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Vocês fazem parte da minha felicidade, Obrigada a todos de verdade, sou muito grata em conquistar tantas coisas aqui ❤ . . Siga; @uniters.combr . . . . . . #nowunited #Uniters #unitersmemes #unitersbrasil #juntospelonu🌈 #juntospelonu #uniterscombr - @uniters.combr on Instagram

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במיוחד השנה, אומרים תודה למורים ולצוות. העניקו להם BUYME והראו להם כמה אתם באמת מעריכים אותם. - @buyme.co.il on Instagram

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QUER GANHAR SEUS PRIMEIROS 5 A 10 MIL SEGUIDORES? 😱😱 SIGAM @projeto_magraoo E TODOS QUE O @projeto_magraoo SEGUE!!😱😱 FEITO ISSO? COMENTEMOK 10 VEZES AQUI E AGUARDEM!😱 - @magrao_das_galaxias on Instagram

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Feels. - @doradomusic on Instagram


- HAPPY 99 DAYYYY.....Here u go people...a nice lockscreen for all of ya. CREDS:Pinterest

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@iamhalsey Congrats Halsey. I love Manic the album.✨ ... its a really interesting album since its the only album she wrote while manic. And she learnt a lot about her manic self and even says she forgave herself because thats when she thinks with her heart. The instruments and production reflect on the manic states she was feeling. Thats why some songs are slow and happy and suddenly it is slow and rainy. And then theres a rock song. Then an rnb one. Then one with a country sounding vibe. About toxic abusive relationships, falling in love , feeling safe, feeling alone and in your head and reaching out at 3am, self sabotaging, learning to love herself, even her fertility. #manic #manicthealbum #halseymanic #halsey #ashley #ashleyfrangipane #music #topalbums #popmusic #rnb #rock #billboard #ilovemusic #musiclovers #fandoms #popstars #musicindustry #spotify - @popculturelovers on Instagram

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- HOPELESS - Another cyber piece Ive made using a photo I took of myself.

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Só um @hyundaibr pode te proporcionar essa segurança! #hb20 #creta #hyundai #itabuna #ilheus #bahia #brasil - @lucas_hyundai_itabuna on Instagram

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Τον Ιούνιο του 1978, η εφημερίδα Ακρόπολις διεξάγει μια μεγάλη έρευνα με συνεχή ολοσέλιδα ρεπορτάζ. Ο αστυνομικός συντάκτης της επί τρεις ημέρες στηλιτεύει το εκφυλιστικό για τα χρηστά ήθη φαινόμενο, που δεν είναι άλλο από τις χαλκομανίες-τατουάζ που κρύβονται πίσω από το περιτύλιγμα στις παιδικές τσίχλες. Μέσα από μια σειρά άρθρων, ρεπορτάζ και συνεντεύξεων, αποτυπώνεται η σημασία που είχαν τα τατουάζ την εποχή κατά την οποία ερχόταν στον κόσμο η γενιά που σήμερα μπορεί να τα επιδεικνύει χωρίς το κόστος κάποιου κοινωνικού στίγματος. Ο συντάκτης του σχετικού αφιερώματος, επί τρεις ημέρες αγωνιά να πείσει τους ανυποψίαστους αναγνώστες ότι «μια νέα μορφή εγκληματικότητας ή τουλάχιστον εξοικειώσεως των ανήλικων παιδιών με τους στιγματισμένους από τα τατουάζ σκληρούς κακοποιούς εισβάλει τώρα επικίνδυνα στη χώρα μας δια της εμπορικής οδού». Αναφέρεται φυσικά στις χαλκομανίες-τατουάζ, για τις οποίες αμφιβάλει αν είναι απλώς «ένα πολύχρωμο παιχνίδι και τίποτα παραπάνω» και καταλήγει στο συμπέρασμά του με ρητορικές ερωτήσεις: «Σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες (Υγραίνατε δια σιέλου την επιδερμίδα σας και εφαρμόστε τη χαλκομανίαν με ελαφράν πίεση - ΧΡΩΜΑΤΑ ΑΒΛΑΒΗ) μπορεί πράγματι να μη βλάπτεται η επιδερμίδα των παιδιών, αλλά τι γίνεται με τις ψυχές τους, όταν αυτά απεικονίζουν σπαθιά και πιστόλια; Και ποια είναι η γνώμη των υπουργείων Δημόσιας Τάξης και Δικαιοσύνης που κατά τα άλλα υποτίθεται πασχίζουν να αντιμετωπίσουν την παιδική εγκληματικότητα;». Διάβασε ολόκληρο το κείμενο του Τάσου Θεοφίλου στο link in bio. #Tattoo #Greece #VICE_GR - @vice_gr on Instagram

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😂😂 كل الرسامين: - @_art5 on Instagram

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Меня снова понесло.... Сорри. Так что вот мемы 😂👌 . . . . . . #соукоку #дазайичуя #бродячиепсы #дазай #чуя #дазайОсаму #ЧуяНакахара #соукоку_канон #Великийизбродячихпсов #приколыбродячиепсы #BSD - @dazai_osamu_straydog on Instagram

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👻🎃Laboratorio per la creazione di maschere singole e collettive per ragazzi e bambini da 4 anni in su👻🎃 👉Da lunedì 28 a giovedì 31 ottobre dalle 16.30 alle 18.30. 📍ex scuola elementare in via Giulietti ✨INGRESSO GRATUITO✨ ☎️Prenotazioni e info al 328 41 30 743 o JOLLY -Sirolo- Pasticceria Bar Gelateria / LOasi Bar / IL Grillo 👉Laboratorio condotto da: 👻Brina Babini, scenografa, burattinaia, marionettista e costruttrice di maschere e anime per il teatro di figura. 🎃Vincenzo Di Maio burattinaio e attore di Teatrino Pellidò Realizzeremo maschere di cartone, cartapesta, carta velina e stoffa sia singole che collettive. Tutte le maschere sfileranno il 31 ottobre per le vie del centro! 🧟‍♀️Ricordate🧟‍♀️: la consapevolezza della morte è una conoscenza, un sentire che hanno anche i bambini. Halloween è un’occasione per ricordare chi non c’è più ma anche di evocare la rinascita della felicità. Le maschere di scheletri, defunti, mummie, spiritelli venuti dallaldilà sono un modo antico per esorcizzare la morte. #siroloeventi #lanottedihalloween #ancona #sirolo #igersancona #igersirolo #halloween #laboratoriomaschere - @siroloeventi on Instagram

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Com quem você não vê a hora de viajar para o melhor destino de inverno do Brasil? Marque a pessoa nos comentários! Foto: @quadriventure - @monteverdeonline on Instagram

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Hope this makes ur day😌😌🥰 #god #khalid #awe #myfavourite #lovekhalid #khalid2019 #thebest #hismusicspeakstome - @khalid_fanaccount on Instagram

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Одно попадание из пяти есть, парень не улыбается 😐 ⠀ Источник: @_.art_memes__ ⠀ #parblorussia #humor #artist #artistproblems #юмор #мемы #artmeme #жиза #digitaldrawing - @parblorussia on Instagram


🏅Rose Night - Ghost To Love — Official Cover Artwork 🌍@damnclodo . . . . . . . GHOST TO LOVE. cover art. . . . . . . . . . . . . #coverartmatters #theuniversalart #coverartdesign #albumartarchive #coverart #albumart #coverart #coverartwork #photoshop #thecreativers #artwork #artworks #coverartist #epcover #mixtapecover - @coverartplanet on Instagram

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- Girl shadow

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I am never going to grail jalter cuz that shits wack - @sexyloliheaven on Instagram

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Because no matter how good you treat them, no matter how pure your intentions are, no matter how deep your love is, no matter how many times you try to be understanding, no matter how willing you are to sacrifice things— damn none of this will matter. None of the things youve done will matter. They will leave you if they want to. They will hurt you if they really intended to. And you cant do anything but to accept it and keep going. - @3am_thoughtx on Instagram

%E3%82%94%E3%81%83%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93 %EB%B9%84%EC%B1%A4 viichan %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EB%8F%8C %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EA%B3%84%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%8C

Whats the superior method to secure your McDonalds Meal for the trip home? #McDonaldsFiji - @mcdonaldsfiji on Instagram

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- Blursed Spongebob

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Take a break. You dont have to be on all the time. ▪︎ From somewhere around the age of fifteen until around twenty-five I was very actively involved in church in different ways. ▪︎ By age 18, my senior year of high school, I was so stressed out about saying yes to everyone who asked me to do something, I was physically ill. ▪︎ I was in the church band, I was volunteering with the youth group, working, going to school, trying spend time with all my friends before they all went to college. Constantly saying yes. ▪︎ It wasnt until my first year of college, I finally realized, its okay to say no. Its okay to not be seen for a while. ▪︎ Learn to say no. Learn to disconnect. Learn to set your ego aside and understand people will survive without you if you need a break. Burnout is a real thing. ▪︎ Say no. Rest up. Recharge. Find peace. #theyearofclarity ------------ #intothdarkblue #peace #burnout #weekendvibes #sabbath #holiday #vacationvibes #daytrip #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #menshealth #movember #menswellness #mensmentalhealth #craftbeer #drinklocal #saturday #soulsaturday #solosaturday - @intothe_darkblue on Instagram

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85th Anniversary Events this week: This week we have a blend of programming focused on Filmmaking and Audio with brands like Canon Cinema EOS, RODE & Red and on the weekend we have 4 sessions with Canon including Canon Explorer of Light: Roberto Valenzeula! 9/21 - 12PM PDT - Canon Cinema EOS - Best of Both Worlds 9/22 - 12PM PDT - RØDE Presents: Wired for Sound 9/24 - 12PM PDT - The Power of RED: An In-Depth Discussion of RED Cameras, Sensors, and Workflow 9/24 - 3PM PDT - Canon EOS R System Tips & Tricks 9/24 - 5PM PDT - Canon Presents: Panoramas & More! – Technique and Settings for Capturing Multiple Images of Your Scene 9/25 - 12PM PDT - Whats Hot with Canon Cinema EOS 9/26 - 10AM PDT - Canon Presents: How To Create Inspiring Photographic Opportunities When Shooting On Location with Roberto Valenzuela 9/26 - 12PM PDT - Canon Presents: Video Basics - From Stills to Motion Check out the details and register for sessions you want to view, registration will include reminders to those events! glazerscamera.com/anniversary or link in bio - @glazerscamera on Instagram

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FIRE 🔥 OUT NOW - @divergerecords on Instagram

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anladınız mı agaa 🙄 - @cemalcanmood on Instagram

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#billieeilish #firstpost - @billiesheartss on Instagram


치맥 =바삭스 #sydney #sydney_insta #sydneyfood #sydneylife #sydneycbd #sydneyrestaurant #korean #koreanstyle #foodie #makgeolli #soju #beer #fried #ovened #chicken #yummy #yum #foodstagram #시드니 #시드니일상 #시든니맛집 #시드니여행 #시드니시티 #치킨 #치맥 #소주한잔 #맛집 #음식스타그램 #푸드스타그램#호주 - @basax_chicken on Instagram

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Shot by: @programzero Follow and tag #anagenesis_magazine for more content Curated by: @akis_pd - @anagenesis_magazine on Instagram


ICYMI We officially were announced today on Bloodblast distribution. Powered by @nuclearblasteurope we can finally break silence on this and share the crazy news. #label #music #dreams - @withoutmercyband on Instagram

