Aset Profile Pics

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How to create a PINTEREST ACCOUNT for Business Tutorial - Pinterest Marketing Strategy (2020)

Buff Lunar

get out

Keep the change #växel #solvecka #swix #headwhatsyourlimit #huvudvartgårdingräns #mumma #sunsouttoungesout - @jacobpersson1 on Instagram

joycelyn is gay

siap siap waktunya 5detik get ready in

Sabar dan kuat!!!!😊❤ #fff #fff💋 #fffff - @niketutpujaaa on Instagram

wallace wells

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TRAVELING IN THE PHILIPPINES, 1873 There are so many wonderful sketches in this book. From the introduction: “The journey, about which the following sheets report, was undertaken in the years 1859 and 1860, but suddenly interrupted by unforeseen circumstances long before the set goals were achieved. The wish to continue what had been started later did not come true, but prompted further studies, which provided the author with some little-known material and at the same time showed how sparse and imprecise the information about that beautiful country is, especially about the provinces in which he lingered the longest.” 1. No caption given 2. Fischerhütten bei Bulacan. (Fishermens huts near Bulacan.) 3. Kleines tagalisches Mädchen. (Little Tagalog girl.) 4. Vulkan Albay oder Mayon (Albay or Mayon volcano) 5. No caption given 6. No caption given 7. Rancho auf dem Abhange des Yriga. (Ranch on the slopes of the Iriga.) 8. Stamm eines Feigenbaums bei Bacon. (Trunk of a ficus “balete” tree near Bacon). 9. Vulkan Ysarog in WSW (Isarog volcano in WSW) 10. Tagalin (Tagalog) SOURCE: REISEN IN DEN PHILIPPINEN VON F. JAGOR MIT ZAHLREICHEN ABBILDUNGEN UND EINER KARTE. BERLIN WEIDMANNSCHE BUCHHANDLUNG. 1873. #philippines #philippinehistory #historicaltravel #sketch #theaswangproject #tagalog #albay #mayonvolcano #isarogvolcano #balete #bulucan #historical #history #colonialphilippines #historicaldrawing #landscapes - @theaswangproject on Instagram

arschloch renate hartz und herzlich hartz iv benz baracken

#Wearehereforlessthanacenturysoliveittothebest - @adharsh_raveendran on Instagram

Spongebob And Squidward Aesthetic

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- Women in traditional attire reacting to the sudden appearance of Dalai Lama during a festival.

Cody Carson

L0V3 M3 🦴🍮🎧🎸

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- Anime

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”Ei koskaan saa sanoa minä en osaa, vaan vaikeimmissakin tilanteissa pitää sanoa minä yritän”, neuvoi Suomen ensimmäinen naisministeri Miina Sillanpää. ⁠ ⁠ Sillanpää jaksoi sinnikkäästi puolustaa tasa-arvoa ja haavoittuvassa asemassa olevien oikeuksia. Tänään 1. lokakuuta vietetään Miina Sillanpään ja samalla myös kansalaisvaikuttamisen päivää! 👏 ⁠ ⁠ #liputan #miinasillanpää #järjestöt #järjestöjenpäivä #kansalaisvaikuttaminen #tasaarvo - @unwomensuomi on Instagram

Kuropi is in my pop corn 🌽✨

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Hawaii vibes from Tofino - @jaylen_97 on Instagram


★☆ : tsuchigomori

coronavirus corona virus covid19 covid

- Lake day

테오 Theo ♡︎

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- Pictures with deep meaning

i wanna be her

Custom Discord Emojis

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⁣Unser Ziel 🎯 ist die Herstellung der wirkungsvollsten und natürlichsten 🌿 Nahrungsergänzungen – ohne Zusatzstoffe jeglicher Art in bestmöglicher Qualität und Bioverfügbarkeit. Das ist kein Geheimnis, das leben wir jeden Tag. ⠀ ⠀ 🙌 Doch wie gehen wir bei der Produktzusammenstellung vor und was treibt uns hierbei an? ⠀ ⠀ Unser 💚 Ethik- und Moralkodex 💚 beschreibt die folgenden 3⃣ Hauptpunkte. Wir gehen bei der Produktzusammenstellung immer die folgende Reihenfolge der zu verwendeten Rohstoffarten und -qualitäten durch:⠀ ⠀ 1⃣ (Bio-)Rohstoffe in ursprünglicher ganzer- und roher Form, frisch gepflückt⠀ ⠀ 2⃣ Gemahlener (Bio-)Rohstoff, schonend getrocknet und verarbeitet (am besten in Rohkostqualität) als Kapseln oder pures Pulver⠀ ⠀ 3⃣ Extrahierte (Bio-)Stoffe aus natürlichen (Bio-)Rohstoffen in schonendem Verfahren hergestellt als Kapsel, Tablette, pures Pulver oder Flüssigkeit⠀ ⠀ Klar ist, dass wir mit dem 1. Punkt als Nahrungsergänzungsmittelhersteller nicht arbeiten können. 😓 Das liegt zum einen daran, dass wir in keinem tropischen Klima 🌴 leben, in welchem das ganze Jahr über alles blüht 🌺 und gedeiht. Zum anderen können wir mit Frischkost nicht das hohe Wirkspektrum erreichen, welches wir mit getrockneten oder sogar extrahierten Rohstoffen hinbekommen, welches z. B. bei Mängeln erforderlich sein kann.⠀ ⠀ Alles hat seine Berechtigung. Die Frischkost selbstverständlich an erster Stelle. 🥇 Danach kommen wir (bei Bedarf) ins Spiel. 🌿 ⠀ ⠀ Was wir ergänzend sagen möchten: ⠀ Das fertige Produkt ist für uns nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange. 🚩 Wir streben unermüdlich nach neuem Wissen & Erkenntnissen 🤓 und sind immer auf der Suche nach noch reineren Rohstoffen und noch schonenderen Verarbeitungsverfahren. Sollte sich herausstellen, dass wir bestehende Produktrezepturen noch besser machen können, tun wir das auch! ✅⠀ ⠀ Dabei stehen Qualität, Reinheit und Wirksamkeit an erster Stelle, denn #wirliebenwaswirtun 💚⠀ ⠀ #LKP #Lebenskraftpur #holistischegesundheit #naturheilkunde #gesund #gesundleben #nahrungsergänzungsmittel #rohkost #vitamine #mineralstoffe #spurenelemente #superfoods #zahngesundheit #ernährung #bioverfügbarkeit #bioqualität #reinheit #wirksamkeit - @lebenskraftpur on Instagram

niki nihachu

infection disease vaccine health

- @sekiro_fans on Instagram

Like why are u laughing I was just asking.

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La sixtine est un animal sauvage effrayant, comme le montre la photo ci-dessus. Si vous en croisez une, tendez lui un gâteau et elle saura se montrer gentille. Il se peut même qu’elle sourisse! Sourire est un signe de bonheur chez cette animal peu commun. - @sixtine_cousin on Instagram

Cute Hamtaro.

again with riddletok

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The literal meaning of Shiva is auspicious, shubha, benevolent and kalyankari, who would always bestow benevolence and auspiciousness to anybody who worship Him. Benevolent nature can be seen in his deeds, in His devotion and in His appearance. The studies of Vedas, Puranas have made it clear, that the creator, nurturer and destroyer of this universe are Tridevas i.e. Brahma, Vishnu& Mahesh. Lord Shiva has manifested himself in many ways. Lord Shiva possesses immense strength, He has three eyes, when he opens his third eye, and total disaster is created. Lord has been called fire in Samveda. Lord Shiva never gets angry on his devotees. He is always kind & benevolent. Lord Shiva has been realized by his devotees. Lord Shiva is called Vaidya (master of medicine) due to his knowledge of great medicines, which help children& old people to cure diseases, and even animals. Lord Shiva is called ‘Ever Auspicious’ because He is the giver of wealth, Son and prosperity& happiness. He is called ‘Ashutosh’ because He gets appeased very easily on his devotees. Above all these, He is called ‘Sarvabhooteshu’ means ‘God of all Gods’ and ‘Almighty’. ‘Sarvabhooteshu’ signifies ‘Panchmahabhoot’ i.e. five elements – that is earth, water, air, fire and either. He has been called the God of these five elements because he has the powers to control these elements. It is a universal fact that every living organism and material on this earth is generated out of these elements. The creation and destruction of the living and non living depends on His desires as all these are under His domain. Lord has manifested Himself as a destroyer, benefactor, wrathful, and half male and half female that is why He has been titled RUDRA. In Rigved, Yajurved, and Arthaved, Lord Shiva has been discribed as Ish, Ishwar, Ishan, Rudra, Kapardi, Nilkantha, Sarvagya, Sarva shaktiman. According to Vedas, to calm down the wrath of the Lord, He has been called – Shat Rudraka, Vajrayudh, and Vidyucha Shakti etc. Dm for credits #mahadev_devadidev - @mahadev_devadidev on Instagram

Nicole x Jecka Matching Pfp (2/2)

Sorry jake 😔

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Dr dulu emg udah gendut @widjajamark2 - @ekayanuarw on Instagram


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Il Parco nazionale della #sila il #parconazionaledellasila situato nel cuore della #sila esteso per 73.695 ha , assumendo una forma allungata nord-sud. La sede del parco si trova a lorica , mentre il perimetro coinvolge territorialmente tre delle cinque province calabresi. - @calabriaoffroad_ on Instagram

Ig : twoset.adore


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row row row your boat...#adana - @akgunmanisali on Instagram


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- Queen Mary

Set It Off Icon


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Ya, kebanyakan penemuan teknologi berasal dari Jerman. Kita pakai contoh: Junkers D.1 Pesawat pertama yang dibuat dari besi Disaat pesawat lainnya masih terbuat dari kanvas. Me 262 pesawat bermesin jet pertama disaat yang lainnya masih menggunakan propeller. Roket V-1 pesawat tanpa awak pertama didunia. Roket V-2 Roket pertama didunia. Horten Ho-229 Pesawat bomber supersonik pertama didunia. Mg-42 Machinegun yang kecepatannya diatas rata rata. Dll Semuanya berasal dari Jerman. Bisa kita bayangkan jika Jerman tidak disatukan oleh Otto Von Bismarck, Mungkin teknologi belum secanggih sekarang. CMIIW - @c_colay_braun on Instagram

s u z u l n n ;

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- Fairy Tail ships

Pinky and Pepper forever icon

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Little throw back to last summer 😎 - @jaguar__sun on Instagram

hello kitty slip pfp icon

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Keep the good times rolling this weekend. ⠀ ⠀ 📸: @wilstoooone ⠀ @jasperbrewing wins the aesthetic award for brewery van. Found this little guy sitting at the Pine Bungalows. The hubcaps are sweet ⠀ ⠀ 📍Jasper, Alberta, 🇨🇦 ⠀ 🗓 & 🕰 August 31, 2020 09:38 MDT . ⠀ . ⠀ . ⠀ #jasperbrewingco #albeerta #myjasper #jasper #jaspereats #jaspernationalpark #jasperalberta #abbeer #abcraftbeer #craftbeer #supportlocal #rockymountains #canadianrockies #climbing #hiking #getoutdoors #parkscanada #albeerta #camping #campervan #retrovan - @jasperbrewing on Instagram


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Follow: @pixel_rhythm . . A bicycle ride around the world begins with a single pedal stroke. . . . #abstract #art #abstractart #abstracters_anonymous #abstract_buff #abstraction #instagood #creative #artsy #beautiful #photooftheday #abstracto #stayabstract #instaabstract #macro #macrolove #macrophotography #macrooftheday #macroporn #macro_family #udog_macro #micro #macromania #ic_macro #macromagic #macromonthly #macroaddict #macroshot #macrotastic - @pixel_rhythm on Instagram

Maxx Danziger


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Terimakasih kepada seluruh pihak yang mendukung acara kami! Kami mendapatkan JUARA 1 BOOTH TERBAIK DAN INSPIRATIF 😊😊😊 Yeaay! Muda, Berdaya, Berkarya! #OurCoastal #OurDignity #oxfamdiindonesia #EmpowerYouthforWork #EYW #AnakPesisir - @mudaberdayaberkarya on Instagram

★ * frye 🌻

Stan marsh south park

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Multi-time World Cup medalist @sbjornsen. Photographed for @fischernordic - @ophiragroup on Instagram

chinpei wagai dokuta yogano yamino dokuta yakuza a yakuza b

Art by Monica Langlois ————————————————— #fantasy #fantasyart #charactersketch #characterart #conceptart #monsters #characterconceptart #digitalart #ancientruins #cgi #cgiart #dungeonmaster #illustration - @the.fantasy.collector on Instagram

aset tesa iris sagan

- Theres magic hidden in the books!

