Fantastic Beasts the Secrets of Dumbledore Profile Pics

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- vampires

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- Harry Potter Diary

Fantastic Beasts The Secrets Of Dumbledore movie poster •#Ad•

Queenie Goldstein

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- Harry Potter Groups



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- Halloween - Boo!

Fantastic Beasts The Secrets Of Dumbledore movie poster •#Ad•


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Which book do you prefer, Philosophers Stone or Half-Blood Prince? 📸: @katerinasavic —— [#harrypotter #hermionegranger #ronweasley #hogwarts #gryffindor #hufflepuff #ravenclaw #slytherin #harrypotterfanart #harrypotterart #harrypotterquotes #harrypotterillustration #harrypotterillustrated #harrypotterdrawing ] - @ollivanders_pt on Instagram

dian on Twitter

Newt Scamander

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- How I coped with my grief from last nights episode [original art; spoilers, sweetie!]

Revealed: The Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore posters | Wizarding World

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🌙🍃- (...) Y una lechuga que piensa que es una lechuga. - Entonces es una lechuga inteligente. - No mucho, si fuera inteligente, ¿por qué iba a pensar que era una lechuga? - ¿Ni siquiera si fuera una lechuga? - Sobre todo si es una lechuga. Ya es mala pata ser una lechuga. Pero peor aún pensar que se es una lechuga.🍃🌙 - @kvothethings on Instagram

The Wizarding World and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore First Look

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- 127 Hours

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- classic tv shows

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- Marissa Meyer


🍂 | BOOKTAG FEITIÇOS DE HARRY POTTER ⠀ ⠀ A Marcela @aceitaumahistoria criou essa tag incrível para a #maratonalendodebaixodaescada e hoje vim responder! (se você não tiver participado, pode fazer também, e marca ela, tá?) ⠀ . 🔑 Alohomora (feitiço para destrancar tudo): Livro que abriu as portas da leitura pra você Na verdade, foram uma série de livros que me tornaram leitor. Daria um post falar da minha história com a leitura! Mas um bem importante foi Quem é você, Alasca? 🤎 ⠀ . 🕰 Cruciatus (tortura): Um livro que foi uma tortura conseguir terminar Cidade dos ossos, gosto nem de lembrar. ⠀ . 📜 Desaparatar (feitiço para desaparecer em um lugar e aparecer em outro): Um livro que te teletransportou para outro mundo HP, Jogos Vorazes e Divergente! ⠀ . 🙈 Obliviate (feitiço do esquecimento): Um livro que você leu há muito tempo e não lembra muita coisa Dois em especial: Cidade de papel (lido em 2017) e Crianças Peculiares (de 2016, acho). O último ainda é um favorito da vida! Pelo menos lembro que amei hahaha ⠀ ⠀ . 🧸 Rictusempra (feitiço do riso): Um livro que te fez dar altas gargalhadas Pequenas grandes mentiras. ⠀ . ⌛️ Wingardium Leviosa (feitiço para levitar): Um livro que te fez sentir-se nas nuvens Tenho a sensação de responder sempre os mesmos livros nas booktags? Sim! Mas como não pensar em Leve-me com você?! ⠀ . 💼 Accio (feitiço para atrair objetos): Um livro que você quer atrair pra você (desejado) Anjo mecânico, Pessoas normais, O hobbit, Confissões do crematório, Cujo e Ecos são os mais! No momento! ⠀ . 🥜 Imperio (para fazer com que alguém obedeça todas as ordens impostas): Um livro com um personagem mandão Porque eu tinha vontade de matar ele algumas vezes, escolho o Billy de Daisy Jones & The Six! ⠀ . 🥾 Avada Kedavra (feitiço que mata sem deixar rastros): Um livro com Serial Killers Vilão tem uma pegada assim, apesar de não tão bem desenvolvida quanto eu esperava. ⠀ . 🔥 Incendio (feitiço que conjura fogo): Um livro com cenas picantes O maior hot que já li foi uma fantasia. Corte de névoa e fúria, especificamente (isso aí, o 2º)! ⠀ ⠀ Já leu algum desses? - @dentrodalivraria on Instagram

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- Boys books

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- jj field

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Cest vraiment trop beau 😻 Vous en pensez quoi vous ? . . . Si demain matin jai 65 jaime, je vous poste 3 templates et un nouveau baccalauréat 😉 - @harry_potter_fan_off_ on Instagram

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- Clarence

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- Its World Book Day! Throwback to when I dressed up as Hermione with my friends as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley!

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- mums kitchen

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- When your siblings are totally embarrassing...


- Jonathan and Friend [Fanart]

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- Broadway(:

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Oii amigoos, tudo bem com vocês?? Para quem não sabe, hoje, dia 31 de julho, é o aniversário do Harry Potter!! 🥳🥳🥳 Como um bom fã, não poderia deixar de registrar esse dia. Ele nasceu em 1980, então ele está completando 40 aninhos 🥳🥺 Estou fazendo a releitura da série, estou no terceiro livro (inclusive, esse é o meu favorito, amorzinho demais). Esse foi o livro que “me introduziu” no universo da leitura, ainda criancinha, me achava “o leitor” com ele na sala de aula HAHAHAHA. Minha prima @karinalelivros que me emprestou, inclusive! (com a condição de que eu lavasse as mãos sempre que fosse pegar nele para ler HAHAHAHAHAH)(maravilhosa, muito obrigado, te amo muitooo❤️❤️❤️) E me contem aí, vocês também gostam de Harry Potter? Qual o seu livro favorito da série? E o personagem?? 🤔 Estou muito curioso, me contem aii! Vou amar demais interagir com vocês ❤️❤️❤️ #harrypotter #editorarocco #happybirthdayharrypotter #birthdayharrypotter #funkopop #funkocollector #funkoharrypotter #funkofawkes #funkofawkesflocked #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookaholic #booklovers - @bookswithjary on Instagram