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Quer ser divulgado.. .. É SIMPLES ✅ . ME SIGA ✓ . SIGA TODOS QUE EU SIGO ✓ . Siga todos os divulgados do dia ⬇️⬇️⬇️ @lolotita_kids @opus6autoescola @20_tatuar13 @vivi__souza__ . RESPONDA FEITO NESSE POST 💙 . Curta as 3 fotos recente de @mcflavinoficial . E OK NO DIRECT ☑️ .. #chuvadeseguidores2050 #sdvtodos #chuvadeseguidores #sdvtodos #chuvadelikes #seguidoresreais#likeforlike# #chuva_deseguidores20k #chuva_deseguidores_sdv #fallow #fallowme #chuvadeseguidores10k #like4likes#instagram #insta #instalikes #sdv#sdvtodos #chuvadelikes30k #chuva_delikess #freefirebrasil #like4likes #likeforfollow #diadoamigo #chuvadeseguidores20k #likeforlikes #instalike #chuvadeseguidores #sᴅᴠ #chuvadeseguidores30k - @divulgacaodeperfilmp on Instagram

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Siempre lo digo: @jazminbadia es la mejor fotógrafa de seres humanos y piecitos en baldosas que conozco. Pueden pegarse una vuelta por su proyecto @quequisierasvos para ver algunos deseos mundanos que tenemos sus fotografiados. Se sobreentiende que todos queremos que se termine esta verga, que todos tengan laburo, que nadie se funda, que nadie se muera. Pero en el mundo más hedonista, si tenés que conectar con los placeres y las cosas de todos los días que extrañás y disfrutás, ¿qué escribirías en tu cartel? - @nsalvarrey on Instagram


C L A U S T R O P H O B I A Four walled, Door closed, Claustrophobia creeps in, From the floor, I want to go, Let me out, Fog around, Blurred ghost frowns, Darkness down, Suffocation repelling, Across the town, I want to go, Let me out, Clock ticking, My body buzzes, Noise scratching the roof of the follicle, Tingling is singing On my palm, I want to go, Let me out, I speak to myself, Only one minute, One day, One month, This time too shall pass, Fear sneezing from my nostrils, I call to myself, Deep breaths, Be Calm, Ill be gone, Ill be out. ~Safa.f_Aamir ___________________________________________ #claustrophobia #poetry #poetryporn #poet #freeverse #poetrycommunity #musings #writingcommunity #writersnetwork #bibliophile #writersofpakistan #writersgram #bookstagram #spilledink #friday #writersofinstagram #wordgasm #readwriteunite #quarantine #healing #follow #shewrites #silverleafpoetry #wordporn #motherlandfortsalem #travel @streetwritersofficial #introvert #dawndotcom @silverleafpoetry #streetwritersofficial #immeraki - @_i.talk.with.solitude_ on Instagram

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-^- Не люблю расчески - @daza_ika on Instagram

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- Do you meditate?

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- Fun Tweets

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#metrorapid~ The new @METROHouston Bus Rapid Transit line (the Silver Line, AKA Uptown BRT) is finally opened. It has 100% dedicated lanes, off board fare collection, level boarding, and service every 10 min all day and 15 min the evening, through a major employment center. Featuring five-doors, spacious interior, attractive stations, dedicated lanes, and Transit-Signal Priority enabled. The BRT lanes are in the median, separated by curbs and trees from regular traffic lanes. Stations are like light rail -- platforms, canopies, passenger information, ticket machines. The lanes are part of a total street reconstruction that also includes better sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian scale lighting, and landscaping. #publictransport #urbanmobility #city #urban #citybus #street #rightofway #rapidtransit #transit #cityscape #buslane #green #greentransport #sustainablecity #bepartofthesolution #carbonfree #sustainabletransport #cycling#climate #sdg #cityview #pedestrian #streetdiet #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateemergency #cycling #policymakers #carfree. From Christof Spieler and Barrett Ochea - @therapidfans on Instagram

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Fred Mi? George mi? ➼Daha fazlası için takip edebilirsin! @birpottersayfasi ➼You can follow! @birpottersayfasi tags: #harrypotter #harrypotterfan #keşfetteyiz #fredweasley #georgeweasley - @birpottersayfasi on Instagram

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- Katie - Remember (City Pop Ver.) (Image Teaser)

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😂😂😂 #soundoftechno - @soundoftechno on Instagram

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Around 6:45 pm on Friday, September 25, Reedley Police received a report of a critically wounded person who had been dropped off by a friend at Adventist Health Hospital in Reedley. The victim, a man later identified as 19 year old Julio Diaz of Parlier, died of his injuries. Reedley Police determined Diaz was involved in a physical altercation at an apartment complex located at 595 Bigger St. in Parlier. Parlier Police then requested Fresno County Sheriffs homicide detectives take over the investigation. FSO detectives later learned the incident was gang-related. No arrests have been made. Anyone with information on this case is urged to contact Sgt. Jon Alvarado at 559-600-8200 or Valley Crime Stoppers at 559-498-7867, www.valleycrimestoppers.org. You will remain anonymous and may be eligible for a cash reward. - @fresnosheriff on Instagram

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NEW TRACK: Catch. LINK IN BIO. - Up for free DL on SoundCloud. Get it while it’s hot. Swipe for a taste. - - - - #house #housemusic #minimal #tech #newmusic #explore #mix #sets #dance #edm #deep #rave #twostep #bass #soul #chill #techhouse #housedj #deeptech #mix #live #set #producer #dj #gigs #DJ #production #ID - @dubjoixmusic on Instagram

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/Modelo: Uma mulher forte, guerreira, bruja e doce que sabe ser amiga! Sempre incentivando o talento alheio e nosso amor próprio. Linda como só ela sabe ser! Uma incrível cantora que ainda será ouvida por muitos! @babeciita cristal sem defeitos🌿 - @lojaafeto_ on Instagram

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Макдоналдс на Пушкинской получил золото Sydney Design Awards в категории «Дизайн ресторанов»! 🏆 ⠀ Обновление интерьера было посвящено 30-летнему юбилею Макдоналдс в России. Концепция нового дизайна была создана вместе с дизайнерским бюро Landini Associates из Сиднея. Мы смогли реализовать проект в такой короткий период только благодаря профессиональной и слаженной работе команды. ⠀ Проект под названием Project Ray получил имя в честь основателя сети Макдоналдс Рэя Крока. Как и видение Крока, новый дизайн ориентирован на простые вещи. На смену ярким и красочным элементам приходят спокойные, классические тона и линии. Идеей проекта стало привлечение миллениалов к бренду с помощью простоты: так можно позволить еде и услугам говорить за себя. ⠀ Поздравляем наше предприятие на Пушкинской с обновлением и победой! 🥇 - @mcfamily_ru on Instagram

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🎬🌿 #illustration #movie #trueromance - @antoinedoreart on Instagram

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- This is so E. Can we E?


Green💚 . . ~App:@picsart 💚✨ . . ~Cr:@? 💚✨ . . . . . #aesthetic #aestheticsoft #aesthetics #aestheticedits #aesthetic #softedit #blueaesthetic #picsartedits #picsarttutorials #picsartediting #picsarttutorial #picsartedit #picsart #heypicsart #edits #magicedittt #vintage #vintageblack #vintagestyle #vintageaethetic #softstyle #picsartapp #picsartaesthetic - @magic.edittt on Instagram

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- Saw this license plate today and all I could think of was this.

%E3%82%94%E3%81%83%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93 viichan %EB%B9%84%EC%B1%A4 %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EB%8F%8C %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EA%B3%84%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%8C

Editod berkelas telah mencemarkan nama baik hacker Entah kenapa gw lebih suka topeng Stortroopers daripada hacker berkelad Sc:ya mana saya tahu saya kan ......... Support me:@bang_chatillon_sedjarah_memer Hastag #freefire #editodberkelas #worldoftanks #wothumor #worldoftanksblitz #wotblitz #wot #meme #memes #memesejarah #sejarah #sejarahdunia #dagelanmeme #dagelan #ngakakkocak #kegoblokanunfaedah #karyaanggotarhc #karyarakyatdms #karyarakyatfms #ffburiq8bit #ffburiq #pubg #pubgmobile #pubgmemes - @bang_chatillon_sedjarah_memer on Instagram

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Tried my best🙈😻 @nehajethwani529 #nehajethwani #nehajethwani529 #nehaliafam #nehalians - @neha___aspires on Instagram

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@tiitof_sparta ON REVIENT DE LOIN mais ça, ils le savent pas et si maintenant JE SUIS LÀ cest en partie grâce à toi et oui toute ma jeunesse jétais CAPUCHÉ biensur cest une image pour dire que comme tt le monde jai un peu traîné et aujourdhui COMME PAPA je vis de ma passion, la musique !! Cest vrai je roule pas encore en Lambo & Féfé mais je peux clairement dire que BAGAY BEL et mm si je suis PAS HEUREUX je suis amené à lêtre.. Dans cette aventure jai rencontré des personnes extraordinaires, plus quune partenaire, une amie, UNE ETOILE qui est venu ensoleiller notre ciel @bbvalles.. Jai eu lhonneur, la chance, davoir de longue discussion et mm de boire DEUX COUPS avec Guilty @katrinasquad_officiel qui ma énormément appris dans ce milieu.. Quel aventure en vrai plein de bon moments comme de BAD MOOD mais nest ce pas ça qui fait la force dune équipe ? Les plus belles histoires sécrivent souvent sur de TRISTE MÉLODIE.. Ces mêmes mélodies qui nous rappel quau final on est TOUJOURS DANS LE BLOCK mais bien plus luxieu quavant et que pour sen sortir il nest jamais TROP TARD .. Trop tard pour quitter le QUARTIER car mm au plus bas on investira jamais À PERTE .. sur ces jolis mots je vous dis CIAO mais je vous rassure et vous pouvez le demander à @shaynerfwi on se revoit dans PAS LONGTEMPS , cest un au revoir pas un ADIEU ... ALLEZ STREAMER, ACHETER, COMMANDER CA FOOOOORT LA FAMILLE7 - @ax_producer on Instagram


😭 So what do you do when you are no longer married BUT you still want to participate in the current trends🤷🏾‍♀️ Often on social media we only see the perfect parts of peoples lives. But I believe all of our faults and downfalls are what make us human and how we bounce back from that is what builds character. So yes I am no longer married and yes I am now happier than Ive ever been before. Thats on #PERIOD POOH 💯 The world needs to stop praising women for staying in toxic relationships celebrate your freedom hun-ty 💓 It is okay to say I tried my best and this is not working. it is okay to say the way you treat me makes me question my worth. It is okay to say i love you but I will not stay. It is okay to say myself and my children deserve better. & guess what 😳 GOD LOVES YOU ANYWAYS‼️You are perfect just the way you are, you are ENOUGH, you are loved, you are worthy, put yourself FIRST 🥇 @theshaderoom #happy #period #periodchallenge #divorce #peace #divorcedmom #doitfortheprocess #cardib #worthy #forgiveness #peaceofmind #divorce #singlemothers #self #selflove #selfcare #mentalhealth #pregnant #babyboy #momlife #enough #happiness #preggo #thatsonperiod #periodmemes #memes #jesus - @the_arielb on Instagram

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- picture lighting

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𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙩 , - ★ - , . . . . . . . #winx #winxtweet #winxedit #winxclub #starxwinx - @winx.tr on Instagram

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Beez N Da Trap! Hosted by @beezexclusivez & Trap Daily! Out now on all platforms ! New exclusive music from @tonyshhnow @nutsothugn @yeahfreshie @count.qua @645ar @4bgty @lclevi @glokk40spaz @agoff18 @10kdunkin @flexxmalik @bossmanebray @dscsunny @radluckk @vogueicy @zacmanson_ - @trapdailymusic on Instagram

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Spirited Away (2001) Double tap if you like it! ❤️ This photo looks simply stunning! Follow @ghibli.house for more ✔️ #ghibli #ghiblivideos #ghiblidraw #ghibliredraw #ghibliredraw #ghibliart #ghiblifan #ghiblifanart #howlsmovingcastle #ghibliartworks #studioghibli #miyazaki #howlandsophie #chihiro #spiritedaway - @ghibli.house on Instagram

