Goodday Profile Pics

have a nice daygood morninghave a good dayflowergoodmorninghave a great daygoodtamilmorninghappy

𝙿𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚊𝙻𝚘𝚏𝚢 𝚙𝚏𝚙

Have A Good Day Gif GIF - Have a good day Gif Alisa - Discover & Share GIFs

good morning chutki chhota bheem rise and shine morning

Człowiek jest szczęśliwi kiedy robi to co lubi ❤️ Mogę spełniać się na deskach teatrów za co jestem szalenie wdzięczna 🥰😍❤️, ale mogę także na uczelni 😍 @wnpism_uw to wyjątkowy wydział i wspaniali ludzie! #happyme #work #dowhatyoulove #lovewhatyoudo - @basiagiewont on Instagram

good morning butterfly peace flower have a beautiful day

sometimes a smile is enough . . . . #werbung #germany #munich #kooperation #muc #landshut #regensburg #blogger_de #bloggervibes #tattoo #österreich #portraitphotography #portrait #portraitmood #selfietime #girlpower #sunkissed #germany_insta #germanblog #bayernliebe #bayerischeportraits #stayhealthy #stayfit #mrcouplede (Werbung/markennennung) - @_reh_becca on Instagram


Have a Good Day Clipart PNG Graphics Instant Download

have a nice day

Taking advantage of an unusually mild Bavarian Autumn. 😍 - @stephenbarton on Instagram

𝓀𝒾𝓀𝒾’𝓈 𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝒾𝒸𝑒📻

Have A Great Day Have A Good Day GIF - Have a great day Have a good day Have a blessed day - Discover & Share GIFs

animated greeting card have a good day

Kalo kamu cari yg cantik maaf aku mundur karna banci thailand pun lebih cantik. 😄 - @silviya_via on Instagram



good morning

#👩‍👦 난 니가 넘 져아💚❤ - @zzangzzang__2 on Instagram

icon! goob (Fluffy_Princess)

Big forehead pfp with edges


It’s Selfie-Time ❣️ . . . . . . . . . #instagood #instadog #lovemydog #appenzellersennenhund #bordercollie #mischlingshund - @mgirly007 on Instagram

dalgoja pfp! recommend by aza

good night sun

Mood ... 🌞🤪🙃 #sun #autumn #mood #ginger #selfie #hair #mua #makeupideas #makeupoftheday #makeuplife #skincare #foundation - @mila_ritz on Instagram

Funny pfp

meme goodmorning funny memes have a nice day nice day

Ihr Lieben! Auf diesem Foto seht ihr Jo und ihre Mama. Jo arbeitet jetzt schon seit einer kleinen Weile bei Frau Friedrich und darüber sind wir sehr glücklich! Wie Jo uns mitgeteilt hat, ist ihre Mama sehr schwer an Brustkrebs erkrankt und auf spezielle Medikamente angewiesen, die nicht von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden. Jo ist uns sehr ans Herz gewachsen und trotz dieser schweren Zeit schafft sie es immer wieder uns bei der Arbeit ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern. Deshalb möchten wir euch darum bitten Jo und ihre Mama bei dieser Spendenaktion zu unterstützen 👉👉👉(LINK IN BIO). Teilt den Post was das Zeug hält, oder spendet - jeder Euro zählt! #hilfe #spendenaktion #breastcancerawareness - @frau.friedrich.marburg on Instagram


spread love 💗 spread gratitude

sugar cubs

RASANYAAA.... - @alzeragenynetriana on Instagram

morning vec50

#frischerwind Ab und zu mal etwas Neues ausprobieren tut so gut! Außer wenn es sich wie bei mir derzeit ums Lernen handelt 😅 #teamlazy #bachelorarbeit #studentenleben #studentlife #windyday #blondes #blondegirl #mood #outdoor #outdoorlovers #draussenunterwegs #morningmood #travelgermany #happyday #sunnyside #momlife #germany #badenwürttemberg #visitgermany #naturelover #nature #smile - @junihelden on Instagram

khadija.kmz on TikTok

animated stickers good morning

Enjoying some time with the familyyy 💛 - @christygrimshaw on Instagram

Have a Good Day Square Sticker | Zazzle

good night goodnight

#sobota #smile #freetime😊 - @karolinamocior on Instagram

Monkey D Luffy

☁️░⃟ ⃟ᬵ꙰⇢𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬

cute good morning

Muchas gracias Ruth Tognoli @ruthtognoli por sumarte a la Comunidad Somosfinisher y Garmin Argentina de la ciudad de Bariloche (Río Negro)🇦🇷. Que disfrutes muchísimo de tu Garmin vivoactive 4S y a seguir sumando kms🏃‍♀️ en los cerros. Buena vida! Gracias por las 👉📷 hermosas que nos enviaste. Beso grande 😉💪🏻👍🏻💗 . . . . #amomigarmin #Somosfinisher #vivoactive4s #GarminLifestyle #SmartWatch #Running #Fit #Health #Entrenar #GarminArgentina #argentina #somosfinisher_sanpedro - @somosfinisher_sanpedro on Instagram

Sakamoto Taro

good morning have a nice day heart flower sparkle

Завершился курс по практике социального ноутинга — уникального формата групповой медитации — который проводил Винсент Хорн, со-основатель легендарного подкаста и сообщества Buddhist Geeks. Впервые я про социальный ноутинг узнал от Кеннета Фолка, учителя, который всё это придумал, пару лет назад. А потом Винс превратил это в замечательный учебный курс. ⠀ Курс длился с января по июнь со встречами раз в неделю (в 6:30 утра по моему времени) и стал для меня главной поддержкой в практике за эти месяцы. ⠀ Всю вторую половину курса шли сертификационные демо-сессии участников, с подробной и очень глубокой обратной связью. И вот сегодня, на финальном созвоне, своей демкой социального ноутинга состояний закрывал этот курс я. ⠀ С радостью и гордостью приписываю себе к резюме строчку «Сертифицированный фасилитатор социального ноутинга», достойного продолжателя таких непонятных народу специализаций как «эмбодимент-фасилитатор» и «магистр интегральной теории». ⠀ Дальше хочу про дизайн учебной и городской среды, про гражданский активизм, медиацию, ну и дальше в социальную медитацию. А пока — праздную. #медитация #ноутинг #осознанность #виктор_ширяев #викторширяев - @ostropoler on Instagram


good day day happy day positive positive vibes

𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓵𝓮 ☀︎︎ . . . . . #sunshine #smile #summer #summerlover #summergirl #blondhair #blondgirl #blueeyes #latesummer #september #2020 #lastweekend #goingout #friends #timeforfriends - @mrs._laurita on Instagram

have a good day svg

15 Hilarious Pictures Of Cats Faceplanting That Accurately Depicts Your Mood

good morning have a nice day have a great day flower ribbon

Há um tempo atrás eu entendi que estou nessa vida para curar, para ajudar as pessoas de alguma maneira, abdiquei e ainda abdico de muitas coisas para que meu trabalho possa atingir um nivel que eu julgo ser essencial aos meus pacientes. E será sempre assim! ❤️ #NutriçãoComAmor❤️ - @rafaelscalfo on Instagram

Sakamoto Taro

Aesthetic Cute Rabbit

goodmorning exercise lets get to work

takie słonko mogłoby świecić cały dzień 🌞 - @ninson_ on Instagram


have a great day indumati chhota bheem i hope you have a wonderful day have a nice day

***Yamaha Racing 423 is ready for racing*** @alicia_reitze_12 and myself will be lining up at @msc_altmark_e.v next weekend. @bogo.h @don_mx510 @oderitsch @svenreitze #ready #readyforracing #racing #altmark #stendal #borstel #ladies #girls #125cc #250cc #team #423 #motivation #fun #finishlinehunters #backracing ————————————— @yamahamotorde @ethendeutschland @ethenitaly @brcracing @shoeieurope @shoei_distribution @fxrmoto @fxrracingeurope @tcxboots @galfer_brakes @bridgestoneeurope @twin_air @giggagrafics @visu.alz @liqui_moly_worldwide @MXP Greven @wolfsteuerberatung @kyb_by_technical_touch @technicaltouchracing @matthias_hz701 @maciagoffroad @bergosracing @qualitybrandsstore @2xugermany @wurst_clausi @adac_motorsport @adacowl @klaus.gerdemann @gdbuttpatches @fcpracing @sporthilfe @gpproductsgmbh_akrapovic @akrapovic @Ingenieurbüro Böhse - @lare423 on Instagram

good morning

- Tryna get your attention..

good morning cat kitten trio play

Обновили альбом в наличии. Скорее выбирай, заказывай и беги навстречу приключениям! ____________________ Цена 590 руб 🔥 Доставка 350 руб🚀 ____________________ #severdv #эмалированнаякружка #горы За фото спасибо @ershova996 - @sever.dv on Instagram


“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” -Maya Angelou ❣️ - @melina.lukits on Instagram

good morning goodmorning

👅 - @official.st_xv_xn_ on Instagram

have a good day have a nice day have a great day greeting butterfly

Quarantine made me do it - @silveirajess on Instagram


The purpose of our lives is to be happy❤ #throwback old photo - @angelicalim27 on Instagram

sticker english pastel design have a good day

Trattoria La Trenta - @lebenamlimits on Instagram

good morning have a nice day

Guten Morgen 😌😄 Dauert immer ewig bis mein Geist und Körper fit sind 😅😂aber zum Glück gibt es ja Kaffeeeeeeee der es etwas beschleunigt 😇😇😇 Ich wünsche allen ein schönen Mittwoch 😘😊 #goodmorningcoffee ##coffeetime☕ #selfiee #self ##womenpower #mittwochs - @jennyeule91 on Instagram

m150 usa itworks energydrink have a good day

Från oss alla till er alla, en riktigt god jul 🎄🎁❤ #fotogeniskaParet #not - @jontetmt on Instagram

happy fathers day

💙 - @anna_gtd_variant on Instagram

hasher happy sticker

Endspurt 2k19☀️ #gutelaune #chemicalguysfamily #germandetailers #silvesterkannkommen #2k20wirdendstufe #sun #geilman #machkeinauge #gutenrutsch - @albi_chemicalguys on Instagram

good morning good mood

sometimes I swear your eyes be telling me the same thing.. - @lizaaoleinikk on Instagram

glitter blingee love awesome myspace

I got that red lip, classic thing that you like. 👄💄☕️ - @jule6261 on Instagram

peace out much love have a good day

Na plaży we Wrocławiu 🤠 @zarzyckaewelinaa dzięki za takie spontaniczne ujęcie ✌️ #beach #bar #zazoo #chill - @marcel.gyy on Instagram

good morning

We live in a world where unrealistic beauty standards run rampant, and I succumbed to it real hard. Living with adult acne fucking blows and it’s been a whirlwind of treatments and idiocracy to try to make myself feel more comfortable in my own skin. Reality is, no matter how many treatments you do, filler you pump in your face (DON’T DO IT — trust me), and diets that just don’t work, the only person that’ll make you feel at ease with yourself is YOU. I’m still ways away from feeling confident in my own skin, but I’m getting there. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #nomakeupchallenge - @julia_chugerman on Instagram

