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Alles Lavendel oder was? Ich glaube es gibt aus oder mit Lavendel nichts, was es nicht gibt 😉🤷🏼‍♀️ . Lavendelseife, Lavendelhonig, Lavendelmilch, Lavendelöl, Lavendel-Duftsäckchen und vieles vieles mehr... . Lavendel ist aber auch ein absolutes Superkraut - er wirkt unter anderem antiviral, angstlösend, antibakteriell und einiges mehr... ich habe Euch alles wissenswerte zu Lavendel aufgeschrieben und vieles davon für Euch ausprobiert und getestet...💜 . Ich zeige Euch, wie ihr Lavendel in der Küche verwendet, wie ihr ihn zur Pflege der Wäsche nutzt, dank Lavendel den Schrank frei von Motten haltet und wie ihr von seiner antiviralen Wirkung profitiert oder seine Superkraft als Arznei einsetzt - Lavendel ist übrigens die Arzneipflanze 2020 - . Bilder, Rezepte sowie Anleitungen und Links findet Ihr auf meinem Blog und den Link dazu in meinem Profil 👉🏻@lebenslust25 oder direkt unter: . 🌱 www.lebenslust25.com 🌱 . . . . . Wenn Euch dieser Beitrag gefällt, dürft Ihr ihn gerne speichern ( drückt einfach auf die Fahne rechts unter den Bildern) 💜 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #lavendel #arzneipflanze2020 #gesundheit #natürlichgesund #kraftausdernatur #paracelsus #hildegardvonbingen #kräuter #germany #provence #südfrankreich #lebensfreude #lebenslust #ich #glücklich #blog #gutzuwissen #bayern #storytelling #story #goodtoknow #daslebenistschön #daslebenistbunt - @lebenslust25 on Instagram

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Ever been forest bathing? Say what!? 🤔 Forest bathing doesnt require nudity or running water (unless you want it to ;) . Forest bathing actually comes from a Japanese method of connecting with nature through your senses. . How do you do it? Good news! Its easy. Here’s how to practice forest therapy in your area: -First, locate a quiet, secluded spot amidst nature -Avoid popular parks or paths, and skip the sweaty hikes. -The goal here is to limit your distractions and find peace. ****On that note, turn off your phone notifications***While having your phone is a good idea for safety purposes, you don’t want texts or Instagram notifications to take away from your experience. . You can do it!!! . . . #soothemassage #aromatherapy #forestbathing #forestbathingtherapy #forestphotography #calmyourmind #mindfulness #breatheinbreatheout #breathedeep #stressrelief #stressreliever #wellness #wellnessservices #deeptissuemassage #swedishmassage #sportsmassage #prenatalmassage #bringingwellnesstotheworld - @soothe on Instagram

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LONG LASTING ENERGY 🔸1 tazza di mirtilli congelati 🔸1 banana congelata 🔸1 tazza di latte vegetale 🔸1 cucchiaino di semi di chia 🔸Qualche cubetto di ghiaccio Grazie ai semi di Chia questo smoothie è in grado di fornire unottima riserva di energia cui attingere quando certe giornate si annunciano... Impegnative. #smoothie #energy #cucinavegetariana #benessere #salute #fitnessgirl #mammafit #fitmumlifestyle #chef_onepro #cuciniamoinsieme2020 #noidelf00d #fitfoodnoi2 #sydneysolofood #cucinasana #cucinangdo #mirtilli #chia #semidichia #frullato #frullatoenergetico #fruttirossi #estate #stareinforma - @cucinavegetarianafit on Instagram

50 Funny And Relatable Memes To Send To Your Socially Awkward Friends

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DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA!! - MT, PR, ADM, DA - Silahkan kirim Berkas Lamaran (CV+Surat Lamaran Kerja DIKETIK, FOTO COPY {Ktp+KK+Akte+Ijazah Terakhir}, Foto Terbaru) Via Email : careerrekruitment@rfgroup.id Format/Subject : Kode Posisi_Nama Lengkap_No. HP Aktif_Pendidikan terakhir. CP : CHANG - ARISTA TANPA PEMUNGUTAN BIAYA untuk fast respon, lampirkan CV Anda #career_surabaya #uc.career #nccnarotama #careerunesa #haloistts #uphcareersurabaya #widyamandalacareercenter #uwpcareercenter #itscareercenter #loker.sby #loker.in #lokersurabayakerja #loker_surabaya #loker_jatim_id #loker_sidoarjo #loker.surabaya #lokerjombangkerja #lokergresik #lokersurabayajamannow #loker.pasuruan #lokerbojonegoro #lokerbangkalan #lokernganjuk #loker.surabaya.sidoarjo.gresik #lokermadiun.id #lokermlg #loker.id #lokerlamonganbaru #lowkersurabaya2020 #loker_tuban_bjn #infolokersurabaya.id #lokerjatimterbaru - @loker.in on Instagram

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Look at me Kiwis! My head is cracking. They are eating everything in the house. Run! #underpression #heavyhead #runaways #anxiety #anxietyattack #underattack #sgvanxiety #quarantinefood #foodindanger #foodstories - @gabrimiss on Instagram

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Wie finden wir neue, kreative Lösungen für Bürokratie und Verwaltung? Und welche Best Practices gibt es bereits? Darum geht’s die nächsten Tage beim #creativebureaucracyfestival. Auch wir sind digital dabei mit einem #special #dieguteidee. Am Mittwoch (30.09) könnt ihr ab 18h im Livestream dabei sein #linkinbio. Wir sprechen mit @urbanista_hamburg und stadtstattstrand über kreative Stadtentwicklung! #cbf2020 #livestream - @kreativ_bund on Instagram

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SWIPE! 🧬🧪🔬 Mainstream Pakistani media often fails to give recognition to our great researchers, scientists, inventors and prodigies that have contributed immensely to the world community in a variety of different fields for decades! Heres a collection of *some* of the Pakistani inventions that truly leave you in awe and pride. ✊🏽💚🤍 Sources: http://materiaislamica.com/index.php/List_of_Inventions_and_Discoveries_in_Ancient_and_Modern_Pakistan_and_Islamic_India https://www.google.com.pk/amp/s/pakwired.com/13-inventions-you-didnt-know-came-from-pakistan/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Pakistani_inventions_and_discoveries - @reformistan on Instagram

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PUISSANCE DU MENTAL . . . . #penseedujour #affirmations #rubencedeño #spiritualite #penseepositive #foi #priere #maitresaintgermain #maitresascensionnes #flammeviolette - @metaphysiquefrancophone on Instagram

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Reach high to the heavens #lightroom #photoshop #yoga #cider #blackbirdciderworks #yogapractice #yogapants #yogainspiration #yogapractice #buffalophotographer #buffalophotography #yogaeverydamnday #yogagirl #wnyphotographer #wnyphotography #igersbuffalo #featuremigersbuffalo #buffalo #716 #buffalophotomaphia #wnyscenery #wnyoutdoors #travel #butiyoga #headspace #calm #sony #sonyalpha #sonya7ii #buffaloyoga #rawrenewalyoga - @fullsdcard on Instagram

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🙂 Продолжаю рубрику БУСИНЫ ДЛЯ ТВОРЧЕСТВА. Уже не за горами зима и к Новому году я предлагаю варианты сосулек и синие и голубые прозрачные бутоны. Сосульки с небольшим отверстием под вклейку, оно не сквозное. Я могу пин вклеить по желанию. Стоимость сосулек 100 рублей. Голубые и синие двуслойные бусины стоят 130 рублей за штуку, это странички 5 и 6. Голубые и синие однослойные бусины стоят 100 рублей за штуку, это странички 7 и 8. Голубые и синие маленькие бусины стоят 50 рублей за штуку, это странички 9 и 10. А также можно составить из них украшение и я его соберу. 🙂 Для сборки изделия. Выбираем бусины, считаем цену. Для сборки браслета сверху 300 рублей, колье с вязаным жгутом сверху 600 рублей. На серьги цена фиксированная, она фигурирует во всех постах: 800, 1000, 1200 и 1500 рублей в зависимости от наполнения. 😉Важно: Для Беларуси будет пересчет в белорусские рубли по курсу каждые 100 российских рублей это 3 белорусских. Курс немного выгоднее Нацбанка и считать легче. 👌Дополнительно к сумме покупки еще надо будет оплатить доставку. Доставка по России 170 рублей, для доставки в Беларусь надо оплатить 8 белорусских рублей при доставке СДЭКом или 14 рублей почтой. СДЭК есть во всех городах Беларуси. - @irina_v_kiseleva on Instagram

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I know a lot of you guys are fans of my friend Dream too :D I made some fan art for him. Do you think hell like it? #badboyhalo #dream - @badboyhalo_ on Instagram

10 Kanye Quotes That Sum Up How You Feel This Valentines Day

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„Wenn du regelmäßig deine Intimmuskulatur trainierst, wird dein Dornröschen langsam erwachen und sich bewegen. (#Intimfitness-Trainerin Anastasia) Erwache auch du dein Dornröschen! Einfach dem Link in der Bio folgen! #Beckenbodentraining #fitimschritt - @joyclub_de on Instagram

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Nach kurzer Überlegung haben wir uns dazu entschlossen unser Alleinstellungsmerkmal aufzugeben und endlich die Musik zu spielen die auch alle anderen großen Radiosender in Deutschland spielen. Mit sofortiger Wirkung spielt das Hochschulradio Aachen ausschließlich die Top 10 Single Chart - und das im Loop. Denn mal ehrlich, wer will schon neue Musik kennenlernen? Sollten wir in den nächsten Wochen besonders mutig sein, erweitern wir unser Angebot auf eine verrückt spritzige Mische aus dem besten der 80er, 90er und von Heute! Das gabs noch nie! Feedback zu dieser Änderung könnt ihr gerne an unseren Tik Tok Account 2LIVE schicken! (Entscheidung der Musikredaktion, gültig ab 1. April 2020) #deutschland #rwth #aachen #rwthaachen #nachrichten #radio #hochschulradio #hochschulradioaachen #campusradio #991 #student #studierende #fhaachen #aken #aixlachapelle #lieblingsstadtac #April #scherz #aprilscherz - @hochschulradio_aachen on Instagram

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Freedom. Self Love. Abundance. Clarity. Higher Vibration. Peace. All things I hear that as humans we seek more of. ✨ The answers are all inside my loves. ✨ Join us to release old patterns and blockages and make way for the light that already exists within to come to the surface and EMBODY these new ways of being. . September offerings ✨17th - New Moon Ceremony & an Evening With Breath @bestill_and_chill ✨25th - Sisters Breathwork Circle - Vision Quest @transformhealthsydney ✨29th - Sacred Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony @theleelacentre ✨4th Oct - An Evening with Breath @circa_b.c . See you there beautiful people Only a few spaces left for each session For tickets please visit www.rhythmofbreath.com.au/events . #transformation #breathwork #community #energeticalignment #alchemy #freedom - @rhythm_of_breath on Instagram

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Sista rycket innan hösten!🍃🍂 Ska du bygga altan eller måla om staketet? Välj bort hormonstörande ämnen och tungmetaller. Välj tåligt värmebehandlat virke och motståndskraftig vattenburen kvalitetsfärg istället. Välj Svanenmärkt till ditt projekt. #svana #altanbygge #hemmafix #målaom #miljötänk - @svanenmarkt on Instagram

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Benefits of stretching -Improve your performance in physical activities. -Decrease your risk of injuries. -Help your joints move through their full range of motion. -Enable your muscles to work most effectively. follow for more @life_is_awesome_creations follow for more @life_is_awesome_creations follow for more @life_is_awesome_creations #yoga #meditation #joga #headstand #headstandyoga#headstandpractice #yogainspiration #yogalife #love#yogapractice #yogi #namaste #pilates #yogalove#yogaeveryday #mindfulness #yogagirl #wellness#health #yogini #motivation #yogachallenge#yogapose #asana #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #exersice #exercicioemcasa #exerciseismedicine - @life_is_awesome_creations on Instagram

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A U T U M N E Q U I N O X - J E S I E N N A. R Ó W N O N O C Noc dzień wyrównuje dniu i rozpoczynamy jesień. Równonoc jest specjalnym dniem z mocną energią. Dziś warto przeznaczyć praktyce troszkę więcej czasu. Kto rozpocznie praktykę medytacji dziś to poczuje jej siłę jeszcze intensywniej. W tym szczególnym dniu warto odpuścić co negatywne. Jesien to czas, kiedy odpuszczamy i zaczynamy skupiać się na sobie. Jeżeli nie zaplanowałaś jeszcze praktyki, to dołącz do medytacji i medytuj z nami przez następne 40 lub 90 dni. #jogakundalini #kundaliniyoga #jogapolska #medytacja #nauczycieljogi #kundaliniyogateacher #yogateatcher #agayoga photo by @projectonphotography - @aga.bera.yoga on Instagram

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Nesta quinta-feira (01/10), às 20h, acontece o nosso primeiro desfile online! Apresentaremos em primeira mão uma coleção exclusiva da linha V.Tech Protective, desenvolvida em colaboração com 13 marcas e estilistas parceiros, convidados para interpretar a linha em criações autênticas que representam uma nova categoria de roupas para o mercado. Transmissão única pelo nosso canal no YouTube. #vtechprotective #protecao #colaboracao #avicunhacuida - @vicunhabrasil on Instagram

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We ♥ Portugal! First week of our first YTT in Europe in the books! ☆ We couldn’t be any happier! Such dedicated students, so much learning, great vibes, creating friendships, charming village... and the list could go on and on. ☆ Now listen to that: we might offer another course by the end of the year or beginning 2021. We are already beyond excited. ☆ What about you? Hands up if you’re keen on joining us! 🙋🏼‍♀️ . . . . . . . . . . . . #malasana #deepsquat #squat #yogisquat #hipmobility #dorsiflexion #bujapidasana #ashtanga #primaryseries #yogachikitsa #yogaportugal #yogaericeira #allyoga #allyogatraining - @allyogatraining on Instagram

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Another week of classes filled with these lovely @anytimeliverpool faces 🤍 Class sizes have increased and are still in line with current guidelines. Whos joining us on the mat next week? - @_growwiththeflow_ on Instagram

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Calling all trans & queer youth: Youre invited to our Back to School kickoff trainings on 9/10 & 9/24! Learn how to create or level up your virtual GSA & hear about some of our new programs starting this fall. This is open to youth ages 13-18. Register for one or both trainings via the links in our bio! - @gsanetwork on Instagram

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Missing London, missing Lavender smell, missing the gloomy sometimes sunny and windy unpredicted weather - @nashabahasoean on Instagram

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9月になったよね。。。 ってもう9月も半ばですね☺️ スポーツの秋🍄🐿 20代と同じグループでの筋トレ 4 Fから2Fへ引越した FEEVE🌈studio 外の景色もみえてとてもComfortable!! 心地よい😌 大人女子は。。 インナーマッスル鍛えなきゃ!! 寝たきりにならないようにね 笑 #comfortable #🌈 #feeve #ピラティス #筋トレ #インナーマッスル #いつまでも #綺麗になる #美意識高め #スタイリングenlin - @ameri1964 on Instagram

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Clostridium botulinum: . . ✔Clostridium botulinum is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped, anaerobic, spore-forming, motile bacterium with the ability to produce the neurotoxin botulinum. ✔CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM AS THERAPEUTIC USE: A FEW EXAMPLES . . ↪Hyperhidrosis: excess sweating at the level of the hands, which depends on the muscles that surround the sweat glands. If those muscles are excessively contracted, the sweat glands secrete their elaborate continuously and the palms will be continuously wet. This is a phenotype that can have social problems and it is therefore possible to treat locally with botulinum toxin, as in this case, those who will relax will be the muscles of the sweat glands that will no longer be so contracted and, as relaxed they will not cause this excess of sweat secretion. . . ↪Blepharospasm: our eyelids are governed by some muscles, if these muscles are contracted, they will always keep the eyelids closed. It is a gradual phenomenon: First there is ptosis: eyelid that gradually lowers, until it remains half-closed, preventing vision. It can be treated locally with botulinum toxin, generating an opposite effect: the eyelid will remain open but can no longer contract (duration of treatment: 30 days). In this case, no longer being able to voluntarily close the eye, eye drops will be used, because otherwise, the eye may dry out. It was most evident in dogs. . . . #hiperhidrosis #botulinumtoxintypea #toxinebotulique #blepharospasme #blepharospasms #toxines #botulinumtoxin #botulinums #medicalmicrobiology #botulinum #blepharospasm #microbiology #hiperhidrosisaxilar #microbiology_lab #toxinelimination #clostridiumdifficile #clostridium #toxine #clostridiumrecords #microbiologylab #clostridiumbotulinum #toxinefree #microbiology_microbiology #blepharospasmawareness #hiperhidrosisecuador #prilaga #clostridiumtetani #hiperhidrosispalmar #botulinumtoksin #hiperhidrosisfacial - @biologicamente.of on Instagram

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Yuk Ikut Donasi Program Orangtua Angkat (POA) Luqmanul Hakim Marelan Dengan Minimal Rp.5.000/ Per Bulan Bisa Meringankan Para Santri Yang Kurang Mampu Dan Berprestasi Untuk Melanjutkan Pendidikannya. Rasulullah shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam bersabda, مَنْ جَهَّزَ غَازِيًا فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ فَقَدْ غَزَا ، وَمَنْ خَلَفَ غَازِيًا فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ بِخَيْرٍ فَقَدْ غَزَا “Barangsiapa yang membantu perlengkapan orang yang berjihad di jalan Allah maka sungguh dia juga telah ikut berjihad, dan barangsiapa yang membantu keluarga seorang yang berjihad di jalan Allah dengan suatu kebaikan maka dia juga telah ikut berjihad.” [HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim dari Zaid bin Khalid Al-Juhani radhiyallahu’anhu] Asy-Syaikh Ibnul ‘Utsaimin rahimahullah berkata, ويؤخذ من هذا أن كل من أعان شخصا في طاعة الله فله مثل أجره فإذا أعنت طالب علم في شراء الكتب له أو تأمين السكن أو النفقة أو ما أشبه ذلك فإن لك أجرا أي مثل أجره من غير أن ينقص من أجره شيئا وهكذا أيضا لو أعنت مصليا على تسهيل مهمته في صلاته في مكانه وثيابه أو في وضوئه أو في أي شيء فإنه يكتب لك في ذلك أجر فالقاعدة العامة أن من أعان شخصا في طاعة من طاعة الله كان له مثل أجره من غير أن ينقص من أجره شيئا “Pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari hadits ini, bahwasannya setiap orang yang menolong orang lain dalam melaksanakan ketaatan kepada Allah maka dia akan mendapatkan pahala yang sama dengan orang yang ditolongnya. Jika engkau menolong seorang penuntut ilmu dalam membeli buku-buku baginya, atau menyediakan asramanya, atau memberi infak kepadanya, atau yang semisal dengannya, maka engkau akan mendapatkan pahala seperti penuntut ilmu tersebut tanpa mengurangi pahalanya sedikitpun. Demikian pula jika engkau membantu seorang yang melaksanakan sholat agar mudah baginya melakukan sholat, baik tempat sholatnya, pakaiannya, air wudhunya dan apa saja yang dapat memudahkannya untuk melakukan sholat, maka engkau akan mendapatkan pahala seperti pahalanya. Ini adalah kaidah umum; barangsiapa yang menolong orang lain untuk melakukan suatu ketaatan kepada Allah, maka dia akan mendapatkan pahala sebagaimana pahala orang yang melakukan ketaatan tersebut tanpa mengurangi pahalanya sedikitpun.” [Syarhu Riyadhis Shalihin, 2/375] - @luqmanulhakimmarelan on Instagram

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Wow, viele junge Künstler / Studenten haben hier in drei Tagen ihre Kreativität zeigen können 😍 GREAT 👏 im Modedesign 👏 bravo @gloria_poporia @adriane_lila 👏 Video: @gesa.lu 👏 Malerei: Nicolas Yun Christman 👏 Musik: @cloudskollektiv @cozy.ninja .... und viel andere 😀 Ihr ward super! Danke GLORIA HOHMEISTER 👍 - @galerienetzwerk on Instagram

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By now, most people have heard of the preventative power of elderberry. It is widely available in health food and grocery stores to buy pre-made. You can also buy an Elderberry Throat Spray if that is preferred. Here’s one we’ve used in the past. However, since it is so simple (and I think more effective) I prefer to make my own. Here’s my go-to recipe. I give my kids a teaspoon a day to help strengthen their immune systems in the Fall/Winter months. Read, Four Natural Germbusters For a Healthy Fall on www.flagstaffmom.com - @flagstaffmoms on Instagram

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Athletes often forget that an important part of your training regiment should include rest and recovery. Rest & Recovery is achieved through getting adequate sleep but can also be achieved by taking care of injuries aches and pains and eating the right foods to help support your bodily functions/activities and to help you achieve your goals more effectively. Join Garnet Santicruz tonight, a registered massage therapist and personal trainer, who will take you through an interactive webinar on identifying the root causes of shoulder and elbow pain and ways to help alleviate these discomforts. Also in this webinar, Janice Lyn, a certified holistic nutritionist and chair of the IFMA Athletes Commission, will take you through an educational and informative webinar on the importance of water, dangers of weight cutting and easy and safe tips on how to either lose weight or gain weight depending on your goal. Athletes, coaches, parents, trainers are all welcome to join this FREE and informative webinar. Please join us as we hope to continue to be #StrongerTogether and promote positive healthy environments and lifestyles especially during these challenging times. When: Wednesday, September 16th ⏰ Start Time: 8pm ICT, 9am EST 🎟 Register: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/14/plwq2b0 (link in BIO) . . . #muaythai #muaythaiforeverybody #oneworldonemuaythai #fitness #healthyliving #healthymind #healthybody #healthyheart #beatcovid19withmuaythai #moaliving #shoulderhealth #elbowhealth #weightloss #weightgain #holistichealth #holisticliving #holisticnutrition - @ifmaathletes on Instagram

