
Wyberba Townhouses looking good - @macstructure on Instagram

Bug is so cutie patootie and Im so excited for GlitchX!

Dan and mini Dan 😂 #offroadracing #bestinthedesert #lonestarracing #methodracewheels #bajadesigns #sdhq #foxshocks - @kyle_andersn on Instagram

Ai Cloned: with double cups

Abi.Toads ♥

First attempt with a recurve was a success! I’ve been practicing with my Satori all season and finally had a chance to take it out the other night. This doe gave me a perfect quartering away shot opportunity at 15 yards. I think I just caught the traditional archery bug pretty bad! Goal next year is to take a mature buck! #recurvebow #traditionalarchery #Hoyt #Satori #bowhunting - @thadarroll on Instagram

After years of Tim saying to Shane and Chase - “when are you going to put our signs on the side of your Tumut Express truck?” they came to us a few weeks ago and said “weve ordered a new truck, put your money where your mouth is”... 😜🍺 - @tumutriverbrewingco on Instagram

Hello kitty

Fun weekend at @honorfarmmx. Always interesting getting used to a track I’ve never been to. Had some good motos, bad motos, and some solid starts but couldn’t put it all together. Learned a lot from this weekend and always blessed to be racing and surrounded by amazing people. Thanks to @brassfield226 and @mhightow99 for the help and my amazing girlfriend for her continued support. @gforcepowersports @defygraphics @proracingsuspension @eliteivlounge @coloradosewer_inc @tynans_nissan @rynopower #moto #motocross #racing #dirtbikes #friends #family #pueblo #ktmracing #alpinestarsmx #defy #bell #100% #dunlop #letsgoracing #rynopower #rynoarmy #chargelife #13 ## - @nicotheorine13 on Instagram

halloween pfp

“😃🤓😜#instagood #instafashion #instafriends #instaboy #boy #guy #maringa #brasil #felicidade #summer #amazing #happy #smile #instagran #instagrammer #instagrammers #boys #instaboys #life #boystyle #lovebeard #bear - @paulinhos on Instagram

Name a better recovery duo! @yoproau helping me kick off the week🔋💪🏼 #fuelyourjourney #teamyopro #dynamicduo #recovery 📸: @jamesbacueti @blair.r.stewart - @middymorgs on Instagram

Stewie Excited GIF - Stewie Excited Family Guy - Discover & Share GIFs


Headed to @blackopspaintball in Fayetteville, NC for a weekend of @mmcommand paintball going to be doing some live action streaming of gameplay check us out!!!!!! - @kaoskingtv on Instagram

Family Guy Stewie Griffin GIF - Family Guy Stewie Griffin Excited - Discover & Share GIFs

Perfect Friday job, if only they were all this close to home.#concreteconstruction #concrete pump# - @theneilsengroup on Instagram

Gotta kiss the homies gn

Sweetbread is built for this let’s go tomorrow 4 am back at it .. #401boxing - @401boxing on Instagram

idk if I should be scared, happy or excited

Circuit --TE San Diego style... 20 min pull focus, 20 min starts, 20 min body surfin’... - @teameliteaquatics on Instagram

Abbie and Graham @caloundrastreetfair from the @sno.worries doing the colour co-ord trick today. - @green_frog_adventures on Instagram

3 tips for launching a brand

Congratulations to Jess Pettis and Team @ktm_canada on winning the 2020 Rockstar Energy MXTOUR 250 Pro Championship. #rockstarenergy #triplecrownseries pc @lissimorephoto - @triplecrownseries on Instagram


New Castle 500 here we go!! - @logan_w_harris on Instagram

Mepad pfp

Supporting Movember - @armour_daniel on Instagram

Cute profile pic 🎃

Swipe to check out some great photos from Kinney Jones of my first pro @worcsracing podium weekend on the @rpmracingteam in 2013. I had to wear down Bobby G to make it happen. It was overwhelming but incredible to race with some of my heroes! -Side note, has anyone seen KJ Photo? It’s been a while for me and he was always so generous with sending amazing shots like these. - @jbones42 on Instagram


Whattttt auto wash for truck and sled at once!! @skidoo @motorfistgear @sleddermag @alpineaddicts @sledheadzzz @basecampguesthouse @truckboss_decks @ford #carwash #sled #sleds_all_day #slednecks - @sledding101 on Instagram

Homegirls since 2008 👯♀️🌟 . . #hoyasaxa #swimming #running #swimmingandrunning #runningandswimming #thecomeback #theyhaventkickedusoutyet - @reneetomlin on Instagram

East side to the west side, pushin phat rides 🔊 #factory #honda #supercross #gopro #igdaily - @mike_glennie on Instagram

Amazing race for @keesvalentin MX Master Junior Cup 85 - 7th Place in total! #mxmasters #mölln #motocross #motocrossgear #careflonhelmets #braap #mxracing #mxhelmets #dirtbike #adacmxmasters #adac - @careflon on Instagram

We’ve seemed to find ourself in a traffic jam! Everything’s ready to go to @bmsupdates & @fastesthalfmile #FlyTheV #TeamToyota - @venturinimotorsports on Instagram

It’s that time of year again! 🌱🍎🍏#plantingseason #apples #fruittree #farm #rifarmers #springtime #orchard - @barden_family_orchard on Instagram

Captains Mitch Porter (Wests) and Blake Phillips (Collegians) meet for the last time before they do battle against each on Sunday @win_stadium for the 1st Grade title. Tickets are on sale now through @ticketmasterau - @illawarrarugbyleague on Instagram

@hepmotorsports Military appreciation bikes & @thormxofficial gear to match 🤤 - @noleenj6tech on Instagram

Shot by @dgctalent @dgcalbertatalent Director Ken Filewich of hard working #heartland crew down on the Ranch! #Repost • @kenfile Great first day back at the ranch. Thanks to all who work so hard to tell stories. #albertafilm #dgcalberta #iloveheartland - @dgcalbertatalent on Instagram

To my girls out there , Everything is going the be alright maybe not today but eventually. You might be in the eye of the storm now but there is always sunshine at the end of it . Stay strong Beautiful’s 💕 - @libyadcox on Instagram

After 6 tremendous years as a Coach with BC Alpine Ryan Jazic is stepping away from the BC Ski Team to spend more time at home and with family. When speaking about his departure Jazic said “I came to the BC Ski Team not only to help push the athletes to higher performance, but to also help develop myself as a coach. While I’ll still be watching this team with a keen eye and following every move they make, I’m very excited for new opportunities that await me”. BC Alpine wishes Jazz the best on the next step in his life. BCST is immediately looking to fill the role, please check the link in our bio for the job posting. - @bcalpineski on Instagram

Ceramic Pro Sport Applied To This Monster‼️ Check Out The Reflection.. Give us a call today for your detailing needs‼️ - @stefanellisautodetailing on Instagram

Killer weekend of @gncc_racing grabbing the W! Super pumped on this one, really glad & thankful for all the good family, friends and people I got in my corner 🤙💪 - @csttiresusa @houser_racing @dwtracing @elkasuspension @impact_solutions @fmf73 @wisecopistoninc @officialmooseracing @parts_unlimited @waynesburgyamaha @hinsonracing @sunstar_ea @antigravitybatteries @precision_racing @teixeiratech @rickcecco @quadtechatv @twin_air @mikametals @evanspowersport @imsproducts @dpbrakesracing @acerbisusa @xbrandgoggles @bell_powersports @cometicgasket @uppracing @343graphix @dirtworksmotorsports @lonestarracing1 @jsrmotodesigns @worksconnection @tloracingparts @tireballs @tireballseast @jimmybortz919 @motoxperts @mxpat (@kenhill127 photos📸) - @brycen_neal on Instagram

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, lieber @janerikslooten! 🎁🥳 Bleib gesund und munter, allzeit gut gelaunt und vor allem so wie du bist! 👊 Jetzt seid ihr dran: Schreibt eure #glückwünsche an Jan in die Kommentare! 👇🎉🍀 #happybirthday #geburtstagskind #godehardt #ironforceracing #elten #dersicherheitsschuh - @elten.sicherheitsschuhe on Instagram

WUSV 2019 live!!! https://de.working-dog.com/livestream/overview. #deutscherschäferhund #dogs_of_instagram - @workingdogcom on Instagram

Open Ride 11:00-4:00 $25 per rider spectators free bikes Only - @grearsmotorsportspark on Instagram

Great fun today on the press junket with my boss. This morning, @charliestreats.kidmadekidowned Founder, President and CEO was interviewed by the @gotexan team, promoting the shop.gotexan.org site. There, not only will you find Charlies Treats, but countless other vendors, offering everything from food and beverages, to clothing and home goods and so much more. Please take a moment to look around the store, and support these Great Small Businesses from the Great State of Texas. Thank you so much! #pecantrepreneur #pecantourage #kidpower #GOTEXAN #golocal #Dallas #shoplocal #livelocaleastdallas #smallbusiness #statefairoftexas #SFOT #centralmarket @texasagriculture @millerfortexas @statefairoftx - @charliestreats.kidmadekidowned on Instagram

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; the fear of failure. -Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. - @fairfaxflyer on Instagram

Its crazy how meeting someone can change the course of your life. On New Years Eve 2015, I met Mark Razz from @925xtu at Prospectors, a country bar in South Jersey. It was super random that my friends and I were even there, although Im pretty sure it had something to do with the $30 all night open bar. 😜 We saw Razz broadcasting live and when he was off air we went up to meet him. I *eloquently* asked him, How do I get on the raadiioooo!?!? He answered with something like, Uh, I dont know, join the street team. So I did. I was the oldest street teamer by far (except for Jim Tasman 🤣... thats probably why we became BFF.) I worked my way up and Im so happy to say that I was just hired as an on air personality for 92.5 XTU - Phillys Country Station!! Thanks for the advice, Razzle. 👊 So excited to work with you!!!! My first shift is Sunday 8/30 10:00-2:00pm 🎙🎧🥳🎵 #feelgoodfriday - @laurabossss on Instagram

Sábado tem mais.. ✊🏻💨🔥 - @motocrossracingtv on Instagram

Ready to race! - @ktmredbullmxgp on Instagram

Just a day at the dump after cleaning the shop. Let wedding season commence! - @hippiegladiator on Instagram

Got some redemption today and had a solid day. Thought I could have got the W but ran into an issue and ended up crushing my header pipe and I ended up 3rd. It was a great weekend with all my family and friends there to support me. #ridered #honda @mrs.angelinadelong @donmyersjr @mark.delong @phxracinghonda @honda_racing_us @officialmooseracing @alpinestars @ride100percent @hoosieroffroad @xcgear17 @guts_racing_inc - @adelong410 on Instagram

Back yard project #home #pavers #handmade #value #projects Hope the new owners like all the work @carrieanne322 and I have been doing lately! - @billy_giovanella on Instagram

“I don’t think the heavy stuff is gonna come down for awhile “. We deliver so you don’t have to stand in the rain ! #tropicalstorm #30a #sowal #goodpedals30a #goodpedals #bikerent #bikerentals #bikelife - @goodpedals on Instagram

Been hunting hard all year for one to go on the wall. Finally tagged him! #savage30-06 #nomadcamo #bandedcamo #bbd @gabbyfearnlaw @raylaw_05 - @josh_law2 on Instagram

