this one is stupider

Received a bunch of new #mapex snare drums today! 🥁 14 x 5 Mapex Black Panther Black Widow 🥁 14 x 5.5 Mapex Black Panther Blade 🥁 13 x 7 Mapex Black Panther Blaster 🥁 14 x 6.5 Mapex Black Panther Sledgehammer 🥁 14 x 5.5 Mapex Black Panther Velvetone 🥁 14 x 6 Mapex Black Panther Design Lab Cherry Bomb 🥁 14 x 5 Mapex Black Panther Design Lab Equinox #drummersparadise #drumshop #drumkit #melbournemusic #drums #cymbals #drumheads #drumsticks #percussion #music #melbourne #australianmusic #drummer #melbournedrums #snaredrum #snareporn #mapexdrums - @drummersparadise.com.au on Instagram

i swear to god

Esta serie captura el sonido crudo y puro del histórico Nueva Orleans. Martillado a mano y completado con un diseño superior e inferior con una espiral continua del centro al borde. Su sonido es amaderado, rápido y seco. #bosphoruscymbals #bateristasargentinos #musica - @bosphorus_platillos_argentina on Instagram


Letters Ill never send- Six

This is one of THE most powerful and responsive kick drums (at any volume), we’ve ever heard!! If you’re looking for 🥩💥🥩💥🥩, this is the kit for you! @sonordrumco SQ2 3pc Stratawood • Heavy Maple shells • 9 x 13 16 x 16 16 x 24 💪💪💪 #sonordrums #drumporn #drumshop - @ruppsdrums on Instagram

its probably because i told him once that i like tally hall so he put them on shuffle a bunch

- Alex Van Halen

Nouveautés musicales du 29 novembre 2024 - caissedeson.com

IT IS HARD TO SAY GOODBYE TO THIS BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY -WENGE KIT.MATCHING AGED BRASS HARDWARE FOR THE COOL FACTOR#angeldrumsofficial #angeldrums #mahogany #wenge #drumkit #drums #segmentedwoodturning #metal#snare#drumstagram - @angeldrumsofficial on Instagram

I still kinda do tbh- I MEANT In*

Before and after. Ive always wanted two separate kits up at all times. Much as I love my metal, I love working on pop/jazz fusion style as well, and I always hated having to swap kits out to practice separately. This is my dream set up and Im so very excited. #drums #zildjian #yamaha #yamahaead10 #remo #vicfirthsticks #axispercussion - @mr.wessumz on Instagram

- best drums

This snare has 9 lugs. Think about that: NINE! It’s genius: By using an odd amount of lugs, tension is dispersed evenly across the snare; no two lugs compete. This is my favorite snare drum, a great utilitarian reimagining. It’s no wonder critics love it. Go follow @pfeiferdrumco to learn more! 🥁REPOST: “This 6×14 September series maple proved to be one of the most versatile, easy-to-tune, and utilitarian wood drums I’ve ever played.” - Mike Dawson, Modern Drummer Magazine, May 2019. @mikedawsondrums @modern_drummer @pfeiferdrumco #pfeiferdrumco #moderndrummer #imperialseriesdrums #generationseriesdrums #septemberseriesdrums #snare #drum #drums #drumset #drumkit #drumming #drummer #drumfam #music #drumlife #drummerlife #studio #musician #bateria #drumsolo #philadelphia #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #spinbal - @spinbal on Instagram

The Velvet Underground – Loaded - Fully Loaded Edition• Rhino Records - R2 72563

this photo is so silly 😭😭

Me conectando com o Wi-Fi da felicidade, voltando aos estudos e ao ensino de bateria, em breve novidades! #bateria #semcelular #drums #baterista 🙏🏾😍 - @felicissimofranco on Instagram


rod wave

Seamless Copper Nouveau 14x6,5 #snaredrumfreakz - @snaredrumfreakz on Instagram

made this on my birthday yesterday

The Subkick-01 in action with LA based drummer @b_combz. Love that massive kick drum!! 👽👍 . . . . . . #subkick #drumrecording #kickdrum #lowend #recordingstudio #draliensmith - @draliensmith on Instagram

Opal in sky :D

Wincent Birch Rods W-19A 📸 : @yadasimamora . #Wincent #WincentSetrong #WincentDrumsticks #WincentDrumsticksIndonesia - @wincentindonesia on Instagram


Opal in sky :D

Thank you Latin America! Tour is over and album number five begins #thefaceless - @thefacelessofficial on Instagram

#Repost @drumshacklondon with @get_repost ・・・ Louis Giannamore from the rock metal band @thecityisoursuk picked up a 23” Syncopation SW ride! It’s so expressive and exactly what he was looking for! @bosphoruscymbalsuk @bosphoruscymbals - @bosphoruscymbalsuk on Instagram

Jay Weinberg

- Drums (THE instrument)

Urban Street Artists - Graffiti & City Vibes

i play guitar thooo!!!

Our friend Gogo is a multipurpose drummer😃😯😃🥢🥁 #drummer #drums #music #drum #drumming #musician #drumlife #guitarist #rock #drummers #drummersofinstagram #guitar #drummerlife #drumset #singer #band #bassist #bateria #metal #drumcover #baterista #bass #groove #vicfirth #percussion #drumuniversity #drumsticks #drumstagram #zildjian #bhfyp - @intekmusic on Instagram

Chimp 1

Treated myself to some freshness from @davedeming. Sounding great on the #forestkingdrumheads. - @indexdrums on Instagram

this one is stupider

BAD GAL RIRI | ARTIST EDITION - The Royal Family Virtual Experience

- Drums (THE instrument)

A great drum kit from @craigthornedrums 🔥🔥🙌 #drumsdrumsdrums #drumworld #drum #drummers #music #cover #mapex #talent #instamusic #instruments #instavideo #instadrums #amazing #drumming #vicfirth #zildjian #tama #drumstick #share #stayathome #quarentine #cover #cool #instagood #nice #feature #drumkit #percussion - @drumming_fellowship on Instagram

- My snare drum has a birthday

- artistic musical instruments

- Cymbals

📹 Creator: @zackaustindrums • 💬 Message us on how to get a guaranteed feature. • 📤 Share this post to help support the drumming community and the drummers • #drumsolo #we_love_drums #gospelchops #spiritofthedrummer #drumsdaily #drumset #meinl #drumfill #drumfam #drumpractice #drumsharing #groove #instadrums #drumlessons #drumeo #drumuniversity #chops #drummer #instadrum #drum #drumchops #pocket #groove #drums - @drumspassion on Instagram

Lovely Kappadokia Serie ! #Repost @anatolian_cymbals_spain ・・・ Anatolian KAPPADOKIA SERIES!! Anatolian CYMBALS SPAIN. #AnatolianCymbals #kappadokia #series #Cymbals #handmade #newsounds #finest - @anatoliancymbalsofficial on Instagram

Aquela aglomeração que a gente gosta ✨ - @zeusbrasil on Instagram

#Repost @dan__presland with @get_repost ・・・ I’m in Nashville TN tracking NeO album #4 with @marklewis720 #neobliviscaris #reflexx #polynome #zildjian #czarciekopyto #vicfirth #remo #pearldrums #drumkit #drumset #drums #drumming #instadrums #progmetal #metal #tourdog #footblaster #drumkit #drumbeat #metal #zildjianfamily #soundbrenner #drumsolo #extrememetal #heavymetal #blastbeat #doublebass #practice - @addictionsound on Instagram

Cambio de nave!!! Vamos con la Stage Custom Bop Kit @yamahadrumsmexico y el super Ride @sabiancymbals_official OMNI 22” HiHats son 15” XSR Monarch ! Miles y millones de gracias a @casaveerkamp por mis platillos Yam hermosos ♥️⚔️♥️⚔️♥️ - @paduablastbeats on Instagram

Repost @sewy_insta Bird’s-eye view on my percious • • • Use #Professional_Drummers and Tag Us for a Chance to be Featured‼️✅ - @professional_drummers on Instagram

BassDrum #tamadrums 🤟 Snare Slp - @alug41 on Instagram

Great selection of 1960s / 1970s Ludwig Supraphonic snares! 5x14 & 6.5x14. Available in shop and shipped. Contact shop directly for pricing and availability. - @drugansdrumsandguitars on Instagram

Traveller Series - Mamushka #SomosPioneros #55años #ReivindiquemosLaIndustriaNacional - @colombodrums on Instagram

A dupla fatal! MS Ride Crash 20 e Exótica China sun 18 @orioncymbals - @mateus_delaricci on Instagram

- Play drums :)

- @malek_rizkallah on Instagram

Been a while putting up a top down setup pic! Feels good to be back on my throne playing on my beautiful meinls and on this pocket rocket Ludwig! Let’s not even start about how much I missed my dw 9000s Back in the bay. Setup at home FOR NOW!! #drummachari #meinlcymbals #ludwigbreakbeats #bigfatsnaredrum #dw9000 @meinlcymbalsindia @ludwigdrumshq - @drummachari on Instagram

Con ustedes algunos efectos Meinl en preventa que SOLO se ofrecerán HOY!! CC-12DASTK: 130.000 GX-12/14TH: 158.000 GX-12/14XTS: 158.000 B18DUTRC: 298.000 Interesado? INBOX! 👨🏻💻👨🏻💻 - @drumdealerchile on Instagram

Primera clase a un hermano que la vida me regaló. El gran Azaria Mustafá expandiendo su talento musical y su conocimiento. El Campeón de los Tabacos @cnmcigars - @patricioelchino on Instagram

Mais um batera feliz com a chegada de mais um integrante na família. Parabéns pela escolha e obrigado pela preferência Marcos. Para orçamentos e encomendas é só entrar em contato com Victor Bub no 048 9 9980-2085. #istanbulmehmet #istanbulmehmetbrazil #atradicaocontinua #pratosturcos #pratosdebateria #bateristas #bateras #drums #drummers #cymbals #handmade - @istanbulmehmetbrazil on Instagram

Kit of the Day winner goes to connorcolford! Hes the proud owner of a 1965 12/14/20 Ludwig Black Oyster Pearl Down Beat kit. Congratulations! Remember to send your kits in for a chance to be chosen! -TCP - @vintage_ludwig_drums on Instagram

Mellow yellow at its finest. #drummer#work #tamadrumsofficial #studiotime - @adamponceofficial on Instagram

Back at this place! Working more on some speedy doubles... . . . . . . . . . . . . #practice #subdivisionstudy #doubles #speedydoubles #music #musica #bateria #baterista #musician #drumlife #drumsdrumsdrums #drumming #passion - @anika.nilles on Instagram