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Millions of Americans pop zinc supplements at the first sign of the common cold. Now, new research suggests the nutrient might play a role in COVID-19 outcomes, too. Learn more at the link in our bio. - @webmd on Instagram

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My evolvement of creating a healthier and sustainable lifestyle for me! Part 1 - I would say my journey to a more authentic and wholesome lifestyle has spanned over 18 years of my life! - It all started with my Nana’s orchard. It was INSANE. Spending time on the farm as a kid and eating all her home grown veggies & fruit was pretty inspiring. Growing up in the country, we would go mushroom picking in late autumn and wild blackberry picking in early summer (a shame they are all sprayed now). - Then my mum’s veggie garden came to life. It was elite. We had cherry tomato vines, lots of lettuce, passion fruit, an olive tree & loads more. It was exciting being one of five kids going out planting seedlings, watering the garden then picking it to eat. You had to be quick at picking in my family, or you would miss out! 🤣 we would 100% fight over the best strawberries in mums garden - As you can tell, South Gippsland makes for beautiful fertile soil. - Then my gluten allergy was established when I was 14 years old. Back in the day there was no such thing as “gluten free” so my mum made everything from scratch. In theory it was hard, but so many GF products are soooo processed that I was lucky to have had the chance to avoid all processed foods. - I’ve always had very sensitive skin so I’ve been blessed to always use products that are low - tox, SLES free and paraben free (before they were recognised conventionally!). Triclosan (in conventional toothpaste) would give me mouth ulcers, so I started using some bicarbonate soda before switching to grants toothpaste. - My aunt Milly is a goat in the garden and she would grow a lot of medicinal herbs. She would drop them off to our house and we would make teas or put them in our food. I can’t remember what they were specifically, but I know some helped with anxiety, nausea, stomach ache, sore throat and cough. - So no wonder I was drawn to Chinese Medicine. - When I moved out of home, my healthy lifestyle went down the drain. I soaked in the uni life by drinking way too much alcohol & ate far too many deep fried foods. And I would eat the occasional gluten. My body really suffered during this time! - @lunarchinesemedicine on Instagram

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When my heart is heavy, I hold it squarely in my hand, allowing myself to be vulnerable to the grief. When it’s time to let go, I let that heaviness splash into my natural sea of emotions. My heart soaks them in like a sponge, becoming a part of me forever, and I’m ready to heal again. 👐🏽❤️ - @guptanya.jpg on Instagram

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#Gründungslexikon – N wie #Nachhaltigkeit: Ob nachhaltiges Essen, fair produzierte Kleidungsstücke oder energieeffiziente digitale Lösungen – nachhaltige Produkte boomen. Denn das Bewusstsein der Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher gegenüber verantwortungsvoll produzierten Waren ist stark gewachsen. Angesichts globaler Erwärmung, knapp werdender Rohstoffe und einer wachsenden Weltbevölkerung gewinnt #Nachhaltigkeit immer mehr an Bedeutung. Das gilt auch für die #Wirtschaft. Immer mehr #Gründerinnen und #Gründer fokussieren sich bewusst auf Geschäftsideen, die nicht nur ökonomisch sind, sondern auch ökologisch und sozial. . Nachhaltigkeitsorientierte #KMU und grüne #Startups spielen zudem eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von #Innovationen. Diese bergen nicht nur wirtschaftliche Chancen, sondern entlasten auch die #Umwelt: Praktische Apps für mehr #Energieeffizienz, Plattformen zum Teilen, faire Smartphones und vegane Lieferdienste – die Ideen sind vielseitig. . Damit noch mehr grüne Unternehmen entstehen können, gibt es zahlreiche Förderprogramme, die beim erfolgreichen Start unterstützen. Infos zu den verschiedenen Förderungen findest Du hier: https://www.existenzgruender.de/DE/Gruendung-vorbereiten/Finanzierung/Foerderprogramme/inhalt.html . #Existenzgründung #Startups #Mittelstand #startupbusiness #startup #gründerszene #gruendungsoffensive #greenstartups - @bmwi_bund on Instagram

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𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐊𝐧𝐞𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧⁣⁣ —⁣⁣ ▫️⁣I talk a lot about the importance of athletes especially restoring FULL terminal knee extension. Too many times, athletes are told their extension is good enough and I am not okay with that narrative. Having 0 degrees is not full extension of the other side has 3 degrees of hyper-extension. We need to prioritize range of motion, especially extension after any knee injury or surgery. ⁣ ⁣⁣ ▪️Without equal knee extension ROM, their quad cannot return to full strength. Lacking these few degrees can alter running mechanics, especially with sprinting & the triple extension position. Altered running mechanics & decreased strength can increase our athlete’s risk of re-injury. ⁣[this is why having FULL extension is a commonly used objective measure prior to returning an athlete to running]⁣ ⁣⁣ ▫️These are some of my favorite exercises to help load my athletes and really utilize their full extension ⁣ __⁣ ⁣⁣ ▪️What are some of you favorite ways to regain TKE⁣⁣ 📍Tag someone who would benefit from this post⁣⁣ ⬇️Drop comments & questions below⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ Want to work with me?! Feel free to reach out! ⁣⁣ 📩asemones@axespt.com⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣ - @alyssasemones.dpt on Instagram

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After a magical night at @station12yoga with @healingwithbarbie & Lori Duggan, I left behind the beautiful Nova Scotian skies and fall colors to travel back to mother country. So many amazing things on the go! Stay tuned for more info! . #yogahalifax #yogalife #yoga #livedj #music #yogaretreat #greece #2019 - @cosmicsoundofyoga on Instagram

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Começar a semana se cuidando é sempre a melhor opção. . Além dos benefícios musculares, o Pilates é excelente para prevenção e reabilitação de lesões. . Venha fazer Pilates e cuide da sua saúde!!! . . . #clinicadefisioterapiarj #clinicadefisioterapia #clinicafitspace #copacabanaposto6 #copacabanarj #maesdecopacabana #fisioterapiarj #fisioterapia #fisioterapeutarj #fisioterapeuta #saudeebemestar #idosossaudáveis #idososativos #menteecorposaudavel #menteecorpo #reabilitação #estilodevida #atletasrj #josephpilates #pilatesrj #corpoementeemequilibrio #posto6decopacabana #fightzonerj #alimentacaosaudavel - @clinicafitspace on Instagram


as above starts with your birth date, time and place. Our website creates your piece. We print your astrological chart. You get a beautiful necklace thats completely you🔮 Try it for yourself now. Link in bio . . . . . . . #horoscopejewelry #3dprinting #jewelrydesign #natalchart #fashiontech #3dprintedjewelry #astralchart #astrologyjewelry #zodiacjewelry #3dprinted #birthchart #fashiontechnology #astrologychart #🔮 - @asabovejewelry on Instagram

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Una bella location per un live @fondazionemirafiore @samuelufficiale @bandakadabra@fontanafreddawines @paolafarinetti - @vnphoto62 on Instagram

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HALLO LUCKYS 💜, DER COUNTDOWN ZUR ERÖFFNUNG LÄUFT 🥳💪🏻. NOCH ... ⁉️ Bei der letzen PK des Ministerpräsidenten, ist euch sicher nicht entgangen, dass so ziemlich zum Ende hin, auf Nachfrage eines Journalisten die Information kam, dass es am kommenden Dienstag eine Aussage zur Eröffnung geben wird. 💜💪🏻🙋🏻‍♂️🍀 Bis dahin nutz weiter die Möglichkeit unserer kostenfreien Homeworkouts, WOD‘s, kostenlosen Verleih von Equipment oder holt euch einen unsere Gesundheits- und Vitalcoaches zum Personaltraining nach Hause. https://luckyfitness.de/dein-luckyfitness-de-kommt-zu-dir-nach-hause/ #staylucky und vitale Grüsse euer Team - @luckyfitness_de on Instagram

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Ankle Mobility💫 . Okay- so many of you requested ankle mobility help... which I kinda feel like I covered fairly recently sooo I kinda feel like you guys aren’t seeing my -ish (hashtag algorithm). . Just a heads up if you wanna select those notifications 🥰 . 💃🏻 The ankle should be a relatively mobile joint and needs to be able to react quickly to changes in direction/terrain/etc. . 👉🏻Issue arise when the ankle gets locked down due to injury, repetitive use or non use. Compensations may start to leak upstream to the knee and hips. . Many folks report limitations in dorsiflexion (toes towards ahead) and I don’t know a single person who hadn’t at least rolled their ankle- creating some issues with inversion and eversion which tend to get “sticky”. . Issues with dorsiflexion mag present with: 🔻limited squat mobility 🔻a sensation of falling back or forward in your squat 🔻pinching sensation in the front of the ankle 🔻Achilles pain 🔻shin splints . So for this series I just decided to stick like all of my favorites for helping along that dorsiflexion in one post. . 1️⃣banded ankle mob 2️⃣gastroc/soleus stretch 3️⃣ankle dorsiflexion + tibial internal rotation 4️⃣ankle reset 5️⃣ankle planks 6️⃣loaded ankle dorsiflexion 7️⃣dancer feet + lift . Like it? Share it! 💕 . 🎼 Music: Point Blank Musician: Not The King.👑 - @drkatie_clare on Instagram

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STARTS TODAY! 14-Day Backbend Challenge (Instagram) ⁣ ----⁣ How is your spine feeling after weeks (or months) of lock down? Mine is pretty stiff, and Im spending more time than I should hunched over a computer screen. What to do?⁣ ⁣ Heres my plan. For the next 14 days, Im hosting a live, 15-minute class each day specifically for the spine. Well work on strength, flexibility, and balance each day. If youd like to join me, please find the complete course details here: ⁣ ⁣ SIGNUP HERE: https://www.yogateacherscollege.com/backbend-challenge⁣ ⁣ ⁣ --- student reviews ---⁣ ⁣ ⁣ “I have been looking to build my at-home practice and this 14-day challenge was just the jumpstart I needed. I have a driving job and this challenge showed me lots of excellent ways to open up my T spine without injury. I haven’t done a backbend in well over a year and at the end of this course, I can comfortably and confidently get into the Wheel. I look forward to continuing to heal and strengthen my back with the tools Lucas provides.⁣ – Anissa⁣ ⁣ “I loved the challenge. It changed my back and my concept of backbends completely.⁣ – Veronika Szabó⁣ ⁣ “Glad to participate and I enjoyed all the lessons. In my 7 years of practice, my back bending has always been a challenge. I have a strong back but not flexible enough to work on new poses in yoga. I entered the training with Lucas to open my mind to new ideas of how to work on them. I help loads of people on a daily basis with posture and scoliosis, but this time I was who needed help. I am now more secure when I teach and am feeling way better myself.⁣ – Erida⁣ ⁣ “I have enjoyed every day following these videos! I feel my strength building not just in my back but my core as well. I was so surprised how challenging a simple crawling exercise can be, all my muscles were responding the next day! Thank you very much, Lucas, for a well-guided routine and I’m looking forward to the next challenge.”⁣ – Lina⁣ ⁣ “I loved this challenge/training! Many of my students ask about spinal flexibility, so this gave me a very informative foundation to work with and incorporate into my workshops and classes.”⁣ – Jessica Moore⁣ - @yogabody on Instagram

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⚡️Decompression Routine⚡️ — Remember, rest il as important as workout. If you don’t give the time to your body to rest and recovery well your results will be hard. Decompress always in the end of your training session and save some days to focus on active recovery. — Slow down, be patient breath deep and listen to all of your body, stress is often followed by muscles pain and tension. Find your routine and take care of this moment. — Enjou this decompression, save it and tag us! — Decompression: 3 rounds each exercise for the time you need. — ▪️MOVE 1) half knee side stretch. ▪️REPS: as need. — ▪️MOVE 2) Hips decompression. ▪️REPS : as need. — ▪️MOVE 3) Shin box to lower back. ▪️REPS: as need. — No rush today! Take time! — — Save for later and tag us!⤵️ — For any question write us in direct 📩 — #mobility# yoga#metabolic #nogymrequired#kettlebell #movement #gluteus #mobility #metabolicworkout #bodyweightworkout #homeworkout #hipsmobility #stretching #flow #animalflow #fitness #unconventionalfitness #fitnessjourney #bjj #durability #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #functionalworkout #crossfit #workoutoftheday #wod #palestra #senigallia #myfitness #metabolic61 - @metabolic6.1 on Instagram

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🥰 NOTRE TAPIS SOLIDAIRE COVID 🥰 Pour permettre au plus grand nombre de yogi de séquiper en tapis de yoga, nous vous offrons 10€ sur le tapis Performance Bodyline Totem Corail 🐚 qui est identique aux autres produits de la gamme ! Lavantage de ce tapis : ➡️ ne glisse pas, surtout pour les personnes ayant lhabitude de transpirer ➡️ fait 4mm dépaisseur ce qui protège mieux les articulations et notamment nos fragiles genoux ➡️ est en caoutchouc naturel, un bon point pour notre planète ➡️ profite du Système Bodyline : des lignes pour aligner son corps dans les postures ! Découvrez ce joli coup de pouce sur leshop dans la catégorie Bonnes affaires tout le mois doctobre (lien en bio) 🙏 📷 @salutation_au_soleil et le tapis Performance Bodyline Totem Corail #yogom #yoga #yogafrance #frenchyoga #frenchyogagirl #yogatouslesjours #frenchyogateam #fitnessfrance #yogamontpellier #yogatoulouse #yogaparis #yogalyon #yogabordeaux #yogamarseille #yogalille #yoganantes #yoganice #tapisdeyoga #yogagirl #namaste #meditation #relaxation #spiritualite #marquefrancaise #yogalove #yogaathome #profdeyoga #coursdeyoga #digitalnomad - @yogomyoga on Instagram

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Download our @kilogearfitness app and take it OUTSIDE!!🌞💪🏼🌞 . World Class Fitness available 24/7...from the palm of your hand. 🙆‍♀️🏆🏅 @kilogearcut @abbyybradley . #KILOGEARNATION #kilogearcut #kilogear #kilogearfitness #weightedgear #weightedworkout #doctordesigned #sportsmedicine #dancefit #irishdancefitness #irishdancefit #irishdanceworkouts #crosstraining #wearableworkout #athlete #dancer #irishdancer #homefitness - @kilogearfitness on Instagram

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Hey all! Every Sunday at 10:00am, I teach a queer-centered, accessible yoga class in Clark Park. I will be continuing this class throughout the fall, up until it gets too cold to continue. Beyond that, hopefully I will find a suitable space to rent at that time throughout the winter so that I can continue teaching - make sure you stay connected via either my Facebook page (Facebook.com/jessicalynnyogi) or my Instagram (@sayyestothejess2019) for updates regarding that. For now, yoga is on for this coming Sunday, and we’d love to have you! Have a lovely day, and remember to drink lots of water ☺️❤️ https://m.facebook.com/events/2972722959618477/ - @sayyestothejess2019 on Instagram

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Waar ben jij dankbaar voor vandaag? #samenzingen #samengeloven @evangelischeomroep #godmaaktvrij #opwekking720 #opwekking #hooronsloflied - @nederlandzingt on Instagram

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Múlt hét kedd az egyik legizgalmasabb nap volt számomra 2020-ban, de mondhatom hogy a munkásságomat illetően egyáltalán. Életemben először készítettek velem interjút nyomtatott újság trendteremtők rovatában (nem is akár melyikbe) az utamról, hogy hogyan találtam rá, mit ad nekem, hogy én mit képviselek a jógában és mi számomra az érték benne. Büszke vagyok arra, hogy egy olyan női magazinba jelent meg életemben először velem ilyen anyag, akik a trendeken túl társadalmi értékeket képviselnek és igyekeznek bemutatni ezeket, kicsit a dolgok mélyére nézve. Nem beszéltük meg előre a kérdéseket, de olyannyira beletalált Kitti, hogy engem is meglepett, pedig ez már a második közös interjúnk együtt. ☺️ Hiszek abban, hogy minden okkal történik és egyik találkozás sem véletlen. A @glamourhungary vel való együttműködésem és a közös munkák pont ilyen. Olyan olvasói levelek érkeznek néha amit tényleg libabőrösen olvasok el és küldök tovább Krisztinának. Nem abban mérem a munkámat és nem is az a célja, hogy milyen “menő” helyeken jógázunk, hány követőm van/lesz és milyen szuper márkákkal dolgzom együtt, annak ellenére hogy óriás boldogsággal tölt el és egytől egyig büszke vagyok rájuk. A munkám gyümölcse az, hogy kicsit is képviselhetik valamit ami nekem is segít nap mint nap és tovább adhatom a saját tapasztalásaimat a saját lelki békém és az önszeretet útjával kapcsolatosan, ami sose lesz egyszerű és örökké tart. Erre az interjúra különösen büszke vagyok, hogy valaki arról kérdezett ami a lényeg, hogy mit jelent nekem a jóga és hogy ezt kicsit is közvetíthetem felétek. Köszönöm szépen. 🤍 Namaste #azéntörténetem #azénmisszióm #story #mystory #interjú #interview #glamour #glamourhungary #magazin #hála #köszönet #élet #thankful #greatful #life #érték #jóga #yoga #yogajourney #yogalove #yogahungary #yogabudapest #mik #ikozosseg #yogisofinstagram #namaste - @yogabrunchhungary on Instagram

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Today I got up at 6am in order to catch the light with the talented @sethprofet (it was a sun salutation if you want so). So much fun and I love the results ❤️ #yoga #amsterdam #yogainamsterdam #heartcore #namaste - @schnuuuuu on Instagram


30 Eylül Dünya Çeviri ve Çevirmenler Günü kutlu olsun! #haliçüniversitesi #halicuniversity #dünyaçevirigünü - @halicuniversitesiofficial on Instagram

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Aller guten Dinge sind 3 ... #taschenlampenkonzert #varta #dresden #dresdengram #dresdenplate #dresdengermany #dresdentravel #dresdenblogger #dresdengay #dresdencastle #dresdenmarathon #dresdenerzwinger #dresdenfüralle #dresdenhbf #dresdentrip #dresdenundumgebung #dresdenplauen #Dresdencathedral #dresdenplates #dresdenrunning #dresdenmitte #dresdenmama #dresdenläuft #dresden45 #dresdenelbland #dresdenfoodguide #dresdennäht #dresdenrunners #dresdenparty #dresdenbloggt - @taschenlampenkonzert on Instagram

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Hello? Anybody here? The Toronto office is a ghost town these days, even though great books are still being made. Like magic. 😉 -Margot M - @_mira_books_ on Instagram

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Last night @jamie.joelle interviewed me for @npo3fm. Thanks @nambyarofficial for passing this one! Link in Bio #interview #3fm #parelsvandenacht #insecurity - @matsu_fox on Instagram

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Thank you @thebreathguy Richie Bowstock. Your breathwork session in the heart glade on Friday afternoon, as the sunset was breathtaking. The epic stage was built by the awesome @smily @wyrddesignz for @medicinefestival. Thank you for letting us use it to max effect. And thank you @partridge_events for adding the Wonderment with you stunning flowers. #itallcametogether #wonderment #breathwork #healing #breathe #sunset - @the_wonderment on Instagram

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Our teachers getting ready for an awesome year of socially distanced learning at The Ayurvedic Institute! // #ayurveda #vasantlad #holistichealth #neverstoplearning - @theayurvedicinstitute on Instagram

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Join us 5 times a week on the Greenway Great Lawn for free outdoor fitness classes from now to Oct. 24th. Check out our schedule below, and make sure to bring a water bottle and a face covering to each class! Learn about our COVID safety protocols at the link in our bio. #getfitthegreenway @theohmwell, @domangotraining, @ndoenergy, @nordcommission Thanks to @gnofoundation for making this program possible! - @lafittegreenway on Instagram

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Dopo 4 giorni di lavori non stop, siamo pronti a ripartire in sicurezza da LUNEDÌ 14!!!💜💛 A tutti ricordiamo alcune semplici regole: 📍 per partecipare allOpen Week è necessaria la prenotazione...avete ancora tempo per farlo ma poi non dite che non vi avevamo avvisati! 😉 📍 laccesso alla scuola sarà consentito solo con mascherina 😷, igienizzazione delle mani 🙌🏼, misurazione della temperatura 🔫 📍 allingresso sarà necessario togliere le scarpe o indossare i copriscarpe monouso 👟👟 📍 rispettare la distanza interpersonale di 1 metro ( 2 mt in sala corsi ) e la segnaletica presente 🟣🟡 📍 ricordarsi di portare la modulistica scaricabile dal sito www.asdidem.it; in alternativa vi verrà fornita in segreteria 📝 📍 agli accompagnatori non sarà consentito sostare in struttura durante lo svolgimento dei corsi 🚫 📍 agli allievi si chiede di arrivare già con labbigliamento per la lezione, di limitare lutilizzo degli spogliatoi (le borse andranno riposte sotto le sedie) e la permanenza in scuola a fine lezione 👜 📍 la scuola verrà sanificata giornalmente, i bagni igienizzati dopo ogni utilizzo e le sale arieggiate ad ogni cambio di ora ⏳ Ringraziamo tutti per la collaborazione e...non vediamo lora di ripartire con voi!!💜💛 - @a.s.d.idem_danza_benessere on Instagram