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मिलिए दसरथ मांझी 2.0 से जिन्होंने अपनी आंखों में देखे गए सपने को पूरा किया, न जाने कितनी कठिनायों का सामना किया होगा उन्होंने 3 किलोमीटर का नहर बनाने में ,वे कहते हैं उन्हें 30 साल लाग गए इस नहर को बनने में जय हो ♥️🙏🏽 #bihar #biharkijanta #biharkamudda #gaya #manjhi2.0 - @bihar_blogs on Instagram

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- Chinese martial arts

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“Don’t go where I can’t follow” So for anyone who missed me posting about it on my story (and on twitter) a couple weeks ago, I finally got around to watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Long story short, these are now my all time favorite movies. I knew I was gonna love them, which is partly why I waited so long because I wanted to wait for the *perfect* time to watch. What I was not expecting however, was an experience so profound that would affect me in a way that I haven’t felt from a piece of media first playthrough of Persona 4 Golden in 2014. Sure, there are some nitpicks to be made with the films, but it’s overall themes and characters are brilliant and resonated with me deeply. I know tons of people love these movies but I always wondered how much of that was due to nostalgia from seeing them as a kid. Turns out, that doesn’t matter because this is an absolutely timeless journey that will stick with me for the rest of my life. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about these movies and those characters (especially Samwise Gamgee, best character in all of fiction tbh). Now just to track down the books and dive even deeper into the wonderfully rich world of LOTR. - @ajaketothepast on Instagram

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In The Frame : Mocktail . . . . . #FoodBloggerAI #Mumbai #MumbaiFood #MumbaiFoodie #FoodieTribe #Things2DoInMumbai #FoodTalkIndia #FoodOfMumbai #MumbaiFoodBlogger #DelhiFoodie #LBBMumbai #InsaanBanJaAllen #TrellingMumbai #TrellingFood #SoMumbai #MunchyMumbai #NomNomNom #YummyInMyTummy #FoodOfIndia #DelhiFood #BottomsUpMumbai #SaddaLikes #FoodBossIndia #MyMumbai #HeyMumbai #Itz_Mumbai #FoodPhotography #India - @thecrazyfooder on Instagram

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Here There Everywhere (Satellite Project) a series of installation works in collaboration with the long tail boat makers in Krabi Thailand . Here there Everywhere creates a network satellite social spaces in different sites all over the world #aqssatelliteproject@thailand_biennale #fruitjuicefactorystudio #krabi #aqsaquiart #socialspaces #collaboartiveinteractiverelational some photos by @chemi_rosado_seijo - @fruitjuice_factory_studio on Instagram


Desde hoy y hasta el día 2 de octubre comenzamos con la mudanza! 😩😅💪 El día 5 ya quiero tener listo el nuevo y definitivo taller para comenzar a trabajar muy duro! En nada dando más guerra que nunca! Estar atentos a mis nuevos proyectos! Nos vemos por el Bierzo! Skål familia 💙😀😊 ◇ From today until October 2 we begin with the move! 😩😅💪 On the 5th I want to have the new and final workshop ready to start working very hard! In nothing giving more war than ever! Stay tuned for my new projects! See you in El Bierzo! Skål family 💙😀😊 - @arterunas on Instagram

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Exciting opportunity for all the Capers. Canoe Kayak Paddle Camp is here again! Two hour Canoe Kayak Paddle Camp for adults of 18+ years old on Friday sept. 18th from 5.30PM to 7PM, offering in partnership with @adckc Atlantic Division Canoe Kayak. This programming will be lead by Jake Jeannot, a level 3 certified canoe kayak coach, with support from ADCKC Staff. Training will include on water, technical, dryland components, the program seeks to improve participants comfort and skill level in the sport of Canoe Kayak. Registration for camps can be found at Stay Safe Stay Active! #activeforlife #paddlesports #capebreton #paddling #learntokayak #outdoors #outdoorrecreation #watersports #cbrmrecreation #cbrm - @cbrmgov on Instagram

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☝️ - @badalbaev on Instagram

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- Pens for sale

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- Bikini babes

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works - @endorika on Instagram

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Goes To Jogja with @duniaganez Take by : @fikri_add71 - @rangga.setya_ on Instagram


En TUDN seguimos creciendo y triunfando. Vamos por mas desafios! 6 de 6 no está mal! - @hristo8oficial on Instagram

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Memang mitsuki kabur tapi untuk menyelamatkan ke 2 teman nya kan kashian dia kalau ngelawan deepa sendiran ya mati semua lah jadi nya makanya mikir dulu lu orochimaru emang nya lu ngk kashian lihat ank lu orochimaru - @faktaboruto.idn on Instagram

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Rajya kodamanitha balu poojarys near beach padubidri... @tulunada_karnikada_thudar #tulunada_karnikada_thhudar #kodamanithaya - @tulunada_karnikada_thudar on Instagram

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My mother at 91 years of age white water rafting. This is a true testament to the power of function. #bucheadfunctionalmedicine #functionalmedicine - @buckheadfunctionalmedicine on Instagram

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Milujete volný styl? Takhle jste si ho užívali na letošní Jizeské 50. 😄 Pokud si nechcete ujít VW Bedřichovskou 30 na 54. ČEZ Jizerské 50, přihlaste se do konce září za nejvýhodnější cenu. 🙋‍♀️ 🇬🇧 VW Bedrichovska 30 this year 😍 - @jiz50 on Instagram

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university = graduated. 大学卒業しました 💖 I’ve always been an overachiever and recently I’m so ashamed that I am not able to put enough effort into life - from things like going to class or just messaging my friends. Usually I try to sum up my caption with something motivational I learned but at this point in time I’m still in the middle of getting through this problem. So now I have a problem and a degree 💤 - @tabesugita on Instagram

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MASIH BERSAMA LAKON PAYAKUMBUH🔥 #Repost @efri_yunata Follow➡ 🙏:@kijangnusantara And Partner-Partner⬇⬇⬇ @kijangkitakita @kijang_in_modification • • • #kijangstylenation #kijangceper #likeforfollow #autogalleryindonesia #kijangkitakita #kijangkapsul #kijanglgx #likeforfollow #likelike #keluargakijangindonesia #toyota #kijangsuper #kijanggrandextra #kijangnusantara #kijangkotak #kijangbuaya #kijangmodification #mamangproject #photographer #videography #mediapartner #indonesia #stance #bagged #carenthusiast #mediapartnerotomotif #carcontest #carenthusiast - @kijangnusantara on Instagram

aset you bet tesa iris sagan

Dr. Hopkins is recognized with a UB service award from the Jacobs School of Medicine for his support and service to the university over the last 30 years. We are so proud of our Founder & Chief Scientific Officer! *Photo: Dr. Hopkins receiving the Norton Medal, 2019 - @jacobs_institute on Instagram

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- I “repaired” the BOTW logo

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Inilah para pemenang Musikklasikgram National Online Competition 2020 for Violin, Cello, and Piano. Selamat untuk para pemenang dan jangan patah semangat bagi yang belum mendapatkan juara! Tetap semangat untuk berlatih dan bermusik! #mnc2020 #musikklasikgramcompetition - @musikklasikgram on Instagram

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candy crush #. Modified 🚘. #red #car #candy #modified #eis_kannur #kl 55 # - @kl_modified_madness on Instagram

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- Summer Camps

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Anishinaabe kwes & Mooz kwe✨ - @wabshkamukwa on Instagram

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- Beautiful view IRTR

- Thank god , couldnt imagine Toph doing crazy stuff with her hands and legs just to move a pebble by a millimetre.

AR15 Stripped lower receivers are the best way to start your build, link in Bio to shop. #aeroprecision #arbuilder #ar15 #556 #223 - @aero_precision_parts on Instagram

HONDA ÇÏTY .. power of sports SEDAN 🔰JDM jet...😎 @lowlife_powerstroke @gm_car_modz @kochimachan @ceramicprokochi @5555_kamil_555 @modified_cars__kerala @customdesign.ukraine @custom_modzzz @hondacityclubkerala @modz_own_kerala @_modz_own_kerala_ _________________________________ #honda #hondacity #diselbrothers #modifiedcars #modifiedsociety #keralamods #photo #photooftheday #photography #photoshoot #modifiedcarsofinstagram #keralamodifiedcars #modifiedhonda #hondacityturbo #hondacityownersclub #hondacivictyper @typersociety.ill #hondacitytype2 #modifikasi_motor #motosport #driftingdragons #modifiedcarscene #carporn #photographs #vandipranthan #vandipranthanmar #modsowncountry #kerala360🌴 #instacars #indonesiahondafans #hondacityfans - @pappans_garage on Instagram

2019/05/20 臺北市大湖扶輪社2019-20年度服務團隊參加總監公式訪問會前會 - @taipeidahu on Instagram

From Spirited Away / 千と千尋の神隠し #千と千尋の神隠し #千と千尋 #荻野千尋 #和速水琥珀主 #珀 #ハク #コハク #湯婆婆 #銭婆 #釜爺 #宮崎駿 #みやざきはやお #鈴木敏夫 #すずきとしお #久石譲 #スタジオジブリ #ジブリ #アニメ #ススワタリ #まっくろくろすけ #spiritedaway #chihiro #chihiiroogino #haku #hayaomiyazki #toshiosuzuki #joehisaishi #studioghibli #ghibli #ghibligram - @ghibligram on Instagram

- james potter

Winner...... Anna ben🔰🔰🔰🔰 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰📸📸 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ #rc390 #rc200❤ #ride #bikes #duke #ktmduke390 #ktmrc390 #riderlife #duke250 #duke200 #superbikesinindia #bikeholic #kottayam #thiruvalla #naturephotography #love #care #king #firstlove #mine #ktmindiaofficial #mthelmetsofficial #ponmudi #keralagallery #keralagodsowncountry #keralaattraction #keralafood #kerala #bikergram #keralagram ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ @the_motohead @the_tmr_queenz_ @rider_girls_kerala @the_viperpilot @lune_vanila @the_flipboy @the_bike_adicter @mr_spidee - @anna_benna_ on Instagram

- Charles Dickens

#New_Song #white_paper_production #great_expirience #lotsofenjoy @twinkal__patel__official @sadariyaniketan @nirav__prince @rhythmgroup_official @milan_joshi_official - @prince_garba_group on Instagram

Vintage Blanka concept art. ⚡️ - @graphmkt on Instagram

- ADDAMS FAMILY props 2019

- Et cetera

#prize nite 2k19 🤘 - @carmel_lites_only on Instagram

After hearing the names who have won this award before me, I’m really honoured and privileged to receive this trophy and be a part of that list. Love this club. Bleed Green💚 - @nami_lui on Instagram

Pop 23.... The second art and the 3rd card to ever feature Blastoise on WOTC card. It’s definitely a important part of the Pokémon history #Pokémon #cards #Pokémoncards #blastoise #charizard #venasaur #classic #vintage #collectibles #nintendo #pikachu #eevee #pokedex #pokemongo - @thepokemonxchange on Instagram

എന്‍െറ ജീവിതത്തിന് വെളിച്ചം കാണിച്ചുതന്നത് ഈ അധ്യാപികയാണ്. ലാലി സേവ്യര്‍, നന്മകൊണ്ടും വിദ്യാര്‍ഥികളെ മനസ്സിലാക്കാനും അവരുടെ അഭിരുചിക്ക് അനുസരിച്ച് വളര്‍ത്താനും കഴിഞ്ഞയാള്‍. മരണം കൊണ്ടുപോയെങ്കിലും മായാതെ ഉള്ളില്‍തന്നെയുണ്ട്. ഈ അധ്യാപകദിനം നിങ്ങളില്‍ സമര്‍പ്പിക്കട്ടെ... Nb: കോപ്പിയടിക്കാൻ നോക്കണ്ട . ഇതുപോലെ ഒരു ജന്മം ഇനിയില്ല. സ്നേഹമാണ്, കരുതലാണ്, അതിലുപരി നല്ലയൊരു അമ്മയാണ് - @iam_mnz on Instagram

আলাবৈৰ ৰণ আজিৰ দিনটোতে ১০,০০০০জন অসমীয়া সৈনিক ৰণত শ্বহীদ হৈছিল দিল্লীৰ শাসক ঔৰংজেৱ ৰ মোগল সেনাক নেতৃত্ব দিয়া সেনাপতি ৰাম সিংই এই যুদ্ধত অসমীয়া সেনাৰ প্ৰাণ লৈছিল। আজি সেই অসমীয়া বীৰ সেনা সকলোকে প্ৰণাম জনাইছোঁ। জয় আই অসম। . . ALABOI BATTLE ________________ The Alaboi battle was fought by the Assamese soldiers under the generalship of Lachit Barphukan on August 5, 1669 with the Mughal forces led by Ram Singh. The battle took place in the southern fringe of the Alaboi Hill. The Assamese soldiers initially fought valiantly, despite the initial reluctance of their general Lachit Barphukan, who was somewhat bewildered by the strategic drawbacks of his side. The Mughals had the additional strength of a cavalry regiment, which the Assamese side did not have. Moreover, the Mughals were entrenched in a strategic location. But it was the insistence of the then Ahom Swargadeo Chakradhwaj Singha that compelled Lachit Barphukan to order his troops to attack the Mughals. During the first half of the day, the Assamese force was seemed to be victorious. But in the second half of the day, when the Assamese troops were returning to their camps, Ram Singh deployed his Rajput cavalry regiment to pounce upon the Assamese soldiers and within two to three hours, around 10,000 Assamese soldiers were butchered by that regiment. #assam #ahom #ahombattle#alaboibattle #history#assamhistory #indianhistory #indianhistoryandculture - @nang__pallavi__dhekial__phukan on Instagram

वयाच्या १६ व्या वर्षी शिवरायांनी रायरेश्वराच्या मंदिरात कान्होजी जेधे, बाजी पासलकर, तानाजी मालुसरे, सूर्याजी मालुसरे, येसाजी कंक, सूर्याजी काकडे, बापूजी मुदगल, नरसप्रभू गुप्ते, सोनोपंत डबीर या आपल्या बारा मावळातील सवंगडी यांच्या साथीने २७ एप्रिल १६४५ रोजी स्वराज्याची शपथ घेतली.  #chhatrapatishivajimaharaj #historyofmaharashtra #historyofmarathas @shivrai_collection - @shivrai_collection on Instagram

Thanks athul for this work😍😍@abu_athul #friendshipsgoals #pencilartwork #talent - @_farhana_latheef on Instagram

- Chief Dan George

folks,,,, lets talk about slalom fundamentals: what are they? any help would be much appreciated🤙 📷: Cristophe Pallot - @riverradamus on Instagram

