Gnome Profile Pics

seriouslycome oncome on manwtfwtf is going onwhywhatare you seriousare you kidding me

Hyunjin lq icon pfp edit

gardening gnome garden gnome

- [bspwm] Gruvbox.

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

seriously come on come on man wtf wtf blink

- [CTWM] Lean

gardening gnome garden gnome

- [GNOME] Sea

gnome gravity falls

- [openbox] charge

Bruce the Traditional Gnome Garden Ornament

Girly Me - bioverde: by: smscs

gardening gnome garden gnome

- [2bwm] Storm

gnome memes cute gnoes

- [dwm] Shpongle shrooms

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

5,129 Gnomes Stock Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from Dreamstime

gardening garden gnome

- [openbox] Finally, Changed The Wallpaper...

Tama watercolor

gnomes memes cute gnomes

- [i3-gaps] First rice

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

gardening gnome garden gnome

- [gnome] vertex style

★ sugar gnome !!

Real Magic - Black Forest Region

gnome memes cute gnoes

- [Windows Terminal] Using Debian in the new (open source) Windows terminal

elf gnome christmas

- [Cinnamon] linux mint 19.2 Cinnamon, Learning some python basics.

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii



- [KDE] Blurred Forest

latex Mould for making this Naughty Lady Gnome

gnome rancher cowboy cowgirl

- [i3wm] My first Nord-themed setup

animated birthday gnome memes

- [Budgie] Slowing down

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

gnome george harrison seductive lay down singer

- [FrankenWM] Vintage

никита лыткин

Gnew Year Gnomes

gnomes cute gnomes

- Is Slushy Jr. Back bling or pet

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

Eeffoc Sublimation PNG , Coffee Sublimation png, Gnome Coffee Sublimation PNG, Coffee PNG Sublimation, Coffee Gnome png

gnome rancher cowboy cowgirl

- [Plasma] Nice and simple

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

DIY 3D St. Patricks Day Gnome💚🍏☘️

gnome bonk south park

- [i3-gaps] archlinux

nimona matching pfp

Gnome Happy Holidays Tomte Christmas sign, Blue Gnome Christmas Wreath attachment, Winter supplies, Christmas Sign,

gnome wow world of warcraft dance cute

- [i3-gaps] Simple.

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

Gravity falls

happy new year %E1%83%90%E1%83%AE%E1%83%90%E1%83%9A %E1%83%AC%E1%83%94%E1%83%9A%E1%83%A1

- [i3] xzvfs dotfiles v4: Nord theme

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

valentines day gnome love heart

- [OS X] Kites

christmas wallpaper kpop christmas wallpaper kawaii

Gnome Santa Sign, Wreath attachment, Winter supplies, Christmas Sign, Rustic signs, Holiday Wreath Sign,

good day full moon love you

- [Plasma] Syu

Husband transforms unsightly tree stump into talk of the neighborhood

new years eve happy new year gnome animated sticker

- [Arch][bspwm] Molokai, probably my favorite color scheme

sugar gnome

gnome memes cute gnoes

- [dwm] - use your brain 


- [i3-gaps] Why do I always rice when I really need to be productive

gnome hearts love

- [kde] Adapta+Papirus

valentines day gnome heart

- [OPENBOX] Héroes del Silencio

cartman gnome hit south park

- [GNOME] New to all this, but I tried to go for a slightly purple theme

gardening gnome garden gnome

- [Plasma] Full grey

knowing gnome veefriends smart i know knows it all

- [i3-gaps] Solarized Glass

animated gnomes coffee tea stickers coffee addict tea addict

- [Bspwm] First time here


- [i3-gaps] Trying to live without statusbar. Looks clean and I love it!

gardening gnome garden gnome

- [Cinnamon] Clearjaro - Blue with a little bit of burgundy red

knowing gnome veefriends smart i know knows it all

- [XFCE] Space Witcher

coffee addicts tea addicts coffee tea stickers animated gnome

- [i3-gaps] testing VM

cool cool gifs

- [Mac OS] An open terminal window calms me down

swinging gnome animated gnome on swing

- [Bspwm] Lake

gravity falls unaired pilot tourist trapped gnomes angry gnomes

- [bspwm] barless

thanksgiving gnome

- [dwm] geeky greeny gruvbox greatness (dual 4k monitor: portrait + landscape)

seriously really wtf wtf is going on norm the gnome

- [openbox] Uno mas...

animated gnome coffee addict tea addict coffee tea sticker

- [Plasma Theme] Glassy

santa fun gnome

- [GNOME] My first arch build !

