Bowl of Cereal Profile Pics

cerealbreakfastkelloggsfoodmilknational cereal daycereal daysmlpouring cereal

Noritake California Dreaming SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS Misty Isle Dinnerware, 80s Vintage Dish set, Purple Pink Floral Stoneware Dishware Dishes

Noodles Clipart Hd PNG, Set Of Noodle Doodle, Illustration, Noodle, Set PNG Image For Free Download


- Australian Grocery

Noritake California Dreaming DINNER PLATE Keltcraft Misty Isle Dinnerware, Vintage Dish set, Floral Stoneware Dishware, Purple Pink Dishes

cereal cheerios breakfast cereal day happy cereal day

- Well, someone screwed up at the spoon factory

Sold Ind Mikasa Country Charm Berry Vale Vintage Dishes, Strawberry Stoneware Dishware Dish Set, 80s Cottagecore Vintage Strawberry Dishes

SEONGHWA 💗 on Twitter

monsta cake monster cmo1 take a bow thank you

- Nuggets

Noritake California Dreaming VEGETABLE SERVING BOWL Misty Isle Dinnerware, Vintage Dish set, Floral Stoneware Dishware, Purple Pink Dishes

cinnamon toast crunch rolls cereal breakfast cinnamon toast crunch bowl of cereal

- Agriculture

Set of 2 Vintage 1960s Syracuse China Econo-rim Soup / Chili / Cereal Bowls -- Light Tan with Brown Scalloped Rim -- Sturdy Restaurant Ware!

Mona (2/2)

giggling ao shin teamfight tactics laughing cheerful

- Leonardo is the only happy turtle on my sons sippy cup.

Dinnerware Sets & Unique Dish Sets

27 Breakfast Cereals Ranked From Worst To Best

cereal club reeses puffs reese puffs

- The solution to all of lifes Ramen related problems

PetAg 2nd Stepandtrade; Kitten Weaning Food Size: 14 oz


- Help! I think my beer is possessed ....

Free Psd PNG Transparent, Cute Cereal Set Illustration Free Png And Psd, Cereal Box, Milk, Cute PNG Image For Free Download

cereal club

- Vintage candy bars

21 People Who Are Really Out Here Living In 3017 While Were Stuck In 2017

Aesthetic pfp

%E9%9E%A0%E8%BA%AC %E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD%E5%90%97 %E5%B0%8A%E9%87%8D %E5%BE%88%E9%AB%98%E5%85%B4%E8%A7%81%E5%88%B0%E4%BD%A0 %E7%A4%BC%E8%B2%8C

- No, that is NOT how you put the candles out.

Dinex International Snack Bowls - Set of 4 - Classic Dinex 1185 - Stacking Soup Bowls - Retro Kitchen - Made in USA

pouring cereal pouring cheerios cereal into bowl cereal time hicelina

- No joke, end result is Horchata in your bowl. 46/10, would accidentally bite my spoon again to eat this.

The 18 Greatest Technological Achievements In Human History

%E5%93%AD%E6%B3%A3 %E5%A4%A7%E5%93%AD %E5%93%AD %E4%BC%A4%E5%BF%83 %E9%9A%BE%E8%BF%87

- Cereals, Oats and Corn Flakes

The delicious Valentines Day breakfast idea youll love!

aesthetic pfp!

ice cream cereal oreos milk stoner

- Garfield telephone

50 Toys From The ’70s, ’80s And ’90s To Transport You Back To Your Childhood

Children need a more nutritious breakfast

hennessy chinese new year hennessy year of pig celebrate greetings

- This tic tac limited edition

eating cereals starving bowl of cereal the grinch

- Blursed_cerial

Froggy Cereal Bowl Glossy Or Holo Sticker (2 sizes), Cute Sticker, Kawaii Sticker, Cereal Sticker, Frog, Kawaii Frog, Food, Planner Stickers


pepe reeee kek gottcha green cube

- Got my first Pyrex today! €1,20

40+ Hilarious Parenting Memes To Help You Survive Quarantine

Ryan Gosling eats cereal in tribute to Vine creator Ryan McHenry – video

cereal milk giant

- Bill bell


popuko pop team epic anime pop poputepipiku

- Planters Peanuts


chachitos ice cube

- Japanese Snacks

%E8%B5%9E %E9%AD%94%E6%9C%AF %E6%A3%92%E6%A3%92%E5%93%92 %E5%A5%BD%E6%A3%92 %E6%A3%92

- candy bars..

