Craig Rathbone Profile Pics

iraffersmitesplspacestation gamingrenegadesarormax jacksonsmite vodsplyce all star invitational
im really happy with that iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
perfect team iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
we both can play the same way the same gameplay both skillful iraffer aror
yawn tired exhausted sleepy weary
thinking whats next game play focus tense
im not confident unsure uncertain in doubt worried
move on iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
it was perfect iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
definitely their early game craig rathbone iraffer smite their game
thank you craig rathbone iraffer smite thankful
hes really really strong craig rathbone iraffer smite hes very strong
we know how each other play we are familiar of each other gameplay teamwork comfortable
happy dancing feeling it oh yeah feeling good
up there look look over there look at that iraffer
nope nah cut it out that aint it no
oh no no no nope definitely not not at all never
head shake smh nah no i dont think so
tensed why how is that possible upset pressured
dab yuh dance move dabbing iraffer
pointing i see you my man i see what you did there iraffer
it doesnt make sense iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
it was really good iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
you just have to do it iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
chest beat nervous tense glance iraffer
of course iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
it doesnt work out iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
oh okay iraffer craig rathbone smite spacestation gaming
he won back to back world championship happy laughing beard
we expected it right we knew predicted it laughs happy
thats fair just fair game good game nice one
my bad my mistake i got it wrong sorry apologies
i think they should win opinion winners iraffer aror