


- Mia Khalifa murders sports writer


Gon - Hunter x Hunter

- This guy arguing about how NASA’s tweet about global warming is fake news

hunter x hunter gon rage gif

- Silence



- Only Wholesomeness.


- Relativity be like


hhhh happy new year everyone !! thank u for all of the love and support :) u guys make me not regret starting this account and actual give me energy to makeup this shit ,,,, lets make 2020 a karkalicios year - - - - - - - #kny #kimetsunoyaiba #demonslayer #au #twitterau #knyau #oc #tanjiroukamado #kamadotanjirou #zenitsuagatsuma #agatsumazenitsu #inosukehashibira #hashibirainosuke #tomiokagiyuu #giyuutomioka #sabito #makomo #anime #sanemishinazugawa #shinazugawasanemi #genyashinazugawa #shinazugawagenya #shinobukochou #kochoushinobu #redrawgiyuu #kanaotsuyuri #tsuyurikanao #aoikanzaki #kanzakiaoi #mitsurikanroji - @knyincollege on Instagram


Ketawanya nular njir😂😂😂 . Sc : twitter // sixeulov - @awteutic on Instagram


- No more neckativity. Just love.


- rEaL sHiT?

High Quality Anime Pfp


- Hitlag will be added to Valhalla to add weight in combat, similar to origins (link to tweet in comments)

- 2lonely4me


- meirl


Gon icon - gon cry

- Damn this is so gold


- Police shot a photographer in the face last night and permanently blinded her in the left eye

- Brotherly love 😍

Гон Фрикс

- Me irl

- Just why?

- Yo mama so gay


- The disrespect.

- 14 15 18 13 9 5

- Ranked singles is wack

- Why, susan?

- If she’s over 200 l🅱️s she’s going down😤

- Blizzard

- He saved these insect from shame. What a hero

- I farted

- Why would they want it gone?

- For the big business sake.

- they got this boy fr*cked up

- Heavy metal spongeBob edition

- Cant wait!

- Suggestion: Magic chin box.

- Would love to see all businesses not just Esports go in this direction.

- the true best skin in the game

- The struggle pays off.

- Zacian my beautiful doggo

- is this real life?

- Okay Boomer


- Guys, long story short, i have a twitter account that submits things from this subreddit and...

- Ah shit, here we go again

- Make America love herself again!


- Notch... no

- He has a point

- Interesting tweet from 2017

- This is why i love this community

- 🅱️eadly Sins

- Haha get it

- lets all stop climate change and then go die

- cursed_abortion

- He came

- Excuse me

- Ok this is epic

- Berserk quotes

- N0tail shuts down Lils ranting

- Did anyone happen to catch the video/clip before the tweet was deleted?

- pp flute

- Now thats Savage

- So no remodels in this update. I am disappointed

- DadYe Strikes Again

- Good one...

- They tryna get us with all these dope lows

- He did em dirty

- Yes. Bowser is faster than Marth. No clue why

- Famous actor James Allen McCune giving Chandler a fair warning

Follow @bakugou.original for more🔥 • • ♥️Like 🚀Share 🗨️Comment • • Credit: Owner • • #izukumidoriya #mineta #animeart #anime #bnhamemes #shototodoroki #todoroki #bakugoukatsuki #shototodoroki #kirishima #izuocha #kamijirou #bokunoheroacademia #mhaedit #mha #bnha #deku #midoriya - @bakugou.original on Instagram

- Part 4 OPs in Memes

- me irl


- Aki Akane

- 🅱️ottom text

- Wendys knows whats up

- Either Ye is drunk or hes on some ultra real shit

- I loved to play hide and shriek as a child

- CK2 battles in a nutshell

- Lets play the wtf is nate talking about-game

- Blue Pewdiepie

- Good analysis Kowalski...

- 🦀 EA is gone 🦀

- Saw this coming.

- Ill second that

- Boku No Hero Academia

- Notch is a Steve supporter

- Goodmonin

- Thoughts ?

- Me too Twitter, me too.

- That 8.33% hits hard

- This is so sad! Can we get 69 upvotes!

- UFC fighter responds to a rivals fan.

- Oculus pls

- Who wants to ride on a zipline?

- Buff eternal slayer ring, 5%/10% increased chance of superior.


- Funny meems

- Did anybody else shit bricks when they got one-shot by these guys in the depths of Mementos or was it just me

- The fascists were actually anti-fascists

- Funny dragon

- Flex seal has embraced the meme.