- Kiwiana Christmas

Ski and sip ft. @wonderboy_hup77 #gonnf - @zanefields on Instagram

參與完所有活動的我真的很開心當初我秉著一股「衝勁」跟 @hedy_tzeng_ 報名了這個志工營 得到的都是無法金錢衡量的♥️ 🟡旭陽重昇-街友改造: 去了兩次#街友關懷協會 這是我頭一次真的能夠付出自己的一分力量幫助他們,不論是幫忙準備他們的午餐,亦或是坐下來傾聽他們想說的事;看到他們臉上展開小小的笑容內心其實真的蠻開心的🙂🙂,很慶幸自己能幫助到他們(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘.𝟠.𝟚𝟘、𝟠.𝟚𝟟 🟠清潔與成功有約🧹: 這活動讓我體會到了不同的世界,我從未進去過七期的大樓住屋內(眼睛一亮🤩),同時,也是擴展視野、想法的一大步,「築高牆、廣積糧、緩稱王」這句 嗯~~🤔🤔 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘.𝟠.𝟚𝟚、𝟠.𝟚𝟜 ⚪弱勢家庭翻新: 我印象最最最深刻的 看著獨居伯伯的社會環境,生活不愁吃穿的我們真的要惜福,不富有那又如何,未來在自己的手中,想要怎麼樣的生活自己拼😤𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟘.𝟠.𝟚𝟞 很開心有參與到這個志工營,收穫滿滿滿☺️☺️ 謝謝Cradle的大家 #志工營 #衝勁 #memorable #cradle #♥️♥️ - @wcj_1212 on Instagram

- Chanupa

Gute Stimmung und fröhliche Gesichter am Proffix Swiss Bike Cup in Gstaad!!😁💙 Hier die Resultate der RV-Fahrer: 👱‍♀️5. Céline (U13) 👱‍♀️30. Fabienne (FE) 👱‍♂️30. Severin (U15) 👱‍♂️52. Timon (U15) 👱‍♂️53. Florian (U15) 👱‍♂️84. Nils (U15) 👱‍♂️56. Dominic (U17) 👱‍♂️86. Fabio (U17) 👱‍♂️2. Stefan (Fun2) #proffixswissbikecup #gstaad #RVERSIGEN - @rv_ersigen on Instagram

- White Elephant

↪️Swipe to reveal __________________________________________________ By __________________________________________________ #🎬Mulan 2020- movie reference art __________________________________________________ #photoshop #photoshoppainting #mulan #conceptdesign #conceptualart #conceptart #characterart #desert #fantasyart #wuxia #kungfu #ninja #disneyart #instaartoftheday #drawdaily #artgallery #cluj #artsy #moviescenes #characterdesign #art2020 #paintingart #instaartsy #artist_sunshine #artfeature - @bjocr on Instagram

Are you ready??? #edankeun #party #kabonita #nonatribunutara #persikabo #anniversary #kabomania - @kabonita_pusat on Instagram

Bener sih ini Swipe untuk Mentahan/Polosan . . Follow Ig Kita Ya #polosanmemein #polosanmeme #polosanvideoin - on Instagram

Ninguém pode fazer o barco andar mais rápido sozinho #remobrasil #rowing #gopinheiros #barcoslongos2019 - @opelegrino on Instagram

🥇🥈🥉 Eelmine nädal tõi meie kõige noorematele hulga võidurõõmu, kui Flora Seesam Cupil õnnestus noppida nii esimene, teine kui kolmas koht! Treeneri kommentaar meie kodukal. - @jktarvas on Instagram

- D&D

Koncert i tivoli! #tivoli#koncerter - @tivoli_copenhagen on Instagram

#honda #modifiedcars #carlovers #💚 - @zameel_r_r on Instagram

Swipe left for a surprise! - @asianriceguy on Instagram

IBR achievers pack vannu 🥰 support chytha ellavarkum orupaadu thanks 😘 #indiabookofrecords #ibr #india #recordcollection #record #cstudioofficial #kpc #keralapencilcarvers #sreekuttz @sreekuttz_ @carving_studio_official @kerala_pencil_carvers - @carving_studio_official on Instagram

- Harry potter wand

We invite you to join our Orange Shirt Day virtual talking circle for students guided by our Elder-in-Residence, Nkxetko on Thursday, October 1 from 2:00 pm–3:30 pm. Click the link in our bio to register; only 15 spaces available. #orangeshirtday2020 #everychildmatters - @langaragatheringspace on Instagram

1 finger is all I need to beat you with ∆ | Tagging mains | 7deadlysins #sevendeadlysins #7ds #七つの大罪 #nanatzunotaizai #nnt #elizabeth #l #diane #ban #elaine #zeldris #potions #nanatsunotaizai #nnt #7ds #dragonsin #galan #gowther #elizabethliones #estarossa #hawk #kingarthur #nanatsunotaizai #sevendeadlysin #nnt #demonmeliodas #meliodas #estarossa #nanatsu_no_taizai #gowther #diane #ban #galan #monspiet #tencommandments #hawk #nanatsu_no_taizai #nanatsunotaizaiart #elaine #nanatsunotaizaianime #nanatsunotaizaiseason2 #7deadly - @lion.sin._.escanor on Instagram

We are in the home stretch and must not lose sight of how important it is that every Jefferson Parish resident responds to the 2020 Census, which will help shape the future of our community. Visit to respond today! - @cynthiaparishpresident on Instagram

- AtmosFear - Scary DVD Board Game

9000 गरासिया सेना के साथ महाराणा प्रताप की मदद की और 1,15,000 मुघलों को गोरिला युद्ध नीति से हराने वाले भील राणा पूंजा की जन्मजयंती की शुभकामना।🙏🏹 #adivasiparivar - @adivasi_parivar on Instagram

~ Mehr als die Vergangenheit interessiert mich die Zukunft - in Ihr gedenke ich zu leben. ~ Albert Einstein _________________________________ Bei mir hat die Schule wieder begonnen. Mal sehen, wie es so wird. Heute war es auf jeden Fall mega lustig 😂. °°°° Zum Bild: Das Bild hat @_dreamy_moments_ gemacht. Ich finde es super schön mit dem Bokeh und so🥰. _________________________________ #Q Meinung? #Q Kuchen oder Kekse? ----me: Kekse🍪 #buch #bock #lesen #reading #readthebook #Vergangenheit #zukunft #leben #waserwartetmich #naturelover #naturliebe #fotografie #photography #photographylover #fotografieLiebe #kuhlenamen #hundesteckbriefe #featuredbyemma #herzensfeature - @annis.little.moments on Instagram

Un classico... ~BKSP - @7deadlysinsita on Instagram

Masih ingat ? - @hirohito41 on Instagram

Proud Mom and Bonus Dad! Congratulations Alaina St.John. You did it! We are very proud of you. ❤❤ - @shaunrobison52 on Instagram

Congratz bro - @annvarghesereshma_ on Instagram

Die Shishabrettl Pocker für Alufolie gab es bislang nur bei Händler! Ab sofort aber auch in 2 Farben bei mir verfügbar. Gefertigt aus Mineralwerkstoff! - @shisha_brettl on Instagram

🏅Only who can see the invisible can do impossible 🤼 - @me_nuz on Instagram

- @haywongzer on Instagram

Its official — winter at Mt. Bachelor starts THIS SATURDAY! After receiving over a foot of snow in this weeks storm, we are excited to announce that we are able to open Sunshine Lift this Saturday and Sunday for the first days of skiing and riding this season. There will be box and rail features in a temporary mini-park. Read more at the link in our profile. #openingday #mtbachelor - @bachelorparks on Instagram

#lesgenzderubempre #rubempre #lesgenzderubempré #rubempré #reconstitution #reenactment #15esiecle #15thcentury #bourgogne #moyenage #middleage #medievalbelgique #medievalpassion #livinghistory #pikeman #pikemen #spears #ordonnance #1472 #soldier #burgundianwar #armory #helmet #tomala #militaryreenactment - @lesgenzderubempre on Instagram

- Tactical gear

ᚾᛟᚾ᛫ᚠᛁᛞᚨᚱᛏᛁ᛫ᛞᛖᛚ᛫ᚹᛁᚨᚾᛞᚨᚾᛏᛖ Non fidarti del viandante (Leuspa 2) Attento, mio giovane amico. Sulla tua strada potrai incontrare un uomo particolare, con un cappellaccio in testa e un mantello sulle spalle, a volte reggendosi al suo bastone. Ebbene, cerca di non irritarlo e non offenderlo. Potresti aver vosto Óðinn, mentre vaga, come fa di solito, per le vie del mondo. E detto, per questo, anche Vegtamr «viandante» o Gagnráðr «[colui che] conosce la via», Kjalarr «[colui che va sulla] slitta». Óðinn si muove lungo le strade come un pellegrino, dissimulando il suo aspetto e la sua reale natura. Perciò egli è detto Grímr e Grímnir «mascherato». Ma anche Hǫttr «incappucciato» e Síðhǫttr «bene incappucciato», Lǫndungr «[colui che porta] il mantello ispido», Hrani «trasandato». Appare in genere come un uomo maturo, o anziano, con una lunga barba, per cui è detto Hárbarðr «barba grigia», Langbarðr «barba lunga», Síðgrani «ben crinito» e Síðskeggr «ben barbato», Hengikeptr «gota rugosa». Stai alla larga da lui e cerca di non seguire i suoi consigli. Per un suo capriccio fece uccidere persone che non se lo meritavano; per aver preso di mira un tale, gli riservo una vita priva di felicita.  #vikings #pagan #Odino #mitologianorrena #norsemythology #mythology #instavikings #ageofvikings #norreni #paganhero #northmen #norsehistory - @raccontaci_una_storia on Instagram

Live it ❤ Love it ❤ Ride it ❤ - @2_stroke_club_alibag on Instagram

❤️ #zafulgirl @nicolemanelas👙 Shop our latest summer collection 🌿Shop Link in our Bio 🌊 . . . #zaful - @zaful_swimwear on Instagram

Finally Enrolled as an Advocate ❤ - @himangshu9560 on Instagram

- just learnt about this today, where the hell have i been

- Avatar the last airbender

The Death of Warren. #battleofbunkerhill #245yearsago - @charlestown_historical_society on Instagram

YIIIIKKEEESS imagine - @lotr_official_fans on Instagram

- @country_cob_bakery_boronia on Instagram

Ang Rita Sherpa, The Snow leopard, 72, passed away peacefully this morning. He is survived by two sons and a daughter. He holds a Guinness World Record certificate for making ten successful ascents on Mt Everest without using the supplemental oxygen. The year 1987 was his first and 1996 was the last time. We pray for his peaceful travels to afterlife and deepest condolences to family. #askmeaboutnepal #angritasherma #snowleopard #guinessworldrecord #mteverst #everest #mountainclimber #everestclimber - @askmeaboutnepal on Instagram

Buona salita Marino. Per sempre “uno di noi”!!! - @sportdimontagna on Instagram

- Stunning Leaf Art from a Japanese artist.

- on Instagram

Happy Birthday Nonno Nicola! September 12, 1930, a child with a lively character and dynamic nature was born in Lucera from Beniamino and Rosa Faccilongo. They call him Nicola and despite the many adversities of those years, that child doesnt lose his verve. On the contrary, he uses his strong spirit to become today the Nonno Nicholas that we all love. In 1943, at the end of the Second World War, American soldiers arrived, stationed in the Lucera countryside. Nonno Nicola, who already spent his days with his father learning the vocation of the land, stole their American candies, or much more likely the soldiers let him take them away, and in his own way learns English. Ariopp, Ariopp is his mantra, transliteration of Hurry up, Hurry up! He spends all his youth and adulthood with his family, in the countryside, surrounded by cousins ​​and uncles. Even though he is the youngest, he orders and gets in line, teaches and reprimands. During his life he trained hundreds of willing men, transmitting all his knowledge, working for the largest farms of the area and literally, drawing with his work the geography of our countryside. September 12, 2020, the whole family is gathered to celebrate it. A family made up of many and many people, awakened in the morning in the labs and on the fields by his loud Ariopp Ariopp, of boys who over the years have been able to learn the trade of the farmer, the pruner, the winemaker, from that Caporale who has done all his life an example of true experience. Auguri Nonno, we love you. #paglione #birthday #love #family - @agricolapaglione on Instagram

🙏 - @wedhayana_ on Instagram

Be an intellectual kshatriya . . . . . . . @hindu_daily @hindu_daily @hindu_daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #hindu #hinduism #intellectual #intelectual #hindutva #adishankaracharya #hindusimfacts #sangh4life #sanghi #jaisriram #hinduphobia #phobia #shankaracharya #guru #hindudaily - @hindu_daily on Instagram

- lord snow

- gamer

‼️Ya está aquí nuestro número de septiembre-octubre 2020‼️ 👉 Recomendamos 👈 🚀 El día que la ciencia cubana tocó el cielo, sobre el viaje de Arnaldo Tamayo al cosmos. 🖖 Jack Bravo, un viajero del saber , entrevista al conductor de Atomun, en teleSUR 🎮 El cambio generacional, sobre la PlayStation 5 y el nuevo Xbox. 👉 Además, pasatiempos, reseña de aplicaciones, entre otros temas. Descárgala ahora enson el link en bio. Son solo 2,5 MB. #revistas #JT #JuventudTécnica #periodismocientífico #divulgacióncientífica #periodismo #Ciencias #science #journalism #scienjournalism #comunicación #información #Cosmos #conocimiento - @juventudtecnica on Instagram

Bodega cove beach babe. #cabinhounds Loc. @bodegacove Pic by @rachelbarkman - @cabinhounds on Instagram

Hiii kalian yang doyan gowes ke tempat2 jauh maupun deket berbarengan • Hanya 1 di Bali, Bus yang dibuat khusus untuk angkut sepeda maupun gowesernya - Kapasitas 16 tempat duduk penumpang dan 16 sepeda (MTB/RB/Lipat dll) - Full Ac - Toilet - Bracket sepeda yang aman - Mic buat karaoke selama perjalanan menuju lokasi - Sewa dengan sistem Charter Trip (antar dan jemput) - Supir dan Kernet - Rute bebas sesuai permintaan Dapatkan harga spesial selama “masa promosi” Call/ WA : 081337567123 #bus #sewabus #sewabussepeda #bussepeda #gowes #tripgowes #sepedaan #sewabusdibali #sewabussepedadibali - @iqbal_marecar on Instagram

- BFF photos tumblr

Петербуржцы и петербурженки, а вы соскучились по культурным САП-прогулкам?_________________________________________________ 🥇21 марта приглашаем всех сапсёрферов на первую весеннюю фановую гонку Зы-зы-зы SUP challenge в культурной столице ✏Все подробности здесь: раздел Соревнования ☎ Все вопросы по телефону +7 (926) 573-05-7 🍷 Всех ждём🤙 Будут шашлыки, глинтвейн, классные гости, душевное общение и подарки🎁 #zyzyzysupchallenge #suprace #спорт #supclub #сапсерфинг #впитереплыть #спб #Питер #кудаgoспб #питерздесьисейчас #sup #всемсап #supсанктпетербург #питерsup - @supclubspb on Instagram

- Hades (Disney!!!)