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Pakistan independence colab 2k20 has finally concluded🤍💚. Here is a videos of our colab held by @maryam.sultani6 and @qasim.artista. ❣️ (Please swipe and view all of the videos and) dont forget to LIKE👍🏻, COMMENT🤗 AND SHARE🤩 Freedom is not free, it comes with a price. Gaining independence cost you sacrificing lives of many, therefore it should be protected, love, respected, and appreciated. Independence Day wish is an initiative to pay gratitude and homage to your motherland. Celebrate freedom and express love for your homeland through kind words. 🇵🇰 🇵🇰 🇵🇰 Here is the list of all the participants and the respective themes of our colab: ✅History: @sikandar_._ qalma @maryam.sultani6 Alama iqbal sketch @art_hassaansiddiqui Quaid e azam sketch @calligraphyeverafter unity faith discipline @colorfullworld30 map mndala @arte_hub freedom @goreja_artist migration ✅Lets explore pakistan: @twinsisters_artist minar e pakistan @ahse_edaj Madala cresent with star @kiranali1759 badshahi mosque @umama_gul Quaid e azam sketch @terheeb_art Quaid tomb @twinsisters_artist Painting @cre8tive36 landscape @celeb.rati0ns MARKHOR @faizakhattak_ culture map @omersfreehandart hands drawing ✅Kashmir: @sikandar_._ کشمیر calligraphy @_haunted22__ blood painting @qasim_artista eagle @asad.jamil کشمیر کی حالت (poetry) ✅Forces: @maryam.sultani6 armed forces @saqibsam726 ssg commando @my_art_gallery_09 Soilder Painting @pencileno_art painting @messyyy_artzzz Painting @king_islam_6 poetry ✅Happy independence day: @muhmmad_hunzalah پاکستان زندہ باد @su._.fei._.ya Happy Independence @dream__of__art 73rd Independence . Thanking all the participants for their support and participation ❤️🇵🇰.. . . . . #calligrapher #artwork #calligraphypractice #painting #bulletjournal #calligraphylove #kaligrafi #letteringart #ink #bhfyp #caligrafia #ArtbySultani #calligraphyday #copperplate #daily #thedailytype #creative #procreate #studygram#independenceday #azadimubarak #pakistan #1947 #azadi #kashmir #jashaneazadivibes #14thaug2k20 # - @maryam.sultani6 on Instagram

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This is a great Ask The Dietitian question. Lola answers: No, it just sanitizes it. Sanitation and cleaning are not the same thing. Sanitation makes it “sterile;” thorough scrubbing with soap and water removes it. #wisdomwednesday #faq - @glutendotorg on Instagram

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Wesołych świąt Bożego Narodzenia 🎅🎄🎁 i Szczęśliwego Nowego roku.🎆 Życzymy Wam 💙 #Boże #Narodzenie #xmas #tree #Christmas #choinka #new #year #Nowy #rok #szczęście #miłość #happiness #Love #cryotheraphy #Krioterpia - @cryospaceclinic on Instagram

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PODCAST..... The dollop A hilarious recall of peculiar events in the worlds history. Unveils the actions of extraordinary individuals who have completed extraordinary things. No. of episodes: 400+ Hosted by: Dave Anthony; Gareth Reynolds Original release: April 25, 2014 – present Length: 30–90 minutes Genre: Comedy, history - @apple_podcasts on Instagram

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#VoteLikeAMadre Challenge Accepted⁣ ⁣ I pinky swore to my daughter that I will work to slow down climate change and to empower others to do the same. Climate change is a REALITY. Our planet and our lives are miracles. I know that for certain when I look in my child’s eyes. I promise her that I will VOTE for a Candidate that prioritizes our planet and fights climate change. I proudly accept the #VoteLikeAMadreChallenge because there is nothing more important that our children’s future. Thank you @fonsecamonica ✨⁣ ⁣ This picture is a moment when @shire_xo got me outside, barefoot with the rain hitting my face, to show my gratitude. I am deeply grateful for my life, and for the earth underneath us. I will fight for our planet. Please join us.⁣ ⁣ 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎⁣ ⁣ Sustainable Fashion Only @kesnyc 👗 - @artforartssake on Instagram

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Anjali - Mudra Mudra des Grußes Anjali bedeutet Hingabe, Verehrung, Segen und Demut. Man verinnerlicht Einheit und versucht die Illusion der Dualität hinter sich zu lassen #mudras #mudra #anjali #meditation #hingabe #demut #hatha #hathayoga #segen #hingabe #freude #hände #einheit #yogaonline #yogalivestream #yogavonzuhause #yogatime #yogagermany #yogini #yogaoutside #yogaesslingen - @hatha.yogaa on Instagram

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Calf raises feel like a waste of time? Form is everything! Whether you’re a dancer, runner, gymnast or training your feet and calves for any other reason precision is key! Can you spot the faults? We can!😉 Quit guessing and see a professional @sportslabaus #sportsphysio #weknowfeet #running #dancephysio #pointe #demipointe #fixyourfeet #rehab #physiotherapy - @sportslabaus on Instagram

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The process of #regalia making #melting #ribbon #candle #fancyshawl #fancy #fancydancer @well_kept_sustainables - @thewildmoccasindancers on Instagram

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Leadership. It’s on our mind these days. “A simple mantra for inspiring, effective, mindful leadership: Cultivate peace of mind and go about doing good.” - Matt Tenney Effective leaders serve, empower + inspire greatness in others. Leaders have one of the most challenging jobs, especially in these uncertain times. To lead with humility, truth + compassion, it’s important to have a practice of mindfulness. Would you like to ground yourself + cultivate more peace of mind to support you in your continued efforts of making a difference in the world? My yoga + meditation practice allows me to lead with presence + compassion in the recruiting + coaching work I do. I’m honored to share a session with UPWARD, a member-based community connecting global executives to support the advancement of women leadership. We invite you to join in for a grounding + uplifting practice hosted by UPWARD Los Angeles on Thursday, 8/20 at 8am PT. Link in bio. - @asheazo on Instagram

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#ExtremozymeSeries Where do Extremozymes come from? We draw from the natural selection processes of specialized extremophilic organisms, pioneering the future of skin care in terms of ultimate protection for healthy skin. What are Extremophile Plants? Organisms that are capable of thriving in harsh climates such as extreme heat, cold, dryness, and deep ocean trenches are called extremophiles. The literal term for extremophiles is “extreme loving.” These organisms date back more than 40 million years. Their ability to adapt to living in extreme conditions has allowed them to protect themselves in almost any environment. Extremophiles are categorized according to the different environments in which they live. Varieties include cryophiles found in polar ice, piezophiles from pressurized deep ocean trenches, hypoliths from dry cold deserts, thermophiles from extremely hot areas, and polyextremophiles from environments containing multiple adversities. Many polyextremophiles live in marine environments where they have to survive extreme temperatures, pressures, salinity, and darkness. One example of an extremophilic plant is the Resurrection Plant, also called the Rose of Jericho, which lives in dry desert environments. The vital structure of this extremophile can revive itself even after decades without light or water. This plant takes on the appearance of a dried-up weed, and within a few hours submerged in water it turns into a beautiful green plant. Drop us a DM to more about Extremozymes and skincare with iS CLINICAL #isclincal #isclinicalindia #extremozymes #extremophileplants #futureofskincare #skincareproductsyoucantrust - @isclinical_india on Instagram

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Dnes je Svetový deň životného prostredia 🌍💚 nezabúdajme, že je len v našich rukách, aké ho budeme mať! 🙏♻️ #denzivotnehoprostredia #jetonanas #tvojavolba #zalezinamnaplanete #cistejsieslovensko #zodpovedne #triedimeodpad #triedsnami #triedsenvipak #vezmisima #enviro #eco #ecofriendly #wecare #waste #recycle #reduce #reuse #responsibility - @envi_pak on Instagram

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Yogis, have you heard? June 21st is National Yoga Day! To celebrate the occasion, New Zealand supermodel Rachel Hunter has teamed up with America’s #1 India-style organic yogurt brand @dahlicious to produce a video featuring Hunter’s top five yoga tips. View more at NewYou.com 🧘 LINK IN BIO 🧘 #nationalyogaday #rachelhunter #almondmilkyogurt #artisanyogurt @rachelhunterx - @newyoumedia on Instagram

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Some days will hurt, and some days will heal. It’s how you lift yourself up that matters most. ❤️ • • 📸: @tgtnhomestead - @truedark on Instagram

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Immunity is the most essential factor guarding the body from potential invader. In todays time immunity is the most stressed upon health factor, one who has a strong immune system is literally safe from most of the harmful viruses and bacteria. Immunity boosters and immunity boosting methods have seen a great rise in peoples life. Read the blog by @vinaysingh_._ where he tells us about the importance of a strong immune system and how we can boost our immunity. Dont risk it, have a strong immune system. Visit the website. Link in bio. #bloggersquest #blogs #blogger #bloggersofinstagram #blog #immunityboost #immunitybooster #immunity #immunesupport #healthylifestyle #healthblogger #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram #writing - @bloggersquest on Instagram

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Yoga and meditation. - @yoganepal on Instagram

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Dear Calgary, As the final day of The Great YYC Staycation draws to an end, we want take the opportunity to say thank you. To all the staycationers out there who supported the initiative by posting, liking, commenting and sharing on social media, who participated in the hunt, who got out and about in the city spreading hope and happiness - you guys are so awesome, we could not have done this without you all! To the #hardcorehunters out there - you went above and beyond! We have been blown away by your determination and dedication. Team Staycay and all the local businesses involved are beyond grateful. To all the #TinyHouseYYC hunters - thank you so much for your support of a crazy side project we had no idea would be so loved. And last, but not least, thank you to all our partners for supporting this community initiative from day one. You have been absolutely phenomenal and it has been so fun building this alongside you all. The last five weeks have been the best summer ever and we have loved being able to have fun and give a little something back to the community during such a challenging time. It has been an honour and a privilege to staycation with you all! Team Staycay x - @yycstaycay on Instagram

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Creo que podemos vivir en un mundo mejor. Pero antes de cambiar el mundo necesitamos cambiar nuestro mundo interior. ▫️Comienza la transformación dentro de ti ▫️ Vivir con Yoga ✨ - @vivirconyoga on Instagram

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Ich glaube die Kunst im Leben ist es, (immer wieder) den eigenen persönlichen Weg zu finden. Mit kleinen Abbiegungen... und auch mal gegen Mauern zu laufen und sich vielleicht auch das ein oder andere mal im Kreis zu drehen 🔄.... ein paar Kilometer zurück zu gehen, um nochmal neu abzubiegen.... und das ganz immer und immer wieder von vorne... „Das alles“ ist doch der Weg... und somit das Leben.... ❤️ Finde den Weg, der dir Freude bereitet, der zu DIR passt, der sich für dich sinnvoll und stimmig anfühlt. Und verzweifle nicht, wenn er dir auch mal zu steinig und steil vorkommt... Hauptsache du gehst immer weiter und achtest auf die Wegweiser...! #trusttheprocess Folge der Freude nicht der Angst! 🤍 Wie war euer Wochenende? _______________________________ #speaking #joyupyourlife #chrissijoy #poetryslam #inspiration #motivation #onstage #zieleerreichen #coaching #mentoring #mut #leichtigkeit #selbstbewusstseinstärken #gedanken #findyourway #fightforyourdreams - @chrissi_joy on Instagram

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Want the truth? Here it is! . . #bluelivesmatter #alllivesmatter #backtheblue #bluelives #bluelinestrong #brothersinblue #blue #police #policeofficer #protect #policelivesmatter #policeofficers #cops #copslivesmatter #cop #courage #thinblueline #thinblueline #deputy #deputies #sheriff #supportcops #supportpolice #strong #supportlawenforcement #trump #trump2020 #maga #kag #conservative #wakeup - @back.the._blue__ on Instagram

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✨Happy Full Moon in Aries, mystics! 🌕 ♈️ The call to rise is loud and vibrant with this warrior fire sign placement!🔥💪🏽✨ With so much happening in the world, many of us are feeling a need to take action in a strong and powerful way! Balanced Aries energy understands that purposeful action is most effective before spontaneous ego driven decision making. Tap into your inner warrior and find clarity in where your talents and creative energy can best be utilized! ⚔️ We all have a role to play in this collective revolution, your talents and skills are needed in more ways than you can imagine. You are divinely here in this current moment for a reason! 💛🙌🏽 Swipe left to read more about the Aries full moon 🐏 and read our full write up in our story and full moon highlight!✨ - @thewokemystix on Instagram

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Took up the challenge n successfully completed 500 in September 2020. It was a wonderful experience and boy I can do it! #act4sdgs Thank you @elsamarie_ds & @supsawitch and the gang for the motivation and support Hip hip hurray! #yoga #fitness #welness - @lucyrocha6 on Instagram

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“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” —Dalai Lama... ⚠️ warning 🔛 work in progress 🧘🏻‍♀️🙏 . . “Não deixe a atitude dos outros destruir a sua paz interior” -Dalai Lama... ⚠️ Alerta de trabalho em progresso ☮️ . . . . . . #travelblogger #instatravel #inv202l #livinginlondon #london #lifeinlondon #sunset #meditandocomtadashi #meditando #meditation #soulsynch #lifestyle #lipedemafighter #lipedemauk #lipedemaawareness #lipedemafitness - @ellencandil on Instagram

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OH baby! We are pumped to bring some of our classes outside this summer! We have two outdoor classes this week and space is filling up fast. We are heading into the river valley tonight for our head to toe restorative class. We only have a couple spots left for tonight! If you want to grab one of the last spots, drop a comment, send us a DM and we will get you on the list! Drop in is $15 and can be sent to soundvibesyeg@gmail.com! Weve got @gatsby780 laying down those sweet sweet rhythms to help us unwind and restore as the amazing @all_things_ha_ha takes us through a beautiful restorative practice. Cant make it tonight? We have our heart opening flow outdoor class Saturday at 1pm! This class is already over half full so hit us up and come practice! Upon registration, we will send you the location of the class xo Nature + yoga + music 💗☀️ - @soundvibesyeg on Instagram

У меня не получится сесть на шпагат! Просто приходи и попробуй! ❤️ - @stretching_for_you_ on Instagram

- @drtamararussell on Instagram

Ritual Session IV auf dem @acronyx_festival ✨ Intention: Dankbarkeit. 🙏🏼 Ein tiefgehender Abschluss für eine intensive Zeit. 💫 Wofür bist du heute dankbar? 💝 #kakaozeremonie #festival #dankbarkeit #wereinthistogether #wowkakao #danke - @kakaomischa on Instagram

So important to remember that PCOS is not just about fertility! #Repost @pcosgurl with @get_repost ・・・ Reposted from @the.pcos.dietitian The average person probably never heard of PCOS. 🤷‍♀️Or they think its condition where there are cysts the ovaries. Obviously your doctor knows more than that ... but many doctors arent aware of even 1/4 of the possible Physical AND Mental symptoms of PCOS.⠀ ⠀ PCOS is complicated. Why? Because its a hormonal condition. And hormones can affect almost every part of the body - from your gut, heart, brain, skin, ovaries ... to name a few. ⠀ ⠀ Many people arent aware of the connection between mental health and PCOS. 😩⠀ ⠀ 🙏This post is not meant to depress you ... and not saying you are going to get every symptom (and Im sure I missed quite a few symptoms!). But I just wanted to validate some symptoms - mental or physical - that you may be having. ⠀ ⠀ Healthy diet and lifestyle can improve many of the symptoms. 🧘🏻🥑🥦💤⠀ ⠀ Can you relate to many of these symptoms?👇 - #regrann - @pcos_sisterhood on Instagram

Lasst uns den #Wald retten! Mein #Vorschlag für ganzheitliche Maßnahmen zur Rettung der Wälder Europas! Unsere Wälder leiden unter Klimawandel, Dürre, immer wiederkehrenden Stürmen...! Wir müssen #gemeinsam handeln und dabei ökologische , soziale, kulturelle und wirtschaftliche Faktoren berücksichtigen. Wenn auch du eine Veränderung auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene sehen möchtest, kommentiere meinen Aktionsplan und teile es gerne! Du kannst auch gerne mehr Infos auf meine Webseite finden oder mein Newsletter abonnieren! anna.deparnay-grunenberg.eu #zusammen #wald #waldretten #waldliebe #waldfreund #waldretten #wandel #klimawandel #klima #europa #deutschland #politik #parlament #euparliament #forstwirtschaft #rettetdenwald #baum #bäume #keinplanetb #noplanetb #waldspaziergang @thomas_waitz @franziska.brantner @harald_ebner_mdb @toni_hofreiter @lemke.Steffi @robert.habeck @wwf_deutschland @bund_bundesverband @robin.wood.e.v @greensefa - @annadeparnaygrunenberg on Instagram

Id recommend the training ABSOLUTELY because it covered so many things we do not learn in regular YTT that we SHOULD be learning. The training helped me discover that the feeling of empowerment is actually one of the most fundamental things I can give to a participant of my classes. I dont think I had a huge AHA moment, because my background is in functional vinyasa/hatha and yin, so from that point of view many things were very much in line with what I have been taught. I think one of the things that stuck with me most was the sessions around yoga and trauma, the things to avoid, the options to give for for example savasana sitting at the wall, etc. It was really beautiful. - Malka Jonas-Velthof . You have a couple more days to register for the next co-hort of #AccessibleYogatraining. Jivana and Amber have created an online space for us to lean into our collective mission of yoga for everybody. Are you joining us? Here are three reasons you should: 📍Make Your Teaching Accessible Learn a new way of thinking about postures and practices that honors the essence of yoga, and will allow you to design multi-level classes with ease. 📍Get Support From Experts Explore trauma-informed teaching, working with larger bodies, yoga for seniors, and much more with our team of Accessible Yoga trainers. 📍Learn At Home More accessible than ever before. Learn from home: no travel expenses, everything is recorded and captioned so you can review materials and work at your own pace. Learn more and get registered: https://www.accessibleyogatraining.com/training Links in our bio! [image description: three people are seated. One person is lying on the floor. All are showing variations of cobra. ] - @accessibleyogatraining on Instagram

△ YOGA AT YOUR DESK △⁣ ⁣ heres a bit of neck and shoulder relief for you desk workers! ⁣ ⁣ ✩ neck stretch - make sure you do both sides and relax the shoulders down⁣ ✩ arms behind back - take hold of opposite elbows, breathe into chest and squeeze shoulder blades together ⁣ ✩ seated cat cows - inhale to arch and exhale to round, repeat a few rounds⁣ ✩ full spinal stretch - create as much space as possible, reach palms towards the ceiling⁣ ✩ side body stretch - breathe into the side of the body, reach across with fingers and repeat on both sides ⁣ ✩ seated pigeon for hips - cross the ankle over the knee, sit tall and apply gentle pressure on knee, repeat on other side⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #yogabykatieb ⁣ . ⁣⁣⠀⁣ . ⁣⁣⠀⁣ . ⁣⁣⠀⁣ . ⁣⁣⠀⁣ . ⁣⁣⠀⁣ ⁣⁣⠀⁣ #yoga #yogi #yogateacher #yogadaily #yogisofinstagram #yogaeveryday #yogaonline #yogafitness #yogainstructor #instayoga #yogafam  #dubaiyogateacher #yogaflow #yogafeature #yogafeature_ #yogadailyfeature #flexibilitygoals #yogaphotography #yogaposes  #WHMHME #mydubai #worldofyoga_feature #yogatutorial #deskyoga #yogaatwork #chairyoga #shoulderpain #neckpain - @yogabykatieb on Instagram

Da das Sturmtief Sabine auch am Montag noch über Deutschland toben wird, hat sich die RWTH dazu entschieden, morgen alle Klausuren und andere Prüfungen ausfallen zu lassen. Die Klausuren werden nachgeholt. Weitere Informationen bekommt ihr von euren Prüfer*innen. Passt heute und morgen auf euch auf! #orkan #sturm #sabine #klausuren #rwth #aachen #rwthaachen #nachrichten #ausfall #radio #hochschulradio #hochschulradioaachen #campusradio #991 #student #studierende #fhaachen #aken #aixlachapelle #lieblingsstadtac - @hochschulradio_aachen on Instagram

- @dermedium.skincare on Instagram

[TERME PTUJ] 🧘‍♀️V Termah Ptuj skrbimo za aktivno regeneracijo, zato vrsto aktivnosti in načinov sprostitve, dopolnjujemo z vadbo joge. 🔝 Zakaj se ne bi sprostili in napolnili z energijo že pred zajtrkom! 🤗 40-minutni program, ki ga je sestavila vaditeljice joge Polona, se vsako jutro predvaja na televizijah v sobah Grand Hotela Primus, podloge za vadbo so ponekod na voljo v sobah ali pa si jih izposodite na recepciji. 👌Vadbo lahko čez dan ponovite na najlepših točkah v okolici hotela, ki jih je za vas poiskala vaditeljica joge Polona. 🙋‍♀️ // At Terme Ptuj, we take care about active regeneration. 🧘‍♀️We connect the range of activities with yoga practice. 🔝 Relax and recharge your batteries before breakfast! 🤗 You can find the 40-minute program, by yoga instructors Polona, 🙋‍♀️ on the television in the rooms of the Grand Hotel Primus every morning. Exercise mats are available in some rooms or you can rent them at reception. You can repeat the exercise during the day at the most beautiful corners near the hotel. . . . . . . . . . . . #savahotelsandresorts #mojaslovenija #BlizuDoma #igslovenia #slovenia #slovenija #ifeelslovenia #ifeelslovenija #ifeelslo #pocitnice #wellness #spa #ptuj #visitptuj #termeptuj - @sava_hotels_resorts on Instagram