The 40th anniversary of the passing of Ludwig artist and legend John Henry Bonham. He left behind an indelible legacy that continues to grow and inspire. . May 31, 1948 - September 25, 1980 . #repost from @ludwigdrumshq . #ludwig #ludwigartist #johnbonham #drums #ludwigdrums #drummer - @ludwigdrums.id on Instagram

Really happy with my StickGrip on left hand, been working on getting it right for a couple of years now!!! @zildjianindia @zildjiancompany 20 K Sweet Crash! PC : @sammyadams.films Session gig with @lagorimusic in Mysore!! #throwback #gigdiaries #lagori #lagorimusic #gigs #livegigs #pearldrums #promarkdrumsticks #dw9000pedals #sennheiser #IEM #drummersofinstagram #picoftheday #drummer #drumkit #cymbals #cymbalporn #shotinaction #giglife #pearlomarhakimsignaturesnare - @joejacobdrummer on Instagram

Rebolo alumínio cônico, pele couro ( tá, pode ser tantam, tanzinho...) 11x60 11x55 11x45 *consulte cores e revendas inbox #rebolo #tantam #tantanzinho #reboloconico #tantanzinho #tantamcouro #tantamcontemporanea #rebolocontemporanea #samba #pagode #contemporanea #osomquealegraomundo #vempracontemporanea #juntossomoscontemporanea #contemporaneateam #worldtem - @contemporaneateam on Instagram

Quieren jugar un rato? Este limpiador de platos Made In USA cuesta USD11.99. Los regalaremos si se cumplen dos simples condiciones; llegar a los 300 likes y que nadie pregunte el precio en el proceso. Se podrá? Averigüémoslo!! 🤓🤓 - @drumdealerchile on Instagram

@iwan_kemps set up for a drum clinic From Left to Right - 7” T-classic Splash - 14” Cymbalmaker Hats (990g top/1700g bottom) - 18” Swing King Crash (Medium Thin) - 10” Stack (T-xtra Mini China with holes and 10” T-xtra splash) - 16” Air style Aux Hats (thin top with holes, medium bottom) - 18” Janissaryx Nefer Crash - 21” T-alternative Ride, polished edges and slightly bend body - 18” Custom China (air body, lathed and polished edges, 6 holes, ex hammered smaller edges) #tcymbals #cymbals #cymbaladdict #drummersofinstagram #instadrummer #drummer #drums #drumming #instagroove #turkishcymbals #turkey #handmadecymbals #cymbalsinsta #studio #dwdrums #VaterDrumsticks #aquariandrumheads #bigfatsnaredrum - @tcymbals_official on Instagram

- musical instruments

„Sound and high level of detail.“ - Bonedo Find the full review (German) by @bonedo.de here 👉 http://bit.ly/gewag9prol6_bonedo (link also in bio) 🎛📟🎚🥁 #gewag9 #gewadrumworkstation #beyonddigitaldrums #bonedo - @gewadrums on Instagram

Você que tem interesse em encomendar algum prato específico da Istanbul Mehmet pode entrar em contato com Victor Bub até dia 25/09 para realizar uma encomenda antecipada. Isso inclui qualquer prato do catálogo com suas respectivas polegadas. Maiores informações pelo 048 9 9980-2085. #istanbulmehmet #istanbulmehmetbrazil #atradicaocontinua #pratosturcos #pratosdebateria #bateristas #bateras #drums #drummers #cymbals - @istanbulmehmetbrazil on Instagram

@arnaudlia69 New drums!🥁🤘 #drumset #drumkit #pearldrums #nataldrums #gibraltarhardware #antelopeaudio #audiotechnicausa #tonumcymbals #sennheiser #dwdrums #telefunken #drumkit #acrylicdrums #natalarcadia #drum #drums #instadrums #evansdrumheads - @drumsoutlet on Instagram

- Mapex Drums

The PDP concept classic walnut drum kit. - @pdpdrums on Instagram

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the passing of Ludwig artist and legend John Henry Bonham. He left behind an indelible legacy that continues to grow and inspire. . May 31, 1948 - September 25, 1980 . . . #ludwig #ludwigartist #johnbonham #drums #ludwigdrums #drummer - @ludwigdrumshq on Instagram

La foto nos la manda @luis_mellaa 🍊🍊🍊 . . Mándanos también la tuya y la publicamos!! - @evadrums on Instagram

Evolution O-zone 18” - @sabiansouthafrica on Instagram

Fuck it I’m posting me in my practice space - @thereal_lucaslasagna on Instagram

Draeden - Illusion I met @draedenofficial last year backstage at the Kayzo show in Montreal. Super nice dude! Big fan of his cinematic production. 3rd drop made this one a must. - @ettibowen on Instagram

Another shop of Tequila anyone? 😎🍸#ludwigdrums #namm - @ludwig_australia on Instagram

Queen @andreaalvarezaa algún tiempo atrás @loscabosdrumsticks @loscabosargentina Ph @damianbenetucciph - @loscabosargentina on Instagram

We’ve built some really amazing custom beaters for @aaronedgardrum. Here are three! - @lowboybeaters on Instagram

Purposefully compact while maintaining a distinctive acoustic aesthetic. The VAD306 is a unique V-Drums Acoustic Design kit featuring shallow shells, making it ideal for home use and tight stages. Plus with the TD-17 sound module, the VAD306 gives you the versatility that only V-Drums can provide with a vast collection of vintage and modern drums, sound editing, and learning tools. Learn more about the VAD306: https://www.roland.com/global/products/vad306/ - @roland_uk on Instagram

- BATERISTA - Drum stuff I like

- @dw_drums_ on Instagram

#mapex#designlab#roseburst# - @la_baguetterie_marseille on Instagram

A full cymbal wall is a beautiful cymbal wall @zildjianaustralia #cymbals #zildjiancymbals 🥳 - @justpercussion on Instagram

sto facendo cose per voi. Non si molla, anche se è dura. Una fortuna però c’è, avere i miei @sabiancymbals_italy vicini. ❤️ Che anno infame. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · #sabian #tour #onstage #awesome #love #live #music #freedom #tour #tamburodrums #evodrumstick #codedrumheads #teamcode #trustyourears #axis #drumming #drummer #drums #drumuniversity #drummersofinstagram - @marco.lancs on Instagram

Available NOW! Limited Edition 6.5x14 Steel Snares in 4 different hardware combinations! $429.99! These things absolutely crack so dont miss out! https://www.sjcdrums.com/pages/yard-sale - @sjcdrums on Instagram

// Fake & The Soul Aesthetic // ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀📸: @alicjaandscout - @tsaapproved on Instagram

- Noble and Cooley English chestnut/Ziricote ply snare! Number 1 of only 20 made!

Great little practice setup! 😄 #drummersdecision Repost for @richnolandrums Use our hashtag to be featured! ➡️Check out the link in our bio for our guide on how to grow your drumming Instagram page! ⬅️ . . . #drumsdrumsdrums #drumsharing #instadrums #drummersofinstagram #drumcommunity #drummemes #drumporn #drumminglife #drumslife #drumsdaily #drumstagram #vf15 - @drummersdecision on Instagram

Thank you everyone that sent submissions for the #yummylivechallenge • putting everyone in the same video didn’t do anyone justice, therefore I decided to show them all individually! Here is 10 of them! - @samdellmusic on Instagram

kaboom! - @kickpropillow on Instagram

Ao vivo em 20 minutos lá no @joerobertsrock 270/366 - @repettode on Instagram

- Drum Room

Is your dad as cool as mine? This is one of the best birthday gifts my parents have given me... My dad personally made these Transparent fiber glass Octobans FROM SCRATCH ... I am so blessed to have them as my parents 🙏❤️!! @nagi.rhythmist @vidyanagi 😘😘 #isyourdadascoolasmine #drums #drumstagram #drumsdaily #instadrummer @drumtalktv @drum_that @indiandrummers @drummersofasia @drummerconnection @drumeoofficial @drumchannel @drumcommunity #drummerworld #drumshow #drumporn - @drumssiddharth on Instagram

To try is only best if you never stop trying #thecycleofselfempowerment #domsfortunecookies #drummingsglobalambassador #mondaymotivation - @global2dom on Instagram

@the_jorisdaniel recently bought some @sunhouseinc triggers and gatdamnnnn he’s creating music perfect for @cyberpunkgame - swipe to check out the process. It’s completely live with no post-processing (even the side-chain). That’s the power of Sunhouse 🙌🏼 • #drummer #sunhousepercussion #sunhouse #drumtriggers #hybriddrumkit #cyberpunk #moog #moogsynthesizer @moogsynthesizers @pearl_drums #industrialmusic - @emaelcloud on Instagram

Mañana me toca grabar a 14 pelados... #inventario #shuresm7 #unidyne #beyerdynamic #electrovoice #Sennheiser #ludwigdrums - @progresonacional on Instagram

Who else remember this red beauty from the old website? 🙌🏻🙋🏻♂️🔴 #ocdp #ocdpdrums #orangecountydrums #customdrums #ocdpofficial #drums #drum #drumming #drummer #snare #customsnare #orangecountydrumsandpercussion #california #snareporn #drumporn #zildjian #zildjiancymbals #meinl #sabian #meinlcymbals #sabiancymbals #ocdpdrumsofficial #vater #vaterdrumsticks - @ocdpdrumsofficial on Instagram

- Black Beauty

Love the sound of this 15 inch snare #Repost @larrymitchelldrummer with @make_repost ・・・ A behind the kit view @soundasylum with my versatile 4x15 @beierdrums snare. Shoutout to @snareweight for the M80 dampener. One the best ways to dial in your own personal sound. • • • • • @straycatleerocker @beierdrums @snareweight @istanbulmehmet #beierdrums #snareweight #gearpost #studiorecording #drummer #leerocker #rockabilly #istanbulmehmetcymbals - @soundasylum on Instagram

El equipo perfecto para el sonido perfecto!! 🔥🔥🔥 Todavía alucinando con la sinergia conseguida con @sabiancymbals_official , @mapexdrumsofficial y @balbexdrumsticks No podría estar mejor preparado para todo lo que se viene encima. . @suprovox_ @mapex_iberica @balbex_iberica #euromusicafersan 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 . @sabiancymbals_official @mapex_iberica @mapexdrumsofficial @mapexdrums @balbex_iberica @balbexdrumsticks #balbex #balbexdrumsticks #mapex #mapexdrums #mapexarmory #mapexblackpanther #mapexmars #mapexfamily #sabian #sabiancymbals #sabiancymbals_official #sabianaax #sabianaaxcymbals - @vik_metaldrumwork_aa on Instagram

Van harte gefeliciteerd bday brothers @ramiks & @josbros ❤️ — Volg @noahsark voor de beste fatoes 🤗 #ramiks #josbros #happybirthday #noahsarkfatoes - @noahsark on Instagram