Thanks to the guys over at #thetoystore for letting us wrap their shop truck! Can’t hide with this wrap! #vehiclewrap #polaris #averydennison #ford #paintisdead #wrapforarzr - @dushgraphix on Instagram

@caliburgerwaterloo with @virginradiokitchener never mind the backwards photo! #kwawesom #comeseeme #dj - @kylebennylava on Instagram

Gold medal match here I come! Had a good day shooting in the rain. Medal matches start at 4:30. You can watch on Competition Archery Media @hoyttargetarchery @eastonarchery @truball_axcel @gasbowstrings @shrewdarchery @vortexoptics @aimcise_performance @beiterarchery @flexfletchproducts @conquestarchery - @schaffkris on Instagram

Faenza 2/3 ! Finalmente mi sono divertito 😛 P7 - P12 per P10 assoluto - @alessandrolupino on Instagram

Focus Capital gear arrived today! Our team is excited to represent in these polos with our branded logo. Pictured is our fearless leader, Operations Manager @ninov760 #realestate #lending #lendingsolutions #mortgage #mortgages #homemortgages #loan #loans #rates #lowrates #focuscapital - @focuscapitalgroups on Instagram

Primer Kiosko self service del país para paquetería y mensajería. Drop by coordinadora. - @k1000___ on Instagram

My girl did amazing! - @shawna29 on Instagram

Nice pic. @jorditixier - @jeffreyherlings on Instagram

- @michaelskudnig on Instagram

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” – Aristotle Get a jump start on your home re-siding project this Labor Day! . Reposted: @mushrush82 #LaborDay #garageproject https://bit.ly/2GrHH5X - @allurausa on Instagram

Super excited for tomorrow me and my teammate @troyherbstlasvegas have been prerunning all week preparing for the Baja 500! Truck tested awesome!@terribleherbstmotorsports is ready to go!! @trmshane @jason_montes #bfgoodrichtires #king shocks#monsterenergy #herbstsmithfab #orca - @the_deaner on Instagram

#Repost @ruttin07 ・・・ Looks like everything is still dialed in. Can’t wait to see if I can turn one of these @bemanarrows whiteouts red! • • • #dirtnapgear #bemanarrows #whiteouts #ics #purelyamerican #primearchery #matrixtargets #alwaysshootthecenter #blackovis #solidhuntinggear #camofire - @bemanarrows on Instagram

They call me mr. Fahrenheit - @michaelbergin on Instagram

With only 4 days on the bike @kylechisholm11 qualified for arguably the hardest 450 main of the year last night eventually finishing 19th. - @activeride on Instagram

🚨attention space fam🚨season 3 is now in production! - @lostinspace on Instagram

LL2020 - @samb1anco on Instagram

A Todos o meu agradecimento e o meu profundo carinho pela lembrança e disponibilidade em contribuírem para que o meu dia fosse especial!! Um Abraço do Tamanho do Mundo Para Cada Um de Vocês💛🖤🙏🏼😘🍻 Amo-vos Meus Queridos💛🖤🍻⏰ - @marcoscostapinto on Instagram

M’oh Norberto, sorridi che tra qualche mese piangi!!! Vero @barbaraurbani ? @touratech_italia @nortechfreespirit - @gblele on Instagram

Ване сегодня 6 лет!!! С днем рождения дорогой!!! Будь счастлив! 👍 - @sergey_kristovsky on Instagram

2nd overall for the 2020 @triplecrown Mx tour! Thanks to the whole team for all the hard work! @monsterenergy @canadiankawasaki @procircuit78 @pillers1957 @partscanada @thormxofficial @alpinestarsmx @ridedunlop @renthal_moto @limenine @acerbisusa @didchain @vpracingfuels @_xtrig_ @hinsonracing @matrixconceptscanada @motionpro @guts_racing_inc @dubyausa @worksconnection @arcmemlon @mechanix_wear @twin_air @maximausa @docwobimports @lightspeed.official @brakingbrakes @crm_compositi_mx @fcpracing @rockwellwatches @peli_products @atlasbrace @boxocanada - @mattgoerke on Instagram

AGAIN!!! This is EARNED!! @adamcianciarulo going 1-1 in a dominating win in Millville!! 🔥🔥🔥#lfg - @thefamilie.v2 on Instagram

🇬🇧 @christophe_charlier #23 joins the French BETA OXMOTO team 🔥The Corsican rider, winner of the ISDE and of the MX 2017, becomes part of the Beta family. Riding his 250RR, he will compete in the French Championship (E2 category) and in the Enduro World Championship (E1 category) 🇫🇷 Christophe Charlier #23 rejoint le team BETA OXMOTO 🔥Le pilote corse Christophe Charlier, vainqueur des ISDE et du MX des Nations 2017, rejoint la famille Beta. . . #betamotor1905 #italianoffroad #stayoffroad #enduro #endurogp #betafrance - @betamotor1905 on Instagram

#throwbackthursday 2016 first year of competition for the twins @sachacoenen19 @lucascoenen93 credits @rookies_cup_officiel @lessportsplus - @cjtracingjunior on Instagram

The wall is up and looking good! We can’t wait for Psicobloc Masters 2018 presented by @thenorthface_climb to start! Snag your tickets with the link in our bio. #Psicobloc #PsicoblocMasters2018 #TheNorthFace #UtahOlympicPark #Climbing - @psicocomp on Instagram

2-Stroke Tuesday! Killer display at the @redbull booth @redbudmx this weekend of @kenroczen94 #rbstraightrhythm and the ‘94 @honda_racing_us kit we did. #throttlejockey - @throttlejockey on Instagram

Fun weekend racing @rmxseries and Idaho State Series championship. Still got a Little juice and was able to bring home 2nd in 50+. Thank you @flyracingusa @lcc.alpinewy @roostmx @kaydenweeks215 @lcc.alpinewy @cari.lcc #lovemywife #motocross #flyfamily #rg3suspension - @lcctroy on Instagram

@sgb_racing ‘s @justinbellrod is a savage. #Repost @justinbellrod with @make_repost ・・・ REDBUD 2 was solid! I went down moto 1 but 20-17 on the day. No complaints I got some points. Thank you everyone who makes this shit happen. 🎥 @rthrasher077 📸 @treadnotsowell @hjchelmets @onealracing @alpinestarsmx @ride100percent @sgb_racing @maxxistires @babbittsonline @teambabbitts @139designs @kawasakiusa @bludlubricants @stingerracefuel @tractionmx @ksrwheels @riskracingmoto @capritools @brappstraps @technocraft_cabinets @thecollectiveex @metrolakes @mikametals @racetechinc @getitdetailed @terra_rubra_construction @fhht_athletes_events @mototape @motostuff_com @fmf73 @gtbicycles @rekluse_motorsports @bolt_motorcycle_hardware @premiervaporblasting @recmx @legacycarbonmx @esco_equip @workschassislab @fmflild @butchys_bbq @icwradiators @ufoplastusa @mayhewtools @pit_viper @evssport @fluhartmechanical_hvac_llc - @139designs on Instagram

When you see Emma on a truck... - @mckinleyroberts on Instagram

Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer. If you’re in a position where you can donate this year please do so by scanning the ANZ digital daffodil. ANZ will match every $ donated to the Cancer Society through one of these digital daffodils. - @tomwalshsp on Instagram

First bow buck for Cody Smith, and he sealed the deal in Heard County on Sept. 29, 2020. • • • #georgiabucks #georgiahunting #getoutdoors #hunting #deerseason #hunt #whatgetsyououtdoors #buck #georgia #deer #georgiadeer #deerseason #deerseason2020 #whitetail #whitetaildeer #huntgeorgia #georgiadeerhunting #outdoors #deerhunting #bowbuck #bowhunting #georgiabowhunting #bow #archery - @georgiaoutdoornews on Instagram

Losi LAZERNUT here for you guys to peak at. This is a really nice truck. Come on in and take a look. Available for preorder. #horizonhobby #spektrumrc #lasernut #lasernutracing #fastrc #rctrucks #rclife #rclifestyle #shoplocal #shoplocal #baltimore - @remotecontrolhobbiesbaltimore on Instagram

It’s compact, loves to work and is the Top Dog In The Dirt! The pup of our Huski skid steer range is the 4SDK4 and has been recently added by customer Michael Molloy to his fleet. Michael has upgraded to a 1050mm Digga bucket with wider tyres to match. #HuskiConstructionEquipment #TopDogInTheDirt #ToyotaHuski #4sdk4 #diggaaustralia - @huskiconstructionequipment on Instagram

Daytime dry run on the winch with my Dad! Stay tuned for the practical... #otago #otagorescuehelicopter #winch #nzlandsarsearchdogs #alpinecliffrescue #specialty #training #helicoptercompetencies #wakatipu - @bombernzwaka on Instagram

We tried something a little different for a first turn photo at @scmxpark. 450 moto two. 📸© @VitalMX and @ Guybmoto. @promotocross #motocross #supercross #dirtbike #vitalmx - @vitalmx on Instagram

- Ken Roczen

Doesn’t matter how many times I could win Kiel Week before. Every event is a new event and a tough one to win in the @laserclass. Very happy to be winner again! Thx to everyone who made it to Kiel this year, traveling even from overseas 👌🏼!!! In my eyes we had pretty nice sailing conditions, a very solid RC, a safe environment and a very strict Jury as usual in Kiel 🔥. Congrats @ehansonsailing and Michael Beckett for 2nd and 3rd. 📷credits: @saschaklahn * * * * #BBS Automation #MPC #ALLGEIER @lirosopes @zhikaustralia @germansailingteam @oakley @garmin @kielerwochesailing @sporthilfe @bundeswehr @segelservice_com @frisch.de - @philipp.buhl on Instagram

Una semana más y pruebas en Mediaset. Negativo en Covid-19. La verdad es que en esta empresa uno se siente seguro. - @soymiguellago on Instagram

A big congrats to @littleprostaffer on this great North Carolina doe! - @cyclopslights on Instagram

Winter rides🔵❄️ Pictures: @scorchimages @fatree5 #ids - @tombutler4 on Instagram

Pronti per l’ Enduro Day?? Angelina si, e Voi ?? 🤩 Anche se quest’anno ci saranno leggi ferree per il contenimento del virus, noi faremo del nostro meglio, e confidiamo in un vostro aiuto nel rispetto delle regole, Grazie 😎❤️ ci vediamo il 19/20 Settembre 🤩 - @matteobotteonfmx on Instagram

@foxraceway today doing some testing. @michael_leib #husky250 #husky450 #rocketexhaust - @rocketexhaust on Instagram

Before and after... should have gone with the black kit🤦🏻♂️ - @geezyyy__ on Instagram

Digital wholesale, crisis, and ambitions for the future: Le New Black meets Xavier Meguallati @xavier_meguallati, France Wholesale Director at @vicomtea. Link in bio. Wholesale digital, crise et ambitions pour lavenir : Le New Black rencontre Xavier Meguallati, Responsable Commercial Wholesale France chez @vicomtea. Lien dans la bio. #vicomtea #lenewblack #weloveourclients #wholesale #frenchtech #fashiontech #digitalfuture #digitalshowrooms #digitaltransformation - @lenewblack on Instagram

