NEET Matching pfp 1/2

The long-standing consensus is that the 12 gauge pump action shotgun is the best weapon for home defense. You’re gonna want to run these @winchesterammunition Defender 12 Gauge shells. #ammo #ammunition #12gauge #winchester #winchesterammo #shotgunshells #homedefense #freedomfriday - @ammo_squared on Instagram

wallpaper militer/ profil picture

- Soldier from the Swedish Amphibious Corps, Amf1 [640x969]

- Airsoft Tactical Masks/Helmets

Ghost riley

- Military

- Sniper Rifle

Met Grey (Wolf) laser cut plate carriers in stock- latest spec. First time available retail. Drop us a line if you want one before we list them on the website! #c2r @c2rfast These will go fast! - @amtactical on Instagram

Matching icons 2/2


- A Tactical Gear

Okay, switch it up. - @dirtnapdefense on Instagram

🍪: ᴍᴇᴛᴀᴅɪɴʜᴀ ᴘᴛ :2

- These new marines are SEXY SEXY SEXY. We got new images of the figures and i need to say that WCT did a great job. Also we get a new weapon called Stalker rifle so yeah.... go check em out.


- Plate carrier setup


- Black tactical vest

tee-hee im so silly

Pfp Air Force Girly Fondo De Pantalla HD Fondo De Escritorio 2560x1440

Um suspeito foi agredido por populares depois de tentar assaltar passageiros dentro de uma van, na Rodovia Rio-Magé, na altura do Jardim Anhangá, na noite desta terça-feira, 29. Entenda o caso acessando nosso site (link na bio)! ⠀ 📸 Divulgação - @jornalmeiahoraoficial on Instagram

chibi soap mactavish

If you run a PTT on a plate carrier the @ferroconcepts retainers are a must! Just waiting on my Haley Strategic flatpack, Blue Force Gear IFAK and multitool pouch. That should round out my plate carrier setup for now. #hamradio #fenggang #fengcheck #cryeprecision #platecarrier #radio #disco32 #pewpewlife #pewpew #pewpewpew #odgreen #odg #odggang #mykitlit #ferroconcepts #teaheadsets #magpul - @dad.bod.tactical on Instagram

- Ammo & guns

#878airsoft #pewpew #vfcavalon #eliteforce #tacticool #kwa #k120mags - @whiskeydrinkingdancer on Instagram

Airsoft Milsim Photo

NEET Matching pfp 1/2

- Soldier action figures

ᴨᴏɯᴧи ᴄᴇᴨᴀᴩᴏʙ ᴇбᴀɯиᴛь

Reposted from @heavybrigade Liking this chestrig from @gadsdendynamics super solid! #chestrig#microrig#tacticalgear#gadsdendynamics#tactical#kalash#556#ak#ak47#ak74#kalashnikov#kalashlife#balaclava#holosun#izhmash#russian#762x39#pewpew#pewlife#pewpew#2ndamendment#gearporn#gear#streamlight#bulgarian#circle10ak#akpeasant - @gadsdendynamics on Instagram

What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About Airsoft Pain | Airsoft is NOT Soft

- 2nd Amendment Patches

Pink haired tactical e girl fed

NEW IN STOCK! Emdom BOX Medical Glove Pouch - #MedicalGlovePouch #GlovePouch #NylonGear #Emdom #EmdomUSA #TacticalGear #NYC #MedicalGear #BOXMedicalGlovePouch #EMT #FirstResponder #Paramedics #MedicalGloves #Cordura #Lightweight#ems #covid19 #covid_19 #covid #hygeine #emergencymedicine #rescue #tacticalmedics #trama #police #swat - @emdomusa on Instagram


- Bug out bag checklist

Call Of Duty MW2 In Real Life: Airsoft Milsim Tower Defense and CQB


- armors

Follow Vikings V01 @rikyv1 V02 @guillemaaaa V03 @rowpm V04 @aitorgalicia V05 @greyvader V06 @kytus_gr V07 @caballero_de_la_croqueta V08 @lord_virus V09 V10 @dani.686 V12 @joelrodes V23 @edecon_v23 #vikingsbcn #airsoft #airsoftworld #airsoftespaña #pewpew #airsoftnation #gohardorgohome #teamwork #airsofteuropa #airsoftfoto - @the_vikings_bcn on Instagram


- equipamentos ataticos

#Repost @jordan_kauer with @repostapp ・・・ Little range time this morning! Loving the new AMG on my @whaleyprecisionrifles 300 RUM. Packing the big gun incase I see any more bears ... Which I wont see any cuz Ill have it lol #vortexoptics #razoramg #vortexrazorhd #whaleyprecisionrifle #tikkat3 #mcmillanstocks #kifarulife #longrangeonly #rokslide #300rum #260 #bergerbullets - @tikka.firearms on Instagram

- heavy

- Army combat uniform

Reposted from @_no.shoot_ MCB x DNC #multicamblackgang #desertnightgang #mk18 #cqbr #pvs15 #spiritussystems - @gadsdendynamics on Instagram

Old picture, cause we never think to take them, but we just finished up with this beautiful badass birthday weekend. Even sore and crippled we had a damn good time with the family! Happy 24th babe! Love you lots! - @dylan18x on Instagram

- Assault Rifle

- T rex arms


- Special forces gear

😎🔥 풀장착 장비간지 #노대장 #캡틴로 . . . #군인 #weapons #sniper #military #tactical #군복 #서바이벌 #총 #soldiers #combat #koreamodel #여군 #pew #pewpewpew #진짜사나이 #가짜사나이 #교관 @hyperops - @captainroh on Instagram

