1891 Profile Pics

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c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC

The Rujinav Picture Library

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- Execution by cannon in Iran, circa 1892[922x788]

c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC

c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC

yeonjun txt

- Illumination

c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC

c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC


- 1800 Men

c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC



- Old Images


The Danvers State Hospital In Massachusetts Has A Dark And Evil History That Will Never Be Forgotten


What did John Muir and Roosevelt discuss that day? More importantly, what went unsaid between them? 🌲 In her essay for Leaf Litter 8, “The N-Word: Nature Revisited,” Carolyn Finney addresses those unspoken values of white supremacy that remain foundational to the National Parks to this day. 🌲 Read the essay and get your copy today. Link in bio. - @artistsareintents on Instagram

c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC

Arnold Comes of Age, Portrait of Arnold Pyle, 1930 by Grant Wood


- Native Drawings

Swiped Into Love...or Not? | Ni-ki [𝗘𝗡-]

tkthao219 lengtoo heyyy

- Avante Garde

a man with a past

seungkwan jeonghan jeonghan reaction seungkwan reaction seventeen

Πλατεία 1821 – Σπλάντζια Η πλατεία της Σπλάντζιας, σημερινή Πλατεία 1821, βρίσκεται στην ανατολική πλευρά της παλιάς πόλης των Χανίων. Αποτελούσε την κατεξοχήν τουρκική συνοικία της πόλης με κέντρο τη σημερινή πλατεία 1821. Σήμερα στη βορειοδυτική άκρη της υπάρχει η βενετσιάνικη εκκλησία του Αγίου Ρόκκου, ανατολικά της πλατείας η εκκλησία του Αγίου Νικολάου και στο κέντρο ένας τεράστιος πλάτανος. Κάτω από τον πλάτανο υπήρχε ένα οκτάγωνο αραβικό κιόσκι, στο οποίο είχαν δικαίωμα να κάθονται και να απολαμβάνουν τον καφέ τους τιτλούχοι της πολιτείας και επιφανείς μπέηδες και αγάδες. Πάνω στον συγκεκριμένο πλάτανο οι Οθωμανοί, στις 19 Μαΐου 1821, απαγχόνισαν τον επίσκοπο Κισσάμου Μελχισεδέκ. Ανάμεσα στην εκκλησία του Αγίου Νικολάου και τον πλάτανο βρίσκεται η τουρκική υπόγεια κρήνη, η δεξαμενή της οποίας είχε τέτοια χωρητικότητα, ώστε να καλύπτει την πόλη των Χανίων για έξι μήνες. Τα τελευταία χρόνια η συνοικία της Σπλάντζιας έχει μεταμορφωθεί από φτωχή περιοχή με σκοτεινά σοκάκια σε μια από τις πιο δημοφιλείς συνοικίες της πόλης. ΠΗΓΗ: chaniahistory.gr ΕΙΚΟΝΕΣ: Αρχείο Δημοτικής Βιβλιοθήκης Χανίων #history #chaniaculture #splantzia #chania #crete - @culture_chania on Instagram

Why We Love This Town - Evansville Living Magazine

yassssoo fleet

rilakkuma cute kawaii

ओरछा के महाराजा प्रतापसिंह जी (1874-1930) की हाथी की सवारी का रियासतकालीन दुर्लभ दृश्य (बुंदेलखंड) His Highness Saramad-i-Rajha-i-Bundelkhand Maharaja Mahendra Sawai Shri Sir PRATAP SINGHJI Bahadur Ju Deo, 24th Maharaja of Orchha 1874/1930. #hishighness #maharaja #pratapsinghorchha #maharajaoforchha #royalelephant #orchha #princelystate #bundela #suryavanshi #madhyapradesh #hindustan #orchhafort #orchharoyalfamily #bundelkhand - @rajputanaculture on Instagram

Musical Verses Volume #3 - Queen Mab

Henry Wolf - Brooke Shields Portrait


- Ptolemys Map of the World - 150AD (redrawn 15th century) [1500x1026]

Eurofighter 31+31 JG31 Boelcke Luftwaffe JP-2248

blablaismi animation text vintage

- Old map of the French region Nord-Pas-de-Calais, showing ressources, communication systems and main cities

Swiped Into Love...or Not? | Ni-ki [𝗘𝗡-]

✘ 𝐙 𝖎 𝖔 𝖚 𝖑 ✘ (@zioul) | TikTok

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- Invites

rimi ushigome

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- Images of the Blessed Virgin Mary



- Native American Tribal Weapons and Shields

c. 1891 THE PLEIADES print • original antique print • The Pleiades in Taurus • celestial print • astronomy print • The Seven Sisters print

xerunox speech bubble

- Ottoman Naval Flags and Standards

c. 1891 Old Hall England Art Nouveau 14\ Cobalt and Gold Floral Vase Repaired but FANTASTIC

Vampira on Twitter

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- Art by Ben Giles

Aug Jomo Kenyatta Released From Imprisonment Photos and Premium High Res Pictures

Arts / Expositions sur Paris avec Le Figaro et Figaroscope

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- Moon Book


Category:Seascapes by Ivan Aivazovsky - Wikimedia Commons

taylor sander pge skra belchatow

- 1920s


Quail, Sagittarius from 1891 Keinen Imao Woodblock 1st Edition Birds & Flowers Japan

