- Found my soulmate

ᵇᵃⁿᵃⁿᵃ ᵖᵉᵉˡ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈˢ


➽ stelle

Fletcher Shears


Sticker not peeled banana vector image on VectorStock

Banana Duck Sculpture, Whimsical Banana Duck Yard Art, Creative Banana Duck Art Statue Garden Yard Outdoor Decor (1 pc) 1

- I wonder if it’s legal to actually drive.

PERFECT PICNIC - PDF Felt Food Pattern (Basket, Hoagie Sandwich, Juice Pouch, Cupcake, Watermelon)

- Cursed_mobile

Nora Ephron | Academy of Achievement

- hmmm


Stephen Stills

- note to parents ...

- Thai triangular banana (most are square)

30 People Who Should Win The Prize For Injuring Themselves In The Dumbest Ways Possible

Dont Throw Out Your Banana Peels - Here Are 11 Genius Ways To Reuse Them Instead

- Really straight banana


- Yeaaaah Science


- This banana really big (added pen for reference).

Valentines Day White and Orange Banana Cat Sticker

- I..... I just wanted a banana....

Sam Jones Pictures

Me when the gay banana show

- Fermented Food Recipes

Little something about me

_______ • 🌸

- (Midlands, UK) Partners brother found this in the fruit bowl. After taking a photo he sealed the banana in a tub, at which point spiders started hatching. Can anyone tell from this whether these are UK spiders, or ones that came here with the bananas?

Gorilla Tag Monkey Banana Peel Gorilla Monke Gorilla Tag Pfp Maker By Polkart Sticker by Wezzio1

- Baking recipes


- This disturbingly straight banana

Scott Pilgrim

- And the crabby Patty secret formula is...

- Not one, not two, but three straight bananas.

young neil ★ — scott pilgrim takes off

Bananas (in moderation) are great for dogs. High in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, & copper, we put organic bananas in our 2 best sellers: Breakfast Biscuit and PNutty Banana! 🍌 . . #wagathas #banana #organicdogtreats #dogbiscuits #bassethound #bordercollie #kingcharlescavalier #cockerspaniel - @wagathasdogbiscuits on Instagram


- This really small banana I don’t have big hands

- Schroedingers bananas. Ripe, yet not.

- This banana this morning had a heart on it

- If only bananas had a natural skin to protect the fruit from bruises and dirt, so we wouldnt have to spend on packag-

- This just happened when I took my bananas out of a bag

- For those wandering how a conjoined banana looks like

- This spaghetti banana

- Andy Warhol artist

A gente tá sempre falando por aqui da importância de reciclar, mas hoje queremos trazer um pouco da reflexão sobre a importância da consciência em reduzir os resíduos. Principalmente agora no momento da pandemia em que estamos bastante em casa, a quantidade de resíduos descartados aumentou muito. . . ➡️ Você compraria uma banana descascada e embalada assim? . . A responsabilidade é dos mercados que vendem frutas dessa forma, mas também do consumidor em não incentivar esse tipo de venda. Já passou da hora da gente ser mais consciente e olhar com atenção pros resíduos que a gente gera todos os dias! Imagem: autor desconhecido. #consumoconsciente #reducaoderesiduos #nãoasembalagensplasticas #catakiapp #cataki - @catakiapp on Instagram


- My discord profile represents how i feel internally

- Funny Puns

- [Homemade] Brown sugar and cinnamon banana coins

- +10 Nutrition -6 Search Speed

- Bananas [OC]

Taukah kamu Pisang cavendish tidak hanya terkenal di dunia karena rasanya yang lezat tapi juga khasiatnya yang bermanfaat untuk tubuh, Kandungan serat dalam #pisang dapat membantu kita kenyang lebih lama dan konsentrasi pun tetap terjaga sepanjang hari 🍌😍 Temukan @Frui.id di Supermarket & toko buah kesayanganmu #HaveAFruitfulDay #StayPositive #StayHealthy #StaySafe . . . . . . . #growinghappiness #fruibanana #pisangcavendish #pisangcavendishfrui #pisangfrui #fruiid #fruiindonesia #cavendishbanana #banana #healthymeal #pineapple #fruipineapple #resepnanasasammanis #groceryshopping #fruit #sofruitilicious #sehatbersamafrui #imfrui - @frui.id on Instagram

- I hope this blows up


- Funny & Cute

- Blursed banana

- Who hasnt used a banana gun, Me, Banana, 2019

- My banana is bent.