food cereal lucky charms breakfast

- Post nasal drip remedy

surprised wow omg shocked tomika

- Anyone else watch this little computer chip eating fuzzball to learn languages?

sml brooklyn guy throw cereal throwing bowl

- How much empty space this thing has!!

pouring ragnarok ragnarok online cute bounce


lena hall becks cereal

- Blursed_Cheerios

dango sweet dumpling dessert sweet japanese

- That’s a no from me dawg

krave cereal kelloggs krave breakfast food

- hmmm

kawaii cute cuteness japanese korean

- blursed cereal

reeses puffs cereal breakfast bowl of cereal

- Candles and Wax Melts

sushi rice fish nigiri salmon

- Your usual bucket of ice cream covered in miniature pies?

tim hortons apple fritter cereal breakfast canadian

- 1950-60

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- Blursed Cereal

cereal eat bowl

- Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger!

digicny2020 digicny orange springroll prawn

- hmmm

honeycomb cereal breakfast bowl of cereal honeycomb cereal

- Mariguansitos

yummy tiesto yum delicious so good

- Free Samples And More!

fruity pebbles cereal

- Candles and Wax Melts

epic cash sticker epiccash ecrflash gfs4ustore epic

- 1980s McDonald’s packaging

cinnabon cereal kelloggs kelloggs cinnabon cinnabob cereal

- memories

sushi cute food japan confident

- An actual toy inside my cereal box

cheerios used cereal boxes cereal box stacking diy

- Chicken and beans, yummmm

hennessy chinese new year hennessy year of pig nod greetings

- Our offbrand Simon toast crunch came mixed with Cheerios.

lucky charms cereal bowl of cereal breakfast general mills

- Kitchen

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- This Absolute Unit of a Cinnamon Toast Crunch

krave kelloggs cereal breakfast krave cereal

- Cedar plank salmon

laughing bustle funny lol lee swift

- Blursed pillows


- So hard to decide which delectable cookies to buy.

eating chinese food chopsticks chewing yummy

- The mini golf episode of Rugrats always made me hungry

frosted flakes cereal maple cinnamon frosted flakes breakfast bowl of cereal

- 1980s Girls, they just wanna....

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- Goldfish crackers in leftover lean cuisine juice


Вниманиееее !!!! Для любителей супа представляем -Органическую смесь для приготовления супа, без глютена, Bobs Red Mill, 790 гр Это нереально яркая и вкусная смесь зеленого горошка , желтого расколотого горошка, ячменя, чечевицы и макарон добавит оригинальности и вкусности вашему супчику )😊🍵 #органическиепродукты#вкусно#полезноепитание#сода#содакупить - @bobredmill on Instagram

sushi cute food japan calm

- BBQ rice

raisin bran cereal loads of raisins breakfast presidents choice

- the old days

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- Vegan Cereal

sml reeses puffs cereal brooklyn guy karen

- This little box, totally excluding additional ingredients such as butter and milk, contains 780 calories. How and why????

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- Nice one, Kelloggs!

cereal breakfast national cereal day

- Happy Birthday Michelle!

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- When your teacher read you this then made the soup with you

eating cereal food wtf weird creepy

- General Mills Cereal

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- hmmm

cereal breakfast lets eat brunch cheerios

- found while cleaning an old house for an estate sale

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

- Kellogs Orange Juice Cereal

sml jeffy honey nut cheerios pouring cereal cereal

- 90s food

food korean korea koreanfood bibimbap

HiHo Cherry-O kind of morning! - @gnelsonphotog on Instagram

krave cereal breakfast kelloggs krave brownie

La más deliciosa muestra de sabor, MARIA PUIG®️ y MINI MARIA PUIG®️, deleitando el paladar de todos los venezolanos. Esa compañera de meriendas, la protagonista de nuestros postres y la que endulza todos nuestros días. PUIG ES MARIA, MARIA ES DE PUIG. #HorneandoEmociones #GalletasMaria #MariaPuig #GalletasPuig #TradicionPuig #GalletasVenezolanas. 📷: @galletaspuig - @lospanasfoodmarket on Instagram

sunky mpeg fnf funny cereal

- Vanilla yogurt with vanilla wafers, strawberry’s and cinnamon!

cereal no milk out of milk

- 80s sweets

foodies broccoli vegetable laugh giggle

- Nori (roasted seaweed) is the perfect low cal snack when youre craving something crunchy. 90 calories for the whole bag.