Few more from the shoot with @defygraphics and @mwccreative. Loving the style and fit. Plenty more styles to choose from when they drop. Stay tuned with @defygraphics. @gforcepowersports @proracingsuspension @actionetix @rynopower @coloradosewer_inc @eliteivlounge #cheesin #stoked #smilin #moto #motocross #gear #comfy #defy #ktm #bell #alpinestars #oakley #100% #dirtbikes #rynoarmy #rynopower #chargelife #thundervalley #sundayfunday #photoshoot #rayban #13 ## - @nicotheorine13 on Instagram

farmer Klip was repping his @legends_haul hat at the farmers markets this weekend - @klippersorganics on Instagram

#Gridlife Midwest is going to be really something with @michaelhurczyn and @nate__vincent running a #TCR Touge Battle against a @gridlifeofficial regular racer. - @ian_rae_mwm on Instagram

New project in cambridge 6 units. Underground time! - @stack.plumbing on Instagram

A massive congratulations to the hardworking, dedicated, talented and passionate students, Emma, Jack, Sophie and Caylen, who successfully completed their Bronze Cross certifications last month. These kids first learned to swim in our learn to swim programs, trained and competed on our swim team, and have now gained another life skill and experience with their Lifesaving certifications. We are so so so proud of you! Thank you to our super skilled instructor Taz, for your outstanding leadership. Next step, National Lifeguard! . . . @lifesavingsocietyon #swimming #lifesaving #lifeguarding #baywatch #turksandcaicosislands #swimforlife #lifesavingexperts #learntoswim #almostguards #swimcoach @caylen_castillo @emmaparlee78 @janinet88 @coetzee.caren @judiparlee @hopelessdevil #swimmers #swimming #swimmer - @surfsidetci on Instagram

Today marks 5 years together! I hope for a hundred more! @stevenlabrie, you are a dream! 🌈❤️ - @adamreednielsen on Instagram

Congrats to our Director of Specialized Fishing, @drewgregoryfishing on his first place win with his Crescent Ultralite at the Hobie Bass Open Series on Lake Dardanelle, AR. #liveinthecurrent #kayakbassfishing #americanmade #crescentkayaks . . . . . . . #bass #bassfishing #paddling #riverbass #fishing #fish #paddle #flyfishing #river #paddleboard #kayak #kayaking #boat #boating #skiff #lightweightkayak #paddleboarding #angler #angling - @crescentkayaks on Instagram

𝑇𝑜𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑖𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢. 🎂 Happy 11th Birthday, Katie, we hope that all of your wishes come true! 🌟 To submit a birthday photo, please email EssexFellsAds@gmail.com with a photo, name, and date of birth to be featured the next issue of 𝐄𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐞. #HappyBirthday #EssexFellsMagazine #EFM #EssexFells #EssexFellsNJ #NewJersey #WeLoveOurResidents #TurningNeighborhoodsIntoCommunities - @essex_fells_magazine on Instagram

A Helipro participa da Heli Expo. A Maior Feira de Helicópteros do Mundo! - @heliprobrasil on Instagram

It’s all in the details 🤩 - @jsportsxs on Instagram

Good to go at @officialbsb @doningtonpark we will be running from 8.45am, situated in parc ferme as usual. - @dynojetuk on Instagram

予選は2番手でした。 明日は、キラキラ輝く走りがしたいですね😀 - @koudai_tsukakoshi on Instagram

Your average Million Dollar Dream with $5 in my pocket, no entourage just an above average will to want it. #tbt #maga #alllivesmatter #trumptrain #leversgoinnorthlikemybananaseat - @seanhamblin on Instagram

Pretty cool job!!! - @vaughanclint on Instagram

Since we’re on a bit of a hold at the moment right now here’s some pics from Daytona last weekend. When do you guys think we will be back under the lights? #daytonabeach #worldisgoingcrazy #ijustwanttorace - @carter_halpain on Instagram

Horrible practice, horrible weather, horrible tourney, happy to get a limit. Excited to fish the regional on Lanier. I’ve never been there and hope to figure those spots out! - @brett_cannon on Instagram

Getting prepared for snowmobile season early ✅ . . . . . #snowmobiling #zbrozracing #logancoach #youngtruckandtrailer #enclosedtrailer #toyhauler #winteriscoming #snow #thinkyoung #thinkfun #yag - @youngtrucktrailer on Instagram

1st gate pick today...is this the holeshot gate? I hope so ✊🏻 - @jbonejgr on Instagram

A quick run down on the 30second awnings . We still have stock of the awnings . Yes , I’m not the best person to be doing videos ! #30secondawnings #awnings #camping @30secondawnings_toowoomba #bigblue @the_big_blue_truck #orderyours today - @toowoombasteering on Instagram

- @raddecals2689 on Instagram

- @finbarprior on Instagram

Words would never do justice the love a parent has for a child. The second Abby was born in 2006 I was in it, hook, line and sinker. The last 14 years have been the greatest of my life. I am not a perfect Dad. I have made all the mistakes. I just try to get better at it everyday. Though if I’ve done anything perfectly its have a unbreakable, unconditional, indescribable love for my children that grows every day. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad’s out there, especially my Dad, Big Mike. Love you Dad. #fathersday #dad - @okeefmr on Instagram

These Tiny little Sharks 🦈 are stealing our hearts 💕!! That’s some serious SASS✨ from these little cuties! #cheer #athletes #tiny #kiddos #cuties #babysharks #teammates #confidentkids #bestsport #havefun #friendship #cheersportsharks #jawsquad - @cheersportsharks1 on Instagram

Vehicle wrap completed @easycleanmelbourne - @halfpriceprint on Instagram

Must say with 6 days left before we open our second gym which is the dream gym. I am beyond lucky I have the most supportive partner. She is the glue of this and does all the behind the scenes “hard work “ . Doesn’t complain nor ask for anything. This isn’t her dream but you wouldn’t know it by the work she does ontop of Armada and raising two girls. Enough with the cute stuff , time to grind it out last 6 days . Lastly we’re both lucky we found Josh Driver and Kallie who has brought in a kick ass team . Carbon is coming ! - @brent_laffey on Instagram

Another open house with another one of our favorite venues today! Thanks for having us @stonehousevilla 😁 #dj #djlife #weddingdj #wedding #weddings #topnotchatx #party #partytime #dance #dancing #music #austintexas #austin #texas #event #events #eventdj #booknow #austinwedding #austinweddings #atx #atxwedding #atxweddings #austinevents #atxevents @djdtwr - @austinstopnotch on Instagram

👻Happy Halloween 👻 🌺Feliz Dia De Los Muertos 🌺 Seize your moment y hay que vivir sonriendo para morir contentos 💀 . . . . . . #StaySafeEveryone #HappyDayOfTheDead #RememberandCelebrate #Hertiage #Culture #MMA #WMMA #TeamJag #TBT #UFCPhilly ##LaVidaEsUnaLucha #FelizDiaHalloween #SmileandBelieve - @jagatt on Instagram

How’s our driving? Call 403-999-5651 and ask for Taylor. . . . #yycdelivery #yycliving #naturallyraised #supportlocalyyceats - @pioneeryyc on Instagram

Meine Patientin von gestern Abend. 🐄 eigentlich wurde ich zu der #Kuh gerufen, da sie augenscheinlich Verdauungsstörungen hatte. Das war auch der Fall, leider hatte sie einen Darmverschluss. Da es ihr schon sehr schlecht ging, der Kreislauf bereits nicht mehr gut war und die Kuh starke Schmerzen hatte entschieden der #Landwirt und ich, sie zu erlösen. 😔 . ➡️ dann schaute ich mir das Euter aber nochmal genauer an. Bei der allgemeinen Untersuchung war es mir bereits aufgefallen, da die Kuh jedoch erst einmal ein anderes, größeres Problem hatte, haben wir uns erst später näher mit dem Euter befasst. Die Zitze und die darüber liegende Haut waren lila verfärbt und mit Luft gefüllt. Erst bei kräftigem ausmassieren des darüber liegenden Gewebes kam ein wenig eitriges Sekret zum Vorschein. Das hatte ich auch noch nicht erlebt (naja doch, einmal bei einem Schaf) 😳 . ℹ️ Da auch ich immer wieder gerne dazu lerne diskutiere ich solche Fälle gerne mal mit Kollegen und die allgemeine Vermutung war, dass diese Veränderungen wahrscheinlich von Clostridien verursacht wurden. Das sind Bakterien, die typische Gasbildner sind. Möglicherweise sind sie durch den Darmverschluss vom Darm ins Blut und von dort ins Euter gelangt. 100% werden wir es wohl nicht mehr rückverfolgen können. Trotzdem mal ein spannender Fall, den man selten sieht! 🤓 auch wenn es sehr schade ist, dass wir für die Kuh nicht mehr tun konnten. Aber wenigstens vom Leiden erlöst! Was hattet ihr schon an seltenen Fällen bei euren Tieren? Ich bin gespannt 🤗 #milchkuh #euter #westerwald #altenkirchen #morsbach #waldbröl #nümbrecht #tierarzt #tierarztpraxis #tierarztpraxislindau #tierarztpraxis_lindau #qmmunity #qmmunitytierarztpraxis #rheinsiegkreis #oberbergischerkreis #reichshof #grosstierpraxis #großtierpraxis #siebengebirge #königswinter - @tierarztpraxis_lindau on Instagram

Why don’t you @showmeyour.beard ? #beard #bearded #sexyman #hunk #beards #hairy #scruffy #hoscos @nveurv23 thanks 🙏 - @showmeyour.beard on Instagram

A big shout out to Jay Renolds for the support of G3 racing and our Veterans.. #veterans #g3racing #VRA @nitroarenacross - @g3_racingmx on Instagram

Here we go. Race day here in Daytona. @chasemarquier73 @johnshort43 @ryderfloyd296 @craigrandell_ @steve.pohl.177 @codygilmore374 . @supercrosslive @manlukracing, @team_krracing, @maximhondayamaha, @defygraphics, @mergeracing, @younglivingcanada, @vallencanada, , @the_cooperators, , #bloedelconstruction, #camtechmechancalservice, @pirellimx, @bludlubricants, @flyracingusa, @firepowerparts, @fmf73, @rekluse_motorsports, @vertexpistons, @dubyausa, @twin_air, @guts_racing_inc, @odigrips, @worksconnection, @ufoplastusa, @engineice, @bolt_motorcycle_hardware, @vpracingfuels - @team_krracing on Instagram

Proud of you little man. 2nd time racing 1st at this track and it was NOT a easy track, you got stuck in knee high ruts, sunk in some clay, came off a bunch of times and picked your own bike back up and kept going 👊🏻👊🏻 good job little dude. - @huxleynolan on Instagram

Grab this months issue now! View our story and SWIPE UP! #mxnews #dirtbikelife #dbrfamily - @dbrmagazine on Instagram

Pretty in Pink and for the Weekend! #arizona #phoenix #scottsdale #summer #summervibes #summertime #weekend #weekendvibes #pink #flamingo #flamingos - @dj_soloman on Instagram

Some great racing from @brycen_neal at Burr Oak @gncc_racing this weekend! Nice work! 💪 // 📸 @kenhill127 #partsunlimited #wesupportthesport #gnccracing #gncc #burroak #atv #atvracing #mooseracing - @parts_unlimited on Instagram