have a good day goodmorning wishing fox waving

#wedding #celebratinglove . . . . . . . . #weddingoutfit #gay #gayfit #suitup #suit #celebration #gayboy #gayvienna - @mike_m93 on Instagram

shark sharkenergy sharkenergydrink energy drink great day

Прямо сейчас готовим для вас зимнее меню! Не можем раскрывать секреты, но можем намекнуть: среди новинок будет кое-что остренькое и кое-что пряно-согревающее ☺️ Есть догадки? Делитесь в комментариях 👇🏼 - @coffee__machine on Instagram

great day goodmorning wishing good day have a great day

Manchmal ist das Leben wie ein Navi... Die Route wird neu berechnet 😏👌 #jaichmussmichfesthalten #krüppelknie #me #mylife #blueeyes #inkedgirl #inkedlife #tattoolove #love #happygirl #happy #blondhair #lebenundlebenlassen #fuckoffandsmile - @_mary_a3_ on Instagram


great weekend near Kharkiv 🇺🇦💚 - @avouremusic on Instagram

meme goodmorning good morning greetings have a great day tamil

Много животных стало появляться у меня в ленте😏На фото он не кажется таким большим и вонючим, каким он является на самом деле😌 . . . #dog #dogs #animals #freeanimals #rest #summerrest #summer #saratov #engels #камбоджа - @misharedds on Instagram

animal dance party fun good day

Nacional 2 in the wilderness 🌳 #visitportugal #descobrirportugal #portugaldesulanorte #portugalcomefeitos #portugalexperience #portugal_a_gramas #sharing_portugal #travelportugal #viaje #mochileiro #backpacker #Portugal #rotaen2 #estradanacional2 #exploreportugal #experienceportugal #olhoportugues #portugal_gems #portugal_photos #igersportugal #sharing_portugal #ig_portugal_photo #fogecomigo #portugalemclicks #olhar_de_Portugal #FugasPorPortugal #pics_pt #portugal_gems - @darekstrojewski on Instagram

dog eyebrow funny eyebrow raise

24 HOUR MASSAGE MARATHON completed. My awesome client ,feeling refreshed after his massage. Big thanks to all who came in and donated their time for this great cause. Bali families will love what we have achieved. 💥💥💥💥💥♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ #massagemarathon #remedialmassage #fundraiser #balifamilies #charitywork #adelaidemassage #deeptissuemassage #relaxationmassageadelaide #dryneedling #chinesecupping #triggerpointtherapy #richmondadelaide #myofascialrelease #myotherapist - @dynamicremedialmassage on Instagram

lamronspace tantan good morning morning good day

Wir wünschen unserem El Puero @s.sieberer alles erdenklich Gute und Liebe zum Geburtstag 🍰🍰🍰 - on Instagram

what a sunny day

count the time, see how it runs, seconds for seconds, minutes for minutes, hours for hours, .... it will never stand. 🕑🕖🕛🕠🕥🕒🕜🕡🕦🕓🕘🕝🕢🕧🕔🕙🕞🕣🕐🕕🕚🕟🕤 - @j_wurzenberger on Instagram

cute good morning

Feeling Cute, Might Delete Later #sheesh #work #stackoverflow #nice - @safthusten on Instagram

good day good morning happy positive vibes

Уже в деле!✌🏻🏃🏻 @ukrainerunners #дикийкач #runua #ukrainerunners #worlderunners #меняюжизньчерезспорт #kharkiv #мотивация #беганутый #бегуны #бег #run #running #instarunners #бегун #бегущаяборода #presteam2017 #бiгтиразом #бегущийгород #бегуутром #бегукраина #бегаюкаждыйдень - @ujinpres on Instagram

good morning

今一番会いたい人ランキング1位受賞しました 👑 おめでとうございます ❕🤍 なんで会いたいときに会えないような世の中になってしまったの? - @toku_88 on Instagram

good day sir

- African inspired decor

have a nice day

🎶 Made a wrong turn, once or twice. Dug my way out, blood and fire. Bad decisions, thats alright. Welcome to my silly life! 🎶 . Down to less than a week in this house by the water that I love so much. There have been a LOT of questions lately about this being another one of my bad decisions 😂 Its not though - Im definitely doing the right thing. Excited about the future and the possibilities! Grateful for my time here and the peace I found and the growth that took place. . Cheers to the future! Lets keep growing! 🌱 . #pinklyrics #thisismylife #herewego - @karey_may on Instagram

good morning love

So I did lose over 1kg this week and at least a cm off each of my measurements BUT I’ve just had a massive Indian meal and it’s probably ALL gone back on but never mind life is for living n all that 😅😋😋 . . . #selfie #ootd #food #weightloss #fatloss #girlswholift #gymmotivation #weightlossjourney #progresspic #girlswithtattoos #wolftattoo #inkedgirl #inked #allblackeverything #me #confidence - @hollya3 on Instagram

have a great day enjoy your day good day

До скорой встречи, мой krİstanbul 🤍🧿✈️ ⠀ Этот месяц с тобой пролетел, как одно мгновение, и он был самым лучшим за последний год. Я благодарна тебе, мой город силы и вдохновения, и всем, кто разделил со мной моменты счастья в нём. Я безумно рада, что не смотря ни на какие обстоятельства, выбрала встречу с тобой. И в который раз убедилась, что у нас самая сильная и главное взаимная любовь 💓 ⠀ Я знаю, что в самое ближайшее время опять вернусь к тебе с билетом в один конец и ничто не сможет больше разлучить нас. И знаешь что? Я почти не плачу в этот раз, вот видишь на фото. Я счастлива, что мы есть друг у друга 🧿 ⠀ P.S Спасибо, что были со мной и искренне радовались за меня всё это время 🤍 Надеюсь, поедете с нами и в Майами, где будем вместе работать и ждать встречи с Ist🙏🏻 у нас уже после обеда вылет, который длится 12 часов. Не теряйте, а пожелайте нам хорошей дороги🙏🏻 P.P.S Энеска уже три дня с опухшим глазом🙈 - @kristianakhomich on Instagram

have a good day have a nice day have an awesome day happy day enjoy the day

Or little strong friend Gustavo pessoa forth place one of the fast guy on the track this week congratulations Gu - @raydegodoy on Instagram

good day flowers happy good mood

A luz do sol é a prova de que a vida não se esquece de você! ☘️🌞✌🏻 - @dansolliver on Instagram

animated text flashing

New music 20.08.20 ✌️ #monday #mood #new #music #summer #vibes #selfie #freestyle #hardstyle - @crude.intentions on Instagram

good morning

Hey Partner 🙋🏼‍♂️ 🔸 Schön, dass du da bist @sophie_diem 👫🏼♥️ - @coachalexanderkrump on Instagram

what a sunny day

We are our perseverance. . . . . (P.C. @aanchal.sharma.01 Thanks for letting me unnecessarily, overtly dramatic self! 😋😋) . . . #vancouver #summer #beachwaves #frenchmanicure #happiness #style #ootd #potd #fashion #fitness #fitnessmotivation #toned #beach #goldenhour #writersofinstagram #beauty #lifestyle #inked #photography #fitnessmodel #styleblogger #fitgirl #transformation #travel #yoga #beachlife #quarantine #sunkissed - @its_just_pragya on Instagram

have a great day teal sparkles around have a great day in pink and yellow bubble letters good day enjoy your day have a nice day

สุขใจ.. 💗 ที่รายล้อมไปด้วยคนน่ารัก ใจดีพากินแต่ของอร่อย ☺️LUCKY GIRL #รู้สึกเป็นที่รัก ☺️ #ilovemylife - @joyce_tk on Instagram

have a good day goodmorning wishing good day greeting

Na planie nowego klipu @kwestia_07 #kwestia07 #kwestia07toksyna🎶 #shotovaniteledyskdiscopolo #shotovani #musicvideo #musicklip #discopolo #discopolomusic #disco #discopololive #discopolowanie #polishboy #discopolostar #polishgirl #discopoloattack #discopolofilm #discopoloparty #polotv #discopololife #discopoloworld #discopoloalkoholo #discopolomovie #discomusic #discopoloinfo #koncert #music #impreza #musicklip #discogirl #weekend - @shotovani on Instagram


- Asmirandah Z.

animated greeting card have a nice day

Nürburgring time! - @_quintennn on Instagram


Amo de mais ... minha irmã linda, engraçada, divertida, inteligente! Quero te desejar muita saúde! É que possamos comemorar muitos anos juntas ... muito sucesso, muito amor e muita paz! te amo❤️🍣🥰💯❤️🙌🏻🤩 - @lucianezeidler on Instagram

good morning have a nice day have a lovely day coffee cup

🌻 #ceskaholka#blondýna#czechgirl#czechwoman#girl#woman#vegetarian#vegetariangirl#blondehair#blonde#greeneyes#makeup#dress#flower#flowerdress#saty#moda#kvetiny#outfit#style#fashion#flowers#sunnyday#love#summer#leto#usmev#fotka#photoshoot#pic - @cestujeme_cz_sk on Instagram

bear teddy good morning

Happy Weekend 😘 ihr Raketen 🚀🔥 . #happy #motivation #motivated #gym #fitness #focus #weekendvibes - @vicky_perfectbody on Instagram

mi%C5%82ego dnia milego dnia have a nice day einen sch%C3%B6nen tag noch que tenga un lindo d%C3%ADa