- Dinner

- The size of this banana

- You need an iq of baaa to get this meme

- Found this on Facebook...What the Fuck?

- This crazy thick banana. Roku remote for scale.

- Colorfuul

- Thing inside my friends lunch

- :: Dessert Recipes, Food & Cool Drink ::

- Andy Warhol banana

- Things I like

- Hope this hasnt been posted before (Credit to jakes_door_comics)

- Food and drink

- One of the bananas my dad bought had a bugs life sticker

- Andy WaRhoL

- Blursed ducknanas

- Banana Republic in the style of California

- Food stuffs


- Straight banana

- This small container of eye drops costs $187 (luckily I have insurance).

- Wallpapers

- acid reflux

- 2 dozen bananas in the freezer...need recipes

- blursed_banana arm

- Butthole Banana

- My friend got me a functional banana phone

- hmmm

- Terry Richardson

- Aaaaaaaaaa

- Blursed_banana


- The forbidden 9mm banana

- me🍌irl


- Chilled Banana & Whipped Cream on Vanilla Cake .. Summer Simplicity

- Just why?

- hmmm

- hmmm

- My massive banana

- This banana looks like a bird

- The smallest frog I have ever seen (may need to zoom in)

- This weird banana


- Blursed nanner

- Clickbait article on actual news site (sorry for bad quality)

- Blursed_banana


- Best chocolate pie recipe

- Found a strangely straight banana today

- I painted another banana (#7). Making of somewhere in the comments.

- Banana phone cover

berkontribusi dalam beberapa platform musik di minggu ini: (slide 2) mixtape #NorrmListen di @soundcloud @norrm (slide 3) @spotifyasia playlist @studiomaja.tv (slide 4) mixtape #SampaiKeAngkasa edisi pertama di laman @mixcloud @blotterism #PisangLuber - @merdi_s on Instagram


- Banana opening like this

- It do be like that

- Gardening

- This double banana.


- cursed_banana


- We’ve all been there.. right?

- First post here. Am I doing it correctly?

- This partly frozen banana

- Little_Fox

- I was bored in class so I made an A out of A

- Sugar free banana bread

- Other Parties


- 2 bananas, 1 skin.



- Reddit joins together for a great moment

- Something I did for my wife this morning

- This double banana I found this morning

- Cursed banana

- A very STRAIGHT banana

- Home remedies

- This banana is as long as my forearm.

- This tiny banana

- Banana and chips


- Blursed nanners

- The way my banana peeled

- blursed banana



- hmmm

- Microscopic colitis

- this is the straightest banana ive ever seen

- The bad spots on these bananas

- Banana Art

- cursed_bite

- This banana looks like a wet floor sign

- Andy Warhol: Marilyn & Co.


- I got a twin banana

- BBQ Flavored Rice Cakes adorned with Banana Slices

- Wtf happened to them (remember to click on image for full potential!!)

- My mother in law eats one bite of a new banana every morning and leaves the rest on the counter in case anyone wants one


- This banana I bought has no bend or curve to it

- Merge pictures

- Potentially one if the longest bananas I have ever seen. Forearm for scale.

- Day 10 of quarantine. I have begun expressing my feelings through fruit art.

- he scream

- This device for keeping bananas

- My banana came with instructions

- Beautiful CANDLEs

- My brother likes to create Miniature firearms out of matches. This is one of his older models, the AWP. (Banana for scale as requested in my last post)

- They didn’t want to separate at birth. Such a unit

- These bananas stripping

- Ladies and gentlemen, the pinnacle of human stupidity.

- because GoSquanchYoSelf requested the banana for scale: here it is

- Bananas

- Bananas in Pajamas c. 1992

- This banana split open on its own

- Andy Warhol banana

- Hunger -20, sexuality x2

- Image fruit

- I found a tripple Banana

- blursed_Pedro

- My banana has a Spotify playlist

- hmmm

- The way my banana peeled looks like a hat.

- For all of you guys that want a banana comparison here is my tiny paper boat compared to a banana.

