De Aca Profile Pics

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Asa Mitaka | CSM

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Wspominam dzisiaj mego Tatę. To już rok minął, kiedy odszedł do lepszego, jak wierzymy, świata. Jaki był ten mój, nasz Tato? Im więcej Go dzisiaj wspominam, tym bardziej doceniam wszystko co dla mnie, dla nas, dla Polski uczynił. Wraz z ojcowską miłością przekazywał mi wartości, które pozwoliły stać się takim człowiekiem, jakim jestem. Uczył mnie szacunku dla drugiego człowieka wraz z jego odmiennością, kulturą, wartościami. Od Taty uczyłem się patriotyzmu, zwłaszcza tego budowanego na co dzień ciężka i żmudną pracą. Od Taty dostałem pierwszy rowerek, na którym uczył mnie jeździć. A kiedy miałem pięć lat uczył mnie pływać. w specyficzny sposób, po prostu wrzucił mnie do wody, a sam spokojnie obserwował z brzegu, jak się miotam. Po chwili spokojnie mogłem utrzymać się na powierzchni. Ta nauka z pewnością nie poszła w las. I nie chodzi tylko o samo pływanie. Często dawał zadania do wykonania trudne, bardzo trudne, ale osiągalne dla mnie. I kiedy w stanie wojennym Ojciec ukrywał się, to poczucie odpowiedzialności które mi zaszczepiał – bardzo się przydało. Na siódme czy ósme urodziny dostałem od taty komplet książek o przygodach Sokole Oko - Jamesa Coopera. Barwne przygody bohatera były przetkane życiowymi radami, jak postępować w sytuacjach trudnych, kiedy trzeba liczyć tylko na siebie. Wielokrotnie dyskutowaliśmy, nie tylko na temat przeczytanych książek. Dyskusje w domu to już osobny rozdział. Tato wprowadzał mnie w świat historii, polityki, filozofii. Czasami, kiedy temat był ciekawy, dyskusja w domu kończyła się wtedy, gdy inni budzili się do pracy i szkoły. Wielostronność zainteresowań Taty powodowała, że starał się, abyśmy mogli realizować się w różnych dziedzinach. Stąd lekcje gry na pianinie, od których uciekłem i żadne argumenty Taty mnie nie przekonały. Zamiast gry na pianinie wolałem grę w piłkę albo w tenisa stołowego. Jakoś to przebolał, tym bardziej, że w tenisie osiągnąłem pewne sukcesy, których nigdy bym nie miał w muzyce. Dalsza część➡️ na Facebooku #Morawiecki #MateuszMorawiecki #KornelMorawiecki #Morawieccy #Polska #historia #rodzina #rocznica #Solidarność #wolność #patriotyzm #wychowanie #ideały - @morawieckipl on Instagram

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- This guy who, rather than apologize for letting a billionaire serial ephebophile rapist off the hook, decided to blame the victims for not coming forward (over 100 did come forward)

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Earlier this month, former JSOC commander General Stan McChrystal joined author and optimist @simonsinek to talk about living a life of Quiet Service. This photo was taken when General McChrystal spoke to graduates of our 2019 Leadership Institute. Listen to the full podcast between these two friends and supporters of SVA at the link in our bio. - @studentvets on Instagram


Autistic Asa other version

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- [IDENTIFY] What watch does Ken Clarke, oldest member of British Parliament, wear?

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- Theresa May on Marr this morning, claiming that brexit will be a great success whilst looking at the figures she herself commissioned that suggest the exact opposite.

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- Diabetic neuropathy



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- Military

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- Business

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- Energy & Utilities

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- Organisations that interest us

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- Conspiracy and illuminati

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‪Happy 75th Birthday to “THE Learning Tree” #VinceMcMahon! ‬ - @tripleh on Instagram

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- The End

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- Seeing a lot of him on the tv lately made me realise Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton is hot.

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- The Accuser

Edgey and his lil noodles...


take care goodbye nighty nights greet i%27m here

SUNDAY: 📺 On TV, radio, and streaming online at, @facethenation - @scottgottliebmd on Instagram

Asa Mitaka | CSM

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- Can I just say.. Pete Buttigieg looked hot in Tuesdays Democratic presidential debate in Ohio

Omni and ace pfp!