touhou lmao 16bit

Στα μέσα του 19ου αιώνα άρχισε να αναπτύσσεται το χωριό της Χαλέπας στα ανατολικά της πόλης, έξω από τα όρια των οχυρώσεων. Η περιοχή απέκτησε διακεκριμένη θέση στην ιστορία της Κρήτης με την περίφημη «Σύμβαση της Χαλέπας», που υπεγράφη τον Οκτώβριο του 1878 μεταξύ Οθωμανών και Κρητών και είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την παραχώρηση περιορισμένου αυτόνομου πολιτεύματος στο Νησί. Η οδός Χαλέπας, ο κύριος δρόμος έξω από τα τείχη, σημερινή οδός Ελ. Βενιζέλου, ξεκινούσε προς τ’ ανατολικά των Χανίων κι ήταν δρόμος περιποιημένος και δενδροφυτεμένος με γαλάζιες ακακίες από τα αγροκήπια της Γεωργικής Εταιρείας Γεωργιουπόλεως. Κατέληγε στο πλούσιο αυτό αριστοκρατικό προάστιο και θέρετρο των εύπορων Χανιωτών, τη Χαλέπα, που ήταν σαν ένα μικρό παράρτημα της Ευρώπης. Στη Χαλέπα υπήρχαν κτίρια πολυτελή κι όμορφα, καθώς και τα προξενεία των Μεγάλων Δυνάμεων. Κι ακόμη η σχολή του Σαν Ζοζέφ, όπου οι καλόγριες δίδασκαν στα πλουσιοκόριτσα Γαλλικά και καλή συμπεριφορά, αλλά και η κομψότατη εκκλησούλα της Αγίας Μαρίας της Μαγδαληνής μέσα στους ανθισμένους κήπους. Εδώ ήταν επίσης και η κατοικία του Υπατου Αρμοστή, ο οποίος, στις αρχές του αιώνα, ήλθε σε σύγκρουση με τον Βενιζέλο και τον απέλυσε από Σύμβουλο της Δικαιοσύνης τον Μάρτιο του 1901. Μετά το Κίνημα του Θερίσου το 1905, στο οποίο ως γνωστόν πρωτοστάτησε ο Βενιζέλος, ο Πρίγκηπας Γεώργιος αναγκάσθηκε να εγκαταλείψει το 1906 κάποια νύχτα την Κρήτη, από την ακτή των Ταμπακαριών. ΠΗΓΗ: chaniahistory.gr ΕΙΚΟΝΕΣ: Αρχείο Δημοτικής Βιβλιοθήκης Χανίων #history #chaniaculture #chalepa #chania #crete - @culture_chania on Instagram

Beast Wars Bantor - 13 / 13

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- Bandanas Americana

paprika twins xiliam kawaii love yay

- T. E. Lawrence,(Lawrence of Arabia.) 1919.

49 years for amayakuralu amayakuralu trending movie title

- Haile Selassie

crying cry funny fun thewishnewblogspotcom

- Reportage Photography

omori tenor kel omori

Have you guys seen the movie HARRIET??? ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE. Sometimes films about history can feel so waited and heavy that you don’t know if you have the capacity to take them in. That isn’t this. Obviously heavy themes but told from a very inspired perspective. I felt so empowered watching this movie and I feel it portrayed Harriet as the true superhero she actually was!!!!! Kasi Lemons, director of one of my favorite films “Eves Bayou” also directed this and the angles, the score, the locations, the CASTING was all so incredible. It truly felt magical, @cynthiaerivo made me feel like I was actually watching Harriet Tubman herself. I appreciate this film as an American, that I can talk about things and give my child something empowering, magical and (some fiction)truthful. Thank you for this! (I know I’m late 🙄) God bless Harriet AND EVERYTHING SHE DID THAT WE DIDN’T HAVE TO DO. 🙏🏾 - @keke on Instagram

kek wiggle

- 1790‘s fashion plates


- Railways in 1937 and who owned them. [in Russian]

gojill well cat kitty cute

- American Civil War

sykkuno drake meme reaction

- Old Ottoman men smoking hookah and they said that there are many hadiths about it. Trabzon / Around 1910 [619x451]


- 1900s America

omori omori kel omori meme omori tenor

- BACK in the USSR

touhou fumo reimu touhou

- London metropolitan

je hart vec50

- Nez perce

prosperous joy fortune excited happy lunar new year

- 1900,s

crying omori depressed sad omori gif omori tenor

- Native American Women

plugdj vibing discord emoji emotes

- Amber Writes: Gypsy Rondo

da glurnk shroomjak wojak shroom 4chan

🦅Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen. 🦅Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray they find guidance.🦅Search for yourself, by yourself. Don’t allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. 🦅Treat guests in your home with consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with honor. 🦅Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.🦅Respect ALL things that are placed upon this earth. 🦅Honor others thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow people the right to personal expression. 🦅Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you. 🦅All persons make mistakes. All mistakes can be forgiven. 🦅Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism.🦅Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. They are part of your worldly family.🦅Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and lifes lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow.🦅Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you. 🦅Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe. 🦅Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self - all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.🦅Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your actions.🦅 Respect the privacy & personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others especially sacred and religious objects. 🦅Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture & help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself.🦅Respect others beliefs. Do not force your belief on others.🦅Share your good fortune. #lakotanation - @lightfinderpr on Instagram

adorable yellow and red flowers around adorable in pink bubble letters aww so cute pretty

Nubians are an ethno-linguistic group indigenous to Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan. They are believed to be one of the earliest cradles of civilisation with settlements dating back to 7000BC. This portrait of a Nubian Egyptian lady was taken around the turn of the 20th Century. Her hair is fixed into thin braids and decorated with colourful beads. The ornament on her forehead is called gasset el-rahman and is worn by married women. The triangular shape symbolises success. This forehead ornament is believed to date back to the lotus ornaments worn in a similar fashion by Ancient Egyptian women. The longer necklace with flat discs of gold is called a jakid necklace and is an important part of every Nubian girls dowry. It is made up of six plain discs with a central medallion pendant. The discs are believed to be associated with the Ancient Egyptian sun god Amun Ra. Source on History of Jewellery: @ydorghamy @rawimagazine . . . #ancientegypt #nubia #nubian #kemet #egypt #sudan #blackhistory #africanhistory #africanjewellery #africanfashion #vintageportrait #braids #braidstyles - @in.hair.itance on Instagram

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- A 1905 map of southern Brazil in German, highlighting the areas of higher german colonization [682x942]

jiangshi cute thumbs up cheer cheer up

- African-American Civil War Soldiers

twice funny nayeon

- One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne. In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. - Amazons latest teaser map

holiday happy korean american day 2022 jan13 happy korea day

- An Indelible Impression

namneungbnk48 bnk48

- Hippolyte Frandin, the French consul in Korea, 1890s. [465x584]

bleh tiktok squee stick tongue out silly

Images of Fraser Town from a 1914-book on Plague-proof town planning in Bangalore- South India by JH Stephens, a municipal engineer of the erstwhile civil and military station of Bangalore. In this book, Stephens details how Fraser Town - one of the newer city areas like Jayanagar - was built expressly after the plague to avoid overcrowding, and the problems faced in Knoxpet, the current day Murphy Town. - @bygonebangalore on Instagram

omori school nvm kichi kichi is not bored

- Action bible

sleepy monkey bored hash club

- California indians


- Oaxaca, Monterrey, Zacatecas, Toluca, Puebla, Saltillo (1919)