„Nano Kaffee“ (Kreuzberg) Chasing the best coffee every damn day. Here at @nanokaffeeberlin 📸@lisayvo #bestcoffeeberlin . . . #berlin #coffeelovers #coffeeroasters #coffee #coffeeshops #instacoffee #coffeegram #flatwhite #berlincoffee #coffeelife #coffeeaddict #coffeeart #coffeelove #coffeeporn #coffeeoftheday #coffeeholic #igerscoffee #foodies #foodieberlin #specialitycoffee #igersberlin #thirdwave #barista #coffeeexample #coffeesesh #instacoffeelovers #potd #berlincoffeefestival #followme - @bestcoffeeberlin on Instagram

good morning

É as gurias paeeeee! 😝✌🏽 . . . #bikersgirls #dnamotociclista #mulheremoto #loucospormoto #mulhermotociclista #elacortagiro #grauecorte #gaucha #motivacao #instamotos #mototerapia #vale46 #lifestyle #bikergram #duasrodas #minadoasfalto #motos #motoesportiva ##éasguriasdosul #rota054 #asguriastãoportudo - @easguriasdosul_ on Instagram

happy friday dance bigfoot

Стабільно липень переворотний🤪 Хоча останні два дні у мене були чисто calm chill fun happy, (як сказала б @_mamina_bulochka_ ) А ще, я знову згадала що таке скайсканер і ківі ком, знову почала гуглити програми закордоном і створила банку в моно на подорож у країну, про яку давно мрію, там уже 8 гривень😅 Зазвичай, ситуація з квитками закордон і програмами закінчується на етапі гуглу, але, як факт, бажання знову є. Видихнула і навіть наче виспалась І ще одне моє «зазвичай» - селфі з часом переходять в архів😅 Люблю, умію, практикую - @haponiuk_ on Instagram

have a nice day

Back in London for good 💫🍸🥂🛍🍾🔐⬇️ - @juliaclaire93 on Instagram

good morning have a nice day butterfly flower sparkle

Das war lecker 😋 und wurde endlich mal Zeit! Oft schaffe ich es nicht sonntags meinen Cheatday mit lecker Waffel @wonderwaffel_frankfurt zu genießen heute mit der letzten freien Minute verschlungen die 🧇 Danke für das schöne Foto @michaelblumofficial ☺️🤗 Wie isst ihr eure Waffeln am liebsten ? Für mich immer mit Kinder Bueno, Nutella, Kinder Bueno Soße und 🍫 Habt einen schönen Sonntag 🤗 #food #foodlover #yummy #yummyfood #cheatday #cheatmeal #sundayvibes #friendshipgoals #happy #happyme #instagood #instafood #instadaily #instafood #instagram #instaphoto #instapic #instalikes #instafollowers - @saira_88_aus_069 on Instagram

good morning

А вы чувствуете друг друга на расстоянии? Кто из вас старше? Такие вопросы задают практически все новые люди 🤷‍♀️😏 Нет! Мы не чувствуем друг друга на расстоянии, но очень скучаем друг по другу если долго (пару дней) не видимся 😁 У нас нету секретов друг от друга ( у меня по крайней мере точно🙄) И мы самые жесткие рецензенты друг другу 🤷‍♀️ Ёе мнение для меня будет решающим Иногда мы ссоримся и обижаемся друг на друга ( но через минут 5 все забываем 🙄) У нас одинаковые интересы и взгляды на жизнь, поэтому мне вдвойне повезло иметь сестру и друга в одном лице А кто из нас старше и на сколько? Как вы думаете? 😘 #mydubai #dubaimarina #mytwin - @efimova_tuty on Instagram

have a good day goodmorning wishing iniya iravu tamil

Let The 🌞 Shine On You 🤘 - @rjpraveen on Instagram

good day have a good day greeting

Можно очень долго говорить про братство, родственные связи, симпатии и прочее. Когда начинается ураган, сдувая всю пыль, начинаешь видеть, кто реально рядом с тобой, а кто был только декорацией памяти. Не надо, как у Высоцкого, тащить людей в горы, чтобы понять, кто есть кто. Достаточно дождаться прихода тёмного времени. чтобы увидеть, кто тускнеет, а кто сияет. Я от всего сердца люблю такие этапы пути. На них реально отчётливо становится видна роль каждого окружающего в твоей жизни. Именно в такие моменты закладываются по-настоящему крепкие связи, которые сильнее любых других. Потому что лишь в огне закаляется сталь. - @zaynukov_muhammad on Instagram

hi hello

Meine Delle an der Stirn sagt allen, die das hier lesen ,,Hallo! - @defend._ on Instagram

good day bradley hall have a nice day take care

Am I the only person loving this #heatwave? ☀️ . . . #selfie #weather #hot #me #gay #gayuk #summer #model #graffiti - @davidjclaxton on Instagram

have a wonderful day

эта девочка всегда прохладна🖤 - @natalia_pidhirna on Instagram

have a great day indumati chhota bheem have a wonderful day have a nice day

Feliz día papi. Aunque yo regañe a @stevenbonito_ más que tú ❤️ • Te amamos al infinito, gracias por enseñarnos a querernos incondicionalmente 🥰 @bonito.salvatore - @stebonito on Instagram

good afternoon

BROWN LEWK Angles and facial expressions are everything 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️ Feeling glam makeup today so I got prettied up to to go get snacks from my fridge! . . . . . . . . . . #losangeles #makeup #makeuplooks #mua #motd #eyeshadow #glam #glamour #ootd #fashion #fashiongram #sweet #sexy #beautiful #love ##셀카 #셀카그램 #셀스타그램 #셀피 #좋아요 #좋반 #좋아요그램 #좋아요반사 #데일리 #데일리그램 #데일리룩 #데이트 #l4l #likeforlikes #sidecut - @laurellan4 on Instagram

animated text

🌛 - @maripalencia on Instagram

good day cliphy weekends mood vibes

Somos instantes. - @fe.mikol on Instagram

have a good day yellow sparkles around have a good day in pink and purple bubble letters have a great day enjoy your day have a nice day

Sometimes behind the scenes reality outweighs the social media demand. Balance is key, but man is it hard to achieve. My advice for anyone dealing with the guilt of doing too much, or not enough (be it in real life, work life or other) is to step back. Trust your gut. Remind yourself of your values. Dig deep into what you truly love. Forgive yourself and keep hustling. 2020 has been a son of a B. For everyone. Not one person can say that havent been effected by whats happening/happened this year. My behind the scenes really needs me. So if you find Im a little quiet on here, dont worry, Im still hustling away and striving for balance. Xoxo Cait . . . . . . #balance #reality #hustle #momboss #wifey #friend #guilt #trustyourgut #2020 #xoxo - @caitlinj_makeup on Instagram


🌸 #50odstínůnahlavě - @michaelabras on Instagram

animated text flashing flashy

Happy Sunday!! I have the day off work today so its going to be a nice, chill, rainy day! . . . PS my latest blog post is up and its all about what the Bible says about people pleasing! . . . . . #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #selfcare #depression #selflove #health #wellness #mentalhealthmatters #motivation #therapy #mentalillness #mindfulness #healing #covid #fitness #psychology #recovery #wellbeing #ptsd #life #loveyourself #meditation #inspiration #stickers #etsy - @aestheticallyyanxious on Instagram

stay strong you got this youre the boss you rock beat negativity

Aguardando o dog hahaha hora do lanche ❤️❤️ Jajá pau quebra denovo ! #hvac #job #hvactools #redbull #refrigeração #refrigerista #riodejaneiro - @rafaelhvac on Instagram

lamronspace tantan good morning morning good day

💇🏼💇🏼 thanks lisus - @ingridlossius on Instagram

good morning

Opening a donut shop is not for the faint of least not for a chef like me. I find difficulty letting tasks go into the hands of others. This notion, driven by fear of creating inconsistencies or subpar food means I end up taking on the brunt of the work. Through the unsurmountable amount of stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep I find happiness. It comes from providing the best product I can to the people. Never did I think I would make it this far in the food game and now, now Im realizing that where I am is but a mere stepping stone in my career. Its equally exhausting as it is rewarding. Providing exquisite private dining experiences and now DONUTS is a dream come true. Ive been absent from the world, my family, and my friends. Buried under a blanket of flour, grease, and pretty much every other ingredient you could think of, I still smile. I love you all and dream of the days that I reach normality and have time to play and share time together again. Until that day comes Ill be here, trying my best to build a good reputation and maintain two successful businesses. Summer 2019, youve taught me a lot. Keep shining for a little bit longer, Ill be playing in your waters soon. #delicious #dessert #breakfast #chef #cheflife #food #foodie #foodporn #perfect #love #montana #fresh #nofilter #donuts #doughnuts #sweet #work #entrepreneur #grind #coffee #caffeine #tired #success - @tinychef311 on Instagram

love you spyridoula have a nice day hearts love

Every advance is a victory, every victory brings you closer to your goal! Believe in yourself despite the obstacles and ADVANCE!! 💪💪 #moment #instaday #instapic #men #boy #instagram #smyle #mannequinhomme #manequin #menfitness #mindset #determination #espritmillionnaire #croyance #advancedselfie #goodvibes #gay #gaysnap #gayman #instagay #gayfrance #gayboy #gayfitness #gayfit #gaymen #lgbt #instagay #menstyle #mensfashion #menswear #sunglasses - @guentpault on Instagram

animated greeting card have a nice day

🪐 - @_emmabeauchamp_ on Instagram

good morning

Niemand hat mir was vorzuschreiben wie ich mein Leben, leben soll! #itsme#ootd#weekend#love#happy#smile#fun#me#you - @celinoo98 on Instagram

happy birthday wishes to friends

Vlásky od @filip_caki a @justypospisilova 🤍 - @anezkaschauerova on Instagram

good morning

Con el tercero de tres ... @gabitosilva16 , - @ombs04 on Instagram

good morning have a nice day have a good day disney mickey mouse

🐚 ¿ya tomaron agua? @aquafontepachuca - @barbieep_ on Instagram

good morning

Selbstständig oder angestellt, was seid ihr? . Da meine Bewerbungen von Alman 37 h Woche bis Selbstständigkeit reichen ist es komplett offen wofür ich mich entscheide 😂 Aber was macht man nach einem Bewerbungsgespräch? Richtig, fett abpumpen. ————————————————— #bewerbung #pumpen #entspannungpur #pumperina #alwaysprepared #fokusmodus #neuerjob #selbstständigkeit #fitfamde #fitfamgermany #sportlich #rdyforgym #aktivsein #ludwigshafen #hemshof #altbauliebe #neueziele #zufrieden #mannheimat #fitx #fitxludwigshafen #discopumpen #bodybuildingwomen #fitbitcharge3 #gymgirlsofig #igfitgirls #lucrime #zukunftspläne #alman #almanjobs - @discopumperin on Instagram

good morning images

Alright, let’s try this again😂 • Welcome to paigybfit! I started this account earlier this year, but not long after, my colon shut down- hospitalizing me, then a pandemic started, I injured my leg, and got a concussion😅 Classic 2020. so pretty much since March my life has been hospital visits, physical therapy, RESTING, graduating, and moving!! It’s been a crazy year but I’m very happy to be fully healthy for the first time in 6 months and able to move and groove again!!💃🏼 • On this account I’ll be sharing my fitness journey as well as some shuffle tutorials! I hope to help others as well as hold myself accountable. • A little bit about me: •I’m a recent Texas Tech grad (wreck em!) where I studied dance and kinesiology •I’m a big fan of EDM, therefore I enjoy going to live shows and festivals (RIP festival season 2020) •As briefly stated before, I’m a dancer! I’ve been doing ballet and jazz for 12 years, hip hop for 8 years, and picked up shuffling this year😊 •I’m 22 & a Scorpio🦂 (with an Aquarius moon and Sag rising!!) •I live in Austin, TX with my friends Charlie, Michael, Nicole, her dog Peanut, my boyfriend Jayson, and our dog Charlie! (Yes, a human and dog Charlie. And yes, we are basically real life New Girl😂) • I can’t wait to get restarted with this account! Hope everyone has a great day😊 tell me something about yourself in the comments!! - @paigybfit on Instagram

good morning

błagam niech ten wirus juz umrze :(( - @ninson_ on Instagram

animated text

Side by side along the seaside! . . . #fatherandson #love #life #nature #biking #emiliaromagna #casalborsettibeach - @antonfarsace on Instagram

good morning

Plante sementes de felicidade, esperança, sucesso e amor; tudo voltará para você em abundância. Meu desejo é ficar sempre assim, vivendo tranquilamente em um canto da natureza. - @priscila_lemos on Instagram

beautiful good morning flowers with

Ser simples é o que te faz ser grande. - @leticia_murzia on Instagram

have a nice day holi happy monday pompompurin

💙 - @cassiablotzz on Instagram

how to start your day giving out loves hope your having a good day send this to a sad fren