#Rangernation join @vogonpoetryslam @joelluminerdi & @cgibsonrex talking about retro #powerrangers season, Lost Galaxy . We are about to go LIVE NOW!! . CLICK THE LINK IN OUR BIO AND HANGOUT WITH US! - @the.illuminerdi on Instagram

Its too hard to say bye but its a good bye to them 😢 #farewell2020 #microbiology🦠🔬 Farewell by students of second year to graduating year students❤ #Dj_boy @djeedharmesh - @j_and_j_college on Instagram

Tuesday was a tee-rific time at the first annual #NorthShoreScramble raising money for the Ferncroft Junior Golf Scholarship program. Thanks @northshoremag - so fun to have our clients @tenureengland @sundayriver and @lynksingolf as event sponsors! ⛳️ - @dpacommunications on Instagram

- @travel_lover_uk on Instagram

Your NLS champions @officialtufc !!! Well deserved 🔥🔥 - @nationalleaguesouth on Instagram

FOREVER PATRICIAN 💚 Thank you so much St Patricks School for always supporting me through my ⚽️journey 😃 - @ritwik_das_neel on Instagram

✨ channeled spirit message ✨ i had to shuffle a couple of times cause i kept getting distracted and then it hit me.. distractions- we have to find a way to move passed it and not fall for them. i’m feeling like it’s the time re-evaluate your situations. like what isn’t lining up with your vision or your dream? now is the time to ride with the unpredictable changes coming! like nothing in this lifetime is a guarantee but one thing is for sure, YOU have the ability to make the most out of your life! you have the choice to live as true to you as possible! so rather than trying to keep shit from falling part, take a sledgehammer to that shit! break it down. don’t be afraid! rather than fearing the change, you ride that bitch! start catering to that inner child and do the things that bring excitement, vitality and LIFE to your LIFE. be confident and show up with unequivocal passion and drive. it’s your time to be free. you deserve to be happy. you can start again, so start today! the universe has definitely got your back. ✨ if you wanna go deeper and get personalized reads, HMU ✨🧿 #AngelMessage #Tarot #Spirituality #GuardianOfJustice #divination #intuitive #magic #magick #witchcraft #channeledmessages #synchronicity #timeless #universe #tarotspread #messagesfromuniverse #spiritguides #ancestors #angels #archangels #pickacard #pickapile #timelessmessage #tarotspread #loa #lawofattraction #manifesting - @dominikunt_ on Instagram

For Sale ‼️ Pikes Gen 2 Orange - Green BNIB Posisi: Jakarta Price: SOLD . . . #jualseli #jualsepeda #seli #sepeda #sepedalipat #jualsepedalipat #pikes #pikesgen2 #element #elementpikes #jualelement #jualpikesgen2 #jualpikes #jualselielement #seliid #selibandung #sepedaindonesia #sepedalipatindonesia #seliindonesia - @hobbycollection on Instagram

É campeão!! 🇧🇷💚💛 #semprejuntas - @dudaasampaio10 on Instagram

- @helbram.ig on Instagram

Join us in congratulating our very first Chief Operating Officer, Serene Lawrence (Anishinaabe, Hopi)!! 🎊⚡ Over the last four years, Serene has risen through the company ranks working in a variety of positions 👊🏼 A traditional Jingle dress dancer & beadwork artist involved with the Twin Cities Urban Native community her entire life, Serene brings an incredible wealth of experience & knowledge working at the complicated intersections of culture, art, and education. Our team was so excited that we threw a mini surprise party to tell her the news - watch her reaction and read more about Serene in our new blog! LINK IN BIO 💢 #InspiredNatives #Anishinaabe #Hopi #BossLady #JingleDress #Goals #EighthGeneration @reclaimyourpower @indiancountrytoday @_illuminatives @nativebusinessmagazine @nativewomenlead - @eighth_generation on Instagram

Side by Side Shotgun Which One? #shotguns #12gaugeshotgun #sidebyside #quality #turkishwalnut #guns #hunting #tactical #army #huntinggroups #girlguns #military - @huntgrouparms on Instagram

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #kerala #india #malayalam #mallu #photography #keralagram #love #instagram #kochi #keralatourism #godsowncountry #instagood #malayali #keralagodsowncountry #mallugram #malappuram #kozhikode #nature #kannur #thrissur #keralam #mollywood #keralagallery #chennai #mumbai #keraladiaries #entekeralam #trivandrum #keralaattraction #bhfyp♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒⏭️♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒♒💓💓💓💓 - @___aj7______ on Instagram

Gratulerer til @solveig_lovseth og @endreespedal som ble vinnerne av eliteklassene under dagens sprint-NM!🥇 Sølv til @anetagrab og @petter.ellingsbo og bronse til @theahovda og @ampedersen92 🥈🥉 - @triatlonnorge on Instagram

- Botticelli

- skyrim comic

- @ethicswear13 on Instagram

. 🆔 @ranukumbolosemeru 🆔 . TRIP INFO 📱 📱 📱 081333183380 📱 081391090380 🆔 🆔 @outingtrip 🆔 @guideijen 🆔 @guidebromo 🆔 @guidemalang 🆔 @wisata.batumalang 🆔 @explorebatumalang 🆔 @batucitytour 🆔 @malangrayatour 🆔 @malangtourplanner 🆔 @malangtourorganizer 🆔 🆔 . #escapadeindonesia #guideindonesia #outingtrip #bookingtrip #malangtrip #tripmalang #javatrip #indonesiatrip #tourjawa #tourmalang #tourbatu #batucitytour #malangrayatour #malangtourplanner #malangtourorganizer #whimtrispandy #xagiblo #whiempy #guidemalang #guidebromo #guideijen #javatravelguide #wisatajawatimur #explorejawatimur #guidejawatimur #wisatabatumalang #wisatamalangraya #explorebatumalang #ranukumbolo #ranukumbolosemeru . - @wisata.batumalang on Instagram

Min erfaring er at når du virkelig driter deg ut, så trenger man ikke først og fremst trøst eller sympati. Ei heller et hylekor med fordømmelse. Det man trenger er folk som kan hjelpe deg med å stokke kortene dine slik at du kan komme deg tilbake på det sporet du vil. Trøst og sympati er godt, men det hjelper ikke på situasjonen. Ikke fortjener en det heller forsåvidt. Å grave seg ned vil heller ikke hjelpe. Straff og straffeutmåling tar andre seg av. En klar formening om hvor man vil, hvorfor det er så viktig å komme seg akkurat dit, , hvordan man skal nå det og totalt eierskap til prosessen. En gjeng støttespillere og gode folk rundt som kan heie, validere innsats og gi kjærlighet og følelsen av trygghet er heller ikke feil. Å beklage er bra og det eneste rette. Å ta sin tilmålte straff det samme. Men enda viktigere er det å finne ut hvem man vil være, hva man vil stå for og hvilke verdier som virkelig betyr noe. Da kan ikke den vi har vært stå i veien for hvem vi kan bli. Fremtiden er ikke noe som skjer, det er noe vi skaper. Det jeg skriver over har jeg blant annet lært av gutten til venstre i bildet. 🙏 Ingen jeg har fått æren av å være rundt har hatt større eierskap til egne resultater enn deg, så dette har du i ryggmargen. Hvis du vil. Jeg håper du vil og jeg går gjerne ved siden av deg som en del av støttespillerne hvis ønskelig. Jeg og mange med meg. ❤️ PS: Petter har massevis av folk tettere på enn meg, og jeg får ufortjent hyggelige ord. Men, man blir som de man omgås. Jeg er da et produkt av alle de folka jeg har vært rundt i mange år. Blant annet Petter. Derfor rekker jeg ut ei hand. - @oeysteinpettersen on Instagram

⛵️ UN RITORNO ,UNICO, QUELLO DELLA GDV LNI PROCIDA SUL CAMPO DI REGATA ⛵️ O’pen Skiff, bottino pieno alle regate sul lago di Garda. Si sono svolte dal 20 al 22 Luglio ospiti del Circolo Vela Arco, le regate del campionato nazionale di vela classe O’pen Skiff . Quattro dei nostri ragazzi sulla linea di partenza per difendere i colori della LNI PROCIDA, Matteo Lubrano Lavadera, Francesco Esposito di Marcantonio, Matteo Attolico e Domenico Pio Schiano di Scioarro accompagnati dal Coach Stefano Caboni. In totale si sono svolte 10 prove di regata sia per le categorie U17 che U13. Tra gli U17 Matteo Lubrano sale sul gradino più alto del podio mentre Francesco Esposito risale in classifica chiudendo con un ottimo 9’ posto. Tra gli U13 Matteo Attolico finisce terzo conquistando il suo primo titolo in una regata nazionale, Domenico chiude il podio dei premiati con un quinto posto. Il coach: “una regata non scontata, la paura del momento storico e tanta voglia di continuare a regatare” Un risultato di squadra che coinvolge tutti a partire dallo staff della nostra Lega Navale che non si è mai risparmiato e gli atleti, tutti anche quelli che non hanno potuto partecipare alla gara ma si allenano con costanza e dedizione. Un ringraziamento particolare va a tutti i genitori che supportano con passione la nostra attività.” FORZA LNI PROCIDA ⛵️🎉💪🏻 *foto e classifiche di seguito* Rimanete sintonizzati per i prossimi eventi... #lniprocida #openskiff #lagodigarda #lakegrada #Arco #podium #medals #winner -post completo su Facebook- - @leganavaleprocida on Instagram

#25 festival Bridge in Kalamata #newstudents #Second #Cup - @athanasiosbovis on Instagram

- [MYB] Gorilla Tactics

- Ninja Weapons

Você me enche o saco, mano! Mas eu te amo demais. Obrigado por tudo, te admiro mais do que imagina, e você é muito mais do que pensa ser. Parabéns, nego!♥️ @oliv.gael - @guisilvaaa on Instagram

Остался всего один день до открытия Саммита ООН по биоразнообразию! ⠀ 30 сентября 2020 года мировые лидеры обсудят кризис утраты биоразнообразия и необходимости ускорить действия #радиприроды для #ЦУР. ⠀ Узнать больше: ⠀ #UNGA #Biodiversity2020 - @unep_russian on Instagram

#menolaklupa #g30spki BANGSA YANG BESAR ADALAH BANGSA YANG MENGHORMATI JASA PAHLAWANNYA Ir Soekarno. . Slide 2 : Tidak ada kematian yang sia sia, begitu juga dengan kematian pahlawan kita di tanggal 30 September, mereka mati atas nama bangsa indonesia. Mari mengheningkan cipta sejenak untuk mengenang dan mendokan para pahlawan korban G30S PKI. Slide 3 : ini adalah cuplikan awal pidato Mayjen Soeharto saat pengangkatan 6 jenazah Jendral dan 1 Perwira Muda yang di tanam di dalam sumur Lubang Buaya pada tanggal 6 Oktober 1965. Kita tidak boleh melupakan peristiwa memilukan ini agar menjadi pelajaran untuk generasi muda agar peristiwa serupa tidak terulang lagi di masa mendatang Slide 4 : 5 Oktober 1965, Pidato Jendral AH. NASUTION ketika pemakaman sahabat sahabatnya Jendral yang di bunuh dan di khianati oleh kelompok DN. AIDIT yang dipimpin oleh Letnan Kolonel UNTUNG SOETOPO bin SYAMSURI. Slide 5 : Pemakaman Pahlawan Revolusi. 7 Korban kebiadaban PKI disiksa dan dibunuh tanggal 1 oktober 1965 ditemukan pada sumur tua di daerah lubang buaya jakarta timur : . Nama: Jenderal TNI Anumerta Achmad Nama: Mayor Jenderal Anumerta Donald Nama: Letnan Jenderal Anumerta M. T. Haryono Nama: Letnan Jenderal Anumerta S. Parman Nama : Letnan Jenderal Anumerta Suprapto Nama: Mayjen TNI Anumerta Sutoyo Siswomiharjo Nama: Kapten (Anumerta) Pierre Andreas Tendean Marilah kita isi kemerdekaan yang mereka perjuangkan dengan prestasi dan juga akhlaq yang mulia. serta tidak melupakan sejarah agar kita punya semangat Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan. . #pemalanghits #pemalang #explorepemalang #pemalangupdate #kabarpemalang #kabupatenpemalang #pekalonganhits #tegalhits #purbalinggahits #brebeshits #purwokertohits #semarang #jepara #demak #sragen #jasmerah #pki #partaikomunisindonesia #penghianat #indonesia #pahlawan #jakarta #lubangbuaya #jakartaselatan - @pemalang.hits on Instagram