Biocular and monocular vision/Биокулярное и монокулярное зрение🤓 -- При монокулярном зрении объекты, попавшие в зону видимости человека, воспринимаются только одним глазом, что является причиной целого ряда искажений, поскольку в норме две картинки соединяются в одну, и мозг формирует точное, правильное изображение. -- With monocular vision, objects that fall into the human field of vision are perceived only by one eye, which is the cause of a number of distortions, since normally two images are combined into one, and the brain forms an accurate, correct image. -- Do you use one or two eyes for aiming?/А вы используете для прицеливания один или два глаза? -- #saiga9#сайга9#vepr136#вепрь136#shooting#762#posp#autumn#forest#оружие#стрельба#akm#knife#нож#bushcraft#бушкрафт#hiking#выживание#9x19#luger#люгер#витязь#калашников#kalashnikov#weapon#armament#tifle#hunt#svd#dragunov - @skibringerlm on Instagram

- Body armor vest

- Arms

I should have bought it in woodland - - #godsplaid #m81 #m81woodland - @godsplaid on Instagram

- tactical clothing

- Dodge challenger hellcat

- Dont Tread on Me ...

- T.O.E.

- Chicks with Guns

- Arming truck

Pair the new RMP Plate Carrier Rack™ and Helmet Rack™ with your RMP™ to create the ideal rapid deployment solution for personal protection. Now in stock and ready to ship! 🇺🇸 #GreyManTactical #ConquerYourGear - @greymantac on Instagram

Heckler Koch SP5K-PDW. First time ever, HK is offering civilian MP5K with factory Navy Barrels! Heckler Koch introduced HK4X semiautomatic firearms for export in 1962 and imported United States HK9X sporting purpose rifles compliant with 1968 Gun Control Act beginning in 1974 which included: HK91 in 7.62mm, HK93 in 5.56mm, and HK94 in 9mm. Compared to military counterparts, HK9X had semiautomatic carriers and prevented installation of standard firing control groups by replacing pushpin swingdown trigger packs with clip on shelves. While HK9X ceased import in 1989 due to Assault Rifle Import Ban which resulted in 18 USC 922(R) compliance for rifles having no more than 10 imported parts. This requirement did not implicate pistols and SP89 were available between 1989 and 1993. Between 1993 and 2016, SP89 prices skyrocketed from $900 to one example selling for over $9.5K. In 2016, HK returned with SP5K after 25 year hiatus. Compared to SP89, SP5K have been updated with 1999 French MP5F bolt heads, springs, charging handle reinforcements for +P+ ammo, and ambidextrous selector. In 2006, it was discovered HK would rebarrel SP89 for $600 with Navy barrels which quickly shut down. Factory Navy barrels alone skyrocketed to $1500 plus $5K for SP89. After HK introduced SP5K, brought us SP5K upgrades including paddle magazine release and B&T Navy threaded three lug barrels. However, barrel and magazine release installation required gunsmith installation and cost $1K plus $2500 for SP5K. Today, four years after HK introduced SP5K as successor to SP89, HK has introduced SP5K-PDW with factory 1/2x28 threaded three lug Navy barrel and paddle magazine release. This has never been done before. Made in Germany, these are limited import. SP5K-PDW configured with Gearhead/Choate PDW Tailhook, HKParts HKP-18071 pins, B&T BT-21241 rail, LaRue LT-661 mount, Primary Arms Cyclops prism. No Compromise. #hecklerkoch #hecklerandkoch #hk #hkusa #hkparts #nocompromise #sp5kpdw #sp5 #sp5k #sp89 #mp5 #mp5k #silencer #suppressor #silencers #suppressors #9mm #smg #pcc #primaryarms #gearhead #choate #larue #laruetactical #bandt #bt #btusa #bruggerandthomet #bruggerthomet #sammythedwarf - @sammythedwarf on Instagram

Se um dia você si senti só. não se desanime, pois o sol mesmo sozinho nunca deixou de brilhar - @mrmatusalem on Instagram

- South African Special Forces Brigade called Recce specialized in Counter Insurgency to Reconnaissance operaltions (495x619)


- Iraqi Weapons Cache captured by USMC Marines in Fedayeen during Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003 [1160 × 1720]

Been testing alternate filter adapter prototypes we’ve been developing including this one that allows you to use NATO spec 40mm threaded cartridge filters. Designed for Avon Tactical Gas Masks, aside from P100 level protection and CS/odor protection, the airflow from this one Avon filter is easily double that of the smaller 3M filters. The only down side being it’s a bit heavier but I’ve easily used this mask setup multiple times now including non-stop use during the entire practice night we were running NVGs recently. I’ve also used this mask setup on a couple 3 mile runs I’ve done. Also been experimenting with dying the mask itself. Tried a few things and in the end Rit DyeMore fabric dye worked best to turn it a dark shade of black. The FTS CIP was not dyed, just spray painted black with a final clear coat. The 3M filter was not painted, just wrapped on the exterior with black gaffers tape. —— As for the rest of the gear: • @spiritussystems Ranger Green LV119 Overt + @hescogroup U210’s • @coyotetacticalsolutions QD Cummerbund • @perrozdesigns Placard with HSP MP2 Inserts • Using the Spiritus Fanny instead of a SACK. - I just like being able to swing it to the back if it gets in the way. Plus I’m using it to hold an iFAK and it’s easier to unclip and access the contents than a Sack. • @ferroconcepts Wingman pouches for the radios. • Testing @srstactical_usa PTT on one side (my left) and the @disco_32 PTT on the other (my right side). Ferro Concepts PTT retainers. Nagoya NA-24J antennas stay nice and out of the way slid into the trifold pads. —— #guns #igdaily #pistol #shooting #sports #igmilitia #gamers #merica #pewpewlife #pewpew #covid19 #ppe #respirator #mask #lawenforcement #military #3d #3dprinting #cryeordie #rangergreenmasterrace #spiritussystems - @kotactical on Instagram

