✦ 𐙚 ﹑ㅤ‿‿

- Gemini Rising

- Username Ideas

VALLEY by becca hamel

Cinnamoangels Mocha cursors – Custom Cursor

- Black Widow and Hawkeye

→ 純子 ╯icons ⌗.ᐟ

Pink Cursor png

- Rob Sheridan


Friday’s are for football 3 - @sophia.tresvan on Instagram

- Logo barber shop

- There goes my wifi

𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒃𝒚 @𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒂

soft boy pink bear

잊어질때쯤 한번 더 보시라구 뒷북🥺❤️ 수고햇어유 #줌마미아 #알라뷰 🎼. @mustard & @migos - #purewater 💃🏻. @team_jummamia 🤍 🎥. @sunnyinspires 🖤 - @lunar_hj on Instagram

Jolly Gojo

- Funny videos

Que pro no se usar pinterest

Stiker para grabadora

- Awesome


- editing

🌱Cursor png

- My friend did a presentation in class on his life dreams

- Les homophones

Alan Becker Old Profile Pic.

username generator!!

- Future Tense


Mouse cursor

- Bachelorette Party Supplies

made my own profile pic how does it look?

co / horrere

- Designer Mahmoud Tammam transforms Arabic words into illustrations of their literal meanings (album in comments)

username generator!!

- Kick boxing workout

- If you think an 89 degree angle is bad, here’s a 91 degree angle.

- Dance videos

- The original heated gamer moment

- Everyone started freaking out when this guy joined does anyone know who this is?


Welcome to this new month famz❤❤ Good health we pray 🙏 Welcome to the new journey🏃🏃🏃🏃 Note: Todays is world girlfriend day💃💃💃 celebrate her, dont be a yeye boyfriend👭💑👨❤️👨 @mc_ayb - @mc_ayb on Instagram

- Library Logo

- Im fucked in a non fucky way, i just wanted to have fun but im about to fight moonlord

- jaall

- 13 Exabytes of space for backups on a 30 Gigabyte virtual private server

Luce di Rinascita #fashionfilm #shooting #frame #composition #colorgrading #look #cinematography - @nicola.pappalettera on Instagram

- Maths Sums

- german

- Its a wonder they learnt anything about alchemy by reading these books...

- Putins media speech, Dec. 2015

- Acting

Ne zaupajte pripravkom, ki jih oglašuje Dr. YouTube! Poročilo neprofitne organizacije Tech Transparency Project navaja, da YouTube služi (tudi) od oglasov za potencialno nevarna zelišča in domnevna (predvsem pa nepreverjena in nedokazana) zdravila za koronavirus. Več na Siol.net. #siol #novice #youtube - @siol.net_trendi on Instagram

- Mom said its my turn on the Ȩ̛͇̫̺̖̙̻̓̓́͌̒̂̓͜͞ͅx̷̢̳̘̱̥͒̾̋̇́͞ͅi̷̧̢̛͓͖̬̞̱̗͎̤̿̂̔̈́s̴̢̧̗̥̺͉͈͇̄͌̏͐͛̽̽͑͜ͅṫ̟̜͍̬͓̱͌͒̌̄͘͝ė͙̻̟̣̬̩̃͂̔̔͡͡d̷̨̬͉̦̜̟̪͕̎̽̄͌̄͆̕͟

- how to fix


- Oh no! She will commit die!

- Coaching volleyball

- When people put this many annotations on a video

Feliz bailado y cantado 2.019 Iniciando la semana con #Tamborterapia en @vtvcanal8 #programa @buenavibravtv conducido por @josselyncorreia y @claravega87 con la participación de dos bailadores @negra.ugueto y @samumachudiaz representando la danza con @fundacosta @convenezuelaoficial y @fcndanzave 👣Bríndale a tu cuerpo una distracción sana y libre de estrés... #Eltambor #Métodoterapéutico #Tamborterapia #Salud #Vida #Terapia #Actividadfísicaymental #Conexiónmenteycuerpo #Vidasaludable #DanzaTradicionalVenezolana #Cultura #Tradición #Buenavibra #Danzaymúsica #Vibrandoenpositivo #DanzaAfrovenezolana #Herenciaancestral #Vidaligera #DanzasdeCostaAcosta #Convenezuela #Felizaño2019 #Asícomenzamos y #seguimos #FiestasdeSanJuan #ElBautista #SoldeAgua #Afrodescendiente #SoyAfro - @fundacosta on Instagram

- Art & Design

- The VERB campaign commercials

- thanks for the information!

