Charmed Interview Profile Pics

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𝗣𝗶𝗻: 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆𝗡𝘂𝗡𝘂💛

But you were the worst 🦅🦅

bts jimin suga korea jin

LOVE SESSION mit KERSTIN WENG Mi, 16. Sept I 20.00 Uhr Zoom In den LOVE SESSIONS sprechen wir gemeinsam über Themen, die dran sind. Gemeinsam mit Kerstin Weng (Chefredakteurin InStyle) geht es um „Sisterhood“ und warum wir überhaupt noch darüber sprechen müssen. SISTERHOOD - LEBEN STATT POSTEN! ❤️ Kerstin kennt die Herausforderungen und die Chancen von weiblichen Gemeinschaften nur zu gut ❤️ Wir Frauen haben große Sehnsucht danach, uns gegenseitig zu unterstützen und uns gut zu tun ❤️ Das können wir auch wirklich gut ❤️ Warum passiert es so oft nicht? Was können wir ändern? “Sisterhood und Empowerment sind keine Selbstverständlichkeiten; es sind Wörter, die es mit Taten zu beleben gilt. Bevor wir mit dem Finger auf Männer zeigen, die uns nicht unterstützen, müssen wir uns an der eigenen Nase packen und fragen: „Bin ich eine Frauen-Unterstützerin?“ @wengschondennschon DEIN TICKET im Linktree oder -session UNSER STUDIO: @dascorvatsch 🙏🏼✨🙏🏼 “Its no to-do. Its just for you. Deine Eli & Maren #weareallsisters #sisterhood #supporteachother #kerstinweng #womenshub #münchen #fraueninmünchen #womenshubmünchen #womenshubhamburg #womenshubzurich #womenshubrosenheim #womenonstage #shareyourvision #liveyourdream#weareone #risebyliftingothers #bühnenbrauchenfrauen #frauenbrauchenbühnen #räumederliebe #betterworld #femalecommunity #neuesmiteinander #risebyliftingothers #frauenmiteinender #sisterhood #womenscommunity #togetherwegrow #bettertogether #einefragederhaltung #größenmut #liebe @gefuehlsecht_podcast @katmagnussen - @womens.hub on Instagram

Style Profile: Tessa Foley, Nine and Sixteen - The Glam Pad


shinee interview stare confused what

#Repost @mikeygalvin ・・・ 👉🏻 Thread Together on Oxford St was officially opened this morning by Lord Mayor Clover Moore, located at 118 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst, and supported by Councillor @jessmillersydney - The event, led by CEO of Thread Together, Anthony Chesler and Founder, Andie Halas was limited due to social distancing, to 15 guests, each with a vested interest or connection to the organisation that supports the vulnerable, by providing necessary brand new clothing and accessories. 🙏🏻 The opening of a permanent Hub in Darlinghurst allows for daily access for individuals in vulnerable situations, not limited to the homeless or unemployed, but also victims of domestic abuse, Indigenous communities, refugees and asylum seekers. The Clothing Hub will operate from today by appointment only, which is managed via invitations from caseworkers or by direct contact with Thread Together. 👉🏻 All clothing is displayed in a retail environment, providing a dignified way for vulnerable people to access new, excess clothing that they can have styled by staff for their particular needs. All clothing is free of charge and is not limited in quantity. ℹ️ Andie Halas, Founder of Thread Together, always envisioned providing those in need with a retail store just like any other that you would see, “where vulnerable people could have access to beautiful new clothing that they could coordinate for their relevant needs at no cost. I founded Thread Together to ensure that we were able to distribute new excess clothing to people in need in a dignified manner. I have always believed - when people are at their worst, they deserve the best. 🙌🏻 Congratulations again Thread Together, and welcome to Darlinghurst. Follow their work here 👉🏻 @thread_together - @darlodarlings on Instagram


view zeltlager werreweser look looking into the distance in die ferne schauen

Our Creative Director Tone Aston, has written an article for the Rise of Audio series for “The Insider” LIA Awards. Giving his take on the ongoing search for Authentic Voices in advertising. Check it out via link in bio! . #liaawards - @rumblestudios on Instagram

8x10 Print Britt Ekland Beautiful Profile Portrait #9816 | eBay


becky lynch wwe interview smile

- Raising Canes

Sarah Michelle Gellar Photo |

hi tyler oakley hello hey there whats up

- Blair Waldorf

Lola Elisabeth Scarlette - Crossdresser Profile

and her lucky number being 13..

ufo361 german rap deutsch rap interview

- The Descendants

gina gina gnosia gina pat gina gnosia pat gnosia

- Pixar Feature Films

I posted for fun but now its for u guyss!

jennie kim jennie talking jennie interview & @di_vsn Collab coming soon! ♻️ Photos by @benjaminln - @sbstn.andrsn on Instagram

Edit: OMG 185 tysm

hoshi seventeen seventeen meme hoshi seventeen soonyoung

Happy birthday to my favorite person in the world , I love you sis ❤️ @eweostrowska - @theglambaracademy on Instagram

Caroline Rose - All About Crossdresser

Register - Login

charmed shaking hands hi how are you

- Be Careful With My Heart

sabrina carpenter | The Governors Ball


bts kookie jungkook cooky

Happy Mothers Day to my amazing wife @nataliejillfit 💑....and all the moms out there! . How does a Caribbean vacation sound to you??? 🏝🏝🏝 . Love you babe!! ❤ 🌞🙏🔥💯🐶🚘🍕❤🎶🎯 . 📸📸📸 by the amazing @sarahorbanic - @life_of_brooksie on Instagram

tom holland interview zoom confused

- PLL logic

Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff poses during an exclusive interview with...

#sunghoon #enhypen


This is the year we discover ourselves #2020 - @brettjboham on Instagram

Rodney Smith | Edythe and Andrew Kissing on Taxi (2008) | Available for Sale | Artsy

ok kid cry interview meme

Ловите несколько фотографий со съёмок сериала «Нюхач» 😁🤘🏻 #иваноганесян, #актёр, #кино, #сериал, #украина, #ирагришак, #лилияребрик, #екатеринагулякова, #дмитрийсарансков, #юрийкрапов, #микафаталов - @oganesyan_officialgroup on Instagram

Lucy - CoverGirl of the Week ( April ) - All About Crossdresser

bts jimin suga korea jin

I’m currently on set with @MaggieQ in Europe working on a FANTASTIC feature (stay tuned!) and pulled this photo of the @CBS show @StalkerCBS from the archives. #makeupbyme #Makeup on #MaggieQ - @RMSBeauty and @ButterLondon #nails. Also pictured is the wonderful actor, @VictorRasuk who was done by @SusanStepanian. — You can check out Victor’s new show @BakerandtheBeauty which premieres April 13th! - @makeupkymberblake on Instagram

yooh9 record interview confused what

- How to Sleep

whats this renforshort exception song curious inspecting

Reckon a game of Happy Families to pass the time? Dont miss the season finale of #Pennyworth on @epix. - @pennyworthonepix on Instagram

arianna grace nxt wwe interview backstage interview

- Christian Bale

bts jimin suga korea jin

The #ACMAwards are tonight! I have so many great memories from the ACMs over the years and even though tonight will look a little different - it is going to be celebration of great music! Don’t miss the 55th @acmawards with performances by @keithurban @mickeyguyton @carrieunderwood @taylorswift @lukebryan and more tonight at 8pC/7pC on @cbstv! 🎉 - @ashleyeicher on Instagram