laughing gnome humor

- [ i3 Gaps ] Joined the Gentoo club

ytyf gnome laughing staring blank stare

- [Plasma] Functional

halloween gnomes

- [xmonad] Part 2: Spring

seriously come on come on man wtf wtf blink

- [BSPWM] Playing around with 20 year old 3D models

troll gnome red nose cartoon green

- [I3-Gaps] cozy.

time to go gnome time to go home home time return home head home

- [XFCE] Pascal Workflow

gnome animated coffee animated tea

- [i3-gaps] Im not good at maths...

gnome rainbowbarf rainbowvomit

- [Arch i3] First time using Arch, second time using i3, and my first (somewhat) custom rice!

little pills little pill littlepillsnft hide the pain harold hide the pain

- [i3] just another i3 rice

gnomes cute gnomes

- [KDE + i3-gaps] Goofy Purple

hippie gnome

- My corrent desktop with [plasma]

gravity falls gnome pluie rain

- [i3] Ok then, no serif fonts this time.

gnome animated coffee animated tea

- [KDE] Palenlight


- [XFCE/GNOME] BOTH of a blue similar style

autumn gnome

- [GNOME] My simple rice

seriously come on come on man wtf wtf blink

- [i3wm] Azul a cor mais quente

gnome animated coffee animated tea

- [i3](First rice) Small screen and cold colors.

waving underpants gnomes south park s6e17 red sleigh down

- [bspwm] with a hint of minimalism

spring gnome gardening flowers veggies

- [Cinnamon/Muffin] My first try at customizing!

gnomed gnome glow effect shaking

- [i3-gaps] Keeping up with finals

butterfly gnome wisdom

- [XFCE] a 274mb desktop on Alpine Linux

salute gnome chompsky trollhunters tales of arcadia yes sir at your service

- [ORW] Fire In The Mountain

spring gnome gardening flowers veggies

- [hlwm/emacs] boring

gnomes rule gnomeo and juliet we rule

- [chunkwm] New laptop means new rice

merry christmas mooart

- [budgie] Solus with Firewatch BG and conky

gnomes cute gnomes

- [i3-gaps] Castle on the hill

gardening gnome garden gnome

- [Awesome] Skyfall

gnome yeahilift tb

- [SOWM] KISS Army Unite!

animated gnome on swing swinging gnome

- [Sway] Challenger Deep

shmebulock yes gravity falls gnome got it

- [Xmonad] Phosphor Green, ft. Conky and Polybar

new years eve happy new year gnome animated sticker

- [Qtile] My very first rice. Hope you guys like it.

gnome gnome chompski hl2 lfd2 left for dead

- [Kwin/KDE Neon] My blurry setup

gnome anime not happy memorial day

- [plasma] Arcolinux Hefftor Plasma Edition

fun gnomes dance

- [Sway] Changed up my bar a little bit, started using base16 colors. Finally comfortable.

valentines day happy valentines day animated gnome sticker valentine

- [macOS + iTerm2] Tmux + Vim + Zsh + React Dev

jump gnome dwarf playing cute

- [Xfce] Clean dark with vivid colors (vimix + sonokai)


- [LXQt] My desktop looks more like windows than my actual windows partition

gravity falls

- [bspwm] trying out lemonbar.

valentines day gnome heart

- [i3gaps] wal got boring ;/

seriously come on come on man wtf wtf blink

- [i3] My current theme which I forked from Ashes and made it a more general pastel theme

gnome patriotic memorial day 4th of july

- [bspwm] Getting my act together.

gnome dance dancing

- [BSPWM] Vibrant

valentines day gnome heart love

- [Gnome] Learning SDL2 for a game project


- [i3-gaps] playing with polybar

halloween gnome

- [bspwm] killall ayuwokiWM - dorime

shake it baby

- [Cinnamon] Enjoying Linux Mint, Might stop distro hopping.

happy dance dancing celebration celebrate

- [bspwm] Trying this out, I might just stick around!

gnomes rules the land gnomes rule dabbing dab swag

- [i3-gaps] Nordic Dawn


- [i3-gaps] castle rice episode 2

steiner rudolf rudolf steiner biodynamie biodynamy

- [xmonad] refactor

autumn gnome

- [i3] Something different

seriously really wtf wtf is going on norm the gnome

- [i3-gaps] been messing with void linux, got it to a point that I like it

gnome chompski gnome chompski spin gnome spin

- [dwm] mountain sunset

gnome knitting gnome heart love knitted hearts

- [KDE] Aritim-Dark + Nord, Finally peace. maybe for now....


- [ QTILE ] Is it configured enough?

seriously come on come on man wtf wtf blink

- [Plasma] I call it Winjaro

gnome flossing gnomes dancing dance

- [Awesome] Copycat

gnome dancing sexy

- [i3-Gaps]Gruvbox for life!

