Frank Barone Profile Pics

everybody loves raymondtv landpeter boylethe wallpapereveryone loves raymondmaries sculpturebrad garrettrobert baronerobert moves back
eating thinking spoonful hungry starving
ill eat it fast ill hurry hungry let me eat rush
angry upset stare down frustrated brad garrett
saboteur sabotage ruiner you sabotaged me brad garrett
im not here im not home im not present pretend im not here peter boyle
dont hold your breath dont count on it not likely unlikely peter boyle
angry upset furious big eyes mad
whatever ehh i dont care idc who cares
he shouldnt shout dont yell shh quiet dont shout
fake sleep fate sleeping pretend sleeping sleep tired
thats all it takes oh really thats it surprised interesting
aww itll be alright its going to be okay console comfort
this citys got everything got it all a lot to offer frank barone peter boyle
you can only push a man so far im at my breaking point im ready to explode not calm mad
please were talking shh be quiet quiet down wait your turn
alright fine okay sure whatever you say
youre in big trouble lady shaking head disappointed ooo youre in trouble peter boyle
listen get me some juice bring me the juice can you get me some juice peter boyle
no no way impossible cannot negative
i said take it easy relax chill out calm down cool off
laughing haha funny hilarious lol
i saw it ive seen it i saw i saw it with my own two eyes peter boyle
tv land tv land gifs everybody loves ray canoe bye
everybody loves raymond frank barone peter boyle holy crap holy shit
oh my god omg jeez shocked shook
hey im trying im doing my best im making an effort petter boyle
when did we get those confused what are those whats that huh
pretty funny pretty hilarious right that was funny right pretty good right peter boyle
thats how its supposed to be the way it is it is what it is it be that way better that way
lets celebrate celebration party peter boyle frank barone
okay im caught up im up to speed up to date up to par okay im in the loop now
deep sigh tired exhausted bored peter boyle
there it is its time right on time right on queue check watch
is it a sandwich food hungry starving peter boyle
tv land tv land gifs everybody loves ray frank neighbors
thats a little forward thats a little bold thats bold too honest ray romano
see ya later bye leaving out of here good bye
this time hes fatter gained some weight teasing making fun of
oh really is that so tell me more you dont say peter boyle
shaking head smh no no no come on really
think consider use your brain think it through think about it
fine okay alright not happy not amused
yeah yup yes nod agree
enough relax stop it calm down chill out
tv land tv land gifs everybody loves ray frank pizza
thats right pal correct yup mhm that accurate
look down questioning thinking huh processing
everybody loves raymond frank barone i beg your freaking pardon excuse me wtf
laugh haha lol hilarious funny
holy crap holy smokes holy cow damn dang