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Two years ago today. Still relevant. On bridging the rural-urban divide and serving the places that made us. - @mikecooperjr on Instagram

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Are you currently looking for a variety of places to celebrate your wedding reception, engagement party or bridal shower? 👰🏻⁠ ⁠ Why not give the Holiday Inn Winnipeg South a look to see how they can provide you with different packages for different aspects of your wedding! ⁠ ⁠ Feature 💮: @holidayinnwinnipegsouth⁠ ⁠ Interactive DJ/MC 🎤🎧: @summerbounceent⁠ ⁠ Event Planner 📋: @wonderfulweddingshow⁠ ⁠ Venue 💒: @rbcconvctrewpg⁠ ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ ⁠ #holidayinnwinnipegsouth⁠ #InteractiveDJMC⁠ #rbcconventioncentrewinnipeg⁠ #winnipegweddings⁠ #manitobaweddings⁠ #mbweddingplanner⁠ #engagedwpg⁠ #weddingdjmc⁠ #weddingday⁠ #weddinginspiration⁠ #weddingfun⁠ #weddingideas⁠ #clubnewlywed⁠ #weddingphotography⁠ #wedding⁠ #weddingday⁠ #weddinginspiration⁠ #weddingfun⁠ #weddingideas⁠ #summerbounceeentertainment⁠ #WWS2022⁠ #WWS2021⁠ #WWS2020⁠ #WWS2019⁠ #wonderfulweddingshow - @summerbounceent on Instagram

She’s so me

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- CBS News



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- DDS soaking their masks in gasoline. WE LOVE TO SEE IT 😍😂


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- Joe Biden


യ ͙ࣳ ‎◌ ٬٬ ࣪ !

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Did I mention that I got a modelling gig? Well, not really, but these are pics that ended up in a training presentation from Toastmasters International. #denver #memories #convention #toastmasters - @sagnik1290 on Instagram

Simon Blackquill

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- Branding

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- PsBattle: Attorney General Elliot Richardson at a news conference in 1973.

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Coach Sloan, grateful I was able to work with you & be a part of that Jazz era.. Wonderful man, genuine & kind.. Condolences to the Sloan family.. RIP Coach, I will miss your smile and kindness you always showed in the back hallways at the arena.. 🙏🏻 - @melissamajch on Instagram

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- Tiene algo diferente o soy yo? me recuerda a alguien...

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- Me Now

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- Members of the Obama administration awaiting news on the pursuit of Bin Laden in 2011

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- PsBattle: Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin and his wife pose with dollar bills

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- Peter Schiff Buying Gold and Silver with Cryptos.

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- Reproductive Rights

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- Worlds Richest Selfie: Combined net worth of $143B

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- The billionaire Jewish and committed Zionist Sackler family aggressively pushed for the use of high-opiate pain killers for common medical conditions, turning many who underwent routinie surgeries into heroin addicts. They are directly responsible for the death of more people than Mexican cartels.

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- Ronald Reagan eating jelly beans (April 23, 1985)

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- Donald Trump Twitter News

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- PsBattle: Mike Pence and Donald Trump watch a video of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

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- Much respect, Elon!

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- Billy Gardell

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- Doesnt this hurt JP Morgans credibility with their clients?


- Paid Sick Days

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Bei #Mercosur geht es nicht nur um die Nachteile für die europäische Landwirtschaft. Es geht darum, ob es überhaupt sinnvoll ist, bestimmte Agrarprodukte um den Globus zu schicken. #Agrarwende - @martin_haeusling on Instagram

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- CEO Photography

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- Senators of many parties, citizens of but one country? Mike Bowers, Australian Senate, 2017.

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- Climate Changer

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- Help Syrian Refugees

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- Army(द हिन्दू)

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- Apostles..Prophets

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- #31-NA Places of Interest (North America Continent) @LIFETEAMS

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- CANNES 2017

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- So presidential

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- Jehovah witness

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- Barack & Michelle Obama

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- Como cuando tienes una reunión diplomática con la presidenta de la cámara de representantes de Estados Unidos (tercera persona más poderosa de EEUU) y sacas tu servilleta para comer cacahuates como en centro botanero

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- Dublin Airport in the Community

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- Amazing Peoples

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- Hedge Fund Managers

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- Live Tweet des conférences

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It was an honor to have @repkevinmccarthy in Georgia’s Third District yesterday at Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia. Kia has created thousands of American jobs for American workers, and their story is an important reminder of why we must ensure that the United States continues to be the best place in the world to do business. - @repdrewferguson on Instagram

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- Madison

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- Hidden Detail: To find the age of any character in the office, take the first letter of their name, assign it a number, divide it by 7, and SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUTT!