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. اگر توي خونه دمبل داشته باشيد به راحتي قابل انجام هست اگر نداريد ميتونيد از ٢ تا آب بطري آب معدني كوچك استفاده كنيد ❤️🙏🏻 و حركات رو به تعداد توصيه شده تكرار كنيد اما يادتون باشه اگر دوست داريد كه كاهش وزن و كاهش سايز داشته باشيد بايد حتما برنامه غذايي اصولي داشته باشيد و از انجام ورزش هاي هوازي مثل پياده روي ، روتين هاي هيت و دستگاه هاي هوازی (تردميل ، الپتيكال و ...) غافل نشيد 1️⃣پشت بازو دمبل جفت نيلينگ ٤(١٥) استراحت بين هر ست ٣٥ ثانيه 2️⃣پول اور خوابيده دمبل ٤(١٥) استراحت بين هر ست ٣٥ ثانيه 3️⃣جلو بازو دمبل جفت چرخشي ٤(٢٠) استراحت بين هر ست ٣٠ ثانيه 4️⃣زير بغل تك خم ايستاده دمبل ٤(١٥) استراحت بين هر ست ٤٥ ثانيه 5️⃣پرس سرشانه دمبل جفت ٣(١٥) استراحت بين هر ست ٤٥ ثانيه @fitness_cilip Credit:@leefitness92 - @fitness_cilip on Instagram

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- Had a laugh out of this one

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who is online to type MashAllah 💚💚💚 Quran,is best way of life and it is the healing for all inner wounds 💜💜💜 . . . . Dont Forget to Follow @holy_quran786 . . . . . 🤲🖤🤲💜🤲💛🤲💚🤲💙 - @holy_quran786 on Instagram

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#graffiti #smile #urbex #photography #canonuk #canoneos1300d #smileurbex #teamcanon #artwork #artistic #mtn #mtn94 #graffitiart #tagginggraffiti #tags #smile #penguin #art - @smile_urbex on Instagram

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#KylieJenner singing “riiisseee and shinneee” to #stormiwebster just made our whole year 😂😂😂 (rg: @kardashiianreact) - @dollymag on Instagram

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Tiap hari pulang pergi ke Bekasi ke istananye Sultan Tambun @ferdinan_sule yang gedenya kaga nyantai demi bikin nih sinetron... Tapi kebayar dah semuanya, acaranya kocak, timnya menyenangkan, konsumsinya mengenyangkan... mulai 11 Agustus 2020 tiap jam 7 malem yak di MNCTV... #4sehat5sule #4sehat5sulemnctv - @kimaugerbang on Instagram

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قسمت سوم ۳پلشت 😂 اگه از ایکسپلور میای فالو کن ⛔حتما لایک و کامنت فراموش نشه⛔بفرستین برا دوستاتون↗️ . . . . . . . . #علی_قیومی #علی #عکس #عکسپروفایل #عکاسی #آلبوم #کمدین #کمدی #خنده #جوک #طنز #بازیگر #بازیگر_طنز #اصفهانی #اصفهان #اصفهانیا #خندهدارترین #فان #فن #لایک #فالو #خندهدار #علی_قیومی_عزیز #alighaumi #ali #funny #esf #esfahan #isfahan #jok - @alighaumi_org on Instagram

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Świat stanął na głowie dostępny na wszystkich platformach cyfrowych! - @bobermarcys on Instagram

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@dreamersyouth Grab n Go🌍🏁 @themarathonclothing x @puma #creativenlb 📸 - @creativenlb5 on Instagram

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🌕올 추석, 고향 말고 고양에서 잠시 멈춤🌕 고양시 안심추석을 위한 종합 정보 전해드리고양! 더 자세히보기👉 http://www.goyang.go.kr/holiday/index.do - @goyangcity on Instagram

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Y solo aveces....llega una persona que te ase sentir especial...ese no es mi caso....o si?😏🙄 - @narahi_lpz_drosa6267 on Instagram

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Yo, Whats popping!? My name is Ralph and Im new to the bnha fandom. BNHA is one of my favourite animes and Dabi is my favourite character too 🖤🔥 If you wanna get to know me just slide through in the dms and we can talk more 🤙🏻📥 - @dabis.cremation on Instagram

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On Monday, September 21st, New York State Assemblywoman @CatalinaCruzNY and Queens Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Thomas J. Grech visited a number of South Asian-owned businesses across #JacksonHeights, to distribute personal protective equipment and assess their needs amid the pandemic. Assemblymember Cruz and Grech were joined by Queens Chamber of Commerce staff and other members of the Queens business community. A second visit to other small businesses in the community is scheduled for early October. Pictured (l to r): Queens Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Tom Grech; New York Hispanic Cosmetology and Beauty Chamber of Commerce President @Charito_Cisneros and Vice President/Co-Founder @RommyPennella; New York State Assembly Member Catalina Cruz; and Jackson Heights Bangladeshi Business Association Director Fahad Solaiman. . . . #queens #queensny #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness - @queenschamberofcommerce on Instagram


- Blursed_Afterlife

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- These damn LED trucks...

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Based on snowman☃️ Credit @ribbonentrails #amongusfanart #amongus #amongusart #amongusmemes #fanart - @fallguys.meme on Instagram

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DONATE!!!--- http://www.fidorg.org/ Help us help dogs!!! 🙏🏼 Jake was a rescue from the Rowlett Animal Shelter #friendsofrowlettanimals @fras_tx 🐾💕 Photo: @kellywphoto Models: @cheryllshairandmakeup and Jake🐺 AKA George Clooney @georgeclooneyofflcial #FidoFriends #fidorg #FashionIndustryDogOrg #ADOPTdontshop #RescueIsTheBestBreed #HuskyLife #FIDOtag #ShadiasIt - @fidorg on Instagram

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Cant stop being EXTRA? We gotcha! The #BukanExtra contest is now extended to 𝟑𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. So keep those entries coming! Find out how to join now at bukanextra.com/contest - @liamalaysia on Instagram

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- @asethic._.wallpaper on Instagram

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Allahamdulliah Ive completed 1k followers❤.Thanks to all of u and plz support me more to gain more followers.Jazakallah💚. . . . FOLLOW 👉@unsaid._.feelingz . . . #100 #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick #sdvtodos #sdv #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina #gainparty #followtrain #s9141 #chuvadelikes #instagram #100likes #kerala #gain #gainposts #followtrain #followforfollowback #like4likes #justnow #memes #meme #dankmemes #instalike #instagood #instadaily #keepsupporting #kerala #chuvadelikes #chuva #picoftheday - @unsaid._.feelingz on Instagram

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- Sometimes its more about what you do with the power than how much is there.


- Plastic Beach

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- Doesnt even feel that long ago

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Smoqua festival, Rijeka, Croatia - @bori999 on Instagram

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- When ball is afterlife ...

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الشبه بين اخر اثنين مب طبيعي😭💔!! . . . .لطفاً فولو+شوفو الستوري🥺💗.!! . . . . .*اخذت الثريد من موقع اجنبي💗💒. #كيبوب #توايس #بانقتان #اتزي #بلاكبينك #كيم_نامجون_كيم_سوجين_مين_يونقي_جونغ_هوسوك_بارك_جيمين_كيم_تايهيونغ_جون_جونكوك_بي_تي_اس #جيمين #تايهيونغ #جونغكوك #ارميز #خراميز #بيطيس #ثريد #اكسبلور - @vtaela on Instagram

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- Instagram Aesthetic ideas

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- challenge not accepted

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Obrigado pela partilha de esta bela máquina @gtfury2015 😎 Pessoal a todos que enviaram as fotos dos vossos fords nós agradecemos imenso 🙂 #ford#fordperformance#fordportugal#fordpt#forumfordpt#fordfanaticos2020#ford#classicford - @fordfanaticos on Instagram

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Fun tiiimes ✨ Thank you for having us @goinlivewithchabsandmilky Custom outfit made by the amazing @brooketysonnz 📷 @brooketysonnz - @chaii_music on Instagram

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العبارة ما تناسب الا تايكوك فقط . . . . . . فولو @taekvr . . . . . . . #taekook #vkook #kookv #تايكوك #فيكوك #بانقتان #تاي #كوك #بتس #يونمين #كيبوب #نامجين #kpop #bangtan #bts #تايهيونق #جونقكوك #جيمين #جين #نامجون #يونقي #هوسوك #اكسبلور #taekookedits - @taekvr on Instagram

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❤️ - @mishisdepresivos on Instagram

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┈┈ 〝𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒〞:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ┈┈ ࿇⠀ૢ ☀︎︎ ཾ༵ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ ʳᵉˡᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⌈𝐓𝐋 - `` 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ´´ ⌋ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ `` 𝐖𝐎𝐀𝐇! 𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘 ´´ ⠀⠀⠀ Woah! Youre Goshikis friend! Well , in this case , that means the boy knows you , but not well enough. You most likely interacted with him at school , or at a volleyball match. The ones in this category can develop a stronger bond with the boy. He is open in helping Y/C whenever needed , either with practice, homework or other things. Goshiki wont hesitate into spending time with Y/C after school , like going out. Expect him opening up to you real quick. Youll most likely gain his trust in a hot second. ⌈𝐓𝐑- ``𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ´´ ⌋ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀´´ 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐒 ! `` The ones in this category are the real MVPs , the real deal ♡ the homies ♡. Tsutomu cherishes you dearly and would do anything in a heartbeat for Y/C. Of course , he wont hesitate into legit beating anyone that makes Y/C sad. The ones tagged here are special to him. Either Y/C and him are childhood friends or not , he Y/C truly holds a special place in his heart. If Y/C plays sports , he will definitely go and watch Y/Cs matches. He supports you 100% in doing whatever makes you happy! :) [...] - @bowulcut on Instagram

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💀 - @lacasa_stax on Instagram

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عقبه ۲۰۶ برا چه موجودی ساخته شده؟😂😂😂 #ماشین_باز #Car - @horse.lovers.tuning on Instagram

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hot take??? how we feel about this one?👍👎 - @ajnosimpp on Instagram

For business Inquiries endorsement or paid promote or collaboration add line @mtb8419i (use @) or @083kxgsz (use @) or WhatsApp 088210586522 or email selebgramterkenalindonesia@gmail.com • Talent/selebgram : @chencankglory1 Username : @chencankglory1 Followers : 17,9k TTL : Surabaya ,31 Agustus 2001 • Handle by : @selebgramterkenal.id & @terkenal_management - @indonesia.management on Instagram

Kochani nasza hurtownia nie zwalnia tempa i dokładamy wszelkich starań aby Wasze wszystkie zamówienia dotarły do Was jak najszybciej😊 - @mar_kos_pl on Instagram

#alberteinstein #quantum #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #questions #quantumtheory #stringtheory #schrödingerscat #schrodingercat #schroedingerscat #schrödingerequation #schrodingerequation #physics #physics #physicsfun #universitylife #space #math #darkmatter #galaxies #mathematics - @quantum__mechanics on Instagram

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🎬Ein Video Effekt aus den 1920er Jahren. . . . #film #filmfeed #filmeffects #filmeffekt #schüfftan #schüftan #effekt #wien #österreich #videograf #videocreatorwien #filmnews #videografwien #filmemacher #filmemacherwien - @pure.prod_videography on Instagram

和Blow Fever合作的又一作品! #retrofuture #chineserapper #fashionphotography #fashionphotos #digitalart #blowfever - @therealshenyi on Instagram

#sea #photographylovers #naturelovers   #selfietime #sea #summertime#naturephotography #cloudscape #landscape #landscapephotography #summer #views  #summertime #flowersofinstagram #lovely #loveyou  #instagoods #beautifuldestinations #sunrise #instagramhub #sunshine #sunsets #travel  #sunday #travelphotography #travelgram #sketch #lovethem #flowers #followforfollowback #likeforlikes #likeforfollow - @night_out9 on Instagram

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- New meme format (I did not make)