Level up your photography game at home. .. .. ❇PIC CREDIT - @sayonbiz ❇ .. Ⓒ Ⓞ Ⓝ Ⓖ Ⓡ Ⓐ Ⓣ Ⓤ ⓁⒶ ⓉⒾⓄⓃⓈ .. TRAVEL PATNER 👇 1.@_cam_clicks_ ✈ 2.@photo._graphia ✈ 3.@visualsofdev ✈ .. .. GO TO THE BEAUTY OF WORLD THROUGH .. .. Share your best pics and moments with .. .. If you think than please follow us which help us a lot to grow . .. 💚We Respect all photographers and photographs💖 .. Share your pic with us to get featured #clicksofworld_ .. Follow us 💖💖 👉@thedark.pixel 👈 👉 👈 .. #skyvigsigni #lens #mobile__lens #lensclicks #mobile_lenses #lens_giveaway #naturephotography #mobile_photography300 #insta_lens #ig_lens #_soi #mobile___photography #world_photography_hub #nustaharamkhor #maibhisadakchap #clicksofworld_ #clicks_of_clarity .. @haram_khor_ @photographers_of_india @world_photography.hub @depth_of_world @true.colours.of.india @canonindia_official @gujarattourism @streetphotographyinternational @official_photographers_hub @india_pixelz @insta_photography_club @netgeo_travel @shutterhub.india @photographers.of.india @indiapictures @mobile_photography300 @mobile__photography___ @travelrealindia @insta_photography_club @colours.of.india @photos_hub._ @photographers.hub.of.india @pictures.of.world_official @infinitive_universal_photos @streets.of.india @indian_photography_club_ @instagram @artofvisuals @_cam_clicks_ @visualsofdev @clicks_of.clarity @curaro @mobile.photographers.india @official_photo_collection @unique_colours_of_india @theopenphotography @thedark.pixel @international_photo_studio_ - on Instagram

🏅🏅 #MeningaMedal #WeAreRaiders - @raiderscanberra on Instagram

Seperti kata pepatah usaha tidak akan menghianati hasil, Dan perjuangan tidak akan pernah sia-sia, itulah yang di lakukan oleh pejuang kita yang bertepatan di hari ini. Dan seperti kata bapak proklamator kita Ir. Soekarno Perjuanganku lebih mudah karena melawan penjajah, namun perjuangan kalian akan lebih sulit karena melawan bangsa sendiri. Perkataan ini terbukti hingga kini. Dan sejarah akan di kenang hingga selamanya @pejuang.utara @dkdjakarta - @dkrtanjungpriok on Instagram

Divine counterparts check in and conversations between them🔥. ••••• 🙎‍♂️- DMs are heavily influenced by outside forces now, he is allowing others to dictate his life. He is been given a choice, either to trust what his friends and family are suggesting or to trust his heart. 💌DM to Df- I feel so connected to you, even if we are miles apart. I see no possibility of us being together but why do i keep imagining settling down with you? When I imagine how my life would be say in 5 years, why do I see you as part of my life? Whats gotten into me, I cant seem to forget you.I want to talk to you, embrace you but how?I cant even love myself,how will you love me? Aah...its annoying!I am struggling with consistency, thats why i keep settling for what feels easy😪. •••• 🙎‍♀️-This group of feminines are grieving the loss of her love to karmic and is victimizing herself currently.(Dfs, Smtyms what we consider as our greatest loss are disguised as our greatest blessings!💝) 💌Df to DM.- Do you even care for me, Do i exist for you? You seem to be doing completely fine without me .. Am i that forgettable? I waited here endured all the pain and struggles for you, and now when i look back.. I feel sorry for myself, How i let you treat me so bad? I felt ignored and left out alone waiting for you to return for so long. But now i feel its never gonna happen.. I seriously need to let you go..I am really surprised, you really did well to make me give up on you.. I have been patient enough..Now i am ready to move forward with you or without you. If its meant to be,we will cross paths again💫💜. (If this is you, be patient..dont be hard on urself..another round of clearing and healing is taking place for you. Love urself..pamper yourself.. once this energetic clearing process gets over, u will feel lighter and happier than before, trust me!💫) ▪︎▪︎▪︎ Take what resonates💜. Love and light💖. ••• Slots for readings has been restocked, link in bio😇. •• #twinflameseparation #twinsouls #twinflames #twinflameunion #divinelove #soulmates #divinecounterparts #divinemasculine #divineunion #divinefeminine #love #eternallove #spirits #archangelmichael #lordshiva #lordganesha - @twinflame_channelings_ on Instagram

- Fav Flicks

Repaint by Platinum auto workshop ----------------------------------------------------- 🚗: @haiii.wak 📸: @andraplatinum ----------------------------------------------------- #platinumautoworkshop #hondacivicEs #civic #civices #essquadindonesia #merahcandy #candypaint #bengkelcat #bengkelmodifikasi #custompaint - @platinumautoworkshop on Instagram

Und es geht schon wieder los...... Wir sind schon ganz heiß auf unser Wochenende und wir starten am Donnerstag bei dem Sternmarsch in Mittelberg-Faistenoy, am Freitag geht es weiter in Herbisried auf dem Feuerwehrfest und am Sonntag sind wir dann nochmal in Mittelberg-Faistenoy am Start und dürfen das Zelt einheizen 🎵❤️🍻 #ohnebierwärenwirnichthier #musikverbindet - @musikverein.reicholzried on Instagram

@riyas_bin_marakar Editing : @binart_official @kanmashi6236 #kunjezhuth #randomthoughts #rooted_stories #typography #malayalamtypography #writersofinstagram #lettering #mallupost #malayalam #malayalamwriters #literature #instadaily #malayalamquotes #trivandrum #varikal #malayalamcalligraphy #instaquotes #malayalamwords #igwriters #igwritersclub #mallugram #writer #mallu #keralite #malayalee #malluquotes⁣ #suhaina_vazhakkad @_alora_07 #kallaass__official #kadalaass_official @sheethal.s.5205 - @binart_official on Instagram

Pax vobiscum #medievalgto #medieval #Guanajuato #covid #covid19 - @medievalgto on Instagram

✨Mischief Managed (1/3) Fun fact, I finished this series during geometry today 😌 With my sister @__madsmakeup__ here’s some more Harry Potter inspired stuff taken yesterday - Let me know your hogwarts house and your thoughts below :) one of my biggest inspirations is @alexandriaslens , her work inspires me to think outside the box. It’s artists/ photographers like her who make me wanna create! follow @shots_by_sophia • • • • • • • •📸Hi I’m Sophia, a 16 year old photographer! •#photography #seattle #photographer #nikonnofilter #model #portraitphotography #weshoothumans #creator #portraits #adolescentcontent #16 #thrift #photoshop #thisweekoninstagram #aesthetic #magazineaesthetic #hogwarts #fisheyelemag #instagramcreators #genz #washington #smoke #crescentfilm #dracomalfoy #draco #harrypotter #potter #wizard #mynikonlife - @shots_by_sophia on Instagram

4-H British Columbia Growing Leaders 50/50 Raffle* 📣🍀 WINNER TAKES HALF 50/50 tickets are: 2-Ticket Pack for $10; 5-Ticket Pack for $15 Deadline: Midnight, Monday, November 30, 2020 Draw: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 12:00 PM More details here: The draw will be streamed live on our Facebook Page at The public can watch live online, but they cannot attend the event in person. *must be 19+ to play. Know your limits, play with it. - @4hbritishcolumbia on Instagram

Happy Sunday , Jesus Bless You . 🇮🇩💒 - @joshuaotay30 on Instagram

Figured a great start to my on-going photo series is with this elder and her family. It was Arlene’s birthday on Friday. She and her family felt it was important to take photos and share their stories with myself. Four generations wanted to stand together in solidarity. To educate their youth. To raise awareness of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Womxn & Two-Spirit. Watching these brave womxn support another was and is empowering. . . It was an honour getting to know and photograph the Paul family. Gilakas’la for letting me into your lives for these two days. - @cedartaatawasi on Instagram

- Archery inspiration

as above starts with your birth date, time and place. Our website creates your piece. We print your astrological chart. You get a beautiful necklace thats completely you🔮 Try it for yourself now. Link in bio . . . . . . . #horoscopejewelry #3dprinting #jewelrydesign #natalchart #fashiontech #3dprintedjewelry #astralchart #astrologyjewelry #zodiacjewelry #3dprinted #birthchart #fashiontechnology #astrologychart #🔮 - @asabovejewelry on Instagram

gramma says mahms been gibbing me too many treatos. I disagree 🙄 - @crosby.the.sammy on Instagram

Vintage dagger (Lareeka). . . . #vintageandcrafts #dagger #vintagedaggerstattoo #waziristan #antiqueknife #antique #classic #vscoedit #photographer #infinixcamera #pakistan #quarentinephotography - @vintage_and_crafts_ on Instagram

penjelasan di komen yah tapi wbakal jelasin tentang operasi barbarosa yes. admin rasyad yg jarang atau males ngasih penjelasan itulah dita. bismilah like nya stonk amin..... asw lah,Dita Dita ngetik nya masih kyk gini sw #karyasiswaums #karyaangotarhc #karyarakyatfms #karyarakyatdms #karyasiswaums #creatorofrhc #asupanmemeuseless #nendank #awreceh #hitzeedsamlekom #memeindonesia #meme #memes😂 #memesejarah #ww2 #meminaja #dagelan #dankmemeindo #karyasiswaskm #kokbisa #history #hatihatidiinternet #internetnegatif #internetpositif #memer #memerecehbanget #bandung #dagelanlucubanget #historicalmeme #budayaleluconbasah #karyasiswaskm - @dunky_can on Instagram

Beautiful photos by @joelpeck and build by @crowberlin - @omniumcargo on Instagram

On what would have been Arnold Palmer’s 91st birthday today, we’re celebrating the incredible impact he had on the game—and the great golf that he continues to inspire. - @apinv on Instagram

Big congratulations to Peter Osboldstone from Sigma II for becoming our 2019/2020 club champion and winning the Noel Cole Trophy. Also to Ken Kok from Roadrunner for winning the Centennial Cup - a testament to Kens passion for sailing with Richmond Yacht Club! - @richmondycnz on Instagram

Winning celebration 🥇🥇🥇🥇🏅🏅🏅 - @ayushdas999 on Instagram

А 4ак вы думаете • • • • 🍜🍜🍜ПОДПИСЫВАЙСЯ 🍜🍜🍜 • • Больше мемов тут:👇👇👇 • • 🍡🍡🍡@obito.apchih🍡🍡🍡 • • 🍡🍡🍡@obito.apchih🍡🍡🍡 • • 🍡🍡🍡@obito.apchih🍡🍡🍡 • • • • #нарутоузумаки #наруто #нарутомемы #нарутошипуден #наруточиби #нарезка #анимемир #анимемемы #анимевидео🔥 #анимешник #аниметоп #анимеарты #анимешники #анимешница #анимекун #анимеприколы #анимеамв #аниме #obitoapchih #narutorelax - @obito.apchih on Instagram

“The cyclist is a man half made of flesh and half of steel that only our century of science and iron could have spawned.” — Louis Baudry de Saunier 💥🌟 . . ⏭We all think about the environmental measures which government should take and others should take , but we never try to bring about a change in ourselves🌍 .! . . ⏭ we like to thank🙏 @sh_ashish , aka Ashish sharma from Delhi for joining us in this initiative and supporting us on 🌏ozone day , September 1️⃣6️⃣, wherein he will ride and cover as many km as possible to save as many carbon emissions done by a car . 🚴🏻🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♂️ . . Ashish also runs a pharmacy in Delhi and we would also like to thank him for all this support to fellow citizens in such tough times . Because of such people , we are all able to manage our sanitisation needs. 🙏🏽 . He is now contributing to the environment. ♻️ Check out more details in the link in bio . Are you guys joining him in this great initiative? 🤝 . #ozoneday #environmentsaving #nature #cycling #madoverbiking #ecofriendly #ozonefc #riders #reducepollution #saveworld #protectozone #1️⃣6️⃣sept #🚴🏻cycleday #letsjoinhands🤝 #🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♂️🚴🏻‍♀️ - @madoverbiking on Instagram

- Capoeira

Hey Ski Racers Virtual Race Night is here! Join me and product managers on ZOOM from Giro on Wednesday Sept 23rd 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern & Atomic on Thursday Sept 24th 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern (LINK IN BIO - SIGN UP TO JOIN) We will showcase product, give details of Giro helmets and goggles, — Atomic skis, boots and more. At the later part of the hour we have a Q & A for you the audience. If you’re not sure on the best model, fit or size, ask and we will help. 20% MSRP discounts on @girosnow and @atomicski through @skiracingmedia and your local ski shop. #virtualracenight #skiracingmedia #skiracing #skiracers #skirace #giro #girosnow #vivalavivid #giroavance #girohelmets #girogoggles #giromethodgoggle #giroblokgoggle #atomicski #redster #weareskiing - @daronrahlves on Instagram

RAWR! Who else is out there getting their #Triceratops on like @sprinkledbymagic?? 📸: Featuring our #AllSize #JurassicWorld #Sunglasses #🕶️ - @sunstaches on Instagram

Shout out naar onze #fortniteps4 kampioen @feisfn 🥳🥳🥳Super trots zijn wij op deze talentvolle speler🎯🎯🎯Meer Tournooitjes zijn onderweg! Je mag je skills brengen maar besef wel.....Wij hebben #Faisel - @jongerenwerk_capelle on Instagram

- Future Library

Tantric magic and anything that even mentions kundalini has been appreciated by some but stigmatized by many... . The Muladhara dragon is related because of ignorance to basic and carnal energies... . It leaves aside the power it really is and the vital energy linked to the universe, represented in the cycle of life and death . Whether its through dancing or yoga, balancing or for starters, waking up this dragon can be a substantial improvement in your life that can end up completely changing the picture you have sheltered in your thoughts like what its like to live... . Of course, this is not something that should be taken to match or in a hurry. . Its a process that has its own rhythm, rules and cycles. . It requires discipline, a body and a mind free of toxins, a clear harmony with the planet, the universe and vibrations. . In the case of yoga, have observed that many jump directly into this type of energy management ignoring the reasons why there is an order to follow in the different types of yoga, as well as in everything established by Mother Nature to maintain harmony. . Even if its an arduous process that takes time, effort and dedication, its worth it and completing its levels in all subtle and tangible forms can end up being a rebirth of the one youre opening the door to endless new possibilities and ways of life! - @schekirigami on Instagram