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- Johnny Flynn

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- Harry Potter

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DIA DO TRADUTOR E esta é a minha pequena homenagem hoje aos tradutores e intérpretes de obras da literatura universal para a língua portuguesa. A data mundialmente comemorada em homenagem ao tradutor intérprete é hoje, dia 30 de setembro, dia de São Jerônimo, grande intelectual que fez a tradução da Bíblia da língua hebraica e grega para o latim. Gratidão a todos os tradutores. A esses profissionais que trabalham para que a cultura seja difundida em todos os níveis sociais, facilitando a comunicação entre países, idiomas e tradições diferentes. Muito obrigada @ronald_kyrmse por traduzir o mestre Tolkien com tanto zelo e amor (ficou explícito nas lives que tive a oportunidade de acompanhar nesse período de isolamento social). Obrigada Regiane Winarski, por traduzir It, a Coisa e tantas outras obras do Sr.King, publicadas pela @editorasuma . Obrigada Laura Alves, por traduzir Orlando, da Virgínia Woolf @novafronteira ,uma das obras que entraram para os meus favoritos da vida. Grata também a Lúcio Cardoso, por traduzir Orgulho e Preconceito, edição da @novafronteira ; meu clássico favorito da vida. Obrigada Eric Nepomuceno, por traduzir Cem Anos de Solidão, essa obra-prima da literatura latino-americana. Obrigada Regina Célia de Oliveira pela tradução de Os Miseráveis, clássico maravilhoso publicado pela @editoramartinclaret . Enfim, são muitos nomes! Quero, entretanto, deixar minha gratidão também às editoras que se propõem a trazer para nós tantas obras incríveis e tanta cultura e conhecimento, através dessas traduções. Parabéns aos tradutores! E mais reconhecimento a esses profissionais sim! Meu respeito e admiração a todos! 👏👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿 #diadotradutor #traduções #literatura #cultura #reconhecimentoaostradutores #tolkien #iglivros #igbooks #amoliteratura #livroseleituras #booklovers #livrostraduzidos #leiamais #maislivros #maiscultura #leituranarede - @leituranarede on Instagram

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- Fantastic beats

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- The Maurauders Map. We are looking for your thoughts on how Fred & George figured out how to use it. (Sorry of this has been asked before)

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- Doctor who workout

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- Missing Missy

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- 18.jahrhundert Einrichtung

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- **911**

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Boysss 🤩 • • • #lordm #princealbert #princeernest #ernest #albert #lordmelbourne #victoria #victoriaitv #itvvictoria #queen #queenvictoria #queenvictoriaseries - @queenvictoriaseries on Instagram

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- Harry Porter

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- remus lupin

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Post on your story bro’s - @harrypotterrfactss on Instagram

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Lets start this #McKiddMonday off right ... - @kmckonline on Instagram

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Merry Christmas my friends and to all Snarry lovers!🎄❤️Its that amazing time of the year full of miracles and I hope biggest miracles find you too🙏🏻😉⭐️.. . Special thanks to my friend @pt.selly for making this awesome bed for Sev&Harry; youre the most talented girl ever! Love you🎀. . Enjoy your holidays- and dont forget to comment ;)🎅🏼 . #snarry#snarrychistmas#severussnape#harrypotter#harrypotteredit#snarryalwaysedits#severussnapefunko#harrypotterfunko#harryxsnape#snarryfunko#merrychristmas#funkopopvinyl - @snarry_always on Instagram

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- Lockwood and co

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- Harry potter

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- Harry Potter


- Christopher Lee

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- Couples Of Books

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- Dramione art

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- Figurine Harry Potter

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SOME HAVE SAID.... that deep within the blackest seas exists a beast named the Kraken. Legend has it, a ship carrying spiced rum from the Caribbean fell prey to the Kraken. The beast thrust upon the ship its massive limbs, plunging the vessel and the men on board into impenetrable darkness. Everything on board was destroyed except a single barrel of rum, stained black by the Kraken’s ink. In honour of the legend, the Kraken is crafted from aged Caribbean rum, and blended with a secret mix of spices to produce a rum as bold, black, and smooth as the beast itself. Those who enjoy the Kraken today best do so with a fearful respect of the sea and its many mysteries . The story of the Kraken traces back through the ages. Every culture and community worldwide has stories that have been passed down from generation to generation describing wild and unbelievable tales . and @krakenrum are challenging you to create a home pantry cocktail, using your favourite myth or legend as inspiration . Participants will be supplied with a 375ml bottle of Kraken Rum for the creation of your cocktail . Spaces are limited so, if you would like to compete, please send us a DM saying IM IN! and your email address so we can secure your spot and arrange a contactless delivery of product . RSVPs must be recieved by Monday May 25th by 12:00PM (noon) AST . See comments for Rules & Regulations - on Instagram

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- Harry Potter interviews

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- BBC Sherlock

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- * In the City * LONDON *

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- Illustration française

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- Ella

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- Harry Potter

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- Sherlock john

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- Emma Watson (Harry Potter)

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Happy birthday @t22felton ♡✨ Tom Felton played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies! Which Draco scene is your favourite? Comment below🍃 — #DanielRadcliffe #HarryPotter #killyourdarlings #Jungle #Potterhead #emmawatson #HermioneGranger #RupertGrint #ronweasley #jkrowling #bonniewright #ginnyweasley #tomfelton #dracomalfoy #drarry - @thedanielradcliffe on Instagram

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- for the love of....Vampires

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- Blue Box

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- Hope this hasnt been posted here before. I found this on instagram. It was a meme page so there was no way for me to find the original artist.

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- Books Worth Reading

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- Matthew McFadden

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- Who was better?

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- Mission Impossible Theme

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Nous sommes bientot 1000🥺 - @minerva_mcgonagall_officiel on Instagram

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- Loch ness Monster

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- Hannibal

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- [Aesthetics] Vintage

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A CLASSIC🤣🤣🤣 #gambit #kingsman - - - - - - #ColinFirth #colinfirthfan #colinfirthforever #colinandrewfirth #firthies #firth #actor #movieactor #kingsman #georgefalconer #asingleman #harryhart #galahad #markdarcy #kingsmanthegoldencircle #kingsmanthesecretservice #mammamia #colinfirthpage #colinfirthedit #bridgetjonesdiary - @firthdose on Instagram


Always been a fan of the illustrations from the Haunted Mansion LP. I wish they’d release them in a stand alone book or as fine art prints. - @hauntedmansionhome on Instagram

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- Harry potter earrings

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- Star Wars Cast

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- Doctor Love

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- All things Jane

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《《SEPTEMBER HARRY POTTER CHALLENGE 》》 . #hpseptemberwithleni . Day 16: Hogwarts . . . #chalenge #funkos #harrypotter #hpforever #funkopop #funkos #funkopopbr #funkopop #harrypotterfunkos  #harrypotterchalenge #gryffindor #bookhp #hogwarts #meusfunkos #collection #geek #nerd #malfoy #hogwartsclass #cenariosmugs - @mugsandbooks on Instagram

