Darth Plagueis Profile Pics

star warssithpalpatinedarth vaderdarthvadersith lordanakinstarwars

TheBadBatch S1/E10

rosa luxemburg stiftung planetb there is no planet b

- Pizza time

noobslayer69 noobslayer 69 tradgety of tragedy

- When youre a killer main but become toxic when playing survivior


jacob frye

- the wise MAN

ᴀʜsᴏᴋᴀ ᴛᴀɴᴏ ɪᴄᴏɴs

anakin vader sith palpatine

- When youre watching porn and the step-son starts peeking into his parents bedroom through the open door

The Hunters

pixelmando themandalorian mando mandalorian mandolorian

- When youre playing Lets Go Eevee and you beat the first gym leader in one try


obi-wan kenobi icon

vader death

- In Spider-Man 3, Peter says “Gonna cry?” this is Peter projecting because he knows he is going to cry when Harry dies at the end of the movie.

The Bad Batch: Rex

miggi black death miggi black death

- [Shitpost] Sen. Enrile announcing his intent to run (again) for Senate, ca. 2018.

LEGO Star Wars: Skywalker Saga Reveals 10 Versions of Anakin & Darth Vader

sith lord darth monnik starwars

- The last 50 days in a meme

Ezra Bridger

rpg egyptian sphynx monster roar

- Anakins Eye in the final episode of The Clone Wars....

hera syndulla icons

darth vader star wars forgiving emperor

- When your perfect sub gets destroyed by GOT memes

𝐎𝐛𝐢-𝐖𝐚𝐧 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐢 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧

zote hollow knight

- Stop playing ads in 1080p YouTube!

star wars kotor sith lord sith darth revan

- 11:00pm I should go to bed *4 hours later*

imperial knight warhammer adeptus titanicus titan

- Oh boy

• hunter icon •

darth maul star wars light saber

- Damn it Obi-wan!

villager minecraft pixel trading

- Another happy landing

• rex icon •

star wars hondo dooku darkness pirates

- You’ve Officially Been Labeled A Disturber Of The Peace

tyranids warhammer 40k

- O boy, yeah.

Ezra Bridger Icon

*Dave Filoni during TCW* TheBadBatch S1/E10

darth vader starwars

- Let me speak to the manager.

pixel pixelart pixi pixibit pixibitstickers

- When the fruit tree is in the way of pathway construction

Eli Vanto

you know dont you you know anakin palpatine emperor

- When you play GTAIV and enjoy all of its subtleties and details, then watch as GTAV sacrifice it for graphics and online.

Ezra Bridger | icons

garfield sus cat death hell

- Traitor...

swtor darth rivix rivix sith lord jedi

- Happy Spooktober

ace attorney blackboard simon blackquill bobby fulbright dual destines

- An October disruption could mean only one thing...invasion

darth vader emperor earth no depressed

- *Yoda hmm*

chillers13 chillers planet sphere 3d

- This convo with my boyfriend

emperor palpatine star wars sith darth sidious rulel

- The time has come

homestuck nepeta alerted shitpost

- Me when my friend asks what happened to csgo

star wars darth revan sith sith lord kotor

- When youre on a 12 hour flight and they dont have the Prequels

white hat pet rogue gaming recroom

- When you see Federer in great form in the second week of a major

star wars darth vader dancing dance vader

- Nice work, kid!

overlord starcraft zerg video game sprite

- Tied the room together it did

palpatine lightning

- When they expect you to not know your prequel memes.

skull laugh pixel art pixelnacho halloween

- Ah yes, a classic 80s horror movie from 2014

rey star wars rey sith rey ep9 sith lord

- (OC) The True Senate


- I want her prosecuted!

emperor palpatine star wars dark side sith lord

- Make this a new template boi’s

%EB%A6%B4%ED%8C%8C lilpa %E3%83%AA%E3%83%AB%E3%83%91 %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EB%8F%8C %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EA%B3%84%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%8C

- Me looking at a penny stock dropping 15% in the first hour

star wars darth vader vader star wars battlefront lightsaber

- Space phone wallpaper

pokemon tyranitar

- Norman reedus funny

all who gain power are afraid to lose it

- Special love I had for you.