- Free noodles

teagif cute cartoon simple kawaii

- Culture Series

rice krispies cereal bowl of cereal kelloggs

- Dunkaroos , The chocolate one was my favorite

food peanut cute hungry eat

- The fur on this dog is actually just letters in a fancy font

sml jeffy oops all berries cereal pouring cereal

- At my local Theater you can get flaming hot Cheetos covered in nacho cheese...

what michelle zauner japanese breakfast be sweet song huh

- Blursed ring

eating cereal trix competitiveeater

- Nintendo Cereal System

funny love eti cin anime

- Peanut butter muddy buddies

cereal breakfast hungry


what michelle zauner japanese breakfast be sweet song huh

- I just found this on my grandparents bookshelf

cooking fire cereal homer simpsons

- Cereal companies products

mobile legends bang bang mlbb ml moba

- Me-irl

nesquik cereal breakfast nesquik cereal bowl of cereal

- Temptation got the better of me and my sister in sainsburys

comida postres recetas pancakes flan

- Goldfish in leftover ramen/sriracha juice

spongebob squarepants eating food bowl of cereal chewing spoon

- Only the greatest Kool-Aid flavor ever!

cute adorable bowl hungry feed me

- This Fruit Loop

coryxkenshin cereal cereal coryxkenshin

- I found a conjoined pair of Haribro Sour Gold-bears in the bag I just opened that, to me, looks somewhat like a cute sand bug with a sparkle sand coating

rainbow food yummy dellicious bowl tasty

- Gladstone Comics

hungry cereal milk

- I know what I’m eating tonight

cheers celebration serious face fireworks

- Cheerioooooooooo

breakfast cereal cornflakes milk

- This corn flake that looks like Pac-Man

dumpling food cute speechless embarrassed

- Kid Cuisine! I always ate the dessert first...

corn flakes cereal bowl of cereal kelloggs corn flakes cereal

- Nestle quik

cake monster monsta cmo1 slurp slurp monsta

- Mushroom soup

glee sam evans cereal eating cereal cereal day

- Corn straight from the can with mayo.

best friends cereal breakfast eating bowl of cereal

- $Richie Rich$

corn pops cereal breakfast kelloggs corn pops cereal

- Retro Packaging

bowl with spoon food joypixels bowl spoon

- Boiled corn in an ikea mug. Lifes never been better

froot loops cereal

- Grocery Coupons


- I present Trix Cocoa Puff fusion

capn crunch peanut butter crunch cereal captain crunch capn crunchs peanut butter crunch

- Breakfast Cereals

cereal cereal bowl breakfast milk and cereal nickelodeon

- The unique taste of Planters Snacks

cereal milk breakfast cereal and milk cereal day

- sigh no more

- Alice in Wonderland Shower

- art supplies

- An Oreo-flavored Cereal

- My Vintage Pokemon Food Collection. Mostly empty boxes.

- Banking News

- This spoon that came with my ramen that Ive been using for a week changes color in the cold but I havent known because soup is hot

- Tygryski reminds me of something...

- hmmm

- New York Knicks Vintage Championship and Special Event Items.

- Makes your milk instantly sour!

- 80s & 90s Foods

- Banana Porridge

- The batch code on this painters tape spells out oopsi

- The 70s were an inspiration!

- Green Onion flavored cereal

- Seriously what the fuck is she stealing my soul

- Nestle Quick

- Sour Patch cereal. Sour then Sweet. The milk after soaking them probably taste like expired milk

- A time when Ben and Jerrys containers looked different

- Breakfast of Champions

- Baking Supplies

- Lucky charms marshmallows

- Cereal

- 10:25 AM. Nobody can control my need for Munchies Party Snack Mix, even at this early hour.