- Classroom playlist

- Tried turning on my old Windows 7 PC today and was greeted by this. Then I realized why. RIP.

- Latest Hits

bro we were so bored 😭 - @foodmyonlyhope14 on Instagram

- T O O S H A P E L Y

- When teachers find the WordArt button

- Anjunabeats

- Solution-Focused Therapy Resources

- Gravity movie

- @zee24ghanta_anchorspage on Instagram

- Blursed Cursor

- Game of Survival

- Events Were Going To

#step_up_group @zumba_fitnessss #zumba❤ #zumbafitness #زومبا_ايروبيك_هوازى_دمبل_اسكوات_لانگز_فيتنس_پر_خورى_مشاوره_ #زومبا_ایران #زومبا_خ #زومبا_فیتنس #رقص #رقص_ایرانی - @zumba_fitnessss on Instagram

- Glitch Art

- memes

- Blursed museum

- Expressions

- [SHITPOST] Made a new logo for the FIX PUBG campaign

- Boku no hero uraraka

- The ladder from season 1. That’s it. That’s the post 😍

- Pardon?

- Yu will never see it coming

#altezeit analogue visions for @klangkuenstler s new EP #Himmelreich ft. amazing @bossydollbina #iamjohannes - @i.am.johannes on Instagram

- The battery symbol on this chromebook

- Buzz léclair le film

- blending sounds

Me staring into oblivion, wondering how anyone can trust the government. The people: End sex trafficking! The government: Parks, trails and beaches open! But only one person at a time! Women you must hike alone! Children you must go to the park by yourself! A parent with you is too many people!!!! Child and sex predators: 😛😛😛 #WhatInTheActualFuck #IsThisRealLife? #2020 #LetMeOutillWalk - @kimberlykam_ on Instagram

In honor of @goldrushrally kicking off today! We wanted to post some favorite memories on @goldrushrally over the past couple years. • • Check out there page for live updates as they make this years journey. #goldrushrally • • SWIPE 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 TO VIEW ALL THE VIDEOS ! 🏎💨 - @mangohousemedia on Instagram

- When the entire network goes down so hard you cant even monitor the outage until hour 3.

- Teamwork

- Android vs iOS

- Maju Coutinho fazendo o Wakanda forever no Jornal Hoje

- Children Education & Welfare

- 5 Year Celebrations

- Registered Trademark

~ snakes and ladders music vid getting premiered by @purple.sneakers right nowwww ~ i know y’all keen to click play ~ link in my bio! ~ - @templetimi on Instagram

Throwing it back to one of my first virtual Zumba classes... Crazy to think this was almost a month ago😮🥳 Thank you to the people who started this journey with me❤️ - @sweatfitfun on Instagram

- My trainer id in Pokémon

- Fitness Tips

Safe to say our members absolutely feasted on this weekends releases 👨🏼🍳 - @chefstablesneakers on Instagram

- Bratayley

- bell button

- Chinese Movies

- Anger is a gift.

- Movie theater hasn’t activated Windows

- Irish Dance

- Basic Spanish Skills

- Bücher und Serien

- blursed_sign

- Vital Records

- Music Sign

- Who would you like to see on a redemption season? Who do you think would win from the cast below?

Lighting... - @photography_tips_and_trick on Instagram

- accurate

Transparent just like the online auctions we offer. Where there are no hidden fees and what you see is what you get. #autoproff.dk - @autoproff.dk on Instagram

Here are the 3 FREE 4k Overlays that we put into the sample pack. Comment below which one is your favorite (1,2,3) 🧐 Do you have project in mind you want to use it. - @cinepacks on Instagram

- Calculus 2

- cursed_timecode

- OnLy TrUe GaMeRs WiLl ReMeMbEr

- We really need to hire females at this airline.

