Diplomacy Profile Pics

diplomaticpeaceworld peaceabhijit naskarnaskargeopoliticswarinternational relationspolitics

Amazingness Everywhere Coffee Mug

omg oh my gosh surprised wide eyes shocked

- Big Bean Club

Motivational quote

there is no good answer maclen stanley the law says what there is no right or wrong answer any answer is correct

- 1990s

book reading read you read tv show


Banksy Crying Terrorist Print on canvas Street Art Graffiti

abhijit naskar naskar world peace peace on earth peace

- Inte lätt att vara förbundskapten i dagens Sverige


Aesthetic Wallpaper

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- Black newspaper satirizing black preachers who accepted segregation at a Billy Sunday revival meeting -- P.S. Cooke, November 24, 1917 [anti-Jim Crow, Cartoon]


The Coronation of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, 1807 by Jacques-Louis David

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- Marine Le Pen

Aaron Warner

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Hoy realicé una presentación judicial para solicitar una pericia informática urgente contra Google, que servirá como prueba de una demanda. Como saben, el 17 de mayo Google publicó información falsa y ofensiva contra mi persona, provocando un daño que debe ser reparado. Cuando las mentiras y difamaciones se disparan desde plataformas masivas, su circulación no tiene límites, no se puede detener y el daño que ocasionan a los difamados pareciera ser incalculable. Por eso, la acción judicial también pretende plantear una cuestión compleja y profunda, propia de los tiempos que corren: ¿Existe algún tipo de defensa para las personas que resultan víctimas de este tipo de acciones perpetradas por un gigante informático como Google? - @cristinafkirchner on Instagram

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- historical photos

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- Somethings among us.

Come and join us as we try to make slugcat on r/place (and keep him there until the final day).

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- British

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- Pros Gather to Distribute Uncontested Landings Before ESL (2019) (x-post from /r/historyporn)

Exploring Digital Diplomacy

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Aesthetic Wallpaper

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Oggi, ma 119 anni fa, nasceva limmenso Vittorio De Sica. #totò #antoniodecurtistotò #antoniodecurtis #principedecurtis #principedellarisata #tuttototò #vittoriodesica #giganti #cinema #roma #italia #italiancinema #cinefilia #attoreitaliano #attoriitaliani #film #movie #regista #maestridelcinemaitaliano #cineasta #teatro #neorealismoitaliano #commediaallitaliana #oscar #napoli #sophialoren #marcellomastroianni #italy #grandezza - @toto_principe_della_risata on Instagram



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As night falls the world begins to light up in orange and blue for #WorldCancerDay. #IAmAndIWill - @worldcancerday on Instagram

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Penjelasan Hun Sen, Lahir pada tahun 1951 di Indocina France. Memulai karirnya didunia politik dgn memasukan dirinya ke Khamer Merah dgn jabatan Komandan Batalyon Dia melarikan diri ke Vietnam selama pembersihan Khamer Merah pada tahun 1977 dan ikut dalam pemberontakan yg disponsori Vietnam Awal Karir dipemerintahan,dia menjabat sebagai Menlu Kamboja di usia 26 tahun dan dia diangkat menjadi PM diumur 32 tahun setelah meninggalnya Chan Sy pada tahun 1984 Dia juga pernah menjabat Sebagai PM ke dua tahun 1993-1998. Ya walau pun dia pernah berhenti dari jabatannya selama 3 bulan namun tetap saja dia dianggap tetap masih menjabat dalam kurung waktu 3 bln tsb Dibalik citra buruk dari Hun Sen selama menjabat PM Kamboja dia tak pernah dianggap Diktator oleh khalayak banyak terutama media dan dia akan berhenti menjabat diusia 74 tahun yg artinya dia akan memimpin Kamboja selama 40 tahun lebih #memes #meme #memes😂 #memesejarah #pengetahuan #memesejarahdunia #sejarah #karyasiswaums #karyarakyatdms #karyarakyatfms #karyarakyatums #karyarakyatrrsms #karyarakyatklsi #karyarakyatklsi #sejarahdunia #literasi #pelajaran #ips #memesejarahindonesia #memeindonesia #memeindo #shitpost #history #historymeme #karyarakyatrhc #memekomikindonesia #laos #afrika #merdeka #indonesiameme #ilmu @uni.geografi.indonesia @uni.meme.sejarah @geo.nations @bapa_george @geo.nations @its.history.memes @historiancupu @federasi_meme_sejarah_reborn @historymemes_nusantara @memesejarahkita @abah.gorbatod @abah_.niyazov @papa_khrushchev @pak_viceadmiral @pakdhe.chiang_ @bang_churchill @wikipediaan @second_kamerad_rar_official @historicalmeme.ind @jenderal.memers.id @bapak_reagen @bapak_gerald.f @warawiri.waktu @sejarawanmeme @bang_lenin @bang_agoes_id @bang_roosevelt @mamank_hayha @republic.hazelton.creator @dewan.literasisejarah.id @bapa_george @bapak_khamenei @bapak_dieudonne @pak_viceadmiral @pak_napoleon @bang_gaulle @bang_.gore @bang_chamberlain @bapak_george @papa_ilsung___ @papa_kornilov @jenderal.memers.id @nivlzh @today_history__ @inspecthistory @eno_bening @history_in.meme @historicalmeme.ind @historymemes_nusantara - @ibu.margaret.thatcher on Instagram