- hmmm

- Andy Warhol banana

- Health Trends


- I am not paid enough for this sh*t, me, digital, 2020

- Very straight banana

- Artwork


- Frustrated banana face

- I didnt even know this was something that could happen (banana/scale)

- Blursed straight banana


- This banana that is both over ripe and not ripe at the same time.

- Sleeping Tips

- This letter f in my bananas

The most indecisive sign of the zodiac. Yes, you know thats true. 👀 #libra Buuut that makes you someone whos always looking for justice, equality and peace. You have a strong intellect and love good books, movies, art and people that inspire you. ✨ Who is your biggest inspiration right now? 💛 - @chiquitabanana on Instagram

- This banana is so poorly designed it must have been made in China.

Aaaa Aa Aaaaaaa - @greenwichtimes on Instagram

- cursed_BananaDip

- Cursed_banana

- the way these bananas started turning black at one end

- How straight my banana is

- FTP AAAAA if repost

- Local store sells cases of bananas that vary in ripeness so you can enjoy a ripe one each day.

- Banana


- For scale.

- No curve banana, just to make it look even more like a penis

- Aizawa in sleeping bag (OC)


- Cake recipes at home

- hmmm

- There were two bananas when I peeled it today..

- Cursed_Banana

- The Disney advertising on a banana.

- I’ll admit I was scared for like 5 seconds when I found this

- Blursed bite

- My banana’s on Snapchat

- My wife gets creative with leaving me surprise notes

- Norma Jean Banana, Me, Banana, 2019

- Cheesy memes


- Outstanding move

- Delicious Graphics

- hmmm

- cursed_thicc_bannana

- Yall eat your bananas with or without the crust?

- I tried to pull two bananas apart... I only wanted one

- A boiling banana from a crop my great-great-grandfather planted prob. ~1850s

- Bananas

- Thanks, I hate peeling bananas

- Banana peels

- This curiously straight banana


- Banana for scale

- Banana Fun



- My banana telling me to workout

- There are a lot of bananas on this sidewalk.

- Made my wife’s lunch today!

- #Can #tab #crafts and #other #magical ways to #DIY #jewelry

- Why banana?? Just let me eat you.

- August holidays

- My Saturday night dinner: bananas and PB on a toasted tortilla

- Tokin’ on the nanner

- My Bananas Have Snapchat

- This tiny banana

- This perfectly straight banana

- This is the biggest banana Ive ever seen

- This banana is huge! iPhone for scale.


- I microwaved a banana for 20 seconds but it remained cold. The stem turned black.

- Thought I was the only redditor at my job. Came back to my desk and saw this.

- This banana is scannable with Shazam

- This banana peel has 2 bananas in it (peeled version)

- Good to Know Wellness Tips


- My banana is two bananas



- The way the nutella spread on my banana makes it look handsome

- Blursed_banana


- These bananas that are giving workout suggestions on their banana wrappers with little bananas doing little banana workouts

- Found a work of art near my flat

- Bananas

- art

- Monkeys on a Banana.

- le straight banana

- My banana with peanut butter looks like Donald Trump

- Black and white

- These conjoined bananas.


- Love notes, love bananas. Same thing

- This banana is completely straight

- Peel a banana properly. Like a monkey.

- This double banana

- I gently scratched an ownership statement onto my bananas skin with a toothpick last night. This is the result today when I brought it to work.


- This banana flask for scale

- hmmm

- my friend bit into a banana at school


- I twisted open this banana and the flash appeared

- These bananas

- I bought some suspiciously perfect bananas yesterday

- Ombre gown

- My banana had 2 bananas inside it’s skin

- Banana #7, oil on panel, 6 x 9 inch

- I had a very straight banana for lunch today

- Workplace hazards

- Banana wallpaper

- A feather pattern showed up on my banana.


- Banana

- hmmm

- My bf offered me half his banana...

- So a banana fell behind my fruit basket some time ago but didnt rot. Non-mummified banana to give you an idea of its size.

- hmmm

- I tried to break ONE banana off the bunch

- Stickers in general

- This very long banana

- This is a really yellow banana

- hmmm

- This banana started to peel itself

- A very big banana

- The straightest banana I have ever seen

- me🍌irl

- This perfect banana

- Banana Flask! We found it at Savers

- Today at lunch I got two bananas in one banana peel

- This banana holder that doesn’t even fit

- Chiquita sell To Go bananas.