katharine mcphee interview

- Sandra Bullock Hair

btw drake

#repost @styleyourlifepodcast ・・・ We are excited to share our new thumbnail picture with you! Let us know what you think in the comments. ✨Look for this image when you listen to Style Your Life on all major podcast platforms. ✨ * * * * * * #styleyourlife #podcast #itunes #apple #spotify #spotifypodcast #applepodcasts #904bossbabes #jacksonville #iheartradio #newpodcast #newandnoteworthy #podcastersofinstagram #lifestylepodcast #goaldigger #femaleentrepreneur #women #womensupportingwomen #followforfollowback #bossbabesociete #bossbabe #bossbabes #castboxpodcasts #castbox #podbeanpodcast #podbean - @itunespodcast on Instagram

interview kpop korean exid questions

- Millie again - still only 16

seonghwa pat pat

Give one final round of a-paws for #TeamAreYouKittenMe! 🦁🐯 Well miss having you in the competition. #DWTS - @dancingabc on Instagram

news interview thats just rude

- Mermaid movies

bts jimin suga korea jin

- lana del rey

got7 interview famous

I remember this day so clearly. I had my first (and only) diva tantrum this day!! My feet hurt so much in my high heels and I was freezing cuz somebody insisted on keeping the window open right above my head. But my best friend Gianna was there and in between takes she would run up to me and crack jokes. She was the funniest person I ever met. Like pee in your pants laughing. I miss her so much. Making Uncut Gems will forever be one of my favorite experiences especially cuz I got to spend so much time with her. She honestly deserves a credit in the movie cuz I wouldn’t have been the best version of myself if she wasn’t there. Photo by @miyakobellizzi - @juliafox on Instagram

purdy gang hoodie hiding roy purdy

- All things Gilmore...

dakota kai nxt interview wwe backstage

I only want to be here when youre by my side⁠⠀ Oh I believe now, Ill love you til I die⁠⠀ You will sing me to sleep, you will hit me awake⁠⠀ in the perfect life, the perfect life...⁠⠀ - @aurelia_velasco on Instagram

spamton deltarune shy love cute

- Daisy Ridley and her sisters..

tom holland spiderman interview umm laughing

A few days after Silvio died, I sat down to write something to say at his memorial in Miami. This came out instead. I struggled with whether or not to share it, but the encouragement of his family and friends helped. And then I received one last letter from Silvio. One of the last lines read, “Tell people my story.” Always so bossy. But here it is. (link in bio) - @andrewrmaher on Instagram

bts jimin suga korea jin

- Chicago Salon Portfolio

dakota kai wwe nxt backstage interview

- People



sebastian stan interview explaining gestures hand gestures

- Best Television Series

felix lee leefelixcatboy catboy skz

- Eva Green

bts america jimin stop working

- Tarja Turunen

wow kenny sebastian whoa amazed amazing

- Burt Bacharach

arianna grace wwe nxt interview lvl up

- Sr darcy

jikook jimin jungkook stans cuddle

No es de ahora, pero tengo el mismo espíritu y las mismas ganas de hacer cosas... y esta #pandemia ya me está pesando.😷😷😷😷 Pero habrá que tener paciencia. No desesperemos. Que todo se arreglará , al menos ese es mi deseo. #buenosdeseos #ActrizEspañola #ActriuCatalana #NoPerdamosLaIlusión #vendrantiemposmejores #vivalavida #pontelamascarilla #laluzalfinaldelcamino #sonrielealavida #quesuertetengo #juntoslolograremos #españa #attrice #actress #actresslife #silviamarso #silviamarsó ❤️ - @silviamarso on Instagram

greggs interview greggs interview

Buongiorno! Oggi vi presentiamo ROBERTA BALESTRIERI, una delle due referenti per Italian Wedding Awards per la regione CAMPANIA. “Mi presento, sono “figlia d’arte”, vengo da tre generazioni di wedding planner, ho origini inglesi e da ormai 10 anni mi occupo di seguire con professionalità, amore e dedizione, le fasi creative e organizzative del matrimonio. Sono conosciuta in italia e all’estero con il brand “Josephine Weddings” e sono felicissima di fare parte delle referenti regionali di IWA 2020. - @italianweddingawards on Instagram

blackpink kpop jennie kim jennie jendeukie

- Back To Ohio

shinee interview smile surprised shocked

- Briana Evigan

panic tom holland chaos walking shocked surprised

- Daily Motivational Quotes

tom holland interview

- Asia argento

iu cute kpop

Join us this evening at 8 pm for a live interview with Fort Myers Beach International Film Festival 😍💛 @fortmyersbeachfilmfest with festival chair @kylebthompson ❤️📸 Myself and producer/Co-star the amazing Julia Silverman @silverman.julia where we discuss our craft and film Intervention, which is an Official Selection 2020 #filmfestival #officialselection #fortmyersbeach #fmbiff #fortmyersbeachfilmfestival director @runawaylp #actress - @janeltanna on Instagram

yb interview handsome cute

- Giovanna Battaglia

toko danganronpa head pats pat

A atriz Vanessa Gerbelli (@vanessagerbelli ) é presença confirmada no Lançamento formal do MeToo que acontecerá daqui a pouco, às 18 h. ! O MeToo Brasil conta em sua idealização com a parceria do projeto @justiceirasoficial , da promotora de justiça Gabriela Manssur (@justicadesaia ); e com o apoio da @conamp , da @megamodelbrasil , da @oabsaopaulo e da @aprobr . Faça sua inscrição no LINK Sympla na BIO. O evento será realizado via Zoom e transmitido do Facebook da @diversidadeoabsp . #MeTooBrasil #EuTambém#OsilêncioAcabou @brasilmetoo Vanessa Gerbelli é uma premiada atriz brasileira. Sua primeira peça profissional aconteceu em 1993, em “Quixote”. Sua estreia na televisão aconteceu na na novela “O Cravo e a Rosa”, onde fez o papel da “Lindinha”. Logo depois atuou em diversas novelas de sucesso, como “Mulheres Apaixonadas” de Manoel Carlos e “Cabocla”, ambas exibidas pela @redeglobo . No cinema, seu primeiro filme foi Carandiru, de Hector Babenco, um dos maiores sucessos de público de toda a história do cinema brasileiro. Atriz renomada, venceu diversos prêmios ao longo de sua carreira. - @mariganzarolli on Instagram

jisoo bored interview kjsakgae

- Mike Birbiglia 9/1

wow tom holland chaos walking shy embarrassed


giana sofie interview

- which one is it


- Celtic music

katharine mcphee interview

- Bella Swan Wardrobe

crying nowthis nowthis news emotional sad

- Behati

hyeri kpop interview talk

- Actors Studio


- Affiches

liam mcewan bts interview bangtan rm

If you haven’t heard the latest episode of “Latina to Latina” with @aliciamenendezxo, you’re missing out! Alicia talks to magazine publisher turned media mogul Christy Haubegger about being a “boss” and more! #latinamagazine #lanwilco #Repost @latinatolatina ・・・ 💥New Episode Alert 💥 Christy Haubegger, founder of @latina, film producer and @creativeartistagent agent/powerhouse talks with us about her experience of being born to a Mexican-American mother and then adopted and raised raised by non-Latinos, the key to successful networking, and what it takes to be a behind-the-scenes force in Hollywood. #latinatolatina #christyhaubegger #wocpodcast #latina #stanfordlaw #🇲🇽 - @lanwilco on Instagram