- [Raspbian/LXDE] Raspberry Pi Zero W - Maxing out the CPU.

- [yabai] But Would North Be True?

- [Bspwm] Faint light and dark

- [Plasma] Yet another Dracula

- [GNOME] Keep it simple.

- [sway] back to the basics

- [Plasma]+[BSPWM] Too grey

- [i3-Gaps] Second Rice

- [ Xmonad + Polybar ] Presenting to you Enigma !!!

- [xmonad] kinda cliche idk

- [i3] OneDarkish

- [BSPWM] Nostalgic Days

- [openbox] Arch linux // Openbox // Polybar // Etc

- [Plasma] Krohnkite with K-Pop! will suffice...for now

- [i3] Optimized daily driver

- [herbstluftwm] First Post, inspired by Distrotube

- [Gnome] Gnome can also be beautiful

- [i3-gaps]

- [KDE Plasma] Arc Dark x Palenight

- [i3] Glass

- [KDE] Hyper is dope

- [Openbox] Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf #archlinux

- [i3] First rice :D

- [i3-gaps] Iosevka everything

- [xfwm] giving him a chance

- [Plasma] Dark-Fuchsia-04

- [Cinnamon] First time posting here!

- [berry] yummy

- [BSPWM] Greeny Themey

- [i3-gaps] Papirus Colors: I Mean Papirus Folder Colors

- [Openbox] Do I really have to write a title, Mom?

- [bspwm] Learning Rust

- [Sway] Wofi makes a fantastic launcher program

- [Unity] Unified #292929

- [Aqua] Who said I cant build my own text editor?

- [BSPWM] Nordic-ish

- [2bwm][Lemonbar] Light Rice

- [yabai] Picked up my macbook for the first time in a while

- [OS X] :^D

- [i3-gaps] First rice

- [bspwm]i love bspwm

- [Plasma] Decadent

- [Openbox] Picturesque

- [i3-gaps] Pimping up my bar ;)

- [spectrwm] Hopped WMs Again

- [sway] arc dark

- [GNOME] Just daily desktop.

- [Budgie] Minimalistic Design with Flat Remix Icons

- [bspwm] Suns going down mates...

- [i3-gaps] Second day. Anyone else use Atom?

- [PLASMA] Dynamic tiling with Kröhnkite and Nord color scheme, Best of both world

- [Subtle] Gruvbox

- [Awesome] Finally installed Arch! (and purged Windows)

- [XMonad] My first post on r/unixporn

- [Xfce] From gaudy (my last post) to serene: Winter and Frost.

- [i3-gaps] and so i switched to arch

- [ OPENBOX ] Its my first time using a floating WM

- [i3-gaps] Spaced out

- [bspwm] valle

- [bspwm] [polybar] Jellyfish

- [2bwm] Bouquet

- [dwm] First rice on my new thinkpad T430

- [BSPWM] Switched from i3

- [PLASMA] Blue and Green

- [bspwm] My first rice (my work setup)

- [bspwm] cleaned up my system

- [bspwm] Make it rain

- Moonlight theme - anyone like this syntax theme I made?

- [Awesome] Gruvbox-inspired setup for peaceful programming

- [openbox] Melonbar, a suckless-like bar written in Go.

- [wmutils] burst

- [i3-gaps] My updated configuration, with a new install of Arco Linux

- [KDE Plasma] McManjaro!

- [Cinnamon] Beauty & Simplicity

- [bspwm] Snowy Mountains

- [i3] Trying To Be A Lil Bit Fancy

- [GNOME] Tried to make it look nice

- [openbox] grey stuff

- [i3 gaps] first rice

- [Awesome] rice

- [sowm] new laptop

- [i3] First clean rice

- [Gnome Shell/XWayland] Big Sur? Yes Sur!

- [#!][Openbox] Undecorated, no-borders windows setup on Thinkpad x100e

- [i3] Going minimal 😎

- [i3-gaps] I configured a fully custom custom system specifially to post this here. I think it turned out very well!

- [i3] Alley

- [i3-gaps] One v2

- [2bwm] Succulent

- [GNOME]Last fresh install before 20.04 LTS

- [i3] base16-material and polybar

- [xfwm] lights

- [herbstluftwm] Immateria

- [i3] Amethyst Gentoo

- [i3 gaps] fern

- [Plasma] I promise its plasma... But weird one.

- [BSPWM] Blur everywhere.

- [i3-gaps] After 7438738 hours...

- [Budgie] Nord inspired minimal

- [KDE] First time KDE user howd I do?