2006 Another kit (actually 2 kits) for Alex Gonzalez of Maná. Alex always knows what he wants .The graphics were inspired by the album cover art for “Amar Es Combatir” . I painted long stem roses over a pearl white base. Used a sparkle red for the roses and loosely painted the stems and leaves with a brush . Feeling like it needed a little rock & roll edge to it I ghosted some skull and crossbones all over. I had the tom rims powder coated candy red to complete the look. I painted the eyes a red glitter on the Chrome skull cymbal toppers . @alexgonzalezelanimal @dwdrums @paistecymbals @manaoficial #mana #maná #custompainteddrums #createxcolors #autoaircolors #sparklescent #redroses - @johndouglas_art on Instagram

The situation of the COVID-19 outbreak is changing fast, and news and information about the disease can be overwhelming. Many states and cities are implementing aggressive social distancing regulations and encouraging people to self-isolate as much as possible. While Gigs, tours and other events are being cancelled or postponed, we are seeing local musicians here doing quite a few live streaming gigs and Skype lessons, while others are taking to wood shedding. Let us know how you are staying creative. Stay safe everyone... - @rogersdrums_official on Instagram

Hear the ring of the cymbals, the punch of the snares, and the boom of the kick drum, all with independent mics. - @pyleusa on Instagram

Here’s a bunch drumcam to celebrate @__.denisa’s EP release today! #selamat1000x #crowning - @andryanduta on Instagram

This was the first drum to be sold through joecoxdrums.com, 5 years ago, when I went fully e-commerce. It was a special one and one of my old favourite backdrops! 💛 - @joecoxdrums on Instagram

The SmallsLIVE Foundations Live Concerts from Smalls Jazz Club today (8/31). Ari Hoenig and his quartet featuring Tivon Pennicott, Matt Penman and Gabriel Chakarji. This concert begins at 5pm. This concert is sponsored by Matt Yaple and his venue Exuberance. Watch it for free on our site, www.smallive.com. Please consider becoming a member of our foundation. For more info foundation@Smallslive.com - @smallslive on Instagram

Drum fun w @luissosadias & @dnasxl @thedoghousestudio - @bradleycookproductions on Instagram

- Drum Lessons

Repost @patrickputzker • • • Never been happier with a drum setup! 🖤 This kit sounds and looks absolutely amazing. We spent the first days setting everything up, tweaking some sounds and making ourselves a home for the next 3 weeks. Now it’s time to let it rip 🔥 - @professional_drummers on Instagram

#Repost @lpmusicofficial with @get_repost. Thank you @lpmusicofficial glad to be a part. ・・・ Please welcome @mikedrum to Latin Percussion. Lets show him some love! . . . #wearerhythm #drums #drumming #dwdrums #percussion #music #janetjackson - @mikedrum on Instagram

Arriving in the UK and Ireland tomorrow is this 5 piece Walnut/Birch kit in Charcoal Onxy. The Starclassic series continues to be a representation of our collective drum-making passion, wisdom and pursuit to offer refined and differentiated sounds. Starclassic Walnut/Birch defines our commitment to evolve our drum sounds and inspire the contemporary drummer. #Tama #strongestnameindrums #Starclassic #Tamazing - @tamauk on Instagram

Big Blue Gretsch with SPD SX and TM6 Pro and a new assortment of Paiste cymbals is out this week with @jeffbeckofficial Tonight at Eric Clapton’s @ericclapton Crossroads in Dallas. @gretschdrums @paistecymbals @roland_us @remopercussion Thanks to Chris Heuer at @heuersdrumlab for making them even more amazing. - @vinniecolaiuta on Instagram

- Drums Drums Drums

🌌🚀My sparkly spaceship - @efajrmusic on Instagram

Surdo 60 cm X 18 em madeira envernizado - @marcostakto on Instagram

It’s all about the company you keep. Paiste Artist Daniel Moscardini totally agrees while hanging out with his best buddies on the couch. 😂 👌 Welcome to the family Daniel!⠀ ⠀ @danielmoscardini #paiste #paistecymbals #cymbals #paistefamily #schlagzeug #handcrafted #drums #drum #drumming #drummer #music #drumlife #drumset #bateria #drummerlife #drumsdaily #instadrummer #instadrums #drummers #bestfriends #friends #buddies #couch #goodcompany #paisteartist #newartist - @paistecymbals on Instagram

Grabando las baterías de los últimos temas del nuevo disco @lapegatina ! Con @tatosucursal a los 🎮 🤟 en @feelbackstudio . . . . #nuevodisco #zildjian #evans #mapex #tycoon #musicdistribucion #euromusicafersan #ludwig - @sergilopezgry on Instagram

Experience the unique sound of Ultimate Micro Splash ! #Repost @drumkorea ・・・ 좋은 소리는 무었일까 ~ 심벌에서 아름다움이 느껴지면 아름다운 소리가 나는걸가^^ #반짝반짝 @anatoliancymbalsofficial #anatolian #cymbals #드럼코리아 #드럼 #drum #vongott #폰고트 #폰거트 #연습패드 #취미 #drumkorea #연습 #교회 #드럼연주 #drums #drummer #drumstagram #drumplay #drumcover #cover #음악스타그램 #음스타그램 #일상 #드럼스타그램 #드럼레슨 - @anatoliancymbalsofficial on Instagram

Edisi.. DI RUMAH SAJA.... - @nekara_drum on Instagram

A Audition DM827N Natural possui casco com Poplar (6 folhas), madeira que garante equilíbrio das frequências e excelente definição musical. Sua configuração é clássica e possui um hardware completo para valorizar sua performance! São 2 tons, surdo de chão, caixa, bumbo de 20”, pratos de chimbal de 14 e crash de 16 : peças que valorizam a pressão sonora e proporcionam excelente musicalidade aos bateristas das mais variadas “pegadas”. 📸: @musicstoretl #michaelinstrumentos #michaelémúsica #falamúsica #bateria #batera #baterista #drums #drummer #musica - @michaelinstrumentos on Instagram

@r4customdrums Send in a picture of your drum to be featured! - @snare_drum_spot on Instagram

REPOST: @varusdrums_official_page What bass drum size do you love? 20” - 22” - 24” or 26”? 🤘🤘 . . #drums #drumset #drummer #drum #drumkit #drumkits #drumstagram #customdrum #drummers - @drummingco on Instagram

- Spencer Smith

#meinl #meinlcymbals #meinlpurealloy #purealloy #purelove #evans #evansdrumheads #evansuv2 #promark #promarkdrumsticks #promarktx2sw #craftonmusikab #lawrence #lawrencedinamarca #lawrencedinamarcadrummer #photography #photoshoot #photos #photooftheday #photo #model #modelo #vibes #vibe #goodvibes #studio #studiophotography #studiorecording - @lawrence_dinamarca_drummer on Instagram

- Cymbals

Grabación que se va hasta California 🔥🥁🎧 gracias @monkeybeerecords 📸@jasminahirschl @aquariandrumheads @zildjiancompany @cympad @hermesmusicmex #drumslife #instalife #baterista #mylife #zildjian - @alexdiazdrums on Instagram

Time for a complete hardware refresh? For @shaygodwindrums, our flagship 9000 series stands are his go-to. Check out his unique dual snare, dual hi hat set up. ... Thanks for sharing Shay! . . . . . . #gibraltarhardware #drumsetups #drumset #drumsdaily #instadrums #drumkit #drumstagram - @gibraltarhardware on Instagram

Who is a fan of HHX Series? #sabian #cymbals #sabianfamily #sabiansa - @sabiansouthafrica on Instagram

Los espacios siempre serán importantes para el proceso de creación de un artista, el taller-casa de @armandorosalesrivero en definitiva es un lugar que lo identifica, es un reflejo de él y su trabajo, un lugar en el que investiga, piensa, hace obras de escala menor y pruebas. Armando hace parte de nuestros artistas invitados para ARTBO fin de semana virtual, sus obras están disponibles en la página de ARTBO. Para más información en nuestra web: www.sketchroom.co #compenporaryart #contemporaryartist #velezuelanartist #artistatelier #ARTBOfds #artbofindesemanavirtual #artbofindesemana - @sketch_gallery_bogota on Instagram

A&F Drum Co. Raw Brass Pancake Snare 🥁😍 Thanks @davejazz for this great video! Posted @withregram • @davejazz A&F Pancake Snare 14″ x 1.5″ Raw Brass (A&F Drum Co.)⠀ ⠀ „With a handmade 1.5 deep raw brass shell in 12, 14, & 16 diameters, add handmade raw brass hoops, single tension tuning rods w/clips, heads and a beer tap throw/butt plate“⠀ ⠀ Visit anfdrumco.com and zbaerensounds.ch (Switzerland)⠀ ⠀ @zbarensounds @anfdrumco⠀ ⠀ #anfdrumco #playwhatulove #Drumsdaily #Drums #Drummer #Drumming #Schlagzeug #Schlagzeuger #RemoDrumheads #AnatolianCymbals #Drummerworld #theworldofdrums #instadrumvids #drumuniversity #drummersofinstagram #鼓 #ドラム #Drumbeat #moderndrummer #NYCSoulfulBeats #pancake #pancakesnare #NewYork #Music #Beats - @zbarensounds on Instagram

Sesión de miércoles para una producción del máster @kikeeizaguirre en @elesconditeprod . Con #ivandominguez haciendo sonar esto a gloria 🤘🏿 #gretsch #gretschdrums #danipodador #elesconditeproducciones #bosphoruscymbals #remodrumheads #wincentdrumsticks #gewadrums #gewa #sessiondrummer #recordingsession #drumsrecording - @danipodador on Instagram

thanks you!! @andybaterola #arboreacymbalcompany #artist #Arboreacymbal #cymbals #cymbal #drum #drumcymbals #music - @arboreacymbalofficial on Instagram

Another one-of-a-kind piece of #resoarmor acoustic art. This is the first satin-finish kit, and I have to imagine I will be making a lot more! 10x18, 7x10, 13x13, 5x14 snare, set up with our Ultralight Tom Holder (plate mount), Ultralight Spurs, and Ultralight floor tom legs! #Resoarmor #newcolor #indedrum #snaredrum #drumlife #drumset #drummers #drumfam #drumporn #baterista #drumstagram #drummer #instadrums #instadrum #instadrummer #drums #drum #drumsdrumsdrums #madeinmichigan - @inde_drum on Instagram