%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%82 %E0%A4%A0%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%97%E0%A4%BE %E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%BE thumbs up approve

- British Favorite Shows

interview interviewing

Hj o jornalismo brasileiro ganha um novo capítulo em sua história! A chegada da CNN no Brasil. Foi muito desafiador participar desse projeto! Da criação de um palco multi-telas até o desenvolvimento de um conteúdo mapeado pra contar a história da marca!!! #brasilacnnchegou - @_assim_ on Instagram


- Keanu reeves sandra bullock

bts liam mcewan liam mcewan namjoon

Entre el cielo y tú yo me quedo contigo . . . . 📸 @riccardoprol - @mermusicamx on Instagram

hmmm jung kook bts jeon jungkook thinking

Chyłka-Rewizja od 6 października w Bukano czeka ;) #chylka #chylkarewizja #bukano #playeroriginals - @wojciech_zielinski_official on Instagram

liam mcewan liam mcewan bts interviewer

❤️💪 Proud of this hard-working futbol club no matter what! Will stand proud by it all day, errrry day. ❤️💪 The story of life (and sports)... get a knock, brush yourself off and go in playing harder. 🔥 - @caitlinmello on Instagram


I’m running out of WISHES ... but I’m thrilled to be heading back to Broadway this year with Disney and the beautiful company of @aladdin 💜 @disneyonbroadway - @ainsleymelham on Instagram

jisoo bored interview kjsakgae

GREAT PRESS DAY!! 😭😭 Make sure to pick up a copy of @people magazine today! @lifeinjeneral was featured TWICE with two of our favorite clients! @kristenanniebell & @shaymitchell! ✨✨✨ #DREAM - @jenrobin on Instagram

gundham tanaka gundham tanaka head pat hand

Let’s have Real Talk on Client Retention. Tomorrow.... Instagram LIVE @tammy.feltner Discover the blind posts that are effecting your client retention numbers. @tigicopyright @tigiprofessionals @tigimexicooficial #hairstylists #haircolorist #hairstylistcoaching #hairstylistcoach #professionaldevelopment #justdoit #educateyourself #educateguideempower #realtalk - @tammy.feltner on Instagram

xz interview

• Milanese entryway • Wearing @boglioliofficial K.jacket, @finamore1925 blue denim shirt, @drumohr white soft lambswool r-neck. Collab with @inzerillo_it - @shoppingmap_it on Instagram


Sitting in for Tom @freshonthenet on @bbc6music with the @bbcintroducing Mixtape tomorrow night/Sunday morning at 1am! Gonna be presenting some of my favourite of tracks from the @bbcintroducing uploader nationally including @gail.mp3 @marthahillmusic @leoloremusic @diving_station @sadienencini @rosegray_ @noyaraomusic & more Exciting! - @kittyperrinmusic on Instagram

charmed me the office david brent ricky gervais

Somos 8 mil. Gracias a ti! Y gracias a @alonso.ventura por las hermosas fotos - @rominarossiaccinelli on Instagram

v bts

Twofer Tuesday 👯‍♀️ - @hommegirls on Instagram

charmed netflix charmed interview charmed prue

- Christy Altomare


Oh Andy it’s H-y-a-l-u-r-o-n-i-c🤣 Find out what makes our Hyaluronic Acid a 🌟 serum for all skin types! Floodgate works as a daily moisture-boosting serum that instantly hydrates, firms and smooths skin💦Packed with high concentrations of powerful ingredients like 4% Niacinamide, 1.5% Linden Flower Extract and 1.3% White Tea Leaf extract this serum works to enhance the skin’s moisture barrier and refresh as well as nourish the skin for all day hydration🙏 Who else loves The Devil Wears Prada?! - Repost: @theklog - @ghostdemocracy on Instagram

charmed interview charmed netflix charmed prue

The @variety 2020 Power of Law Honoree article on Dina came out today! This article is a great in-depth look into Dina’s extraordinary life and accomplishments. Check the link in our bio! #dinalapolt #lapoltlaw #variety #poweroflaw - @lapoltlaw on Instagram


- Blake Lively

charmed netflix charmed interview charmed prue

Consider these 19th Century looks SLAYED 💅 - @netflixph on Instagram

pej pat cute pet wholesome

- bluegrass / mountain/ folk artists

charmed interview charmed prue charmed netflix

- Bunheads

byakuka danganronpa togami head pat pat

- TVD / Nina Dobrev / Elena G. Style

charmed interview charmed netflix charmed prue

- amy adams

tv day host talkshow

- Billboard Magazine

charmed interview charmed netflix charmed prue

- charmed quotes

peace sup how you doing whats up roy purdy

- Cathy Graham

charmed interview charmed netflix charmed prue

Happy International Daughter’s Day✨ Image: Ruby Asbourne Serkis & Andy Serkis at Soho House to celebrate the announcement of a brand-new childcare facility at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden, created by Wonder Works, on March 6, 2020 in London, England. 📸 David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images Daughters day is the day to celebrate the gift of daughters. ♥️ “The observance began in India as a way to eliminate the stigma associated with giving birth to a daughter. In some parts of the world, male children have more value than female children. This day promotes equal value for both boy and girl children. Girls can be and should be educated and provided equal opportunities. Celebrate your daughter. Spend the day with your daughters. Allow them to teach you something you didn’t already know. Listen to their aspirations. No matter their age, look forward to where your daughters will take you. Adventures lay before you.” - National Day Calender ——- #andyserkis #rubyashbourneserkis #internationaldaughtersday #equality #rightsforgirls #rightsforwomen #sohohouse #warnerbrosstudioslondon #wonderworks - @serkisfreaks on Instagram

jhope koobiiuv cute pat

- BOSS Bottled

charmed interview charmed netflix charmed prue

Can never go wrong with a little blue 💙 #jacquesdumanoir_official #swissmade #inspiration #summer #watches #swisswatch #fashion #statement #watchfam #watchuseek #lifestyle #fashionable #watchoftheday #watchaddict #watchnerd #wristporn #watchgeek - @jacquesdumanoir_official on Instagram

nagito danganronpa head pats pat head pat

- Alicia Witt

charmed interview charmed netflix

Raise your 🤚 if you want to see @theerincahill return again as Jen!!! ✋️✋️✋️I do I do! - @geeklevelasian on Instagram

pet mankai pat mankai pet tsuzuru pat tsuzuru tsuzuru

There ought to be no place in our lives for racism, sexism, and homophobia—that’s the message behind our latest effort for @telewizjakinopolska which we collaborated on with @digital_kingdom_agency starring Katarzyna Figura, Michał Milowicz, and Cezary Pazura. The ad was directed by Filip Bartczak and lensed by Tomasz Ziółkowski.  Join us in a behind-the-scenes look.  . #papayafilms #movieset #filmshoot #kinopolska . @filip__bartczak @ziolkowski.Tomasz @maja_sontag @zieglerpierwszy @aleksandra.debek @telewizjakinopolska - @papaya_films on Instagram

charmed netflix charmed interview

Thank you to all the lovely ladies that nominated me! @zaida.htx @escarle_silva @thegrovehq Photo taken from a personal women empowerment shoot when I was 5 months preggers! Love all these mamas. #challengeaccepted #womenempoweringwomen #womenhearmeroar #womensupportingwomen I nominate my sisters and like sisters @tishaquin13 @lraerod @lisapelayomakeupandbeauty - @laurieperezphotography_inc on Instagram

well shoulder shrug idk skating whatever

Welcome back! @yenot_bitan - @netaharlevpr on Instagram

charmed interview charmed netflix charmed prue

Getting ready with my home studio set up :) Have a great day! #homerecordingstudio #genelec #beyerdynamics - @tarjaofficial on Instagram