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- London School of Economics (1916-17) Ambedkar (In center line, first from right) with his professors and friends

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- Mean Tringapore

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- Dutch Royal Jewels


- Crown Princess Mary

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- A Queen like no other

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- @uttaranchaluniversity on Instagram

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ШЋЕКИЋ ЧЕСТИТАО БЕЧИЋУ ИЗБОР ЗА ПРЕДСЈЕДНИКА СКУПШТИНЕ ЦРНЕ ГОРЕ Предсједник општине Беране Драгослав Шћекић упутио је честитку новоизабраном предсједнику Скупштине Црне Горе, Алекси Бечићу, у којој се каже: “Уважени господине Бечићу, поводом Вашег избора за предсједника Скупштине Црне Горе упућујем Вам срдачне честитке и најбоље жеље за успјех у раду. Увјерен сам да Вам повјерење посланика и грађана Црне Горе даје снажну вољу да највише законодавно тијело у нашој земљи водите успјешно и праведно, са циљем стварања слободног и демократског друштва. Сигуран сам да ћемо имати добру и квалитетну сарадњу, на добробит грађана Берана и Црне Горе. У то име, примите моје искрене поздраве”, наводи се у честитки предсједника Шћекића. ПРАТИТИТЕ САЈТ ОПШТИНЕ БЕРАНЕ ➡️ berane.me #berane #crnagora #skupstina #dragoslavscekic #aleksabecic #skupstinacg #opstinaberane #predsjednik - @opstinaberane on Instagram

emma stone star wars

- Ryssen vet sin plats.

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- Adele

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Dia adalah Raja Alexander dari Yunani, meninggal karena efek samping dari gigitan monyet. Gigitan monyet ini ia dapatkan setelah berusaha memisahkan perkelahian antara monyet dan anjing German Shepherd di istana Tatoi. Raja Alexander tidak terlalu menghiraukan gigitan tersebut, tak disangka Raja Yunani tersebut mengalami efek samping berupa infeksi demam dan sepsis. Akhirnya Raja Alexander yang telah memerintah sejak tahun 1917 ini meninggal karena penyakit sepsis pada tahun 1920. Atas: Abraham Lincoln Bawah: Raja Alexander Partner: @jenderal.memers.id @old_.hmelnytsky @sejarah._.soeharto @makdhe_meme Hashtag: #memeindonesia #indonesia #sejarahdunia #sejarah #sejarahindonesia #memesejarah #informasi #karyarakyatkrps #karyarakyatdms #karyaremajakrps - @orang_perancis on Instagram

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- Abdicación - Proclamación

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- Inventory

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- Europe & UK

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- Baby Cambridge

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- Toes length

abhijit naskar naskar international relations geopolitics world peace

- Pictures of Princess Diana

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- Madam Speaker, Nancy Pelosi!

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- Paramount Pictures Players Photograph 1987.


- China meets Queen

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- Its Ramadan!

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- Great leaders

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- Anglophilia

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- aint that the damn truth

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Nueva entrega de Imágenes con Historia. Epifanía En la víspera del día de Santa Marta, recordamos el momento en que la imagen de nuestra titular abandonó el taller de Sebastián Santos el 22 de julio de 1950. Más información en nuestra web. #CharitasChristiUrgetNos - @hdadsantamarta on Instagram

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- Murcia

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- Ajalugu


- A Familar Face

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- Beatrice & Eugenie

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- There is an important difference ...