- pouch

- First spear

@tarantactical @2011_sti Combat Master 😍 - @megants on Instagram

- Armas de guerra

🇺🇸 PC📸: @gcodeholsters - @dueckdefense on Instagram

- 2A

- Action Figures

- @guseinov_1987 on Instagram

- AR15

Licensed Product Knights Armament Airsoft High Rise Mount is now available at Net Weight: 108g / Gross Weight: 130g Material: 6061 Aluminum with Hard Coat Anodizing All Actual Trademarks Laser Engraved Under Authority Package Comes with 2 x Locking Nuts / 2 x Locking Screws @zshotinc @knightarmco @dytac - @dytac on Instagram

- guns

Range weekend plans? . 📷: @g_loc_trapgod21 . #OurGearYourWorld #LBXTactical - @lbx.tactical on Instagram

- Gun Video Game

#Repost @maia_gsg9 with @make_repost ・・・ Só existem dois dias no ano que nada pode ser feito. Um se chama ontem e o outro se chama amanhã, portanto hoje é o dia certo para amar, acreditar, fazer e principalmente viver. . Banner feito por @graesdesign Para @badboybrasil . .. #gsg9_airsoft_oficial #juntossomosmaisfortes #maiagsg9 #badboy #maiqcafe - @badboybrasil on Instagram

- Bolt Action miniatures

- ىزنل

- Battle Vest

Had a great time at the 3 gun match at Brooklyn Sportsmans Club yesterday! It was a helluva lotta fun and I couldnt have done it without a group of folks I am lucky to call friends. I had my difficulties and can barely walk today, but it was worth it. Big thank you to @s.f.hazel , @tonio1776 , Uncle Gale and the man in the softball jersey (sorry, I forgot your name)! #3gun #3guncompetition #sunsoutgunsout #sundaygunday #shootingwithfriends #friendlycompetition #kickasscripples #slowisfast #getoutandshoot #getgood #556x45 #arpistol #stendo #shootfast #shootfasteatass #dangerfreak #pitterpatter #letsgetater - @tbonedangerskillet on Instagram

- Tactical Survival

- Guns

- Army combat uniform

Posted @withregram • @secutor_arms RAPAX M3 & M4 🔥. Sometimes, it is good to make dreams come true __________________________________________________ ➡️Ask more information at your usual airsoft shop ___________________SECUTOR_____________________ #secutor #rapax #dmr #pistol #rudis #rudisseries #gladius #gladiusseries #velites #velitesseries #1911 #arms #airsoft #airsofter #milsim#softair #airsoftworld #airsoftgun - @airsoft_locos on Instagram

- vest

- AK 47+

- Shotgun

Plate Carrier Olive Green FORHONOR Cordura 1000 Invista 🇺🇸 Produzido por AGAEFE 🇧🇷 - @forhonor_brasil on Instagram

- Airsoft Rigs

- Back Packs, Bags & Gears

It’s all nice and clean until you see... dear god what is that bull pup doing!? 😂 📷: @geekygunguy » » » » » » #tacticalwalls #hiddeninplainsight #ninja #furniture #secret #home #design #decorate #homemaker #castle #interiordesign #organize #veteranowned #madeintheusa #virginia #safe #safespace #lifehack #2A #storage #bobross #robboss #america - @tacticalwalls on Instagram

The lack of ammo and range time has us messing with some strange configurations. #bladetech #carryconfident - @bladetechholsters on Instagram

- Ghost Recon 2

Traficante preso com Skunk, maconha e LSD. ⚡🗡️ #1ppt #tatico #pmsc #1bpm #policiamilitar #policia #police #military #papamike #forcaehonra #orgulhoempertencer #porpessoasdobem #paraobemdaspessoas #juntossomosmaisfortes #apoiequemteprotege #denuncie #190 #pragadoegito #noticias #itajai #santacatarina #brasil #brazil - @tatico_itajai on Instagram

- Real Time Strategy

- AKs

- EDC tactical

- First spear

Summer vibe. Modded M81 Spiritus chest rig with fat straps Shaw concepts raid pouch Ronin belt - mechanix gloves - esstac 2-1 pouch - BFG ifak - Phlster TQ holder - Safariland 6390RDS wrapped by @spectermods mounted no cant on True north MHA Modded 5.11 XPRT pant #m81 #multicam #twotone #mixandmatch #spiritussystems #shawconcepts #ronintactics #safarilandholster #spectermods #mechanixgloves #truenorthconceptsllc #511tactical - @tan_taktikal on Instagram

- Armor

To each HYDRO Raptor Water Bottle cover we give FREE 32oz water bottle 🍶 LIMITED QUANTITY, only for individual orders. . #water #waterbottle #raptor #odin #thor #odinbelt #82dairborne #raptortacticallc #madeinusa #32oz #waterbottlecover - @raptortacticallc on Instagram

🤫👻 - @gcodeholsters on Instagram

- Airsoftttt

- Plate carrier setup

2019 National Rifle League Championship, Navasota TX. Not my best finish but it’s been a good year. Thanks to my family for putting up with my hobbies. #nationalrifleleague #nrl #precisionrifle - @dan_outdoors on Instagram

- Airsoft Girls

Anche per oggi un po di bossoli li abbiamo svuotati!! #berettaofficial #beretta_usa #1choiceofchampions #Beretta #92XPerformance #IPSC #practicalshooting #9mm #handgun - @jack_ipsc on Instagram