От предательства нельзя застраховаться, И предвидеть подлость наперед. Можно верить, можно сомневаться, Можно сделать все наоборот. Отпустив обиду — исцелиться, Боль своей души преодолеть, Главное,на целый мир не обозлиться, И о том,что было не жалеть.... (Хорошие строки😊👍🏽👆🏽) - @alena_goldenlioness on Instagram

good day

the eyes always tell the truth ,you just have to look carefully 🙈🙈🙈#beyourself #nevergiveup #loveyourself - @natasa_13_05_04 on Instagram

have a good day rvirus

Primavera a la vuelta de la esquina, al fin 😄🌺🌼🌸 - @bernardita.julio on Instagram

good morning have a nice day cat kitten smile

Girls night never disappoints 💋 - @makaylacranwell on Instagram

made by raphael browning

- Mila

Wowy a pic of me not in athletic wear 👀 Just poppin in to remind you guys that tomorrow is June?! Which marks the official start of my 30 day June challenge 🤘🏼☺️ I’m ready to get fit af alongside you with some seriously killer workouts (rly stepping it up for this one guys). The theme for this month is body acceptance + building confidence 💖 If you’re at all curious about what this whole challenge entails, check my story highlight or DM me! I’d love to chat with you about where you’re at and what kinds of goals you have for next month. The challenge may be just what you need to get back on track or take your fitness to the next level. And it’s only $36 CAD!! Looking forward to starting this summer off strong 🕺🏼 - @haleighlovell on Instagram

Das Leben wird nicht leichter, du wirst stärker! . . . . . . . . . . #hope #love #like #sunday #mood #vibes #happy #thanksful #proud #girl #girlwholovetattoos #girly #potd #pic #picoftheday #photo #blond #blondi #nails #lips #eyes - @raa_monaa_ on Instagram

Cawfeeee ☃️ - @gabciaff on Instagram

🌸 - @victoria_tasca on Instagram

Kiedy rok temu pojawiłaś się na świecie, zmieniłaś nasze życie o 180 stopni.. na dobre 😍 Nasza największa duma! ❤ . #roczek #1stbirthday #pierwszeurodziny #naszeszczęście #kochamnajmocniej #dumnamama #dumnirodzice #kiedytozlecialo #małydużyczłowiek - @marrta.j on Instagram

Harescramble? No problems with clear vision with the Risk Racing JAC Goggles! • #riskracingmoto #riskracing #mxgoggles #motogoggles #harescramble #gncc - @riskracingmoto on Instagram

We want it to be an endless summer 🌞 #happyweekend . . #siciliabedda#september#endlesssummer#sicilia#portrait#portrait_vision#smile#sorrisi#longhairdontcare#style#summer#estate#girl#ootd#igersmessina#igerssicilia#ig_sicily#weekend - @barby89 on Instagram

◻️ #joyrеmember#blondie#greeneyes#keepsmiling#audimädchen#sommersprossen#sommersprossenmädchen#happiness#enjoythemoment#enjoythelittlethings#enjoylife#followforfollowback#follow4followback#likeforlikes#liketime#like4likes#proud#proudmom#teamrosa#cargirl#inkedgirl#girlsmom#demwochenendeeinstücknäher#germanwoman#germangirl - @_chriischy_audi.a4_sline_ on Instagram

Lørdag ❤️👟☕️ #puma #pumalifestyle #kaisersportogortopædi #klinikogbutik #kso - @madshoeyer on Instagram

Happy mothers day to my girl from Ipanema! 😉💕🇧🇷 #throwback to my trip to my moms hometown! 😎 #brazilianmom #riodejaneiro #brazil . . 🌹Happy Mothers Day to all the fur-baby moms out there!! 🌹You do and care for your little ones as much as any other mom! #happymothersday #dogmom #furbaby ❤🐶❤ . . #jesseelguapodoxietravels - @jesse_el_guapo_doxie on Instagram

🌿 - @unsimplecoiffeur on Instagram

yesterday - the sun ☀️ - @sonjashapoval on Instagram

Schonmal schönes Wochenende an alle! Macht wir was Cooles? 😎 #beard #ftm #weekend #selfie - @mike.dean.official on Instagram

Grey hair 💚 #greyhair #instagirls #me #stfu #msjumanja #insta2020 #2020 #newhairstyle #newme #happygirl #selflove #beagoodhuman #darling #fitfamgermany - @nini_schaetzchen on Instagram

🖤🖤🖤 • • • • • #czechgirl #brno #czechrepublic #girl #happy #love #blonde #blond #tattoo #tatooedgirl - @sasakalvodova on Instagram

Feelin good, like i should - @eveline__y on Instagram

New Hair ✨ - @paloma_bristot on Instagram

Ссылка на новый Влог в шапке профиля. С новыми силами сново в строю. Коммент лайк и подписка, всегда приветствуются✊🏽 - @_e63s_ on Instagram

Cześć cześć❗️Witam bardzo gorąco w ten piękny piątunio, dziś oficjalnie ostatni dzień świętowania moich urodzin! ZAPRASZAM na big stream o 20:00 👑 _______________________________________________ #corsairgaming #corsair #komputronikgaming #polishgirl #brunettegirl #gamergirl #twitchstreamer #msigaming #vinio0 #polskadziewczyna #dziewczynaztatuażem #beauty #instagaming #instagamer #girlboss #piątek #polskakobieta #party #gamerlife #gamerroom #youtuber - @vinioooo on Instagram

💕🧡Du bist wie eine Farbe. Nicht jeder wird dich mögen. Doch es wird immer jemanden geben, dessen Lieblingsfarbe du bist🧡💕 - @jxssy_e46 on Instagram

“Você nunca vai conseguir, estudar nos EUA é para gente rica, você é apenas uma imigrante, seu inglês não é bom o suficiente, você não pode trabalhar e estudar ao mesmo tempo, desista Priscila, você é só uma criança sonhadora (e assim por diante)” Ouvi isso de muita gente quando falava que queria estudar nos EUA. . . Não foi fácil fazer TOFEL e SAT estudando sozinha, não foi fácil foi fácil fazer coisas que eu nunca tinha feito antes, não foi fácil lidar com toda a burocracia para começar a estudar depois de ser aceita, não foi fácil decidir começar a estudar no meio de uma pandemia afetando o mundo inteiro, não foi fácil enfrentar todas essas barreiras, porém não desistir do meu maior sonho foi fácil, pois quando a gente almeja e luta por algo que não paramos de pensar um só dia o processo faz valer a pena. . . Sinceramente, nunca gostei do que é fácil. Sou uma pessoa intensa, fui criada e educada para ser corajosa, honrar meus propósitos de vida. Agradeço a todos os meus amigos e familiares que nunca desistiram de mim, aqueles que estiveram e continuam me apoiando, aqueles que compreenderam minha ausência 24/7 por semana quando estou/estava trabalhando e estudando, meus melhores amigos que sempre estiveram ao meu lado secando minhas lágrimas e me encorajando a não desistir. AQUI ESTOU!! E esta será a melhor sessão de fotos que vocês verão no meu feed♥️💛 . . Conhecimento é arma mais pacificadora em resposta a guerra entre seres humanos. #gogetthemtiger 🤘🏻🐯📚 #resiliencia #disciplina #madeinbrazil - @priscilamallmannofficial on Instagram

За неделю 2000 км. Киев-Харьков-Киев-Одесса-Киев. Запускаем новый проект с одесситами и харьковчанами🤘 Кризис? Не слышали! Сила в единстве, когда с тобой такой крутой единомышленник @lena.kerrrish - все моря по колено - @kerish_dima on Instagram

Kyanya uda setahun gak pernah selfie.. hmmm #selfietime #loveyourself #loveme - @vitya_hambi on Instagram

선선한 가을날씨를 만끽하러 늦잠 포기하고 집 앞 공원에 나왔어요🍃 오늘의 목표는 줄넘기 3000개! 과연?!💪🏻 - @__kimgyul on Instagram

💆🏽‍♀️💇🏽‍♀️ @melli_mlr #memyselfandi #justme #feelgood #goodvibes #longhair #blackhair #brownhair #balayage #hairstyles #hairstylist #whitedress #darkeyes #browneyes #pinknails #inked #pierced #asia #asian #seatleon #vwgolf #topsport #r32 #carlover - @paulchenpanther88 on Instagram

- @29_damian_95 on Instagram

🍁 - @marco_bethmann on Instagram

h a p p y f a c e 👼 . . . ................................................................ #sturmfrisur#vomwindeverweht#longtimenoselfie#summerisback#summerlove#kannstgernebleiben#happy#becauseofyou#blondehair#potd#carmushka#anajohnson#prettylittleiiinspo - @_marinamagdalena on Instagram

𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑒𝑦𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑡🤍 • • • • • #model #style #outfit #instagram #inspiration #portrait #fitness #gym #fitfamgermany #love #likeforlikes #beautiful #beauty #diet #muscles #womanpower #gainz #followforfollowback #gymmotivation #ootd #fitfam #gaintrick #like4likes #lifestyle #fashion #fashionblogger #happy #goals #goodthings #tattooed - @nina__sch96 on Instagram

#me #polishgirl #polskadziewczyna #selfie #blackhair #instaphoto #l4l - @zaklinaosak on Instagram

More than a few visitors leave Turkey with the taste of delicious #TurkishTea fresh on their palates and, more than likely, with a box or two of tea to make in their own houses. What is a good recipe for an authentic Turkish Tea? To brew Turkish tea you don’t need to be a master but, as always, there are some very important tricks to replicating authentic Turkish tea. Of course, those tricks won’t work if your tea is not a good quality. However, you can also waste a quality tea without the necessary tricks. In Turkey, the whole eastern Black Sea coast is lined with tea farms and there are dozens of different brands to buy. (If you haven’t purchased your tea yet, our recommendation is “Çaykur Filiz Çayı“, which you can find in every market, and different sized packages are available. app.30-40 TL/kg) Most of Turkey’s black tea is processed using an oxidisation method, so boiling hot water is necessary in order to successfully brew it. Further, using bottled water or a water which doesn’t contain traces of lime will make a big difference in the taste of your tea, as will the use of a porcelain tea pot. The proper Turkish method of brewing tea includes the following steps: 1) We boil water in two different pots – using one small pot for a very strong tea brew, and a larger pot (or kettle) for additional boiled water. 2) Boil your water in the smaller pot. To the boiled water, add one teaspoon of tea into the pot’s tea filter for each glass (100mL) you will serve. Allow the mixture to brew for approximately 10 minutes – there is no need for reheating. 3) Boil the additional water in your larger pot (or kettle). 4) To serve: Fill each glass only 1/3 with the brewed tea mixture. The rest of the glass should be topped with additional boiled water. However, the proportions can be adjusted to suit your taste. A good Turkish tea should be almost red in colour when served. You can (as the Turks do!) add sugar to your liking. We hope you will remember how to make Turkish Tea and keep brewing it. Enjoy your authentic Turkish tea! #atourguide_turkishtea - @atourguide on Instagram