To będzie wyjątkowy rok! 🤩 #FundacjaKobietaNiezalezna ujrzała światło dzienne! 😍 Podekscytowanie sięga zenitu! Będzie się działo! 💗 #FundacjaKobietaNiezależna #KobietaNiezależna #KobietaNiezalezna #WielkieSerce ❤ #NowyProjekt - @ewcia.pewniak on Instagram

Bei uns gibt es viele pflanzliche Alternativen zur Kuhmilch, weshalb also noch zögern? Schau bei uns vorbei und verschaffe dir einen Eindruck, von OATLY, Rebel Kitchen, über MYLK bis zu VLY haben wir eine tolle, vegane Vielfalt. Lassen wir doch die 🐄😏⁠ ⁠ #nocowmilk #veganmilk #vegan #veganschweiz #vegansofswitzerland #plantbasedmilk #purevegan - @purevegan.ch on Instagram

Schizophrenia affects one in every hundred people, and about 20 million people worldwide, and yet more than 69% of them don’t receive appropriate care. Start playing your part now by educating yourself on what the disorder exactly is. . . . #yourmentalhealthmatters #endthestigma #mentalhealth #mindpositivity #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #talkaboutit #selfcare #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalwellness #traumatherapy #traumarecovery #awareness #recoveryispossible #anxietyrelief #emotionalwellbeing #depressionrecovery #depression #discoverunder1k #stressreduction #mentalillness #positivementalhealth #discoverunder500 #mentalwellbeing #suicideprevention #ptsd #seekhelp - @thepsychchat on Instagram

Härzlechi Gratulation! Üsi Powerfroue hends gschafft... #milchtechnologe #mergniesse #frauenpower - @napfchaesi_luthern on Instagram

80,000 Alumni - 9,000 Students - 140 Nationalities - 60 Student Societies - 4 Historic Colleges - 1 University of Roehampton 💚 #WeAreUR #HelloRoe - @uni_roehampton on Instagram

Bald ist es soweit. Wir starten unseren Trainingsbeginn am Montag den 8. Juni um 08:00 Uhr Alles was Ihr dazu wissen müsst erfahrt Ihr hier. Wir freuen uns auf euch! Und unsere Geräte und Gewichte wollen auch endlich wieder von euch bewegt werden! Bis bald 🥰 - @active_world_fitness on Instagram

The Solution verzorgt je hele huid van binnenuit. Bij structureel gebruik wordt je huid gladder, steviger, soepel en elastisch. Fijne lijntjes worden op een natuurlijke manier minder diep en het helpt op den duur zelfs de zichtbaarheid van cellulite te verminderen. Heb je vragen over ons product of de werking? Kijk dan eens op de site bij de veelgestelde vragen om antwoord te vinden en meer te weten te komen over collageen: osloskinlab.nl/faq - @osloskinlab_nederland on Instagram

It’s been a minute or 5 months. Ready to open up the teacher in me again. This summer was filled with mourning. Growing. Understanding. Believing. Stay tuned where to find me next. #yogateacher #missingyou #wheremyyogisat #selfpractice #fillingmycup - @daniemae.gregoire on Instagram

ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ᵂᴱᴳᴱᴺ ᴹᴬᴿᴷᴵᴱᴿᵁᴺᴳᴱᴺMÖCHTEST DU MIT SEO GELD VERDIENEN? ♟ STARTE JETZT DEN KOSTENLOSEN WEBSITE CHECK AUF IN-SEO.de ! SCHREIBE MIR DEIN FEEDBACK IN DIE KOMMENTARE! ✍️ . . . . . . . #instagramhacks #geldverdienen #verkaufen #affiliatemarketing #onlinemarketing #instagrammarketing #erfolgistkeinglück #erfolg #erfolgsmensch #erfolgreichwerden #geldverdieneniminternet #mindset #onlinemarketinglernen #motivationssprüche #seoagentur #socialmediaagentur #unternehmer #selbstbewusstsein #gründer #selbständigkeit #mehrwert #reichweite #sichtbarkeit #mindset #marketingagentur - @dirk_schiff on Instagram

Join us for Yoga in Turner Park Saturday, Sept 26th @ 11am. This event is free and open to the public. #midtowncrossing - @genesis_health_club_midtown on Instagram

I am very excited to announce that I will be featured on TRIPLE J HACK radio this afternoon at 530pm with the amazing tripple J news reporter @nascampanella. I will be talking about Exercise for people with chronic illness & disability from a personal experience with Lupus and a professional experience as an Exercise physiologist- as well as the positive aspects & barriers of the recent transition onto online exercise platforms during the COVID pandemic. Tune in if you can 🙈 🧘‍♀️😊🙏 @triplejhack - @stephaniefrade on Instagram

Překrásná JURTOVNA v okolí Prahy😍. Je to místo s příjemnou energií, které Gabča vybudovala, aby mohlo být prospěšné nejen pro ní, ale i pro všechny ostatní, kteří ho navštíví a stráví zde trochu času. Už jen při vstupu do jurty pocítíte klid a harmonii, která z jurty vyzařuje. Proudí zde v kruhu čistá energie, která nikde nestagnuje, nikde se nehromadí. A to byl důvod vytvoření prostoru pro Kraniosakrální terapie a jógu. Každý z nás potřebuje na chvíli uvést svou mysl do klidu, zharmonizovat pocity a energie proudící tělem nebo obnovit přirozené mechanismy lidského těla. #bohojoga #jurta #jurtovna #joganapohodu #yogamat #yogaprops #kraniosakralterapi #yogabalance #yogabody #yogapractice #yogaaddicted #yogapic #yogagirl #yogisofinstagram #yogaworkshop #workshops #yogaweekend #yogatherapy #craniosacraltherapy #yogastudio - @boho_natural on Instagram

We hear a lot about foods having antioxidants, but little about what they actually are. Antioxidants are molecules that protect your body’s cells from damage, prevent risk of disease, and have immune and anti-aging benefits ☀️⁣ ⁣ The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value measures the total capacity of antioxidants in foods, and the higher the level, the more antioxidant rich it is 👍⁣ ⁣ Our fave antioxidant source is obviously #Matcha, which happens to contain more antioxidants than all of the other antioxidant-rich foods combined! 🍵 - @hustle on Instagram

How Many Of You Watched Social Dilemma, If Not GO WATCH and Dont Get It Momentarily, Learn How To Use LESS For MAXIMUM benifit Reference To : Social Dilemma (Netflix Documentary) and Stoned, Shamed, Depressed (Book by Jyotsna Mohan) - @10indra_seeker on Instagram

It has been a while since I didnt write anything in English.🙌🏼 Today Ive realized that I love doing it so much and that my yoga journey also started with classes given in the English language. I think that is why the classes which I give in Russian sounds for me not as familiar as those ones in English. It is so interesting how much impacting sounds can be on us. Practicing yoga in English is gentle, nice and carering. Practicing yoga in Russian is rough, straight and dictating. So it possible that our mentality depends on our language speed, volume and hertz? 🤔 All I know is that my new beautiful leggings are perfect for all types of classes and for classes given in any language. 😍😁 You can find the link in my bio and get any pattern you like.🙌🏼 🚚Free Shipping Worldwide 🚚. Wish you a great day full of inspiring sounds. 🎶 Namaste, Lyukki. . . . . . . . . #yoga #yogapants #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yogateacher #yogaleggings #yogaday #yoga2020 #yogaforbeginners #yogaforlife #yogaforwomen #exercise #Russia #yogashop #myyoga #yogalife #yogapractice #yogaeveryday #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #yogaRussia - @ollyukki on Instagram

Mehr als 10 000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter aus 74 Nationen arbeiten bei der BKW; verteilt auf Standorte in 8 Ländern. Wir haben unsere Wurzeln in Bern und in der Energieproduktion, sind mittlerweile aber ein international tätiger Schweizer Energie- und Infrastrukturkonzern. Mehr Geschichten und Fakten findest du in unserem neuen Magazin für Mitarbeitende Inmotion zum Thema «Im Wandel zeigt sich wahre Stärke». 🔗 Link in Bio. #factfriday #energie #infrastruktur #lebensräumegemeinsamgestalten - @bkwag on Instagram

Bellissimo Week End Yoga grazie a tutti #viaggioyoga #respiroyoga #viaggieritiriyoga #hotelericawellness #yoga - @respiroyoga on Instagram

- 2016 Summer Box

- Mitochondria starterpack

- Balancing Kapha Dosha

- @greenbeltdj on Instagram

*** …Intensywnie przepełnione najżywszymi z chwil spotkanie, współżycie, jakiego nikt wcześniej nigdy nie stworzył czy doświadczył. To dla tych kilku godzin pełnego życia się urodziłem. To dla nich było wszystko to, co mnie w życiu spotkało. To po to, aby je przeżyć, nauczyłem się chodzić, słuchać i mówić. To dla tej jednej nocy było wszystko, czego dokonałem, licząc od każdego najmniejszego nawet oddechu aż po największe i wspanialsze z dokonań. Bez nich nie byłbym sobą, a gdybym nie był tym, kim właśnie jestem, to nigdy bym się w tym miejscu i czasie nie znalazł. A gdyby mnie tu teraz nie było, to nie byłoby także tego wszystkiego, co tak cudownie wydarzyło się w tę piękną noc. Chwil, które górować będą ponad wszystkimi innymi szczytami mojego istnienia. #wydaliśmyksiążkę #CichySzept #JMG #JuliaMagdalenaGrabsky #czytaniejestsexy #erotyk #romans #wino #książka #erotyka #polskibookstagram #czytaniejestfajne #black #gray #zdrowie #fit #miłość #coach #coaching #motywacja #cytat #kobieta #wiersz #poeta #autorka #wydawnictwonovaeres #novaeres - @julia_magdalena_grabsky on Instagram

Is school stressing you out?👩🏻‍🎓😞⁣ Excess stress can cause physical and emotional symptoms in students. Thats why we recommend Stressless, which is a natural way to regain self-control, help increase energy and resistance to stress.⁣ ⁣ • Helps to increase energy and resistance to stress⁣ ⁣ This product is #artificialfree - @atp_labs on Instagram

Kemetic Yoga starts in thirty minutes ⏳ Meet me in the park or on my LIVE. 9am.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ 📷@blk.grl ⁠⠀ flyer: @leohorton - @raury on Instagram

Yippie, es ist geschafft! 😃 Mein Abschlussvortrag ist gehalten. Ich war vorher ganz schön aufgeregt. 🙈😊 Vielen lieben Dank euch allen für euer tolles Feedback und eure großartigen Vorträge heute!!! Ich freue mich auf morgen! 💖🙏🤗 #unityoga #yoga #yogaausbildung #hamburg #vinyasaflow #teachertraining #yogalehrer #meditation #yogaalliance - @baerbel_brouwers on Instagram

Info from @entrasol_id Yuk, jawab TTS berikut dan menangkan hadiah saldo Go-Pay total senilai Rp500.000 untuk 10 orang pemenang beruntung.⠀ ⠀ Pertanyaannya:⠀ 1. Zat penting untuk pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi.⠀ 2. Berfungsi melancarkan pencernaan.⠀ 3. Nama lain ekstrak buah zaitun yang terkandung dalam Entrasol.⠀ 4. Termasuk jenis olahraga.⠀ 5. Salah satu varian rasa susu Entrasol Gold.⠀ ⠀ Buruan tuliskan jawabanmu di kolom komentar @entrasol_id . Jangan lupa sertakan hashtag #EntrasolGold dan mention 5 orang temanmu buat ikutan. Semoga beruntung, Active People.⠀ ⠀ Periode: 30 September - 7 Oktober 2020⠀ ⠀ #EntrasolGold #Bursakuis - @bursakuis on Instagram

Самый чиловый дроп в вашей жизни. Презентация капсулы Мрачненько х Кружок. 3.10.20 в пространстве Campus хип-хоп тусовочка. В программе: Секси Лайн-ап: @41_00 @cotton_pills @01001110.e @nixkulinax Ворк шоп с Юлей Мрачненько. @yulia_mrachnenko 😎 Комбо в стиле cool! Футболка + маска. Юля покажет вам, как делать кастом в своих любимых техниках: ручная печать - линогравюра и шелкография, и термопленка. Все материалы и принты подготовлены Юлей специально к дропу. А ребята из Ласки шьют маски для вашей безопасности😷 Участие в воркшопе 2500 р. Количество мест ограничено, запись в обсуждении в на странице мероприятия в fb,так же можно писать в дм. Футболка и маска с нас, с вас хорошее настроение😉 Ограниченная тираж кульных постеров ACAB. 😎 Фирменный пивас CAMPUS.🌳🌱 - @kruzhok_workshop on Instagram

Hips dont lie! 😉 . Das die Hüfte viel mit deinen Gefühlen und Emotionen zutun hat, hörst du sicher öfter in den Yogastunden oder? Dabei geht es sowohl im positive Gefühle, die dich zu neuen Ideen bringen, als auch um unangenehme Gefühle, die alte Wunden wieder aufreisen. . Der Grund dafür ist das zweite Chakra, das Sakral-Chakra. Es steht für Beziehungen, Kreativität, Spaß und Sinnlichkeit. . Daher machen sich gerade in Hüft-Yogastunden oft Erinnerungen bemerkbar an vermeintlich bereits vergangene Freundschaften oder Beziehungen. . All diese Erlebnisse speichern wir in unseren Hüften. Auf einer unbewussten Ebene. . Daher sind Hüft-Stunde für viele Menschen oft eher schwer zu ertragen. Das kennst du sicher auch oder? . Natürlich gibt es auch Menschen, die anatomisch sehr geöffnete Hüften haben und sich auch sehr viel mit ihren Erlebnissen beschäftigen, da sind Hüft-Stunden dann oft sehr beliebt. . In jedem Fall fühlt sich jeder nach einer Hüft-Stunde gut, leichter freier und offener für alles was noch kommt. . 👖 Meine liebste lieblingshose ist von @beeathletica . #yoga #namaste #yogalehrerinwiesbaden #yogawiesbaden #wiesbadenyoga #achtsamkeit #spiritualität #yogaposes #yogafotos #hüftyoga #emotionen #yogamithedy - @yoga_mit_hedy on Instagram

Dear friends 🌷 We are offering scholarship opportunities on our renowned Yoga & Tantra 200-hour teacher training program, which starts via online on the next new moon (October 16). It is offered with 70% live classes, and can be a self paced program. This TTC is already established as an online teacher training and is designed to deepen your knowledge and experience in the science and mysticism of Yoga & Tantra. We guarantee that you will be deeply satisfied by the quality, experience, and care offered, to ensure you become the best teacher you can be. The course covers in depth 7 modules including, - A comprehensive system of Pranayama - Tantra teaching methodology - Meditation & Yoga Nidra - Tantra in Hatha Yoga - Anatomy & Physiology - Asana Methodology - Yogic & Tantric Philosophy All classes are offered by a team of four highly experienced teachers. And here is how to apply: 🔱 Follow this page @satyaloka_traditionaltantra 🔱 Tag your beloved friends in the comments below 🔱 Share this post to your story 🔱 Email to us satyaloka.scholarship@gmail.com with - Your Instagram account name - Sharing your experience in yoga and meditation - Share also why you would appreciate this scholarship. 🔱 Closing date: October 4 (Sunday) We look forward to hearing from you. Radasi & Yorgos & the awesome team at Satya Loka • • • #yoga #yogapractice #yogattc #200ttc #onlinettc #traditionalyoga #tantra #yogateachertraining #spiritualgrowth #meditation #yogaanatomy #asanapractice #subtlebody #chakras - @satyaloka_traditionaltantra on Instagram

NAC o N-Acetil-Cisteína como componente del glutation, mejora la desintoxicación del hígado por lo que es un importante protector hepático. Es un potente aminoácido antioxidante que nos ayuda a neutralizar los radicales libres y restos tóxicos, también es un protector cardiovascular, ayuda a quemar grasa y mejora los problemas articulares. La N-acetil L-cisteína tiene la capacidad de estimular funciones tan vitales para nuestro organismo como la respiratoria, la hepática o la inmunológica, a la vez que refuerza los niveles de glutatión, un antioxidante que contribuye a eliminar los radicales libres. #powerlabs #supplements #suplementaciondeportiva #nac #acetilcisteina #detox #liverdetox #greenline #salud - @power_labs on Instagram

The diffusion of Yoga for Women began in 1947 when Indora Devi, Mother of Western Yoga, moved to the United States and settled in Hollywood. The majority of todays yoga practitioners in West are women, and yoga practice provides health benefits for body, mind and spirit to women. Please see more details: @yogawoman_jp #yogawoman #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #yogapose #travelyoga #instayoga #instayogafam #meditation - @yogabali on Instagram

What is the endocannabinoid system and what role does it play in the human body? The endocannabinoid system is a molecular system responsible for regulating and balancing many processes in the body, including immune response, communication between cells, appetite and metabolism, memory, and more. It is through this system of receptors and metabolic enzymes that cannabinoids interact with the human body and trigger beneficial effects. Despite the integral role the endocannabinoid system has in human body function, it was discovered relatively recently and much of its importance is only just becoming understood by scientists and the medical community at large #endocannabinoidsystem #cannabinoid #cbd #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #hemp #cbdoil #thc #cannabisculture #cbdlife #weed #cannabidiol #cbdproducts #cbdhealth #marijuana #cannabinoids #wellness #health #hempoil #cbdcommunity #cannabisgrow #cbdmovement #cannabiscures #cbdheals #cbdhemp #cbdgummies #community #indica #hemplife - @m4mmky on Instagram

Who’s ready to yoga this week!? Monday @_annakommes_ Tuesday @melemlyn Wednesday @m.geeson Thursday @alanda.land Friday @suzannegyoga - @bridgelandyoga on Instagram

We have an exciting announcement.... We are hosting a Design Competition! We are giving our followers the chance to design a print that will be put on to a Classic Klean Kanteen and sold in 2021 as a limited edition bottle! Full credit will be given to the winner for their design and they will recieve a bundle worth £250 of Klean Kanteen goodies as well as 5 of their limited edition bottles to share with family and friends!💚 Head to our website for more information and to find out how to submit your designs. The competition page link is in our Bio! Wed love your imagination to run wild with this chance, therefore there are no limitations to what you could design as long as it will fit on the bottle dimensions provided. We would love your designs to reflect Kleans commitment to the environment and helping our earth, we also request that the designs are not abusive or violent in any way! Your bottle design can be multi-coloured and will be printed on to our brushed stainless bottles, either in an adult size or childrens size depending on the winning design! You have until October 31st to submit your designs and then we will get busy at Klean Kanteen HQ selecting our top 3! Once weve shortlisted our favourites we will open it up to public vote on our social media. How exciting is this?!? We cant wait to see all your beautiful designs! - @kleankanteenuk on Instagram

🎈Рекламная группа Helios завершила оформление Детской комнаты @champion_vl.kids в СК ЧЕМПИОН @champion_vl . Яркое цветовое решение в большом пространстве спортивного комплекса, поможет детишкам не заблудятся и сразу найти свою аудиторию. ⠀ Хочется отметить, что коммуникация с брендом, это не всегда рекламное сообщение. Зачастую мы воспринимаем ту или иную торговую марку на уровне восприятия: через цвета, образы, запахи, а может быть даже атмосферу. Отличным решением является интеграция фирменного стиля в интерьер помещения вашей компании. В нашем арсенале множество проектов, и мы с радостью придем на помощь в решении нестандартных задач! ⠀ #владивосток#типографиявладивосток#релкамавладивосток#баннеравладивосток#офорфмлениевладивосток#сувениры#печатьвладивосток - @helios_group on Instagram

Ob es hier noch Worte bedarf, traue ich mich jetzt mal zu bezweifeln. Ob es hier eigene Gesetze vom jeweiligen Land braucht...traue ich mich auch zu bezweifeln. Ein schlafendes Kind...vertraut dir blind. Kann es das auch??? Was sagt ihr zu diesem Thema? No-Go? Oder Okay? #instagramkinder #makeachangemum #kinderfotos #kinderaufinstagram #kindheitserinnerungen #nogo #tabuthema #mamablogger_at #mamaliebe #kinderschutz - @o_liviabella on Instagram

Thanks for the LOVE IG fam! 101 followers! 💙 We are getting very excited to bring @hydrate_ivbar to Arizona in November! If you’d like to join our team please send resume to danielle@hydrateivbar.com 💧The most popular reasons for IV vitamin treatment is to relieve stress, rid your body of toxins, balance hormones, boost immunity, and make your skin healthier. 💧In addition to the most widely cited benefit of curing hangovers, IV vitamin treatments can help fight exhaustion and boost the immune system. 💧For patients with certain gastrointestinal conditions, IV vitamin treatments can help provide necessary nutrition that their stomachs cant absorb. #ivtherapy #health #wellness #hydrate #arizona #vitaminivtherapy - @hydrateivbararcadia on Instagram

NEW PRODUCT ALERT: There’s nothing more frustrating than putting on your favorite pair of jeans just after moisturizing. Luckily, we’ve got just the thing for that. The first 5 to comment below with a 🧴 will get a special treat! #NIVEAUSA #skincare #lotion - @niveausa on Instagram