Cursed out today on #Netflix @cursed with @get_repost #Netflix ・・・ A world of wonder and people of magic. Makeup Designer @erika_okvist_makeup_designer Crowd Supervisor @emmajslater . . Loved being in the crowd team for this 🙌🏼🙌🏼 🧚‍♀️ . . #makeup #makeupartist #mua #hmua #hair #hairstylist #haircut #setlife #musicvideo #onlinecommercial #advert #social #tv #film #tvmakeup #filmmakeup #hair #promakeupartist #promua #prohmua #beauty #sfx #filmmakeup #beautymakeup #sfxmakeup #wig - @carly_guy_mua on Instagram

charmed interview charmed netflix

難得像女人😬 - @meixiusweetie on Instagram

hyunsuk yoon hyunsuk cix kpop cute

- Reddit scary stories

charmed netflix charmed interview charmed prue

- Nigella Bites

think imagine figuring smiling look up

- Bones TV Show

charmed netflix charmed interview charmed prue

- Beautiful Italian Women

spying jay anstey tremors peek binocular

- Emilia Clarke

charmed netflix charmed interview

- Jazz Quotes

namirin vtuber nami namirin2d nami2d

#VEEP #dresseswithpockets - @anamelikedanicalifornia on Instagram

charmed netflix charmed interview

- Iris west

- 00

Amanda Strang Hair by @angusy66 #triple8salon #tripleeightsalon #hair #salon #hairsalon #hk #Repost @amandastrang_ with @get_repost ・・・ Remember who you were excited to grow into. @joycehk @cabletvhk @icable_icable 📸 @shuxxxlin @angelnhy 💄 @chris_117 💇‍♀️ @triple8salon #presstour - @triple8salon on Instagram

- Caroline ford

#Repost @mikebeckmakesmusic // come join us tonight! ・・・ Dont screw this up. Do whats right. Come out to @rockwoodmusichall tonight at 7:00 to celebrate the release of the face-melting debut EP from @ess_see_nyc. Made with love at @refugerecording. - @refugerecording on Instagram

- trance

Un año de trabajo en fotos 💕 y divertirse!#amarloqueunohace @elsietetv - @noeliatati on Instagram

- Vanessa Carlton

What exactly are you offering me Josh or Jeff or whatever your name is? ⠀ Better Things tonight on @fxnetworks at 10pm #betterthingsfx #fxnetworks @betterthingsfx - @celia.imrie on Instagram

- Stop right there! Corpus Christi wants a word with you.

First novel. Thank you @boroughpress - @ceciliaknapp on Instagram

Beautiful Mexican actress #AngelicaAragon for @marieclaire_la back in #1997 Cuando quería ser la Annie Leibovitz de Mexico #ciudaddemexico #film @kodak - @yvovenegas on Instagram

- 90s favs

Sis - @juliette.weiss on Instagram

- Nina Dovrev

- [OC] Would you watch this show?🔥

- Jonny Lee Miller

- Dragon Con


@camwimberly1 confirms she will not be returning to #SouthernCharm for their 7th season...👀 Thoughts?💭 #southerncharmcharleston #charleston #southern @bravotv @haymakertv - @southerncharmchbravo on Instagram

Thanks @jengouldnyc @nypost for including our New normal for the article link in bio - @jaymacardoso on Instagram

⚡️MY LOVELY NELE FOR MODELS.COM • DAILY DUO ⚡️ @modelsdot @rosiemdc ♡ @nelevisschers @thepuremgmt #newface #thepuremgmt #thepuremgmtgirls #modelsdot #dailyduo - @bet_thepuremgmt on Instagram

- What’s that Jerry?

Check me out on People magazine! - @johnleguizamo on Instagram


⌂ een grote bron van inspiratie ... dat is IG voor mij ... interieurinspiratie, trends ... kleuren ... materialen .... ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ naast interieur- en tuininspiratie vind ik het ook geweldig dat het je blik ruim houdt ... wat houdt andere mensen bezig? ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Op het gebied van sport en beweging, reizen, fotografie, voeding, ontspanning, quotes en inspiratie? Ook vind ik het heel leuk om te zien en lezen wat mijn vrienden doen en beleven. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Met deze pagina probeer ik je te inspireren op woongebied ... want een fijn huis zou moeten aanvoelen als je favoriete trui. Mijn woonstijl is warm modern en die van jou?⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ xoxo uit prachtig Zuid-Afrika ♡ @frogshill @maaikevwijk⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⌂ a great source of inspiration ... thats IG to me ... interior inspiration, trends ... colors ... materials ....⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ in addition to interior and garden inspiration, I also love that it keeps your view wide ...⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ what keeps other people busy?⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ In the field of sports and exercise, travel, photography, nutrition, relaxation, quotes and inspiration? I also really enjoy seeing and reading what my friends do and experience.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ With this page I try to inspire you in the field of living ... because a nice house should feel like your favorite sweater. My living style is warmly modern and yours?⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ xoxo from beautiful South Africa ♡ @frogshill @maaikevwijk - @mvwdesignstudio on Instagram

- the yes collection

- Jane The Virgin

- 2 Broke Girls

- *| Fashion:::Women |*

Very excited for this next chapter! Congrats @ashleylcalhoun - @joshabraham on Instagram

- Charlotte Riley

- Idées Mode

アーティストに特化した音声配信プラットフォーム”Artistspoken”にMassaが参加しております! Massaの生の声/思いを是非お聴きください 第一話 001: Massa Nakagawaとは? が配信中です! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 暮らしを変える、声を聴こう「Artistspoken」 26ジャンル・38名のアーティストが一同に集まるアーティスト特化型音声配信サービス 本日から1ヶ月間、無料で聴き放題。この機会に、是非お楽しみください。 ※iOS版からのスタート 下記URLから、Appのダウンロードページにとびます。 サービスLP: AppダウンロードURL: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - @massaartists on Instagram

- Is My Relationship Over

Prof Suss, reporting for duty. (Truly still pinching myself that this is real life.) 🤓 - @rachsuss on Instagram

I have an exciting announcement! I‘m officially a hairstyling instructor at The Makeup Academy of NYC by Nina MUA! I have a class that I’ve already had my first day of teaching in-person. 💯 . All of the teachers in the school still work freelance, so I will still continue to take clients through @vinspireme and @glamsquad. This will just be an additional adventure! 🤩 . It may be cheesy, but I’d like to thank everyone who came to my vintage hairstyling classes over the years, took online lessons with me, and generally supported me as I’ve pursued my hairstyling dreams! You all helped me get to this point, and I couldn’t be happier. 🥰 . Swipe for the memories! ♥️ . . . . #vinspire #hairteacher #hairstylist #hairstyling #hairinstructor #newadventures #newjob #ninamua #makeupschool #nyc #memories #vintagehair #vintagehairstylist #hairclass #nyhairstylist - @vinspireme on Instagram