- Smiley face on a lift floor indicator (X X is for express zone)

- Capitilization and Punctuation

- Animals

- Boeing 777, passenger cabin and crew rest areas. [960 x 720]

- iskoc sali

- Test intelligence

- Dj music video

- Folder Icons

- Semiconductor materials

Imagens que ultrapassam fronteiras!! Foi o que aconteceu em nossa última produção para @nossajbs . Confira como ficaram as reportagens da @bandtv e da @recordtvoficial com CNG FILM. #cng15anos #maisqhistorias #cngfilm #directing #cinema #sonya6500 #filmaker #light #editing #aftereffects #davinciresolve #resolve #jbs #covid19 #passofundo - @cng_film on Instagram

- English communication skills

- I hate that sites often put „Deutschland“ to the „g“ (for german) instead of „d“ where it should be.

- Hacks iphone

Hey LA! Meet me at work next Thursday 11/15 when @ascapurban will be hosting a panel at @mihollywood w/ experts @theycallmekiko of @youtube, @mttbond of @treble.fm, and @creolevoodoo of @voodooxguru. Im excited about this one! RSVP to rsmusic@ascap.com. Lets learn together 🤓🤓 #ASCAPUrban #MindYourBusiness - @adoman1 on Instagram

- Alabama

- DANCE - Leaps

- Had this one chanting one of us during lunch yesterday.

- I need to exit full screen to press that X button.

- colegio

- Math hacks

- Cytaty

- hmmm

- Lincoln Financial

- Mbti personality

- futuristic look

- This misaligned mute icon

Ninja eyes • Animated this eye rig • I’ve captured the fun animating process of this rig swipe right to watch it • What do you think of this animation ? . . . . . . #motiongraphics #2danimation #motiondesign #graphicdesign #aftereffects #adobe #ninja #eye #rig #animation - @smitistic on Instagram

- Idk if my computer is supposed to be doing this.

- Mindful Living

- Educational

- Mentaal dieet plan

- 23 Años

- @energia.films on Instagram

Are you also overwhelmed by the number of webinars happening these days? 😴 . Post Credit : @thebrokenhash 😎 . Waiting for your chance to be the talk of the C-town and flaunt your creativity? Tag @Creativix in your work and use the hashtag #LetsCreativix to get featured! - @the.creativix on Instagram

- For your protection

- Final Cut Pro

- Past Tense

- @rbangla_440 on Instagram

- Pp canser

- An underbooked United Airlines plane in my city.

- Windows 7 Themes

- Blursed_feature

- actually my friends desktop rn

- İnformation

- apprentissage _ maternelle

Incredible memories, 5 years since the 1st one, what a journey - @jswamy on Instagram

- I created a Reddit Cursor

- chemistry classroom

#traveladvice update: From 04:00 on Saturday 19 September there is no longer a requirement to self-isolate on arrival to the UK from Singapore. See guidance at https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/singapore for more information. (Link in bio) #travelaware #COVID19 - @ukinsingapore on Instagram