It’s not even October yet but feck it the Christmas cups are coming out, and sure we might as well defrost Michael Bublé while we’re at it 🎄❤️ #jinglealltheway #christmascup #christmassyvibes - @nadine_familylife_and_home on Instagram

- Cocoa Krispies were awesome. Cocoa Puffs, you know I still love you too!

- Being a Kid, born 1981

- Found this well-rounded monstrosity of an advertisement in the June 12, 1944 issue of Time magazine.

Flash Sale! 3 days only, 25% off performance fabrics!!! #flashsale #performancefabrics #sunbrella #crypton #fortress - @calico_torrance on Instagram

- blursed_loops

- 90s WOMEN

- So stinking excited about this Rainbow Brite plate I scored for $1. They had a Care Bear plate too but the decal was bubbling up and peeling off.

- General Mills Cereal

- Theyre yummyyyyyyy

- blursed corn

- SpongeBob Cheez-its

- Food Boxes

- 60s, 70’s, and Fond Memories

- Art • Collages

- Which One Doesn’t Belong

- Blursed_Cereal

- capn crunch

- The 1980s Dunkin Donuts Munchkins box

- Blursed Simpsons kids

- Psilocybin microdose, lions mane and niacin ❤️

- Unicorns and leprechauns nah.. Pirates suit this product way better!....

- This blue mutant Fruit Loop.

It isnt often that I get excited about boxed macaroni and cheese, but this new @Cheetos Mac n Cheese is the exception! #ad ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I actually participated in a virtual co-creation season with their culinary team in the spring, and Ive been eagerly awaiting the day that it was finally available in stores. Well, today is that day and its available now at @Walmart! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It comes in three flavors - Bold & Cheesy, Flamin’ Hot and Cheesy Jalapeño - and is available in both a stovetop version and in single serving portions that you can cook right in your microwave. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Naturally I had to try the Flamin’ Hot flavor first, but all three of them taste pretty damn good to the point where I’m still hard pressed to choose a favorite. I guess I’ll just have to do some more taste testing and figure it out 😂😂😂 - @dudefoods on Instagram

- capn crunch

- 70s

- penelope keith

- Where were these when I went?!?

- New in box Pyrex Bake N Carry set. $6 at a local thrift store. It still has the original price tag on it. Somebody paid $9.56 for it in the 70s or 80s!

- 1990s

- Didnt have enough marshmallows or rice krispies. I give you peanut butter, 4 marshmallow, rainbow chocolate chip Honey Comb bites. Look like vomit, taste fantastic!

- This shooting star Lucky Charm

- This muffin box has the same logo design as toy story

- 1990s

- Sun Flakes, sweetened with Nutrasweet instead of sugar.

- Smurf Berry Crunch cereal

- Total Flavor Paradox

- Breakfast Cereals

- Quest Nutrition


- Honeycomb is surprisingly low cal. 1 and 3/4 cup serving is 160cals and can definitely cure a sweet tooth.

- Feströker

- I Want Candy!

- Coffee mug obsessed.

- 80s & 90s Foods

- hmmm

- General Mills Cereal

- The things I would do to have you back in my life...

- breakfast cereal


- !trust

- Harley davidson t shirts

- Chocolate ramen

- Breakfast [Cereal]

- Every time I go to my grandmas house, I check to see if its still in the cupboard.

- Easy Mac

- Nintendo Cereal

- Casserole

- Anyone else tie these into a knot before eating it?

- For the Love of God, Planters! Bring back the Cheez Balls(wateched Uncle Buck last night with John Candy *RIP* and noticed these sitting on the counter in one of the scenes)

- These cheerios

- $3 for a mint very collectible Peter Rabbit set!


- 1961.....a GRRRReat Year!!

- Y tho

- Cereal boxes

- the colonels expanding his business ventures

- Breakfast cereal boxes

- Cereal companies products


- Pro*Stars cereal.

- Cereal Food

- Sprinkle Spangles Cereal


- Its only half 8 and my day has already blessed with an extra long piece of Krave.

- How do you do your Dunkaroos?

- Space Food Sticks

Limited edition spooky Froot Loops! 👻 Found at Target! 😋 . . . . #food #junkfood #snacks #new #newfood #candy #instafood #yummy #foodblog #foodreview #foodshare #foodheaven #treats #sweets #sweettooth #foodie #review #productreview #delicious #yum #halloween #spooky #cereal #kelloggs #foodstagram - @junkfoodadventures on Instagram

- Unsalted nuts & honey nut cheerios for double the nutty goodness

- Got a little too excited for my frosted flakes

- This is some sort of sick joke.

