Francois Profile Pics

embrouillefrançoisneurchidamiensfrancois damiensfrançois le françaisbleu blanc rougepasfrance

allaient fronce blitzstream france mvl

- Artists at work

Ryusui, Gen and Francois

francois damiens embrouille peage p%C3%A9age pas%C3%A9vident evident

- Eudoxie

Minami and Francois

licor beirao beir%C3%A3o brindar conv%C3%ADvio

- Recommended movies to watch


francois fran%C3%A7ois embrouille damiens l embrouille

- 600 ROMAN


seng mo komen ambon ambonese maluku moluccas

- Books & Films


claude fran%C3%A7ois cloclo

- ART Christian Art & Bible Illustration

Claire Francois

corolle la tete dans les etoiles doudou doudous cosmonaute

- Dora Carrington


francois damiens embrouille toujours delicat

- Berlin

entrevista prueba poligrafia ips

- HiHo Hilma

Leonard Francois - Naomi Osakas Father

chambord fran%C3%A7ois1er francis1st france face mask

- Earliest known drawings of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner by Chuck Jones (1945)


d%C3%A9sinformation fausses informations mensonges faux troll

- Romanticism

Ryusui and Francois

dr stone dcst francois anime dr stone francois

- Cine

ariel icon

clipperton island flags joypixels the flag of clipperton island clipperton island flag

- Transit ride

Senku, Ryusui and Francois

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi plaisir pharmacie


Francois Tries a Lemon

bc wey no

- Handy


fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi for sure

- B R A N C U S I


fight knockout emoji ufc boxing

- E.H. Shepard

𝗥𝘆𝘂𝘀𝘂𝗶 & 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗶𝘀

Words Wisdom & Pictures

ah francois damiens


bonnejourn%C3%A9e coeur corolle poup%C3%A9ecorolle rosecorolle

- Artisans


animal photography Archives

lembrouille lembrouille singe lembrouille raciste lembrouille raciste singe lembrouille face

- Art

Bloom winx club walpaper

yttd your turn to die midori sou hiyori

- Contemporary Art / Paintings


francois damiens embrouille francois damiens francois embrouille

- my artist residency in Sweden

Ryusui and Francois

zen hello greetings howdy bonjour

- Bonnard


Dr. Stone

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi couillon%C3%A9 contr%C3%B4le

- Francis Bacon

𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒊𝒔 | 𝑫𝒓. 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒆.

bonne journ%C3%A9e

- Iconic Art

francois damiens embrouille collimateur commissariat

- Amedeo Modigliani

my bullets dont discriminate gucci mane all dz chainz song my bullets dont choose my bullets chooses nobody

- Szobrok

claude fran%C3%A7ois comme dhabi

- Charles Addams

hello hi there howdy whats up hi

- Art inspiration

disco funky alexandrie alexandra claude

Conoce una muestra de 40 obras donadas a la Colección del #MAPR, por artistas, legados familiares, coleccionistas e instituciones privadas, en la nueva sección de nuestro sitio especial de aniversario. Visítalo a través del enlace en Bio. ¡Esta es una de ellas! Ramón Frade Rêverie damour, 1905 Óleo sobre madera 14 1/8 x 24” Colección Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico Donación de Sucesión Josefina Tió en memoria del Dr. Luis Ortega López y del Dr. Nelson J. Meléndez, Norman Meléndez y Sra. Rosalina Brau #Los20delMAPR - @museomapr on Instagram

hi calimero hi calimero bonjour coucou

- Beckmann

fran%C3%A7ois civil

Baldassare Franceschini 1611-1689 Eight Studies of a Female Martyr Pen and brown ink, over red chalk, on paper. 10 7/16 x 15 5/16 inches #sketch #studies #composition #fromlife #line #linea #nature #beauty #design #lyric - @rembrandtseyes on Instagram