This gorgeous woman 😍 what a breathe of fresh air! Karis is kind, genuine, charismatic and her smile always brightens my day. What an absolute treasure 💕 @karis_britton What sets you up for the day? I go to bed super early and find this time to be my quiet time after a busy day, this sets me up with lots of energy and a positive mindset for the next day. I’m a morning person, love to exercise for half an hour to an hour with a run, walk or workout before brekky coffee and work! What is one defining moment in your life? I lost someone very close to me as a teenager and this really shaped my life and my path both personally and professionally. It made me realise very early on in life that you only live once and you’ve got to take it with both hands and run with it like you may not be here tomorrow. In those moments you work out the type of person you are and what strength you really have. This defining moment lead me to song writing and singing and finding my inner voice, it lead me to media, making people laugh and smile and also management where working with individuals to help develop showcase and embrace their brilliance really has been a reflection on bringing out the best and making others see how brilliant they and this life really is. I’ve had challenges, setbacks as well as success but that one moment in my life makes me eager to always improve set goals and achieve them and most of all embrace everyone I love around me and never take them for granted for a minute. What does dream day look like for you? I love my family of 4 soon to be 5 and our bigger family and friends like nothing else in this world, if I could spend a dream day my way it would be having all our favourites to the farm for lots of entertaining laughing and smiling. I can never have too much of hosting our family and friends and socialising with them, it’s definitely my favourite thing to do. What does self care mean to you? Self care to me is consistency. I’m the worst relaxer you would meet so I try and keep consistent with everything else, I look after myself by keeping a balanced diet, exercising and laughing! #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #selfcare #nalamae - @lovenalamae on Instagram

@venturinimotorsports is getting set for the #GreenFlag! #Flexzilla #ARCA - @officialflexzilla on Instagram

You can’t tell me this wasn’t for Scott! Full Husky podium! You were the most kind and genuine person I had the pleasure of working with @scott_burtness you will forever be missed! - @christylacurl on Instagram

Built this @rockstarhusky race bike what feels like forever ago for @bollinger18 but injuries and racing happen. Excited to see how our guest #celebrity fill in rider @zacho_16 does on this @husqvarnamotorcyclesusa race bike. @flyracingusa @ridedunlop #motorcycle #motorcycles #dirtbike #dirtbikes #motorbike #motobike #husqvarna #husqvarnamotorcycles - @bauer651 on Instagram

- B&W

Love and miss you pop. 💔 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 - @cpeck511 on Instagram

What a day! Pole and 2nd! Big ups to @kellyracingaus for the turn around in form from yesterday 👌🏻. I think we have found some much needed pace! Bring on Darwin 💪🏻 - @andreheimgartner on Instagram

Ground works commenced at the new Flagship Storage King at Robina 🤜 #steelfixing #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastbuilder #construction - @stateline_steelfixing on Instagram

Things seem to be clicking at the moment! 3 WXC wins in a row @gncc_racing! Big ups to everyone in my corner making it happen 🤟🏻✊🏼 @amproyamaha - @rachael_archer65 on Instagram

All set for tomorrow! 2019 Bib! #motatapu - @onlythegreek on Instagram

Champions!⚽️🥇 - @martinnnstagram on Instagram

The podium for the @rcvperformance #nrrs RD 3 bouncer class. 1. @tim_cameron_racing 2. @pike557ci 3. @dannysmithracing - @southernrockracing on Instagram

De rullar på! Mot en ny helg ✅ #mörksskogsmaskiner #komatsuforestofficial #skogen #viskogsmaskinsförare #randebladteknikab #komatsuforest #skördare #komatsu951 - @randebladteknikab on Instagram

Race bike shake down for @jessedobson14 ahead of this weekends mountain man @toowoombamxclub if your in the area come down to watch some great racing! #raceline2020 @recover8_au @ktm.australia @thormx_aus @racelineperformance_ @ridedunlopau @procircuit78 @motorexaus - @raceline_motorsports on Instagram

2 x 2019 Maxxis British Championship holeshots, 2 x Evotech tuned engines powered with VP Racing fuels and Vortex ignitions #tommysearle100 #liamknight134 #poweredbyevotech #therightchoice #trakindustries - @evotech_racing on Instagram

🚨NEW STOCKIST: Our Garlic & Basil olive pouches are now available in @costco_uk nationwide!!! 🚨 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ A huge huge thanks to all of our olive fanatics and fam-olly out there, if it wasn’t for you we certainly wouldn’t be in the position to make this announcement today. And special shoutout to @buxtonthreetwo who have design masterminded yet another new product along with swanky new cases for us. MASSIVE love to you all. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To celebrate the launch we’ll be sending an extra special care package to everyone who buys one of our new cases from Costco during September - just DM us a photo of you cuddled up to your case and we’ll get that sorted for you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ And for those of you wondering whether the Costco membership is worth a punt… ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “Eye Tests, 18 Inch Pizzas, 60 Inch Plasma TVs, LED Diffusers, Walls of Wine, Original Source Mint Shower Gel, Moutains of Choco Crepes, Gallons of Nando’s Sauce and OLLY’S OLIVES - Costco now officially has it all!!!” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (Except for our Nuts & Pretzel Thins of course - Olly’s already on the case!) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Have a lovely eve all! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ X - @ollys.ollys on Instagram

@ussleagues Surefire MultiGun World Championships is over and I proved pistol shooters can 3gun too. Had an interesting match and have a ton of upside but had a great time shooting with my 3gun friends. Amazing match by @maverickt2360 and crew as always. 1st place Optics!!!🏆 @canikusa @canikarms @centuryarms @tarantactical @berrysmfg @voodootacticalofficial @house_of_hearing @dillonprecision - @noskillsnils on Instagram

Lactatetesting with some of the team in Ado Arena in Bergen. Good result and good progression in the pool since the pools opened in June. #livetpåtriatlonlandslaget #roadtoparis2024 #dreamteam #lactatetesting #huubdesign #garminnorge - @arildt on Instagram

Great weekend here in Adelaide! Won the race yesterday and the overall win came down to the very last corner today scraping with @robbygordon. Finished P2 in points. Can’t wait for more to come this year. @boostaus @carlislecompaniesinc @ssupertrucks @adelaide500 - @mattybrabs on Instagram

First @officialbsb win of the year🥳 thanks team @mcamsyamaha! - @tarranmac95 on Instagram

Huge congratulations to @adamkmcgill on getting back on the podium this past weekend at the @gncc_racing Nationals! obortires #gnccracing #rzr #utv #offroad #polarisrzr #sxs #rzrturbo #offroading #rzrlife #maverickx #utvunderground #canam #atv #sidebyside #polaris #utvracing #utvmagazine #superatv #turbos #atvmotocross #utvaddicts - @obortires on Instagram

Congrats to #TeamFK driver Kyle Larson on winning Kevin Gobrecht Classic at @bapsmotorspeedway. #WeLikeWinners - @fkrodends on Instagram

Prêt pour le WW Ranch @promotocross ! 🔴👊 📸 @lebigusa — #100percent #mecanicsport #motocross - @100percentmoto_france on Instagram

THE CHAMP🏆 @john_john_florence I meet John John & him family in 2005. It’s been amazing to watch him turn into the humble Top Athlete he has. Great role model. All of us at Da Hui Wax are so happy for you👊🏼 Congrats to the Bells Beach Champion⚡️TeamDaHuiWax is unstoppable.... @huioheenalunorthshore #dahuiwax #dahui #huioheenalunorthshore - @dahuiwax on Instagram

HUNK @gngr_8 ◾️◽️◼️◻️⬛️🔳🔲🔳🔲🔳⬛️◻️◼️◽️◾️▫️follow @hunkycollective & @ultrahunky Check out our submission rules in story highlights #stayhunky ▪️▫️◾️◽️◼️◻️⬛️⬜️⬛️◻️◼️◽️◾️▫️▪️ #stud #gaypride #handsome #instagay #gaysnap #gayinsta #gayman #gaymen #beardedgay #gay #gayfitness #gayfit #gayworld #gaybrazil #gayuk #gaynyc #muscles #instafit #gaychicago #gaylondon #gaybarcelona #gayberlin #gayparis #gaylatino #bearded #gaymiami #gaylatino #gaybcn #gaycanada #gayblack - @ultrahunky on Instagram

We love our Broncos even when they don’t win. Great weekend at the Las Vegas Bowl. Best part was being together as a family. 🧡💙🏈❤️ - @jenniferbanks67 on Instagram

@promotocross Round 1 🤡 📸- @brandorkphotography , next weekend can’t come fast enough, sorry @kjc_fitted - @hunterlawrence on Instagram

The office dog 🐕 - Crash , just waiting for a mate this morning to throw his frisbee #workdog #sparkylife #covid19 #goldcoast #electrician - @correctconnectionselectrical on Instagram

Link in bio! @omroepbrabant #Comeback 🥊🐰 - @therabbit91 on Instagram

Ausbildung ✅ Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung und die Schöne Zeit @maximilianchef und das gesamte Team ❤️ - @chris__wbr on Instagram

Super excited to get back to @nhharacing August 22nd, Panaca, NV @Tarahgieger is batting 1000 going 3 for 3 wins 🏁🏁🏁this season earning her a solid points lead in the Women’s Pro division. Her mechanic @gageday has her race winning NHHA CRF250RX prepped and ready to rock! 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 . . . . . @honda_powersports_us @flyracingusa @maxxistires @jlrayco @acerbisusa @motionpro @antigravitybatteries @throttlejockey @renthal_moto @procircuit78 @amegrips @twin_air @galferusa @skfgroup @imsproducts @vpracingfuels @hinsonracing @alpinestars @didchain @nuetech.nitromousse.tubliss @amegrips @innteck_usa @Billet_racing_products @racecousainc @panicrev @bajahq @johnnycampbell11x @Honda_Racing_US - @jcrhonda on Instagram

#elevatedpowersports heading to Sturgis for the Buffalo chip 100 - @yorracing on Instagram

🤜🏼🤛🏼Shake AND Bake. @ridestacyc #ridesooner #sharestacyc - @ridestacyc on Instagram

On the move! 🚦 Todays relocation team + our client @tiananana13. #relocation#INSPHIRE#insphirerelocations#aucklandmovers#saturdaysarefortheboys - @insphirenz on Instagram

TIP TOP TOWING TELL THE COP YOU WANT TIP TOP!!! #tiptop #towlife #towing #toronto #the6 #towtruck #hamilton #ancaster #mackids #macmaster #mackids #burlington #oakville #grimsby #niagara #cars #hammer #htown #skyway #hamiltontigercats #ticats #hamiltonpolice #cityofhamilton #dundas #spectator @hamiltonspectator @hamiltonpoliceontario @cityofhamilton @hamiltonhealthsciences @hamiltontigercats @honeybadgers.cebl - @tiptoptowing on Instagram

Please share on Facebook.. please don’t just comment or like. Please share and let’s get some money in. Here’s the deal... We all have a lot of friends and family in the service industry who are going to be effected by what’s going on... and I hate that. Therefore, I am going to try to do something to help. Since we all have to be stuck at home for a while, I am going to help entertain you for some small donations. All money Venmo’d to me will be collected and will go straight to the USBG emergency fund. Here are a couple ideas I have and if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Venmo @Chris-Duggan-6 $10... we will FaceTime and take a shot together. (This could get messy)(let’s get messy) $20...I will send you a recording of our new band Ruin the Nites tune “Voices”. $30... I will record a clip of the song/ artist of your choice. (Make um weird) Celine Dion already chosen. Thanks Jerry Vohrer. $40... I will record a prank phone call to who ever you choose. Dealers choice. (I will make it weird) $50... I will draw you a picture of whatever you want and send via email, then the actual framed drawing when all this shits over with. (Make it weird) $200... I will write and record a collaboration with you. You tell me the subject matter, pick the style of music and give me any words, phrases or whatever... and we will produce a jam. (Make um weird) If you do decide to support this, these clips, art and whatever’s will be shared on Facebook in order to help nudge more people to support raising more money for the fund. Let’s all help support our friends and family in the service industry and let’s do it with a smile and a laugh. We’ll need um. PS. Fuck Covid-19!!! - @barrhillduggan on Instagram