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- Gegenwart

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- Competitive Events

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A Colombia le tomó 20 años, desde 1999, llegar a 2.6 millones de hogares beneficiados con Familias en Acción. Ingreso Solidario en dos meses ha llegado a 2.5 millones de hogares. Hoy el presidente @ivanduquemarquez anunció que ese programa se extiende hasta diciembre del 2020. En resumen: 3 millones de hogares recibirán 9 giros de 160mil pesos mensuales. Muchas veces nos han preguntado : ¿qué es equidad?. Equidad es crear Ingreso Solidario para hogares colombianos en el momento que más lo necesitaban. - @rodluisalberto on Instagram

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- Work of a genius designer - Braille On A Website

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- I didnt realize what an awful candidate Bernie Sanders really is ...

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- Europe news

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- President Ronald Reagan meets with Senate Candidate John McCain in the Oval Office. 1986 [1024x678]

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- PsBattle: Erdogan gives Elon Musk a picture of himself

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- Humiliation of the Council

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- Grants for Felons

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- America Land Of The Free?

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- Dr. Oz

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Your move, Danbury! If you follow through on your promise to name your sewage plant after John, this beautiful sign can be yours! If not, it’ll go to one of the (better) towns in Connecticut. - @lastweektonight on Instagram

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- PsBattle: Mike Pence touching a space flight hardware

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- Thinking Pinoy: Dapat ba talagang kasama sa New York?

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- Day of Progressive Politics & Film

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- Ima tell my kids this is colonel sanders

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- Me Now

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#AlMomento se lleva a cabo capacitación para el uso de los dispositivos de cobro con tarjeta a los empresarios beneficiados del municipio de #Centro como parte del programa #MercadosDigitales2020. Se respetan las restricciones de aforo que establece la Secretaría de Salud. - @sedec_tab on Instagram


- Domestic/Foreign Security Concerns, Terrorism, etc

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- Only two more weeks!

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- [IDENTIFICATION] Uhuru Kenyatta, what watch does the President of Kenya wear?

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- Elizabeth Warren for President

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- A+ Trolling at the SOTU

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- Didnt he create himself his own oligarchs like the Villars, Dennis Uy and Ricky Razon? Pati Chinese druglords nga may state immunity pa. You can include pa the business interests of his political puppies like the INC, the Marcoses damay mo na Mike Defensors mining company pa.

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- Kyle Larson

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- Tom Wheeler, FCC Chairman and former lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry.

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В режиме видеоконференции Президент провёл встречу с 20 высшими должностными лицами субъектов Российской Федерации, избранными в ходе региональных выборов в единый день голосования. 24 сентября 2020 года Московская область, Ново-Огарёво - @russian_kremlin on Instagram

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- Politics

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- Agenda 21

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- Hockey News

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Torna I Fatti Vostri con Giancarlo Magalli, Samanta Togni, Umberto Broccoli, Paolo Fox e il gruppo musicale di Stefano Palatresi. NEW YORK Da Lunedì a Venerdì 09.15 LOS ANGELES Da Lunedì a Venerdì 06.15 BUENOS AIRES Da Lunedì a Venerdì 10.15 SYDNEY Da Martedì a Sabato 09.45 PECHINO Da Martedì a Sabato 07.45 JOHANNESBURG Da Lunedì a Venerdì 11.15 - @rai_it on Instagram

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- Blogs and essays from noted columnists

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- Mormon Beliefs

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- Decentralize & Blockchain

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- The British Empire asserts its dominance over the American colonies (c. 1729)

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- A Level 2017: The mobile phone

- Hospital Jobs

- PsBattle: This picture of german president Frank-Walter Steinmeier

- [Question] Can anyone identify this watch Jerry Jones is wearing?

‏بدء اجتماع المجلس الاعلى للدفاع للبحث في موضوع حريق المرفأ - @generalmichelaoun on Instagram

#ICYMI: #Align CEO Joe Hogan describes the critical importance of embracing digital technology in dentistry and orthodontics, and how the pandemic has uncovered the benefits of digital technology in every aspect of our lives. Read more in Australasian Dentist: (link in bio) - @aligntechinc on Instagram

- modernism week

- Sillas de ruedas que dió la SEDESOL a un DIF en Sonora.