[ A E R O S H A R I N G ] • • • Firhanda Putra S - Lift’19 • • Lift (gaya angkat) Gaya aerodinamika ini bekerja sesuai dengan prinsip dan hukum fisika dimana secara matematis terkadang sangat memusingkan dan cukup sulit untuk dimengerti, oleh karena itu saya akan menjelaskannya secara umum saja. Kita harus pahami terlebih dahulu bahwa untuk mempertahankan pesawat tetap di udara dalam keadaan stabil dan flight level, pesawat perlu menghasilkan sejumlah gaya ke arah atas demi menyeimbangkan gaya berat ke arah bawah dari pesawat itu sendiri. Nah gaya ke arah atas inilah yang disebut dengan lift. Namun sebuah pesawat tidaklah selalu terbang pada keadaan steady level, karena dibutuhkan juga lift yang tidak selalu sama dengan weight atau tidak selalu bekerja secara vertical upwards contohnya pada saat dive (menukik kebawah). Untuk arah gaya aerodinamika, lift yang tegak lurus pada sudut arah penerbangan (flight direction atau fligh path) relatif terhadap udara dan sumbu wing, oleh karena itu lift tidaklah selalu bekerja secara vertical upwards dengan catatan dan harus selalu diingat bahwa sebuah pesawat tidaklah selalu terbang normal searah dengan arah penerbangan. Sesuai dengan gambar di slide ke-3 kita bisa mendefinisikan lift secara umum membentuk sudut dengan arah penerbangan. Harus selalu diingat juga bahwa dalam keadaan steady level flight saja lift persis mempunyai besaran yang sama dengan weight dan bekerja secara vertical upwards. Pada prinsipnya pesawat terbang memanfaatkan sayap untuk menghasilkan gaya angkat (lift). Adapun untuk menghasilkan lift tersebut, sayap pesawat memanfaatkan prinsip perbedaan tekanan antara permukaan atas dan bawah sayap/prinsip Bernoulli. Untuk menghasilkan perbedaan tekanan antara permukaan atas dan bawah sayap, dibutuhkan bentuk penampang potongan melintang sayap (airfoil). Gambar Slide ke-4 • • Untuk lebih jelas mengenai Airfoil @zaky.abd . • Intinya pesawat bisa terbang karena memiliki sayap. #sfftga #aero19 #birulangit - @firhandaps on Instagram

- Deltarune ♤

Created by me first design ❤️ in the sheryians coding school..... @sheryians_coding_school . . . . #web#webdesigning#ui#adobexd# coders# sheryians#ux# firstattempt computerscience# engineering# 2020# sheryians coding school. - @javadoc_juveniles on Instagram

- Why?

- BLACK WIDOW Marvel Movie

- Keurig Descale


DDMIX LIVE is back tomorrow! Join Giselle at 9.30am for a 30 minute fun dance fitness workout over on our Facebook page! Just head to facebook.com/diversedancemix. See you there! #fridayfunday #fitnessfriday #onlineworkouts #ddmix - @diversedancemix on Instagram

- Revolutions

. Hallo, admin mau saranin nih video lyrics yg aesthetik bangett🔥🥰 admin nya juga ramah😍 . Follow yokk: @your.lyricss @your.lyricss @your.lyricss . #aesthetic #fyp #explore #omgpage #literasi #literasi30detik #sajakrindu #sobatambyar #ccpindo #moodcewek #ccplyric #ccptumblr #ccpkeren #vidgram #xelftmood #Ifl #IA #baper #neontumblrlight #gabutmood #xelfmood #yourlyricss #lemontree - @xelftmood on Instagram

📺 Les compartimos algunas de las reflexiones que realizaron las periodistas Andrea Arístegui, Carolina Gallo y Fresia Soltof, acerca del rol de los medios de comunicación tradicionales y su cobertura en tiempos de crisis social y sanitaria. - @periodismoucn on Instagram

- outdoor fun

- Mercury Prize winners (1992 - 2019)

Stockhausen Edition no. 104 - @stockhausenmusik on Instagram

- hmmm

- WATCH: Castle

Something very special lined up for all you quarantined people... To coincide with the @luo_music Unspoken album launch, we are streaming it in its entirety with a visual install by myself. Tune in to Luo’s page on Facebook at 8.30 for the whole deal... 📼🐸📼 • • • #videoart #glitchart #analogvideo #tachyonsplus #bpmc #vhsart #progressiverock #experimentalmusic #drums #luo #daddeh - @jsnazzzzz on Instagram

- 90210

- [OC] Informational fact plaque for 21309 NASA Apollo Saturn V Rocket I made. Feedback welcome

- The way mpeg decoding errors looks like watercolors

- Brass Shelf Brackets

#رقم المنتج:0667 Limited Discount 🛑🔥🔥 القطعه بتخفيض محدود بالموقع لأول١٠عملاء😍 - @a.boutique9 on Instagram

- Cursed_Airdrop


lach doch mal . . . . #blackandwhite #germany #shisha #shishaworldlandsberg #tattoos #girl #instagram #featureme #good #vibes #summer #style #shooting #model #posing #alphaindustries #alphaindustries_europe - @kiki.slg on Instagram