He escrito un textito para el precioso n6 de @visual404 🙏 Os ánimo a haceros un te y encerraros para entrar en este número que es todo un mundo en el que ojalá vivir, ya te lo digo. ◽ Se llama 🕳 Vivo ya fuera de mi🕳 que es una frase de Santa Teresa de Jesús, donde te cuento sobre esta condición, este deseo y necesidad de salirse una de las carnes y ascender al Digimon🧚‍♀️ - @laura.tabares_ on Instagram

- best note

”SR är inte rasistiskt” inte ens om personer som rasifieras vittnar om det om och om igen. Fy fan vilken kraft att ni orkar stå upp för era rättigheter ❤️ - @rnbhermansson on Instagram

Rate this creativity 🔥 • • • PC 📸 : @cnhphotography Curated By : @hardip.tank Travel Partner : @creators.gallery_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- #enter_imagination #gramslayers #instagram #heatercentral #streetactivity #fatalframes #streetmobs #moodygrams #artofvisuals #milliondollarvisuals #launchdsigns #depthobsessed #photoshop #ournaturedays #ourmoodydays # #way2ill #ig_shotz #illgrammers #folksouls #creative #justgoshoot #randommagazines #agameoftones #visualmobs #theimaged #bleachmyfilm #btsphotography #photoshop - @creators.gallery_ on Instagram

Toma - @luisasonza e @mczaac Composição : @brabomusic, @diegotimbo, Matheusinho, Pierre, Luisa e Zaac Produção : Brabo Mix: @marcelinhoferraz Master : @sterlingsound - @brabomusic on Instagram

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #gününsözü #stradivarius #pullandbear #zara #bershka #evdekeyfimyerinde #evdekaltürkiye #evdekal #caps #eylül - @bakbunubenaldim on Instagram

BATCH 3 • EST 9. 21.20 #phinfluencers #influencer #influencers #engagementphotos #influencerswanted #influencersaesthetic #beautyinfluencers #phinfluencer#influencerstyle #influencerlife - @featured.influencers on Instagram

Baby steps till we make it no cap !! . . . . . #gainwithsternestt #gainwithwestandmugweru #gainwithfinessengara #gainwiththuita #gainwithbandanafather #gains #gainwithkenyanoxygen #gainwithkikuyufinest #gainwithxtiandela #gainwithmchina #gainwithbundi #gainwithspikes #gainwithkingbantu #gainwithnairobiwestniccur #trendingfashion #trending #trendingteens #fff #gainwithpaula #gainwithmtaaraw #gainwithmugweru #gainwiththeepluto #nikonphotography #nikon #fashionstyle #gainwithlarrymemes #gainwithkambashawty #nairobifashion #gainwithjimmyclout #gainwithsocialitesgallery - @sternestt on Instagram

- Instagram story app

- @_gifs.stickers_ on Instagram

💕 BTS Jeon Jungkook References Had to wait until rn to post this cuz our boys 23 today aaaaaah 😳😳 Tag @bts.bighitofficial in the comments!! Fσʅʅσɯ ɱҽ ϝσɾ ɱσɾҽ ! 😄 __________________________________________________ #drawingreference #drawings #morereferences #portraitreference #artisthelp #reference #arttrends #artreferences #inspirations #artideas #dmsuggestions #jungkookdrawing #btsjeonjungkook #artinspo #arthelp #artistcommunity #btsjungkook #btssuga #btsv #btajin #artistsupport #shareformore #pinterestfeatures #underratedartists #bts #happybirthdayjungkook #armybts #btsreference #jungkook #explore - @artis.tix on Instagram

- somali

- @cooperkeren on Instagram

¿Cómo nos tomamos este tipo de publicaciones que hemos visto correr por las redes? ¿cómo un ataque? ¿Como broma graciosa? Opina y dinos que piensas en los comentarios #influencers #influencer #microinfluencer #marketing - @influencersdemoda_ on Instagram

True 😂😂🖤 . . . #Technonation #Techno #technoculture #technomeme #ravememe #ilovetechno #technolife#TechnoMusic #technodance #technofamily #technopeople #undergroundtechno #technolover #TechnoParty #TechnoVibes #technominimal #hardtechno #technomood #technoportugal #rave - @_technonation_ on Instagram

What do you want the next summary about ? {Season 1, Season 2, Season 3} . . #13reasonswhyedit #13reasonswhy #katherinelangford #hannahbaker #dylanminnette #clayjensen - @13reasonswhy_fp2 on Instagram

- k-memes

Les cuento que estoy muy emocionada por el juego, este es un edit algo pequeño pero que si tarde algo editando espero les guste ♥️ (Like de juanpa ×54) . #juanpablozurita #juanpa #juanpazurita #eljuanpazurita #zuricatastodalavidabro #zuricata #zuricatas - @zuricatashm on Instagram

- Picsart edits

The past, present, and future. Cant wait until this construction begins to resemble a stadium. #stlcitysc #stlouiscitysc #mls4thelou #stlouis #stl #stlouiscity #stlcity #mls - @stloucitysc on Instagram

Nama: ni kadek hendrawati Asal : desa baluk,dusun baluk1 Id tiktok: @adekhendr Kategori : dance - @tiktokbalidewata on Instagram

Background DM 📌Tag Seseorang 🎮@ig.pyro Disarankan menggunakan headset 🎧 ........↻ ⊲ II ⊳ ↺........ 0.00 ─❍──── 0.30 Vol.▁▂▃▅▆▇█ 100% ————————————————————————— polosan : - Song : hasil convert Background : - Sumber dari : @_moody_beats ————————————————————————— ~‌Hargailah Karya Seseorang😉 ~karya kita tidak sebagus kalian🎭 ~like💌, coment📩, dan share📤 ~follback Dm aja ————————————————————————— Bantu kami mencapai 16k followers dibulan ini🙏 Support trus Ya~~ ————————————————————————— 💥 Go follow my account : @_moody_beats 💥 Go follow my account : @_moody_beats 💥 Go follow my account : @_moody_beats ‌————————————————————————— Media parnert & Support🔰 @daeng.ogi @ana_dara_ogi_ @bocilhitss @limiit.literasii_ @stupidd.exe_ ————————————————————————— ‌Bantu 16k followers🙏 Biar Tambah semangatt. ————————————————————————— Hastag✨ #puisicinta #musikbaper #hijrah #quotesgalau #coverlagubarat #kinikumenemukanmudiujungwaktukupatahhati #kodebaper #tentangcinta #tentangcinta #katasayang #sajakkata #katarinduku #lupakecewa #cintakuya #hijrahbaper #katakatabaper #videokatakatacinta #katabaperislami #tentangrinduvirzha #tentangmu #akusayangkamu #katapacaran #katabuatpacar #katarinduku #sajakliar #coverlag #kovergitar #kangen8 #lfl #fff #music #indopostgram - @_moody_beats on Instagram

Amazing first week in my 30s! Feeling a hell of a lot gratitude for my friends and this beautiful journey of life. . . Added 18.1mi skating miles this week, miles donated to #rollerock @mesas2mountains . . 147.32/200mi . . #birthdaygirl #happyplace #nightskate #newwheels #rollerrock #rollerskatingforchange #solidarityskate #trailskate #friends #rollerskater #quadskate #quadskater #skatelikeagirl #outdoorskating #moxirollerskates #moxiskatedaily #skateyourcity #distanceskate #bellingham #washington #pnwrollerskater #allthefeels #catching200feels ✨ - @noteven.eileen on Instagram

- @djerikakayne on Instagram

Idk who this cat is but he’s about to catch these feet. Got some quarantine tunes I’m gonna start announcing release dates for. #slowgang - @spaceslothmusic on Instagram

A aclamada Power Class é hoje e somos parceiros do IBREP nessa 3ª edição. Se você não sabe do que estamos falando, a gente explica! Atualmente o @ibrep é a empresa de cursos a distância que mais cresce no Brasil. E a Power Class é uma forma de viabilizar e democratizar mais conhecimento moderno, original e objetivo para quem vive de imóveis! Uma superaula, com professores de destaque, que abordará os assuntos unindo teoria e prática. Para contribuir com o conteúdo, 7 feras do mercado: @josericardonoronha @kleversonpassos.imoveisdeluxo @ricardomartinsbroker @guiwohlke @marcosalcauza @guilhermelaschuk @alanlanzarin Clica no link da bio e faça sua inscrição - a aula será hoje, dia 22/09, às 19h, 100% gratuita e on-line. Corre que está quase na hora! - @vitacon_parcerias on Instagram

♡ _______________________ Follow @selfcarefirst_ and my other account @selflovesfirst for more and hope you have a good day ________________________ Credit :  @selfcare.addiction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #repost _________________________ DISCLAIMER: everyone is different in their own way and cant guarantee that if this works for one might not work for all. Results may vary _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ - @selflovesfirst on Instagram

- Kpop Anime

친구들이랑 만든 영화가 개봉합니다✨ 워크샵에서 우당탕탕 좌충우돌 만들었던 추억이 많은 분들에게 보여진다 생각하니 감사한 마음입니다👍🏻 이 마음 고이 간직해 감정꾸하겠습니당💞 Photo by-@heynanynany 개봉: 9월24일 목요일 - @macdoong on Instagram

Come join us at the Chicken Express on 7th Street next to Walmart! - @ranchlancerlegacy on Instagram

Aos 76, na partida entre Tottenham x Chelsea, Mourinho saiu no meio do jogo xingando tudo e todos. Ninguém entendeu nada. Até o zagueiro Dier voltar ao campo. Mou tinha ido buscar seu jogador que saiu da partida pra cagar. - @doentesporfutebol on Instagram

There’s no doubt that CHēBA Hut would be the Mystery Gang’s hangout spot💜🍄💚🔮 Come on in and try our version of munchies... I guarantee they taste WAY better than Scooby Snacks😋😜(Pictured: garlic cheese bread and a goo ball) - @chebahut_atx on Instagram

me at school - @kisschuuya on Instagram

⚰⚰⚰ - @midwestmixtapes on Instagram

- Pleasant.

- Blursed Baby

- Imagine telling a shitty (oc) riddle and getting a town burned down as a result...

- Dresses

| 𝘣𝘰𝘣𝘢_𝘯𝘦𝘵✨ : 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 (1) 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 idk how i feel about this one :// but anyway god jihyo - 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵: 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 💕 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘥, 𝘰𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 🗑️ 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 - @deadinsidekbye on Instagram

We are headed to #midwestweirdfest ! This Saturday, March 10 at 12pm, Night Sky makes its festival debut in Eau Claire, WI. @travisprow & @nicthorson will be attending... so will my mom and dad. - @anartistspride on Instagram