Some select scans from a recent zine project i just completed for and commissioned by Florida Photographer, @james_jackman_ . Printing by @creativecreative - @edau on Instagram

paw patrol francois turbot francois dance funny dance

⁣The dramatic scene presented in the painting—#JohnSingletonCopleys first important, large and multifigured composition—depicts 14-year-old Brook Watsons fateful swim in Havana Harbor in 1749, when he lost half of his right leg in a shark attack. Copley never traveled to Cuba, but he would have known the island’s contested history. The largest port in the Atlantic, Havana was twice the size of Boston, positioned for military power and the exchange of sugar, silver and enslaved peoples.⁣ ⁣ The artists original sketch shows solely white men; only later, when painting in oil, did he carefully depict the central sailor as a Black man. The reason for this racially charged change remains unknown—it could allude to the Afro-Caribbean setting, the ongoing debates about the slave trade, or the uncertain futures of competing colonial powers in the Americas. See Watson and the Shark (1778) and other beloved MFA icons and old friends when we reopen our Art of the Americas Wing! Tickets for opening weekend (September 26–27) are sold out, but you can reserve your spot for October via the link in our bio 🎟️ ⁣ - @mfaboston on Instagram

naturopathic naturopath immune brands herbal

En Magnum fête ses 5 ans et revient pour ce numéro anniversaire, en version papier. Pour célébrer cet événement, il fallait des têtes, des tronches, des gueules et beaucoup de charme pour l’une d’entre elles. Leur talent et leur caractère sont à l’honneur pour ce #20 réjouissant ! #portrait #bnwpics #blackandwhite #quoimagueule #beautyandthebeasts #enmagnum #faces #winemakers #lookmeintheeyes #happybirthday #pressmagazine #20 #cestpastoutcamaisfautrentrer #photo @bettanedesseauve - @mathieu_garcon on Instagram

bleu blanc rouge fran%C3%A7ois le fran%C3%A7ais doudou

- Paul Gaugin


- Art and the brain

francois embrouille damiens pressing juste

Cartaz lindíssimo, excelentes atores, um filme a não perder e uma mensagem de video que o nosso querido Omar Zúñiga nos enviou para saudar os espectadores. Não percam! A Abertura é hoje às 21h e ainda há bilhetes. Apareçam ;) ///// A gorgeous poster, two fabulous actors, a film not-to-be-missed, and a greeting video-message from our beloved Omar Zúñiga that he sent to our audience. Don’t miss it! Our Opening Night starts at 9pm this evening, and there are still tickets available ;) - @queerlisboa on Instagram

hello there minnie mouse sticker

- A

claude fran%C3%A7ois cloclo

- The emotions

p%C3%A1pa%C3%A1ld%C3%A1sa pope

- Tove Love

bleu blanc rouge fran%C3%A7ois le fran%C3%A7ais doudou france vive la france

- Art I Love

pope stop nuclear weapons nti war nuclear warfare

- oil painting portraits

claudie dikkenek les se connexions


flux flux army web3 flux army global

- A la une Télérama

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi agressif pas

- Art | Amadeo Modigliani

green neon stripe marker fluo

- French

tendu dikkenek francois damiens natacha


green neon bold for sale stripe

- Alan Parry - Art

macron hfr fillon

- Paul Gauguin

green neon sold bold for sale

- Artist: Anton Mauve

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi plaisir pharmacie

- Art

green sale sold rent for sale


coucou%C3%A7a va fran%C3%A7ois hollande

- Grayson Perry

easter bunny easter funny bunny bunny ears immo francois

- arte argentino

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi rit dame

- Aeropostale

dance dance party dance moves party party time

- Art Magnifique

francois damiens embrouille cui cuicui

- Paul Cezanne

cake birthday party birthday party burthday cake

- Babies

chambord ch%C3%A2teau de chambord fran%C3%A7ois1er fransis1st fran%C3%A7ois

- Art masters

girl smile work green study

- American Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Peter Max, Jasper Johns

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi peine engueuler

- André Brasilier

for sale te koop dance immo francois real estate


fran%C3%A7ois le fran%C3%A7ais bleu blanc rouge

- National Gallery of Art

rare pope jp2 moving

- Edvard Munch

francois damiens fran%C3%A7ois make face silly

- Claire Keane

time check times up time late later


francoistou tou friends

#projects #sculpture #heykel #sculptor #art #gallery #beyaz #white - @ozandrsun on Instagram

et ca jachete francois gagnon era immobilier era europe smile

- #Fridayreads

lembrouille damiens

- childhood fears

proud well done well played applause immo francois


francois beybey francois beybey leah p

- Jean Renoir

drapeau france

- Bernie Fuchs

claudy faucan natacha francoisdamien


danse bricefrancois brice fran%C3%A7ois

- Stanley Spencer

fran%C3%A7ois le fran%C3%A7ais bleu blanc rouge

- Adrie Martens

bim martinez fran%C3%A7ois martinez etbim

- Museum Shop

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi sais pas

- Art | Scott Campbell

papa pope emoji waving cross

- Giovanni Segantini

pr%C3%A9jent francois damien francois l embrouille benjam benjamin

- Art Appreciation

new house real estate for sale recent

Raging bull... #englishsalvage #reclamationyard #salvageyard #leominster #reclaimed #salvaged #castironsculpture #bullstatue #bullsculpture Cut and paste this link: - @englishsalvage on Instagram