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- Iberomance

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- Oman is Thinking

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- On this day (8th December) in 1966 the US & USSR sign a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons in outer space

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- Kiri te kanawa

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- Inter-Dimensional Trickery

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- Abdicación - Proclamación

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- Hypocritical Romania

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- Buckingham Palace

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- English Royalty

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- Two sides of a medal

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- falling and rising empires

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- Le site

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- Britains Queen Elizabeth II (L) greets Britains Prime Minister(R) as he arrives to attend a reception to mark the 40th Anniversary of the investiture of The Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace in London (2009)

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- Long pictures

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- Dont worry, beast boy, there will always be people with more problems than you.

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- Star gazing

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- American History

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- blursed presidential term

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- President Richard Nixon holding the newspaper Trybuna Ludu (Peoples Tribune) with an article discussing Nixon-Gierek talks, during his visit to The Polish Peoples Republic. In front of him - Edward Gierek, first secretary of the Polish United Workers Party. Poland, Warsaw, 1972. [1400x900]

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- Outblancoed

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- 43 Another Great Man

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- 1920

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- Joe Biden strikes again!

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- Creeped Out

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- Royal families

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- How is Your 2013?

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- The battle of San Romano

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- Queen silvia

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#CeJourLà — À Verdun, le 22 septembre 1984, la poignée de main historique entre Helmut Kohl et François Mitterrand marque le symbole de la réconciliation entre la France et l’Allemagne.⁣ ⁣ « L’Europe ce sont aussi des visages et des gestes, qui l’ont forgée. Cette main tendue est entrée dans l’histoire il y a 36 ans, à Verdun. Car elle dit tout de notre réconciliation 🇫🇷🇪🇺🇩🇪 »⁣ — @clement.beaune⁣ ⁣ 📸 : F. de la Mure / MEAE⁣ ⁣ #Mitterrand #FrancoisMitterrand #HelmutKohl #diplomacy #France #Allemagne #Germany #Verdun #Frankreich #Deutschland #History #Frenchhistory #friendship #Freundschaft #iconicpicture #historylovers #iconicduo #frenchpresident #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #milestone #historicday #landmark #historische - @francediplo on Instagram

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- President Obama and Steph Curry getting in a game of Connect Four at the White House

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Penandatanganan Surat Perjanjian Bantuan Dana Pendidikan Mahasiswa Crash Program International Management Institute (IMI) Switzerland. Mahasiswa tersebut akan berkuliah di IMI Switzerland selama 1 tahun dan setelah lulus dari IMI akan kembali ke STP Bandung menjadi instruktur praktik jurusan perhotelan. Lima mahasiswa direncanakan berangkat ke Switzerland pada bulan November 2020 dengan tetap mengikuti protokol kesehatan. @fauziyyahafizh @narendraduhita @albertnovan15 @ariesrswnd @kharizarifanggi - @stpnhi_bandung on Instagram

what fatima sistas s4e16 huh

- Church stuff

its complicated sahil shah not really complicated its complex its difficult

Sanat Güneşimiz; besteci, söz yazarı, yorumcu ve oyuncu #ZekiMüren’i vefatının yıl dönümünde saygı ve rahmetle anıyoruz. - @tckulturturizm on Instagram

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- Founding father of Turkey, Ataturk. 1881-1938.

abhijit naskar naskar diplomacy diplomatic geopolitics

- 75 years ago was signed the Netherlands–Belgium–Luxembourg Customs Convention later shortened as Benelux. The three countries wanted to rebuild their countries together and promote freedom of movement for workers, services, goods and capitals.

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- Beulah Harriss Connections

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- General Erwin von Witzleben speaking in the Nazi Peoples Court which sentenced him to die for his involvement in the 20 July Plot, 1944. [508x800]

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- Winston Churchill with the Royal Family, V-E Day, 1945

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- Nigerien Problems

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- George of Cambridge

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- Dr. Anthony Fauci, recently appointed Director of NIAID, giving a briefing to Ronald Reagan about the AIDS crisis, 1987 [1600x1065]

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- Navy sailor

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- North American Breakfast

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- House of Windsor

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- Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev with Vladimir Putin, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 1994 [470x342]

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- Shimon Peres

choose diplomacy not war diplomacy not war anti war foreign policy

- I guess thats the reason why the HRE eagle has two heads

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- AMLO intercambia bates de beisbol en Casa Blanca