- #Hillary

- On this day in 2010: Tesla opens first factory (a former GM-Toyota factory) Valuation (Oct 2010): GM: $46 billion Tesla: $1 billion Valuation (Oct 2018): Tesla: $56 billion GM: $46 billion

- Good News

#fcp4c #boston #fastercures #partneringforcures - @fastercures on Instagram

- Boris on a date with his friend Rupert at the Olympics

- 2020s

- @m.alkuzbari on Instagram

- It’s a pandemic within the GOP

- Religion For Us All

- Been a long time since we rock n rolled, been a long time since we did the stroll


- Heritage Foundation


- Frank Walter Steinmeier

- Fred Thompson

- Olympic Athletics Tickets

- ( GMOs )

- I asked CNBC about $V earnings, they cut my SB last name and the part about sending energy.

Great times at LAIFFA with winners.#LAIFFA - @laiffa on Instagram

- last news

- America

- Augusto Cury

- Blursed president

- Matthew Fox

- All Roads lead to Putin

- On PTI, Tony Kornheiser said it would be “trendsetting” for in game MLB player interviews... oblivious thatNASCAR already does does this.

- Americano

- Revelation, bible study

From #potus May 4 visit to Flint. So cool. - @monahannaattisha on Instagram

- Building a vibrant Jewish community

- USA 2016

- Being a Human

- 4th amendment


- Photographers

- O candidato à presidência dos EUA, Joe Biden, disse ontem que poderia nos pagar U$ 20 bilhões para pararmos de destruir a Amazônia ou nos imporia sérias restrições econômicas. - O que alguns ainda não entenderam é que o Brasil mudou. Hoje, seu Presidente, diferentemente da esquerda, não mais aceita subornos, criminosas demarcações ou infundadas ameaças. NOSSA SOBERANIA É INEGOCIÁVEL. - Meu governo está realizando ações sem precedentes para proteger a Amazônia. Cooperação dos EUA é bem-vinda, inclusive para projetos de investimento sustentável que criem emprego digno para a população amazônica, tal como tenho conversado com o Presidente Trump. - A cobiça de alguns países sobre a Amazônia é uma realidade. Contudo, a externação por alguém que disputa o comando de seu país sinaliza claramente abrir mão de uma convivência cordial e profícua. - Custo entender, como chefe de Estado que reabriu plenamente a sua diplomacia com os Estados Unidos, depois de décadas de governos hostis, tão desastrosa e gratuita declaração. - Lamentável, Sr. Joe Biden, sob todos os aspectos, lamentável. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Texto em inglês no snapgram: - @jairmessiasbolsonaro on Instagram

- American Ninja Warrior

- Jeffrey Epstein announces his business plan, June 2005.

- Are these the Truthsayers?

- Pierre Casiraghi

Pessoal, hoje teve a solenidade da posse do desembargador Tutmés Airan, que assume interinamente o Governo do Estado, enquanto o gov @renanfilho15 está em atividade externa. - @governodealagoas on Instagram

- Ao longo da minha vida parlamentar nunca me preocupei com reeleição. Sempre exerci meu trabalho na convicção de que o voto era consequência dele. - Minha crescente popularidade importuna adversários e grande parte da imprensa, que rotulam qualquer ação minha como eleitoreira. Se nada faço, sou omisso. Se faço, estou pensando em 2022. - Na verdade, estou pensando é em 2021, pois temos milhões de brasileiros que perderam seus empregos ou rendas e deixarão de receber o auxílio emergencial a partir de janeiro/2021. - A política do fique em casa que a economia a gente vê depois acabou e o “depois” chegou. A imprensa, que tanto apoiou o fique em casa, agora não apresenta opções de como atender a esses milhões de desassistidos. - Os responsáveis pela destruição de milhões de empregos agora se calam. O meu governo busca se antecipar aos graves problemas sociais que podem surgir em 2021, caso nada se faça para atender a essa massa que tudo, ou quase tudo, perdeu. - A responsabilidade fiscal e o respeito ao teto são os trilhos da Economia. Estamos abertos a sugestões juntamente com os líderes partidários. - O Auxílio Emergencial, infelizmente para os demagogos e comunistas, não pode ser para sempre. - @jairmessiasbolsonaro on Instagram

- A toi Jean

Aynı zamanda eski Tosfed Yönetim Kurulu üyesi de olan değerli ağabeyim Fatih Altaylının konuğu olarak milli sporcumuz Ayhancan Güven ile birlikte katıldığımız Spor Saati programında, Dünya Ralli Şampiyonası ve Formula 1 hakkındaki açıklamalarım. - @erenuclertopragi on Instagram

- The President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez giving an exam at Buenos Aires Public University