Wish I was home to celebrate today☺️🎉🎂❤️ - @jessicaspringsteen on Instagram

- Brown hair inspiration

- Corporate Event Ideas

Ummmm does she have a bit of rising star energy?! Lol ya love to see it! Thank you so much @ccmaofficial for my first nomination for anything ever! #ccmaofficial - @emilyreidmusic on Instagram

- 13 Going On 30

Join our partner and faculty for a masterclass! • Repost • @globalartdesigneducationexpo Want to discover opportunities, careers and creative paths in the field of Visual Arts? Register for the Global Art & Design Education Expo on October 10, 2020 and attend an online masterclass by Mr. Bryan Hiveley, Head of Visual Arts Program at @miamiintluniversity Miami International University of Art & Design. Register at the link in Bio. #GADEE2020 #zistaeducation #zistaevents #artanddesigneducation #artanddesign #nicheevents #highereducationevents #globalartanddesigneducationexpo2020 #careersinartanddesign #visualarts #careersinvisualarts #MIU #ArtInstitutes #AiFaculty - @miamiintluniversity on Instagram

- Fashion ideas

- • Ann Curry •

Gorgeous edit by @lovely.amy.web 🔥❤️😎😊. Show some love and press that “like” button! - @theevcommunity on Instagram

- Demi Moore

- Amy Lee

Only 5 DAYS LEFT to register!! 😱 Register TODAY! 😉 Session starts Sept.14th! 💫 DM with any questions about the program! 🙋🏻‍♀️ - @the.virtuous.movement on Instagram

- art appreciation

Kocham #radio i chyba radio też mnie lubi 💙 W związku z tym udzieliłam wywiadów już prawie wszystkim stacjom i oczywiście zapomniałam gdzie, kiedy i o której są transmisje - to może w trakcie tego maratonu podrzucę w bio link do dzisiejszej audycji Łukasza Wojtusika Krakowskie Przedmieście w TOK FM... Rozmawiało się cudownie! Dziękuję! Podcasty tutaj a audycja z podtytułem: „Chciałam, żeby Księcia czytało się lekko, a potem długo nie spało” .... Zdjęcie: Anna Powałowska-Górska - @magdalena_parys_official on Instagram

@FORBES x @WinnieHarlow Woke to this surprise! I’m featured in #ForbesMagazine ... with everything going on in the present moment ... this is pretty incredible. Thank you @loreleimarfil @sixkla Read a little snippet on my life... *Link in bio Photo: @lutang #WinnieHarlow photo by @graphicsmetropolis Cc @ruskhaircare @oribe @chihaircare @elchim_usa_official @crocusa @mizani @hottoolspro • • • • #forbes #oribeobsessed #dreambig #celebrityhairstylist #sixkartist #hairstylist #goals - @tildebymatilde on Instagram

Sometimes there are people that unexpectedly come into your life that leave a lasting impression - @amcasador is one them. After a heartfelt discussion about Anna’s journey and her recent decision to finally open up about her struggle with alopecia areata, Anna put her trust in me, a complete stranger, to help her reveal her true self. By the end of the phone call (and a few tears later) I told her I was making it my GOAL to make her feel more beautiful than she has EVER felt in her whole life. Anna made her announcement for the first time as a contestant on the Mrs. Rhode Island America stage and while she may not have come away with the crown, I believe her message, her bravery and her confidence will continue to inspire others. ❤️ 👩🏻‍🦲: @amcasador 📸: @danielgagnonphoto 💄: @kmd218 of @calmasalon #americanwomenofservice #awos #pageantheadshot #alopecia #alopeciaareata #alopeciaawareness #unmaskalopecia #ericmedeirosmemorialfoundation - @danielgagnonphoto on Instagram

We love seeing how music has helped so many artists get through their life & musical journeys! You can watch @emilyreidmusic perform THIS Sunday Sept. 27 @ 7pm PST on 🤠🎶❤️ . Our livestream with @bluelightsessions & @937jrcountry will also feature performances from @aaronpritchett, @jojomasonmusic & @kristincartermusic to raise funds and awareness for Music Heals. . . . #musicheals #musictherapy #music #jrcountry #soundonbc #musicbc #creativebc - @musicheals_ca on Instagram

- Sophia Vergara

- buessines wo

- Bones

- Dakota Johnson

DAILY REMINDER: TREAT YOURSELF. ⚡️⠀ It’s the little pleasures in life that get us through everyday grind. ✨ Tag someone who needs to hear this. ⠀ .⠀ #jemocracy #jewellerythatworks #treatyourself ⠀ - @jemocracy_official on Instagram

- Louise Damas

- Angelina Jolie

Thank you to @voyagelamag for this article that is now live on their site and in magazines. Click the link in my bio to read my full article learn a little about my story & my work, past and present. - @romandentofficial on Instagram

- Kathryn Prescott

Radioheads. Susan Bottomly and Andy Warhol being interviewed on the radio in New York. I was there. Also made the jewelry on Susan. XX. - @davidcroland on Instagram

Marion. - @el_hijodeofelia on Instagram

- Anastasia Beaverhausen

Did you see us in @entertainmentweekly ? We are now on a waitlist for cabins! - @goldenfansatsea on Instagram

- Andrea Corr

Life will throw hurdles at you. You will fail; you will become discouraged; you may even want to give up. LV Magazine readers, please enjoy an interview with a man with love for humanity. A man who embraces compassion and embarks on each journey with fearlessness. I hope those in need of an inspirational story will read this article and know you are not alone, and its never too late to speak your truth. Perhaps you will embark on a journey to fulfill your prophecy with Law Professor Andrew L. Rossow. @cyberguyesq 📸 @amarisyocheved Be sure to check out his amazing interview in the next issue of LV Magazine Contact us for a feature today! #blog #blogger #love #fashion #instagram #instagood #style #like #follow #photography #travel #lifestyle #bloggerstyle #fashionblogger #blogging #beauty #photooftheday #life #makeup #food #ootd #influencer #moda #bloggers #art #picoftheday #bloggerlife #photo #lvmediallc - @lvmagazine on Instagram

👑 . #татьянаденисова #денисова #командататьяныденисовой - @queentd__ on Instagram

- Celebrities Engagement Rings

I could NOT be more blessed! ❤️❤️❤️ Every day is daughter’s day in this house. Love them so. 😘 Happy National Daughter’s Day, girls! - @deborahallenartanddesign on Instagram

- Amy Lee

- Joey Feek

KO PRODUCTIONS // GQ MIDDLE EAST with @ramimalek • • Photographer @tomcraig Editor-in-chief @adambaidawi Stylist @livharding HMU @faydebee Set Designer @derekhardiemartin Production @ko_collective • • #kocollective #koproductions - @ko_collective on Instagram

Today @lexadoig dropped by the #yvrscreenscenepodcast lab for one whiz-bang of an interview. Lexa spoke with @sabrinarmf about navigating the industry as a Filipino Scottish Canadian woman, playing the avatar of a warship for five seasons of GeneRoddenberry’s #Andromeda, what she thinks is going on in @simondavisbarry’s brain, Hallmark’s diversity problems (and how things are changing), her favourite Pinoy snacks, and how to work with people who see the world in a very different way. Episode coming soon to Apple Podcasts and wherever you listen to podcasts for free. - @yvrscreenscene on Instagram