- Nur mit Windmühlen!

- Did anyone else eat Screaming Yellow Zonkers?

- No milk available so I figured Id try coffee on my cheerios. It wasnt bad actually.

- Cat & Dog coloring book

- Cuphead

- Back In The Day

- funny

- Tom and jerry wallpapers

- Who doesnt like a nice bowl of wheat bisks?

- My box of Capn Crunch came with a massive chunk of peanut butter.

- Cartoon

- Chocolate Advertising

- Fruity Island. Anyone else get to enjoy this cereal before it disappeared?

- Banana Splits

- I miss Temptations Cereal. There were only 6 pics in my search results; how forgotten is this cereal?

- Man, I miss Crunchy Nut cereal. They discontinued it in the US a while back. Now it’s only in the UK. *groan*

- Planters Cheez Balls & Curls

- Eyebrows for face shape

- Cinnamon Toast Crunch

- Posted by a Malaysian oil company on twitter

- Why couldnt they call them ore os

- Types of cereal

- HIFW my dishwasher is late for work.

- Nestle Quick

- Ephemera

- Wait...Did...Did I just step into the mid 90s again?

- Tis the season 🤷‍♂️

See the lékué popcorn maker @housewareshow #lékué #IHA - @susanjardina on Instagram

At school when there was an issues in class I wanted to speak out about, I was told to never initiate an opinion. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #cherryhill #photographer #book #release #childhood #newjersey #jonafrank #suburbia - @_jonafrank_ on Instagram

- Breakfast & Cereals

- Didnt have to say Doh! Because all the tiny pieces were included!

- The old Teddy Grahams box

- Childhood FAVs!

- Limited Edition Honey Bunches of Oats

- Fuck no

- One of these puffs is not like the others, one of these puffs just doesnt belong...

- (P)interesting stuff

- Cröonchy Stars

- Types of cereal

- Art diretion

- Cry Baby gum

- 1970s..... Seventies......Memories......

- Love the taste of sour milk in the morning


- Pool party centerpieces

- The amount of kernels left after fully popping a bag of popcorn.

- Dippinwhat?

- Yummm... Strowberries!

- Grocery ads

- Lazy breakfast when I dont feel like cooking

- Shreddies Cereal

- I call this one: Im sad and I hate myself. Eaten with a fork

- Cadbury cookies

- Advertise

- PSA: Fruit by the Foot is 80 calories a pop!

- Grocery ads

- Cereal milk

- Breakfast Cereals

- hmmm

- A burnt cheerio in my cereal this morning.

- No marshmallows in this bowl of Count Chocula

- Curiosa Cabinet

- I feel as if my cat get ignored since I moved out. This was...our first meal when I got back

- Cereal

- Blursed_Simpsons

- 80s

- ceral box crafts

- A 90s snacking staple. Dunkaroos!!

- blursed_simpsons

- Homers Cinnamon Donuts cereal

- Antigamente

- Old Cookie Crisp and Rice Krispie treat cereal commercials straight from VHS

- 60s, 70s & 80s -- My Childhood Memories

- 1960s

- Colorforms, Play Doh, Shrinky Dinks

- Cheesy, Steamy & Fun

- cereal box

- My brother and I had Pound Puppies stuffie puppets. I loved mine.

- Types of cereal

- Vintage candy bars

- I got one long uncut Golden Graham in my bowl this morning

- capn crunch

- Breakfast anyone? Heres some fruitloops my son saved for later in the freezer

- 1980s

- Homemade butternut squash soup with roasted seeds! Happy fall!

- Before we had cannibalistic cinnamon toast squares, we had Chef Wendell and a taste you could see!

- Back in the Day

- I see your eye holes and raise you a bowl of smiggles!

- 80s & 90s Foods

To keep ourselves entertained during this, we made a mini video for fun and from home! Swipe for what it looks like before editing! 💻 - @woldermancreative on Instagram

- Breakfast Cereals

- Retro Sweets

- Bigg Mixx Cereal ~1990

- Blursed mac n cheese

- Cereal boxes