- guns

My #escapefromtarkov RL loadout: • Gentex-OpsCore SOT-R • Cold Harbor Shooter ballcap • TBCH Headset • ROIWHQ flannel • Crye Precision JPC • Juggernaut Case Impact • Haley Strategic D3CRM • Haley Strategic Multi Mission Hanger • Haley Strategic Flat Pack Plus • Haley Strategic Radio Pouch • Haley Strategic D3 Sling and QD Kit • Haley Strategic Hydroflask filled with liquid death • PRC 152 • Oakley Flexion Gloves • Safariland Glock 17 holster • Glock 17 with TLR-1 gunlight • MTech USA Karambit • RoninCold combat machete • HSP Inforce WML 400L • Surefire M300 Mini Scout Light • AN/PEQ-15 • BCM Mod 0 Gunfighter Stock • BCM Gunfighter Grip • PTS Fortis Grip • PTS EPS Compact Stock • SilencerCo Osprey • JK Army Green Tigerstripe Pants • Altama Maritime Recon Boot #tarkov #ak #kalshnikov #glock #haleystrategic #cryeprecision #jkarmy #safariland #allkillnocapture #blackpowderredearth #tigerstripecamo #flannel #multicamblack #multicamblackgang #suppressor #suppressednation #sbr #sbrnation #hydrate #hydroflask #g3pants #deathcard #gungram #gunsofinstagram #fps - @srrg.sharkey on Instagram

- AR-15

A legacy 300BLK MCX from the early days of the development. Some unique features. 📸: Richard King #sigsauermcx #300blk - @john_hollister_ig on Instagram

- Molle Pouches

- Loadout Kits

Woobie - - #godsplaid #m81 #m81woodland - @godsplaid on Instagram

- Guns

- Backpacking gear

Great success today at @tradecraft_range. Takes me back to the glory days in the @idf @duvdevan_unit217. Always making sure I carry the best gear possible. @agencyarms @glockinc @glockfanatics @511tactical @goruck #goruck #glock #crossfit #agencyarms #511tactical #israel #idf #217 - @dbendjouia on Instagram

- Black vest


Posted @withregram • @firing_device_electrical_m57 Night moves start with afternoon layouts Brainstorming for the next big post. #hubcityoutdoors #raidmod #mirasafety #geisselemk8 #vortexrazorhd #surefirerc2 #vtacsling #armageddongear #arcaneconcerted #targrip #spartanblades #n1stock #lawtactical #modlite #unityhotbutton #gadsdendynamics - @criterionbarrels on Instagram

- Bundeswehr

#multicammonday — @chase_tactical Lightweight Operational Plate Carrier (LOPC) built using our MultiCam® Printed Narrow Fabrics 🇺🇸 ⠀ . ⠀ . ⠀ #multicamblack #multicampattern #multicam #madeinamerica #madeintheusa - @mmitextiles on Instagram

- Zombie survival vehicle


- Tactical Medic

- TACTICAL plate carrier

- hdhdjeuxnudnrufjfy fug rhduenjdbsj DHS nxudnxjnfjd

New plate carrier from @ar500armor #platecarrier #testudo #ar500 - @scottjohnsongraphicdesign on Instagram


- Molle gear

- Armys

QR Kit 👀 Reposted from @specialresponseteam Gear pic of the Day. @cop_stache @yocoatstc . . . #tacticalgear #swatteam #reignbodyfuel #tactical #tacticaltraining #gearporn #blazedefensesystems #lbxtactical #bcmgunfighter #deadairsuppressors #magpul #glock #multicam #aimpoint #surefire #america - @blazedefensesystems on Instagram

- army kit

- Airsoft Tactical Masks/Helmets

- DEVGRU Happy Corner! [640X640]

- cool tactical gear


Whats your favorite thing in your kit? Wait, well answer for you.. its your DFNDR Armor and Plate Carrier! ⠀⠀ Photo by @TracerXPhoto #DFNDRArmor #LightWeight #BodyArmor #igmilitia #gunsdaily #gunspictures #gunfanatics #defensemk #ar15news #weaponsdaily #gunslifestyle #bestgunsdaily #firearmphotography #gunsdailyusa - @dfndrarmor on Instagram

- equipment

Where would you redecorate in your house? » » » » » » #tacticalwalls #hiddeninplainsight #ninja #furniture #secret #home #design #decorate #homemaker #castle #interiordesign #organize #veteranowned #madeintheusa #virginia #safe #safespace #lifehack #2A #storage #bobross #robboss #america - @tacticalwalls on Instagram

- Ammo & guns

- Gun/Tactical Weaponry

- Military Survival Gear

- Special operations command

- Wrangler shirts

- plate carrier

- heavy guard

- m 4

- tactical set

- airsoft M4

Military training with @chambo.rr 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 #Training #Stuntman #Weapons #Military #Urbanactionteam - @stuntdanyramos on Instagram

- Gear - I want to love

- Guns, Pistols & Revolvers Oh My!