- 1500s & 1600s

dance you got this you got it success immo

- appel

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi oenologue rire

- Art 101

celebrate birthday cake real estate 10

- Adam and eve

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi extraordinaire masseur

- Art: Cats

oscar rp fran%C3%A7ois perrin

- Alexander Antonyuk

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi everything possible

[curadoria] em casa Quando fiz minha pesquisa de mestrado publicada no livro ‘Insurgências poéticas’ [6], consegui um exemplar da antologia editada pelo Afterall, da University of the Arts de Londres, hoje esgotada: ‘Art and Social Change’ [7], organizada por Charles Esche e Will Bradley. Senti uma grande afinidade com o projeto, que documentava o engajamento social de artistas e coletivos a partir de manifestos e ensaios escritos entre 1870 e 2007. O livro trouxe textos que até hoje são essenciais para minhas pesquisas–desde a participação de Gustave Courbet na Comuna de Paris [1] aos pôsteres revolucionários do Atelier Populaire [2]; da politização dos artistas argentinos em torno da obra ‘Tucumán Arde’ [3], até as ‘Inserções em circuitos ideológicos’ de Cildo Meireles [4] e o ativismo artístico do coletivo Gran Fury sobre a crise da Aids nos EUA [5]. Dez anos mais tarde, o MASP iniciou uma parceria com o Afterall, e nem poderia imaginar que, com Esche e Bradley, eu organizaria a edição revista em português do livro, com o título ‘Arte e ativismo’, que sai em janeiro de 2021. Incluímos novos textos que expandiram o arco temporal do projeto original, com as recentes práticas latino-americanas e manifestos escritos por artistas e coletivos como Tania Bruguera, Juan Carlos Romero, Allan Sekula, Chto Delat, Etcétera e Decolonize This Place, além de ensaios Ana Longoni, Gregory Sholette, Marcelo Expósito e outros. Espero que os leitores se inspirem com este livro para refletir, em tempos tão duros, sobre o papel da arte frente à mudança social. @anmesquita é curador @masp 1. Gustave Courbet, La rencontre, Bonjour Monsieur Courbet, 1854, @musee_fabre 2. Atelier Populaire, Début dune lutte prolongée, 1968 3. Tucumán Arde, campanha publicitária, Rosário, 1968 4. Cildo Meireles. Inserções em Circuitos Ideológicos: Projeto Cédula, Quem matou Herzog?, 1976 5. Gran Fury, The Government Has Blood on Its Hands, 1988 6. André Mesquita, Insurgências poéticas: arte ativista e ação coletiva, Annablume Fapesp, 2011 7. W. Bradley e C. Esche, Art and Social Change, Afterall Tate, 2007 #maspcuradoriaemcasa #maspafterall #arteeativismo - @masp on Instagram

danse brice fran%C3%A7ois brice francois

- Alberto Giacometti

francis francois lambrouille francois damiens porc degueulasse

- 4 seasons of art

dance happy man house real estate

- Older Mens Fashion

oss117 oss le caire nid despions fran%C3%A7ois damiens drink

- bodegon

happy wow man house real estate

- Alechinsky / Dotremont / Michaux

voila lembrouille voilavoila

- Architectural Drawings ✎

green house real estate sold for sale

- 60s figures

fran%C3%A7ois embrouille neurchi pas evident

wowser 💥 painting: Summer night, by Winslow Homer, 1890 thanks for posting earlier Peter Shear 🙏 #winslowhomer #painting #seapower #moonpower #paintingpower #dancingpower - @tamara_dubnyckyj on Instagram

green thuis groen huis francois

- Boilly

francois francios

- 1, 4 all. All 4, 1.

yes house sale real estate sold


francois embrouille damiens hehe ppagifs

- A well preserved dog mummy from tomb KV50, believed to be one of the tombs used for the pets of pharaoh Amenhotep II. (Picture of the monkey mummy found in the same tomb in comments). Egypt, 18th dynasty. 1427 to 1397 BC. [1024x669]