Это реально такой кайф ☺️🚀🤭 ⠀ Быстро, легко, красиво и очень круто для осенней погоды 🔥 не буду ходить как пушок, когда на улице дождь 😂😂 ⠀ @ksuu__store спасибо за совет, вы реально подобрало мне крутую и Мега быструю накрутку ☺️☺️☺️☺️🙌🏻 - @kira_chernaya on Instagram

Udělat fotku s tou mojí obludou je něco nereálného, tak aspoň takhle 😄❤️ . . #bohemialov #chevaliersweden #huntress #huntinggirl #hunting #jägerin #hunter #huntingheart #hunt #jakt #jagt #oxota #girlingreen #girlshunttoo #lovehunting #gamekeeper #gamemanagement #caccia #cacciatrice #chasse #polovnictvo #polowanie #myslivost #mysliwy #outdoor #wildlife #caza #jäger #czechrepublic #czechgirl 🇨🇿 - @nela.koprivova on Instagram

Mariana atualizou a foto do perfil. ✨ - @maripalma on Instagram

Spaziergang mit dogi #doglover #blue #sun #frühling #spring #sweet #Australienshepherd #aussieliebe❤ - @maryk_97 on Instagram

🦙 . . . #happy #sunday #walk - @luca_eisenblaetter on Instagram

Hello winter holidays! #polishgirl #smile - @anyckaa on Instagram

🙆🏻🖤 #instagirl #instagood #photo #igerspoland #instamood #lategram #like4like #lforl #love #cute #girl #beautiful #followme #poland #polska #fashion #instapic #selfie #selfietime #selfies #mazury #candy #spring #kiss - @roks666_ on Instagram

#newphoto #updated #boxhill #picnic #dating #scenery #memories #mintaero - @tomfield7 on Instagram

long time no selfie - auch wenn man auf dem ersten Blick vlt gar nicht erkennt, dass es eines ist😁🤳 #selfie #selfietime #smile #happy #me #happyme #i #shorthair #shorthairstyle #fit #fitgirl #makeup #portrait #portraitphotography #positive #postivevibes #hallesaale #leipzig #potd #ootd #✌ - @anne_hll on Instagram

Busy enjoying life and minimising my time on social media allows me to train stronger, recover better and really start working towards those big goals. So great to see races back on. Hopefully this will continue 🤞🏼 However.. some very exciting things are coming soon 😉🔜 (No new running photos so here’s a pic of me going out for lunch 🥙 ☕️) . . . . #running #run #runner #marathon #halfmarathon #training #sohappy #excited #loverunning #smile - @hayleycarruthers26.2 on Instagram

Smile! . . . #happy #smile #me #polishgirl #brunette #love #beautifulplace #jezioroturkusowe - @klaudiatee on Instagram

𝑂𝑢𝑖 𝑗𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑖𝑠, 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑢 𝑚𝑢𝑔𝑢𝑒𝑡 ! 🌸 𝐽𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑢𝑥 𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛 𝑠𝑖 𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑎 𝑓𝑙𝑒𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑒 😂 💐 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒛 𝒃𝒊𝒆𝒏 𝒅𝒖 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 ! ☺️🏍️💨 ♡ ♡ ♡ #yamaha #yamahamt07 #mt07 #mt07_nation #motorcycle #moto #motorrad #supernaked #officialnakedmotorcycles #motorbike #motarde #bikergirl #bikerchick #bikerchicksofinsta #ridergirl #bikelife #motolife #bikerofinstagram #instabike #instamotor #instamotorcycle #ride #rideout #shoei #cardo - @miss.belette on Instagram

#natural #girl #goodday - @weronika.mizula on Instagram

Many thanks to @profilsalon_ for doing such an amazing job on my hair 🌻✨ I couldn’t be happier with the result that I got! ✨ This is so beautifull, love it ❤ - @alizabintani on Instagram

My mood when there is no sun out there. I think it’s time for a trip to Mykonos! Any recommendations for there? 🤗 #wanderlust #traveladdict #mykonos #takemethere #travel #travelling #greece #travel #singer #prettylittleiiinspo - @lina_ammor on Instagram

💛💛 - @misharedds on Instagram

Nα żαdɴyм zeɢαrze ɴιe zɴαjdzιeѕz wѕĸαzóweĸ do życια 🐝 #polishgirl #happy #smail #me #blackandwhite #poland #tbt #fun #instaphoto #followforfollowback - @mi_la67 on Instagram

Selamat ulangtahun @viavallen smoga cepet bisa ketemu yaa, panjang umur mbaa sehat selalu😍🥰🥰🥰🎀🎀 - @hanamonina01 on Instagram

Urlaubsmodus 😁 Auf zur Renne 😋 #nofilter #huawei #p30pro #streetlegal #bikerlifestyle #bus #holidays #goodlife #oakleysunglasses - @fynnsch_zx10r on Instagram

Summer smiles🌞 - @kristinliljas on Instagram

Pamiętajcie to nie są koronoferie #arms #biceps #deadliftday #fitness #motivation #aesthetics #instafit #lifting #physique #muscle - @enterthedrgon on Instagram

Monday fun 🤗✨ #montagnecoupee #lundicongé #lovers #saintjeandematha - @caro_mailhot on Instagram

6 meses sin verte y es como si el tiempo no hubiera pasado, cada día es mas fuerte nuestro amor, gracias por esta hermosa semana mi cielo, Te amo demasiado mi amorrr❤️💞 - @jairbmusic on Instagram

- @katharinaviehauser on Instagram

Dzień dobry. Tak uśmiechałam się rano. Teraz mi troszkę mniej do śmiechu bo niestety po kontroli dermatologicznej znowu wykryto podejrzane znamię, które na szczęście mój Doktor od razu wyciął. To naprawdę wspaniały człowiek, bo choć ma mnóstwo pacjentów i nie wyrabia się na zakrętach, to wie, że każdy dzień czekania zwiększa stres. Znamię na kręgosłupie, bolało znieczulenie, wycinanie i boli jak cholera teraz. Ale trzeba być wojownikiem, prawda?!😉 Miłego dnia ❤️ #walkaozdrowie #walkaizwycięstwo #walkazczerniakiem #sportgirl #runninggirl - @happy_runner_jo on Instagram

Good vibes ONLY! 🧚🏻‍♀️ #foto #holidays #stayathome #singapore #patner #best #ilove #lovelyday #iloveit #2020 #bestfriends #asian #instalove #outfits #crazy #photoselfie #mylife #goodvibesonly #asiagirl - @kary_mode on Instagram

👧🏽💗 - @fee_ma_rie on Instagram

🎼Du machst alles anders, du räumst mich auf Packst mein Chaos in Kartons und schmeißt alles raus Wenn alles in mir laut ist und ich mich selbst nicht hör Bringst du mich wieder runter wie ein Tag am Meer Ich hab tausend gute Gründe mit dir alt zu werden Jeden Tag zu feiern, so als ob wir morgen sterben Ich hab tausend gute Gründe, doch der wichtigste bist du Und mit jedem neuen Tag kommt ein neuer Grund dazu🎼💍❤️🔐 #loveislove #instagay #gayboy #gaygermany #gayisokay #gayhot #boyfriends #gayselfie #gaystagram #gaysofinstagram #gaystyle #gayhot #gaygermany #gay #instagay #gayboy #lgbt #gayguy #gaylove #pride #gayisokay #gayselfie #gaylove #gaypic #gaygram #gayman #gayboylove #gayboyinsta #summervibes #holiday - @hendrik_hannig on Instagram

Cliente feliz con su Yamaha YZ#procircuityamaha - @procircuitmanquehue on Instagram

🎼When youre high on emotion And youre losing your focus And you feel too exhausted to pray Dont get lost in the moment Or give up when youre closest All you need is somebody to say Its okay not to be okay Its okay not to be okay When youre down and you feel ashamed Its okay not to be okay🎼💍♥️ #instagayman #boyfriends #lgbtq #gaylove #summervibes #gayman #gayboyinsta #pridemonth #loveislove #instagay #gayboy #gaygermany #gayisokay #gayhot #gayselfie #gaysofinstagram #gaygermany #gay #instagay #pride - @hendrik_hannig on Instagram

Hace casi un año escribí un montón de NO’s por autoamor.⁣ ⁣ Ahora vienen unos cuantos SI, en mayúsculas.⁣ ⁣ Porque estoy en un Yes moment, les digo:⁣ ⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI amate, cuidate, arréglate, dedicale tiempo a tu cuerpo, mente, corazón y espiritu. El resultado será TAN POSITIVO que te convertirás en adicta al amor propio.⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI cambia. Reconoce lo que debes mejorar, y procede de inmediato. ⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI habla menos, escucha más. Pero escucha para entender, no para responder.⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI eres imperfecta, y qué bonito que lo seas. Eso hace que cada día sea una aventura.⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI agradece, diariamente. Es un hábito que tenemos que crear, pero que también revela muchas cosas cuando lo adoptas; el sol te sale hasta en el día más gris.⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI visualiza lo que quieres, seriamente. Si es bueno para ti, Dios dirá ¡AMEN!⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI afirmate. Estamos rodeados de demasiados factores negativos. Muchos estamos orientados al NO (no puedo, no es para mi, no se me va a dar, no me ama)… comienza a afirmar; te garantizo que en tu vida habrá un super vuelco.⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI establece límites, para la intromisión, el abuso, el exceso de confianza, los comentarios inapropiados, las opiniones no solicitadas.⁣ ⁣ 🟢 SI todo lo que se trabaja se logra. TODO.⁣ ⁣ ⁣ 💛 Yellow love ⁣ - @alxbasso on Instagram

- @amili_a_ on Instagram

ʜᴏʏ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴏ ᴠɪʙʀᴀʀ ᴘᴏsɪᴛɪᴠᴀᴍᴇɴᴛᴇ!!! #pensamientospositivos #buenavibra #riefuerte ʙᴜᴇɴ ᴅᴏᴍɪɴɢᴏ ᴀᴍɪɢᴏs ♥️ - @irespina on Instagram

¿Qué es el miedo? - No aceptación de la incertidumbre. Si aceptamos la incertidumbre, se convierte en AVENTURA ¿Qué es la envidia? No aceptación del bien en el otro. Si aceptamos el bien, se convierte en INSPIRACION. ¿Qué es la ira? - No aceptación de lo que está más allá de nuestro control. Si aceptamos, se convierte en TOLERANCIA. ¿Qué es el odio? - No aceptación de la gente como son. Si aceptamos incondicionalmente, se convierte en AMOR. . . . . . . . . . #love #photography #travel #instagood #usa #art #california #photooftheday #nyc #losangeles #fashion #newyork #miami #nature #music #fitness #beautiful #summer #picoftheday #florida #style #atlanta #happy #beauty #model #food #repost #hiphop #motivation #instagram - @perlabulacios on Instagram

Я просто не могла не добавить эти фоточки... 🤪 Если шо , я не беремен, мой живот служит подставкой для Гасиных лапок 😜 - @besedovska_ya on Instagram