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An absolutely amazing Tenth Doctor/David Tennant cosplay replication picture from The Christmas invasion when the doctor first put his new outfit on by @indymcfly who also won the @magnoliclothiers competition for doing so! #doctorwho #doctorwhocosplay #cosplay #davidtennant #davidtennantcosplay #tenthdoctor #tenthdoctorcosplay #magnoli #magnoliclothiers - @doctorwho.cosplay on Instagram

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In afwachting zitten de onderduikers te wachten op nieuws.. maar of dit het nieuws is waar ze op hoopten? 😔 #ww #wwii #history #worldwar #war #military #m #secondworldwar #worldwartwo #germany #wwi #army #worldwarii #aviation #usarmy #s #tank #reenactment #wehrmacht #soldier #wwiihistory #panzer #german #militaryhistory #vintage #dday #memes #p #a #bhfyp - @verraderlijkeliefde on Instagram

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#Dreams left unspoken then forgotten #flatlay #oldpic #rusty #nameplate #oldplate #book #design #flatfocus #flatlayinspo #flatlayjournal - @flatfocus on Instagram

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- Andrew

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Masters Collection - Thranduil:The Woodland King. 1:6th statue for Weta Workshop. Sculpted in a combination of Zbrush, physical sculpting and model making. Launching for preorder now. Art Direction by Daniel Falconer Paint by @joolzoblivion, Sourisak and team Model making by myself, @first_rule_of_model_building 3d printing by @dukeanimation Armature by @christophermenges Molding by @shanticostar, @lindseybug999 and team. Zbrush support by Yorke Yu Original throne design by John Howe • • • #thehobbit #tolkien #wetacollectibles #wetaworkshop #middleearth #tolkien #peterjackson #nzfilm #collectibles #thranduil #mirkwood #elves #fantasyart #throne #fantasy #setdesign #filmprop #miniature #zbrush2020 #pixelogic - @stevensaunderssculpture on Instagram

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- Cillian Murphy / Scarecrow

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- Diy new years party

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- A letter from an island long silent. A nameless terror in the woods and a town forsaking their god

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- Nerdom

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- Sherlock Holmes Fan Art

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Les maraudeurs et leurs animagus #lamagiedeharry #lesmaraudeurs #animagus #harrypotter #siriusblack #remuslupin #peterpetitgrow #jamespotter #patmol #croutard #cornedrue #loupgarou - @_mc_potter_ on Instagram

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- Books & Scrolls

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- Julian Sands

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- Dr. Who stuff

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- Character Design

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- Sherlock

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À dix-huit ans, Bruce Wayne est loin d’être un jeune homme comme les autres. Si l’argent n’achète pas tout, il permet au moins à l’orphelin d’assouvir sa soif de justice en combattant le crime de jour comme de nuit, parfois même à son propre détriment. Arrêté et condamné à des travaux d’intérêts généraux alors qu’il tentait d’arrêter les « Nightwalkers », Bruce est envoyé au centre pénitencier pour criminels instables: l’asile d’Arkham. Il y fait la connaissance de la troublante Madeleine, qui lui révèle être en contact avec le gang qui terrorise Gotham. Les Nightwalkers ciblent les puissants de la ville, et le nom de Bruce est le suivant sur leur liste… Batman Nighwalker de @marieluthewriter et @mrriktus est disponible en librairie depuis le 25 septembre 🦇😄 #bookstagramfrance #batman #brucewayne #batmannightwalker #gotham #books #livre #romangraphique #comics #dccomics #bookaddict #booklover #igreads #instabook - @urbanlinkeditions on Instagram

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- valar morghulis.

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🗝⏳Are You Ready To Discover The Treasure?? 💰💰 - @padlockd_escape on Instagram

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- Hagrid got some love but let’s not forget about his little lady Madame Maxine

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- Addams family cartoon

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- @jiujitsu_motivation on Instagram

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- Harry Potter Girl

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- Bite Me

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fabulous eleventh doctor cosplay by the wonderful @okami.kodoku turkey magnificent! #doctorwho #doctorwhocosplay #cosplay #eleventhdoctorcosplay #eleventhdoctor #11 #mattsmith #mattsmithcosplay #mattsmithhair #11thdoctor #11thdoctorcosplay #magnoliclothiers #abbyshot - @doctorwho.cosplay on Instagram

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- Camp Half Blood

- No caption nedded

- Sherlock Holmes 221b baker street

- Cool book design

A while back I worked with @adrienneyoungbooks on this illustration of a scene from Fable! I had so much fun working on this underwater scene 😊 . #digitalart #procreate #art #fable #adrienneyoung - @taratjah on Instagram

- Elegance, Javier Suarez/Me, Digital, 2020

Amazing❤️comment Harry without looking😍 . . Tag a friend who loves Harry Potter too! 😍⚡ . . Follow @thepotterhead.corner Follow @thepotterhead.corner . . . . . . #harrypotter #ronweasley #hermionegranger #ginnyweasley #dracomalfoy #lunalovegood #danielradcliffe #rupertgrint #emmawatson #bonniewright #tomfelton #harrypotterfilm #potterhead #romione #dramione #hogwarts #potterhead #hogwarts #slytherin #ravenclaw #pottermore #hufflepuff #thing #potterheads #deathlyhallows #hallows #hermione #granger - @thepotterhead.corner on Instagram

- artwork

Holy cow, Big Ben is complex. I might have to simplify it a bit. This is a family portrait I’m working on for @janinekspendlove. How’s it coming? Critiques are welcome. 😊 - @djtoonitup on Instagram

Happy Shadow-day! Crimson skies bleed RAIN this night. As MADAME SATAN deals her plight. Beyond the gates, stand her loyal guardsman. To preserve the fruit of THE HANGING GARDEN. Beware those who cant run AS FAST AS THE OTHERS. For her prodigal slave is replaced by another. ETHEREAL BLESSINGs cloud her vision. Theres no escaping through your DISCONNECTION SYSTEM. Discover that MOTHER IS THE WORD FOR GOD. Resist the succubus and her evil facade. She attains dark purity where demons lurk. Deny her hand and be reborn through SHADOW WORK. When you find that your lifes devoid of sin. Feed the darkness and give SHADOW WORK a spin. Find solace in Warrel and share in his joy. And cast MADAME SATAN back into the void. If you dont own Shadow Work, for Godless sake buy it now!. #warreldane #warreldane666 #warrel_dane #warrel_wednesday #shadow_day #warrelwednesday @johnnymoraesmetal @thiagooliveiragtr @marcus.dotta @fabio.carito #shadowwork #shadow_work #brazil #brasil #seattle #nevermore #nevermoreband #sanctuary #sanctuaryband #warreldaneband #danger_dane #madamesatan #metal #legend #legacy #braziliandeathsquad - @phantom_rizer on Instagram