- Cocktail drum kit

Looks to be a good day 😊 - @wincentdrumsticks on Instagram

Tomorrow night @alexsbarlbc. 9PM - @ratsinthelouvre on Instagram

- DW Drums

Summer 2008 • The Former Rig • #PinkCrustaceansAndGoodVibrations #tbt 🦀🌈 - @yesodwilliams on Instagram

it’s difficult to explain how excited i am to be the new owner of this drumset. this is a 1967 Yamaha D-20.. the first model of drumset that Yamaha ever made. • this is a dream instrument for me, and to make it even sweeter, i got it from my great friend @terencefclark . • there is Yamaha drums history in my family and i’m proud to be continuing with it! more on that to come 🥁 • • • #yamahadrums #istanbulagop #vicfirth #drummer #drums #prodrummer #nashville #musician #yamaha - @chrisleidhecker on Instagram

Febrero / 2 unidades / 799.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algo más que agregar? 🤷🏻♂️ - @drumdealerchile on Instagram

Today’s post is related to cymbals as it’s made from the Zildjian Secret Alloy. This is one of about 300 6 1/2” x 14” snare drums made between 1989 - 1991. This is the first time the Zildjian alloy was used for something other than cymbals. Zildjian collaborates with Noble&Cooley along with Drum Designer Bob Gatzen to create these fantastic snare drums. There was also a 43/4” x 14” available but in a much smaller qty as approximately 100 were made. These drums are super heavy and super loud due the casting method and the nature of the Zildjian alloy. You could get this drum to go from a whisper to a roar as needed. #zildjian #zildjianalloysnare #zildjianalloy #zildjiancymbals #zildjiancompany #snaredrums #cymbals #drummers. @mikefasano - @cymbalcraftsman on Instagram

- Junior drum set

#Repost @jacksnjillsswingband ・・・ Drums ! • • • #anfdrumco #bassdrums #retrolook #vintage #roaring20s #noride @theanfers #bosphoruscymbals #meinl #meinlcymbals #instadrum #instadrummer #onstage #readytostart #labellevilloise #brotherswing #livemusic #carpet #paris #igersparis #igersfrance #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #drumkit #swingparty #swing #charleston #newyearseve - @theanfers on Instagram

Uma boa noite para todos! . . #ivisontrio #musicainstrumental #pandeiro #percussao @contemporaneateam #onetrio #folede8baixos #caruaru #nordeste - @ivisons on Instagram

You here for Studio 1 or Studio 2 😜 But for real, solo drum room D is available for all your drummers who need to get some practice in! Full band rehearsals are also available in rooms C, I, and G. Book on our website! #rehearse #rehearsalstudio #jam #bedrockla - @bedrockla on Instagram

Legüero COMPACTO® MP DIAPASON Estudio 🔴🎙️ . Audio de Celular Compacto 16 parche seco . La semana pasada volvimos a grabar!!! Una invitación de @estudiodiapason. Baterías y percusiones para un disco que se editará en USA y producido por mí amigo JAVIER LEDDA!!! . Como siempre un lujo trabajar en Estudio Diapasón, espacio que abrió sus puertas a mí trabajo desde los primeros años! . . #drumset #drumer #percusionlatinoamericana #percusionargentina #folcloreargentino #bombolegüero #bomboleguero #compactomp #legüerocompactomp #leguerocompacto #legüero #gibraltar #corralito #chacarera - @martinparraluthier on Instagram

@chicago_drum_exchange - Collectors Series 10/12/16/22 Exotic Candy Black Burst Quilted Maple w/Nickel Hardware. 😍😍😍 #dw #drums #percussion #dwsa - @dw.pdp.drums_sa on Instagram

- Drum Set Music

- Cajon

Kit V2 - came back to earth a bit. This features a Pete Engelhart wing. - @gunbuns on Instagram

@stack_ring_percussion #kmanstack Dry vs. Original shootout 🥈🏅 Which one do you prefer? Use headphones for the goods! . . . . . . #stackringpercussion #stackring #crunchring #kmanstack #kman #recycledpercussion #percussion #repercussion #recycle #cymbalmodification #cymbal #cymballathe #lathe #reveriedrums #reveriedrumco #kmanstackdry - @reverie_drums on Instagram

Nossas baquetas são feitas para diversas ocasiões e para músicos exigentes, ideal pra quem precisa de controle de volume e um som diferenciado. E o melhor de tudo sem perder a qualidade sonora, e aproveitando esse post para agradecer aos novos seguidores. Obrigado a todos pelo carinho 👊🏻 Foto do nosso artista @joaom.jesus #rudroddrumsticks #baquetasartesanais #baquetasacusticas #cajonsticks #rodsticks #smoothrods #cajon #cajonbrasileiro #percussão #lançamento #novidade #curtam #comentem #compartilhem - @rudroddrumsticks on Instagram

@olsportland has always been one of my favorite rooms to play and see shows. It has a very special way of blurring the line between the audience and stage. There is an undeniably powerful, inspiring energy in that room, and we need that energy in Portland. Because of the shutdown they are looking at closing their doors for good. I understand times are tight, and there are so many important causes that demand our attention and financial support right now, but I urge you to head over to their GoFundMe and at the very least help them spread the word. Let’s help preserve this wonderful venue. Here’s a few throwback clips from the @micromasse ‘Anthropocene’ release show in 2017. #saveourstages #portlandmaine #portlandmusic #organtrio #drums #guitar #hammondorgan - @csweetdrums on Instagram

Here’s a deal for you!! Yamaha Recording Custom Handcrafted in Japan 🇯🇵 ———————————————— 10x9 - 12x10 - 16x16 - 22x16 In Excellent Used Condition Incredible live and studio kit. $2750 including GST. #globalmusicconnection #australia #yamahadrums #japan #drums - @globalmusicconnection on Instagram

- drums

Rebel Custom Shop birch/mahogany shells finished in Vintage White SS 👌🏻⚪️ 22x16 / 10x7 / 12x8 / 16x16 💣 The DS factory is a drummer’s paradise! We start our Custom Shop process with only select and responsibly harvested woods and finish our drums with more than 200 finishes. Discover the full range of Rebel Custom Shop drums and see if you can find your dream drum kit. #dsdrum #drums #madeinitaly #vintage #white - @dsdrumitaly on Instagram

Excited to use my new 15” hihats @emperorcymbalsusa on this tour with my band @lilackings #emporercymbals #hihats #indie #rock #alternative #posthardcore - @lilac_cameron on Instagram

Retittling that retattle ⚡️In conversation with drum-padré @queen_machine this exercise descends from 8 beats a measure to 3 beats a measures, accenting the first beat of each measure, switching between single strokes and doubles. No matter what the cycle or pattern, it’s always a good challenge to shave a beat off and whittle it down to the shortest form. An exercise commonly used in Carnatic percussion or drum solo. I was able to adapt it in a musical sense only once with Preoccupations when we attempted Antidote live and re worked the ending (➡️ next vid) I had the idea to shave a beat off with each repetition of 6 into 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - pause (of course pause) ... ok goodnight. #drums #drummer #drumming #drumsdaily #drumeoofficial #preoccupations #livemusic #rememberlivemusic #rettitle #retattle #yeehaw - @milk_jagger on Instagram

Este fue un set especial que arme para el concierto #DesdeCasa 🥁 - @_soydavo on Instagram

“Beautiful, efficient ... so classy. Very easy and quick to install, everything is there. I love the design and the practicality so much, its perfect. Set up my drums with this wonderful hardware is a huge pleasure. Bravo brothers! All the drums/hardware from A&F are like legos...I love it! The possibilities are endless. Not to mention the packaging which is just incredible with the drawing from Corey @cmstrange ”~A&F Artist Mogan Cornebert @mogancornebert Mogan’s set up includes: @anfhardware Nickel Standard Snare/Kick/Tom Stand($149) for both his A&F 3x14 Raw Brass Single Tension Snare($695) and 6x12 Single Tension Copper Rack Tom($780); Nickel Kick-Bone($209) & Hoop-Mounted Clamp W/L-Arm($129) both on his 10x22 Single Tension Raw Copper Kick($1125); 8x16 Single Tension Copper Floor Tom($930); 2 A&F Nickel Straight Cymbal Stand($169) & 1 A&F Nickel Boom Cymbal Stand($179); and the A&F Cocktail Basket w/Pedal Mount($290) on his 14x14 Black Maple Club Floor Tom($1250) holding up his 3x12 Raw Brass Rude Boy($625), and his A&F 22” Square Oddities Crash($475). #anfdrumco #anfhardware #playwhatulove - @anfhardware on Instagram

Seeing @99neighbors last night and having the opportunity to hang out with them after the show was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. In honor of that, here’s my favorite song of theirs, “Fly”. (p.s. more pictures of the concert over on @ian.spillman ) - @ianspillmanbeats on Instagram

I’m beyond excited about my new @dwdrums Maple/Mahogany Kit. Grey Primer w/ Black Hardware. ⚡️🥁⚡️ #drums #drum #drummer #drumming #drummersofinstagram #drumgroove #drumfill #drumset #drumsdrumsdrums #drumpractice #drumsdaily #drumworld #drumbeat #dwdrums #groove #cymbals #sabian #sabiancymbals #drumheads #evansdrumheads #drumsticks #vicfirth #primer #music #musician #grey #loud #noise #rocknroll #practice - @the_garrett_whitlock on Instagram

I ain’t saying what this song is because it got flagged for posting it before, so I made sure this one ain’t gonna get flagged. Enjoy me shredding incessantly over it. BEHOLD ME BARFING WITH HANDS! • • • #rudiments #drumfill #snaredrum #customsnare #stavesnare #gospeldrummer #gospelchops #drumroll #slingerland #radioking #ludwigdrums #vintagedrums #customdrums #zildjiancovers #myzildjian #snaredrumfreakz #instadrummers #superdrummers #thecutestdrummeryouknow - @timbofromkeno on Instagram

🌟 Star Maple Drum Set Grand 🔹Aqua Blue 🇧🇷🥁🔥🔥🔥 - @tamadfbrasil_oficial on Instagram

Day 2. Drums on fire! 🔥🔥 @vik_metaldrumwork_aa at @baboonrecords with @sabiancymbals_official, @mapex_iberica, @mapexdrums. - @angelusapatrida on Instagram

4Sound Stavanger! Last week we were in Stavanger and helped the guys build their new store and it turned out great! They have a full range of Sabian cymbals and even more is on the way, XSR up to HHX (Complex) and Artisan. Give them your love and support!👀 . . . . . . . #sabian #sabiancymbals #cymbals #music #drums #cymbalporn - @sabiancymbalsscandinavia on Instagram

- Drum lighting

If you get an option to choose one of these Cymbals then which one would be chosen by you? #ZildjianCymbals #ZildjianFamily @zildjiangbi - @zildjianindia on Instagram

Always loved reggae drummer like Carlton Barrett and Sly Dunbar.. This is some playing inspired by those great masters!! Swipe right for second half of vid... #drums #drummers #drumming - @toonadrum on Instagram