Had some yoga photos taken by the talented @photosbycorbs @ivycmorbin last week! So bloody pleased with them!!! Thank you sooo much! Highly recommend ❤️ . #yogateacherlife #yogaphoto #yogainthewoods #yogaoutdoors #movementislife #functionalmovement #dancemove - @carly_blackburn on Instagram

TEATER DAN PANGGUNG VIRTUAL Mencoba Menyikapi persoalan peristiwa Teater dalam mas Covid-19. Banyak yang tumpang tindih dari seniman teater memindahkan panggung ke bentuk virtual. Dewan Kesenian Palembang Komite Teater, mencoba membaca problematika ini, dalam bentuk Diskusi, Silatirahmi, dan Gelar Karya dalam rangkaian kegaiatan acara ART-NORMAL dengan Tema Iklim Kesenian Menuju Kenormalan Baru yang akan dilaksanakan secara virual dan tatapmuka (mengikuti arahan protokol). • Dengan dihadirkan Narasumber yaitu: -Thonthowi Herijum Eka Permana (Toton Dai Permana) Seorang Penulis, Sutradara Teater berasal dari Palembang. - Marhalim Zailani, S.Sn., M.A. Ketua Asosiasi Seniman Riau dan Suku Seni, berasal dari Pekanbaru, Riau. - Mahatma Muhammad, Seorang Sutradara Teater dan Aktif di Komunitas Seni Nan Tumpah, yang berasal dari Padang. • Pertunjukan Teater Virtual Perfomance Monolog dari Vicky dengan judul Takut, Pertunjukan ini adalah satu peserta yang lolos dalam event jejak aktor virtual yang diadakan oleh KEMENDIKBUD, yang akan di siarkan secara Live Streaming. • Moderator: Hasan • MC: Cek One & Randi • Benefit: E-Certificate Give Away Knowledge • Kegiatan acara diselenggarakan pada: Tanggal 17 Agustus 2020 Hari senin Pukul: 15.00 - 17.00 di @gunscafe Pendaftaran sebagai peserta klik link pada bio profil. Segera Daftarkan Diri Anda! Salam Budaya 🙏 @kebudayaanpalembang @pariwisata.palembang @charming.palembang @pesonasriwijaya @disbudparsumsel @harno.joyo @fitriantiagustinda.finda @ratudewa #artnormal #dewankesenianpalembang #komiteteaterdkp https://www.instagram.com/p/CDsczqYgZhf/?igshid=5gwaipmgcr2c - @hasansajoooo on Instagram

Das Immunsystem schützt vor gefährlichen Infektionen. Gerät es außer Kontrolle, können Entzündungen eigenes Gewebe angreifen und unwiederbringlich zerstören. Neuartige Medikamente und Therapien löschen die Brandherde. Mehr zum Thema lest ihr im neuen Heft. . . . . . #focusmagazin #nachrichtenmagazin #cover #coverpost #medizin #titel #titelgeschichte #immunsystem #immunsystemstärken #stärkungdesimmunsystems - @focus_magazin on Instagram

Cartes des années 80 :) footbag lives! #footbag #kicktogether #fungames - @catinlapioute on Instagram

💶ZAHLUNGSARTEN💶 Wie schon im vorangehenden Post erwähnt, habt ihr jetzt die Möglichkeit unsere Mundstücke auf unserer HOMEPAGE zu kaufen🍭 Wir bieten euch im Moment drei Zahlungsarten an: • PayPal • Vorkasse • Barzahlung (falls ihr in der Nähe wohnt & euer Paket selbst abholt) Außerdem haben wir zurzeit ein Angebot für die ersten 20 Käufer ‼️10% RABATT‼️ ➡️ https://candysmokeger.com/ (Link in der Beschreibung) #candysmoke #candysmokegermany #shisha #Geschmack #geschmacksrichtung #creamsoda #sourskittles #cherrydrpepper🍒 #bubblegum #icegrapes #fruits #früchte #lecker #shishabar #shishatime #shishalove #shopping #shop #neuestertrend #neuertrend2020 - @candysmoke.germany on Instagram

💉 Zamanında bu anlarda lazım olacak görseler üretmişiz! #corona - @ismailatalar_photography on Instagram

Look up, that’s the way you’re going 💫 So excited to join this amazing team at Now Yoga (previously Modo Yoga Sydney). Modo has been the greatest start to my teaching journey that I could have wished for, and I love that I’ll always be connected to the global Modo community ❤️. But Now it’s time to do great things with these fabulous people ⚡️#yogateacherlife #nowyoga - @joanna.tolley on Instagram

Wir laden euch herzlich zu unserer Eröffnungsfeier am 16.09.2020 ab 17.00 Uhr ein🎉 Lernt bei netten Gesprächen, Snacks & Drinks Koblenz Hybrider kennen und vernetzt euch in der Region😊 Keep it safe: Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation können wir nur eine bestimmte Personenanzahl in den Raum lassen, daher bitten wir um Voranmeldung🤗 Den Link findet ihr in der BIO! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wenn du mehr über Digitales Marketing erfahren möchtest folge uns gerne @koblenz_hybrider Dir gefällt was wir machen? Lass ein ❤️ oder 💬 da! Du brauchst Unterstützung bei deinem digitalen Marketing? Besuche uns gerne auf koblenz-hybrider.de und wir finden gemeinsam eine Lösung für dich😊 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #eröffnung #koblenzhybrider #event #koblenz #networking #business #gettoknow #snacks&Drinks #happy #newbusiness #gründung #feier #connection #zusammen #austausch - @koblenz_hybrider on Instagram

RG är på Gymnasiemässan! Besök oss i monter C04:40! Välkommen #rg #rönningegymnasium #gymnasiemässan - @ronningegy on Instagram

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.⁠ ― Carl Sagan⁠ ⁠ ⁠ photo by @photogina⁠ of @tarajudelle⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #embodiedflow #embodiedlife #yoga #wellness #mindfulness #meditation #psychology #movement #mobility #somaticmovement #consciousness #healing #zen - @embodiedflow on Instagram

Для того, чтобы худеть и поддерживать форму, нужно подвергать себя кардио-нагрузкам. Любая кардио-тренировка позволяет тратить много калорий и подтягивать тело, но некоторые из них особенно эффективны. ➡️ Скакалка Прыгать через скакалку весело не только в детском возрасте, взрослые люди прибегают к скакалке, как к средству для похудения. Регулярные тренировки со скакалкой позволят с легкостью потерять несколько лишних килограммов. ➡️Аэробика Множество разновидностей аэробики не позволят заскучать, выбирай любую на свой вкус – степ, танцевальная или даже водная аэробика в бассейне. ➡️Хула-хуп Крутить обруч – это не менее весело, чем прыгать на скакалке. При выполнении упражнений с обручем сразу же повышается частота сердечных сокращений. Разные по размеру и весу обручи обеспечивают разное по интенсивности воздействие. ➡️Гребля При использовании гребного тренажера ты подвергаешь тело не только воздействию кардио, но и значительным нагрузкам сопротивления. Это один из самых увлекательных способов похудения, гребной тренажер заставляет гореть калории и жировые отложения. ➡️Катание на роликах и коньках Летние месяцы созданы для катания на роликах, зимой увлечение может быть трансформировано в катание на коньках. Катание на роликах и на коньках приводит в тонус мышцы ног. ➡️Ходьба Это не самое интенсивное кардио-упражнения для похудения, но она имеет свои преимущества перед другими тренировками. Ходьба подходит для тех, кто только вырабатывает привычку регулярных тренировок, это нечто среднее между занятием фитнесом и прогулкой. #фитнес #фитнесс #фитнесбикини #фитнесклуб #фитнесмама #фитнесмодель #фитнеседа #фитнестренер #фитнеспитание #фитнесдома #фитнесдневник #фитнесмотивация #фитнесхаус #фитнесцентр #инстафитнес #инстаграманет #инстатаг #гимнастика #гимнастка #тренер #тренеровка #тренера #тренеровки #зарядка #спорт #спортзал #здоровье #здоровоепитание #здоровыйобразжизни - @trener_positive on Instagram

Beautiful yoga studio inspiration from @herzensangelegenheit.saar 😍 We are in love with the wood floor and those old factory windows!⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #yogastudio #minimalstudio #yoga #yogainspiration #meditation #yogi #namaste #health #workout #yogalife #yogalove #motivation #mindfulness #yogaeverywhere #yogateacher #yogaeveryday #meditate #yogapose #yogini #peace #yogamatte #lotuscrafts #mudrastudio #yogastunde #achtsamkeit #dankbarkeit - @lotuscrafts_meditation on Instagram

“Practicing yoga does not eliminate life’s challenges, and neither does it provide us with a convenient trap-door to escape from life’s distractions. Instead, Yoga gives us the skills to meet life head-on with dignity and poise.” - Donna Farhi - @peacefulpeopleyoga on Instagram

Sunday workout session. 💪🏽💯 - @julia_esserx3 im perfekten Look zum Sonntag! - Den Link zur Kollektion findest du in der Bio. @LETIC | www.LETIC.com - Poste eigene Fotos oder Videos im LETIC Outfit mit #LETIC #LETICWEAR #LETICWOMEN und motiviere andere. - #BeMoreAthletic #GoForGoals #GoForIt - @leticwear on Instagram

RICARICA ENERGETICA Con Maddalena Negroni Ogni martedì e giovedì mattina potrai sperimentare anche tu la ricarica energetica⚡️ Una potente sequenza di 39 esercizi per generare pura energia e ricaricare il tuo corpo, la tua mente e la tua anima! Potrai portarli sempre con te e praticarli in ogni momento in cui ne sentirai il bisogno. Se sei curioso e vuoi sperimentarli anche tu, ci vediamo martedì e giovedì mattina dalle 7.45 alle 8.30 per ricaricarci insieme! - @biglebowskicultureclub on Instagram

- Food Science

Получи заряд свежести и эффект глубокого очищения кожи головы и волос до 100% свободы от перхоти с Head&Shoulders!💙 #headandshoulders #смытьизабыть - @headandshouldersru on Instagram

There is a darkness in you. In all of us, probably. Beasts we keep chained. Ordinary men have to keep the chains strong, for if we let the beast loose then society will turn upon us with fiery vengeance. Kings though...well, who is there to turn upon them? So the chains are made of straw. It is the curse of kings, Helikaon, that they can become monsters. And they invariably do --David Gemmell, Troy: Shield of Thunder #corona #covid19 #viralart #safeathome #frontliner #davidgemmellquote #covidart - @texashann on Instagram

EMOTION DETOX BREATH⭐️ Feat. @jeanninebergmann Video & Edit @oromotion Wearing @aloyoga • • #pilatesone #pilatesoneplus #spinaltwist #pilatesmiami #pilatesfit #pilatesanytime #pilatesvida #pilateseveryday #pilatesstrong #moveyourspine #pilatesmeditation #pointzero #powerinstillness #shunya #kundalini #pilateslife #emotiondetox #detoxyourbody #makespace - @pilatesone on Instagram

What is made with love is done well. - Van Gogh Don’t seek for perfection in your practice. Seek for gratitude and self love. Beautiful post by @ania_75 wearing @aloyoga #yoga #mondaymood #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalove #gratitude #yogagirl - @yogamics on Instagram

#mudras Practiced #lotusmudra today during yoga. The Lotus flower or Padma as it’s known in Sanskrit. . . Practicing hand or face gestures while combining certain attitudes helps benefit the energetic or subtle body and mind. . In Lotus mudra we bring the heel of our hands together connecting the pinky fingers and the thumbs, while opening and stretching the other fingers upwards to symbolize the petals of the Lotus flower opening up. The Lotus flower is a popular symbol in Eastern culture denoting beauty, strength, perseverance and resilience in the face of life challenges. It is also said to open the heart chakra, the energetic heart center flooding the practitioner with loving kindness, empathy & compassion, which helps us to then send that vibration to others in our life. . . Try Lotus mudra in your next seated meditation, or as a way to evoke this loving attitude before your yoga practice. . . . #lotus #lotusmudra #padma #loveyourself #love #loveyourneighbor #empathy #compassion #resilience #perseverance #challenges #strength #beauty #outofthemuckcomesbeauty #strength - @olympicheartyogi on Instagram

Will you reach out and help a person in need ? By: @im.brann - @artoftones on Instagram

‼️‼️SPINE HEALTH‼️‼️ . These mobility exercises have saved my back over the last few weeks. . Been getting soreness in my back from over doing it on the bike, in aid to get fit so I can continue to put @mattbrammeier85 in a hole while away on race days. . 3 really good exercises to do at home with a foam roller. . Don’t neglect the back, you only have one. - @hackett_massage on Instagram

⚜️ 🇾🇪 🇬🇧 🍊 The Royal Delicacy - for the King and Queen of the family 🍊 A&E gourmet będzie obecna w najbliższą sobotę 12 września w Rotterdamse Oogstmarkt przy Het Noordplein w Rotterdamie 🍊 Możesz tutaj znaleźć dużą różnorodność organicznych dżemów, chutney i miodów nierozgrzewanych. Wśród naszych miodów mamy również nierozgrzewany miód gryczany z Polski, z rejonu Białogardu, województwo zachodniopomorskie. 🍊 Mamy w ofercie między innymi dwa najlepsze dżemy na świecie 2019 roku: 🍊 The Royal Delicacy (nagrodzony podwójnym złotym medalem w kategorii ‘Najlepszy Dżem na Świecie 2019). Jest wytwarzany z sewilskiej gorzkiej pomarańczy, 30-letniego wina sherry Del Duque z hiszpańskiego domu González Byass i syberyjskich orzechów cedrowych 🍊 The Passion of Your Life ”(Złoty medal) jest wytarzany z gorzkiej pomarańczy z Sewilli i marakui firmy @ ocati.es Finalista Światowych Mistrzostw Dżemów 2019 ⚓ Made in Rotterdam 💜 Bon appétit and know what you eat! 🇬🇧 🍊 Double Gold, 3 Gold and 6 Silver in The Worlds Original Marmalade Awards 2019 (UK) 🇫🇷 🍒 7th place World Championship Les Confituriades 2017 (FR) 🇳🇱 Producer of the Tastiest Jam and Tastiest Chutney in Holland 2016 and 2017 🍇 Orders worldwide: info@aegourmet.com . www.facebook.com/aegourmet 🥭 Instagram: ae_gourmet 🍍 #aegourmet #jam #marmalade #dalemain #chutney #vegan #organic #glutenfree #confituriades #rotterdam #amsterdam #thehague #hotel #holland #restaurant #lemariemarche #rotterdamseoogst #ocati.es #foodblogger #London #fernando_gonzalezbyass #supportyourlocals #foodies - @ae_gourmet on Instagram

Cuyahoga Arts & Culture is still seeking applicants for its open Grant Programs Manager position. The application deadline has been extended until September 18, 2020. Learn more via the link in our bio. - @cuyartsc on Instagram

It’s perfectly normal to give your lawn a little TLC. You two spent an incredible summer together. - @scottslawn on Instagram

So wird jeder gemütliche Abend buchstäblich zu einem Genuss. Zu welchem Lieblingsfilm würdet ihr das Bahlsen Russisch Brot vernaschen? - @bahlsen on Instagram

- faits divers

🌙❤️🤗 In 2 days Ill be back home 🏡❤️ back to the village with my family, friends, guinea pig, dogs, donkey, mountains... back to my yoga hammock ❤️🤩 see you soon italy 😍🥰 . . . #yoga #yogalove #yogi #yogainspiration #yogabeach #yogaphotography #happyyogi #yogapose #yogatwist #yogagirl #yogapractice #yogaeveryday #yogisofig #yogalife #treepose #yogaeverywhere #myyogapractice #yogajourney #yogajournal #yogatime #yogaitalia #yogacommunity - @yoginiaerial on Instagram

Throw back! Watching super hero fighting against the evil gives such an adrenaline rush! Like the fight or flight situations. I feel when we fight the odds and the evil or negative tendencies which are actually difficult to over come, I feel that real superhero inside us, does that! He may seem to be sleeping but when awaken can bring down the barriers so that we can rise and move ahead in our path. So acknowledge that hero inside you and appreciate it always! #hulk #superhero #hulksmash #super #healer #realheroes #spiritual #spiritualawakening #instagram #mood #meditations #me #avengers #avengerstation #avengersassemble #staystrong #staypositive #stayblessed - @rashmi_kapture on Instagram

Lékaři a sestry z Plzně se přijeli vyškolit ve vodní liposukci Rádi jsme na GIA clinic přivítali lékaře a sestřičky z Plzeňského kraje, kteří přijeli za primářkou MUDr. Jiřinou Šilhánkovou poznat nejnovější trendy a techniky ve vodní liposukci přístrojem Body-jet. Hlavní část programu školení probíhala samozřejmě na operačním sále, kde většinu technik bylo možno vidět v praxi. Jelikož MUDr. Jiřina Šilhánková patří v ČR k lékařům s nejdelší praxí v liposukci vodním paprskem, návštěvníci od ní získali spoustu cenných a praktických informací, které za dobu své praxe nashromáždila. Kromě liposukce samotné je velmi zaujalo i spojení vodní liposukce s možností přenosu tukových buněk do jiných partií těla při vysokém procentu přežití takto přeneseného tuku. Výše uvedená technika je také jednou z hlavních cest, kterou se GIA clinic ubírá a kterou neustále rozvíjí. Proto již v samotném počatku svého fungování GIA clinic zvolila právě přístroj Body-jet, který dokáže odsát tukové buňky nepoškozené a tudíž nejvhodnější pro lipotransfer. A jak školení dopadlo? Věříme, že skvěle, protože plzenští kolegové od nás nijak nepospíchali a stále jsme nacházeli společná témata, která bylo nutno probrat. ❤️ Informace pro zájemce o liposukci: https://giaclinic.cz/body-jet 📞 +420 776 008 004 📩info@giaclinic.cz 💻 https://giaclinic.cz/ GIA clinic Karlov 1 796 01 Prostějov #giaclinic #prostejov #olomouc #brno #ostrava #prague #czechrepublic #plasticsurgery #redukceprsou #augmentaceprsou #modelaceprsou #abdominoplastika #lipotransfer #lipografting #beauty #bodycontour #prenostuku #bodyjet #czechgirl #liposukce - @gia_clinic on Instagram

- Medical advice

Trying out astrology… how did we do? 🔮 - @lunchclubai on Instagram

Ive finally finished my 54 @myopenfit classes for @my54org challenge. Almost a month late, but I DID IT because life doesnt always work out the way we plan, but that doesnt mean we cant accomplish our goals. My foot clearly still has a way to go, but Im trying to remember to honor my body, honor my boundaries, and honor my OWN pace. That is DAMN hard to do right now, especially when the world feels like its crashing down around us. I dont yet have words for the news from Kentucky yesterday about the murder of Breonna Taylor. I dont yet have words about losing RBG. I dont yet have words about the Supreme Court vacancy. So until I do, I will continue to devote myself to the cause that was at the center of my personal @my54 : THE VOTE. If you want to get more involved in voting, even if that means VOTING, check out my ENGAGED ELECTORATE guide. Link in bio. Thank you @_lowbacks for an inspiring 15 minute stretch break that happened to be my 54th in My54 and my 353rd @myopenfit class. #civicaction #civicengagement #vote2020 #openfit #My54challenge #my54story #my54 #my54org #votingmatters #votingrights - @fentosworld on Instagram

Did our recent blog post about biohacking digestion leave you wanting more? Rest assured we answered your wants! Join Lynda Sherland, CRNP, FNP-C and the whole PIM team for our next FREE group class webinar: A Healthy Gut Supports A Healthy Life on 7/29 at 7:30 PM. Register via the link in our bio! #guthealth #freewebinar #freeevent #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife #guthealthmatters #gutbrainconnection #integrativemedicine #functionalmedicine #ifm #doctorsofinstagram #bestdoctor #mainlinetodaytopdocs - @phillyintegrativemedicine on Instagram

„Liebe ist die höchste Form von Kreativität. Alles was in Liebe geschieht, alles was durch Liebe geschieht ist kreativ. Kreativität ist individuelle Intelligenz. Kreativität ist totaler Selbstausdruck. Totaler Selbstausdruck ist Liebe. Liebe ist immer kreativ.“ Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (heraufschauender Hund) _______________________________________ #urdhvamukhasvanasana #yoga #yogainspiration #yogapractice #yogalove #yogagirl #selfexpression #higherself #conciousness #conciousliving #heal #health #movement - @vivienne.dago on Instagram

❤️💜💛💖 - @pamelanunes94 on Instagram

Yoga has been part of our fitness and spiritual culture since the beginning of time. It is the most sought after way to become mindful and attain relaxation. But yoga has some pretty incredible facts too, things we are certain you may not have heard of! Swipe right to know more about Yoga and its everlasting fascination! Let us know what your favourite asanas or benefits of yoga are in the comments below! . . #yoga #yogafacts #fitness #spirituality #skillizo #india #workshop #health #aasan #facts #tips #7amclub #trivia #meditation #fitnessmotivation #roootedindia - @skillizo on Instagram

MALMÖ! Vart skulle ni vilja köpa PACT i Malmö? 🤔 Vilken box, gym eller butik? - @pactrings on Instagram