- [Xfce] Zen bliss

- [KDE] + [BSPWM]

- [Fluxbox] Trying out a dark theme

- [spectrwm] Sunset

- [Plasma] KDE is so appealing...

- [i3-gaps] Still trying to adapt with dracula themes

- [KDE] Clean Transparent Look

- [spectrwm] Challenger-Deep Color Palette...

- [plasma] mojave clone

- [ QTILE ] My Daily Setup

- [OC] Thunderblur - A theme for Thunderbird

- [2bwm] highlands

- [PLASMA] Pretty stock but customized to my liking

- [Gnome] For online school, my old thinkpad looking fresh

- [dwm] A Suckless Place

- [BSPWM] Simple Nordic Archlabs rice

- [i3-gaps] My collection of Tint2 executors

- [bspwm] misty and minimal

- [Gnome] Cozy style for Ubuntu

- [openbox] luna

- [i3-gaps] Ricing around while I pretend to study

- [i3-gaps/GNOME] Ursa Major

- [Sway] Sway is feeling nicer and nicer everyday.

- [BSPWM] me want some rice

- [Xfce] My mums old laptop. Looks good and is perfectly usable.

- [DWM] Final Setup in Action

- [KDE] Bored during quarantine, so now I use Arch. Its not as pretty as some others Ive seen...but I dont hate it.

- [berry] good

- [BSPWM] Students minimalistic setup

- [2bwm] feeling comfy with two borders

- [GNOME] Emerald holds a special place in my heart

- [colorscheme] base16-oceanicnext, kinda

- [Openbox] [ORW] Agnus Dei

- [Xmonad]Minimal

- [i3wm] Deus

- [herbstluftwm] creative title

- [Openbox] Simple Rice

- [KDE Plasma] I now use Arch btw

- [bspwm] I will stick to it for a while

- [bspwm] Arch x Palenight

- [2bwm] lite

- [awesome]is not awesome, awesome?

- [dwm] Is my rice of dwm unique enough?

- [Plasma] Blurry setup with tiling

- [Plasma] Mountain at Night

- [Awesome] More rice to eat nom nom

- [i3-gaps] 2gb of ram doesnt stop pink rice

- [i3] Islands

- [Pantheon] My semi-light elementary OS setup

- [ORW] Tutorial - Intro + installation

- [Openbox] [ORW] Music from a cold land

- [openbox/rounded corners] Switched to Void!

- [KDE Plasma] Another Blade Runner 2049 themed rice

- [pantheon] loki

- [Pop-Shell/GNOME] An update to the generic grubox

- [Plasma] Teeny tiny setup on my teeny tiny laptop

- [Awesome] rice nom nom

- [dwm] First rice. Keeping it simple

- [2bwm] High Hopes

- [bspwm] Nordic Rice | My First WM Dive

- [berry] dynamic (programming)

- [Plasma] Minimalist workspace inspired by Chrome OS

- [bspwm] Nord: Polished Up

- [Plasma][Late Dock] Finally a desktop I actually feel like sticking with

- [Bspwm] Efficiency

- [i3-gaps] polandball & northern lights

- [KDE] Winter is here

- [bspwm] Faint

- [dwm] nordic mountain

- [XFCE] macOS-esque

- [dwm] unscii font

- [AwesomeWM] minimalist pragmatic setup

- [Gnome] First time using Linux, any tips for Ubuntu?

- [i3] First Rice - Mountain Molokai

- [berry] Black on landscape

- [xfwm] white rose

- [chunkwm + Spectacle] Corda Blockchain: Nord theme does look pretty crisp with a foggy Yosemite

- [budgie] Material Desktop

- [GNOME] My everyday setup

- [i3-gaps] Light and dark

- [i3-gaps] Three computer classes this semester . Three separate virtual machines needed.

- [Sway] buggy (multi-monitor issues) but worth it

- [PLASMA] nothing like a fresh install.... OSX inspired

- [AwesomeWM] Awesome Nord

- [Plasma] Shameless macOS clone

- [Sway] Finally put borders on my windows and am sticking with a colorscheme.

- [i3]Managed To Spin Qubes OS.

- [i3-gaps] Our democracy has been hacked.

- [GNOME] A work in progress - Slightly modified Orchis theme and a custom icon set

- [BSPWM] Night moon

- [herbstluftwm] Agila

- [Bspwm] Minimal as a fuck

- [Plasma] Krohnkite v0.6 Released

- [XFCE4/bspwm] Nord Theme

- [OC] Fancy MOTD for my servers

- [herbstluftwm] Green lil buddy

- [Deepin] Im cheating but dont tell it to the WM Folks

- [i3] Dracula aka Cute Ghost

- [Sway] Tomorrow Night.

- [bspwm] Flat gruvbox theme.