Zildjian K EFX 16” 🎉🎉🎉🎉 tremendo plato... solo stackeado o como top hi hat de 16” una bomba! Quien le entra? #zildjian #zildjiancymbals #zildjianfamily #drum #drums #drummer #drumming #cymbal #cymbals #drumsforlife #instadrum #instadrums #play #music #cymbaloftheday #zildjiank - @bonzosdrumsetc on Instagram

#Repost @theukdrumshow with @get_repost ・・・ @bosphoruscymbals returns to @theukdrumshow 2019 adding even more products for show visitors to enjoy! Come along and hear this genuine Turkish cymbal brand on booth 20! Just 3 months and counting folks - so grab your advance e-tickets today and save money off the door! www.theukdrumshow.com @bosphoruscymbalsuk - @bosphoruscymbalsuk on Instagram

- Gretsch Drums

Atentes comunidad percusiva! 1👇🥁 @sinfonicanacionaldechile Te dejamos algunas imágenes de lo que podrás ver y disfrutar este viernes 25 y sábado 26 de sept. a las 19;40 horas. por 𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐂 𝐓𝐕 con su programa 𝐈𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐨 François Lebert: Essence, (Solo de percusión múltiple tibetano) Adam White: Remarks made of the cuff (Solo de Tambor y grabación/ Obra dedicada) John Bergamo: Four pieces for timpani 1. Recitative 2. Perpetual Motion 3. Elegía 4. Finale Efraín Amaya: Flashback (Para instrumentos de placas y percusión múltiple/ Obra dedicada) Solista: @gerardo_salazar_percusion , percusionista Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Chile Te esperamos en www.ceactv.cl Patricio Melo Fotografía #percusion #musica #percussion - @percusionimucchile on Instagram

Taye Galactic Audition White. #taye #drums #white #metal #rock #music #plates #snare #cymbal #chimbau #bateria #pratos #musica #caixa #bumbo #branco #branca #tom - @drumstaye on Instagram

@bobbyblood ready to rock the Drums For The Set!!!! - @downsetofficial on Instagram

Thomas Njodrs T-cymbals set up. • 17’’ metalshop china • 20 metalshop china • 6 t-xtra splash • 8 t-xtra splash • 21 t-xtra heavy ride • 18 t-xtra light crash • 16 t-xtra light crash • 14 t-xtra heavy hi-hat Check out his artist profile: http://tcymbals.com/artists/thomas-njodr/ #tcymbals #cymbals #cymbaladdict #drummersofinstagram #instadrummer #drummer #drums #drumming #instagroove #turkishcymbals #turkey #handmadecymbals #cymbalsinsta #studio #recording - @tcymbals_official on Instagram

Home office has a pretty nice ring to it, doesnt it? - @sabian_uk on Instagram

Happy #SnareSaturday! The Cyrus conquers the groove with the strength of steel. The fundamental crack is deep and dry and projects with mighty energy. . . . . . . #mapexdrums #mapex #drum #drums #drummer #drumming #instadrum #instadrums #snaredrum #blackpanthersnare #mapexblackpanther #blackpanther #mapexcyrus - @mapexdrums on Instagram

- Play drums :)

#repost @gami_rosa_drums . Posted @withregram • @gami_rosa_drums So happy I found @labackbeat drumstick company! The most durable stick I’ve ever played with! My weapon of choice is the 550X acorn tip! So awesome I put my name on it!!! #drums #drumset #drummer #drumming #drumstick #drumstix #drumsticks #worshipdrummer #instadrummer #gospelchops #drummerlife #drumpics #drumsdrumsdrums #drummersofinstagram - @labackbeat on Instagram

#Gamapost 👉🏽 @medusindrums #gamadrumstick • La oficina, el salón, el studio Todo es este lugar, todos mis jugueticos aguantando los golpes de este cuerpazo :v 🤣 . . @angulardampers @gamadrumstick @pandorasaladeensayos . . #drumset #drummer #drumsdrumsdrums #drummersofinstagram #. . . #grooving #percussion #drum #drummers #drummer #drums #bateristas #baterista #musicos #musico #masterdrummers #producer #drumset #drummerlife #instadrummer #drumstep #guitar #musicproducer #producer #productor #recording #red #homestudio #bateristasdecolombia #recordingdrums #estudiodegrabación #drumsdrumsdrums - @gamadrumstick on Instagram

Les comparto por acá una nueva sección en @drumsonline llamada #DrumsonlineTips, donde voy a ir explicando algunas dudas que traen a nuestro local! - @fitomessina on Instagram

- Yamaha Drum kits

Wanna have stylish crashes with great punch? Check out these Dark Matter Splatter Crashes and Rock ON! 👊💥 #zultancymbals #zultan #thecymbalbrand #wearecymbals #zultanfamily #darkmatter #crashes #metal #heavymetal #effect #cymbals #cymballove #cymbaladdict #passion #craftsmanship #handhammered #drums #bateria #percussion #drumming #drummer #drumsdaily #instadrums #instadrummer #drumlife #drummerlife #drummingstyles #drummerworldig #drummersofinstagram - @zultancymbals on Instagram

Promos de Octubre/noviembre limitada en colores varios. Pedí las tuya.. y a tocarrrrr. Late se agradece las consultas por mj y vamo arriba. #percussion #lutheriaargentina #percusión #percusion #worldpercussion #tambores #tambor #conga #conguero #congueros #congas #latepercusion #latinpercussion #cuba #music #musica #industriaargentina - @latepercusion on Instagram

Head on over to @tandkcustomdrums to enter for a chance to win this snare drum!!! #snaredrum #snaredrumfreakz #snaredrums #giveaway #snaredrumsaturday #drumfam - @tim.stadt on Instagram

- custom drum kits

Foto del dia por nuestro Artista DOMINION Mario Hernandez baterista de @loschicosdel512 muchas gracias por compartir tu set 💎 #dominioncymbals #familiadominion #fotodeldia #drummers #cymbals #turkishcymbals #duotoneseries #roughdarkseries #prestigeseries #drummerslife #drumporn #drummerofinstagram #drumset #Repost @mario512productions with @get_repost ・・・ I love my cymbals. @dominioncymbals for life. #dominioncymbalsfamily - @dominioncymbals on Instagram

- custom drum kits

😍🥁• @pearl_drums A combination of Crystal Beat Ultra Clear concert toms, Rocket Toms, Free Floating snare drum, and bass drum.🥁 🥁 #pearldrums #pearl_drums #drumheadspod #drum #drums #drummer #thedrumheadspod #percussion #music #musician #drumming #drumfam #bateria #drumlife #drummerlife #instadrums #drumcommunity #drumsharing #drumsoutlet #drummingco #drumporn #snaredrumfreakz #drumeo #drumsdaily #drumset #drumsetup #鼓 #tambor #schlagzeuger - @thedrumheads on Instagram

Windsor Dark currently available in our Lounge Series kits 🤩 #britishdrumco #loungeseries #drumkits #studiodrums #jazzdrums #rockdrums #prodrums - @britishdrumco on Instagram

Check out this killer kit from Rene “The Flying Dutchman” Barthen🔥 • @theflyingdutchmanrene • • • #aquariandrumheads #aquarian #drumheads #drummer #drums #drumkit #drumdaily #drummersofinstagram #instadrummer #drumlife - @aquariandrumheads on Instagram

Every morning I wake up to about a billion versions of the same message—“dude, why aren’t you uploading more sloppy drum covers of metal songs?!” Well, here you go, dweebs. - @boicechoice on Instagram

- Beat it

- Junior drum set

- Low End

⚰ - @beverlycrusherband on Instagram

@ludwig_drums_australia @ludwigdrumshq @dynamicmusicaustralia #drums #drumming #sticks #cymbals #rock #metal #music #drumsolo #drummer #drumkit #drumset #drumstagram #instadrum #drummers #drum #drums #drumsticks #drumuniversity #drumlife #drumsoutlet #drumsdaily #instagroove_ #drummerlife #drumcover - @ludwig_drums_australia on Instagram

@pearldrumsaustralia @pearl_drums @dynamicmusicaustralia #pearl_drums #pearlaustralia #drums #drumming #sticks #cymbals #rock #metal #music #drumsolo #drummer #drumkitm dc#drumset #drumstagram #instadrum #drummers #drum #drums #drumsticks #drumuniversity #drumlife #drumsoutlet #drumsdaily #instagroove_ #drummerlife #drumcover - @pearldrumsaustralia on Instagram

Today working on a new production! #mapex @mapexdrumsofficial @mapexitaliaofficial @mapexdrums @meinlpercussion @meinlcymbals @meinlitalia @meinlpercussion #drums #drumsetup #marcobonuttostyle #marcobonuttolesson #percussion #percussionista #mapexsnare #drummer #drumlife #drummingcommunity #drumcover #set #photo #drumphotography #drum #drumporn #groove #bonutto @silvia_longhi Ph #perc #mapex #mapexsaturn #musica #musicians - @marcobonutto on Instagram

Essa foto representa muito!!! Mto trabalho, mto esforço, mta dedicação, mta sorte, mta gratidão. Representa um sonho realizado. É surreal ver meus ídolos usando Zildjian e hj estar junto com eles! 🙏❤️👊🤘. Set especificado na segunda foto. @zildjianbrasil @zildjiancompany @zildjian_latinoamerica#zildjiancymbals #zildjianfamily #zildjianbrasil #drum #drummer #bateria #raimundosrock #drumset #baterapravida #almadebatera - @caioraimundos on Instagram

- @dot_sound_design_ on Instagram

Marque suas fotos e videos com a hashtag #braziliandrummers para repost ------------------------------------- #Repost @heitormaestrick ・・・ #bigdrum #drum #progressive #maestrick #maestrickdrummer #drummer #drummerattitude #drum #drums #espressodellavitasolare #prog #progmetal #baterista #braziliandrummers #braziliandrummer #batera @maestrickofficial - @braziliandrummers on Instagram

- pearl drums

Pratos MUTE. Ótima pedida pra quem quer tocar na quarentena sem ter o vizinho batendo na porta. 👊🎶⚡️ - @zeusbrasil on Instagram

NEBULAE SOUND OF THE EARTH - @nebulaecymbals on Instagram

Back to live Fresh heads fresh air ! . Paul Venturi - @colonel_v_ 11 albergo Belvedere guglia 12 Corte d’aivo 14 Modigliana L’amor Mio Non Muore Mai Don Antonio & The Graces 21 Salice Terme 23 Alta Badia 24 Corvara 27 Cortona - Guerrieri-Perelli - @pieroperelli_drums on Instagram

It’s been a heck of a while since I’ve posted any content. There’s more than a handful of reasons why, but I’m sure y’all have more than enough to think about so here’s some drums. Clients’ WIP track was titled “slurky dub” so I tried to get a lil slurky and a lil dubbyyy 🕺🏻 - @zonedrums on Instagram