- suedeheads

- Duncan Grant


- Art : Bacon

- Drawing

- Books

- N project

- Bari

- Jane Austen Mansfield Park

- Leonard Woolf

- 20th century PAINTERS

- Art drawings

- A. A. Milne - Pooh Bear

Jailed civil rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has been hospitalized with a dangerous heart condition, according to BBC Persian. Meanwhile, Iranian state forces are blocking anyone from seeing her while insisting that her family pay the hospital bills. Sotoudeh, who has been imprisoned in Tehran on trumped-up charges since 2018, has been denying food for 40 days to demand freedom for all political prisoners in Iran. Learn more about her case on our website. Link in bio.⠀ ⠀ #Iran #Tehran #CivilRights #FreeSpeech #Censorship #NasrinSotoudeh #RezaKhandan #UN #HumanRights #CivilRights #WomensRights #RBG #Justice - @centerforhumanrights on Instagram

- Art

- Biografska proza

- Art - Edvard Munch

- 1948

- Sheffield

George Bellows: Sport, Leisure, and Lithography explores the role of sport and physical culture in the lithographs of esteemed early 20th-century realist George Bellows. On view in the Works on Paper gallery through November 29. Image: A Stag at Sharkeys (detail), 1917. George Bellows, American, 1882–1925. Lithograph on paper. Lent by D. Canter. #georgebellows #lithography - @vmfamuseum on Instagram

- Art Inspirations- Figure

- iPad Art

- Bikes - A Great History

- Fauvism

- Beatrix Potter

- Charcoal, Pastel, Gouache, Degas & Lautrec


- Drawing

- The Monkey Who Had S[old] the World, Edwin H. Landseer, Oil/Canvas, 1827

- @kiannaparsons on Instagram

- Artes Alquímicas

- Charlottes Scandanavia

- British colonial war

- Anesthesiology Pearls

🍽 レストランで、いたずらを思いついた…リサ🌷 耳だけ見える…ガスパール🦖 今回もしっかりリサの補佐役です😂😂 #gaspardetlisa #france🇫🇷 #paris #bestfriend #kawaii #リサとガスパール #フランス #パリ #パリの住人 #料理 #地中海料理 #シーフード #レストラン #コショー の蓋をゆるめる #いたずら #親友 #友達 #ベストフレンド👭 #かわいい #補佐役 #サポーター 🌳🌳 - @gaspardetlisa_official on Instagram

- Mario Miranda


Francis Bacon Personnage Couche 1966 ​One of the greatest figurative painters of the 20th century, Francis Bacon’s Surrealist work was as often a break from tradition as it was a continuation. Using photography, pre-modern painting, and his own experiences and memories as source materials, his paintings were fraught, tender, and expressive, sometimes frighteningly so. - @artspace on Instagram

- Advices from Balli Gifts

- Amedeo Modigliani

- Art

- Austin Briggs

- ART // BW & Gray

Wer schon immer wissen wollte, was ein URCHS ist, wird hier fündig: Paul Klees Bestiarium ist ein fantasievolles Vergnügen.⁣ #PaulKleeTierisches #Bestiarium⁣ #Urchs #Malerei #paulkleeart #paulkleepainting #paulkleebook #artbook #paulkleedrawings #artbooklovers #artbookpublishing #painting - @hirmerverlag on Instagram

- Green Soul

Man with Dog- Francis Bacon, 1953 - @doguozgun on Instagram

- From My Life

- Georges Pompidou Center, Paris, France

- art on the wall

- Art Primitives

- Judith

- Aat Veldhoen

- art

- Alexey Brodovitch

💭Dreaming of days like this… Tag a friend you’re looking forward to spending time with soon. #NGVEveryDay • Rupert Bunny Endormies c. 1904 National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Felton Bequest, 1911 - @ngvmelbourne on Instagram

- A-Woman in Art

- Art e Dossier

- Ernest Bieler

- graphic design

- books...jumping into my second life...

- Cezanne portraits

- Art I like

- Main Blue art work

- Amedeo Modigliani


- fauvist portraits (mostly)

- A Gorky


A work from 2011 by British artist, Kate Lyddon, titled - ‘A Million Miles An Hour’ Oil, Acrylic and Collage on Linen. #katelyddon #artangelmichael #zabludowicz_collection #anitzart #the_art_editor #saatchi_gallery #artangelmichael - @artcollector1111 on Instagram

