24 on Instagram

- Computational Design - Parametric Architecture

- Nail courses

- art- fashion illustration mixed media

- data visualization

Structure of the blood vessel . . . . . . . . #med #learn #vessel #blood #medical - @med.learn on Instagram

- Take Heart my Friend

- 2018 World Cup Probabilities [OC]

- clever thoughts

- a&p course

- ALLURE Me with your HACKS,or info on anything to do with BEAUTY FACE HAIR NAILS SKIN.

- Computational Design - Parametric Architecture

What is Autophagy? And Why is it Important?⁠ ⁠ Autophagy is the latest buzz word in the wellness space but what does it actually mean for our health?⁠ ⁠ Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to generate newer, healthier cells. It literally translates as “self-eating”.⁠ ⁠ So why is this so important?⁠ Everyday your cells get beaten up by the daily stressors of life (environmental toxins, processed foods, chronic stress) and over time this causes damage to the cells. This damage manifests itself in the form of ageing (weight gain, wrinkles, pigmentation, and neurological diseases). This is why autophagy is so important as it cleans up our cells at the end of the day. This means your cells function better and your body runs better overall.⁠ ⁠ How to activate autophagy:⁠ 🔴Intermittent fasting⁠ 🔴Protein Cycle. Alternate between periods of low protein and medium to high protein consumption⁠ 🔴Eat fats in the morning and carbohydrates in the evening⁠ 🔴Drink green tea⁠ 🔴Add cinnamon into your diet⁠ 🔴Cook with coconut oil⁠ 🔴Eat a diet rich in polyphenols (blueberries, dark chocolate, plums, coffee)⁠ ⁠ If you have any questions around autophagy feel free to DM us.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #autphagy #wellness #cellular #cellularregeneration #antiaging #liveforever #futureheath #biohacking #bodyoptimisation #bodyoptimising #health #biology - @bellecell on Instagram

- Human Anatomy/dissection

- Respiratory System

- Navigation Design

- Dibujo anatómico


- Coronavirus Crown [520x1280]

- Bouddhisme

- Maps

- Eye of Cthulhu and The Twins resprite - moving on with the resprite series!

- Diabetes mellitus Typ 2

- About Adderall


- Architects

Subtle Energies is very pleased to be representing again at the acclaimed Aromatic Medicine research conference, Botanica 2020! Run by the amazing aromatherapy icon, Rhiannon Lewis, this year via a virtual platform, Botanica showcases excellence in clinical aromatherapy and related herbal therapeutics.⁠ ⁠ There’s no denying when we talk about essential oils, their rich, fragrant aroma is what first comes to mind. But have you ever wondered how these aromas actually work and impact us? ⁠ One of our most underrated sensory systems, the Olfactory system, is one of the most vital parts of the limbic region of the brain. Essential oils go through the olfactory system via the nasal mucosa and our chemical messengers respond in less than 4 seconds, or almost instantly, impacting the thalamus and hypothalamus, which in turn impacts our psychological, autonomic, endocrine, and immune responses.⁠ ⁠ When using essential oils we are synergising the prana (the life force of the plant) of these oils with our own prana. Therefore bringing more clarity not only on a physical level but also on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.⁠ ⁠ #SubtleEnergies #ayurvedaaromatherapy #ayurveda #aromatherapy #naturalskincare #essentialoils #botanica2020 - @subtleenergies on Instagram

- Photo facial

- infographics

Different areas for colostomy . Kolostomi adalah salah satu prosedur bedah yang mmbawa satu ujung usus besar keluar melalui ujung dinding perut. Selama prosedur ini, salah satu ujung usus di alihkan melalui sayatan di dinding perut untuk menciptakan stoma. Stoma adalah pembukaan pada kulit sbg tempat kluarnya feses. Bbrpa alasan yang menyebabkan dilakukanya prosedur in adalah kanker usus, penyakit infalamasi pada usus (Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis), obstruksi usus. Stoma dapat bersifat sementara maupun permanen trgantung dr pnyebabnya. . . Mau foto/video  kamu di share juga? Tag @kulon.kulners di setiap moment kamu yaaaa Follow ig partner kami : @kulon.kuliahonline @kulon.kuldok @kulon.kulbid @kulon.kuldent @kulevent.kulon . . . #kulonkuliahonline #belajarmudahdimanasaja #kuliahonline #nerskita #nerskitasemua #nurselife #thenurselink #nurse #nurses #studentnurses #nursingstudent #nursingschool #nursingnotes #scrubslife #nursesofinstagram #nurselife  #nurseproblems  #perawatindonesia #nursing #perawathebat #perawat #nursehumor #mahasiswaners #mahasiswaperawat #calonperawat #calonners Reposted from @medical.doctors .@infoperawat - @kulon.kulners on Instagram


- Heart

- anatomoy

- Infographic Design

- culturemedium prep

- Angio

- Eye health

- Immune System

- C Diff

- Skeleton ,muscles

- AP Biology

- student

- Cvid

- Art

- dessins anatomie

- Biology

- fabulous

- Acupunctura

- hotel

- Living Well with Huntingtons disease

- Data Visualization

- Architecture & design

- Exam planner

As a part of the @kombinatrotweiss_illustration illustrator representation, I had the pleasure to participate in a project for @junge_helden e.V.. It’s a campaign to advertise and draw attention on organ donation, called „Life Saving Wallpapers“. We were asked to create smartphone wallpapers which are also being the organ donation card. It was a really fun project and an important topic. If you’re from Germany and you would like to get more informations, take a look on @junge_helden profile. If you would like to get the wallpaper and see how to fill in, check out my story or highlights. It’s definitely worth to think about getting an organ donation card :) Here are my final illustration and also a few versions in different styles. Let me know which one you like the most :) - - - #LifeSavingWallpapers #organspendeausweisultras #wirbleibendran #organspende #organdonation #organdonationcard #organ #illustration #Illustrationartist #graphic_art #illustrationoftheday #artistoninstagram #graphicdesign #graphicoftheday #digitalillustration - @moritz.adam.schmitt on Instagram

- Panopticon, Roberto Osti, pencil, 2010

- Bullet journal themes

- Sketchbook ideas

- The Make Overhangs Printable setting in Cura seems pretty magical. No support! :D

- CNA, Nursing, & Medical stuff. Etc.

- Number Tricks

- Anatomy

- Radial nerve

- plan

- Architecture

- Biochemistry

- Schematic design

- The Ribbon of Space: a schematic illustration of an 11-dimensional fantasy universe

- Complex plane

- Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

- Grasshopper - Rhino