- Cool Geeky Stuff

Slytherin Mode On 🔥 Harry Potter was nearly sorted into Slytherin, but because he asked not to be, he was placed in Gryffindor instead. ♥️🤩🤩🤩 what do you think??@harrypotter_nd_friends ************************* 🌸 🌼 🌸 🌼 🌸 Remember To Follow @harrypotter_nd_friends @harrypotter_nd_friends DM Me For Paid Promotions Business 💰| Collaboration - @harrypotter_nd_friends🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍 ----------------//------------------- Hashtags: . . . #harrypottermovies #harrypotterimagines #harrypotteredit #harryjamespotter #emmawatson #rupertgrint #jkrowling #harrypotterbooks #harrypotterart #f4f #rupertgrintedit #harrypotterforever #danielradcliffe #instagram #slytherin #gryffindor #wizardingworld #mcgonagall #wizardingworldofharrypotter #hogwarts #potterheads #danielradcliffe #evanalynch #hermionegranger #fantasticbeasts #danielradcliff #instalove #likeforlikes #bonniewright #harrypotterfanart#jkrowling #instagram #instadaily - @harrypotter_nd_friends on Instagram

Gorgeous shot by @bunteschwarzweisswelt 💕 •• Follow (@bookstagramflatlay) and add the hashtag (#bookstagramflatlay) to your photos for a chance to be featured 💕 - @bookstagramflatlay on Instagram

- Alchemists Doom

- Anti-spitting sign from Ireland, c. 1900-1920. [4930x3622]

- Mistborn: Kelsier and Vin Fanart by Giselle Almeida[1920x2371px]

- Typography & Fonts

- Critical Role

- Harry Potter

- Fighter consoling the low WIS/INT barbarian over drinks from last session

- harry potter sign

- harry potter blog



- The Island of Thisby

- I couldnt help but squeal like a fangirl at this pic

- Twist and Shout

Do you like Umbridge? 😂😂😂 that is stupid question...Voldemort or Umbridge ? Credit : @potter.xo Follow : @persy_jacksonfan @anime_love.fan_account @photo.graphy_lover #formorefun #follow #me #harrypotter #bookstagram #booklover #book #reading #readersofinstagram #readmorebooks #read #memes #meme #haha #hagrid #peter #marvel #spiderman #umbridge #umbridgeisabitch #thomas #avengers #wizard #runner #bitch #sorry #🤪 #hogwars #doloresumbridge - @harry_potterbook on Instagram

These came in the other day! . . . . . . . . . #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarotreader #tarotreadersofinstagram #love #witch #tarotcommunity #spirituality #astrology #witchesofinstagram #tarotonline #psychic #spiritual #oracle #healing #divination #a #crystals #reiki #witchcraft #meditation #o #amor #magic #tarotista #wicca #magia #astrologia #bhfyp - @cozy_months on Instagram

- American Horror Story

- Literary Wedding Ideas

😂😂😂 - @gandalf.x.eagles on Instagram

- #100covers

Another one of my illustrations for the upcoming H. P. Lovecraft collection box to be published in November by Festa I just love painting for Lovecraft projects. Ive done lots of covers and illustrated several books of his novels. #lovecraft #cthulhu #hplovecraft #festa #festaverlag #horror #timowuerz #bookcover - @timowuerz on Instagram

- Harry potter weihnachten

Run Zeke, run! 😂👀 Credits to the artist . .. ... .... Follow @_captain.shorty_ for more ❤️ .... ... .. . #attackontitanedit #attackontitanedits #attackontitanmemes #attackontitan #attackontitancosplay #attackontitanseason4 #attackontitanmanga #attackontitanlevi #attackontitanamv #attackontitanfanart #attack_on_titan #attackontitanhanji #attackontitanseason3 #attackontitanseason2 #attackontitanmeme #attackontitandrawing #attackontitanart #attackontitanjuniorhigh #aot #aotedit #aotedits #aotmemes #levihan #leviackerman #levi #leviackermanedit #leviedit #zeke #zekejaeger #zekeyeager - @_todoroki.hero_ on Instagram

- Ron e Hermione

- moon glyphs

- Book Fandom Madness

- Calligraphy & Lettering

- Antigue books

Das wird wieder ein Spass ! 👑 - @uweochsenknecht on Instagram

- Labyrinth (Movie)

- Harry Potter

- Grindelwald

- Lovecraftian horror

- Books Worth Reading

The United States is a big country, so it stands to reason there would be a lot of ghosts! Thats why Arcadia has hundreds of books about ghosts and spooky legends from all across the U.S., and we couldnt wait until September to share all of our new Haunted titles with you! Youve already seen our Spooky America books for the kids, but these books are sure to send a shiver down the spine of even the bravest grown-up. From the graveyards of Indiana to behind bars at Joliet Prison and even to the idyllic Marthas Vineyard, these new books will prove that no place is without a scary story. . #book #bookstagram #books #bookworm #reading #read #booklover #instabook #booknerd #bookish #igreads #reader #bookphotography #booklove #bookstagramfeature #instabooks #library #bookstagrammer #bookshelf #history #halloween #haunted #spooky #scary #ghosts #scarystories #ghoststories #newbookreleases - @arcadia_publishing on Instagram

- The walking dad

“✨Vibes✨...” - M. ||| @mego_streetart ||| #neverendingstory #magic #falcore #mashup #art #whatyouseekisseekingyou #StayGold #movementculture - @mego_productions on Instagram

- [Artwork] Young Jason Todd with Alfred Pennyworth ( fan art by an anonymous artist on Tumblr)

- on Instagram

- Netflix

- I kinda just realised this...