i believe in you ghost floating crying cry

- divers autos

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Alfred Waterhouse was born 190 years ago today. Waterhouse had a long and distinguished career as an architect, with his contributions including Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum in London.⁣ ⁣ His design for the Town Hall was one of 137 entries submitted as part of a hotly-contested competition. After a rigorous process, he was appointed architect in April 1868, with the foundation stone later that year. ⁣ ⁣ 9 years and roughly 14 million bricks later, the building opened! ⁣ ⁣ This wasnt his only project in Manchester, with Strangeways, the Refuge Assurance Building, the old Manchester Grammar School and Owens College (now part of @officialuom) all being designed by him and standing to this day under a variety of new names.⁣ ⁣ 190 years on from his birth, we just want to say one thing: Thank you Alfred!⁣ ⁣ #OurTownHall #Manchester #AlfredWaterhouse #waterhouse #listedbuildings #gothicarchitecture - @manchestercitycouncil on Instagram

limbless hajime moment hajime hinata danganronpa adimo text

#Free_Palestine - @freepalestine_48 on Instagram

kat katlah katlah irl irl lore

- Old Guangdong

yw slr smirk

- Luigi XIV

discord discord stickers wumpus new year

- Cheyenne Indians

ugh purple clouds around ugh in green bubble letters sigh annoyed whatever

EYO, a popular festival which is performed in lagos, Nigeria. #creativity #artisanal #sustainableeconomy #localindustry #businessideas #aesthetics #design #functional #smallbusinesses #startupbusiness #thewhatifhub - @whatifhub on Instagram

omori omori tenor omori ssip ssip club

- Black Lion

akai haato haachama vtuber hololive

- Canadas Tree Line (no trees grow above the line) [1155x995]

vern music vern omori emoweezer

- Germanie, France, Italie, Espagne, Isles Britanniques (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, British Isles) by Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon; 1776 [5828x6246]

tiger shroff haaye tigshalover tigsha

- Some ancestors family. Pretty sure they were not seeing cameras very often at this time. (Circa, 1905, Northern Canada)

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- Vintage Photo Album

bfb four bfb four bfdi bfdi four

- Proposed 49th state of Absaroka - movement emerged in 1939 due to a lack of patronage appointments for Republicans by the New Dealer controlled state governments

bored krystaljung jungsoojung

- Apache Injuns

dramaturgy vtuber

- US history

cute floss

- Since people are posting pictures of their grandparents, heres my grandmother in 1908.

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- Cedar Bark Weave

txt yeonjun frost

- Child Labor - How Could We?

prosperous new year happy new year 2022new year wishes tiger happy

- arthur szyk & jewish illistration

fiesta giorgioleone swag retromarcia retro

- Diversen

totoro ghibli miyazaki pixel cute cat

- Chang the Chinese Giant 1870 [1100x1194]

gwsn girlsinthepark %EA%B3%B5%EC%9B%90%EC%86%8C%EB%85%80 gwsnanne %EA%B3%B5%EC%9B%90%EC%86%8C%EB%85%80%EC%95%A4

THROWBACK THURSDAY Meet Carl Christian Reindorf. He was a Gold coast pastor of the Basel Mission, a historian, teacher, farmer, trader and physician in the Gold Coast ( Now Ghana). Carl Christian Reindorf himself worked as a teacher of history at the catechists and teachers’ seminary at Akropong (Akuapem) from November 1860 to April 1862. In late 1863 Reindorf was appointed teacher at the newly founded middle school at Osu. In 1866 he took part in the local war between the Ada (a Ga-Adangme group) and the Awunas (Ewes from the Volta Region), acting as assistant surgeon. After the war he was appointed head teacher of the Osu Middle School. The course for students from the ages of fourteen to eighteen included subjects such as biblical exegesis, theology, history and geography, English, and, for the senior classes, Greek. Carl Christian Reindorf worked as a teacher at Osu until 1872. He established a boarding school at Mayera with a dozen Ga boys from Accra. He lived and worked in Mayera for a decade before returning to Christiansborg, Osu. Carl finished work on his notable book, A History of the Gold Coast and Asante in 1889. This literary piece was originally written in the Ga language. The English translation of the book was published in Basel in 1895. Carl Christian Reindorf ’s History of the Gold Coast and Asante has a special place in West African historiography. Drawing a colorful and lively picture of historical events, it was written from an African point of view; in it Reindorf gave Africans a voice and the ability to actively shape history, in marked contrast to the views of his European predecessors and contemporaries. Source: ghanaianmuseum.com #throwbackthursday #throwback #blackhistory #emancipation #heritage SpreadCalmNOTFear #COVID19 # #StaySafe #CoronaVirus #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeForGeorgeFlyod #BeyondTheReturn #Heritage #YearOfReturn #Africa #blackexcellence #MondayMotivationalQuote #blackhistory #CentreOfTheWorld #GhanaTourism #GHisthecentre #essencefullcirclefestival #blackhistory #CentreOfTheWorld #blackhistory #blackexcellence #Ghana #blackhistorymonth #letsgoGhana #africandiaspora #fullcirclefestival #Ghanacentreoftheworld - @gtdc_ghana on Instagram

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- 1910-1920

pe%C3%B1arol campeon supercopa nacional

- Indian on an Indian - 1916

kuromi sanrio

- Bed

playsports jupilerproleague sports sport angry

- Native indian

pipimi middle finger pop team epic

- Proposed Routes for a Long Island Sound Crossing (1979)

april april kpop

Come Eravamo.. La Calabria di un tempo.. Inverno 1902. Allo scatto di una foto per cartolina spesso i passanti si mettevano in posa e dai dettagli degli abiti e dei volti possiamo vedere quanta fosse dura la vita per chi, allepoca, non poteva permettersi neanche un paio di scarpe. 📸 Archivio Storico Alessandro Genovesi. #calabria #italy #europa #suditalia #instagram #comeeravamo #fotodepoca #1900 #memories #ricordidelpassato #Calabriamia #fotoantiche #fotoinbiancoenero #Vibovalentia #crotone #catanzaro #cosenza #reggiocalabria - @calabria_ieri_e_oggi on Instagram