war robots strider pet

- me_irl

dark side vader darth sith

- Darth Maul is an interesting title

%EC%A3%BC%EB%A5%B4%EB%A5%B4 jururu %E3%82%B8%E3%83%A5%E3%83%AB%E3%83%AB %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EB%8F%8C %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EA%B3%84%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%8C

- I love democracy

darth maul star wars

Uzt - @brazen_lawd on Instagram

dadi vdi vr pixel art

- I don’t feel so good Pete

emperor palpatine dark side sheev

- Redhead actors: kenneth tobey

ghoritch warhammer total war skaven warhammer fantasy castellan of hell pit

- When You Have the Perfect Build on a Character but You Prestige Them for that Sweet Cosmetic

star wars darth maul oh brilliant brilliant brilliant awesome

- Obi secret thoughts after his master proposes him for knighthood.

hi vampire halloween death jackolantern

- After the SequelMemes revealed their true nature....

emperor palpatine smile creepy star wars darth sideous

- Among Us memes are kinda fun

yttd your turn to die midori sou hiyori meister

- Remember, with great child... comes great parenting.

star wars darth maul revenge vengeance i will have my revenge

- He was gone for like 5 mins

helbreath demon helbreath portal hb hbportal

- I see his mind. I see his every intent!

darth vader hater star wars haters gonna hate

- I mean I would kinda get it on prequel memes but even there it would be a bit too much

runeterra calculated lor heimer league

- It was said that you would destroy the ads, not make them!

nihilus darth sith

- Bruh

pokemon pokemon black and white zekrom zekrom idle pokemon pixel

- Ill try to reverse it, thats a good trick

sith darth vader star wars dance

- Brain Melting Material (TV)


- When it’s 5 mins from the ninth


- Im a cook at Pizza Hut, and I like to draw interpretations of customers while Im on shift, often to poetically hideous results.

%EA%B3%A0%EC%84%B8%EA%B5%AC gosegu %E3%82%B4%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B0 %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EB%8F%8C %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EA%B3%84%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%8C

- Explaining to your parents why you have no job, no girlfriend, no life whatsoever, but thousands of meaningless virtual points.

starwars sith darth nihilus lightsaber

- This is how I tell my friends about r/prequelmemes

sith star wars young lightsaber jedi

- Everyone: Go b Player with awp:

star wars

- me in ten years explaining to my kids the sequel trilogy

waaalintine goblin valintine warhammer fantasy deviantart steeljoe

- Palpatine showing up in episode IX

starwars office changingclothes

- When HiTopFilms releases his video on Spider-Man 2

kroq gar warhammer total war warhammer fantasy lizardmen deviantart muhut

- Why are nobody talking about Mace Windus real name, Then?

imperial trooper productions brickfilm universe darth plagueis brickfilm lego

- A surprise to be sure but a welcome one

sith sithtrooper star wars starwars

- Happy birthday to the most prolific incarnation of our favorite Time Lord: our Eighth Doctor, Paul McGann!

swtor the old republic darth malgus satele shan star wars

- He is as clumsy as he is stupid.

fleet jupiter djinni evolve pokemon

- HvV on Monday

star wars darth maul sith jedi apprentice

- I present to you the only good character in TLOU2. Hopefully he is the main character in TLOU3 and it’s just him running around Jackson tellin folks like it is!!! #nomoresteaksandwiches

%EA%B3%A0%EC%84%B8%EA%B5%AC gosegu %E3%82%B4%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B0 %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EB%8F%8C %EC%9D%B4%EC%84%B8%EA%B3%84%EC%95%84%EC%9D%B4%EB%8F%8C

- When TBS doesn’t play any prequels on May 4th.

star wars darth plageus so powerful so wise opera sith

- Doctor Who

galactic punk

- The good ending

imperial trooper productions brickfilm universe darth plagueis brickfilm lego

- He knew it the whole time

smack darth vader graballa the hutt lego star wars terrifying tales of the dark side bonk

- When the teacher wont round your 49% to a 90%

reorganization of the republic darth sidious

- Pills will do fine

talons of the emperor warhammer40k land raider wh40k adeptus custodes

- When its your cakeday and you dont have anything to post

imperial trooper productions brickfilm brickfilm universe darth plagueis lego


lord_maselko136 lord_maselko lord maselko lord maselko136 lord

- First make up test for Brent Spiner (Data)

imperial trooper productions brickfilm universe darth tenebrous lego brickfilm

- When you try to convince your mom that youll be really good so shell buy you a video game and she responds with the always classic

tha goon ez music producers kansas city

- When your girl prefers the original raimi trilogy

palpatine didyoueverhear ironic tradgedy story

- When the guy with bad breath is also the guy with no personal boundaries.