- Dessin

❤🍃 - @thehobbitofficial_ on Instagram

- Harry Potter pictures

It’s Christopher’s tuuuuurn! 🥰 Christopher Lightwood for @cassieclare1 #christopherlightwood #cassandraclare - @charliebowater on Instagram

- Dementors kiss

Their homes♥ #jkrowling #harrypotter #hermionegranger #ronweasley #danielradcliffe #emmawatson #rupertgrint #malfoys #lovegoods #lunalovegood #evannalynch #dursleys #wealseys #magic #hogwarts #potterheads #potterheadforever #always - @jkrowlingandharrypotteralways on Instagram

- Books: Harry Potter & Twilight

- The mines of Moria by Alan Lee

- Draco Malfoy

- [OC] How you doin? [by me]

- @feren_elf_ on Instagram

- • AES: Harry Potter •

- TV Hair and Makeup

new stills from the secret garden! the movie is out on digital this Friday! #TheSecretGarden - - - - #ColinFirth #colinfirthfan #colinfirthforever #colinandrewfirth #firthies #firth #actor #movieactor #kingsman #georgefalconer #asingleman #harryhart #galahad #markdarcy #kingsmanthegoldencircle #kingsmanthesecretservice #mammamia #colinfirthpage #colinfirthedit #bridgetjonesdiary - @firthdose on Instagram

- Thirtieth Birthday!

- [Art][5e] I made an Earth Elemental using a glue gun and 1p coins!

- Books

- Abandoned Castles, Asylums, Houses, Buildings

- -Dark Shadows-

Una prospettiva inimmaginabile! - - - Ph @mauro_pagliai - - - #fontanadei4fiumi #fontanadeiquattrofiumi #vistadallalto #piazzanavona #prospettiveinsolite #romadinotte #romebynight #romanascosta #secretrome #hiddenrome #romamia #bellaroma #romabella #romamor #romamore #VisitRome #uncomascoaroma #turismoroma #romamia #romacristiana #iloverome #igersrome #igersroma #igerome #igeroma #followme #followmenow - @criromalario on Instagram

Knox Overstreet Playlist. • • • • • • • • • • • {tags: #deadpoetssociety #darkaesthetic #darkacademia #neilperry #toddanderson #charliedalton #knoxoverstreet #stevenmeeks #robinwilliams #dps #anderperry #mrkeating #nuwanda #gerardpitts #deadpoetssocietyedit #deadpoetssocietyquotes #deadpoetssocietymemes #edits #ethanhawke #galehansen #robertseanleonard } - @seize.thedayboys on Instagram


- Red Dead Redemption II

- Peaky blinders

🖋Prefect (Rep) Post 🖋 Hi LitJoy, I’m Konstantina! I live in the United States and I absolutely am in love with reading and all things bookish. I would love to be a LitJoy Perfect because of three reasons. The first is that when I first stumbled upon your account and shop a year ago, I was going through a really tough time in my life. It was rough and I didn’t have anything to make me happy anymore I suppose. When my first LitJoy box arrived, it was the June Restricted Section box with the exclusive Sorcery of Thorns and I just feel in love. I was so happy to dive in and see all the beautiful items that were inside this box because it was the first ever subscription box I had purchased. And now a year later, I am still a subscriber and absolutely love all the items you create. The second reason is that I want to give that to someone else as well. That chance to be able to open this amazing world of books that they might not have thought of or experienced before. The third is that reading was hard for me when I was younger. I never really had the patience to sit for long periods of time without moving. So when my love of books started to grow, it allowed me to reach places that I never thought possible. That’s what also happened when I entered the wizarding world. It gave me an escape from the real world and I want to give that to other people as well. I know I don’t have many followers or a huge influence, but what influence I do have is slowly growing because I am involved with two other small businesses as well as a rep. I hope you consider my application in this search and I wish everyone the best of luck! 😊☺️ @litjoycrate #litjoyperfect #repsearch #perfect #bookstagram #books #magic #litjoyprefect - @reading_flower on Instagram

- Plague Doctor - Halloween Research

Artwork by Martin Bergstrom for game Symbaroum Which one is your favorite? (1-4) Follow 👉@fantasyrealms 👈for more of the best artists and concepts! . . . #fantasy #fantasyworld #fantasyart #fantasyartwork #environmentartist #environmentdesign #environmentart #drawinginspiration #artwork #worldbuilding #artoftheday #artinspiration#storyinspiration #gameart #art #conceptartist #gameconcept #gameartist #gameenvironment #amazingart #conceptart #digitalart #digitalartist - @fantasyrealms on Instagram

- Absinthe

\ autumn, you blush my heart with a beauty that travels through my dreams year round. \ . . . #autumn #fall #bermonths #leaves #september #fallcolors #pumpkin #aesthetic #autumnleaves #autumncolors #cozy #travel #forest #season #orangeleaves #comfy #sweaterweather #seasons #falloween #autumnseason #coldweather #autumnweather #cold #autumnmood #mood #fallmood #scent #spice #pumpkinspice - @catch_my_mood on Instagram

- Goodbye 11th Doctor, Im going to miss your quirky hotness.

Fan art or not fan art - @jaime_lannister_78 on Instagram

- Crimson Peak Fan Art

𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜.. ⋆≎˚₊༶ ⤷ Hello guys, how are you? Here’s a new post for you 🍃 I’m fine but tired: I worked all day and I’m exhausted ugh..I think I will relax and edit tonight ✨ What did you do today? Let me know in the comments🌺 ‹ 𝙛𝙘 › @a.pint.of.filters ‹ 𝙞𝙘 › @mirkwoods.princess ‹ 𝙙𝙩 › tagged ———— ✩ ———— 𝙁𝙊𝙇𝙇𝙊𝙒 @sons.of.hurin 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙈𝙊𝙍𝙀 ———— ✩ ———— 𝙃𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙨: #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #lotr #thehobbit #jrrtolkien #tolkien #lotredit #tolkienfan #hobbit #elves #dwarves #thorin #thorinoakenshield #bilbo #bilbobaggins #frodo #frodobaggins #legolas #legolasgreenleaf #aragorn #gandalf #orlandobloom #ianmckellen #richardarmitage #middleearth #lordoftheringsedit #thelordoftheringsedit #thehobbitedit #explorepage #PINTFLTRSOrangesandmint - @sons.of.hurin on Instagram

- Altars

- alchemist, me, digital painting, 2019

- Prayers for McGonagall

Verzeiht mir, das ich in letzter Zeit nicht so aktiv war. Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Start in die Woche 💝 ______ Partner: @justassane_asiamn @_funkoliebe @magical_funko @world_of_crazy_funkos @sie_nannten_ihn_flo . . #team_funkopop #funkopop #funkopopvinyl #funkogermany #funkopopcollector #funkopopphotography #toyphotography #funkochallenge #funkofamily #funkogram #funkopopmoments #potterhead #funkolove #funkoliebe #funkoharrypotter #funkodracomalfoy #slytherin #verteidigunggegendiedunklenkünste #potterlove #dracomalfoy #spider - @funkoxox on Instagram

Write in the comments witch one you got. - @harry.potter349 on Instagram

- Wouldn’t Eddie Redmayne be the perfect actor to play a future Doctor.