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- English Writers

fort vejle vb vejle vejle boldklub vejle b

- 28.06.1914 WW1

patchoul touhou cry

- Cowgirl from the old west 1886

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- Reportage Photography

click here

- World Map Decor

aik stockholm 1891 bengal norra

- Arabia, by Joannes Blaeu, 1662-70, with handwritten corrections and updates by the cartographer. From the personal atlas of Frederik V of Denmark [4123x3413]

shourimajo bubble kittea nonchallant uninterested unamused

- African Costumes

knotts berry farm celebrate dancing knotts shelly melson

Yr #henluniau heddiw ydi diwrnod cynhaeaf yn Dafarn Faig, Pantglas yn 1926. Diolch i Wasanaeth Archif Cyngor Gwynedd am y llun // Todays #throwbackthursday #tbt is harvest day at Dafarn Faig, Pantglas in 1926. Thanks to Gwynedd Councils Archive Service for the photo. - @cyngorgwyneddcouncil on Instagram

nosy nosy nosy listening laptop tech

- Info

hoedown knotts knott%E2%80%99s berry farm knott%E2%80%99s knotts berry farm

- 1814 Fashion Plates

azuki momoi

- Women leaving the Sidi Abd Rahman mausoleum in Algiers 1880 {970×650}

aik stockholm 1891 sthlm allm%C3%A4nna idrottsklubben

- 1st Score of Century 20

tkthao219 lengtoo

- Indian on a Indian Motorcylce,1910s [1429x1066]

knott%E2%80%99s berry farm knotts berry farm dancing 1891 buena park

- An antique map of Barcelona

tea time

Nashville first became known internationally as Music City not for its country music, but because of the Fisk Jubilee Singers.⁣ ⁣ The Jubilee Singers have headlined halls and auditoriums, performing for queens and kings and heads of state, across the country and around the globe for nearly 150 years.⁣ ⁣ Without musical accompaniment, the a cappella troupe has sung as if the very survivability of Fisk University depended upon them. ⁣ ⁣ Follow the link in our bio to read the full story. ⁣ #BPM2020 - @communityfoundationmidtn on Instagram

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- Personality Chart

dif logo

- Berlin : from Der Grosse Continental Atlas 1935 [2000x1583] [OC][OS]

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- Library Archives

aik stockholm 1891 sthlm allm%C3%A4nna


ghost town alive ghost town knott%E2%80%99s knotts knotts beery farm

- Native Americans / West

aik stockholm 1891 sthlm allm%C3%A4nna idrottsklubben

- ::: Drawing :::

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- Black Lives Matter Must-Read Books

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- Belarusian folk costume

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#folk #punjab #pakistan #renaissance #archives music# #lahore #amritsar #archivespunjab #punjabi #punjabarchives #villagelife #art #artist #heritage - @archivespunjab on Instagram

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Group of Girls of a Music School – Mysore, c1890s . #history #india #mysore - @historytv.india on Instagram

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- O-o-be, The Kiowas, 1894

- saddle blanket

- CalState Dominguez Hills

- Collector

- National history day

- arctic, north Atlantic, Antarctic

- Peter Saville

- A group of Samurai Warriors in 1860

- A map of the Civil War battlefield of Antietam

- An old French map representing the north of France and the west of Belgium circa 900 ad.

- British Line Regiments of Foot

- 18th Century Surveying

- American Civil War

- africa

Hari ini 5 September diperinganti sebagai hari bergabungnya Kadipaten Pakualaman dengan Republik Indonesia melalui amanat SDKGPAA Paku Alam VIII AMANAT Kami Paku Alam VIII Kepala Negeri Paku Alaman, Negeri Ngajogjakarto Hadiningrat menjatakan: 1.Bahwa Negeri Paku Alaman jang bersifat keradjaan adalah daerah istimewa dari Negara Republik Indonesia. 2.Bahwa kami sebagai Kepala Daerah memegang segala kekuasaan dalam Negeri Paku Alaman, dan oleh karena itu berhubung dengan keadaan pada dewasa ini segala urusan pemerintahan dalam Negeri Paku Alaman mulai saat ini berada di tangan Kami dan kekuasaan-kekuasaan lainnja Kami pegang seluruhnja. 3.Bahwa perhubungan antara Negeri Paku Alaman dengan Pemerintah Pusat Negara Republik Indonesia, bersifat langsung dan Kami bertanggung djawab atas Negeri Kami langsung kepada Presiden Republik Indonesia. Kami memerintahkan supaja segenap penduduk dalam Negeri Paku Alaman mengindahkan Amanat Kami ini. Paku Alaman, 28 Puasa Ehe 1876 (5-9-1945) PAKU ALAM #indonesia #jogja #pakualaman #jogjaistimewa #wisatajogja #traveling #instatravel #jalanjalan #museum #sahabatmuseum #visitjogja #wonderfullindonesia #pesonaindonesia #budaya - @museumpuro_pa on Instagram

The great Harriet Tubman makes her stand September 1859 - @stephanedunn_writes on Instagram

- antique trucks

- infographic

- Ceremonial Attire

- Favorite Places & Spaces

S’aprova el Projecte d’Intervenció per a la Millora de l’Estat de la Via Pública als Barris - @vilanovadelvalles on Instagram


- Old Maps

- Bavaria

Pameran tunggal @eggajaya Cipta Gula : Simpan Di Tempat Kering pada tanggal 11-20 September 2020 di Ruang Dini Cipta Gula menampilkan karya-karya yang mengangkat histori sebuah pabrik gula di Cirebon yang telah berusia 121 tahun— dipresentasikan penerapannya dalam bentuk instalasi, cetak saring, serta digital printing #ciptagula #simpanditempatkering #exhibition #eggajaya #eventbandung #diruangdini #blossomingthroughlife - @diruangdini on Instagram

- [1854x2152] City of Gdynia in 1924. Then a village, now one of the busiest port in Baltic basin.

Juneteenth is the oldest national holiday celebrating the end of slavery. It originated on June 19th, 1865 when Union troops brought news to Galveston, Texas that the Civil War was over and that enslaved persons were freed, over two years after Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The SCHS is dedicated to telling the stories of all South Carolinians. To this end, we plan to digitize over 8,000 pages of 18th and 19th century manuscripts that bear witness to the lives and experiences of enslaved persons in South Carolina. This year, more than ever, we need to commemorate Juneteenth, both as a marker of freedom for African Americans and as a reminder of the work still to be done. #juneteenth - @schistoricalsociety on Instagram