- American History

credibility diplomacy joe biden biden2020 biden harris

Sus Majestades los Reyes junto a Sus Excelencias el Presidente de la República Portuguesa y su esposa, momentos antes del encuentro en el Palacio de Belem. Their Majesties the kings with Tehir Excellens the President of the Portuguese Republic and his wife, before the meeting at the Belem Palace. - @spanish.monarchy on Instagram

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خلال افتتاح رئيس الجمهورية لمجمع التكسير الهيدروجينى للبترول بمسطرد بمحافظة القليوبية: وزيرة البيئة : مصر تشهد تحول تنموى سريع مع مراعاة الابعاد البيئية. وزيرة البيئة: مجمع التكسير الهيدروجينى للبترول بمسطرد نموذج للتكامل بين البيئة والطاقة والصناعة. أكدت الدكتورة ياسمين فؤاد وزيرة البيئة أن التنمية الالتزام بالمعايير والاشتراطات البيئية هو أحد العناصر الأساسية للنمو الإقتصادى والنفاذ إلى الأسواق العالمية وأن كفاءة استخدام الموارد الطبيعية تعد أحد العوامل الداعمة لزيادة تنافسية المنتجات المصرية بالأسواق العالمية. جاء ذلك خلال كلمة وزيرة البيئة فى العرض الذى قدمته أمام السيد رئيس الجمهورية عبد الفتاح السيسى خلال افتتاح مجمع التكسير الهيدروجينى للبترول بمسطرد بمحافظة القليوبية ،حيث أوضحت الوزيرة خلال العرض إهتمام مصر الكبير بالحفاظ على البيئة كأحد التوجهات الحاكمة لدفع عجلة الإستثمار وتحقيق التنمية الشاملة المستدامة ، مضيفةً مراعاة مصر لإلتزاماتها الوطنية والدولية للحفاظ على البيئة أثناء تنفيذ المشروعات، مؤكدة أنه يتم مواصلة التعاون مع وزارة البترول لتحقيق اشتراطات السلامة البيئية. وأشارت فؤاد إلى الدعم الدائم من السيد رئيس الجمهورية وتأكيده على وعى المواطنين هو كأقوى سلاح لمواجهة القضايا البيئية ، وان السعي إلى إصلاح المشكلات بالتزامن مع الحفاظ على الموارد القائمة أدى لتضاعف الاهتمام بقضايا البيئة لخدمة قضايا التنمية. وأضافت وزيرة البيئة أن الوزارة تعمل وفقاً للتوجهات العالمية للحفاظ على البيئة التى تعمل على محورين رئيسيين وهما الحد من التلوث والحفاظ على الموارد الطبيعية ، مشيرة إلى أنه تم تنفيذ عدد 138مشروع للتوافق البيئى بالمنشأت الصناعية المختلفة من خلال مشروع التحكم فى التلوث الصناعي ، وجارى تنفيذ عدد 16مشروع بعدد 13منشأة صناعية. و اشارت فؤاد إلى المعايير البيئية الخاصة بمحطة المعالجة الثلاثية لمياه الصرف الصناعى بمجمع مسترد للبترول و إيقاف الصرف الصناعى على ترعة الإسماعيلية ، بالإضافة إلى إستخدام دوائر التبريد لإعادة استخدام المياه ، وكذلك العمل على خفض تركيز ثانى أكسيد الكبريت فى الهواء من خلال إنتاج وقود مطابق للمواصفات العالمية والأوروبيه من البنزين والسولار بدلاً من المازوت . - @egy.environment on Instagram

choose diplomacy not war diplomacy not war anti war foreign policy

- Willy is vandaag beëdigd als Stranger Knight in de Britse Orde van de Kousenband. Inclusief kek outfitje

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- Turn that Frown Upside Down

- Greece that is of bad idea!

- Heritage Foundation

- Knugen åker och firar den nya kejsaren av Japan!

- Catherine de Valois

- Trust me its just the weather guy

- Queen Mary

- A wider angle of the previously posted photo of Trump signing a document.

- Fidel Castro

- A private audience at Buckingham Place or Windsor Castle

- Never Dead..