- Lord Of The Rings

Congratulations to @joekeinberger_art on a very successful opening and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who came out to see the show!🖤👹 Salem Art Gallery/The Satanic Temple of Salem will be taking a holiday break and will be closed 12/23 - 1/1, reopening on January 2nd. To those who couldnt make it last night, In Comfort of Darkness will be on view until January 29th, 2020. Image captured by @artemas.vulgaris 🖤 #thesatanictemple #salemartgallery #salemmassachusetts #incomfortofdarkness #joekeinberger - @thesatanictemplesalem on Instagram

- Brienne of Tarth

I can’t believe it’s #Drawlloween already!!! OMG! Sadly I won’t have time to draw something new every day, but, I do have quite a collection that I think will still do it justice – I hope you’ll agree! Looking forward to a super fun October! - Today’s Prompt was #werewolf - This one is an oldie but a goodie… started off as a creepy werewolf illustration, that has since morphed into a “dark disney” Beauty & the Beast situation! I now intend to make a full series with this vibe and other classic disney films! Who would you like to see in the series? - Happy Drawlloween, everyone!! - #MabsdrawloweenClub, #drawloween, #inktober #drawing #art #halloween #illustration #artist #sketch #draw #drawthisinyourstyle #sketchbook #drawings #painting #horrorart #inkdrawing #artwork #drawingart #drawingchallenge #halloweenart #tintubre #drawingsketch #drawingpen #drawingtime #drawingoftheday #artistsoninstagram #spooky #bhfyp - on Instagram

Todd Anderson Playslist. • • • • • • • • • • • {tags: #deadpoetssociety #darkaesthetic #darkacademia #neilperry #toddanderson #charliedalton #knoxoverstreet #stevenmeeks #robinwilliams #dps #anderperry #mrkeating #nuwanda #gerardpitts #deadpoetssocietyedit #deadpoetssocietyquotes #deadpoetssocietymemes #edits #ethanhawke #galehansen #robertseanleonard } - @seize.thedayboys on Instagram

- Make your own story

- Doctor Who

- eddie redmayne les animaux fantastiques

Things are getting real, MWT fans. - @greenwillowbooks on Instagram

- Game of Thrones

Р О З Ы Г Р Ы Ш !!! Бесплатный портрет в моём мультяшно стиле. 🔥🔥🔥⠀ ⠀ Ждали?! Вот и он! Потому что вас тут уже намного больше, чем 700 человек 😱⠀ ⠀ Условия:⠀ ✔️Подпишись (если ещё нет)⠀ ✔️Поделись этим постом в сториз и отметь меня, чтобы увидела⠀ ✔️В комментариях позви одного друга⠀ ⠀ Да, я жажду популярности и новых кайфовых подписчиков! 😅⠀ ⠀ Итоги подведу 8 сентября.⠀ ⠀ Всем удачи! - @snotvorchestvo on Instagram

- Harry Potter ... Hogwarts

- Henry Jekyll

- My Fandoms

- Cannibal Lecter

- Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them Printables

- Percy jackson

- Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore

Kvothe en la taberna 😍😍 #kvothe #thewisemansfear #TheNameOfThewind #eltemordeunhombresabio #elnombredelviento - @kvothe.edema.ruh on Instagram

- Harry Potter

- @tyrionlannisterfan on Instagram


- Game of Thrones Gift, Whiskey Glasses Set

- Maxon Schreave

- Fantastic Beasts

📷 @sdmaeyer Model: Bryan ❤️ Styling: Vanessa-Elle est Beau - @sdmaeyer on Instagram

- Adult jokes

- Hello, Sweetie

_ 익숙한 공간을 가꾸는 것에 대해 다시 한 번 생각해 보게 되는 요즘- 지금 있는 공간은 어떤 것으로 채워져 있나요? 여러 가지 물건들로 공간을 채우기보다는, 당신만의 감각으로 방을 향기롭게 채워 보세요. 퍼퓸성냥으로 불을 그어 대리석 향초를 켜는 특별한 리추얼을 곁들인 불리의 홈 프레그런스들- 공간에 향을 입히는 과정 자체를 즐겁게 만들어 드립니다. 불리와 함께, 당신의 공간을 더 향기로운 곳으로 만들어 보세요. _ #불리 #Buly #불리1803 #buly1803 #레알루메퍼푸메 #알라바스트 #레부지퍼푸메 #러불리 #불리 #CBFRXXO01XX #CBSTXX042XX #CBFRXXS06XX - @officine_universelle_bulykorea on Instagram

- wow

- Doctor Who

- Photo posted by Steven Moffat on his Instagram page the other day...

I’ll reread the #kingkillerchronicles today. Anybody join me? ✧ · ↠ Illustrated by Marc Simonetti · ✧ · ✧ · ✧ · ✧ · #kvothe #kvothethebloodless #kingkillerchronicles #kingkillerchronicle #kingkiller #wisemansfear #patrikrothfuss #kote #thenameofthewind #dernamedeswindes #book #bookstagram #books #bookworm #booklover #fantasy #art #fantasyart #instabook #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaddict #reader #author #writing #writers #kkc #magical #magic #reshi - @kingkiller.chronicles on Instagram

- Halloween - Potion Bottles

- Sherlock fan art

- 0 Halloween

- Clockpunk

- Aa Harry potter

- harry potter cursed child

- Greek mythology art :)


- Bow quotes

- Monster hunter world wallpaper

Since it’s about that time... 🎃 I thought it would be fun to add color to this abandoned house illustration I did a while back and amplify the 👻 factor. #hauntedmansion #illustration #procreate #halloween - @lester_brown_711 on Instagram

- My friends mom attended the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

- gamers paradise

Platform ticket OMG.... 😫 #hogwartsschoolofwitchcraftandwizardry #harrypotter #hermionegranger #ron #hagrid #dumbledore #follow #follow #follow - @harry__potter08 on Instagram

😚😚😚😚 Reposted from @henrycavilllatinfans #sherlockholmes #EnolaHolmes #HenryCavillSuperman - @henrycavillworld on Instagram

- The Bards Song.