Buffalo Soldiers, Black Seminoles-Mascogos Growing up in Austin, I can’t remember when I learned about Buffalo Soldiers. It seems like they were always there. They were in the Juneteenth parades. They were at most cultural events, especially during Black History Month. The men we refer to as Buffalo Soldiers have a long and complicated history extending beyond one particular nation-state or region. These racially segregated infantry units were a mix of formerly enslaved Africans that were not solely limited to Africans who were emancipated before or by the U.S. Emancipation Proclamation. There were many self-emancipating Africans that became apart of these frontier scouts and soldiers. Notably, the Black Seminoles, a mix of formerly enslaved Africans who escaped to Spanish Florida and forged very complex relationships with Indigenous groups in the region. They were committed to their freedom. Once the U.S. acquired Florida and passed The Indian Removal Act, forced removal and departure happened to the U.S.s expanding frontiers like Texas. Both the U.S. and Mexico employed these African peoples services to; dispossess, contain Indigenous populations to certain areas, and protect either countries borders. In exchange, these skilled infantry persons were promised land, protection from enslavement, farming materials, and other things. However, in many cases, neither the U.S. or Mexican governments kept their ends of the bargains. It left these people and their families in precarious situations. The descendants of the Buffalo Soldiers, Black Seminoles and Mascogos continue to exist in Texas, the U.S. and Mexico. In Mexico, their descendants are primarily located in Coahuila in El Nacimiento and refer to themselves as Mascogos. Not far away in Bracketville, TX there’s a community with museums and cultural activities. Divided by nations, but united in the fight for freedom. Written by @famu512 Photos & Videos: 📸History.com 📸 John Horse/Juan Caballo (Wikipedia) 🎥 Wikitongues: Bertha Speaking Seminole Creole (YouTube) 🎥Gertrudis Blues, Mascogos, El Nacimiento(YouTube) - @afrolatinotravel on Instagram

- Thomas Burnets 1694 map of the world without water (Den Aardkloot van water ontbloot) [OS] [1000×1652]

- Antique and historical maps

- Unknown Facts about Slaves and Free Blacks

- Pinteresting People

- 19ème-début 20ème

- Ancient India

- Asian (Chinese and Mongol)

Yörük women (Turkish nomads) from Bilecik province, Günyurdu village. Mid 20th century. -B - @anatolian.turkish on Instagram

- Bits of History

- Map of Spain after the 1833 territorial reform

Today’s #wcw are three of the first women at the Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1885, from India, Japan and Syria. Link in bio for more of their incredible story! - @imaginekidsandfamily on Instagram

THE BLACK AMAZON Early 1900s Ella Williams who prefers to be call by her showbiz name Mme Abomah was once the world`s tallest hot and beautiful lady in the late 1800`s and early 1900`s. She was reputed to be 7ft 6inch giantess. Though she was born in South Carolina in USA, her show managers claims she was born In Dahomey (now Republic of Benin). #blackhistory - @africanarchives on Instagram

- Ley lines

#MuseumFromHome #FromTheVaults William Holland (1757-1815), also known sometimes as Jacob Douce or Paddy Whack, was a radical publisher in England operating variously from Drury Lane, Oxford Street and Cockspur Lane. Referred to as a great Jacobin by The Times, he was imprisoned for a year in February 1793 for selling a pamphlet by the revolutionary Thomas Paine. The print pictured here from our collection was gained from the provenance of The Council of the Imperial Library, Calcutta in 1925. It was published by Holland in the early 1800s and it depicts an innocent Englishman signing a contract while hawk-like moneylenders in Calcutta surround their prey. What do you think of this image, so very different from our imagination of the rapacious Englishman and the colonised Indian? #vmh #vmhCollections #williamholland #jacobin #publishing #radical #calcutta #caricature #moneylender #print #england - @vmhkolkata on Instagram

The wonderful People that make the Punjab: Band of Akalees [of] Umritsur @davinder.s.toor #rememberingPartition #PartitionCommemoration #toorcollection #Punjab #KashiHouse - @kashihousecic on Instagram

- Gdansk -Poland

Lidj Tafari, ca. 1899 Isaiah 9:6 🔥🔥🔥💚💛❤️👑❤️💛💚🔥🔥🔥 #HIM #HaileSelassieI #lionofjudah #rastafari #forever #foundation #ethiopia #africa - @marteikorley1 on Instagram

- 1919 United States Geological Survey topographic map of Astoria with 3D elevation, Scott Reinhard

- Asia

- A map of public transport in Dublin in the 1920s

- Wilde westen

- India india

A tradição do pano! Nas imagens a gente vê um agbada, uma vestimenta luxuosa da tradição yorubá. Roupa masculina de garbo e elegância que conta histórias de ancestralidade e poder 💅🏾🌞 Os homens fulani e hausa também fazem uso desta túnica que eles chamam de Bulbul. As peças das imagens são da primeira metade do século 20 e são feitas de algodão e seda, tiras e bordados. Os desenhos dos bordados de seda e são variados e soberbamente executados. #tecidosafricanos #arteafricana #yoruba - @preta.velha on Instagram

- Projected population change in Central and Southeastern Europe. (1989-2050) Source: birn.eu.com

- Costumery


- Y Ddraig Goch


- Chinas Disputed Territories [1053x818]

Serigne Mouhamou Mustapha Mbacké ibn cheikhoul xamdim yalla nanu KO yalla fayal té Tass nu si barkém . . @diwanou_baye_fall . . . . #touba #dakarbuzz #mouride_par_chance_salihate_par_choix❤🙏 #mouridesadikh #beugbamba #xassida #xadime #kourel #lampfall #bambapoint #bayedarou #bayefall #diwanoubayefall - @diwanou_baye_fall on Instagram

- American History

- Monsieur Ducel - A veteran of Napoleons Mamelukes of the Guard, dressed in his old uniform on the anniversary of Napoleons death. Paris 1858. [800 x 1017]

- Telegraph Cables Circa 1900

दरबार - दख्खन दरबार. #chatrapati #maharaj #shivajimaharaj #jayshivajijaybhavani #marathas #maharashtra #india #world #legends #great #leadership #brave #history #wars #proud #top #photooftheday #photo #photography #instagood #tbt #instadaily #instagram #art @riteishd @marathas96 - @marathas96 on Instagram

- The Quarner bay of the Adriatic Sea

Foi na segunda metade do século XIX que surgiram os cartes de visite, ou cartões de visita fotográficos. Desenvolvido por André Disdéri em 1854, foi um marco do retrato fotográfico no Brasil e no mundo. Curso online a partir de outubro. o retrato, a ancestralidade, a memória e o selfie. Inscrições no link da bio. @superbacana_mais @ttpacheco - @fifitong_fotografia on Instagram


- Great Warriors

- @chiloeislagrande on Instagram

- 18.character merchant pedlar street vendor

- Antiques, Estate Sales, Ephemera

- Proposal for the creation of an Assyrian-Chaldean nation at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919

- Acoma

- Map of İstanbul,1788

- Maps

- Maps

- Parts of France where French-Canadians immigrated from

- [992 x 680] Map of the Balkans, 1863

- Rough Riders

- Gorgeous old map of the Caucasus Region.