- Cymbals

Nothing but smiles while on stage! One day we will be back to performing for yall but for now Im working on new content from all my projects and some cover videos. Check out @johnnynocashofficial @thecelticoutlaws @crimsonshadowsmetal @myagomezmusicofficial As well as my YouTube channel (link in bio) For updates and new videos and music coming down the pipe! .🤘☺️🤘🥁🥁🥁🥁🤘☺️🤘. Thank you @loscabosdrumsticks for the support through these crazy times. #loscabosdrumsticks #drums #drummer #drumlife #drumstagram #drummerofinstgram #drumfun #metaldrummer #drumlove #allsmiles - @outlaw_drummer on Instagram

Practice space goals. Frank DAgostino has his Pearl kit set up on the Stealth Docking Station. Hes combined the rack with double tom holder, legless hi hat and Stealth snare drum extension to complete the rig. How are you using the Stealth Docking Station with your kit? Share your kit pics with us. ... 🔗 Product info link in bio. . . . . . . #gibraltarhardware #gibraltarstealthrack #drumsetup #gibraltarrack - @gibraltarhardware on Instagram

Here is this week’s “A Beat And A Fill” lesson by our friend, Brandon Graves. Make sure to give it a shot, learn it, and tag us using the hashtag #ABeatAndAFill . 🥁 @beatcaster - @wfliiidrums on Instagram

Great idea, thanks to @drumspassion #drumartintheworld #drumartdrumsticks #drumartdrumstick #drumartsticks #drumpassion #drumporn #drumart #drummer #drumartsoftthrone #drumartthrone - @drumartofficial on Instagram

Wow, this nice kit is available at the friends of @musikmeisinger #DRcustoms #DRdrums #customdrums #drums - @drcustoms on Instagram

Recording Custom Wood Snare 14x 5.5“ Real Wood Finish The revamped modern design retains the traditional essence of the Recording Custom. Our high-tension one-piece lugs ensure optimum sustain for the core sound, producing a crisp, articulate tone. Find out more about the features of our 100% Birch Recording Custom Snare Drums at the link in bio. #YamahaDrums - @yamahadrumsofficial on Instagram

Haven’t been posting much lately since I’ve been preparing for an upcoming project I couldn’t be more excited about (more details later). So I thought I’d make a post about a handful of drummers that I’m inspired by. Whether it’s their musicality, groove, chops, or just their personality on and off the kit, all these players are massively inspiring. You should swipe through give them all a follow if you don’t already 🙏🏼 • @jonathancollingreene @currencyaudio @chris_paprota @henryklingmusic @kennygrohowski @maxbeatwerk @ludwigafonso @johnsonthird @joelturcotte @anton.eger • • • #big #news #soon #appreciation #respect #inspiration #thankyou #drums #drummer #musician #drumfam #groove #beats #chops #player - @ianhitsdrums on Instagram

- Drummers, drums, percussion

Latest Kit out the door 🥁 Meet ‘REMMINGTON’ 😍 Made from recycled Rimu with pine re-rings. Made for Ethan from Invercargill, Ethan opted for black nickle hardware with a burnt timber finish, no staining here!!! I’ll think you’ll agree Remmington looks stunning! 🥁🎯 Sizes are: 12” x 8” 13” x 9” 16” x 14” 18” x 16” 22” x 20” Enjoy!!! #drums #drumsdrumsdrums #drummer #nzdrums #nzcd #customdrums #rimu #drumporn #killerdrums #snaredrum #snaredrumfreakz #drumset #drummersofinstagram #nzdrummer #drum #kdrums #kdrumsnz #timberburning #burnt #handmade #handcrafted #handcraft #custom #customeverything #evansdrumheads #woodworking #woodworker #nzdrum #drumsnz @evansdrumheads - @kdrumsnz on Instagram

Need to record percussion? Try this setup. T3 stand, O2 dual boom, 2 M2 micro adapter for the overheads and IO-C clamp, OA ball joint, IO-A2A long aluminum telescoping extension, and M2 for the lower branch close mic. - @triad_orbit_official on Instagram

- This absolute unit of a bass drum

- Diy Drums

- Electric drum set

AGAINST ALL ODDS video shoot. - @insolenceband on Instagram

Theres something special about the focused attack of an aluminum Snare Drum. What is your special Snare drum? . . . #gretschdrums #drums #drumming #snare #aluminum #warehouse #photooftheday - @gretschdrums on Instagram

#repost @revival_drum_shop Honored to be part of the offerings and the wonderful drumming family. Posted @withregram • @revival_drum_shop New arrivals! #drums #cymbals #drumsticks #revivaldrumshop - @labackbeat on Instagram

Tamborim em ABS - @marcostakto on Instagram

- Percussion

Thank you John and congrats on your brand new AnF Raw Brass 13,16,22 kit with 14x6.5 Brass snare and 6 and 8 inch Old Havana Timbolitos! So good! Find your sound at Drumland! #anf #anfdrumco #drums #drumland @anfdrumco - @drumlandcanada on Instagram

Messing around the kit and throwing my sticks 🤷🏻♂️ Another Sunday night in the studio... - @dylan_am_i on Instagram

- Drums.

🎧🥁🎶 . . . @gretschdrums @turkish_cymbals @audiotechnicaar @gretschdrumsargentina . . . #drums #music #bateria #drumlife #gretsh #turkish #gretschdrumsusa #maxilarreta #bombo #tambores #hihat #cuarentena #encierro #dia #123455 #🤣 #rec #video #vivo #live #argentina - @maxi.larreta on Instagram

- Digital Drums

@vicfirthaustralia @vicfirth @dynamicmusicaustralia #vicfirth #vicfirthaustralia #drums #drumming #sticks #cymbals #rock #metal #music #drumsolo #drummer #drumkit #drumset #drumstagram #instadrum #drummers #drum #drums #drumsticks #drumuniversity #drumlife #drumsoutlet #drumsdaily #instagroove_ #drummerlife #drumcover - @vicfirthaustralia on Instagram

Setting up a standard 5 Piece acoustic drum kit can be slightly overwhelming to the newbies ( mum’s & dads included🙊 ). Here’s a top view photo labelling what goes where! 👍🏽 - @derringersdrumshop on Instagram

DW Collectors Series Maple 12/16/22 in Gun Metal Metallic, featuring the new 9-ply 333 shell configuration that delivers serious attack, sustain and maximum low-end response. - repost @chicago_drum_exchange #DW #drums #drummer #percussion #drumkit #drumlessons #collectorsseries - @dw.pdp.drums_sa on Instagram

Posted @withregram • @ocdpdrumsofficial I really liked the look of this kit, a very signature OCDP look. What do you think? 👊🏻 #ocdp #ocdpdrums #orangecountydrums #customdrums #ocdpofficial #drums #drummer #drumming #drummer #snare #customsnare #orangecountydrumsandpercussion #california #snareporn #drumporn #zildjian #zildjiancymbals #meinl #sabian #meinlcymbals #sabiancymbals #ocdpdrumsofficial - @gaugerpercussion on Instagram

Zildjian Low Volume 🥰 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #drums #drumming #cymbals #zildjiancymbals #bateristas #drumfill #zildjianlowvolume #porkpie #dwhardware #bateristasdemexico #bateristaslatinos #drumstagram #instadrummer #practice - @solobateristasdrum on Instagram

Welcome Keith de Barra to the @bosphoruscymbals family! He currently plays with an R&B / Soul group called @smithandthehoneybadgers ⠀ ⠀ www.bosphoruscymbals.com⠀ ⠀ #endorsee #bosphorus #bosphoruscymbals #ridecymbal #rides #cymbal #drumming #drummer #drums #drum #drumminglife #cymbals #bosphorusblackpearl - @bosphoruscymbalsuk on Instagram

Here’s a lil live taste of something coming soon. Featuring the ledgend that is @kogmusicuk . Performed All with triggers Taken from my @glastofest #livestream gig for @rumshackglasto - @chiminyo_sound on Instagram

**NEW Music Alert** It never gets any less exciting to get masters back and hear the finished product after sending drum tracks off. When I got this EP back from @rachelle.lanae I listened to it all the way through twice in a row. I’m super proud of what Rachelle has accomplished with her new EP ‘Taking Back Me.’ I posted vids from these two songs, Running Away and Little Taller, a few weeks ago. Here they are again in full context. I have no idea what’s going on with my dumb mouth in the first clip... Please please please check out the rest of the EP on Bandcamp, Apple Music, or Spotify. • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - • - #drum #drums #drummer #music #musician #musicians #band #musicphotography #studiolife #recording #recordingstudio #drumrecording #percussion #gig #giglife #creative #creativity #singersongwriter #minneapolismusic #minneapolis #minnesota #sessionmusician #sessiondrummer #studiodrummer #studiomusician #logicprox #newmusic #create - @alexanderyoungdrums on Instagram

Feliz Domingo Drumcitizens - @drumcitystore on Instagram

Altstadtfest Buxtehude 018 🌅🤙🏻 📷: @jfitschen17 - @kennethrgbr on Instagram

- Cymbals

Qualidade de som, design e timbres únicos, essa é a marca da Rmv ao longo de todos esses anos. Inovando o mercado sempre com novidades, pensando no baterista e em como melhorar a qualidade dos seus instrumentos. #rmvbrasiloficial #rmvdrums #usobateriarmv #rmvcrossroad #peleshydroil #ferragensrmv #baterarmv #bateraclube #desde1975 #sonoridade #excelente #drummer #baterista #curtam #comentem #compartilhem - @rmv.brasiloficial on Instagram

#Repost @world_drummervz • • • • • • ➡️Drum Setup! 🥁🔥 @travis.r.drummer @officialtamadrums @sabiancymbals_official @sabianbrasil @remopercussion @remopercussionbrasil @vicfirth @vicfirthbrasil_ - @piauibateras on Instagram

- Junior drum set

皆さん、こんにちは!いかがお過ごしですか? 今日からお仕事、学校の方々も多いかと思います。 まだまだ暑い日が続きますが、体調管理は万全で行きましょう! 今日も良い1日になりますように😉 #TAMADrums #teamTAMAdrums #ドラム #音楽はつづく #打楽器 #percussion #楽器 - @official_tama_drums_japan on Instagram

“Chris Wilson” b/w “Bald Love” - @yumsean on Instagram

😍😍😍 Can anyone give this sexy thing a name?😎 Congrats on the new kit @zackaustindrums!!🔥 •••••• #drumsoutlet #instadrummer #instadrums #dailydrums #drumlife #drummersilike #drumset #drumporn #drumgroove #drumcam #drumslife #drumlove #instagood #drumbeats #photooftheday #drummersofinstagram #beats #beatmaker #musician #musicislife #drums #picoftheday #instadaily #instadrum #instadrums #follow #drummersofinstagram #instafollow - @sa.drummer on Instagram