- Laboratory Ideas

Cress with some interesting reading material. Sample of page 2! #makecomics #comics #comicart #comicartist #manga #mangaart #mangaka #comicpanel #panel #sequentialart #drawing #inkdrawing - @afreau on Instagram

- Emma Watson

- Harry Potter: Real Stars

- Buffy and Spike

;) . . . #peakyblindersedit #tommyshelby #shelbygt500 #pet #johnshelby #michaelgray #peakyblinder #dizi #peakyblinders #arthurshelby #pollyshelby #paulanderson #bbctwo #cillianmurphy #adashelby #finncole #shelby #art #shelbylimited #reynmen #yabancidiziler #yabancidizi #dizireplikleri #instagram #instagood #peakyblindersseason5 - @peakyblinderstr_ on Instagram

- Books Fan art

Rok szkolny zbliża się wielkimi krokami 😉 z tej okazji przypominamy kilka z naszych szkolnych rekwizytów 😜 Po resztę zapraszamy jak zawsze na 😎 #rekwizytornia #school #accessories #rental #warsaw #wypożyczalniarekwizytów - @rekwizytornia on Instagram

- It doesnt get any better than David Tennant with a kitten.

- Tom felton harry potter

Behind the scenes 😛 • • • #severussnape#snape#slytherin#snapehead#severussnapememe#harrypottermeme#deatheater#snamione#sevmione#snily#lilyevans#gryffindor#hogwarts#dracomalfoy#hermionegranger#alanrickman#rickman#ripalanrickman#harrypotter#hp#potterhead#magic#marauders#hufflepuff#ravenclaw#snapeedits - @snapeedits on Instagram

- fotos do Harry Potter

Be careful what you wish (or fish) for. - @witchernetflix on Instagram

- Hamlet - Shakespeare

So cool ⚡Love this art piece! . . Art🖌: @slotfi Follow us: @thathogwartsvibe . #thathogwartsvibe #harrypotter #harrypotterart #harrypotterfanart #harrypotterartwork #potterheads #harrypotteralways #harrypotterfan #harrypotterfans #harrypotterfandom #harrypotterforever #harrypotterseries #fantasticbeasts #fantasticbeasts2 #fantasticbeastsart #fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem #harrypotterforlife #harrypotterdecor #digitalsketch #digitalillustration #illustrationoftheday #illustration_daily #illustrationbest #illustration_best #drawingartist #digitalartists #hogwarts - @thathogwartsvibe on Instagram

In this house we love and respect Ron Weasley! Who’s your favorite Harry Potter character? . . . . #harrypotter #ronweasley #popvinyl #hp #fall #books #bookstagram #weasley #autumn - @autumn.mylove on Instagram

- Addams Family

Sevrus snape Plz support and follow for more  updates. #explore #explorepage #harrypotterintred #moviebuff #harrypotter #danielradcliffe #rupertgrint #magic #tagstagram #emmawatson #warnerbros #England #harrypotterfacts #justibieber #officialfanclub #harry #harrypotterfans #beyonce #followforfollow#harrypotterflims#harrypotterbooks #harrypotterwand. Thank you - @harrypotter_official_fanclub03 on Instagram

- A smaller, more mug sized Old one from the Necrocomicon

Capture the spirit of the season on Thursday, October 8 at 6 p.m. Dark tales come to life with our favorite Edgar Allen Poe re-enactor Campbell Harmon. Come one, come all, to hear landmark poems such as “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Raven” performed live. Edgar Allan Poe was the first American writer to attempt to support himself solely on writing alone. He wrote the first modern detective story, the first modern science fiction story, and founded the modern horror genre. His famous, tragic love for his wife, Virginia, helped to inspire his landmark poem, The Raven. Speculation over the cause of his mysterious death in 1849 continues to this day. His writings still speak to us more than 160 years later and have inspired countless stage and film adaptations. @ctvisit @visitfarmington @visittheusa @visitnew_england @ctrivervalleytourism @edgar_allan_poe_officiel - @hillsteadmuseum on Instagram

- poldark season 4

- All Things Books

#tbt #enolaholmes #bts The Yoot @louispartridge_ after I tried to shoot at him. Lots. Good times. Hope ur enjoying it. 💥 @netflixfilm @legendary - @burngorman1 on Instagram

- End of an Era

- Harry Potter Fans Unite!

- Alice madness returns

- Vibin...

- New Orleans Voodoo

✨❤️ AUGUST WITCH CASKET ❤️✨ . Our August Casket was all about courage and we hope you found its empowering contents inspired you and gave you all the courage and confidence you needed to face your challenges! 🙌 . Also a huge shoutout to @urbanlune who we were so excited to include in our Casket last month!! 😍 The wax melt smells and looks so beautiful 🌱🌸 . September Caskets shipped yesterday and we hope you all like them and can feel the magick we packed into each one. 🔮🌿 . We know a few people may still be waiting on their Casket, please don’t worry. You’ll always receive each Casket you pay for!! ☺️ The Mail has been so unpredictable lately, so we apologise that there has been some delays. We’ve seen that they are still arriving with people, so it’ll be with you very soon. 🌹🎁 . We’ve loved seeing you all posting your August items. Thank you for always supporting us and making us feel so happy. 🙈 Sending our love as always, . Deb & Ella x#witchcasket - @witchcasketuk on Instagram

- Celaena sardothien

⚡Du haut de ses 46 cm, cette POP GÉANTE De Harry Potter et sa belle chouette Hedwige a trouvé sa place chez Les 4 Maisons. Et vous, est-ce quelle trônerait aussi fièrement dans votre intérieur? 😃 Disponible sur notre boutique en ligne 😉 - @les4maisons on Instagram