Друзья, коллеги! 🤝 Искренне благодарю за оказанное доверие и поддержку моей кандидатуры на пост Председателя Российского Союза Молодежи. Это была непростая предвыборная кампания, но из нее определенно можно сделать важный вывод: Российский Союз Молодежи воспитывает ярких лидеров, смелых и содержательных участников реализации молодежной политики в нашей стране. 🤝 Я благодарен всем, кто поддержал, и всем, кто голосовал против. Вместе мы – большая Команда РСМ, которая в диалоге способна идти к большим свершениям и победам. Служу Российскому Союзу Молодежи! #РСМ #КомандаРСМ #30летРСМ #регионыРСМ - @krasnorutsky on Instagram

- Politica

As we continue to champion deep relationships with our customers and adapt to an ever-changing environment, our inclusion among the nation’s top financial institutions in @Forbes’ World’s Best Banks 2020 is a rewarding accomplishment. #thebankofhere - @synovusbank on Instagram

- Europe news

- Catawba College

- Happy Bank

- #44

- Topics Not Discussed At The Debate...

HAPPENING NOW — “Pilipinas Conference 2018”: Open Forum, moderated by Atty. Anthony Abad (CEO, TradeAdvisors) - @stratbaseadrinstitute on Instagram

- all.sports sideline reporters

- CV Mistakes


- Polish FM meeting the Indonesian FM

- 2016 Politics

- Demotix Politics

- Barrack Obama

- Its war. -Vladimir Putin [2060x1236]

Im all in to take back the White House! @JoeBiden has what it takes to win the battle for the soul of our nation. In November, let’s reverse the tide of bigotry, scarcity, and fear. Its time to #BuildBackBetter! #DemConvention - @alexpadilla4ca on Instagram

- A laugh for the day!

- The Assault of the Pacifists

- Mexican President Tests Positive For Covid 19 (News from 7/20/2020)

- Pure fucking evil.

Пашинян позвонил Путину: «Обсуждалось резкое обострение ситуации в зоне нагорно-карабахского конфликта. С российской стороны выражена серьёзная озабоченность в связи с возобновлением широкомасштабных боестолкновений. Отмечено, что сейчас важно предпринять все необходимые усилия для того, чтобы не допустить дальнейшей эскалации противостояния, а главное – нужно прекратить военные действия» Подпишись на мой telegram ссылка в профиле найдёте #Путин #россия #лидер #рф #президент - on Instagram

- Policy Management Services - ISW

- Dan Rather

- Solar Podcast

- Leaders

- aint that the damn truth

- Zulu dance

- A special kind of asshole

- Ahead of the 2012 season, Raikkonen approached the Williams team for a seat. However, he followed it up saying that things turned around quickly when he talked to Lotus. According to the veteran, the Lotus talks progressed quicker than expected and a deal was struck within a few weeks.

Está por salir el consolidado de la experiencia de restauración a escala de paisaje de Cayumanque!!.. pronto el Link y datos 😁 - @delannaysaraya on Instagram

The President of the Russian Federation voted at polling station No 2151, which is located at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Gagarinsky District, Moscow. Глава государства проголосовал на избирательном участке номер 2151, расположенном в здании Российской академии наук в Гагаринском районе Москвы. - @president_vladimir_putin on Instagram

Il Sindaco Dott. Francesco Malara e i consiglieri eletti: Stefano De Felice, Giuseppe Morabito, Carmen Lucisano, Giovanni Trapani, Enzo Penna, Diego Coppola, Mimma Vitale, Claudio Megale, Marco Musolino, Luigi Belmonte. #comunedisantostefano #amministrazionemalara, #elezioni2020 💪🏽🏆 - @comunedisantostefano on Instagram

- Daily Times

- Jorge Ramos

- Dr. Fauci receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush

- Bad Government

- Afd wählen

- Former UK PM Gordon Brown on a visit to a school in 2009.