- Art: France

- Carl Larsson

- Art Nouveau

- Robert Bresson

- Carl larrson


- Dee Nickerson

- Amedeo Modigliani

- 201707

- Books

- Books and periodicals

- claes oldenburg

- Jean Jacques Sempe

- *•*•*|| MOYEN-ÂGE ||*•*•*

- A

- Ballet du bolchoï

Un libro/diario che accompagnerà i vostri piccini nella loro crescita come lettori: TUTTI I LIBRI CHE ABBIAMO LETTO INSIEME di Cristina Petit - Beatrice Vitali In alcune biblioteche degli Stati Uniti è diffuso il programma “1000 libri prima di imparare a leggere” che sostiene la lettura ad alta voce prima dei sei anni da parte degli adulti. Da questa pratica, l’idea di progettare un libro/diario da compilare man mano che si legge un libro ad alta voce al proprio bambino e bambina. Un’occasione per non perdere la memoria delle letture che hanno contribuito alla crescita dei piccoli lettori con l’obiettivo di provare a compilare tutto il diario prima dellinizio della scuola primaria. Il libro può essere usato anche in contesti scolastici per tenere il ricordo di tutti i libri che le maestre di asilo nido e scuola dell’infanzia leggono ad alta voce e diventare traccia, per le famiglie, di quello che viene letto a scuola. All’interno il lettore troverà suggerimenti di libri “imperdibili”, alcuni approfondimenti teorici per insegnanti e genitori e spazi in cui anche i bambini possano personalizzare il loro libro. #novitàdisettembre #tuttiilibricheabbiamolettoinsieme #cristinapetit #beatricevitali - @pulceedizioni on Instagram


- Vanessa Bell

With tremendous sadness, we share news of the passing of Jane Walentas, the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Programs executive director.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ We will miss Jane’s extraordinary leadership, marked by her generosity, enthusiasm, and dedication to fellow artists.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ In 2014, Jane and the Walentas Family Foundation became stewards of the Studio Program, determined to continue its mission of supporting working artists.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ An accomplished artist herself, Jane received her BFA from Moore College of Art & Design and MFA from NYU. She is perhaps best known for the carousel that bears her name in Brooklyn Bridge Park, which she restored by hand over 27 years in her own DUMBO studio.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ We are lucky to have known Jane and borne witness to her uncompromising commitment to the arts. Her legacy will live on with the hundreds of artists who have worked in our studios and all those to come.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ We extend our deepest sympathy to the Walentas family as we mourn the loss of our brilliant friend.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Image descriptions: 1) Jane and David Walentas at their home in DUMBO, Brooklyn. 2) Jane and David with SWSP artists in 2015. 3) Jane working in her studio in 1986. 4) Jane with her favorite carousel horse. - @swstudioprogram on Instagram

- Andre Derain

- Art: Mirrored Image

- Cupboard Love Film Board

- Expressionism/Symbolism

- Helene Schjerfbeck

- Amedeo Modigliani

- Art

- Medieval market

- Chagall paintings

- Art: Die Brücke (The Bridge/German Expressionism)

- Alice & Martin Provensens

- Paul Verlaine

Author: Van Gogh, Vincent Title: Arena at Arles Place France Date: 1888 Material: canvas Technique: oil Dimensions: 73x92 cm #beautiful #instaart #instaartsy #instaartwork #instaartist #instaartpop #instaarthub #instaartoftheday  #instaarte #instaarts #instaartistic #art #artwork #artist #artshow #artgallery #newartwork #artistlife #fineart #myart #artnews #artinfo #creative #color #resourceryartists #arte #dibujo #follow #vangogh #artistsofinstagram - @vangoghfoundation on Instagram

- Kiki de Montparnasse

- Auguste Rodin: Obra Gráfica

- Angelo Morbelli

- Hastings Old Town

- American Realism

- Bentwood Boxes

- Andrew Wyeth

- degenerate art

More birds - @mrmattcjames on Instagram

- Art - Amedeo Modigliani

- Twelfth Night

- La littérature française

- Artwork - Portraits

- Art

- drawing, embroidering, painting

- spiritual life

Amedeo Modigliani (Livorno,1884 - Parigi, 1920), Nudo femminile sdraiato su un cuscino bianco, 1917 circa, Olio su tela, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart Foto: José Luiz via Wikimedia Creative Commons - @arteit on Instagram

- Alice Neel

- Art at the EDGE...your move !

- Art

- All things horsey!