- Familia Weasley

- [OC] Inktober Day 26, Stiff Jazz by dZihan & Kamien

When a simple key tassel is just not enough... - @ryanmatthewcohn on Instagram

- 3 Ian Gray 3

//Read Caption**// Here I present you - The tale of three brothers The one who died drunk in power, The one who died for love, The one who greeted death as an old friend. Power - Once tasted, It will fill your brain with dopamine and a sudden shot of adrenaline will upsurge in your entire body, Leaving you stunned and blind. Unable to recognize the basic difference between evil and good, You will dig your own grave. If taken away you will always crave for it, Its addicting, Like a leech it gets stuck with you and suck your soul, Until it ends with your demise. Just like Voldemort came again in search of power and ended up turning into ashes. Love - Some say love is an effluent manifestation, Some say love is a mirage, Some say love is gods best gift given to mankind, Some say love is waste of time, Some say the only entry to paradise is unlocked by loving others as you love oneself, Some people die for it, Some people live because of it, I dont know what love feels like, I dont know what love looks like, All I know Snape spent his whole life hiding his pain in his heart. Despite being broken from inside lived to protect Harry till the end. Knowing the fact that he will get nothing in return. If thats not love, I dont know what is. Living for others is a gift, A gift one can present to ones soul and assure gain of immense happiness and blessings for thyself. It takes power for providing someone help, It takes love for keeping aside ones need for others, Ron showed his power when sacrificed himself in a game of wizard chess so that Harry would be free to checkmate the king, Hermione showed her love when she raised her wand and casts an Obliviate charm,on her parents. Maybe, living for others is the ultimate way of attaining power and love. Afterall A life spent on living for others is a life worthwhile. - Albert Einstein . Reference - Multiple images from-@Pinterest . #ttt #poetslife #featured #terribblytinytales #silverleafpoetry #thoughts #randomthoughts #writer #artist #harrypotter #harrypotteredits #harrypottersketch #harrypottersketches #deathlyhallows #deathlyhallowssketch #harrypotterforever #harrypotterartwork #potterhead⚡ - @rikt___ on Instagram

- Home for peculiar children.

- Critical Role Fanart

- Harry Potter!!!

- magia

- Addams family

- art

- Harry Potter

What house are you in?? Credit : @potter.xo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ignore Tags : #harrypotter #harry #potter #harrystyles #harrypottermemes #harrypotterfans #potterhead #harrypotterparty #harrypotterquotes #harrypotterfan #harrypotterfandom #hermionegranger #ronweasley #snape #gryffindor #rawenclaw #hufflepuff #slytherin #wizard #harrypotterworld #harrypotterforever - on Instagram

The new shape for the Addams Family sign is up in the shop as well today! Be sure to check it out! ... . . . #halloween #halloween365 #halloweendecorations #halloweeneveryday #halloweendecor #halloweendecor #addamsfamily #gothdecorating #gothicdecor #wednesdayaddams #morticiaaddams - @rosscreativestudios on Instagram

- amlets

- Book News

- Dragon Age Love

my brand of art is slowly just becoming women i wish i was right now🤠 also please swipe to see the full thing there are an unholy amounts of details i spent way too long on! ahhhhh!! #procreate #digitalart #illustration #timelapse #nature #characterart #digitalillustration - @the.flightless.artist on Instagram

- Rúbeo hagrid

- Rebound relationship

Youre feeling creative this #backtohogwarts, weekend. Plz support and follow for more  updates. #explore #explorepage #harrypotterintred #moviebuff #harrypotter #danielradcliffe #rupertgrint #magic #tagstagram #emmawatson #warnerbros #England #harrypotterfacts #justibieber #officialfanclub #harry #harrypotterfans #beyonce #followforfollow#harrypotterflims#harrypotterbooks #harrypotterwand. Thank you - @harrypotter_official_fanclub03 on Instagram

Who is your favorite author? 🌑 🌑 Artwork ~ @irenhorrors 🌑 #gothictradition #gothicwriters #gothicauthors #americangothic #britishgothic #gothiclife #gothicbooks #gothicliterature #gothicliteratureandarts #mylifeisgothic #coronagothic #covid19gothic - on Instagram

- Bloodborne art

- All Things Literary

- I make fancy bookmarks from the spines of damaged books.

“They write us off and say its just another opinion. Im tired of trying to fit in when Im one in a million.” The Score. ⁣ ⁣ ✧ What’s the last book that caused a book slump, or the last one you can remember?⁣ ⁣ If you don’t fall into slumps – you’re one lucky feck! 😂🥰⁣ ⁣ For me I’m still in one because of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The ending hit me a lot harder than I thought it would – I have watched the movies about a thousand times (for real lol) but this is my first read of the books. I am not ready for all the loss in Deathly Hallows. No sirree! Too..much..pain! 😬⁣ ⁣ ⇢ Where are all my serpents at? Get your galleons and sickles at the ready.. Be sure to checkout @readingroom.candleco with BIBLIOMANIAC10 to save some knuts. 😘🤣🤓⁣ ⁣ Please note, I do not nor have I ever respected the opinion or views of J.K. Rowling, she has on numerous occasions shown just how nasty and judgmental she is over the years. I am a Potterhead, I love the idea of a world between our world and of magic. The fandom has led me to so many incredible people and I will not let that ould B-word take that away from me. If you’ve separated yourself from the fandom, I respect you. If you’ve stayed, I respect you. You are all beautiful, never let anyone tell you otherwise. ⁣ ⁣ ❖ I’m in love with Lila Bard – that is all! ⁣ ⁣ ✦ Characters who value knowledge and power – Tom Riddle - #bibliomaniacsxo ⁣ ⁣ ↴⁣ #unitedbookstagram #thedarklibrarians #fairyloot #pop #popfigures #tomriddle #cunning #slytherin #slytherinpride #readingslump #adarkershadeofmagic #readingroomcandleco #booksofinstagram #booksbooksandmorebooks #booksbooksbooks #booksta #blackandgreen #thescore - @obsessive_bibliomaniac on Instagram

⚰ I absolutely adore this custom plaque that was made for me by @rosscreativestudios. It could not be more fitting for our home, for you know what they say: The family thats creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky and altogether ooky together....stays together. 🕷👻💀💜 ⚱ Just finished watching #itsthegreatpumpkincharliebrown, something that I watched every year with my siblings, now a tradition that my dearest and I share with our littles. To see the delight on their faces warms my dark heart everytime. 🎃 ⚱ While they are resting their heads now, I am just putting the finishing touches on our black Samhain tree that is lit purple and orange, skulls, spiders, bats, bones and webs. Next up, working on a batch of Vegan Black Velvet Ginger Cupcakes. They are cooling now and Im working on a Vegan Ginger Buttercream. ⚱ My littles will be ever so delighted...and I know you will be too. I cant wait to share them with you. At this moment, I bid you all farwell until the morrow. 🌹 @gothintheraw // Plaque by Ross Creative Studio on Etsy ⚰ . . #vegan #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #instavegan #chef #veganchef #veganwitch #food #foodie #eatplants #vegangirl #vegangoth #plantbased #goth #gothgoth #gothic #queer #afrogoth #witch #darkaesthetic #photography #alternativemodel #halloween #spookyvegan #witchesofinstagram #thesamhainsociety #thesamhainsocietytakeover #addamsfamily #gothintheraw - @thesamhainsociety on Instagram

- My latest drawing in ink