- Kroonprinses victoria

- Skandinavien idag 3

- Elizabeth II & US Presidents

- The Assault of the Pacifists


Servir son pays est toujours un immense honneur. Mais le servir aux côtés d’un grand homme d’État comme @EdouardPhilippeLH fut un privilège. Bon vent M. le Premier ministre ! Une page se tourne et nul doute que les havrais sont impatients d’en écrire une nouvelle à vos côtés. - @olivierveran on Instagram

مكتب الاعلام في رئاسة الجمهورية: لا صحة لما نشره موقع ليبانون نيو. نت عن اصابة اللبنانية الاولى السيدة ناديا الشامي عون بالكورونا - @lbpresidency on Instagram

- BBC TV Shows

- Obama and the Danish Queen walking past the Royal Danish Guards in Copenhagen, 2009 [500x361]

- art work

- Shooting star

- Political compass, but the quadrants get bullied by the Radical Islamist

- PsBattle: Putin meets with The Pope

- Dr. Fauci receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush

- La Révolution

- A Queen Needs a Crown...

- A BRITISH Royal JEWEL Collection

- The Cold war.

- English royal family

- Italys restaurant

- Kyrgyzstab

- Unexpected trick

- Finally she met her crush !!!

- Keine Sorge, die Bundesregierung tut alles, um das Klima zu retten


- European languages families

- Waitangi Day

- Queen Mary of Teck - Wife of King George V

- (South) American Dream

- Food Chain

- Amish show

- Die Queen

Advisor to PM on Commerce and Investment Mr. Abdul Razak Dawood & Sardor Umarzakov, Deputy PM of Uzbekistan for Foreign Trade & Investment signed MoU to establish JWG on Trade and Economic Affairs #EmergingPakistan - @emergingpk.official on Instagram

- These photos are from a blessing ceremony featuring churchgoers clutching AR-15 rifles and wearing crowns made of bullets. This is what Americas gun culture looks like.

- 1940s History

- Favours

- Queen Elizabeth II returns to Buckingham Palace after her coronation, 1953 (1280x1027)

- American Singers Then and Now

- French political compass wojaks

- American History

- European Architecture vs. American Architecture

- The Mongol Invasion of Japan

- Poland tries Comedy

- Doubly landlocked

The Chinese Communist party views itself as the true vanguard of Marxist-Leninist thought, which proposes that communist countries like theirs must struggle and prevail against capitalist nations like ours. - @statedeptspox on Instagram

- Englands relationship with football

- Kiri te kanawa

- hmmm

La Senatrice Teresa #Bellanova è il nuovo Ministro delle politiche agricole alimentari, forestali e del turismo. Il #giuramento è avvenuto questa mattina al #Quirinale di fronte al Capo dello Stato, Sergio #Mattarella, e al Presidente del Consiglio, #GiuseppeConte. - @mipaafsocial on Instagram

- Royal News

- Duke

- Like the Euros

- Angelica Rivera

- German surrender in Reims May 7th 1945 [795x596]

- Commie love

Here is there online schedule for remote learning this year! *This schedule starts on Monday, Sept 14th! See the next slide to see what you’ll be doing until then! 💻📝 - @franklinasb on Instagram

- Arab Terrorism

- Build as I say, not as I build.

- Love at First Sight.

- Act Natural

- Mexicos claims

- How To React To A Storm: A Country-by-Country Guide

- What she is reading, and what ink is it

- Queen Mary

- AfriKids!

- ♫ Its the end of the world as we know it ♪

- O Canada

- PsBattle: Kevin Spacey receiving honorary knighthood from Prince Charles

- Huh-wah-wei

- Its Arbitrary Anyway

- The bucket war

- Words of Wisdom

- Political Compass - Balkan

- Adrienne

- Some things never change

- Marking Bombs

- A Nicer Place

- America is the Best Weapon

- Fixing a Problem

- Cities-states and their titles

- Addictions

- Aint no no ya know?

- Crime and Punishment (Walkthrough)

- A young Prince Charles bored AF at his mom’s coronation, 1953

- German final solution to childhood rebellion

- Israel and Oblast building a sukkah

- Greenlands Flag

- Abdicación - Proclamación

- Coulrophobia

- Its always sunny in the Balkans

- La révolution

- Congratulations to Guy Gavriel Kay for receiving the Member of the Order of Canada

- A political strategy

- Prince Takamatsu and his wife Kikuko alongside Józef and Aleksandra Piłsudski in an unofficial visit, Belweder Palace, Warsaw, Poland, 1930.[3500x2709]

- Poland is of Jew

- I found a picture of my grand-father (police guard on the right) who happens to be the bodyguard of The 16th Premier of the Canadian Province of Quebec (1938)

- Transnistria also have Currency!