- Air Crash et La minute de Vérité

- clean until your teeth rot

All roads Lead to........ - @magical_mombasa on Instagram

- Future Tense


- Saw this on an Instagram page

- pedagogy

🛠Hey #sheCANics, friends, family, and other amazing followers. We have a very special announcement to make ⚒ ‼️Today we celebrate our Chief #sheCANic and Founder of @girlsautoclinic @pdbanks 👠‼️ 🏁TODAY our CEO marks another trip around the sun and we couldn’t be happier to highlight her accomplishments and grace throughout the years. 🏁 ❤️Patrice Banks has been an influential figure in a lot of our lives and we would love this opportunity to wish her an amazing birthday ❤️ 🧨Happy Birthday to our courageous leader who continues to break barriers and molds for women in the automotive industry.💣 🧰Comment your favorite memory with Patrice below ⚙️ 🎂 🥳 🍾 #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenmechanics #womeninbusiness #womenentepreneurs #womeninautomotive #wocan #shecan #womenincharge #womenwhowrench #femalemechanic #womenownedbusiness #blackownedbusiness #blackgirlsrock #blackgirlmagic #womenintech #automotive #cars #car #autorepair #upperdarby #ilovephilly #birthday #big40 #bebold - @girlsautoclinic on Instagram

- If any of you know Romanian, the Rohan OVAs are free to see at animekage.

- Accesories and Vignettes

BLNDR® HOLO MATERIAL RENDER ON TAG [04/07/2020] . @HANSON.METHOD - @hanson.method on Instagram

- I was playing PVZ2 when suddently my game decided to commit death

- The way the Supercell logo is not perfectly centered

- The E needs some super glue

اولین و تنها وبسایت فارسی زبان الویس پریسلی : www.ElvislivEs.ir . #الویس #الویس_پرسلی #الویس_اینجاست . #kingofmusic #kingofpop #kingofentertainment #elvispresley #artistofthecentury #bestsellingartistofalltime #thegreatestartist #theking #graceland #godofmusic #kingofrock #kingofstyle #kingofrockandroll #thebest #greatestentertainerthateverlived #memphis #tupelo #rocklegend #musiclegend #legendary #legend #iconic #icon #elvis#kingofmusicworld #kingofrock#musicicon #musiclegends - @jilavis on Instagram

- Ballet&Health

- Arabic

- Youre not allowed to download youtube videos in germany

- Flag of Switzerland, but its made in Excel.

Special view for upgrading your sunday ✈️ 📸 @llazarevska #füssen #fussen #allgäu #above #lakes #nature #deinbayern #mountain #landscape - @fuessen.de on Instagram

- Run 2


Hai provato ad essere disegno, pittura e scultura. Non ha funzionato. ******************************************** TI PROGETTO, MENTRE RIPOSI. ➡➡➡ SEI VIVA, SEI VIVO. [🔊sound on] - @phil.arkv on Instagram


- the way this MIT professor draws dotted lines

- Adobe premiere pro tutorials

- American Girl Doll Addy

Hey my friend just got thousands of followers in 24 hours with this new site! Go to @TheFollowersMixx to get 100 followers everyday for FREE! 😙😈 #healthy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @badass._.bramblestar @tophthe_runaway @itsmarcolambiase @paul_abboche @itsmarcolambiase @eff_u_dot @avenueshop_ua - @osmweather on Instagram

- Blursed_Man

- Code code

- On my flight the pilot flew at this altitude for most of 13 hours. Maybe just to irritate me.