- Gefühlt passiert das gerade

- Arthritis exercises

Cuanto más sé, menos renuncio al sueño de la libertad! 🌿 #yoga #treeposition #green #yogahome #nature #city #logroñ #sundayyoga #summeryoga #present #asana #yogamotivation #morningyoga #flowyoga #yogawear #woman #bestrong #transition - @yogaenti.community on Instagram

Bitte⁣ erinnere Dich immer daran...⁣ ⁣ #Novego⁣ #OnlineUnterstützung⁣ #fühldichbesser⁣ #Stressprävention⁣ #NovegoRELAX⁣ #psychologie⁣ #seelenheil⁣ #psychversorgung⁣ #kleinerReminder⁣ #stressigeZeiten - @novego.de on Instagram

Jemand hat eine Vision, die er auch angeht. Menschen wertschätzend, potenzialfördernd und authentisch neue Wege zu ermöglichen. Aus einem kleinem Anfang kann alles entstehen. Ich bin dankbar ein Teil davon zu sein und es auch weiterzugeben. Was ist sonst noch möglich? #positivesmindset #freude #beziehung #glaubenssätze #glücklichsein #mindset #findedeinglück #persönlichkeitsentwicklung #selbstliebe #selflove #selbstfindung #entwicklung #fokus #netzwerken #gesundheit - @carobracher on Instagram

- Rubbish clearance

Ciao a tutti,😊 Mi presenterò a voi come una comune ragazza che studia Biologia molecolare, perché è quello che sono e oltretutto scusatemi se preferisco restare anonima.🙇 Per adesso non voglio essere prolissa dato che avrò modo di presentarmi meglio col tempo. Quindi vi dico solo che questa non è una pagina pubblicitaria ma semplicemente una sorta di blog personale in cui riporterò le mie esperienze alimentari che mi hanno aiutata e fatta appassionare al mondo della nutrizione. Spero di esservi di aiuto ampliando pian piano questa pagina nel tempo, continuando sempre a seguire il mio percorso di studi per essere sempre più preparata riguardo questi argomenti. Se siete interessati vi chiedo solo di seguirmi e se volete condividermi 😊😊 A presto. -chiamatemi Pup #biologia #nutrizione #blog #student #biology #biologystudent #food #foodblogger #diet #salute #corpo #biologiamolecolare #studentessa #università #likeforlikes #followforfollow #followme #consigli #idee #utili #natural #cibo #alimentazionesana #alimenti - @passione.nutrizionista on Instagram

- @medinmove.lecco on Instagram

What we do - Part 2 - @physio1.0 on Instagram

#Steinzeitstein Du denkst die Steinzeit war grau und farblos? 🤔 Falsch! Die Bewohner der Steinzeit haben viel mit Farben gearbeitet - ob Häuser, Steine, oder ihr eigenes Auftreten: Farben wurden vielseitig verwendet um das Leben fantasievoll bunt zu gestalten. 🤗☀️ Diese Farbvielfalt wollen wir feiern - und rufen deshalb einen Wettbewerb ins Leben, bei dem ihr 10x2 Karten für unser Pfahlbauten Museum gewinnen könnt. Wie das geht? Werdet kreativ! Sucht euch einen schönen Stein und gestaltet ihn in bunten Farben, mit Schriften, oder allem was euch sonst einfällt. 🤗 Postet ein Bild oder einen Film von eurem Stein auf Instagram oder Facebook mit dem Hashtag #Steinzeitstein und verlinkt unser Profil. Aus den Einsendungen wählt eine Jury die schönsten 10 Steine aus, die Eintrittskarten erhalten. Der erste Platz erhält zusätzlich die Gelegenheit seinen Stein in einer Vitrine im Pfahlbauten Museum auszustellen. Der Wettbewerb beginnt jetzt und endet am 31.07.2020 Um 14 Uhr Nun ist eure Fantasie gefragt! Die ausführlichen Teilnahmebedingungen findet ihr unter: https://www.pfahlbauten.de/wettbewerb/ #Steinzeitstein #Wettbewerb #Pfahlbauten #Unteruhldingen #Bodensee #Stein #Steinzeit #Steinzeitmenschen #Steine #Farben #Farbvielfalt #gestalten #kreativ #fantasie #ravensburg #friedrichshafen #konstanz #meersburg #familie #kinder #wissen #spaß - @pfahlbauten.official on Instagram

Next week starts a new session of yoga Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Saturday and Sunday mornings. You can find your perfect class at Temeculaca.gov. #yoga #yogaposes #yogainspiration #yogapants #yogafit #yogisoftemecula #yogisofinstagram #yogi #yogapractice #practicedaily #meditate #joblove #temeculayoga #temeculafitness #positivevibes #loveandlight #meditate #namaste #🕉 #Repost @yoga_kristic with @get_repost ・・・ - @temeculafun76 on Instagram

Today is National Fitness Day. Since 2011, the not-for-profit association @UKactive have been running the late-September event to promote health and fitness through exercise. Probably the most important thing to remember about exercise is that whatever level you’re at, it’s all about incremental improvement; run 6 miles this month, and next month you’ll do 8, and in 6 months you’ll breeze that half marathon. Make the leap from marathon to ultra-marathon this year, keep up with the training, and next year those extra miles will feel like nothing. Even if you’re building up from walking to running, hitting your intervals, starting a circuit training programme or just heading out on your bike to enjoy the last of the summer weather - we’re all on a path. As we keep getting out there, we’ll always be heading in the right direction... towards greater bodily health and well-being. Of all physical disciplines, yoga is probably the most accessible. While the most advanced practitioners will casually adopt positions which can look to the rest of us like circus tricks, yoga starts with very simple, conscious breathing and stretching from which we can all benefit. From these building blocks develop a practice which hones the body and calms the mind. Reverse Prayer might take a bit of building up to, but it’s worth it - opening the shoulders, the chest, relaxing the neck. Try starting in Mountain Pose, raising you arms behind you, then when you can comfortably get them near horizontal, join your palms and rotate while bending at the elbows to align your hands with your spine. Close your eyes and hold for as long as feels comfortable... start by aiming for about 30 seconds, and be patient with yourself. HF. @fitnessdayUK #fitnessday #yoga #yogapose #reverseprayer #humanfood - @_humanfood_ on Instagram

- Restorative yoga poses

🙏 @𝘆𝗼𝗴𝗮𝗵𝘂𝗯𝗽𝗵 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝗳𝗳 😭 These photos do not sum up the beautiful memories that I have with @yogahubph, my yoga home in the Philippines. 💚YogaHub is more than just a studio. It is a wonderful community that we all have built for the past 8 years. We owe it to our dedicated staff, amazing teachers, wonderful students, and supportive partners. It was a collective effort, built from love - for the practice and for everyone part of it. 💫A special shoutout to @yogahubjen, the face of @yogahubph! Without you, your vision, your love and sacrifice, there is no YogaHub. 💚Your selflessness and genuine love for the community is beyond measure. I cant thank you enough for believing in me 8 years ago to teach a class in the studio, and be a partner later on. So many firsts for me in YogaHub: First workshop, continuing education, teacher training, retreats, collabs, etc. This is where I really grew in my practice and teaching. I owe who I am as a teacher to YogaHub. DAGHANG SALAMAT. THANK YOU! These words will never express the gratitude I have for this community. 🙏 No goodbyes, just see you later. Your practice will continue, the community lives. YogaHub studio may be closed, but our hearts remain open. The love stays. 💚 The studio is officially signing off. Our heart breaks... but the light shines through those cracks. 💫 Namaste, my beloved students, teachers & staff. THANK YOU FOR BEING FAMILY! 💚🙏 . . . #cebuyoga #yogahubph #yogacecebu #cebuyogis #cebu #yogacommunity #cebuyogacommunity - @byogawellness on Instagram

[ĐỊNH HƯỚNG NGHỀ NGHIỆP CHO SINH VIÊN CHUYÊN NGÀNH MỸ THUẬT] ✨Mùa tựu trường năm nay mặc dù có hơi đặc biệt, nhưng Wacom Vietnam vẫn có thể cảm nhận được sự hứng khởi của những bạn trẻ đang bước chân vào môi trường mới. 🔥Chắc hẳn khi chọn đi theo còn đường nghệ thuật thế này, nhiều bạn vẫn đang chưa biết được những con đường phía trước của mình thế nào đúng không nè? Hãy để #Wacom chia sẻ cho bạn một số định hướng nghề nghiệp cho ngành mỹ thuật ở Việt Nam nhé! Inbox hoặc comment nếu bạn có bất kỳ thắc mắc gì về Wacom nhé! #Wacom #WacomVN #Official #DaretoCreate - @wacom_vietnam on Instagram

@yogaworks ...there’s been a lot of posts recently about the future of our company. . I want to start by saying that as an entity, a digital platform, a COMMUNITY, YogaWorks is NOT CLOSING. It’s just transforming. Like we‘ve all had to do during this pandemic. . That said, as so many of you heard, it’s true that YogaWorks and @yogatreesf studios aren’t able to stay open while social distancing restrictions are in place. And without students, there’s no revenue, without revenue, we cannot pay our leases. This means that the studios so many of us called our homes may never open their doors again. It’s heart breaking and we must grieve those losses... . I can’t wrap my head around the possibility that I will never step foot in Center for Yoga or Yoga Tree 6th Avenue or Montana or...or...or again. I keep holding out hope that something will change before that becomes a reality, but if there’s one thing 2020 is teaching us, it is that nothing is certain. . As someone who has lived through devastating loss and the pain of never getting to see someone or go somewhere you love again, I can tell you, no matter how painful it is right now, WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. And how we’ll be able to do that is by coming together. Our homes may be gone, but our family is forever. . Please share your favorite YogaWorks photos and memories in the comments and on your own pages. . And let’s come together on YogaWorks Live! I will be there for you tmrw Friday 1030a !!! It may not be the Big room at Larchmont, but at least we will be together and THAT is what makes YogaWorks - you and me. . . . Here are just a few of my fave pics from within the walls of those amazing spaces we had the privilege to spend so much time in: 1. The last @yogaworks_teachertraining I taught at YWSF 2. My last class at CFY💔 3. Baby @tiffrussoyoga and Sarah becoming besties in our 300hr over a decade ago 4. My @yogaworks_norcal sisters @trice_erika @hillaryskibell @yogininikki @mermaidmerrisa 5. When I got to coteach a TT with the amazing @jeanneheilemanyoga 6. Staff meetings were always more fun with friends @joanhyman - @sarahezrinyoga on Instagram

- bitkisel doğal

Love your gut! . . #usana #usanalive #usanapilipinas #toprated #guthealth #immunesupport #probiotic #micronutrients #macronutrients #digestivesystem #digestivecomfort #healthyimmunity #goodbacteria - @usanapilipinas on Instagram

Are you missing your weekly roll & release self massage with Nic? We have good news for you! Nic will be bringing you her Roll Relax Restore workshop LIVE STREAMED to your home studio on Sunday 3 May 2.00pm - 3.30pm.⁠ ⁠ Learn how to relax using Yoga Tune Up® balls. Enjoy a deeply nourishing massage for the back, shoulders and neck, and experience the sedating effect created by rolling out tension from the head, face and jaw. Finish with a restorative body scan meditation to leave you in a state of deep relaxation.⁠ ⁠ If you would like to purchase a set of YTU® balls, Nic is also offering free contactless delivery to your letterbox or doorstep (within Brisbane) every Wednesday. Message @theyoginic for details.⁠ ⁠ For more information and to book online visit our website (link in bio) or the SoHo Yoga BNE App.⁠ ⁠ - @theyoginic on Instagram

כמה זמן עד שזה יתכלה? 🌍♻️ גם אחרי שהפלסטיק שאנחנו משתמשים בו מתכלה הוא עדיין נשאר בעולם לחלקיקים ״מיקרו פלסטיק״ שפוגעים בנו בדרך עקיפה. רוצים להשאר מעודכנים ולשמוע טיפים איך להפסיק למחזר? תעקבו! #עולםירוק #פלסטיק #סביבהירוקה #איכותהסביבה #בליפלסטיק #נקי #saveplanetearth🌍 #greenplanet - @bliplastic on Instagram

Grand Rising Family 🌞 How is your quality of sleep? Do you need more sleep advice to help you thrive? Tell us below. 🔑✨🌙⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Along with #metabolism and sleep patterns, the circadian system influences many important functions, including #heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, #hormone levels, and urine production. ✨Circadian rhythms penetrate every aspect of life.🔑 ✨🌙✨ Found in most living organisms, #circadian rhythms are regulated by light, behavior, and a biological clock mechanism—a set of clock #genes located in cells throughout the body. Our master #biological clock, based in the brain’s #hypothalamus, is a cluster of about 20,000 nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (because they sit above the optic chiasm). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ These cells get input from the #eyes and send out signals about the time of day “so that all the body’s clocks run on a uniform schedule,” says Saper, whose team studies the #brain circuitry involved in this complex process.Other studies have highlighted that irregular sleep patterns can alter your circadian rhythm and levels of #melatonin, which signal your brain to sleep. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✨🌞✨ Natural sunlight or bright light during the day helps keep your circadian rhythm healthy. This improves daytime energy, as well as nighttime sleep quality and duration. In people with #insomnia, daytime bright light exposure improved sleep quality and duration. It also reduced the time it took to fall asleep by 83% https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8340561 ✨🔑✨ Have you tried Cymbiotika Rumi? -A complex formula that has a multitude of benefits that contribute to overall health, from key essential minerals which encourage muscle relaxation, to powerful #nutrients that support the sleep cycle by balancing our brain’s precious neurotransmitters. * PhosphatidylCholine (PC) * Ashwaghanda Extract * Chamomile Extract * Passion Flower Extract * Melatonin * PharmaGABA * Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate * L-Theanine * Lemon Balm Extract * Tryptophan * Cannabidiol (CBD) * Piperine Extract #sleep #rejuvenation #ultimatelongevity #wellness - @cymbiotika on Instagram

Virgo New Moon 🌚🔮🧿🔑 Psychic Development Ritual! This ritual will include road opening and repairing work, conjure and rootwork, protection and longevity work! HONESTLY!!!! My ancestors wanted me to charge $55, but it’s only $22.22 since many of you are still new to me. The magick is REAAAALLLL and this’ll be the last time I price this type of ritual so low! (Seriously, my candle work hit different!) I only have a few spaces left! Sign up is available now until 9/17 11:11a [I’ll be beginning that night!] If you have questions, ask below! 🦋🧿⬇️🔮⬇️🔮⬇️🧿🦋 alt text available #elevatedconjure #conjure #conjurewoman #conjureoils #rootwork #rootworker #rootworkersofinstagram #hoodoo #hoodoospells #hoodoopractitioner #ritual #ritualmagick #psychicsofinstagram #psychicmedium #psychicdevelopment #creativedevelopment #animisn #ancestralveneration #blacktarotreaders #blackqueermagic - @elevatedconjure on Instagram

• VIRTUAL MENTAL HEALTH CAMP • We are very excited to organise a virtual mental health camp for everyone out there from the 3rd Oct to 10th Oct. This camp is focused on two aspects of our mental health. 1. Mental Health For All Sessions 2. The How of Mental Health Workshops This year the theme for the World Mental Health Day, 2020 is Mental Health For All. As a mental health initiative, we are doing our bit in starting conversations on the importance of mental health for various sections of the community that goes unnoticed. We are also taking an add on initiative by helping the auidence understand how exactly can mental health become a priority? What is it that can be done and how to take care of our mental health? Eight different sessions and workshops have been organised to help you all understand the importance of mental health for each and every individual and also to learn about the How of Mental Health. Experts from the field would be taking these sessions. There are limited seats and the registration is free of cost. So what are you waiting for? Join us in this Virtual Mental Health Camp!! The details of the dates, timings, mode and topics to be covered is available. See you all!! @_knightofsteel @mind_simplified @aanchal_therapist @minds__that__matter @gyanchandanikomal @mentalhealth.therapist @shatarupa01 @deepika_happinesscoach #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthforall #mental #mentalhealthconversations #mentaltraining #psychology #psychologyworkshops #mentalhealthquotes #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthmeme #talktome #itsokaynottobeokay #mentalpriority #prioritisementalhealth #mentalhealthcampaign #thepsyklife - @thepsyklife on Instagram

2 года назад мы с Аленой Зедгенидзе @alena1706 (врач терапевт) проконсультировали пациентку с большими периапикальными изменениями, свищевыми ходами с вестибулярной и небной сторон и гноетечением. Пациентке до этого в несколькых клиниках было предложено удаление и 16, и 17 зубов. Но мы рискнули и после эндодонтического лечения каналов, была проведена апикальная хирургия, во время которой была удалена «киста» большого размера. На оперции выявлено отсутвие костной ткани в области бифуркации, что ко всей сложности этого дефекта переводит его в пародонтологический. Так как при проведении эндодонтической хирургии мы не используем костнопластические материалы, то с целью предотвращения прорастания мягких тканей в столь большой дефект, за 17 зубом (из зоны бугра) получен трансплантат, который зафиксирован пришеечно и перекрыт лоскутом. Уже через неделю свищевые ходы закрылись, а через 2 года после ретроградного пломбирования 16 и 17 зубов от «кисты» не осталось и следа 😊🙅🏻‍♀️😊 - @_kristina_badalyan on Instagram

Zur weiteren Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir ab sofort eine zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte/er w/m/d in Vollzeit. Bewerbungen gerne an info@happysmiles.de ! #happysmiles #happysmilesbadsaulgau #weloveyoursmile #wirsuchendich #job #zahnmedizinischefachangestellte #zfa #kieferorthopädie #kfo #stellenanzeige - @happysmiles_de on Instagram

Fühlst du dich manchmal auch nicht ganz fit und zu 100 % munter? Ein Grund dafür könnte Dauerstress sein. Er zählt zu den größten Energieräubern, mit denen wir im Alltag zu kämpfen haben. Unser Körper ist damit in ständiger Alarmbereitschaft und das knabbert an den Energiereserven. Die Gegenmaßnahmen können sehr individuell sein und so finden manche einen Waldspaziergang entspannend, andere wiederum wollen sich mit Pinsel oder Instrument kreativ austoben. . Zusätzlich können gerade bei Müdigkeit, Mikronährstoffe den Organismus unterstützen und einen Energie-Booster liefern. . ⚡ Eisen ist ein bedeutender Player für den Sauerstofftransport im Körper und am aktiven Energiestoffwechsel beteiligt. ⚡ Magnesium ist wichtig für starke Muskeln und Nerven und zählt zu einem wichtigen Baustein, unsere Mitochondrien bei der Energiegewinnung zu unterstützen. ⚡️ B-Vitamine sind am Energiestoffwechsel beteiligt und greifen in stressigen Phasen deinem Nervensystem unter die Arme. . #puremikronährstoffe #purecaps #pureencapsulations #energie #mikronährstoffe #nahrungsergänzungsmittel #entspannung #müdigkeit - @pureencapsulations_de on Instagram

The Fire element rules the Summer months and the Heart. This time of year traditionally beings us joy, connection, passion and high energy. We may be feeling the heat, but perhaps have lost the sense of who we are and where were going in this uncertain time. This Sunday at 10am Im running a live yoga workshop to cultivate self-love. When we feel lost, anxious and disconnected we can come home to ourselves through calming meditation and yoga practices. We will learn pressure points, yoga stretches and tapping techniques to open up the heart and its Yang partner, the Small Intestine. Cool the body, calm the mind and restore a loving connection with yourself. Link in bio. . . #acupressure #acupuncture #yoga #onlineyoga #shiatsu #heart #digestion #selflove #meditation #tcm #butterfly #yogaeveryday #health #anxiety #yinyoga #yin - @holisticallybecca on Instagram

Esta semana tuve el honor de fotografiar a @maria_garre_ , quien tiene actualmente una escuela de Yoga y Ayurveda en Nuevo México, y durante la pandemia nos acompaña y apoya como local de Nosara. Su talento y disciplina también nos inspira 🙏✨🌹🍃 #desirena #local #junglelife #yoga #aryuveda #handmade #custommade #localdesigner #empoweredwomen #puravida #visitenosara #nativagallery - @desi_swimwear on Instagram

#sicherstudieren Morgen beginnen die Erstsemester-Einführungstage für das hybride Wintersemester 20/21 an der #hskl! Wir heißen Euch jetzt schon herzlich willkommen und wünschen einen guten Start im Studium 🚀 Bitte informiert Euch auf hs-kl.de über die Corona-Regelungen und weitere Hilfestellungen für Euren #studienstart2020 an der Hochschule Kaiserslautern! #zukunftstudieren #corona #hygienekonzept #aha #hochschulekaiserslautern #campuslife #studygram #sicherheit #bleibtgesund @hskl_bauenundgestalten @asta_hskl @astazweibruecken @fachschaft_aing_kl @fachschaft.via @fachschaft_bi_kl__ @fachschaftsratbw @ldd_hskl - @hochschulekl on Instagram

ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ. ᴀ ᴍɪʟʟɪᴏɴ ᴛɪᴍᴇs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ. ⭐ - @doviellee on Instagram

Ελληνικό πρωινό #Citrus 🧡 Η δυνατή γεύση του ελληνικού καφέ συμπληρώνεται ιδανικά από τα λουκούμια Χιώτικου Μανταρινιού Citrus. Βραβευμένα με Great Taste Award, δεν περιέχουν χρωστικές και σας αφήνουν να γευτείτε ολόκληρα κομμάτια φλούδας μανταρινιού. Για το άρωμα, δεν το συζητάμε! 🧡 ____________________________________________ 🍊 www.citrus-chios.gr #CitrusChios #Citrus_Chios #MyDailyCitrus #KatheMeraCitrus #traditionalproducts #chiosisland #greekproducts #flavorsofgreece #loukoumia - @citrus_chios on Instagram