- Fabulous Florists

- Irene Bedard

Hi guys! . . . #ceciliabartoli #opera #operasingersofinstagram #mezzosoprano #diva #opersängerin #portrait #portraitphotography #photooftheday #bild #singerlife #haveaniceday - @bartoli_official on Instagram

I had the honor of talking with @makingthebreastofitpod about #DyingforSex and Molly’s new book. She’s a powerhouse and a love! @krystengentile you are a gift! #BreastCancer #Thriving #Podcast #MakingTheBreastofIt #love #friendship - @nikkiboyer on Instagram

- 2016

- Small Batch Baking

“Dr. Helen... the best heart doctor I know. Every time I see her, my heart starts to pound faster.” #businessethicsmovie @jparkerk3 - @businessethics on Instagram

Were proud of the @whoismrrobot team for winning an #Emmy Award for Outstanding Interactive Extension of a Linear Program. Congratulations to all of our partners! - @ucp on Instagram

- Japan Travel Agency

🔥🔥 @hollywoodreporter, @deadline, @theadvocatemag + @variety are all buzzing about #NewFest2020!! Find out what all the hypes about + get your Festival Pass at! 🎟 Individual tickets also on sale now - @newfest on Instagram

Ямочки 💔 . . . . #татьянаденисова #денисята🌹 - @iconicdenisova on Instagram

- Keynote Speakers

- I’d let Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil practice her dark arts on me any day.

Throwback on my first portrait by @christian_macdonald_studio for @interviewmag ❤️ - @christellekocher on Instagram

- Natalie Imbruglia

Tune in now ( or 9PM PST) to hear us on #Revenge on ABC! #SeaSalt #Avalanche #Quadron - @quadronmusic on Instagram

Make sure you checkout our latest interview with super talented @shaydrap by @mizmedia_ ❤️#artist #artistinterview #ukmusic #artisttour #ukmusic #queenofart - @itsculturemag on Instagram

Everyone has worked so hard this year. Grateful doesn’t begin to describe what we feel for the team at THANK YOU!! - @georgeaugusto on Instagram

- Kaya Scodelario

Thank you @courtneyakemp and @50cent for letting me rock with you in this incredible POWER universe. Every step, absolutely stellar. @markcanton gave me the writing nod 25 years ago when no one else would. #fullcircle And Getting to bang words together for the Craftsman, the OG @josephsikora4 is a writer’s dream! Zoom Room scribes ❤️ u all. Much love to EOE and G Unit and many thanks to everyone on this rocket ship. Link in Bio. - @municptp on Instagram

- extremely Loki/ Tom Hiddleston

This inspirational picture book written by twelve-year-old budding singer Emme Muñiz shares her own daily prayers to offer families a way to embrace the peace and power of everyday faith.⁣ ⁣ LORD HELP ME now available on #audio!⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ @randomhousekids #Audiobook #Lordhelpme #EmmeMaribelMuniz #audiobook #audiobooks #emmemuniz #storygramkids #childrensbooks #storytime #booklover #bookshelf #newauthor #newrelease #jlo - @prhaudio on Instagram

Brava Listeners, Farah Tubagus akan menghadirkan seorang Hot Profile akhir bulan ini!⁣ --⁣ Aktor, model dan produser, Mike Lewis akan bertamu ke Hot Seat with Farah Tubagus via Zoom. Sebagai anak seorang diplomat, Mike berkesempatan untuk mencicipi kehidupan di berbagai negara dan akhirnya memilih untuk tinggal di Indonesia. Selain menjalankan bisnis keuangan di Singapura, Mike juga akhir-akhir ini sibuk merencanakan pernikahan dengan tunangannya, Janissa Pradja.⁣ --⁣ Dalam kesempatan eksklusif ini, Mike membongkar rahasia mengenai kencan pertamanya dengan Janissa, kesibukannya selama PSBB dan persahabatannya dengan sesama aktor dan produser, Arifin Putra.⁣ --⁣ Dengarkan Hot Seat with Farah Tubagus – Mike Lewis⁣ Jumat, 25 September 2020, jam 7 sampai 8 malam hanya di Cigar Lounge⁣ --⁣ Hot Seat with Farah Tubagus dipersembahkan oleh 103.8 Brava Radio - @bravaradio on Instagram

Quem ai ta com saudades dessas 2? Novidades - @irisabravanelreal_ on Instagram

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said Monday he wont be getting a coronavirus vaccine if and when one becomes available.⁣ ⁣ The powerhouse billionaire disclosed that he wasnt concerned about contracting the virus that has so far infected over 7 million people in the U.S.⁣ ⁣ When asked during an episode of the New York Times podcast Sway if he would get a vaccine, Musk said, I’m not at risk for COVID, nor are my kids.⁣ ⁣ Musk has been vocal about restrictions regarding COVID-19 since the early stages of the pandemic, even comparing lockdown orders with house arrest.⁣ ⁣ Go to the link in our bio for more on this story. - @foxbusiness on Instagram

Son 1 saat - @cananerguder1 on Instagram

- Alisha marie queen

- Castle TV Series

- Favorite movies and tv shows

Photo credit by @prideiren и ее фотопроект для @polycliniquespb ❤️ - @kaprizuliani on Instagram

- Karen Cliche

It’s almost here! Tune into CTV for the premiere of JANN, Season 2 tomorrow, Monday, September 21, with VT’s own Alexa Rose Steele as Charley. Bring on the funny :) #JANNonCTV - @vanderwerfftalent on Instagram

- Cookbooks I Need, Want or Have

SZADŹ @aleksandrapoplawska 🤩💜#aktorka #szadź #serial #kryminał #thriller #series #crime @serial.szadz - @lookier on Instagram

- American Pickers

- Romantic Gestures

- Blindspot

@evagreenweb #EvaGreen by @fredericauerbach© for Paris Match (January 2010) Stylist: @allard_julie Hair: @selena_middleton Make-Up: @officialmaryjanefrost #maryjanefrost - @officialmaryjanefrost on Instagram

- Music on the brain

🔜 - @johannaburmesterandersson on Instagram

This was a big day of interviews for @rachelkhooks and @nai_nai_brown – we heard from big thinkers, influencers and innovators in the food & agriculture space…like Academic Marco Springmann, Author and pioneer of enlightened agriculture, Colin Tudge, and our co-producer @nicolacharvey who swapped her “producer hat” for her @slowstreamfarm “farmer hat” to talk all things beef & dairy. ••• Recording studios are magical places & the audio engineers who run them are magicians…and when you’re creating an audio-only documentary you realize just how complex sound really is, and “good sound” takes a great ear, and delicate equipment. The team at London’s @soundcompanyuk were amazing – and they have the most incredible tea selection ☕️ ••• #ACarnivoresCrisis available now on @Audible_AU and @Audible_UK (hang tight America, coming soon!) ••• #carnivore #meat #hunting #meateater #plantbased #vegan #podcast #audiodocumentary #food #foodpodcast #documentary #farming #farmtotable #sustainablefarming #climatechange #meatindustry #producing #productioncompany #womeninmedia #womeninfilm - @duststarproductions on Instagram

Yes, I CANT Wait for this. Big release tomorrow. - @benji_of_sweden on Instagram

Vous m’avez trop manquée J-9: On ressort les soutiens gorges, le maquillage, les talons, les bijoux et retour au boulot. 📸by @emmanuelle.hauguel - @muller_caroline on Instagram

- Dominique provost

- Phyllida Law & Co.