- jeongguk jeon •

3 октября акции возвращаются на старые места - но не все! Кроме того, мы немного изменили список принимаемых фракций. ⠀ ⠀⠀ 👉 Где будут акции? ⠀ Сводная таблица адресов и время работы точек - в карусели. ⠀ Все адреса на карте есть в форме регистрации - по ссылке в сохранённых сторис. ⠀ ⠀⠀ 👉 Что принимаем? ⠀ - тетрапак; ⠀ - белый упаковочный пенопласт от техники, мебели и т.п. (не подложки!); ⠀ - твёрдый полипропилен (маркировка 5); ⠀ - бесцветный полиэтилен (маркировка 2 или 4 - например, фасовочные пакетики, стрейч-плёнку и т.п.). Мягкий хрустящий пластик без маркировки или с маркировкой 5/РР лучше сдавать с цветной плёнкой, даже если на нём нет краски; ⠀ - цветные пакеты и плёнку (маркировки 2, 4, 5); ⠀ - CD и DVD диски. ⠀ ⠀⠀ ❗ Обратите внимание: мы прекратили приём металла и твёрдого полиэтилена (маркировка 2), в том числе крышек. Пожалуйста, сдавайте эти виды вторсырья в контейнеры, отмеченные на recyclemap.ru/spb ⠀ ⠀⠀ ❗ Ещё одно важно изменение касается правил приёма плёнки. Теперь отдельно мы собираем именно бесцветный полиэтилен (совсем бесцветный, прозрачный, не белый, без надписей и картинок; примеры: плёнка-пупырка, стрейч-плёнка, прозрачные фасовочные пакетики). Полиэтилен хорошо тянется и почти не шуршит. ⠀ ⠀⠀ Бесцветные шуршащие не тянущиеся пакеты (например, от круп) сделаны из полипропилена, их сдавайте, пожалуйста, с цветной плёнкой. ⠀ Если у вас есть сомнения - это шуршит или не шуршит? это полиэтилен или нет? - то покажите подозрительный пакет волонтёру на акции. ⠀ ⠀⠀ При этом мы по-прежнему НЕ принимаем плёнку с маркировкой 1, 3, 6, 7, фольгированную, от замороженных продуктов. Полный список исключений, фотографии, примеры, подробности - в инструкции: «Что можно приносить на акции» - по ссылке в шапке профиля. ⠀ ⠀⠀ Акции «РазДельный Сбор» в Санкт-Петербурге проводятся Ассоциацией «РазДельный Сбор» с использованием гранта Президента Российской Федерации на развитие гражданского общества, предоставленного @pgrants_ru и с помощью добровольных пожертвований. ⠀ ⠀⠀ 💚 Если вам нравится то, что мы делаем, вы можете поддержать движение по ссылке в шапке профиля «Поддержать РазДельный Сбор». ⠀ ⠀⠀ Спасибо! - @rsbor on Instagram

qual foi a música que 6 mais gostaram do album? me:pretty savage 👻 - @blackpink_das_quebrada on Instagram

#Bboyfootfun - @bboylittle15 on Instagram

🎊 MUTIRÃO ESPECIAL 40K FEST COMEÇANDO🎊 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1️⃣- SIGAM  @ativofx  E SIGA TODOS QUE A PAGINA  @ativofx e @eltativofx ESTÁ SEGUINDO 🔥Sigam também @gs_erick_ @vt_joaoo e @mrjhowmusic ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 2️⃣- SIGA TODOS QUE ESTIVEREM USANDO A FOTO DO MUTIRÃO E SIGA TODOS QUE COMENTAREM A PUBLICAÇÃO. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 4️⃣ @ativofx deseja um bom rendimento.(SIGA TODOS DE VOLTA). ❌ ǫᴜᴇᴍ ᴛᴇ sᴇɢᴜɪʀ ᴅᴜʀᴀɴᴛᴇ ᴀ ᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴇ ᴏʙʀɪɢᴀᴛᴏʀɪᴏ sᴇɢᴜɪʀ ᴅᴇ ᴠᴏʟᴛᴀ. ⠀ ✅ sᴇ ᴅᴇɪxᴀʀ ᴅᴇ sᴇɢᴜɪʀ, ᴏᴜ ɴᴀᴏ sᴇɢᴜɪʀ ɴɪɴɢᴜᴇᴍ ʟᴇᴠᴀʀᴀ ᴜɴғ - @ativofx on Instagram

Así es 👆👆👆 . Reposted from @venezolanaenbarranquilla 👏👏👏👏 . . . . . . #venezolanosenbogota #venezolanos #venezolanosencolombia #venezolanosenpanama #venezolanosxelmundo #migracioncolombia #venezolanosporelmundo #venezolanosenelexterior #venezuelasos #venezolanosensoacha #resistenciave #tachira #maduro #sosvenezuela #madurodictador #noticiasvenezuela #venezuela #coronavirus #venezolanosenperu #historiadeemigrantes #venezolanosenusa #venezolanosenlima #venezolanosenenargentina #venezolanosenmiami #venezolanosenbarranquilla #venezolanosenchile #colombia #covid19 #caracas #miranda - @tupanaencolombia on Instagram

In a piece of good news, downtown Estacada was unharmed as of 8:30 PM tonight. Both sides of the Clackamas River were burned south of town but fires were reduced to spot fires. Firefighters were engaging up on the ridge above the Clackamas River Hwy. All homes along 211 were intact. Mollala was standing. Winds were at a standstill which will help things tremendously. Here’s hoping that the worst is behind us and we can begin helping all of the communities that were devastated. - @kenjisugahara on Instagram

- A2 Art 2017 Q6 Technological Change

Driver truck cabe cewek😯😯. Langsung cek link yang ada di bio akun kami😄😄. .. . . • @bolosopircrew @santoso_putra_1 @kalipait_express_official @ng_sticker @kim_karoseri_banyuwangi @komunitas_driver_laros_bwi @riyadi_rian.n7 #truck#truckhits_cakep #libom #libomartis #mobilhits #goyangpantura #bronjezteam #truckdrivers #indotrucklovers #galeritruckindonesia #seputar_truk #truckmodifiedindonesia #galerytruckindonesia #truckloversindonesia #truckmaniaindonesia #truckexpresindonesia #truckmodifikasi #cctvtruckindonesia #komunitastruckmalang #lingkarmalangraya #ktmindonesia #MRTL #malangraya #malangrayatruklovers #truckmalang #lumajangtruckcommunity #dutacassava #rebecca #rebeccabrothers #komunitastruckmalang - @bolosopircrew on Instagram

💜💜 - @kpopiashop on Instagram

Пиши в комментариях 👇🏻 Отправляй друзям 💞 __________________________ 😍 Нравится контент? 😍 __________________________ • Тогда подписуйся на нас 👉🏻 @anime_public10 👈🏻 • Тебе не сложно а нам приятно 😊 __________________________ • Ставь лайк ❤️ • Оставляй комментарий 💬 • Делись с друзьями 👫 ___________________________ ___________________________ Хештеги 🌠 • ✨ #манга #анимэ #аниме_ #анимеарт #анимешка #анимемир #анимеграм #анимешки #анимеприкол #анимеприколы #мемасики #япония #анимекартинки #анимеюмор #отаку #юри #anime #рисунок #анимекун #кун #япония #анимесериал #хентай #наруто #юри #яой #анимемомент #анимешница #ванпис #тян #аниметян ✨ - @anime_public10 on Instagram

!! SUMMER 2018 COMING SOON !! Since we are all tired of waiting for summer to arrive so we have decided to bring it on April 27th! Our plan is to BREAK OUT SUMMER on April 27th with AVENGERS INFINITY WARS / BLACK PANTHER! (We will have a follow up post with start times in the next few days) *The weather forecast next week looks AWESOME* And we are especially looking forward to that 66 degrees on Monday. Hello SUMMERTIME! Hopefully Minnesnowta will agree with us that its finally time to put the snow behind us and move on to warmer thoughts. A few coming attractions to anticipate Summer 2018: ** Solo: A Star Wars Story ** Deadpool 2 ** The Incredibles 2 ** Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ** Ant-Man & Wasp ** Hotel Transylvania 3 ** Christopher Robin ** Smallfoot ... and MANY more! SO HERES TO A REALLY QUICK RETURN TO OUR SUMMER and movies under the stars at The Long Drive-In. See everyone next weekend. Lets get this summer started!! - @long.drive.in on Instagram

Burnout 2015 - 5 September 2015 bertempat di Gelanggang Pemuda Bung Karno, Manahan. Inisiatif para teman-teman Burnsquad yang ingin menyatukan komunitas roda dua dan roda empat serta komunitas kreatif lainnya di Kota Solo dan sekitarnya. Bukan sebuah acara yang mungkin pertama dan juga besar, tapi menjadi salah satu acara dimana tonggak pertama menyatukan semua elemen yang ada didalamnya untuk saling berkumpul dan berkembang. Ada yang menghadiri Burnout pertama ini? #burnoutid #burnoutsolo #burnoutsoc #burnsquadsolo #burnsquad #seeyouatburnout2021 - @burnout_id on Instagram

ДЕНЕЖНЫЕ ОШИБКИ ⠀ Спасибо за ❤️ ⠀ Листайте фото/слайды справа налево и читайте статью👆 ⠀ Сохраняйте в закладки, чтобы не потерять ценную информацию👍 ⠀ Чтобы не пропустить новые статьи — подпишитесь на @woman_soul и включайте уведомление о публикациях🔔 ⠀ В комментариях напишите свою мечту или желание, на что бы вы хотели потрать деньги. А после нее напишите фразу-активатор «Да будет так!» - @woman_soul on Instagram

- @dazai_osamu_300 on Instagram

- hmmm

Ohh ternyata gni toh? 😂😂😂😭 . Drama : Its okay not to be okay / Psycho but its okay Netflix / TVN at 9PM KST 16 Eps Cast : #seoyeaji As Ko Moon Young #kimsoohyun As Moon Gang Tae #ohjungse As Moon Sang Tae #parkgyuyoung As Nam Joo Ri . #itsokaynottobeokay #psychobutitsokay #komoonyoung #moongangtae #moonsangtae #namjoori #jangyoungnam #parkhaengja #janggyuri #sunbyeol #leeeol #kodaehwa #kimkicheon #kanpilwon #jeongjaekwang #joojungtae #parkjinjoo #yooseungjae #tvn #netflix #fff - @psychobutits_okay_ on Instagram

- hÖÖÖÖr

yodahlah up aja Ashol udh 2 bulan😎 [@jpr.fx ] ¹ ib : ejook.fx - ac: knzofx ² rm :suryan - ac: ? #happysunday - @vxnsaa on Instagram

ダイヤモンドとしてブリリアント 🧚‍♀️ 001° #animeedit #animeart #anime #animeedits #picture #picsart #picsartedit #picsartedits #animes #naruto - @sosoh_uchiha on Instagram

Foggy gas station at night.jpeg Bit of a stereotype but small towns dont exactly have a lot of subjects _______________________________________#fog #blueshiftmag #photocinematica #dreamermagazine #insomniamag #349amcollection#classicmagazine #thinkveryl #nowherediary #cineinsomnia #cinematicmodeon #filmic_streets #dinermag - @teemu.jpeg on Instagram

The box - @helloitskip on Instagram

Like/share/smile 😉 @memematerial3 Drop your love in the comment if you love this. credit:- (thanks for the video) . 🔴 𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙧 :- . . ⭕️ Tʜɪꜱ ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏ, ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴏʀ ᴀᴜᴅɪᴏ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴏᴡɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟᴠᴇꜱ. . ⭕️ Tʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴘʏʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ ɢᴏᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴏᴡɴᴇʀꜱ. . . ⭕️ Tʜɪꜱ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜꜱᴇᴅ ғᴏʀ ɪʟʟᴇɢᴀʟ ꜱʜᴀʀɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴘʀᴏғɪᴛ ᴍᴀᴋɪɴɢ. . . ⭕️ Tʜɪꜱ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ғᴀɴ-ᴍᴀᴅᴇ. . . ⭕️ Iғ ᴀɴʏ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ ᴍꜱɢ ᴜꜱ ᴏɴ Iɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠᴇᴅ. . . ⭕️ Nᴏ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ ᴏʀ ꜱᴇɴᴅ ꜱᴛʀɪᴋᴇ. . ⭕️Credit/removal Dm (@memematerial3 )📩 Turn on post notifications . Keep following us ♥ for low stress level . #indianjokes #adultmemes #laughingcolours #bakchodiyaan #sacredgames #hindimemes #ashishchanchlani #bhuvanbam #bcbilli #desimemes #desisarcasm #bollywoodmemes #rvcjinsta #sakhtlaunda #desifun #hindijokes #chutiyapa #chutiyapanti #tharki #harami #nonvegjokes #fuddu_sperm #carryminati #sarcasticmemes #deepikapadukone - @the_laughingmedicine on Instagram