Justin Trudeau thinks he can use the pandemic to justify his corruption and that’s disgusting. His $900 million scandal marks the THIRD time he’s been investigated by the Ethics Commissioner in just three years. Cabinet Ministers ignored the red flags and approved the contract anyway. Enough is enough. It’s time for Liberal MPs to put an end to this and demand Trudeau’s resignation. 🇨🇦 Justin Trudeau pense qu’il peut se servir de la pandémie actuelle pour justifier sa corruption, et c’est dégoûtant. Son scandale de 900 millions de dollars est la raison de la TROISIÈME enquête du commissaire à l’éthique, à son sujet, en seulement trois ans. Les ministres de son Cabinet ont ignoré les signaux d’alarme et ont tout de même approuvé le contrat. C’en est trop. Il est temps que les députés libéraux mettent un terme à cette situation et exigent la démission de Trudeau. - @andrewjscheer on Instagram

- #07 Freedom & Patriotism in America @LIFETEAMS

- Photo speaks for itself

- Australia Immigration

- Hedge Fund Managers

- 2016 Triple Crown Trail

- Pak Fah Din พรรคฟ้าดิน VOTE NO

- Dispicable Corrupt Untrustworthy Left-Leaning (Lame-Stream) Media

- Lighthouse Weddings


- Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway responds to allegations of his “consensual relationship” with a former staffer. He was dismissed by Jacinda Ardern as his “position as a minister was untenable”.

- Celebrity Foot Drama

- Joachim Gauck

- PsBattle: This angry Supreme Court nominee.

- Snow World

New publication by #ILADS past president Robert C. Bransfield, MD: A Clinical Diagnostic System for Late-Stage Neuropsychiatric #Lyme Borreliosis Based upon an Analysis of 100 Patients. - @ilads.lyme on Instagram

- !!!!!!!!!!!Passion Flowers Passion

- images

Madrid somos uno. TODOS tenemos que dar lo mejor de nosotros mismos para salir de esta pesadilla. TODOS sin distinción estamos en la misma lucha. Somos uno. @martinez_almeida_ - @ppcomunidadmadrid on Instagram

- Mike Lee

- This flag of Pakistan looks black.

A edição de hoje (22) do Alfa Talk teve como case os aprendizados de uma das maiores indústrias cerâmicas do Brasil durante a pandemia. O encontro contou com a participação do Presidente do Conselho de Administração da ANFACER e diretor executivo do @grupoelizabeth, Manfredo Gouvêa Júnior. O evento semanal e remoto é promovido pela Alfa Comunicação e Conteúdo e tem a mediação da jornalista e diretora da Alfa, Andressa Fabris. #anfacer #indutria #ceramica #gestão #economia - @anfacer_oficial on Instagram

- Huw Edwards

- Uma imagem emblemática: a importância do fotojornalismo

- Paris deal

- The Persuasion of Ankara

- BYU Sports

- Obamas Legacy

- Schaumburg Lippe

Last week, we presented a strong case against the Federal Carbon Tax to the Supreme Court. This unconstitutional, inefficient tax will not reduce emissions, it will only reduce jobs. - @premierscottmoe on Instagram


- Pretty excited for NFL draft today... even more excited my favorite coach is staying MF HYDRATED!

- Canadas new Prime Minister

- A Little History of the World Middle Ages

- Liberal candidates 2020

- Al Gore

- Being Successful

- Va disability

- Celebrating 60 Years

- Corporate Event Ideas

- Latest Business News

- Buzz Aldrin

- Aministrative States Bastardos (Un-Accountable/Un-Constitutional/Un-Elected)

El Senado de la República aprobó, en única discusión, el proyecto de Resolución para solicitar al Poder Ejecutivo ir en auxilio del sector agropecuario por los daños causados por el paso de la tormenta Laura. La iniciativa es del senador @joseantoniocast_ - @senadorepdom on Instagram

- Fact

- Blog Images

Hay responsabilidades individuales y por eso es importante que la justicia actúe. Lo que no se puede aceptar es que, por actuaciones condenables de unos pocos integrantes de la #FuerzaPública, se estigmatice a toda la institución: entrevista en @eltiempo - @carlosholmestrujillo on Instagram

Sometimes while your broadcast partner is talking you gotta look at the ppl at home and be like “How you doing?” #tbt - @scottcoleshow on Instagram

Im Jahr 2000 ist OSTHESSEN|NEWS online gegangen. Ein regionales Nachrichtenportal, online und kostenfrei, das war in den Anfangstagen der Digitalisierung eine echte Pionierleistung. Heute, 20 Jahre später, versorgen sich mehr als 100.000 Leser täglich mit den neuesten Nachrichten aus der Region. Anlässlich des Jubiläumsjahrs war am Donnerstag Hessens Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier (68, CDU) zu Gast. :-) #stayorange #osthessennews - @osthessennews on Instagram