- Infografiken über Yoga & Meditation

Watching the presidential #debate and trying real hard to follow along. - @omgtonywtf on Instagram

- The arrangment of these answers

Ogromny zastrzyk wiedzy dzięki @movuto_kursy w zakresie aktywności fizycznej w ciąży obejmującej przygotowanie do porodu jak również przeciwdziałanie oraz leczenie ciążowych dolegliwości. Drogie Panie wcale nie jesteście skazane na ból pleców w ciąży! Czas zadbać o siebie w tym pięknym i wymagającym czasie dla naszego ciała! Ciąża to nie choroba i jeśli nie ma przeciwwskazań, to dzięki: 👉odpowiednio dopasowanej aktywności 👉nauce oddechu 👉odpowiedniej mobilizacji mięśni możecie świadomie przygotować się do porodu oraz wpłynąć na szybszy powrót do zdrowia po nim! Bardzo się cieszę, że mogę teraz zbierać zarówno wiedzę teoretyczną jak i praktyczną i doświadczyć tego na własnym ciele! Za mną już pełne 6 miesięcy ciąży i dzięki zdobytej wiedzy będę mogła służyć pomocą Wam kobietki! 🤩👶 #pregnancy #activepregnancy #stayhealthy #getready #pregnant #learning #training #świadomyporód #birth #edukacja #notonlyyoga #getstrong #beactive #fitness #fitmom #fitmommy @an8eli4a - @iron_butt_ on Instagram

To all those commemorating, noting, and observing #YomKippur - Gmar Hatima Tova. - @howardhannarealestate on Instagram

🧘‍♂️ namaste - @zuzanasimoncikova on Instagram

Als presentatrice van #derijdenderechter weet @jetskevandenelsen alles over buren en #burenruzies ! ,,Dus mensen, verdiep je in de buurt en je buren.” Hele interview lezen? Dat kan via de #linkinbio ! #vrouw #vrouwmagazine #nationaleburendag #burendag Tekst @lizettevanloenen Fotografie @stijnghijsen - @vrouw_nl on Instagram

Привет всем друзья! Не проходите мимо) Прошу поддержать наш новый проект для детей на платформе YouTube Kids. Посмотрите видео, поставьте лайк и если у вас есть детки то подписывайтесь на канал! Спасибо 🙏 Ссылка в прлфиле☝️ #ютубкидс #влог #ютуб #детидома #папасын #папаисын #сынипапа #сынпапа #кидс #влоги #канал #ютубканал - @yan_petrin on Instagram

#machovojezero #machac #sunrise #doksy #staresplavy #lake #dream #travel #travelphotography #travelgram #traveling #travelling #travelers #nature #naturelovers #forest #port #boat #czechrepublic #libereckykraj #water #holiday #chill #chilltime #goodmorning #beautifulday #rano #dobrerano #morning #landart - @machovo.jezero on Instagram

Heritage is defined as “valued qualities such as cultural traditions that have been passed down from previous generations.” South Africa is rich with Heritage and many diverse cultures!⁠ ⁠ Share some of the special cultural traditions that have been passed down to you from previous generations, and you could WIN a product hamper worth R2 500 packed with some of our favourite South African Brands!⁠ ⁠ HOW TO ENTER: ⁠ 1. Share your special cultural traditions in the comments below.⁠ 2. Read, like and comment on the other special cultural traditions that have been shared.⁠ 3. The comment with the most likes will be chosen as the winner, so share the love and watch the love come back to you!⁠ ⁠ Winner will be announced on Monday 28 September. Ts&Cs apply.⁠ ⁠ #heritage #southafricanheritage #southafricanculture #ubuntuspirit #celebrate #imstaying #unique #culture #heritageday2020 - @wellnesswarehouse on Instagram

There is a science to spirituality There is soo much to know about ourselves Wake up! See it.. its right there #science #vrittis #chakras #emotions #health #diseases #spirituality #learntomeditate #explore #knowmore #knowledge #wisdominthebody #wisdom #learning - @surbhi.jpg on Instagram

- Yoga Lyon

🍾🔥Congratulations to our brother and close collaborator @photay whose brilliant “Waking Hours Remixed” is out today on @mexican_summer ! . . . The release includes our percussion driven, Universal Riddim take on “The People,” plus brilliant reworks from @acemo and @ensembleentendu / @sam_o.b . . . Swipe left or click the link in our bio to dig in ! . . . . . . #remix #photay #acemo #penya #thepeople #london #newyork #collaborate #collaboration #groove #percussion #drummer #producer #electronicmusic #dancemusic #video #newmusic #wakinghours #band #ep #riddim #universal - @penya_superliminal on Instagram

Дом для пожилых людей Калининградский пансионат поздравляет с Международным Днём пожилого человека! Пансионат оказывает круглосуточный уход и помощь пожилым, людям с ограниченными возможностями и инвалидам. По любым вопросам звоните по телефону 762662 или пишите в директ @kgd.pansionat В честь праздника пансионат дарит скидку 10% на размещение до конца октября. - @kaliningrad.news on Instagram

have a nice October😘😘😘(painting with street`s chalks at cement of the garden)/games time#rebelsunitedoct2020potd /day 1 a funny shape#fms_afunnyshape#words4_hp#sph196_color the color of Autumn#snaphappychallenge#9vaga_dailytheme9#fav_squares#mixed_topics#monweib_arts#details_creative_pictures#jj_lookingdown#addicted_to_colors#movimientowabisabi#thislittlemoment_#gw_simplebeauty#gw_details#raw_collage#colors_photogroup#total_colors#asi_es_colorsworld#asi_es_drtodo#lory_vintage#lory_nfs_mncr#fivestars_typo#total_alphabet#splash_n_macs#passion_n_splash#fever_splash - @stamatopouloud on Instagram

Putting extra effort into understanding where your privileges lie, #thatsnatural. __ #educateyourself #loveothers #loveall - @natureboxbeauty on Instagram

Nett to know Wußtet ihr es? Habt eine gute Zeit, eure Leuchtbuddies #woodbuddies #wetterleuchten #wetter #blitz #⚡️ #🌩 #⛈ #☁️💡 #netttoknow #wissen #unnützeswissen #leuchten #nacht #regen #potzblitz #donner #abkühlung #news - @woodbuddies on Instagram

Nu finns vi på Instagram! / Andreas - @naprapatakuten on Instagram

Zit je lekker? 🤭 Ga tijdens het lezen van deze post even staan! Hoeveel uur zit jij gemiddeld per dag? Check het met de zitcheck van het zilveren kruis. . . #leefstijl #beweging #zitten #studentenleefstijl #geneeskunde #gezondheid #coassistent - @studentenleefstijl on Instagram

🤍 . . #yoga #yogainspiration #yogaliving #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #yogini #Yogiraj #yogi #yogaquotes #yogaquotesoftheday #namaste - @yogiraj.se on Instagram

Sanem Önder ile Yin Yoga ve Meridyenler adlı atölyemiz 17 Ekim 2020de başlıyor. Kayıt ve bilgi için: https://www.zihingunleri.com/ - @yogahariom_zihingunleri on Instagram


Busy Body Retreats weekly meditation recording! Reserve our studio space today for your instructor led meditation and yoga recordings. #busybodyretreats #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #meditation #chicago #rejuvenation #studiospace #yogateacher #yoga #meditationspace #rejuvenation #therejuve #wereback #essentialworkers - @therejuve on Instagram

IN-PERSON BREATHWORK IS BACK! 🙌🙌🙌 ・・・ I am so so so excited to announce that I will be doing my first in person event in 6 months on the 12th of September at @houseofwisdomstudio! ・・・ This session will be restricted to a very intimate group of only 8 people and we will taking all the necessary safety precautions including 2m separation between mats. Since it’s a small group, we will be going DEEP! 🚀 ・・・ Link in bio 👆 - @thebreathguy on Instagram

🌝 Thanks to my awesome friend Ilse for this pic 💛 @micro_wavesss #yogiez #yoga #fullmoon #vibes #moonenergy #wad #terschelling #ocean #moonrise #lovenature - @yogiez.yoga on Instagram

Liquiditätsplanung? Nicht verkehrt bei diesen Temperaturen. 1,5 Liter Flüssigkeit - am besten stilles Wasser oder ungesüßter Tee - sollten es schon sein. . Und liebe Banken - diese hochwertigen Motivationsschilder für mehr Bewegung und Gesundheit im Alltag bekommt ihr kostenfrei bei uns! ❤ . Einfach melden bei Julia.Harter@ruv-bkk.de oder Rainer.Goldelius@ruv-bkk.de 👍 . #gesundheit #krankenkasse #banken #trinken #betrieblichegesundheitsförderung #betrieblichesgesundheitsmanagement - @ruv_bkk on Instagram

Mehr Maske, weniger Alkohol und kleinere Feiern - so brachte Bayerns Ministerpräsident Söder die Anti-Corona-Strategie auf einen Nenner, die Bund und Länder am Dienstag gemeinsam abgestimmt haben. Bundeskanzlerin Merkel (CDU) und die Regierungschefs der Länder vereinbarten dabei auch eine Art Frühwarnsystem, nach dem - je nach regionaler Situation - auf einen sprunghaften Anstieg der Ansteckungszahlen reagiert werden soll. Merkel sagte, es habe Einigkeit darüber bestanden, dass die Wirtschaft am Laufen gehalten werde und Schulen und Kitas soweit wie möglich offen bleiben sollen. Vorgesehen sind beim Frühwarnsystem zwei Stufen: Wenn es in einem Landkreis binnen sieben Tagen mehr als 35 Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Menschen gibt, sollen in öffentlichen oder angemieteten Räumen wie Gaststätten höchstens 50 Personen gemeinsam feiern dürfen. Für Partys in Privaträumen wird eine maximale Teilnehmerzahl von 25 Menschen dringlich empfohlen, aber nicht verpflichtend festgeschrieben. Überschreitet die so genannte 7-Tage-Inzidenz mehr als 50 Neuinfektionen pro 100.000 Einwohner, sollen höchstens noch 25 Menschen in öffentlichen oder angemieteten Räumen feiern dürfen. Für Feiern in Privaträumen wird eine Obergrenze von zehn Teilnehmern dringlich empfohlen. Ausnahmen könnten für angemeldete Feierlichkeiten mit vom Gesundheitsamt abgenommenen Hygieneplänen zugelassen werden, hieß es. #tagesschau #corona #covid19 #sarscov2 #merkel #bund #bundesregierung - @tagesschau on Instagram

#masken #mundschutz #mundnasenschutz #mundnasenmasken #corona #coronavirus #coronapandemie #coronamemes #covid19 #covid #hygiene #hygieneartikel #deutschland #querdenken #unweltschutz #diegrünen #fridaysforfuture #maulkorbpflicht #maskenpflicht #aha #maskenzwang #alltagsmasken #pandemie #covidioten #mundnasenbedeckung #umweltverschmutzung #dresden #bodoschiffmann - @masken_in_freier_wildbahn on Instagram

Голосование продолжается! ⠀ К этому времени уже проголосовало 18,157 человек — посмотрите на предварительные результаты голосования и голосуйте за своих любимых блогеров до 18 октября, чтобы именно они одержали победу! Не забывайте: ⠀ 🏆 11 победителей номинаций Премии получат статус Лучших инфлюенсеров и именные статуэтки NAME INFLUENCE AWARDS 29 октября на InterCHARM 2020. 🏆 5 блогеров выиграют Gran Prix Премии, помимо статуэток, и смогут отправиться на крупнейшую в мире выставку косметических ингредиентов in-cosmetics Global в 2021 году. Чтобы у всех были равные шансы на победу, один из 5 Grand Prix обязательно получит победитель в номинации «Micro Power / Микроинфлюенсер года»! ⠀ ✔️ Проголосовать можно в одной или нескольких номинациях, но только один раз и только до 18 октября. Именно вы можете сделать вашего фаворита — победителем! Переходите по ссылке в описании нашего профиля и голосуйте👆🏻 - @intercharm_ru on Instagram

After #run #picoftheday . . . . . #running #itsallaboutsharing #nature #spring #fresh #forgetallproblems - @math_vo on Instagram

Greetings from our latest Yoga Retreat Next available date 23 - 27 August YOGAmeetsYOU.com - @keshava_peter_weitgasser on Instagram

3 semesters of Anatomy (Gross and Lower Extremity) and we have to say we couldn’t have made it without the supplemental resources of: 1) Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy 2)Complete Anatomy App 3) Foot and Leg Models (leg model not pictured) 4) and of course YouTube! . It’s always great to use different modalities to help you solidify the information you are learning especially Anatomy.. it is the foundation (just like the foot) to many of your classes and to your career overall. #studyingislife #podmedstudent - @stepintopod on Instagram

PhotographyXxx - @photographyflowerxx on Instagram

Energy is palpable! As you bring your hands together into heart-center, prayer namaste, experience the Prana you are collecting. I have an entire chapter dedicated to energy in my Yoga for Riders book. #energy #prana #pranicenergy #feeltheenergy #prayerposition ##heartcenter #prayernamaste #yogaforriders #bodymindequine #cathywoodsyoga - @cathywoodsyoga on Instagram

We all begin translucent 💛 Foetus at 16 weeks by photographer @lennartnilssonphotography, from A Child is Born, 1965 #birthphotography #birth #pregnancy #doula #midwife - @pbb_media on Instagram

Juhuu, ich freue mich, dass es Cassy von Tag zu Tag besser geht. Am Mittwoch oder Donnerstag gehen wir Fäden ziehen. Bald können wir wieder im Wald toben. Bis jetzt geht sie noch in Deckung, wenn Lina angaloppiert kommt. Sie bekommt von mir Arnica Kügelchen und eine Wundsalbe. Auf jeden Fall ist sie ruhiger geworden, ich vermute, dass sie auch eine hormonelle Umstellung mitmacht, durch die Sterilisation. Heute Abend geht ein neues Video online, der 1. Umbau von Vanna, mit der wir nächste Woche an die Mecklenburger Seenplatte fahren. Dort werden wir uns mit Freunde treffen. __________________________________ www.solotravelmithund.de __________________________________ - @solotravelmithund on Instagram

Join me! Thursday 6pm @hotyoganewton Hot Bliss Saturday 8:30am (HYN) sub for Ashley Deep Stretch Sunday @yoga.loft.conover Strength flow 4:30 Photo cred : to my talented friend @isrmermaid contact her for photography. - @getzenwithkellie on Instagram

Le cycle des violences n’est pas toujours évident à identifier. En passant par toute une gamme de situations, il peut facilement confondre toute personne qui en serait victime. Apprendre à reconnaître ce cycle lorsqu’on y a affaire peut aider à réduire les risques de blessures, tant physiques qu’émotionnelles. Ce cycle te semble familier? Appelle-nous. Pour déclarer une situation de violence en ligne, de façon anonyme, et consulter notre liste de ressources, n’hésitez pas à visiter la plateforme Alix ici : alix.interligne.co Si tu vis une situation qui menace ton intégrité physique, compose le 911. #SolidaritéLGBTQ #SolidaritéCOVID19 - @interligne_co on Instagram

- @quot.eses666 on Instagram

What’s the difference between “alignment” and “continuity” in yoga practice? 🤔 All too often, “alignment” can imply that there is one way to arrange one’s body in a pose, and that it is universal. “Continuity,” on the other hand, suggests a more internal experience. ✨ Continuity refers to a state of harmonious agreement throughout the moveable parts of the body. In other words, when we focus on continuity, we tune into the relationships between bones at each joint, between the inner movement intentions (the breath) and the outer manifestation of an asana, and between the internal and external structures of our bodies. ⚖️ Even if you don’t regularly use yoga props—blocks, straps, blankets, etc.—use them when you practice for continuity. They are invaluable tools for helping you achieve structural integrity in your poses. ✅ Mindfulness of the disposition of your brain can help you determine if your pose is in harmony with itself. Does your brain feel tight, hard, strained or contracted? If so, relax your brain if possible, then look around the body and note where else you might be straining. 🧠 All these cues are subtle. They require that we look more deeply than we may be used to. An overstretched or impinged joint will speak right up—its feedback is right on the surface. Reciting alignment rules in our heads as we practice squelches deeper exploration. Looking deeper is the essence of yoga practice. Practicing for continuity brings ease to the journey of deep looking. 🧘‍♀️ - @huggermuggeryoga on Instagram

Produzir exatamente os produtos que gostaríamos de comprar. Essa é nossa verdade e nunca paramos de inovar por aqui. Fique de olho, em breve novidades! ❤️ #zele #saude #suplementos #capsulas #estilodevida - @zelealimentos on Instagram

Akkurat det 2020 mangler... romvesener!😱👽 Les mer hvorfor amerikanske forskere tror det kan finnes liv på Venus via lenka i bio📲 📸: Getty Images - @nettavisen.no on Instagram

#ObserveTheMoon with @nasa! Today (Saturday, Sept. 26) is NASA’s International Observe the Moon Night. Moon enthusiasts and curious people worldwide will come together to watch and learn about the moon when its shadows and details are most visible. Visit moon.nasa.gov for more info. #sdgirlscouts #gssd #BestPlace4Girls #STEM #STEAM #astronomy #girlsinspace #youcanbe #lunarobserver - @sdgirlscouts on Instagram

When small habits can make big differences . . . #hemoglobin #hemoglobina #hemoglobinlevel #bloods #rbc #anemiaproblems #anemiasucks #anemiaawareness #anemia #anemiainfantil #blood ##getfit #fitness #fit #fitnessgirl #fitnessgoals #fitlife #eatgreen #eatlocal #eathealthy #eatyourveggies #eatclean #eatwell #fruitmarket #fruit #fruitnails #vegetabletanned #vegetableplants #body #healthbenefits - @punjabisabji on Instagram

Join us in Central Park BeU Yoga ! Starting September 12 With Cynthia Saturday at 12:00 -1:15 PM Sign up on website - link in beunewyork17 www.beunewyork.com - @beunewyork17 on Instagram

Ты — это глаз - @institutbeskonechnosti on Instagram

This Sunday evening 6pm, our candlelit class @risefitnessstudios will be honouring the Autumn Equinox 💫 Breathing space into balance Celebrating the changing seasons and how they are reflected back at us A time to release attachment and let go of the unnecessary Join me as we meditate to modern music Link in bio 💜 All X-Hail classes adhear to current UK government guidelines Dont forget - You must bring your own kit for the time being 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️ . - @xhail_liverpool on Instagram

- @mavicpro2 on Instagram

Like a sandbox, a yoga mat is a welcoming place to try new things, to make new rules, and to attempt new challenges imagining and playing around with new shapes, ideas, and intentions. Like a sandbox, play on a yoga mat isn’t always all smiles, laughs, and good times. It can be ruthless and challenging! Doing yoga brings stuff up. It’s a constant rollercoaster of emotions. Or a subtle, subconscious experience of how you watch and think about yourself. . . . We’ve been playing in this sandbox for a long time. We recreate, reimagine, and destroy situations and circumstances we find ourselves in. Like yoga, feelings come and go like a sandcastle built up and kicked over. The trick is to remember that the castle will always crumble, and to keep building it anyways — just for fun. #yoga #yogaoffthemat #kidsyoga #volunteeryoga #outdoorkidsyoga namaste #move #breathe #meditate #practicepracticepractice - @megmovesyoga on Instagram

Perkuat Imun tubuh untuk mencegah virus corona!🦠 #afclifescience #afclifescienceindonesia #afcindonesia #afclifesciencejapan #sop100 #sop100plus #sop100afcjapan #sop100plusdistributor #utshukushhii #utshukushhiiafc #sopsubarashi #covid19 #viruscorona #imuntubuh #covid - @afc.indo_ on Instagram

On the show this Sunday - Deb Watts talks to June about The Power of Women Experience... Find out more at www.girlsaroundtownonline.com - @girlaroundtown1 on Instagram

*** BREAKING NEWS *** Wir dürfen den Club nach Pfingsten wieder öffnen, das hat der Berliner Senat heute beschlossen. Über die neuen Trainingsabläufe und Hygienestandards werden wir heute im Laufe des Tages ausführlich informieren, jetzt freuen wir uns erst einmal, dass wir Euch schon bald wieder persönlich im Club begrüßen können! 😍🤩🥳 #claysfamily #missmyclays #clays #zehlendorf #gym #berlingym #premiumgym #workout #training #fitfam #fitfamgermany #fitfamberlin #pilates #yoga - @clays.sportsclub on Instagram

Part of the story is also told with the arms, hands and fingers, Are you a Hands-on storyteller as well? Photos taken by Alborz Sahebdivani (@bobstickle1) #storyteller #pakhuiswilhelmina #mezrabstorytelling #storytelling #storytellingvenue #culturalvenue #amsterdam #art #performanceart #performance #performer #culturalcafe #multicultural #netherlands #iamsterdam #amsterdamlife #talent #production #entertainment #artist #artistlife #thingstodoamsterdam #photooftheday #instagood #creativity #livestream - @mezrab_ on Instagram