youplay arteiro darth cute helmet

- When you close the gate on your teammate to prevent a full party wipe

star wars revenge of sith anakin vader darth vader

- Did you know ALF was in Mos Eisley? No? Well thats because its a lie

space marine warhammer40k flamer flame thrower fire

- Step 1:Declare the U.S.Department of Defense to be traitors. Step 2: The Empire shows up.

darth ratts ratts tyerall

- ケノービ将軍,期待してた. (Caption is pretty much what you expect!)

baras sith dancing

- The perfect response to the perfect interaction.

not from a jedi palpatine jedi not from a learn this power

- Choked the purple headed warrior

pestilens plague monk warhammer fantasy skaven ratmen ratman

- stolen from FB

jedi did you ever

- When January is over and you didn’t join Jesus during JJJ

palpatine emperor darth sidious sith star wars

- Favorite TV shows

he had such a knowledge of the dark side starwars star wars emperor

- Instant Nut

star wars darth maul animated cool

- As if his collection isnt big, bouncy, luscious and beautiful enough

the darth side of the force is a pathway to many abilities

- Got bored while in queue, here’s a crossover.

space marine warhammer40k adeptus astartes bolter warhammer40000


palpatine dark side anakin star wars darth plague

- Avengers Infinity War Alternative scene

steverus vampire witcher future

- When you see familys show up to midnight mass half an hour early, thinking that theyll get seats.

palpatine darth plagueis anakin star wars

- Me when a random gets the bow i wanted first

- Matrix Quotes

- I’m still wondering if Kylo was considered a Sith Lord, don’t mind if he is, don’t mind if he isn’t

- I drew Lord Vader with copic sketch markers

- me_irl

- The new patch got me like

- Nosferatu is crap compared to a counter.

- me deciding which EP to remove from my laptop to make space for island living

- Best character development I’ve ever seen

- The story’s you’ve heard...

- In Revenge of the Sith (2005), Mace Windu uses a purple lightsaber, which is kind of gay. This foreshadows his death later in the movie because as everyone knows, dying is gay.

- [Shitpost] When I try to show empathy on OSCEs

- When I can’t think of any reasons to post, then it’s my cake day and the sub is dying.

- If these walls could talk...

- Star Trek (Data)

- Not again

- MRW this sub, which so strongly defends a trilogy that was (wrongfully) hated for years, does everything it can to shit on the newest trilogy exactly like what used to happen to them.

- In Fargo (1996), Carl says “30 minutes, Jerry we wrap this thing up” when there are exactly 30 minutes of the movie remaining.

- WE are the senate!

- Oh, Sigmund Freud...

- When you finally reveal your unlimited power

- Received this at a school secret Santa with a five pound limit to be bought from a charity shop. Expected cholcolates or something but got this today, wow. Problem is I dont want to write in the notebook that is unless it recets when I get to the last page and goes back to its original empty form.

- When you spend lots of time and effort making a gif but it gets only 5 upvotes and is forgotten.


- Are you fucking kidding me?

- And that’s how Mace fell out the Windu

- My personal favorite debate moment

- Beautiful community

- When you realize the last season is full of fantasy tropes and the ending draws a lot from LotR

- Just sayin

- MRW I found out my post reaching out to r/BikiniBottomTwitter actually worked

- Oh kylo

- The Silence Doctor Who

- In Doctor Strange (2016) the titular character tells Mordo that he lacks imagination. This is a reference to how r/shittymoviedetails users lack imagination when it comes to creating posts that aren’t ripping on r/moviedetails

- Lemme just remind you that Theon killed John Wick’s dog

- Mom: You need to go and get a haircut Me: Rembering the “I like your cut g” meme Also me:

- When you hear that Borderlands 3 will be officially announced soon.

- [HUMOR] where is it?


- When your penis accidentally touches the toilet bowl in a public restroom.

- Just reached for my car door handle and saw a spider at the last second

- Lets vote for the best memes for this past year!