🧊Lass mal die Leute sie haten und hetzen, es ist so die Schlechten beneiden die Besten🧊~UFO361 . . . . . #nike #airforce1 #puma #vintage #tattoo #inked #jstinfit - @oida_da_fabi on Instagram

Guess how much I weighed when I stepped on the scale today? • Does anyone else get low grade anxiety before taking that first step? Since quarantine I’ve logged more miles than before, and I’ve been able to let go of constantly chasing the numbers on a scale. This might sound weird coming from a guy, but I hate weighing myself. I get anxiety over what the numbers will display. Did I run enough? Did I eat right? Am I just getting too old? I hate it, so I typically avoid scales if I can. • So when a casual office weight loss competition was mentioned, I surprised myself by agreeing to join in. I mean, why not? • 220 lbs stared up at me from the scale’s digital display. I’ve been hiding from this number for a while, but I knew it was going to be high considering how much I’ve struggled to find a groove lately. • As much as I hate it, I’m 100% responsible for the reading. So I’m 100% responsible for getting it to go down. I’m posting this to keep myself accountable, no more hiding. #weightloss #weightlossjourney #runpa #optoutside #runlanc #run #soybeans #fallrunner #shokzstar #beard - @kenstandsonthings on Instagram

“Eres para trascender en el tiempo, en tu vida y en la de los demás.” - ⭐️ - @gnncb on Instagram

Наконец то))🚘🚫 . . . . . #likeforlikes #like4likes #likeme #like4follow #followforfollowback #followforlike #follow4followback #followme #instagram #instagood #instalike #instafollow - @_lilia_dem_ on Instagram

📷🎞 - @linneaneij on Instagram

#gowetwaterpark #bekasi #waterpark #eventorganizer #neoproduction - @handrean_p on Instagram

🥀🖤🥀 - @marieheinla on Instagram

Mi Almita ❤️ - @lab_morina on Instagram

- @larissa_baindl on Instagram

- The look on her face..

Tá, então o plano é ficar postando foto antiga até a quarentena acabar? 🤔 - @katbarcelos on Instagram

aku capek ngga ada foto yg bagus😤 dia capek ngefotoinnya😒 - @bungaak on Instagram

❄️Cryolipolyse ! . Vous le savez peut être déjà si vous suivez mes story, mais il y a quelques semaines jai fais une séance de Cryolipolyse chez @cryopulseannecy ! (Dailleurs ils sont vraiment géniaux ! Je vous recommande à 100%!) . Le bilan pour voir les résultats suite à la première séance est prévu pour la fin du mois de Septembre ! Je vais pouvoir vous montrer très bientôt ce que ça a donné et voir si une seconde séance est nécessaire 🤗❄️. . (Zone traitée : lintérieur des cuisses) . Vous avez déjà testé ? Ou vous avez envie de tester ? 🤗. . #cryolipolyse #cryo #pertedepoids #pertedegras #objectifbikini #objectifpertedepoids #mincir #musculationfemme #musculationgirl #musculation #fitfrenchies #fitbody #fitstagram #fitspo #fitness #fitgirl #fitnessgirl #remiseenforme #repriseenmain #reequilibragealimentaire #healthylifestyle #onlacherien #sportmotivation - @fannyengels on Instagram

💃☀️ #me #polishgirl #positivevibes #selfie #summer - @paulinaawysocka on Instagram

Trade Mark™️ - @rcarminati_ on Instagram

#selfietime #bergfest #bergfestmittwoch #instagood #instapic #oftd #balkonien #brillenschlange #humphreyseyewear #immerschönlächeln #gera #feierabend #füßesindeklig #cocochanelquotes - @frau_fu on Instagram

🤟🏽 - @taynara_theisen on Instagram

Mimpiku sempurna tak seperti orang biasa 🌊🌊 - @devavirgianafahira_ on Instagram

𝐘𝐀𝐍 𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐃𝐈 #4747 💎 - @baran.mardin47 on Instagram

Just me 😁 #smile #sunshine #saturday - @marky_mark_90 on Instagram

WHEN DO YOU BECOME AN ATHLETE? 💪🏾👇🏼💥💯⁣ ⁣ If you train with me, you are one of my athletes from day 1. I don’t care if you have 15kgs to lose, if you are on the skinny side and want to build and create shape or if you are a complete beginner to the gym. ❤️⁣ ⁣ You have a functioning human body and mind which you are developing through training, nutrition and improving lifestyle habits. ⁣ ⁣ To me - you are an athlete. From day one. ⁣ ⁣ An athlete can ...⁣ ⁣ be a uni student ⁣ ⁣ be overweight / underweight ⁣ ⁣ have a child ⁣ ⁣ have a full time corporate job ⁣ ⁣ be building their career ⁣ ⁣ have a career non related to fitness⁣ ⁣ be girly or be a tomboy ⁣ ⁣ It doesn’t matter. We all start somewhere and we all have different things going on in our lives. 😊⁣ ⁣ But if you have come to me for help with how you train, eat, sleep and structure your routine for better quality of life - you are one of my athletes. 💯⁣ ⁣ Identify with the strongest perception of yourself. That will only enhance the other areas of your life and your contribution to them ❤️👊🏼💪🏾 - @coach_elle_fitness on Instagram

Everytime you are always on my mind.. 🎶❤ #polishgirl#blondehair#bangs - @juliaa560 on Instagram

Morning guys❤️ Keliatan gak klo Ak blm mandi? Hanya berwudhu🤗 have a nice day 🙏🏻 #selfie #love #happylife #blessed - @vitya_hambi on Instagram

🔪 - @sashaborzilo on Instagram

- @michi25.7.2 on Instagram

Foto? Gar kein bock 😂😂 #sister #familyfirst #greece #throwback - @sakis.kar94 on Instagram

Catch a glimpse.. - @maesa_kawengian on Instagram

🤪 - @miguel_dizela_02 on Instagram

❗Have you heard the news?❗ 1st August!! 🎉 Happy to announce that makeup appointments can resume as normal from August 1st based on the most recent guidelines ❤ Its been a long three months but I cant wait to welcome you all back. Contact for bookings 💌 🖥 ☎️ 07368375685 - @createthecover on Instagram

First time Ive done my hair in like 7 months 🌻 - @charismcroberts on Instagram

Already missing summer. ☀️ #pisa #toscana #toscany #theleaningtowerofpisa #pisatower #beautiful #loveitaly #italy #italytravel #throwback #imländleistsauchschee #0711 #stuttgart #stuttgartcity - @sarah.katharina on Instagram

Fin de ce gros run avec l’équipe avec deux finales perdues mais deux finales quand même et surtout une qualif au Major 🤗 . Merci à tous pour votre soutien 🥰 . #VForVictory #RioInSight #RoadToRio - @misutaaacsgo on Instagram

- @yasminpbarcelos on Instagram

#throwback to the Walk of Fame with my boys (Mr. #viking & Mr. #crazyrussian) - @aljoschax on Instagram

Denken ist schwer, darum urteilen die meisten. 👑✨ . . . . Denkt an mein shoutoutgame! Jedes Kommentar hat die Chance ein shoutout in meiner Story zu gewinnen! 💖✌️ Und ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr diesen Post speichert um mich zu unterstützen! 💖 . . . . . . . . #spruchdestages #shoutoutgame #love #lousbeauty96 #2020 #sprüche #sellis_view #hamburgblogger #hamburg #germanblogger #germany #blonde #blond #germangirl #girl #girlsborntotravel #freunde #freundschaft #wahreworte #wahrefreundschaft #wahrefreunde #friends #liebepur #liebe #bestfriends #swag #lou #mädchen #schön #dragracer - @lous_beauty_96 on Instagram

- @svendietrich97 on Instagram

Hiyaaa! - @daniellelentini on Instagram

Sub 10s for my first official half marathon (or race for that matter)... I’ll take it lol. Big up to @oneilcampbell for nudging me to take the plunge #popularbkhalf #run #nyc #brooklyn - @ras_jorge on Instagram

She feels more than you, you have to understand that about her. She feels the edges and the details of things and when she gets close to someone, she feels their happiness and their pain. #life #love #passion #smile #bekind #give #beyou #eyes #mirror #portrait #selfie #isntapic - @crazy_cookie_j on Instagram

No more bottomless mimosas for awhile. Back to work I go. New job, new goals, new vision. #thornberrycreek #mimosas #brunch #sundayfunday #humanresources #startingover #newjobwhodis #myquarantineisover #wishmeluck #makethatmoney - @lyfebehindbars_ on Instagram

Это я закрываю глаза на то, что до конца лета осталось 2 дня . #порадоставатьпуховик - @_art_valeria_ on Instagram

Das Leben hat mich gelehrt, dass man die Kraft braucht, Türen zu schließen und den Mut, andere zu öffnen, um glücklich zu sein. 💫 . Wünsch euch einen schönen Abend 🤍 ——————- 📸 @juliarosenegger 💾 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞! ——————- #vogue #modeblogger #fashion #fashionblogger #austria #austriangirl #blondegirl #blondehair #vienna #streetstyle #inspo #happygirl #happymindhappylife #mindset #beauty #makeuplife #summerlook #stefaniecebis #sofiawerz #denisebobe #denisebobepreset #picbethebeautybox #österreich #ebreichsdorf - @sabrina.rsg on Instagram

My love❤️ . . . . . . #likesforlike #likeme #likeforlikes #likeforfollow #like4likes #likelike #followforfollowback #followforlike #follow4followback #followers #instagram #instagood #instalike #instadaily #instaphoto #love - @_lilia_dem_ on Instagram

7am sunrise lighting - what’s a “sleeping pattern” i don’t know her? - @alexmcgowanx on Instagram

🙋🏼‍♀️ - @samolkaa on Instagram

Selfie dlu sambil nunggu squad full 😂 - @letda.hyper on Instagram

Tuesday. 🌼✨ . . . .#cantik #rambutku #bīru #💙 #💙💙 #💙💙💙 #💙❤️ #💙💚 #literasi20detik #literasi #literasi30detik #moodygrams #motivation #instalike #likesback #likeforcomment #likexlike #likesme #lfl💙 #lfl💙 #lfl❤ - @febbynia_ on Instagram

Fearless ✌️ - @gvieira10 on Instagram

Heute mal sportlich unterwegs bei #kwautomotive 🏎🙌 #car #audi #fun #rs #picoftheday #instagood #photooftheday @kwgewindefahrwerke @kw_suspension - @oskar_wack on Instagram

Sobald man aufhört, in Allem immer perfekt sein zu wollen, fühlt sich das Leben gleich viel perfekter an. • • #instagayman #gaytravel #gaygram #gayisok #gayselfie #gaysnap #gaystuds #gaystagram #gaysdoitbetter #gaysoftheworld #gayswag #gaysofinstagram #boyfriends #gaysummer #gayhot #cuddle #cuddles - @justin.hllr on Instagram