- Carte de France avec nivellement (1798)

- Africa

- Homeschool Tips & Tricks

- All Things Storrs

- American Indian Art

- Original U.S. Numbered Highway system map from 1926. [8972 x 5851][18 MB][OS]

Posting drawings I like: Antonio Lopez Garcia Maria Pencil on paper 1972 This is a drawing of the artist’s daughter, at age ten. There is so much tenderness and patience in this drawing. Don’t miss the pentimento on the jacket sleeve. #drawing #antoniolopezgarcia #art #arthistory - @imvorubergehen on Instagram

I was free; but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom...I was free, and they should be free also...* #OnThisDay in 1849, Harriet Tubman set out on her first attempt at escape with her two brothers, Ben and Henry. After some time, Tubman and her brothers disagreed on how to proceed, and they returned to their enslavers home. Some time after October 3, Harriet decided that she could no longer remain in bondage. Risking everything, she set out alone, and with the help of several operatives on the Underground Railroad, she finally crossed the border into Pennsylvania. Later in her life, Tubman would recall, When I found I had crossed the line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through the trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was in heaven. Sources: Kate Clifford Larson, Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, A Portait of an American Hero (One World: New York, 2003), p. 77-84. Sarah Bradford, Harriet Tubman, the Moses of Her People (Applewood Books: Bedford, 1993.) p. 30-32. Photo Credit: Photographed by H. Seymour Squyer. Courtesy of National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution *Please note the dialect implied in the original quote was amended by the author for legibility. - @npsnetworktofreedom on Instagram

- Model sailboats

- Algeria Women

- Early Photos from the Ottoman Region

- A New Map of the Middle East from Geopolitical Futures [1700x1275]

- Ancestry - Family Research

- African musicians


- au clair de la lune

- First photoshop of Union General US Grant, taken circa 1864.According to researchers at the Library of Congress, the photo above was created from three different negatives. It’s a fake. A Civil War era photoshop.Photo was likely created by a man by the name of Levin Corbin Handy 1896 [989x877]

- Flora Stewart, who had her portrait taken the year before her death in 1868, was a house slave in New Hampshire during the Revolutionary War.

- Asia

- African Royality

- State of Texas Highway Map - ca. 1919

أطفال يدرسون القرأن في مدرسة في مدينة الرام. ١٩١٥. Children studying the Quran in a school in the city of al-Ram. 1915. #DocumentingPalestine #Palestine #Palestinian #Rameh #Islam #Quran #Children #School #History #Studying #فلسطين #الرام - @documentingpalestine on Instagram

- Palestine; or, The Holy Land, distributed between ten tribes and extended by the kings David and Solomon to the borders of Thapsacus and the Orontes etc. (1744), by Johann C H A Harenberg [4482x3996]

- Black king and queen

Bup Bup..........Bup Bup............Bup Bup...... #ddrgeschichte #ddrautos #gdr #gdrhistory #osten #ostdeutschland #dresden #berlin #ostalgie #nostalgie #trabant #sw #bw #eastgermanyhighway - @ddr_geschichte on Instagram

Perspective: Only 200 years ago today in 1820, The United States consisted of only 23 states. Over 80% of what is the US today was still rightfully owned and occupied by hundreds of Indigenous communities with uncounted populations of over 750k - 1M+. By 1920, less than 2% of US land is occupied by Native Americans through reservations with a population of less than 250,000 nationwide. Native Americans do not become citizens until 1924, can’t vote until 1965, can’t celebrate religions until 1978. 98% of private land today in the US is still owned by white European Descendants. #ManifestDestinyWasGenocide #knowyourhistory #indigenoushistory #decolonizeyourhistory #indigenouslivesmatter #youareonnativeland #stolenland #respectthetreaties - @the_sioux_chef on Instagram

- Action bible

- Juan-Fernández-Archipelago from 1760

- Block printing

▪Corpo mumificação do faraó Seti I, considerado o segundo rei da 19° dinastia, seu reinado foi estipulado entre os anos 1290 a 1279 a.C. Era pai do grande Ramsés II. Fotografia provávelmente captura em 1881 ▪Mummification body of Pharaoh Seti I, considered the second king of the 19th dynasty, his reign was stipulated between the years 1290 to 1279 B.C. He was the father of the great Ramses II. Photograph probably captured in 1881 # #egypt #ancientegypt #arqueology #history @ministry_tourism_antiquities @dr_mostafa_waziry - @egito_antigo on Instagram

- Map of Surrey, England, c.1732 by H.Moll

- Alabama Vintage Maps

Genetic memory. #nativeamerica #oodham #arizona #nativeamerican #azartist #akimeloodham #tohonooodham #phxart - @breeze1phx on Instagram

- cartões postais

- Number of passenger cars in Poland in 1937 [852 x 960]

- African Leader-Amilcar Cabral

- West Indies

Gotta love a pony cart...led by a goat! This photo was taken c 1880s near what is now the area near Calhoun and Lockwood Blvd. It was published in 1893 as part of the twelve-part publication entitled “Art Work of Charleston” published by W.H. Parish (Chicago, IL). Each part features photographs of buildings and grand homes (both “lost” and still remaining), streets, historic sites, gardens, cemeteries, industrial sites, and Lowcountry scenes along with a narrative that runs throughout each volume. See all 12 parts on the Lowcountry Digital Library at https://tinyurl.com/yxqaysye. #historicpreservation #ponycarts #historiccharleston #historiccharlestonfoundation #history - @historiccharlestonfoundation on Instagram


- Burma dreams

- Cheyenne people

- Archaeology & Anthropology

- 14th Century Textiles

- 1856 Map Of Florida Before The Sugar Cane Farms

- Portrait of a young woman, Ethiopia (1885-1888) by early French explorer Jules Borelli (h/t @MaazaMengiste on Twitter)

- Ajaccio, Corsica

- Shall I Dry You With History?

- Gran Colombia, 1820s [2407×1745]

#FerryFactFriday we love this post from @seaportbostontours ! Check out this birds eye view of Boston Harbor and South Shore to Provincetown in 1901. Check out their page for more information & for tours this spring! ☀️🛳 🗺 - @seaportferry on Instagram

- The Roman Empire close to collapse, during the Crisis of the 3rd Century. Lasting from 235-284 AD, there were around 27 claims to the throne. While barbarians raided the empire, the eastern and western provinces split from Rome forming the Palmyrene and Gallic Empire’s respectively. [1100x698]

- Photograph of a Dinka village, Southern Sudan, February 1910. [450x337]

- Library Archives

- Comparative map of Brazil

- Italian ethnic map of their claims

Today, #WomensEqualityDay, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the #19thAmendment. First, were proud to officially open the #SchlesingerLibrary virtual exhibition Seeing Citizens: Picturing American Womens Fight for the Vote, curated with @professorlange. (Link in profile). - @radcliffe.institute on Instagram

- Map of New Queensland colony c.1860-80

- Turkish artillerymen preparing the gun carriage, 1870. [760x469]

- Ireland and Easter Rising

- Chang, the Chinese giant in 1871, with his wife and manager. [800x1326]


- History

- This child...