Join us for Family Affair on October 3rd, 2020, from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at Anthony Overton Elementary School, 221 E. 49th Street in Bronzeville. Our goal is to excite and expand our audience’s understanding of what it means to be involved in the political process; address issues around voting, and voter suppression; increasing recognition of one’s political power, provide political education pledge to hold our elected officials and ourselves accountable to the changes we need to see made in our immediate communities not only during election season but at all times. This event will follow strict Covid-19 safety measures and is designed for participants to move throughout the event maintaining safe social distances. #WakeUp #CapeOn #DontSleep #UpUWake #WideAwakesChicago #WideAwakes - @wideawakeschicago on Instagram

Jangan lupakan Cahaya yang setia menerangi gelap Realmi 3 pro @4lexander_2 #realmiteam #bwphotography #streetphotography #hpphotography #travelphotography #theculturetravel #basermanish #sobatfotografi #shotonrealme3pro #motokokpakehape #motretsuka #photo #potrait #typography - @4lexander_2 on Instagram

VAI LAAAAAA - @suburbanodadepressao on Instagram

Just a reminder #SkamEspaña - @zeppelintv on Instagram

Новогодний воркшоп Зал Парнас кросс студия😍🎄 Семья, 5 детей, собачки 16 октября 2 места Запись в директ - @charls_130_foto on Instagram

#tisza #tiszató #tiszafüred - @tiszatodesign on Instagram


אל תעבירו לנו שיחות @elia_sp תמונה: - @faudaofficialtv on Instagram

If you need new effects ideas, check out this weeks user tutorials now live in the app!🤩  💎 Username Logo by 4edits.xx 🌊 Wave Warp by hvrleys.resources 📉 Line Overlay by afieras editing (YouTube) Tap the “?” icon on the bottom right of the main screen in Video Star to find them and more!😄 For quick tutorials go to @videostarapptutorials💖 - @videostarapp on Instagram

🍔Tanto bocata me ha hinchado 🍔 - @marionateres on Instagram

- Car Guerrilla 汽车巡游

Lo importante es seguir adelante y nunca dejarse vencer por las malas intenciones 💪🏻👍🏻🙏🏻 . . . #FolkloreCarabobo #unmovimientoregionalconsentimientonacional #valencia #carabobo #venezuela #musica #musicallanera #imagen #trabajo #fuerza #fe #mentepositiva positiva - @folklorecarabobo on Instagram

😁 . Segue @vuubr . . . . . . . . #imvupictureperfect #imvulifestyle #imvusofrencia #imvumodel #imvuedits #imvu #imvuavi #imvulove #imvuinstagram #imvuphotography #imvubrasil #imvulife #imvufeed - @vuubr on Instagram

- 🔥 Black panther taking a stroll on a misty morning🔥🔥

- La Chely se paso de calenturienta...

- Spread the word around

Same energy. - @widianless on Instagram

You may have seen them the past few days around the city, but our #KnowOverdose campaign is on billboards, bus ads, and bus stops now! . We continue to be extremely proud of this campaign as a response to community needs and wants across San Francisco, showcasing the voices of people who reverse the most overdoses in our city. We hope for discussion and meaningful dialogue around overdose to continue and are grateful that this campaign brings to the forefront the voices of those most impacted. Though a lot of pushback has been coming out since it launched on Monday, we look forward to the open discussions it can stir. We will not be responding to hateful or stigmatizing messages which are closed to dialogue and education. Go #KnowOverdose 💕 Be sure to take a picture with them if you see them around and tag us! ⭐ - @the.d.o.p.e.project on Instagram

Whew!! This week was a complete whirlwind of news. But don’t worry, @gorillazforbeginners and I have you covered. Amazing art by @h1ntt. 🌚👉The link for the news is in the bio! 👈🌝 This week: •STRANGE TIMEZ is here! •Damon and Robert Smith interview on @bbc6music •Album, tracklist, and season 1 collaborators are ALL announced •New merch on the G-Store •Plenty of beautiful new art by @hewll •A Song Machine Livestream is on its way And more!! Link in bio to read all about it. . . . #gorillaz #robertsmith #thecure #gorillaznews #theweeklyroundup #weeklyroundup #gorillazland #gorillaz2d #2dgorillaz #murdocgorillaz #gorillazmurdoc #murdocniccals #russelhobbs #russelgorillaz #gorillazrussel #noodlegorillaz #gorillaznoodle #gorillazfanart #gorillazart #gorillazband #gorillazmusic #strangetimez #songmachine #songmachineepisode6 #jamiehewlett #damonalbarn - @gorillazland on Instagram

- anime_irl

⬇TAP TO READ⬇ . Artist: kq89nju2 Source: Twitter.com . Follow me for more posts 🌸 @ii.love.anime . My cutie pair ⭐ @anime.nina - @ii.love.anime on Instagram

𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 🌼 @jennifercoppenreal20 wearing @drewhouse Mascot Hoodie 🔸IDR 1.679.230 #Jennifercoppen #JennifercoppenFashion - @jennifercoppen.fashion on Instagram

OVO GROVE FLAGSHIP OPENING 10.3.2020 - @ovoupdate on Instagram

- Poor kitty can’t sit on tv no more 😔😔😔

Major love to @bbc1xtra for adding @ibebellah “If I Were U” to the #1xtra Playlist!! - @sonitusmusicgroup on Instagram

NoJotros no nos dejábamos, papeh. - @macetaminofen on Instagram

Remake of Konfliqt 🐍 #logotype #designinspiration #design #illustrator #photoshop #music #art #artworks #graphicdesign #logo #aftereffects #graphics #posterart #posterdesign #logodesigner #graphicdesigner #dnasty #jumpup #drawing #drumandbass #music #dj #producer - @dnasty.for.graphic on Instagram

- Blackpink memes

Vigilantism ⚡ @maldo_95 - @outrunvisuals on Instagram

DEAD - @dopeboyghostt on Instagram

EBBENE SÌ CERCHIAMO ADMIN! Per partecipare scrivici in direct, il concorso si conclude quando abbiamo abbastanza gente che partecipa! Cerchiamo: 2 admin spam 2 admin normali NON CONTATTATE SE NON VI PIACCIONO GLI ANIMALI E SE NON SARETE ATTIVI #cercoadmin#admin#adminspam#adminnormali#cercoadmin💕 Staff// - @i.nostri.amici.animali on Instagram

. آزمایش کرونای ترامپ و همسرش مثبت اعلام شد مایک پنس، #معاون ترامپ رئیس جمهور #آمریکا باید در زمان #قرنطینه #کرونایی و #درمان ترامپ مسئولیت ریاست جمهوری را برعهده بگیرد 🔸 احتمالا #مناظره دوم #ترامپ با بایدن [۱۵ اکتبر] لغو شود. 🔸 دونالد ترامپ، رئیس جمهور آمریکا که #تست کرونای وی مثبت شده است، #سفر روز جمعه خود به فلوریدا را لغو کرد. @iribnews.ir - @iribnews.ir on Instagram

Reposting it because Instagram deleted it🙄 so repost it❤ • • • Tags~ @jasminbhasin2806 • • • Dont repost 🚫 • • • Hastags~ #jasminbhasin #jasminbhasin2806 #jasminians #tashaneishq #dilsediltak #naagin4 #diltohhappyhaiji #sidhantgupta #sidharthshukla #zainimam - @jasminxshine on Instagram

- I was doing shadow puppets, and my cat decided to join in.

Tak a teraz je to už jasné! 🤯 🤯 🤯 VSTUPENKY: LINK V BIU . . #tridentsk #supportyourcrew #dnb #events #drumandbass #slovakia #tridentlimitedopenair #tridentfamily #dnbfamily #junglist #tridentlimitededition #tridentlimitedopenair3 #maduk #blacksunempire - @trident.sk on Instagram

- Filters for Photos

🚦 Delorean dreams 🚦 #novaj #dolorean #cars #car #purple #lights #music #love #aesthetic #visualart #art #visual #3d #neon #city #dubvision - @novaj____ on Instagram

#alishamskayani14 - @alishamskayani14 on Instagram

Peter Weir: 0 Young People: 1 Some pictures from todays protest at the Education Authority. Nows the time to get organised. Peter Weir has been forced to back down under pressure from young people. Text JOINSY + your postcode to 07709276057 to join Socialist Youth. - @thesocialistpartyni on Instagram

By @tagchristof Tag #pupilsphere for the chance to be featured - @pupilsphere on Instagram

trash🦋👋🏻 - @m.oonxlight_ on Instagram

كرتونك المفضل؟ _________⠀ شاركوا البوست ستوري⠀لو سمحتوا . بسوي اعلانات بمبلغ رمزي وعروض كثير حلوة💙 ________⠀ خمس كومنتات لطفا كدعم الي لحتى استمر⁦ ، وشكرا الكم لدعمكم . شوف الستوري بنزله فيه فعاليات حلوة __________⠀ ⠀ إذا أنت من أكسبلور شوف/ي حسابي وإذا عجبك فولو 💗⠀ @hamza_thread @hamza_thread @hamza_thread . #كرتون #كرتون_زمان #كرتون_الطيبين #ديزني #سبيستون #ايام_الطيبين #أنمي #انميات #لايك_مي #انمي.. #كرتون_قديم #كرتون_عربي #ديزني_لاند #تحدي_30_يوم_على_انستقرام #لايك_🚶 #إنمي #انمي_رعب #انمي_حزين #انمي_بنات #انمي_العرب #انمي_اكشن #أغنية #ثريد#براعم #اكسبلور_تابعني #spacetoon #كرتون_زمان #انيمي #رسوم_متحركة - @hamza_thread on Instagram

Ya, ya. Los palomos por fin vuelven con otro episodio late night pa’ el entretenimiento de todos en esta cuarentena eterna. Entre diparate en abundancia en ciertos temas, hablan acerca el nuevo tiktok de CJ de Vanessa Hudgens, nuevo álbum de Bad Bunny, X Æ A-12 y mucho más. Disfruten de este nuevo episodio de #tucorodebolsillo hecho con amor pa’ nosotros y ustedes. Bro, we’re straight up not having a good time esta pandemia pero nos vemos pronto. #RIPSemanaTrasSemana Illustrado por la experta en el distanciamiento social en especial contra la gente mala onda @anniecampana_ 🔥 - @balbaroquepodcast on Instagram

- Editing pics

Сколько же прекрасного в нашем любимом городе! Как вам работы Елизаветы @elisabeth_anisimow? 📸 Ю. Намлиев, С. Холявчук #арт #петербург #художникиспб - @topspb_tv on Instagram

THE FUTURE IS BLACKPINK - @blackpink_das_quebrada on Instagram

- Lite drastiskt, men borde fungera

Husky sommer time #hunter #prepper #nature #naturelifestyle #balticsea #bałtyk #sommer #sommer2020 #sommertime #wakacje #trip #onthetrail #ontheroad #fun #husky #dog #redhusky #ruda - @belleapocalypse on Instagram

Говорит нравится, кормят хорошо - @womanz on Instagram

- System Administrator

[BVOICE OPEN RECRUITMENT] Hello, my name is Yushia, and i’m ready to dive into the radio life and start my journey with BVoice Radio! For more information, visit our social media: ► Instagram: @Bvoice_Radio ► Line Official: @BVOICERADIO, pake @ ya! ► Twitter: @BvoiceRadio So, I begin my journey here by #BeginWithBvoice #BVoiceOpenRecruitment #BINUSuniversity #FYPBINUSIAN2024 - @yushiahp on Instagram