- English vs English

- Fracking Facebook

- Arpeggio Practice

- alles so schön bunt hier (sagt Nina H.) 霓

NM encourages you to support the Aus record stores which support underground and adventurous music on a community level ✔️ thank you - @nicemusiclabel on Instagram

- Bana Sevmeyi Anlaat

Omar Guerra detalle de I want one of these encounters that last forever 2020 #art #Contemporaryart #conceptualart #fellini #sculpture #geometry #timeandspace - @thisisowar on Instagram

- My YouTube ads are directly under the video timeline so I cant press the x button

- Wallpaper

- aerodynamics

- @towerblockdreams1 on Instagram

- Christmas Sprinkles

- Whatsapp profile picture funny

I hope I motivated a few people yesterday to chase there dreams no matter what. 3 years ago, all odds were against me and my back was against the wall with 2 decisions to make. Be a man/new father of my child or keep going down the same toxic path. You can tell which path I chose. I cant thank everyone enough for there support. Big things happening!!!! #bodybuilding #fitness #gym #workout #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fit #fitfam #training #muscle #gymlife #lifestyle #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #health #bodybuilder #powerlifting #crossfit #personaltrainer #fitspo #healthy #instafit #strong #instagood #gains #exercise #fitnessaddict #healthylifestyle #sport #bhfyp - @thepunisher_23 on Instagram

- create sci-fi scene

- No fuck knives allowed into Hong Kong

- Customer Survey

- Im not an EE, is this accurate?

- Photoshoot poses

- Brand Standards

- Snapchat video

- Manga hair

- Japanese cheesecake recipes

- Coming soon to own on video & DVD.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 resmi dirilis 18 Agustus 2020. Sebelumnya, Microsoft terakhir merilis Flight Simulator X pada 2006. Tidak ada pembaharuan yang signifikan setelah FSX rilis, hanya merilis expansion pack (Acceleration dan Steam Edition). ° Dilihat dari preview dan streamer flight sim, bisa dibilang FS 2020 ini memiliki banyak fitur yang kekinian dan lengkap untuk menggambarkan simulasi penerbangan. Fiturnya antara lain live weather, live traffic, dan ground scenery yang detil. ° FS 2020 ditawarkan dengan tiga versi, yaitu Standard, Deluxe, dan Premium Deluxe. Rentang harga $59.99-$119.99. FS 2020 bisa dibeli di Steam dan Microsoft Store. ° Dengan fitur dan tampilan yang bisa dibilang wow, FS 2020 memerlukan spesifikasi hardware yang lumayan tinggi (lihat slide terakhir). Bagaimana pendapat teman-teman? Apa akan setia dengan flight simulator yang sekarang dipakai atau akan migrasi ke FS 2020? Images & Video sources: Xbox, Steam, Aus Flight Simmer, Raptor. #Indoflyer #FlightSimulator #flightsimulator2020 #microsoftflightsimulator - @indoflyer on Instagram

- cimorelli.

- hmmm

- Blursed Uno

- Blursed PC

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeyeyeyeyeyeyeah nah - @solojazz on Instagram

In 2018 this same date I got verfied my YouTube channel and I got this SILVERPLAYBUTTON for crossing 1 lakh subscribers.For this to happen I woke up in the middle of sleep and then I wrote lyrics and arranging music,but some people simply ask and critisize bla bla bla,But Me and My people(who around me in my ups and down) know its organic one❤dont make gosips if you will you can also make this to happen.pls work for yourself thank you👍💯 - @aagharsiddharth on Instagram

- Instead of a security camera, my Costco has a video feed of a camera.

- [/r/cumsluts] Making him cum on the airplane and cleaning it up

With many Superbike teams having a hard time with the new tyres, Zero One Racing has been busy collecting data about both the 2019 and 2020 options to help our customers understand how the new tyres affect the bike differently. . . #winningedge #chassissoftware #zerochassis #zerooneracing #BSB #WSBK #SBK #WSBK #motorcycle #motorcycleracing #TechTuesday #tyres #britishsuperbikes #superbikes #superbike #motorcycletyres #tech #data #metrology - @zero_one_racing on Instagram


- Im sure this is bugged, if so, is anyone dealing with this or has anyone managed to fix this? New latency markers showing 0 delay all around.