- Lets go!: Event Posters

- Neo Expressionism

- Egon Schiele


- vincent van gogh painting sunflowers, Paul Gauguin, Oil Paint, 1888

- Heykel

- leon kossoff

Regarde le ciel, il te voit, ⠀ Embrasse la terre, elle t’aime. ⠀ La vérité c’est ce qu’on croit ⠀ En la nature c’est toi-même.⠀ .⠀ Georges SAND, « À Aurore », Contes d’une grand’mère, 1873 ⠀ .⠀ Image : Alphonse OSBERT, Harmonie du matin, 1913⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #larencontrepoetique #thepoeticmatch #charlesswanski #art #gallery #galerie #artgallery #peinture #poésie #poesie #poete #poète #poeme #poem #poème #citation #citationdujour #littérature #deconfinement #confinement #harmonie #georgessand #sand #alphonseosbert #aurore #poétesse #poetesse - @la_rencontre_poetique on Instagram

- Nancy Spero

- Georges Rouault

- 20th Century Portraits - Female Readers

- the time in between

- 1FRONTIER-1917...

- DecoNouveau

- Ottoman Caricature Regarding the Placement of Prince of Wied in the Throne of Albania, 1914

- 3-The New Yorker / Rea Irvin

- Animals

- Books and Cats

- Narrative Figurative

- Best Pencil Drawing Books


- oil painting portraits

- Van Gogh art

- Afghanistan- Herat miniatures and other Artefacts

- abstracto figuracion

- Charlotte Salomon

- Bernard Boutet de Monvel

- Andre Francois

- Aideu


- Alice Neel

- CÉZANNE ET LES MAÎTRES. RÊVE D’ITALIE Du 27 février au 05 juillet 2020 Le musée Marmottan Monet organise, une exposition inédite intitulée « Cézanne et les maîtres. Rêve d’Italie ». Pour la première fois l’œuvre de l’Aixois sera mise en regard de chefs-d’œuvre des plus grands maîtres italiens, du XVIe au XIXe siècle. #expositionparis #expositionparisinfo #expoparis #expoparis2020 #cezanne #cezanneetlesmaitres #expocezanne #cezannecatalogue #paulcezanne #expopeinture #museemarmottanmonet_ #museemarmottan #musee_marmottan_monet #fondationmonet - on Instagram

Portrait of Virginia Woolf by Roger Fry circa 1917⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #virginiawoolfblog #virginiawoolf #bloomsburygroup - @virginiawoolfblog on Instagram

- Picasso paintings

- Arnoldi, Nag

- Andrew Wyeth

- Picasso !

- Artists of book illustration 10: Svetlin Vassilev

- Famous Paintings

Portrait, Milton Resnick 2013 Oil on paper 11 x 14 inches #maryfrank #portrait #miltonresnick #artist #man #horse #water #cycle #soul #elemental - @mary___frank on Instagram

- 1930s

- Art Sam Toft

- Charlotte Salomon


- Edward Ardizzone

- Art

#BarnesClass: There’s still time to enroll for October! ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ We’ve got online courses exploring well-known artists—like #Degas, #Matisse, #Modigliani and #Picasso—as well as several topics that are more off the beaten path. ⁠⠀ How Art History is Flawed: Inverting the Center of 20th-Century Art focuses on artists like #ElijahPierce who have been largely overlooked in art-historical narratives; and Reimagining Ancient Egypt delves into our enduring fascination with the myths and aesthetics of a long-lost civilization. Or, if you want to understand more about why Albert Barnes arranged his collection in such an unconventional way, Decoding Barnes’s Ensembles will give you plenty of insights.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ➡ Learn more and register at the link in our bio! Scholarships available.⁠⠀ .⁠⠀ .⁠⠀ .⁠⠀ #AmedeoModigliani. Beatrice (Portrait de Béatrice Hastings), 1916. - @barnesfoundation on Instagram

- Van Gogh Works

- art - interior

- Joan miro artwork

- Art/Carl Larsson

- Edward Ardizzone

- Chagall Bible

- Ken Howard

- Art

- Pablo Picasso Paintings


- Charlotte Salomon

- Franz Mark

- Art

- fauvist portraits (mostly)

- Art - Sam Toft

- Berthe Morisot

“Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear” •Date: 1889; Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, France •Style: Post-Impressionism •Genre: self-portrait •Media: oil, canvas •Location: Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK •Dimensions: 60.5 x 50 cm By Vincent Van Gogh #VincentVanGogh #VanGogh - @vincentvangogh_arty on Instagram

- Art of Picasso

- Art and Artists

- Headless Horseman

- Guernica

- Artist studio 1800s

- Jean Van Hamme

- Art - André Lhote. French. 1885-1962.

- art

- Ateliers

- Artists of book illustration 10: Svetlin Vassilev

- Balthasar Klossowski de Rola Balthus

- artwork