- Joey & Rory

- Celebs hot

- All Other Soaps!!!

- Boca do Lobo Publications

- Madame Tussauds

Ого, Деми Мур!😍 Актриса и с некоторых пор писательница приняла участие в бельевом показе Рианны. Смотрим на фото (ссылка в шапке профиля) и понимаем: вот вообще не потерялась на фоне Беллы Хадид⭐️😍 #звезды #знаменитости #демимур #беллахадид #рианна - @woman_ru on Instagram

- Another Cinderella Story

Our #wcw is Demi Lovato! With 5 years sobriety, she is doing such amazing work raising awareness for mental health ❤ #recovery #inspiration #hope #strength - @miriams_house on Instagram

- Mila Kunis

- New Dating & Relationship Communication Discovery

- Mariel Hemingway

- Favorite Poets

Take part in @culturenight on Friday 18 September with a free Beginner’s Poetry Workshop from 5pm - 7pm with Dr. Julie Morrissy ✏️ This Zoom workshop will cater to beginners, and participants will not need any prior experience of writing or publishing poetry. Over the two hour period, together we will learn how to read poetry from a compositional perspective and how to draft our own poems, beginning by writing a few lines and building towards full poems. Participants will be given time to complete writing exercises during the workshop. However, there will be no expectation for participants to share their drafts during the session. Instead, Julie will offer brief feedback via email in the week following the workshop. The focus during the workshop will remain on learning, and experimenting with style, form and the page. Participants will be sent materials in advance for use during the workshop. Booking essential, spaces limited. Link in bio for details 💫 - @poetryireland on Instagram

- Celebrity Engagement Rings

- 3 Chuck and Blair 3

- Amanda Tapping

- Country Wedding Songs

- Art Videos

Very excited to launch the TaP Futures initiative and embark on the journey with @csbnines as well as increase opportunities for young people across creative industries ❤️ For more information and to get involved hit the link in bio! 🔗 - @tapmusic on Instagram

- jonathan and charlotte

I have to stay home and watch Mexican Dynasties on demand ✔️ Excuse made. - @mexicandynasties on Instagram

Statt einer SONNTAGSFRAGE ein paar Sätze, die mir sehr am Herzen liegen: In den vergangenen Tagen und Wochen hat sich für mich selbstverständlich alles um „Die APP“ gedreht. Ganz und gar nicht selbstverständlich ist allerdings, wie sehr ihr euch dabei eingebracht habt. Ihr habt euch die Leseprobe herunter geladen, Fragen beantwortet, bereitwillig an den verschiedensten Aktionen teilgenommen und mich online zu Hause besucht. Ihr habt -gerade in den letzten Tagen - so unglaublich viel und oft über das Buch geschrieben und geredet, Fotos gepostet und Rezensionen verfasst, ihr habt mir unzählige Mails und Nachrichten geschrieben und mir eure Meinungen mitgeteilt, euren Familien, Freunden, Bekannten und Followern das Buch empfohlen, und, und, und ... Dafür möchte ich euch von ganzem Herzen DANKE sagen. Ich erlebe tagtäglich, wie sehr ihr mich in meinem wundervollen Beruf unterstützt, und das berührt mich sehr. Danke. . P.S.: Hört bitte nicht auf damit. 😎 _____ #appthriller #dieapp #arnostrobel - @arno.strobel on Instagram

We are so excited to share that we have acquired the catalog of Grammy-nominated songwriter Kara DioGuardi!  Some of the many incredible artists in Kara’s catalog include @pink @carrieunderwood @kellyclarkson... the list goes on and on.  We feel honored to be entrusted with her phenomenal catalog and can’t wait to dig in! Full coverage from @variety linked in our bio. @karadioguardi #newdeal #teamSpirit 🎉🎉  - @spiritmusicgroup on Instagram

The Boss is back... @springsteen Neither Covid nor hurricane force winds got in the way of @dannybones64 shooting our October cover 🙏🏻 Incredibly moving story by @hiattb ❤️ Link in bio... - @catrionaniaolain on Instagram

- Lacey turner our girl

I LOVE Christmas and I love #onceuponatime so it was a dream to get to do both last week on #nashvillechristmascarol as I got to work with @jschramer ❤️Catch me on #hallmarkchannel 21 Nov! #thankfulgratefulblessed #itsofficiallychristmasseason #nogoingback #thankfulgratefulblessed #kidactor #younghollywood #gaactors #castingdirectors #luckyme #letitsnow❄️ @blaner_ryan @kixbrooks @directordawn ❤️ - @livibofficial on Instagram

- Lisa Edelstein


- All things Kennedy

- who knew

- Joey and Rory Feek

- annie leibovitz

💥 Les auditions pour @staracademietva arrivent à grands pas ! 💥 Êtes vous bien préparé  !? Il me reste quelques places pour du coaching privé !;) Pour toute information : - @genevieveleclercofficiel on Instagram

Grateful and excited @wme #linkinbio - @leahmob on Instagram

Tonight at 7PM on Hawaiis CW! When Betty confronts Alice about Gryphons and Gargoyles, Alice has no choice but to come clean about how she, along with young Fred, FP, Hermoine, Hiram, Sierra, Penelope, and Tom playes the game since the early 90s...don;t miss out on this exciting episode.... - @hawaiicwtv on Instagram

Girl talk 💋 #girlsnight #girltalk #retrophones #oldtimefriends #love - @caro_mailhot on Instagram

Anniversary today of BREAKFAST ON THE MORNING TRAM, released Sept 16, 2007! Our first album for Blue Note, it reached Platinum status, was nominated for a Grammy, and most importantly, it was the first time I sang the original songs of Jim Tomlinson & Kazuo Ishiguro. Tomlinson/Ishiguro wrote me 4 songs for that album: BREAKFAST, THE ICE HOTEL, SO ROMANTIC, and a song for today, I WISH I COULD GO TRAVELLING AGAIN 3 They continue to write for me and keep coming up with breathtaking new songs that inspire me. Jim and Ish have just finished writing me a new song! It’s called CRAIGIE BURN. It’s haunting and exquisite and reminds me of THE CHANGING LIGHTS in its atmosphere; sad and hopeful. There’s a sneak preview available to PATREON members. To check out my Patreon community and see if you’d like to subscribe: Full album found on these digital platforms: - BREAKFAST ON THE MORNING TRAM: #instagram #staceykentofficial #KazuoIshiguro #tomlinson9004 #TomlinsonIshiguro #anniversary #songwriting #platinumalbum #bluenoterecords #iwishicouldgotravelling #iwishicouldgotravellingagain - @staceykentofficial on Instagram

- cathrine brach

- pauley. perette

- Leo Howard

- Celebrities

- Good, Random Articles

- Entertainment

- Meghan Ory

New music coming this month with this beautiful soul! Not to mention talented. ⭐️ Please go to @spotify @apple and any other music platform to hear her music 🎶 #earcandy and follow Isabelle Fries 🤍 New song releasing this month #support #starkidz #musicislife - @starkidzla on Instagram