@alex_garhart and I are expecting! So excited announce that we’re adding a beautiful @moroshepherds to our family. ♥️ Our little one is due sometime next week and we’ll hopefully be meeting and taking them home 8-10 weeks after that. Prepare your feed to be flooded with adorable puppy images 😄 - @gnardia on Instagram

We better got memo... Rather getting apart ✌ - @tsam_yun on Instagram

Meet Mahan Chandra Borah from the foothills of Eastern Himalayas in Assam who opened northeast India’s first indigenous seed saving library “Annapurna” A history graduate-turned-farmer, Mahan started the seed bank about 12 years ago, from Meleng in Assam. Backed by traditional wisdom on diverse rice cultivars imparted by the elderly in his village, he fanned out to hamlets across the northeastern states in hunt of these treasures. He subsequently converted it into a library. His assemblage includes aromatic, sticky, black, flood-tolerant and hill rice among others. Borah has expanded his endeavour to open up libraries in other parts of the state in Sadiya, Balipara and Kaziranga. . . . #BaliparaFoundation #sustainability #sustainableliving #socialmobility #conservation #conservationist #sustainablefuture #ngo #assam #natureconservation #northeastindia #economics #naturelovers #naturelover #nonprofit #EasternHimalayan #nature #guwahati #naturelover #naturelovers #naturecapital #protectwildlife #RuralFutures - @baliparafoundation on Instagram

Hayasaka Ai🌟 Anime: Kaguya-sama: Love is War Made this because i haven’t posted in a week😹😅 . . Follow @aayush_art_950 for more! . . . #hayasaka #hayasakaai #kaguyasamaloveiswar #animeart #kawaiidrawing #maidgirl #kaguyasama #shinomiyakaguya #aihayasaka #chikafujiwara #fanart #blondehair #art #mangaart #vegeto_art_features - @aayush_art_950 on Instagram

Award ceremony in Delhi! Awarded the best hotel in Mysore! @vickythechef @saranshgoila - @chinese_corner_mysore on Instagram

- Fairy tail

officially HPA alumni !! c/o 2020 killed it. love you guys❤️❤️ - @gabriellamecia on Instagram

#GoldenPaddle up for grabs @UltimatePaddleZlam. Join a league near you and claim your title. - @paddlezlam on Instagram

Благодаря выделенным средствам, этим летом мы заранее подготовились к приходу зимы и проложили лыжню. Спасибо всей администрации за всё! И прежде всего за заботу о здоровье граждан! С первым днём зимы! #житьздорово #здоровыерешения - @colourtv on Instagram

... Pagi pagi lihat yang hijau hijau gini enak dipandang 😌 @alvarosatyatrans_ ft @msmadanibus Loc.lawu green forest,sarangan,magetan,jawa timur 🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹 Rencanakan wisata anda bersama kami 🤗 ⭐ Smart Choice Transportation ⭐ 🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸 RESERVASI ⤵️ 🏢 Kantor : Jln. Soekarno hatta Ds.kertosari kec.babadan kab.Ponorogo (komplek ruko depan SMK PGRI 2 PONOROGO) ☎️ Telepon : 081350006776 📷 : @raihanalby.07_ #alvarosatyatrans #msmadani #msmadanibus #official_fotobus_indonesia #busindonesia #busenthusiast #busmania #repostpicbus #gallerybusindonesia #sukafotobis #mybusmytraveling #mybusmyadventure #like4likes #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #likeforbus #safetyngoyodid #otobusid #penikmatfotobus - @alvarosatyatrans_ on Instagram

- My kid ate up the miles this weekend at Raven Cliff Falls. Im a proud dad.

😁 - @rowing_wa on Instagram

‘Children of Dune’ by Frank Herbert, art by Bruce Pennington (1977) #brucepennington #dune #frankherbert - @scifi_art on Instagram

- @hamdan.m007 on Instagram

Himachali#hills #-world#hindi #pahadi #pahadi_swag #manali #shimla #kullu #palampur #solan #kinnur #una #dharamshala #kangra #chamba #mandi #lahul#sirmour#rohru #bilaspur #utterakhand #hamirpur #instagram #insta #dance #love #god #faith #actor #performer #model - @inder962 on Instagram

Happy Father’s Day to the man who taught me the most important things in life🤝 love you dad - @kahavveo on Instagram

God n Devotees #mugger #crocodile #crocs #charotar #wildindia #indianphotography #incredibleindia #reptiles #indiaclicks #wildplanet #bbcearth #earthcapture #nature #adventure #jayshreeram #hindugod #gujarattourism #indianwildlife #indianwildlifeofficial #freshwatercrocodile #wilderness #habitat #wetland #boulder #hunting #animalsultans #naturephotography #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #kheda - @chauhan_vickey on Instagram

Mereka lagi di Balige, tadi waktu kutanya mau kemana jawabannya selalu mau ke barat, ada yang tau barat arah mana? ° ° Follow partner kami @potobuku @batakmarket @sumuttoday @batakmusik @podaclothing 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 - 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐢 #bataktive #bataknative #adatbatak #toba #karo #sukukaro #karonese #samosir #danautoba #jodohbatak #medan #orangbatak #halakbatak #sumut #dagelan #sejarahbatak #batakvideo #videobatak #borubatak #memebatak #batakhumor #sumuttoday #BatakMusik #BatakMarket #LakeToba #LakeToba #Samosir #VisitSumut #mtmasumut #SamosirIsland - @bataktive on Instagram

#throwbackthursday to last winter and my roycraft ski shoes, tossed together a packframe with the left overs,if you haven’t used a set of these ski shoes before you definitely got to try them out preform any snowshoes I have used to date. : : : : #throwback #tbt #roycraftpackframe #karamatwildernessways #lesterriverbushcraft #bushcrafter #woodlore #thehiddenwoodsmen #outdoors #northenbushcraft #morskochanski #winterwonderland #maloneknives - @humble_woodsman on Instagram

lunaReclipse is one of our most versatile pedals we make, providing 12 different diode clipping/voicing options. If you need a boost/drive, this could be what you’re missing. #fuzzrocious #fuzzrociouspedals #stompbox #stompboxes #effects #effectspedals #effectpedal #fuzz #fuzzpedal #fuzzpedals #guitar #guitargear #guitarpedal #guitarpedals #bass #bassgear #basspedal #basspedals #gearybusey #fuzzpedalsofinstagram #ericmerrow #lunareclipse - @fuzzrocious on Instagram

- Biblical Times

A look at Alucard from Castlevania: Moonlight Rhapsody. Looks very cool! Now if @konami would do the fans proper and put this game on a console, or at least give us a new console Castlevania that would be great! I don’t know a single person that’s asking for a Castlevania Mobile game, jussayin’!!! #Castlevania #Konami #CastlevaniaGrimoireOfSouls #genyaarikado #lucy #simonbelmont #alucard #charlotteaulin #shanoa #mariarenard #videogames #mobilegames #ios #nintendo #nintendoswitch #playstation #playstation4 #xboxone #ign #igndotcom #gamespot #gamestop #RichterBelmont #CastlevaniaFans #CastlevaniaMoonlightRhapsody - on Instagram

🔸Fagu Monastery 🔸Gorubathan #dooars #dooarslovers #gorubathan #northeastindia #northbengal #darjeeling #jalpaiguridiaries #northbengaldiaries #westbengaltourism #siliguridiaries #_soi #beautifuldestination #lonelyplanetindia #followme #travelblogger #indiagram #storiesofkolkata #storiesofindia #travellovers #indiacaptures #photographersofindia #ig_captures #igers_kolkata - @dooarslovers on Instagram

The last of my team. Finally. #art #pokemon #pokemonart #pokeart #draw #pokemondraw #drawpokemon #geek #nerd #digitalart #fanart #trainer #anime #pokemongo #decidueye #coloredpencil #pokemongen7 - @drawddigon on Instagram

. #newlifeexpirience @glowfellowshipcentre - @mamauthe on Instagram

Who else is as stoked as we are about the new @kudupoint_broadheads Countour + heads!? We were lucky enough to have them send us some to play with and photograph... If you are looking to change up your broadheads this season, you will love these!! #bowhunting #broadheads #singlebevel #bleeders #stainlesssteel #accurate #deadly #archery #hunting #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom #photography #productphotography #sonyalpha #mtnbuiltmedia - @mtn_built_media on Instagram

- Weapons ✨✨guns

- Kiev vs. Moscow millennium ago

Satu bangsa jangan saling baku hantam 😎🤝 . . . . 🔶️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔸️🔹️🔷️ #meme #dankmemes #hatihatidiinternet #internetnegatif #karyasiswaskm #karyarakyatdms #dewanmemesejarah #dagelan #darkjokes #merdeka #karyarakyatums #karyarakyatdlsi #agama #indonesia #darkjoke #leluconbasah #awreceh #receh #sejarah #memesejarah #historymeme #hindu #historicalmeme #kamuharustahu #tahukahkamu #pendidikan #islam #memeindonesia #kristen #buddha - on Instagram

ഈ ഇടങ്കാലനോട് തോന്നിയ ഇഷ്ടം വേറെ ഒരാളോടും തോന്നിയിട്ടില്ല💝 Happie🎂 33rd 👑@leomessi 💗 #followforfollowback #football #footballedits #fcbarcelona #fcb #leo #leomessi #messi #messiah #kaalpanthukali #trendy #trending #trend #sundayfunday #sunday #wednesday #kl47 #food #followers #photography #photooftheday - @_.r_z_l._ on Instagram

忍不住 - @talos.fz on Instagram

- drypoint etching

🌀Bathed in blue . . . . #romania #topbucharestphotos #descoperaromania #viataincluj #bucharest #ig_romania #ilovecluj #visitromania #transylvania #bucuresti #travelblogger #travelromania #bucharest #romaniamagica #romania🇹🇩 #sinaia #romaniapitoreasca #pemeleaguriromânești #timisoara #iasi #volvogirls #sibiu #castelulpeles #volvo #discoverromania #romaniafrumoasa #romaniamea #romaniangirl #brasov #promovezromania #sighisoara @v_i_s_i_t_r_o_m_a_n_i_a @iheartromania @brasov @romaniapitoreasca @romanianoastraa @picioare.calatoare @fotografiez.romania @imagini.din.romania @hai_la_brasov @romaniaascunsa @lets_discover_romania @fotografiez.romania @perfect_romania - @adriana.rzh on Instagram

The Gemhammer Grimoire contains lore galore and so much more! Pre-order your copy now! #Dnd #dice #spell #spellcaster #dungeonmaster - @gemhammer on Instagram

- Olde Magik 11x17, Ink, 2018

- Zombie Hunter

Děkuji @sarusmeue za 📸 - @ruslan_vikol on Instagram

And 200th post on Instagram is here.... Thanks for supporting me...❤️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #follow4followplease #follow4followfollowback #follow4follows #follow4followbackalways #follow4followbac #follow4follow #follow4followback😘😘😍 #follow4followfollow #follow4followf4f #follow4follownow #follow4followu #follow4followed #follow4followlike #follow4followsback #follow4follow4 #follow4followme #follow4follower #follow4follow4follow #follow4followdc #follow4followback #follow4followyouback #follow4followers #follow4followalways #follow4following #prilaga #follow4followbackfast #follow4followteam #follow4followbacks @virat.kohli @katyperry @katyaelisehenry @mileycyrus @khloekardashian @nike @nickiminaj @reliancejio @jenniferaniston @jlo @kendalljenner @taylorswift @justinbieber @natgeo @neymarjr @bhuvan.bam22 @beyonce @leomessi @kimkardashian @kyliejenner @selenagomez @therock @arianagrande @cristiano @instagram @yourbongguy @khillibuzzchiru @justinbieber @shuttersofindia @indiancricketteam @nike @chrisburkard @dguttenfelder @pketron @jimmychin @carryminati @ashishchanchlani @pewdiepie @miuiindiaofficial @xiaomiindia @sundarpichai @sachintendulkar @akashrana.007 @zuck @instagram - @mine_mega_pixel on Instagram

When life gets blurry... Adjust your focus.📸💥 • • • PC: @photographic_jaipur @abhiraj.21 - @_chill.in_side_ on Instagram

the views ❇️ don’t forget to swipe 📲 Owner: @motorsport_maedchen ________________________________ __⬇️low rides chill vibes🤙🏼__ ____www.ridesnvibes.com____ _____tag us for a feature _____ ________________________________ #ladydriven #vdub #mkiii #mk3cabrio #vagculture #vwcabrio #mk3brutals #mk3squad #vag_family #vdublove #vr6 #mk3society #vwcabriolet #mk3gang #mk3love #mk3nation #mk3cabriolet #vwgang #volkswagencabrio #mk3madness #golfmk3 #vr6nation #vr6society #burnallthemk3s #vag_official #vw #lowrideschillvibes #rnv #ridesnvibes #vibes - @rides_n_vibes on Instagram

- Chinese Dolls

O Tarô e a paternidade! De diversas formas eu posso me conectar com o que está (muitas vezes) escondido e de forma muito sutil dentro de mim. Mas cada vez que eu respiro e me pergunto de que forma eu posso olhar pra quem eu sou e o que neste momento está mais latente na minha vida, os saberes dos símbolos e representações ancestrais revelam e inspiram a sentir que o caminho é fabuloso. E quando percebemos o caminho que já percorremos e principalmente o que estamos AGORA mais me sinto seguro de estar seguindo prestando atenção nos SINAIS que a vida me apresenta. Sou um entusiasta na busca de ME conhecer e olhar para estes símbolos como uma grande oportunidade de se CONECTAR. Assim este meu papel de pai faz me sentir mais INTEIRO neste meu caminho. - @charles.fischer80 on Instagram