- Brunie Burns, the Orator

- 🅱attle royale

- Really

- 2meirl4meirl

- I’m glad they’re taking it slow, lube helps too.

- Me_irl

- YouTuber lies about awkward gym scenario

- Thats a highway to hell

- Milan, Vorwenn and Tuckz are a trio

- A masterpiece

- So thats what they mean


- come on NIBBA

- Illenium + Post Malone?!?!

- Dead*ss

- Shiii are y’all?

- marvel magazine

- Kingdom Hearts

- Do you guys like puns?

giyuus mcr shirts- - - - - - #kny #kimetsunoyaiba #demonslayer #au #twitterau #knyau #oc #tanjiroukamado #kamadotanjirou #zenitsuagatsuma #agatsumazenitsu #inosukehashibira #hashibirainosuke #tomiokagiyuu #giyuutomioka #sabito #makomo #anime #sanemishinazugawa #shinazugawasanemi #genyashinazugawa #shinazugawagenya #shinobukochou #kochoushinobu #redrawgiyuu #kanaotsuyuri #tsuyurikanao #aoikanzaki #kanzakiaoi #mitsurikanroji - @knyincollege on Instagram

- madlad madeon fans

- 3

- Me IRL

- He has to clean eight shoes now

- Sub2Pewds to get SmarterEveryDay 👊

- Personally I like iHOP

- Who all going to the raid?

- epicness!

- Ongo Gablogian has something to say about that...

- I think I need a portal to the blender dimension

- 🅱️ive it to me 🅱️aby

- Thoughts? I agree 100%.

- I use dark theme

- me🍆irl

- Solo


- Oh, Toby.

- rape comics

- Ninja with the burn


- Whoever is running the CP2077 Twitter account... I HATE U... But I LOVE U too lmao

- Adam Driver minus everything good

- Matrix director, Wachowski, couldnt stand it


- Trisha doesnt know who Elon Musk is 😂

- Somebody needs to create a page on Wikipedia

- Cursed Knee

- I like to thing that Elon travelled to the future and saw the Martian invasion of Earth and took it upon himself to rescue his planet

- Cursed_project

- Res🅱ect for hi🅱ster 🅱irl

- fun is for minorities

- Sovietwomble Got What He Deserved.

- Destroy joins Liminosity!

- wtf i lov e minecraft now!

- Do they actually freeze beef?

- Way up north

- And what about it? 😤

- Did Vinny and Zex just get 50k + a mansion?

- Im hitting the home decor aisle first

- The debate is finally put to rest

- Kill me

- Wendy Tweets

- 😤😤😤

- The truth

- NT News throwing all kinds of shade.

- Kaskade confronts kid who is selling redux ticket for $200

- She coming

- Original content 🤔🤔

- Truth

- Throwback Conor Tweet & Khabib foreshadowing

- Poor strategy

- it works when you surprise them

- midormeepo just casually roasting on Twitter

For those who are still in school, are you still doing completely online, or are you back to in person now? Or a mix of both?~ • • LIKE AND SHARE Please! • • Help me get to 8,000!!! • • Hope y’all have a good day • • Credit: @CyberShell on Twitter #mario #nintendo #zelda #botw #nintendofan #smashbrosultimate #ssbu #sonicmovie #smashbrothers #supersmashbrothers #legendofzelda #smashultimate #nintendoswitch #mariokart #mariokarttour #splatoon #thelegendofzelda #mariomemes #nintendomemes #mariobros #anime #sonic #nintendoswitchgames #smash #sonicthehedgehog #animalcrossing #smashbros #fireemblem #gamecube #banjokazooie - @dr.awesome_x on Instagram

- Sideshow on the ptr meta

- Flexing on babies

- Oof

- Me irl

- Tough scene.

- Yo what

- ichigo comments on the coronavirus

- Bullshit.

- Theres gonna be memes about JJs hair forever

- Guy who calls baseball boring gets torched

- 6 figures when he was 4 has joined the team 😂😂🔥🔥

- iCarly Fortnite ? Please no.

- Oof my PP

- Me_irl

- How to know a patch was good for non zerg:

- Evga ftw3 ultra 440w power limit!!

- gotta love some of the DBD playerbase

- Follow up to EVGA Stock Post. Stock EVERY FEW DAYS

- Bob The Drag Queen is serving some hot tea.

- On todays episode we discuss when its OD cold..

- How could you not see that this is a joke?