- Photoshop app

- Passive Listeners

Essa semana é o #Niver do #TIMMAIA!! Então Vem curtir numa Relax, Numa Tranquila, Numa Boa :::: #DOMINGO 04/10 No Especial TIM MAIA #GRÁTIS Na @NossaCasa.VilaMadalena: Com @Tiago Batista Tocando os clássicos e lado B do Tim:: ====================================== +++ #DOUBLE #CAIPIRINHA até as 19h +++ Promos e Baldes de Brejas Geladinhas e Petiscos deliciantes ====================================== Continuamos aqui na Luta Resistindo p/ não perdermos o nosso querido espaço ====================================== Então Estamos Funcionando e abrindo as portas como #BAR e #RESTAURANTE Seguindo todos os protocolos de segurança p/ gente se ver, com responsabilidade e respeito. ====================================== Montamos um ambiente arejado, bem aconchegante e com mesinhas espaçadas pra vcs curtirem numa relax, numa tranquila, numa boa +++ E um mini palco regado a muita música brasileira com convidados especiais para animar sua noite e relembrar um cadin daquele clima gostozin da NossaCasa ====================================== Pra tomar #Brejas geladas, bons #Drinks ou aquela cachacinha de #Jambu pra dar aquela TREMIDA, ou degustar Nossas comidinhas regionais #Nossos.Petiscos #Nosso.Acarajé e mucho +++ ====================================== 🌼 (( IMPORTANTE )) Podemos e iremos funcionar somente com o público sentado ====================================== 🌼Reservas de Mesa – 2 horários: das 12h as 17h ou das 17h as as 22h Pelo Nosso.ZAP (11) 99470-9924 ====================================== couvert artístico opcional R$ 5 mangos ====================================== 🌈🏠Nossacasa Confraria das Ideias🌈🏠 R Mourato Coelho, 1032 & 1044 #VilaMadalena - @nossacasa.vilamadalena on Instagram

- Chistes

اول بوست بعد تعديل الحساب 💘🔮 . . .تابعو الحساب .@t24_81 @mmalhag054 .@_lover_of_laughter @4.iillu @mozun_queen . . .فولو لي حسابي {@ta_tr20 } . .#اكسبلور #لايك #فولو #حقائق #حقائق_مدهشة #bts #anime #follow #like4likes #اكسبلور #اكسبلور_explore . . .🔮💘 - @ta_tr20 on Instagram

بصرخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ - @i1z0z on Instagram

نشر الممثل السوري #تيم_حسن البوستر الدعائي لمسلسل #الهيبة_الرد عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، و تم الاعلان رسميا عن موعد عرضه حيث ستنطلق اولى حلقاته في مطلع شهر تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر #تيم_حسن #الهيبة #الهيبة_الرد #ديمة_قندلفت #منى_واصف #سوريا #لبنان #دراما #تلفزيون_لنا - @lanatv.official on Instagram

Its been a pleasure serving this community from this place. Ive had the best employees and customers all along and Im grateful for you all. I cant wait to see whats next for 4am. Follow us here to see what happens next. - @4amcoffeeroasters on Instagram

- Cursed_Peter

- jack o lantern puppy

#iykyk 😂😂😂 #initialdmemes #carmeme - @wheelsnmeals on Instagram

INTIMIDATION. - @coldhardtruthhc on Instagram

TAG HAMZAH PLEASE @hamzahthefantastic dt the hotties 😍 ps this was for just lolz. - @witchy_ext on Instagram

- @_dazai_osamy._ on Instagram

معايدتي لجميع احبابي من تصوير وتصميم الأخ الغالي فواز الشجاع.. سيارة_كلاسيك #سيارة_قديمة #لينكون #عملات#مباني_أثريه بونتياك _ بونوفيل #مهرجان القصيم#مهرجانات #كلاسيكيات#الزمن الجميل - @sulieman1985 on Instagram

- @msk_pit on Instagram

- MAMAMOO’s Moonbyul teases Music Bank performance

- Instagram story app

Blago se njemu - @djed_mirko on Instagram

R.E.M⁣ ⁣ 8 parfum Ariana telah menghasilkan senilai $ 500 juta atau Rp 7,3 Triliun. ⁣ ⁣ parfum baru ariana REM, terasa lebih hangat, lebih seksi, lebih dewasa dan lebih membumi daripada yang lain, tetapi bahan rahasia yang memberinya rasa manis dan mengikatnya dengan anggota keluarga lainnya adalah karamel!.⁣ ⁣ Secara khusus, ini adalah karamel asin hangat, yang merupakan salah satu catatan teratas parfum, bersama dengan pir dan ara. R.E.M. yang baru saja tiba di Ulta.com kemarin juga menghadirkan bau lavender essence, pear blossom, white musk, dan sandalwood. - @tumblryour.indo on Instagram

- Saw this on FB... Hes closing the wrong eye.

KAÇ YIL OLDU? İzmit eski Perşembe pazarı ışıklarında bir grup genç yerde yatarak okey oynayalı 12 yıl oldu - - - Daha fazlası için @kou.burada takibe al ✨ - __________________________________________________ #izmit #kartepe #gebze #gölcük #değirmendere #kandıra #karamürsel #çayırova #darıca #karamürsel #kocaeliüniversitesi #dilovası #başiskele #derince #ormanya #sekapark #kocaeli #fethiyecaddesi #körfez #sekakamp #umuttepe #sapanca #maşukiye #kocaelifuarı #izmitfuarı #kocaelispor #umuttepe #umuttepekampüsü #koü #hereke #kocaelihaberler #izmitçarşı - @kou.burada on Instagram

- El respeto ante todo!

There is no Planet B #climatestrike - @instadiggy on Instagram

- Waiting for the bus?

- Easy Photo Editing

Foi mto bom participar dessa experiência inigualável e reinventar um jeito de se divertir!!! #festivalcinedrivein #drivein #cinema #centershopping - @lfproducoesudi on Instagram

يلا سفااااحين - @elqaq0 on Instagram

Im not crying, you are... 😭❤ - @liampaynewsupdates on Instagram

And were live! Be sure to visit our virtual gallery for the first installment of The Right to Vote exhibition - Women Are All the Thing, by Susan Stava Link in bio! #GarnerAtHome #haverstraw #garnerville #westhaverstrawny #rocklandcountyny #hudsonvalley #NewYork #Connecticut #Tristatearea #photography #digital #community #commumity #newyork #Suffrage #democracy #election #voting #votingrights #votingmatters #women #womenssuffrage #womensuffragecentennial #collage #collageart #painting #VisualArts - @garnerartscenter on Instagram

Do mind creasing shoes? @hypefamz #hypebench - @hypebench on Instagram

You were the shadow to my light Alan walker edit . #walkerscreate @alanwalkermusic . . . . Swipe to see the edited full image and also the original stock. Check step by step in story/highlights Inspired from @benny_productions . . . Like Share Comment FOLLOW @agarwalpritish for more such stuff . Made in @photoshop Stock from official alan walker . . . . . . . . . #trippish #bennyreview #jjcworks #alanwalker #alanwalkermusic #alanwalkerfans #musicfans #edm #musicposter #walkersjoin #walkers #wearewalkers #tomorrowland #alanwalkerart #differentworld #faded #theweekoninstagram #thecreativers #thecreart #thecreart #thegraphicspr0ject #thephotoviers #thevisualgods #theuniversalart #thedarkpr0ject #pulkitkudiwal - @agarwalpritish on Instagram

DRÜCK SIE WEG OUT NOW Prod by @motion030 ⚠️⚠️ Bei 20000 Kommentaren poste ich das Video auf YouTube 😌 - @quame65.de on Instagram

Kedi gözlerr😻😻❤ . #picsart #edit #picsartedit #picsartedits #day #turkey #düzenleyici #photo #photoshop #istanbul #tumblr #vhs #kedi #kedigözler #papercut #rippedpaper - @picsart.tutorial.tr on Instagram

MAU JADI SELEBGRAM? . ✔️Hanya Butuh Username ✔️Tidak Menambah Following ✔️Aman dan Amanah 100% ✔️Tidak Masuk Uang Refund ✔️Database Luas, Ada yang Sedia Followers Aktif Indo Sebanyak Ini? . Untuk Pemesanan Silahkan Hubungi Instagram : @warungsosmed94 Whatsapp : 082288719961 - @snirhma_ on Instagram

- نونو😭😭 - @blackpinkfact on Instagram

😂😂😂🙉🙈🙊😂😂😂🔥👍 Artist 🎨🖌✍ @myinnercactuscomics Follow us 🌍🌎🌏 Beautiful art 💖💖💖 _________________________________ #art #artist #drawing #drawingofinstagram #artist_4_shoutout #drawingeyes #drawingtips #drawingoninstagram #àrt #drawingismylife #drawingreference #drawinganimals #drawings #drawingday #drawingartist #artist_features #art̴̅͑͗͐̈́͊̽̊̊̓̇̐͒̀͌̇̌̽̄̽̏̌͛̔̅̅̉̒̊̆͗͊͒͋̽̀̀̌̓̏̋̃̂̅̈͂̐̽͑͐̈́̓͊̑̊̈́̿̓͌͘͘͘͝͝͝͠͝͝#arts_help #artsgallery__1 #art🎨 #artistic_unity_ #yanart #художники #artbigworld #artworld888#drawing_secret  #comics #love  #художникмосква #illustration _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ⚠️ Copyright all reserved.✅................................... ⚠️ Write all the questions in PM.✅ ....................... ⚠️ Post or delete.‼..................................... - @artbigworld on Instagram

Not all DIY projects are created equal • Get yours at illumaesthetic.com - @illumaesthetic on Instagram

Ga bisa kalo @blackpinkofficial nyanyi, soalnya harusnya aku yg jadi member ke 5 nya 😭 tapi kalo PUBGM x BLACKPINK aku sih YESSSS! 😍 Yuk ikutan event berhadiah album original bertanda tangan blackpink sblm tanggal 8 oktober! . . #PUBGMxBLACKPINK #blackpink #InYourArea - @audreyffreal on Instagram

It has been over two months of Aiteraaf and the constant support we have gotten throughout has been overwhelming. Since Aiteraaf is primarily focused on sexual abuse and harrasment, we understand how just going through our account and reading the countless of stories of the brave survivors can be triggering. Despite that, for the past two months all of you have been with us on this journey and helped us make a difference. It means the world to us and we really appreciate it. So, this is to all of you. Every single one of you who supported us and will keep on supporting us. You are brave, you are strong and you are fighting for something important. You are making a difference and we are proud of you. Himmat karo, zulm se larro! Note: Tag down below your favourite influencers you would like to see in the next placard post. - @aiteraaf on Instagram

- fotos

—semoga membantu yaa🧸 . follow @sunny.aftern0on for more!🔮 —————————♡————————— pls like, save and follow if u see this🌷thanxxx 💟 self care 💟 daily tips 💟 relateable content 💟 n more! sc; pinterest —————————☆————————— tag n share with ur friends🥝♡♡ —————————♡————————— [tags🏷] #aesthetic #aestheticedits #explore #exploremore #threads #threadsindonesia #threading #threadaccount #tumblr #pinterest #explorer #2021 #self #threadindonesia #dirumahaja #kdrama #selflove #selfcare #teengirl #tips #viral #explorepage #fyp #homeoffice #foryoupage #lfl #selflovendonesia #selfcare #loveyourself #explorepageready - @sunny.aftern0on on Instagram

COFE . . #cinema4d #c4d #render #octanerender #otoy #octane #renderzone #rsa_minimal #rsa_graphics #edit_perfection #enter_imagination #everyday #instaart #fa_hypnotic #surrealism #surreal42 #awesome_surreal #adobe #artwork #digitalart #dailyrender #dailyart #mdcommunity #pr0ject_uno #thegraphicspr0ject #visual_creatorz #visualart #creative - @mostafa_k787 on Instagram

من أكثر اللقطات المحزنة في عالم الإنمي .. 💔 - Boku No Hero Academia #انمي #Boku_No_Hero_Academia #أنمي #انميات #انمياتي #إنمي #انميات_العرب #اكسبلور #اكسبلورر #اكسبلور_فولو #السعودية #الكويت - @animee.mix on Instagram

- Guys... these people are insane

In deep solidarity with the people of the United States and with gratitude to all first responders who put themselves at risk to keep us safe, The Consulate General of Israel posted these messages on billboards on the 1-10 freeway in Baldwin Park. Israel stands with the US! #westandtogether - @consul.general.hillel.newman on Instagram