- The NATO phonetic alphabet is the most widely used radiotelephone spelling alphabet. It’s use ensures clarity in transmission of critical information, commonly used in military & aviation communications:

Ta rolandoooo!! - @educadoramonicaalmeida on Instagram

Homemade Hair Masks For Dandruff Yogurt, Honey, And Lemon Mask. Green Tea And Peppermint Essential Oil Hair Rinse. Hibiscus And Fenugreek Hair Pack. Banana, Honey, Lemon, And Olive Oil. Avocado Hair Mask Coconut Oil Egg And Yogurt Hair Mask . . . . #massage #face #acne #diyfacescrub #diyhair #homemadeacnemask #diyrecipes #diyacnemask #homemadebeautyproduct #homemade #homemademask #homemadescrub #coffeescrub #youarebeautiful #natural #naturalcosmetics #naturalhomemade #hair #hairloss #hairfall #hairregrowth #hairgrow #hairhomemade #hairtreatment #hairserum #hairlossserum #hairlossmask #longerhair - @diybeautytips_ on Instagram

𝙸𝚏 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚢 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚍𝚘 𝚒𝚝. “𝐵𝐸 𝑌𝑂𝑈, 𝐷𝑂𝑁’𝑇 𝐵𝐸 𝑀𝐸“ - @_dilli_10_ on Instagram

- Number Words Activities

■ ⠀ YESSSSSSSS🎪🏆⠀ ⠀ KIKI First place⠀ ⠀ Just 5 days of intensive work! What a challenge! Amazing professionals and great team work. Thank you Youri. Kristin, Veronica for making it possible. Too much to do, in too little time.⠀ ⠀ @sarah_hannah2008⠀ @theflyingarrow ⠀ @youriklepatsky ⠀ @verosilks⠀ @acrogravityacademy⠀ @aerialympics⠀ ⠀ ・・・⠀ ! Lots of fun🎪 👏👏👏👏👏👏⠀ 🎪⠀ ⠀ #aerialmotor #circus #aeriallyra⠀ #aerialhoop #aerial #aerialistsofig #circuseverydamnday #aerialarts #miatmi⠀ #aerial #aerialnation #aerialist #aerialhammock #aerialsling #hipkey #flexibility #girlswholiftthemselves #cirqueduinsta #mythicaerialarts #mythicaerial #aerialympics #aerialympicsstl #lyra #lyrahoop - @hollywoodoceanholic on Instagram

- Hospitality Experiences

- Apuntes

- American Airlines New Logo...thoughts?

- naruto

- Smoking diseases

You can call me a hacker , programmer , web developer etc. Which needs programming right ?? So here is an example if my programming skills !! - - - - #gainwithbidobidorised #pursuitofpotraits #potraitske #photooftheday #igke #igerske #vscoke #iamnairobian #igersnairobi #gainwithmchina #gainwithkamenace #gainwithbundi #publicity254 #10over10 #gainwithlarrymemes #gainwithcarlz #gaintrain #gaintrick #gainwithspikes #gainwithtedbrown #254fashion #publicity254 #ignairobi #gainwithkelele #gainwithxtiandela #gainparty #gainwithpaula#gainwithsashamardo #afrofyb - @mr_racer_07 on Instagram

I was excited to be invited to the Curriculum for Life Mid-Way Meeting. The meeting focused on the progress of the on going pilot study which involves 23 schools and Youth groups across Manchester. - @james.a.plant on Instagram

Estamos en la última etapa de programación, de la nueva versión de nuestra web www.agendaconce.cl😊👍! Esperamos sorprenderlos en pocos días más 😉. Saludos a todos! 😊😊😊 - @agendaconce.cl on Instagram

How to design logo in Adobe Photoshop. How to earn money online. Please subscribe my channel,like and share my videos. Link is given below. #photishoptutorial#photoshopeditingtools#photoshopskills#Photoshop#tutorial#howtoearnmoney#earnonlinemoney#earning#editing#businesslearningclass#bussiness#dollars#money - @photoshopcreation313 on Instagram