♡ Let the light of your soul shine through your eyes ♡ Hello October 💛🍂🍁🌻 ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ #october #octubre #pastel #photooftheday #picoftheday #pinkhair #portrait #blurred #belight #shine #looks #miradas #luz #sorridicongliocchi #quotes #instagood #powerpuffgirl #quotestagrams - @asia_medini94 on Instagram

Wenn du einem Menschen blind vertraust, findest du entweder einen Menschen fürs Leben oder erhältst eine Lektion fürs Leben. ——————————————— Clothes: @newyorkeronline @veromoda @puma @pumawomen ——————————————— Tattoos by @xkaroart @empire_ink_ravensburg . __________________________________ #everythinghappensforareason #bodensee #inked #friedrichshafen #summerevenig #ootd #shorthair #fashioninspo #dailypost #dailyquotes #friendstime #inkedgirl #model #hatersgonnahate #flowers #onlygoodvibes #ootdfashion #instafash #blackhair #streetstyle #pictureoftheday #modelshoot #inkstagram #summer #smileeveryday #spiegelselfie #allgäu #destroyedjeans #tattoogirl - @sabriina.ina on Instagram

👀👀 - @viktoryia_taratuta on Instagram

🐛i cut my hair 🙃 🐛 ° ° ° ° ° ° • #2002 #17 #인스타 #좋반 #좋아요반사 #좋아요 #좋반댓 #일상 #맞팔 #맞팔해요 #선팔하면맞팔 #선팔 #소통 #인친 #좋테 #좋아요테러 #오오티디#likeforlikes #l4l #f4f #likeforfollow #followme #ootd #follow4follow #daily #instagood #makeup   #mood #고딩 #cute - @mi.__.mina on Instagram

ее мир трещит по швам 💁🏼‍♀️ - @sea.ntl on Instagram

#vacation #summervibes #friends #travelphotography #mazury #balticsea - @robert.mackiewicz.3 on Instagram

🦎 - @sandra__lgr on Instagram

THANKYOU FITPLAN🤩! A result of hard work and a lot of consistancy and god Im so damn proud of it. Im so ready to help you if you decide to start a healthy lifestyle! Want to know more fill in the link in my bio: ———————————————————————————Clothes are from - Get your 15% discount: evelyn15 ‼️——————————————————————————— #healtylifestyle #fitnessaddict #victorysportsweargirls #fit #fitvictoryfam #thoselittleabs #gym #fitplan #fitgirl #fitplan #herbalife #workforit #healthymeals #abs #belgianpowerteam🇧🇪 #belgiumpowerteamresults #gymday #healthyliving #getfit #inked #tattoo #fitlife #motivation #healtylife #gymlove #sportswear - @evelyndelvoyee on Instagram

- @_tokareva_y on Instagram

Z córeczkami! - @rekasandrzej on Instagram

Jak Michał wsiada na rower to wiedz, że coś się dzieje. Już 1 września rusza walka o Puchar Rowerowej Stolicy Polski! Walczymy jako Stowarzyszenie Metropolia Bydgoszcz, a rywalizację z udziałem 43 miast organizujemy w ramach działań miasta pod brandem Aktywna Bydgoszcz 👍🚴🏻‍♂️ #metropolia #metropoliabydgoszcz #aktywnabydgoszcz #bydgoszcz #rower #bicycle #miasto #city #challenge - @michalsztybel on Instagram

Sweet Dreams - F4ST 🎶 - @kathii_my on Instagram

In den nächsten Wochen dreht sich alles um unsere Träubchen 🍇 Ich freu mich schon riesig auf den Jahrgang 2020! Seid ihr auch gespannt? . . . . . . #wein #winemaker #winzerin #wine #harvest #harvest2020 #winelover #winetime #wineoclock #weissburgunder #pinotblanc #winemakerslife #weinlese #herbst #harvesting #weinberge #weinliebe #weingut #winery #winehunter - @the_hunting_wine_girl on Instagram

Estou convicta que isso vai mudar 🙏🏼 - @makeupmariabr on Instagram

#sunnyday #sun #river #beautifulday☀️ #venlo #holland #daywithmylove 🙏 - @maluine on Instagram

Why not? 🌊 ....... #ukrainiangirl #blue #greeneyes #bluemood #brunette #instagirl #fille #femme #instagramfr #girlpower - @anna.hlzk on Instagram

O homem que não foi moldado pela DOR, hoje é apenas um menino🔥. - @rodrigocarvalhopersonal on Instagram

#rainydayselfie☔️ - @klaudia.paldaufova on Instagram

Sin pie de foto. - @m.fereyes on Instagram

Miłego wieczoru kochani 🌟 . . . . . . . . #brunettegirl #selfie #me #blueeyes #missziemilodzkiej #instaselfie #natural #lodz #naturalmakeup #beautygirl #natural #longhair #goodnight #f4f #followbackalways #instagood #inspiration #instapic #zostańwdomu #likeforlikes #look #gently #happytime #instagirls #quarantine #photooftheday - @patrycja_krysiak on Instagram

„Loyalität bedeutet, dass wenn deine Freunde ihre Ziele erreichen, du dich genauso freust, als wären es deine eigenen.“-#kontrak - @mileenski on Instagram

💫 - @taisa_cimadon on Instagram

Многие из вас уже в курсе, что теперь я работаю байером на территории Centergross. Но что такое Centergross Bologna знакомо мало кому. ⠀ Это большой коммерческий оптовый центр, общая площадь которого 1 МЛН. КВ. МЕТРОВ. На территории центра расположено более 400 тысяч кв.м. шоу-румов и складов. 240 итальянских модных брендов представляют свою продукцию на территории Centrogross. Именно тут производят закупки байеры и собственники магазинов одежды. ⠀ Какие то бренды представлены как бутики, какие-то как магазины, а где-то ты себя ощущаешь как на складе. Но условия везде одни, купить можно только оптом. ⠀ Тут можно увидеть все новые коллекции, отшитые итальянскими фабриками, до того как они попадут на прилавки магазинов. ⠀ Имея такую возможность, быть приближенной к этим источникам итальянской моды, я буду делиться с вами своими находками и наблюдениями о новинках, последних трендах и знакомить с малоизвестными брендами. - @lyuba_stylist_italy on Instagram

Die Quarantänezeit bringt einen trotzdem noch zum Lachen 😊 . . . . . #itscoronatime #quarantine #smile #smileback #mfa #oberfranken #blackwhite #keepsmiling #newpic #potd #heart #makeup #huawei #kulmbach #bayreuth #filter #inlove #love #germany #instagramentdecken - @laridippi on Instagram

- @andreymendel on Instagram

Just wondering how my first interaction with a guest in over five months will go... - @rsharrawr on Instagram

Good Night 🌃 . . . . . . #polishboy #me #smile #nice #black #followme #likeme #4f #calvinklein #likeforlikes #tagsforlikes #selfie #instaboy #instagood #instamood - @_zielonooki_ on Instagram

Eu não dou paz para meu cabelo 🤭🤣 - @atal_dacamis on Instagram

3 months of @pamela_rf workouts and little else to do 😂 Now to keep it up when I’m NOT bored out of my mind in lockdown 😬 - @rebecca.hanssen on Instagram

- @dani.vilceanu on Instagram

This week I started a reverse diet, meaning I’ll gradually be adding calories back until I reach my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) so that I can focus on gains because that’s my preference 💪🏻 I want to clarify that I am not advocating for fat loss to reveal abs (unless you want it). I am passionate about building muscle and strength in women and an athletic physique is what I prefer for myself. But it’s amazing to see what your body can do and I have genuinely fallen in love with the process. I bulked for a long time so I wanted to cut and lose some of the fluff around my core but this is in no way necessary. Your personal goals should be just that- personal. Having a little abdominal fat is actually healthy and even though these pants are super flattering I most definitely still have a lil lower belly fat under there 😅 Some of the belly fat you see could be visceral fat and this is crucial as it protects your tummy organs. So to conclude don’t feel pressure to have a flat belly or to see specific results to start a fitness journey. There are a million benefits to living a healthy and active lifestyle and having perfect abs does not have to be one of them 💚 #bethe1 - @amajoanna on Instagram

Od prawie 2 lat oddaje swoją głowę w ręce zespołu salonu @spiekniej i niezmiennie jestem zachwycona. Dziś np taka metamorfoza. 🥰🙈 o której zresztą marzyłam od dawna ❤️.... i jak tak siedziałam ze stoickim spokojem i uśmiechem na twarzy, bez stresu patrząc w lustro a żadna z myśli typu: „czy nie obetnie za krótko, albo nierówno...😨?” „a co jeżeli kolor wyjdzie zbyt żółty?🤭” się nie pojawiała to pomyślałam kolejny raz - „Jak to dobrze mieć miejsce, którego człowiek jest tak pewny.” @aneta_lange dziękuje za rozmowy, śmiechy, a przede wszystkim twój fach w ręku 😊🦋 #spiękniej #happy #woman #olaadamska #adamska - @olaadamska on Instagram

🤟🏻 - @rcarminati_ on Instagram

Music, once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit and never dies. 🤍 #quote#qotd#selfie#music#musican#piano#rap#rock#nirvana#2pac#oldschool#artist#potd#longhair#greyeyes#igersnature#fitness#motivation#goals - @_laura.hartmann_ on Instagram

Vor 8 Monaten habe ich mit Kraftsport angefangen. Der Grund dafür war, dass ich Rückenschmerzen hatte und mir gefühlt alles weh getan hat. Mit jeder Session fühlte ich mich besser. Dabei hat mir schnödes „Pumpen“ nie wirklich Spaß gemacht. Allerdings habe ich einen Weg gefunden Kraftsport auszuüben der mir tatsächlich sehr viel Freude bereitet. Finde Deinen Weg dich zu bewegen und dabei Spaß und Erfolge zu haben. Ob es Kampfsport, Fußball, Ausdauer, Tanzen oder etwas anderes ist. Meine Motivation war es sich besser zu fühlen. Nicht besser aussehen zu wollen. Und deswegen macht mir dieser Sport so Spaß! Meinen Weg seht ihr dieses Wochenende in einer neuen Road to Gnu Folge! #fit #fitness #kraftsport #gamer #gamerin #streamer #streamerin #twitch #twitchtv #youtube #youtuber #motivation #sport #gamerin #zocker #zockerin #tranformation #happy - @saftigesgnu on Instagram

- @grofica_sekeresi on Instagram

➖act like a lady, drive like a boss💋_____________________________________________________⠀ #GTI #diemitdemgti - @aleeex_gti on Instagram

tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of my life 👩🏼‍🏫 i’m not one to boast, but this is something i’ve been waiting my entire life for and i’m excited to see what the next 4 years and beyond hold 📚✨ - @steph_nello on Instagram

Y se suma otra vuelta☀️ 24. Agradecida por sus buenos deseos🙏🏻🤗 Bless 💚 #hbd - @mariangimanchego_ on Instagram

- @lena__sergeeva on Instagram

👬👨‍❤️‍👨🍾🎉 #polishgirl #polishboy #boyfriend #girlfriend #love #2girls2boys #friends #bestfriends #2020 - @krooopka98 on Instagram