- Battle of New Orleans

📷 Ο επαναστατικός ρόλος της φωτογραφίας στην μαζική επικοινωνία Του Μπάμπη Γιαννακόπουλου Η φωτογραφία υπήρξε από τη γέννηση της και ως ένα βαθμό, εξακολουθεί να είναι και σήμερα επαναστατικό μέσο επικοινωνίας. Στο συμπέρασμα αυτό δεν καταλήγω βέβαια επειδή οι ηγέτες της Γαλλικής Επανάστασης διέκριναν την επαναστατικότητα του μέσου υιοθετώντας το επίσημα, αλλά επειδή όπως θα δούμε πιο κάτω αυτό αποδείχθηκε στην πράξη. Βέβαια, σε αρκετές περιπτώσεις έπαιξε και παίζει και αρνητικούς ρόλους, όπως όταν γίνεται πληροφοριοδότης και καταδότης των μυστικών υπηρεσιών ή όταν εκτρέπεται στο κυνήγι του κέρδους από τους γνωστούς παπαράτσι σε σκανδαλοθηρικούς ρόλους. Όπως όμως οι μυστικές υπηρεσίες και οι παπαράτσι μπορούν να χρησιμοποιούν το μέσο για την καταπίεση και τον αποπροσανατολισμό των πολιτών, έτσι και οι πραγματικοί φωτογράφοι μπορούν και έχουν αξιοποιήσει ποικιλοτρόπως το μέσον για την υπεράσπιση των δικαιωμάτων των πολιτών, την μεταμόρφωση σε εικόνα και προβολή της πραγματικότητας και την πρόοδο της κοινωνίας. Διαβάστε την συνέχεια του άρθρου στο παρακάτω link: https://leica-academy.gr/epanastatikos-rolos-fotografias-sti-maziki-epikoinonia/ Φωτογραφία: Roger Fenton #leicaakademiegreece #leicaakademie #leica #rogerfenton #mathewbrady - @leica_akademie_greece on Instagram

- Late 1800s Wahine with Tā Moko

- grilles pour tricot animaux charts, animals

- Maps of Cornwall

- Recorded history

- Atlas Elyden #17 - Ahrishen, Virahan & Baatan

Koumay seet mangui fii ❤️👌mam lampe protège ——///——///——///——/// - - #mourides_sadikh #teranga #senegal🇸🇳 #senegal #senegalais #kebetu #galsen221 #team221 #221 #mouride #mouridoullāhi #mouridesadikh #mourideimages #mourides #mouridemages #18safar #serigne #serignetouba #serignemountakhambacké #beugserignetouba #beugu_serignetouba #touba #bamba - @les_mourides_du_monde on Instagram

- D.F. Mexico


- Eastern Regions of the Roman World, 1764 [6928x8538]

Appropriation Disinformation Nature and the Body Politic This suite of collages was initially shown @dhakaartsummit under the curatorial purview of Diana Campbell Betancourt. Now on view @tarqmumbai. The exhibition runs through the 30th of September. Book an appointment to see it in person or view it online. 💥LINK IN BIO 💥 . . . . . . . . . . . #TARQ #ArtistsAtTarq #ContemporaryArt #Art #ArtGallery #MumbaiArtGallery #Mumbai #ContemporaryCollage# #AnalogCollage #dhakaartsummit2020 - @apnavimakanjistudio on Instagram

- German map from 1940 of the ethnic makeup of the kingdom of Yugoslavia

- team roper

- Officers of the Special Corps of Gendarmes, the Russian Empires security marshals, 1890

- National Geographic Map of European Russia in 1896

- Hocking Hills in Hocking County, Ohio, 1908

- Wyoming exists because Long Nebraska was too powerful

𝕍𝕚𝕒𝕛𝕖 𝕒 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕧é𝕤 𝕕𝕖𝕝 𝕥𝕚𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕠⏱ Retrato de un indígena Shuar. Los shuar son el pueblo indígena amazónico más numeroso (aproximadamente de 80 000 individuos) y habitan entre las selvas de Perú y el Ecuador. #ecuador #allyouneedisecuador #historia #shuar #fotografia #conocimiento #conocelonuestro 🇪🇨 - @livecua on Instagram

- Camouflage

- Ibn Battuta

- The September 1852 Omaha Indian Delegation to Washington ... 662 × 517

- Saved this 1959 beauty from the dumpster

#picture #artist #artgallery #artsy #painter #americanindian #americannativeindianculture #instagood #photography #creative #americannativeindianlife #americannativeindianart #art #illustration #drawing - @americannativeindian on Instagram

- Common Core & Curriculum

- Princess Louise

Harriet Tubman, notable conductor on the underground railroad, maintained strong ties to Boston throughout her life. Visiting the city numerous times, Tubman often met with abolitionists and women’s rights activists alike. The Liberator noted her participation in Boston suffrage events as early as 1860, when Tumban, called ‘Moses,’ attended a woman’s rights convention and “told the story of her adventures in a modest but quaint and amusing style, which won much applause.” The Woman’s Journal also recorded several occasions local suffragists welcomed Tubman. An April 1897 edition of the publication recounted a reception presided over by Ednah D. Cheney in which many people connected to both the abolitionist and suffrage movements attended. Tubman’s words reflecting on her life, The Journal observed, “left her hearers feeling braver and braver.” #SuffrageSaturday #HarrietTubman #VotesForWomen #Suffragent #NPS19th #19thAmendment #UndergroundRailroad #UGRR #UGRRMonth Sources: “Woman’s Rights Meetings,” The Liberator, July 06, 1860. The Woman’s Journal April 17, 1897. https://iiif.lib.harvard.edu/manifests/view/drs:51183669$129i Image: Library of Congress (https://www.loc.gov/item/2018645051/) Image Description: Standing portrait of Harriet Tubman. Tubman looks at the camera with a straight face, her hands resting on the back of an upholstered chair. She wears a dark, long skirt and a buttoned-up, long-sleeved top. Around her neck is a lace cravat. - @boafnps on Instagram