We are pretty sure we are OFFICIAL now! Our new lobby art courtesy of our friends @motulusa Outstanding installation by @graphxsolution - @triangle_imports on Instagram

Liza and I are super proud to have had our HACCP plan certified earlier this month. It represents not just the safety of our products, but our knowledge of our products. We’ve come along way from me googling “ how do you make pickles?”. We got a lot of exciting things planned for the rest of 2020 and can’t wait to share them with you! - @iamjamesbarbour on Instagram

#repost @grantsesl Love it when the hard work from the first fix pays off with @stabila_uk #stabila #stabilalevels #beatruepro #stabilalasers #laser #lasers #electrician #electrical #onsite #tools #toolsofthetrade #firstfixelectrics #firstfix - @stabila_uk on Instagram

After a little cleanup this morning, practice is up and running. #michiganmotocross #redbudmx - @redbudmx on Instagram

A few more from the weekend. 🤘🏼 - @adamcianciarulo on Instagram

#berlin #calling - @ullibiernacki_fashionstylist on Instagram

YAMAHA Demo rides at KOH ! - @captain_solomon on Instagram

I love taking pictures. Especially on a car that finished 10th today in the @nascarxfinityseries race today at Dover after qualifying on the pole. - @fourcentmedia on Instagram

Because, without a shadow of a doubt, Racecar. Unreal heritage at @rennsportcollective - @ivaletuk_rob on Instagram

At this point of Vic metro lockdown who wouldn’t want to win cocktails from @drink2u_melbourne 🍸 Give them a follow & Checkout their Instagram post to win Posted @withregram • @drink2u_melbourne Some exciting news! Drink2u_Melbourne, is doing a photo shoot this coming Monday. Well be making 3 cocktails for this photo shoot #espressomartini #abitapassionowncreation #japaneseslippercocktail As a thank you for your support, we will be giving away 3 of these cocktails to 3 lucky followers. Simply state your suburb, like, share and tag 3 friends in the comments below before 8am Monday. Lucky recipients will be published on Monday morning. Delivery will only be made en route from Docklands to Chelsea, must be accepted in person and of legal drinking age. Good luck. @drink2u_melbourne #cocktails #cocktaildelivery #cocktaildeliverytoyourdoor #cocktaildeliveryservice #cocktaildeliveriesmelbourne #melbourne #melbournecocktails #getyourdrinkon🍹 #chelsea #chelsea3196 #drink2u #cheers2u @cocktails_by_design @supportsmallkingstonvic @kingston_collective_community @kingstoncouncil - @supportsmallkingstonvic on Instagram

🎤time #podium @lorettalynnmx #tld #tldmoto #tldmyline #ride100percent #mx #moto #tbt #oneweekago #hookit #letsdoitagainnextyear - @tiger_wood43 on Instagram

@therealjs7 and @malcolmstewart on #redbullstraightrhythm - @redbullstraightrhythm on Instagram

Farewell to @alexpowellracing . Good luck in Italy 🇮🇹 for WSK 2020. 5 races 5 win in junior. We tried X30 , Rok gp, KA100, different chassis, tuner, engine builder, starting position, result remain the same. Victory 🥇🌴☀️🏎💨 #karting #racing #wsk #roadtof1 #miami #iame #rok - @yannickrollandracing on Instagram

We’d like to recognize our daughter, Emma Beat @beats002 , for being selected as a Polaris Adventure Ambassador! Look for her on Facebook and Insta to see all the adventures she features on her pages. Congratulations kiddo!!!! - @weezieswildrides on Instagram

Cut it close the last Moto, I got taken out the second lap and didn’t have a front break the rest of the Moto. Went 1-3-8 for 5th. We’re going to Loretta’s in 250 B stk and mod 🤘🏼✊🏼 - @ryanv838 on Instagram

Two years with this wonderful human. Through long distance, cancer, and now a pandemic, Im still just so glad we decided to throw caution to the wind and give it a go. . Im also glad that even though we couldnt go out for a fancy dinner, we could still dress and eat fancy at home. 😘 💙💙💙 . . . #fancy #pandemiclife #stayhome #stayinside #quarantine #socialdistancing #homelife #stillfancy #love #homeiswheretheheartis - @davebulters on Instagram

- Vehicle Lettering

The Hot fam wants you to help the Hasbro Children’s Hospital Fam! Text HASBRO to 68683 and do your donation thing! #HCHRadiothon @lifespanhealth - @hot106prov on Instagram

Let the games begin 🏌🏻♂️ #fitonefour #topgolf #team - @whitmer22 on Instagram

UNA NUEVA ETAPA 👨⚕️💪🏻 - Muchísimo trabajo para llegar hasta aquí. Empiezan 4 años de muchísimo trabajo y aprendizaje. El camino difícil , que ha recorrido de más horas, trabajo y sacrificio siempre me ha traido los mejores resultados a largo plazo. Y aquí estamos, una vez más, apostando por el trabajo duro, el esfuerzo y el aprendizaje. - Si le preguntara al Antelm que empezó la carrera dónde quería estar a día de hoy, no de hubiera imaginado estar aquí con todo lo conseguido. Ahora, puedo mirar atrás y ver que decir que no a planes que me apetecían , a noches cortas y días largos, a obsesionarle con aprender a intentar ser mejor que ayer... todo esto ha válido la pena. Si, ha valido la pena. - Cómo decía Steve Jobs, la vida debes vivirla hacía adelante y la entenderás mirando hacía atrás. Estoy “connecting the dots” de mi vida. Orgulloso de haber llegado aquí, hoy. Humilde y consciente de todo el trabajo y conocimiento pendiente de aprender/ hacer. - No hay victoria deseada sin batalla difícil. - Os quiere vuestro doc❤️👨⚕️💪🏻 - - - - - 💊 Suplementacion: codigo ANTELM 10% descuento en @emfit_nutrition . 🤓 Formaciones: Seminario pérdida de grasa 4 de Octubre (link en mi bio) 🔥 Ropa : codigo ANTELM 10% descuento @agon_gym 👨⚕️ Canal de YouTube: thefitmedstudent ( 11k ) 📚 Autor: Guía definitiva para mejorar el descanso nocturno (link en mi bio) - - #medico #antelm #medicina #salud #reflexion #motivacion #constancia #paciencia #suplementos #proteina #proteinas #batidos #medicina #creatina #medico #medicos #suplementos #suplementacion #suplementaciondeportiva #antelm #drantelm #alimentacion #nutricion #examenes #mente #examen #rendimientocognitivo #mente - @thefitmedstudent on Instagram

Une page se tourne... un grand merci à @josse_sallefranque et toute son équipe @teamhondasr ainsi qu’à @hondamotofr pour leur soutien ces 3 dernières saisons. J’ai eu la chance de pouvoir participer à toutes les plus importantes courses en France dans de super condition. MERCI À VOUS - @boog121 on Instagram

On the grid with this years Michelin Pilot Challenge GT4 champions and IMSA president. #audiclubga #audisport #r8gt4 #39carbahn - @audiclubga on Instagram

2019 Rookie of the Year ✅ Quota Club ✅ Presidents Club ✅ - @kmallery11 on Instagram

Summit County Commits to 100% Clean Vehicle Future. As National Electric Drive Week kicked off in Colorado, the Summit County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution committing the community to 100 percent zero-emission vehicles in the community by 2050. A coalition of clean vehicle advocates applauded the County for its leadership in driving the state toward a cleaner transportation system. In the board’s unanimous approval of the resolution, Summit County joins Boulder County, the City and County of Denver and the City of Boulder in making the commitment and being recognized as a GoEV Community. As the effects of climate change increasingly impact Colorado and other westerns states, GoEV communities are seeking to set an example in tackling the single largest source of climate change pollution in Colorado by accelerating the transition to zero-emissions vehicles. “Summit County is excited to take this step during the Ninth Annual Drive Electric Week, because we want to double down on our fight against climate change,” Summit County Commissioner Karn Stiegelmeier said. “We have already made the commitment to 100 percent clean electricity, so it’s only a matter of common sense for us to fully embrace clean transportation as well. We know that EVs improve air quality, save money and drive economic growth, all while addressing carbon pollution and the climate crisis.” - @summitcountygov on Instagram

Good times at Space Camp. Little did we know we’d only get 2 shows in.. missin’ y’all out there 👊🏻 #DownToEarthTour #TBT - @coleswindell on Instagram

Merry Christmas fools 🎉🚑 @nswambulance #merrychristmas #ambulancefamily - @hashbrown_14 on Instagram

Let the pros at @digital_installers take care of your home and we’ll take care of your vehicle! Call or Dm us today to get started on your next BIG Project! * * * #safewayprinting #design #print #digitalinstallers #home #theatre #light #security #entertainment #vehiclewraps #3m #installation #signalhill #longbeach #california - @safewayprinting on Instagram

📸 @nigelkinrade - @tannergray15 on Instagram

Feeling cute, might roll a #miata. - @lightingwerkz on Instagram

1ª viagem sozinha! - @leticiamunizletpop on Instagram

Been too long Hope you’re all good 😉❤️🙏 • • • • • • • #nuneaton #snap #chill #actor #model #smile #backtothose300hashtags #ilookgoodthough #😉 #nofilter #allme haha I’ll post something decent soon I promise 😂 OnlyFans Nah I’m joking - @francistroughley on Instagram

Excited on the dyno feedback that mapping improved the 2021 crf 450 now off to @glenhelenraceway for track testing. - @twisteddevelopmentracing on Instagram

- @tomjmoore11 on Instagram

Can’t believe it’s been two years since we wore wetsuits together. We’re reuniting with Hollywood bad boy and YOLo show runner @michaelrcusack tonight at 6! - @williamsswap on Instagram

Good overall start to SX. @marco4646 goes 2nd overall. @jamiepowell562 takes the B main win and looks to make the A tmrw. Missing today was @austinjones223 who took a digger in practice and sprained his wrist. He will test it tmrw in practice and make the call if he can go. @fxrmoto @yamahamotorcanada #performance ONE Electric 📸 @lissimorephoto - @mx101racing on Instagram

Em comemoração ao dia Nacional do Trânsito, a Van do SEST SENAT esteve na empresa aferindo a pressão arterial, glicemia e também entregando brindes aos funcionários. . Agradecemos ao SEST SENAT pela parceria e a participação de todos os colaboradores que passaram por aqui. . #stilo #stilofretamento #sestsenat #sestsenatdivinopolis - @stilofretamento on Instagram

hot times - hard times to #workout Herrlich, wie die #sonne scheint dieser Tage! Und herrlich, wenn man am T-Shirt aus der vergangenen #saison erkennt, dass sich das #training bezahlt gemacht hat. Der #trainingsplan und die #ernährungsumstellung ergänzen sich gut- #bodytransformation Wenn ich mir die Zeit fürs #gym nehme, dann nutze ich diese auch- #highintensityworkout - „jeden Satz auch so meinen“ Dieses #level bei dem aktuellen #klima zu halten erfordert, dass der Körper verstärkt mit #flüssigkeit und #mineralien versorgt wird. Wollt ihr weiterhin #leistung bringen und weiterhin Euer #workout effektiv nutzen, dann müsst ihr diese Versorgung unbedingt anpassen. Wie erlebt ihr eure #gymtime und wir ergänzt Ihr, um stabil und kraftvoll zu bleiben? #hardworkpaysoffs #fitness #fitnesstrainer #fitnesstips #personaltrainer #personaltraining #personalcoaching #personalcoach #abnehmen #abnehmen2020 #bodytransformations # #getshredded #abs #sixpack - @sven.weedermann on Instagram