- Inosuke vibe check on a whole new level

Im going to be doing these favorite servants based on FGOs servant training schedule. Since today is Sunday where I am, today is Saber Day. Surprisingly, my favorite Saber Class Servant is actually not Mordred. At least not currently. Right now is Ryougi Shiki. I always use her in my party because of how useful her Noble Phantasm is: It is Anti-Army, Deals Heavy Defense-ignoring damage, has a small chance to instakill and removes debuffs. The only thing more I could ask for is either restore servants to full health or a guarenteed install for at least one of those enemies. That would be sweet. And also... Ryougi is cute. Whats not to love? - @hisfield_control on Instagram

2020.09.21 I hope you weren’t waiting long, @kelsey.schooley. *Kelsey had no idea that the first photo was happening* - @murphyleemoschetta on Instagram

Selamat Hari Krida Pertanian 🌾 - @agribisnisuniga on Instagram

ONE step away runner up,, late Mangal Singh memorial cricket tournament,, - @kamleshgariya on Instagram

Tersenyumlah Agar Mereka Yang Mentertawakan Mu Terus Tertawa Sampai Mereka tak Sadar Kehilangan Nyawa.... . . . #fff💋 #student #studentoftheyear #handsomeboy #likeme - @abhiyhamdi1995 on Instagram

@manthann72 - @dev.bhomi on Instagram

Over addiction to these Things kill u 💀😐 Money 🤑 Power 🔌 Women 👯 Drugs 💊 - @sad_weed_5422 on Instagram

This morning, we officially opened the Prospect Park #DiscGolf course, a new amenity available free to the public. A multi-year effort, the 9-hole course was completed earlier this summer, supported by donations from local volunteers and players. Thank you to everyone involved in making this project a reality, including Sam Wechsler, DisCap, Friends of Prospect Park, Phi Sigma Kappa, the City Planning Department, and Commissioner of Planning Steve Strichman. #DiscGolf #TroyNY #EnjoyTroy - @mayormadden on Instagram

Nesse 1º de setembro o aniversário é do nosso professor @professor_astrada, treinador tetracampeão brasileiro com nossa equipe. Aproveitamos também para parabenizar a todos os profissionais de educação física pelo seu dia. - @agafuc_futsal_de_cegos on Instagram

- @mpka_rimbawan on Instagram

Mi intención no es molestar .... Tengo nuevo single ácido,link en la bio video en youtube 🍋🍋🍋 - @joe_limon_oficial on Instagram

ELA DE NOVO! 🤪 Ana Marcela Cunha conquistou o ouro na prova de 5 km do Campeonato Francês de Maratonas Aquáticas! 🥇 Com a conquista deste domingo, ela obteve a façanha de ir ao pódio em TODAS as provas que disputou neste período na Europa🏊 Veja os detalhes no nosso site! #MaratonaAquatica - @cbdaoficial on Instagram

1797 (ensamblaje) Daniel lind -ramos - @daniel_lind_ramos on Instagram

महफिल को महादेव सजाते हैं, आते हैं वो जिनको मेरे महादेव बुलाते हैं__🕉️__🔱🔱 - @shy_snicker267 on Instagram

Ilmu Perpustakaan 17_A📚 #hmsakbar - @putra_akbar10 on Instagram

⇢ Hi everyone ⇢ My name is Nathalie! I wanted to re-introduce myself to say hello🖐🏽 and tell you more about me. If you’re new, welcome and thank you for connecting. . ⋒ I’m the founder and creator of Ona Healing. Born and raised in Cali, Colombia. I arrived and began my journey in Australia 10+ years ago... this land has opened my heart on so many levels. It was here where I began my family. I am a Proud Mum of two, Ona and my youngest baby Mila. They have been my biggest teachers so far... . ⫷ A little bit about my journey ⫸ . Since I can remember I could sense and see energy, this used to scare the sh**t out of me growing up. Most of my childhood and early adolescence is fill with many “ghost” stories. This made me question and understand that there was much more than just this plane. . My own healing journey began when unfolding painful childhood experiences, molestation and drug abuse arose .. I had then to heal those wounds throughout my process. . I found my redemption and light through a beautiful place “ALBALA”, in Colombia. An alternative healing centre for drug abuse. This opened my eyes to the different healing and alternative modalities. . From there, I made my way to kundalini Yoga. This made me remember the truth of who I truly am. I also experienced, in depth, the shamanic realms and I extensively worked with various Plant Medicines. This made me discover the healing capacity of my own body, my reconciliation with my own spirit and great Mother Earth🌿 . I studied a Bachelors of Business and Tourism, but felt there was something missing. It was then when I fully jumped into and embraced my path. I then studied Kundalini Yoga , Holographic Kinetics (Aboriginal Healing Modality), Transpersonal Coaching, and Sound Healing. In addition, while working along many great friends, healers and shamans. . ➳ So what made me start Ona Healing? . ⋒ To enable individuals to find a deeper appreciation and reconnection to their inner power (Spirit). I truly believe that everyone has the birth right to find the answers from within and discover their true potential in this lifetime. . More in Comments ⬇️ - @ona_healing on Instagram

Skoch award for the second time @orangetourstravels #orangetravels thank you team - @orangetourstravels on Instagram

En el 3019 TE, fue enviado por su padre al Concilio de Elrond en Rivendel a llevar la información de la huida de Gollum de su prisión en el Bosque Negro por un descuido de su guardia, y por la acción de una hueste de orcos que atacó a los elfos, buscando la distracción; que fue aprovechada por Gollum para escapar. - @legolasputoelfo on Instagram

. འདི་ལོའི་ཞེའུ་སྡེ་དགོན་ཡོངས་ནས་དབྱར་སྐྱིད་བཏང་བའི་སྐབས་ཀྱི་པར་རིས། . 敦珠法王和父親轉世 多拉仁波切十七世參加青海玉樹賽馬節年度盛典 . H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and the 17th Dola Rinpoche, the reincarnation of Rinpoche’s father, participate in the annual ceremony in Yushu, Qinghai. - @his_holiness_dudjom_rinpoche on Instagram

As one chapter ends, a new one begins... - @dalton_rolinitis25 on Instagram

- [LOZ] Resting after a long hard fought day.

63/100 ✨ Another COLLAB3 with @sejaldgupta and @artsy.glor 😊 This collab will last three days and the theme is *magical*. For day one we each made a painting with the theme *magical spell*, so I made a patronus from Harry Potter, we all chose Harry Potter spells 🙈😂 -Swipe to see their amazing and lovely paintings!- . Materials used: @royaltalens Amsterdam Acrylics @123inkt_nl Playing Cards . #100daychallenge #100dayartchallenge #the100dayproject #the100daychallenge #harrypotter #hp #patronus #patronusspell #magic #magical #magicalspell #playingcards #cards #art #artsy #artist #artistic #paint #painting #paintings #royaltalens #royaltalensathome #artsharesinsta #sketchbook #sketchbookart #creative - @juliagerritsen99 on Instagram

. . . .[sumber : idntimes] . . . [Credit pict: idntimes] [Credit vid (yt) : videofromspace . [admin]=@_nmf_24.101/ @_fmn_24.101 ▪️ 🗣️: Jangan Lupa Follow . @dewan_astronomi_indonesia . @dewanmemesejarah . @dewan.keretaapi.indonesia ▪️ [Dan follow akun astronomi lainnya ] @astropediaindonesia @kataastro . 🌑 Hashtags : #dewanastronomiindo #astronomiindonesia #dewanmemesejarah #karyarakyatdms #astronomi #astronomy #nasa #fyi #mitosvsfakta#sejarah #sejarahindonesia #informasi #ussr #trending #memesejarah #memeindonesia #indozone #viral #instafood #instagram #kamuharustau #faktaunik #foodie #beritaterkini #zonainformatif #informatif #faktadunia #berita #fakta #mitosvsfakta - on Instagram

- Fairy wands

#flashback Ogoh-Ogoh Br.Karang Suwung Ada yg tau tahun brapa? . . . #ogohogohterkini #ogohogoh_terkini #ogohogohbali #ogohogohdenpasar #pecintaogohogoh #ogohogohlawas #nyepi #kotadenpasar #taksudenpasar #ajegbali #senibali #taksubali #tradisibali - @ogohogoh_terkini on Instagram

‘The Rockefeller family have fostered what I call ‘catalytic philanthropy’. This is the idea that you should persevere on an issue over a long period of time and develop domain expertise. You have to accept that there are going to be a lot of failures along the way, but this is a unique role that HNW philanthropists can take. Because we are the owners of capital, we can take risks that others are not able to take. When things fail, we absorb the cost of those failures.’ We interview James Chen, Co-founder of the campaigns Vision for a Nation and Clearly, on why ‘reactive’ philanthropy comes ‘too late’. Do you agree? Should all philanthropists be ‘catalytic’? Link in bio for more. - @spearsmagazine on Instagram

اس سوچ اور انتظار کے دوسرا بھی اچھا ہو ہم ہمیشہ اچھے کیوں بنیں، یقین کریں دوسرے کے اچھے ہونے کے انتظار میں ہم اپنا اچھا وقت اور اچھائی کا موقع کھو دیتے ہیں ۔بانو قدسیہ . . . #photooftheday #photography📷 #Nature #naturephotography #kashmir #snapspeed #edits #clickofday #beauty #bookstagram #booklover #amrbail #banoqudsia #litrature - @_hn_clicks on Instagram

[SOSIALISASI DOOR-TO-DOOR MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA PAMFLET] Assalamualaikum wr,wb. Sultan Agung Muda! Kami melaksanakan sosialisasi menggunakan media pamflet yang telah kamu buat secara door-to-door rumah warga untuk menghindari kerumunan. Tetap Jaga Kesehatan, ya!😉 #kknunissula2020 #kknunissula69 #kkntematikcovid19 - @kkn.unissula69 on Instagram

Thank you for opportunity and knowledge commander🇲🇨 - @4541_nusantara on Instagram

Quarantine isnt so bad when youre living AND working with this one. 😂 #majorthrowback ❤ @fried_tofuu I know this has been a real mental battle for many people. But Im really excited about how positive people are trying to be on the internet and social media! What with the live streams, chain tagged stories, memes, Facetime parties and movie hangouts, etc. Just really loving the support that we have for each other during this crazy time. . . . . . . . #covid_19 #pandemic #quarantine #staypositive #mentalhealthawareness #supportlocalbusiness #supportlocalartists #flashbackfriday #fbf #graduation #throwback #ucdavis #arboretum #gradpics #gratitudepractice #nature #springtime #outdoors #daviscalifornia - @kellylovesmango on Instagram

Masih kita pantau nih Si.Covid, siapa yang udah kangen touring?? • • #mercedesbenz #mercedes #benz #w123 #s123 #tiger #mb #mbclub #mbina #mbclubina #mtcina #mtcinarumahkitabersama #classic #youngtimer #vintage #instagram #indonesia #dirumahaja #lawancovid19 #mtcdirumahaja #kangentouring - @w123_mtc_ina on Instagram

- @mkseisamschlern on Instagram

Happy news! The Vikkngship is sailing a few more days, due to popular demand. Welcome aboard! #lofotrvikingmuseum #museumsinnorway #lofotrvikingmuseum #vargfotr #vikingship #sailingyacht #beaviking #longship @lofoteninfo @northernnorway @visitnorway @museumnord #21museer1000historier - @lofotrvikingmuseum on Instagram

Buy the variety of green teas from the official website of art of aroma 🍵☕ #tea #tealife #teagift #greentea #herbaltea #artofaroma #aroma #a #coffee #tealover - @artofaromaindia on Instagram

- @momo.monday on Instagram

Welcome to Michael Hunter’s signature chefs knife. An 8” A2 blade with an Elk Antler Handle, black G10 bolster and brass spacer. Order the knife on its own or pair it with a signed copy of Michael’s long awaited cookbook, featuring over 100 recipes of big and common small game. Everything from Moose and Bison to duck and wild goose. Link in Bio. - @culterknives on Instagram

- This is an Aztec/Mayan weapon called Macuahuitl, its made from just sharp rocks (obsidian is mostly used), and wood, its so strong and sharp, it can not only Decapitate man, but also a horse.