- Self Defense Supplies

🅵🅸🆁🆂🆃 🆂🅿🅴🅰🆁 🆄🅿🅶🆁🅰🅳🅴🆂 ⠀ The Adaptive Vest Placard (AVP) upgrades FirstSpear® Plate Carriers and Vests by enabling the use of SwiftClip® placards and chest rigs from Spiritus Systems, Haley Strategic, Velocity Systems, Mayflower, Ferro Concepts, Esstac Daeodon, and many more (with removable cable management). ⠀ 𝗦𝘄𝗶𝗽𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 ⠀ ⚡️𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗼 𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲⚡️ ⠀ 𝘄𝘄𝘄.𝗔𝗫𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱.𝗰𝗼𝗺 ⠀ 📸 by @callsign_housecat ⠀ ⠀ @firstspear @ssprecision @cerebral_impact @deadtyrantsociety @teamwendy1 @haleystrategicofficial @taskforcedoomer @kalashnicarver #ferroconcepts #taskforcedoomer #chestrig #tacticool #tubesmafia #tacticaltraining #Firstspear #spiritussymptoms #thinblueline #stranhogg #army #teamwendy #police #sheriff #leo #art #lawenforcement #spiritussystems #thinblueline #bergspitzecustoms #nvg #amphibian #tactical #usaf #navy #swat #tacticalgear #usmc #rangergreen #axladvanced - @axladvanced on Instagram

Good job last night from our Watch 5 Officers who got multiple guns and narcotics off of a Traffic Stop. 🏰👮👮♀️🚔 #LOSANGELES #DTLA #ECHOPARK #SILVERLAKE #ANGELINOHEIGHTS #EASTHOLLYWOOD #RAMPARTVILLAGE #HISTORICFILIPINOTOWN #TEMPLEBEAUDRY #VIRGILVILLAGE #KOREATOWN #WESTLAKEDISTRICT #MACARTHURPARK #PICOUNION #LAPD #RAMPART #POLICE #toprotectandtoserve #backtheblue @LAPDHQ - @lapdrampart on Instagram

- Call of duty black

Multi𝙅𝘼𝙈 🎸 #multicam #perrozdesigns - @perrozdesigns on Instagram

- Battle Belt

- action figure 1/6

- Combat gear

- Tactical Vest

- Backpacks!

𝘼𝙍𝘾-𝘼𝘿𝙈𝙄𝙉 . Weirdly enough this has been our most difficult design to tackle. A lot of you guys have been tracking it’s progression and it’s changed greatly from its original design. After at least 10 different designs and even more prototypes we’ve finally landed on a design we are really proud of. There is nothing out there like it (as usual) and we can’t wait to get this in y’all’s hands. . Here’s a lil prototype tease for the homies... . #shawconcepts #arcsuite - @shawconcepts on Instagram

- garage

- Colt m4

- Ghost Recon

- Military Survival Gear

Want to know about a good set-up? Just remember every detail matters... 👁️ @madmaxco_official @underdogtactical @universalshield @blackfolium @sigma_tactical @adccustom.official @trainingoverview @tacticalgearitaly @theneomag @tr_1upgrade #motivation #course #handgun #rifle #class #masterclass #tacticaltraining #tacticalinfluencer #tacticalphoto #tactics #warrior #survival #soldiers #combat #italy #tacticaltraining #tacticalgear #equipment #army #specialforces #military #setup #shooter - @414trainingandfactory on Instagram

Two is one, one is none. B&T Telescopic Stock for MP5K BT-200598 #btparts #bruggerandthomet #mp5 #mp5k #hecklerandkoch #gunsdaily #pewpew #hk - @bt_parts.com_ on Instagram

S Q U A D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #glock #ar15 #freedom #mk18mod1 #762x39 #weponsdaily #ak47 #adventure #glockfeed #edc #glock19 #surefirex300 #sickguns #teamglock #glockfanatics #progun #glock43 #glockgang #polish #akms #firearmphotography #firearmstraining #firearms #firearm #peachstatedefese #georgia #gooutside #photography #nikon #photo - @alex00white on Instagram

- Ammo can

- Armored and Non Armored Bump Helmets

📣 📣 📣 📣 📣 📣 📣 📣 📣 Shoutout to @pablocunanan for sharing his 7.5 7.62 BCA upper!! We appreciate you! 💬💬💬💬💬💬💬💬💬 I ❤ my BCA upper! A lot! - pablocunanan WHATs YOUR FAVORITE BCA BUILD YOUVE DONE?? 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 🧐 #bcaappreciatesyou #custombuilds #bcaupper #quotes #pewpew #happycustomers #sendyourpics #upperlife #buildwithpassion - @bear_creek_arsenal on Instagram

- Army parka

- AR-15

- Security Uniforms

- police tactical gear

- AR pistol or SBR

- guns And rouses



- Airsoft Pistols

- airsoft gear

- 12 GAUGE

- Ammo & guns

- Assault Vest

- Military letters

- Bullet proof armor

We’ve heard your requests! Coming in hot! Fanny Packs are officially available! Get them while supplies last! Visit Features: Adjustable waist strap MOLLE external expansion system SNAP MOLLE on the back Construction: One main compartment with an internal pocket One DETACHABLE zippered pocket Zipper with Velcro closure on the main pouch One small buckled pouch up front Dimensions: 14”L x 6.5”H x 3”W . . . We Bring Veterans together using humor and camaraderie to improve mental health and prevent veteran suicide! . . #IW2020 #irreverentwarriors #iw #silkies #silkieshike #militarylife #mentalhealth #military #veteran #veteransupport #22aday #22kill #22tonone #militaryhumor #suicide #ptsd #depression #suicideprevention #usmc #army #navy #airforce #coastguard #fannypacks #marsupialmadness #fanny #packs #kangaroopouch #roo - @irreverant_warriors_knoxville on Instagram

- Battle Belt

- Black vest


- Battle Belt Ideas

- Hardware

- the division gear

- Airsoft plate carrier

Suns out, time to train! - @9regionipauk on Instagram

- 1,10 armas

- Mexican naval infantry basic kit

Some badass high-end sharpshooter loadouts of our bud @iinfamouspanda 😎 Feel free to brag yours 🤙 ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ #podavach_uloaders #podavach #ar10 #ar15 #ak #shooting #rangeday #loader #uloader #magloader #speedloader #tacticalgear #military #multicaliber #tacticallife #arloader #gunsofinstagram #gunsdaily #weaponfanatics #gunsdailyusa #gunlover #instaweapons - @podavach_llc on Instagram