Fin de semana de Cross country con Rodrigo Gutiérrez en la infernal Toyota overdrive. Muchísimas Felicidades a todo el equipo Gutiérrez racing por los campeonatos y gran trabajo a lo largo de todo el año....🏆👆👏#Gutierrezracing - @humbertorocavaca on Instagram

Solid Day 1 on the St. Lawrence with 21-8 has me sitting 9th! Need 5 good ones again tomorrow! I’ll have a camera tomorrow so make sure to watch ESPN 2 for all the smallmouth action🎣. #bassmaster #basselite #berkleyfishing #abugarcia #daysboatsales #cumberlandprolures #holstongases #forchtbank #minnkota #humminbirdfishing #flatworm @berkleyfishing @abugarcia_fishing @daysboatsales - @mikehuff_fishing on Instagram

@eric_jeffery looked good in his first practice session at Olympic stadium in Montreal. ... ... #ClubMX @gammapowersports @redemptionracingmx ... #RSR #Jefferyhomes @gpbikeswhitby @brewercycles @hoosiertire #Westwood’scontracting @ktm_canada @francksiri @rickziebell #WohletzLawOfficePA @ynsdesigns @defiancelifestyleclothing @bermshredder @shoeihelmetsusa @powerbandracing @cycra @cv4powersports @twisteddevelopmentracing @nihiloconcepts @vpracingfuels @pivotworks @vertexpistons @mikametals @dt1filtersusa @matrixconcepts @evanscoolantdr @guts_racing_inc @tamermx @hinsonracing @fmf73 @dubyausa @ride100percent @clubmxpracticefacility ... #mx #moto #nihilotribe #motocross #dirtbikes #promotocross #thisismoto #flyracing #triplecrownseries - @redemptionracingmx on Instagram

▪️Ich Wünsche euch einen Schöööönen Guten Mooorgen☺️☺️🤗 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▪️Neue Woche, neues Glück 🍀🙏🏻 Startet mit neuer Motivation und Stärke in denn Tag und gibt euer bestes 💯☺️ !! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ▪️ Die letzen 10 Wochen sind angebrochen der Massephase, jetzt heißt es nochmal essen essen essen 🤪 und das Training auf 110% oder am besten alles geben was ich habe 💯✅💪 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ▪️Letzte Woche gab es eine kleine Veränderung in meiner Wohnung 🛏 wie auch bei mir 💇🏼♂️ 😊 Änderungen muss man vornehmen um in seinem Leben weiter zukommen Dein Weg, Deine Bestimmung ,jede Hürde ist ein Hindernis, aber versucht euch keine Steine in denn Weg zulegen wenn doch seit stark genug um sie heben zu können 💪 und macht euch keine falschen Gedanken das es nicht klappt, ALLES IM LEBEN KLAPPT, man muss nur seinen Arsch in Bewegung setzen☝🏻 , Also fangt an 💯🔥🔥💪!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ▪️Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Tag 😊😊 —————————————— #gym #changes #smile #happy #fitnessmotivation #gymjunky #goodvibes #positivevibes #new #week #boy #fit #goals #discipline #staystrong #hairstyle #hanau #germany #hessen #instafit #goodmorning #fitfam #keepsmiling #selfie #selfietime - @bastifitness_ on Instagram

🔥Der Hochsommer steht vor der Tür und was passt besser zu einem heißen Sommertag als ein kühles Bier und feinster 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬𝐬? 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐳 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐮! Und aus diesem Grund haben wir von #Kreiselmeyer zusammen mit @kreutzers.eu ein einmaliges Gewinnspiel ins Leben gerufen. Gewinne einen exklusiven GUSTUS Single #Oberhitzegrill mit individueller Namens- oder Logogravur auf der Front (𝘞𝘦𝘳𝘵: 949€) und einem 𝟐𝟓𝟎€ Gutschein für das perfekte Grillgut von 𝐊𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐳𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝘎𝘦𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘵: 1.199€) ___________________ ❗️𝘛𝘦𝘪𝘭𝘯𝘢𝘩𝘮𝘦𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯: 1 • 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬: - @gustus_grill - @kreutzers.eu - @kreiselmeyer_umformtechnik - @kreiselmeyer_design 2 • 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠 3 • 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝟒 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞 in den Kommentaren (𝘔𝘦𝘩𝘳𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘳𝘩ö𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘎𝘦𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦) 4 • 𝐓𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠 in deiner Story und verlinke @gustus_grill & @kreutzers.eu ____________ ⚠️Die Teilnahme an der Verlosung ist erst ab 18 erlaubt und ist auf Teilnehmer aus Deutschland beschränkt. Weder Facebook noch Instagram haben einen Bezug zu diesem Giveaway. Mit der Teilnahme an dieser Verlosung, willigst Du ein, dass wir dich anschreiben dürfen und dich im Fall eines Gewinns nach deinen Kontaktdaten bitten dürfen um dir deinen Gewinn zustellen zu können. (𝘋𝘪𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘬ö𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘶𝘧 𝘥𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘥𝘳ü𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘞𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘩 𝘯𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘭ö𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯) Die Giveaway-Aktion endet am 03.07.20 um 18:00 Um gewinnen zu können, müssen alle der 4 oben genannten Bedingungen erfüllt sein. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Der Gewinner wird nach Zufallsprinzip ermittelt und am 06.07.20 im Laufe des Tages per DM benachrichtigt. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, die Bedingungen zu ändern. Viel Glück 💛 @gustus_grill @kreutzers.eu ______________ www.kreiselmeyer-grill.de www.kreutzers.eu #grillen #mussichhaben #oberhitzegrill #grillenmitfreunden #geilesteil #grill #verlosung #giveaway #gewinnspiel - @gustus_grill on Instagram

The Official Logo of the 2020 ACC Tournament - @sportschannel8 on Instagram

@worcsracing round 7 was awesome. @thaddy989 got off to a typical start, crashing within the first couple turns. Fell way behind but dropped the hammer and got it done. So pumped for him and to be back racing out west. And to win on @alyssa_joyy birthday! - @tanner__tremaine on Instagram

- @nathalie.purified on Instagram

Cest déjà re partie pour 10 jours avec le retour de la grande structure et toujours des nouveautés 😎 #back att the office #GALAXYCOMPETITION #YOURTEAM #energycorsefrance #simumotionperformance - @galaxycompetition on Instagram

2013 / 2020 - 250 races today. Thanks to everyone who has helped me achieve my dreams. Bring on today. #1743 - @smclaughlin93 on Instagram

So long Jaffa, that was a hectic but fun road trip. #goldcoastmotorhomehire - @washdistribution on Instagram

DONE ✅🍾🇫🇷 C’est fait, après @rocketpichon101 et @chrispourcel avant lui, @dylanferrandis est devenu double champion US @amasupercross @supercrosslive !!! 💪 Bravo à lui, son coach @dv934, sa femme @nastasiadasilva et tout le team @starracingyamaha 🔵🔵🔵 #sxdeparis2020 🇫🇷 #supercrossparis #supercross #sx #supercrossdeparis #fmx #freestyle #picoftheday #motorsport #monsterenergy #show #showtime #mxmagazine - @mx_magazine on Instagram

U748 love for @fmflild today. The before and after shows the 2 inches they provided for the FMF Tundra!! #leaveittodeaver - @deaver_suspension_inc on Instagram

In Crandon for the offroad world championship. #leadbyexample @visionwheel - @otsff_shipping on Instagram

Comercial wrap ✅ We removed the old and in with the new design. #evolvefilmconcepts #arlonwraps #printwraps #wrapped #socal #comercialwrap #boxtruck #awstickers - @evolvefilmconcepts on Instagram

Fun morning shooting some positive content for @fox5sandiego thanks @heatherlaketv for coming out and having some fun with us. . . . . #carlsbad #carlsbadlagoon #sabdiegocounty #carlsbadbeach #carlsbadvillage #carlsbadcalifornia #sunnysandiego #sosandiego #californialife #socalliving #encinitas #kayakingadventure #kayak #kayaklife #stand up paddleboard #standuppaddleboarding #pontoonboat #onthewater #boatinglife #boatday #boatdays #boatrentals #northcounty #northcountysd #camppendleton #sanclemente #danapoint #lagunaniguel #huntingtonbeach - @carlsbadlagoon on Instagram

Set up for this years king of hammer, good luck everyone!! - @joe_heger on Instagram

Hobart didn’t quite get the dusting that was predicted, but at Mt Field, the snow was certainly not in short supply! - @winnews_tas on Instagram

What a day! I don’t post often, but when I do THE OSU just whipped TTUN AGAIN!! - @dyematthew on Instagram

This wasnt in our September work plans! Our crews had to be evacuated from several backcountry locations for safety, but hopefully well be back on track before too long. Are you loving the snow or wishing for summer to make a return? ❄️🌨️🥶 . . . #coloradosprings #snow #septembersnow #brrr #winteriscoming - @rmficolorado on Instagram

We put a few good deer on the ground this past week here at Northwest Missouri Outfitters. We have more work to get done and bring on October.#missouriwhitetail#bigbucks#mathewsarchery#elitearchery#psearchery#bowtecharchery#ragebroadheads#muzzybroadheads#milliniumtreestands#missourioutfitters - @northwestmissouri on Instagram

Were headed to the ranch! Congratulations to everyone that punched their tickets this past weekend. Thanks to all those who help make it happen 👊🏼. . . @racekawasaki @motoxcompound @ridedunlop @oakleymotorsports @procircuit78 @bell_powersports @answerracing @renthal_moto @throttle_syndicate @acerbisusa @maximausa @hinsonracing @nihiloconcepts - @da300mx on Instagram

Teilverklebung 🚐 #folie#oda#traiskirchen#carwrapping - @folie_oda on Instagram

What a fun weekend. Huge thanks to @jeffcernic and @travispastrana for putting on an awesome event. Plus some super cool trophies. Team CC66 @suzukicycles @monsterarmy @foxmoto @ridedunlop @oakleymotorsports @fmf73 @ohlinsusa @renegadefuel @athletes_of_asterisk @nihiloconcepts @ontrackschool @racelacewheels @lynksracing @hinsonracing @wisecopistoninc @mikametals@motionpro @imsproducts @acerbisusa @ogio @cometicgaskets @asvinventions @addictionindusties @throttle_syndicate @blakesavage762 @motosandbox @thefamilie.v2 #rmarmy #cc66 - @casey_mx66 on Instagram

Pit stop. #bears #bearscubsandbears #bearscubsandbeards #bearsgay #bearsofinstagram #gaybears #bear #hairy #hairymen #hairygay #gayhairy #scruffy #fur #homo #woof #instagay #growl #growlr #hotman #hotmen #male #otter #hotgay #gayman #gaygay #gaypic #gaylove #hotmale - @malverso84 on Instagram