- African History

Calamity Jane famously posed in 1903 next to the grave of her friend Wild Bill Hickok on Mt. Moriah above Deadwood, South Dakota. – J.A. Kumpf/Courtesy Library of Congress – . . . . #truewest #twmag #truewestmagazine #western #west #oldwest #wildwest #womenofthewest #cowgirls #women #wildwomen #westernwomen - @twmag on Instagram

✨ NEW ART ALERT✨ . This ethereal piece just arrived from the studio of E. Richard Clark. It’s breathtaking, because it’s somehow both delicate and powerful. . Whos taking this beauty home? . From Can to Cant : 22 x 30 : Watercolor : E. Richard Clark 📲 DM for inquiries! - @zucotgallery on Instagram

- Trade Routes and European Travelers in Medieval Asia [1781 x 1441]

- 1860-3 Men

- blusa crochet

- Berühmte fotografen

- Native American Clothing

First up from our #archivesfavourites is D1099/92 a post-enclosure map of Homestallend, part of the Manor of Todenham from c.1592. It is full of bright colours and if you look closely you can see some little buildings! #archives #Gloucestershirearchives #history #oldmaps #pretty #heritage #Gloucestershire - @friendsofglosarchives on Instagram

Genocide and Mass Murder isn’t so Dope to Celebrate in my opinion... Today isn’t America’s Birthday as we all know this land had living people in it before it was STOLEN. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mourn with you and stand in solidarity with you native people of this land. #NativeAmerican #Natives #RealOwnersOfThisLand #4thofjuly - @_bryanalexis on Instagram

- Ottoman-era firefighters in Izmir, 1900. [1024x570]

- Indian Jewish scholars in Mumbai, British India; 1856 [1028x1280]

Time for a history lesson on Harriet Tubman! Repost @blackmuseums - thanks for the shout and cant wait for the virtual conference Aug 5-7! Though Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland, she went on to bring more than 200 people into freedom as a conductor on the Underground Railroad. In addition to taking nineteen trips back and forth to free others after freeing herself, Ms. Tubman also bought her own farm in Auburn, New York where she moved her parents after freeing them as well. Ms. Tubman served in the Union Army during the Civil War as a cook, nurse, scout and a spy. She also helped establish the National Association of Colored Women. We honor Ms. Tubmans legacy and commitment to ensuring the freedom of so many others. Learn more about Ms. Tubman and support her legacy by visiting the @harriettubmanmuseum. Then join us, the institutions and museum professionals committed to preserving and sharing the rich history of African Americans and people of African descent at our annual virtual conference #AAAM2020. Learn more at the link in @blackmuseums bio. Photo credit: Photographer: Horatio Seymour Squyer, 1848 - 18 Dec 1905 - National Portrait Gallery, Public Domain - @harriettubmanmuseum on Instagram

Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s kingdom in the year 1839. The country was made up four provinces Kashmir, Multan, Peshawar, and Lahore. Most of modern day Pakistan and Northwestern India. With an established secular mandate, and focus on unity. History shows us that the modern day neighbors of Pakistan and India can co-exist peacefully. _______________ #betruecineworks #betruecinema #cinema #history #map #punjab #maharaja #maharajaranjitsingh #kingdom #betrue #film #vancouver #pakistan #lahore #india #coexist #peace #saynotowar #pakistan2019 #goldenera #visualgang #diasporacreative #documentary #filmmakers #production #uk #british #creative #empire - @diasporacreative on Instagram

- Tolkiens Hand-Drawn map of Middle-Earth [1920x1509]

A arrumar gavetas - mapa de Lisboa, 1955. Detalhe do bairro de alvalade. #bairrodealvalade #lisboa #lx #alvalade #juntadefreguesiadealvalade #aeroportolisboa - @bairrodealvalade on Instagram

- (1800s) Birds-Eye View of American Cities & Towns

- Mens Western Jackets

- World map art

- All Things Postal #4: Mail Carriers

- My great grandfather Spotted Eagle, who was considered a wapiya wicasa. photo taken early 1900s

- Together In The Lou

- Vintage Ellis Island Immigrant Photos

- Africa

- Assiniboine

Nowadays the journey up the #Tasman Valley is done in a car, but at one time it was foot (or horse) powered. This #postcard depicts a #mountaineering party traveling with horses and dogs toward the Tasman #Glacier. The inscription is difficult to read, but heres our best attempt: Mrs J Jeromeson 150 Taranaki St Wellington Dear Mrs Jeromeson, We were so sorry to hear you had been so ill. I hope you are better now. How is the baby, what have you called her. Yours etc Mary [?] https://ehive.com/collections/8247/objects/1012120/climbers-traveling-up-the-tasman-valley-with-horses-and-dogs --- Can you provide more information about this artifact? Let us know by commenting, or send us a private message. #tasmanglacier #tasmanvalley #aoraki #mountcook #aorakimountcook #aorakimountcooknationalpark - @aorakimountcookmuseumtrust on Instagram

- Amsterdams painters

- Maui, Hawaiian Islands. 1885 [800x678]

Today we celebrate Indian Day in Connecticut which commemorates Native Americans and their contributions to American life. We’d like to honor our native friends and residents with this Land Statement: The land on which Goodspeed Musicals is located is the ancestral land of at least three tribes of Native Americans - the Wangunks, the Mohegans and the Nehantics. They called the area “Machimoodus,” the place of noises, because of numerous earthquakes which could be heard for miles surrounding the epicenter of the quakes near an area known as Mt. Tom. The land which is now Haddam and East Haddam, was purchased from the native people in 1662 for thirty coats – worth about $100. Today, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the native people on whose land we exist. - @goodspeedmusicals on Instagram

***🥳 GIVEAWAY TIME 🥳*** In honor of our newest Nostalgia Collection dropping tonight, we thought it most fitting to have a giveaway marking the occasion! For this giveaway, 3 people and their friends will each win this Arabic Natural Map of Modern Palestine Poster. To enter is simple: 1) Be sure to follow @watanpalestine. 2) Like this post. 3) Tag one friend in the comments! You can enter as many unique entries as you’d like until Sunday at midnight CST and every entry will be counted. Our giveaway winners will be announced on Monday 9/28. Good luck to everyone! 🥰🇵🇸 #WatanPalestine #WatanAmman #WatanChicago #WatanGiveaway #Giveaway - @watanpalestine on Instagram

- Maps of Cornwall

- Ukrainian. Circa 1900. [800×1260]

- Photograph of rural carrier in an automobile at mailboxes in the winter circa 1910 [1024x624]

- Maps