Raptor cover for GoPro 8 Hero Black let you mounti it on the Plate Carrier velcro area, helmet or just standard GoPro mounting. Adds additional protection to your investment. Available soon on new website! #raptortacticallc #madeinusa #veteran #ftbragg #northcarolina #raptor #odin #odinbelt #army #thor #platecarrier #thorplatecarrier #gopro #goprohero8 #gopro8 #goprohero #goprohero8black #copcam #cop #police #le #camera @gopro - @raptortacticallc on Instagram

- Daily Gun

- A FAV Tactical weapons

- Cop Quotes

- military - soldier

- Tactical Vest

𝗔𝗥𝗖 𝗘𝗣 𝗩2 . Innovating the Elastic Placard once wasn’t enough for us so we did it again. What’s been in the making since early July will be coming soon. Some of the updates are as follows: -Transition to laser cut while maintaining our brand unique layout -Side #firstspear tube interface (add on) -Buckle or Hook capable -Height adjustable mounting -Front Slits for addition pouches -#sandsprecision pull tab retention (add on) . We’ve designated this the ‘ARC EP V2’ as it is now directly compatible with our cummerbund which will result in less stacking of flaps in the front and will prevent the placard from ever being pulled up unintentionally. This will also apply to any carrier that accepts placards and also has a Tubed cummerbund. . Let us know if you have any questions and what color you’re hoping to pick this up in! . Please Note the displayed placard is a preproduction sample and future productions will be using matching printed elastic. . #shawconcepts #multicam #multicamarid #arcsuite #arccarrier #raidpouch - @shawconcepts on Instagram

- 1911

Would ya just look at it? #Repost @sean.go.boom ・・・ All sorts of #SundayGunDay toys that make for an afternoon of weekend #3gun training. From left to right: @safarilandgroup ELS competition belt, @hecklerandkoch SP5K, CR556A1, VP9, USP Expert 9, MR762A1, and of course the @vortexoptics Fury range finder / binoculars. ____________________________________________ #gunfun #training #practice #3gun #pcc #mp5 #sp5k #hecklerandkoch #hkallday #hkshooting #3gunlife #3gun #vortexoptics #vortex3gun #vortexnation #mr556 #mr762 #vp9 #igoboom - @vortex3gun on Instagram

- Special Forces

- Black Steel In The Hour of Chaos

- Better Paintball Vest

🔥🎯 - @nidzaa13 on Instagram

- ASG ideas

- tactical vest

The patriots blood is the seed of Freedoms tree. - Thomas Campbell. . @mgpete829 utilizing our plate carrier hydration pouch, admin pouch, radio pouch and our simple stacker two mag pouches. 👍🏻🇺🇸 . #tacticalgear #marines #usmarines #bdstactical #becausedyingsucks #coyotebrown #usa #tactical - @bdstacticalgear on Instagram

- Tactical Vest

- vest

- Military

- First Aid Kits

- Special operations command

- The Division Cosplay

PMSC e BMRS deflagram Operação Divisa Ações foram realizadas na manhã desta sexta-feira, 25, em Santa Catarina e no Rio do Sul Na manhã desta sexta-feira, 25, foi deflagrada a Operação Divisa. A ação contou com mais de 350 policiais. A partir de informações obtidas pelas agências de inteligência das instituições, a Polícia Militar de Santa Catarina (PMSC) e a Brigada Militar do Rio Grande do Sul (BMRS) cumpriram diversos mandados de busca, apreensão e prisão. O ato contou com o apoio do Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul e também dos poderes judiciários locais. Somente em Santa Catarina foram cumpridas quatro prisões, sendo três decorrentes de mandado de prisão e um de flagrante delito. Além disso, oito armas de fogo, duas carabinas de pressão com aproximadamente 100 munições, drogas, telefones celulares, pendrives, câmera fotográfica, talões de cheques, agendas e demais documentos ligados ao crime organizado foram apreendidos. Na oportunidade, a PMSC e a BMRS também confiscaram R$3.950. Participaram da ação o Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (Bope), Batalhão de Polícia de Choque (BPChoque), Batalhão de Aviação da Polícia Militar (BAPM), Pelotão de Patrulhamento Tático (PPT), Polícia Militar Ambiental (PMA) e a Companhia de Policiamento com Cães (Canil). - @pmsccomandantegeral on Instagram

- AR Project: Going to Build My Own

Kit ready to hit today’s Murph WOD with @mattlatorre1896 at a social distance of course. #fitnessbutbetter - @amtactical on Instagram

#hotpocket - @lunarconcepts on Instagram

- armamento

🔥CHALECO DEPORTIVO.🔥 Xal es una marca 100% Mexicana y socialmente responsable. Son multidisciplinarios, y por su diseño, no altera tu centro de gravedad, permitiéndote realizar cualquier rutina. Tenemos cuatros modelos disponibles: verde camo, gris camo, azul camo y negro liso. Todos incluyen dos placas de 10 lb cada una. Hacemos envíos todos la república Mexicana.📦🇲🇽 ¡NO TE QUEDES SIN TU XAL! • Y tú, ¿ya entrenas cómo campeón?🔥 • • #xalmexico #teamxal #chalecodeportivo #chalecodepeso #chalecolastrado #vest #weightvest #mx #mexico #crossfit #spartanracemx #runners #wod #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fit - @xalmexico on Instagram

Wakanda Forever 🙅🏾♂️ #MindsetIsEverything #successornothin #personalresponsibility - @successornothin on Instagram