Behind the lens #FishTankSeries - @fishtankseries on Instagram

- Atlanta art

- Jump training exercises

- Learning German

- When you dont account for the fact that red fades faster than black

- polski

¿Que si somos de alargar las tertulias hasta las tantas de la madrugada en las habitaciones? Pues sí 🙈 ¿Que si nos encanta sentarnos en los jardines del colegio mayor a charlar sobre temas punteros? ¡Pues también! 🙈🙈 Pero el debate es todo un arte y, como tal, se cultiva en los colegios mayores.👂 ¿Te gusta cómo suena? 👂Ya sabes cómo canalizar tus inquietudes: a través de los numerosos clubs o equipos de debate que hay en los colegios mayores. . 🔛 Nos lo explican los colegiales del @cmu_isabel, que con sus testimonios reflejan la pasión por compartir ideas y enriquecernos en el proceso 👨🎓❣👩🎓❣👨🎓❣👩🎓 #YoSoyColegial . . . . . . #ColegiosMayores #colegiomayor #universidad #universitarios #universitarias #debatir #debate #retorica #hablarenpublico #ideas #competencias #formacioncontinua #tertulia #somosCCMM #hacemosCM - @consejo_colegiosmayores on Instagram

justhardwork. . . . . #justhardwork. #gym #journey #indigenous #watch #entrepreneur #fitnessmotivation #clothing #supportsmallbusiness #localbusiness #apparel #startup #aus #nsw #northernrivers #lismore - @just_hard_work on Instagram

❤️ - @gwenstacy757 on Instagram

- Blursed math

- Elize Ryd nip slip

- O computador do Cebolinha conspiracionista

- Two in one: The teacher left the cursor on the play button, and the projector is way out of wack

- Bowling Bloopers YouTube

- Air Travel

- Cursed Logo

- Becoming a pilot

kami berusaha untuk memanjakan member kami. Selalu mengutamakan kepuasan dan juga kesenangan member untuk dapat bergabung adalah seuatu keharusan dari kami. Bermodalkan kepercayaan para member setia WOLF BETTING TIPS dan pengalaman kami sebagai TIPS judi online, kami dapat bertahan hingga saat ini untuk dapat selalu memberikan dan memuaskan para member kami. MENYEDIAKAN SINGLE TEAM PARLAY 3/4/5/6/7/8 TEAM CORRECT SKOR JOIN US 👇 WA : 082282312946 @wolfbettingtips @wolfbettingtips - @wolfbettingtips on Instagram

- After years of saving I finally have rig capable of hi-FPS gaming!

- After Effects

- Wireframing these days.

- baby voice

- me_irl

Tesla Model 3 Performance wrapped for @neoleander in Avery Satin White and 3M Matrix Black 🚘 @loganrodrian.design #autowrapper #wrappedcars #3mfilms #averydennison #satinwhite #tesla #teslamodel3 #tesla3 #teslamodel3performance - @loganrodrian.design on Instagram

- Its been stuck for 10 minutess

اولین و تنها وبسایت فارسی زبان الویس پریسلی : www.ElvislivEs.ir . #الویس #الویس_پرسلی #الویس_اینجاست . #kingofmusic #kingofpop #kingofentertainment #elvispresley #artistofthecentury #bestsellingartistofalltime #thegreatestartist #theking #graceland #godofmusic #kingofrock #kingofstyle #kingofrockandroll #thebest #greatestentertainerthateverlived #memphis #tupelo #rocklegend #musiclegend #legendary #legend #iconic #icon #elvis#kingofmusicworld #kingofrock#musicicon #musiclegends - @jilavis on Instagram

- hmmm

@elcasodeyocairy Vuelvo y repito esto van a tener que pagarlo , no vamos a tolerar este tipo de abuso ni crimen en la república Dominicana, atención @policiard las cámaras de ese corredor captaron a los dos desaprensivo, aprovechando la ocasión para decir que se necesita sangre O positivo para la joven que todavía esta en intensivo y todavía no a podido retomar la vista . - @toxiccrow on Instagram

- Bob Ross Painting

- Divorce Law

- Animation

- Watching Hello Games watching memes

- Working in a VR workspace while writing a novel about VR. Hey dawg...

Just started a new lil clan channel on twitch. It’d be cool if y’all go follow, gonna be a group of Me, @21kyabe , @rogue.saiyan and @blvcksify we gonna be streaming in a lil bit 💙💫 - @astro.wilsonx on Instagram

- Blursed Cursor

- The opening credits to Eurotrip piss me off for some reason....

- Perfect.

- The default cursor isnt aligned properly

- Blursed_cursor