Watched Asa put on a dominate performance at @glorykickboxing #glory67 last night! Great night of fights! #lakeparkkungfu #kungfuusa #glorykickboxing #kickboxing #martialarts - @lakeparkkungfu on Instagram

💥4WP GIVEAWAY💥 ‼️‼️‼️Reminder Post ‼️‼️my 4WP Brothers and I will be giving away 1️⃣AO Cooler, 1️⃣Smittybilt Winch, 1️⃣$100 4WP Gift card, 2️⃣$25 4WP Gift Cards and 3️⃣4WP Sweatshirts to 3️⃣lucky winners. Entering is simple: · Like this Post · FOLLOW @4wheelpartsofficial @kadendanbury27 @dallasgonzalez80 @ethan_groom_11 @t_salle_171 @cashlecroy · 🏷 tag (2) Buddies Giveaway ends Thursday at 11:59 PST. Winners will be announced Friday after the @bitd National Cup 4WP Youth Championship Series! Stay TUNED and GOOD LUCK 🍀 ***No International Shipping (sorry guys) #4wp #4wpofficial #giveaway #contest #polarisrzr #rzr #offroadracing #racing #sxsracing #utvracing #team4wp #offroad #shortcourse #utv #sxs - @t_sallee_171 on Instagram

Spring a ding was a lot of fun really wish my parents could’ve been there but I’m glad I had some good people help me out this weekend big thanks to @blackhillspowersports - @max319makousky on Instagram

The team is ready for racing here in Detroit! - @redemptionracingmx on Instagram

An irresponsible dog owner had her aggressive dog off the lead in the local park today and happened to attack our precious dolly here @queenbulldogzz we are very distraught at what happened today , not just dolly but the other dogs two queenie and priny . We went for our daily afternoon stroll to the park as we got to the entrance a bigger hunter dog type bolted to us whilst we was on the other side of the gate entrance stood on the pavement , the dog came out lunged his body onto dolly and snapped his teeth on her lower back near her vent area and manage to take quite a bit of flesh off her leaving her with a open deep wound ... This could of been really serious but dolly would never react bad towards another dog no matter whats going on. As a dog owner you should know your dog and if your dog not 100 percent with other dogs they should never be let of in public places unless muzzled !! Please be carefully 🙏 #bulldogcute #dogawareness #bewareofdog #becareful #loveyourdog #leads #knowyourdog #scareddog #upset #mixedemotions #shareforawareness #share #dogowner #dogsworldwide #awarenessweek - @queenbulldogzz on Instagram

#Repost @bestinthedesert with @get_repost ・・・ The smile says it all! 1st place Podium for Sam Berri! @samberri1549 car #1549 It was a awesome weekend jam packed full of challenges with the rain, but only one would overcome the odds and get 1st place among staked class of fast and great racers! At The King Shocks Laughlin Desert Classic @kingshocks #bestinthedesert #bitd #laughlindesertclassic #desertracing #proutvracing #ruggedradios #polarisrzr #maxxis #lucasoil #kchilites #fabtechsuspensions #betamotorcycles #methodracewheels #rnrsteelracing #trophytractor #dirtnation #impact #mckenzies #slime #sportsmancyclesales #dicksracingsuspension #actionsportscanopies #metroprintnevada #falladvertising #rhinohub #bfgtires #woolworthmotorsports @jimco_racing_inc @bfgoodrichtires @redline_performance @polarisrzr @optimabatteries @howeperformance @kevinmcmullenracing @ppm_performance @parkerpumper @praxairusa @jamarperformance @jamarbrakes @mcsafety1 @impactbymcs @bajadesignsofficial @pciraceradios @monster_seal @trbeadlocks @fortinracing #samberri - @samberri1549 on Instagram

Daddy day! Took Em to the range where it all started for me. ⛳️⛳️ - @micksmowingsc on Instagram

New shop! - @columbiatentrentals on Instagram

Ridley crushing her first commercial with NASCAR’s Denny Hamlin. - @loydbateman on Instagram

I don’t post much, but some things need to be shared, always a very proud dad , but when your children become national champion at their chosen sport its hard to describe ! Pien, you go girl!!!😘 - @koop_kustoms on Instagram

More scenes from Stafford! P2 finish with the new chassis. 5 races in and its finishes are: 3,1,3,5,2. She’s a good one! . 📸s: Ayers Racing Images . . #racing #nascar @nascarroots #whelenmodifiedtour @nascar.whelen.modified.tour @wheleneng #modifieds @mayhewtools #racecar - @dougcoby on Instagram

• 🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷• 🐰 #smileplease #smilewithoutareasonwhy #strikeapose #🤦🏼♂️ #season17#2k20 #gypsylife #keepgoing #blessed #dp9 #sempreverdi #adòs #conlaòia 📸 @falex79 - @mrlun9o on Instagram

Flashback to a week ago when local Avenel legend Bill Ferguson loaded wool bails from our merino sheep onto his truck at 88 years of age! Impressive! Thank you Bill! 🙏🏻🙌😊 #fowles #farm #farmtotable #strong #farmer #local #legend #avenel #strathbogieranges #farming #wool #sheep #trucks - @farmtotablewines on Instagram

Race bike is ready😍 - @ryderfloyd296 on Instagram

Today was the final day of practice for the Lake Guntersville @bass_nation Elite Series event, but it was also the same day (7 YEARS AGO) that I won the All-Star event in Michigan! Man time flies and I’m so grateful for the highs and lows of this sport. Let’s make this week another high point again. #bassfishing #letsgo #dontblend #bassmaster - @hankcherryfishing on Instagram

Das Wochenende auf einem Golf als Vertretung für @moznuts unterwegs. Vielen Dank an @wernergusenbauer für das Vertrauen! #vln7 #milltek #queristmehr #golftcr #sp3t #nuerburgring #nordschleife #nürburgring - @moritz_oestreich on Instagram

Shout out to @alpha749 for the vinyl printing. You guys rock! If you’re in the DFW area and need print services done. We HIGHLY recommend them. Check them out! . . . #mgrills #vinylprinting #alphagraphics - @mgrills_texas on Instagram

La plaque rouge est de nouveau sur la @starracingyamaha de @dylanferrandis ⚡ Lidée serait de la garder le plus longtemps possible. #motocross #mxus #frenchie #dvfactory #LeBigUSA @promotocross 📷 LeBig - @lebigusa on Instagram

- Soon to be a 15 x 15 x 7 block of concrete that will hold up a tower crane.

We still got some openings for tomorrow morning in McCall! Get ready! Ski.Fit! Call to make reservations! ⛷💪✌️❄️🏔 • • • #skiinstructor #skiinstructorlife #summertraining #skiconditioning #skiclub #skimom #skidad #thesnowpros #dynamicbalance #girlswhoride #psia #thisisboise #skifitness #everydaycanbeaskiday #skifit #ski #boiseoutdoorfitness #skipowder #boiseskiers #boise #boiseidaho #mccall #mccallidaho #brundage #brundagemountain #outdoorfitness #proskisimulator #Outdoorexercise - @ski.fit.conditioning on Instagram

👋 Bon week-end à tous! On vous partage la #tc85 de @mattcollery144 avec sa nouvelle déco RiderUnik! Petit combo Fluo brillant et paillleté! Housse de selle GRIP pour une bonne accroche dans les relances 🚀! #husqvarna #motocrosskids #riderunik - @riderunik on Instagram

We’re Baaackkk!!!!! - @mercon_construction on Instagram

Carreron de @sergiocastro51 que le llevó a la victoria absoluta en la carrera disputada en Bellpuig, el Ethen Rider demostró que está en la línea correcta para lograr sus metas! Felicidades!!#ethenspain #ethenriders - @ethenspain on Instagram

#eurobikearmy listo para el #rclandsxseries con #13ridingtranning 💪🏻 - @eurobike.army on Instagram

@canyon_na stopped to visit and drop off some dirty bikes from the @puregravel #rockcobbler2020 adventure. - @liftcs on Instagram

Red Plate for @tiga243.....the picture we couldn’t wait to see since the beginning of this championship!🤞💪🏻 - @giacomogariboldi on Instagram

@fantic.racing rider @andreabonacorsi32 took a 1-1 victory in EMX125 series in Faenza! Riding with a Kit Air Fork, he shows the capability of our KYB Suspension. Congrats! 📸 @rayarcherphoto @fanticmotor #kybsuspension #kybbytechnicaltouch #airfork #kybkitsuspension #mxgp #emx125 - @kyb_by_technical_touch on Instagram

Checkout what Joey is representing on his #7 Tommy Baldwin Racing machine tomorrow at Michigan International Speedway! #GoHawks #Hawkeyes - @joeygaseracing on Instagram

We are in Dalecin! - @goldfrenbrakes on Instagram

😍🔥 **GIVEAWAY TIME** 🔥😍 We have 2x Family passes from the awesome team at @amazeme_rotorua !! @stayandplaynz 👉🏻Like and share Stay & Play NZ and aMAZEme, then comment on this post why you would love to win the pass to this amazing local attraction!! Plus a bag with some goodies!! *Winners will be drawn 20/07/2020 at 12pm 🙂 #giveaways #aMAZEme #stayandplay #maze #tourism #rotoruanz #familyfun #share #like #comment #adventures - @stayandplaynz on Instagram

Notre équipe est très fière de recevoir le premier Prix Mike Brigham du concessionnaire de véhicules électriques d’occasion de @plugndrive ! Merci à notre équipe et nos clients 🏆 - @ve.simonandre on Instagram

La generación eléctrica para tus eventos. #somosrealproaudioyeventos @realproaudioyeventos #plantaselectricas #plantaelectricaparaeventos - @realproaudioyeventos on Instagram

Sharkyracing vor dem RCN Schwedenkreuzrennen 🏁🦈 @sharkyracing #vlnlangstreckenmeisterschaft #vln #rcn #nürburgring #nürburgringnordschleife #nordschleife #race #racecar #racetrack #schwedenkreuz #pitlane #vw #tcr #vwgolf - @nring_1927 on Instagram

Doing a little underground work at a new hotel on Fort Gordon. The July heat is making it fun. #electrical #contractor #electrician #contractorsofinsta #conduit #ductbank - @newsome_electrical on Instagram

Lastat och redo för fjällen! #superclampsweden - @superclampsweden on Instagram

Rain, hail or shine, we keep going here at Iannace. Stay tuned to our stories tomorrow as we have an exciting project to share! ❄️💙 - @iannacerefrigerated on Instagram

New podcast out today where @rosschastain debuted his Darlington throwback car with @dirtymomedia. Listen to the podcast: Straight Outta 1976 😯Dirty Mo Driver 🤦♂Daytona Finish 🤏High-Risk Spots 🚀Hoarder?? 👊Playoff Payback…or not Available on dirtymomedia.com or any podcast platform. - @dalejr on Instagram

‼️‼️‼️GIVEAWAY‼️‼️‼️ . . . @angelwax_europe and @detailing_girl are giving away a complete interior package how cool is that? 😱🔥. Swipe —— . - 250ml HIDE-RATE. - 500ml HEAVEN FOR LEATHER. - 500ml VISION. - 500ml ABSOLUTION. - 500ml ENIGMA INTERNO. - 1 WAX PAD. - 2 DETAILING GIRL KEYCHAINS. - 1 DETAILING GIRL, 1 ANGELWAX AIRFRESHNER. - 1 LEATHER MITT. - 2 DUAL ACTION MICROFIBER CLOTHS. . All you guys have to do is follow @detailing_girl and @angelwax_europe. Tag 2 detailing buddies who can’t miss this giveaway. (Enter as many times as you want). Reposting this in your story and tagging us wil make your entry count twice. . World wide entry 🌍!! GOOOOOD LUCK. Giveaway closes September 23. - @angelwax_europe on Instagram