- Soldier action figures

The JPC™ (JUMPABLE PLATE CARRIER) 2.0 MARITIME SWIMMER CUT is a lightweight and minimal vest designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. It features an overall mesh construction for immediate draining during maritime operations. At just over one pound for the entire carrier, the JPC 2.0™ MARITIME SWIMMER CUT offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator’s needs in terms of protection, modularity, and comfort. It features our patented SKELETAL™ CUMMERBUND system with our Integrated Attachment System (patented) that allows pouches to be mounted on both the inside and outside of the cummerbund. This system sheds unnecessary weight and bulk while improving overall ventilation. - @cryeofficial on Instagram


- I wish you would

- pew pew

- Tactical Solutions


- argonomy

- Multi-Ammo Vest (-50 Motility, Infinite Bullets, Makes user look Obese)

- Cz 75

- Tactical Equipment

Cool painting from our friends at - @lancertactical on Instagram

Armatus load-out from @eli_macho . #OurGearYourWorld #LBXTactical - @lbx.tactical on Instagram

New CCW #p320 #sigsauer #frenchbulldog - @jason___tsg on Instagram

- dota 2 game

- 75th Ranger Regiment

- Contracting


- Rifle

Reposting 📸@radicalfirearms because Im lazy, @melm_photos gives great food ideas, and @travisbeastmaster is sexy af duh 😂. #bohicanation #freedomdose #bohicalife . . . . . . #guns #firearmsdaily #dailygundose #gunsofinstagram #ar15build #ar15 #pewpewandchill - @bohica_nation on Instagram

#repost @okwahoballisticsprotection •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Looking for a plate carrier? Check out the Viper Plate Carrier available on our site •Dont forget, free shipping on orders $200 and up and you dont pay any tax for a whole year! #orderyourkit #shadowelite #toserveandprotect #airsoftcanada #airsoftnation #dutygear #police #swat #leo #milsim #airsoft #taxfree #k9 #tactical #tacticalgear #searchandrescue #platecarrier #3gun #officer #okwahobp #ottawa #livepd #battleready #fitforduty #bluelivesmatter #canada #holdtheline #policeofficer #tacticalloadout - @hemi_014 on Instagram

- tactical vest

@thetacticalgames UT kit. two weeks out! let’s GO!! . . #511vest #14.5BCMbuild #sigp320 #magpul #okaysurefeed #roninbelt #esstac #hsgi #eotech #surefire #train #test #repeat - @rm_f5 on Instagram

- 1/6 scale figures

- Back Packs, Bags & Gears

- Ear plugs

- Molle gear

𝘼𝙍𝘾 𝙎𝙐𝙄𝙏𝙀 . - A growing family of products, some you’ve seen and some you haven’t. Much is planned and in the works as we speak. Some items are just around the corner... . Keep your eyes peeled; turning on Post & Story notifications is highly advised... . #shawconcepts - @shawconcepts on Instagram

“What matters is looking cool, and you’re not gonna look cool if you’re not doing any training” -Flannel daddy, aka; Dad, aka; @garand_thumb - - - - Sorry y’all had to see this twice, the brand support encouraged me and it deserved a post. - - #muticamblack #multicamblackgang #loadout #loadoutdisplay #lbxtactical #lbx #bcm #averagejoessrrd #railscales #smithandwesson #mandp2point0 #floydscustomshop #highspeedgear #esstac - @eli_macho on Instagram

- Ak

- pouch

Check out UPT ARK plate carrier built using our MultiCam® Black Printed Webbing/Loop and SAM1® Stretch Woven (in the inner lining and shoulder straps) 😍🔥 .. ⠀ #platecarrier #multicam #multicampattern #tactical #bodyarmor @multicampattern - @mmitextiles on Instagram

Daeodon Front Panel fits well on a JPC.. for all those wondering. #Repost @havok_1_actual • • • • • • Tools. #gunsofinstagram #gun #guns #training #modlite #triarcsystems #cryeprecision #pewpewpew #tactical #esstac #kywi #daeodon #esstackywi - @_esstac on Instagram

- Black Ops

Triple stack. #multicamblack - @lunarconcepts on Instagram

- British Army

- Tactical wall

HELLCAT low vis plate carrier Check it now at #GoLoud #DirectActionGear #DirectAction #PlateCarrier #LowVis #LowVisGear #TacticalGear #SOFgear #SpecialForcesGear #MilitaryGear #ArmyGear #SpecOps #SpecialForces #WojskaSpecjalne #TacticalEquipment #Hellcat #HellcatPlateCarrier #TacticalPlateCarrier #Operator #Cordura #LawEnforcementGear #LawEnforcementPlateCarrier - @directactiongear on Instagram

135.00 Shipped while they last .. DM me - @polymer80builder on Instagram

Sometimes the best place to be is nowhere to be found.. - @gcodeholsters on Instagram

A weekend out at scar with @grey_wolf_actual Photo creds to @weekend.warrior.98 !! Great photos! :D - @chatham_kent_chaos on Instagram

Ultimate battle belt by HSGI...moving away from vests to a more versatile platform....or just old school H harness? - @coveredsix on Instagram

Para adaptarnos a tus necesidades, tenemos diferentes modelos de chalecos, ya sea porta placas para acompañarte en tus misiones o para que le pongas placas de peso y los uses en tus entrenamientos. Ademas podrás personalizarlos con parches y accesorios. #alwaysbeready #somos511 #chalecos #portaplacas #mision #entrenamiento #aventura #tactico #personalizable #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #policia #militar #marino #ejercito - @5.11tacticalmx on Instagram