- London traders

- 3D Printing Technology

- #####Joe BIDEN & SON

- Airports , aeroports , aeropuertos

Unless Michelle decides to run, the closest well ever get to a third Obama term is with Joe Biden, Baracks right-hand man during eight years of relative calm, stability, and prosperity. Joe believes in science. He wont lie to the American people about COVID. He will promote the best interests of the United States and its people (not himself). And he will make the U.S. respected on the world stage again. Weve given this Trump experiment a shot, and it failed. Lets build back better, with Joe and Kamala leading the way. #gapol #Georgia #RidinWithBiden #Vote2020 #VoteNov3 #Democrat - @bethmooreforgeorgia on Instagram

- Behind The Scenes

- Holiday Pictures

- Dickwads to avoid


- George Zimmerman

- Events and Activities of interest to Careers Advisers & Teachers

La Atención Primaria ha jugado un papel fundamental en #Andalucía realizando un trabajo ingente con la detección y seguimiento de los casos #COVIDー19 durante la aplicación de un Plan de Verano con unos condicionantes muy distintos al de años anteriores. La Junta ha reaccionado destinando más recursos para poder contratar un mayor número de profesionales, tanto por refuerzo Covid como por Plan de Verano. Esto ha supuesto más de 20.000 contratos (un 14,28% más que el año pasado) y 120 millones presupuestados (18,13% más que el año pasado). En agosto hemos llegado a la cifra récord de plantilla del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, con 118.179 trabajadores. - @jesusraguirre on Instagram

- GEEK ( news)

- PsBattle: Swedens prime minister is sad and left out while other party leaders having fun during congress

- Vladimir Putin

Great time had at #cfa2020 Thank you to organizers and all speakers for the enjoyable and informative event! #canadianagriculture #agriculturelife #agriculture - @bcyoungfarmers on Instagram

- Kungen öppnar Riksmötet

⠀⠀⠀⠀ Limianos Fernando Pimenta e Hélio Lucas de Parabéns ⠀⠀⠀⠀ O Município de Ponte de Lima congratula-se pelo feito desportivo de grande significado atingido por Fernando Pimenta ao alcançar, neste último fim-de-semana, na Hungria, a centésima medalha em provas internacionais de canoagem. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ É um momento alto no percurso deste formidável atleta limiano, iniciado e consolidado enquanto atleta do Clube Náutico de Ponte de Lima. Fernando Pimenta continua no auge das suas faculdades e a nossa grande convicção é a de que a manutenção deste nosso conterrâneo nas posições cimeiras do seu desporto prolongar-se-á por muitos anos, ao ponto de vir ainda a dar grandes alegrias a Ponte de Lima e ao país. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ A sua persistência, a sua capacidade de sacrifício a todos os títulos exemplar, como se provou também neste ano tão ingrato para os competidores natos, como ele é, sugerem que o futuro continuará a ser de ouro. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Também de parabéns está Hélio Lucas, que sempre desempenhou um papel importante na formação e orientação do atleta, contribuindo também decisivamente, no papel de Técnico Nacional, para guindar uma atleta feminina, Joana Vasconcelos, ao lugar mais alto do pódio na prova olímpica de K1 500m. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ #MunicípioPontedeLima #PontedeLima #Desporto #Canoagem #FernandoPimenta #HélioLucas - @municipiopontedelima on Instagram

- ACA Alternative

- Dr. Anthony Fauci, recently appointed Director of NIAID, giving a briefing to Ronald Reagan about the AIDS crisis, 1987 [1600x1065]

- Barrack Obama

- I see stupid people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Barbara Boxer

- A list of Watchmen & Teachers

- Feminist Articles

The Lithuanian president Gitanas Nauseda receiving a copy of “Keep Healthy after Cancer” in the Vilnius book fair - @cancernetuk on Instagram

- Urdu News

- Civil Rights Cases

- Hands Up Dont Shoot

- Politics On Television

- Props to the saddest character farewell so far this season

- Sorry Not Sorry

- Joachim Gauck

- Bizarre Conspiracy Theories - in America

- very interesting

- PsBattle: This politician person

- Racial Reconciliation

- PsBattle: Ajit Pai throwing up hands.

- Perros De Reserva (Mario Marin, Ulises Ruiz, Peña Nieto y mas...)

- Criminal Justice Programs

- PsBattle: Vladimir Putin shushing the audience.