- Oh god Megga lmao

- Razer sharp assholery

- Me irl

- 1 snake god. 2 different personalities

- Daily Kazuma Tweet #33

- 🅱️ork 🅱️iaries 😤😩💪

- Kim Chi shades... herself

- Dang Elmo calm down

I don’t really see Gyokko in a Twitter Au so I added him✌️👩💻 . . . #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba #gyutaro #daki #gyokko #douma #kaigaku #rui #akaza #uppermoons #knytwitter #knytwitterau #demonslayertwitter #demonslayertwitterau #kimetsunoyaibatwitter #kimetsunoyaibatwitterau #enmu - @gay.kny.twitter_au on Instagram

- Do your part, Elon. Please......we are desperate

- And I oop-

- The Caverns Below will not be having its nerf reverted according to Dean Ayala on Twitter

- We’re truly living in the dankest timeline

- Really makes you think 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

- Operation clapping Castle

- Ç H Ö R K

- The Catalyst [OC]

- Confirmed shroud hosting meme review

- Blursed tweet

- That’s the theme of the game amirite?

- Almost half!!!

- How this subreddit feels like!

- *dot* . *dot* . *dot* .

- Destroying Li🅱️tard with facts and logic. 🔥😩

- Roses are red, I wish I was blind...

- Another weird situation in the NAE 🐍season. Avery throwing shade at bugha for hanging out with his girlfriend instead of playing scrims.

- needs more jpeg

- Keep in mind someone paid for this to be promoted

- Language people language


- Trying to correct the developer of the new Spider-Man game

- Im more scared of people thinking Im a anti-masker than catching Covid

- Bob patrol

- Its really not that hard when you think about it

- funny celebrity tweets

- [OC] Time Travel

- Just Taika Waititi Being Taika Waititi

- Sykk riddle?

- Shakespeare why you do be like that? 😭

😂😂😂 #comedy #explorepage #standupcomedy #songwriting #musicpublishing #atlanta #brookscoga #colga #pokemon #pokemonmaster #rdcworld1 - @dysethegreat on Instagram

- Dafran: Not gonna lie, I was f$#@ing drunk as f$#! all day both days at the Homestand, best social skill and confidence hacks

- Baby Its Cold Outside

- Cursed_tweet reply

- Karen 🅱️rought the Kids 🅱️ack

- This is somehow a joke. How does having posters of sexy fictional characters makes someone sexist?

- You saw dis


- Holy Pog

- Ariel embracing the Chael memes

- Oh, something like that..

- Bon appétit, John.

- No 🅱️ut November

- Daily Kazuma Tweet #30

- Ba Dum Tssshhh

- Stop showing it to everyone

- Elon says Tesla will install a power lift gate at no cost for wheelchair user.

- Id pay to see Carlson get the beats...

- Blursedchallenge

- [Discussion] So, I set up this Twitter bot...

- Bringing home the bacon.

- Update on the podcast situation

- All hail our gay leader

- Naming it

- No Comment.

- This one got me.

- QuackityHQ gets fucking gamershot

- That’s the Skin in the game, as all right things should be.

- Me irl

- Major yikes detected

- Finally 🔥🔥 Joyryde 1st track from album

- True Friends 🤗

- Sept 21 effigy- boo30 as GOTs night king

- The trend hasnt made its way here yet

- Hopefully I am the Usain Bolt of dying

- Invader Zim good

- Disney still game crossover time.

- Ha llegado el príncipe de todo MX

- Gurus creating the Mansion Barron achievement

- top 10 anime battles

- Jacksepticeye is trying to get Tarkov?

- 🅱️octor Strange

- [Discussion] So, I set up this Twitter bot...

- Josh Keaton

- Facebook/ text funny

- It seems Bruce Wayne is a fan

- 🦀🦀🦀

- Marshawn Lynch hangs up the Nikes and calls it a career

- @IreenaKolyana out here fighting the good fight


- Guys Elon is officially a weeb

- Im not sexist or anything but why do they have to shove women into my vidya? Just seems like forced diversity to me. Its also historically inaccurate.

- me🔫irl

- Two people wanted to be bold

- Hentai_irl

- Sploog

- Daily Kazuma Tweet #32

- The ass, thr most powerful ass-et in a fight

- Idk if this was posted before but for real clown emojis are getting old

- more baskingball1

- Imagine

- Deadpool

- Cursed_background

- [No Spoiler] Please contact nearby heroes if saw this man on your way home