- My bank account when I’m trying to buy reps.

- Look how they massacred my page.

- Hello there

- When youre trying to avoid the spooktober bandwagon but the pull off the dark side is too strong

- My Face after downvoting 20 reposts of screenshot reposts while browsing fresh.

- Impossible

- When your homie needs a partner for his three-legged race

- Blursed_Thanos

- Literally every single thing posted on the subreddit

- When you finally kill Shelly with baid-aid because her star power was on cooldown

- Blursed captain rex

- Just let him wear it for gods sake

- When it’s 4/20 and all you can see is “Mary Jane and I, Are gonna have a hell of a time” memes

- When you repost your OC because it didnt get enough upvotes the first time

- I made a wall token.

- People who buy EA games

- rAiD sHaDoW leGeNdS cOnsOlE grApHic

- When you manage to sell an entire bunker in a public lobby

- Thumb war?

- This is impossible

- I dont know if its just me, but young Ewan McGregor and young Ian McDiarmid looks pretty similar.

- For the elites

- When you’re delivering presents on Christmas and all you see is a glass of milk

- Star Wars Kylo Ren, acrylic and prismacolor pencil on 24 x 17 art board

- [shitpost] So uncivilized

- When it’s May 4th (Happy Star Wars day everyone!)

- When my mum tell me to clean my room and i dont do it. Mum:

- Krennics Secret

- My coach when i dont made a goal in our fotball match. Coach:

- A Surprise

- This is the stupidest meme Ive ever made.

- An obscure one!

- Good guy Rian

- Poor village with water: *exists* Nestle:

- If you dont get it, please exit the sub ;)

- When the waiter forgets the drinks

- When a girl way out of your league with no mutual friends sends you a message

- When your friend’s name is Anakin and you have failed him

- Literally every time I sneeze

- This is the moment Walt turned Jesse in

- When you meet an old school friend and call them by their nickname

- Autographs

- When your OC doesn’t get more than 100 upvotes

- When something tastes like ayran so you describe it as:

- sunday mass

- I noticed someone familiar while rewatching Tooth and Claw

- Hundreds will die!

- Whenever I finally complete a heist with randoms and he suddenly kills me upon returning to free mode

- just waiting for it

- When you see Star Wars announce the Solo trailer will drop today

- Anakin stands up to Supervisor Yoda for using the Gungan-word.

- When youre falling asleep in politics but then the professor mentions the senate

- When r/prequelmemes starts crossing with r/trebuchetmemes

- Mike smiling like a proud father when Jesse did something good is really the best thing unlike Walt who always manipulates and judge him.

- The mma community rn

- When your meme you worked 2 days on dies in ‘new’ with 9 upvotes

- ‘No, I am your Piano Man.’

- When you decide to go 7 mph over the limit while passing a cop to see if theyll pull you over

- When the phone call form Grandma only took ten minutes instead of the usual two hours

- When they tell me I can only get to hot by posting Obi-Wan

- A Gentle Reminder

- When you see two smart ass posts about the polls rule make it to hot.

- When dinner is ready at your girlfriends and you need to hide the boner

- Breaking bad

- When you’re trying to eradicate the Jedi but they’re performing a concert for all the clones

- Me realising I have to wait 20 years to post a meme about the Great Disposable Cup tragedy that befell Britain.

- When That Guy storms out of session 0 because the DM won’t let him play his own homebrew race and homebrew class

- The clone wars S:1 E:5

- Daenerys Targaryen prays to her father, King Aerys, shortly before the siege of Kings Landing. (305 AC, colorized, decolorized, colorized again)

- Me after Ive pulled multiple people over the edge on Bespin or Kamino

- Just something I always found annoying: they have met in the clone wars dozens of times, but these lines is in ROTS...

- When the movie is finally over and you really had to pee

- When you’re exporting a top range car and you hear the sound of a proximity mine being triggered

- When your third teammate who whined and complained all game is dead and screams and spams his banner

- Probably too wierd to get any momentum, but I‘m still gonna leave it here for the connoisseurs

- This could almost fit in r/iamveryrandom too, Jesus.

- When other countries ask how America is doing with COVID

- Another conversation that happened.

- Invest in a scene from Ride Along with Kevin Hart realizing the scene is real.