- tank vs IFV vs APC

Best tactical gear in Ranger Green (and other colours and camouflages). Check out #GoLoud #DirectActionGear #DirectAction #TacticalGear #TacticalEquipment #RangerGreen #ArmyGear #MilitaryGear #SpecialForcesGear #SpecialForces #WojskaSpecjalne #DumpPouch #MagPouch #TacticalBelt #RangeBelt #RangeGear #ShootingGear #MOLLE #PALS #Tactical #TacticalShooting #MilitaryDrill #ShootingDrill - @directactiongear on Instagram

- Body armor vest

All new Condor Scorpion OCP gear & apparel has arrived on Shop now! #lapg #lapolicegear #condor #newproducts #tactical #scorpionocp #platecarrier #camo #magazine - @lapolicegear on Instagram

- Plate carrier setup

- Guns and Roses

- Colt m4

- Rifle Accessories

- Airsoft

- police tactical gear

- tactical set

- A Weapons Group

The one and only.. Joe Crow KydexWorks edition.. 💪🇵🇹💪 #edc #edcgear #tacticalgear #airsoftportugal #airsoft #kydex #kydexholster - @j.crow_kydexworks on Instagram

#Arisoft #Riedikon 🔥💯 - @joker_rider.sgc on Instagram

- Battle Vest

Here they are in all their glory 😍 (more pics when we get plates and people in them 👍) #functionalfitness #crossfit #c2r #crossfitvest #weightedvest #multicam #multicamblack #atacs #atacsghost #wolfgrey #wolfgray #murph #themurphchallenge #themurph #crye #cryeprecision - @amtactical on Instagram

- Cool stuff

- Armory

Night 1 of @kineticconsulting NVG 1 was solid! Great night! Ready for night 2! - @mochabear_actual on Instagram

Hj foi TOP o COMBATE PARABÉNS a todos os COMBATENTES sem exceção 2:40 de COMBATE sem parar foi tiro correria pra todo lado e mtos inimigos e amigos abatidos...nosso ESQUADRÃO @cotairsc com nosso comandante @teamjohnnymattos fizeram sua parte dando suporte apoio para todos....É MTA ADRENALINA ESSE ESPORTE É AIRSOFT NA VEIA..... - @granettorodrigo on Instagram

- Special operations command

- molle

- Camping Equipment


- Need help ID of knife

- A Tactical Gear

- BugOutBag(BOB)/ EveryDayCarry(EDC)

- Hunting room

Which one would be better ? 🤔The top or the bottom? Comments down below.👇👇#maxtacs #tactical #platecarrier #tacticalgear - @maxtacs on Instagram

Чехол под бронежилеты под лёгкие пластины размером 25*30см. Цена 890 грн - @nation_gear on Instagram

@directactiongear débarque en force 😎 ici, le porte plaques #Spitfire2 avec les systèmes #Flap et #RocBuckle cest solide, bien pensé et esthétiquement bien travaillé. - @tactical_equipements on Instagram

- Combat helmet

- Lego kraken

- Better Paintball Vest

SPECTRE FAST BODY ARMOUR MKII . Body Armour costruito interamente in Cordura 1000D e Airnet sulla modellistica SPEAR BALCS Sistema di sgancio rapido differenziato MkII Tasca admin integrata Predisposizione per FASTEX porta mobility panels e zaini dassalto. Tasca stretch interna al pannello di chiusura frontale per alloggio caricatori e altro. Maniglia di trasporto Predisposizione per il montaggio di tutti gli accessori balistici da IIIA in poi. Interfaccia stretch frontale e dietro per patches ID/IFF Tasca posteriore stretch a scomparsa sul pannello di chiusura posteriore. Interfacce stretch sui cummerbound Numerosi lacci stretch per il bloccaggio delle cavetterie dei vari apparati elettronici D-ring utility frontali. Pals elasticizzati sul frontale per il trasporto di light-sticks o altro . . LO TROVATE SUL NOSTRO SITO WWW.SODGEAR.COM nella sezione COMBAT/BODY ARMOUR . . . . . #tactical #multicam #military #tacticalgear #forzespeciali #forzedellordine #forzedipolizia #forzearmate #traininghard #poligono #survivalism #survival #survivor #italy #lifestyle #sodgear #chestrig #esercitoitaliano #madeinitaly #italy #bodyarmour #combat - @sodgear_official_page on Instagram

𝕋𝕆𝕆𝔹ℤ ⠀ Upgrade your JPC with a combo of @spritus Systems MOLLE Tubes Cummerbunds with a pair of AXL Tubes Adapters 🦾 ⠀ 𝗦𝘄𝗶𝗽𝗲 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀 ⠀ ⚡️𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗼 𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲⚡️ ⠀ 𝘄𝘄𝘄.𝗔𝗫𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱.𝗰𝗼𝗺 ⠀ 📸 by @havok_1_actual ⠀ @_esstac @patchpanel #esstac #firstspear #cryeprecision #cryeordie #patchpanel #socom #toobz @cryeofficial #ussof #rangergreen #police #sheriff #swat #lawenforcement #thinblueline #tubes #tubesmafia #cryejpc #cryespc #platecarriers #tubemafia #army #usaf #usmc #tacticool #tactical #tacticalgear #Platecarrier #sof #spiritussystems #axladvanced - @axladvanced on Instagram

Gen3 MagPod® Colors: BLK and Coyote Tan ETA: December 2020 MSRP: $29.95 (3-pk) Available thru most @multitaskertools dealers (listing on the site), or ask your local gun store to order it thru RSR GROUP 📸: @gregskazphotography #MagPod #PMAG #magpul - @magpod on Instagram

- Airsoft Rigs