Hi everyone Just to let you know, you can join me on #SundanceCollab in June as we work through the fundamentals of working with actors. We’ll explore how to break story and scene and script for decisions on blocking and designing compelling scenes. Learn how to effectively communicate on-set to collaborate and build your vision. We’ll break down scenes from HOMELAND and MAD MEN in our discussion. Join this Master Class free June 2. Learn more here: #learnfilmmaking #filmmaking #SundanceCollab #madmen #homeland - @leslilinka on Instagram

- Merlin morgana

Jaspenor forever. ❤️ #TheRoyals - @theroyalstv on Instagram

- 13 reasons why

Happy Wednesday! We have a few updates for you: •Unfortunately we’re still waiting on one final item to arrive before we can ship April’s box. It has made it to US customs, so it’s here somewhere; we’re just waiting for it to finally come in. •In the meantime, we have a downloadable phone background for you! You can find it on our website (link in bio) at the proper dimensions for free! •We have another fun surprise for you. Head to our stories for more details. 🔮✨ - @theboxofshadows on Instagram

Jeune & Jolie’s - @mary_petra_photography on Instagram

- Books I want to read


- Lauren Graham

We’ve been featured on this lovely list of Can shows the US needs rn (link in bio). Give it a peep and then head on over to Crave and peep the show. Or if you’re American, demand your favourite network makes it peepable. - @evanyrosen on Instagram - @greg_thegreek1 on Instagram

いつも当ブランドを愛して頂きありがとうございます。この度、コロナウイルスで全世界に多大な影響が出ている中、デューレンから外出規制がかかっている方々へむけて『コンクール』という形で些細なクリエイティブな時間をご提供し、皆様のご応募を募っております。 優秀作品につきましては商品化&売上の一部をパリの医療団体Fondation pour la recherche médicaleへ寄付致します。 デザインは info@duren.jpまたは直接メッセージにてご応募ください。 締切4月24日予定。 DUREN.JP DUREN.FR #fashioncontest #artcontest2020 #こんな時こそクリエイティブな時間を - on Instagram

- Cindy Williams

- Angie Harmon

- Open Casting Calls

📥 Totally speechless when we saw this come into our inbox. Thank YOU Vanessa Friedman for this we are forever grateful for your kind words. * also check out Vanessa Friedman’s most interesting discussions of what’s happening in fashion now @nytimesfashion - @christyrilling on Instagram

Beim Schweizer Fernsehen sorgt Fabienne Bamert im «Samschtig-Jass» für Unterhaltung. Privat umsorgt sie ihre an Multipler Sklerose erkrankte Mutter Edith. «Mömel ist unglaublich. Sie prägt meine Lebensfreude.»⁣ —————————————————⁣ Fabienne Bamert ist sechs Jahre alt, als sie von der unheilbaren Nervenkrankheit ihrer Mutter erfährt. Ihre ­Eltern leben da bereits getrennt. «Mein Bruder und ich wussten von Beginn an, dass sie an Multipler Sklerose leidet. Mami ging immer offen damit um und hat sich nie beklagt – bis heute kein einziges Mal.» Anfangs weiss die Mutter ihre körperlichen Beein­träch­tigungen wie ein lahmendes Bein noch clever zu kaschieren. Bis dann, ­als kurze Spaziergänge nicht mehr möglich sind. «Ihre körperliche Verfassung verschlechterte sich stark. Aber für ­jedes neue Problem gabs stets eine Lösung, wir wussten uns zu helfen.»⁣ —————————————————⁣ Rollstuhl besorgen, Auto umbauen, Katheter setzen. Und allen körperlichen Einschränkungen zum Trotz wollten Fabienne und ihr Bruder Sandro, 30, so lange wie möglich mit Edith unter einem Dach leben. «Sie hatte auch immer klar die Mutterrolle – und war sehr streng!» Doch als vor zehn Jahren Sandro in Landquart studiert, Fabienne in Luzern arbeitet und sich Ediths Zustand verschlechtert, müssen alle drei einsehen, dass es mit der Betreuung daheim nicht mehr geht. «Wenn sie umfiel, war niemand da, um ihr zu helfen. Deshalb zog sie bei klarem Verstand und nur 52-jährig ins Heim», sagt Bamert. «Ich glaube, sie wollte meinen Bruder und mich entlasten. Das will sie bis heute.» Ihr sei es drum wichtig zu erzählen, was diese Krankheit für Betroffene bedeuten kann. Mehr dazu über den Link 👉🏼 in der Bio. 📸 Bernhard van Dierendonck⁣ —————————————————⁣ #fabiennebamert #schweizerillustrierte #lebenmitms #SIfamily #familienalltag⁣ #samschtigjass #multiplesklerose #familienleben #mtbpassion #festhalten - @schweizer_illustrierte on Instagram

Dont wonder what if? Get your tickets to #IfThenTour in #Cincinnati. Opens tomorrow night thru Sunday. - @ifthenmusical on Instagram

- New Girl

- Christina Ricci

It’s our big debut tonight! - @stephaniewaltrip on Instagram

- Bad Blood

We look forward to new Peacock TV series ‘Rutherford Falls.’ Co-created/executive produced by Ed Helms, Rutherford Falls is set at a small town in upstate New York, which is turned upside down when local legend and town namesake fights the moving of a historical statue. The fantastic Dustin Milligan will play Josh Cogan, a reporter/podcaster who takes an interest in the goings-on in Rutherford Falls. #RutherfordFalls - @redtalentmgmt on Instagram

A show where an actor could be an artist. Amazing writing brings an ease to producing a truth in the work. Each person involved throughout the years lifted “The Sopranos “ into being historically one of the greatest. Forever Proud. Thank you David Chase. Photo by Paul Porter Thanks for sending it to me Amy ❤️ - @artbysharonangela on Instagram

- Daniel bryan brie bella

- Anette Olzon

- Amy Lee

- doc martin series n things

Es ist wieder #followerfriday 🥰 *werbung Egal ob ihr die volle Ladung Action und Badespaß braucht, oder einfach nur einen Tag entspannen und relaxen wollt. Wir haben genau das Richtige für euch😍 2x2 Gutscheine für das @kristall_palm_beach 🏊🏽‍♂️ So könnt ihr gewinnen:
1. Bild liken ☝🏻
2. @hitradion1 folgen 3. makiert euren Buddy fürs Freizeitbad😇 Teilnahmeschluss ist Montag, 28.09.2020 um 12 Uhr ⏰

Also fleißig kommentieren und markieren. Viel Glück 🍀 📷 @vanessaundsaskia #vanessaundsaskia 
#gewinnspiel #followerfriday #nürnberg #hitradion1 #Therme #Stein #kristallpalmbeach - @hitradion1 on Instagram

- good looking women

- Kt Tunstall

- Alex Vause/laura prepon

Leather up in the new arrivals from @iben_official 📸 #stephanpant #stephanshirt - @anhmarthe_storheil on Instagram

- Makeover Before & Afters

@ddlovato released an emotional ballad following her breakup with actor Max Ehrich, which comes only months after their engagement announcement in July. You can listen to “Still Have Me” on Demi’s social media pages. - @ontheredcarpet on Instagram