- Ace of Hearts

- When it starts colonizing...

- When you drink bone hurting juice

- The first time Ive ever related to Anakin Skywalker. My actual experience right now almost makes me want to execute order 66.

- funny

- Introduce a little anarchy

- Could Ford have known about Incite?

- When its your last year and all the previous courses you took are being used and you can finally understand whats happening.

- Demonology

- This beautiful bastard is in Resistance Reborn, the canon novel that picks up right where’s The Last Jedi left off, as well as Zay

- Asked my boss if I could get paid in advance this month and this is literally how it went..

- Bradley James

- When someone asks if you have any ideas to win the meme war against r/sequelmemes

- My girlfriend when Ive been playing Spider-Man for PS4 all week and telling her I want Marvels Spider-Man: The Art of the Game companion book

- Goood

- Where did that bring you? Back to me

- When you dont know the subtitles to the images but you select one at random and get free karma

- Blursed Sith lord

- Are you sure?

- Horrible ideas

- When you look at the calendar and it’s May the 4th.

- If we ever get a Roberts Rebellion prequel series, at least well already know how it ends.

- To buy a car at 2 in the morning.

- Darth Beyblade

- When Ubisoft adds lightsaber effects to For Honor for the day

- Deep Space Nine

- only Siths deals in uncivilized ways

- Who wouldn’t

- When you have a runny nose and have sore skin because you blow your nose too much

- Last Night Was a Fun Time

- Darth Murdoch

Which Emperor do you prefer: OG, Prequels or Sequels? #starwars - @swouterrimempire on Instagram

- Me, in my next match after losing a 45 minute macro game

- When you learn that reddit now lets you add more than one photo

- “The B in BDSM stands for Batman”

- Idris Elba created cancel culture

- I dont know what sub this belongs in.

- Roses are Red. Collecting Lightsabers is Fun.

- When someone compares The Office and Parks and Rec

- When you live in Australia and you see B99 is coming back at the same time as the U.S

- The Rise of Skywalker in one picture.

- When you bring the last survivor to the hatch and then they say gg ez baby killer post game.

- When girls spray perfume at us men and then nag at you

- MFW the mods won’t ban 50%, leading to the sub to become overpopulated

- We back in business Bois

- When someone asks, what you think about the prequels.

- When someone comments General Reposti on your OC, but you realize that General Reposti is just a reposted comment

- ah tae, heto nanaman tayo

- Seeing all the food posts on social media whenever I do 24hour intermittent fasting.

- When you cant find the frying pan so youre forced to use another kitchen utensil

- /u/The-Jedi-Apprentice on the 9th of July (colourised)

- Ewoks throw that little person crap right back at you.

- Me when the player playing Maul dies

- When the pizza boy looks gay. You dont have money left, but still got an ass

- When you haven’t seen any Drag Me to Hell memes on r/raimimemes

- Area 51 guards as they see a mob of weebs at the gate

- MRW Im offline for a week and I come back to Chinese bootleg and Dooku curve memes

- Intensity of this is scene is...... unmeasurable.

- Magics Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed

- Anyone else here a fan of legend of korra

- Me seeing The Two Towers and The Return of the King on Netflix, but not Fellowship

- When you realise r/BikiniBottomTwitter could be a huge ally in the meme war

- Playing as Palpatine after the latest hotfix

- When people ask Ian McDiarmid if he knows whos at the end of the Episode IX trailer

- When someone tells me to put on their favorite Beatles song.

- Hipster garbage

- ♥ Doctor Who ♥

- When you see a Solo meme on r/SequelMemes so you find all the prequel memers you know to report and comment on it.

- Theresa May when she spots German Chancellor Angela Merkel making a meme (2018)

- Class of 2020 be like

- When you call out a General Reposti, but it keeps getting upvotes anyways

- When your paycheck comes in and you can finally buy more succulents

- When your friends tell you to take another hit from the bong but youre already stoned out of your mind

- When Vader is the target in HvV

- When people remind you that Rogue One is technically a prequel

- When you see another Swolo meme after you thought they had died out.

- addams family

- When my friend gets up to leave when the credits start on a Marvel movie...

- Titans when they try out One Eyed Mask for the first time in the Crucible

- When you ask your mom to get pizza for dinner and she comes home with a frozen one