- Enjoy my shittily drawn Civ6Balls

- A Friendly Game of Monopoly

- Slovakian president stays stylish

The #President of #World #Alpagut #Federation & #deputy of the #Milli Majlis, #academician Mr. Nizami Jafarov addressing in #Congress meeting of the Alpagut held on 23rd of November 2018 at #Baku #Azerbaijan. #Президент #Всемирной Федерации Алпагут, #депутат Милли Меджлиса, #академик Низами Джафаров выступает на заседании #Конгресса #Алпагут, которое состоится 23 ноября 2018 года в Баку, #Азербайджан. #Dünya Alpagut Federasyonu Başkanı, Milli Meclis #Milletvekili, akademisyen Nizami Jafarov, 23 Kasım 2018de #Bakü #Azerbaycanda düzenlenen #Uluslararası Alpagut #Kongresinde konuşurken. — с Hikmət Şikarov, Кутсан Баят, Kutsan, Боевое Искусства Алпагут, Ganire Pashayeva и Emil Rahimov здесь: Азербайджан. - @worldalpagutfed on Instagram

- USA takes a Piss

- American Democracy 2k16

- China meets Queen

- Pirates of the Baltic III: At Wits End

- Deutschlandflied

- Flags of the world(Mostly countryhumans)

- Obama lies

- Finland and Estonia Go on a Date

- Polandball Advent Calendar 2019 - Day 6 - Unionicholas, Dengel and Krampusterreich

- Fishing

- He who smelt it dealt it

- United Nations: 70th anniversary

Vielen Dank an Bundesministerin Elisabeth Köstinger und Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz für das positive und sehr konstruktive Gespräch! #rettetdiegastro #cuisinealpine #doellerer #sebastiankurz #rollingpin - @doellererandreas on Instagram

“El camino de salida de la pandemia y hacia los objetivos de la Agenda 2030, requiere promover políticas económicas, industriales y sociales orientadas al cambio estructural de nuestras economías. Claros conceptos del Presidente @alferdezok en la 75°Asamblea General de las @nacionesunidas. #AlbertoEnLaONU - @mariomeoni on Instagram

- Modi narendra

- Ukraine re-gains access to the Black Sea

- Colder than Siberia

- WWIII Casus Belli

- Iran and Palestine play a game

- Classic Polandball Corona edition

- The Third Crusade: This actually happened

- littering

- America is stealing all the glory :(

- Silly Americans

- bad business

- Krieghammer 40K

- Shame on South Korea

- Global Gun Laws

- Food club


- The Importance of Color Regulation

- Mama raised her boys right

- Wife swap!

- The Birth of Transnistria

- History Doesnt Repeat Itself, But It Sure Does Rhyme

- Poland finally becomes relevant

- The War of the Former Soviet Union

- Hubris! An Exploration Of The Sciences And A Modern Apologue For Preparatory Caution

- The Lone Defender

- Latin American City Planning

- We should all be more like Japan.

- Play ball!

- Association By Colour

- Hello pastry

- Lutheran Logic

- Finland is lonely

- Pheasant island in a nutshell

- In a parallel world


- Fun and games

- Försvarsmakten just nu

- The battle of Vienna (1683) - improved version

- A common mistake

- Glasses

- Final Solution to the Greek Question

- The Caucasus Quests for Flags

- Winter Holiday

- Made in china

- Never without protection

- England vs. The Celts

- Venezuelas brilliant idea

- HM The Queen

- For the Sake of Ordnung

- Dont Jump!

- Brexit for Breakfast

- The Dutch Republic

- Gesundheit

- The Pen Is Mightier Than The Wand

- Blast to the Past - Homage to Bill Watterson

- Dictatorships, man...

‏بدء اجتماع المجلس الاعلى للدفاع للبحث في موضوع حريق المرفأ - @generalmichelaoun on Instagram

- CinderTurkey

- Netherlands new Europe friend


- Germany never changes

- commonelizabt.7@gmail.com

- Serbia and friends

- Work-migrants

- The Algerian Hostage Crisis

- Who can into Eurovision Song Contest [redditormade]


- Organised Crime Around The World

- Cape Verde Tries to Join the EU

- No Treaty for Me

- Cancel (North Or South?) Korea

- Mexican President Tests Positive For Covid 19 (News from 7/20/2020)

- The kettle calls the pot...

- the battle for Hans Island

- Successful Diplomacy