Emily has graduated from 8th grade and now in 2 months she goes to high school!! - @tigerhoffman1977 on Instagram

Loaded up and headed to Crandon. #ultra4 #bfgoodrich #ruggedradios #rcvperformance #gearworks - @jmckinlayironman on Instagram

All the cool cats where Farmer Meets Foodie caps! Have you got yours? Last day to preorder and support the Summer of Sustainable Seafood campaign, postage included 🙌🏼 Link to order in bio @_paul_west_ @elliehughes53 @hughesjacy @gladyshughes_ @austral_fisheries @startsomegood @oceanimpactorg #farmermeetsfoodiecap #takeyouanywhere #tractorhat #farmhat #farmermeetsfoodieteam #koolkats #summerofsustainableseafood #startsomegood #nomorefoodmiles #eatlocal #farmermeetsfoodie #trawlertotable #paddocktoplate #oceantotable #eatqld #buylocal - @farmermeetsfoodie on Instagram

Nothing like a clean ass travel trailer! Get it done son:) #underfpressurewashing #lakewood #longbeach #lbc #travel #trailer #camping - @derf_lb on Instagram

Spread the word: Lobsters available - text Rory at 603-498-0351 for a special treat for dinner - Sea to Table! In the first photograph meet Anna, Alex and Rory. Rorys pulled traps for 15 years. Now has no market nor income. Please consider ordering to help support Rory. Rory is pulling several days a week and taking orders. Text him (603) 498-0351! Amelia enjoyed the whole process of getting them ready for dinner along with eating every tasty bite. - @everydaydetails_ on Instagram

Time to stop jumping the dirt, and just haul it!!!! This company is great and I suggest anyone with experience and a CDL should hit up Daniel Mullins trucking in Tampa. Tell them I sent ya . Go to Driveatmullins.com #dirthauler #tampa #danielmullinstrucking #appreciate #homeatnight #familycomesfirst It’s nice to smile at work again. - @bjjohnson113 on Instagram

KEEP SMILIN! #instafit #instafitness #lifeisgood #gym #gymlife #gymtime #health #healthy #fitnessaddict #focus #workout #fitfam #potd #smile #vibes #motivation #body #fitness #fitnessmotivation #proudfitfam - @whoisolli on Instagram

Congrats to our Micro Champs ☝️ 🏆 Micro Bike Overall Champion Colby Goodman & Micro ATV Overall Champion Bodie Buckhannon 👏 #GNCCRacing - @gncc_racing on Instagram

So proud of @mr.magoo615. 2018 was a great year for him and then to get rider of the year was absolutely amazing! Thank you to everyone who supports him and believes in him!❤️ Ryker Roo has to have his own “birdie” like Magoo😍 - @afitchmx on Instagram

Pair of deuces for the weekend. Went 2-2 in both 65 10-11 and junior mini. Great weekend!! 🤘😎🤘 . . . . . #callahanmxrider #callahanmxschool #mikamob #nihilotribe #oneal #oneofus #officialleatt #scienceofthethrill #engineice #dirtbike #husqvarna #moto #motocross #fmf73 #fmfpower #myfmf #worksconnection #flomotorsports #motorexusa #michelinonmymoto #thisismoto #sgbracing #gsonmyfeet #ride100percent #agequipped #sunday #raceday - @ianmx117 on Instagram

Congratulations to all the athletes that competed in the 2018 Special Olympic Summer Games. Special shout out to my man Paul Hunte for having the most ruthless stache in the game. #specialolympics#stache - @bmcdougall1 on Instagram

Pikkuhiljaa rallit lähestyy ja sitten mennään kovaa! Tuningkauppa.com on vauhdissa mukana. #tuningkauppacom #tuningkauppa #asunmaaracing #teemuasunmaacom #skodamotorsport - @tuningkauppacom on Instagram

For as strange as 2020 has been, @rickybrabec @rallyteamhrc @jcrhonda has won the biggest Offroad race in the world, the Dakar Rally, backed it up with the Sonora Rally win in March and now the longest Offroad race in the US, the Vegas to Reno. Congratulations to HRC, HGA, the Monster Energy Honda Team staff and the JCR Honda Pit Crews @jcrhonda has your back and we will continue to put in 100% for Honda Motor Co. Ltd and seek excellence and determined greatness @honda_racing_us @hondaracingcorporation @hondaproracing #ridered #vpracingfuels - @johnnycampbell11x on Instagram

@24mx_tour Round 3 🏆🎥 _________________________________ Le clip du Round 3 au @mcvoofficiel des pilotes CBO & @eight.racing (Part2/3) ! Nous sommes très fiers de voir @anthonybourdon945 décrocher son premier titre de Champion Élite MX2, régulier toute la saison, ce titre est amplement mérité !! _________________________________ @eight.racing #cbogroup #cboparts #moto #quad #vae #motocross #enduro #ssv #CBOHondaAgen #CBOHusqvarnaAgen #DafyMotoCBO #CBOYamahaAgen #CBOKawasakiAgen #CBOTriumphAgen #CBOBicycles #CBOOffRoad #CBOAgen #CBOToulouse #24mxtour #elitemotocross #rauvillelaplace - @cbogroup on Instagram

Congratulations to @froggtoggs pro, Paul Dufrene for winning the 2020 @tidewaterboats Elite Fishing League Tour Championship, presented by @yamahaoutboards. . Paul caught over 116 pounds of live redfish each one weighed by his onboard referee, the weight uploaded to I angler tournament dot com and then immediately released alive and in great condition. . On his way to the tour championship Paul captured a $5000 check for his qualifying round win bringing his total take to over $80,000 in cash and prizes for his two days of fishing. . Thank you to all the great sponsors like Tidewater Boats, Yamaha Outboards, @mcclaintrailers that make the EFL and these record-setting paybacks possible. Follow minute by minute action via the Tidewater live update scoreboard by clicking the link in our bio. - @elitefishingleague on Instagram

Le Mans decides who wins... 🎉🎉🎉🎉🥰❤️🤞🏻🏆 #lm24 #lemans24 #winners #smashedit #lemanswinners #twotimelemanswinner - @rachbrunt on Instagram

Y’all it’s getting HOT in Oklahoma! At the beginning of quarantine I was running around 3pm... now it’s 7pm and I’m still not beating the heat! 🥵🥵🥵 natural detox????? 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ - @caseylsnyder on Instagram

Our first stage at #girorosaiccrea2020 and our first team time trial. My teammates did a good job 👊🏻💗💙 - @barbara_malcotti on Instagram

Got an awesome start to our #dbthruhike week in #vabeach this morning cleaning up the beach with @hoffmanbeverageco @chesapeakebayfoundation @froggiesvb @wastemanagement ! . . . #beachyclean #slowbynature #dbbeer - @dbbeer_cara on Instagram

Vi välkomnar vårt senaste tillskott i Wester’s familjen!💥 . Idag gör Freddy Bjurholm sin första dag som yrkesarbetare hos oss och vi hoppas på många glada år tillsammans och önskar dig ännu en gång varmt välkommen till gänget! . ☎️ 010 177 38 80 🖥 www.westersgroup.se 📸 #westersgroup 🚧 #trafikanordningar 🚜 #markentreprenad 🚚 #transport 🏗 #speciallyft 🦺 #utbildning - @westersgroup on Instagram

One of our esteemed founders, Paul Hosage, was recently featured in an interview wherein he discussed the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact it will surely have on the new normal. Visit the link in our bio to read Pauls interview today. - @treadconnection on Instagram

I took a year off my job working the @xgames TV production to compete — which ended in this highlight reel moment. After that, I returned to the TV team and the privilege of crashing more cars live-to-air with @travispastrana, @briandeegan38, the late great @davemirra and more for two years as the audience’s co-driver/in-car reporter alongside @chrissiebeavis. What a crazy chapter to recall as we celebrate #xgames25 this month! Too many stories and tags to fit here and big love and gratitude to everybody I shared that time with! I’m still playing with cars and I miss you all. - @jenhorsey on Instagram

Watching the boys rip this morning! #mx #motocross #sandybumps #jumps - @srtoffroad on Instagram

Congratulations to the @supercleanteam & @bnm_poles team of @ronniekellycapps & @stevecoleman.bnmfishing on staying undefeated at Ross Barnett! - @americancrappietrail on Instagram

- @chris_jameson88 on Instagram

Je serais présent au départ de Lessay !🏁👊🏼 La première manche du Championnat de France de Rallycross #rallycrossfrance #drive #lessay #championnatdefrance #twingor1 - @tmcompetition on Instagram

What a heroes! The gave it everything tonight🔥 @augustburnsred #abrconstellations - @luiiggi.m on Instagram

@362media @taylor_362 bike, stand & van looking good! Thanks for the support of @matrixconcepts - @matrixconcepts on Instagram

- @chris_jameson88 on Instagram

New video up!! this clip I get the truck back from retro rack and finish off painting the cage in the Monaro. I tried my best to get as much paint on the cage all over but it just seemed to be impossible, so hopefully the guys down @elite_trim can make it a little easier on the eyes 🥴So hope you enjoy don’t forget to like and subscribe. link in bio 💪🏽 - @charlie_dixon on Instagram

Tomorrow going back for the last round of #oidc2020 looking forward for it , because the way points are being assigned for quolification and tandems still makes it a very tight fight for overall win. @mnmutari Is that your security ? #driftlife #oidc #omandrift @oman_automobile_association #drifting #ofseason - @mantas_kuzmarskis on Instagram

”We build and then, together, we shall experience” 🔘🔜 - @andrea_lamendola on Instagram

Our world has changed a bit, but we adapt. A healthy team is a happy team. #fuelingmorefun #safetyfirst #adaptandovercome #grillon #awesomeemployees - @lavapropane on Instagram

Ready to serve! #stevestonplumbing #localbusiness #plumber #gasfitter #supportlocal #richmond #steveston #mercedessprinter - @stevestonplumbing on Instagram

Week 2. Same Motto. #wallapaperwednesday - @je11shop on Instagram

Les vacances.. ☀️ et je reviens avec une surprise 🥰 - @ioanmusic on Instagram

Passa på att kyla ner dig under sommarvärmen. Just nu har vi prova på kampanj för 345 kr! För mer information se hemsidan. #kryoterapi #kyla #återhämtning #mölndal #qryo #cryotherapy #kallbad - @cryorecovery.se on Instagram

Flashback to not having static shock hair ⚡️ - @samnotspam on Instagram

Third place in today’s race at VIR!! Can’t be to mad about that!? Oh and it was very hot.. - @drewstaveley12 on Instagram

Départ P17, premier relais fini P4, le ZEPHYR est top ! #phsport #denerimotors #sport2000 - @pierre_lachaume on Instagram

Congrats to @buchan83 picking up 2 podiums this past weekend #oultonpark 🏆🏆 Persistence pays off. - @poweringthrough on Instagram

- Ben Cohen

- @fabienantoinepro on Instagram