#цитати #цитатиукраїнською #цитатидлядуші #натхнення #затишок#тутзатишно #українськийпрофіль ☘️☘️☘️ - @coffee_with_milk_2020 on Instagram

💥💥💥 APRIL SHOWS 💥💥💥 ALLLLL ABOARD!!!! Dont fall asleep and miss your stop at these shows! Thanks to everyone for your continued support, Ill see you at the show! 🍺🍺🍺 Cheers ~ Pittfield #share #comeout - @thepittfield on Instagram

Tonton @LewisCapaldi & @NikiZefanya tampil spesial di #OPPOReno4ProFest PREMIERE di @OPPOIndonesia! 📅 Senin, 7 September 2020 🕖 Mulai 19.00 WIB 📍 Subscribe YouTube @OPPOIndonesia Dapatkan banyak hadiah senilai jutaan Rupiah, mulai dari smartphone, smart watch, TWS, hingga aksesoris eksklusif dari OPPO di acara peluncuran #OPPOReno4Pro kali ini. Jangan sampai ketinggalan! - @musikupdateid on Instagram

poşet çaya hortkuluk koymayan da ne bileyim şimdi — #q siz bir hortkuluk yapsanız o hortkuluğu koymak için hangi cismi kullanırdınız? — Daha fazlası için takip edin!❤️ @hpotterxtr - @hpotterxtr on Instagram

양파 꽃이 만개한 떡볶이로 유명한 🏵네번째집🏵 떡볶이 뿐만 아니라 꾸덕 크림 듬뿍 크림면에 육회 와르르 유부초밥까지 버릴게 1도 없음ㅠㅠ 세개 같이 먹으면 찰떡콩떡 꾸루맛 이라는데?!? @떡볶이에 소주 ㄱㄱ? . . 📍 #이태원 #네번째집 . . #서울 #서울맛집 #서울술집 #서울이태원 #이태원맛집 #이태원술집 #서울술집추천 #이태원술집추천 #서울맛집추천 #이태원맛집추천 #이태원데이트 - @seoul_mugsta on Instagram

Nur noch 4 Stunden bis zum Release von Heartbeat Distance (Goldfaenger Mix)! Ich freue mich schon so sehr :) Seid Ihr gespannt? - @jamielee_kriewitz on Instagram

🍫اهلًا ي عســ💜ــل؟؟ 🍫كيفكم؟؟ 🍫بوست جديد 🍫لايك ونشر وكومنت حلو زيك 🍫اشوفه بستورياتكم😣🔥 🍫ممنوع الإعلان في الكومنتات او الشتم او الحرق🙂 ...🍫 @h7.us29 @h7.us29 @h7.us29 #bts #بتس #بتس_نامجون_جين_يونقي_جيهوب_جيمين_تاي_جونغكوك_ارميز #بانغتان #ارمي #ارميز #ارميز_العرب #شوقا #شوقا_بي_تي_أس#رياكشنات #رياكشنات_بتس #ارميز_العرب - @h7.us29 on Instagram

- Does this count?


شما کدوم اسلاید رو میتونید مثل خود بیلی برین؟🤣 این لاناتی حتی اسکل بازیاشم تکه...هر کاری میکنم نمیتونم خودمو شبیه اسلاید _5_ بکنم😂😂😂 وای😂 آقا کپشنم نمیاد : بای|: - @billlieeilllish.ir on Instagram

Svi imamo po jednog takvog 😁 @tuningslavia 📍 - @tuningslavia on Instagram

DANKE! Danke an jeden der an mich geglaubt hat und mir zugetraut hat stabile Tracks zu produzieren. #neuerstuffkommt #spotifyauch - @nemixofficial on Instagram

- Always...

°°°°° ØɃƗ₮Ø Ʉ€ĦƗĦ₳ °°°°°° Hᴏᴘᴇ Yᴏᴜ Aʟʟ Lɪᴋᴇ Iᴛ 😇 Iғ U Lɪᴋᴇ Iᴛ Tᴜʀɴ Oɴ Pᴏsᴛ Nᴏᴛɪғɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs 😁 sɾɾվ íբ í բɾցԵ Եօ Եαց • • Ŧ๏ɭɭ๏ฬ ๓є Ŧ๏г ๓๏гє • ----- ₣₳ⱤⱧ₳₦ ----- -@firedragon__235 - ••••『T』『A』『G』『S』•••• • #obito #obitouchiha #naruto #anime #otaku #shonen #animeboy #narutoshippuden #narutoedits #manga #animeedits #animeboy #animerocks #animememes #animeart #amv #amvedit #ramen #sugoi #narutouzumaki - @firedragon__235 on Instagram

Youve been warned you racist fucks! #BlackLivesMatter - @dougiefreshhopped on Instagram

#татьянаденисова #командататьяныденисовой #татьянацебомба #тане4ка #танюша #танцы #танцынатнт #танцы7сезон #ТАНЦЫПОСЛЕДНИЙСЕЗОН #тнт #мяу - @queendenisova on Instagram

Picsart’ta fotoğrafa bulut ekleme ☁️💕 . #picsart #edit #picsartedit #picsartedits #day #turkey #düzenleyici #photo #photoshop #istanbul #tumblr #vhs #cloud #bulut #clouds #cloudedit - @picsart.tutorial.tr on Instagram

ПРОПАЛА СОБАКА!!! В г.Партизанск по ул. Смена, порода Сибирский хаски, отзывается на кличку Айс. Окрас светло-коричневый+белый, глаза голубые. Не боится людей, легко идёт на контакт. Хромает на переднюю лапу. Любимый питомец, член семьи. Внимание, собака нездорова, требуется ежедневный уход. Нашедшему просьба вернуть за вознаграждение, а также , если Вы обладаете какой-либо ценной информацией о его местонахождении, просьба сообщить по телефону всеми доступными способами +79147912881 Сергей, +79147079481 Эльвира. - @partizansk_love on Instagram

Had the pleasure to work with newcomer @niawynmusic x @kinkaimcr on this jazzy tune! Keys by @bastianvoelkel // Artwork by @justfuss // Foto by @patrickjoust // Label @fortheloveofit_records #jazz #jazzhop #soul #hiphop #90sboombap #90shiphop #pictureoftheday #ukrap #shuko #newmusic - @shuko_music on Instagram

«Третье сентября», Симпсоны в Малом Власьевском, ленд-арт в Перово и прочие парадоксальные и смешные моменты городской жизни в прошедшем месяце. ⠀ Полная коллекция по ссылке в сториз. ⠀ #город #москвичmag #люди - @moskvichmag on Instagram

mmmm... ❤️ - @elliloveu on Instagram

أربع سنين ونحنا منغمرين في حبكم اربع سنين تكمل أجمل قناة أشاهدها في حياتي احبكم احبكم #4yearsbadrfam @Badr_family1 @imreemaa @azizthe21 @khawlh.world #مودل_بدر #ريما_بدر #عصابه_بدر #عصابة_بدر #جوانا_بدر #جوانيتنا #اكسبلور #اكسبلور_فولو #اصدقاء_جوانا_بدر - @fanz_badr_familyy on Instagram

- Riding with the gang!

- @fridaysforfuture.russia on Instagram

its__lyn__ ꒰ new post 🦋✨꒱ للمــــزيد : @its__lyn__ ♡. . . . . . . . #ثريد #لايك #كومنت #ثريدات #اكسبلور #الجزائر #المغرب #تونس #نصائح #معلومات #أفكار #افتارات #بينترست #أفكار #تطبيقات #تطبيقات_ايفون #تطبيقات_ابل #تطبيقات_تعليمية #نشر_في_الستوري_لطفا - @i.__.cloud on Instagram

🌍 Поучаствовать в пятничных онлайн- и офлайн-пикетах можно каждую неделю, но глобальные забастовки за климат случаются только три раза в год. ⠀ Надеемся, что в эту пятницу вы присоединитесь к нам и поможете привлечь внимание к климатическому кризису! #FridaysForFuture - @fridaysforfuture.russia on Instagram

ИДЕИ ДЛЯ ФОТО С ПОДРУГОЙ 🍂 Лайкни, если понравилось 🍂💓 ~ #взаимныелайки #рекомендую #идеифото #фото #фотоссесия #коллаж #селфкаре #селфкареаккаунт #селф #selfie #selfcare #liketime #self #vsco #обработкафото #эстетика #рекомендация - @idea.photoo on Instagram

Колись давно, в доілономаскову епоху люди прали руками (!) Злякалися? Видихніть 😅 Адже зараз у вас є SAMSUNG WD70M4443JW! Ну, або буде. Після цього посту 😉 ⠀ ✅ з технологією Air Wash ніяких неприємних запахів! Навіть натяків на них. Адже всі бактерії знищуються потоком нагрітого повітря, навіть без води та прального порошку. ✅ па-па плямам! Навіть, якщо ви перете з низькою температурою. Порошок перетворюється на бульбашки, що швидко проникають в тканину та виводять плями. Називається ця технологія Bubble Soak 👌 ✅ теж вважаєте, що чистити лоток для порошку — абсурд? StayClean Drawer в цій машинці забезпечений спеціальною системою промивки. І вона реально вимиває всі засоби для прання (!) ✅ якщо треба випрати й висушити кілька речей ASAP, є спеціальний режим — «Швидке прання і сушка за 59 хвилин». Меджік ✨ ✅ а ще вона реально стильно виглядає: здалека можна переплутати з великою Xbox Series S. Можна грати у пральні ігри навіть без джойстика 🙃 ⠀ Подивіться на свої руки і заспокойтеся. Ці руки нічого не пратимуть 😃 Ну а тепер го на наш сайт за пральною машинкою ❤️ - @eldorado.ua on Instagram

Things have been pretty quiet and the kickoff of wedding season in Tampa looks different. I am grateful to wonderful vendors like @PezzPhoto @sparkweddingevents @BayStageLive for shedding a literal light on the events industry last week for #wemakeevents and the impact that pandemic closure has on our livelihood. #loveisnotcancelled and the Rialto is quietly waiting to shine again, but small businesses across industries are struggling to survive or have already decided to shutter for good or maybe just for now. Check out https://qoo.ly/384dfd to learn more and continue to support small business in all the ways you can. Our replies may be a little slower, services might change, but we are in this together. I cant wait to smize at you soon #behindthebluedoors! #alllove #behindthebluedoors #bridechilla #ceremony #historic #ido #insight #inspo #love #organization #planner #planning #reception #rialto #setthestage #tampa #tampaheights #tampawed #theater #tips #tricks #wedding #weddingbells #yourdayyourway - @rialtotheatretampa on Instagram

s post . Извините что последнее время большое количество именно таких постов и мало историй ... Сами понимаете ШКОЛА ! У меня ВПР по английскому послезавтра ... Ну а дальше по нарастающей по остальным предметам . Так же мне нужно решить какие предметы мне нужно сдавать и на кого я поступлю ... А Я НИЧЕГО НЕ ЗНАЮ !!! Всё что я умею это постить тупые шутки , писать переписку и плакать в историях о том какая у меня жизнь фиговая ))) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #аниме #анимемем #bsd #анимевеликийизбродячихпсов #великийизбродячихпсов #bungoustraydogs #дазай #дазайосаму #дазай_осаму #осамудазай #чуя #чуянакахара #чуя_накахара #накахарачуя #дазайичуя #чуяидазай #дазайчуя #чуядазай #soukoku #bsd #соукоку #яой #яоя #яойчик #яойщица - @dazai.mafioznik on Instagram

Id eat here, hbu? @travisscott @mcdonalds .@travisscott_art . . #travisscott #mcdonalds #cactusjack #travisscottedits #astroworld #burgers #kidsmeal #art #artwork #artist #graphicdesign #instagramartist #artistofinstagram #dope #lit #fire #explorepage #discover #traviscott - @vigna_vines on Instagram