@jrodsullivan rockin the Olive Bass Tee! 🎸🔥 ▪️Tap video to view product▪️ - @gotpocket on Instagram

- Neil Peart

- Cymbals

#Repost @drums.sound_lab ・・・ Dreams factory 🏭. • @sabiancymbals_official #hhxevolution @gretschdrums #gretschrenown @akgaudio @gibraltarhardware @promarkbydaddario @lpmusicofficial @remopercussion @bigfatsnaredrum @shure. • • • @bateristasdecolombia #bateristasdecolombia #Drums #Drum #Drumlife #Drumset #Rudiments #Drummer #Bateria #Baterista #Musica #Music #Groove #Rudimentos #Drumsticks #Cymbals #Drumkit #vf15 #percussion #percusion #musician #musiclife #gospelchops - @bateristasdecolombia on Instagram

Thanks to @coryondrums for the side drums he was getting rid of. Still have some finishing touches but if music doesnt work out lmk if you want me to pimp your drums ✌️🙏 - @croissants28 on Instagram

❤️ #Repost @emanuelfrancaa with @get_repost ・・・ Preciosidade que chegou pra mim! Black Panther Aztec Maya. Uma das caixas mais lindas fabricadas até hoje, e raríssima, edição limitada. ... @evansdrumheads @evansbrasil @paistecymbals @gibraltarhardware @dwdrums @jblaudio @jbl_brasil @mapexdrums @mapex_drums @promarkbydaddario #likeforlike #like4like #likeforfollow #like4follow #likeforlikers #life #livingthedream #waytogo #psychoctopus #emanuelfrança #emanuel #frança #drummer #heavymetal #music #drumshow #drumming #snare #blackpanther #aztecmaya #mapexdrums #mapex #evans #evansdrumheads @blackpanther_snares - @blackpanther_snares on Instagram

- Drums

Syncopation SW to jedna z ciekawszych propozycji od @bosphoruscymbals, o czym wczoraj przekonał się właściciel @drumhouse.pl i @wsdrumheads @wojtek_siatkiewicz #sw #drumhouse #bosphoruscymbals #wojteksiatkiewicz #cymbals #talerzeperkusyjne #wsdrumheads #perkusja #drums #drummer #hihat #ride #bosphoruscymbalspolska - @dqdistribution on Instagram

Reymart custom drums #reymartcustomdrums #gerryreymart #customdrums #madeinmexico #maple #birdseye - @gerryreymart on Instagram

Nothing better than black cats & Reference Pure Pearl Drums!!! 🤘🏼😻🤘🏼 Repost: @pearl_drums Reference Pure Series on #NationalCatDay... more like Reference Purrrrrrrr🐈😉🐈 Reference Pure uses a combination of .9mm thick plies of maple, birch, & mahogany in its construction. Click our bio link to jump to PearlDrum.com #instacat #pearldrums #drummer #nationalcatday #pearl_drums #drums #referencepure - @thejoeyjordison on Instagram

@drumbite_jerusalem_ @gretschdrums @hardcase_drum_cases @protectionracket - @drumbite_jerusalem_ on Instagram

A small quiet sound test of the kit, couldn’t hit hard because of neighbours but, I added the 13” x 12” rack to the mix and retuned everything for maximum thunder. 🥁 Hopefully it comes through good. Maybe slap on some headphones, also please excuse that noisy office chair. I still need a throne and 4 more boom stands haha —————————— 13” x 12” 14” x 13” 16” x 16” 18” x 16” 24” x 16” 6.5” x 14” Supraphonic LM402 —————————— @ludwigdrumshq @paistecymbals @vaterdrumsticks @remopercussion #ludwigdrums #tludwigdrumshq #ludwigfamily #rockerseries #rockonyx #80s #1988 #vintagedrums #heavymetal #hardrock #rockandroll #classicrock #supraphonic #LM402 - @bigrizz on Instagram

- Drums

During this summer I did some DIY work to treat acoustically my home studio! The sound has changed dramatically and Im very happy with the result! I couldnt have done it without some tips from @artdistillery ♥️ Also... Other changes are coming soon! 📸 @simobulgaro #drums #acoustics #acousticpanels #acoustictreatment #homestudio #recording #ocdp #qdrumco #zildjian #diy - @lodesani_alessandro on Instagram

A little blue hue for your Monday. Dig this blue sparkle. Reminds me of the Slingerland variant from the early 60s. • • • #candcdrums #ccdrumco #customdrums #customdrumset #vintagedrums #dwdrums #dwhardware #pearldrums #drumshop #drumgear #drumslife #newgearday #drumart #visionarydrum - @visionarydrum on Instagram

Skye Blue or Buckingham Scarlett? Comment your favourite below! 🥁⬇️ #britishdrumco #britishdrums #madeinbritain #drumkit #drums #drumlife #englishdrums #drumming #drumsdrumsdrums #drumsdaily #drumsets - @britishdrumco on Instagram

Did a little prep work today for this weeks mini-tour with Destruction and Burning Witches as very special guests! Going to be a blast this one! - @randytblack on Instagram

Went to storage and found My dads 1953 Humberto Morales Leedy Ludwig Timbales. #vintage#History#Timbales #TitoRodriguez#Drums #leedyludwig. - @tirodjr on Instagram

#Repost @kur666_ with @make_repost ・・・ #ddrum #spcustomguitars #cats #catsofinstagram #guitars #guitarplayer #guitarsofinstagram #metalcats #metalcatsofinstagram #mhwlc #metalheadswholovecats #cat #drummersofinstagram #catdrummer - @metalheads_who_love_cats on Instagram

- Drums

#customizeyourcymbalsound with Cympad artist @igor_falecki and purple #cympadchromatics ・・・ Recording 🥁🎶🎸🔥#igorfalecki #drums #janekpentz #drummer #drumming #drum #perkusista #recording #passion #vicfirth #vf15 #sabiancymbals #dwdrums #live #gewadrums @vicfirth @dwdrums @sabiancymbals_official @remopercussion @limeears @gewadrums @cympad @skygel_damperpads @igor_falecki @janekpentzguitar - @cympad on Instagram

Para quem já é membro do portal ‘Bateria Para Subversivos’ não muda nada.. Agora, para você que ainda não é membro, preste bastante atenção: HOJE (30/09/2020) é o último dia para aproveitar o valor promocional da mensalidade. No próximo dia, o portal entrará em uma nova fase e o valor terá reajuste. Espero que este aviso te mostre a importância desta oportunidade, vamos sonhar e construir algo juntos! Clique no link está na minha Bio 👉🏼 @eloycasagrande 👈🏼 Te vejo do outro lado 🔨 - @eloycasagrande on Instagram

$65 Zildjian 12” Spiral Stacker Cymbal! Used excellent condition. Warm, mid to bright shimmery effect cymbal. www.drumflip.com - @drumfliped on Instagram


Feel the summer with this beauty from @badnewzdrums! Follow and tag @drummerattitude for a chance to be featured! . . . . . #drumslife #drummerattitude #drumsdaily #handmade #music #recording #drumstagram #drummerattitude #drumporn #customdrums #drumming #handcrafted #arts #drummergirl #instadrummer #drumuniversity #gospeldrummer #metaldrums #custom #lovedrums #drumbeat #batteria #styleoftheday #барабаны @drummerattitude #drumsetup #drummerlife #drumsoutlet #femaledrummer #барабан #drumsolo - @drummerattitude on Instagram

- A tribute to John Bonham

- Drum Musical Instrument

It’s been a long time since we haven’t seen such a beautiful drum set !! 🔥🔥🔥 🥁🥁🥁 ——————————— thanks to @lodesani_alessandro for the pics!! Go check out his IG page... he has a few videos playing this drums fully mic’d !! #ocdp #chadsexton #ocdpdrums #johnotto #travisbarker #cyrusbolooki #customdrums #remo #drum #drums #music #ziildjian #dwdrums #paiste #pearl #tama #sjcdrums #meinl #blink182 #311 #nfg #limpbizkit #studio #recordingstudio #sabiancymbals #nodoubt #shure #sum41 #audix #concerts - @ocdp_company on Instagram

- Black Beauty

Pre-Loved Pearl Export in Dark Blue - Reduced for a limited time only! - @drumshopuk on Instagram

@holycats_bigfella with @herojr crushin’ it like always. You guys need to check out Hero Jr., they’ve been grinding for a long time and are currently in the studio working on some new stuff. Big things are on the way. So proud to have #herojr a part of #TEAMAMEDIA 🤘🏼 More content from Hero Jr. and Amedia Cymbals USA coming soon 🤙🏼 - @amediacymbalsusa on Instagram

@ludwig_drums_australia @ludwigdrumshq @dynamicmusicaustralia #drums #drumming #sticks #cymbals #rock #metal #music #drumsolo #drummer #drumkit #drumset #drumstagram #instadrum #drummers #drum #drums #drumsticks #drumuniversity #drumlife #drumsoutlet #drumsdaily #instagroove_ #drummerlife #drumcover - @ludwig_drums_australia on Instagram

13x9, 16x16, 24x16 vintage mahogany kit heading to Fellowship Church in Antioch, CA! - @truthcustomdrums on Instagram

DiskBell — The new 12” DiskBell is now available for your accent and expression needs. These have a blended finish with a dark unlathed underside and a brilliant top. — 12” DiskBell ($120) + shipping ———————————————————————— #legadocymbals #legado #legadolove #handmade #handhammered #customcymbals #cymbaladdict #cymballine #cymbalporn #cymbalta #turkishcymbals #usa #drums #drummer #drummers #drumset #drumsetup #180drums #we_love_drums #theworldofdrums #drumsdrumsdrums #drumsdaily #drumsoutlet #drumsharing #moderndrummer #drummagazine #brandawareness #buildingalegacy - @legadocymbals on Instagram

Let’s go. @regal_tip 🖤 Hit me up if you’re interested in doing lessons with me and you wanna know more about: - Linear playing - Setting up and recording your drums - Arranging drums on songs and remixes - Using the Roland SPD-SX - Technique/independence/styles/grooves/transcriptions etc. And so on! - @giovacilio on Instagram

Nos perdáis esta tarde el Spotlight de Sabian con Jorge Sanchez!! A las 20:00 en: ✔️facebook.com/SABIANCymbals ✔️youtube.com/SabianVault . . . . @jorgesanchezdrummer #endorsersuprovox @global2dom @sabiancymbals_official @suprovox_ - @suprovox_ on Instagram