- Board & Card Games

Jai pandav devta my dadaji late Narayan Singh bhandari (grandfather) sitting far left portraying the role of Shri Krishna now that role is passed on to my chacha Rajendra Singh Bhandari. Pandav Lila “dance of the Pandavas respectively) is a ritual re-enactment of stories from the Hindu epic Mahabharata, through singing, dancing and recitation, that is practised in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India.Pandavas are the five protagonists in the epic and the village amateurs take on their roles and perform the lila outdoors, accompanied by the folk instruments dhol, damau and two long trumpets called bhankore.The performances, which can last anywhere from three days to a month in different villages, draw large crowds and are an important cultural highlight of the year. - @pahadiswaggers_nz on Instagram

Upplev kyudo på Etnografiska🏹🌳Den 30:e augusti finns chansen att se uppvisning i kyudo i Etnografiska Museets park, tiderna är 12:30, 13:30 eller 14:30. Om vädret tillåter☀️#budokampsport #kyudo - @budokampsport on Instagram

The man himself , Rohan Kanhai Dutta. Popularly known as Kan, he was a big part of the club through the 70s and 80s and made the Club what it is today by his vision. He was among the first ones to scale several rock faces in India and be a pioneer of outdoor rock climbing with people like Mohit Oberoi. It is because of dedicated and loyal people like him, that the club has been such a close knit unit that considered every member to be part of the family. The Hiking Club in its present form has been the embodiment of a promise to Kan to encourage climbing and find the adrenaline in adversity. . . . . #climbing #theHikingClubSsc #hiking #RohanKanhaiDutta - @hikingclubssc on Instagram

* 🇺🇸Many people asked me what kind of wood I use for bowdrill. I always try to take what nature gives me. In an emergency, you can never rely on a certain type of wood. The key to success is the right pressure, everything else does not matter that much. It doesnt matter whether the drill board is harder than the spindle. The friction doesnt care where the friction comes from. * Could I help you a little further❓ * * 🇨🇭Viele Personen fragten mich was für Holz ich nehme für bowdrill. Ich versuche immer das zu nehmen was mir die Natur gibt. Im Notfall kannst du dich nie auf ein bestimmte Holzart verlassen. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist der richtige Druck alles andere spielt dann nicht so eine grosse Rolle. Ob das Bohrbrett jetzt härter ist als die Spindel spielt keine Rolle. Der Reibung ist es egal. * Konnte ich euch da ein wenig weiter helfen❓ * * * Follow me ➡️ @bushcraft_edelweiss * Follow my ❤️ @natura_caritate * * * * 🌲🌲🌲 @thehiddenwoodsmen 🌲🌲🌲 * * * * * * * * #bushcraft #survival #bushcraftgear #gear #thankful #knife #outdoorsurvivaladventure #adventure #adventuralliance #fishing #hunting #thehiddenwoodsmen #usa #mothernature #instagood #coffee #wildcamping #life #lifestyle #love #photography #naturphotography #photo #nature #camping #hiking #colorful #amazing #picoftheday #photooftheday - @bushcraft_edelweiss on Instagram

The #OurBigCampOut camp came to an end with even more joy, but also with more adventures, among which a heavy rain that caught us while hiking. As expected, for the children it was a new getaway out of the ordinary, and the dance moved right there, in the rain. The activities continued with children learning how to best care for mother nature. Then they became ship architects and even pirates who conquered them. They built boats that they launched in a nearby river contest and they all won because each boat had its own purpose. The camp ended with the award ceremony and lots and lots of smiles. Thank you @imsebastianstan for your undeniable generosity. Big thanks to all the supporters and #ourbigdayout #ourbigcampout - @ourbigdayout on Instagram

- @_william_49 on Instagram

Wellness in Every Sip!!! Try once to be amazed forever [呲牙][呲牙][呲牙] - @bhutan__herbal_tea on Instagram

Сегодня на озере Чан прошёл «Гребной фестиваль спринта», где приняли участие наши инструкторы🏄🏼‍♂️ ⠀ Первый заезд выдался самый интересный, гонялись на 200 метров с лодкой Дракон. Ребята на Драконе победили😄 ⠀ Вторая дисциплина Спринт 200 метров. Второе место наше🥈 ⠀ Третья дисциплина была Техническая гонка в два круга с поворотами🏄🏼‍♂️ Первое место наше🥇 ⠀ Спасибо организаторам @sapichvladimir @puls_vetra за приглашение, было круто🔥 Первые соревнования в этом сезоне🙃 ⠀ По SUP прогулкам🏄🏼‍♂️ Завтра гуляем в бухте Труда, ещё есть свободные места, присоединяйтесь😉 ⠀ 🔴РАСПИСАНИЕ ПРОГУЛОК🔴 - ⠀ ✅Вс (20.09) ⏰10:00 - бухта Труда ⏰13:00 - бухта Труда ⏰16:00 - бухта Труда ✅Пн (21.09 ⏰18:00 - закат бухта Труда ✅Вт (22.09) ⏰06:30 - рассвет бухта Щитовая ⏰09:00 - бухта Щитовая ⏰18:00 - закат бухта Труда ✅Ср (23.09) ⏰06:30 - рассвет маяк Басаргина ⏰09:00 - маяк Басаргина ⏰18:00 - закат бухта Труда ✅Чт (24.09) ⏰06:30 ⏰18:00 ✅Пт (25.09) ⏰09:00 ⏰15:00 ⏰18.30 ✅Сб (26.07) ⏰10:00 ⏰14:00 ⏰17:00 ✅Вс (28.07) ⏰10:00 ⏰14:00 ⏰17:00 ⠀ Расписание предварительное, возможны изменения по погодным условиям‼️ - - - - - - - - - - - - 🟢ЗАПИСЬ🟢 Выберете подходящий день и время, и напишите нам на What’s App 📲 8 (914) 660-37-19 по активной ссылке в шапке профиля @sup_gid - - - - ♒️Перед прогулкой проводим обучение для новичков, принять участие может ЛЮБОЙ желающий. На маршруте сопровождает инструктор🏄🏼‍♂️ - - - - ♒️Предоставим укомплектованный SUP, гидроодежду, гидромешок и спасательный жилет. Проводим фотосъемку на прогулке📸 - - - - ⚠️Вся подробная информация на нашем сайте SUPGID.RU Также добавляйтесь в группу с анонсами в What’s App. Активная ссылка в шапке профиля @sup_gid - @sup_gid on Instagram

I love to hunt for frogs 🐸 but my hoomans are afraid they may be poisonous ☠ #jindosofinstagram #jindodog #pungsandog #dontbuyadopt #진돗개스타그램 #진돗개 #백구 #풍산개 #진돗개국내입양 #진돗개도아파트에서잘키울수있어요 #사지마세요입양하세요 - @sanna_the_posh_jindo on Instagram

Uma palavra só define esses garotos... Guerreiros! 👏👏👏 #adesul_oficial #Sejuv #Gov.CE #Bocha - @bocha._adesul on Instagram

Nossa reunião do Rotary Cerrado que aconteceu hoje teve a visita do nossos companheiros do Rotary Leste Presidente Vicente, G.A Wagner Shimosakai, Marco Modesto e Ivonei Resmini e também teve a visita da nossa querida Dr. Ângela e sua equipe, que levou um convite especial do Talk show promovido pelo Dr. José Soares. Ficamos muito felizes com a presença de vocês em nossa reunião. - @rotarycerradoroo on Instagram

Still my favorite smartphone cover! Vivi is wonderful 💛💚 . . . . #finalfantasy #finalfantasyix #ffix #viviornitier #smartphonecover #smartphone #collection #collector #gamer #gamergirl #videogames #playstation #nerd #blackmage #cute #ff9 #games #finalfantasycollection - @lixellale on Instagram

🍃Hutan adalah bagian penting dari lingkungan dan ekonomi negara kita. Hutan yang berdiri berfungsi sebagai penyimpan atau penyerap karbon. Hutan menawarkan berbagai manfaat lingkungan, sosial dan keuangan yang meningkatkan kualitas hidup kita.🍃⛰⛰ Jagalah lingkungan sekitar mu, merusak lingkungan dan menebang pohon sama hal nya menghancurkan seluruh dunia, menanam satu pohon seperti membangun satu istana bagi banyak kehidupan, oleh karena itu yuk kita bersama- bersama dengan The heartland project melestarikan apa yang seharusnya kita jaga 1 pohon 1 orang🌱🌱🌱 @youth_actkalimantan @genbi.kalteng #theheartlandproject #saveforest - @meikyesro_ on Instagram

- Lito Leaf art Unbe-leaf-able is the word one finds when trying to describe them.Inside the leaves, there lives a whole other world full of wondrous cute animals, homespun idyllic motifs, and occasional references to popular culture, among other things.These cutouts which are all made from leaves.

Metti like🐉♥️㊙️. Commenta😈✌️. #dragonballsuperbroly#dragonforce #dbgt #db #dbs #dbgt#dbzmemes#dragonballsuper#c17#db4gt#dragonballzfans #dragonballamv #dbzkai #dbmeme#dragonball #boom #meme#memes#dragonballlegends #dragonballxenoverse #dbmeme#dbzkai#dragonballamv#sudditilegacy#dragonballsuper#dragonballxenoverse#dragonballtattoo#dragonballkai#dragonballart#dragonballxenoverse2#dragonballcommunity#dragonballcosplay#dragonballsuperbroly #likeforlikes #sudditilegacy #caulifla#bloodsgokudsks - @profeti_di_moro_ on Instagram

- Man Of War!

Dibuat oleh tangan terampil dari bahan dasar kaca borosilikat yang dibentuk dengan bantuan panas api dengan suhu diatas 1000° celcius. . Jauh lebih dalam, lebih dari sekedar . #sembadaglass #flameworking #recycledglass #magicwand #elderwand #harrypotterindonesia #glassart #glasssculpture #glasswork #glassofig #glassaddict #glassartist #glassnetworking #glasscollector #glassnetforming #sculpture #handmade #handmadewithlove #homedecor #senirupa #pameranonline #onlineexhibition #bandungart #karyaanakbangsa #karyaindonesia #fineart #artwork #indonesiaart #gift #kadounik - @sembadaglass on Instagram

- @hpcosplay on Instagram

YOOOO who made this ???!!! That look so good🔥🔥🔥❤ I know it not a real one but woww I have to share on my feed 🌺❤🇳🇨 Ps: I lowkey want one 😭😝😂 #postoftheday #instagood #instamood #nouvellecaledonie #passeportpersonnalisé #NewCaledonia #instatravel #travelphotography #Travelgram - @nenekonc on Instagram

Northmen Viking Sword just finished. Four masters worked on it for almost a year and now it is ready to travel to the US to meet Alexander - the new owner of the sword. More information and specifications - Video with the Northmen Viking Sword - P.s. We have forged a new blade for a new Northmen Viking Sword and we are looking for its owner. We have already started crafting a hilt and scabbard for the new sword. Meanwhile we would like to find the swords future keeper. Please send us an email to or send a private message here on Instagram if you are interested. We will let you know the ordering process, price and estimated crafting time. . . . #sword #swords #blade #blades #forging #handforged #damascus #damascussteel #handmade #swordmaker #swordsmith #bladesmith #swordartonline #weapon #weapons #weaponsdaily #history #vikings #viking #battle #amazing #northmen #northmenguild - @northmenguild on Instagram

- Studio Ghibli style

Honoured that Season One was named Best Young Adult novel by the American Fiction Awards. Dedicated as always to the man himself. He loved this book and got to appreciate the galley (he read it again in two hours when he got must have been his tenth time 😂). This book spoke to his philosophy: the down-on-his-luck kid on the bench who outworks everyone...who redefines his expectations of himself through sweat and perseverance and a dogged pursuit of his dreams. We were both pulling for Reggie from the second he appeared on the page in Training Camp. Congrats on another win brother and hope you are seeing all these kids around the world taking hope and inspiration from your stories. #wizenard #kobe #mambamentality - @wesleykingauthor on Instagram

- Janette Oke

s post ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ Me as vayne with velkoz support and Jungle hecarim . . . . . . . . . ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ 🚫Ignore tags🚫 #lol #league_of_legends #leaguememes #leagueoflegends #pentakill #nasus #darius #vayne #Blitzcrank #newskins #outplay #leaguenews #riotgames #velkoz #meme #memes - @justkeepdunkin on Instagram

Worlds Top Female Amateur Golfer: Irvines Rose Zhang Irvine Community News & Views congratulates 17-year-old Pacific Academy High School student, Rose Zhang on being named the Worlds Top Womens Amateur Golfer. Zhang is the only high school student among the top 20 female amateur golfers in the world. She is also ranked #1 in the American Junior Golf Association. After high school, Zhang plans to attend Stanford University and then hopes to play on the Ladies Professional Golf Association tour. Rose Zhang holding the 2020 U.S. Womens Amateur Trophy (Photo Credit: Chris Keane/USGA) - @irvinecommunitynews on Instagram

Siegerehrung der Alpe-Adria-Tour Tag 1. Auch morgen wird in der #VAA geradelt... 😎🚴‍♂️🚴🏻‍♀️🥇 - @villacher_alpen_arena on Instagram

As varinhas do Harry Potter são as que acabam o estoque mais rápido no site, então se eu fosse vc corria pra garantir a sua! Ela é feita em resina especial resistente, idêntica a original em cada detalhe e resistente a quedas de até 1,5m 😍⁠ Clica na foto pra ver os detalhes dessa varinha 💚⁠ ⁠ #lojanerd #lojageek #geekstore #nerd #nerdbr #mundonerd #mundogeek #geek #decoracaogeek #presentegeek⁠ #harrypotter #varinhaharrypotter #potterhead #colecaoharrypotter⁠ - @brnerdsloja on Instagram

Card of The Hermit. 8/22 Recuperando un po di tempo perso queste settimane. Wip in blue pencil. . #sketch #sketching #tarots #hermit #card #pencil #skecthbook #instaart #instasketch #art #arte #drawing #draw #disegno #artbook #comics #comic #artist #artwork #illustrator #illustration #concept #ink #artoftheday #sketchoftheday #project #sketchaday #design #artbook - @niko.perrini on Instagram

I mars gikk tre fantastiske personer ut av styret. Og siden det ikke ble noen avslutning på Flammen har dere heller ikke fått noen ordentlig avslutning, men dere er absolutt ikke glemt. Dere er personer som har bidratt i mange år og vært en stor del av klubben. Heldigvis bidrar dere fortsatt på andre områder. Det setter vi stor pris på💚 Tusen takk for alt dere har gjort og gjør for klubben @jannikeandersen , @elinoda og @pttrhagen 👩🏼🧑🏽🧑‍🦱 - @giflangrenn on Instagram

ਗੁਰੂ ਸਾਹਿਬਾਂ ਦੇ ਅਤੇ ਪੁਰਾਤਨ ਗੁਰਸਿੱਖਾਂ ਦੇ ਇਤਿਹਾਸਕ ਸ਼ਸਤਰ ਸੁਖ ਆਸਣ ਅਸਥਾਨ ਵਿਖੇ। - @sikh__world__ on Instagram

The Panthers are now done with a smaller feast🥈! The next time they hunt, their kill, their Award will be much bigger🥇🏆 PC- @aman.0310 Camera--My Nikon D3100 #countyzenspeaks #panthers #trophy #award #corinthians #nyatigroup #nyatigarden #champions - @adhiraj_singh00 on Instagram

It was perfect weather for the Pink Polo on Sunday, held at spectacular Elysian Fields in Canungra ~ winners of the Gold Cup 10 Goal Tournament were team Action Metal owned by Ronnie Wanless, joined by professional polo players and team mates Blake Reid, Ruki Baillieu and Damien Johnson. Congratulations on a great win! @seq_polo_club Image @scenic_road_magazine - @scenic_road_magazine on Instagram