„Verbesser dein Karma, verbring dein Wochenende mit nem Lama“🦙 - @kubikathiii on Instagram

Neid ist die höhste Anerkennung von Erfolg. ~ @gewitterimkopfyt ❤️ • • • #streetstyle #fashionable #hautecouture #instafashion #trendy #fashiondaily #solotraveller #instanaturelover #exploremore #animazing_nature #adventurelove #backpackers - @mrs.kuechler on Instagram

IM KOPF MUSS IMMER ETWAS PLATZ BLEIBEN..FÜR DIE FLAUSEN UND DIE PHANTASIE 🤭😜🤫 . #selfie#nikeairforce1#lovethislook#sexymoment#loveyourself#nikelover#tattoogirl#piercedgirl#audigirl#rednails#selfietime#hotgirl#germangirlsdoitbetter#nike#nikeshoes#photooftheday#kneesocks#iphonography#sexylady#instagirl#mirrorselfie#mirrorpic#bigeyes#hotpicture#ichmachwasichwill#styleinspiration#style#outfitlove#blondehair#smileforyou - @jazzthetazz_a4 on Instagram

🦋 - @vunnyyptri on Instagram

Tak, nudzi mi się 🙃☀️ #sunnyday#mood - @wiktoriamazur on Instagram

Weekend 💕 #itsfridaybitches#weekendvibes#girl#me#fashion#nikefashion#nike#chillivanilli - @caro.xec on Instagram

They call it ‘selfie’ because ‘narcissistie’ is too hard to spell. 😜🙈 . . . #budapest #selfie_time #brownhairdontcare #hungarianwoman #hungariangirl #portraitphotography #budapestgram #portrait_shots #womenportrait #theworldofportraits #portraitmood #naturalgirl #beautyday #memyselfandi #brownhair #hungarianwomen #straighthairstyles #hairdone #justme #facestagram #brunette #brunettegirl #photoofme #instaselfie #huaweiphotography #huaweimobilehu #huawei #huaweip30pro - @doraherman on Instagram

Life is too short and unpredictable. Just eat . Cinnamon Roll + Latte Couldn’t believe I just tried the @brawn_and_brains Cinnamon Roll after 7 years. It was sooo good. Requested for it to be heated up, that fluffiness from the roll, taste of cinnamon with a tinge of ginger, perfect combi with the coffee . . #cafehoppingsg #cafe #coffee #cinnamonrolls #delish #shotoniphone - @msoinkee on Instagram

-some say you will love me one day 🍬 - @n.atalliia on Instagram

Sonntags-Stimmung ...auch heute ist es ganz schön warm, habt ihr euch etwas abkühlen können? #outdoorpeople 🙋🏼‍♀️🌲🔥🌳 🤗🌳🔥🌲 @_outdoormaniacs_ 🌳🔥🌲 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Beitrag enthält unbezahlte Werbung) ______________________________________________ #draussenzuhause #enjoynature #trekking #trekkingday #getoutdoors #backpackerlife #outdoortime #naturegirl #outdoorgirl #hammock #naturpur #bushcraft #outdooraddict #tasmaniantiger #outdoor #outdoorpassion #draussen #trekkingtime #freshair #lebengenießen #lovetheoutdoors #frischeluft #bergischesland #hikingday #rausundmachen #findmeoutside #nordrheinwestfalen #bushcrafter #imwald - @chaos_katja on Instagram

I bet you can’t see me 😏 - @keelyatkins on Instagram

Приятные сочетания 💚 - @interiernaya_ya on Instagram

stay you - you‘re gold baby. 🦁✨ #stayyou #beyourself #staygold #begold #solidgold #belove #loveyourself #loveforeveryone #lovezoeca #zoecajewelry #zoeca #zoecababe #youwantme #iwantyou #caliqueen #dothug #sandiego #austria #mondaymood #itsagooddaytohaveagoodday #stayhome #staysafeandsound #stayhealthy #staylovely #loveyousomatcha #feelthewildsoulinyou #wildandfree #sparkleandshine #blogger_de . . . . . . . . Ich möchte #zoecanextfacechallenge werden weil ich den wunderschönen Schmuck von @zoecajewelry liebe und dieser jede individuelle Persönlichkeit und innere Schönheit unterstreicht. - @laerry_ on Instagram

- @kubikathiii on Instagram

#me#photo#myself#mirror#mirrorphoto#phone#samsung#tshirt#bzgdubgang#dubgang#czech#czechboy#insta - @novak.jiri987 on Instagram

- @camilamarschall on Instagram

Moin moin & Happy Friday 🥰 Jetzt wird erstmal Haushalt gemacht, Wäsche gewaschen Alltagsstruggle eben,dann gehts zur Fam & Freunden.❤️ Was habt ihr geplant? Wünsche euch ein schönes Wochenende & bis später 💕_______________________________________________ #anajohnson #happy #blogger_de #selfie #selflove #loveyourself #mirrorselfie #carmushka #liebe #selfmade #fashionlover #fashionbloggerstyle #love #makeup #makeuplove #makeuplover #haargoals #sneaker #newbalance #franziskaelea #christinakli #friday #weekend __________________________________________ Werbung da Markierung ☀️ - @miss_was_geht_sie_das_an_ on Instagram

,, Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Henry Ford #sundayvibes #sundaymotivation #slovakgirl #peaceandlove✌ - @klaudia.paldaufova on Instagram

Spaß beim Training 🎉💪🏼😁 #donnerstag#juli#2020#training#taekwondo#fighting#sports#hamburg#TripleF#mixed#material#arts - @felixworbs on Instagram

E a tua paz repousou no meu peito Jesus ❤️🙇🏻‍♀️ - @_souzaasara on Instagram

I have fallen in love with doing my own thing, minding my business, and not being accessible like that 😊 - @fitbodynat on Instagram

Se algum dia lá trás alguém me dissesse que eu iria gostar tanto de correr, de ficar toda suada, de cabelo bagunçado e contando as horas pro proximo treino... eu juro que iria rir desesperadamente da pessoa. Mas sim, hoje sei que tudo isso é verdade. Todo treino a gente sai mortinha, mas com um sentimento gigante de F.E.L.I.C.I.D.A.D.E e G.R.A.T.I.D.Ã.O por estar viva e desfrutando de saúde. Obrigada Deus por cada oportunidade que tens me dado! Agradeço ao Professor @pereiravelazquez pelo grande treino e ao @tio_batista pela parceria na peleia. A gente ta só começando... . . . . . #corridaderua #paquitasquecorremoficial #cinderelasdoasfaltooficial #jacorreuhoje #disciplinaemcorrida #disciplinados #vidadecorredora #correrecompartilhar #mulheresnacorrida #run #running #runnersofinstagram #lokasquecorrem #loverunning #viciadosemcorridaderua #euatleta #brasilcorridas #agoracorre #boracorrer - @corre_brunaa on Instagram

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow✌🏽🙃 - @kevinmertensm on Instagram

Too many riding shots, heres a selfie to mix it up cause I got a new dress and felt cute. Thank you. Good day. #pinkdress #ootd #selfiesaturday #feltcutemightdeletelater #notabike #sorrynotsorry - @motokasumi on Instagram

Vorfreude🍀🏞⛰ #ersterurlaubdiesesjahr#bayern#mädelstrip - @juls_mantel on Instagram

He’s gonna catch em all cause he’s Danny Phantom - @cosplayofmarvel on Instagram

Story of your life Time of solitude and strife Freedom of an open road Hope and many miles to go Promises to keep Countless gold fields to reap To be rich is to seek, To relive a memory 🖤🖤 . . . #tuomasholopainen #memories #nightwish #alifetimeofadventures #friends #metal #love #metalgirl #summer #brownhair #brownie - @loeree_ on Instagram

😅 - @yukiyyj on Instagram

🌺🍃 - @julia_andreis on Instagram

Music often accompanies me, my thoughts, my moods, my silence. ~ @j.ironword ❤ - @_dielisaa_ on Instagram

You didn‘t woke up today to be average. #roadtostage #teamxxxlschmiede #xxxlschmiede #nacgermany #bodybuilding #fitness #gym #workout #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fit #fitfam #muscle #training #gymlife #fitnessmodel #bodybuilder #bikinicompetition #fitspo #gymmotivation #health #lifestyle #gains #instafit #strong #healthy #bodybuildingmotivation #fitnessaddict - @anne.lifts on Instagram

what‘s coming is better than what‘s gone 💌 - @melina.lukits on Instagram

𝗘𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗲𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗼🙃 - @vaalricco on Instagram

Осень очень близко🍂 - @beerekat on Instagram

👩🏻 - @pauliinaminttu on Instagram

Мы охотно стремимся к тем, кто создает нам хорошее настроение. Человек – эмоциональное существо. Мы желаем быть с теми, кто дарит нам ощущение радости и счастья. И нет ничего притягательнее в другом человеке, чем лёгкость, которую чувствуешь находясь с ним. - @just_lera.hi on Instagram

@meksianbeachbar was the first restaurant Ive visited after the lockdown and I still love to eat out there cada vez wenn sich die Gelegenheit ergibt jiji ☺️😋 Aquí con mi sugar daddy @gerardmarbella (broma 😝😂) ⠀ Do you like fusion food by the way? Or sugar daddies? 😈😂🤔 ⠀ 📍Marbella, Spain ⠀ _________ #meksianbeachbar #marbella #malagafood #marbellafood #finecuisine #feineküche #cleaneating #glutenfree #gourmet #spanien #comerenmarbella #lowcarb #comerenmalaga #кето #paleo #gastronomia #yummyfood #restaurantsmarbella #restaurantegourmet #malaga #münchen #sugarfree #paleodiet #beachrestaurant #luxurydining #finedining #mexicanfood #aip #foodlover #yellowdress - @aleonaru on Instagram

I’m living one hell of a life - @taylordagner on Instagram

Sunkissed☀️🌼 #summer #sunshine #blonde #dress #bluedress #blueeyes #love #littlesmile #dailyoutfit - @merlek117 on Instagram

Ketika kamu mempunyai kesempatan untuk berbuat sesuatu yang belum pernah kamu lakukan , jangan sia-sia kan... 🙂 All money cant buy a time machine ❤️ . . . #lightroombymalika - @_maysagina on Instagram

‚If you can see it in your mind - you can hold it in your hands.‘ 💭 . Vergiss all die Gründe warum du scheitern könntest und konzentriere dich auf den einen Grund warum du es schaffen kannst. 👱🏼‍♀️#believinyourself ——————- 💾 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞! ——————- #vogue #modeblogger #fashion #fashionblogger #austria #austriangirl #blondegirl #blondehair #vienna #streetstyle #inspo #happygirl #happymindhappylife #mindset #beauty #makeuplife #summerlook #stefaniecebis #sofiawerz #denisebobe #denisebobepreset #selfie #selfiemonday - @sabrina.rsg on Instagram

T w e n t y 🎈 - @emiliaisakssons on Instagram

Good night 😴 #polishgirl #polskadziewczyna #brunette #bruneta #selfie #smile #goodgirl #makeup #goodnight - @wisnia91 on Instagram