MUHİTTİN İLE HAVVA Bugünün Antalya Konyaaltı’sında, o günün Uncalı orman köyünde dünyaya gelen Muhittin Böcek, Endüstri Meslek Lisesi’ni bitirmiş, askerliğini yapmış, Kemer’de otobüs şoförü olarak işe başlamıştı. 1988’de bir düğünde, çalıştığı otobüs durağının bile sahibi olan Kemer’in en zengini Hasan Minta’nın kızı Havva’yı görüp aşık oldu. Hikaye öyle başladı. Bu tam anlamıyla zengin kızla fakir oğlanın aşkıydı. Çünkü Muhittin Böcek otobüs şoförüydü, Havva’nın babası Hasan Minta ise turizmci, otobüsçü, toprak sahibi bir zengindi. Muhittin’in çalıştığı durak, Havva’nın evinin de yanındaydı. Muhittin için artık durakta sıra, Havva’nın evin dışına çıkışana bağlıydı. O evin önünden geçerken havalı kornayı öttürmek en büyük zevkiydi. Havva da sık sık kapı önüne çıkıyordu. Hasan Minta’nın kızı ile konuşmak yasaktı ama da bakışmalara yasak konamazdı. Muhittin sonunda kararı verdi. Pek çok büyüğüne, Sevdalandım. Allah’ın emrini sen yerine getir dedi, ilk başka Ne demek hemen yanıtını aldı ama kızın Hasan Minta’dan isteneceğini öğrenen, Ben yokum diye kenara çekiliyordu. Muhittin, hangi cesaretle Minta’nın tek kızını istiyordu? Sonunda ağabeyinin kayınbabası işi üstlendi, bir perşembe günü Minta’nın karşısına çıktı; ama hayır yanıtını aldı. Muhittin’in ısrarıyla iki perşembe daha kız istendi, Minta’dan yine Hayır yanıtı alındı. HAVVA BAK BU EVDE YAŞAYACAKSIN Hasan Minta sonunda eşine, Şu kıza bir sor dedi. Annesi sordu Havva sessiz kaldı; bu Evet, seviyorum demekti. Babası kızını aldı, gitti Muhittin’in köyüne, Havva’ya orman içindeki bir evi gösterdi; Bak kızım o evde yaşayabilecek misin? dedi. Havva yine sessiz kalınca babası dördüncü perşembe teslim oldu. Ama söz yüzüğü takılana kadar birbirleriyle hiç konuşmadılar, yüzükler de ayrı yarı yerlerde takıldı. 19 Kasım 1989’daki nişandan sonra bu hasret bir ölçüde bitti. 1990’ın 11 Nisan’ında da düğün olacaktı. Kız tarafı evi döşemeye başladı. 4 Nisan’da düğüne bir hafta kala baba Minta kızıyla mobilya bakmak için Antalya’ya doğru yola çıktı. Devamı yorumlarda== #türkiyeseninlemuhittinböcek - @kulisantalya on Instagram

- Prison life !!

- George Zimmerman

- @englewood_cliffs on Instagram

- How Tos - Social Media, Email Marketing and Small Business

- The accuser

- Lead by example

- PSA: the EU rejected barcode flag was never meant to be a flag, just a symbol for branding purposes.

- 113th Congress takes its place in the Capitol

- PsBattle: Dutch PM Mark Rutte meeting Vladimir Putin

- UK Retail

- Appreciative Inquiry

- Autrocities of president Donald Trump. Too close to Hitler

- Career/Job Fair Tips

- Alesha

- oh man it still feels weird

«Мы – поколение романтиков, И мы стремимся быстро жить, Тогда всё будет по-другому, И время будет нам служить». ⠀ Вот такими необычными строчками сегодня начался Диалог на равных с Андреем Ивановым, координатором программ Проектного офиса развития Арктики (ПОРА) (@poracenter), Членом Межрегиональной общественной организации «Ассоциация полярников» и Романом Гоголевым, Директором международного центра развития перспективных компетенций «Future Skills: NEFU». ⠀ Арктика тоже для романтиков, сейчас она вступила в новую эпоху своего развития. Если вы предприниматель, и вам есть, что делать на Севере — вступайте в резиденты и будет вам счастье в виде господдержки. ⠀ Не знаете какие специальности нужны, идите к Роману Гоголеву в центр развития компетенций. И научат, и грант дадут. ⠀ «Ищите компромисс! Будьте гибче! Предлагайте! Соответствуйте! Стремитесь к развитию» — девиз не только Романа Гоголева, но и всей сегодняшней встречи. ⠀ #АрктикаСделаноВРоссии #Арктика2020 #molod29 #dommol29 #Росмолодежь #ТСнавсегда #РоссияСтранаВозможностей - @forumarctic on Instagram

- Simon Bridges this morning