@chinadecastro 🥁🔥✌🏼 @gessdrumheads #drummer #batera #compact #snare #kick #music - @tritone_store on Instagram

#drummer #livemusic #livemusicphotography #live #smile #pmsnare #drumtalktv #drummerlife #drummerlike #photooftheday #photographers #dalilafalzonephotography #falzodrummer #drumming #drummersofinstagram #liketime #musicians #yamahaead10audio - @falzonecristian on Instagram

Great shot of our drummers kit from behind the scenes! Last night was awesome! #LoVE our #fans! #Repost @wayofzen with @repostapp ・・・ Last nights set-up at @latitudes_nj with @dmbtributenj. Had a blast! #drums #drumset #drummer #hardwork #drumlife #dmb #dmbcoverband #LoVE #livemusic #yamaha #remo #evans #vicfirth #tama #lp #sabian #wuhan #zildjian - @rhyme_and_reason_official on Instagram

📸 Two years ago today... Connected with Brendan Buckley @brendanbuckley hitting with Shakira @shakira. @alexsolcaphotography was also there shooting for Brendans @modern_drummer feature. #brendanbuckley #shakira #soundcheck #teamremo @remopercussion #drumworkshop #sabian #vicfirth #tb #throwback - @rogerjohnson5 on Instagram

Essa foi a nave que o Mr. Milk pilotou ontem na gravação de alguns vídeos. Setup composto por Super 2 Coated nos tons e surdos, Texture Coated com Power Dot na caixa e Force I Coated no bumbo. Quem está curioso para ver e ouvir esse novo conteúdo? ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 ••• @mauricio.leite1 @novitamusicoficial @aquariandrumheadsbrasil @aquariandrumheads @aquarian_latinamerica #NovitaMusic #MauricioLeite #AquarianDrumheadsBrasil #AquarianDrumheads #AquarianHolic #Drums #DrumHeads #Bateria #Batera - @aquariandrumheadsbrasil on Instagram

2006. Brent Fitz was playing with Theory of a Deadman at the time and wanted a custom kit. We bounced around ideas and somehow landed on this , what I call “the battle of good and evil” . The car grill was added to tie in with the album cover art for “Gasoline” . I had to find a grill that would fit on this 28” kick drum. I found the hood ornament on eBay . Brent went on to play this kit with Slash on the 2010 solo tour. @brentfitz @dwdrums #dwdrums #sabiancymbals #custompainteddrums #customdrums #customdrumbuilder #createxcolors #theoryofadeadman #slash #smkc - @johndouglas_art on Instagram

Back in action! First meeting in preparation for Too Broke For The Arts Festival Fest in June. It went quite well for the first jam! - @speedrunband on Instagram

- @flomounier on Instagram

The recording sessions for our new album start today! Amazing @vik_metaldrumwork_aa set with @sabiancymbals_official & @mapexdrums @mapex_iberica - @angelusapatrida on Instagram

Happy #SnareSaturday! The Wasp produces a tight sting of a sound to accent and color with small diameter precision. The steel shell produces a dry tightness for putting a pointy snap on the groove. . . . . . . #mapexdrums #mapex #drum #drums #drummer #drumming #instadrum #instadrums #snaredrum #blackpanthersnare #mapexblackpanther #blackpanther #mapexwasp - @mapexdrums on Instagram

- Rogers drums

#repost @lalekardes ・・・ Woah such beauty! My @turkish_cymbals #lalekardeşsignature series on a Staccato 1977 set, owned by @cymbals_ladele 🖤🤍❤️✨ Love, love, love! - @turkish_cymbals on Instagram

Hypnotising! Don’t look directly at it!! 👁 . . . 📸 #Repost @dra.gabriela.ferreira ・・・ 🥁 Aula com baquetas novas! 🥁 #bateria #baquetas #aulasdebateria #zildjian #zildjiandrumsticks #zildjiandrumsticksbrasil #zildjiansticks #istanbulcymbals #istanbulmehmet #drums #hypnosis #hypnotic - @istanbulmehmet on Instagram

- drums

Legend Series drums are handcrafted using our unique cold-press moulding with 100% Scandinavian Birch, cross laminated into a 6mm thick shell. Legend’s super-strong shells are precision-cut with 45 degree bearing edges and finished with 2ply reinforcement rings. #britishdrumco #legendseries #snaredrum #studiosnaredrum #studiodrums #prodrums #rockdrums #drumkits - @britishdrumco on Instagram

Usa dos minutos de tu Domingo para visionar a Matt Rodríguez @potion1er_es_la_boom_ en su prte de video favorita para I-Path en 2005... muchos spots de #Barcelona 🏁 @acetrucks 🏁 #acepilot 🏁 #skateboard #distribution #skaterownedandoperated - @diy.dist on Instagram

I am super excited to announce that I will replace temporarily Flo Mounier as a drummer for the Oozing Earth very special music of Bernhard Gander, an amazing project that include the Ensemble Modern and Attila Csihar. This is a mix between classical instruments/music, and extreme metal drumming/vocal, totally extreme, totally philharmonic, extremphilharmonic ! The show is in Vienna, Halle E im MuseumsQuartier Sunday 13th of September Being an extreme metal drummer, I really love to play extreme metal, but Ive been hoping for many years that some day, I will do something different. In the Oozing Earth project, the drumming is still extreme metal, but with classic instruments/music, and hence Im super happy that finally, such an opportunity happen. Thanks to Bernhard Gander for his trust, and to Kohle for the recommandation. This is a video shot while I was rehearsing one of the 2 drum solo of the 1hour music piece. #oozingearth #wienerfestwochen #drums #drumsolo @pearl_drums @trick_drums_usa @tcymbals_official @serialdrummerofficial @scorpionpercussion - @kevin_paradis_drumming on Instagram

Check out @trxcymbals.eu on Instagram. The page features some of the greatest young drummers— and many of the latest TRX Artists— in Eastern Europe! For sales, marketing and artist relations DM Jaroslav Sivák or email jarosalv.sivak@trxcymbals.cz.⠀ ⠀ #playbyyourownrules #bigonquality #highcontrastcymbals #theupgrade #youngturks #drummers - @trxcymbals on Instagram

#happyfriday #memes #drummersrock #livemusic #problems #funny #realtalk #reallife - @7drums on Instagram

- custom drum kits

The last ten 7empest snares are all done. #7empest #vkast #bronze #dannycarey #tool #pneuma #johndee #edwardkelley #enochianmagick #sigillumdeiaemeth #customdrums #madeinbritain - @vk_drums on Instagram

@thebetterofem took this 📸 in our home earlier this year. I love this photo, for me this image really says “there’s no place like home”. In 2019 I was away from home for approx 250 days. I traveled to 22 countries on 4 continents. I played 96 shows, I TM’d for 3 different artists, I took roughly 10 vacation days, and most everything in between is just lost time i no longer remember. This was truly one of the busiest years of my life… not to mention scary, stressful, gross, endless, new types of headaches happen now, pain everywhere, coffee is survival That being said, it was also one of the most rewarding years of my life and I’d like to think I’ll look back and appreciate this time. Here’s hoping 2020 isn’t a great big asshole - @jonathan_syverson on Instagram

Ngengek sambil megending ❌ Ngengek sambil main drum ✅ Seperti Pepatah Senegal mengatakan Tak ada drum, Paha pun jadi. Tag timpal kamune ane dadi drummer. ————————————————————— #bali #lagubali #musikbali #musisibali #coverbali #balilirikmeraosan #balilirik #jegbali #denpasarnow #balipunyacerita #punapibali #denpasarviral #infokarangasem_id #infotabanan #infoTBN #tabananupdate #punapitabanan #baliterkini #jembrananow #kabarklungkung #gianyarpunyacerita #raosbali #gianyarnow #infodenpasar #infosingaraja #punapisingaraja #singarajanow #infobadung ° ° ° ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○● JANGAN LUPA TINGGALKAN JEJAK KOMENTAR KALIAN DI KOLOM KOMENTAR NGGIH 🙏 - @instabalimusik on Instagram

Today’s Friday feature 😍. Wow, just wow. Repost from @offbeatdrumco - @drumfactorydirect on Instagram

VSTACKED+ — Another custom shop production for artist @rayraysjc Here we did a custom 10” LUXO Raw, 12” LUXO Hybrid Vented and 14” Caspian Vented stacker. — Video footage to follow🎥 ———————————————————————— #legadocymbals #legado #legadolove #customcymbals #cymbaladdict #cymballine #cymbalta #cymbalporn #turkishcymbals #usa #cymbals #instacymbals #drums #drumsdrumsdrums #drumset #stacks #drumsdaily #drumsoutlet #drummerscorner #drumheadspod #officialdg2g #drumsharing #moderndrummer #drummagazine #brandawareness #buildingalegacy - @legadocymbals on Instagram

Consigue unos platillos que tengan una gran variedad de sonidos. . Get you a cymbals that have a wide variety of sounds. #DollyPartonChallenge #DollyPartonMeme #DirilCymbalsRDOficial #DirilCymbalsRD #DirilRD #DirilCymbals - @dirilcymbalsrdoficial on Instagram

The stage is set for @modern_drummer festival 2020! Thank you @woodshedstageart for the awesome #drumdojo graphic!! - @jimrileymusic on Instagram

- Drumming for good

- Cymbals

Playing some groove stuff for a track yesterday. Paiste 2002 Big Beats are my favorite open hi hat sound, and the Anton Fig signature snare is killin it. . . @chrismarksbury #Americana #ClassicRock @antonfigmusic - @dangoempire on Instagram

“The @drumplates JK Hooves are great !! My snare, bass drum and my hi-hat pedal stay in the same position The German drummer @j.f._drums who plays for the Rock/Metal Band @samarah_band and @caro_b_official is very happy with the products and hopes to rock the stage again soon! Welcome to the @jkdrumsystems Family Johannes and thank you for your support! #jkdrumplates #jkdrumsystemsfamily #drumplates #jkdrumsystems #drumtech - @jkdrumsystems on Instagram

Fin de semana emocionante,por un lado hemos tenido la suerte que @iberdrum @iberdrumdistribucion nos abriera las puertas de su casa y nos acogiera con gran cariño a mi y a mi queridisimo @rubenvargas80 y por supuesto gracias a @peibol13 por ser el arquitecto jejeje,y por ultimo el conciertazo vivido ayer en el @wizinkcenter junto a la jefa @india_martinez_oficial fue espectacular. A por el siguiente 💪.Ahhh se me olvidaba....@estopaoficial sois la leche 😛😛🤟🤟 #oderydrumsbrazil #oderydrums #odery #bosphorus #bosphoruscymbals #wincentdrumsticks #drums #drummers #wizinkcenter #palmerastour - @luiskdrums on Instagram