💪🏼🤩 - @_yoga_bali_studio_ on Instagram

1️⃣ Kniestand, Blackroll zwischen Knie und Wand, Arme nach vorne ausstrecken. Den einen ausgestreckten Arm zur Seite nach hinten bewegen, Oberkörper dreht mit, nicht aber die Hüfte der anderen Seite. ✅ 20 Wdh. ☝️ Spannung wirst du in der Brustwirbelsäule spüren und Brustnuskulatur. 2️⃣ Rückenlage, Füsse aufgestellt, Kinn einziehen. Mithilfe der Hand den Kopf langsam nach links und rechts drehen.  ✅ 20 Wdh. ☝️ Nur sanft drehen, sodass es sich vom Druck angenehm anfühlt, aber anstrengend tief vorne an der Halsmuskulatur. 3️⃣ Rückenlage, Füsse aufgestellt, Kinn einziehen.  Den Kopf ca. 5cm vom Boden heben und langsam nach links und rechts drehen, ohne das Kinn nach vorne zu schieben, ablegen. ✅ 3x10 Wdh. 👆 Steigerung von Übung 2, wichtig, dass du immer das Doppelkinn hälst! 4️⃣ Rückenlage, Blackroll quer unter der Brustwirbelsäule, Füsse aufgestellt, Gewichtsscheibe (ca. 5kg) mit beiden Händen hinter dem Kopf halten. Den Oberkörper ein wenig nach oben rollen und über die Rolle strecken.  ✅ 3x12 Wdh. 👆 Mobilisiere verschiedene Teile der Wirbelsäule, bei der du merkst, dass es klemmt. 5️⃣ Kleiner Ball (z.B. Tennisball oder Blackball) zwischen Wand und auf die Schultern. Mit Druck des Oberkörpers den verspannten Muskel bearbeiten. ✅ 3 x 30 - 60 Sek. halten, bis der Schmerz nachlässt. Der anhaltende Muskeldruck auf den Schmerzpunkten löst den Muskel. Es kann zum Kopf hochstrahlen und den Schmerz am Kopf reproduzieren. Wir wünschen viel Spass dabei! 👋 - @halle41spt on Instagram

о ПОЛЕЗНОМ ✅ Друзья, а мы продолжаем щедро делиться самыми интересными советами от постоянной гостьи Лектория для родителей, логопеда-нейропсихолога Талызиной Натальи Константиновны @natalizina86. Сегодня делимся 10 играми на развитие совместной работы ГЛАЗ и РУК, которые очень важны для подготовки ребенка к школе. Зрительно-моторная координация - это способность, которая помогает нам одновременно использовать глаза и руки при выполнении действий, а это основа нормального развития ребенка. КАКИЕ ИГРЫ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМ? Об этом вы узнаете в карусели 👉🏻 #робинс #советыродителям #советыпсихолога #нейропсихолог #мелкаямоторика - @robinsbooks on Instagram

Пиши в комментариях 👇🏻 Отправляй друзям 💞 __________________________ 😍 Нравится контент? 😍 __________________________ • Тогда подписуйся на нас 👉🏻 @anime_public10 👈🏻 • Тебе не сложно а нам приятно 😊 __________________________ • Ставь лайк ❤️ • Оставляй комментарий 💬 • Делись с друзьями 👫 ___________________________ ___________________________ Хештеги 🌠 • ✨ #манга #анимэ #аниме_ #анимеарт #анимешка #анимемир #анимеграм #анимешки #анимеприкол #анимеприколы #мемасики #япония #анимекартинки #анимеюмор #отаку #юри #anime #рисунок #анимекун #кун #япония #анимесериал #хентай #наруто #юри #яой #анимемомент #анимешница #ванпис #тян #аниметян ✨ - @anime_public10 on Instagram

Infos zur Masernimpfpflicht Aufnahme in den Kiga nur mit ausreichendem Impfschutz, Immunitätsnachweis oder Zeugnis über medizinische Kontraindikation. Hier die 3 Möglichkeiten ausführlicher: 1. eine Impfdokumentation (Impfausweis oder Impfbescheinigung) oder ein ärztliches Zeugnis Darüber, dass bei dem Kind ein ausreichender Impfschutz im Sinne des Gesetzes besteht. 2. Ein ärztliches Zeugnis darüber, dass bei dem Kind eine Immunität gegen Masern vorliegt. - Das heißt, dass der Arzt das Bestehen einer Immunität gegen Masern bestätigen kann, wenn ihm eine frühere Masernerkrankung der Person bekannt ist oder wenn eine serologische Titerbestimmung einen ausreichenden Immunschutz gegen Masern ergeben hat. 3. Ein ärztliches Zeugnis darüber, dass das Kind aufgrund einer medizinischen Kontraindikation zur Zeit nicht geimpft werden kann. - Ein ärztliches Zeugnis über eine medizinische Kontraindikation muss lediglich Angaben zur zeitlichen Dauer enthalten (Feststellung, dass die betreffende Person aufgrund einer medizinischen Kontraindikation nicht geimpft werden kann.) Jetzt kommt noch was sehr wichtiges!! Das Robert Koch Institut zählt auf, was zu einer Kontraindikation bzw. falsch Kontraindikationen zählt und es scheint, als sei es unmöglich, sich eine Kontraindikation bescheinigen zu lassen. Siehe hier unter 4.7 (pdf): https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/Infekt/EpidBull/Archiv/2019/Ausgaben/34_19.pdf?__blob=publicationFile Die Bundesregierung hat aber ausdrücklich abgelehnt, die Kontraindikation auf diejenigen der STIKO- Empfehlungen zu beschränken! Sie dienen nur als Orientierungshilfe. (vgl. Gegenäußerung der Bundesregierung zur Stellungnahme des Bundesrates; Drucksache 19/13826, Seite 2) ((Es reicht, wenn ihr in die Suchmaschine Drucksache 19/13826 eingebt.)) Für schulpflichtige Kinder besteht laut Gesetz eine Ausnahme: sie dürfen bzw. müssen in Schulen betreut werden, die Schulpflicht geht vor! Für Kinder, die bereits vor dem 01.03.2020 den Kiga oder die Schule besuchen, gilt der Bestandsschutz, hier muss ein Nachweis erst bis zum 31.07.2021 vorgelegt werden! ⚠️⚠️⚠️Weiter in den Kommentaren⬇️⬇️⬇️ - @impffreiheit_infos on Instagram

TW⚠️ talk about weight and eating disorders Do you know what I cannot stand about health psychology textbooks? There is always at least one chapter dedicated to outdated research on weight/BMI and then barely two paragraphs that touch on eating disorders. This semester I had to deal with a whole course that talked about all sorts of risks to health and wellness, but besides the 12 sentences with very stereotypical definitions of anorexia and bulimia, there was no mention of the consequences of dieting or weight stigma. Most chapters referenced healthy eating but with no mention of what this means, of orthorexia (unhealthy obsession with healthy or clean eating), or of how emotions play a role. We often are bombarded with messages on weight-loss and fad diets, but these come with serious risks to physical and mental health. Anorexia has the highest mortality of all mental illness, which says a lot, as ~50-75% of those with schizophrenia or borderline attempt suicide. People are discriminated against in health and social settings based on weight. Those who are plus-sized are taken less seriously by medical professionals and often do not get the support they need. This can lead to further complications and less subsequent medical visits. Health does not look like any one body type. Rather than focusing on weight, focus on actual health and wellbeing! Do things that make your body and your mind feel good. I would recommend checking out the Health At Every Size (HAES) movement if you would like to learn more! I also have tagged some amazing accounts here🌷❤ - @joyousbethany on Instagram

- Outdoor Fun and Sports

- Chakra affirmations

- Solar LED

Know better, do better. - @sneezy_ez on Instagram

Wir nehmen uns mehr Zeit – und helfen Dir dadurch schneller! Wir untersuchen Dich eingehend. Und behandeln Dich dann optimal. Unsere Physiotherapeutinnen und Physiotherapeuten mit der sektoralen Heilpraktiker Erlaubnis (wir dürfen diagnostizieren und ohne Verordnung vom Arzt arbeiten) beseitigen jeden Faktor, der sich störend auf dein körperliches Wohlbefinden auswirkt. Und deine Heilung kann dann schnell voranschreiten! Mehr Infos unter https://www.corpore-gesundheit.de - @corporegesundheit on Instagram

People who suffer from migraine are reducing their pain and improving their quality of life thanks to pain specialists at the University of Arizona Health Sciences and their green light research. A UArizona research team completed the first clinical study to evaluate green light exposure as a potential preventive therapy for patients with migraine. The study found that green light therapy resulted in about a 60% reduction in the pain intensity of the headache phase and number of days per month people experienced migraine headaches. “In this trial, we treated green light as a drug. Its not any green light; it has to be the right intensity, the right frequency, the right exposure time and the right exposure methods. Just like with medications, there is a sweet spot with light,” said Mohab Ibrahim, MD, PhD, lead author of the study, associate professor in the UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson’s Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology, and Neurosurgery and director of the Chronic Pain Management Clinic. - @uazhealthsciences on Instagram

En su esencia, la #meditación es un ejercicio mental con el que, a través de la atención, entrenamos nuestra mente para llevarla a un estado de paz, calma y serenidad interior. Aquí unos pasos básicos para poner en práctica. ∆ Enciende un incienso, sage, Palo Santo o pon un cuarzo cerca de tí. ∆ Inhala a través de la nariz y suéltalo por la boca lentamente. ∆ Visualiza como entra toda la energía y exhalas lo que no te pertenece. ∆ Lleva esta energía por todo tu cuerpo, al final, agradece y abre los ojos lentamente. #GoodVibesVenue by @naturalstylepr #EnBuenaCompañía - @hyundaipr on Instagram

STRESSRELATERAD PSYKISK OHÄLSA ökar och är vår tids stora utmaning. Igår släppte Försäkringskassan en rapport som visar att psykiska sjukdomar leder till allt längre sjukskrivningar, och den viktigaste orsaken är att andelen personer som sjukskrivs för utmattningssyndrom ökar. 2018 och 2019 sjukskrevs 25 000 personer för utmattning och 19 500 av dem var kvinnor. Utvecklingen av kvinnlig stress är en av vår tids största jämlikhetsproblem. Hjärnfonden vill att alla ska kunna delta i arbetslivet och i det privata rummet, friska. Under hösten kommer Hjärnfonden lansera ett initiativ kring stress för att uppmärksamma stressrelaterad ohälsa och påverka till förändring. Målet är att samla drabbade, forskning och arbetsliv för att vara den drabbades röst och knäcka den uppåtgående kurvan. Håll utkik i våra kanaler! På vår hjarnfonden.se har vi mycket material om stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa. Länk i story! - @hjarnfonden_sverige on Instagram

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐛⁣⁣⁣ —⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 🏊‍♀️Improving shoulder stabilization is a key component to rehab. Overhead shoulder stability is especially important in overhead athletes. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 💪🏼Exposing the shoulder to different loads in a variety of positions they may find themselves in during their sport, & continuing to progressively strengthen the shoulder as a whole are the framework of shoulder rehab⁣⁣⁣ ⁣—⁣⁣ 🔹 Half kneeling landmine press⁣ 🔹Push-up plyo⁣ 🔹Side plank fly⁣ .⁣⁣ .⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣⁣ 📍 Tag someone who would like these exercises⁣⁣⁣ ⚡️What are some of your favorite shoulder stabilization exercises⁣⁣⁣ ⬇️ Drop questions and comments below ⁣⁣ - @alyssasemones.dpt on Instagram

How hard do you work on not aging? Since it is Healthy Aging Month . Here are some tips to try to help. (Talk to your Dr. for specific info) There are some things we know help you live longer and prevent illness. We know sleep is important and everyone is tracking that now. We are now learning how important maintaining your circadian rhythm is. There is an association with abnormal sleep and exposure to blue light can lead to obesity, neurological issues and diabetes. Recent studies showed that peptides Humanin and SS-31 will increase longevity. Healing and protecting your mitochondria is important for your general health and longevity. Deal with oxidative stress with glutathione, exogenous ketones, and NRF2. Soon terms such as redox and unfolded protein response will become more common . Sarcopenia the breakdown of muscle as we ave is becoming more prominent. Insure that you are taking in enough leucine and other essential amino acids. Resistance band exercises can also help with sarcopenia. Lastly, you need to talk about the balance of AMPK and Mtor with things like Rapamycin and Berberine.More studies should be coming out soon. Senescence is where aging cells don’t die and this leads to inflammation, aging and neurodegenerative issues. Senolytics will be the future. Studies are ongoing to if getting rid of senescent cells can treat joint pain, neurological and eye issues. Trying to age healthy will help you feel better now and live longer later. #biohacking #nad #antiaging #fasting #metabolicflexibility #keto #functionalmedicine #functionalmedicinedoctor #peptidetherapy #regenerativemedicine #antiaging #platicsurgery #sleep #nycwellness #hamptonswellness #timerestrictedeating #circadianrhythm #blueblockers #vitamind #redlighttherapy - @drpaulvin on Instagram

Энтеросгель включен Министерством здравоохранения России в рекомендации по лечению новой коронавирусной инфекции. Выбирая терапию пациенту, врачи👨‍⚕️ часто назначают этот препарат. Необходимость в энтеросорбенте Энтеросгель возникла по нескольким причинам. 1️⃣Во-первых, к вирусу SARS-CoV-2 восприимчивы не только клетки дыхательных путей, но и клетки кишечного эпителия. Часто у госпитализированных с COVID-19 людей появляются дискомфорт в животе и диарея. Это означает, что коронавирус поражает желудочно-кишечный тракт. В этом случае показан Энтеросгель, который эффективно выводит токсины, вызывающие диарею. 2️⃣Энтеросгель необходим и в том случае если у пациента явно выражены симптомы интоксикации, есть рвота, тошнота, отечный синдром. Это означает, что организм не справляется с токсинами, выделяемыми вирусом, и нуждается в помощи энтеросорбентов. К слову, современный кишечный сорбент Энтеросгель, отмечают врачи, одновременно с различными повреждениями, которые вызывает коронавирусная инфекция. Помимо снятия общей интоксикации организма и повышения сопротивляемости организма инфекции, Энтеросгель помогает восстановлению стенки кишечника за счёт регенерации слизистой, способствует уменьшению повышенного уровня эндотоксина в крови, и нормализует дисбиоз - @enterosgel_ru on Instagram

Ми створювали в першу чергу Сімейний журнал, тому впевненні, що наступний пост, є ВАЖЛИВИМ!!! ❗❗❗ - @familykids.km on Instagram

Was ich nicht weiß, das weißt du und umgekehrt. - @der_gesundheitsapostol on Instagram

▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Сохрани, чтобы не потерять 🌼🐦💙 Подпишись, чтобы не пропустить новый пост 🍨 . Понравился пост? Поддержи лайком ❤️ . ---------------------------------------------------- {💙} 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫: 25,6 k {🌿} 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: 25.09.2020 {🐿️} 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞: 20:04 ---------------------------------------------------- {🐾} 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ #дисней #диснеймультики #диснеймультфильмы #disney #disneyprincess #мультикидетства #мультики #мультфильмы #лучшиемультфильмы #selfcare #selfcarerus #selfcareday #сэлфкаре #селфкейр #селфкар #instalike #like4like #instagood #twitter #твиттер #instatag #лайк #подпишись - @_.muesli._ on Instagram

#VitaminD - @doc.armani on Instagram

Darum ist der Darm Deine Gesundheitsquelle! #happybelly 💚 .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In unserem Darm befinden sich Milliarden von Mikroorganismen, die sämtliche LEBENSNOTWENDIGE PROZESSE in unserem Körper steuern. ☝️ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Hier wird die Nahrung zerlegt und verwertet, VITAMINE und HORMONE werden produziert und ENERGIE wird für folgende Prozesse bereitgestellt: .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✅ Immunsystem⠀ ✅ Nährstoffversorgung⠀⠀ ✅ Mentale Leistung⠀⠀⠀ ✅ Körperliche Fitness⠀⠀⠀ ✅ Psychische Balance⠀⠀⠀⠀ ✅ Hautgesundheit ⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Der gesamte Organismus wird vom Darm versorgt. Das heißt, wenn hier etwas nicht stimmt, kann sich das überall bemerkbar machen. 👀 .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Ob durch ein schwaches IMMUNSYSTEM, körperliche oder mentale SCHWÄCHE – alles hängt von einer guten Versorgung des Darms ab. 🙏 .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Häufig leidet auch die Hautgesundheit. Ein fahler Teint, Unreinheiten oder Ausschläge sind keine Seltenheit, wenn der Darm streikt. 🚨 .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Denn während der Verdauung entstehen ABBAUSTOFFE, die wiederum über die Haut, unserem “ENTGIFTUNGSORGAN”, aus dem Körper befördert werden. .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ HAUTERKRANKUNGEN sind demnach oft DARMERKRANKUNGEN und haben viel mit der ERNÄHRUNG zu tun. 🍽 .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👉Deshalb empfehlen wir bei sämtlichen Beschwerden, Deine Essgewohnheiten und Nährstoffzufuhr unter die Lupe zu nehmen. .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Unentdeckte ALLERGIEN oder fehlende Nährstoffe können dem Darm zu schaffen machen. Im Laufe der Woche widmen wir uns diesen Themen etwas näher #staytuned .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Hast Du schon mal durch eine bewusstere Ernährung oder bestimmte Vitalstoffe Deine Beschwerden in den Griff bekommen? Let us know👇 .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #startyourdayright #allnatural #selflove #healthy #vitamine #motivation #selfcare #hamburg #nahrungsergänzungsmittel #gesundheit #natürlich #selbstliebe #vegandeutschland #innonature #darmgesundheit #hormone #abwehrsystem #haut #balance - @innonature_official on Instagram

Yassss...finally❣️❣️❣️Updated schedule...more classes!!!! The Yoga Circle (Sign up via mind body) Zoom Code: 6499080699 Password: 568826 Tuesday *8:30am Thursday *8:30am Saturday *12:00pm LIGHT.LIBRA.YOGI Donation Based Yoga Venmo tonycartertodd (Open to anyone and everyone, so just join via zoom...aero joe members can sign up on MB) Zoom Code: 8685137613 Password: 214205 Thursday *7:00am Saturday *2:00pm - @light.libra.yogi on Instagram

Have you been taking care of yourself lately? You can’t burn the candle at both ends and think you won’t get consumed in the process! Find time to refresh, recharge and refuel! We are here to help! . . . . . . . . . - @bio_tique on Instagram

- @gnarb00ts on Instagram

Już jutro 21 marca czyli Światowy Dzień Zespołu Downa. Z tej okazji po raz kolejny @lifetimepolska dedykuje naszej Fundacji swoją autorską akcję „Linia Prosta”, którą już zapewne większość z Państwa dobrze zna z poprzednich lat. Będziemy ponownie udostępniać w postach na FB i Instagramie zdjęcia z narysowaną linią na dłoni, hashtagiem #LiniaProsta i w tym roku również linkiem do naszej zbiórki na FB: https://www.facebook.com/donate/241040883602130/. Startujemy jutro o 9.00 rano. Bądźcie z nami. Stacja też z okazji jutrzejszego święta zaprasza wszystkich na maraton wszystkich odcinków ostatniego (czwartego) sezonu serialu „Taki się urodziłem”, który opowiada o grupie dorosłych osób z zespołem Downa w USA. Będzie dużo radości i wzruszeń, serdecznie polecamy. Pierwszy odcinek również o 9.00. - @fundacja_jatez on Instagram

Что включает в себя лечение шейного остеохондроза? ⠀ Оно зависит от стадии заболевания. ⠀ 🔻На начальной стадии шейный остеохондроз доставляет мало дискомфорта. ⠀ Активный отдых, правильное питание, отказ от вредных привычек, правильная поза во время сна, работы и отдыха - все это в комплексе поможет достичь хороших результатов. ⠀ 🔻При прогрессирующем заболевании применяются специальные воротники, физиопроцедуры, массаж, упражнения для шеи ⠀ 🔻При тяжелых формах заболевания подключают медикаментозное лечение в виде спазмолитиков, анальгетиков, глюкокортикостероидов и нестероидных противовоспалительных средств ⠀ Как видите, на ранней стадии нужно всего лишь пересмотреть привычки. При тяжелых формах, увы, уже медикаментозное лечение. ⠀ Потому ещё раз призываем вас. ⠀ Если вы обнаружили у себя признаки остеохондроза, описанные ниже в посте через одну публикацию, то поспешите записаться на приём ⠀ 📱Запись по телефону в шапке профиля или через Директ. ⠀ С заботой о вас, Инновационный медицинский центр - @reabilitaciya.ru on Instagram

Ручной антицеллютный массаж благодаря специальным механическим приемам разогревает ткани, дробит жировые отложения, оказывает выраженный лимфодренажный эффект, устраняет застой лимфы и жидкости, оказывая незначительное мочегонное действие. ​ В результате этого все обменные процессы в организме активизируются, кровь начинает интенсивно циркулировать по сосудам в подкожно-жировой клетчатке, восстанавливается трофика тканей, укрепляются капилляры и активизируется продукция коллагеновых и эластиновых волокон. ⠀⠀ 🎄Новый год, 🏝отпуск не за горами и у нас есть время привести своё тело в порядок🙌 Мастер- Руслан ⠀⠀ 🎈Стоимость весь декабрь 700 рублей🎈😱 ⠀⠀#массаж#массажантицеллюлитный#массажспины#массажлица#вакуумныймассаж#массажживота# - @aesthetic_salon on Instagram

⏳ Ist dein NEIN zur Kündigungsinitiative bereits abgegeben? Noch nicht? Dann los,🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ die letzten 24 Stunden haben begonnen! #Kündigungsinitiative #starkvernetzt #bilaterale #europapolitik - @stark_vernetzt on Instagram